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Shunt t

Current Shunt Monitors





www.ti.com/currentshuntmonitor 2014
Current Shunt Monitors

What are Current Shunt Monitors?

Current shunt monitors are also
referred to as current sense amplifiers. Current to be
Current shunt monitors are designed
to monitor the current flow by
measuring the voltage drop across a RSHUNT V Voltmeter
resistor placed in the current path.
Current sense amplifiers tend to be
easier to design, more precise, less Current to be
prone to noise and lower cost than
magnetic current sensors.

Key Parameters
Common Mode Range: Offset Voltage: CMRR
This specification defines the DC The differential DC error at the input (Common Mode Rejection Ratio):
voltage range at the input of an of the amplifier. Historically, to reduce CMRR is the ability of the amplifier
amplifier with respect to ground. the impact of amplifiers with high to reject signals common to the
Current shunt monitors are typically offsets, larger shunt resistors are used differential inputs. This is important
designed to accept common mode to increase the measured voltage in the ability to measure small signals
voltages well beyond the chip supply drop. Today, TI is able to offer current superimposed upon a large voltage.
voltage. For example, the INA282 sensing solutions with offsets as low TIs portfolio offers solutions with
is capable of accepting a common as 10V, enabling higher precision CMRR as high as 140dB.
mode voltage from -14V to +80V while measurements at low currents and the
running on a supply as low as 2.7V. use of smaller shunt resistances for
improved system efficiency.

Output Types
Digital Output: Simple all-in-one solution integrating the Voltage Output: High precision, lowest power and
ADC/MUX with programmable switching. Provides industrys smallest form factors. Fixed gain options
measurements in amps, volts and watts across the I2C ranging from 14V/V to 1000V/V. Variable gain may be
interface for a complete power monitoring solution. set through an external resistor.


Power Register SCL VIN-
V I2 C
V IN+ Current Register Interface
ADC Alert
V IN Voltage Register
I A0 Current Output: Variable gain set through
A1 external resistor. Highest bandwidth options.
Alert Register




Current Shunt Monitors 2 Texas Instruments 2014

Current Shunt Monitors

Low-Side Measurements
Advantages: Low-side current sensing techniques connect the current sense element
Typically only requires an op amp between the load and ground.
such as OPA335 When to choose low-side sensing: Always choose low-side sensing if the
Straightforward, easy
system can tolerate disturbances on the ground path.
Undesirable resistance in the loads +5V
ground path -
F S = 0.2V
Cannot detect fault conditions OPA335

(short/open circuits) + RPD (1) ADS1114 I2 C

49 .9k
Requires precision external Shunt
RS 1k
PGA Gain = 16
components to achieve and G=4 5V
256V FS
maintain high accuracy Note: (1) Pull-down resistor to
allow accurate swing to OV.

High-Side Measurements
High-side current sensing techniques connect the current sense element
Eliminates ground disturbances
between the supply and the load.
associated with low-side sensing
Able to detect fault conditions When to choose high-side sensing:
System cannot tolerate ground disturbance of low side sensing
System needs to be able to identify shorts to ground
Difficult to use standard op amp.
Resistors must be precisely matched
Power +5V
to obtain acceptable common mode
rejection ratios (CMRR)
INA 210
A 0.01% deviation in resistor
value lowers the CMRR to 86dB
approach High-Side
A 0.1% deviation in resistor value - ADS1114 I2 C
lowers the CMRR to 66dB
A 1% deviation in resistor value
lowers the CMRR to 46dB
Must withstand very high, dynamic
changes in common mode voltage

Low-Side Measurements With a High-Side Monitor

Advantages over op amps as a High-side monitors are designed Power Supply
low-side monitor: to accommodate input voltages
Integrated gain resistors that exceed the power supply LOAD
Excellent matching that requires voltage. However, many of our +5V

more expensive external precision current shunt monitors have 20mV +

resistors with an op amp approach common-mode ranges that include Shunt
- ADS1114 I2 C
Integrated resistors approach or even go below ground. This
reduces board space requirements makes them excellent low-side PGA Gain = 1
4.096V FS
current shunt monitors as well.
Disadvantages over op amps:
Fixed gain settings reduce flexibility
in maximizing the full-scale range of
the following ADC stage

Current Shunt Monitors 3 Texas Instruments 2014

Current Shunt Monitors

Total Error Total Error vs. Differential Input Voltage

For small differential signals at the
input, the error is dominated by the
amplifiers offset voltage. Low input
offsets are critical to achieving Offset; Gain Error

Total Error %
accurate measurements at the low 10V; 0.1%

end of the dynamic range. 10V; 1%

4% 1mV; 1%
For large differential signals at the
1mV; 5%
input, the error is dominated by the
amplifiers gain error.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Differential Voltage (mV)

Extending the Common Mode Range

With additional circuitry, current shunts can be configured to operate beyond the specified common mode range by
using one of the following techniques.

Example 1: MOSFET and Zener Example 2: Current Follower

0.1 Shunt
Supply R SHUNT
+160 to From Load
+200V Load Supply
3 4 Up to 1A MOSFET rated to +3.3V to +5V
V IN + VIN - 100 standoff supply voltage
such as BSS84 for
5k 5k up to 50V
5.1V OPA333
+ - IC1 INA168 Zener 10F
(200 A/V) VBUS (Bus Voltage Input)
V+ VS (Supply Voltage)
13.7k INA220
DZ1 Tranzorb Data
39V OUT Power Register (SDA)
zener Clock
GND 1 Two-Wire
C1 2 V Current Register (SCL)
VIN+ Interface
0.1F A0
100 VIN- Voltage Register A1
Q1 I
(1V at 1A)

Example 3: Isolated SPI Interface Example 4: Isolated I2C Interface

+5V Zener RZ
48V R SENSE Isolated
VIN Power Power Bus
Converter LOAD


INCP VDD SPI Bus RSENSE INA220 I2 C I2 C Management

INCN SPI Bus System Controller
INVG Digital Management
INVP Isolators
I 2V
LMP92064 Controller GND

Current Shunt Monitors 4 Texas Instruments 2014

Current Shunt Monitors

Featured Products
INA226: Highest precision solution on INA282: Widest common mode INA225: Programmable gain,
the market range + precision zero-drift current sense amplifier
Integrated ADC and MUX with Common mode range = -14V to 80V 4-pin selectable gain settings
programmable sampling Offset (max) = 70V Bandwidth = 100kHz @ 100V/V
Common mode range = 0V to 36V Offset drift (max) = 1.5V/C Offset (max) = 125V
Offset (max) = 10V Gain error (max) = 1.4% Gain error (max) = 0.50%
Gain error (max) = 0.1% CMRR (typ) = 140dB
CMRR (typ) = 140dB INA300: Over current detector
Lower cost alternative: INA193,
Lower cost alternative: INA219, LMP8601 Input/output response time = 10s
INA230 Programmable threshold:
LMP8640: High bandwidth and 0 to 250mV
INA210: Precision voltage output high voltage Hysteresis of 2, 5, or 10mV
Gain options: 50V/V, 100V/V, Bandwidth = 950kHz
200V/V, 500V/V, 1000V/V Common mode range: -2V to 76V
Common mode range: 0.3V to 26V Applications:
Offset (max) = 900V
Offset (max) = 35V Battery gauge:
Gain error = 0.25% (Coulomb Counting)
Gain error (max) = 1% CMRR (min) = 103dB Power supplies
CMRR (typ) = 140dB Lower cost alternative: LMP8645 Inductive charging
Lower cost alternative: INA199
Graphics cards
AMC1200: 4kV isolated amplifier
INA216: Designed for portable battery Desktops / laptops / servers
Offset (max) = 1.5mV
powered applications Tablets / E-books
Offset drift (max) = 10V/K
Gain options: 25V/V, 50V/V, 100V/V, Smartphones & feature phones
200V/V Gain error (max) = 1%
Common mode range = 1.8V to 5.5V CMRR (typ) = 108dB
Offset (max) = 75V
LMP8481: High voltage Industrial automation
Gain error (max) = 0.2%
Bandwidth = 270kHz Automotive
Quiescent current = 25A
Common mode range = 4.0V to 76V Medical
CMRR (typ) = 108dB
Offset (max) = 400V Motor control
0.76 x 0.76mm WCSP or QFN
Gain error (max) = 1.2% Battery backups
package available
CMRR (typ) = 124dB Inverters
INA3221: Triple-channel digital shunt Lower cost alternative: LMP8480 Solar
and bus voltage monitor
Integrated ADC and MUX with LMP92064: Simultaneous sampling
programmable sampling current/voltage monitor

Common mode range = 0V to 26V 125ksamples/sec

Offset error (max) = 80V Bandwidth = 70kHz

Gain error (max): 0.5% Offset (max) = 60V

Quiescent current = 450A Gain error (max) = 0.75%

Current Shunt Monitors 5 Texas Instruments 2014

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2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLYB194A

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Copyright 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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