New Friends: A Multiply Let'S Talk' Booklet For Those Wanting To Experience Living Christianity
New Friends: A Multiply Let'S Talk' Booklet For Those Wanting To Experience Living Christianity
New Friends: A Multiply Let'S Talk' Booklet For Those Wanting To Experience Living Christianity
New Friends
A course to introduce the Christian faith
those wanting to
experience living
New Friends
A course to introduce the Christian faith
Second Edition
Be a witness ....................................................................................... 19
New Friends
New Friends is an opportunity for anyone to explore the
Christian faith in a relaxed setting over seven thought-
provoking weekly sessions. Many of us have questions
about life, its purpose and its meaning. New Friends
provides an opportunity to voice some of these deeper
searching questions in a relaxed atmosphere.
Mick Haines
Jesus Fellowship
New Friends
This is Jesus
Session One
Table discussion
: Jesus is very famous, but a lot of people arent really
sure why. For some he is just a picture on a stained glass
window or a Christmas card.
What do you believe about Jesus?
New Friends
Friend of Sinners Session Two
Table discussion
: Jesus came to restore broken relationships to mend
How important is friendship to you?
New Friends
New Birth for Me
Session Three
Table discussion
: Peoples first experiences of God are often different for
different people. Some say they have a deep sense of their
need for forgiveness; others sense his love or peace; still others
see a vision or have a powerful dream and so on.
Have you ever experienced God? If so what was it like,
how did it happen?
New Friends
Here is Water
Session Four
self and an entry to a new life lived for Jesus. tears. My baptism was a key
Which of these statements about baptism do you find the moment for me. It helped
most helpful?Why? Do you want to be baptised?What is me to find freedom.
most exciting or scary about the thought of baptism? Beth
New Friends
Going deeper...
To decide to be baptised is encouraging and prophetic
a free decision made by adult words spoken to the person
believers those who make their being baptised, and celebration
own decision to follow Jesus as someone is accepted into the
declaring Jesus is Lord! church family.
The words spoken when In baptism God affirms his
someone is baptised are not love for us and his acceptance
magic words but they do declare of us in Christ.
authoritatively what is happen- In baptism we leave behind
ing. Phrases like baptised into an old, sinful system and enter
the death, burial and resurrection into Gods new society.
F R O M of Jesus, baptised in the name of Baptism gives us power over
THE BIBLE the Father, the Son and the Holy the sinful urges of our old nature
Spirit, baptised by the Spirit into spiritually, they are now dead
(Jesus said) Anyone who the Body of Christ and baptised and buried and we are living a
believes and is baptised
in the name of the Lord Jesus new life with Jesus.
will be saved.
Mark 16:16 Christ sum up New Testament We must believe in the power
(Jesus said) Therefore, teaching about baptism. that baptism brings us and learn
go and make disciples of Baptism can take place any- how to put off our old nature
all the nations, baptising where, indoors or outdoors, and put on our new nature.
them in the name of the where there is enough water! We rise in resurrection life
Father and the Son and the Those baptising should be full of pure Holy Spirit released
Holy Spirit. respected as men of God. in praise, promising to believe in
Matthew 28:19
Each of you must repent Baptism is a joyful occasion Jesus for the rest of our lives.
of your sins and turn to which will involve worship,
God, and be baptised in
For more on baptism see Your Baptism by Noel Stanton, pub-
the name of Jesus Christ
lished by Multiply Publlications, availiable from Jesus People Shop
for the forgiveness of your (
sins. Then you will receive
the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:38
For you were buried with MY PRAYER
Christ when you were
baptised. And with him LORD JESUS, I must follow you in baptism. I need to obey
you were raised to new you and be baptised into the name of the Father, the Son
life because you trusted and the Holy Spirit. My sinful, old life needs to be joined to
the mighty power of God, your death and burial. And I want to rise in
who raised Christ from you to live a new life.
the dead
Colossians 2:12
10 New Friends
Welcome Holy Spirit
Session Five
Table discussion
: The Holy Spirit brings reality to our experience of a real,
living, active God.
Have you ever experienced a miracle or the obvious,
supernatural working of God?
He will baptise you with the Going deeper...
Holy Spirit and with fire. The Holy Spirit is the or breath, living water, holy
Matthew 3:11 fire, and anointing oil.
Life-giver; along with the
If you sinful people know
Father and the Son, he is God the Father has prom-
how to give good gifts to
creator and rescuer of the ised to give the Spirit to those
your children, how much
world. who ask him.
more will your heavenly
The Holy Spirit honours Jesus loves to give the Spirit
Father give the Holy Spirit
Jesus and points people to him to those who are spiritually
to those who ask him.
Luke 11:13 always. thirsty.
Anyone who believes in The Holy Spirit is often It is the Holy Spirit who
me may come and drink! described in the Bible using joins us together as the church,
...Rivers of living water will picture language such as wind the body of Christ.
flow from his heart.
Many people will be baptised with the Holy Spirit (or filled, or anointed)
John 7:38
and speak in tongues at this session.
You will be baptised with
the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:5
And everyone present
was filled with the Holy
Spirit and began speaking
in other tongues, as the
LORD JESUS, I long to be baptised in the Holy Spirit. Come,
Holy Spirit gave them this
Holy Spirit, and fill me. I thirst for the living water. Come,
Acts 2:4 Holy Spirit, and burn in me. Set me on fire with love. Now
The gift of the Holy Spirit I receive the gift. Come, Holy Spirit! Bring power, love, joy,
had been poured out... For and purity. Free me and overwhelm me. I love and worship
they heard them speaking in you, Lord. I praise you with a new tongue.
tongues and praising God. Prayer cards, with a prayer you can pray on your own
Acts 10:45-46 or with someone else, are available on request.
12 New Friends
The church is us
Session Six
Table discussion
: Church is exciting! The church is not about ancient
buildings or religious professionals like priests and vicars.
Living churches are certainly not dull or boring!
Has tonight (or New Friends generally) changed your
view of what church is?
: Jesus loves the church. He died for the church and the he joins people together in
14 New Friends
Im saying Yes!
Session Seven
: The Christian life is all about making these choices, again chance to get life the right
and again, by the power of the Holy Spirit. way round!
Will you carry on saying Yes to God with his help? Trudy
New Friends 15
For Jesus Christ, the Son
of God, does not waver
between Yes and No.
As Gods ultimate Yes, he
always does what he says.
For all of Gods promises
have been fulfilled in Christ
with a resounding Yes!
2 Corinthians 1:19-20
Going deeper...
Each of you must repent
The Holy Spirit gives us kill our selfish or sinful desires.
of your sins and turn to
the strength and power to live Youre not on our own!
God, and be baptised in
as Christians. It is important Fellowship, friendship and
the name of Jesus Christ
that Christians go on being help from other Christians is
for the forgiveness of your
sins. Then you will receive filled and refreshed by the Holy vital and helps us live a healthy
the gift of the Holy Spirit. Spirit day by day. Christian life.
This promise is to you... Jesus call to his followers Spiritual disciplines like
Acts 2:37-39 is: take up your cross daily. prayer and reading the Bible
It is God who enables us Every day we must choose help us to grow and mature as
to stand firm for Christ. to follow him and choose to Christians.
He has commissioned us,
and he has identified us
as his own by placing the
Holy Spirit in our hearts
as the first instalment that
guarantees everything he
LORD GOD, Im saying Yes to you: I need you. Thank you
has promised us.
for rescuing me from sin and Satan. Lord Jesus, I am yours:
2 Corinthians 1:21-22
I choose to be your disciple, your servant and your friend.
I am certain that God,
I want to be like you, even when it is hard. I want to love
who began the good work
your people and build up our church. Come, Holy Spirit,
within you, will continue
fill me, and join me forever to the Lord Jesus Christ and to
his work until it is finally
God my Father.
finished on the day when
Christ Jesus returns.
Philippians 1:6
16 New Friends
Grow stronger
So youve begun! Born again, baptised, and belonging to
the Christian church, Gods family.
New Friends 17
Church membership
As this handbook has made clear, all who receive Jesus
as Saviour and are born again and fully baptised belong
to his church.
18 New Friends
Be a witness!
We live at a time when there is great interest in the
Christian faith, if it is presented as up-to-date, relevant
and alive.
Be a witness!
New Friends 19
Celebrating New Friends
It is good to finish New Friends by celebrating with those who
have completed the course. It may be appropriate to run a
celebration event some time during the week after New Friends
is completed or, alternatively, to celebrate over a special weekend
or just on a Sunday.
This celebration should include a celebration meal for all who
have attended the course. This meal can be a friendly, joyful
occasion, possibly including worship, prayer for people to receive
the Holy Spirit and testimonies. All who have attended New
Friends can be asked to bring another friend with them. These
friends may want to be enrolled for the next New Friends course!
A good target would be for twice as many people to attend the
celebration meal as have attended New Friends.
All those who have attended New Friends are given a personal
invitation to take part in local church events on the Sunday
following New Friends. There they should be introduced and
welcomed. This is a time of celebration suitable for all kinds of
people, including those interested, but not yet believers. Include
a response time with prayer for those wanting to receive.
20 New Friends
Water baptism in the Jesus Fellowship
Everyone who is to be baptised should have been given basic teaching
about baptism, either by reading a booklet like Your Baptism
(availiable from the Jesus People Shop:
or by a leader perhaps someone they have got to know during
New Friends.
Baptism can take place anywhere, indoors or outdoors, where
there is enough water. Jesus Fellowship baptisms should always
follow as closely as possible to the procedure described here,
though, inevitably, there will be some differences between indoor
and outdoor baptisms, so some adaptation may be necessary.
There is a need for life and power wherever baptisms take place.
Whoever is leading must be inspirational, anointed with the
Spirits power. Time should be given for worship. Before each
baptism, anointed body ministry, when people speak out words
from God, should be encouraged.
Each baptismal candidate should be briefly introduced (name,
background, testimony) by their particular leader. This can take
place before all the baptisms or before each baptism.
The person about to be baptised should declare Jesus Christ is
Lord before being baptised.
Before each baptism the baptising leader should pray powerfully,
lay hands on the head and say these words: We baptise you
into the death, the burial and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus
Christ. We baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and
New Friends 21
the Holy Spirit. By that Spirit, you are baptised together with us
into the body of Christ, the church. In the name that is higher
than any other name, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we now
baptise you!
Then the candidate is taken fully under the water and then lifted
up to stand glistening with water and glowing with the Spirit!
After Baptism
When the newly-baptised person rises from the water, expect a
release in the Spirit, with tongues, worship and even prophecy.
The spiritual baptism of praise and love at this time is vital.
Before the person who has been baptised leaves the water, they
are asked, Will you be true to Jesus your Saviour and Lord? and
Will you be true to your brothers and sisters in the church? Then
the people around them are asked, Will you be true to him/her?
The expected answer to all these questions is yes!
22 New Friends
New Friends
A MULTIPLY Lets talk
booklet for those wanting to
experience living Christianity
By believing in
him you will have
life in his name |