Additional Mathematics Summary Notes
Additional Mathematics Summary Notes
Additional Mathematics Summary Notes
Reproduced from For , multiply numerator and denominator by b. For loga y to be defined,
a b 1. y > 0
For , multiply by the conjugate, which is 2. a > 0, a = 1
1 Quadratic Equations & Inequalities a b
c d
a b c d. Laws Of Logarithms
Sum & Product Of Roots 1. loga xn = n loga x
b 3 Polynomials & Partial Fractions
Sum of roots = 2. loga xy = loga x + loga y
c Polynomial Division 3. loga x
= loga x loga y
Product of roots =
a P (x) = divisor Q(x) + R(x) logc b
4. loga b =
Quadratic Equation From Roots logc a
Remainder Theorem 1
5. loga b =
x2 (sum of roots) x + (product of roots) = 0 logb a
If P (x) is divided by x c, remainder is f(c).
( )
b Logarithms To Exponential
2, 1 or 0 real roots If P (x) is divided by ax b, remainder is f .
a loga y = x y = ax
2 real roots: b2 4ac > 0 Factor Theorem lg y = x y = 10x
1 real root (2 equal roots): b2 4ac = 0 ln y = x y = ex
If x + c is a factor of P (x), f(c)
( =)0.
0 real roots: b2 4ac < 0
If ax + b is a factor of P (x), f = 0. 6 Trigonometric Functions, Identities
Curve Always Positive / Negative
Cubic Polynomials & Equations
b2 4ac < 0 (because curve has 0 real roots)
a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 ab + b2 ) Special Angles
Line & Curve a3 b3 = (a b)(a2 + ab + b2 )
0 30 45 60 90
Line intersect curve (at 2 points): b2 4ac > 0 Partial Fractions
Line tangent to curve: b2 4ac = 0 f (x) A B
1. = + sin 0
=0 1
= 1 2 3 4
Line does not intersect curve: b2 4ac < 0 (ax + b)(cx + d) ax + b cx + d 2 2 2 2 2 2