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Land Acquisition Report

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Namita Wahi
Fellow, Centre for Policy Research and Director, Land Rights Initiative

Ankit Bhatia
Research Associate, Centre for Policy Research

Pallav Shukla
Senior Associate, Trilegal and Former Legal Consultant, Centre for Policy Research

Dhruva Gandhi
Research intern, Centre for Policy Research and IV year B.A. LL.B (Hons.) student, NLSIU, Bangalore

Shubham Jain
Research intern, Centre for Policy Research and IV year B.A. LL.B (Hons.) student, NLSIU, Bangalore

Upasana Chauhan
Research intern, Centre for Policy Research and V year B.A. LL.B (Hons.) student at WBNUJS, Kolkata

Corresponding author: Namita Wahi (namita.wahi@cprindia.org)

Suggested citation:
Wahi, N., Bhatia, A., Gandhi, D., Jain, S., Shukla, P., and Chauhan, U.
Land Acquisition in India: A Review of Supreme Court Cases from 1950 to 2016, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, 2017
ISBN number 978-93-81482-06-3



The CPR Land Rights Initiative was created in November 2014 The Centre for Policy Research (CPR) has been one of Indias
as an institutional space for building systematic knowledge leading public policy think tanks since 1973. The Centre is a
on land rights issues. The Initiative currently houses research non-profit, independent institution dedicated to conducting
projects on the constitutional right to property, land acquisition, research that contributes to a more robust public discourse
and land rights in the Scheduled Areas. about the structures and processes that shape life in India.

The constitutional right to property project is reviewing the CPRs community of distinguished academics and
chequered trajectory of the right to property in the Indian practitioners represents views from many disciplines and
Constitution, from its inclusion as a fundamental right across the political spectrum. Senior faculty collaborate with
in 1950, through numerous amendments and ultimately more than 50 young professionals and academics at CPR and
its abolition as a fundamental right, and inclusion as a with partners around the globe to investigate topics critical
constitutional right in 1978. to Indias future. CPR engages around five broad themes:
economic policy; environmental law and governance;
The land acquisition project seeks to comprehensively review
international relations and security; law, regulation and the
the law of land acquisition in India starting from the Land
state; and urbanisation.
Acquisition Act, 1894 and up to the drafting and enforcement
of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land
Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.
This Report is an outcome of research done pursuant to this

The land rights in the Scheduled Areas project examines why

despite the existence of a protective legal and administrative
framework in the Fifth and Sixth Schedules of the Constitution,
the Scheduled Tribes continue to remain the most vulnerable
and impoverished sections of the population. Through
archival research and case studies of four states, Gujarat,
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Meghalaya, the first three
of which are Fifth Schedule states, and the last is a Sixth
Schedule state, we analyse the separate constitutional and
legal framework governing property rights in the Scheduled
Areas, and how the special protections envisaged by this
regime are eviscerated by a contrary legal and administrative
framework of land acquisition, forest, and mining laws.

The Land Rights Initiative also promotes stakeholder

engagement on land rights issues through our conferences
and seminars, and the Land Rights Initiative Speaker Series.
This innovative and important study contributes to a deeper understanding of several important questions. It is a contribution
to an understanding of how disputes over land are actually adjudicated in the Supreme Court. What issues are being litigated?
What issues are at stake? Are there any discernible patterns in the nature of litigation? By asking these questions, this Report
helps build an empirically grounded and nuanced understanding of the operational laws related to land acquisition in India.
The Report is also an important contribution to an understanding of courts and the rule of law. Most of the debates in this area
focus on statutes, doctrines or individual judgments. This study takes a statistical look at what Courts actually do. In doing so
it allows us to understand the evolution of law more deeply. Finally, although this is not the main aim of the study, the analysis
of land judgments also provides a lot of insight into the relationship between law and society more generally. Which states
produce more litigation in the area of land? Why do court orders often not translate into reform of administrative practices? In
reading this report you will encounter many new questions.

A foreword that gave the punchline of the argument away would be like a blurb in a detective novel that told you who the
culprit was. Therefore, the purpose of the foreword is not to pre-empt a reading of this Report. But I will say this. The study uses
a comprehensive data base of cases adjudicated in the Supreme Court to shed light on land laws. The virtue of this study is its
methodological honesty. It does not claim more than what the data will allow us to conclude. It has supplemented statistical
analysis with a deep reading of the judgments and triangulated it with other forms of qualitative evidence. At one level, the study
is modest. It does not claim to be comprehensive in its treatment of issues related to land disputes. Nor does it claim to have the
magic key that can unlock all the mysteries of land adjudication in India. But its power resides in its modesty. By carefully sifting
through a comprehensive data base of cases, the study opens up a whole series of new questions relating to land adjudication
in India. It powerfully questions many entrenched assumptions about land litigation. It redirects our attention to issues and
institutional practices that genuinely need to be examined. And most importantly, it sets a rich research agenda for the future.

The Centre for Policy Research is deeply grateful to Namita Wahi and her team comprising of Ankit Bhatia, Pallav Shukla, Dhruva
Gandhi, Shubham Jain, and Upasana Chauhan for such scrupulous work. We would also like to thank the Asia Foundation and
the Norwegian Research Council for grants that made this study possible.


President, Centre for Policy Research

This Report is the outcome of a deep commitment on part of the Land Rights Initiative research team to create systematic
knowledge on land issues in India with a view to meaningfully evaluating legal and policy initiatives that can mitigate
land conflict. Our first words of gratitude go to Pratap Bhanu Mehta, President, and Partha Mukhopadhyay, Senior Fellow,
CPR, and Siri Gloppen, Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, for believing in the project and helping
conceptualise and execute it over the past two years.

Many serendipitous encounters and stimulating conversations provided the intellectual and material conditions to
make this study possible. The research team grew organically over a period of two years. I am deeply grateful to Pallav
Shukla, Ankit Bhatia, Shubham Jain, Dhruva Gandhi and Upasana Chauhan for tremendous individual contributions
and outstanding team work throughout the past two years inspite of being in five different locations during the course
of the research study. A chance meeting with Mandakini Devasher Surie, Sasiwan Chingchit and Patrick Barron from
the Asia Foundation eventually led to the Foundation funding the first phase of this research. An existing collaboration
with the Centre for Law and Social Transformation, Bergen funded by the Norwegian Research Council, made the second
phase of this study possible. Workshops held at the Centre in Bergen (2015 and 2016), and at Harvard University (2015),
provided valuable feedback and enabled stimulating conversations with Tom Keck, Professor of Political Science, Syracuse
University, and Nick Robinson, Visiting Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School, who provided crucial inputs for designing the
research questionnaires. From 2015 to 2017, this study became a rite of passage for researchers at the Land Rights Initiative.
Former research associate Spandana Battula and research interns, Achinthya Sivalingam, Apoorva Ramaswamy, Mihika
Poddar, Shreya Ramann, and Sarangan Rajeshkumar provided valuable research assistance for the study.

Seminars at the Centre for Policy Research (2016, 2017), India International Centre (2016), and the World Bank (2017),
and conferences at the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment (2016), Indian Institute for
Advanced Study, Simla (2016), and the National Institute for Rural Development, Hyderabad (2017), provided invaluable
feedback that helped us refine our data. Critical inputs from the CPR community, especially Kiran Bhatty, Neelanjan Sircar,
Arkaja Singh, Kanchi Kohli, Shibani Ghosh, Ambrish Dongre, Manish, Shamindra Nath Roy, Aditya Bhol & Bhanu Joshi
helped us greatly in depicting and interpreting our data. The communications team at CPR, including Bipin Nayak, Madhura
Dasgupta, Richa Bansal and Dhruv Arora, helped design and layout the report. Samita Chatterjee powerfully illustrated
the cover to capture the central theme of the report: serious challenges involved in acquiring land for infrastructure and
industrial development in accordance with the rule of law, symbolised by the Supreme Court, architecturally designed by
Ganesh Bhikaji Deolalikar in 1950 to represent the scales of justice.

Crucial conversations with Usha Ramanathan, senior law researcher, Nandini Sundar, Professor of Sociology, Delhi School
of Economics, Mridula Singh and Abha Joshi at the World Bank, Sagar Rabari, Convenor, Jameen Adhikaar Andolan
Gujarat, helped us understand stakeholder perspectives, and opened up new areas of research. Finally, conversations
with K P Krishnan, Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Deepak Sanan, former Additional Chief
Secretary, Government of Himachal Pradesh, and Hukum Singh Meena, Joint Secretary, Department of Land Resources,
were indispensable for appreciating the working of the most complex stakeholder in the process of land acquisition, the
Government of India.

Director, Land Rights Initiative



3.1 Review of existing secondary literature on land acquisition 10
3.2 Research Design 11
3.2.1 Search and accumulation of all relevant Supreme Court cases on land acquisition 11
3.2.2 Preparation of a preliminary questionnaire for review of all the cases 11
Finalising the questionnaire 11
Systematic review of the cases 12

TO THE LARR ACT, 2013 12
4.1 An overview of the legal framework of the Land Acquisition Act 13
4.2 The conventional narrative about the Land Acquisition Act: the need for reform 14
4.3 The LARR Act, 2013: Redressing the imbalance, attempting a just law 16


5.1 Processes, timelines and volume of litigation 16
5.2 Core legal disputes 22
5.2.1 Those who accept the legitimacy of the acquisition process but seek fair compensation 22
5.2.2 Those who question the legitimacy of the acquisition process and are unwilling to
give up their land 26
5.3 State wise distribution of litigation 32
5.4 Evaluating litigation under the LARR Act, 2013: Retrospective operation opens floodgates 37


7. NOTES 40
1. INTRODUCTION Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereinafter the Land Acquisition
Act),6 the British colonial state adopted and experimented
India faces serious challenges in creating development with a variety of procedures for state acquisition of land.
processes that generate economic growth while being The Land Acquisition Act, originally enacted for the territory
socially inclusive, ecologically sustainable, politically of British India was, following independence, extended
feasible, and in accordance with the Rule of Law. Efficient and to cover the entire territory of India except for the state of
equitable acquisition of land by the state for development Jammu and Kashmir.7 The princely states had their own land
projects, including infrastructure and industry, lies at the acquisition laws.8
heart of these challenges.
In 1950, when India became a republic by adopting the
The states power of eminent domain, inherent in the longest written Constitution in the world, Article 13(2)
exercise of its sovereignty allows the state to compulsorily grandfathered the application of colonial laws, including
acquire property belonging to private persons for a public the Land Acquisition Act, so long as they were not in conflict
purpose and upon payment of just compensation, following with the fundamental rights of the people.9 Consequently,
procedure established by law. The twin requirements of public the colonial Land Acquisition Act remained in force for a
purpose and just compensation are based on the rationale period of almost 120 years, although it was amended many
that no individual should have to disproportionately times during this period.10
bear the burden of supporting the public good, which
the government, as the representative of the people, Article 31 of the Constitution enshrined the requirements
legitimately executes. Lawfully established acquisition of public purpose, procedure, and compensation that
procedures minimise the potential for arbitrary action by condition the exercise of the states eminent domain
individual government officials in compulsory acquisitions power into constitutional protections. However, Article
of property, including land. Such procedures give land losers 31 too proved to be fertile ground for political and legal
a fair hearing as to why their land should not be acquired contestation, and suffered numerous amendments,11 before
and whether the compensation assessed for their lands is its abolition as a fundamental right by the Constitution
adequate.1 (Forty Fourth Amendment) Act, 1978. The same amendment
however, inserted Article 300A in the Constitution. Article
State acquisition of land in India has historically been the 300A provided that no person shall be deprived of his or her
subject of considerable contestation. Land is not only an property without the authority of a valid law, thereby deleting
important economic resource and source of livelihoods, it the requirements of public purpose and compensation
is also central to community identity, history and culture. from the text of the Constitution.12 The Supreme Court
Unsurprisingly then, throughout India, dispute over land however, has reinstated these requirements through judicial
acquisition spans various dimensions of economic, social, interpretation.13
and political life. Existing scholarship has examined
particular conflicts involving major dams, 2 special economic The Constitution created a federal political structure with
zones,3 housing complexes,4 and industrial projects. 5 But a unitary bias. The Seventh Schedule to the Constitution
historically systematic and geographically representative distributed legislative powers between the union and the
data on conflicts over land acquisition has been conspicuous states, while outlining the concurrent jurisdiction of both
by its absence. This report is an attempt to fill this gap by the union and the states in certain cases.14 Land is a state
showcasing findings from a comprehensive and systematic subject, that is, it falls within the legislative domain of states
study of Supreme Court cases on land acquisition from 1950- within Indias federal system.15 As a result, there exist widely
2016. differentiated legal regimes governing land rights of various
categories of individuals and groups across states. However,
2. THE CHEQUERED LEGAL TRAJECTORY OF LAND the acquisition and requisitioning of property is a subject
ACQUISITION IN INDIA in the Concurrent List.16

Both the colonial and post-colonial Indian state have Over the last sixty seven years, as the independent Indian
responded to the political and legal contestation over land government (both at the centre and the states) pursued a
acquisition through a series of legislation. Starting with the strategy of economic development and social redistribution,
Bengal Regulation I of 1824 and culminating in the Land more than a hundred land acquisition laws were enacted

to achieve these goals. A majority of these laws were procedures cumbersome beyond measure.25 Seeking to
enacted in the first decade post-independence and dealt address these concerns, the LARR Ordinance substantially
with particular issues like zamindari abolition and agrarian altered the provisions of the LARR Act by exempting five
reform, town planning, slum clearance and development, categories of projects from the consent and social impact
and resettlement of refugees.17 Most of these laws are assessment provisions of the LARR Act. These categories
still in force today. Apart from laws that dealt directly with consisted of defence, rural infrastructure, affordable
land acquisition, several other colonial and post-colonial housing, industrial corridors, and infrastructure projects
central and state laws contain provisions for acquisition of including Public Private Partnership (PPP).26
land.18 Post-independence, both the Union and the states
made several amendments to the Land Acquisition Act, The Ordinance was re-promulgated on April 3, 2015. Ten
with the last major amendment in 1984. Yet there exists days later, the LARR Ordinance, was challenged before the
no systematic study that engages all central and state laws Supreme Court as constituting an abuse of power on part
and amendments to the Land Acquisition Act. of the government.27 Given extensive opposition to this
Ordinance in Parliament, no law was passed to replace the
Following the 1991 economic reforms involving Ordinance in two successive sessions of Parliament. The
liberalisation of foreign investment laws, and the inflow of LARR Ordinance was promulgated a third time on May
foreign capital, there has been a surge in land acquisition 30, 2015. A bill to replace the ordinance was referred to a
by the state.19 In 1999, a Disinvestment Ministry was created joint parliamentary committee ("The LARR Amendment
and specifically charged with the privatisation of state Bill,2015") comprised of legislators across party lines in
owned industries. Finally, with the enactment of the Special June, 2015. On August 28, 2015, at the close of the monsoon
Economic Zones Act, 2005, the acquisition of land by the session of Parliament, the Ordinance lapsed.28 Following
government for private industry, which had happened in this lapse, in September 2015, the Supreme Court dismissed
an ad hoc manner in previous decades, became official the challenge to the LARR Ordinance as infructuous.29
government policy. Since the late 1990s, massive public
outrage and civil society movements over the increasing On December 14, 2016, the joint Parliamentary Committee
visibility and severity of the land conflicts translated was given an eighth extension to submit its report.30 It
into legislative efforts, first in 2007, for comprehensive appears unlikely that the committee will submit its report.31
amendment of the Land Acquisition Act,20 followed by The government's inability to garner parliamentary
attempts since 2011 to repeal and replace this Act by what support to pass the LARR Amendment Bill, 2015, into
eventually became the Right to Fair Compensation and law, is a testament to the intense and continued political
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and contestation regarding this subject.
Resettlement Act, 201321 (hereinafter the LARR Act). The
reasons for amending the Land Acquisition Act included In September, 2015, the Vice Chairman of the Niti Aayog, a
lack of standing for the people displaced, lack of peoples new body set up by the government to advise it on policy
participation in the government decision to take over their matters advocated that in the absence of parliamentary
land, inadequate compensation and insufficient coverage consensus, state governments should go ahead with state
of those affected by the acquisition, procedural delays and amendments to the 2013 law.32 He referred to the example
inequities, and governmental non-use of the land acquired. of the state of Tamil Nadu, which amended the law in
As described later in this report, the LARR Act sought to January 2015, and exhorted other states to do so. Gujarat and
redress to a greater or lesser extent, all of these problems. Rajasthan passed amendments to the law in 2016.33 Other
states considering such amendments include Karnataka
However, within a year of its coming into force, there was and Maharashtra.34 In 2015, the newly created state of
an attempt to amend the LARR Act by the Right to Fair Telangana passed several executive orders which complied
Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, with the compensation provisions under the LARR Act but
Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Ordinance, deviated from its rehabilitation provisions for construction
201422 (hereinafter the LARR Ordinance). The Ordinance of some irrigation projects in the state. In January 2017, the
was the central governments response to the vehement High Court for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh invalidated
critique of the LARR Act by state governments23 and these executive orders for such deviation.35 Meanwhile, a
industry,24 that the Act would stall all land acquisition recent study done by the Rights and Resources Institute
by making the cost of acquisition prohibitive and the confirmed growing land conflict. According to the study,


there are 289 ongoing land conflicts in India in 2016, 163 of related conflicts in 2013 and 2014 by the Rights and
which directly involve land acquisition.36 The study notes Resources Institute. The study noted that a quarter of all of
that this number only reflects one fourth to one third of Indias districts have ongoing political and legal conflicts
actual conflicts in India. over land, and that conflict is growing. It also showed that
the largest conflict was over land acquisitions for coal
While intense political and legal contestation over land mining and irrigation.40 This study was important insofar
acquisition continues, systematic data to understand the as it highlighted the magnitude of conflict over land, but
challenges implicated in the process of land acquisition it did not shed any light on how such conflict might be
continues to elude us. This report presents findings from pre-empted. More recent data from the same Institute
a comprehensive and systematic study of Supreme Court indicates that there are currently at least 163 conflicts over
cases on land acquisition from 1950-2016,37 with a view to state acquisition of land.41 These recent findings based on
evaluate the working of the Land Acquisition Act, and the media reports and key informant interviews do not indicate
reforms introduced by the LARR Act. the nature of these conflicts, whether legal or extra-legal or
both, the findings are also limited to a nine month period in

This report is based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis The second study by Ram Singh, an economist, involved
of all legal disputes over land acquisition litigated before the a review of all Punjab and Haryana High Court (305) and
Supreme Court of India, one of two constitutional courts in Delhi district court judgments (525) on land acquisition
India and the highest court of appeal, over the period 1950- over a three year period from 2008-2010.42 Based on his
2016. Since the Supreme Court hears cases from all High review, Ram Singh concluded that compulsory acquisition
Courts in the country, this database is representative and of land by the government was inherently prone to
comprehensive both in terms of geographical scope and the litigation over compensation, which was both inefficient
nature of the legal issues being litigated. and socially regressive in its effects.43 The study concluded
that in 86% of the cases, the compensation awards by the
The creation of such a systematic database required both district court were greater than the compensation awards
primary and secondary data collection. Primary data sources by the government. In 63% of the cases before the Punjab
included Supreme Court cases and interviews with experts and Haryana High Court also, the claimants received a
and stakeholders. Secondary data sources included reviews higher compensation. The study also cited a few illustrative
of newspaper and journal articles, reports and books on land examples of cases to claim that the compensation issue was
acquisition. ubiquitous across the country. The study noted problems in
calculating the true market value of the acquired land, and
3.1. Review of existing secondary literature on land suggested that voluntary market transactions in land might
acquisition reduce the intensity of litigation on this issue.44 This study
Much has been written about the Land Acquisition Act, since was highly instructive on the issue of compensation but was
its inception.38 Much has also been written about the pros limited both in terms of the time period studied (3 years),
and cons of the changes introduced by the LARR Act.39 The and its geographical scope (Delhi, Punjab and Haryana).
importance of this study is evident from the historically
fraught nature of the debate on land acquisition, and the The third unpublished study by TV Somanathan,45 a former
chequered trajectory of legal reform in this area, which bureaucrat in the Prime Ministers office, examined land
together show that this issue has not been resolved and costs and compensation awards in Chennai, in the context
will not be resolved in the near future. Existing studies have of land acquisition for the Chennai metro rail project.
been instructive but limited by time and/or geography, Somanathan concluded that land formed a significant
or the issue investigated. Below we note four aggregate component of the project cost (11% without accounting
studies that interrogated the potential social, economic and for government owned land and 20% if one included
political impacts of the provisions of the LARR Act, in light of this valuation), and that courts in Chennai were likely to
the functioning of the Land Acquisition Act. All four studies award four times the compensation typically awarded by
were conducted prior to or contemporaneously with the the government. This conclusion was based on a study of
enactment of the LARR Act in 2013. collectors awards in Chennai over the period 1975-2003.
In other pieces, co-authored with Devesh Kapur, a political
The first study involved a mapping of all land acquisition scientist and Arvind Subramaniam, currently the Chief
Economic Advisor, Somanathan highlighted the scarcity However, all three studies by Chakravorty, Ram Singh and
of land as a key impediment to development, and stressed Somanathan were limited to an examination of only one
that land related issues need to move to the forefront of issue, namely compensation, and therefore underlined the
Indias policy agenda.46 While Somanathans study covered need for a holistic and systematic study of disputes relating
a much longer time period (28 years), it was again limited to all aspects of land acquisition, not limited in terms of
in its geographical scope (Chennai), and the level of court geography and time. This Report based on a study of all
under review (civil court). Supreme Court cases on land acquisition for the period
1950-2016 attempts to fill this gap. Since the Supreme
The fourth study by Sanjoy Chakravorty, a geographer and Court hears cases from all High Courts in the country, this
urban studies specialist, evaluated land markets in India, database is comprehensive and representative both in
and described how the compensation provisions under the terms of geographical scope and the nature of the legal
LARR Act, would affect land markets under this law and issues being litigated.
make them too expensive.47 Briefly, Chakravorty argued
that over the last decade, India has entered a permanent 3.2. Research Design
regime of high land prices. This has been driven by an
increasing supply of money, high income inequalities, 3.2.1. Search and accumulation of all relevant Supreme Court
and scarcity of land. Chakravortys analysis was based on cases on land acquisition
land prices reported in newspapers over the period 2010 At the outset, we created a primary dataset of all relevant
and 2011, which indicated that Indian urban land prices Supreme Court cases involving land acquisition disputes.
ranged from Rs.1.4 to Rs.253 crore per acre. Analysing This in turn involved two steps. The first step was to choose
Residential Price Index data based on home mortgage online archives from which we could extract the relevant
figures of banks from 15 cities during the period 2007- cases. The most comprehensive, most used, most easily
2010, Chakravorty concluded that the price of urban land accessible, online legal archives of Supreme Court cases
has increased fivefold from 2001 to 2011. Based on news are SCC Online and Manupatra. We used Manupatra as the
reports and studies of rural land prices, he concluded that primary archive and SCC online as the secondary archive
rural land prices have increased by 5 to 10 times during to verify the cases collected on Manupatra. The second
the same period of time. In light of this, he concluded that step was to devise search terms that would enable us to
the proposed compensation formula in the LARR Act was create a comprehensive dataset of all relevant cases for the
unsustainable. study. We searched for all cases where land acquisition
was mentioned anywhere in the judgment, in the process
Though limited to post 2007 data, this study was also collecting a total of 2520 cases on Manupatra. We then cross
instructive. However, the data that Chakravorty presented checked the Manupatra cases with the ones we collected
in his book did not bear out his conclusion about the from SCC Online. In this process, we found an additional
unsustainability of the compensation provisions of the 546 cases on SCC Online. So, the total number of cases in
LARR Act in entirety. For instance, the data on reported the primary dataset was 3066.
land prices is no indicator that such prices are actually
paid by the government for land acquisition. In fact, due 3.2.2. Preparation of a preliminary questionnaire for review
to evasion of registration fees, most lands are undervalued of all the cases
before the government, and therefore, more often than not, We then devised a preliminary questionnaire along the
the government would pay less than the market value of following three lines of inquiry. First, we inquired into the
the land on a willing buyer, willing seller basis, as reported procedural and jurisdictional aspects of the litigation, then
in the newspapers. Moreover, as our research shows, the we examined the substantive legal issues in contest, and
government has typically used circle rates to calculate finally, we attempted to get a sense of the distribution of
compensation under the Land Acquisition Act, which do litigation across geography, time and applicable statutes.
not reflect the market value. Contrary to Chakravorty, and
criticism by both government and industry, both Ram 3.2.3. Finalising the questionnaire
Singh and Somanathan concluded that the compensation We then finalised the questionnaire based on interviews
provisions in the LARR Act were not only sustainable but with stakeholders and a sample review of the cases. Both
realistic. at the outset of the project, and throughout its duration,
we had discussions with academics who had worked with


large datasets, and interviews with various stakeholders, 2015. We also have a second smaller dataset of 280 cases
including government officials, researchers, industry and that were decided under the LARR Act, 2013, for the period
civil society groups.48 We followed an empirical approach January 2014 to December 2016.
with limited coded responses (yes or no), or (specific
responses to specific questions), but supplemented these 4. UNDERSTANDING LAND ACQUISITION DISPUTES
coded entries with subjective details and nuances of each IN INDIA: FROM THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT TO

3.2.4. Systematic review of the cases In our dataset of 1269 cases involving litigation under the
The final step was to conduct a systematic review of all Land Acquisition Act, we found challenges to acquisitions
the 3066 cases and to create a final dataset of only land made under 15 central and 87 state statutes (see Figure
acquisition cases. The systematic review was conducted 1). Nevertheless, a little over 87% of the cases involved
in several stages involving multiple questionnaires. litigation under the Land Acquisition Act (see Figure 2).
Throughout the exercise, quality checks of the data were Thus, it is clear that the bulk of the disputed acquisitions
routinely conducted to ensure accuracy given multiple before the Supreme Court since 1950 were made under the
respondents. Of the 3066 cases, only 1269 cases made it to 1894 Act. But a relative comparison of the provisions of the
the final dataset of land acquisition cases. The remaining Land Acquisition Act vis--vis other statutes reveals that
1797 cases were excluded for the following reasons: the provisions and procedures under the 1894 Act tend to
they were irrelevant to the inquiry because they didnt be more favourable to litigants than those under other
involve any challenge to the states power to acquire laws.49 So, it is not the particularly draconian nature of
property in land but had nevertheless been picked up the Land Acquisition Act that is responsible for extensive
in our original data searches; land acquisition disputes under that law as compared to
other laws. Instead, we can reasonably infer from the high
they were land reform cases, which involved large- percentage of litigation under the Land Acquisition Act, that
scale programmes of social reform as opposed to despite the plethora of central and state land acquisition
piecemeal acquisitions of land for individual projects; laws, perhaps the vast majority of all acquisitions are being
they related to the deprivation of property rights done under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. This raises a
not related to land, especially with respect to question about whether the government does in fact need
nationalisation of industries. so many laws of land acquisition in the first place, but a
considered response to this question is beyond the scope
The final dataset of 1269 cases involved acquisitions, of this study.
wherein litigation before the Supreme Court was concluded
and final judgment rendered under the Land Acquisition As the main actor in the land acquisition story however,
Act and other acquisition statutes before December 31, a brief overview of the scheme of the Land Acquisition

Figure 1: Central and state statute wise distribution of judgments


1200 1150

Number od judgments



200 89
Only Central Only State Both Central and State Not Available

Note : There is an overlap across entries and thus the aggregate is higher than 1269.

Figure 2: Incidence of Land Acquisition Act in total Supreme Court litigation
Percentage of judgments

Land Acquisition Act, 1894 Other statutes Not Available

Note : There is an overlap across entries and thus the aggregate is higher than 100%.

Act, and the conventional narrative about its defects that owner of the land is extinguished when Government takes
prompted its repeal may be useful at this stage. possession of the land after an award of compensation is
made. Once possession of the land has been taken, the
4.1. An overview of the legal framework of the Land land vests in the government free of all claims on the land.57
Acquisition Act Sixth, the Collector is mandated to pay compensation to the
The Land Acquisition Act outlined the purposes for which land losers immediately after the land is acquired, except
the government may acquire land belonging to private when the land losers refuse to accept the compensation, or
individuals, the procedure that must be followed for such title to the land is disputed.58 The Collector could however
acquisition, and computation of compensation for such with the sanction of the appropriate government provide
acquisition. land for land, or set off the compensation payable against
remission of land revenue with respect to other lands
Procedure belonging to the land losers.59
The procedure for acquisition consisted of the following six
steps. First, the government notifies that land is needed Urgency Exception
or likely to be needed for a public purpose.50 Second, the The exception to these linear and straightforward
Government directs the Collector, as its representative, to procedures of acquisition came in the form of the urgency
hold an inquiry into the objections, which may be raised clause. In situations of urgency as declared by the central
by persons interested in the land notified.51 Persons or state government, the Collector could take possession
interested encompass all persons who can claim an of the land before making the award of compensation.60
interest in compensation for acquisition of land under the There was no definition of urgency under the Act leaving
Act based on the applicable legal framework, including the determination of the same to the subjective discretion
persons interested in an easement affecting the land.52 of the appropriate government. In urgent cases, the
Third, once the enquiry is completed and all objections are Collector could also issue the declaration of acquisition
heard, the government issues a final declaration that the without hearing any objections from persons interested
land is being acquired for a public purpose.53 Fourth, the in the Act,61 thereby completely excluding the due process
Collector then proceeds with the acquisition, including requirements of public participation in the acquisition
marking and measuring the land to be acquired,54 and processes that were embedded in the law. However, when
also notifying all persons interested to appear before the Collector took possession of the land without paying
him and to stake their claims for compensation of land compensation, the Collector was mandated to pay interest
proposed to be acquired.55 Fifth, the Collector holds an at the rate of 9% per annum from the time of taking
enquiry where he hears objections about the valuation of possession of the land till the time such compensation was
the land and passes a final award of compensation and its paid.62
apportionment between the claimants.56 The right of the
Public Purpose awarded by the Collector, to award in addition to the
The Act defined public purpose to include the provision and market value, an amount calculated at the rate of twelve
planned development of village sites, provision of land per cent per annum on such market value for the period
for a state owned or controlled corporation, residential commencing from the date of publication of the original
development for the poor and landless, people displaced notification to the time the Collector took possession of
by calamities, educational, housing, health or slum the land or paid compensation, whichever was earlier.72
clearance schemes and premises for public offices.63 The Moreover, if the Court increased the compensation amount
Act also provided that land may be acquired for the use of from that awarded by the Collector, then it could in its
companies for the above purposes, or if the work is likely discretion direct the Collector to pay interest at the rate
to prove useful to the public.64 The legislative history of of nine per cent from the time that possession was taken
the Land Acquisition Act indicates that the law was not and the time that the excess compensation was paid in
intended for the acquisition of land for all companies. court, provided that this period did not exceed one year. In
Acquisition of land for companies was legitimate only if case this period exceeded one year, for every subsequent
the public could directly use the works carried out by the year, the court could award additional interest at the rate
company. This was specified so that the government could of fifteen per cent per annum on the excess compensation
not use the Act in furtherance of private speculations.65 awarded by it.73 If the collector failed to pay the land losers
compensation for their land prior to taking possession of
Compensation the land, the Collector was mandated to pay an additional
The Act prescribed that compensation for land acquisitions interest of nine per cent per annum for the time period
must be computed at the market value of the land between the date of taking possession of the land and the
acquired. The legislative history of the Act indicates that actual payment of the compensation.74
the Select Committee contemplated including a definition
of market value in the Act but eventually decided against it From the above review, it is clear that incentives to litigate
since the High Courts had been interpreting it to mean the the compensation awarded by the collector were embedded
price between a willing buyer and willing seller without within the text of the law. But what also emerges is that
difficulty.66 In addition, the Act mandated compensation the law itself recognised that the compensation awarded
to land losers for any damage sustained by the person by the collector did not represent a just compensation, and
interested as a result of the acquisition, for instance due sought to remedy this through the courts. In other words,
to the severing of land from other land, the drop in profits instead of the civil court exercising an exceptional oversight
or earnings of the person, and reasonable expenses for role in case the land acquisition process undertaken by the
relocation if that became necessary as a result of the executive did not justly compensate the land losers, the Act
acquisition.67 The Act further provided that a solatium or envisioned the civil court as routinely intervening to secure
solace amount should be paid to the land loser in addition just compensation to the land losers.
to the market value of the land in light of the compulsory
nature of the acquisition.68 Prior to 1984, this amount was 4.2 . The conventional narrative about the Land
15%, post amendment in 1984; this amount was increased Acquisition Act: the need for reform75
to 30%. Finally, the value of any property such as buildings, The working of the Land Acquisition Act had revealed five
irrigation works, trees, etc. was also mandated to be paid to major problems that led to tremendous and widespread
the land losers.69 The Act however, expressly proscribed the public discontent.76 First, the Act only recognised the
intended use of the land from being taken into account for rights and interests of land titleholders or those who
computing market value.70 That is, if agricultural land was could claim an easement interest in the land. In doing so,
acquired for commercial use, compensation would be paid it failed to take into account the interests of those who
based on the prevailing market price for agricultural land while not holding title to the land were nevertheless,
and not its commercial use. All disputes regarding these dependent on it for their livelihood. Interestingly, in 1958,
processes were to be settled in civil courts.71 the Bihar government had raised this issue before the Law
Commission during the commissions review of the Land
In an unusual provision introduced by the 1984 amendment Acquisition Act with respect to labourers and others who
to the Land Acquisition Act, which highly incentivised lost their livelihoods because of the construction of the
the land loser to litigate, where a dispute was referred to Mayurkashi Reservoir in the state. The commission did not
the civil court, the Act mandated the Court in every case, make any recommendations on this issue but noted that
whether or not the court increased the compensation this was an important question of policy that deserved
careful consideration inasmuch as the loss suffered by the seriously, insisting in its early decisions that the
person was a direct result of the acquisition of land.77 compensation payable in case of compulsory acquisitions
Second, the Act contained only an inclusive definition be the market equivalent of the value of the land.84
of public purpose and the Supreme Court consistently However, through a series of constitutional amendments,
deferred to legislative determination of what constituted Parliament substantially ousted judicial review of the
a public purpose. In successive cases, the Supreme Court quantum of compensation payable in individual cases and
held that the expression public purpose was elastic and ultimately post 1978 deleted this requirement from the text
could only be developed through a process of judicial of the Constitution. This resulted in a culture of payment of
inclusion and exclusion in keeping with the changes in less than the market value for compensation, facilitated by
time, the state of society and its needs.78 The court rejected inaccurate land records, rampant undervaluation of sale
the notion that public purpose meant public use. Instead, deeds and absence of land markets in many rural areas.85
all that the government needed to show was that the
acquisition benefitted the public or a section of the public The fourth problem arose from the lack of peoples consent
in some way. Therefore, acquisitions benefiting particular and participation in the deprivation of their lands, and the
individuals or entities could satisfy the requirement of absence of any requirement on part of the government
public purpose so long as they were in furtherance of a to assess the often devastating social impact of land
scheme of public benefit or utility.79 acquisition projects. Moreover, the protracted procedural
delays and the misuse of the urgency clause in the
However, with respect to land acquisitions for companies, implementation of acquisition proceedings demonstrated
at the outset, the Supreme Court laid down a different test. lack of government accountability in conducting
In 1959, the Supreme Court held that work executed by the acquisitions according to the rule of law.86
company must be directly useful to the public, like a school
or a hospital. It was insufficient that the product of the A fifth problem arose because, as noted in the Tenth
work was directly useful to the public.80 Moreover, the court Law Commission Report, there existed wide variation
would scrutinise whether the governments declaration in the provisions for acquisition in various state laws,
of public purpose when acquiring land on behalf of including on the definition of public purpose, the relevant
companies met this test.81 This was a strict scrutiny test that date for determination of the market value of the land,
was criticised by the government as judicial usurpation of the principles for determining compensation, and the
executive functions. In 1962, however, the Supreme Court appointment of tribunals to determine compensation
made a U-turn and held the governments declaration payable and adjudicate disputes.87 This created a situation
of public purpose when acquiring land on behalf of whereby the central and state governments could apply
companies was conclusive evidence of such a purpose, differential principles of compensation for acquisition of
and that the court would not intervene unless there was a land situated in the same state according to the object
fraud or colourable exercise of power by the government.82 of acquisition and their subjective discretion, thereby
The court also held that a nominal contribution by the creating manifest injustice.
government towards the expenses of acquisition on behalf
of a company would make it a public purpose acquisition. From the above review, evidently, there existed a serious
This permissive interpretation allowed the government imbalance of power between the state and individuals with
to bypass the stricter procedure for land acquisition on respect to the process of land acquisition under the Land
behalf of companies outlined in Part VII of the Act and Acquisition Act. This imbalance existed at two levels, first
avail of the easier procedure outlined in Part II of the Act, at the level of legislation as embedded in the text of the
merely by declaring such an acquisition to be for a public law and second, at the level of executive implementation
purpose, and making a token contribution to the expense of the law. The disempowerment of livelihood losers,
of acquisition.83 sanctioning the bypassing of due process procedures even
for titleholders by the invocation of the urgency clause, and
The third problem arose because of the legal requirement the discretion to pick and choose different procedures with
that those deprived of their land rights must be paid a differential safeguards, together tilted the balance hugely
fair equivalent of the value of the land as compensation. in favour of the state and against the individual land losers.
While the right to property remained a fundamental right, Add to that, executive non-compliance with stipulated due
the Supreme Court took the compensation requirement process requirements of public hearing and calculation


of compensation, and we ended up with a law in action the value of the average of registered sale deeds in rural
that was not merely imbalanced against the land losers areas, and four times the value of the average of registered
but truly draconian. Legal reform introduced through the sale deeds in the urban areas. This amount includes the
amendments made in 1962 and 1984 alleviated some of the solatium amount that was paid on top of the market value
hardship but the scales remained heavily tilted in favour of under the Land Acquisition Act, which was increased from
the state. 30% to 100% of the market value.94 Moreover, the LARR Act
also provides for rehabilitation and resettlement awards.
4.3 . The LARR Act, 2013: Redressing the Imbalance, These awards include the provision of a constructed house
attempting a just Law in place of the house lost through acquisition of land. It
The LARR Act made the following changes to the also provides in certain cases but not all for the grant of
contentious provisions of the Land Acquisition Act. land in place of the land acquired.95

First, by defining persons interested as those having Finally, Section 24 of the LARR Act also retrospectively
an interest in the land, including tenancy and easement applied the provisions of that Act to pending acquisitions
rights, as opposed to actual title, and affected family as under the Land Acquisition Act, provided certain conditions
those dependent on the land for their primary source of were met. This provision is analysed in detail later in this
livelihood, the law broadened the group of people to be report.
compensated from title holders to livelihood losers.88
The fundamental underlying premises of the LARR Act
Second, the LARR Act included a detailed listing of purposes were two fold. The first was that legislation can redress the
that would constitute public purpose89 ostensibly to imbalance of power between the state and the individual.
curb government discretion in pursuing acquisition for Second, the state could best mediate between individual
illegitimate public purposes. land losers and private industry.96 Our research shows
that the first is only partially true and casts considerable
Third, the LARR Act introduced provisions for consent of scepticism on the second position.
persons interested in the land before land acquisition
may be done, 70% for acquisitions made directly by the 5. EVALUATING THE CONVENTIONAL NARRATIVE
government, and 80% for public private partnerships.90 REGARDING THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
The LARR Act contains detailed provisions for social impact
assessment of projects before land is acquired, which 5.1. Processes, timelines and volume of litigation
seeks to ensure greater public participation in acquisition The Supreme Court of India is the highest court of appeal
proceedings. The law also provides for appraisal of the Social in the country and has both original and appellate
Impact Assessment report by an independent expert group, jurisdiction. Article 32 of the Constitution empowers a
composed of social science experts and representatives of litigant to approach the Court directly in case of violation
gram panchayats or village assemblies.91 This independent of any of the fundamental rights. The Court will then issue
expert group has the capacity to make recommendations but orders for the enforcement of fundamental rights. The
such recommendations are not binding on the committee appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can be invoked
that undertakes the social impact assessment, which in two instances. First, in civil or criminal appeals from any
committee is composed solely of bureaucrats. Acquisitions judgment or final order of a High Court, where the Court
made under the urgency clause were exempt from such grants certificate that the case involves one or more of the
assessments.92 following:
substantial questions of law as to the interpretation of
Fourth, the LARR Act sought to curb the misuse of the the Constitution;
urgency clause by limiting the invocation of the urgency
clause to situations involving Indias defence, national a substantial question of law of general importance,
security or for emergencies due to natural calamities, and which in the opinion of the High Court needs to be
any other emergency with the approval of Parliament.93 decided by the Supreme Court. 97
Finally, through a unique provision called the Special
Fifth, the LARR Act prescribed a formula of enhanced Leave Petition (SLP), the Constitution empowers the
compensation for the acquisition of land that came to twice Supreme Court to hear appeals from any judgment, decree,

determination, sentence or order, in any cause or matter the next three decades (1980-2015), especially in the 1990s,
passed or made by any court or tribunal within the territory when the number of SLP cases decided by the Supreme
of India.98 Court was seven times the number of decided civil appeals
(see Figure 4). The litigants may have filed these SLPs both
With respect to our dataset of 1269 land acquisition for the purposes of final determination of a dispute as well
cases, one third of all cases over time were brought to the as for interim relief or for decision on a narrow point of
Supreme Court through civil appeal. However, SLPs have law. Less than two percent of the total cases were brought
been by far the preferred mode for approaching the court directly before the Supreme Court as involving violations of
accounting for a little over 60 percent of all cases (see Figure the fundamental right to property. This low number is not
3). Interestingly, a decadal analysis of the cases shows that surprising considering the abolition of the fundamental
for the first three decades (1950-1979), there were more right to property in 1978.
civil appeals than SLPs decided by the Supreme Court in
land acquisition cases. But this trend was reversed over Unlike many constitutional courts,99 the Indian Supreme

Figure 3: Manner of appeal to Supreme Court

Percentage of judgments


40.0 33.4


10.0 3.7
1.7 0.3 0.1
SLP Civil Appeal Article 32 Article 137 Article 131 Multiple

Figure 4: Decade wise manner of appeal to Supreme Court

400 378

Number of judgments

150 132 122
100 61
41 51 43 53
50 35
1 2
1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-2009 2010-2015

Special Leave Petition Civil Appeal


Court does not sit en banc but in benches of two, three not unusual because especially in the last three decades,
or five, and on rare occasions four (see Figure 5). The the Supreme Court usually sits in benches of two due to its
sanctioned bench strength of the Supreme Court governed increasing workload. The Court only sits in larger benches
by the Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Act, 1956 has in cases involving questions of constitutional importance.
increased from 8 in 1950 to 31 in 2008. Nearly 80 percent of 78% of all cases were decided in the last two and a half
all cases were decided by benches of two judges. This was

Figure 5: Number of judges presiding

Percentage of judgments

20.0 16.1

10.0 3.4
0.5 0.2
Two Three Five Four More than Five

decades. More than one third of all cases were decided in more expeditiously.100 This is corroborated also by the yearly
the 1990s decade (1990-1999) (see Figure 6). A possible analysis of the cases which reveals that by far the maximum
explanation for this can be found in court management number of cases were decided in the consecutive years 1995
of cases. The Supreme Court reorganised its docket in the and 1996, 115 and 130 cases respectively (see Figure 7).
1990s and started bunching matters and disposing them off The average life of the case measured from the date of

Figure 6: Decade wise distribution of judgments

Number of judgments

300 274 276
101 103
100 69
1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 2010-15

Figure 7: Year wise distribution of judgments
140 130

120 115
Number of judgments

























notification of acquisition proceedings to the date of limitation period prescribed by the law.
judgments rendered by the High Court and the Supreme
Court was extremely long. The average time period Nevertheless, the figures for average litigation time period
between the notification of acquisition101 and the High between the High Court and the Supreme Court and total
Court judgment was almost fifteen years. The average time period for a case to be decided by the Supreme Court
time period between the High Court and Supreme Court compares unfavourably with average time periods for all
judgments was six years, and the time taken on average, cases reviewed by research organisation Daksh in a survey
between the initiation of land acquisition proceedings of 40 lakh cases.102 The extensive time period involved
and the Supreme Court judgment was as long as 20 years in land acquisition litigation indicates the extent of
(see Figure 8). These timelines do not imply that all cases inefficiency in both executive and judicial proceedings in
analysed had moved into litigation at the notification stage land acquisition cases. This in turn underscores the urgent
itself. A large number of cases involved significant time lags need for eliminating incentives to litigate by ensuring that
between the time of notification and the date of initiation the text of the law does not incentivise litigation and that
of the litigation, primarily because the government did not the executive adheres to the rule of law in acquiring land.
pursue the acquisition for several months or years after Moreover, since justice delayed is justice denied, our
issuing the original notification. Occasionally, there were study also highlights the need for judicial reform, so as to
delays by petitioners in bringing their claims outside the minimise the long pendency of cases in courts.
A decadal analysis of duration of litigation before the
Figure 8: Average judgment time period


Number of years



Notification to High Court judgment High Court judgment to Supreme Court Notification to Supreme Court judgment

Note: Notification refers to initiation of land acquisition proceedings.

Supreme Court indicates that there is a steady rise in the beginning of the 1990s (see Figure 9). This is again likely
average litigation time period between the issuance of land due to the Supreme Courts reorganisation of its docket
acquisition notification and the High Court judgment and and expeditious disposal of cases starting from the 1990s.
High Court, and between the High Court judgment and The takeaway from this is that similar judicial reforms in
the Supreme Court judgment . Interestingly however, there lower courts can greatly improve access to justice through
is a steady decline in the average litigation time period speedy disposal of cases.
between the High Court and the Supreme Court since the There is a popular belief that there has been a surge in

Figure 9: Decade wise average judgment time period

25.0 23.6
19.9 20.6
19.5 19.1
20.0 16.9 16.3
Number of years

15.0 13.2
9.1 9.8 9.2
5.0 6.6 7.4 6.6
4.9 5.5 5.0
1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-2009 2010-2015

Notification to High Court judgment High Court judgment to Supreme Court judgment
Notification to Supreme Court judgment

land acquisition and acquisition related conflicts since the decades, 1960-1989 (see Figure 10). Therefore, much of the
late 1990s. The decadal distribution of data on the date of litigation involving acquisitions that were initiated in the
notification shows that there has been steady increase in post millennium era have likely not yet been decided by the
the land notified for acquisition by the state from the 1950s Supreme Court. Consequently, we cannot reliably confirm
to the 1990s. Putting together the data on the average life from our dataset that there has been an abnormal increase
of a land acquisition case before the Supreme Court and the in land acquisition or land acquisition related litigation in
fact that 78% of all cases were decided during the period the post millennium era.
1990-2016, it is clear that most of the cases reviewed in this
study involved acquisitions that were initiated during the The Supreme Court more often than not (approximately

Figure 10: Decade wise distribution of initiation of land acquisition proceedings


Number of initiations

150 133
<1950 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 2010-15

53%) bunches land acquisition cases brought before it by based on all the cases for which information was available
litigants (see Figure 11). This is done to decide cases involving is 3, 74,688 acres or approximately 1.5 lakh hectares.
either common principles of law or common facts more
efficiently. Disaggregating the bunch petitions gives us a A little over 70% of all cases before the Court involved
sense of the total volume of litigation. 1269 cases decided multiple parties - both private as well as government
by the Supreme Court involved a total of 13,884 petitions (see Figure 12). Multiple private parties before the Court
by individual litigants. This is just the tip of the iceberg of in these cases can be attributed to the fact that typical
all land acquisition litigation, since only a fraction of cases land acquisition proceedings involve large areas of
make it before the Supreme Court due to cost and access land with several individual parcels and litigants find it
barriers as well as the courts gatekeeping. From this, beneficial to combine resources when litigating against
however, we can gauge the extent of litigation before the the government. The existence of multiple government
judiciary. Putting together the extent of the litigation and parties is understandable because a litigant often arraigns
the inefficiency of the litigation process, it is clear that any multiple state agencies in a dispute such as the collector,
future legal or policy reform must seek to reduce the extent the town planning, and state development agencies (see
of disputes and litigation in the land acquisition process. Figure 13).
The total geographical area litigated within the dataset

Figure 11: Bunch matters


Yes No

Figure 12: Profile of parties



Single Multiple


Almost 60% of all cases before the Supreme Court were private parties subjectively believed that they had an
brought by private parties. This does not necessarily mean incentive to litigate their claims before the Supreme Court
that these claimants lost their claims in the High Court in hope of a better outcome.
or any other court below but certainly indicates that the In the next section, we describe the Supreme Courts

Figure 13: Profile of Appellant




Private Party Government Both Private Party & Government

adjudication of the substantive legal issues before it Both sets of land losers in the second category, also bring
and ascertain whether the private litigants hopes were overlapping claims to the legitimacy of purposes for which
vindicated by the Court. the land was being acquired (6.2%) or the invocation of the
urgency clause in the pursuit of such acquisition. (5.6%).
5.2. Core legal disputes
Our second set of findings reviewed the four provisions A small percentage of cases (1.5%) also feature an overlap
of the Land Acquisition Act, namely, public purpose, between the first and second categories.
compensation, the procedure of acquisition and the urgency
clause, which had been altered by the LARR Act, and that 5.2.1. Those who accept the legitimacy of the acquisition
had been the subject of intense contestation prior to and process but seek fair compensation
at the time of drafting of the LARR Act. 63.4% of the total cases in our dataset numbering 805
cases, that is roughly two thirds of all cases involved claims
The emerging narrative is that the claims before the by land losers seeking enhanced compensation under the
Supreme Court have been largely brought by two categories Land Acquisition Act or applicable land acquisition statute.
of land losers. As mentioned in section 4.1, compensation under the
Land Acquisition Act consisted broadly of the following
The first category of land losers consists of those who elements.
accept the legitimacy of the land acquisition process, but
want to be fairly compensated for their loss according to Market Value of the land + 30% Solatium + Several categories
the rule of law (63.4%). of Interest + (possibly) rehabilitation

The second category of land losers is comprised of those Our analysis shows that litigants have approached the
who question the legitimacy of the acquisition process and Supreme Court to not only contest the market value of
are unwilling to give up their land. Such land losers contest the land acquired, but also the award of solatium, or the
the constitutionality of the applicable land acquisition additional amount of twelve percent of the market value
statute (5%), or what is more ubiquitous, the legality of that the court is mandated to pay, or the interest or any
the procedure by which their land was acquired under combination of these components.
the applicable land acquisition statute (34%), or both.
a. Unpacking compensation claims in instalments. This also includes cases of apportionment
Market Value: Over two thirds of all cases (67.3%) involved of compensation between parties.
contest to the calculation and payment of the actual
market value for the land, whether in terms of the principle Solatium: Approximately 13% of the claims involved a
on which such calculation was made, or the manner in challenge to the solatium payable. These included for
which it was paid, or both (see Figure 14). Most of these instance, claims for increased solatium under the Land
claims involved a challenge to the principle on which the Acquisition Act, or for payment of solatium in acquisitions
government had computed compensation (approximately made under other laws which did not have an earmarked
64%), while a small set (approximately 5%) of the cases provision for the award of solatium.
involved a challenge to the manner in which parties were
compensated. Roughly 1% of cases involved a challenge Interest: Approximately 22% of the cases also involved
to both manner and principle. This category also included challenges to the payment of interest on the award of
cases involving claims for enhanced compensation based excess compensation under the various interest provisions
on court awards made to other successful petitioners of the Land Acquisition Act or vis--vis the award of the
affected by the same land acquisition. additional amount of twelve percent on the market value
and various questions of law as to the interpretation and
Here, the term principle means the basis on which the applicability of these provisions.
compensation was computed. The most common basis of
challenge arose from the collectors use of circle rates as A little over ninety percent of the cases pertaining
opposed to registered sale deeds in the area as the basis for to solatium and interest were brought post the 1984
calculating the compensation, when such circle rates were amendment to the Land Acquisition Act, in large part
much lower than the prevailing market value of the land. because of the retrospective application of the enhanced
In addition, it also included factual determinations by the interest and solatium rates to certain acquisitions pending
court that relevant sale deeds or a requisite number of sale at the time of such amendment.
deeds were not taken into consideration while computing
the market value. Rehabilitation: Unsurprisingly, in the absence of any
mandatory rehabilitation provisions in the Land Acquisition
The term manner includes both the manner and form of Act, only a little over 1% of the cases, numbering ten,
payment of compensation. So, this would include instances involved such claims.
of deferred compensation, where the government pays
compensation in the form of government bonds or cash A small percentage of claims involved two or more of these
certificates rather than cash, or payment of compensation four components of compensation.

Figure 14: Distribution of challenges to fair compensation


70.0 67.3

Percentage of judgments



1.2 1.1
Market Value Interest Solatium Rehabilitation Other question of law

Note : There is an overlap across entries and thus the aggregate is higher than 100%.


Other questions of law: The remaining 1 percent of cases Of the 593 cases, for which information is available for the
involved other questions of law. This set included questions increase in compensation from the Reference court to the
as to whether a subsequent purchaser of land that was the High Court, we find that where the High Court increased
subject of acquisition or the beneficiary of the government the compensation payable (272), on average it doubled
acquired land, whether a statutory corporation or the compensation awarded by the Reference Court, with
a company, could also intervene in compensation the maximum recorded increase as much as 70 times.
proceedings.103 This set also included claims relating to In those cases where the Supreme Court increased the
bars on litigation pursuant to the limitation provision compensation awarded by the High Court the maximum
under the Land Acquisition Act. increase was 145 times, whereas the average increase was
six times, and median increase was twice.
b. Trends in compensation awards
Of the 547 cases for which we have information available The data for change in compensation at the Reference Court
about the change in compensation amount from the level shows a high incentive to litigate the compensation
original award to the reference court, in 86.5% of the award made by the Collector (see Figure 15). As mentioned,
cases, the civil court or the Reference Court increased the this incentive is inbuilt in the text of the Land Acquisition Act,
compensation awarded by the government. The maximum insofar as the Act provides that whether or not the litigant is
increase in compensation at this stage was as much as 108 successful, the court should award an amount equal to 12%
times the compensation awarded by the collectors whereas of the market value to the litigant for the period from the
the average increase was approximately 4 times and the date of notification to the date of taking possession of the
median increase was approximately 1.6 times (see Table 1). land. More importantly, these cases show that the Collector,
as a representative of the government, and the Court are
Assuming that the Reference Court would have corrected clearly at variance in their understanding of how market
any errors in computation of the compensation, we would value of the land must be computed. A qualitative analysis
not expect similar increases at the appeals stage before of the cases reveals that the Supreme Court has since the
the High Court and the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, in 1990s reiterated in case after case,104 that the market value
almost 45% of the cases, the High Court increased the should be determined by reference to the sale deeds of
compensation beyond what was awarded by the Reference land in the area, but the Collector continues to apply the
Court. Also, in 31% of the cases, the Supreme Court circle rates in defiance of the court orders. 7% of all cases
increased the compensation awarded by the High Court involving compensation challenges implicated this issue. In
but these cases did not necessarily involve an increase in key informant interviews with state government and central
compensation at the High Court level. government officials, it became clear that there are broadly

Table 1: Descriptive statistics for change in compensation from original award to Reference court, High Court, and Supreme Court respectively
Original Award to Reference Court to High Court to Original Award to
Reference Court High Court Supreme Court Supreme Court
Number of cases 547 593 589 445
Negative change 12 154 79 7
No change 62 167 325 46
Positive change 473 272 185 392
Minimum (in %) -89.3 -95.9 -91.3 -85.7
Maximum (in %) 10830.0 7145.1 14585.7 15677.2
Median (in %) 158.1 0.0 0.0 180.4
Mean (in %) 433.2 100.7 117.6 602.6
Standard deviation (in %) 909.2 486.7 1100.9 1397.9

two reasons why collectors have violated court orders through the enhancement of the solatium award from 30
over the last two decades. The first is lack of awareness of to 100% and provision of an additional multiplier of 2 in
the Supreme Court orders. Many officials we interviewed rural areas where land markets are not as developed, were
insisted that circle rates were the appropriate basis to a welcome move insofar as they brought the entitlements
compute the fair market value because they had never under the law more in accordance with current realities. The
heard of the Supreme Court decisions. Obviously there is a compensation formula provided under the LARR Act mirrors
gap between the law as pronounced by the Court and that our findings regarding the average percentage increases of
received in the governments administrative manuals. Those compensation from the Collectors award to the Reference
who were aware of this judicial precedent stated that despite Court. Our Reference Court figures showing an 86.5%
this knowledge, they found it safer to apply the circle rates, likelihood of increase at the Reference Court level are also in
even though they agreed that these rates do not indicate uncanny agreement with the 86% likelihood of increase at
the fair market value, because the circle rates represent an the same level for Delhi ADJ awards reported by Ram Singh
objective number and obviate the need for a subjective in his study. In light of our data, repeated claims made by
inquiry into the values recorded by sale deeds. Subjective government, industry and scholars like Chakravorty that the
determinations of market value, especially if these values compensation provisions of the LARR Act would make land
were much higher than the circle rates opened the officers acquisition prohibitively costly lack sufficient basis.
conduct upto scrutiny by the Vigilance Department. As
eloquently put by one official, you dont follow the law, The LARR Act however, additionally provides for
you only get abused by the Court. But if you try to follow it, rehabilitation and resettlement of those displaced in
you might go to Jail. It is for the same reason, that is, fear the process of land acquisition, which obviously adds to
of being open to investigation, the official explained, that the cost of acquisition. Nevertheless, where states have
the government appeals all the cases that it loses like an used the LARR Act compensation formula, for instance,
automaton, whether or not there is any merit in or likelihood irrespective of whether the acquisition is done under the
of success in such cases. LARR act, in Uttar Pradesh for the construction of the Agra-
Lucknow expressway and the Lucknow metro rail project,
From the above review, it is clear that insofar as the LARR they have averted conflict.106 Thus, it is clear that the
Act mandates the collector to calculate compensation based compensation provisions of the LARR Act are sustainable
on an average of the registered sale deeds in the area as and governments can achieve more efficient and equitable
opposed to circle rates,105 the compensation provisions of planned development by adhering to, and not trying to
the Act only embodied within the text of the law what was circumvent the LARR Act. This again highlights that where
already established by judicial precedent. Moreover, the people accept the legitimacy of the acquisition process and
increase in compensation provided under the LARR Act, the legitimacy of the purposes for which land is acquired

Figure 15: Probability of outcome at different levels of courts

Percentage of judgments

40.0 28.2 31.4
20.0 11.3 26.0
2.2 13.4
Original Award to Reference Court Reference Court to High Court High Court to Supreme Court
Decreased compensation No Change in compensation Increased compensation


by the government, they are willing to part with their land or state, was not competent to enact the law or because it
so long as they are fairly compensated for the same. violated the land losers fundamental rights to equality or
property (see Figure 16). There is a strong presumption in
5.2.2. Those who question the legitimacy of the acquisition favour of the constitutional validity of statutes, deriving
process and are unwilling to give up their land from the fact that Parliament, comprised of the peoples
One third of all cases in our dataset involved claims by elected representatives, must only enact laws that are in
those land losers who questioned the legitimacy of the compliance with the Constitution. Therefore, a challenge to
land acquisition process or the purposes for which land was the constitutional validity of the statute is an assertion that
acquired and were unwilling to give up their land. Such land Parliament has failed in its constitutional duty to abide by
losers fall into three categories with some degree of overlap the rule of law as outlined in the constitutional text. However,
between all of them. as mentioned in section 2, many land acquisition laws in
India are of colonial origin and therefore did not undergo
a. Those who challenged the constitutional validity of the parliamentary supervision. In astonishingly consistent
land acquisition statute figures, both the High Court and the Supreme Court found
In a small subset of 63 out of the total dataset of 1269 cases, provisions of land acquisition statutes unconstitutional
a mere 5% of all cases, the land losers alleged that the in almost one third of the cases (31.7% of the total cases
particular statute pursuant to which acquisition was done where constitutionality was challenged, numbering 20) (see
was unconstitutional either because the legislature, central Figures 17a and 17b).

Figure 16: Challenges to constitutional validity of statutes



Yes No

Figure 17a: Whether High Court found statute unconstitutional? Figure 17b: Whether Supreme Court found statute unconstitutional?

1.6 3.2
31.7 31.7




Yes No Both Yes & No Information Not Available Yes No Both Yes & No Information Not Available

Note : In figures 17a and 17b, the legend "Both Yes & No" describes cases where a statute was found to be unconstitutional in part.
b. Those who accepted the legitimacy of the land acquisition by the British colonial state but allege that it is the executive
statute but alleged procedural irregularities in the acquisition or government, represented by the agency of the Collector,
In a much larger subset of 34% of the total dataset of which has failed to abide by the Rule of Law. Administrative
1269 cases, numbering 431 cases, petitioners accepted the law is the body of law that regulates the actions of executive
legitimacy of the land acquisition statute,107 but alleged that or government officials. The government performs
the stipulated procedures had not been followed in their case legislative or rule making, executive or administrative, as
(see Figure 18). Unlike the challenge to the constitutional well as adjudicatory or quasi-judicial functions. Therefore,
validity of a statute in the first set, where the petitioners these cases may be described as those where the petitioners
alleged non-compliance with the rule of law by Parliament, challenge the legitimacy of executive action with respect to
in this second set of cases, petitioners accept the legitimacy all three types of executive functions.
of the land acquisition law enacted by Parliament or passed

Figure 18: Challenges to procedural irregularities



Yes No

Within this set, the first subset of challenges, implicating a colourable exercise of power (23%),. The second and
one fourth of all cases related to the improper exercise of larger category involved cases where petitioners accepted
executive authority in the application of the land acquisition executive authority, but alleged that such authority had
procedures. The first category of cases within this subset been improperly exercised, either with malicious intent
accounting for about half of all cases alleged that the or mala fide (36%), or where there was no application of
Collector or the acquiring authority had acted outside the mind by the Collector (18.5%), or where the Collector took
scope of his statutory authority, either when such authority irrelevant considerations into account (11%) (see Figure 19).
was completely absent (31.5% of cases) or where there was

Figure 19: Distribution of challenges to improper exercise of executive authority

35.0 31.5
Percentage of judgments


25.0 23.1

20.0 18.5



Mala des Lack of statutory Colourable exercise of Non-application of mind Irrelevant
authority power considerations

Note : There is an overlap across entries and thus the aggregate is higher than 100%. CENTRE FOR POLICY RESEARCH 27
Figure 20: Distribution of challenges to procedural irregularities

Number of judgments

150 25.1% 26.9%

108 116
100 16.5%
50 38

Improper exercise of Procedural non- Misuse of urgency Improper acquisition Miscellaneous issues
executive authority compliance of land for companies

Note : There is an overlap across entries and thus the aggregate is higher than 100%.
Figure 21: Distribution of challenges to procedural non-compliance
50.0 45.2
Percentage of judgments

30.0 26.5
20.0 17.4 17.0
15.0 13.0
Notication did not Irregularity in Notication void for Issues related to Delay
comply with the hearing/notice vagueness or lacking non-publication
condition precedent requisite information of notice
under the statute

Note : There is an overlap across entries and thus the aggregate is higher than 100%.
Figure 22a: Whether challenge to procedural irregularities upheld Figure 22b: Whether challenge to procedural irregularities upheld
by High Court? by Supreme Court?

11.4 12.8

28.3 57.3

Yes No Both Yes & No Information Not Available Yes No Both Yes & No Information Not Available

Note : In figures 22a and 22b, the legend "Both Yes &No" refers to cases where the procedure was only partially invalidated.
A review of these cases reveals that some of them show a logistical commitment to building state capacity, including
motivated, others a wanton disregard of the rule of law. It appropriate skills training of government officials and staff.
is abundantly clear that newer or more legislation cannot
bring about necessary changes in executive behaviour The third subset of challenges, comprising 16.5% of all
that would obviate litigation on these issues. Instead, cases, alleged misuse of the urgency clause in bypassing
what is needed is greater and more effective transparency the acquisition procedures stipulated in the statute.
and accountability within the administrative apparatus,
through comprehensive and sustained administrative and Finally, the fourth subset of cases involved challenges to the
bureaucratic reforms. processes of acquisition of land by the state for companies.
Interestingly, contrary to the primacy of this issue in the
The second subset of challenges comprising a little over half conventional narrative on land acquisition surrounding
of the total category of cases (53.4%) (see Figure 20), alleged the drafting of the LARR Act, only 8.8% of the cases, over
non-compliance with stipulated procedures for acquisition the last 66 years numbering 71, involved such challenges.
as described in section 4.1 of this Report. Here, almost
half of the cases alleged that the government proceeded Again, in somewhat consistent figures, in a majority of
with the acquisition without complying with precedent the cases where petitioners accepted the legitimacy of
procedures in the land acquisition statute (45%). Other the acquisition statute, but challenged irregularities in
cases alleged irregularities in the notice given to and/or the application of the acquisition procedures in their
hearing of the persons interested (26.5%), or stated that individual case, both the High Court (approximately 53% of
the notice was not published in accordance with procedure the cases) and the Supreme Court (approximately 57.3% of
(17%), or that the land acquisition notification was vague the cases), upheld petitioners claims. This again confirms
and did not include necessary information stipulated by the petitioners incentive to litigate these cases (see Figures
the statute (17.4%). Finally, 13% of the cases also alleged 22a & 22b)
delays in compliance with the stipulated procedures under .
the land acquisition statute (see Figure 21). c. Those who questioned the legitimacy of the purposes for
which land was acquired
In our key informant interviews with government officials, The third category of cases comprising 6.2% of the
they bemoaned the lack of basic skills of the Collectors total dataset (79/1269) questioned the legitimacy of the
support staff in carrying out the executive functions purposes for which the land was acquired as not being
stipulated under the Act, noting that this subset of public purposes (see Figure 23). In only 13 cases, that is
cases involved errors due to incompetence rather than about 1% of the total dataset of cases, did the Supreme
malfeasance. These kinds of errors are precisely the sort of Court invalidate the acquisition on grounds of violating
things that are impossible to fix through legislation, but the requirements of public purpose (see Figure 24). While
can be fixed quite easily through a sustained financial and
the Supreme Court has historically adopted a highly

Figure 23: Whether legitimacy of public purpose challenged? Figure 24: How did the Supreme Court decide challenge to public



Yes No Upheld Invalidated


deferential review of what constitutes a public purpose, Subsumed within the category industrial purposes are
scant litigation on this issue shows that it has not been a acquisitions for individual factories as well as for industrial
highly contentious issue over time. parks and corridors.

The reasons for this become clear when we review Three fourths of all acquisitions within the housing category
the purposes for which land has been acquired by the were for providing affordable housing for the socially and
government over the last sixty six years. Out of the total economically weaker sections of society, whereas the
dataset of 1269 cases, roughly 30% of the judgments remaining one fourth were for government and private
contained no information about the purpose of acquisition. residential housing (see Figure 26).
Out of the remaining 70% judgments, where such
information was available, the largest number of contested Land acquisition for infrastructure includes acquisitions for
acquisitions was for six purposes: the construction of highways, roads and bridges and power
planned development (approximately 16%); plants.

housing (approximately 9%); From the above review, it is clear that planned development,
industry (approximately 8%); which in essence signifies urbanisation, along with
infrastructure (approximately 6%); infrastructure and industrial growth are the major reasons
for land acquisition and contestation regarding land
defence (approximately 5%); and
acquisition. Insofar, as the failed LARR Ordinance sought
educational institutions (approximately 3%) (see to exclude these categories of cases from the consent
Figure 25) and social impact assessment provisions of the Land
These together constitute almost half of all litigated land Acquisition Act, it would have eviscerated much of the legal
acquisition cases in the entire dataset. Most of these broad reform intended by the LARR Act. It is for the same reason
categories fall within the functions of a modern welfare that state government attempts to do the same through
state. state amendments to the LARR Act must be pre-empted.

Interestingly, even though dams (2%), irrigation canals

Planned development usually refers to acquisitions where (1.6%), and mining (1.1%) have been historically known
land has been taken for the construction of a complex with to cause massive displacement, and are also recorded as
both residential and commercial aspects, and where the the source of major land conflict in the RRI database, they
government seeks to improve the overall infrastructure in together account for less than 5% of the total Supreme
the area. The statutes under which land has been acquired Court litigation.
for these purposes are mostly state Town Planning laws
and the Land Acquisition Act.

Figure 25: Purpose wise distribution of judgments

Percentage of judgments

10.0 7.7
6.2 4.9
5.0 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.7
1.1 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1

Recreational facilities and tourism

Slum clearance and redevelopment

Educational institutions


Resettlement of refugees





Planned development


Irrigation Canals


Metro construction
Information not available

Multiple purposes

Government office
Note : The category "others" includes acquisitions for establishing godowns, transport depots, grain markets, police stations, fire stations, post offices,
museums, oil refineries, research centres, public utility services, reservoirs and tanks, jails etc.

Figure 26: Distribution of litigation of housing related acquisitions




Afordable housing Private housing Government housing


5.3. State wise distribution of litigation ten highest litigation districts in the country (see Figure
A state wise distribution of litigant petitions shows that 28). Districts in Delhi should also have featured in the list
five states, namely Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, given that the state of Delhi has the sixth highest litigation
Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi, account for almost three amongst all states and union territories. But the cases do
fourths (73%) of all litigation before the Supreme Court not provide us information at the district level for litigation
over the last sixty six years. While Uttar Pradesh is the from Delhi.
most populous state in the country and geographically the
fourth largest, the presence of relatively small states like However, access to Supreme Court is facilitated not merely
Haryana, Punjab and Delhi, at the top of the list shows that by proximity but also deep pockets. Anecdotal evidence of
geographical and population size do not account for the the high fees charged by Supreme Court lawyers, especially
extent of litigation (see Figure 27). Senior Advocates abounds. More importantly, based on
the average life of a case as reported in our data, for a case
There are two broad thematic explanations for this to reach the Supreme Court, it would have been litigated
litigation. The first and most obvious reason is proximity for an average prior period of 15 years. The ability to sustain
to the Supreme Court. Since the Supreme Court is located litigation over such a long period of time within the judicial
in New Delhi, land losers in Delhi, and those in proximate system indicates deep pockets.
states like Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh, have the
easiest access to the Court and ability to file claims. When This brings us to the second reason which explains the larger
we disaggregate the litigation data at the district level, dataset: the twin phenomena of urbanisation and industrial
Gautam Budh Nagar or NOIDA, Gurgaon, Faridabad, development. The top 20 districts that account for almost
and Ghaziabad, all bordering Delhi, feature in the top half of all litigation (47%) are all highly urbanised districts

Figure 27: State and Union Territory wise distribution of number of petitions
2500 2396

2000 1796

500 393
312 272
206 160 134
93 90 81 58 45 43 30 21
15 15 12 9 5 4 4 2 1 1 1
Jammu and Kashmir




Arunachal Pradesh
Daman and Diu
Andhra Pradesh

West Bengal


Uttar Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh


Tamil Nadu





Andaman and Nicobar



Himachal Pradesh
Punjab and Haryana


Meghalaya, West Bengal, and Assam

Himachal Pradesh and Tripura

or state capitals. NOIDA leads the pack, with twice as much both inefficient and iniquitous, the government must be
litigation as the next two contenders, Cuddalore in Tamil induced through serious administrative reforms, including
Nadu, and Mysore in Karnataka. The top twenty litigation skills development and accountability measures to comply
districts also include Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Bangalore, and with the rule of law as outlined in the LARR Act.
Chennai which are all state capitals (see Figure 28). Major
urban centres in Punjab, namely Bathinda, Patiala and When we disaggregate the data state wise based on the
Amritsar, and commercial and industrial hubs like Indore two categories of litigation claims described in section
in Madhya Pradesh and Nagpur in Maharashtra also show 4.3.2 above, we find that the states of Punjab and Haryana
high levels of litigation. (see Figure 28). Obviously, land top the list of the category of claimants who are willing to
in peri urban areas that is acquired for the purposes of part with their land so long as they are fairly compensated
urbanisation and industrial development is of higher value for the same (see Figure 29). However, with respect to the
than land in remote rural areas, and title holders of such second category of land losers who question the legitimacy
land have greater incentive and ability to litigate. of the land acquisition process and are unwilling to part
with their land, the states of Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka
This point becomes clearer when we look at the 2016 top the list.
RRI land conflicts data, which shows that maximum
conflicts are prevalent in those states and districts where Apart from the urbanisation and proximity to Delhi
in our study we have found little or no litigation. Since narratives, the extent of litigation (10%) in the state of
only titleholders could bring claims under the Land Punjab, the granary of India, can be attributed both to
Acquisition Act, litigation insofar as it signifies the ability the quantum of land acquired (approximately one fourth
to bring claims is a sign of legal empowerment as well as of the total geographical area litigated) as well as the
faith in and access to courts. The provisions of the LARR fact that land titleholders do not wish to part with their
Act insofar as they extend the ability to bring claims to valuable agricultural land unless they are compensated
livelihood losers along with land title holders can therefore commensurate to what they know the land will yield when
be expected to increase litigation before the courts, if it is developed. That is, they accept the legitimacy of the
the government persists with non-compliance with the development process only so long as they have a share of
rule of law. Since persistent and prolonged litigation is the development pie.

Figure 28: District wise distribution of number of petitions

1400 1245
Number of petitions

800 650 644
600 499 438 431 370 318
400 227 214 192 185 178 170 169 133 133
200 106 105 104












Gautam Buddha Nagar

Note: This figure represents only those districts which have more than 100 petitions.


In the states of Uttar Pradesh in the north and Karnataka the cases where such information is available, Rajasthan,
in the south, however, the emerging narrative of the land which leads the pack, with 30% of the total geographical
acquisition process is one where disregard for the rule of area litigated (see Figure 30), only accounts for 2.2% of the
law and procedural irregularities are more widespread as total litigation before the Supreme Court. Similarly, even
compared to other states (see Figure 29). Land losers in though 11% of all geographical area litigated lies in the
these states are going to court because they do not trust states of Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal, both states
the legitimacy of the acquisition process conducted by the together account for only 4% of the litigation. (see Figure
state government. Thus, this Report highlights the need 30). Contrast this with Haryana which accounts for only
for state specific interventions to address the problem of 3.7% of the geographical area litigated, but accounts for
non-compliance with land acquisition procedures in these 17% of all litigation. (see images 1 and 2). Finally, states like
states. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand
that have been recently ranked high on economic
Interestingly, when we disaggregate the data based on freedom108 indices show low levels of litigation.
the extent of geographical area litigated in each state for

Figure 29: State and Union Territory wise distribution of number of petitions based on categories of challenge
2500 2310
Number of petitions


1500 1316 1367

1000 873821 871

503 496 407
500 281 177134 224
83 49 72 144 151 40 104 47 13670 94 93

Andhra Pradesh



Madhya Pradesh

Tamil Nadu


Uttar Pradesh

Those seeking fair compensation Those challenging legitimacy of the acquisition process

Figure 30: State and Union Territory wise distribution of geographical area litigated
100000 90242
Area in acres

40000 29959 26641 25638
16067 14763 13898 12959
20000 10199

Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal

Tamil Nadu


Madhya Pradesh


Note: This figure represents only those states where more than 10,000 acres of geographical area was litigated.

Image 1: State and Union Territory wise representation of number of petitions

Image 2: State and Union Territory wise representation of geographical area litigated (in acres)


Chart 1: An overview of land acquisition litigation claims before the Supreme Court of India

5.4. Evaluating litigation under the LARR Act: but either physical possession of land was not taken
Retrospective operation opens floodgates or compensation not paid, then the earlier land
On January 1, 2014, the LARR Act came into force. Section acquisition proceedings will lapse, and the acquiring
24 of the LARR Act retrospectively applies the provisions of authority may initiate proceedings under the LARR
the Act to acquisitions pending under the Land Acquisition Act.112
Act with a view to redressing historical injustices under Where an award of compensation was made under
older land acquisition laws.109 In case of a pending land the old Act but a majority of the land losers have not
acquisition proceeding, where a compensation award accepted the compensation awarded, the awardees
has been passed under the old land acquisition law, then would be entitled to compensation as per provisions
the acquisition will proceed as per the provisions of the of the new Act.113
old law.110 However, in the following cases even though
acquisition has been initiated under the old Act, the In this section, we review cases decided under the LARR Act
provisions of the LARR Act would apply. over a period of three years from 2014 to 2016, a total of
Where an award of compensation has not yet 280 cases. About half of these cases were brought before
been made, the land losers would be entitled to the Court under its SLP jurisdiction, while almost all of the
compensation under the LARR.111 remaining half came before the Supreme Court as part of
Where an award of compensation was made five the Courts civil appeals process (see Figure 31). Only 14% of
years before the commencement of the LARR Act, these cases were bunch matters.

Figure 31: Manner of appeal to Supreme court in cases litigated under the LARR Act

50.0 48.9
Percentage of judgments




0.4 1.4
SLP Civil Appeal Writ Petition Multiple Not available

Figure 32: Distribution of pending acquisitions under existing land Figure 33: How did the Supreme Court decide?
acquisition laws
0.4 2 2.5
0.7 2.1

Invalidated acquisition
Validated acquisition
97.1 Remitted the matter
Permitted the land owners to initiate proceedings
Land Acquisition Act 1894 Other Not available Information not available


All but 8 cases were brought under section 24 of the LARR CONCLUSION
Act, which perhaps explains how quickly they have been
finally decided by the Supreme Court. 97% of these cases The process of land acquisition in India has been the source
involved acquisitions made under the Land Acquisition of increasing political and legal contestation for almost
Act (see Figure 32), where the award of compensation was two hundred years. This stems from the inherently coercive
made five years prior to the commencement of the LARR nature of the process, which creates a severe imbalance
Act. Almost 83% of the challenges before the Supreme in power between the state and land losers. Our review
Court involved instances where no compensation had been of Supreme Court litigation since the time India became
paid to the land losers, 2% of the cases involved instances a constitutional republic in 1950 shows that while much
where compensation had been paid to the land losers but of this imbalance was created within the very text of the
the acquiring authority had not taken physical possession Land Acquisition Act, a considerable part of it could also
of the land. Approximately 11% of the cases involved be attributed to executive non-compliance with the rule of
instances where neither compensation was paid, nor had law. The result was a situation of great inequity for the land
the acquiring authority taken physical possession of the losers.
A section of land losers, namely title holders, who were
In an overwhelming 95% of the cases, the Supreme Court legally empowered to bring claims under the Land
invalidated the acquisition proceedings. In 2% of the cases, Acquisition Act sought to redress this imbalance and secure
it remitted the matter back to the High Court and in a single more equitable outcomes through litigation. The vast
case, it permitted the landowners to initiate proceedings in majority of land losers, both livelihood losers, and those
the appropriate forum. (see Figure 32) who had property interests other than title that were not
recognised by the Land Acquisition Act, remained victims
If the above review is any sign of what we are to expect of the land acquisition process. However, because of the
from the LARR Act, and there is every reason to believe it extraordinary long pendency of court cases, litigation did
is, litigation will undoubtedly increase and the Court is not sufficiently mitigate the inequities for land losers and
likely to quash many more pending acquisitions under the insofar as it stalled legitimate development projects, it also
Land Acquisition Act and other acquisition laws. That 200 resulted in a highly inefficient system of land acquisition
of the 280 decided cases involved the Delhi Development for the government. Therefore, reform of the existing Land
Authority highlights the importance of the proximity Acquisition Act was necessary.
factor in understanding the distribution of land acquisition
litigation before the Supreme Court. However, this also The provisions of the LARR Act insofar as they empower
suggests that we may see an increasing volume of litigation livelihood losers along with titleholders to bring claims
from less proximate locations in the coming years. for compensation and rehabilitation, bring compensation
requirements in accordance with existing reality, and
The other provisions of the LARR Act remain untested at introduce requirements of consent and social impact
this time especially since much government effort has assessment, are steps in the right direction for redressing
been focused on circumventing the provisions of the LARR the imbalance of power that was built into the Land
Act. A recent study shows that state governments are Acquisition Act. Nevertheless, our study highlights that
diluting the provisions of the LARR Act by passing rules for legal reform is a necessary but not a sufficient precondition
implementation of the Act under section 109.114 However, for ensuring greater equity and efficiency within the land
if the recent judgment of the AP High Court is a sign of acquisition process. In the absence of administrative and
what to expect, courts will not look kindly on executive bureaucratic reforms, the introduction of the LARR Act will
subversion of the rule of law embodied in the LARR Act. not succeed in eliminating inequities and inefficiencies
embedded within the implementation of existing land
acquisition procedures. In fact, the increase in procedural
requirements under the LARR Act implies an even greater
need for securing executive compliance with the rule of
law, in order to translate the equities intended by these
additional procedures into reality for land losers.

Such administrative reforms include building of state High Court and the Supreme Court as described in our
capacity to meaningfully comply with the increased study, it will be a few years before we can meaningfully
procedural requirements stipulated by the LARR Act, and assess litigation under the LARR Act, and comment on
designing institutional structures that incentivise such the efficacy of the new procedures outlined by the Act in
compliance with the rule of law. This in turn requires securing equitable outcomes for land losers.
a serious mind set shift toward accepting the reform
enshrined in the LARR Act, and not subverting it as we Our findings have also highlighted the extraordinary long
have seen in both legislation and delegated legislation pendency of land related litigation in courts in India. Since
introduced by the central government and various state justice delayed is justice denied, this long pendency is
governments since the time the LARR Act came into both iniquitous and inefficient. Though not the main aim
force. Litigation helps channelise political contestation of of the study, the inequities and inefficiencies of the judicial
state action into legal as opposed to extra legal disputes. process, seen especially in the working of the lower courts
Therefore, by empowering hitherto disempowered land and the limited access to the Supreme Court, certainly
losers to bring claims under the LARR Act, the Act will suggest the need for administrative reforms within the
help pre-empt extra-legal conflict. Since conflict inevitably judiciary to reduce such pendency and to improve access
stalls or derails legitimate development projects, it is in the to courts.
interests of government to comply with, and not subvert
the LARR Act. Our study has revealed that urbanisation and industrial
development, and proximity and access to courts are
More holistic legal and administrative reforms relating to common factors that explain the incidence of litigation
existing land administration, including updating of land across the country. These insights are however preliminary
records to reflect accurate title and other property rights and beg further investigation for a fuller understanding of
with respect to land and accurate reporting of land value the variations in litigation patterns across different states.
in registering land transactions, are indispensable for This is a ripe area for further research by legal and social
ensuring greater equity and efficiency in land acquisition science scholars. Perhaps some of the answers may emerge
processes. from a more comprehensive evaluation of the textual
provisions and actual implementation of the eighty seven
Due to the retrospective operation of the LARR Act, we state laws of land acquisition.
expect a spike in land acquisition litigation in the coming
years. This is corroborated by our three year review of Finally, litigation is only one aspect of political contestation
litigation since the LARR Act came into force. However, relating to land. Vast areas of the country, particularly rural
this spike is not unusual. Our research has shown that areas, and areas governed by the Fifth and Sixth Schedules
over the past sixty seven years every amendment to the of the Constitution, show high political conflict over land
Land Acquisition Act was followed by a sharp increase in but very low levels of litigation. This is likely because land
litigation in its immediate aftermath as individual land losers in these areas usually do not possess individual
losers sought to claim the benefits of the legal reform. titles to the land and were therefore disempowered from
But as mentioned earlier, litigation insofar as it pre-empts bringing claims under the Land Acquisition Act, facilitated
extra-legal conflict may not always be a socially regressive also by the abolition of the constitutional right to property
outcome. in 1978. The LARR Act will likely channelise some of this
contestation into litigation, but more holistic legal and
Determining the extent to which the new land acquisition administrative reforms may be necessary to systematically
procedures under the LARR Act, with respect to consent, redress the causes of such conflict in accordance with
social impact assessment, public purpose, compensation the rule of law. Our work on the constitutional right to
and rehabilitation, have been hitherto applied and/or property and land rights in the scheduled areas projects
litigated is beyond the scope of our study. All we can say aims to provide further insights for mitigating land conflict
is that the Supreme Court has not adjudicated litigation and displacement of vulnerable individuals and groups,
with respect to these issues thus far. Given the lengthy particularly in the scheduled areas of India. Only then
time period between the initiation of the land acquisition will we be able to create politically and socially feasible
proceedings and the final adjudication of disputes by the economic development for the vast majority of Indians.



1. Namita Wahi, Land Acquisition, Development and 38 of 1923, 10 of 1924, 16 of 1933, 1 of 1938, 31 of 1962, 13 of
the Constitution, 642 Seminar Magazine (February 2012) 1967, 56 of 1974, 38 of 1978, 68 of 1984 and 19 of 1988, see
available at http://india-seminar.com/2013/642/642_ Tenth Report of the Law Commission, supra note 7, at 3.
namita_wahi.htm (Visited on January 17, 2017).
11. These include the First (1951), Fourth (1955), Seventh
2. G Seetharaman & CR Sukumar, Land-related conflicts (1956), Seventeenth (1964), Twenty Fourth (1971),
fester despite landmark legislation, The Economic Times Twenty Fifth (1972), Twenty Sixth (1972), Twenty Ninth
(December 04, 2016) available at http://economictimes. (1972), Thirty Fourth (1974), and Thirty Ninth (1975)
indiatimes.com/articleshow/55779348.cms?utm_ constitutional amendments. For details about the
source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_ chequered legal trajectory of the fundamental right
campaign=cppst (Visited on January 17, 2017); K to property, see Namita Wahi, Property in OXFORD
Balagopal, Land unrest in Andhra Pradesh-III: Illegal HANDBOOK ON THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION, 943
acquisition in tribal areas, 42(40) Economic and Political (Sujit Choudhry, Madhav Khosla, and Pratap Bhanu
Weekly 4029-4034 (October 06, 2007); T.F Homer-Dixon, Mehta ed(s), 2016) at 944.
Environmental scarcities and violent conflict: Evidence
12. Wahi, supra note 11; Namita Wahi, State, Private Property
from cases, 19(1) International Security 5-40 (1994).
and the Supreme Court, 29:19 Frontline Magazine (2012).
3. P. Sampat, The Goan Impasse: Land rights and
13. K T Plantation Private Limited v. State of Karnataka, (2011) 9
resistance to SEZs in Goa, India, 42(3-4) Journal of Peasant
SCC 1; Super Cassettes Industries Limited v. Music Broadcast
Studies 765-790 (2015); M. Levien, Special economic
Private Limited, (2012) 5 SCC 488; Wahi, supra note 11, at
zones and accumulation by dispossession in India, 11(4)
Journal of Agrarian Change 454-483 (2011); M. Levien, The
land question: special economic zones and the political 14. The Union List consists of those subjects on which
economy of dispossession in India, 39(3-4) The Journal of only Parliament or the union legislature is empowered
Peasant Studies 933-969 (2012). to legislate; List II or the State List consists of those
subjects on which only the state legislatures can
4. B. Sanyal and V. Mukhija, Institutional pluralism and
legislate, and finally, List III or the Concurrent List
housing delivery: A case of unforeseen conflicts in
consists of those subjects on which both the union and
Mumbai, India, 29(12) World Development 2043-2057
state legislatures are empowered to legislate.
(2001); M.H. Zrah, Conflict between green space
preservation and housing needs: The case of the Sanjay 15. Entry 18, List II of the Constitution, provides, Land, that
Gandhi National Park in Mumbai, 24(2) Cities 122-132 is to say, rights in or over land, land tenures including
(2007). the relation of landlord and tenant, and the collection of
rents; transfer and alienation of agricultural land; land
5. H.P. Bedi and L. Tillin, Inter-state competition, land
improvement and agricultural loans; colonisation.
conflicts and resistance in India, 43(2) Oxford Development
Studies 194-211 (2015); V. Narain, Growing city, shrinking 16. Entry 42, List III of the Constitution provides, Acquisition
hinterland: land acquisition, transition and conflict and requisitioning of property.
in peri-urban Gurgaon, India, 21(2) Environment and 17. Wahi, supra note 1.
Urbanization 501-512 (2009).
18. The colonial laws included for instance, the Telegraphs
6. Atul M. Setalvad, A Study into Certain Aspects of the Act, 1885, the Railways Act, 1890, the Electricity Act, 1910,
Land Acquisition Act, 1894, 13(1) Journal of the Indian Law and the Forest Act, 1927. The Railways and Electricity
Institute 1, 2 (January-March 1971). Acts have now been repealed and replaced by the
7. Tenth Report of the Law Commission of India, Law of Railways Act, 1989 and the Electricity Act, 2003, both of
Acquisition and Requisitioning of Land, (1958). which also contain provisions for land acquisition. Laws
enacted post-independence included, for instance, the
8. For instance, the Mysore Land Acquisition Act, 1894,
Damodar Valley Corporation Act, 1948, the Slum Areas
the Hyderabad Land Acquisition Act, 1899 and the
(Improvement and Clearance) Act, 1956 and the Coal
Travancore Land Acquisition Act, 1914.
Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957.
9. Part III of the Constitution outlines the fundamental
19. M. Ghatak, and P. Ghosh, The land acquisition bill: a
rights to life (Article 21), liberty (Article 19), equality
critique and a proposal, 46(41) Economic and Political
(Article 14) and property (Article 31). The Forty Fourth
Weekly 65-72 (2011).
Constitutional Amendment, 1978 abolished the
fundamental right to property but retained it as a 20. See, the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, 2007.
constitutional right in Article 300A. 21. See, Namita Wahi, Equity of Land Acquisition, The New
10. The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 was amended by Act 9 Indian Express (November 29, 2011) available at http://
of 1910, 4 and 10 of 1914, 17 of 1919, 33 of 1920, 19 of 1921, www.newindianexpress.com/opinion/article250235.

ece?service=print (Visited on January 20, 2017); Namita com/news/national/Panel-on-Land-Bill-given-8th-
Wahi, Compromise over land takeover, The New extension/article16805122.ece (Visited on February 16,
Indian Express (September 11, 2013) available at http:// 2017).
31. Interview with Mr. Jairam Ramesh, former Minister for
Rural Development (April 13, 2016).
ece?service=print (Visited on January 20, 2017).
32. Land Act bit draconian, frame own laws: Arvind
22. Namita Wahi, Lay of the Land, The Indian Express (March
Panagriya to States, The Economic Times (September
18, 2015) available at http://indianexpress.com/article/
10, 2015) available at http://articles.economictimes.
opinion/columns/lay-of-the-land (Visited on January
20, 2017).
23. Proposed land acquisition bill seen as a retrograde step (Visited on February 16, 2017).
The Hindu Business Line (November 15, 2011) available
33. Mahesh Langa, Gujarat passes diluted land acquisition
at http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/
bill, The Hindu (April 01, 2016) available at http://www.
article2627420.ece (Visited on February 25, 2017).
24. Prabhakar Sinal, Builders call land acquisition bill anti- passes-diluted-land-acquisition-bill/article8419242.ece
development Times of India (September 7, 2011) available (Visited on February 16, 2017).
at http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-
34. Anil Sasi, Centres bill on hold, states move on land
acquisition, The Indian Express (December 25, 2015)
available at http://indianexpress.com/article/india/
Industry against proposed law on land acquisition
The Hindu (November 14, 2011) available at http://www.
on-land-acquisition/ (Visited on February 16, 2017).
proposed-law-on-land-acquisition/article2627611.ece 35. Kondakandla Yadaiah v. State of Telangana, W .P. No. 25036
(Visited on February 25, 2017). of 2016.
25. Nigam Prusty and Krishna N. Das, India considers 36. Rights and Resources Initiative, Land Conflicts in India:
emergency orders to ease land deals, auction An Interim Analysis, (November 2016) available at http://
minerals Reuters (December 29, 2014) available rightsandresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/
at https://www.reuters.com/article/india-reform- Land-Conflicts-in-India-An-Interim-Analysis_
idUSL3N0UD1MM20141229 (Visited on January 20, November-2016.pdf http://www.landconflictwatch.org/
2017). node/498/all/all/all/all/51 (Visited on February 25, 2017).
26. Section 10A of the LARR Ordinance, 2014. 37. The dataset of 2016 cases includes all cases under the
LARR Act but may not include all cases under the Land
27. Shreeja Sen, SC issues notice to Centre on petition
Acquisition Act.
against land ordinance, LiveMint (April 13, 2015)
available at http://www.livemint.com/Politics/ 38. For instance, see Mohammed Asif, Land Acquisition
Ts8tD7CJYGZDklRVKOmGIM/SC-issues-notice-to- Act: Need for an Alternative Paradigm, 34(25) Economic
Centre-in-petition-against-land-acquisit.html?utm_ and Political Weekly 1564 (1999); Setalvad, supra note 6.
content=buffer1de22&utm_medium=social&utm_ 39. For instance, see PRS Legislative Research, All about the
source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer (Visited Land Acquisition Debate, (2011-2017) available at http://
on January 20, 2017). www.prsindia.org/pages/land-acquisition-debate-139/
28. Nistula Hebbar, Land Ordinance allowed to lapse, (Visited on February 16, 2017); Bhavdeep Kang, 2013
The Hindu (August 29, 2015) available at http://www. Land Act: Historical Injustice Corrected, DNA (October
thehindu.com/news/national/land-ordinance-allowed- 2, 2015) available at http://www.dnaindia.com/
to-lapse/article7592054.ece (Visited on January 20, analysis/column-2013-land-act-historical-injustice-
2017). corrected-2130745 (Visited on February 16, 2017).
29. Supreme Court accepts the centres stand, dispose of 40. Rights and Resources Initiative, As Modi Government
pleas on land ordinance, The Economic Times (September in India Proceeds with Economic Development Agenda,
24, 2015) available at http://articles.economictimes. New Map Tracking Land Disputes Shows Disturbing
indiatimes.com/2015-09-24/news/66854664_1_land- Pattern of Conflicts with Local People, (November 25,
acquisition-ordinance-re-promulgation-ordinance- 2014) available at http://www.rightsandresources.org/
terming (Visited on February 12, 2016). news/as-modi-government-in-india-proceeds-with-
30. Panel on Land Bill given 8th extension, The Hindu
(December 14, 2016) available at http://www.thehindu.
local-people/ (Visited on February 16, 2017).
41. Rights and Resources Initiative, supra note 36. 65. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Council of the
Governor General of India: Land Acquisition Amendment
42. Ram Singh, Inefficiency and abuse of compulsory land
Bill, Part VI, Gazette of India, March 12, 1892, at 28. See
acquisition: An Enquiry into the way forward, 47(19)
also, Namita Wahi, How Singur Turned the Tide on
Economic and Political Weekly 46 (2012); see also Ram
Land Acquisition in India, The Wire (September 28,
Singh, Litigation over Eminent Domain Compensation,
2016) available at https://thewire.in/68984/singur-
International Growth Centre Working paper (September
turned-tides/ (Visited on February 16, 2017).
66. Tenth Report of the Law Commission, supra note 7, at 25.
43. Singh, id at 46.
67. Section 23(1), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
44. Singh, id. at 49-50.
68. Section 23(2), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
45. Study available in the form of a Microsoft Power Point
presentation and Meeting Notes on file with the CPR 69. Section 23(1), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
Land Rights Initiative.
70. Section 24, Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
46. Devesh Kapur, Arvind Subramaniam, and T.V.
71. Section 18, Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
Somanathan, Land Shackled- I, Business Standard (July
20, 2014) available at http://www.business-standard. 72. Section 23(1A), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
com/article/opinion/devesh-kapur-t-v-somanathan- 73. Section 28, Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
html (Visited on February 16, 2017). 74. Section 34, Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
47. Sanjoy Chakravorty, THE PRICE OF LAND: ACQUISITION, 75. This section has been taken from Wahi, supra note 1.
CONFLICT, CONSEQUENCE (1st edn., 2013). 76. Jairam Ramesh and Muhammad Khan, LEGISLATING
48. Our research benefited from discussions with Pratap FOR JUSTICE: THE MAKING OF THE 2013 LAND
Bhanu Mehta, Siri Gloppen, Nick Robinson, Tom ACQUISITION LAW (2015).
Keck, Deepak Sanan, K.P. Krishnan, Abha Joshi, Partha 77. Tenth Report of the Law Commission, supra note 7.
Mukhopadhyay and Kiran Bhatty.
78. Surya Pal Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh, [1952] SCR 1056,
49. P. Vajravelu Mudaliar v. Special Deputy Collector, Madras, AIR 1073; State of Bihar v. Kameshwar Singh, AIR 1952 SC 252.
1965 SC 1017; Balammal and others. v. State of Madras, AIR
1968 SC 1425; Municipal Corporation v. K.N.Palshikar, AIR 79. Thambiran Padayachi v. State of Madras, AIR 1952 Mad 75;
1969 SC 579; Union of India v. Swaran Singh and Ors. (1998) State of Bombay v. Nanji, [1956] SCR 18; Bhagwat Dayal v.
8 SCC 593; Defence Estate Officer v. Syed Abdul Aseem, (2015) Union of India, AIR 1959 Punj 544.
12 SCC 294. 80. R. L. Arora v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1964 SC 1230.
50. Section 4, Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 81. Id.
51. Section 5, Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 82. Somavanti v. State of Punjab, AIR 1963 SC 151.
52. Section 3(b), Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 83. Wahi, supra note 65.
53. Section 6, Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 84. State of West Bengal v. Bela Banerjee, AIR 1954 SC 170; see
54. Section 8, Land Acquisition Act, 1894. also, Wahi, supra note 11.
55. Section 9, Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 85. Ramesh, supra note 76.
56. Sections 11 and 12, Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 86. Id.
57. Section 16, Land Acquisition Act, 1894. 87. Tenth Report of the Law Commission, supra note 7, at 16-
58. Section 31(1), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
88. Section 3(x), LARR Act, 2013.
59. Section 31(2), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
89. Section 2, LARR Act, 2013.
60. Section 17(1), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
90. Section 2(2)(b), LARR Act, 2013.
61. Section 17(4), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
91. Sections 5-8, LARR Act, 2013.
62. Section 34, Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
92. Section 9, LARR Act, 2013.
63. Section 3(f), Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
93. Section 40(2), LARR Act, 2013.
64. Part VII, Section 39, Land Acquisition Act, 1894.

94. Section 30, LARR Act, 2013. statute.
95. Second Schedule, LARR Act, 2013. 108. This is taken from the Assessment of State
Implementation of Business Reforms 2015-16, available
96. Ramesh, supra note 76; statements made by Muhammad
at http://eodb.dipp.gov.in/Press%20Release.pdf
Khan, OSD to the Minister for Rural Development in
(Visited on February 21, 2016).
several conferences relating to the LARR Act.
109. Ramesh, supra note 76.
97. Articles 132-133, THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA.
110. Section 24(1)(a), LARR Act, 2013.
111. Section 24(1)(b), LARR Act, 2013.
99. For instance, the Supreme Court of the United States
and the South African Constitutional Court. 112. Section 24(2), LARR Act, 2013.
100. Abhishek Manu Singhvi, "Beating the Backlog: Less talk, 113. Proviso to section 24(2), LARR Act, 2013.
more action" (2007) 2 SCC J-9.
114. Kanchi Kohli and Debayan Gupta, Mapping dilutions
101. In the Land Acquisition Act, this corresponds to the date in a Central Law: A Comparative Analysis of State Level
of issuance of the Section 4 notification. Rules made under the Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
102. The Daksh Rule of Law project has analysed 40 lakh
Resettlement (RFCTLARR) Act, 2013 CPR Working Paper
cases pending in various courts across the country.
Series, available at file: https://scroll.in/article/827183/
Daksh data reveals that the average judicial pendency
before subordinate courts in India is 6 years, and
before the High Court is 3 years. For cases decided by
(Visited on February 25, 2016).
the Supreme Court, the average time a litigant spends
in court is 13 years, see, Harish Narsappa, The long,
expensive road to Justice, India Today (April 27, 2016)
available at http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/judicial-
road-to-justice/1/652784.html (Visited on February 16,
103. Deep Chand v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1959 SC 648;
Gurjoginder Singh v. Jaswant Kaur, (1994) 2 SCC 368; Bihar
State Electric Board v. State of Bihar, (1994) Supp. (3) SCC
743; Draupadi Dharmada Trust v. Daya Shankar (2010)
15 SCC 799; Delhi Development Authority v. Bhola Nath
Sharma (2011) 2 SCC 54.
104. Jawajee Naganatham v. Revenue Divisional Officer, (1994) 4
SCC 595; Painder Singh v. Union of India, (1995) 5 SCC 310;
Ranvir Singh v. Union of India, AIR 2005 SC 3467; Thakur
Kuldip Singh v. Union of India and others, AIR 2010 SC 1272.
105. Section 26, LARR Act, 2013.
106. Swati Mathur, India's longest e-way tells a story of
land acquisition feat, The Times of India (May 28, 2015)
available at http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/
feat/articleshow/47451496.cms (Visited on February 16,
2017); Land acquisition simplified in Uttar Pradesh,
The Financial Express (March 18, 2015) available at http://
simplified-in-uttar-pradesh/55068/ (Visited on February
16, 2017).
107. Out of this subset of cases, 27 cases that involved
challenges to the legitimacy of the land acquisition
procedures, also involved a challenge to the
constitutional validity of the applicable land acquisition


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