House Bill 137 would expand the list of mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect in Ohio to include all county and municipal peace officers. This would mean over 35,000 additional trained personnel required to report any suspected abuse cases. Supporters argue this could help stop the cycle of domestic violence and protect children, especially with Ohio's issues with opioid crisis and infant mortality. Currently, Ohio is the only state that does not require all law enforcement to report child abuse.
House Bill 137 would expand the list of mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect in Ohio to include all county and municipal peace officers. This would mean over 35,000 additional trained personnel required to report any suspected abuse cases. Supporters argue this could help stop the cycle of domestic violence and protect children, especially with Ohio's issues with opioid crisis and infant mortality. Currently, Ohio is the only state that does not require all law enforcement to report child abuse.
House Bill 137 would expand the list of mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect in Ohio to include all county and municipal peace officers. This would mean over 35,000 additional trained personnel required to report any suspected abuse cases. Supporters argue this could help stop the cycle of domestic violence and protect children, especially with Ohio's issues with opioid crisis and infant mortality. Currently, Ohio is the only state that does not require all law enforcement to report child abuse.
House Bill 137 would expand the list of mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect in Ohio to include all county and municipal peace officers. This would mean over 35,000 additional trained personnel required to report any suspected abuse cases. Supporters argue this could help stop the cycle of domestic violence and protect children, especially with Ohio's issues with opioid crisis and infant mortality. Currently, Ohio is the only state that does not require all law enforcement to report child abuse.
Bill would require local police officers to report abuse
Lawmakers say early detection is key to stopping cycle of domestic violence
Currently, Ohio law only Child abuse and neglect can cause irreversible trauma, requires county and PTSD, and other mental health issues that no one municipal peace officers should have to endure. With the passage of this to notify a local child legislation, Ohio will add approximately 35,000 people protective agency upon as mandated reporters, which means more trained receiving a child abuse personnel are keeping an eye on the safety of children report.1 In fact, Ohio in our communities. stands alone as the only state that does not Additionally, there will be little to no cost associated require law enforcement with this legislation. I truly believe this bill will provide to mandate child abuse reports.2 another layer of protection sorely needed in the wake of the statewide opiate crisis, Ohio's abysmal infant Rep. Bernadine Kennedy Kent (D-Columbus) moves to mortality rate and continued human trafficking. increase safety for victims of domestic violence through House Bill (HB) 137, legislation which will make By requiring more trained officers to report abuse in municipal and county peace officers mandatory the home, we can save lives and help put a stop to reporters of child abuse and neglect. domestic violence. 1 In 2015, police officers in Ohio were called to peoples 2 homes to address domestic violence situations 72,899 policies/statutes/manda/ times.3 In many of those instances, children were 3 present and in potential danger. Services-for-Law-Enforcement/Domestic-Violence-Reports/ Domestic-Violence-Reports-2015/2015-Domestic-Dispute- Calls
Right to Work is Wrong for Ohio workers
Legislation limits collective bargaining rights for public, private sector employees This General Assembly, I am especially committed Recently, politicians in West Chester, a suburb to fighting any attempts to limit the rights of outside of Cincinnati, announced they are pushing working people by passing Right to what I call Right to Work is Wrong Work is Wrong legislation. at the local level.
I believe Ohio workers should have Instead of restricting workers
the right to come together and ability to earn wages that sustain speak with one voice to improve their families, I believe the their working conditions. However, legislature should focus on policies Right to Work is Wrong legislation that attract better jobs, invest in a could weaken our ability to bargain quality education system, and fight collectively for safe staffing levels the statewide opioid epidemic. I and fair wages. remain hopeful that Republicans and Democrats will be able to work together in a Research shows that working people in states with bipartisan manner to do just that. so-called Right to Work laws in place earn less 1 on average1 and may be more likely to experience 2 2 a workplace fatality. What-the-Research-Says-about-RTW-Laws-Employment-and -Wages.pdf