J. Sims 2016 1099 PDF
J. Sims 2016 1099 PDF
J. Sims 2016 1099 PDF
General Information:
The following information may be included in this tax statement based on the investments and activity in your account.
Reportable Information: IRS Forms 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, 1099-MISC, 1099-OID
Non-Reportable Information: Non-reportable Information may be provided based on the activity within your account. This additional information is
provided to assist you with your tax preparation but it is not reported to the IRS.
Mail Dates: You and members of your household may receive tax statements at different times based on the activity and/or holdings within your account. If
final tax information is pending from an issuer or pending processing when tax statements are prepared, impacted tax statements will be held until the
information is complete. Tax statement mailings are scheduled to occur in four phases this year: January 31, February 15, February 28 and March 15.
This Tax Information May Be Revised: You may receive a corrected tax statement. Some issuers provide new information about their securities after we
prepare and mail your tax statement. If your tax information needs to be updated, we may be required by the IRS to send you a corrected 1099. Please plan
your tax preparation accordingly.
This is important tax information and is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service (except as indicated). If you are required to file a return, a negligence
penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been reported.
Summary of Form 1099-B 2016 1099-DIV Dividends and Distributions OMB No. 1545-0110
Details are reported to the IRS. Refer to the 1099-B section of this statement for those details. Box Amount
Amount 1a Total Ordinary Dividends ........................................................................................... 720.80
Gross Proceeds (Covered and Noncovered Transactions) ............................................... 7,100.00 1b Qualified Dividends .................................................................................................... 288.14
Cost or Other Basis (Covered Transactions Only) ............................................................ 7,706.23 2a Total Capital Gain Distributions ............................................................................... 0.00
Federal Tax Withheld - Proceeds ................................................................. 0.00 2b Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain ............................................................................ 0.00
State Tax Withheld - Proceeds ................................................................................................. 0.00 2c Section 1202 Gain ....................................................................................................... 0.00
2d Collectibles (28%) Gain ............................................................................................. 0.00
Regulated Futures and Foreign Currency Forward Contracts: 3 Nondividend Distributions ........................................................................................ 0.00
Profit or (Loss) Realized in 2016 ............................................................................................ 0.00 Federal Income Tax Withheld .......................................................... 0.00
Unrealized Profit or (Loss) on Open Contracts - 12/31/2015 ........................................ 0.00 5 Investment Expenses .................................................................................................. 0.00
Unrealized Profit or (Loss) on Open Contracts - 12/31/2016 ........................................ 0.00 6 Foreign Tax Paid ........................................................................................................... 0.00
Aggregate Profit or (Loss) ........................................................................................................ 0.00 8 Cash Liquidation Distributions .................................................................................. 0.00
Fed. Tax Withheld - Reg. Futures and Foreign Curr. Forward Contracts ... 0.00 9 Noncash Liquidation Distributions .......................................................................... 0.00
State Tax Withheld - Reg. Futures and Foreign Curr. Forward Contracts ..................... 0.00
10 Exempt Interest Dividends ........................................................................................ 0.00
11 Specified Private Activity Bond Interest Dividends ............................................. 0.00
2016 1099-INT Interest Income OMB No. 1545-0112 12/13/14 State /State ID# /State Tax Withheld ................................
Box Amount FATCA Filing Requirement .........................................................................................
1 Interest Income ......................................................................................................... 0.00
3 Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds & Treasury Obligations .................................. 0.00
4 Federal Income Tax Withheld ........................................................ 0.00 Summary of Form 1099-OID
5 Investment Expenses ............................................................................................... 0.00
Details are reported to the IRS. Refer to the 1099-OID section of this statement for those details.
6 Foreign Tax Paid ........................................................................................................ 0.00
8 Tax-Exempt Interest ................................................................................................. 0.00
9 Specified Private Activity Bond Interest ............................................................... 0.00 Original Issue Discount (Non-U.S. Treasury Obligations) ............................................. 0.00
10 Market Discount (Covered Transactions Only) ................................................. 0.00 Other Periodic Interest ........................................................................................................... 0.00
11 Bond Premium (Covered Transactions Only) ................................................... 0.00 Market Discount (Covered Transactions Only) ................................................................ 0.00
12 Bond Premium on Treasury Obligations (Covered Transactions Only) .... 0.00 Acquisition Premium (Covered Transactions Only)......................................................... 0.00
Bond Premium on Tax-Exempt Bond (Covered Transactions Only) ........... Original Issue Discount on U.S. Treasury Obligations .................................................... 0.00
13 0.00
Investment Expenses .............................................................................................................. 0.00
14 Tax-Exempt and Tax Credit Bond CUSIP Number ............................................ Various Bond Premium (Covered Transactions Only) .................................................................. 0.00
15 /16 /17 State /State ID# /State Tax Withheld .............................. Federal Income Tax Withheld ................................................................... 0.00
FATCA Filing Requirement .................................................................................... State Tax Withheld ...............................................................................................................
2016 Form 1099-B Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions OMB No. 1545-0715
(For individuals, report details on Form 8949)
This is important tax information and is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service (except as indicated). If you are required to file a return, a negligence
penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been reported.
Date Date Sold or Cost or D=Market Discount (1f)
Disposition Quantity Acquired Disposed Proceeds Other Basis O=Option Premium
Transaction Disposition Method (Box 1a) (Box 1b) (Box 1c) (Box 1d) (Box 1e) W=Wash Sale Loss (1g)
Long-Term Transactions for Which Basis Is Reported to the IRS - Report on Form 8949, Part II, with Box D checked.
Covered (Box 3)
Description (Box 1a): FRANKLIN INCOME FUND CLASS C CUSIP: 353496805
SELL FIRST IN FIRST OUT 471.831 11/12/2013 04/08/2016 1,000.00 1,137.29 18.17 W
SELL FIRST IN FIRST OUT 463.134 11/12/2013 06/14/2016 1,000.00 1,116.33 6.38 W
SELL FIRST IN FIRST OUT 310.573 11/12/2013 07/21/2016 700.00 748.60 3.72 W
SELL FIRST IN FIRST OUT 400.442 11/12/2013 09/21/2016 900.00 965.21 7.50 W
SELL FIRST IN FIRST OUT 860.515 11/12/2013 12/09/2016 2,000.00 2,074.16 3.51 W
Type of Gain or Loss (Box 2). The section headings within the 1099-B indicate the type of gain or loss for the transactions, short-term or long-term. A double asterisks (**) will denote when your security may be subject to special rules. For example, gain on a contingent payment
debt instrument subject to the non-contingent bond method generally is treated as ordinary interest income rather than as capital gain. Please see the Instructions for Form 8949, Pub. 550, or Pub. 1212 for more details on whether there are any special rules or adjustments that
might apply to your security.
Covered (Box 3) or Noncovered (Box 5) Security. The section headings within the 1099-B indicate whether your security transaction is, or is not, a covered security under the IRS cost basis reporting program.
Description and Quantity (Box 1a). Shows a brief description of the item or service for which the proceeds are being reported, as well as the number of shares included in the sale or exchange for the lot reported. If fractional shares are part of the disposition, those shares will be
displayed to three decimal places.
CUSIP. Broker transactions may show the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) number of the item reported.
Disposition Transaction.This column will denote the type of transaction,for example, SELL.
Disposition Method. The method used to select which lot will be disposed, for example, first-in first-out (FIFO). Please refer to the Client Service Information Section in your account statement for your account's existing tax-lot disposition method.
Date Acquired (Box 1b). This box represents the date you acquired the security or, for short sales, the date you opened the short sale. You may see the word VARIOUS displayed in this column if the disposition transaction includes multiple lots with various acquisition dates.
Date Sold or Disposed (Box 1c). Shows the trade date of the sale or exchange. For short sales, the date shown is the date you closed the short sale.
Proceeds (Box 1d). The proceeds amount from transactions involving stocks, bonds and other debt obligations are reported in Box 1d. These amounts do not reflect net profits and are net of transaction. The proceeds amount may also be increased by an option premium
received or decreased by an option premium paid. Report the proceeds from each transaction separately on IRS Form 8949 (Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets) and IRS Form 1040, Schedule D (Capital Gains and Losses). See the Instructions for Form 8949 for
exceptions to reporting each transaction on a separate row. This box does not include proceeds from regulated futures or foreign currency forward contracts.
Cost or Other Basis (Box 1e). This box shows the original cost, or adjusted cost basis, due to a corporate action, gifted or inherited cost basis. The IRS provides a detailed description of cost or other basis reporting in the 2016 Instructions for Form 1099-B available at irs.gov.
Adjustments -The adjustment column may display one or more of codes D, O or W:
D = Market Discount (Box 1f). An adjustment code (D) will be displayed next to an amount for accrued market discount within the Adjustments column. A market discount condition exists when the purchase cost of a bond is below the adjusted issue price of an original issue
discount bond (OID bond) or below the redemption value of a non-OID bond. Displays the amount of accrued market discount. For details on market discount, see Schedule D (Form 1040) instructions, Instructions for Form 8949, and Pub. 550.
O = Option Premium (Not Reportable to the IRS). An adjustment code (O) will be displayed next to the amount for an option premium within the Adjustments column. When stock is sold based upon the assignment of either a put or a call option, the proceeds of that sale are
adjusted by the price of the option or the option premium. The proceeds amount is increased by the option premium received or decreased by the option premium paid.
W = Wash Sale Loss Disallowed (Box 1g) . An adjustment code (W) will be displayed next to an amount for a disallowed wash sale loss within the Adjustments column. This loss is being reported as disallowed because the sale of the covered security has been adjusted under
the broker wash sale rule. This occurs when you re-purchase the identical security, as determined by CUSIP number, in the same account within the 30-day period preceding or following the date of the original loss. The wash sale loss is displayed within Box 1g as a positive
amount as required by the IRS. For details on wash sales, see Schedule D (Form 1040) instructions, Instructions for Form 8949, and Pub. 550.
Sale Date Totals. If you have multiple lots with the same date sold or disposed of, you may see a line item with SALE DATE TOTAL noted in the Disposition Transaction column. The totals provided in this line item are an aggregate of the lots listed above the total line when the
security and sale or disposed dates are the same. For these totals, the word VARIOUS will be displayed in the Date of Acquisition column since the total includes multiple lots with different acquisition dates. These total amounts are included to assist you with the completion of IRS
Form(s) 8949.
Income Tax Withholding:
If federal and/or state income taxes were withheld from your proceeds amounts, they will be reported and displayed in this section.
Disposition Transaction.This column is provided for reference purposes only and will denote the type of transaction, for example, SELL.
Quantity. This quantity is provided for reference purposes only and is the total number of shares that may have been split and reported in earlier 1099-B sections.
Proceeds. This amount is provided for reference purposes only and is the total proceeds amount for a sale or exchange. If a sale or exchange included multiple lots, the proceeds amounts were reported at the lot level in the appropriate 1099-B section.
Date Sold or Disposed. This box shows the trade date of the sale or exchange.
Federal Income Tax Withheld (Box 4). Federal income tax withheld is 28% of gross proceeds. See the Additional Information section of these instructions.
State (Box 14). Displays the two letter postal abbreviation of the state(s) for which state income taxes are being withheld.
State ID Number (Box 15). Displays the payer's state identification number(s).
State Tax Withheld (Box 16). Displays the amount of state income tax(es) withheld.
FATCA Filing Requirement. If the FATCA filing requirement box is checked, the payer is reporting on Form 1099 to satisfy its chapter 4 account reporting requirement. You may also have a filing requirement. See the Instructions to Form 8938. For 2016, this box will not be
The Internal Revenue Service requires us to remind taxpayers that you are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of your tax return.
Box 3Nondividend Distributions. This shows the part of the distribution that is nontaxable because it is a return of your cost (or other basis). You must reduce your cost (or other basis) by this amount for figuring gain or loss when you sell your investment. But if you have
recovered all your cost (or other basis), report future nontaxable distributions as capital gains, even though this form shows them as nontaxable. See IRS Publication 550, Investment Income and Expenses (Including Capital and Losses).
Box 4Federal Income Tax Withheld. Federal income tax withheld is 28% of dividends. See the Additional Information section of these instructions.
Box 5Investment Expenses. Your share of a UIT's and/or a WHFIT's expenses are reported in Box 5. You may deduct these expenses, subject to the 2% limit, on the Other Expenses line of IRS Form 1040, Schedule A. These expenses are included in Box 1a.
Box 6Foreign Tax Paid. This shows the foreign tax you may be able to claim as a deduction or a credit on IRS Form 1040. See the IRS Form 1040 instructions and the Foreign Tax Paid section of these instructions.
Box 12State. Displays the two letter postal abbreviation of the state(s) for which state income taxes are being withheld.
Box 13State Identification No. Displays Pershing LLC payer's state identification number(s).
Box 14State Income Tax Withheld. Displays amount of state income tax(es) withheld on interest payments reported on this form.
IRS Publications. IRS publications are available through your local IRS office, by calling the IRS Forms Distribution Center at (800) TAX-FORM, or visiting the IRS website at irs.gov. For instance, IRS Publication 550 and IRS Publication 1212 provide useful tax information related
to reporting securities transactions.
To receive more information regarding your Tax Information Statement and the Tax Guide, including illustrations on how to report your income, visit mytaxhandbook.com.
The instructions contained in this Tax Information Statement are not intended to provide tax advisory services. We suggest that you consult with your tax professional to discuss the appropriate federal, foreign, state and local tax treatment of your transactions.
These instructions, as well as your Tax Information Statement, are solely intended to help you accumulate data to prepare your income tax return and should not be interpreted or relied upon as tax advice.