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Pipeline Inspections AER

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Manual 005

Pipeline Inspections
Released: August 18, 2016

Effective: August 18, 2016

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections

August 18, 2016

Published by
Alberta Energy Regulator
Suite 1000, 250 5 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 0R4

Telephone: 403-297-8311
Toll free: 1-855-297-8311
E-mail: inquiries@aer.ca
Website: www.aer.ca
Alberta Energy Regulator

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 1
About this Manual ................................................................................................................................... 1
Inspector Safety and Conduct ................................................................................................................ 1
Industry Compliance ............................................................................................................................... 1
How to Use This Manual ........................................................................................................................ 2

Inspection Results ......................................................................................................................................... 4

1 Licence and Approvals ........................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Construction Activities ............................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 Notification .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Ditch Preparation, Backfill Procedures, and Rehabilitation .......................................................... 6
2.3 Depth of Cover .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Crossings (Road/Railway/Water) ................................................................................................. 7
2.5 Horizontal Directional Drilling ....................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Design and Materials .................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Materials, Handling, and Installation ........................................................................................... 10
2.8 Welding (General and Procedures) ............................................................................................ 11
2.9 In-Service Welding and Weld Repairs ........................................................................................ 12
2.10 Mechanical Interference Fit Joints .............................................................................................. 13
2.11 Aluminum Joining and Inspection ............................................................................................... 14
2.12 Nonmetallic Joining..................................................................................................................... 14
2.13 Joining Inspections ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.14 Installation of Liners and Nonmetallic Pipe................................................................................. 16
2.15 Licensee Inspections (Quality Control) ....................................................................................... 17

3 Ground Disturbance ............................................................................................................................. 18

3.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 18

4 Pipeline Pressure Testing ..................................................................................................................... 20

4.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Pressure and Duration ................................................................................................................ 21
4.3 Records and Accuracy................................................................................................................ 22
4.4 Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.5 Testing of Liners and Nonmetallic Pipe ...................................................................................... 23

5 Operations and Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 24

5.1 Operations Manuals and Procedures ......................................................................................... 24
5.2 Records....................................................................................................................................... 25

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016) i

5.3 Design and Operating Conditions ............................................................................................... 26
5.4 Liner Operations and Maintenance ............................................................................................ 27
5.5 Internal Corrosion Monitoring and Mitigation .............................................................................. 27
5.6 External Corrosion (Cathodic Protection and Coatings) ............................................................. 28
5.7 Emergency Valves ...................................................................................................................... 30
5.8 Emergency Shutdowns (Gas >1% H2S) ..................................................................................... 31
5.9 Pressure Control (Limiting/Relieving) ......................................................................................... 32
5.10 Pressure Control for Artificial Lift Systems ................................................................................. 32
5.11 Leak Detection ............................................................................................................................ 33
5.12 Signage ....................................................................................................................................... 34
5.13 Pipeline Installations (Compressors, Pumps) ............................................................................. 34
5.14 Right-of-Way Surveillance .......................................................................................................... 35

6 Repairs and Integrity ............................................................................................................................ 35

6.1 Pipe Repair ................................................................................................................................. 35
6.2 Sleeves and Temporary Repairs ................................................................................................ 36
6.3 Integrity and Safety ..................................................................................................................... 37

7 Surface Pipelines .................................................................................................................................. 38

7.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 38

8 Discontinuation, Abandonment, Removal, and Resumption ................................................................ 38

8.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 38

9 Pipeline Incidents.................................................................................................................................. 40
9.1 Reporting .................................................................................................................................... 40
9.2 Response .................................................................................................................................... 40

10 Other Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 41

10.1 Related to Directive 038: Noise Control ..................................................................................... 41
10.2 Related to Directive 055: Storage Requirements for the Upstream Petroleum Industry ............ 42
10.3 Related to Directive 058: Oilfield Waste Management Requirements for the Upstream
Petroleum Industry ...................................................................................................................... 43
10.4 Related to Directive 060: Upstream Petroleum Industry Flaring, Incinerating, and Venting ...... 44
10.5 Related to Directive 071: Emergency Preparedness and Response Requirements for the
Petroleum Industry ...................................................................................................................... 45
10.6 Related to Other AER Requirements ......................................................................................... 46

Appendix 1 References and Contacts .................................................................................................... 47

ii Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

Alberta Energy Regulator


About this Manual

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (Manual 005) is a resource document and tool for the Alberta Energy
Regulator (AER) field operations staff. Manual 005 replaces Directive 066: Requirements and
Procedures for Pipelines, which has been rescinded.

Inspector Safety and Conduct

Safety is important to the AER, with field operations staff conducting their work in accordance with
recognized standards of practice. When identified, field operations staff will also report unsafe operating
conditions and practices to the licensee and to Alberta Workplace Health and Safety.

Field operations staff can conduct surveillance activities at any time. However, company policy is
considered when giving notification for lease entry.

Field operations staff may ask that a pipeline operator be present during surveillance, and they may have a
discussion with a licensees on-site personnel. This is an opportunity to establish and enhance
relationships, exchange site and operational information, educate industry about AER requirements and
processes, and ensure that remedial or follow-up work is done.

Field operations staff should have a copy of Manual 005 and any relevant regulatory documents available
when conducting surveillance activities.

A field inspection summary card is to be left on site once an inspection is complete, although it is not
necessary to leave a card if inspection results have been reviewed with a licensee representative.

Industry Compliance
Industry may use Manual 005 as a guide for its own compliance management systemshowever, the
AER also recognizes the importance of considering issues beyond the scope of this document. Efficient,
safe, orderly, and environmentally responsible development of Albertas energy resources is an outcome
best achieved through the use of this document with broader management- and systems-based approaches.

While Manual 005 identifies many noncompliant event statementsalong with their referenced
requirements from the Pipeline Act, the Pipeline Rules, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 1 and
relevant AER directivesit is not an exhaustive inventory. Industry is responsible for understanding and
complying with all pipeline-related regulatory requirements, including the development of safety loss

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) requirements receive their regulatory authority through Pipeline Rules 9[1] 9[4].

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016) 1

Alberta Energy Regulator

management systems, effective integrity management programs, and suitable risk assessment / risk
mitigation strategies.

In accordance with section 9 of the Pipeline Rules, the requirements for the design, construction, testing,
operation, maintenance, repair, and leak detection of pipelines are provided in CSA Z662-15, Z245.11,
Z245.12, and Z245.15, unless otherwise modified, altered, changed, or replaced by the Pipeline Rules.

During the course of surveillance activities, field operations staff may ask for access to a licensees
operations or controlled areas, or they may inspect or test a licensees pipeline activities and inspect all
books, records, and documents that pertain to the construction, operation, and maintenance of pipelines or
to ground disturbance done in accordance with section 5 of the Pipeline Act. A licensee who interferes
with, or fails to assist a member of the AER in the exercise of this authority may be guilty of an offence
under section 52(3) of the Pipeline Act.

Field operations staff will use education and prevention activities to monitor industry for compliance with
AER requirements and conditions of approval. Staff may also, in accordance with section 34(2) of the
Pipeline Act, at any time require that the licensee of a pipeline inspect, investigate, or test the pipeline,
and they may prescribe the manner in which these activities are done. A licensees failure to follow the
direction of field operations staff also may result in the licensee being found guilty of an offence under
the Pipeline Act.

The AER is committed to continuous improvement. As such, Manual 005 will be regularly updated to
ensure that noncompliant event statements reflect current regulatory requirements.

How to Use This Manual

Manual 005 is organized into key technical areas, with each section containing related noncompliant
event statements and their relevant regulatory reference. The effective identification of noncompliance
entails a review and understanding of the referenced requirements to ensure the correct application of the
associated noncompliant event statements.

Staff may use any section of Manual 005 during inspections, regardless of the type or scope of the
inspection being conducted.

The noncompliance items in the manual are structured as follows:

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipe not supported to prevent
excessive stresses and axial or
lateral friction forces in the pipe.
(CSA Z662-15 [])

The Manual # is the number used by the Field Inspection System (FIS) and the Digital Data
Submission (DDS) system to identify inspection items in the databasethis number does not relate to
sections in AER directives, acts, or rules.

2 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

Alberta Energy Regulator

The Risk rating is the predetermined risk rating associated with noncompliance with the
requirement. It is based on health and safety, environmental impact, conservation, and stakeholder
confidence in the regulatory process.
The Description is the noncompliant event statement and associated requirement/rule.
The symbol indicates a noncompliant event statement that is typically only identified after a
failure or incident.

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016) 3

Alberta Energy Regulator

Inspection Results

1 Licence and Approvals

1.1 General
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Licence not obtained before pipeline construction, or before any operation that
prepares for or is incidental to the construction of any part of a pipeline.* (Pipeline
Act 6[1])

*Exception to this limitation is specified in Pipeline Act 6[2]

Note: An applicant must obtain the appropriate AER licence(s) prior to commencing any site
preparation, construction, or operation. (Pipeline Rules 3)
Applicants are not permitted to initiate prelease construction prior to acquiring an AER
licence. Part 6, sections 11 and 12 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act (OGCA) and part 4,
section 6 of the Pipeline Act prohibit any preparatory or incidental operations on private or
public lands prior to the applicant receiving a well, facility, or pipeline licence or approval.
This includes work such as access road construction, pipe stringing, bending, and welding,
and facility equipment installation. Applicants must limit prelease activities to surveying and
obtaining soil samples through shovel digs or auger samples no more than 5 to 8
centimetres (cm) in diameter. (Directive 056, section 3.3 (3)) Low Risk Application not submitted* to amend the licence where the licensee has changed
the pipeline before completing construction. (Pipeline Act 10[1])

*Exception: as specified in Pipeline Act 6[2](a)(b), and Pipeline Rules 3[3]

Note: This statement applies to changes to any information that is stated on the licence. For
example, changes to outside diameter, wall thickness, materials used, type and grade, joint
type, internal coating, to and from locations, or facilities and environment before the pipeline
goes into service. High Risk Application not submitted after the construction of a pipeline, where a licensee
changes, alters, adds to it, relocates, diverts, or extends the pipeline. (Pipeline
Act 11[1]*)

*Refer to Pipeline Act 11[3] and Pipeline Rules 3[3] for exceptions, and to Pipeline Act 11[4]
for emergency situations.
Note: This statement applies to changes to, for example, outside diameter, wall thickness,
materials used, type and grade, joint type, internal coating, to and from locations, or facilities
and environment after the pipeline goes into service. Low Risk Licensee removes a pipeline or part of a pipeline without obtaining approval from
the AER, or having been otherwise authorized by the AER. (Pipeline Rules 84)

Note: Otherwise authorized by the AER may include authorization given by the field
centre. Low Risk Licensee does not notify the AER that the work on a pipeline will not be started or
completed. (Pipeline Rules 5[2])

Note: Licensee must notify the AER at least 30 days before the expiry date stated on the
licence that work on the pipeline will not begin, in accordance with Directive 056. (Pipeline
Rules 5[1])

4 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

Alberta Energy Regulator

Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Pipeline constructed on, across, over, or under a road without approval of the
local authority. (Pipeline Act 39[1])

Note: Be aware of CSA Z662-15 [] regarding angle of crossing. Low Risk Pipeline parallel to a road is within 30 metres (m) of the boundary of the road
without approval of the local authority. (Pipeline Act 39[2]) Low Risk No approval from the local authority to have a bend in the pipeline within the
boundaries of a road or within 8 m of the boundary of a road. (Pipeline Act 39[3]) High Risk No approval from the owner before constructing a pipeline on, across, over, or
under an irrigation canal or ditch. (Pipeline Act 41)

Note: Irrigation canal or ditch under the Irrigation Districts Act, or a drainage ditch under the
Drainage Districts Act. High Risk No AER approval where pipeline construction interferes with the present workings
or obstructs any openings to a mine or quarry. (Pipeline Act 44) High Risk Licensee has not obtained all required approvals from the Alberta Boilers Safety
Association before putting into operation a steam distribution pipeline with an
internal aggregate capacity greater than 0.5 cubic metres. (Pipeline Rules 3[2]) High Risk No AER approval for nonstandard* materials, components, or methods prior to
their use. (Pipeline Rules 10[4])

*Nonstandard means materials, components, or methods that are other than those that are
included in CSA Z662-15, and as identified in the latest published edition of the code or
standard issued by the Canadian Standards Association. See Pipeline Rules 9[1], 10. High Risk Licensee did not submit an application for approval to install a liner in a pipeline or
part of a pipeline in accordance with Directive 056. (Pipeline Rules 72) High Risk Right-of-way (ROW) boundaries for the pipeline are not surveyed in accordance
with the Surveys Act before construction. (Pipeline Rules 4[1])

Note: In March 2010 the AER granted an exemption to the Federation of Alberta Gas Co-
ops Ltd. to comply with Pipeline Rules 4.
Instead of registering a survey, the co-ops take out a utility ROW on the land title that
identifies the presence of a pipeline on an affected property. The co-ops also must submit
as-built drawings to the Rural Gas Utilities Branch (RGUB), which provides updated maps to
the AER mapping department.
Gas co-ops are mandatory registrants and users of Alberta One-Call in accordance with the

2 Construction Activities

2.1 Notification
Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk The AER was not notified, through the DDS system, at least 24 hrs before the
start of pipeline construction. (Pipeline Rules 2[1], [6])

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Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk The AER was not notified, through the DDS system, at least 48 hours before the
start of any pressure test. (Pipeline Rules 2[1], [24])

Exceptions: DDS notification is not required for pressure tests that are part of normal
operations or maintenance. That is, testing for other than the qualification of the line, or for
Directive 056 requirements (e.g., Maximum operation pressure (MOP), amendments), does
not require DDS notification.
Note: In an emergency, the AER would expect the operator to address the emergency first.
The operator would still have 48 hours to let the AER know. Low Risk For a pipeline conveying high vapour pressure (HVP) product or natural gas
containing >10 mol/kmol H2S, the AER was not notified at least 48 hours by the
licensee prior to commencing: the replacement of short portions of pipeline
allowed by section 3[3](a), instrumented internal inspections of the pipeline, or
any activity that may result in welding on an in-service pipeline. (Pipeline Rules

Note: In an emergency, the AER would expect the operator to address the emergency first.
The operator would still have 48 hours to let the AER know. (Pipeline Rules 57[2])

2.2 Ditch Preparation, Backfill Procedures, and Rehabilitation

Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Areas disturbed by pipeline construction activities are not maintained in a
condition that adequately controls environmental degradation. (CSA Z662-15
[]) High Risk Ditch bottom does not provide suitable support for the piping. (CSA Z662-15
[], []) High Risk Backfill material for reinforced composite or polyethylene pipe is not free of rocks
and debris and does not extend 150 millimetres from the pipe in all directions.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Licensee has not taken suitable measures to prevent damage to the pipe or
coating that may occur during backfill or subsequent surface activities. (CSA
Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Backfilling has caused distortion (e.g., flattening, ovality, etc.) to the pipe that has
been detrimental to the operation of the piping or to the passage of cleaning or
internal inspection devices. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Backfilling was not done in a manner that prevents excessive subsidence or
erosion of the backfill and support material. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Clean up and restoration of areas disturbed during pipeline activities were not
restored to a stable condition or maintained to control erosion. (CSA Z662-15

Note: This statement applies to new construction and repairs, and to new and used
materials. Low Risk For reinforced composite pipe installed by ploughing, an assessment was not
done to ensure that the soil is adequate to support the pipe and that it will not
damage the pipe. (CSA Z662-15 [])

6 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

Alberta Energy Regulator

2.3 Depth of Cover

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk The minimum earth cover for any operating or discontinued pipeline does not
meet the greater of the minimum cover requirements specified by CSA Z662-15
(4.11.1, 4.11.2,, the Pipeline Rules, and the AER, or as otherwise
permitted by historical standards or regulatory requirements at the time of
construction. (Pipeline Rules 20[2])

See Pipeline Rules 20(1), and CSA Z662-15, table 4.9:
ROW of a road, including travelled surface of road (CSA): 1.2 m
ROW of a highway (Pipeline Rules [PR]): 1.4 m
ROW of a railway (limited by PR): 0.80 m
Below base of rail, within 7 m of an outside track (CSA):
1.20 m (cased)
2.00 m (uncased)
Water crossing (CSA or PR): 1.20 m*
Drainage or irrigation ditch invert (limited by PR):
0.80 m (normal excavation)
0.80 m (rock or comparable excavation)
Low vapour pressure (LVP) or gas, any class location, any excavation (limited by PR):
0.80 m
HVP or CO2 pipeline, Class 1 location:
0.90 m, CSA (normal excavation)
0.80 m, limited by PR (rock or comparable excavation)
HVP or CO2 pipeline, Class 2,3,4 location:
1.20 m, CSA (normal excavation)
0.80 m, limited by PR (rock or comparable excavation)
Any other place (PR): 0.80 m
*Can be reduced to 0.80 m with analysis demonstrating erosion potential is minimized
(allowed to 0.60 m under CSA, but limited to 0.80 m per PR).

2.4 Crossings (Road/Railway/Water)

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Casing or thicker-walled pipe installed under a highway, road, or railway does not
extend the full width of the ROW of the highway, road, or railway. (Pipeline Rules
[18], [19])

Note: This applies to both new construction and existing piping under new or modified
highway, railway, or road upgrades. High Risk Installation of cased or uncased crossings is not in accordance with CSA Z662.
(CSA Z662-15 [], [], [], table 4.10, and []) Low Risk Pipeline does not have a straight alignment or a consistent depth of cover for the
full width of the utility ROW. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Carrier or casing pipe used for open-cut crossings is not laid on suitable bedding
material with an even-bearing throughout the length, or is not installed in a manner
that prevents the formation of a waterway along them, or is not compacted to
prevent settlement. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016) 7

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipe is overstressed* during installation at a water crossing. (CSA Z662-15

*Examples may include: pulling or bending stress. Overstresses may be determined by

failure analysis. High Risk Inappropriate support and protection where reinforced composite pipe exits the
casing and beyond the casing ends, to the main line ditch grade. (CSA Z662-15
[]) High Risk Polyethylene pipe used in uncased road or railway crossing has a standard
dimension ratio (SDR) greater than 11, or it is not well supported in a bore hole; or
transitions between the bored pipe and line pipe are not well supported or
compacted when backfilled. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk The hoop strength of an aluminum pipeline at an uncased railway crossing
exceeds 25 per cent specified minimum yield strength (SMYS), or the pipe wall
thickness is not in accordance with CSA Z662-15. (CSA Z662-15 [15.3.5])

2.5 Horizontal Directional Drilling

Note: Inspections of drilling waste from horizontal directional drilling (HDD) are to be done using
Manual 002: Drilling Waste Inspections, and any deficiencies are to be entered in FIS, sections

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk A written execution plan is not developed prior to HDD or the execution plan is not
used during the completion of such drilling. (CSA Z662-15 [4.22], [])

Note: The plan must include, as a minimum, drill bit directing and tracking equipment,
workspace requirements, and environmental protection requirements. High Risk Pipe handling and installation procedures during HDD do not minimize coating
damage and stress to pipe. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Evaluation of pipe and coating integrity during HDD does not include visual and
nondestructive testing of girth welds, visual inspection of coating at the drillhole
exit, and a pressure test of the drag section after pull back. (CSA Z662-15
[]) Low Risk The hole diameter of the bored crossing is not as close as practical to the outside
diameter of the carrier pipe or casing pipe. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk Prompt remedial measures were not taken when bored holes were abandoned or
where the space between pipes and the hole is excessive. (CSA Z662-15
[]) High Risk High risk noncompliance items referenced from Manual 002: Drilling Waste
Inspections. See the Field Inspection System (FIS) comments for details. Low Risk Low risk noncompliance items referenced from Manual 002: Drilling Waste
Inspections. See FIS comments for details.

8 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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2.6 Design and Materials

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk The wall thickness for steel pipe is less than the applicable value given in CSA
Z662-15, table 4.5. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Steel pipe is not made to a standard or specification given in table 5.3, except as
allowed in CSA Z662-15. (CSA Z662-15 [5.2.4])

Note: If this noncompliance is observed, refer it to Authorizations for possible nonroutine

engineering assessment (EA) approval. The material may be suitable; it just might be
different than the material that was originally approved. High Risk Steel fittings, flanges, and valves are not made to a standard or specification given
in table 5.3, except as allowed in CSA Z662-15. (CSA Z662-15 []). High Risk Valve, fitting, or another component connected to the pipeline does not have a
manufacturers rating that is equal to or greater than the maximum operating
pressure authorized by the AER, or the pressure rating exceeds those specified in
the applicable CSA material standard. (Pipeline Rules 15; CSA Z662-15, table
5.3) High Risk Flanges or fittings are not suitable for the grade of pipe to which they are to be
joined. (CSA Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Bends and elbows used for direction changes in steel piping are not made in
accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [6.2.3]) High Risk Anchors or ground restraints do not allow movement necessary to prevent stress
or strain on partially restrained buried pipelines. (CSA Z662-15 [4.7.3]) High Risk Licensee did not provide flexibility of unrestrained portions of pipeline systems to
absorb thermal strains (expansion and contraction) and prevent excessive
stresses. (CSA Z662-15 [4.7.3], [4.8.1], [4.8.2]) High Risk Design pressure and wall thickness of field bends are not in accordance with the
requirements for straight pipe. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk Adequate protection to prevent damage to the piping from unusual or special
external conditions is not provided. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Example: Guard around a riser. High Risk Construction drawing or document deviations for a sour service pipeline has been
made without prior approval from the company, or without record of approval.
(CSA Z662-15 [16.5.1]) High Risk Sour gas or sour multiphase pipeline is not designed to accommodate internal
maintenance cleaning and inspection devices. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: This is not practical in some instances, such as 2 flex pipe. High Risk Pipeline material does not comply with the sour service clause of the applicable
CSA Z245 standard. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Material means pipe, components, and equipment that are part of the pipeline. High Risk For sour service, the piping on both sides of anchored circumferential welds is not
supported in accordance with CSA Z662-15. (CSA Z662-15 [16.3.4])

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Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Pipe and components intended for sour service are not properly marked. (CSA
Z662-15 [], [], []) High Risk Field-fabricated mitred bends are used for polyethylene pipe. (CSA Z662-15
[]) High Risk Threaded joints are used in aluminum piping. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Threaded metallic pipe-to-pipe and pipe-to-component joints are used for
permanently buried installations; for pipe larger than 114.3 mm OD; for pipe larger
than 60.3 mm OD with an MOP > 3.5 MPa; or for piping in HVP or CO2 service.
(CSA Z662-15 [4.5.2])

Note: Permanently buried auxiliary joints such as drains, valve body bleeds, and instrument
taps may be threaded directly into components. High Risk The clearance in any direction between a pipeline and other structures (cables,
conductors, other pipelines) does not meet the requirements in CSA Z662-15.
(CSA Z662-15 [4.11.2], table 4.9)

Note: Reduced clearance may be used if pipelines are appropriately protected from damage
that could result from the pipeline being close to other structures.

2.7 Materials, Handling, and Installation

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipe not supported to prevent excessive stresses and axial or lateral friction forces
in the pipe. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Nonwelded or welded pipe-supporting attachments to the pipe are not designed to
minimize additional stresses in the pipe wall. (CSA Z662-15 [4.10]) High Risk External pressures and loadings on the pipe are not taken into account, or the
pipe wall thickness is not of adequate strength to prevent excessive deformation
and collapse. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Piping does not reasonably follow the contour of the ditch, or external force used
on pipe to make it fit the contour of the ditch causes stress to the pipe or damage
to the coating. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Coated pipe was not inspected for defects before backfilling. (CSA Z662-15
[9.3.4]) High Risk Care is not taken in the handling, transporting, stockpiling, and placing of pipe and
components to prevent damage to the pipe, coating, and any lining. (CSA Z662-15
[6.2.2]) High Risk Pipeline weights are installed in a manner that damages the pipe or coating. (CSA
Z662-15 []) High Risk The transportation, installation, and repair of pipeline reduced the wall thickness at
any point to less than 90 per cent of the design wall thickness. (CSA Z662-15
[6.1.3], []) Low Risk Aluminum pipe ends are not covered or fittings are not protected during shipment
or handling. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Aluminum pipe installed either with a plough that is not designed to prevent
damage to the pipe or with a plough shoe of an incorrect radius. (CSA Z662-15
[]) High Risk Changes in direction of aluminum pipe when installed by ploughing are not in
accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [], [])

10 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

Alberta Energy Regulator

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Sour service aluminum pipelines are not constructed in accordance with CSA
Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [15.10.8], [16.5]) Low Risk A continuous, electrically insulated and minimum 14-gauge metallic tracer wire is
not appropriately installed, or is not installed adjacent to each reinforced
composite (RCP) or polyethylene (PE) pipeline. (CSA Z662-15 [],
[]) High Risk PE pipe plough installation is bent to radii smaller than the minimum
recommended by the manufacturer, or the bend causes buckles, cracks, or other
damage. (CSA Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Where PE pipe is cased, appropriate support and protection is not given where it
exits the casing. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Steel pipe, risers, valves, or other heavy components are not supported to prevent
damage to reinforced composite pipe. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk The requirements are not met for above-ground reinforced composite, or for
polyethylene piping that is joined to metallic piping or that is part of an above-
ground piping system installation. (CSA Z662-15 [], [])

Note: This may include pipe support, anchoring, management of stresses, weather
protection, fire, or mechanical damage. High Risk Where reinforced composite pipe joins metallic piping below ground, required
measures are not provided to prevent soil settlement at over-excavated areas at
pipeline risers. (CSA Z662-15 [])

2.8 Welding (General and Procedures)

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk The qualified weld procedure specification for preheating sour service pipeline
was not followed. (CSA Z662-15 [16.6.7]) Low Risk The base material carbon equivalent used in procedure qualification was not
captured in the procedure qualification record. (CSA Z662-15 [16.6.1]) High Risk Excessive force was used to align tie-in welds on sour service pipelines; e.g., track
hoes, jack alls, come alongs etc. (CSA Z662-15 [16.6.6]) High Risk Welding hardness on sour service pipeline exceeds maximum allowable. (CSA
Z662-15 [16.6.4]) High Risk Welding of piping does not use a qualified welding procedure. (CSA Z662-15
[]) Low Risk Welding procedure not approved by the company. (CSA Z662-15 [7.6.2]) Low Risk Welding procedure qualification test and welding procedure are not being
recorded or are not available during construction where the work is being done.
(CSA Z662-15 [7.6.3]) High Risk Welding specification procedures are not requalified where essential changes*
have occurred. (CSA Z662-15 [7.6.5] table 7.3, [16.6.2])

*Essential changes in welding procedures require requalification of the welding procedure

specification, or the establishment and qualification of a new welding procedure
specification. High Risk Welder not qualified for the specified company welding procedure or has not
requalified within the required time interval. (CSA Z662-15 [])

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipe or components are aligned by hammering after welding of root bead has
begun. (CSA Z662-15 [7.9.2]) High Risk Grounding device is welded to pipe or component. (CSA Z662-15 [7.9.3]) High Risk Welding was done during weather conditions that impaired the welding (e.g.,
moisture, blowing sand, high winds, low temperature) without mitigating the
adverse effects (e.g., by using wind shields). (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Weld procedure was not qualified for stud welding (for the purpose of corrosion
monitoring) in a heat-affected zone of a pipeline. (CSA Z662-15 [])

2.9 In-Service Welding and Weld Repairs

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Welds on in-service piping are not made using low-hydrogen welding practices or
are not in accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Cellulosic electrodes may be used for the root pass on branch connection welds,
provided the requirement of CSA Z662-15, clause is met. High Risk Weld imperfections (field circumferential welds or mill welds) found on in-service
piping have not been subject to an engineering assessment and deemed
acceptable, or have not been repaired using acceptable methods. (CSA Z662-15
[10.10.6], [10.10.7]) High Risk Before welding on in-service piping, the area to be welded was not inspected for
adequate wall thickness and imperfections. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Hot-tap weld procedures for joining run pipes to branches or reinforcement
sleeves were not in accordance with a qualified weld procedure specification.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Direct deposition welding was not done in accordance with the qualified weld
procedure or with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Finished direct deposit weld repair surface is not suitable for ultrasonic inspection
or contoured to match the pipe surface profile. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Direct deposit welding is being used to repair where not allowed by CSA Z662.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Direct deposit welding repairs are being used on sour service pipelines. (CSA
Z662-15 [16.8.5]) High Risk Ripples, wrinkles, and buckles that exceed the acceptable limits established in
CSA Z662 -15, clause 10.10.8, were not removed in accordance with CSA
Z662-15, clause

Note: If this is observed and the licensee wishes to leave the ripple, wrinkle, or buckle in place
rather than cut it out, refer to CSA Z662-15, clause, and consult with AER pipeline
engineering personnel. High Risk Pipe out of roundness does not fall within the limits set out in CSA Z662-15 and
was not removed. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: The difference between the maximum and minimum diameters of the pipe
(pipe out of roundness) must not exceed 5% of the specified outside diameter of
the pipe. This is applicable to mainline pipe, not girth weld joints.

12 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Cracks in circumferential or fillet welds have not been completely removed by
cutting out as a cylinder and replacing with a pipe as necessary in accordance
with CSA Z662-15, clause 10.11.3(b), or by using a repair procedure* as specified
in CSA Z662-15, clause 7.12.5. (CSA Z662-15 [6.3.5])

* Field inspectors are to consult with AER pipeline engineering personnel or the AER
pipeline technical specialist when dealing with repairs to welds containing cracks, as allowed
in CSA Z662-15, clause 7.12.5. High Risk Repair of welds that had repairable defects was not done in accordance with CSA
Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [7.12])

2.10 Mechanical Interference Fit Joints

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk No mechanical interference fit joining procedure specifications, or specifications
are not supported by engineering test data or field trials. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Mechanical interference fit joining operators not qualified to produce acceptable,
consistent joints or not qualified to properly prepare pipe ends for joining. (CSA
Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Inspection procedures for mechanical interference fit joints are not approved and
implemented by the company or do not include the required inspection criteria in
accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Mechanical interference fit joints were used to join pipeline* licensed for sour
service. (CSA Z662-15 [16.10.2])

* Gas pipelines only. High Risk Sleeve, coupled, mechanical interference fit, and other patented joints are used in
HVP or CO2 pipeline systems. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Sleeve, coupled, mechanical interference fit, and other patented joints when used*
in LVP pipeline systems are not in accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15

*Sleeve, coupled, mechanical interference fit, and other patented joints can be used in
metallic LVP pipeline systems provided:
(a) the materials are qualified as specified in clause 5.1;
(b) a sample of the type of joint to be used has been proof tested under simulated service
conditions incorporating anticipated vibration, cyclic operation, low temperature, thermal
expansion, and other such conditions; and
(c) adequate provision is made to prevent separation of the joint as a result of longitudinal or
lateral movement that would exceed the capability of the joining members. High Risk Mechanical interference fit joints are installed in a gas pipeline system that is not
in a Class 1 location.* (CSA Z662-15 [])

*See CSA Z662-15, table 4.1, Class Locations and Designations

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2.11 Aluminum Joining and Inspection

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk All circumferential joints of aluminum pipe within a railway ROW are not
nondestructively inspected (i.e., radiographically inspected for 100% of their
circumference). (CSA Z662-15, [15.3.5]) High Risk Qualifications of high-energy-joining personnel are not in accordance with CSA
Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [15.6.5]) High Risk High energy joining was not done in accordance with a qualified joining procedure
specification, or the joining procedure specifications are not in accordance with
CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [15.6.4], []) High Risk Nondestructive inspection of high energy joining was not in accordance with CSA
Z662. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Destructive testing of high energy joining was not in accordance with CSA Z662.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk High energy joints were not visually inspected in accordance with CSA Z662, or
results and records were not kept. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk High energy joints that are unacceptable on the basis of the requirements of
clause are not removed as a cylinder. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Aluminum pipeline butt welds in sour service were not radiographically inspected
for 100% of their circumference. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Aluminum pipeline high energy joints in sour service were not ultrasonically
inspected for 100% of their circumference. (CSA Z662-15 [])

2.12 Nonmetallic Joining

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Personnel are not competent at installing couplings or components in accordance
with manufacturers recommended practice, or couplings and components were
not being installed in accordance with manufacturers recommended practice.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Production joints were not made in accordance with a documented reinforced
composite pipe joining procedure that is based on the manufacturers joining
recommendations. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk The company did not ensure that the personnel performing the joining are
qualified and competent in the reinforced composite pipe joining procedure. (CSA
Z662-15 [13.1.6])

Note: Personnel performing the joining procedure should be able to produce documentation
that they are qualified to conduct the procedure. High Risk Reinforced composite pipe systems are not joined using an acceptable method in
accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: If joins are not cathodically protected, an engineering assessment must be done. High Risk For reinforced composite pipe to steel pipe transitions that use threaded or
adhesive-bonded tapered connections, steel does not form the outside portion of
the connection. (CSA Z662-15 [])

14 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Polyethylene pipe and fittings are not joined by heat fusion or special fittings or
flanges, or polyethylene pipe and steel pipe were not joined using manufacturer-
approved special transition fittings or flanges. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Polyethylene pipe is joined using threaded connections. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Joining procedure for polyethylene pipe does not incorporate provisions for field
conditions or adjustments required for different ambient temperatures. (CSA Z662-
15 []) High Risk The fusion joining procedure for high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe was not in
accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Failure to follow the requirements as stated in CSA Z662-07, clause 13.3 for the
fusion joining, installation, and quality verification of HDPE pipe. (Directive 077

Note: This noncompliance refers to the use of high performance high density polyethylene
(PE80 and PE100) in oil and gas services as specified in Directive 077. Low Risk HDPE fusion joining parameters for each joint were not accurately recorded,*
maintained within the joining procedure, and maintained for the life of the pipeline.
(CSA Z662-15 [])

*Refer to clause for a list of minimum fusion joining parameters to be recorded
(manually or electronically). High Risk Either procedures for field destructive testing and visual assessment of HDPE
pipelines, or the bend test procedure used for fusion joint testing were not in
accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Test sample requirements for HDPE pipelines were not completed in accordance
with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Quality control of heat fusion joints was not done in accordance with an inspection
and test plan that is in accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk Records of results of fusion joint testing were not maintained for the life of the
pipeline, or pipe test samples were not saved until project completion. (CSA Z662-
15 []) High Risk Proper testing procedures for HDPE pipe were not followed where a fusion joint
test failure has occurred. (CSA Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Reinforced composite pipe is bent to radii smaller than the minimum
recommended by the manufacturer. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Bends must be free from buckles, cracks and other evidence of damage.
Field-fabricated mitred bends shall not be used. High Risk Bend radii and relative diameters of reinforced composite pipe installed as a liner in
a steel pipe are not done in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
(CSA Z662-15 [])

2.13 Joining Inspections

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Production welds that are not nondestructively tested have not been visually
inspected. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Welds inspected using ultrasonic methods were not also visually inspected. (CSA
Z662-15 [])

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Completed welds were not visually inspected for 100% of their length and in
accordance with the companys procedures. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk The visual inspection results of completed production welds were not reported in
the companys format, or reports of defective welds did not contain the required
information. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk All welds within the limits of uncased road, railway crossings, water crossings,
pressure-retaining welds that will not be pressure tested in place, and a minimum
of 15% of all other production welds made each day were not nondestructively
inspected for 100% of their length. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk All butt welds in CO2 pipelines were not inspected (radiographic or ultrasonic
methods) for 100% of their circumference. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Partial penetration butt welds are not radiographically inspected for 100% of their
circumference. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk Ultrasonic evaluation records are not kept until the piping is abandoned, or
inspection records, calibration records, and log books are not kept for a minimum
of two years. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Nondestructive testing of welds made on in-service piping was not done using
appropriate inspection methods. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk The company has not developed or provided a construction inspection plan for
sour service pipelines to the contractor, or the contractor has not used the plan.
(CSA Z662-15 [16.5.3]) High Risk Sour service production or tie-in welds were not nondestructively tested for 100%
of their circumference. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Incomplete penetration or incomplete fusion is identified in sour service pipeline
girth welds and is not repaired or removed in accordance with clause
(CSA Z662-15 [])

2.14 Installation of Liners and Nonmetallic Pipe

Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Polymeric or fibre-reinforced composite pipe was installed as a free-standing liner
or free-standing pipe for the purpose of conveying more than 1% H2S (10
mol/kmol) of natural gas without approval of the AER. (Pipeline Rules 11) High Risk Liner was installed in a sour service pipeline where the hoop strength of the
exterior pipeline was not in accordance with CSA Z662-15 and the Pipeline Rules.
(Pipeline Rules 73) High Risk Lined flanged joints were not assembled in accordance with the liner installers
procedure. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk The circumferential welds made to install steel flanges that did not undergo a
pressure test prior to liner insertion were not radiographically inspected for 100%
of their circumferences. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Carrier pipe must be tested prior to liner insertion. A company can test the entire line
and, depending on the length of the liner pulls, cut the pipe and install flanges. They would
then be allowed to radiographically inspect the circumferential welds for the flanges. High Risk Fittings to facilitate venting of annulus between the liner and the carrier pipe were
not installed as recommended by the liner installer or manufacturer. (CSA Z662-
15 [])

16 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Before liner insertion, a sizing pig was not run in the thermoplastic-lined pipeline to
ensure the internal diameter was unobstructed and suitable for the liner to be
installed without damage. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk A thermoplastic-lined pipeline was not internally cleaned and pigged free of fluid
before liner insertion. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk After liner insertion, the part of the liner that is visible at the exit point was not
inspected; or mechanical damage to the visible liner after installation exceeds
manufacturers recommendations or is deeper than 5% of the nominal wall
thickness. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Where reinforced composite or PE pipe is installed as a free-standing liner, the
bend radii and relative diameters are not in accordance with manufacturers
specifications. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk The company did not ensure that the personnel performing the joining of liners are
competent in the joining procedure. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Before the liner was inserted, excess external fusion bead on the liner was not
trimmed using proper equipment or procedures prescribed by the liner installer.
(CSA Z662-15 [])

2.15 Licensee Inspections (Quality Control)

Note: This section identifies inspections required by the licensee for quality control, and reflects the
timeframe from the receipt of materials (including prefabricated assemblies) to the completion of

Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Piping defect inspections were not conducted immediately prior to the application
of field-applied coatings, during lowering-in, and during backfilling operations.
(CSA Z662-15 [6.5.3]) Low Risk Pipe and components were not inspected for defects such as pipe deformation,
damage, and defective welds. (CSA Z662-15 [6.5.4]) High Risk Bends were not inspected for conformance with CSA Z662-15, clause 6.2.3.
(CSA Z662-15 [6.5.5]) Low Risk Field-coated pipe was not inspected for defects caused by the cleaning/coating
machine. (CSA Z662-15 [6.5.6]) Low Risk Plant-applied coatings were not inspected for integrity immediately after field
bending. (CSA Z662-15 [6.5.8]) High Risk For corrosion-resistant lining, the lining inside each pipe end was not visually
inspected for damage prior to joining, or damaged lining was not repaired in
accordance with the manufacturers specifications, or the damaged section was
cut out. (CSA Z662-15 [6.5.9]) Low Risk Pipe repairs, replacement, or alterations were not inspected prior to backfilling.
(CSA Z662-15 [6.5.11]) Low Risk Nonwelded tie-in joints were not visually inspected during initial pressurization.
(CSA Z662-15 [8.12.2]) High Risk The company does not have documented procedures for conducting inspections
to ensure that the requirements of CSA Z662-15 are met. (CSA Z662-15 [],

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3 Ground Disturbance

3.1 General
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Licensee is not registered with Alberta One Call or does not register every
pipeline with Alberta One call regardless of operational status. (Pipeline Rules
59[a]) High Risk Licensee does not register the pipeline with Alberta One Call before putting it into
operation. (Pipeline Rules 59[b]) High Risk A person proposing to disturb the ground did not take all precautions reasonably
necessary to check for pipelines within 30 m of the perimeter of the ground
disturbance area. (Pipeline Act 32[1], Pipeline Rules 60[1]) High Risk A person proposing to disturb the ground within the controlled area of a pipeline
did not notify the licensee and Alberta One call. (Pipeline Rules 60[2]) High Risk The licensee did not provide a person who is disturbing or proposing to disturb the
ground with the requested information (i.e., records). (Pipeline Act 32[2]) High Risk A pipeline licensee that may be, or is, affected by a ground disturbance did not
provide reasonable assistance to a person who is disturbing or proposing to
disturb the ground. (Pipeline Act 32[3]) Low Risk The licensee did not respond in writing within 21 days of the date the licensee
requested approval for a ground disturbance. (Pipeline Rules 62[1]) High Risk Ground is disturbed in a pipeline ROW without approval of the licensee or the
AER. (Pipeline Act 42) High Risk Ground is disturbed within 5 m of a pipeline with no ROW without the written
approval of the pipeline licensee (within 21 days of the date of approval request),
or of the AER if approval cannot be reasonably obtained from the licensee.
(Pipeline Rules 58, 62[1]) High Risk Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, identifying and marking is not
completed within two working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
after the licensee has been notified of the proposed ground disturbance. (Pipeline
Rules 60[3]) High Risk A notified licensee does not, prior to commencement of the ground disturbance,
accurately mark the horizontal position and alignment of the pipeline with distinct
warning signs and markers at adequate intervals in accordance with the uniform
colour code, and provide documentation of the markings to the person proposing
the ground disturbance. (Pipeline Rules 60[4]) High Risk A person proceeded to disturb the ground within the controlled area before
locating and marking of the pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 60[5]) Low Risk A person proposing a ground disturbance identifies and marks a pipeline without
either permission or delegation of the responsibility from the licensee. (Pipeline
Rules 60[6]) High Risk Alternative methods of locating and marking a pipeline were used but were not
agreed to by the licensee and the person proposing to disturb the ground.
(Pipeline Rules 60[7]) High Risk A pipeline licensee who has been notified of a ground disturbance did not have a
representative inspect the pipeline before the ground disturbance began, or the
representative did not ensure that the pipeline had been properly identified and
marked (as per Pipeline Rules 60[4]). (Pipeline Rules 63[1][a])

18 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk A pipeline licensee who has been notified of a ground disturbance did not ensure
that its representative had in his or her possession when on the site of the ground
disturbance a copy of the written approval for the ground disturbance. (Pipeline
Rules 63[1][b]) High Risk A pipeline licensee who has been notified of a ground disturbance did not ensure
that its representative has completed a supervisory-level training course in ground
disturbance practices and is currently certified to supervise a ground disturbance.
(Pipeline Rules 63[1][c]) High Risk A pipeline licensee who has been notified of a ground disturbance did not inspect
the ground disturbance as necessary to ensure the continued safety of the
pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 63[1][d]) High Risk The person responsible for a ground disturbance did not keep all pipeline warning
signs or markers visible and legible for the duration of the ground disturbance or
did not replace or relocate them if necessary. (Pipeline Rules 63[2]) High Risk A person who is disturbing ground and who exposes any part of a pipeline did not
notify the licensee at least 24 hours before backfilling the pipeline. (Pipeline Rules
63[3]) High Risk A licensee notified of a pipeline being exposed during a ground disturbance did
not inspect the exposed part of the pipeline for damage before backfilling.
(Pipeline Rules 63[3]) Low Risk A licensee does not keep a record of any inspections conducted under subsection
63[3] for two years from the date the record was made, and does not submit a
copy of the record to the AER on request. (Pipeline Rules 63[4]) High Risk Upon request of the AER, a licensee does not protect, operate at a reduced
pressure, or depressurize a pipeline adjacent to a ground disturbance in the
controlled area of a pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 64) High Risk Excavation conducted for the purpose of locating a pipeline was not done by hand
excavation* until the pipeline was sufficiently exposed to enable it to be identified.
(Pipeline Rules 65[1])

*Means excavation of a pipeline or part of a pipeline by hand and includes excavation by

water or air jets and, if the pipeline is more than 1.5 m below the surface of the ground,
excavation by a combination of hand and mechanical means in accordance with the
procedure set out in Schedule 3. (Pipeline Rules 1[1][n]) High Risk A representative of the licensee is not present* when the pipeline was exposed.
(Pipeline Rules 65[2])

*Unless agreed to by the licensee and the person disturbing the ground. High Risk An existing pipeline within 5 m of a proposed ground disturbance was not located
by hand excavation*, or the hand excavation procedures are not acceptable to the
licensee of the pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 65[3], 65[4])

* See definition for hand excavation. (Pipeline Rules 1[1][n]) High Risk Mechanical excavation equipment used within 600 mm of a pipeline, or within any
distance beneath a pipeline, is not under the direct supervision of a representative
of the licensee of the existing pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 65[5]) High Risk The exposure intervals along a pipeline (for ground disturbance parallel to and
within 5 m of a pipeline) are not as required by licensee or AER direction.
(Pipeline Rules 65[7])

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Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk A pipeline was crossed (outside of a travelled and upgraded portion of road) with
a vehicle or equipment without prior licensee approval.* (Pipeline Rules 66)

* See vehicle exceptions for farming operations, and as defined as off-highway and private
passenger (<3/4 ton chassis) in the Traffic Safety Act. Low Risk Temporary crossings were not suitably prepared or used to protect a pipeline from
damage. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk A licensee charged a party undertaking a ground disturbance a fee to locate and
mark a pipeline, do inspections, or supervise a ground disturbance. (Pipeline
Rules 67)

4 Pipeline Pressure Testing

4.1 General
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipeline is in service before a successful pressure test has been done as
prescribed in the Pipeline Rules and CSA. (Pipeline Act 16[2], Pipeline Rules
23[a]) High Risk Testing or pretesting of additional piping used to tie in the completed piping was
not done before putting line in service. (CSA Z662-15 [8.12.1]) High Risk Before pressure testing of existing piping, an engineering assessment (EA) was
not done to determine whether the piping can sustain the proposed test pressure
and to establish pressure test limits so testing does not adversely affect pipe
integrity. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Where an engineering assessment has deemed it inappropriate, pressure testing
was still conducted as specified in clause 8. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: This would be for situations when pressure testing in accordance with clause 8 may
cause unnecessary damage and impact; and the EA limits the test to protect the pipeline.
(There could also be variances to clause 8, provided the EA has deemed them appropriate.) Low Risk A leak test was not performed on piping and fabricated assemblies that were not
considered completely accessible for visual inspection,* immediately subsequent
to a strength test (minimum pressure of 110% MOP, and as specified in clause
8.2.5). (CSA Z662-15 [])

*Piping and fabricated assemblies with any insulation, concrete coating, or other types of
coatings are not considered completely accessible for the purposes of a visual inspection. High Risk A pipeline is tested at a pressure that causes a hoop stress greater than 100%
SMYS, and the licensee did not develop a test procedure or did not plot a
pressure-volume curve starting at no greater than 80% SMYS of the pipe.
(Pipeline Rules 32[b], [c], CSA Z662-15 [8.6.1]) High Risk Requirements of Directive 077, section 6, and any applicable criteria under
Pipeline Rules 35[1][b] are not followed when a medium other than fresh water is
used. (Pipeline Rules 35[1])

20 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk No contingency plan* for environmental protection is developed as required under
CSA Z662-15 when a liquid test medium other than fresh water is used and or
when the medium otherwise does not meet any criteria under Pipeline Rules
35[1][b]. (Pipeline Rules 35[2])

* See CSA Z662-15, clause High Risk Except as otherwise allowed* in CSA Z662, liquid or gas pressure-test mediums
(other than water) were used. (CSA Z662-15 [])

*See CSA Z662-15, clauses and High Risk Flammable gas, fluids, or gas containing H2S, HVP liquids, or CO2 in the liquid or
quasi-liquid state, has been used as a pressure-test medium. (Pipeline Rules 39,
CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Licensee has not taken precautions to minimize the adverse effects on the
environment when disposing of pressure-test medium. (CSA Z662-15 [8.10]) High Risk For aluminum piping, the test medium used is not in accordance with CSA Z662.
(CSA Z662-15 [15.7.2], [15.7.3]) High Risk The pressure-test medium of a reinforced composite pipe is not air, water, or
water with freezing point depressant, as appropriate. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk The maximum test pressure of reinforced composite pipe with air exceeded
2900 kPa. (CSA Z662-15 [])

4.2 Pressure and Duration

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Minimum strength-test and leak-test pressures are not met during testing, as per
CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [], table 8.1) High Risk Pipeline tested below 700 kPa without approval from the AER or tested less than
1.4 times the MOP for pipelines conveying gas containing more than 10 mol/kmol
H2S gas. (CSA Z662-15 [], Pipeline Rules 34) High Risk Steel piping in compressor stations, gas pressure-regulating stations, and gas
measuring stations was not strength tested to the required pressure or duration.
(CSA Z662-15 [], table 8.1) High Risk Steel piping in HVP service in pump stations, tank farms, and terminals was not
strength tested to the required pressure or duration (CSA Z662-15 [], table
8.1) High Risk Strength test pressure on the pipeline or components exceeds test pressure
allowed in the applicable standard. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Leak test pressure using liquid medium exceeds 100% SMYS. (CSA Z662-15
[]) High Risk No leak test or leak test pressure exceeds the test pressure specified in the
applicable material standard on any component in the test section on pipe being
operated at 700 kPa or less. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Leak test pressure exceeds 1400 kPa on piping operated 700 kPa or less. (CSA
Z662-15 [])

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Strength, leak, or concurrent test does not meet the minimum duration in
accordance with CSA Z662-15 (4 hr strength and 4 hr leak for liquid test medium;
24 hr for gaseous test medium). (CSA Z662-15 [], [], [],

Note: For pipe intended to be operated at pressures less than 700 kPa. High Risk A pipeline less than 75 m in length, or a pipeline permanently located above
ground, is not tested for a minimum of one hour. (Pipeline Rules 40[1], CSA Z662-
15 [])

Note: In exceptional circumstances, a licensee may apply to the AER to pressure test a
pipeline or section of a pipeline other than one referred to in section 40[1] for a period
shorter than the minimum specified in CSA Z662-15. (Pipeline Rules 40[2]) Low Risk AER approval was not obtained for testing with a gaseous test medium with an
internal volume greater than 125 cubic metres. (Pipeline Rules 36[1]) High Risk AER approval was not obtained for testing with a gaseous test medium on a
pipeline where there are known or suspected conditions that could potentially
cause the pipeline to break during testing. (Pipeline Rules 36 [2])

4.3 Records and Accuracy

Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk No records, or incomplete records, of a failed pressure test. (CSA Z662-15
[], [], []) Low Risk No records, or improper records, of a successful pressure test. (CSA Z662-15
[], [], [10.4.5])

Note: If evidence of satisfactory testing is not provided to the AER on request, the AER may
order that the pipeline be pressure tested in accordance with Pipeline Rules 30. Low Risk Pressures during testing are not accurately recorded and identified by recording
equipment. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk Licensees record or chart of a pressure test was not continuous or legible over
the full test period, or the commencement and termination points were not
identified. (Pipeline Rules 29[1]) Low Risk Electronic pressure-recording instruments are not used in accordance with the
Pipeline Rules. (Pipeline Rules 29[2]) Low Risk Pressure-test readings are not within 25% to 90% of full instrument range.
(Pipeline Rules 29[3]) Low Risk Pressure recording instrument range was not recorded on the chart face or on the
permanent paper copy of the test data. (Pipeline Rules 29[4]) Low Risk The accuracy of the chart recorder was not verified before and after each
pressure test, or the accuracy of the other test instruments was not verified
periodically. (Pipeline Rules 29[5], CSA Z662-15 [], [])

Note: The accuracy of the chart recorder does not need to be verified through calibration of
the recorder before and after each use. The accuracy can be verified against another
device. Low Risk No temperature recorder, or not measuring ambient temperature of test medium
or pipe. (CSA Z662-15 [])

22 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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4.4 Safety
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipeline was not buried with earth cover to full depth before pressure testing.
(Pipeline Rules 25) Low Risk Licensee did not conduct a pressure test in a manner that ensures the protection
of persons and property in the vicinity of the pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 26) High Risk Suitable measures were not taken to keep unauthorized persons out of the area,
or to eliminate ignition sources, during testing with a gaseous medium (CSA
Z662-15 [8.2.2]) High Risk Licensee did not close the road or railway crossing during pressure testing where
test pressures will exceed 80% or greater SMYS using gaseous medium testing.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Test pressure of the pipeline within 20 m of the connection with the test head
assembly would result in a hoop stress level greater than 90% of the SMYS.
(Pipeline Rules 33) High Risk The pressure of the test head assembly during testing produced hoop stresses in
excess of 75% of the SMYS of any pipe or fitting or was higher than the cold
working pressure of any flange or valve in the test head assembly. (CSA Z662-
15 [8.5.1])

4.5 Testing of Liners and Nonmetallic Pipe

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Newly constructed steel carrier pipeline not pressure tested immediately prior to
liner installation. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Does not apply to free-standing liners. High Risk Mechanical integrity of previously in-service steel carrier pipeline to be lined has
not been proven in accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Does not apply to free-standing liners. High Risk Thermoplastic liner pressure test is not in accordance with CSA Z662-15 following
insertion or after repairs. (CSA Z662-15 [], []) Low Risk Annulus vents have not been periodically monitored, during pressure testing of
thermoplastic lined pipelines, for build up or flow of liquids. (CSA Z662-15
[]) High Risk Pressure test of PE pipeline was not in accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-
15 []) Low Risk Tie-in joints on PE pipeline were not tested for at least one hour at the highest
available operating pressure, or follow-up leak detection is not conducted as
required. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Maximum test pressure of PE pipelines exceeds manufacturers recommendation.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Improper test medium, or test medium using air exceeds 2900 kPa for RCP. (CSA
Z662-15 []) High Risk Test pressure of RCP exceeds manufacturers specifications and
recommendations (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk The minimum test pressure of RCP is not at least 125% of the intended design
pressure. (CSA Z662-15 [])

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk RCP pressure test durations were not in accordance with CSA Z662-15. (CSA
[]) Low Risk RCP 1-hr visual pressure test at the highest available operating pressure after
completed tested segments have been joined by a flanged connection or
approved mechanical coupler is not completed in accordance with CSA Z662.
(CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Refer to the CSA Commentary for explanation. High Risk RCP maximum temperature during pressure testing exceeded the pipeline design
temperature rating or the manufacturers maximum recommended operating
temperature. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Inspector must consider which temperature was used as the limiting factor in the
pressure design.

5 Operations and Maintenance

5.1 Operations Manuals and Procedures

Note: Safety and loss management systems (CSA Z662-15 [3.1], [3.2]) and pipeline integrity management
programs (CSA Z662-15, annex N) are required; however, they are not part of this manual.

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Licensee does not have a manual containing procedures for pipeline operation,
corrosion control, integrity management, maintenance and repair, or does not
provide the manuals to the AER upon request. (Pipeline Rules 7[1], CSA Z662-15
[9.1.3], [], []) Low Risk The licensee does not have provisions for evaluation and mitigation of stress
corrosion cracking when the licensed pipeline has disbonded or nonfunctional
external coatings. (Pipeline Rules 7[2])

Note: Stress corrosion cracking issues are typically found in larger diameter transmission
lines with cumulative environmental stresses (e.g., higher SMYS %, CP, temperature, etc.).
This may not apply to smaller diameter pipeline systems. Low Risk Licensee has not updated the manuals as necessary (specified in Pipeline Rules
7[1]) to ensure correct content. (Pipeline Rules 7[3][a]) High Risk Licensee is not able to demonstrate that procedures in the manuals have been
implemented, or it is not operating and maintaining its pipeline systems in
accordance with documented procedures. (Pipeline Rules 7[3][b], CSA Z662-15
[]) High Risk Procedures for maintenance welding are not included in the companys operating
and maintenance manuals. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Inspector must consider whether the company being assessed does any maintenance
welding on its pipelines. High Risk No management of change process is in place for sour service pipelines. (CSA
Z662-15 [16.8.6])

24 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Engineering assessment was not completed to address changes in service fluid
composition or in operating conditions on sour service pipelines. (CSA Z662-15

5.2 Records
Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Inspection and supervision records required under Pipeline Rules, Part 4, are not
maintained for two years from the date the record is made or are not available to
be submitted on request. (Pipeline Rules, 47)

Note: Records include records of ROW inspections, surface construction activity, water
crossing inspections, etc. High Risk Licensee did not submit material samples used in construction, cut-outs, or
defective materials when requested by the AER. (Pipeline Rules 51) High Risk Failure to maintain all operator-recorded and SCADA system data, including field-
investigated alarm actions, for 3 months from the time of the observation, or
copies of records are not submitted to the AER upon request. (Pipeline Rules,
52[1], 52[2]) Low Risk Failure to maintain a record of leaks, breaks, and contact damage until the
pipeline is removed, or copies of records are not submitted to the AER upon
request. (Pipeline Rules, 52[1], 52[2]) High Risk Failure to maintain, and to provide to the AER upon request, records of
inspections and evaluations required under sections 53, 54, and 55 of the Pipeline
Rules for at least 6 years from the date of the record. (Pipeline Rules 56)

Note: Records includes corrosion inspections and annual evaluations. Low Risk Pipeline records containing applicable information as specified under CSA Z662-
15, clause 10.4.2, are not maintained for the life of the pipeline. (CSA Z662-15
[10.4.2]) High Risk For sour service pipelines, design information* (i.e., drawings, documentation,
procedures) approved by the company are not kept in a design file for the life of
the pipeline. (CSA Z662-15 [16.3.1])

*As described under clause 16.3.1 High Risk Inspection and construction records related to the sour service design information
as described in CSA Z662-15, clause 16.3.1, are not retained by the company for
the life of the pipeline. (CSA Z662-15 [16.5.2]) High Risk For sour service pipelines, records related to the design, construction,
modification, operations, and maintenance (in addition to records specified under
clause 10.4.2) are not maintained for the life of the pipeline. (CSA Z662-15

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5.3 Design and Operating Conditions

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Licensee did not design, operate, and maintain its pipeline in accordance with the
maximum operating pressure permitted in the licence. (Pipeline Rules 22[1],

Note: Approval to change the MOP must be obtained in accordance with Directive 056.
(Pipeline Rules 74; Directive 056 [6.9.15], [6.9.17]) High Risk The substance being transmitted through the pipeline is not authorized by the
licence. (Pipeline Act 17[1])

Note: Approval must be obtained in accordance with Directive 056 to change the substance
or MOP. (Pipeline Rules 74; Directive 056 [6.9.15], [6.9.17]) High Risk The manufacturers recommended MOP of HDPE was exceeded during pipeline
operation or testing. (Directive 077, [4.3.3 4]) High Risk Two independent safety systems are not installed where the inlet blended gas
streams are >10 mol/kmol H2S, or does not prevent a higher H2S content than
allowed by the licence. (Pipeline Rules 14[1])

Note: Lower to higher H2S levela check valve at the tie-in is considered acceptable.
Higher to lower H2S level, the noted Pipeline Rules applies. High Risk Safety system in blended gas streams does not have the process control to
achieve the blend ratio or does not provide monitoring and automatic shutdown.
(Pipeline Rules 14[2]) Low Risk The class location designation was not correctly determined or upgraded, or an
engineering assessment was not conducted when a class location has changed.
(CSA Z662-15 [4.3.2], [4.3.3], [4.3.4], [10.7.1]) High Risk Pipeline was constructed under a public building, residence, office, warehouse, or
factory. (Pipeline Act 46)

Note: Does not apply if the pipeline is delivering a substance to the building, or where the
AER has approved the pipeline under certain circumstances. High Risk Components are not designed to withstand operating pressures and other
specified loadings. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Suitable precautions (e.g., dampeners and braces) were not taken to minimize
and control the vibration of piping during operation. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Licensee did not consider the operating conditions or the manufacturers
published test data in the design of the reinforced composite pipeline. (CSA Z662-
15 [], [])

Note: Design considerations may include effects of cyclic pressure fluctuations and other
loading and dynamic effects on pipe and connections (e.g., non-metallic pipe derated for
cyclic stress) High Risk Maximum design temperature or the manufacturers temperature of RCP is
exceeded during operation or testing. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Company is aware of conditions that may lead to failures and does not conduct an
engineering assessment to determine suitability of continued service. (CSA Z662-
15 [])

26 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Company did not conduct EA to determine suitability of continued service prior to
a significant increase in the normal operating pressure. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: EA is to be conducted in accordance with CSA Z662-15, clause 3.3.3. High Risk No mitigation measure was taken to prevent leaks in the pipeline system as
determined by an EA. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Existing pipeline coating was not evaluated before operating the pipeline at a
temperature higher than the maximum designed operating temperature. (CSA
Z662-15 []) High Risk Stress design levels for a sour gas pipeline (>10 mol/kmol) are greater than 60%
SMYS for underground piping or greater than 50% SMYS for aboveground piping.
(Pipeline Rules 16) High Risk Engineering assessment for the integrity of existing pipeline systems does not
include consideration of design, material, construction, operating and
maintenance history, and expected operating conditions. (CSA Z662-15 [10.1]) High Risk Licensee did not design the reinforced composite pipeline to pressures,
temperature ranges, or materials suitable for the applicable service. (CSA Z662-
15 [][])

Note: This would apply to freestanding reinforced composite pipe or when reinforced
composite pipe is installed in a conduit as a freestanding liner.

5.4 Liner Operations and Maintenance

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Prior to thermoplastic lining of a previously in-service pipeline; the company did
not repair or replace leaking areas as per clause 10.11, or evaluate imperfections
as per clause 10.10, or pressure test as per clause (CSA Z662-15
[]) Low Risk The annulus of a thermoplastic lined pipeline was not routinely checked for
pressure buildup or leakage. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk Provisions were not made for the removal of gasses that accumulate in the line
annulus. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Changes in operating conditions or new service fluid are not compatible with the
thermoplastic lined pipe. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk When a liner breach/failure has occurred, the company did not take appropriate
action* to mitigate the risk of a carrier pipe failure, (CSA Z662-15 [])

*Appropriate action may include conducting an EA, shutting in of the pipeline, inspections,
and other safety measures.

5.5 Internal Corrosion Monitoring and Mitigation

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk For operating and discontinued metallic pipelines, licensee did not conduct and
document the necessity for and suitability of internal corrosion mitigation
procedures annually and prior to operation of new pipeline or resumption of
existing pipeline, or records are not maintained and provided to the AER on
request. (Pipeline Rules, 54[1], 56)

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016) 27

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Internal corrosion mitigation evaluation did not include, as necessary, an
evaluation of production records, operating experience, monitoring data, and
inspection data. (Pipeline Rules, 54[2]) High Risk Required evaluation for corrosion mitigation was not completed on a lined metallic
pipeline where there was reason to believe corrosive fluids had entered the
annular space. (Pipeline Rules, 55[2]) High Risk Company does not institute and maintain programs to mitigate internal corrosion
that was indicated by the results of testing for corrosive agents. (CSA Z662-15
[9.10.2]) High Risk Company does not monitor the effectiveness of its internal corrosion control
programs. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Engineering assessment was not performed on a pipeline after an extended
period of nonuse and before resumption of services. (CSA Z662-15 [],

Note: The extended period of nonuse is dependent on the corrosivity of the system. The
timeframe for the EA should have been determined in the corrosion monitoring and
mitigation program. Suggested timeframe is greater than 12 months. High Risk No internal/external corrosion control for steel risers and below-ground
couplings/components connected to nonmetallic pipe. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Steel risers and connections on nonmetallic pipe are not protected from internal or
external corrosion, or there is no EA to support not having corrosion protection.
(CSA Z662-15 [], []) High Risk Fluids detrimental to a sour service pipeline are not separated for disposal, or no
program is designed to mitigate corrosion associated with the conditions or fluids
implemented in a sour service pipeline. (CSA Z662-15 [16.7.1]) High Risk No internal corrosion mitigation program was developed before sour fluids were
admitted to the pipeline, or the effectiveness of the corrosion mitigation program
was not monitored. (CSA Z662-15 [16.7.2]) Low Risk Pig size or design was not appropriate or was not maintained for the specified
operation. (CSA Z662-15 [16.7.3])

Note: Applies to sour service pipelines. High Risk New sour gas lines that are being activated or that are having service restored
after repair were not batch treated with a corrosion inhibitor prior to operation.
(CSA Z662-15 [])

5.6 External Corrosion (Cathodic Protection and Coatings)

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Protective coatings or corrosion-resistant alloys are not used to protect
atmospherically exposed piping, or the company cannot demonstrate that
anticipated corrosion is not detrimental to its serviceability. (CSA Z662-15 [9.1.4]) Low Risk Atmospherically exposed piping is not inspected for corrosion as specified in the
company operating and maintenance manuals. (CSA Z662-15 [9.1.5]) High Risk No corrosion control measures are on existing bare steel pipeline, or no
engineering assessment was done to determine that mitigation measures or
remedial actions are not required. (CSA-Z662 [9.1.7])

28 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

Alberta Energy Regulator

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Buried or submerged piping is not externally coated as required.* (CSA Z662-15

Note: See exceptions as allowed under CSA Z662-15 clause 9.1.3. High Risk Coatings were not applied or coating defects were not repaired in accordance with
CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [9.3.2], [9.3.6]) High Risk Licensee does not determine areas where coating is damaged by welding
operations, and does not address impacts caused by those operations. (CSA
Z662-15 [9.3.7])

Note: Coating performance may be negatively affected by heating associated with preheat
for welding, welding, and post-weld heat treatment. High Risk Piping was not coated after the completion of welding operations. (CSA Z662-15
[9.3.8]) High Risk Licensee did not ensure that a corrosion barrier was installed on the carbon steel
pipe before insulating, or it did not apply to the AER for exemption where no
coating was applied. (Directive 077 [1.2.1]) High Risk CP was not installed on steel pipeline within 1 year of installation, or is not
maintained until pipeline is abandoned. (CSA Z662-15 [9.1.6], [9.5.1])

Note: See exception by an EA in CSA Z662-15, clause 9.1.3. High Risk The system does not provide enough current to satisfy the selected criteria for
CP. (CSA Z662-15 [9.5.2])

Note: Criteria are given in annex B of CGA OCC-1. High Risk Insulating devices are not properly installed, not properly rated, or installed in
enclosed areas where no safeguards exist. (CSA Z662-15 [9.6.1]) High Risk Electrical contact between pipe and other structures has not been considered in
the design and maintenance of the cathodic protection system. (CSA Z662-15
[9.6.2]) High Risk No provisions were made to prevent galvanic corrosion between dissimilar metals.
(CSA Z662-15 [9.6.3]) High Risk Bonding conductors are not installed and maintained across separated pipeline
points that are close to high-voltage DC lines. (CSA Z662-15 [4.13.1], [4.13.2]) Low Risk Direct-current tests are not completed, or measures were not taken to prevent
detrimental effects of stray direct current. (CSA Z662-15 [9.7.1]) Low Risk No test stations* for electrical measurement are along the pipeline. (CSA Z662-15

*Test stations for potential or current measurements should be provided at enough locations
to ensure effective testing or monitoring of cathodic protection. Locations may include, for
example, pipe casing installations, foreign metallic structure crossings and tie-ins, isolation
joints, waterway crossings, bridge crossings, valve, regulating, and meter stations, galvanic
anode installations, road and railroad crossings, and transitions between steel piping and
nonmetallic piping, at regular intervals (such as 2 km) or as required.
All test-station materials, connections, and locations must be suitable for the site conditions
where they are installed. Piping system locations subject to induced AC voltage levels that
have been identified by test results and that are defined in CSA Standard C22.3 No.6 must
have test stations with dead front construction. (CGA OCC-1,

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016) 29

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Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Conductor wire is not properly sized to carry current or has more than one
conductor wire attached by thermal weld. The use of multi-strand conductors with
strand groups larger than No. 6 AWG. (CSA Z662-15 [9.8.8]) Low Risk Test lead wires for CP of steel pipe are not in accordance with CSA Z662. (CSA
Z662-15 [9.8.2], [9.8.9]) Low Risk Cathodic protection of steel and aluminum lines is not inspected or tested
annually or before resumption of discontinued or abandoned pipelines, or records
are not maintained and provided to the AER on request. (Pipeline Rules, 53[1],
56; CSA Z662-15 [9.9.1], [9.9.3], [9.9.4])

Note: Inspection and testing is to determine the effectiveness of the cathodic protection
system and monitoring programs.
An inspection or test for external corrosion mitigation is not required for a pipeline being
used as a conduit for a pulled-through freestanding liner unless the outer pipeline is being
used as a secondary containment vessel. (Pipeline Rules 52[2]) High Risk Company does not take action to correct deficiencies found in the CP survey.
(CSA Z662-15 [9.9.2])

Note: Inspectors should compare CP survey data over the previous two years to assess
whether the company has taken action to address the deficiencies. Low Risk No visual inspection has been done for corrosion and the coating condition on
pipe after it has been exposed. (CSA Z662-15 [9.9.5]) High Risk For nonmetallic pipelines, there is no corrosion barrier, or no cathodic protection
has been applied to metallic risers or couplers or no EA has been conducted for
the alloy materials. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk CP on steel risers for PE pipeline is not monitored. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk CP test leads attached to aluminum piping are not in accordance with CSA Z662.
(CSA Z662-15 [15.8.1]) High Risk CP is not applied to aluminum piping or maintained during the operating life of the
piping. (CSA Z662-15 [], [], [])

5.7 Emergency Valves

Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Valves are not at locations accessible for the purpose of isolating the pipeline for
maintenance and for responding to operating emergencies (CSA Z662-15 [4.4.1])

Note: Valve locations should be readily accessible by authorized personnel. Valve locations
should be protected from damage by people and wildlife (fenced, locked access on major
installations) and have proper support to prevent differential settlement and movement of the
attached piping. (CSA Z662-15 [4.4.2]) High Risk Isolating valves are not installed on lateral lines to main lines as required. (CSA
Z662-15 [4.4.3])

Note: Applies to HVP pipelines, and does not apply to multiphase pipelines, oilfield water
pipelines, and gas pipelines. High Risk Valves not installed on both sides of major water crossings on HVP and LVP
pipelines. (CSA Z662-15 [4.4.9])

30 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Sectionalizing valves for HVP and CO2 pipelines are not located outside of cities,
towns, or villages at the transition from class 1 to higher locations. (CSA Z662-15
[4.4.6]) High Risk Sectionalizing valves on HVP and CO2 pipelines are spaced farther than 15 km
apart or are not equipped for remote operation in areas where a failure would
constitute an extraordinary hazard. (CSA Z662-15 [4.4.7]) High Risk For HVP or CO2 pipelines, emergency connections to facilitate
depressuring/evacuating of isolated pipeline sections are not in accordance with
CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [4.4.8]) Low Risk Vaults housing pressure-control or -relieving devices are not regularly inspected,
adequately vented, or maintained in a safe condition. (CSA Z662-15 [10.9.7]) High Risk Company does not have a documented operating procedure for depressurizing a
component fitted with a quick-opening closure; e.g., pig sender. (CSA Z662-15
[10.9.8]) Low Risk Pipeline valves that can be necessary during an emergency are not inspected and
partially operated at least once per calendar year. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Maximum interval of 18 months between function tests (partial operation of

the valve), inspections, or servicing.

5.8 Emergency Shutdowns (Gas >1% H2S)

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipeline is not equipped with automatic emergency shutdown devices or check
valves. (Pipeline Rules 13[1]) High Risk An engineering assessment was not conducted to define the pipeline operating
conditions and closure parameters of the emergency shutdown devices, or a
record of the current assessment not maintained. (Pipeline Rules 13[2], [6], [7],
[8]) High Risk The automatic shutdowns or check valves do not isolate the pipeline into volume
segments as specified in the licence application, or do not close as prescribed by
the engineering assessment. (Pipeline Rules 13[3]) High Risk Automatic shutdowns do not close and remain closed as required. (Pipeline Rules

Note: Requires on-site human intervention to reopen unless it was closed due to a planned
pipeline shutdown. (Pipeline Rules 13[4][c]) High Risk Licensee allows pipeline or shutdown devices to operate outside of the conditions
defined in the EA, or does not verify and document that conditions are as defined.
(Pipeline Rules 13[5], 50[3]) High Risk Emergency shutdown devices are not inspected and tested annually and serviced
as required. (Pipeline Rules 50[1], [2], CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Maximum interval of 18 months between such tests, inspections, or servicing. Low Risk Records of inspections, tests, and maintenance of emergency shutdown
devices on sour gas pipelines (>1% H2S) are not maintained for at least 2 years.
(Pipeline Rules 50[4], [5])

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5.9 Pressure Control (Limiting/Relieving)

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pressure-control systems are not installed or properly set to prevent a pipeline
from exceeding MOP. (CSA Z662-15 [], Pipeline Rules 22[1]) High Risk Overpressure protection that prevents MOP from being exceeded by more than
10% or 35 kPa is not installed. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Pressure control and overpressure protection system not designed in accordance
with CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [ 4.18.2])

Note: Reference CSA Z662 for specific design requirements. Low Risk Pressure control/limiting systems (or devices) or pressure relieving systems (or
devices) not inspected, assessed, tested or replaced as required. (CSA Z662-15
[], [], [])

Note: This noncompliance statement is for other than artificial lift systems, which are
addressed under Directive 077. Low Risk Records of pressure control and pressure relieving system tests and inspections
and of any corrective action taken have not been kept. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: This noncompliance statement is for other than artificial lift systems, which are
addressed under Directive 077. High Risk Discharge stacks at pressure-relieving installations are not protected by rain caps
to prevent the entry of water, where applicable, or are not located where fluid
could be safely discharged and dispersed into the atmosphere or containment.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Pressure-relieving devices and components, including vent lines, pipe, and
openings, are not adequately sized to prevent hammering of the valves and
impairment of relief capacity. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk A pressure control system and overpressure protection are not installed where
two or more pipelines are connected and where their licensed MOPs differ by
more than 5% of the lowest MOP. (Pipeline Rules 22[2])

Note: If the actual operating pressure of the connected pipelines exceeds the lower MOP,
refer to in this manual.

5.10 Pressure Control for Artificial Lift Systems

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Failure by the licensee to meet any of the overpressure protection requirements*
for artificial lift equipment in section 3.2 (1) of Directive 077. (Directive 077

*When artificial lift equipment is capable of supplying pressure in excess of the pipeline
MOP. High Risk Failure to repair or replace overpressure protection devices that are defective or
nonfunctioning before resuming pipeline operation. (Directive 077 [3.2(2)]) Low Risk Failure to maintain adequate records related to the inspection, assessment, and
testing of overpressure protection devices, or submit this information to the AER
upon request. (Directive 077 [3.2(3)])

32 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Failure, before resuming pipeline operation, to ensure that the records of
inspection, assessment, and testing of the overpressure protection devices
include effective evaluations and the resolution of issues related to defective or
nonfunctioning devices. (Directive 077 [3.2(4)])

5.11 Leak Detection

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Companys leak detection program for liquid hydrocarbon pipelines* does not
meet the requirements of annex E of CSA Z662. (Pipeline Rules 9[4], [48], CSA
Z662-15 Annex E)

*Annex E applies to liquid hydrocarbon pipelines with the exception of multiphase pipelines
and pipelines from oil wells to production facilities. High Risk Company does not interpret material balance records in accordance with annex E
of CSA Z662, or sound engineering practices are not used to derive measurement
uncertainties and alarm tolerances. (Pipeline Rules 48, 49)

Note: This does not apply to multiphase pipelines. High Risk Company does not have an acceptable leak detection program for all liquid
hydrocarbon pipelines. (CSA Z662-15 [], [], [])

Note: This applies to ALL liquid hydrocarbon (HVP, LVP) pipeline systems, not including
multiphase pipelines. High Risk For gas and carbon dioxide pipeline systems, the company does not have a leak
detection program that includes regular surveys. (CSA Z662-15 [],

Note: Such leak detection surveys or analysis may consist of gas-detector surveys, aerial
surveys, vegetation surveys, gas-volume monitoring analysis, bar-hole surveys, surface
detection surveys, mathematical modelling analysis, etc. High Risk For oilfield water pipelines or multiphase pipelines, the company does not have a
leak detection program that includes regular surveys and a system for early
detection of leaks where the environment may be impaired. (CSA Z662-15
[], [], [4.20.2])

Note: Such leak detection surveys or analysis may consist of ROW surveys, aerial surveys,
vegetation surveys, volume-monitoring analysis, bar-hole surveys, surface detection
surveys, pressure tests, mathematical modeling analysis, etc. High Risk Evidence of leaks from hydrocarbon, gas, oilfield water, or multiphase pipelines
was not immediately investigated. (CSA Z662-15 [], [], [])

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5.12 Signage
Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Pipeline warning signs are not installed as required by the Pipeline Rules.
(Pipeline Rules 68[1], 68[2]) Low Risk Pipeline warning/identification signs are not installed in strategic areas as
specified in CSA Z662-15, clauses and (Pipeline Rules 68[1])
Note: Strategic areas may include utility corridors, construction activity, drainage systems,
and other anticipated third-party activity. Low Risk Pipeline warning signs are not maintained or replaced when defaced, worn, or
illegible, or are missing or destroyed. (Pipeline Rules 68[4]) High Risk Pipeline warning signs do not have a valid telephone number for immediate
emergency response as required by schedule 1. (Pipeline Rules 68[5]) Low Risk A change in pipeline warning sign information as required by schedule 1, other
than the telephone number, is not updated within 180 days. (Pipeline Rules 68[5]) Low Risk Existing pipeline warning signs indicate an abandoned pipeline. (Pipeline Rules
68[8]) Low Risk HVP pipeline warning sign does not clearly indicate the name of the highest
vapour pressure HVP product that may be conveyed. (Pipeline Rules 69) Low Risk Group pipeline warning signs are not installed in accordance with section 70 of
the Pipeline Rules. (Pipeline Rules 70[1], 70[2]) High Risk A large facility identification sign is not installed at the entrance to any gas
compressor station or oil pumping station in accordance with schedule 2, or the
sign does not contain appropriate warning symbols. (Pipeline Rules 71[2])

5.13 Pipeline Installations (Compressors, Pumps)

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Shutdown devices and systems are not inspected and tested periodically to
ensure proper functionality. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Company has not developed procedures for commissioning compressors over
750 KW and pump stations over 375 KW, or procedures do not include checking
the satisfactory operation of the protective devices. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Adequate procedures for inspection, repair, and replacement are not in place to
ensure piping/equipment integrity for stations with corrosive conditions. (CSA
Z662-15 []) High Risk Procedures for inspection, testing, and maintenance of pipe-type or bottle-type
gas holders or pipe-type storage vessels do not conform to requirements (related
to corrosion detection, sampling/testing of gas, inspection safety controls, and
record keeping). (CSA Z662-15 [10.9.4]) High Risk Piping is not made of steel (exception: instrument, control, and sampling piping)
for compressor stations over 750 KW and for pump stations over 375 KW. (CSA
Z662-15 []) High Risk Flare and drain systems of pump stations over 375 KW are not in accordance with
CSA Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [])

34 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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5.14 Right-of-Way Surveillance

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk ROW inspections are not conducted in accordance with the Pipeline Rules at
least annually for a pipeline that crosses water or unstable ground. (Pipeline
Rules 43[1], CSA Z662-15 [10.6.1]) High Risk Underwater crossings are not inspected periodically to ensure safety or integrity of
the crossing. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Underwater crossings shall be inspected for adequacy of cover, accumulation of

debris, and other conditions that can affect the safety or integrity of the crossing. High Risk ROW is not inspected annually or in accordance with the inspection interval stated
in the integrity management plan. (Pipeline Rules 43[2], CSA Z662-15 [10.6.1]) High Risk ROW inspections are not conducted at the appropriate time of year or to minimize
property disturbance or damage. (Pipeline Rules 43[3]) High Risk Licensee does not carry out additional ROW inspections for LVP,* HVP, and sour
gas pipelines as determined by class location and as required by the Pipeline
Rules. (Pipeline Rules 44[1], 44[2])

*LVP does not include multiphase fluids or oilfield water. (Pipeline Rules 44[2]) High Risk Licensee is aware of surface construction activity within 30 m of a LVP, HVP, or
sour gas (>10 mol/kmol) pipeline, and does not take required action to ensure the
safety of the pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 45)

Note: Licensee must meet with the parties either before or immediately after the construction
activity has commenced to determine what safety measures are necessary to ensure the
safety of the pipeline; it must confirm the depth of the pipeline (if uncertain) prior to any
further construction activity, and it must supervise the construction (at least once per day)
during the construction activity to ensure that safety measures are implemented. (Pipeline
Rules 45[a], [b], [c]) High Risk Licensee charges an inspection fee to the party carrying out a surface activity
within 30 m of a LVP, HVP, or sour gas pipeline >10 mol/kmol. (Pipeline Rules 46) High Risk Vegetation on pipeline ROW is not controlled (where the terms of the easement
permit) to maintain clear visibility from the air or to provide ready access for
maintenance crews. (CSA Z662-15 [10.6.2]) High Risk Company did not maintain access or prevent unauthorized operation of valves or
other exposed facilities. (CSA Z662-15 [10.6.3])

6 Repairs and Integrity

6.1 Pipe Repair

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipe manufacturing defects found during installation are not repaired following
manufacturer specifications, or are not cut out as a cylinder. (CSA Z662-15
[6.3.1]) High Risk Gouges, grooves, or dents found during installation are not repaired using an
appropriate repair method. (CSA Z662-15 [6.3.2], [], [], [])

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Dents in aluminum pipe that are considered defects as per CSA Z662-15 clause are not removed by cutting out as a cylinder or repaired as specified.
(CSA Z662-15 [], [], []) High Risk Gouges, grooves, or arc burns found on operating steel pipe are not repaired
using acceptable repair methods. (CSA Z662-15 [10.10.3], table 10.1) High Risk Dents or pipe body surface cracks that are considered defects as per CSA Z662-
15 were not repaired using an acceptable method. (CSA Z662-15 [],
[10.10.5]) High Risk Pipe found to contain leaks was not repaired using an acceptable repair method.
(CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Grinding repairs are not in accordance with CSA Z662-15 [], []. High Risk Where a repair was made by pipe replacement, the minimum replacement length
requirements were not met. (CSA Z662 [10.11.3(b)]) Low Risk The pretested pipe used for a repair replacement was not properly stored, or the
pretesting documentation was not retained. (CSA Z662-15 [10.11.3(c)]) High Risk A defect removed by hot tapping was not done in accordance with clause 10.11.5
or performed as specified in clause 10.14. (CSA Z662-15 [10.11.5] High Risk Permanent repairs to polyethylene pipelines with defects were not made by
cutting out the defective portions as cylinders and replacing them using heat
fusion joining. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk On sour service pipelines, internal corrosion defects were not repaired by pipe
replacement, or repair methods are not done in accordance with CSA Z662-15,
16.4 and 16.6. (CSA Z662-15 [16.8.3], [16.9.4])

Note: In accordance with clause 16.9.4, table 10.1 is not to be used for internal corrosion
features in sour service. High Risk External coating was not applied following cleaning, evaluation, or repair of the
pipe. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Composite reinforced pipeline was not repaired in accordance with manufacturers
recommendations. (CSA Z662-15, [])

6.2 Sleeves and Temporary Repairs

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Permanent repair sleeves do not extend at least 50 mm beyond the ends of the
defects, or a reinforcement sleeve has been used for permanent repair without
internal corrosion being arrested. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Note: Sleeves on aluminum pipelines cannot be welded to the pipe.

36 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Permanent repair sleeves on steel pipe were not installed in accordance with CSA
Z662. (CSA Z662-15 [], [], [])

- steel reinforcement and pressure containment repair sleeves (CSA Z662-15, clause;
- composite reinforcement repair sleeves (CSA Z662-15, clause; and
- steel compression reinforcement repair sleeves (CSA Z662-15 High Risk Full-encirclement clamps used for temporary repairs on PE pipelines are not
approved by the pipe manufacturer or were not permanently repaired within 1
year. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Repair sleeves on aluminum pipelines are not in accordance with CSA Z662.
(CSA Z662-15 [], [])

Note: Sleeves on aluminum pipelines cannot be welded to the pipe. High Risk Temporary repair method is not based on an EA. (CSA Z662-15 [3.3], []) High Risk Temporary repair was not replaced with a permanent repair within one year, or
was not monitored as specified by an EA. (CSA Z662-15 [])

6.3 Integrity and Safety

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Imperfections are found in steel piping, and evaluations are not made in
accordance with CSA Z662-15 clause 10.10.1 to determine suitability of or
restrictions to continued service. (CSA Z662-15 [], [],
[], []) High Risk Piping suspected of containing defects has not been depressurized as necessary
for safe excavation and repair. (CSA Z662-15 [], [], []) High Risk Corrosion imperfections in steel pipe were not properly assessed or were not
repaired using an acceptable repair method when required.
(CSA Z662-15 [], [], []). Low Risk Dents in pipe were not appropriately inspected. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Cuts to pipeline containing flammable mixtures were not made with mechanical
cutters. (CSA Z662-15 [])

Exception: Pipelines containing 100% natural gas may be hot-cut using appropriate
procedures that include the provisions of CSA Z662-15, clause 10.5.7. High Risk Proper bonding and grounding procedures were not used to eliminate sources of
ignition caused by impressed currents from cathodic protection when pipe
sections were removed. (CSA Z662-15 []) Low Risk After a composite reinforced pipeline was repaired, the pipe was not left exposed
in order to conduct the minimum of 4 hours visual service test at the highest
available operating pressure. (CSA Z662-15 []) High Risk Repairs on PE gas lines were not pretested or leak tested, or flame ionization or a
proven equivalent was not conducted 48 hrs and 1 month after the pipeline was
returned to service. (CSA Z662-15 [])

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7 Surface Pipelines

7.1 General
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Licensee did not obtain AER approval for a temporary surface pipeline prior to
construction. (Pipeline Rules 21[1], Directive 077, [7.2][1])

For surface pipelines associated with testing a well for less than 21 days, see Directive 077
for approval process. For all others, a Directive 56 application is required. High Risk Licensee did not complete consultation and notification requirements. (Directive
077 [7.2.2(a)], [7.2.5]).

Note: This statement applies to surface pipelines associated with well testing less than 21
days. Consultation and notification requirements are to be done in accordance with Directive
056, section 2. High Risk A surface pipeline for testing a well for no more than 21 days does not meet
technical requirements. (Directive 077 [7.2(2)(b), (c)]) High Risk Licensee did not remove a pipeline used for testing a well for no more than 21
days and reclaim the ROW within the specified time periods. (Directive 077
[7.2.4]) Low Risk Licensee did not install a pressure relieving device where a pressure increase to
above MOP is possible due to a rise in temperature. (Pipeline Rules 21[2][a]) Low Risk Licensee did not install appropriate safely and operational systems that take into
account expansion/contraction, pipe material temperature limitations, and lateral
or vertical movement. (Pipeline Rules 21[2], [b], [c], [d], [e]) High Risk A surface pipeline is not buried at a road or trail crossing, or pipeline warning
signs are not installed as required. (Pipeline Rules 21[3]) High Risk Additional precautions (extra signs, other warnings) were not taken to
address conditions that may obscure or endanger the surface pipeline, such as
equipment working nearby, or off-road vehicular traffic. (Pipeline Rules 21[4])

8 Discontinuation, Abandonment, Removal, and Resumption

8.1 General
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Pipeline is not discontinued or abandoned when directed by the AER. (Pipeline
Act 23[1]) High Risk Pipeline is not discontinued, abandoned, or returned to service after 12 months of
no active flowing service. (Pipeline Rules 82[1])

Note: This refers to the physical state of the pipeline, not simply a licence amendment. High Risk Licensee resumes operation of a pipeline that was discontinued, abandoned or
not in active flowing service in the past 12 months without obtaining approval from
the AER, or having been otherwise authorized by the AER. (Pipeline Rules 85[1])

Note: Otherwise authorized by the AER may be given by the field centre.

38 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Pipeline is not abandoned or discontinued in accordance with the requirements of
Directive 056. (Pipeline Rules 82[2])

Note: This refers to a licence amendment, but it is included in the manual because
inspectors would identify this during inspections. High Risk Discontinued or abandoned* pipeline is not physically isolated or discontinued
from any operating facility or other pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 82[3][a])

*The authority for the abandoned pipeline requirements is firstly found under Pipeline Rules
82(5), which references subsection (3). High Risk Discontinued pipeline is not cleaned when necessary or purged with fresh water,
air, or inert gas. (Pipeline Rules 82[3][b], [c]) High Risk Discontinued pipeline is not protected by suitable corrosion control measures.
(Pipeline Rules 82[3][d]) High Risk Dead legs or fluid traps that remain after pipeline is discontinued from an
operating pipeline are not monitored or inspected for corrosion. (Pipeline Rules
82[3][e]) High Risk Discontinued or abandoned* pipeline is not left in a safe condition. (Pipeline Rules

*The authority for ensuring an abandoned pipeline is left in a safe condition is firstly found
under Pipeline Rules 82(5), which references subsection (3).
Note: Unsafe condition may include loss of cover, ROW sloughing, exposure, surface
equipment, interference with development, or explosive mixtures left in the pipeline. High Risk Pipeline is not physically isolated from the operating system (dead leg or stagnant
fluid traps) and is not maintained as an operating pipeline. (Pipeline Rules 82[4]) High Risk Surface equipment is not removed from abandoned pipeline where required.
(Pipeline Rules 82[5][a]) High Risk Abandoned pipeline is not cut off at the pipeline level where required. (Pipeline
Rules 82[5][b])

Note: It does not have to be cut off at pipe level (bottom of the ditch) if it is within the
boundaries of a facility that will continue to operate. High Risk Abandoned pipeline is not purged with uninhibited fresh water, air, or inert gas.
(Pipeline Rules 82[5][c]) Low Risk Open ends of abandoned pipeline are not plugged or capped and tagged as
required. (Pipeline Rules 82[5][e], [f]) Removed. Was a duplicate of Low Risk A polymeric pipeline or liner to be discontinued or abandoned is not monitored for
hazardous gas constituents for a sufficient time period. (Pipeline Rules 82[7])

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk A licensee who exposes stagnant fluid traps or dead legs on operating pipelines
did not meet the requirements of the Pipeline Rules. (Pipeline Rules 82[6], [8])

Dead legs and fluid traps resulting from previously discontinued or abandoned pipelines
shall be addressed by
(a) removing and replacing the affected parts of the pipeline,
(b) establishing permanent access to the affected parts of the pipeline and subjecting them
to a scheduled inspection program,
(c) confirming and documenting that the contained fluids are noncorrosive, or
(d) some other method acceptable to the AER. High Risk A pipeline is not abandoned as required by section 82(9) of the Pipeline Rules.
(Pipeline Rules 82[9])

9 Pipeline Incidents

9.1 Reporting
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Licensee does not immediately notify the AER of a pipeline leak, a break, a test
failure, or contact damage by telephoning the appropriate AER field centre.
(Pipeline Act 35[1], Pipeline Rules 2[2] ) Low Risk The licensee does not inform the AER of the correct location of a pipeline leak or
break. (Pipeline Act 35[1]) High Risk The licensee does not immediately notify the AER of pipeline contact damage.*
(Pipeline Act 35[2][b], Pipeline Rules 2[2])

* See definition for contact damage. (Pipeline Act 1[1][e]) High Risk The licensee does not immediately report a leak or break that occurs in a pipeline
during pressure testing. (Pipeline Rules 27) High Risk The licensee does not submit a written report of a leak, a break, or contact
damage to the AER as requested. (Pipeline Rules 76) Low Risk The licensee does not submit to the AER accurate information about the spill
quantity, containment, and recovery. (Pipeline Rules 76[b], [f])

9.2 Response
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Ground disturbance activity that caused contact with a pipeline was not
immediately stopped. (Pipeline Act 35[2][a]) High Risk The person involved in a ground disturbance activity that caused contact with a
pipeline did not immediately notify the pipeline licensee of the contact location or
of the damage caused by the contact.* (Pipeline Act 35[2][a])

*Contact damage means damage to a pipeline that occurs during a ground disturbance and
that results in a puncture or crack in the pipeline, a scratch, gouge, flattening, or dent on the
pipeline surface, or damage to the pipelines protective coating that compromises the
functionality of the coating with the exception of minor damage that may occur during final
hand excavation and external cleaning. (Pipeline Act 1[1][e]

40 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk A ground disturbance activity stopped due to pipeline contact was restarted
without approval from the licensee or the AER. (Pipeline Act 35[3]) High Risk A licensee who caused damage to a structure, another pipeline, or a private or
public utility did not immediately repair the damage or make other arrangements
with the owner of the structure, pipeline, or utility. (Pipeline Act 45) High Risk Licensee does not take immediate steps to stop a liquid release at its source.
(Pipeline Rules 77) High Risk Licensee does not take immediate steps to contain a spill. (Pipeline Rules 77) High Risk Licensee did not take immediate steps to clean up* a spill. (Pipeline Rules 77)

*Clean up refers to all free fluids being removed. High Risk A leak or rupture that occurs during pressure testing is not investigated. (CSA
Z662-15 [8.9.3]) High Risk Following a failed pressure test, the pipeline is not repaired and retested as
required. (CSA Z662-15 [8.9.1], [8.9.2])

10 Other Requirements

10.1 Related to Directive 038: Noise Control

Note: Directive 038 provides noise control requirements that apply to all operations and facilities under
the jurisdiction of the AER, provides background information, and describes approaches for dealing with
noise problems.

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk A licensee is not operating a pipeline facility or did not conduct pipeline
construction and operations within the maximum noise level limitations specified
in Directive 038. (Pipeline Rules 17)

Note: All pipeline installations under the AERs jurisdiction must meet the requirements of
Directive 038. (Directive 056, s.

An NIA must be completed before submitting a pipeline installation application for any new
permanent pipeline installation or for modifications to existing permanent pipeline
installations if there is a reasonable expectation of a continuous or intermittent noise source.
(Directive 056, s. [72])

For the purpose of an NIA, a permanent pipeline installation is a pipeline installation in

operation for more than 2 months. (Directive 056, s.[72(a)]) High Risk The venting or flaring of a gaseous pressure test medium is not in accordance
with Directive 038 and Directive 060. (Pipeline Rules 38)

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10.2 Related to Directive 055: Storage Requirements for the Upstream Petroleum
Note: Directive 055 (D055) identifies the requirements for the storage of materials produced, generated
(including wastes), or used by the upstream petroleum industry. For the purposes of D055, the upstream
petroleum industry is limited to facilities, well sites, and pipelines licensed or approved by the AER for
the exploration, production, recovery, handling, processing, treatment, disposal, or transmission of
hydrocarbon-based resources or any associated substances or wastes.

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Contaminated materials or materials possessing the potential to leach stored
directly on the ground. (OGCR 8.030[1]; Directive 055 [3.5]) Low Risk Aboveground storage tank(s) not constructed or operated appropriately. (OGCR
8.030[1]; Directive 055 [5.1], [5.3]) High Risk No secondary containment as required. (OGCR 8.030[2]; Directive 055 [5.1],
[5.3.2], [6.1], [8.2], Appendix 2[1], [2.2.1]) Low Risk No secondary containment (containers and indoor tanks). (OGCR 8.030[2];
Directive 055 [], [7]) Low Risk No system to monitor the interstitial space. (OGCR 8.030[2]; Directive 055 [5.3.3],
[6.2], Appendix 2) Low Risk Required measures not incorporated to prevent overfilling of tanks. (OGCR
8.030[1]; Directive 055 [5.3.1], [5.3.3], [6.1]) Low Risk Spill control device(s) not used around hose connections at fluid transfer points.
(OGCR 8.030[1]; Directive 055 [5.3.1], [5.3.3], [6.1]) High Risk No leak detection and secondary containment where required (single-walled
underground storage tank retrofitted between January 1, 1996, and January 1,
2002). (OGCR 8.030[2]; Directive 055 Appendix 2[2.2.1]) Low Risk Secondary containment not designed, constructed, sized, and maintained as
required. (OGCR 8.030[2]; Directive 055 [5.3], [], [], [],
[5.3.3], [6.1], [7], Appendix 2[1], [2.2.1]) High Risk Temporary single-walled aboveground tank not diked where required. [OGCR
8.030[1]; Directive 055 [3.5]) Low Risk Aboveground or underground tank(s) out of service does not meet the
requirements. (OGCR 8.030[2]; Directive 055 [12]) High Risk Single-walled underground storage tank not tested within past three years (tank
installed prior to January 1, 1996). (OGCR 8.030[2]; Directive 055, Appendix 2
[2.2.2]) Low Risk Aboveground storage tank not tested within past five years (pre-1996 site where
current secondary containment requirements are not met). (OGCR 8.030[2];
Directive 055, Appendix 2[2], [2.1.2])

42 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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10.3 Related to Directive 058: Oilfield Waste Management Requirements for the
Upstream Petroleum Industry
Note: Directive 058 outlines comprehensive regulatory requirements for the handling, treatment, and
disposal of upstream oilfield waste. It provides a comprehensive overview of oilfield waste
characterization and classification, waste manifesting and tracking, oilfield waste management facilities,
application requirements for oilfield waste management facilities, waste management, and disposal

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Waste sent to facility not authorized to accept it. (Directive 058 [2.1(1)]) High Risk Oilfield wastes are mixed/diluted to avoid regulatory requirements. (Directive 058
[5.5]; Interim Directive [ID] 99-04 [2]) High Risk Conditions not met for on-site land treatment. (Directive 058 [16.2(1) (3)];
Informational Letter [IL] 98-02 [4.2]) High Risk Oilfield waste was not treated according to one-time, on-site biopile/biocell
treatment requirements. (Directive 058 [16.3(1), (4)(c)]) High Risk One-time, on-site biopile or biocell containment device or leachate collection
system is not appropriately designed or operated. (Directive 055 [8.1]; Directive
058 [11.6], [16.3]) High Risk Small batch feed incinerator or mobile thermal treatment facility not operating
according to requirements. (Directive 058 [11.6], [17.4], [17.5]; Interim Directive
[ID] 2000-03 [3.1(a), (b)]) Low Risk Small batch feed incinerator or mobile thermal treatment facility does not notify
AER as required. (Directive 058 [17.4], [17.5(3)]) High Risk Conditions not met for spreading of oily by-products to roads. (Directive 058
[29.3], [29.8]; Informational Letter [IL] 99-02) High Risk Banned oilfield wastes injected into pipeline system. (Directive 058 [6], [6.1]) High Risk Oilfield waste generator not tracking oilfield waste from cradle to grave. (Directive
058 [7.1], [9.1], [9.2]) Low Risk Waste tracking system data or manifest copies and supporting documentation not
retained for two years. (Directive 058 [8.9], [9.2]) Low Risk AER manifests not completed or completed improperly for DOWs transported on
public roads. (Directive 058 [7.1], [8]; Interim Directive [ID] 2000-03 [3.4]) Low Risk Discrepancy on the waste manifest is not reconciled. (Directive 058 [8.8]) Low Risk Biopile or biocell records not kept for two years. (Directive 058 [16.3(5)], [11.8])

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10.4 Related to Directive 060: Upstream Petroleum Industry Flaring, Incinerating, and
Note: Directive 060 contains the requirements for flaring, incinerating, and venting activities conducted
in Alberta at all upstream petroleum industry wells and facilities, including pipeline installations that
convey gas (e.g., compressor stations, line-heaters, etc.) and that are licensed by the AER in accordance
with the Pipeline Act.

Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk No flare or incinerator stacks where one is required. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], 79;
Directive 060 [6.2(2)], [8.1(5)(b)]) Low Risk Stack height or design does not meet requirements. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], 79;
Directive 060 [6.2(2)], [7.4]) High Risk Pilot/ignition device(s) not available/operable where required. (Pipeline Rules
1.2[2], 79; Directive 060 [7.3], [7.3.1](1), Appendix 13) High Risk No flame arrester, equivalent safety device, or appropriate engineering and
operating practices to prevent back flash where required. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2],
79; Directive 060 [6.1(3)], [7.7(1) (3)], [8.1(9)]) High Risk No knockout drum or flare separator where required. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], 79;
Directive 060 [7.6(2)], [7.6.1], [8.1(5)(b)]) High Risk Knockout drum or flare separator controls, equipment or design does not meet
requirements. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], 79; Directive 060 [6.1(3)], [7.6]) High Risk Exposed flame from an incinerator. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], 79; Directive 060
[6.1(3)], [7.1.2 (1)(a)]) High Risk Nondistribution specification gas is intentionally released from a pipeline, and not
burned, where it could support stable combustion, or did not meet criteria for
allowable venting. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], 79; Directive 060 [6.2(2)(b)], [8.1(2), (5)]) High Risk Venting practices not conducted in accordance with the requirements. (Pipeline
Rules 1.2[2], 79[3][4]; Directive 060 [8.1(4) (7)]) High Risk Failure to conduct dispersion modelling for flaring or incinerating gas with greater
than 10 mol/kmol H2S or 1 tonne per day of sulphur. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2],
Directive 060 [3.6(1), (2)], [7.12(1), (2)]) High Risk Decision tree not used to evaluate pipeline flares, incinerators, and vents, or
evaluations not updated prior to a planned event. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], Directive
060 [6.1, Figure 7], [7.11(4)], [8.1(1)], [9.1]) Low Risk Failure to keep flaring, incinerating, and venting logs as required. (Pipeline Rules
1.2[2], Directive 060 [10.4(1)(b) (e), (2)]) High Risk Flaring or incinerating sour gas containing more than 50 mol/kmol H2S without a
permit where required. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], Directive 060 [3.3.1(1)], [3.3.2(2)
(4)], [6.2(3)]) High Risk Failure to comply with any condition of flaring permit or approval (temporary
permits, volume allowance threshold exceedance permits, and blanket permits).
(Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], Directive 060 [3.3(1)]) High Risk Failure to comply with conditions for flaring or incinerating small volumes of sour
gas containing more than 50 mol/kmol H2S when a permit is not required.
(Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], Directive 060 [3.3.2(2) (4)])

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Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Failure to notify the appropriate AER field centre of flaring, incinerating, or venting
events as required. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], Directive 060 [2.9(6)], [2.11.1(3)], [3.9],
[4.2], [5.4], [6.4(1) (3)], table 1, table 2) High Risk No resident notification and/or consultation. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], Directive 060
[2.5(1)(c)(i), (6)(c), (6)(d)], [2.9(3), (5), (6)], [2.11.1(3)], [3.9(1), (4) (7)], [4.2(1)],
[5.4(1)], [6.4(1)], table 1, table 2) Low Risk Public information packages or resident notification information do not meet the
requirements. (Pipeline Rules 1.2[2], Directive 060 [2.9.1], [3.9(4), (5)])

10.5 Related to Directive 071: Emergency Preparedness and Response

Requirements for the Petroleum Industry
Manual # Risk rating Description High Risk Licensee did not have, get approval for, maintain, or submit to the AER on request
a corporate emergency response plan (ERP) as required by Directive 071.
(Pipeline Rules 8[1], [5], [6][a]) High Risk Licensee did not have, get approval for, maintain, or submit to the AER on request
a site-specific ERP as required by Directive 071. (Pipeline Rules 8[2], [4], [6][a]) High Risk Licensee of a pipeline containing H2S in the gas phase did not calculate the
emergency planning zone (EPZ) in accordance with Directive 071 and determine
whether there was any surface development within the EPZ. (Pipeline Rules 8[3]) High Risk Licensee did not conduct ERP training exercises in accordance with Directive
071. (Pipeline Rules 8[6][b]) High Risk Licensee does not ensure that it is capable of adequately responding to spills in
accordance with Directive 071. (Pipeline Rules 8[6][c]). Low Risk Operator not communicating with residents in the emergency planning zone
(ERPs in existence prior to April 8, 2008). (Directive 071 [2005 edition] [2.2.1];
Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2]) High Risk Copy of ERP not readily available (ERPs in existence prior to April 8, 2008).
(Directive 071 [2005 edition] [4.2.2]; Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2]) High Risk Failure to test the sour operation, HVP pipeline, or cavern storage facility ERP
through tabletop and major exercises. (Directive 071 [14.10(28)]; Bulletin 2008-15
[2.2]) Low Risk Failure to develop a public information package and/or to provide all required
persons with a copy. (Directive 071 [4.3.1(12)], table 3; Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2]) High Risk Failure to ensure that a call to the licensee 24-hour emergency telephone number
initiates immediate action. (Pipeline Rules [6], Directive 071 [2.1(3)]) High Risk Failure to ensure that the equipment identified in the ERP is available and located
where specified in the ERP for any operation. (Directive 071 [14.4(16)]; Bulletin
2008-15 [2.2]) High Risk Failure to provide a copy of the public information package to all identified
residences in the EPZ every two years and/or conduct a public awareness
program with members of the public through personal consultative process.
(Directive 071 [14.6(23)]; Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2]) Low Risk Failure to carry out public and local authority notification and consultation.
(Directive 071 [13.1(1)], table 8; Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2]) High Risk Failure to distribute changes in information that are instrumental to implementing
the ERP to all required plan holders. (Directive 071 [14.6(24)]; Bulletin 2008-15

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016) 45

Alberta Energy Regulator

Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Failure to distribute copies of the sour operations, HVP pipeline, cavern storage
facility, sour well site specific drilling and/or completion ERP, or approved
supplement to government departments and agencies within 10 business days
after approval, unless the government agency requests otherwise in writing.
(Directive 071 [5.7(15)], [7.3.3(11)], [9.3.2(7)], Appendix 5; Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2]) Low Risk Failure to notify the AER field centre about a major exercise and/or invite the local
authority, Alberta Health Services, or any other government agency to participate
or observe. (Pipeline Rules [6], Directive 071 [14.10(29)]; Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2]) Low Risk Failure to provide a copy of the public information package to the local AER field
centre. (Directive 071 [4.3.1(13)]; Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2]) High Risk Failure to immediately contact the AER after activating internal response
resources to confirm the level of emergency and convey the specifics of the
incident. (Directive 071 [11.1.1(4)], [14.2(4)]; Bulletin 2008-15 [2.2])

10.6 Related to Other AER Requirements

Manual # Risk rating Description Low Risk Noncompliant with other low risk AER requirement(s). See comments for details.
(Refer to the applicable AER requirement.) High Risk Noncompliant with other high risk AER requirement(s). See comments for details.
(Refer to the applicable AER requirement.)

46 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

Alberta Energy Regulator

Appendix 1 References and Contacts

A1.1 AER Documents

Acts and Rules

Pipeline Act
Pipeline Rules

Bulletin 2008-15: New Edition of Directive 071: Emergency Preparedness and Response Requirements
for the Petroleum Industry Issued

Directive 038: Noise Control
Directive 055: Storage Requirements for the Upstream Petroleum Industry
Directive 056: Energy Development Applications and Schedules
Directive 058: Oilfield Waste Management Requirements for the Upstream Petroleum Industry
Directive 060: Upstream Petroleum Industry Flaring, Incinerating, and Venting
Directive 071: Emergency Preparedness and Response for the Upstream Petroleum Industry
(2005 edition)
Directive 071: Emergency Preparedness and Response for the Upstream Petroleum Industry
(2008 edition)
Directive 077: Pipelines Requirements and Reference Tools

Interim Directives
ID 99-04: Deposition of Oilfield Waste into Landfills
ID 2000-03: Harmonization of Waste Management and Memorandum of Understanding between the
Alberta Energy and Utilities Board and Alberta Environment.

Information Letters
IL 98-02: Suspension, Abandonment, Decontamination, and Surface Land Reclamation of Upstream Oil
and Gas Facilities

A1.2 AER Contacts

Applications Branch
Facilities Applications: 403-297-4369
Resources Applications: 403-297-6957

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016) 47

Alberta Energy Regulator

Customer Contact Centre and the Energy/Environmental Emergency & Operational Complaint
24-Hour Response Line
Customer Contact Centre: 403-297-8311
Energy/Environmental Emergency & Operational Complaint Response Line: 1-800-222-6514

Environment and Operational Performance Branch

EPA Help Line: 403-297-2625
Liability Management: 403-297-3710
Pipeline Operations: PipelineOperations@aer.ca
Technical Operations: 403-297-6179
Compliance Assurance: 403-297-6179 or ComplianceCoordination@aer.ca

Field Centres and Offices

Bonnyville: 780-826-5352
Drayton Valley: 780-542-5182
Fort McMurray Office: 780-743-7214
Grande Prairie: 780-538-5138
High Level: 780-926-5399
Medicine Hat: 403-527-3385
Midnapore: 403-297-8303
Red Deer: 403-340-5454
Wainwright: 780-842-7570

Information Collection and Dissemination

Information Product Services Section: 403-297-8190 (or 403-297-8311, select 2)

A1.3 Other Contacts

Alberta One Call, Locate Request Inquiries
Phone: 1-800-242-3447
Fax: 1-800-940-3447
Website: www.alberta1call.com
Alberta Utilities Commission Complaint Line: 780-427-4903
Workplace Health and Safety: 1-866-415-8690
Alberta Common Ground Alliance (ABCGA): 1-877-832-2371
Website: www.albertacga.ca

48 Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections (August 2016)

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