Lab 1: Interface Lab: Objective
Lab 1: Interface Lab: Objective
Lab 1: Interface Lab: Objective
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The objective of this lab session is to present the Virtual.Lab Motion program to new
users. The user is stepped through the process of opening a new document, interacting
with the interface, and saving the model file. Primary focus is placed on presenting the
basic menu functionality and workbench concepts to provide a basis for detailed model
construction and analysis in later lab sessions.
In this first lab session we will be working with a blank Motion document. An image of
the default document is shown below.
Lab 1 Agenda
1. Starting Virtual.Lab Motion.
2. Introducing the Interface.
3. Activating the Product Workbench.
4. Activating the Part Design Workbench.
Switch to the Wireframe and Surface Workbench.
5. Activating the Mechanism Design Workbench.
6. Saving a Model.
Start Menu
This menu is provided as a navigation tool,
it provides a convenient means for the user
to toggle between different Virtual.Lab
functional workbenches.
Contents of this menu vary according to the
configurations and/or products installed.
File Menu
This menu is the starting point for opening
all new and existing files of any type.
It is also the starting point for opening all
old DADS definition files.
The File menu provides all save options for
the files associated with a current
Virtual.Lab Session.
Models should always be saved to a
specified project folder.
View Menu
This menu controls the layout of the
Selecting the Toolbars Option from the
View menu can turn on any buttons not
displayed on the Virtual.Lab Workbench
areas by default.
Manual View controls such as Zoom,
Pan, and Rotate are also available.
Dynamic methods of utilizing these
commands will be explained later.
Geometry Display can be modified
through the Render Style Button.
Options for displaying model geometry
includes solid, wireframe, and
transparent. The Apply Customized
View option can be selected to display
model geometry according the type of
material that has been assigned to a
specific part.
There are two view spaces within the
Virtual.Lab environment. These are the
Show and No Show spaces. To swap
between these two displays the View
menu has the Swap Visible Space
button. Two visible design spaces gives
the user the option of only showing those
aspects of the model important for
understanding, other icons and/or
features can be hidden using the
Hide/Show menu option.
As stated previously many of these View menu options can be accessed readily
from other areas of the interface, Hide/Show is just one of those options.
Help Menu
This will provide users with a convenient way to access the Virtual.Lab Online
Model Display
The open space in the interface used for displaying the model geometry, and
icons associated with model elements.
Animation of the model solution will be displayed in this field.
Selection of elements can be done from the Specification Tree or the Model
Display. Selected items will highlight orange in both areas of the interface.
Standard Toolbar
This toolbar can be found in the bottom left corner of the interface. It includes
many of the same commands as outlined under the description of the Main Start
Menu, but in a convenient button format. Selecting on each button will execute
commands such as Start New Document, Open Existing File, Save Document, or
Document Revision Tools available include Cut, Paste, Undo, and Redo buttons.
Navigation Toolbar
This toolbar is also found at the bottom of the interface. It includes many of the
same commands as outlined under the description of the Main View Menu, but in
the same easy access button form as the Standard Toolbar.
Each button has an associated name, these names can be viewed by placing the
mouse cursor over each button.
Selecting these buttons make it possible to execute commands such as Fit All In
(this brings all geometry and icons into the Model Display for viewing), Pan,
Rotate, and Zoom.
There are also buttons on this toolbar with multiple option settings. All options for
a multiple option command can be viewed by selecting on the black arrow to the
right of the button.
Once this icon has been selected the Product Structure Workbench should
This will activate the Part Workbench. Indicated by the Solid Modeling Icon:
Features created using the Part Workbench will be added to the chosen
document. To add solid or wireframe features to the GlobalFixedToGroundPart
Part Document, Double-Click this Branch of the tree:
Saving a Model
The easiest way to insure that all changes to your model and any external files
that are being referenced are saved is to select the Main File Menu and Save
Management. The resulting Save Management window will request a file name
for the CATAnalysis Document that you are currently modifying. All linked
CATProduct and CATShape documents will be named and saved automatically.
This completes Lab Session 1.