MTechSMFE Syllabus PDF
MTechSMFE Syllabus PDF
MTechSMFE Syllabus PDF
(Civil Engg)
-Soil Mechanics &
NO. Theory T/P
L T P Th T/P Total
Int. Ext. Int. Ext
Theory of Elasticity &
AM 601* 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
AM 631 Rock Mechanics 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
AM 633 Foundation Engineering 3 - 2 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
AM 635 Advance soil mechanics 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
* Common with M.Tech. Structural Engineering
** student can opt any one elective subject from the subject mentioned below.
NO. Theory T/P
L T P Th T/P Total
Int. Ext. Int. Ext
AM 702* Finite Element Method 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
Design of Earthquake
AM 704* 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
Resistant Structures
Soil Improvement
AM 732 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
Soil Dynamic & Machine
AM 734 3 - 2 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
* Common with M.Tech. Structural Engineering
** student can opt any one elective subject from the subjects mentioned below.
L T P Th T/P Total
Int. Ext. Int. Ext
Techniques in
AM 637 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
Application in
AM 639 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
AM 736 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
Foundation in
AM 738 3 1 0 50 50 20 30 3 1 4
Difficult Sub soil
NO. Theory T/P
L T P Th T/P Total
Int Ext Int Ext
Seminar / Project
AM 831 0 0 4 - - 50 50 - - 2
AM 840 Dissertation (Prelims) 0 0 16 - - 100 150 - - 8
TOTAL 0 0 20 - - 150 200 - - 10
L T P Th T/P Total
Int Ext Int Ext
AM 840 Dissertation - 0 24 - - 160 240 - - 12
TOTAL - 0 24 - - 160 240 - - 12
Introduction, Forces, stresses and strains (Three dimensional) plane stress and plane strain
problem, Cauchys strain displacement relations, generalized Hook`s law - Navier`s equilibrium
conditions-compatibility- Boundary conditions Belttrami Michell compatibility equations.
(Hours 12)
Airs stress function-Saint Venants principle- boundary value problems in two-dimensional and
three dimensional elasticity Two dimensional stress strain problems in Cartesian co-ordinates.
Solution of simply supported and Cantilever beams by polynomials.
(Hours 10)
Introduction to plasticity plastic behaviour of solids stress / strain diagram for structural solids
yield criteria and flow rules strain hardening plastic analysis of structures unloading from
elastic plastic states.
(Hours 10)
1. Filonenko M., Theory of Elasticity Borodich Dover Publication, New York, USA, 2000.
2. Timoshenko S P and Goodier J N, Theory of Elasticity, MC Graw Hill Book Co., Inc., New York
, USA, 2004.
3. Venkatraman B & Patel S A., Structural Mechanics with Introduction to Elasticity and Plasticity,
MC Graw Hill Publication, New York, USA, 2006.
4. Volterra E. & Gaines J H, Advanced Strength of Materials, Prentice Hall Publication, New York,
USA, 2000.
5. Wang C T Applied Elasticity Mc Graw Hill Publication, NY, USA , 2000.
M.Tech. (SMFE) 2nd Semester L T P C
AM 631 : Rock Mechanics 3 1 - 4
Revision of physical and structural geology, faults and shear zones - treatment -engineering
classification -need -classification of intact rock and insitu rock masses -insitu state of stress -
mapping of joints.
Brittle failure of rock -fracture in compression -rupture criteria for brittle rock
Insitu test: need -plate load test -pressure tunnel test -flat jack test - cable jacking test -dynamic
insitu shear test -permeability test
Principles of rock stress measurements stresses relief techniques -bore hole deformation meters -
stress meter -photoelastic stress meter -multipoint strain cell -flat jack.
Behaviour of rock structures -plasticity and- failure of rock -introduction of analysis of general slip
-rock bolting and grouting.
1. Stagg K G & Zienkiewicz 0 C, Rock Mechanics in Engineering Practical, John Wiley & Sons,
London, 1969.
2. Goodman R E, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989.
3. Muller L, Rock Mechanics, Springer -Verlag, New York, 1972
4. Ramamurthy T., Engineering in Rocks for Slopes, Foundation and tunnels, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2007.
5. Hudson J A and Harrison J P., Engineering Rock Mechanics An Introduction to the Principles
Elsevier, Oxford, 1997.
M.Tech. (SMFE) 1st Semester L T P C
AM 633 Foundation Engineering 3 - 2 4
Machine Foundation
(Hours 08)
Machine foundation Types of machine foundation, General criteria, Theory of vibration, Single
degree freedom system, Soil dynamic parameters, Block type machine foundation (Checking of
resonance and permissible amplitude), vibration isolation techniques
Pile Foundation
Pile foundation Types of piles, Factors affecting choice of types of piles, Load carrying capacity
of piles, Pile group, Group efficiency, Lateral resistance of piles, settlement of piles , Negative
skin friction
Special Foundations
Classification of Foundation, Special foundations, Raft foundation, types of rafts, Beams on
elastic foundation, Footing subjected to moments, Footing subjected to tension, Geotextiles,
various methods of foundation design, Technological consideration in Geotechnical Engineering.
1. Bowles J E Foundation Analysis & Design McGraw Hill Inc. New York, 1988.
2. Nayak N V Foundation Design Manual Dhanpatrai & Sons, New Delhi 1985.
3. Das B M Principles of Foundation Engineering PWS Publishing Co., Boston, 1990.
4. Barnes G E Soil Mechanics Principles and Practice MacMillan, 2000.
5. Terzaghi , Peck .and Mesri Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice 1996
M.Tech. (SMFE) 1st Semester L T P C
AM635 : Advanced Soil Mechanics 3 1 - 4
Stresses and displacements in soil: soil as elastic body -concept of effective stress - equations of
equilibrium in soil mass -principal stresses and strains -problems of plane stresses and strains -
stress distribution by Boussenesq, Westerdgards theory Newmarks chart -influence of
anisotropy on stress distribution -applications to geotech problems
(Hours 12)
Shear resistance: stress -strain relationship in soils -failure criteria Mohr Coulombs failure -
shear parameters under different drainage conditions construction - pore pressure in saturated
and unsaturated soils -analytical predictions of pore pwater pressures -stress dilatency theory -
results of plain strain shear tests -forces on shear parameters
(Hours 10)
(Hours 10)
Mechanics of flow through soils: flow through soils -unidimensional - radial and Spherical flow
cases -seepage forces quick sand and piping - flow nets of confined and unconfined flow by
relaxation techniques - phreatic surfaces by conformal mapping -flow net for anisotropic non-
homogeneous soils
(Hours 10)
1. Scott R F, Principles of Soil Mechanics, Addition Wesley Publishing Co. Inc., 1988.
2. Harr M E, Foundation of Theoretical Soil Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1962.
3. Kaniraj S R, Design Aids in Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1988
4. Terzaghi , Peck .and Mesri Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice 1996
5. Bowles J E Foundation Analysis & Design McGraw Hill Inc. New York, 1988.
M.Tech. (SMFE) 1st Semester L T P C
AM 637:Measurement Technique in Geotechnical 3 1 - 4
(Hours 8)
Instrumentation of different structures such as earth dams -foundations, retaining walls, rock
slopes, their recording and processing
(Hours 8)
Shear test: triaxial shear test -pore pressure & volume change during shear -vane shear test -
measurements of A & B parameters
(Hours 9)
Techniques of field measurements of penetration resistance (Static /Dynamic) plate load test -
resistivity of soil -compression and tensile tests on rock cores
(Hours 9)
1. Hanna T H, Foundation Instrumentation, Trans Tech Publication, Ohio, 1985
2. Leonard, Foundation Engineering, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York
3. Dunnicliff J & Gree G E, Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance, John
Wiley, 1988
4. Indian Geotechnical Conference: Construction Practices and Instrumentation, Proceeding -1982
5. Bishop A W & Henkel D J., Measurement of soil Properties in the Triaxial Test, Edward Arnold,
London, 1957.
M.Tech. (SMFE) 1st Semester L T P C
AM639 : Computer Applications in Geotechnical 3 1 - 4
Flow chart & spread sheets applications in a soil laboratory tests Grain size analysis - Shear,
consolidation soil classification - Solution of problems using slope stability softwares - Retaining
structures Earth Pressure
(Hours 8)
Bearing capacity of soils -analytical, empirical, code and experimental approaches -effect of
shape, depth of water table and eccentricity of loading -bearing capacity of saturated clay, clean
sand, silt & non- saturated silty clays comparative study by different methods, solution of bearing
capacity problems using computer programming
(Hours 10)
(Hours 8)
Design of spread footings -types of footings -pressure distribution below footings -computer aided
design of RCC footings - design of raft foundation -beams on elastic foundations Solution of
Problems using Softwares Spread footing Pile Foundation - Analysis of anchored wall ,
Behavior of pile under lateral load , Application of GIS
(Hours 10)
1. Bowles J E, "Foundation Analysis & Design", McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 1988
2. Das B M, "Principles of Foundation Engineering", PWS Publishing Co., Boston, 1 990
3. Purushottam Raj, "Geotechnical Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi,
4. Khan Iqbal H "A Text Book of Geotechnical Engineering", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2005.
5. Kurian N P, Design of Foundation Systems, Narora Publishing House, 1992.
M.Tech. (Structural Engg) 2nd Semester L T P C
AM 702 : Finite Element Method 3 1 - 4
(Hours -6)
Introduction to plate elements shell elements dynamics and vibration buckling Galerkin
(Hours -6)
Pre and post processors, Solution Techniques & Software Packages.
(Hours -6)
1. Cook R. D. et. al. Concept & application of finite element analysis by John Wiley & Sons
Inc.,2003. Singapore, 4th Edition,
2. Logan D L, A first course in the Finite Element Method, 3 Edition, Thomson Asia Pvt Ltdm
Bangalore, 2004.
3. Reddy J N, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, 3 edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Chandrupatla, T. R. & Belegundu, A. D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, 3rd
edition, , Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
5. Rao, S. S.,The Finite Element Method in Engineering 4th Edition, Butterworth Heinemann,
Oxford, U. K., 2005.
M.Tech. (SMFE) 2nd Semester L T P C
AM 732 : Soil Improvement Techniques 3 1 - 4
Types of Soil Structure Clay Minerals Characteristics and Construction of mineral groups
soil water
(Hours 6)
(Hours 6)
(Hours 6)
Insitu compaction of cohesion less soil Injection and grouting stabilization of soils Preloading
and sand drains , Prefabricated vertical drain
(Hours 6)
Vibroflotation - Stone column Encased stone column , Stone column design strengthening of
subsoil by stone column installation
(Hours 6)
1. Koerner R M, Construction and Geotechnical Methods in Foundation Engineering, McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., 1984
2. Hausmann M.R. Engineering Principles of Ground Modification McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New York - 1990.
3. Zeevart L, Foundation Engineering for Difficult Subsoil Conditions Van Nostrand Reinheld Co.,
Newyork, 1973.
4. Bell F G, Foundation Engineering in Difficult Ground, Butterworth, 1978.
5. Harr M E, Ground Water & Seepage Mc Graw Hill Publication, 1973.
M.Tech. (SMFE) 2nd Semester L T P C
AM 734 : Soil Dynamics & Machine Foundation 3 - 2 4
Introduction -nature of dynamics loads -free vibrations of spring mass systems -forced vibrations -
viscous damping -principles 0 vibration measuring equipments
(Hours 8)
Dynamic stress -deformation and strength of soils -dynamic bearing capacity and earth pressure -
Effect of transient and pulsating loads - resonant column apparatus -field tests -typical values of
soil constants
(Hours 8)
Liquefaction of soils -factors influencing -liquefaction potential -analysis from standard penetration
(Hours 6)
Machine foundations -design criteria -degrees of freedom -foundations for reciprocating machines
-block foundations -elastic half space theory- lumped parameter analog model- foundations for
high speed machinery- dynamic soil structure interaction
(Hours 12)
Vibration isolation -passive and active isolation -use of springs and damping materials -
construction aspects of machine foundations
(Hours 8)
1. Das B M, Fundamental of Soil Dynamics, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York, 1983
2. Barkan D D, Dynamics of Bases of Foundations, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York
3. Srinivashula P & Vaidyanathan C V, Handbook of Machine Foundation, McGraw Hill, 1986
4. Prakash S & Puri V K, Foundations for Machines, McGraw Hill, 1987
5. Srinivasalu., Handbook of Machine Foundations, Mc Graw Hill, 2004.
M.Tech. (Structural Engg) 2nd Semester L T P C
AM 704 : Design of Earthquake Resistant 3 1 - 4
Earthquake magnitude and intensity -ground motion -site effects - sensors -design response
(Hours 8)
(Hours 8)
Earthquake resistant design philosophy -ductility -base isolation -codal provisions -detailing
provisions -review of damage during past earthquake
(Hours 8)
(Hours 10)
1. Agrawal Pankaj & Shrinkhande Manish, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures 1
Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Farzand Naeim & Van Nostrand Reinmhold, The Seismic Design, Handbook, New York,
3. Comite Euro, Seismic Design of Concrete Structures, International du Beton (CEO), edited
by Pinto P E Technical Press, 1987
4. Ambrose James & Vergun Dimitry, Design of Lateral Forces, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
5. (a) IS: 1893-2000, Indian Standard Criteria of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design of
(b) IS: 4326-1976, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and
Construction of Buildings
(c) IS: 13920-1993-, Indian Standard Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Subjected to Seismic Forces -Code of Practice
(d) SP22 -1982 -Explanatory handbook on codes for Earthquake Engineering
M. Tech. (SMFE) 2nd Semester L T P C
AM 736 : Environmental Geotechnology 3 1 - 4
Environmental cycles and their interaction -soil water environment interaction relation to
geotechnical problems -pollution effect on soil behaviour and foundations -effect of bacteria -pore
fluid on soil water behaviour -load factor versus environmental factor -environmental technology
and public concerns
Environmental effects caused by pile driving and their control -dynamic response of soil under
environmental stress -contribution of environmental stress such as hazardous waste -acid rain,
tree cutting etc. to mechanism of landslides -subsidence and sink holes in soils including
dispersive clays -case studies
1. Oweis I Sand Khera R P, Geotechnology of Waste Management, Butterworth & Co., 1990
2. Oft W R, Environmental Indices: Theory and Practice, Ann Arbor, 1978
M.Tech. (SMFE) 2nd Semester L T P C
AM 738 : Foundation in Difficult Subsoil 3 1 - 4
Insitu densification of soils -dynamic compaction -blasting dynamic consolidation -preloading with
sand drains
Stone columns methods of installation vibro-flotation technique -grouting and stabilization -earth
reinforcement geosynthesics
The candidate will study, complete state of art literature review and present
the same before the jury. The assessment will be done based on the above
mentioned aspects.
M.Tech. (SMFE) 4th Semester L T P C
AM 840 : Dissertation - - - 12