Robotics in General Surgery: James Wall, MD, Venita Chandra, MD and Thomas Krummel, MD
Robotics in General Surgery: James Wall, MD, Venita Chandra, MD and Thomas Krummel, MD
Robotics in General Surgery: James Wall, MD, Venita Chandra, MD and Thomas Krummel, MD
1. Introduction
General Surgery has seen an evolution over the last several decades toward minimally
invasive approaches to procedures that were classically performed though large open
incisions. The former assumption in the surgical world that a big surgery requires a big
incision is no longer true. The benefit of significant reductions in the size of incisions is clear
to surgeons who appreciate fewer wound complications and to the educated public who value
less post-operative pain and rapid return to normal activities. As incisions and access ports
become smaller and fewer, the tools to enable complex tasks through these ports are being
developed. Robotics is one of the primary tools being incorporated into the surgical
environment. The term robot comes from the Czech word robota for compulsory labor1.
While many modern definitions of robot include a component of automation, such a
component has yet to be significantly integrated into General Surgery machines. Thus, for
the purpose of this chapter, a surgical robot is defined as a machine that performs various
complex surgical tasks in a master-slave configuration.
Surgical robots offer many advantages in the area of minimally invasive General Surgery
and have made significant contributions to the field in the last twenty years. Robotics was
Open Access Database
first introduced to the General Surgery operating room in the form of surgeon controlled
robotic arms for laparoscopic camera manipulation. More recently, robotic surgical systems
that allow the surgeon to operate from a remote console have been introduced. Significant
challenges remain for the field including the cost-effectiveness, safety, training, and
adoption. However, the benefits of robotics in the operating room are becoming clear and
further development will see the maturation of a field with significant promise to improve
patient care.
492 Medical Robotics
smudging, fogging, inadvertent movements and overall operative time5, 6. The EndoAssist
(Prosurgics, High Wycombe, England) is another FDA approved laparoscopic camera
control system that relies on a head mounted sensor. The system is a stand alone cart with
an electro-mechanical robotic arm that is activated by a foot pedal, and moves according to
the desired viewing direction of the surgeon (Figure 1). The system can be quickly learned
and offers similar benefits to the Aesop 7. The EndoAssist and Aesop systems were found
to be equally effective in task performance in a study by Wagner and colleagues8 while
Nebot and colleagues9 found the EndoAssist guidance more efficient than the voice
commanded Aesop. Both studies, however, noted some drawback to the size of the
EndoAssist and its separation from the operating table.
Robotics in General Surgery 493
system. Each camera transmits to different medical grade cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors
located inside the console, which display a separate image to each eye. These are fused in the
surgeons brain, to create a three-dimensional image. In addition, the images are anatomically
aligned with the position of the surgeons hands, creating the feeling of being immersed into the
surgical fieldwhere the surgeons feels as if their hands are virtually inside the patients body.
The da Vinci robotic arms are attached to a patient-side cart (Figure 4) that contains the 2 to
3 arms that control the operative instruments as well as a center arm that controls the video
endoscope. The cart is mobile allowing its position to be adapted to the specific operation
being performed. Once locked in place and engaged within the patient, however, the cart
cannot be re-positioned without entirely disengaging the system. The standard array of 8
mm da Vinci instruments are outfitted with an EndoWrist technology (Figure 5) with
bidirectional articulation that provides 7-DOF. All instruments respond to the movement of
the control handles with wrist-like movements that mimic the human hand. A variety of
instrument tips are available including forceps, needle drivers, and scalpels, as well as both
monopolar and bipolar electrocautery devices (Figure 6).
494 Medical Robotics
expands, due to the high levels of surgeon fatigue seen when operating on the larger size
and thicker body walls of bariatric patients.
6.1 Cholecystectomy
The introduction of laparoscopy about 20 years ago revolutionized the treatment of
gallbladder disease22. Since then the laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the standard
of care and one of the most common laparoscopic procedures performed today. It is thus no
Robotics in General Surgery 495
surprise that the first robotic surgical procedure performed on a human was a laparoscopic
cholecystectomy in 1997 by Himpens, Leman, and Cadiere23.
Since that time, many clinical series have been published documenting experiences with
robotic-assisted cholecystectomy10, 24-28. All of these studies have shown few intra- or post-
operative complications confirming the feasibility and safety of using the da Vinci robotic
system to perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy29, 30. Studies comparing totally robotic to
conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy generally demonstrate significantly longer OR
times with the robotic procedures31-34. No clinical outcome advantage is presently apparent
for robotic cholecystectomy over laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Nonetheless, robotic
cholecystectomy is an excellent procedure for teaching the basics of robotic surgery, and
may be useful as a training procedure.
6.2 Fundoplication
Telerobotic fundoplication, like cholecystectomy, also has been used by many centers to
initiate their clinical experience with telerobotic gastrointestinal surgery. There are several
series in the literature demonstrating that robotic fundoplication is feasible and safe with a
low conversion rate and an acceptable morbidity rate, however similar to robotic
cholecystectomy, robotic fundoplications resulted in longer operating room times30, 35-41.
Several randomized control trials of robot-assisted versus conventional laparoscopic
fundoplications have been published. Most of these show similar results to the studies
mentioned above, in that the procedure is feasible, and the outcomes are similar to
conventional laparoscopy. Some argue that the small field of operation and the importance
of suturing for repair of the hiatus and construction of the fundoplication makes this
procedure an ideal application for telerobotic surgical systems29. The most recent
randomized control trial by Mller and colleagues42, did in fact demonstrate shorter
operative times for robotic fundoplication when performed by an experienced team.
However, given the higher costs and similar clinical outcomes, the advantages of robot-
assisted fundoplication over standard laparoscopic techniques are yet to be proven.
496 Medical Robotics
developed a totally robotic Roux-en Y gastric bypass technique. They reported telerobotic
operations were accomplished significantly faster than the laparoscopic operations and
suggest that their results point to the potential superiority of telerobotic bariatric surgery. In
general, authors suggest that the robotic surgical system may enhance performance
particularly in superobese patients. The strength of the robotic arms, as well as the
additional degrees of freedom in motion offered by the wristed instruments appears to
overcome the problems generated in these patients by their thick abdominal walls.
7. Colorectal Surgery
Given that conventional laparoscopic colorectal surgery is still in its infancy, it is not surprising
that telerobotic colorectal surgery remains in an early state of development. However, one
would expect the benefits of robotic surgery in other deep pelvic procedures including
prostatectomy53 and hysterectomy to translate into benefits in low anterior colon procedures.
The first reported robotic colectomy was performed by Weber end colleagues in 200254. Several
studies have since reported safety and feasibility of a variety of colorectal procedures55-62. Some
difficulties have been encountered in obtaining adequate excursion with the robotic arms,
primarily in procedures requiring dissection both up to the splenic flexure and down to the
pelvis. As is the case for many of the other procedures discussed above, robotic colorectal
operations have similar clinical outcomes to conventional laparoscopic techniques along with
longer operating times, and higher overall costs, and thus no demonstrable patient benefit30, 63.
Some suggest, however, that the true benefit of robotic surgery systems may be in enabling more
surgeons in the future to perform minimally invasive colorectal surgery, where they would
otherwise perform open procedures64.
Robotics in General Surgery 497
9. Miniaturization
Advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) promise the future of robotics will
see smaller and smaller embodiments. MEMS are devices measured in micrometers that are
built using a variety of advanced fabrication methods including electromagnetic discharge
and laser micromachining78. MEMS technology began as electro-mechanical sensors and
actuators but has grown to integrate biologic, fluid, optical and magnetic systems79.
Miniaturized sensors and actuators will soon address the limitations of current robotic
surgery through haptic feedback and advanced tracking systems. In the long term, these
devices will enable complex therapeutic manipulations inside increasing small structures
such as the intestinal tract, the vasculature and beyond80.
10. Automation
As noted earlier in the chapter, surgical robotics used in General Surgery today has not included
significant automation. Analogous to the airline industry, computer control of surgical robots
has zero tolerance for failure. Despite the ability to automate many basic surgical tasks, the safety
bar will be set high. The FDA has yet to approve an automated device for General Surgery and
will undoubtedly require significant pre-market testing prior to approval. Other surgical fields
have seen small inroads into automation as with the ROBODOC, a reaming system for the
femoral component of hip implants used in orthopedic surgery. The system is programmed
based on pre-operative imaging and intra-operative registration to cut a precise cavity in the
femoral canal81-84. The FDA approved the system after significant pre-market testing for failure
498 Medical Robotics
modes85-87. Many believe that a fully automated surgical robot is unattainable due to subtle
variations in human anatomy that demands human skills beyond the capabilities of an
algorithm88. Although not on the immediate horizon, automation may one day meet the safety
challenges it faces and become reality.
11. Conclusion
In summary, robotics has made a significant contribution to General Surgery in the past 20 years.
In its infancy, surgical robotics has seen a shift from early systems that assisted the surgeon to
current teleoperator systems that can enhance surgical skills. Telepresence and augmented
reality surgery are being realized, while research and development into miniaturization and
automation is rapidly moving forward.
The future of surgical robotics is bright. Researchers are working to address the electro-
mechanical limitations of current robotic systems. Increasing utilization and competition in the
marketplace should drive the cost of robotic systems down, improving their cost-effective
proposition. By ultimately enabling increasingly complex interventions through minimally
invasive approaches, robotics will have a significant role in the future of surgery.
Robot-Assisted Surgery Conventional Minimal Access Surgery
Advantages Tremor Filtration Affordable, ubiquitous
Stereoscopic Visualization Some haptic feedback
Seven degrees of freedom Well-developed, established technology
Improved dexterity
Elimination of fulcrum effect
Motion Scaling
Ergonomic Positioning
Improved hand-eye coordination
Disadvantages Minimal haptic feedback Two-dimensional visualization
Expensive Compromised dexterity
Longer set-up times Limited degrees of motion
Large footprint
New technology Fulcrum effect (hand-instrument motion reversal)
Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Robot-Assisted Surgery vs. Conventional
Minimal Access Surgery
Robotic General Surgery Procedures
Heller Myotomy
Anti-reflux surgery
Colon Resection
Bariatric surgery
Endocrine surgery
Esophageal resection
Small bowel surgery
Liver resection
Gastric Surgery
Table 2. Applications of Robotics in General Surgery
Robotics in General Surgery 499
Figure 2. The da Vinci robotic surgical system comprising of a surgeons console and a
patient side cart. [2007] Intuitive Surgical, Inc
500 Medical Robotics
Figure 3. Surgeons console including operative field view (above) and master controls
(below). [2007] Intuitive Surgical, Inc
Robotics in General Surgery 501
502 Medical Robotics
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Medical Robotics
Edited by Vanja Bozovic
ISBN 978-3-902613-18-9
Hard cover, 526 pages
Publisher I-Tech Education and Publishing
Published online 01, January, 2008
Published in print edition January, 2008
The first generation of surgical robots are already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the
world. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented control and precision of
surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. So far, robots have been used to position an
endoscope, perform gallbladder surgery and correct gastroesophogeal reflux and heartburn. The ultimate goal
of the robotic surgery field is to design a robot that can be used to perform closed-chest, beating-heart
surgery. The use of robotics in surgery will expand over the next decades without any doubt. Minimally
Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary approach in surgery. In MIS, the operation is performed with
instruments and viewing equipment inserted into the body through small incisions created by the surgeon, in
contrast to open surgery with large incisions. This minimizes surgical trauma and damage to healthy tissue,
resulting in shorter patient recovery time. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the state-of-art, to
present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this expanding area. Nevertheless, many
chapters in the book concern advanced research on this growing area. The book provides critical analysis of
clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies. This book is
certainly a small sample of the research activity on Medical Robotics going on around the globe as you read it,
but it surely covers a good deal of what has been done in the field recently, and as such it works as a valuable
source for researchers interested in the involved subjects, whether they are currently medical roboticists or
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
James Wall, Venita Chandra and Thomas Krummel (2008). Robotics in General Surgery, Medical Robotics,
Vanja Bozovic (Ed.), ISBN: 978-3-902613-18-9, InTech, Available from:
Fax: +385 (51) 686 166 Fax: +86-21-62489821