Jedi Academy Console Commands
Jedi Academy Console Commands
Jedi Academy Console Commands
All Jedi Academy Cheats (For real!) Single Player Version Success rate: 100.00%
Hello there! Looking for cheats? Well you've hit the jackpot! I am currently making
a cheat manual for this game, and I think that I am almost finished. This guide
pretty much covers everything, so happy cheating!
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Knight 3:Jedi Academy Single Player Cheat Guide
Console Searching: In the console, type PAGE-UP, and PAGE-DOWN to scroll up and
down. Type a letter and type TAB to see all the commands that begin with that
letter. Some of the commands may not be listed like "taunt" for instance.
Type the UP arrow to go to the last entered text. This is the way I found cheats
myself! Type ";" to enter multiple cheats. Example: "Saber single_3; sabercolor 1
yellow". Type "Clear" to clear all the text in the console.
Updates and Extras: If you are looking for updates, I got the 1.1 version on and there are also downloads that do cool things like make your
lightsaber a flashlight on Anyway, good luck with these things.
And try going to for game demos, links to the official sites,
purchasing games, and more! Go to for cheat codes, and to search for anything relating to Star Wars. is the official site for the game, and
there is a shorter way to spell it, and it will go to the
same site anyway. Also, you may go to to get a free download of
allowing you to unzip the files that you've downloaded online.
Keyboard Combinations:
ALT + ENTER = Switches the game between full screen and not full screen.
ALT + TAB = Goes back to the desktop/game. NOTE: This only works once, unless you
have another application open.
SHIFT + ' or ~ = Opens the cheat console, allowing you to enter cheat codes.
SINGLE PLAYER: To enter cheats push shift + tilde, (or whatever the button to the
left of the "1/!" key is.) and then type "devmapall" to enable cheats. NOTE: You
may actually type "helpusobi 1" instead of "devmapall".
Table of Contents: Use this handy part to guide you around the guide.
Single Player Codes A-M
Single Player Codes N-Z
Single, and Multiplayer Maps
NPC, Item, and Saber Codes
Single Player Hints, and Glitches
Multiplayer Regular Map Codes
Multiplayer Cheat Map Codes, and Multiplayer Hints, and Glitches
Cinematic (Video File)-Type "Dir v roq" to find video files. This plays the movies,
but will exit the current level you are on, or may restart it.
Cl_yawspeed 1000-Allows you to spin around really fast by turning. Not much of a
code in Single Player though.
Control (NPC Target name)-Type "Npc score" to find the target names of NPC's, this
allows you to control other NPC's! Type "Control" to regain control of your
character. -With this, you can even control cutscene characters.
Devmap (Mapname)-Brings you a certain level with cheats active. Map names are
listed later.
Devmapall-Enables cheats.
Devmapall (Mapname)-Does the same thing as "Devmap". Map names are listed later.
Devmapbsp, mdl, snd (Mapname)-Does the same thing as Devmap, map names are listed
D_jediAI 1-?
D_npcAI 1-?
D_npcfreeze (1/0)-Freezes/Unfreezes non-player characters.
D_slowmodeath (1/0)-Turns a slow-motion death ON/OFF.-"D_slowmodeath 9" makes you
always die in slow-motion.
Give (Items, Weapons, Armor, Health, Etc.)-Automatically gives you whatever item
desired. "Give" commands are listed later.
God-Makes you invulnerable. (Except to a rancor eating you and death drops.)
Handicap (#)- May decrease or increase game difficulty, but I dont know how.
Ingamecinamatic (video file)-Type "Dir v roq" to find video files, this will play
the movie, than go back to the game. -Example: "Ingamecinamatic video/ja12".
Kill-Makes you perform suicide. -Use this if you are stuck in an area, and can't
get out.
Levelshot-This is like a "Screenshot", only without the HUD. WARNING: You will not
be able to get the HUD back, until next time you play.
Map (map name)-Use this like devmap, only won't have cheats active. Maps are listed
Mapname-Tells you the map that your in.
Music (music file)-Type "Dir m mp3" to find music files, this will play a song from
the game. -Example: "Music vjun3".
Noclip-Allows you to fly around, go through solids, and only a rancor can touch
you, but not kill you.
Notarget-Makes you invisible to foes, but it wont work on BOTs in multiplayer.
Npc kill (Target name)-Type "Npc score" to find the target names of NPC's, this
kills the NPC.
Npc kill all-Kills all the NPC's.
Npc kill team (team name)-Kills a group of NPC's.
Npc score-Tells you names/targetnames of all the current NPCs. NOTE:Spawned NPCs
won't have target names.
Team names are:
Player-Kills all your teammates, Enemy-Kills all foes, Neutral-Kills jawas,
bartenders, and stuff, and Nonally-Kills all but your teammates.
Npc spawn-Allows you to spawn a certain NPC. NPC's are listed later.
Npc spawn vehicle-Allows you to spawn a certain vehicle. Vehicles are listed later.
Play (sound file)-type "dir s" to find sound files, this plays a sound.
S_musicvolume (#)-Changes the volume of the music. - "S_musicvolume 0" mutes the
S_Volume (#)-Changes the volume of everything but the music.
S_volumevoice (#)-Changes the volume of NPCs voices, as well as your own.
Ui_stats_(TAB)-Type "Ui_stats_" and then type TAB until you find the stat you want
to change for the current mission. When the mission is complete, and you see your
score thing, it will show you the stats. This may work only sometimes.
Unbind (KEY)-Will remove the commands of that key. -Unbindall removes all the
commands from all the keys.
Undying-Sets your health to 999. -Type, "Give armor" to set your armor to 999 too.
Viewpos-Type this to see where you are. -Use with the "Setviewpos" code.
Version-Tells you what version your game is, Example: I updated my game, so its
version: v1.0.1.0.
Weapon (*-0) Changes your weapon, type "Weapon" to put away all weapons.
Where (Type of Object)-Tells you where to find certain objects. Objects are: Item,
Weapon, Misc, Ammo,
Info, Lightsaber, and Player. Use with the "Setviewpos" code.
Zoom-Allows you to use binoculars, but the battery wears out after awhile. Type
"Give item_battery" to get more battery power for this thing.
Actions:Try doing these-
Meditate-Player Meditates.
Gloat-Player Gloats.
Flourish-Player Flourishes.
Bow-Player Bows.
Taunt-Player taunts.
Map List:Here are the lists of maps to be used with the map, or devmap codes. If
you have the 1.1 version, you may use multiplayer maps in single player, and vice-
Multi-Player Maps (Write downloaded maps next to the ones I already typed.)
Mp/ffa1-Vjun Sentinel
Mp/ffa2-Korriban Tombs
Mp/ffa3-Tattoine City
Mp/ffa4-Rift Sanctuary
Mp/ffa5-Taspir (Like the one in Single Player)
Mp/dueL1-Bespin Courtyard
Mp/dueL2-Genarater Room
Mp/dueL3-Imperial Shaft
Mp/dueL4-Imperial Control Room
Mp/dueL5-Taspir Landing
Mp/dueL6-Yavin Training Area
Mp/dueL7-Rancor Pit
Mp/dueL8-Abandoned City
Mp/dueL9-Hoth Canyon
Mp/dueL10-Vjun Fuel Processing
Mp/ctf1-Imperial Drop Zone
Mp/ctf2-Hoth Wasteland
Mp/ctf3-Yavin Hilltops
Mp/ctf4-Courasant Streets
Mp/siege_desert-Desert Rescue
Mp/siege_hoth-Battle of Hoth
Mp/siege_korriban-"Stop dark Jedi from resurrecting Ragnos!"
Super Secret Areas: I have found some areas that you can only enter by using cheat
codes; these are the coordinates of the areas. The ones with the * next to them are
really cool. To get in these areas, just type "Setviewpos (# # # 0)". The #s are
listed here. Read the Map Names section to find out which maps these are in, and be
sure you typed 0 at the end. Example: "Setviewpos 1471 -4752 325 0" Have fun
exploring all these areas. You might even find some yourself because I didnt list
them all.
Yavin1- (6226 -2643 520) (1292 1117 211) (2100 3840 428*), Yavin2- (1471 -4752 325)
(2046 -5017 667) (-250 -5777 532) (-388 -2749 475) (436 5174 190*), T1_sour- (9364
-6347 332*) (10099 -6416 467) (10852 -4792 1296) (2448 -6094 -105), T1_surprise-
(6786 -5003 793) (2725 1785 1243) (6873 826 1456) (3659 5388 784) (2729 5138 1459),
T1_danger- (-170 -5065 2885), Hoth2- (3309 -3538 1997) (-4077 -516 1304), T2_rogue-
(-3207 -7303 -37) (8446 -974 732) (4534 -6303 -1241*), T2_dpred- (-1813 -2597 379*)
(3265 -4172 90) (-2155 -1073 238) T3_hevil- (510 -3947 -1627) (538 1861 953)
T3_byss- (1386 -1217 258) Kor1- (628 1421 -245) (2689 14 -3610*) Kor2- (2118 3115
-1813) (11954 -498 -1521) (12622 1595 -2884*) (13276 3412 -2864*) (13258 3894
-2684*) Mp/ffa5- (1850 -1734 1217*) (2064 -1760 -413*) (-1719 -3222 1435) (-190
2041 2174*).
Npc List:Here are the NPC's, to be used with the "Npc spawn" and "playermodel"
command. Sometimes they may do weird things, other times some may spawn a different
Npc than it's supposed to, this will be listed if it happens to me. If they have a
* next to them, than they cant be spawned in multiplayer.
Jedi, Jedif, jedi2, jedimaster, jeditrainer, jedi_random (Random Jedi), jedi_hf1,
jedi_hf2, jedi_hm1, jedi_hm2, jedi_kdm1, jedi_kdm2, jedi_rm1, jedi_rm2, jedi_tf1,
jedi_tf2, jedi_zf1, jedi_zf2, merchant, rebel, rebel2, seeker, Luke, Kyle,
kyle_boss, rosh_penin, rosh_penin_noforce, Jan, lando, chewie, monmothma.
Downloaded Allies:Write here a list of NPC allies that you've downloaded from the
Neutral Characters
Bartender, elder, elder2, gonk, jawa, mouse *, nulldriver, prisoner, prisoner2,
protocol (C3PO), protocol_imp, r2d2, r2d2_imp, r5d2, r5d2_npc *, r5d2_imp, rocks
(invisible), test (He is supposed to be an ally, but he wont do anything to help
you.), morgankatarn, jawa_armed (Will cause erorr; no jawa gun, it only works in
Downloaded Neutral Characters:Write here a list of NPC neutral characters that
you've downloaded from the internet.
Foes (NPC's with a "(2)" by them have two types; Example: reborn_staff, and
assassin_droid, bespincop, bespincop2, cultist, cultist_destroyer (This guy drains
all surrounding health, and dissapears), cultist_drain, cultist_lightning,
cultist_grip, cultist_saber, cultist_saber2, cultist_saber_throw (2),
cultist_saber_med (2),
cultist_saber_med_throw (2), cultist_saber_strong (2), cultist_saber_strong (2),
cultist_saber_strong_throw (2), cultist_saber_all (2), cultist_saber_all_throw
1(2), cultistcommando, galak_mech, glider, gran, gran2, granboxer, granshooter,
hazardtrooper, hazardtrooperconcussion, hazardtrooperofficer, human_merc,
human_merc_bow, human_merc_rep, human_merc_flc, human_merc_cnc, human_merc_key,
impcommander, imperial, impofficer, impworker, interrogator, minemonster, mark1,
mark2, player (Spawns your evil twin, this guy is marked as a bad guy,
but wont attack unless you bother him.), probe, reborn, rebornacrobat,
rebornfencer, rebornforceuser, rebornboss, rebornchiss, rebornrodian,
reborntrandoshan, rebornweequay, reborn_new(2), reborn_dual(2), reborn_staff(2),
rebornmaster, rebornmasterdual, rebornmasterstaff, remote, vkothos, dkothos,
rockettroper(2), rockettrooper(2)officer, rockettrooper_ver1, rodian(2),
saber_droid *, saber_droid_training *, saboteur, saboteurcommander, saboteurpistol,
saboteursniper, sand_creature, sand_creature_fast, sentry, snowtrooper,
stcommander, stofficer,
stofficeralt, stormpilot, stormtrooper(2), swamptrooper(2), tavion, tavion_new,
tavion_scepter, tavion_sith_sword, trandoshan (Random colors), tusken,
tuskensniper, ugnaught, ugnaught2, weequay, weequay2, weequay3, weequay4 (Random
colors), ragnos, rosh_dark, rancor, rancor_mutant (unspawnable), wampa, howler,
shadowtrooper(2), alora, alora_dual, boba_fett (undefeatable), desann, galak,
lannik_racto, rax, noghri (Remember, these guys are against everybody), reelo.
Downloaded Foes:Write here a list of NPC foes that you've downloaded from the
Downloaded Vehicles:Write here a list of vehicle NPCs that you downloaded from the
Item List:These are the Items, to be used with the give, and spawn commands. Some
Items will not spawn, and some will freeze up the game when you use them sometimes,
so be careful. Commands that have a * by them mean that theyll work in multiplayer
Weapons and ammo: Be sure to type "weapon_" before these codes to spawn these, if
they're ammo, than type "ammo_" before them instead of "weapon_".
Noghri_stick (Freezes game when used), tusken_rifle (May change crosshair), scepter
(Hold Alternate Attack to fire rapid fire disruptor rifle shots), tusken_staff (May
also change crosshair), rocket_launcher *, blaster *, repeater *, bowcaster *,
thermal *, det_pack *, disruptor *, saber *, melee *(Type "give ammo" to use),
demp2 *, flechette *, concussion_rifle *, biar_pistol *, trip_mine *, stun_baton *.
Rockets *, blaster *, powercell *, tripmine *, metallic_bolts *, thermal *, force
(Spawns a Forcegem, a forcegem will give you 25% more force power, but only untill
that 25% is all used up.).
Others: Try spawning these world items, be sure to type "misc_" before these codes
to spawn these.
Camera, model_gun_rack, model_ammo_rack, exploding_crate, gas_tank,
ammo_floor_unit, shield_floor_unit, atst_drivable, emplaced_eweb (Must have room to
spawn), _atst_drivable (Also needs room).
Single Player Hints: Here are some hints, coming from an expert, me!
Cheat Tip; Instant Allies:Using "Npc spawn":Using this code to create allies such
as Luke, Kyle, and Rosh_penin will give you a good advantage! Seekers are
especially helpful since you cant lose them unless they die.
Use this code well, and use it often.
Glitch, Play as Pants:If a rancor grabs you, dont fret! Just quickly type "noclip"
in the console. (This works better if noclip is bound to a key.) If he throws you
than try again, but if he eats you than you will be
able to come out of his mouth! When you do this, you will only be a lower half of a
person. When foes shoot at you, they will often miss because they are shooting at
your non-existent upper half! To instantly be normal again, type "Playermodel
Cheat Tip/Glitch, Bigger, Smaller and Getting the Silver Suit:To be bigger, type
"Playermodel desann", and than type "Playermodel player", and to become smaller
type "Playermodel jawa", than "Playermodel player".
The "Jawa" one will also change your running style when you deactivate your
saber/s, and make you a neutral character, and the Desann one will make you a bad
guy. To be a good guy again, type "Playerteam player".
To be normal sized, type "playermodel jedi", than "Playermodel player". To get the
silver suit, type "Playermodel" to see what model you are, then type "Playermodel
(Model)" Except type "Torso_x1" in place of the normal torso name.
Your clothing will turn silver! WARNING: This may cause the game to crash at some
points, if this is happening, then use "noclip" to go through the part where the
game keeps freezing up and it should not freeze up.
Cheat Tip, Boba Fetts Features:If you type "Playermodel boba_fett" to change to
Boba Fetts type model, than you could use his jetpack to fly by repeatedly pushing
jump, and instead of force lightning, you will use a flamethrower.
Tip, Defeating Reborns and Cultists: J If you are fighting an easy foe, try
pressing attack+alt.attack to do the super move. If you have a double bladed
lightsaber, try kicking them down, then stab their fallen bodies to finish them
Make sure you are used to a certain lightsaber style before you switch to it. (I
prefer the fast lightsaber style) The more force powers you know, the better off
you are. If you are close to a ledge, use force grip level 3 to throw them over the
(This can make defeating even reborn masters a piece of cake.) It is recommended
that you know at least the 1st level of force heal, as youll want to heal after
battle. Reborn masters often use the force against you so be sure you know force
absorb before you fight them.
This is the same case with cultists.
Cheat Tip, Instant Force/Unlimited Force:Tired of waiting for your force bar to go
up? Just type, "Bind X give ammo_force" X= Whatever key you want! Now all you have
to do to get loads of force power is press the key that you bound to "give
Too much force? Dont worry, just type "Bind X give force" if you dont want all
the extra force. For unlimited force, type, "Bind F (Or whatever key you bound to
[Use Force Power]) Useforce;give force",
and every time you push F to use the selected force power your force bar will
automatically refill! Hope this helps!
Tip, Defeating Alora:When you go to Hoth, after the 1st mission group, at the end
youll have to fight Alora. There is no special way to defeat Alora here. The trick
is to save the tauntaun at the end before the wampa kills it,
and use it to defeat Alora by butting the tauntauns head into Alora. Torwards the
end of the game, you have to fight alora again. This time, try using force absorb,
then force protect, and fight your hardest. If this doesnt work, then you can use
the cheats.
Tip, Defeating Ractos Robots:When facing the assassin droids, try using lightning.
This attack will hurt them even when they have their shields active. If you have
weapons heres a list of what to do with them:
Demp2-Try the secondary attack. Fletchette Gun-You should try either the first or
secondary attack.
Repeater-Try the second attack. Concussion Rifle-Try the first attack, unless you
think you have good aim.
Missile Launcher-Try the first attack. Thermal Detonator-Try either the 1st or
second attack. Saber-Try the second attack every time they deactivate their
shields. Don't forget about the cheats though!
Tip, Defeating Rosh and the Kothos:Whenever you get Roshs health 2/3rds of the
way down, the Kothos will restore his health, so it is easier to just attack the
Kothos 1st.
Heres the easiest way to do this: 1st, use force absorb so that the kothos wont
be able to hurt you, and then use force protect at the same time so that when Rosh
attacks you it wont do as much damage.
2nd, when you attack, try and get them in a corner so that they wont run away from
you. 3rd, once you get both of the Kothos out of the way, try attacking Rosh now.
Hell be much easier to beat without the Kothos restoring his health every time you
almost kill him.
Try using super combo moves found on your datapad. This is probally the safest way
to defeat these guys without cheating.
Tip, Defeating Boba Fett:In one of the last levels, you are pitted against this
guy. My suggestion is that you dont go near him or hell take to the sky. The
easiest way to defeat him is by using force lightning.
This works best if its level 3. If possible use force protect too. And when he
fires at you try and deflect the lasers. If he shoots missles at you, then use
force push to deflect them. Use force heal to heal any damage he does,
and remember, you can always use the cheats if things get really out of hand.
Tip, Defeating Tavion twice, and Kyle Katarn:I suggest not using force grip on any
of these guys. When facing Tavion, try and predict her moves. If the scepter starts
glowing, then duck. If she twirls it in the air and it glows blue, then run away
and jump.
When she throws her lightsaber at you, try ducking, then knocking it out of the
air. Use the pillars to hide behind when she does a missile-based attack. She
usually wont use the force, but if she starts to, then use force absorb. If you
have force heal,
then all the better because you can heal all the damage she does to you. When you
are facing Tavion again, with Ragnos in her body, try and not get into a saber lock
because I did and then she killed me right away even though I had full health!
Note that the sword she uses does more damage and has more knock back power then
any other saber. If she uses the force, use force absorb. I tried crouching and
attacking, and that works better than any other I think. When fighting Kyle, use
force protect and force absorb.
Try not to get in any of his combo moves where he punches you three times, or
chokes and throws you, or slams you on the ground twice. Just do as I say with the
force absorb and force protect and it should be easier to defeat him. Of course,
the easiest ways to defeat these guys are by using the cheats.
Glitch, Bonus Levels:You know the areas that are cut scenes? Well, there is a way
you can actually enter the cutscene area and play in it as a level. To do this,
follow these instructions carefully. 1st, enter an area by typing "devmap
in the console and type "d_npcfreeze 1" also in the console. Now type "save (1-9)"
in the console and then type "Load 1-9" in the console. If it says, "Failed to open
savegame (1-9)" then you probably have the wrong version.
Note that this may only work with some of the maps. I think that this works with
the 1.1 version though. If it works then you can enter these areas this way! After
entering the areas, type "D_npcfreeze 0" to unfreeze the NPCs.
Suggestion, Make Your Own Level:Enter any level, enable cheats, then type
"D_npcfreeze 1". After that type, "Npc kill all" and quicksave there in case you
die. Now go around the map spawning characters, and pickup items. Dont forget
about the E-web gun.
Now go back to the beginning when youre done and type "D_npcfreeze 0". Save the
game with the name you prefer to save it as and now you can play it as a level!
All Jedi Academy Cheats (For real!) Multiplayer Version Success rate: 100.00%
Hello there! Looking for cheats? Well you've hit the jackpot! I am currently making
a cheat manual for this game, and I think that I am almost finished. This guide
pretty much covers everything, so happy cheating!
MULTIPLAYER: To enter cheats push shift + tilde, (or whatever the button to the
left of the "1/!" key is.) and then type "Devmap (Mapname)" to enable cheats.
NOTE: In multiplayer, you may not enable cheats any other way than using this
method, and you will have to be a host to use some of the cheats.
(You might have to be the host of the game to use these cheats)
Regular Map Cheats: - What the Cheat Does: - More Information: (NOTE: You can type
these cheats even if you are on a regular map.)
Addbot (Botname) (Skill [1-5]) (Team) 1 (Nickname)- Instantly creates a BOT without
going to the menu, and you may nickname the BOT too. With this, you can enter siege
games with BOTs.
/gc- I dont know why, but if you type this, than you will say, "hold you position"
twice in purple text as if you were chatting.
G_dismember (99)- May enable dismemberment if you have one of the later versions.
G_debugmelee 1- Enables melee combo moves. Note you must 1st have all saber force
power stats to 0, and type the "1" key after respawning.
How to do Combos:
Grab + Attack + Alternate Attack + Forward = Grab + Punch + Punch + Punch
Attack + Alternate Attack + Backward = Foothold + Floor Slam + Floor Slam
G_forcepowerdisable (#)-Disables certain force powers so that all players cannot
use them. Here is a guide for disabling one force power:
2=Disables force jump. 8=Disables force push. 16=Disables force pull. 4=Disables
force speed. 16284=Disables force sense/seeing.
32768=Disables saber attack. 65536=Disables saber defense. 131072=Disables saber
throw. 1024=Disables force absorb. 1=Disables force heal.
512=Disables force protect. 32=Disables mind trick. 2048=Disables team heal.
64=Disables force grip. 8192=Disables force drain.
128=Disables force lightning. 256=Disables force rage. 4096=Disables team energize.
G_forceregentime .1- Makes your force bar go back up very quickly.
G_friendlyfire (1)- Allows you to hurt your own allies with force powers or weapons
other than your lightsaber.
G_friendlysaber (1)- Allows you to hurt your own allies with your lightsaber.
G_gravity (0-99999)-Changes the gravity in the game. -G_gravity 0 allows you to fly
around, but its hard to control.
G_knockback (#)- Affects the power of some projectile weapons, and force powers.
G_saberdamagescale (#)- Affects how much damage lightsabers do. -
"G_saberdamagescale 0" makes everyone invulnerable.
G_slowmoduelend 1- Enables a slow motion dueling end.
G_speed (#)- Affects how fast players travel. - "G_speed 0" stops players from
going anywhere.
G_powerduelstarthealth (1-1000)- Changes your health at the start of a power duel
if you are on the "Solo team". - "G_powerduelstarthealth 1000" makes you
G_powerduelendhealth (1-1000)- Changes your health at the end of a power duel if
you are on the "Solo team". - "G_powerduelstarthealth 1000" makes you invulnerable.
Handicap (#)- May decrease or increase game difficulty, but I dont know how.
Map (map name)-Use this like devmap, only won't have cheats active. Map names are
listed in the Single Player section.
Mapname-Tells you the map that your in.
Model (Model name)-Changes your appearance, a list of player models are in the
Single Player section.
Modellist-Lists all models, I think.
Music (music file)-Type "Dir m mp3" to find music files, this will play a song from
the game. -Example: "Music vjun3"
Name (Your name here)- Changes your name in multiplayer, in Single Player, all it
does is change your name in the console.
Play (sound file)-type "dir s" to find sound files, this plays a sound.
Record (Demo name)- Records a demo, you must type "G_synchronousclients 1" before
you can record demos.
Go to the main menu and go to play, than go to demos to find your demo. To stop the
demo type "Stoprecord".
If you quit the game without doing this, than your demo wont work.
Saber1 (Saber)- Change lightsaber after respawning. Sabers are: None, Single_(1-9),
and Dual_(1-5).
Saber2 (Saber)- Change secondary lightsaber after respawning. Must be None, or
Se_language computer_jargon- Type this and see how the text changes. To go back to
normal, type "Se_language English".
Soundstop- Stops all sound, note that some sound may not stop.
Splose, spwin- Dizzy Mode. Warning: You will have to restart the map to switch back
to normal. Just type "Recon" to reconnect.
Sv_hostname- Use this to see what your server is called. Use this to also change
the name of your server while in the game.
-This will not tell you the name of the current server you are in, just YOUR
servers name.
Tell (Players name) (TEXT)- Allows you to chat privately with a particular player
in purple text.
Tell_attacker (Text)- Allows you to chat privately with the player who is attacking
you in purple text.
(Target a person) Tell_target (TEXT)- Allows you to chat privately with the
targeted person in purple text.
Unbind (KEY)-Will remove the commands of that key. -"Unbindall" removes all the
commands from all the keys.
Version-Tells you what version your game is, Example: I updated my game, so its
version: v1.0.1.0.
Viewpos-Type this to see where you are. -Use with the "Setviewpos" code.
Actions: Try doing these if you are in the duel multiplayer game types-
\Meditate-Player Meditates.
\Gloat-Player Gloats.
\Flourish-Player Flourishes.
\Bow-Player Bows.
\Taunt-Player taunts and does a certain voiceover depending on the character
The following codes can only be preformed in "devmaps". At the beginning of the
multiplayer section,
we explain how to enable devmaps. Note that real people may not be able to join
your devmap, sometimes, only computer players can play with you.
Devmap Codes: - What the code does: - More information:
Give (Items, Weapons, Armor, Health, Etc.)-Automatically gives you whatever item
desired. Give commands are listed in the single player section.
Commands that dont have a * by them wont work in multiplayer. TIP: If you already
have a lightsaber, type,
"give weapon_melee" to get the melee weapon, and if you have the melee weapon,
type; "give weapon_saber" to get the lightsaber.
God- Makes you invulnerable. (Except to a rancor eating you and death drops.)
G_saberrestrictforce 1- Makes it so that all players (Including you) may not use
the force when wielding a lightsaber.
Noclip-Allows you to fly around, go through solids, and only a rancor can touch
you, but not kill you.
Notarget-Makes you invisible to NPC foes, but it wont work on BOTs in multiplayer,
or other players.
Npc kill all- Kills all the Npcs you (or other people) created.
Npc spawn-Allows you to spawn a certain NPC. NPC's are listed in the Single Player
Npc spawn vehicle-Allows you to spawn a certain vehicle. Vehicles are listed in the
Single player section.
Zoom- Enables binocular mode. Except since youre in multiplayer, the batteries
dont wear out!
Multiplayer Hints: Here are some hints for multiplayer. This is the end of the
cheat guide, have fun with the cheats.
Tip, Admins and Hosts: Try to make friends with admins and hosts, because they can
do stuff that other people cant do. Being a host is cool, but being an admin is
Admins can teleport people and do lots of other cool stuff. But for some things you
may have to enable cheats.
Suggestion, Different Music: Tired of the same old music? Try using the "Music (Mp3
file)" command listed in the regular map cheats section. You can play one of my
favorite mp3 files by typing
"Music music/artus_topside/impbased_action". Dont worry; most of the mp3 files are
not this long to type.
Glitch, No lightsaber disable needed to duel: J There is a way that you can duel
people without disabling your lightsaber. 1st, get either a double bladed
lightsaber, or two lightsabers,
than type "L" (Or whatever button you bound to lightsaber style) so that you only
have a single saber. Now you may duel people without deactivating your lightsaber.
This works on BOTs too if you know how to duel them (See
"bot_honorableduelacceptance 1" cheat code). If you do this while you are riding a
swoop, then you can shoot and slash your lightsaber at the same time.
Cheat Suggestions, Instant Points/Easy Killing: J Here are some ways to get instant
points in multiplayer, the only drawback, is that you have to enable cheats for
most of these:
FFA or TEAM FFA: If youre playing in "Free For All" mode, than all you have to do
to get points is kill people. So try this, spawn a bartender or jawa. Now kill the
bartender or jawa. You also get points for killing NPCs!
DUEL or POWER DUEL: If you are a host in Power Duel, then YOU DO NOT NEED CHEATS
ENABLED for easy points. 1st, make sure that you are the host of the game, and make
sure that it is Power Duel.
Now, go to the cheat console when youre up next, and enter "G_powerduelstarthealth
9999", and then enter "G_powerduelendhealth 9999", and join the Solo Duelists.
After that, when you respawn, you will be invincible, so now let them have it! If
you want to be on the Paired Duelists team, then type "G_powerduelstarthealth 1"
and then "G_powerduelendhealth 1"
instead so that the lone duelists will all have only 1 health point, and you, and
the person youre fighting with will easily kill them with one hit until the game
restarts itself! REMEMBER to type this when you are up next.
If you are in regular Duel mode then youll have to enable cheats. 1st, type
"notarget" and spawn a rancor. Then let the rancor eat the person. It wont attack
you because you have "notarget" on! Just dont get in the rancors way.
CTF: In Capture The Flag, youll have to enable cheats. But this is my favorite way
to get instant points. Read the coordinates below and type "Setviewpos (Red base
coordinates)" and get the flag, then type
"Setviewpos (Blue base coordinates)" and bring it back to your base where you put
the flag. Or vise versa if you are on the Red team.
Bind keys to these so that you only have to push that key to get there! Keep doing
this to score a load of points. Here are the coordinates:
MAP: ---------- RED BASE: ------------------ BLUE BASE: ------------------
Mp/ctf1: (-6530 11 1082 0) (586 -9 1091 0)
Mp/ctf2: (1835 5680 283 0) (-1256 -1601 412 0)
Mp/ctf3: (1750 952 776 0) (-3681 - 5011 755 0)
Mp/ctf4: (4584 -2590 59 0) (-539 2625 107 0)
Mp/ctf5: (7197 2500 -223 0) (1472 2656 -223 0)
SIEGE: With siege, youll be using the "Setviewpos" and other cheat codes, so
cheats must be enabled. If you are on the attacking team in the Hoth snow mission,
use this cheat code: "Setviewpos -1247 -149 547 0".
Heres how you can use cheats for any of the missions. Use "Notarget" So that
rancors wont see you, and only attack others. Use "God" to be invulnerable, keep
in mind that you are still affected by rancors and death drops.
Use "Noclip" to go through barriers, and to go faster. Use "Give all" to get better
weapons, and items, and to restore health, and armor, and get a jetpack! Remember,
that on some missions, you may need to complete all the objectives.
Type "/npc kill all" to get rid of the rancors. If you are on the defending team,
spawn rancors, rebornmasters, shadowtroopers, and other NPCs to slow the other team
Secret, Chat Colors:Sometimes you may see other people chat in different colors.
How do they do this? Its easy, just type "^(1-8)" before the text to chat in
different colors. 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue, 5=light blue, 6=purple,
7=white, and 8=black.
Thats all there is to it. By the way, you cant type <"> because the <"> will come
out as invisible text!
Codes, Special Servers:Some servers have special codes; here are the codes that
work with these servers.
/Toggleflame-Changes force lighting to a flamethrower. I don't personally like this
cheat that much, but you might!
Model yoda-Small version of Kyle.
/jetpack-Gives you a free jetpack.
Bind +button12-Enables "Grappling Mode", when you push the key, a bullet will shoot
out, and when it reaches an object, you will be pulled towards that object. You can
download a grappling hook online so that the bullet becomes a grappling hook.
You can push "ENTER" to cut the grappling hook line I think.
/amatease-Makes player put their hands behind their back.
/ammotd-Review server intro text.
/amaltdim-May transport you to an alternate dimension! However, this only works on
some servers only. In an alternate dimension, you cannot use /jetpack or "Grapple",
and you can go through people in the regular dimension,
thus allowing you to fuse together by standing where they are, and typing /amaltdim
/amsay (Text)-Sends a message to all admins.
/ammap (Gametype) (Mapname)-Type "/ammap" to see game types. Takes you to a certain
map with the desired gametype.
/ambeg-Makes you get on hands and knees.
/amsit-Makes you sit down in the air.
/amsit2-Does a similer thing as /amsit.
/amsit3-Sit/Lay on ground.
/amsit4-Sits you down on the ground, and you get up slowly, thus enabling you to
hover for 5 seconds.
/amvictory-Preforms a secret taunt, and does a voiceover.
/amnod or /amshake-Nods your head. Shakes your head.
/amcomeon-Waves your arm in a 'come on' movement.
/ambeg-Person gets on hands and knees.
/amflip-Flips your light saber, and turns it off/on.
/amkneel-Makes you Kneel.
/amsurrender-Puts your arms up in the air.
/amwait-Makes person lean against wall, or air if not done by wall.
/amhug-Hugs a person if the person is right in front of you.
/aminfo-Tells you something about your server.
/amnoisy-Player covers ears as if there is a loud noise.
/ammove-May tell you new moves that can be preformed in some of the special servers
/amhelp-May give you information about the current server.
Special Moves:I found that these moves can be preformed if the "/Am" commands are
bound to keys,
but when binding, don't type / before the command or it won't work. EXAMPLE: "Bind
Q amsit".
amsit3+walk or run-Feminine walk or run. Funny if done by male.
amsit+walk-Crossarms walk.
amsit2 or amsit4+walk-I don't know what to call this one.
amnod or amshake+walk or run-Fruity run.
crouch+ambeg-Straighten up.
Amdie2+walk-Mummy walk.
amsurrender+crouch-Do "The Wave".
amwait+walk-Better crossarms walk than the amsit+walk bind.
Binding "1/!" to amflip-Instead of simply activating your lightsaber, you will flip
it as well if this code is active!
Using /amcommands on fire makes you invulrable to the fire!
Glitches/Codes, Secret Models:Here are some player models that you can only unlock
by using cheat codes.
Jawa-This has the voice, and appearance of a jawa, cannot get this any other way.
Protocol-Gives you the voice of C3po, while you play as Kyle Katarn.
R2d2-Gives you the voice of R2d2 while playing as Kyle Katarn. Hazardtrooper-Gives
you the voice of a Hazard Trooper while you play as Kyle Katarn, you also get a
different taunt too.
Probe-Explosion sound while you die and weird voice, play as Kyle Katarn. Rancor-
Get a rancors voice while playing as Kyle. Wampa-Wampas voice playing as Kyle.
Howler-Howlers voice, again, playing as Kyle. Gonk-Gonks voice as Kyle.
Rockettrooper-Rocket Troopers voice, yet again, playing as Kyle, but with a
different taunt.
Tauntaun-Play as Kyle with a Tauntauns voice. Sand_creature-The last voice changer
model playing as Kyle, you will have the Sand Creatures voice this time.
Jedi_hm-Human male in clothes that you cant get in the appearance window, I think
that these are the Hoth mission clothes. Jedi_rm-Rodian male in the special
Jedi_kdm-Kel Dor male in those clothes. Jedi_hf-Human female in the special
clothes. Jedi_zf-Zabrak female in Hoth clothes. Jedi_tf-Twilek female in the
special clothes. Have fun with these cheats!