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A Sample PYP Planner Rubric: 4 3 2 1 Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry

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Sample PYP Planner Rubric

4 3 2 1
Central The central idea is global, clearly The central idea is global but not The central idea is not global The central idea is not global
Idea and related to the organizing theme directly related to the organizing and/or directly related to the and directly related to the
and makes sense; the lines of theme; the lines of inquiry organizing theme and needs organizing theme or there is
lines of
inquiry are directly related to the focuses on some aspects of the editing to make sense; the lines no central idea or inquiry; the
inquiry central idea and clarifies/focuses central idea of inquiry are not significantly lines of inquiry are not
it related to the central idea related at all to the central
Assessment There is a clear connection There is some evidence of There is minor indication There is little or no
between Stage 1 and what is connection between Stage 1 assessment of student prior evidence of formative and
being assessed summatively; and what is being assessed knowledge and/or formative summative assessments or
how students prior knowledge summatively; how students and/or summative it does not make clear what
is assessed is clearly indicated; prior knowledge is assessed is assessment tasks or the tasks or indicators of
formative assessment focuses mentioned and there is indicators. the assessment will be.
in particular on the evidence of some formative Planning opportunities for There are no opportunities
acquisition/application of and summative assessment. students to self for students to self assess
trandisciplinary skills. Student self assess/reflection assess/reflection are poor or identified
Opportunities for student peer & is anticipated inadequate
self assess/reflection are clearly
planned for
The teacher questions are few in Some teacher questions lack Many of the teacher questions The teacher questions are
Teacher number, invite genuine student power to provoke genuine lack power/focus or do not get trivial, are not at all related to
inquiry across the relevant key student inquiry across the at the essence of the central the essence of the central
concepts, get to the essence of relevant key concepts most idea & inquiry as stated, or do idea and/or inquiry as stated
the inquiry as stated in Stage 1 address the essence of the not invite genuine student and do not invite genuine
inquiry as stated in Stage1 inquiry student inquiry
Learning The activities are clearly driven Most of the activities are Some of the activities are Many activities are not
engagements by the teacher and student related to the teacher key related to the key questions. specifically related to the
questions. They clearly allow questions; they are varied and The activities miss some key questions
for differentiation and for take into account ability and important learning
student self directed inquiry and learning styles. opportunities, and/or do not
choice of activity There is some indication of explore the potential for
space for student self directed differentiation and inquiry
The resources list is substantial The resources list is somewhat The resources list is somewhat The resources list is clearly
Resources and varied and technology is varied and realistic and some varied or somewhat realistic inadequate to support
included if appropriate technology is included if and inclusion/exclusion of teacher/student inquiry in the
appropriate technology is questionable unit
Achievement There is clear evidence of There is some evidence of There is very little or There is no evidence that the
of Purpose teacher(s) reflection during/after teacher(s) reflection during/after unbalanced evidence of teacher has been reflective
the unit on the appropriateness the unit on the appropriateness teacher(s) reflection/evaluation or evaluative about the unit
and significance of the central and significance of the central of the various dimensions of the
idea/inquiries; the power of the idea/inquiries; the power of the unit. Reference to student
key questions; the value of the key questions; the value of the participation & reaction to the
activities and the effectiveness of activities and the effectiveness unit is superficial
the assessments for assessing of the assessments for
student conceptual assessing student conceptual
understanding, skills and understanding, skills and
attitudes. attitudes.
There is clear reference to There is some reference to
student participation & reaction in student participation & reaction
the unit in the unit
The teacher(s) overall evaluation The teachers overall evaluation There is very little evidence of There is no evidence of the
of the unit is clearly made and of the unit is supported with the teachers overall evaluation teachers overall evaluation
supported with convincing some evidence of how that of the unit or of how it was of the unit;
evidence; evaluation was reached; reached. There is no evidence of
There is evidence of student There is some evidence of There is very little evidence of student reaction and/or input
reaction and/or input student reaction and/or input student reaction and/or input

Assessing an IB Planner
Topic of Inquiry: Year Level:

Criteria High Medium Low Not at Comments
Explores significant content, worth
Central Has a global perspective
Idea Reflects the overall theme
Is a clear, precise statement
Is developmentally appropriate
Duration Time allocation is realistic
Are appropriate
Resources Specific details given for later use
Adequate and varied
Reflect Central Idea and Inquiry
Are open ended
Key Are developmentally challenging
Questions Are concept based
Are clear and precise
Are guiding questions
All stem from the key questions
Are developmentally appropriate
Relate to the student outcomes
Are varied:
Activities individuals/pairs/group/class
Allow for development of skills
Allow for a range of student abilities
Allow for a variety of learning styles
Allow for student initiative
Includes What we know
Consists of formative and
Allows for individual differences
Allows students to assess own/peer
Uses a variety of strategies
Summative is linked to Central Idea
Suggests/allows students to
consider a range of actions
Gives clear idea of perceived
strengths and weaknesses

Evaluating the POI at grade level
Transdisciplinary nt Idea Significant Relevant Engaging Challenging Comments
Who we are

Where we are in
time and place

How we express

How the world


How we organize

Sharing the planet

Is the subject matter really worth knowing?
Is this knowledge that is a prerequisite for further learning at a later date?
Does it allow for more than superficial coverage of important concepts at this time?
Does it allow for multiple perspectives?

Is it worth knowing for all students of all cultures?
Does it allow learning to take place in meaningful and authentic contexts?
Does it build on students prior knowledge and experience?
Does it address issues of how people make sense of their experiences and the world around them?

Is it age and developmentally appropriate?
Will it allow students to apply their experience, prior knowledge and skills?
Will it allow for and promote the use of multiple resources?
Will it allow for consideration of issues from the perspectives of many disciplines and / or cultural viewpoints?

Will this allow for multiple intelligences and ability levels?
Will it encourage students to construct their own meaning?
Will it challenge students to question their perspectives and support their opinions?
Will it develop acceptance for and expectation of complexity?

Evaluation of the
Transdisciplinary Theme

Age Unit Title Focus S E R C Total Duplication Comments

S = Significant Add up to 5 points for each Yes answer

Is the subject matter really worth knowing?
Is this knowledge that is a prerequisite for further learning at a later date?
Does it allow for more than superficial coverage of important concepts at
this time?
Does it allow for multiple perspectives?
E = Engaging Add up to 5 points for each Yes answer

Is it worth knowing for all students of all cultures?
Does it allow learning to take place in meaningful contexts?
Does it build on students prior knowledge and experience?
Does it address issues of how people make sense of their experiences and
the world around them?
R = Relevant Add up to 5 points for each yes answer

Is it age and developmentally appropriate?
Will it allow students to apply their experience, prior knowledge and skills?
Will it allow for and promote the use of multiple resources?
Will it allow for consideration of issues from the perspectives of many
disciplines and/or cultural viewpoints?
C = Challenging Add up to 5 points for each Yes answer

Will this allow for multiple intelligences and ability levels?
Will it encourage students to construct their own meaning?
Will it challenge students to question their perspectives and support their
Will it develop acceptance for and expectation for complexity?

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