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A Consolidate Report - FM1 Trainings - 13.03.17

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A consolidate report

Training on City Corporation Financial

Management for Inclusive and Climate
Resilient Urban Development,

Training on Paurashava Financial
Management for Inclusive and Climate
Resilient Urban Development


Report prepared by:

Md. Zahurul Islam, Consultant, RIUD Project, GIZ
Table of contents

1 Introduction 2
1.1 Background Information 2
1.2 Objectives of training 2
2 Training needs assessment 3
3 Training design 3
4 Deliver of training 4
5 Training evaluation 14
6 Conclusion and Recommendation 16

Annex I : List of participants 17-21

Participants list of Satkhira Paurashava
Participants list of Rajshahi City Corporation
Participants list of Sirajgonj Paurashava
Participants list of Khulna City Corporation
Participants list of Barisal City Corporation

Annex II : Training evaluations 22-23

Training evaluation by participants of Satkhira Paurashava
Training evaluation by participants of Sirajgonj Paurashava
Training evaluation by participants of Rajshahi City Corporation
Training evaluation by participants of Khulna City Corporation
Training evaluation by participants of Barisal City Corporation

Annex III : Post-training performance monitoring format 24-25

Annex IV : Training program schedule 26-27

1|P a g e
1. Introduction

1.1 Background Information

The training City Corporation/Paurashava Financial

Management for Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urban
Development was delivered to five partner cities: Rajshahi
City Corporation, Khulna City Corporation, Barisal City
Corporation, Sirajgonj Paurashava and Satkhira Paurashava in Overall objective of the RIUD:
Bangladesh under Resilient and Inclusive Urban Development
(RIUD) Project. The RIUD project is being implemented jointly Five partner cities, on self-initiative and
with the active involvement of the poor
by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale
population, implement measures to
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Local Government Division (LGD). increase the adaptive capacity in slum
The overall objective of RIUD: Five partner cities, on self- settlements.
initiative and with the active involvement of the poor Project Indicators:
population, implement measures to increase the adaptive The TC project has 03 (three) core
capacity in slum settlements. The delivery and facilitation of indicators:
this training program is one of deliverables of the consultant Indicator 01:
on the individual consultancy service assignment. The report In each of 05 (Five) cities, based on city-
intends to provide a concise and consolidate information of wide gender-sensitive slum and
five training programs held at the city levels. vulnerability mapping, two "community-
based adaptation" projects were
implemented with close coordination
between the city administration and
1.2 Objectives of training
slum communities.
Indicator 2:
The main objective of the training was to familiarize the 50% of Z members of the established
participants about financial management readiness of the city committees with citizen participation in
for climate adaptation urban development. The specific the partner cities ("Town Level
objectives were as follows: Coordination Committees" and "Ward
Coordination Committee") confirm that
Familiarize participants about the roles and their contributions were taken into
responsibilities of a city in adaptation to climate consideration in the selection and design
change as per acts; of projects for adaptation to climate
Familiarize participants with the procedures in
Indicator 3:
assessment of financial strengths and weakness of a The number of the Development Project
local government institution; Proposals (DPP) requested by the
Familiarize participants with the procedures how to partner cities have increased from x to y
identify and prioritize investment needs of a city; annually.
Describe different sources of finances for investment;
Explain participants about the procedures in Purpose of this training was to influence
on achievement of indicator 1 and 3.
preparation of plan and budget with citizen
Discusses for strengthening expenditure and budget
controls ;
Explain participants about the provision of acts regarding accounts and audit statements.

2|P a g e
2. Training needs assessment

Need of this training was identified through

previously conducted field study at each five
partner city under title Capacity
Development Needs Assessment focusing on
Financial Management of City Corporation/
Paurashavacarried out by the consultant.
The study was given focus on identification of
capacity development needs of individual
and organizational levels. At the individual
level, capacity development assessment
focused on the needs of changing attitude
and behaviors, mostly knowledge and
development skills through training. Capacity
development needs at the organizational level focused on the needs of overall performance and
functioning capacities, such as development priorities, tools, process, systems, and
communications to facilitate the organizational change.

3. Training design

The training was designed mainly on the basis of adult learning principles with focus on the four
ideas; as under:

Selection of action oriented training topics on the basis of information from previously
conducted needs assessment;
Interactive participation through group exercises, group discussions, group presentation, and
review session ;
Use real problems , challenges and practical examples in the discussion through a number of
case studies;
Combination and blending of different interactive methods, including exercise, discussion brain-
storming, case studies, game, role play, energizers and attractive power point presentations to
remain the participants active.

3|P a g e
The two-day training was structured with the nine sessions, as under:

Session 1: Inauguration
Session 2: City with adaptation to climate change
Session 3: Assessment of financial capacity of city
Session 4: Identify the present and future investment need of the city
Session 5: Scope of financing for investment
Session 6: Planning and preparation of budget
Session 7: Expenditure and budget control
Session 8: Statement of accounts and audit
Session 9: Closing

A program schedule including training methods and materials of the training is given in the Annex IV to
this report.

4. Delivery of training

Delivery of training consisted of two phases: preparatory phase and delivery phase. Preparatory
phase which included preparation training handbooks, training materials with power point
presentations, program schedule, case studies and other training aids; and training logistics.
Delivery phase was carried out through 5 (five) trainings in duration of two days per training
held at the city level. Participants were the Mayor, Councilors and key officials of 3 City
Corporations and 2 Paurashavas. The number of participants attended in the training as below:

Sl City Corporation /Paurashava Training held on Number of participants

Male Female Total
1 Satkhira Paurashava 17-18 January ,2017 18 04 22
2 Rajshahi City Corporation 25-26 Januray,2017 24 03 27
3 Sirajgonj Paurashava 29-30 January,2017 20 03 23
4 Khulna City Corporation 01-02 February,2017 20 01 21
5 Barisal City Corporation 22-23 February ,2017 19 04 23
Total 101 15 116

Please see the city wise detail list of participants in the Annex I

Training program covered 9 (nine) sessions. Session wise training process is shown in the below:

4|P a g e
Session 1


The session involved the processes introduced

participants each other: ice-breaking and made
comfortable them to interact with each other and take
part in group activities in the next sessions; welcome
and inauguration speeches with highlighting the
importance of the training; and cleared the participants
about the objectives of the training program as well as
to know what they expected from this training
Inaugural session. Rajshahi City Corporation

Inaugural speech by Honourable Mayor, Barisal City

Inaugural speech by Honorable Mayor, Khulna City Corporation

Inaugural speech by Honourable Mayor, Sirajgonj

5 | P a gspeech
e by Honourable Mayor, Satkhira Paurashava
Session 2

City with adaptation to climate change

The session started with climate basics on power point

presentations: elements of weather and climate and their
inter-linkage; then a practical experiment on greenhouse
affects, explained cause-effects impacts of climate change
by a game play, made participants conscious on citys
adaptation needs through case study; discussed asset-
based climate vulnerability mapping of poor and slum
dwellers , Presentation of city wise climate vulnerability,
Needs of vulnerability assessment for expenditure
prioritization ; Discussion on climate finance readiness in
national and local aspects; Enabling conditions of climate
finance readiness at city level as per local government
Inviting a participant for a funny interview what is
weather and what is climate. Rajshahi City Corporation


Elements of weather and climate change. Khulna City Explaining the effects of greenhouse for global
Corporation warming. Barisal City Corporation

Cause & effect relation game of climate impacts.

6 | P Paurashava
age City financial management for climate adaptation.
Sirajgonj Paurashava
Session 3

Assessment of financial capacity of a city

Like stethoscope - a medical device , a city needs some

tools to check its financial strengthes and weakness .
The session outlined first the tools (ratios and trends
analysis) of financial capacity assessment on power point
presentations theoretically; Presentation of 7 steps of
problem identification to solution; Participants were
provided with some cases for financial strengths and
weakness analysis, requested to work on it and to share
their opinions with the large group. The participants
were asked to think of all the points that come to their
mind when they interacted with the other groups. Everyone needs to check out own fitness for best
possible performance. It is same for City Corporation
Rajshahi City Corporation

Participants were given some cases for financial

strengths and weakness study and to present their
Exercise on problem solving can bridge the gap
opinions in large group. Khulna City Corporation
between theory and practice. Barisal City Corporation

Groups can work best if the task is clearly defined and

understood. Satkhira Paurashava
A large group discussion on the cases for a shared and
common understanding to all. Sirajgonj Paurashava

7|P a g e
Session 4

Identify the present and future development

demand of a city 1.1

Discussions of the session involved, different channels

of citizen engagement for development prioritization,.
A panel groups opinion sharing by role play after an
exchange visit through a case study: Citizens opinions
for city development. Investment needs prioritization
model briefing, and its demonstration through a case
study on technical appraisal of Rahonpur slum-link
road infrastructure development project.

An expert panel meeting (role play) on a case study

topic Citizens opinions for city development. Rajshahi
City Corporation.

Different channels of citizen engagement in identifying A participant performing as a lead reader of the case
development demands of a city. Khulna City Citizen opinions for city development. Barisal City
Corporation Corporation

Investment needs prioritization model briefing in the

A case study (topic technical appraisal of Rahonpur slum
8|P a g e session. Sirajgonj Paurashava
link road ) result briefing by the expert panel group in
the session. Satkhira Paurashava
Session 5

Scope of financing for investment

The session delivered open discussions on several 1.1

alternatives of financing for investment; first of all used
current revenue surpluses - but it is small left after
paying salaries, operations, and maintenance.
Development grants from central government as
principal sources for investment in developing basic
infrastructures; Bangladesh Municipal Development
Fund (BMDF ), Public Private Partnership (PPP), even
attacking international and domestic private donors as
important source of additional funding sources for Several alternatives of financing for investment; first
investment . of all used current revenue surpluses Sirajgonj

BMDF as a banking source of investment financing. Govt. donations and donor supported projects are
Khulna City Corporation principle source investment financing. Barisal City

A picture from Khulna City Corporation

Attracting private donors as innovative way of PPP as a best alternative for investment financing.
financing for investment. Rajshahi City Corporation Satkhira Paurashava

9|P a g e
Session 6

Planning and preparation of budget

This Session delivered first theoretical discussion of 3
phases of planning & budgeting processes the essential
operational needs for local governments to adapt
participatory budgeting. The Session also discussed a
topic of internal communication because people
engagement in participatory planning & budgeting
needs various formal and informal communication
structures. The session then divided the participants in
to groups provided them with two cases to work on [(i),
Rahonpur, Communication, and few words; (i) Lack of 3
mutual trust and understanding is the main constraint Three phases of planning & budgeting processes on
of internal communication], and requested individual power point. Sirajgonj Paurashava
groups to share their findings with the larger group.

A case briefing to the participants on its topic and study Participants in a large group discussion after case
objective. Khulna City Corporation review works. Barisal City Corporation

Participation of the Secretary as a resource person. Participants in a large group discussion on case study
10 | P a g e results. Satkhira Paurashava
Rajshahi City Corporation

Session 7

Expenditure and budget control 1.1

Delivery of the session had two parts. Firstly arranged a

questionnaires survey among the participates to collect
their individual responses on the reasons of why actual
expenditure frequently differs more than proposed
budget and revised budget , and disclosed the survey
results in plenary; Second part was a discussion titled
control of expenditure in different stages of its cycle .
Some specific measures for strengthening expenditure
control were presented on a power point slide. Control of expenditure in different stages in power point.
Rajshahi City Corporation

A self-survey making process. Khulna City Corporation Participants in an open discussion on the session
topics. Barisal City Corporation

Survey results disclosing. Satkhira Paurashava Survey results disclosing .Sirajgonj Paurashava

11 | P a g e
Session 8

Statement of accounts and audit pa 1.1

The session delivered the discussions on the provisions

of acts regarding preparation and disclosure of
accounting and audited statement of the accounting
records. Focus of this session was to make a platform
of interaction in between accounts personnel and all
other participants regarding accounting and auditing
practices of the city.

Rajshahi City Corporation

Khulna City Corporation Barisal City Corporation

Satkhira Paurashva Sirajgonj Paurahsva

12 | P a g e
Session 9


On the last day of the training, the session reviewed

the two-day discussions whether the expectations of
the participants had been met and asked participants
what they learned as a result of training and how they
would be able to use it. A training self-evaluation was
done through questionnaires. Nine close-end questions
were filled out by participants 9 closed questions and 2
opened questions for reactions, suggestions and
comments to measure the immediate effectiveness of
training. The training was concluded with closing
speeches and a group photo session

Participants of Rajshahi City Corporation in a group

picture at the end of training

Participants of Khulna City Corporation in a group picture at

Participants of Barisal City Corporation in a group picture at
the end of training the end of training

Participants of Satkhira Paurashava in a group picture at the Participants of Sirajgonj Paurashava in a group picture at the
end13of| Ptraining
age end of training
5. Training evaluation

The methodology used was the post-evaluation questionnaire with 9 closed questions with rating scale
from one to five (not answered, not good, moderate, good, and very good) and 2 open questions for
suggestions and comments to measure the effectiveness of training. At the end of the training, the
participants were requested to fill training evaluation form, with comments for possible improvement. A
general outcome of the training based on total evaluation form of five trainings is below:

A consolidate evaluation report (%)

Questionnaire Not Not Moderate Good Very
answered at all Good
How the training was important for you? 5% 48% 47%
How was your participation in the training? 8% 57% 35%
How training met your expectation? 25% 55% 19%
How much the trainer showed his efficiency? 7% 57% 36%
How training methods and materials were used? 16% 50% 34%
How you pleased with trainer's behavior? 40% 60%
How the quality of food for you? 1% 8% 35% 56%
How you satisfied with overall training management? 4% 12% 46% 38%
How the duration of training was enough sufficient? 2% 2% 23% 51% 22%

How the training was important for you?

How're your participation in the training?
How the training met your expectation? Not answered
How much the trainer shown his efficiency? Not at all
How training methods and materials were
How you pleased with trainer's behavour?
How the quality of food for you ? Good
How you satisfied with overall training Very Good
How the duration of training was enough
0 20 40 60 80 100

Please see the city wise training evaluation in the Annex II to this the report

14 | P a g e
Major Recommendations of participants in evaluation forms:

o Budgetary process, budgetary control, laws regarding financial rules, procurement process (PPR)
may be included in the training module;
o PP preparation process, identity and linkage process with donor agencies, Delegation of financial
power and its apply, accountability of accounts section in the training could be included;
o Need more problems and solutions based discussions in the training;
o At least 3 days is essential for this type of training;
o Arrange a separate workshop on Audit and Fund Management issues;
o Arrange a visit to other city corporation in attachment with this training program;
o Problems in revenue collection have been widely discussed in the training , but not getting
specific solutions;
o Training with the high officials and field officials at a same table is a positive symbol. Hopefully it
will be continued future.

Major remarks of participants in evaluation forms

o Train Local Govt. Representatives and make the training successful, it should be organized
outside of City Corporation area, if possible arrange this training out of district to ensure
councilors participation;
o Hope the training will play an important role in my future works;
o Starting of the training was very attractive; especially through the football game made it a real
pleasure and educational event also;
o Pay allowances to encourage more participation;
o provide such type of training in future;
o Need more attendance of the Councilors;
o The training has been organized efficiently.
o This type of training is good for public representatives;
o Give handouts of PowerPoint presentations;
o The training is enough suitable and important;
o It would be very good for participants if the venue is outside from the workplace;
o Discussion in the training was relevant and right;
o This type of training is very good for PS administration, if it is arranged repeatedly ;
o Extension of training day;
o Need refresher training;
o Training was very interactive.

15 | P a g e
6. Conclusion and Recommendation

The trainings in a general had a positive response from the participants. Attitudes of participants shown
they were interested in the training. Except few, all participants actively attended in the trainings with
curiosity and very actively participated in the group works. It is certain that all participants were not
same level of knowledge but it is important to say that attitudes of participants shown that a certain
number of participants had acquired new and additional knowledge. This is a concern now how and to
what extent contributions of the training will influence to the organizational performance. The RIUD
Project has several indicators in line with the training objectives. Individuals and organization engage
proactively and constructively with one another is essential for achieving the project indicators. It is
important to conduct a post-training monitoring of the performance of individual and organization on
how they behave after the training. This will help determine how learning from the training has been
applied to the workplaces, how far the training has achieved its objective, and what kind of other
capacity development link-supports are required to make the training workplace usage. A post-training
performance monitoring format is given in the Annex III to this the report as example.

16 | P a g e
Annex I: List of participants
(not based on designation and seniority)

Participants list of Satkhira Paurashava

Training on Application of Paurashava Financial Management for
Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urban Development
Date: 17-18 January,2017
Venue: Satkhira Paurashava Climate Change Adaptation Learning Center, Satkhira
Total Participants : 22 (Male 18, Female 4)

Sl Name Designation
01 Mr. Md. Tazkin Ahmed Mayor
02 Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam Chairperson, Standing Committee on Establishment
and Finance
03 Mr. Shekh Jahangin Hossen (Kalu) Member , Standing Committee on Establishment and
04 Mr. Shafiq ud Doula (Sagor) Chairperson, Standing Committee on Finance and
05 Mr. Sayed Mahmud Papa Member , Standing Committee on Finance and Audit
06 Mr. Md. Shahinur Raham Chairperson, Standing Committee on Tax assessment
and collection
07 Mrs. Onima Rani Mondal Member ,Standing Committee on Tax assessment and
08 Mr. Md. Abdus Selim Chairperson, Standing Committee on Urban Planning,
Citizen Service & Development and Communication &
Civil infrastructure
09 Mr. Md. Shafiqul Alam Babu Member, Standing Committee on Urban Planning,
Citizen Service & Development and Communication &
Civil infrastructure
10 Mrs. Farhadiba Khan Sathi Chairperson, Standing Committee on Slum
11 Mrs. Jostsna Ara Member, Standing Committee on Slum Development
12 Mr. Md. Saiful Islam Biswas Secretary
13 Mr. Nazmul Karim Executive Engineer
14 Mr. Md. Akter Hossen Talukder Accounts Officer
15 Mr. Kamrul Akter Assistant Engineer (civil)
16 Mr. Shuvo Chandan Moholi Town Planner
17 Mr. Md. Ziaur Rahman Slum Development Officer
18 Mr. Saroj Kumar De Tax Assessor
19 Mr. Julhaz Uddin License Inspector
20 Mr. Md. Johor Ali Accountant
21 Mrs. Tahmina Khatun Upper Clerk Assistant
22 Mr. Sheikh Shafiqur Rahman Assistant Tax Collector

17 | P a g e
Participants list of Rajshahi City Corporation
Training on Application of City Corporaion Financial Management for
Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urban Development
Date: 25-26 Janurary,2017
Venue: Rajshahi City Corporation Climate Change Adaptation Learning Center, Rajshahi
Total Participants : 27 (Male 24, Female 3)

Sl Name Designation
01 Mr. Md. Nizam Ul Azim Mayor (Acting
02 Mrs. Tahera Begum Councilor, Ward-01, Panel Mayor-3
03 Mrs. Sultana Rajia Councilor, Ward No.10
04 Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman Councilor, Ward No.03
05 Mr. Mustak Hossain Roton) Councilor, Ward No.20
06 Mr. Abdus Samad Councilor, Ward No.30
07 Mr. Ruhul Amin Councilor, Ward No.04
08 Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman Tito Councilor, Ward No.10
09 Mr. Md. S.M Mahbubul Haque Councilor, Ward No.08
10 Dr. A.B.M Sharif Uddin Chief Executive Officer
11 Mr. Khondakar Md. Mahabubur Rahman Secretary
12 Mr. Ashraful Haque Chief Engineer
13 Dr. F.A.M. Anzuman Ara Begum Chief Health Officer
14 Mrs. Shahana Akter Zahan Chief Revenue Officer
15 Mr. Md. Nizamul Hoda Accounts Officer
16 Mr. Md. Khairul Basar Superanted Engineer
17 Mr. Md. Ashraful Habib Asst. Engineer
18 Mr. Md. Monjurul Alam Chief Assessor
19 Mr. Md. Golam Rabbani Deputy Chief Assesor
20 Mr. Abu Saleh Md. Nur-E-Sayed Revenue Officer
21 Mr. Md. Sorwoar Hossain Taxation Officer
22 Mr. Md. Golam Kabir Deputy Chief Officer
23 Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed Taxation Officer
24 Mr. Md. Abu Hanif Mollah Taxation Officer
25 Mr. Md. Tazuddin Deputy Tax Officer
26 Mr. Md. Mohiuddin Deputy Tax Officer
27 Mr. Md. Ariful Amin Assessor

18 | P a g e
Participants list of Sirajgonj Paurashava
Training on Application of Paurashava Financial Management for
Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urban Development
Date: 29-30 January,2017
Venue: Sirajgonj Paurashava Climate Change Adaptation Learning Center, Sirajgonj
Total Participants : 23 (Male 20, Female 3)

Sl Name Designation
01 Mr. Saed Abdur Rouf Mukta Mayor,Sirajgonj Paurashava
02 Mr. Md. Golam Mostofa Panel Mayor-2, Councilor , Ward -7, and Chairperson of of
Standing Committee on Poverty Reduction & Slum
03 Ms. Rumana Resma Pannel Mayor-3, Councilor, Ward-13,14 & 15, and Member
of Standing Committee on Tax assessment and Collection
04 Mr. Md. Eayer Ali Councilor, Ward -8, and Chairperson of Standing Committee
on Establishment and Finance
05 Mr. Md. Moydan Ali Khan Councilor, Ward-13, and Chairperson of Standing Committee
on Tax assessment & Collection
06 Ms. Nasima Begum Councilor, Ward-7,8 & 9, and Member of Standing
Committee on Tax assessment & Collection
07 Mr. Md. Aminul Islam Councilor, Ward-4, and Chairperson of Standing Committee
on Infrustructure & Development
08 Mr. Md. Masud Hasan Khan Councilor, Ward-3, Member of Standing Committee on
Infrustructure & Development
09 Ms. Salma Khatun Councilor, Ward-4,5 & 6, and Member of Standign
Committee on Poverty Reduction & Slum Development
10 Mr. Luthfur Rahman Secretary, Sirajgonj Paurashava
11 Engr. Shahjahan Ali Executive Engineer , Sirajgonj Paurashava
12 Dr. A.K.M Forhad Hossain Medical Officer
13 Mr. S.M. Shah Alam Slum Development Officer
14 Mr. Mushfique Ahmed Urban Planner
15 Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Assistant Engineer (civil)
16 Mr. Md. Anisujjaman Accounts Officer
17 Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Assistant Engineer(water)
18 Mr. Md. Zahid Hossain Assessor
19 Mr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman Accountant
20 Mr. Md. Abdul Hannan Khan Licence Inspector
21 Mr. Md. Mahbub Alam Bazar Inspector
22 Mr. Md. Masud Rana Administrative Officer
23 Mr. Md. Sakawat Hossain Tax Collector

19 | P a g e
Participants list of Khulna City Corporation
Training on Application of City Corporation Financial Management for
Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urban Development
Date: 01-02 February,2017
Venue: CSS Ava Center, Khulna
Total Participants : 21 (Male 20, Female 1)

Sl Name Designation
01 Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman Moni Mayor
02 Mr. Md. Gausul Azam Councilor, Ward-20, and Chairperson of Standing
Committee on Establishment & Finance
03 Ms. Anjira Khatun Councilor, Ward-5,9,14 & 15
04 Mr. Md. Shamsel Ali Mintu Councilor ,Ward-24
05 Mr. Polash Kanti Bala Chief Executive Officer
06 Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain Secretary
07 Mr. Md. Nazmul Islam Chief Engineer
08 Mr. Md. Arif Nazmul Hasan Chief Revenue Officer
09 Mr. K.M Mostaque Ahmed Budget cum Accounts Officer
10 Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman Talukder Estate Officer
11 Mr. Pronob Kumar Ghosh Deputy Collector of Taxes
12 Mr. Md. Ohiduzzaman Khan Revenue Officer
13 Mr. Tapon Kumar Nondi Tax Collector
14 Mr. Anupom Chakrabertty Sub-Assistant Engineer
15 Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman Sub-Assistant Engineer (planning)
16 Mr. Md. Imran Hossain Assistant Accounts Officer
17 Mr. S.K. Aslam Hossain Accountant
18 Mr. Md. Abdus Salam Faruki Upper Division Clerk
19 Mr. S.K. Nurul Islam Upper Division Clerk
20 Mr. Md. Naimuzzan Lower Division Clerk
21 Mr. Mir Rafakat Ali Head Assistant

20 | P a g e
Participants list of Barisal City Corporation
Training on Application of City Corporaion Financial Management for
Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urban Development
Date: 22-23 February,2017
Venue: Hotel Grand Park, Barisal
Total Participants : 23 (Male 19, Female 4)

Sl Name Designation
01 Mr. Md. Ahsan Habib Kamal Mayor
02 Ms. Maksuda Akter Mitu Councilor, Ward -10,11,12
03 Ms. Salma Akter Shela Councilor , Ward-12,20,21
04 Ms. Rashida Parvin Councilor
05 Advocate Mir Zahedul Kabir Councilor, Ward- 18
06 Mr. Aktaruzzaman Gazi Councilor, Ward-17
07 Mr. Md. Harun ur Rashid Councilor
08 Mr. Md. Wahiduzzaman Chief Executive Officer
09 Khan Md. Nurul Islam Chief Engineer
10 Dr. Md. Motiur Rahman Chief Health Officer
11 Mr. Abdul Motaleb Superandent Engineer
12 Mr. Kazi Monirul Islam Executive Engineeer
13 Ms. Nandita Basu Chief Planning Officer
14 Mr. Mohammad Anisuzzamn Executive Engineer
15 Mr. Abual Masud Mamun Tax Officer
16 Mr. Dipok Lal Mridha Conservancy Officer
17 Mr. Mosfec Ahsan Azam Chief Assesor
18 Mr. Md. Mahfuz Ahmed Assistant Assessor
19 Mr. Md. Nurul Islam Market Supevisor
20 Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir Executive Engineer
21 Mr. Md. Moshir Rahman Budget and Accounts Officer
22 Mr. Md. Azizur Rahman Trade Supervisor
23 Mr. Farid Hossain Assistant Personal Secretary

21 | P a g e
Annex II: Training Evaluations
(Based on evaluation forms)

Training evaluation by participants of Satkhira Paurashava

Report in %
Questionnaire Not Not Moderate Good Very
answered at all Good
How the training was important for you? 15% 85%
How was your participation in the training? 7% 70% 23%
How training met your expectation? 30% 54% 16%
How much the trainer showed his efficiency? 62% 38%
How training methods and materials were used? 7% 70% 23%
How you pleased with trainer's behavior? 31% 69%
How the quality of food for you? 23% 77%
How you satisfied with overall training management? 8% 38% 54%
How the duration of training was enough sufficient? 30% 39% 31%

Training evaluation by participants of Sirajgonj Paurashava

Report in %
Questionnaire Not Not Moderate Good Very
answered at all Good
How the training was important for you? 6% 59% 35%
How was your participation in the training? 12% 47% 41%
How training met your expectation? 18% 47% 35%
How much the trainer showed his efficiency? 6% 47% 47%
How training methods and materials were used? 12% 29% 59%
How you pleased with trainer's behavior? 47% 53%
How the quality of food for you? 17% 24% 59%
How you satisfied with overall training management? 12% 23% 24% 41%
How the duration of training was enough sufficient? 6% 23% 41% 30%

22 | P a g e
Training evaluation by participants of Rajshahi City Corporation
Report in %
Questionnaire Not Not Moderate Good Very
answered at all Good
How the training was important for you? 6% 63% 31%
How was your participation in the training? 6% 56% 38%
How training met your expectation? 44% 50% 6%
How much the trainer showed his efficiency? 6% 50% 44%
How training methods and materials were used? 6% 56% 38%
How you pleased with trainer's behavior? 31% 69%
How the quality of food for you? 6% 38% 56%
How you satisfied with overall training management? 19% 44% 37%
How the duration of training was enough sufficient? 19% 44% 37%
Training evaluation by participants of Khulna City Corporation
Report in %
Questionnaire Not Not Moderate Good Very
answered at all Good
How the training was important for you? 6% 56% 38%
How was your participation in the training? 6% 38% 56%
How training met your expectation? 25% 62% 13%
How much the trainer showed his efficiency? 6% 69% 25%
How training methods and materials were used? 19% 56% 25%
How you pleased with trainer's behavior? 25% 75%
How the quality of food for you? 6% 6% 44% 44%
How you satisfied with overall training management? 6% 12% 44% 38%
How the duration of training was enough sufficient? 6% 25% 56% 13%
Training evaluation by participants of Barisal City Corporation
Report in %
Questionnaire Not Not Moderate Good Very
answered at all Good
How the training was important for you? 9% 45% 46%
How was your participation in the training? 9% 73% 18%
How training met your expectation? 9% 64% 27%
How much the trainer showed his efficiency? 18% 55% 27%
How training methods and materials were used? 36% 37% 27%
How you pleased with trainer's behavior? 64% 36%
How the quality of food for you? 9% 45% 46%
How you satisfied with overall training management? 82% 18%
How the duration of training was enough sufficient? 9% 18% 73%

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Annex III: Post-training performance monitoring

Training results Indicators of Rating Score Comments Next steps Contribute

(TR)/indicators performance to which
a b c D E f G
TR 1: Participants familiarized on the roles and responsibilities of a city in adaptation to climate
change as per acts;
Indicator 1 0
Indicator 2 0
TR 2:Participants familiarized with the procedures in assessment of financial strengths and weakness
of a city;
Indicator 1 0
Indicator 2 0
TR 3: Participants familiarized with the procedures how to identify and prioritize investment needs of
a city;
Indicator 1 0
Indicator 2 0

24 | P a g e
Training results Indicators Rating Score Comments Next steps Contribute
(TR)/indicators stage to which
a b C D E f g
TR 4: Participants familiarized with the procedures in preparation of plan and budget with citizen
Indicator 1 0
Indicator 2 0
TR 5: Participants familiarized with the procedures strengthening expenditure and budget controls ;
Indicator 1 0
Indicator 2 0
TR 6: Participants familiarized on the provision of acts regarding accounts and audit statements.
Indicator 1 0
Indicator 2 0

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Annex IV: Program Schedule of Training

Day 1
Date & Sessions/Contents Methods Materials Moderator/
Time Facilitator
Session 1:Intoductory methods: Advisor, GIZ
09:00- Arrival and Registration, Holy Quran Individual work, Speech, Discussion,
10:00 Recitation , Welcome speech, greeting power point presentation,
speech, Share project and training objectives;
Inaugural, Participants introduction, materials:
Participants expectation. Registration sheet, Multimedia,
Football, VIPP cards.
10:00- Tea break
10:30- Session 2: City with adaptation to methods:
11:30 climate change Picture display and discussions; Cause- Consultant
2.1 Cimate change and roles of a city; effects chain ;Post-box technique;
2.2 Climate vulnerablity of urban poor Power point presentation and discussion
and slum dewllers;
2.3 Financial management of City materials:
Corporation/ Paurashava Multimedia,Per person 1 cap (paper
2.4 City Corporation/Paurashava made) ,Case no.1,2 & 3 and Post-box
Financial Management for climate (paper made), Marker pens, board
11:30- Session: 3 Assessment of financial methods: Consultant
01:00 capacity of city Power point presentaion & discussion;
3.1 Analysis of revenue and capital Peer excercise and interpretation
3.2 Problems and challenge materials:
identication and decesion making Excercise no. 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7
Flip chart (as hand book format 3.1)
01:00- Prayer and lunch break
02:00- Session 4: Identify the present and future methods: Consultant
03:30 investment needs of the city VIPP methods & discussion; Power point
4.1 Sector-wise investment needs presentation, Group discussions &
assessment; presentation
4.2 Investment Needs Prioritization model
VIPP cards, board, case no. 4 & 10,
03:30- Session 5: Scope of financing for investment methods: Consultant
04:45 5.1 Local sources: Tax & non-tax revenues; Power point
5.2 Govt. donations / grants and Foreign projects; presentation,
5.3 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF)
5.1 Public Private Partnerships ( PPP) materials:
5.1 Private donations and grants Multimedia
04:45- Tea break and day close

26 | P a g e
Day 2
Time Sessions/Contents Methods Materials Moderator
09:00- Day-One sessions methods: Advisor,
10:00 review Power point presentation, Discussion, Question and GIZ
10:00- Tea break
10:30- Session 6: Planning and preparation of methods:
11:30 budget Power point presentation, case Consultant
6.1 Internal Communication for organization study; Seminer
6.2 Stakeholders participation in planning materials:
and budget preparation Multimedia,
6.3 Steps in preparation of budget; case no 5, Seminar term papers (case
6.4 Conditions to prepare a good budget. no. 6,7 & 8)

11:30- Session 7: Expenditure and budget methods: Consultant

01:00 control Survey , Stimulation game, Power point
7.1 Why budget variance is more? presentation
7.2 Ways to meet the budget targets; materials:
7.3 Contol of expenditure in its different Survey questionnier (case no.9), Survey
stages Result board (flip chart), Multimedia
01:00- Prayer and lunch break
02:00- Session 8: Statement of accounts and budget methods: Consultant
03:00 8.1 Provision of acts regarding account Question and answering, Power
statements; point presentaion,
8.2 Provision of acts regarding audit statments materials:
03:00- Session 9: Closing methods: Consultant
03:45 Training reviews, expectaion Speech delivery, Discussion, Question-answering
reviews; Closing speeches materials
Multimedia, Training-evaluation forms

03:45- Tea break and training close


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