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Microbiome Medicine How Bacteria Can Cure Us

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Microbiome Medicine

The Questions and Answers You and Your Doctor Need to Know to Finally
Detect and Properly Treat Your Thyroid Problem
Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us . . . . . . . . 4

Who are bacteria? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us . . . . . . . . 6

Tapping into the microbiome for healing;

Microbiome Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Everything is filtered through the gut microbiome! . . . . . . . . 9

Learning the language of the microbiome . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Jane: Case Study #1 Brain Fog And Gut Symptoms . . . . . . . 18

Susan: Case Study #2. Thyroid Imbalances . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Jerry: Case Study #3 Rheumatoid Arthritis . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Getting tested the Microbiome Medicine way . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Probiotics By Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

GI Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2 Table
of Contents
Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us
I have spent many years studying the vast ecology of various microbes that
live on and in the body, collectively called the microbiome. After all of this
time, I continue to be in awe of them, inspired by their power and the healing
that comes when tapping into their limitless capacity to restore health. All else
pales in comparison to the wide spread changes that occur, once we embark on
a journey walking with them rather than in opposition to them.
For decades, conventional medical wisdom taught us that bacteria are
intrinsically bad, disease spreading and unintelligent-even that they are
nothing more than stupid bugs needing to be eradicated. I can tell you nothing
is further from the truth. In reality, bacteria are the grand conductors of life
coordinating everything we see and influencing who we are. They move
within us, deep beneath rational thought to inspire us through gut instincts
and gut feelings. Their communications with the brain color how we feel, the
foods we crave, our sense of wellbeing or our deepest feelings of unrest. Their
health is the foundation of our own and in the right context, all bacteria have a
positive effect. Even those considered dangerous by science contribute to the
whole when within healthy limits in a balanced ecology.
We have entered a new dawn in medical interventions; one that fully embraces
gut bacteria, recognizing that they are not only intelligent, but a self-directing
force capable of changing outcomes. Think about that for moment. Bacteria
have the astounding ability to communicate with each other, unite for a
common goal and act as one organ. We see this with the trillions of microbial
cells in the human body, as well as the immeasurable numbers across the Earth.
With the blinders off, we can see bacteria are the catalyst for biological
changes in the body helping us to adapt and live in different conditions. By
shuffling genes and sharing DNA, they combine and create to move life
forward showing us a world where sharing and community lead to progress
and growth. This shatters the old viewpoint of a cold hostile world where
a changing environment leads to mutations, survival of the fittest and the
demise of all others. This unfortunate and bleak portrait still endures leading
to fierce competition and internal chaos. Microbiome Medicine allows us a
new vantage point, one where we can see what was previously missed gaining
a deeper understanding of life and ourselves.
In science we recognize the many patterns of nature and how they repeat at
different levels, showing us the road map for natural medicine. Nature reveals
all we need to know once we are able to see the invisible; the previously unseen
aspects that were there all along yet eluded our reach. High-speed film makes
it possible to see and analyze bird flight, mapping data used for advancements
in air travel. Likewise, for the first time in history, we are able to study bacteria
in a new way, one that gives us deep understanding of their intelligence and

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will. Its their will to move forward, to create together and work as one, that
teaches us all we need to thrive in this world.
Microbiome Medicine sees and recognizes the boundless implications of this
knowledge. The goal then becomes to tap into the microbiome; eaves drop on
their conversations and interact with them on a level that produces changes in
health. This is the direct opposite approach of those that seek to regain health
through antibiotics and medications designed to sterilize the body. Science
has begun to show this type of hostile attack is not only ineffective, it can do
extreme harm to the body by deforesting the populations of life giving bacteria
necessary to maintain health. Without them all is lost.

Who are bacteria?

Each of us is covered and filled with microscopic organisms outnumbering
our own cells by a count of ten to one-making us about 90% microbe and only
10% human. Various types of bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea are found
in all of the different tissues and fluids circulating throughout the body with a
great number concentrated in the intestine referred to as the gut microbiome.
Even more astounding are the sheer number of bacteria on earth outnumbering
all of the animals, plants and fish on the ocean floor. A report published in 2011
estimated there were 4 quadrillion quadrillion bacteria on earth weighing in
at 1,000,000 million tons! To get some perspective, the same study estimated
humans coming in at a paltry 7 billion and just 350 million tons. Currently only
10 million species have been cataloged of the estimated one trillion living on
Prokaryotes or single celled organisms are the unseen majority with most
found in soil, the subterranean layer of the Earths crust, molten rock and
embedded in the sub sea floor. Deep within the most primordial layers at the
fiery inhospitable core of the planet, bacteria live in places we thought nothing
could survive. Yet they not only thrive, these may be the original archaebacteria,
ancestors of us all hidden at the center of the earth like gold, tucked away by
nature protecting the vital material of existence. They represent the language
of life utilizing a massive vocabulary in which genes are the letters used to
write the Earths story of diversity. Bacteria shuffle and combine them in new
ways and new orders creating everything we see and the story of health.
Not only are they essential to the genetic diversity expressed as our world and
to catalyze transformations, bacteria are quite literally reservoirs of DNA. This
is not a small thing when considering within the body, their DNA outnumbers
our own by a factor of 150. While we cant change our own genes, bacteria can,
rapidly transforming at every moment turning on and off our own DNA and
disease processes. Bacteria actually slip their own DNA into our cells through

4 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

horizontal gene transfer, helping us to digest food previously indigestible and
aid the immune system in guarding against certain bacterial infections (1).
For the last several decades, medicine has made great advances through
technology in testing methods, diagnostics and treatments. Without the context
of the gut microbiome however, this knowledge is incomplete like information
scattered on the floor that needs to be assembled to be fully utilized. Once we
take into account this higher dimension of health, we eliminate the need for
many of the treatments offered today. Doctors in the medical community are
still not able to see this. Too often, they focus on small things or managing
symptoms rather than searching for and addressing the root cause of disease.
The microbiome opens up a new way of thinking making it possible to
see foundational issues that werent visible before. This is a microbiome
Within the context of the brain, we see deep connections between these
organisms and our own cells and tissue. Bacteria and neurons come from the
same matter sharing common roots during embryological development and
then differentiating. Some cells move up into the brain as neurons while others
move down into the gut becoming bacteria, yet all maintain close contact
signaling and changing each other throughout life using multiple pathways.
We are just beginning to hear the untold numbers of conversation in the body,
the likes of which we have never been privy to before. It is only through
Microbiome Medicine that we are finally capable of hearing these hidden
dialogues necessary for health.
Lets look at the issues people have today; depression, anxiety, brain fog,
neurodegenerative disease, cognitive decline. Frequently the immune system
plays a role in these brain disorders, causing harm through over-activity
sparked by an adverse environment. High levels of ammonia, histamine levels
and inflammation- all driven by an unhealthy microbiome can quite literally
choke the brain, impairing its ability to function and thrive. In this state the
essential blood brain barrier becomes damaged, the ability to detoxify is
impaired. Without the garbage disposal of the brain, toxins pile up, more
inflammation ensues, more depression, cognitive decline, brain disorders and
neurological symptoms. Additionally, a weakened microbiome sparks changes
in sensory and motor function of neurons in the gut increasing and intensifying
feelings of pain.
There are many conditions that set the stage, contributing to an unhealthy
microbiome and cognitive degeneration:
1. Infections such as Lyme or mold

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2. Hormonal imbalances including thyroid disturbances and NTIS
or non-thyroidal illness syndrome, an inflammatory condition
affecting the thyroid
3. Toxins like PCBs, lead, mercury, perchlorates
4. Autoimmunity
5. Metabolic issues
6. Poor diet
7. Overuse of antibiotics, NSAIDs and PPIs
At the deepest level, I have witnessed the role early trauma plays in changing
and damaging the microbiome, the effects of which may not be evident for
many years. Such high stress events of childhood are linked to impairments
in immune function, inflammatory disorders and autoimmunity. Like a movie,
these moments are replayed, witnessed and re-experience by microbes sending
signals of distress throughout the body and brain again and again.
Once the microbiome is altered, the intestine often become permeable allowing
large particles and foreign matter to enter the body setting off immune responses
and inflammation. The nervous system is on alert, diverting energy away from
vital processes like digestion and sleep. The conversation is changed from one
that supports life to one of illness spoken throughout the body from the gut to
the brain, the brain to the body, bacteria to the immune system and the immune
system to the brain. All of it intertwined, inseparable and invisibly directing
health. The gut microbiome then is the keystone, the pivotal piece holding all
others in place. By restoring the bacteria, we set off a chain of events like the
ripples in a pond, reverberating out to rebalance health. Microbiome Medicine
understands we can and must change the movie to make lasting changes and
rebalance all of the many systems at play.

6 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

Tapping into the microbiome for healing;
Microbiome Medicine
Microbiome Medicine at its core, is about seeing the unseen world including
the microscopic realm of science plus deeper layers completely overlooked
by other branches of medicine. This is the highest form of medicine, tapping
into the portal within each of us to change the bottom line of health and
its expression. If treatment methods were arranged in layers it would look
something like this:
1. At the baseline we have allopathic medicine recognizing disease
and conditions easily categorized by symptoms that fall into
a standard. Routine testing is used to define health and any
condition unexplained by this method is chalked up to aging,
depression and stress.
2. The next level up is functional medicine, which, sees the deeper
biochemistry and seeks to unite the body and mind but fails to do
so because it is not a spiritual approach.
3. Microbiome Medicine embraces the deepest level of biochemistry,
especially the microbiome and utilizes tools to correct imbalances
through a Mind/Body/Will approach. In this system we recognize
the body and mind are one. By tapping into the unseen world
we move beyond the final expression of the body to the deepest
causes, the deepest injuries that drive modern chronic illness
As I touched upon earlier, bacteria are a shining example teaching us how
to live and heal. Each has an incredible will to live, will to survive and to
receive what it needs to sustain itself. At the same time, they exhibit an even
greater will, one that merges with all of the others to unite for a larger purpose.
If one becomes antibiotic resistant, they all do as they quickly disseminate
information, working to preserve the whole and their ecology. Through
quorum sensing, molecules secreted by bacteria allow trillions of cells to act
as if they are one unified multi-celled organ such as the liver or heart. Each
of them finding their role and uniting their exceptional will for life to form a
higher community.
We see these principles echo through our own human existence as well. At
birth each of us, like bacteria, has a self-centered will to live, a will to survive
and thrive. If the needs are met, a positive outlook on life is formed, giving
birth to positive emotions. Over time, the will to survive merges with that of
others becoming a will for all, to build community, to forge deep connections
and elevate the status of the whole.

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The opposite is true as well however and too often, early injury and trauma
coupled with the disconnection of modern life, leads people to remain stuck,
the will broken and unable to be satisfied creating a chronic state of dis-ease.
Frequently, we see this manifest as low energy, a feeling of just getting by, an
insatiable drive to over achieve, lack of vitality, inner conflict and over time,
disease. This is the core of modern illness. By transforming the will at the
highest level, we return to our natural state, one that leads us back to health, a
sense of awe, wonder and wholeness.
In recent years, studies have paralleled these sentiments finding proof that
tapping into a sense of awe and wonder helps to transcend the self, leading to
a larger perspective that is life-giving and healing. For some simply looking
at photos of Earth taken by astronauts in space is enough to awaken the
amazement of lifes bigger picture. Others may become inspired by nature or
vast landscapes. While others find the act of caring for another leads them out
of their own predicament allowing them to merge with others finding larger

Microbiome Medicine takes these principles and builds on them, working to

transform the will at the deepest level of injury. By healing the bacteria, we
rewire the brain, reset the emotions, rebalance the immune system and help
people to regain a sense of connection.
Functional medicine misses this deepest level of cause and has no methods to
address it. They prescribe meditation or another pill and while this may has
some merit, its not enough. We must reach down to the deepest level of the
will and resuscitate it. Interventions have no real meaning without considering
and addressing the microbiome. Far too many people remain sick today or
progress to a point. Only Microbiome Medicine has the unique answer, using
an approach that redefines all other approaches.

8 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

Everything is filtered through the gut microbiome!
Modern illness comes with a wide range of seemingly disconnected symptoms
like issues with executive function, neuropsychiatric problems, mood
disorders, anxiety, depression, shooting pain, discomfort in crowds, social
changes, cognitive difficulties, skin conditions, gut issues and brain fog just to
name a few. While these symptoms appear to be disparate, in truth they are all
a result of the same processes taking place in the body creating multiple issues
and comorbidity that no longer fit into the old model of disease.
When gut bacteria are out of whack, the control center is malfunctioning and
everything in the body becomes disconnected and scattered without guidance.
Here are just a few of the many roles bacteria play in the body:
Production of vitamins like B12, folate, niacin and Vitamin K
Fermentation of non-digestible fibers
Production of the short chain fatty acid butyrate- a fuel for the brain
and intestine, and acetate involved with appetite regulation
Caloric extraction
Maintenance of the gut wall
Education and regulation of the immune system
Maintenance of tight junctions
Key role in metabolic function
Influential in genetic expression
Influential in weight loss
Production of natural antibiotics
Protective against pathogens through crowding and competition
Mediation of inflammation through regulation of cytokines
Production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, GABA
and acetylcholine
Communication with the brain via the vagus nerve
Protection against over stimulation of the immune system
Far too often people are dismissed by their doctors; ignored because their
symptoms dont fit into the neat disease categories set up for diagnosis. These
people improve one step with conventional treatments only to fall back three
becoming even worse as their stress levels increase. Once its understood that
everything is filtered through the microbiome, we have context for the strange

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constellation of symptoms so many face, as well as the cure.
Not long ago, a patient told me she went to an endocrinologist who literally
laughed in her face when he heard her odd list of complaints! She told me
she had weird stuff going on and thought she was becoming stupid. She
could no longer multi task and had fatigue and brain fog. She reported having
some relationship stress that completely threw her and said her ability to deal
with any kind of problems in general was diminished triggering anxiety and
reclusive behaviors. As we spoke she confided that she had never really felt
like life was going smoothly, she was always just getting by. In her 20s gut
symptoms began including a good amount of pain so she tried several different
diets, cutting out gluten, removing dairy and later carbs; all with marginal
improvements. I asked her for one word to describe her early childhood and
found out she did not have a good experience.
ACEs or Adverse Childhood Experiences have been linked to a dramatic
increase in the incidence of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. A study
published in 2009 in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine found that one such
traumatic event correlated to a 31% increased risk for women to be hospitalized
with autoimmunity and 34% for men. In people suffering 2 or more adverse
events the numbers skyrocket to a whopping 70-80% incidence (2).
The problems she endured were not just in her head. The pain of trauma and
stress at an early age is far too real, literally changing the footprint of the
microbiome, diminishing its protective actions. Inflammation ensues, the
immune system becomes dysregulated and overall function degenerates yet,
the microbiome is not discussed as a path to treatment or as a cause. Once
there are microbiome issues and permeability of the gut, everything can go
wrong. It turns out this patient was suffering with raging Hashimotos
thyroiditis, inflammation and extreme imbalances in the microbiome yet,
the endocrinologist missed it.
I see this time and again when working with patients who come in suffering
from mood disturbances and sudden changes in thought and memory. There is
a dynamic interconnectedness between the microbiome and brain function. If
the microbiome is unhealthy or in a sub-optimal state, the brain will be as well.
This is much deeper than a simple case of cause and effect. The microbiome
has far reach, turning genes on and off, creating neurotransmitters used by
the brain to communicate and affecting the immune system and environment
of the brain in a way that cannot be separated from neurological function.
All of these components are intertwined making it impossible to tease out
the microbiomes interactions from the brains. Together they function as one
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor or BDNF is an important compound in the

10 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

body acting like a growth hormone in the brain. Not only does it stimulate the
creation of new brain cells, its also protective with high levels being linked to
decreased risks of brain disorders like dementia. Without the right kinds and
amounts of gut bacteria, BDNF and the bodys stress management system,
the HPA Axis develop abnormally. An unhealthy microbiome is linked to
alterations in the stress response and decreases of BDNF in the hippocampus
of the brain. We frequently see this in patients suffering from depression, brain
fog and memory issues as well as a decreased ability to manage stress.
Bacteria create neurotransmitters affecting the immune system and brain. Glia
cells are naturally in a slight state of inflammation however, their effects get out
of control without healthy bacteria to regulate them. Likewise a stressed out
microbiome sends signals of alarm throughout the body triggering cascades of
inflammation and unfavorable immune responses changing the conversations
between bacteria, the nervous system in the gut wall and enterochromaffin
cells which play a role in motility and gastric secretions needed for digestion.
Quite often as these patients describe their history, certain patterns emerge
that tell the story of the development of the gut microbiome. Frequently, there
was stress or a traumatic event during childhood, frequent antibiotic use,
poor diet and medications like Prilosec-all of which lead to deforestation of
the microbiome much like the death and destruction we see when looking at
the coral reef. This environmental catastrophe mirrors the destruction taking
place within our bodies, showing us the disruption in the relationship between
humans and nature leading to a decline in the richness of life. Modern living is
stripping our inner ecology of its life force, vitality and diversity.

For some this may manifest in feelings of isolation and self-esteem issues
while others may lose their ability to manage stress. Still others exist under
a cloud of depression, anxiety and the inability to function at a high level.
Gut symptoms often abound but also seemingly unconnected things like skin
conditions, decreased immunity, loss of sex drive, loss of social connections
and changes in sleep patterns. This type of deep stress is not to be confused
with what some call adrenal fatigue. Its a much deeper issue because the

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signaling system is completely thrown off.
Todays patient suffers with many layers of symptoms creating complex
medical conditions, the likes of which have not been seen before. Physicians
have no frame of reference for such disorders so assume patients are delusional
or under great stress that is tricking their minds into these conditions. They
refer these patients out to specialists, offer mind altering drugs and worse, tell
them nothing is wrong simply because they dont know where to look for the
Gastrointestinal doctors rely on colonoscopy and endoscopy but are unable
to detect the issue even in those suffering with bloating and gut pain. These
methods simply look in the wrong place. The problem is not in the structure
of the intestine, it lies in the composition of the bacteria within. Similarly
a psychiatrist misses the bulls-eye by limiting the focus to the grey matter
between the ears rather than the root of the issues found in the gut microbiome.
In these cases, patients may try some type of drug to improve mood bringing
little effect or actually making them worse.
Others are placed on proton pump inhibitors regardless of their gut symptoms
creating bigger problems. Bloating grows, depression deepens and they start to
give up. Next they begin eating worse, having a few extra drinks and sleeping
in. The boss is upset now creating even more emotional stress and things
spiral out of control. This example is not a wild work of fiction. Its a story
I hear too often as patients make the rounds from doctor to doctor in search
of answers until they land in my office. Its unfortunate but there isnt a GI
doctor, psychologist or neurological doctor that looks at patients as a whole,
examining all off the symptoms at once. Only Microbiome Medicine unites the
gut-brain-body as one whole system. This is the medicine of the future.

12 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

Learning the language of the microbiome
Not all probiotics are created equal. It may surprise you to know that different
strains actually do distinct things in the body. By getting acquainted with
their effects, we can choose to use them in a targeted way, precisely changing
There was a time when ancient people knew the language of nature and plants.
Today, society lives isolated away from the natural world, even assaulting it.
We must change to have a different regard for life striking a partnership with
bacteria, recognizing them as our greatest health ally. Once we do, healing is
unleashed in a way that brings life and strengthens vitality.
In this section, you will become familiar with and befriend these organisms
learning ways to engage with them to improve healing outcomes. We will
focus on clinically proven strains and outline specific things you can do to
improve your own health. Useful products will be sprinkled throughout these
pages with a full list in the resource section at the end.
While diet is outside of the scope of this work, its the single most important
aspect needed to care for and create a healthy microbial balance. I highly
recommend following the The Microbiome Diet which outlines the steps
needed to use food as the most powerful medicine of all.

Depression and Anxiety

Bifidiobacterium and Lactobacillus have been shown to improve a number
of neuropsychiatric disorders and dysfunction including anxiety, depression,
OCD and memory decline. Specifically, products including both Lactobacillus
helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 were found to
significantly reduce anxiety, depression and cortisol levels when taken together
in just 30 days (3). You can find these anxiolytic strains in Pure Encapsulations
ProbioMood and Xymogens Probio Defense.
Similarly, L. rhamnosus JB-1 is found to reduced stress, anxiety and depression
related behavior in mice undergoing a series of stress tests (4). Research here
highlighted the crucial role of bacteria in the bidirectional communication
between the gut and brain and their importance in treating stress related
disorders including depression and anxiety.
In 2010, researchers studied the effects of probiotics on rat pups in a maternal
separation scenario producing stress-induced changes in behavior and GI
function. Levels of stress markers and inflammation were measured and
the pups were then given either B infantis or the anti-depressant Celexa. B
infantis was found to normalized the immune response, lower inflammatory
markers, reverse behavioral deficits and restore nor-adrenaline levels playing

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an influential role in neuronal function (5). B breve 1205 plus B longum 1714
were found to have similar positive effects (6).
Additional strains like L. casei and L. acidophilus were found to work on
depression specifically as well as B. bifidum, B. breve and L. plantarum PS
128 shown to have a range of effects. PS128 deserves an extra special mention
as it not only decreases anxiety and depression, it also improves various
neurotransmitters related to these disorders and has psychotropic effects
improving stress, neuropsychiatric disorders and neurodegeneration. For the
best results, use products that contain one or more of these strains.

Cognitive Decline
High ammonia is a major contributing factor involved with creating symptoms
like brain fog, difficulty comprehending and thinking. Studies in this realm
often focus on liver conditions which impair its ability to detoxify creating
high levels of this toxic compound. We also know however, that an unhealthy
microbiome creates high levels of ammonia causing the brain to be poisoned
and inflamed which is at the heart of many brain disorders today. B. infantis, B.
breve, L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum, L. casei, S. thermophiles
and S. boulardii are all shown to improve signs and symptoms of cognitive
decline and help to reduce ammonia levels. In addition to probiotics,
supplements like TMG and yucca, may also help reduce ammonia levels

In many cases, inflammation starting with imbalances in the gut, lays the
foundation for all of todays chronic health conditions including everything
from brain disorders, heart conditions, thyroid problems, sugar imbalance
and even cancer. Everything starts with inflammation and inflammation
begins with an unhealthy microbiome. Blood testing is especially beneficial
to track changes in inflammatory markers including CRP, ESR, IL1, IL6,
IL8 and TNF-alpha. One of the best strains proven to bring down high levels
of inflammation is Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 found in a supplement
called Align. Three random, double blind trials concluded it works to bring
down inflammation in both GI and non-GI issues, modulates the inflammatory
response and decreases inflammatory cytokines (7).
One common cause of inflammation is high levels of lipopolysaccharides
or LPS which are molecules found within the cell wall of Gram-negative
bacteria. While these organisms normally reside in the intestine at a low level,
unfavorable conditions like high stress, poor diet and poor health may trigger
overgrowth and gut permeability, allowing LPS to leak out into the body
setting off inflammatory and immune responses. In studies, Lactobacillus

14 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

reuteri, L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum, Bifidobacterium animalis, B. bifidum,
B. longum, and B. longum subsp. Infantis were all found to greatly reduce
levels of LPS while B infantis was found to be highly beneficial in lowering
the inflammatory marker TNF-alpha. There are many products that contain
several of these strains such as Reuteri Pearls, VSL3 and ProbioGold by
This leads me to another important point. Frequently, studies find benefit using
multiple strains especially when used together. In 2013, Tillisch et al, found
evidence that consumption of a fermented milk product affected brain activity
in healthy women (8). They processed emotions better, sensory regions were
less active and they were better able to deal with stressors. Whats interesting
here is not the individual strains that were used but the synergistic effect
activated by these different strains working together. We see time and again the
interplay and connectivity between bacteria, working together for a common
goal. This study is a wonderful reminder of the power we can harness by
enlisting multiple strains at once.

GI Disorders
As anyone with gut issues can attest, the symptoms run the gamut as far as
type, frequency and severity. To a large extent the composition of the gut
microbiome plays a direct role in the creation of such issues and also holds the
cure. By improving the ecology, the gut wall regains its fortification system
necessary for repair and to maintain closure of the tight junctions, sealing out
unwanted foreign matter. These are some of the best strains proven to improve
and repair the gut.
Bifidobacteria plays a key role in the health of the large intestine and colon.
Specifically B. lactis BI-04, B. bifidum BB-06, B. lactis Bi-07, B. lactis
HNO19 and B. breve BB-03 help to reduce bloating, decrease transit time
and constipation, lower inflammation and help to regulate the immune system
(9,10). TruBifido Pro combines a powerful blend using all of these strains plus
prebiotics, all delivered in a unique sodium alginate shell. Derived from algae,
this coating hardens in the acidic environment of the stomach protecting its
living cargo and then softens in the alkaline intestine delivering these strains
Other strains noted to aid with constipation include Bifidobacterium lactis DN-
173 010 found in Activia yogurt; S. boulardii, L. acidophilus LA5, L.paracasei(
l. casei 431) and bifido BB12 all found in a product called Standard Process
ProSynbiotic that also combines the prebiotics inulin and GOS.
Those suffering with diarrhea may choose strains such as L. acidophilus LA-1,
L. paracasei LPC-37 and L rhamnosus LR-32 found in Master Supplements

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Theralac which has the added benefit of enhancing lactose breakdown or
Lactobacillus GG found in Culturelle.
Leaky gut goes hand in hand with a microbiome out of balance. B. longum, L.
plantarum, L. reuteri and L. rhamnosus GG increase tight junctions between
intestinal cells, fortify the intestine wall and supports healthy immune function.
Many of these strains are found in Reuteri Pearls.
In acute situations and cases of severe deforestation of the gut microbiome, a
more potent blend may be needed to increase levels of helpful bacteria quickly.
My own supplement Wellbiotic contains 225 billion living organisms including
L. acidophilus La-14, L. plantarum Lp-115, B. lactis BI-04, L. salivarius Ls-
33, L. casei Lc-11, B. bifidum Bb-02 plus the prebiotic Larch Arabinogalactan,
delivering one of the most potent blends of organism you can buy.
Inflammatory Bowel disorders are said to affect approximately 1.6 million
American annually with as many as 70,000 new cases reported each year.
Studies looking at Ulcerative Colitis found great improvements in bowel
function and decreases in long-term inflammation using a mixture of
Bifidobacterium Longum BB536 plus the prebiotics Inulin and FOS found in
Life Extensions Bifido GI Balance and Jarrow Bifidus Balance +FOS.
Yeast can be challenging to eliminate for some. TruFlora by Mater Supplements
contains many probiotic strains plus the enzymes Beta Glucanase and
Hemicellulase to displace and purge unwanted bacterial and yeast cells from
the intestine, soothing and regulating inflammation (11).

Immune Regulation
Saccharomyces boulardii is one of the most powerful and useful organisms
to help reduce inflammation, remove unwanted yeast and regulate the immune
system, even quieting the dysfunction found in autoimmunity. For patients
suffering with any type of autoimmune condition, this strain must be part of
the daily routine. Designs For Health as well as my own brand are excellent
products in this area.
Pro-bio Gold by Kirkman contains multiple strains to calm an over active
immune response including L. rhamnosus, L, casei, L. acidophilus, B. lactis/
bifidum, Streptococcus thermophiles and L.plantarum while the strains of
Tru-bifido-Pro by Master Supplements stimulate immune cells, enhancing
immunity and immune cell function.

To truly speak the language of the microbiome, we must learn to nurture it and
care for our small friends. Much like a garden, the bacterial composition of
the intestine requires certain nutrients to grow. We wouldnt place seeds into

16 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

cracked dry soil and expect them to take root or give life without water. The
same holds true here. Bacteria require food and nutrients to give them life so
they may colonize and proliferate. This is one of the key concepts of the The
Microbiome Diet. Prebiotic fibers are the foundation of a healthy microbiome.
These are components of food indigestible to us yet fermentable by bacteria.
In the process, our tiny allies produce metabolites called short chain fatty acids
which have a number of protective and nourishing roles in the human body.
I find the great effects of prebiotics are often marginalized and underappreciated
but shouldnt be. To date, there have been limited studies performed and while
they do find benefit, there hasnt been enough research to drive the point home
that prebiotics are indeed important. Some of the benefits that have been found
include improvements in stress, anxiety and social despair. Currently there are
many prebiotic products on the market including a wide range of fibers like
larch arabinogalactan, inulin, pectin, oligofructose, fructooligosaccharides
(FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), and other oligosaccharides. Acacia
fiber offers a wealth of health benefits from lowering cholesterol, aiding in
sugar regulation and normalizing bowel function.

kellmancenter.com 17
Jane: Case Study #1 Brain Fog And Gut Symptoms
Jane was 39 when she first came in to see me. She had been suffering with
depression, anxiety, brain fog, some memory loss and gut symptoms like
alternating constipation/diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating. Her first stop
was to see her family doctor who ran some routine blood tests, all of which
appeared normal. He suggested she see a GI specialist and get a colonoscopy
which also looked fine. He then referred her to a psychiatrist. Jane felt strongly
that the brain and gut symptoms were somehow part of the same problem yet,
each doctor she mentioned it to, told her she was mistaken. The psychiatrist
even advised her to consider trying an Xanax.
By the time Jane came to see me, she reported bloating so severe that she
sometimes looked pregnant and said she didnt feel like herself at all. Jane
cried as she told me that she no longer recognized herself or her behaviors and
just wanted her life back.
Through Microbiome Medicine, we started with testing designed to uncover
any irregularities in the microbiome, metabolism and biochemistry.
Blood testing showed high levels of inflammation with increases in IL 6 and
TNF-alpha-a marker indicative of intestinal inflammation. Her ammonia
levels were also quite elevated which is typical in cases of extreme cognitive
and mood irregularities.
There were also several nutrient deficiencies including zinc, B vitamins,
vitamin D, A and B12.
Stool testing revealed a microbiome completely out of balance. Jane was
grossly deficient in beneficial bacteria and the short chain fatty acid butyrate-
an essential brain fuel and energy source for the cells of the small intestine.
Additionally, she was positive for one parasite, Entamoeba histolytica.
Finally, a hydrogen/methane breath test revealed an overgrowth of bacteria
in the small intestine-commonly known as SIBO. This type of condition is
a common culprit behind bloating, nutrient deficiencies and high levels of
ammonia in the body.

This was my protocol for Jane.

We started by cleaning up the diet to remove any inflammatory items such as
pre-packed processed foods and sugary snacks like the health bars and
boxed cereal she loved to eat. We removed items containing gluten, dairy,
unhealthy fats, High Fructose Corn Syrup, dried fruit and diet drinks. Jane
started on a whole foods diet, focusing on nutrient dense plant foods, fresh clean
sources of wild fish and organic and grass fed meats. We found that removing
certain foods like beans and Brusselss sprouts were beneficial for Jane for the

18 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

first weeks until her bloating began to resolve. Digestive enzymes were also
helpful in this early stage to aid in breaking down her foods completely.
Next, I worked to rebalance the microbiome by pruning species that had
overgrown healthy limits while improving diversity and numbers of species
that are health promoting at a higher level. Berberine, grapefruit seed extract,
oregano oil and my own supplement Microbiome Balance made huge
improvements in the composition of the microbial ecology. Parasid Forte
combines Sweet Wormwood, olive leaf, black walnut and artemisinin to
further target the parasite. We also used another Kellman Center product called
Barrier Boost to heal the intestine wall plus Iberogast to help with discomfort.
Jane made a great effort to change her eating habits, remembering to chew
slower and eat in a calm fashion.
Because of the high levels of ammonia we also decided to use TGM and
Yucca which provided very quick relief and Jane reported her brain issues
started to clear within the first week. Other brain supports like phosphatidyl
serine, phosphatidyl choline, medium chain triglycerides, phenyl butyrate and
carnitine are other wonderful options to support brain health and improve
cognition and mood.
Finally we used targeted vitamins and probiotics to complete the transformation
in her health. B infantis 35624 is known to work on inflammation specifically
lowering levels of cytokines including TNF-alpha and IL6. Align is a great
product that delivers potent quantities of this important bacteria strain.
Culturelle includes Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG which helps strengthen the
immune system, balances the microbiome and improves digestion. Last we
used ProbioMood by Pure Encapsulations which combines Lactobacillus
helveticus Rosell-52 with
Bifidobacterium longum Rosell-175. These two strains are clinically proven
to work synergistically decreasing anxiety and depression while increasing
vitality, cognition, memory and social behavior.
After just a couple of weeks, Jane reported that she was able to see the light
at the end of the tunnel. Her optimism returned and she got that sparkle back
in her eye. She continued to make progress and over the next few months
found herself feeling better than she had in years. That was two years ago.
Today, Jane continues to be happy and healthy and follows the Microbiome
Diet. I recently asked if she missed any of the old junk food she used to eat.
Jane just laughed and said she never even thinks of them and now she actually
craves foods she never used to like including fermented carrots with ginger
and kimchi!
Janes case was not difficult if you know the right place to look. Without
considering the whole picture and all of the symptoms plaguing her, there was

kellmancenter.com 19
no way to find or address the root cause. The only approach comprehensive
enough to handle complex conditions and address such a wide range of
seemingly disconnected symptoms is Microbiome Medicine. Through this
approach, diet and lifestyle changes Jane was able to radically alter the
trajectory of her health.

Susan: Case Study #2. Thyroid Imbalances

Susan is a 48 yr old woman who came to see me suffering with gut issues,
fatigue, unexplained weight gain, constipation and some red, scaly patches
on her neck and hair line. Despite seeing several doctors who found all prior
routine tests to be normal, she gained 15 pounds in 8 months and was often so
exhausted she stopped going to the gym and also stopped being social. When I
asked about her prior history, Susan told me about the several years of using a
proton pump inhibitor for heartburn as well as frequent antibiotic use. She also
told me she has always been a low energy person and on and off had suffered
with some anxiety as far back as college. She had suspected she may have a
low thyroid like her mother but testing was always negative. As she says she
was at her wits end when she found our office and decided to come in.
We ran a very comprehensive blood test including a full thyroid panel and the
TRH stimulation test. Since she had undergone several routine thyroid tests in
the past that were always normal, she was quite hopeful deeper testing would
reveal the problem. On our expanded panel, we got the following results: TSH
was a 2.2, her T3 was borderline low, T4 was high, reverse T3 was normal
and there were no thyroid antibodies present. A routine test would only look at
TSH which was in the normal range and T4 which was actually high so would
be interpreted as normal or cause some confusion to a conventional doctor
since the standard is to read high T4 as a hyperthyroid or overactive state.
Upon TRH stimulation however, her second TSH shot all the way up to a 27!
Susan had a very clear case of low thyroid that was being missed by routine
testing. Additionally the high T4 coupled with the low end T3 indicated she
may also have issues making the conversion. None of these issues were visible
on her prior tests.
We next did an ion test which revealed blockages in her ability to produce
energy in an area of cells called mitochondria as well as abnormalities in gut
bacteria balance. A stool test confirmed these findings showing deficiencies
in several beneficial bacteria and the short chain fatty acid (SCFA) acetate,
which, amongst other things, is important to regulate appetite.
The last test we ran was a sleep study. Although Susan reported falling to sleep
each night, the monitor picked up her inability to sleep deeply or enter the
REM state. Testing also showed her cortisol levels were higher at night than
optimal adding to her inability to sleep well.

20 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

I explained to Susan that the thyroid is instrumental for regulating every
part of the body especially the intestine. Without enough thyroid hormone
everything begins to function sub-optimally and operates in a depressed
state; the intestine moves slower triggering constipation and bloating as food
remains trapped and becomes fermented, the stomach produces less acid
causing reflux, the ability to digest and absorb food is decreased, metabolism
slows down, bacterial balance becomes compromised, energy production is
decreased and the immune system is less robust. Nothing in the body works to
its highest potential in a low thyroid state.
To correct these issues, I started Susan on a compounded T4/T3 thyroid
hormone medication. It was created in the exact ratio her unique body needed
and was made using only pure hormone without fillers or additives. Next we
added a clay and charcoal product called GI detox, Iberogast and the Kellman
Center product Barrier Boost to help calm down the gut, quiet her indigestion
and heal the gut wall. I also found supplementing digestive enzymes and
Betaine HCI were useful in the short term to help digestion get kick-started.
IgG Protect from OrthoMolecular helped boost immunity and bind toxins
further taking the strain off her body.
To rebalance the flora of her intestine, we started the Kellman Center probiotic
Wellbiotic which delivers a potent mix of 225 billion CFU of 6 different
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains plus Larch Arabinogalactan, a
prebiotic food for bacteria.
While her diet wasnt terrible, we decided to start her on The Microbiome Diet
and increase the amount of prebiotics she was consuming by eating plants like
jicama, asparagus, onion, garlic and Jerusalem artichoke. She also added in
1-2 portions of a fermented sauerkraut and kimchi on alternating days.
Susans energy began to improve almost immediately as well as her ability to
think. She said it was like the clouds had parted and the whole world came into
a sharper focus. Her bowel movements also improved and she began going
daily rather than once every 2-4 days, which, had been the norm. Over the next
few months her skin cleared and she also began to loose weight.
Susans case is unfortunately common. Far too many people fall through the
cracks of modern medicine, are missed by routine testing and are left to suffer
for very long periods of time without a diagnosis. Based on her symptoms,
their duration and family history, I suspect Susan had been suffering for a very
long time with low thyroid before finding us and getting the TRH test. For
many, this test is a life-changing event.

kellmancenter.com 21
Jerry: Case Study #3 Rheumatoid Arthritis
Jerry is a 55 year old busy executive who tends not to focus on his own
problems. At our first meeting he told me he had been in mild pain for years
but was always too busy to worry about it. It wasnt until he began to loose his
executive function and ability to make decisions that he decided to get help.
When we first met, Jerry reported mild pain in both knees and one hip that was
steadily getting worse over the last year. Stretching out used to help a bit but
these days it seems the ache had become constant. At about that same time,
he says he started to feel stressed out and anxious at the office even though
nothing had changed with his workload. The final straw came when he felt
his performance began to suffer. I used to be able to do 10 things at once and
always had a good grasp on everything. Now I feel so overwhelmed. Its taking
me much longer to figure out how to solve problems and I seem to have trouble
directing more than one person at a time.
When I asked if he had suffered with any type of gut issues he said, no. Things
are same as they have always been. I move my bowels about three times per
week. When I explained this was not an optimal situation, he was surprised.
He said he was so used to it that he just assumed it was normal for his body. As
we spoke, he also remembered that he had been on a proton pump inhibitor for
several years, which he stopped, and certain foods cause indigestion. He also
reported random abdominal pain and occasional bloating.
We started with deep testing to assess how his body was functioning. Blood
tests revealed high levels of Rheumatoid factor, a marker of autoimmunity
present in Rheumatoid arthritis. He also had very high levels of inflammation
including TNF-alpha, CRP, and IL8. To date, Ronalds B12 was one of the
lowest scores I have seen yet, coming in at under 50. Vitamin D was also
grossly deficient at 12. Zinc and Vitamin A were decreased and he was slightly
iron deficient.
A breath test confirmed imbalances in the small intestine ecology while stool
testing found high levels of SigA, the main immunoglobulin or immune
molecule of the intestine. He also had decreased numbers of healthful bacteria
with very little short chain fatty acids.
That sounds like a long list of problems but the bottom line was Jerry had
a microbiome completely out of balance driving inflammation and immune
dysregulation that turned into autoimmunity.
I asked Jerry to give me one word to describe his childhood and he chose
grey. His father had died when he was just four leaving his mother to care
for three young boys on her own.

22 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

This was Jerrys protocol.
We started with high doses of anti-inflammatory compounds like a liquid
turmeric and resveratrol made by Apex Energetics plus the missing nutrients
including B12 injections and Vitamin D. Barrier Boost combines glutamine,
DGL, Aloe, Vitamin A, Zinc and glucosamine which work synergistically
rebuilding the fortress of the gut wall. Plant sterols were also helpful to bring
down the high level of rheumatoid factor.
At the same time I prescribed specific probiotics to target the inflammation
using several Bifido strains including B infantis 35624 found in Align, B lactis,
B breve and B bifidum found in TruBifido Pro, and Lactobacillus reuteri. I
chose a soil based organism for their profound ability to populate the intestine
quickly crowding out organisms that should not be present. And last was S.
boulardii to help rebalance the immune system calming down the autoimmune
In Jerrys case it wasnt just about lacking beneficial strains of bacteria. His
ecology was truly decimated and we needed to provide the nutrients the
bacteria required to find life again. Jerry began eating prebiotic foods as well
as beta-glucans and psyllium found in Life Extensions Fiber Immune Support
and my own product Microbiome Flourish.
Due to the high levels of intestinal inflammation we also ran a food sensitivity
panel finding that he was reacting to many of the foods commonly consumed.
We removed those to alleviate possible triggers that were over-stimulating his
immune system plus gluten, a known driver of autoimmunity. Instead Jerry
began to eat more whole foods and healthy versions of his old favorites. He
also began to chew. At a later session we had been speaking more about his
childhood when Jerry told me what dinners were like at his house. With three
hungry teenagers there was a lot of completion for food! We ate pretty quick
to get in as much as possible or it would go to the next guy. I guess I never
really bothered to chew. The simple act of chewing was really game changer
in Jerrys case greatly improving digestion.
Jerrys transformation took time but he began to see improvements right away.
He reported the pain in his knees was 80% reduced within two weeks and his
hip was on the way to resolving as well. His anxiety also improved almost
immediately while his executive function got stronger and stronger. After a
few months we were able to reduce most of the supplements Jerry was on but
chose to keep a low maintenance dose of Turmero and Resvero, vitamin D and
to rotate low doses of pre and probiotics. Jerrys diet remained healthy and he
continued to chew his food thoroughly. He even stared leaving the office for
lunch so he could sit in the park and have a peaceful meal away from work
every day.

kellmancenter.com 23
About a year later when I saw Jerry at a follow up he told me about an interesting
twist. He said something had shifted deep within him that he couldnt really
describe. He said he felt more present like he was really in his life for the first
time. He felt satisfied and peaceful but in a deep way, something he couldnt
really put his finger on. He decided to take time off from work spending more
time with his family and taking trips. For the first time, he reported being truly
happy- something he didnt know was missing until he finally felt it.
In all of these cases and the thousands we see each year, the gut microbiome
plays the pivotal role resolving chronic inflammation and restoring the bodys
natural ability to function. In the last sections of this e-book I will give you
the resources to properly get tested and tools you can use to begin forging an
alliance with the healing power already within you.

24 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

For deeper dietary help please read The Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.

Getting tested the Microbiome Medicine way

In this section I outline the tests available to help understand whats going
on your own unique body and the companies that offer them. Testing should
always include the standard markers of metabolism plus deeper markers
whenever possible including the following:

Accu Reference Labs
CRP, ESED, TNF-alpha, IL1, IL6, IL8 and IL10


The Kellman Center for Integrative and Functional Medicine

TSH, free and total T3, free and total T4, RT3, antibody levels of TPO, TSI
and TgAb plus secondary markers including homocysteine levels, cholesterol
and alpha and beta carotenes, all of which become elevated if the thyroid is
sub-optimal. The deepest, most accurate thyroid barometer of all is the TRH
stimulation which can uncover subclinical cases of low thyroid totally invisible
on routine testing.

Pathogens and toxins

Doctors Data
RealTime Laboratories

Lyme, co-infections, viruses, candida, heavy metals, mold

DRG Laboratory

Genova Diagnostics
Accu Reference Medical Lab
Stool testing reveals critical information about the microbiome and how its
functioning. There is no one perfect microbial ecology. Whats important is the
way it works in the body and whether health is being supported or undermined.

kellmancenter.com 25
Certain patterns do emerge however when looking at the microbiome in
relation to the symptoms patients experience. Low levels of short chain fatty
acids, a decrease in Lactobacillus and Bifobacteria plus increases in rogue
bacteria, set the stage for illness so many suffer from today.

Hydrogen/Methane Breath test

Kellman Center for Integrative and Functional Medicine
An essential barometer to assess the balance of organisms in the small intestine

ION Test
Genova Diagnostics
This comprehensive metabolic panel measures amino and fatty acid composition
and utilization, mitochondrial function, oxidative stress, microbiome health
and co-factors necessary for normal metabolism.

26 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

Probiotics By Condition

Culturelle 40+, www.culturelle.com. Beneficial strains L. rhamnosus
also called Lactobacillus GG
Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.com. My own line of
probiotics include Neuro-Biome.
Solgar, www.solgar.com. Advanced Multi Billion Dophilus
Solgar, www.solgar.com. Advanced 40+ Acidophilus

Cognitive Decline
Apex Energetics, www.apexenergetics.com. Sibotica
Douglas Laboratories, www.douglaslabs.com. Multi-Probiotic 40
billion Powder
Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.com. Wellbiotic. My own
brand of high dose strains including Lactobacillus Plantarum,
Lactobacilus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacilus
Salivarius, Lactobacillus Casei and Bifidobacterium Bifidum. 1 pack
contains 225 billion CFU!
Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.com. My own brand, Neuro-
Sedona Labs, www.sedonalabs.com. iFlora multi-probiotic

Sigma Tau Pharmaceuticals, www.vsl3.com. VSL -3

Depression and Anxiety

Jarrow, www.jarrow.com. Jarro-dopihilus
Life Extension, www.lifeextension.com. FlorAssist
Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.com. My own line of
probiotics include Neuro-Biome.
Natures Way, www.naturesway.com. Primadophilus Optima
Xymogen, www.xyomogen.com. Probio Defense

kellmancenter.com 27
GI Disorders

Dannon, www.activia.us.com , Activia yogurt found in most grocery
Standard Process, https://www.standardprocess.com. ProSynbiotic

Culturelle, www.culturelle.com. Culturelle
Master Supplements, www.master-supplements.com. Theralac

Leaky gut
Natures Way, www.naturesway.com Reuteri pearls

Master Supplements, www.master-supplements.com. Truflora
Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.com S Boulardii

IBD/Ulcerative Colitis
Jarrow, www.jarrow.com. Bifidus Balance +FOS.
Life Extension, www.lifeextension.com. Bifido GI Balance
Metawellness, www.metawellness.com. Align Probiotic

Immune Support
Kirkman, www.kirkmangroup.com Pro-bio Gold
Master Supplements, www.master-supplements.comTru-bifido-Pro
Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.com Saccharomyces boulardii

Metawellness, www.metawellness.com. Align contains B. infantis
35624 great for gut health and lowering inflammation.

Soil-based Organisms
Researched Nutritionals, www.researchednutritionals.com Prescript-
Assist Pro
Researched Nutritionals, www.researchednutritionals.com

28 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

General Probiotics
Additionally there are several broad-spectrum products that work to improve
many conditions like ASD, OCD, memory issues, anxiety and depression.
Culturelle, www.culturelle.com. Lactobacillus GG is an excellent
strain for gut and immune health.
Klaire Labs, www.klaire.com. Ther-biotic Childrens Chewable
contains several beneficial strains including B. longum, B. breve, B.
infantis and many lactobacillus strains as well.
Klaire Labs, www.klaire.com. Ther-biotic Complete
Life Extension, www.lifeextension.com. FlorAssist
Master Supplements, www.master-supplements.com. Trubifido,
Metawellness, www.metawellness.com. Align
Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.com. My own excellent line
of probiotics including, WellBiotic, Neuo-Biotic, Saccharomyces
boulardii and Microbiome Boost
Natures Way, www.naturesway.com. Primadophilus Optima
Organic3.com, www.organic3.com. A good source for Lactobacillus
gasseri shown in studies to help with weight loss.
Orthomolecular, www.orthomolecular.com. An excellent source for
Pure Encapsulations, www.pureencapsulations.com. ProbioMood
Xymogen, www.xyomogen.com. Excellent source for probiotics

Ecological Formulas, www.ecologicalformulas.com. Cal-Mag
Jarrow, www.jarrow.com. A source of inulin with FOS
(frutooligosaccharides) for extra prebiotic support
Klaire Labs, www.klairelabs.com. Their product, Biotagen is a
powerful combination of inulin and arabinogalactans that I often
recommend to my own patients.
Master Supplements, www.master-supplements.com. TruFiber

kellmancenter.com 29
Microbiome Diet, www.kellmancenter.com. My own products
Microbiome Butyrate and Microbiome Prebiotics are great for gut
bacteria and the brain.
Now, www.nowfoods.com. Certified Organic Inulin Pure Powder
Prebiotin, www.prebiotin.com
Vital Nutrients, www.vitalnutrients.net. Arabinogalactan Powder
Xymogen, www.xyomogen.com. Their product ProBioMax Plus DF
is a powerful combination of arabinogalactans and probiotics that I
often recommend.

30 Microbime Medicine - How Bacteria Can Cure Us

1. Expression of multiple horizontally acquired genes is a hallmark
of both vertebrate and invertebrate genomes. Alastair Crisp et al.
Genome Biology 2015
2. Cumulative Childhood Stress and Autoimmune Diseases in
Adults. Shanta R. Dube, Psychosom Med. 2009 Feb; 71(2): 243250.
3. Beneficial psychological effects of a probiotic formulation
(Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum
R0175) in healthy human. Michal Messaoudi et al. Gut Microbes,
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011 pp. 256-261
4. Ingestion of Lactobacillus strain regulates emotional behavior
and central GABA receptor expression in a mouse via the vagus
nerve. Bravo J etal. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Sep 20; 108(38):
5. Effects of the probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis in the maternal
separation model of depression. (rat)
Desbonnet L et al. Neuroscience. 2010 Nov 10;170(4):1179-88
6. Bifidobacteria exert strain-specific effects on stress-related
behavior and physiology in BALB/c mice. Savignac etal.
Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2014 Nov;26(11):1615-27
7. Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 modulates host inflammatory
processes beyond the gut . David Grogeger etal. Gut Microbes.
2013 Jul 1; 4(4): 325339
8. Consumption of fermented milk product with probiotic
modulates brain activity. Tillisch et al. Gastroenterology 2013
9. Ringel Y, et al. Clinical trial: Probiotic Bacteria Lactobacillus
acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 Versus
Placebo for the Symptoms of Bloating in Patients with
Functional Bowel Disorders - a Double-Blind Study. J Clin
Gastroenterol. 2011 Jul; 45(6): 518525..
10. Chiang BL, et al. Enhancing immunity by dietary consumption of
a probiotic lactic acid bacterium (Bifidobacterium lactis HN019):
optimization and definition of cellular immune responses. Eur J
Clin Nutr. 2000 Nov;54(11):849-55.
11. Role of commercial probiotic strains against human pathogen
adhesion to intestinal mucus. M.C. Collado, J. Meriluoto and S.
Salminen. Letters in Applied Microbiology Volume pages 454460,
October 2007

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