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Caaf 183 Aweg 1.0

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09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

This logbook has been developed by PCAA in its current format as the required means of recording aircraft practical maintenance experience in
order to support an application to PCAA for the issue or amendment/change of an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence (AML).

The format and layout of the logbook is designed to enable a methodical and progressive recording of personal data and ongoing work experience
by the user, thereby enabling a quicker and more accurate assessment of the candidates technical knowledge and experience by PCAA.

Used correctly, this logbook should serve as a compact and portable reference document, which would hold a concise history of the holders
training, experience, qualification and employment record, together with a facility to record any ongoing work experience as may be required for
the purpose of applying to the authority for the issue or change of an Aircraft Maintenance Engineers License (AML).

The design and content of this logbook have been derived from current regulatory requirements. However, please note that completion of this
logbook does not preclude the need to produce original documents, such as employment testimonials, training certificates or certified true copies
of the same, where these may be required.

Issuance of this logbook has canceled/superseded any other experience logbook issued before.


Joint Director Airworthiness
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Section 1.1: Instructions for Use

General Information
All entries in this logbook shall be made using ball point.
Dates entered shall follow the format DD/MM/YY.
Each page shall be identified by the logbook owners name and signature.
When used in support of an application for a license, any false entry in the logbook will constitute an offence under the legislation currently
in force.

Completion of the logbook

Entries in the logbook are made by 3 categories of persons:

1. The Logbook Holder (Candidate/Technician/Engineer)

It is important to note that engineers may not certify their own entries. However, certain pages require the name and signature of the logbook
holder. This is primarily for traceability and identification purposes, particularly when logbook pages are separated from the logbook and used in

2. The basic task supervisor (Section 2.1 Basic Skills)

The basic task supervisor may be any one of the following:
(a) A person appropriately qualified as Basic training Practical Instructor/Assessor (PI/PA) in accordance with the requirements of AWNOT-
079 and duly authorized by the organization for the task(s).
(b) An appropriately qualified licensed aircraft maintenance engineer or shop approval holder employed by an ANO-145/ANO-001
maintenance organization and authorized by the quality unit of organization for the task(s).
(c) An appropriately qualified licensed aircraft maintenance engineer or shop approval holder employed by an ANO-M Subpart F organization
and authorized by the quality unit of organization for the task(s).
(d) A person authorized for the purpose by PCAA.

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

The basic task supervisor shall also ensure that the logbook holder is able to:
1) Identify the appropriate standards; and
2) Select and use the correct tools for the task/process.
When confirming entries, the task supervisor(s) shall sign and print their names, and also quote their position within the organization on behalf of
which the supervision has been carried out.

3. The Task Supervisor (Section 3.1 Maintenance Experience)

The Task Supervisor may be any one of the following:
(a) An appropriately qualified licensed aircraft maintenance engineer employed by an ANO-145/ANO-001 maintenance organization and
authorized for the purpose.
(b) An appropriately qualified licensed aircraft maintenance engineer employed by an ANO-M Subpart F organization and authorized for the
(c) A person authorized for the purpose by PCAA.
The supervisor shall confirm the required entries by appending his/her name, signature and license number in the appropriate column.

Section 1.2 Personal Data

This section contains
1. Provision for recording the logbook owners name, nationality, email, phone number, date of birth, AML number and address.
2. Provision for recording personal training.

Section 1.3 Employment Record

This section has been provided for recording the logbook owners employment history. Employment record entries should be confirmed by a
senior member of the employers organization holding the appropriate authority e.g. head of quality unit, senior HR member etc.

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Section 2.1 Basic Skills

This section is to record the achievement of practical competencies required to support the issue of a basic AML in the appropriate category. The
skills identified in this section relate directly to corresponding AML privileges. The required training may be carried out on in-service aircraft, in
workshops, out of service aircraft, on training equipment or on simulators.
Training on these basic skills can also be carried out during the conduct of approved basic course in relevant category. For this purpose, ANO-
147 approved MTOs can introduce these skills in the workshop or OJT element(s) of basic course.
Each entry must be confirmed by the supervisor, with his/her signature, approval number, position & organization details, to indicate that the
logbook holder has achieved the required competence on the subject. A specific task should only be entered once. There is no requirement to
make multiple entries for the same or similar tasks.

Section 3.1 Maintenance Experience

This section is to record experience gained on in-service aircraft for the purpose to claim Basic experience requirements (Para 66.A.30) for
the issuance of Basic AML and/or maintenance experience for type rating application. The type and range of tasks undertaken must reflect the
requirements ANO-066 in respect of the category and/or type rating applied for. Work task details should be recorded by the logbook holder on
completion of the task and countersigned by the task supervisor as soon as practicable after completion of the task. The supervisor will append
his/her name, signature, approval number to the record to indicate that the task has been carried out correctly under his/her direct supervision.
A specific task can only be entered once. There is no requirement to make multiple entries for the same or similar tasks.

Section 3.2 Typical Maintenance Tasks

This section gives examples of typical maintenance tasks, which may be undertaken. It is not an exhaustive list and may be added to in order to
support an application for an aircraft maintenance engineer license (AML).
The type and number of tasks undertaken must be representative of the aircraft structure and systems, both in terms of technology and complexity.
While relatively simple tasks may be included, other more complex tasks appropriate to the privileges of the license applied for should also be
undertaken and recorded.

Section 3.3 Glossary

This Section contains a Glossary of abbreviations used in Section 3.2. Abbreviations and their meaning may vary between manufacturers, hence
excessive use of these in compiling work records is not recommended.

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Section 1.2:
(A) Personal data

Title: Forename(s):

Last Name: Date of Birth: Nationality:

Email ID: AML No: Cell No:

Present Address:

Permanent Address (if different from present address):

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

(B) Record of training

Date PCAA approval

Type of Training Completed Training Organization
From To Reference

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Section 1.3: Employment Record

Employer (1):

From: To: Position in Company:

Nature of duties:

Reason for leaving:

Confirmed by;
Date: Position in Company:

Employer (2):

From: To: Position in Company:

Nature of duties:

Reason for leaving:

Confirmed by;
Date: Position in Company:

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Employer (3):

From: To: Position in Company:

Nature of duties:

Reason for leaving:

Confirmed by;
Date: Position in Company:

Employer (4):

From: To: Position in Company:

Nature of duties:

Reason for leaving:

Confirmed by;
Date: Position in Company:

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Section 2.1: Basic Skills

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

General Aircraft Maintenance

Awareness of hazards when working with aircraft noise, heat, moving A, B1, B2
surfaces, propellers, intakes, exhausts. B3
A, B1, B2
Safety precautions when using fluids, gasses and chemicals.

Mechanical Fitting Practices (Common)

Related safety practices. B1, B3

Use a range of hand tools and power tools to achieve a

dimensional accuracy of 0.010 in / 0.25 mm.

Interpret and work to engineering drawings. B1

Use basic tools and equipment for: cutting, forming and joining commonly
B1, B3
used materials. (Ferrous and non-ferrous).
Mark out use measuring equipment e.g. micrometers, rulers, verniers, height
B1, B3
gauges, squares, vee blocks and surface tables.

Select and use feeler, slip, limit, go / no go gauges. A, B1, B3

Fit and remove thread inserts. A, B1, B3

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Mechanical Fitting Practices (Common) (Cont.)

Drill and tap a threaded hole. B1, B3

Drill and ream perpendicular holes in ferrous and non-ferrous material. Drill
B1, B3
and ream perpendicular holes in ferrous and non-ferrous material.

Assembly / Disassembly Practices (Common)

Apply correct procedures: Material storage and handling. B1, B2

Identification of a range of materials. B1, B2, B3

Use of a range of common assembly and disassembly tools plus specific A, B1, B2
application tools. B3
A, B1, B2
Adjust, set and use torque spanners.
Identify standards and specifications of common use parts i.e. nuts, bolts, A, B1, B2
washers and split pins. B3
Identify part numbers and serial numbers from an approved component A, B1, B2
overhaul manual or illustrated parts catalogue. B3
Fit and remove a range of common use components e.g. split pins, tabs, A, B1, B2
spring and plain washers, plain and lock nuts. B3
A, B1, B2
Demonstrate competence when wire locking a variety of assemblies.
Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Assembly / Disassembly Practices (Common) (Cont.)

Measure shafts, bores, flanges, and adjacent surfaces using a variety of

precision measuring instruments & record dimensions.
Disassemble and assemble an aircraft component IAW manufacturers
B1, B2, B3
overhaul manual.

Wiring and Looming (Common)

Identify cables and cables values by reference to the maintenance manuals. B1, B2, B3

Identify a range of electrical component symbols. B1, B2, B3

Interpret typical electrical wiring diagrams and schematics circuits. B1, B2, B3

Select and use appropriate cable stripping tools. B1, B2, B3

Using at least two crimping systems, select appropriate cable crimping tools
B1, B2, B3
and crimp cables to prepare cable ends or plug / socket terminals.

Solder cables to single and multipin connectors / tag boards. B1, B2, B3

Check an aircraft electrical circuit for continuity in conjunction with an electrical

B1, B2, B3
wiring diagram.

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Wiring and Looming (Common) (Cont.)

Carry out basic fault finding techniques using a range of test meters. B1, B2

Prepare, and install a simple loom, using at least two binding methods. B1, B2, B3

Discuss and demonstrate the use of a range of test meters to measure volts,
B1, B2, B3
amps and resistance in practical task circumstances.

Carry out bonding and insulation tests. B1, B2, B3

Explain / demonstrate how to inspect aircraft areas for HIRF protection. B1, B2

Carry out an inspection for lightning strike protection. A, B1, B2

Insertion / extraction of electrical inserts in a variety of electrical connectors. B1, B2, B3

Inspection of electrical cable looms / bundles and cable trunking. B1, B2

Electrical Power / Avionic Systems (Common)

Reading and interpretation of electrical schematic and wiring diagrams. B1, B2, B3

Replace a range of Avionic LRUs and apply associated BITE. B1, B2

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Electrical Power / Avionic Systems (Common) (Cont.)

Remove / Refit Power Distribution Control & Protection equipment. B1, B2

Generator power check / voltage adjustment. B1, B2, B3

A, B1, B2
Internal lighting bulb and filament changes.

Replace and function test IFE Equipment (excludes public address). A, B1, B2

Replacement of ovens, boilers and beverage makers. A, B1

Compass / Standby Compass compensation swing and calculations. B1, B2

External lighting bulb and filament changes. A, B1, B3

Implement ESD procedures. A, B1, B2

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Sheet Metal Practices

Use a range of hand tools, folding and bending machines and guillotine to
shape aluminium alloy to achieve an accuracy of: B1, B3
0.5 of bend angle, 0.030 ins / 0.075 mm.
Interpret engineering drawings and calculate size of material required to
produce a component of material with one or more bends.
Bend metal to a bend radius, angle and dimensions as given in the
B1, B3
engineering drawing.
Use a range of hand & power tools to position rivet holes to an accuracy of:
B1, B3
0.30 ins / 0.75 mm.

Identify a range of solid and blind rivets and fasteners. B1, B3

Identify, select and use a range of rivet setting equipment. B1, B3

Set a range of rivets in aluminum sheet. Range to include raised and

B1, B3
countersunk rivets.

Select and use a range of appropriate rivet closing tools. B1, B3

Select and fit sheet gripping pins. B1, B3

Identify rivet setting faults. B1, B3

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Sheet Metal Practices (Cont.)

Remove defective rivets without causing further damage to skin. B1, B3

Select and install oversize rivets as instructed in SRM. B1, B3

Set a range of other fasteners in aluminium sheet. B1, B3

Removal of corrosion and re-protection of aluminium sheet metal. B1, B3

Cut and shape material to required profile, finish edges and deburr using
B1, B3
approved procedures.

Composite and Non-Metallic Practices (other than wood and fabric)

Identification of the characteristics and properties of common composite and A, B1, B2

non-metallic materials other than wood, used in aircraft. B3

A, B1, B2
Identification of sealing and bonding agents.

Detection of defects/deterioration in composite and nonmetallic material. A, B1, B3

Repair of composite and non-metallic materials and structures. A, B1, B3

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Wooden Structures Practices

Identification of the characteristics and properties of common types of wood

A, B1, B3
and glue used in aircraft.

Identification of construction methods used in wooden structures. A, B1, B3

Methods of preservation and maintenance of wooden structures. A, B1, B3

Identification and detection of defects in wood material and wooden structures. A, B1, B3

Repair of wooden structures. A, B1, B3

Fabric Covering Practices

Identification of the characteristics and properties of common fabrics and

A, B1, B3
adhesives used in wooden structured aircraft.

Inspection method for fabrics. A, B1, B3

Identification of defects in fabrics. A, B1, B3

Repair of fabric covering. A, B1, B3

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices

Inspection of a structure using a mirror and a light source. A, B1, B3

Use at least one of the following NDT procedures: dye penetrant or fluorescent
B1, B3

Remove & replace a range of flexible hoses including clips and brackets. A, B1, B3

Remove & replace a range of rigid pipes, including clips and brackets. A, B1, B3

Locate components using referencing system, e.g. station numbers. B1

Carry out a heavy landing / turbulence check. A, B1, B3

Assist in the raising / lowering of an aircraft on or off jacks. A, B1, B3

Jack aircraft level to rigging position. A, B1, B3

Assist in the towing of an aircraft. A, B1, B3

Remove and refit a range of aircraft panels. A, B1, B3

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices (Cont.)

Lubrication of bearings, flight controls and undercarriages. A, B1, B3

Carry out Pre-Departure inspections
a - Refuel aircraft.
A, B1, B3
b - Check & replenish oil, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Tyre Pressures.
c - Perform Pre-flight Check.
Carry out Daily inspections
a - Service toilet and potable water system.
A, B1
b - Connect and use correctly ground electrical power.
c - Connect and use correctly ground air supply.
Replenish oxygen system. A, B1

Inspect engine using boroscope. B1

Assist in pressurization test. B1

Operational check of ground power. A, B1, B3

Carry out a VHF Radio check. B1, B3

Remove / Refit Main and APU Batteries. A, B1, B2

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices (Cont.)

Remove / Refit Emergency Battery. A, B1, B2

Replace carpets. A, B1

Replace crew seats. A, B1, B3

Replace passenger seats. A, B1

Check seat belts for serviceability. A, B1, B3

Replace and test a range of electrical airframe / engine system components /


Check emergency equipment. A, B1, B3

Functional test of emergency equipment. A, B1, B3

Inspect toilet / vestibule unit for serviceability. A, B1

Inspect Galley unit for serviceability. A, B1

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices (Cont.)

Inspect and test Engine and Airframe fire detecting systems. B1

Inspection and functional testing of fire protection systems. B1

Replace fire bottle. B1

Removal / refit of Flight Control and subsequent rigging of system. B1, B3

Functional checks on hydraulically operated flight control systems. B1

Hydraulic PFCU change. B1

Replace and test fuel pump. B1, B3

Hydraulic Reservoir inspection, fluid replenishment and recharging. A, B1, B3

Hydraulic System Component Changes. B1, B3

Engine driven Hydraulic pump change (EDP). B1

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices (Cont.)

Electrical Hydraulic Pump Change (ACMP). B1

Hydraulic pump quill drive inspection. B1

Functional test of windscreen wiper system. A, B1, B3

Removal / refit of windscreen wiper blade. A, B1, B3

Wheel removal / installation. A, B1, B3

Wheel Brake removal / installation. A, B1, B3

Bleed hydraulic brakes. A, B1, B3

Replace oleo seals. B1, B3

Assess fluid levels and charge oleo. B1, B3

Functional test of Anti-Skid system. B1

Replace vacuum pump. B1, B3

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices (Cont.)

Retrieve data from central maintenance system (CMU). B1

Assist in APU removal / refit. B1

Windows & transparencies cleaning & polishing. A, B1, B3

Replacement of door seals. B1, B3

Remove / Refit cockpit windshield. B1, B3

Assist in a power plant removal & refit. B1, B3

Rig engine thrust lever. B1, B3

Replenish water / methanol system. A, B1, B3

Application of one / two component sealers and compounds. B1, B3

Assist in propeller removal / refit. B1, B3

Check propeller track. B1, B3

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices (Cont.)

Mooring and picketing (Helicopter only). A, B1

Removal / refit main rotor head (Helicopter only). B1

Removal / refit transmission drive shaft (Helicopter only). B1

Removal / refit main rotor gearbox (Helicopter only). B1

Removal / refit tail rotor (Helicopter only). B1

Main rotor track and balance (Helicopter only). B1

Flight control rigging. B1, B3

VHF Com LRU replacement and Communication check. B2, B3

HF LRU replacement and Communication Check. B2, B3

VHF Navigation LRU replacement and system tests. B2, B3

Aerial replacement (various). B2, B3

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices (Cont.)

Radio Standing Wave Measurement Tests. B2

ATC / TCAS system component replacement and tests. B2, B3

Intercommunication / Passenger Address Component replacement and


Removal / installation of Pitot Static Instruments. B1, B2, B3

Check calibration of a Pitot Static System using a Pitot Static Leak tester. B1, B2

Inertial Reference Unit / Platform Initialization Check. B2

Test ILS / VOR Systems using appropriate test equipment e.g. Nav 401/402. B2, B3

Gyroscopic Instrument component replacements and functional tests. B2

Fuel Quantity Indicating systems functional testing. B2, B3

General Engine and aircraft temperature / pressure and flow instrumentation

B2, B3
component replacement and testing.

Flight Director System functional tests. B2

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Supervisor signature,
Date Competence Obtained Category Location
name, approval stamp

Maintenance Practices (Cont.)

Radio Altimeter system test utilizing appropriate test set. B2

DME Functional Testing utilizing appropriate test set. B2, B3

Weather Radar system component replacements and functional tests. B2

Auto throttle systems experience and Functional Testing.

(Optional, fixed wing only).
Automatic Flight Modes experience and Functional Testing.
(Optional, fixed wing only).
Stability Augmentation Systems experience and functional testing.
(Optional, helicopters only).

ADF component replacements and functional tests. B2, B3

Discuss / demonstrate typical maintenance practices on Electronic Flight

Instrument systems.
Discuss / demonstrate typical maintenance practices on Flight Management

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Section 3.1: Maintenance Experience

Aircraft Type: _________________________________________________ ATA Chapter: _____________________________________

(Aircraft/Engine Combination)

Supervisors name*,
Task card
Date A/C Reg. Task Details signature and approval
/Job No. stamp

Log Book Owners Name: Signature:

Confirmation by Quality Unit:

Signature: Stamp:
(Name & date)

* The above work has been carried out correctly by the logbook owner under my supervision and in accordance with the appropriate technical documentation.

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Section 3.2: Typical Maintenance Tasks

Time limits/Maintenance checks Towing and Taxiing

100 hour check (general aviation aircraft). Prepare aircraft for towing.
B or C check (transport category aircraft). Tow aircraft.
Assist carrying out a scheduled maintenance check i.a.w. AMM. Be part of aircraft towing team.
Review Aircraft maintenance log for correct completion.
Review records for compliance with Airworthiness Directives. Parking and Mooring
Review records for compliance with component life limits.
Tie down aircraft.
Procedure for Inspection following heavy landing.
Park, secure and cover aircraft.
Procedure for Inspection following lightning strike.
Position aircraft in dock.
Secure rotor blades.
Locate component(s) by zone/station number. Placards and Markings
Perform symmetry check. Check aircraft for correct placards.
Check aircraft for correct markings.
Lifting and Shoring
Assist in: Servicing
Jack aircraft nose or tail wheel. Refuel aircraft.
Jack complete aircraft. Defuel aircraft.
Sling or trestle major component. Carry out tank to tank fuel transfer.
Check/adjust tyre pressures.
Levelling/Weighing Check/replenish oil level.
Level aircraft. Check/replenish hydraulic fluid level.
Weigh aircraft. Check/replenish accumulator pressure.
Prepare weight and balance amendment. Charge pneumatic system.
Check aircraft against equipment list. Grease aircraft.
Connect ground power.
Service toilet/water system.
Perform pre-flight/daily check.

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Vibration and Noise Analysis Check operation of yaw damper.

Check and adjust servo clutch
Analyse helicopter vibration problem.
Perform autopilot gain adjustments.
Analyse noise spectrum.
Perform mach trim functional check.
Analyse engine vibration.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Check autoland system.
Air Conditioning
Check flight management systems.
Replace combustion heater. Check stability augmentation system.
Replace flow control valve.
Replace outflow valve. Communications
Replace safety valve.
Replace VHF com unit.
Replace vapour cycle unit.
Replace HF com unit.
Replace air cycle unit.
Replace existing antenna.
Replace cabin blower.
Replace static discharge wicks.
Replace heat exchanger.
Check operation of radios.
Replace pressurization controller.
Perform antenna VSWR check.
Clean outflow valves.
Perform SELCAL operational check.
Deactivate/reactivate cargo isolation valve.
Perform operational check of passenger address system.
Deactivate/reactivate avionics ventilation components.
Functionally check audio integrating system.
Check operation of air conditioning/heating system.
Repair co-axial cable.
Check operation of pressurization system.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Electrical Power
Charge lead/acid battery.
Install servos.
Charge NI-CAD battery.
Rig bridle cables
Check battery capacity.
Replace controller.
Deep-cycle NI-CAD battery.
Replace amplifier.
Replace integrated drive/generator/alternator.
Replacement of auto flight system LRUs in the case of fly-by-wire
Replace switches.
Replace circuit breakers.
Check operation of auto-pilot.
Adjust voltage regulator.
Check operation of auto-throttle/auto-thrust.
Change voltage regulator.

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Amend electrical load analysis report. Replace fire bottle squib.

Repair/replace electrical feeder cable. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Inspect engine fire wire detection systems.
Perform functional check of integrated drive/generator/alternator.
Perform functional check of voltage regulator. Flight Controls
Perform functional check of emergency generation system.
Inspect primary flight controls and related components i.a.w. AMM
Extending/retracting flaps and slats.
Replace horizontal stabiliser.
Replace carpets. Replace spoiler/lift dumper.
Replace crew seats. Replace elevator.
Replace passenger seats. Deactivation/reactivation of aileron servo control.
Check inertia reels. Replace aileron.
Check seats/belts for security. Replace rudder.
Check emergency equipment. Replace trim tabs.
Check ELT for compliance with regulations. Install control cable and fittings.
Repair toilet waste container. Replace slats.
Remove and install ceiling and sidewall panels. Replace flaps.
Repair upholstery. Replace powered flying control unit
Change cabin configuration. Replace flap actuator
Replace cargo loading system actuator. Rig primary flight controls.
Test cargo loading system. Adjust trim tab.
Replace escape slides/ropes. Adjust control cable tension.
Check control range and direction of movement.
Fire Protection Check for correct assembly and locking.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Check fire bottle contents.
Functional test of primary flight controls.
Check/test operation of fire/smoke detection and warning system.
Functional test of flap system.
Check cabin fire extinguisher contents.
Operational test of the side stick assembly.
Check lavatory smoke detector system.
Operational test of the THS
Check cargo panel sealing.
THS system wear check.
Install new fire bottle.

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Fuel Power Transfer Unit (PTU) operation.

Replacement of PTU.
Water drain system (operation).
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Replace booster pump.
Replace fuel selector. Ice and Rain Protection
Replace fuel tank cells.
Replace/test fuel control valves. Replace pump.
Replace magnetic fuel level indicators. Replace timer.
Replace water drain valve. Inspect/repair propeller deice boot.
Check/calculate fuel contents manually. Test propeller de-icing system.
Check filters. Inspect/test wing leading edge deicer boot.
Flow check system. Replace anti-ice/deice valve.
Check calibration of fuel quantity gauges. Install wiper motor.
Check operation feed/selectors Check operation of systems.
Check operation of fuel dump/jettison system. Operational test of the pitot-probe ice protection.
Fuel transfer between tanks. Operational test of the TAT ice protection.
Pressure defuel Operational test of the wing ice protection system.
Pressure refuel (manual control) Assistance to the operational test of the engine air-intake ice
Deactivation/reactivation of the fuel valves (transfer defuel, X-feed, refuel) protection (with engines operating).
Troubleshoot faulty system. Troubleshoot faulty system.

Hydraulics Indicating/recording systems

Replace engine driven pump. Replace flight data recorder (FDR).

Check/replace case drain filter. Replace cockpit voice recorder (CVR).
Replace standby pump. Replace clock.
Replace hydraulic motor pump/generator. Replace master caution unit.
Replace accumulator. Perform FDR data retrieval.
Check operation of shut off valve. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Check filters/clog indicators. Implement ESDS procedures.
Check indicating systems. Inspect for HIRF requirements.
Perform functional checks. Start/stop EIS procedure.
Pressurization/depressurization of the hydraulic system. BITE test of the CFDIU.
Ground scanning of the central warning system.

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Landing Gear Lights

Build up wheel. Repair/replace rotating beacon.
Replace main wheel. Repair/replace landing lights.
Replace nose wheel. Repair/replace navigation lights.
Replace steering actuator. Repair/replace interior lights.
Replace truck tilt actuator. Replace ice inspection lights.
Replace gear retraction actuator. Repair/replace logo lights.
Replace uplock/downlock assembly. Repair/replace emergency lighting system.
Replace shimmy damper. Perform emergency lighting system checks.
Rig nose wheel steering. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Functional test of the nose wheel steering system.
Replace shock strut seals. Navigation
Replace brake unit.
Calibrate magnetic direction indicator.
Replace brake control valve.
Replace airspeed indicator.
Bleed brakes.
Replace altimeter.
Replace brake fan.
Replace air data computer.
Test anti-skid unit.
Replace VOR unit.
Test gear retraction.
Replace ADI.
Change bungees.
Replace HSI.
Adjust micro switches/sensors.
Check pitot static system for leaks.
Charge struts with oil and air.
Check operation of directional gyro.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Functional check weather Radar.
Test auto-brake system.
Functional check doppler.
Replace rotorcraft skids.
Functional check TCAS.
Replace rotorcraft skid shoes.
Functional check DME.
Pack and check floats.
Functional check ATC Transponder.
Flotation equipment.
Functional check flight director system.
Check/test emergency blowdown (emergency landing gear extension).
Functional check inertial navigation system.
Operational test of the landing gear doors.
Complete quadrantal error correction of ADF system.
Update flight management system database.
Check calibration of pitot static instruments.

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

Check calibration of pressure altitude reporting system. Water/Waste

Troubleshoot faulty system.
Replace water pump.
Check marker systems.
Replace tap.
Compass replacement direct/indirect.
Replace toilet pump.
Perform water heater functional check.
Check GPS.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Test AVM.
Inspect waste bin flap closure.
Inspect on board oxygen equipment. Central Maintenance System
Purge and recharge oxygen system. Retrieve data from CMU.
Replace regulator. Replace CMU.
Replace oxygen generator. Perform BITE check.
Test crew oxygen system. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Perform auto oxygen system deployment check.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Airborne Auxiliary power
Pneumatic Systems Install APU.
Replace filter. Inspect hot section.
Replace air shut off valve. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Replace pressure regulating valve.
Replace compressor. Structures
Recharge dessicator. Assessment of damage.
Adjust regulator. Sheet metal repair.
Check for leaks. Fibre glass repair.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Wooden repair.
Vacuum Systems Fabric repair.
Recover fabric control surface.
Inspect the vacuum system i.a.w. AMM.
Treat corrosion.
Replace vacuum pump.
Apply protective treatment.
Check/replace filters.
Adjust regulator.
Troubleshoot faulty system.

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Doors Perform static functional checks.

Check operation during ground run.
Inspect passenger door i.a.w. AMM.
Check track.
Rig/adjust locking mechanism.
Check setting of micro switches.
Adjust air stair system.
Assessment of blade damage i.a.w. AMM.
Check operation of emergency exits.
Dynamically balance prop.
Test door warning system.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Remove and install passenger door i.a.w. AMM.
Main Rotors
Remove and install emergency exit i.a.w. AMM.
Inspect cargo door i.a.w. AMM. Install rotor assembly.
Replace blades.
Windows Replace damper assembly.
Check track.
Replace windshield.
Check static balance.
Replace direct vision window.
Check dynamic balance.
Replace cabin window.
Repair transparency.
Rotor Drive
Replace mast.
Skin repair.
Replace drive coupling.
Recover fabric wing.
Replace clutch/freewheel unit
Replace tip.
Replace drive belt.
Replace rib.
Install main gearbox.
Replace integral fuel tank panel.
Overhaul main gearbox.
Check incidence/rig.
Check gearbox chip detectors.
Tail Rotors
Assemble prop after transportation.
Install rotor assembly.
Replace propeller.
Replace blades.
Replace governor.
Adjust governor.

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Tail Rotor Drive Piston Engines

Replace bevel gearbox. Remove/install reduction gear.
Replace universal joints. Check crankshaft run-out.
Overhaul bevel gearbox. Check tappet clearance.
Install drive assembly. Check compression.
Check chip detectors. Extract broken stud.
Check/install bearings and hangers. Install helicoil.
Check/service/assemble flexible couplings. Perform ground run.
Check alignment of drive shafts. Establish/check reference RPM.
Install and rig drive shafts. Troubleshoot.
Rotorcraft Flight Controls Turbine Engines
Install swash plate. Replace module.
Install mixing box. Replace fan blade.
Adjust pitch links. Hot section inspection/boroscope check.
Rig collective system. Carry out engine/compressor wash.
Rig cyclic system. Carry out engine dry cycle.
Rig anti-torque system. Engine ground run.
Check controls for assembly and locking. Establish reference power.
Check controls for operation and sense. Trend monitoring/gas path analysis.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Troubleshoot.
Power Plant Fuel and Control Piston
Build up ECU. Replace engine driven pump.
Replace engine. Adjust AMC.
Repair cooling baffles. Adjust ABC.
Repair cowling. Install carburettor/injector.
Adjust cowl flaps. Adjust carburettor/injector.
Repair faulty wiring. Clean injector nozzles.
Assist in dry motoring check. Replace primer line.
Assist in wet motoring check. Check carburettor float setting.
Assist in engine start (manual mode). Troubleshoot faulty system.

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Fuel and Control Turbine Engine Controls

Replace FCU. Rig thrust lever.
Replace Engine Electronic Control Unit (FADEC). Rig RPM control.
Replace Fuel Metering Unit (FADEC). Rig mixture HP cock lever.
Replace engine driven pump. Rig power lever.
Clean/test fuel nozzles. Check control sync (multi-eng).
Clean/replace filters. Check controls for correct assembly and locking.
Adjust FCU. Check controls for range and direction of movement.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Adjust pedestal micro-switches.
Functional test of FADEC. Troubleshoot faulty system.

Ignition Systems Piston Engine Indicating

Change magneto. Replace engine instrument(s).
Change ignition vibrator. Replace oil temperature bulb.
Change plugs. Replace thermocouples.
Test plugs. Check calibration.
Check H.T. leads. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Install new leads.
Check timing. Exhaust Piston
Check system bonding.
Replace exhaust gasket.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Inspect welded repair.
Pressure check cabin heater muff.
Ignition Systems Turbine
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Perform functional test of the ignition system.
Check glow plugs/ignitors. Exhaust Turbine
Check H.T. leads.
Change jet pipe.
Check ignition unit.
Change shroud assembly.
Replace ignition unit.
Install trimmers.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Inspect/replace thrust reverser.
Replace thrust reverser component.

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Deactivate/reactivate thrust reverser. Engine Water Injection

Operational test of the thrust reverser system.
Replace water/methanol pump.
Flow check water/methanol system.
Adjust water/methanol control unit.
Change oil. Check fluid for quality.
Check filter(s). Troubleshoot faulty system
Adjust pressure relief valve.
Replace oil tank. Accessory Gearboxes
Replace oil pump.
Replace gearbox.
Replace oil cooler.
Replace drive shaft.
Replace firewall shut-off valve.
Inspect magnetic chip detector.
Perform oil dilution test.
Troubleshoot faulty system.
Starting Removal/installation of the APU.
Removal/installation of the inlet guide-vane actuator.
Replace starter.
Operational test of the APU emergency shut-down test.
Replace start relay.
Operational test of the APU.
Replace start control valve.
Check cranking speed.
Troubleshoot faulty system.

Turbines, Piston Engines

Replace PRT.
Replace turbo-blower.
Replace heat shields.
Replace waste gate.
Adjust density controller.

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Section 3.3: Glossary

ABC Automatic Boost Control LRU Line Replaceable Unit

ADI Attitude Direction Indicator PRT Power Recovery Turbine
AMC Automatic Mixture Control PTU Power Transfer Unit
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual RPM Revolutions per Minute
APU Auxiliary Power Unit TAT Total Air Temperature
ATC Air Traffic Control TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System
AVM Aircraft Vibration Monitor THS Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
BITE Built in Test Equipment VHF Very High Frequency
CFDIU Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit VOR VHF Omni Range
CMU Central Monitoring Unit VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EIS Electronic Instrument System
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Device
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FCU Fuel Control Unit
FDR Flight Data Recorder
GPS Global Positioning System
HF High Frequency
HIRF High Intensity Radiated Field
HP High Pressure
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator

09/04/2017 CAAF-183-AWEG-1.0

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