Iles, P., Chuai, X. and Preece, D. (2010) 'Talent Management and HRM in Multinational Companies in Beijing: Definitions, Differences and Drivers', Journal of
Iles, P., Chuai, X. and Preece, D. (2010) 'Talent Management and HRM in Multinational Companies in Beijing: Definitions, Differences and Drivers', Journal of
Iles, P., Chuai, X. and Preece, D. (2010) 'Talent Management and HRM in Multinational Companies in Beijing: Definitions, Differences and Drivers', Journal of
Iles, P., Chuai, X. and Preece, D. (2010) 'Talent Management and HRM in
Multinational companies in Beijing: Definitions, differences and drivers', Journal of
World Business, 45 (2), pp.179-189.
For details regarding the final published version please click on the following DOI link:
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Paul Iles
Xin Chuai
David Preece
Published in Journal of World Business, 2010, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 179-189.
and practitioners in recent years, but there are many gaps and omissions left
for further theoretical and empirical development. One line of debate has been
from traditional HRM practices or disciplines. The paper has three main
the literature and the outline of a framework we have derived therefrom which
which compares and contrasts our findings with the extant literature and our
smooth talent flows and development, and moving towards a social capital
well as human capital. The implications of our findings for research and
Brief author CVs
Xin Chuai is currently working for Belzona Polymerics Ltd., Harrogate, UK.
Xin took her first degree in HRM at RenMin University, and following this
worked for two years as an HR consultant in Beijing. She then obtained a
masters degree in HRM from Stirling University and her PhD from the
Business School, University of Teesside. Xin has published a range of
conference and journal papers on talent management and organizational
development, mostly related to Chinese issues.
Talent management (TM) is a term in common currency today, yet it did not
appear until the late 1990s, when McKinsey & Company first referred to it in
their report The War for Talent (Michaels et al, 2001). TM is said to be
Development (CIPD) study quoted in Clarke and Winkler (2006), over 90% of
organizations bottom line, and more than half had already undertaken TM
survey, nearly three-quarters of the respondents said TM was at the top of their
critical HR issues list (Sandler, 2006). Yet most writing about TM has come
from consultants and practitioners, rather than from academic research, and a
adopt TM.
people who have been identified as strategic human resources has been
recognized as a key role for the corporate HR function, especially in the global
firm (Scullion and Starkey, 2000; Scullion and Collings, 2006). Martin and
Hetrick (2006) argue that as the knowledge economy continues to develop, the
For many, TM raises many issues for management, organizations and HRM,
more highly prized than others. Talent is a relative term- the talented exist in
relation to the un-or less talented (as we will see later, however, the
critical scrutiny, and there has been relatively little empirical research into the
and the issues arising (Iles, 2007): The discussion on TM has only just begun
in earnest (SOCPO, 2005: 10). Lewis and Heckman (2006: 139) point out:
and the growing numbers of articles and books on the topic, one might
There are problems in the way TM has been defined in the practitioner
press, and a lack of data supporting many practitioner claims. As Lewis and
Heckman (2006: 140) point out, the terms in the debate.are not clear and
What is more, as Cooke (2008) has noted, there has also been little empirical
What is talent and what is TM? How are they conceptualised in the literature
Of course, with regard to the empirical work, it was necessary to place some
specific boundaries upon the population from which the data would be
3) Is TM merely old wine in new bottles, in essence little/no different
HRM; (ii) What is talent? (iii) What is talent management? (iv) The
A search for journal articles with the key words talent management in the
journal databases Emerald and British Business Premier between 1985 and
during this period (Chuai, 2008). In Emerald, the number rose from 0 in 1990
fashions, doomed to lose its popularity after reaching its peak? Some
commentators (see, for example, Adamsky, 2003) are of the view that TM is
simply a repackaging of old ideas under a new name- old wine in new
bottles. Many of the key ideas promulgated by TM practitioners, such as
assessment centres, succession planning and 360 degree feedback, are not
new, stemming from the 1950s (Cappelli 2008). Guest has commented:
been around for a long time. Its been re-labelled, and that enables wise
organisations to review what they are doing (cited by Warren, 2006: 29).
fad which has gained currency through fashion rather than through
On the other hand, others (Duttagupta, 2005; CIPD, 2007b; Chuai et al, 2008)
argue that there is something fundamentally different from HRM under the
that TM is not just another fashionable HR term and the latest management
more than yet another HR process; the talent mindset is not just another HR
they define talent, who they regard as the talented and what their typical
of what talent is, rather than accept a universal or prescribed definition (CIPD,
strategy, the type of firm, the overall competitive environment, and other
such as Tulgan (2001) go further, seeing little point in trying to define talent
because you know who the valuable employees are; however, other
Michaels et al (2001: xiii), for example, define talent very broadly as follows:
A code for the most effective leaders and managers at all levels who can
For Williams (2000: 35), talented people are those who do the following:
We have seen, then, that defining talent has proved to be a challenging and
problematic business for commentators-has this also been the case for talent
The short answer to the question posed at the end of the previous section is
Duttaguptas (2005: 2) view is that: In the broadest possible terms, TM is the
is to assure that a supply of talent is available to align the right people with the
right jobs at the right time based on strategic business objectives. For
the success of the firm. All corporate issues are seen from the
perspective of how will this affect our critical talent? and what role
On the basis of our TM literature review and not withstanding that, as
Ashton and Morton (2005: 30) have observed [Clearly] there isnt a single
1) TM is not essentially different from HRM; both involve getting the right job
at the right time and managing the supply, demand and flow of people through
rebranding exercise, replacing the word people by the word talent may
enhance HRs credibility or status or show its fashionability (as with earlier
2006). As Barlow (2006) has noted, TM could then in effect become a new
2) TM is integrated HRM with a selective focus; TM may use the same tools as
HRM, but the focus is on a relatively small segment of the workforce, defined
retention, all of which are focussed upon talented individuals, with the key
processes supportive of each other, and with a focus upon selected, critically
valuable employees. The key challenges are thus to attract, recruit, develop
and retain such individuals (eg CIPD 2007b). The focus here is on talent
pools, both internal and external to the organization. Much of the theory
talent pipelines rather than talent pools, and concepts are drawn not from
marketing theory but from operational research and logistics theories (see,
programmes are designed to create talent pools that feed particular job
successful in the future. The focus is more on developing an enterprise-
developing talent within the organization for its future benefit, and
Whilst the above discussion and analysis has moved us some way in the
direction of extracting what are seen as the main features of TM (and whilst
deployed in that part of our research findings section below which examines
how our sample population defined TM), it does not go far enough in our view
between, on the one hand, an exclusive versus inclusive people focus, and, on
on TM, which are outlined and discussed below: (i) exclusive-people; (ii)
Perspectives on TM
who have the capability to make a significant difference to the current and
extensive range of the academic and practitioner literatures adopt this position.
postulates the Pareto Principle, i.e. that 20% of the workforce can contribute
categories A (the top 10-20%), B (the middle 70%) and C (the lowest 10-
20%) (see also Ledford & Kochanski, 2004; Walker, 2002). Ledford and
segment, while their weaker peers have a bit of everything. But no company
Huselid et al (2005) is perhaps the most influential work here: for them, the
solely A players across the enterprise, removing all C players; the starting
given the limited financial and managerial resources available to attract, select,
develop and retain top performers, companies simply cannot afford to have
This perspective has some common ground with the exclusive-people one in
importance of their positions for the organisation. Just as marketing requires
employee differentiation.
In contrast to the above two exclusive perspectives on TM, this one takes an
everyone in the organization has talent, and that the task is to manage all
often offering little guidance on how to do so. Though perhaps closest to the
successful in the future we must restore our focus on the unique talents
According to Stainton (2005), TM should adopt a broad approach by
recognizing that everyone has the capability and potential to display talent-
everyone to learn, grow and strive to fulfil their potential (Walker, 2002).
Ashton and Morton (2005: 30) argue that TM aspires to yield enhanced
Social capital
teams, cultures, divisions of labour, leadership and networks in giving talent
influential here, as shown by Groysberg et als (2004) work. They report the
the stars performance often plunged after time and they did not stay with the
company for long. In addition, there was a sharp decline in the performance of
the group the person worked with, and the companys market value fell.
This study draws attention to the ways in which competitive advantage and
systems within which people work, and draws our attention to the need to
The Peoples Republic of China has enjoyed nearly three decades of economic
growth-an average of around 10 per cent per annum over the years since Deng
Xiao Ping launched the Open Door and Four Modernizations policies in
1978, slowing only recently as the global recession deepens (Newton and
Subbaraman, 2002, Warner 2008). From the onset of the reforms, dramatic
consequences notwithstanding.
In particular, there has been recent attention to the demands of the knowledge
employees careers (eg Zhao 2008, Wang and Wang, 2008) as well as to the
helped fuel an interest in TM. In 2005 McKinsey claimed that over the next
(reported in Wilson, 2008). What is more, many older leaders were educated
during the Cultural Revolution, and may lack skills and experience in strategy,
are continuing to fill many talent gaps, with increasing use of managers from
Other McKinsey research (Lane and Pollner, 2008) has specifically addressed
the issue of growing talent shortages in China and the imbalance between
both multinationals and local businesses. Forty four per cent of Chinese
multinationals are increasingly competing with local firms for scarce talent in
the same talent pool. There is often a mismatch between the graduates turned
employers, with those recruited often having high expectations (which if not
met may lead to high turnover). Chinese companies in the survey worried
about managerial capabilities, and said they would increasingly look abroad to
recruit talent- the McKinsey survey found that 43% of executives expected the
proportion of foreign managers at senior levels to increase over the next three
was a lack of qualified candidates in the labour market. Another key challenge
was how to develop and retain existing staff, making the management and
general picture; talent development could not keep pace with business
those identified as A+ (those in the talent pool that out-performed their peers).
Succession planning however was often seen as not working well, due to a
line managers and high-potentials, but HR tended to use turnover rates and
are posing a number of challenges. At the same time Cooke (2008), in her
do companies in China perceive TM, why do they adopt it, and do they see it
newly emerging terminology, has become the latest fashion within the field of
(2008: 783) has noted: full-blown HRM is mostly associated with large-sized
Given the exploratory and qualitative nature of the questions and issues
outlined above, structured interviews were selected as the main data collection
method. The study was undertaken in Beijing, and the target companies were
China, as we have seen from the literature on the adoption of HRM in China
often a hybrid creature, half-way between the old-style Maoist model and a
market-driven one, but which has not fully evolved. As many state-owned
management fashion setters (Abrahamson, 1996a); though this paper will not
Guangzhou, whilst having less than 20% of Chinas population, possess more
than 80% of the leadership talent (Lau, 2007). Moreover, based on Laus
(2007) countrywide survey, three out of four people who have attended higher
Semi-structured interviews were carried out (in Manadrin) in seven MNCs
located in Beijing. Two were IT companies, one was in health care, one was in
the education sector, and three were global consulting firms (see Table 1 for
more details about the organizations and the interview programme undertaken
amendments were made to the schedule. Twenty two interviews were then
with a definition of talent or talent management, but used the Mandarin for
interviewed, at different levels of the hierarchy (strategic, policy, operations)
Interviewees were provided with a copy of the interview schedule, and the
interviews lasted from half to one hour; with the permission of the
interviewees (which was granted in all cases) they were tape-recorded, and
were subsequently transcribed (shorthand notes were also taken during the
interviews). The transcripts were translated into English by one of the authors,
then sent to the interviewees, and were subsequently amended/clarified via the
organized under various themes and topics such as how talent and talent
management were defined, what were seen as the key differences between TM
and HRM, and what was driving the organizations to adopt TM. Where extant
HRM; or as organisational competence development) and our four
bottles? will be discussed in the concluding section of the paper, which also
Defining TM
definition and scope of TM, and this was also the case with our Beijing
speaking, they reasonably readily fell into one or the other of the three main
TM and HRM, as they covered the same areas: Basically, the key functional
areas TM covers overlap with those of HRM (Deputy General Manager, B).
This view was shared by others; for example: As far as the scope is
This perspective takes the position that TM covers the same specialist areas as
high potentials; the HR specialisms are also tightly integrated with each
other (which, it was believed, was often not the case with HRM). Illustrations
form the interview transcripts follow to illustrate this focus of TM upon top
HRM, in general sense, is the management of all employees. While TM
(MD, D).
supply, while all functional models have to serve this whole business
The main problem claimed for traditional HRM was that it lacked a systematic
functional model, i.e. selection. Our current TM, however, not only
makes up the other functional models but also makes them more
TM, as a new terminology and model may help counteract HRMs weaknesses
management systems aiming at those people; if they could not enter the
company would not satisfy their own demands. Thus, our professional
and technical talents easily run off. In a word, we were short of a system
or a channel for those people to develop and give full play of their
Here, then, TM practices are designed to create talent pools by focussing upon
particular group of peoplewho occupy the key posts (HR manager, D).
The finance manager from company A observed that:
Our company intentionally trains and develops the best performers with
or rules and call them TM; we put them into employee development.
discrete functional areas, but the whole organization and current and future
employee competence requirements, and any potential competence gaps
which may come to light, which can be filled by ensuring that talent
HRM, and our content analysis of the interview transcriptions identified three
main similarities and four main differences, as outlined and illustrated below.
The findings support the view that strategic integration is a core element of
TM. For example, the Deputy General Manager from B claimed that: all
schemes relating to core talents must be integrated with the business demands
As with Strategic HRM in particular, then, some of the companies regarded
This is about placing the right people into the right roles as a means of
the right places, make sure that people and places are well matched, and the
3. TM and HRM cover the same key functional areas of people management.
Nearly all the interviewees said that their TM projects cover almost all the
the same functional areas as HRM, except that TM might pay more attention
identified the same key functional areas- Stewart (2008: 4), for example, has
observed that TM can be argued to encompass most if not all of the processes
that the HRM function is responsible for. With respect to this aspect at least,
For the majority of the interviewees, TM is just one constituent of HRM. TM
has a more directed focus upon a certain group of people, as against HRMs
concerns with the management of all staff. All the organizations took this
group of individuals who are seen as the most valuable and critical for
that deal with people. It should be said that TM is included by the whole
from HRM in that the latter treats each employee in a similar way and tries to
demands of different groups of people (IT support manager, D). The sales
clear path for his/her personal career developmentBefore, there was
The Finance manager from the same organization said: It is a kind of waste of
Many interviewees saw HRM as focused on the efficient carrying out of its
assessment), whereas TM was always focused upon people per se, i.e.
talents. For TM, the functions are not seen as divided, but as linked and
tightly- coupled with each other around talent. The senior consultant from E
and does not focus on its ultimate products, namely people. While the
For almost all the interviewees, the attraction and retention of talents had
realize the difficulty in filling our vacancies with the talents we require.
The Education Coordinator from B: Currently, the talent competition is
own talents are our main considerations. The Senior Technical Officer from C
Our company pays a great deal of attention to looking after the internal
talents, because we cannot stand the loss of them. Meanwhile, the external
pressure from the talent competition also impacts on our decision process
Given the fierce competition to attract and retain such people, especially
labour market in China, it is perhaps not surprising that both our findings and
the TM literature are in concert over this matter that the war for talent was a
The paper has explored what is distinctive about TM and the factors
influencing the adoption of TM in China. For most, if not all, the companies
repackaging of old techniques and ideas with a new brand label. TM, then,
management of the people resource, which it is hoped will make a
Most interviewees saw a continuity with HRM; both TM and HRM were
appropriate role allocation, and both covered the same functional areas of
management. However, whilst there were such similarities, there were also
differences; HRM was seen to have a broader scope than TM, and HRM
development of talents.
The three conceptualizations of TM derived from the literature review were all
different from HRM, was the dominant definition in company C (the health-
care company). This company also claimed that pressures from the war for
talent were driving it to adopt TM. It also defined as talented all those
in terms of key employees with distinguished performance (A, the software
company) or people with high strategic value and high degree of scarcity
selective focus. These companies were the most likely to claim that their
adoption of TM was driven by the need to attract and retain such talents. In
contrast, company F, the consulting firm, whilst sharing this definition of TM,
with that section of the workforce directly relating to the core business value
chain; the main driver of TM here was seen as the need to overcome the
barriers in attracting and retaining talents. This was similar to company D, the
positions in each job sequence; again, attracting and retaining talents was
seen as the prime driver of TM. Company G, a consulting firm, also took an
In terms of managerial implications, the study suggests that adopting a
model may cause organizations to focus efforts and resources on attracting and
retaining talent, in the belief that such people are the main drivers of high
emphasis on talent development and talent flow, not just on talent attraction
organizational culture, structure and processes. The present study has not
directly explored such implications, and future studies should examine not
stakeholders (eg HR, line and senior managers), but also the people
research. In addition, future studies might explore the extent to which such
models and definitions are adopted in practice, and whether they vary across
sector, size and nationality. There is some indication that consultancies were
more likely to see TM as essentially different from HRM, but this needs
promulgating such models of TM, and that MNCs may play a similar role with
We suspect that, in broad terms, our findings on how companies define talent
and talent management, the differences they see between TM and HRM, and
matters is required, not least because our empirical material has come
TM and HRM. Scullion and Starkey (2000) argue that TM approaches vary in
studies of TM/HRM could explore these differences and the reasons for them
transition (Warner, 2008; Shen, 2007), and hence HR and TM policies and
*We wish to thank the editors and the anonymous reviewers for their
excellence: connecting the Dots, in Berger & Berger (2004) (eds) The Talent
Blass, E., Knights, A. and Orbea, A. (2006) Developing future leaders: The
function: Its the talent, stupid! Human Resource Planning, 24(4): 17-23
Chuai, X. (2008) Is Talent Management just old wine in new bottles? The
Teesside, September.
Chuai, X., Preece, D. and Iles, P. (2008) Is talent management just old wine
Creelman, D. (2004) Return on investment in talent management: Measures
Groysberg, B., Nnada, A. and Nohria, N. (2004) The risky business of hiring
Kesler, G. (2002) Why the leadership bench never gets deeper: Ten insights
Lau, D., China: skills shortage makes long-term talent management key to
Lane, K. and Pollner, F. (2008) How to address Chinas growing talent
Michaels, E., Handfield-Jones, H. and Beth, A. (2001) The War for Talent,
Pascal, C. (2004) Forward, in Schweyer, A. (Ed.) Talent management
Stewart, J. (2008) Developing skills through talent management, SSDA
Tulgan, B. (2001) Wining the talent wars, WW Norton and Company, New
Tulgan, B. (2001) Winning the talent wars, New York: W.W. Norton &
Walker, J. (2002) Perspectives: Talent pools: the best and the rest, Human
Williams, M. (2000) The war for talent: Getting the best from the best,
London: CIPD.
Wilson, B. (2008) Hidden Dragons, People Management 7 August 14 :16:
A USA Communications software 5 interviews-
company; market leader in the
industry; 25 corporate offices HR manager,
Finance Manager
Senior Administrator
Sales Manager
B USA Large IT management software 5 interviews:
company; 150 offices in more
than 45 countries Deputy General Manager
HR Manager
Associate HR Generalist
Senior Support Engineer
Education Coordinator
C UK Provides online multi-vendor 5 interviews:
sales channels for diagnostic,
treatment and surgery planning Marketing Director
solutions; offices in the USA, HR Director
Japan and China Senior Technical Officer
Sales Operation Manager
Public Relations Manager
D Canada Education investment, 4 interviews:
management, consultation,
communication and cultural Managing Director
media; 22 branch offices in HR Manager
China and Canada English Language Tutor
IT Support Manager
E USA Leading provider of HR 1 interview with the
outsourcing and consulting Senior Consultant
services, located in 35 responsible for Talent and
countries and employing Organisation Consulting
approximately 24,000