DLL Locating The Epicenter
DLL Locating The Epicenter
DLL Locating The Epicenter
I. OBJECTIVE(S) At the end of the lesson, at least 75% of the students with 75 proficiency should be
able to achieve the ff. goals:
1. Determine the epicenter of an earthquake using triangulation method;
2. Locate the epicenter of an earthquake using triangulation method; and
3. Develop awareness on the significance of determining the epicenter of an
II. SUBJECT MATTER A. UNIT 1 : Earth and Space
Module 1: Plate Tectonics
Topic: Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake
B. Reference/s: Science Learners Material for Grade 10 pp. 8-10
C. Materials: Philippine map. Compass, pencil, ruler
A. ENGAGE Have you ever asked yourself why some areas can also experience (feel) the
earthquake that occurs in other areas?
B. EXPLORE 1. Let the students recall the different types of seismic waves particularly the body
waves (Primary and Secondary waves). Students must recall also that Primary
waves travel faster than Secondary waves.
2. Explain to them, that because of this difference in velocity between P and S
waves, the distance of earthquake epicenter from the recording station can be
determined. If they have data from three recording stations, the exact position of an
earthquake epicenter can be located using the triangulation method.
3. Introduce Activity 1 Find the Center, which will allow the students to use the
triangulation method in locating the epicenter of a hypothetical earthquake.
4. Students will do the activity.
C. EXPLAIN Discussion of the activity:
Answers to questions
Using the formula d =
Where: d=distance (km)
Td=time difference of P-wave and S-wave (seconds)
Recording Time difference of P-wave Distance of epicenter from the
station and S-wave station (km)
Batangas 44.8 560
Puerto Princesa 32 400
Davao 38.4 480
Since the scale of the Philippine map on page 9 of the LM is 1.5 cm: 200 km,
set the drawing compass to the following computed distances on the map.
Recording How to compute the distance Computed distance on the
station on the map map (cm)
Batangas 560 km (1.5 cm/200 km) 4.2
Puerto Princesa 400 km (1.5 cm/200 km) 3
Davao 480 km (1.5 cm/200km) 3.6
D. ELABORATE What do you think is the importance of determining the epicenter of an earthquake?
Locating earthquake epicenters will pinpoint which fault lines are active.
Usually, the less active fault line stores great amount of potential energy
that could cause major earthquake once released. Therefore, places near
fault lines that remain inactive for a very long period of time are due to experience
an earthquake.
Criteria 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Accuracy in The epicenter of The epicenter of The epicenter of
determining the the hypothetical the hypothetical the hypothetical
epicenter earthquake was earthquake was earthquake was
pinpointed in the pinpointed in not determined
map correctly the map but with in the map
few errors in correctly
Time management Finish the task Finish the task Finish the task
ahead of time on time after the given
Neatness The output is Neat output with Output has too
very neat and minimal many erasures
without erasures erasures
Concepts Answered all With 1 incorrect No correct
questions answer answer
IV. ASSIGNMENT Bring the ff. materials:
Sand paper, clay of 2 different colors.