MSRUAS Prospectus
MSRUAS Prospectus
MSRUAS Prospectus
Welcome to
B e n g a l u r u
Bengaluru is the capital city of the Indian state of
Karnataka, located on the Deccan Plateau in the south -
eastern part of Karnataka. Bengaluru is India's third
most populous city with a population of almost
8 million and is known as garden city and it is well
known for its weather. Bengaluru is the India's biggest
IT- Hub and is known as Silicon Valley of India and it is
the house for many advanced technology research
establishments including aerospace and defence.
There are more than 15 public, deemed and private
universities in the city with more than 60 engineering
colleges and 8 medical colleges with a total student
population in higher education exceeding 2,50,000.
Ramaiah University
of Applied Sciences
Dr. M. S. Ramaiah (1922-1997)
established Gokula Education Foundation - A Public Charitable Trust in 1962 with a mission
To Deliver Education and Health Care for the Betterment of Mankind.
The trust established M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology in the year 1962.
I would like to convey my thanks to our students and their parents for
wholeheartedly embracing the new system. At the end of the each
academic year I have witnessed the positive energy amongst the students, parents and staff and, on enquiry,
students have expressed their opinion that although the system demands enormous efforts the learning experience
made it worthwhile.
In India, IITs are known for engineering and technology education, IIMs are known for management education,
NIPER is known for pharmacy education, AIIMS is known for medical education and NID is known for design
education. It is my dream that we at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences should replicate the combined
characteristics of all these institutes and achieve this status of excellence in due course. I am confident that this
challenge will be accepted and fulfilled by the members of faculty at the University and its administrators.
Collectively, we are aiming to develop a great institution that our nation can feel proud of while serving the
generations of the future and focusing on developing global citizens.
I wish great success to all the members of the University in their endeavor to achieve excellence in higher education.
Dr. M. R. Jayaram
Education with Devotion (Bhakthi) is a process of Perfection for larger good
RUAS aspires to be the premier university of choice in Asia for student centric professional education
and services with a strong focus on applied research whilst maintaining the highest academic and ethical
standards in a creative and innovative environment
Our purpose is the creation and dissemination of knowledge. We are committed to creativity, innovation
and excellence in our teaching and research. We value integrity, quality and teamwork in all our
endeavours. We inspire critical thinking, personal development and a passion for lifelong learning. We
serve the technical, scientific and economic needs of our society
1. To disseminate knowledge and skills through instructions, teaching, training, seminars, workshops
and symposia in Engineering and Technology, Art and Design, Management and Commerce, Health
and Allied Sciences, Physical and Life Sciences, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to equip
students and scholars to meet the needs of industries, business and society
2. To generate knowledge through research in Engineering and Technology, Art and Design,
Management and Commerce, Health and Allied Sciences, Physical and Life Sciences, Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences to meet the challenges that arise in industry, business and society
3. To promote health, human well being and provide wholistic healthcare
4. To provide technical and scientific solutions to real life problems posed by industry, business and
society in Engineering and Technology, Art and Design, Management and Commerce, Health and
Allied Sciences, Physical and Life Sciences, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
5. To instill the spirit of entrepreneurship in our youth to help create more career opportunities in the
society by incubating and nurturing technology product ideas and supporting technology backed
6. To identify and nurture leadership skills in students and help in the development of our future
leaders to enrich the society we live in
7. To develop partnership with universities, industries, businesses, research establishments, NGOs,
international organisations, governmental organisations in India and abroad to enrich the
experiences of faculties and students through research and developmental programmes
Welcome from the
Vice Chancellor
On 30 August 2016, we completed the first two academic years. It was
indeed a challenging task to familiarize the members of faculty, staff and
students and to gain acceptance for Student Centric Outcome Based
Education - a revolutionary, teaching & learning system that we decided to
implement at the University. Initially, it was a daunting task to make faculty
members unlearn older concepts and learn new concepts of teaching and
assessing. Students, for a long time, kept comparing their efforts with their
counterparts in other universities and often expressed difficulty in coping
with the new system.
However, without getting disheartened, we at the University persuaded the faculty members and students on the
benefits of the new system often inspiring them with many motivational talks and helping them through training.
All these efforts seem to have paid off when we saw a large number of blogs appearing in the digital media,
written by our own students, analyzing the visible benefits they were deriving from this new method of teaching
and learning with frequent comparisons to the learning experience of their peers studying in the best universities
With a sense of great satisfaction I am pleased to report that the University has obtained 2(f) status from UGC and
has been ranked, by NIRF-MHRD, as the 90th best University in the Country. In addition, leading educational and
news magazines have ranked the University as the best emerging Research and Innovation University. There are
more than 350 faculty members of which more than 100 members are Ph.D. degree holders. We have a further
300 Technical and Administrative staff supporting the University's operations.
University Faculty members have, during the last academic year, published more than 325 research articles in
Scopus indexed journals; organized more than 12 seminars and workshops; and filed for more than 25 patents.
The Techno Centre has completed more than 35 consultancy projects for industry and businesses while the
Research division has attracted reasonable amount of research funds. Our Directorate of Training and Lifelong
Learning has trained more than 500 delegates in various technology areas and in higher education practices.
Faculty members and students have provided various community services like patient care and participated in our
Service to Society programme completing a number of activities for the benefit of the communities spread
across the state. Our Technology Incubation and Entrepreneurship Cell is incubating more than 15 start-ups with
fund support from MSME.
The University has entered into collaborative relationships with a number of universities from USA, UK, Russia and
other European countries and a number of students and staff exchange programmes have been completed with
at least 25 students and staff members visiting an overseas University. More than 15 student Dream Teams have
been promoted by the University for students to take part in international competitions. One team is working on
a Micro Satellite with Mr. Rajangam, formerly Project Director at ISRO satellite Centre as the mentor while
another team is working on Small Rockets being mentored by Mr. Sivathanu Pillai. Our students have won many
national level competitions and hackathons.
This year more than 350 students have completed M. Tech., M. Des., MBA, MHA, M. Com., M.Sc., M. Pharm.,
Degrees. At least 5 M.Tech. Projects have achieved the potential for being commercialized having worked in
collaboration with industry and funds from TIFAC. A considerable number of these graduates have been placed in
reputed organizations. The University has created 21 specialist Research Centre to emphasize on Research in
contemporary areas of knowledge. More than 125 scholars are pursuing for their PhD. The first convocation for
PG students is scheduled during the month of November 2016.
Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities in the laboratories, libraries and other resource centres the University has
created the right environment to provide rich teaching, learning, research and reallife, problem-solving
experience to its students as well as its faculty members. Many of the facilities created can be compared to what is
available at some of the best universities across the globe.
I believe in the statement The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. and we strive to Ignite the
Minds for improving the life of the people of the World and India in particular by developing Global Citizens
through our education system.
Prof. S.R. Shankapal
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (registered as M. S.
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences) is a Private University
established by an Act of the State of Karnataka, India. The
University is sponsored by Gokula Education Foundation a public
charitable trust owned by Ramaiah family. The Gokula Education
Foundation has promoted more than 20 institutions in the last 55
years offering higher education and quality healthcare.
The University has Faculties of Engineering and Technology, Art and Design, Management and
Commerce, Science and Humanities, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences and Hospitality
Management. All the faculties offer undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD programmes. The
University infrastructure supports 10 000 students. There are separate Directorates like
Quality, Educational Processes and Educational Technologies;
Student Affairs; Sponsored Research; Training and Lifelong
Learning; Techno Centre; Transferable Skills and Leadership
Development and International Collaborations and Partnership
Management to support the academic activities and interaction
with Industry, Business, Communities, Government and other
Universities in India and abroad.
In India, the IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, NIPER and NID are well known for
technology, management, medical, pharmacy and design
education respectively. It is envisioned that RUAS will evolve into a
University that combines the successful features of all these
institutions and become the Premier Innovation University in Asia
in the coming decade.
Faculties, Directorates and Organization
The University aims to focus its programmes on student centric higher education so that the graduates are equipped with
the theoretical knowledge and skills expected by industry and business. The university has five verticals Academic
Studies; Academic Research; Sponsored Research; Training, Skill Development and Lifelong Learning; and Techno Centre
a Consultancy, Product Design and Development and Entrepreneurship Development unit. Students of the University are
expected to experience an integrated approach to academics, research, training, real life problem solving and
The University,at present has established faculties in Engineering and Technology, Art and Design, Management and
Commerce, Hospitality Management and Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences, Science & Humanities and
Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. Through these faculties, the University offers undergraduate, postgraduate and
doctoral programmes. The faculties offer an enriched curriculum drawn from the strong relations the faculties have had
with the industry and business.
The University has created Directorates of: Student Placement, Welfare and Career Advice (SPWCA); Quality, Educational
Processes and Educational Technologies (QEPET); Sponsored Research; Training and Lifelong Learning (TLLL); Transferable
Skills and Leadership Development (TSLD); International Collaborations & Partnership Management (ICPM) and Techno
Centre to provide rich all-round experience to the students.
The University head office is located at the Gnanagangothri Campus, MSR Nagar, New BEL Road, Bangalore. The University
has invested in modern infrastructural facilities like Class Rooms, Seminar Halls, Laboratories, Work Shops, Clinics,
Libraries, Student Amenities including Sports Centres, Hostels, Cafeteria, Recreation Centres, Literary and Cultural activity
centres, Wi-Fi and other support facilities to make the students' experience enjoyable and memorable. The strength of the
faculties lies within its well qualified, experienced and student friendly Faculty Members. The M. S. Ramaiah University of
Applied Sciences is committed to work on the philosophy of inclusiveness and service to society; train its faculty members
and students to contribute significantly to the growth of science, technology and society through their imaginative,
creative and innovative pursuits. The University is expected to have more than 500 members of faculty and 8000 students
on its campuses spread over more than 100 acres of land in the near future.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET) was earlier known as M.S. Ramaiah School of
Advanced Studies (MSRSAS) and was established in 1999. MSRSAS offered Masters Degree
courses in Engineering & Technology and Business Management in collaboration with Coventry
University of the UK until the establishment of the University. Now the Faculty of Engineering and
Technology offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in Engineering and
Technology areas.
The 4-year Undergraduate courses offered leading to the Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Degree of the
University are:
1. Civil Engineering
2. Computer Science and Engineering
3. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
4. Electronic and Communication Engineering
5. Mechanical Engineering
The 2-year Postgraduate courses offered leading to Master of Technology (M. Tech.) Degree of the
University are:
The Faculty also offers Doctoral research leading to the Ph.D. degree.
The courses and curriculum have been evolved over the years by the members of faculty based on their
teaching experience, long standing interaction with various foreign universities and Industries. The
curriculum offered is outcome based and helps students to develop critical thinking abilities and helps to
develop transferable skills for a smooth transition from academics to real life. Opportunities are provided
for students to do their internship in India or abroad depending on the student's interest.
The Faculty undertakes Sponsored Research with defence, space, aerospace, automotive, semiconductor,
electronic system and software development companies; offers Engineering Consultancy, Product Design
and Development services to industry and business; and Training services to practicing professionals and
aspiring students. The Faculty interacts with more than 150 industries in public and private sectors spread
across India where many of them are OEMs.
The Faculty has set up a TIFAC-CORE in Digital Image Processing. The Faculty works closely with DRDO
Laboratories like GTRE, ADE, ADA, CVRDE, DARE, CAIR, NPOL, AR &DB, DRDO-IP &ER; DST on research
projects and has actively participated in NP-MICAV and GATET programmes. The Faculty was involved in
international projects under EU- FP6 and UKIERI and has received equipment grants from multinationals like
Agilent Technologies, Texas Instruments; Xilinx etc. The Faculty publishes more than 100 papers annually
and contributes to the University publications- Book of Students Projects Abstracts, a student feedback
magazine called Reflections and a biannual technical journal-SAS Tech. The alumni of the Faculty have
occupied respected positions in industry and business in India and abroad.
Civil Engineering is primarily infrastructure development involving planning, design, construction, and
operation of facilities essential to modern life, ranging from transit systems to offshore structures to space
satellites. Major disciplines within civil engineering that are closely interrelated are structural,
environmental, geotechnical, water resources, transportation, construction and urban planning.
Till recently Civil Engineering teaching was limited to planning, analysis, design and execution of different
types of infrastructure like buildings, roads, bridges, dams and power plants. However, increasing
technological sophistication and demand for higher living standards fuelled by economic growth and
concerns about environmental impact have changed the scope of civil engineering curriculum. The
challenges of today's Civil Engineering infrastructure are much more complex including reducing carbon
emission and interdependencies between resources.
Though there are a large number of institutions world over which are producing civil engineers still there is a
shortage of quality Civil Engineering graduates. The FET at RUAS would like to offer Civil Engineering
programme to produce imaginative, creative and innovative civil engineers who are effective and efficient
problem solvers providing economical and sustainable infrastructure solutions.
The B. Tech. Programme in Civil Engineering is of 4 years duration spread over 8 semesters. The semester
wise course structure is as described below:
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-1 1 Mathematics-2
2 Engineering Physics 2 Engineering Chemistry
3 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3 Construction Materials and Engineering
4 Elements of Electronics Engineering Mechanics
5 Engineering Drawing 4 Elements of Electrical Engineering
6 Engineering Physics Laboratory 5 Elements of Computer Science and
7 Basic Workshop Practice Engineering
8 Basic Electronics Laboratory 6 Computer Programming Laboratory
9 Sociology and Elements of Indian 7 Chemistry Laboratory
History for Engineers 8 Basic Electrical Laboratory
10 Technical Communication and Soft Skills 9 Business communication and
Presentation Skills
10 Environmental Studies
Semester 3 Semester 4
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-3 1 Mathematics-4
2 Mechanics of Solids 2 Transportation Engineering I
3 Mechanics of Fluids 3 Building planning and computer aided
4 Surveying - 1 drafting
5 Engineering geology and properties of 4 Structural analysis -1
soils 5 Surveying-2
6 Concrete and construction technology 6 Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines
7 Strength of Materials Laboratory 7 Economics for Engineers
8 Surveying Lab-1 8 Survey Lab-2
9 Applied Engineering Geology Lab 9 HHM Lab
10 Human Rights and Legislative 10 Numerical Methods Lab
Semester 5 Semester 6
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 7 Semester 8
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Professional Core Electives:
Semester 6 Semester 7
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 8
S.No. Course Title
Open Electives:
1 Industrial Waste Water Treatment A number of Electives from Faculty of
2 Reinforced Earth Structures Engineering, Management and Commerce, Art
3 Urban Transport Planning and Design, Hospitality Management and
4 Advanced Design of Steel Structures Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences
5 Water Resources Engineering will be announced before the commencement of
6 Environmental Impact Assessment the semester.
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Great triumphs of engineering geniusthe locomotive, the truss bridge, the steel rail...
are rather invention than engineering proper.
Arthur Mellen Wellington
An engineer can do for a dollar what any fool can do for two.
Arthur Mellen Wellington
1.1.2 Computer Science and Engineering
Computing and information technologies have not only touched all aspects of human existence but are also
helping drive all modern human endeavours, most notably science and engineering practice. Advances in
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) field are enabling several disciplines such as bioinformatics,
nanotechnology, interactive virtual worlds and intelligent systems. It is also contributing to methodological
advances in most fields of study: from computational proofs of mathematical theorems through simulation
based studies of physical, biological and engineering systems to virtual reality based psychology
experiments. Algorithms and computing systems are responsible for processing voluminous data from
space and atomic physics, simulation of earth climatic models and social networking sites. As a
consequence, the field of CSE is dynamic and constantly evolving.
These diverse and demanding applications generate a constant demand for CSE professionals able to
analyse and develop appropriate abstractions of the problems to be addressed, design appropriate
architectures and components, implement as well as deploy solutions. While it has commonalities with
other Engineering disciplines, CSE is unique due to the fact that every final product (software) is almost
completely hand crafted. Thus, an undergraduate course in CSE should lay a strong and balanced foundation
as well as the ability to synthesise working systems. Students have to be thorough in the underlying
principles as well as the practical aspects of modern computing systems and information infrastructure
preparing them for a career in the challenging and dynamic field.
The Computer Science and Engineering course at Faculty of Engineering and Technology at RUAS has been
developed by the members of the faculty based on their teaching experience and long standing interactions
with various universities and industries in India and abroad.
The curriculum is outcome based and helps students to develop critical thinking abilities and imbibe
relevant practical skills for a smooth transition from academics to real-life work environment. Opportunities
are provided for the students to do their internship in India or abroad depending on their preferences.
While most engineering colleges and universities across the world offer a CSE degree (or its equivalent),
there is a shortage in quality graduates. The CSE course is designed to produce creative and knowledgeable
engineers with capabilities to innovate, design and develop computing and information technology
solutions for diverse requirements of society, environment and human endeavours.
The B. Tech., Programme in Computer Science and Engineering is of 4 years duration spread over 8
semesters. The semester wise course structure is as described below:
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-1 1 Mathematics-2
2 Engineering Physics 2 Engineering Chemistry
3 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3 Construction Materials and Engineering
4 Elements of Electronics Engineering Mechanics
5 Engineering Drawing 4 Elements of Electrical Engineering
6 Engineering Physics Laboratory 5 Elements of Computer Science and
7 Basic Workshop Practice Engineering
8 Basic Electronics Laboratory 6 Computer Programming Laboratory
9 Sociology and Elements of Indian 7 Chemistry Laboratory
History for Engineers 8 Basic Electrical Laboratory
10 Technical Communication and Soft Skills 9 Business communication and
Presentation Skills
10 Environmental Studies
Semester 3 Semester 4
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-3 1 Mathematics-4
2 Discrete Mathematics-1 2 Signals and Systems
3 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
4 Logic Design 4 Software Development Fundamentals
5 Advanced Programming Concepts 5 Formal Languages and Automata Theory
6 Computer Organisation and 6 Data Communication
Architecture 7 Economics for Engineers
7 Data Structures and Algorithms 8 Software Development Laboratory
Laboratory 9 Microprocessor and Assembly
8 Logic Design Laboratory Programming Laboratory
9 Advanced Programming Laboratory
10 Human Rights and Legislative
Semester 5 Semester 6
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 7 Semester 8
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
The best programs are written so that computing machines can perform them quickly and so that
human beings can understand them clearly. A programmer is ideally an essayist who works with
traditional aesthetic and literary forms as well as mathematical concepts, to communicate the way that
an algorithm works and to convince a reader that the results will be correct.
Professional Core Electives:
Semester 6 Semester 7
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the most sought after disciplines of engineering. Electrical
engineering plays a vital role in problems associated with systems such as electric power generation,
transmission, distribution and utilization. Designing, manufacturing and testing of electrical machinery and
equipment have been there world over for many decades. Electrical Engineering is a foundational discipline,
critical to the success of many human enterprises.
Electrical engineers are critical to power sector, design and development of energy systems and
communication systems. Indeed, virtually every product or service in modern life has probably been
touched in some way by an electrical and electronics engineer. Electrical and Electronic engineers design,
analyse, evaluate, develop, test and manufacture electrical products to meet the requirements of Power
sector, Industry and society at large.
The Electrical Engineering course at Faculty of Engineering and Technology at RUAS has been developed by
the members of the faculty based on their teaching experience and long standing interactions with various
universities and industries in India and abroad.
The curriculum is outcome based and helps students to develop critical thinking abilities and imbibe
relevant practical skills for a smooth transition from academics to real-life work environment. Opportunities
are provided for the students to do their internship in India or abroad depending on their preferences.
The faculty interacts with the industry and business offering engineering and consultancy, product design
and development services along with training modules to practicing professionals. The above mentioned
features of the courses and the faculty members' strong footing in industry and business make the course
unique. The student admitted to the course in electrical engineering is given a strong foundation in real-life
problem solving which is quite rare with many institutions offering similar courses.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology at RUAS would like to offer electrical and electronic engineering
programme to produce imaginative, creative and innovative electrical and electronic engineers.
The B. Tech. Programme in Electrical and Electronic Engineering is of 4 years duration spread over 8
semesters. The semester wise course structure is as described below:
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-1 1 Mathematics-2
2 Engineering Physics 2 Engineering Chemistry
3 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3 Construction Materials and Engineering
4 Elements of Electronics Engineering Mechanics
5 Engineering Drawing 4 Elements of Electrical Engineering
6 Engineering Physics Laboratory 5 Elements of Computer Science and
7 Basic Workshop Practice Engineering
8 Basic Electronics Laboratory 6 Computer Programming Laboratory
9 Sociology and Elements of Indian 7 Chemistry Laboratory
History for Engineers 8 Basic Electrical Laboratory
10 Technical Communication and Soft Skills 9 Business communication and
Presentation skill
10 Environmental Studies
Semester 3 Semester 4
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-3 1 Mathematics-4
2 Signals & Systems 2 Digital Logic Circuits
3 Electronic Circuits 3 Electromagnetic Theory
4 Network Analysis and Synthesis 4 Microprocessors and controllers
5 Measurements and Instrumentation 5 Solid State Devices
6 Electrical Machines-I 6 Electrical Power Generation
7 Electrical Machines-I Laboratory 7 Economics for Engineers
8 Electrical Circuits & Measurements 8 Digital Electronics Laboratory
Laboratory 9 Microprocessor Laboratory
9 Human Rights and Legislative
Semester 5 Semester 6
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 7 Semester 8
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 6 Semester 7
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 8
S.No. Course Title
Open Electives:
1 Testing and Commissioning of Electrical
A number of Electives from Faculty of
Engineering, Management and Commerce, Art
2 EHV Transmission Systems
and Design, Hospitality Management and
3 Digital Communication
Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences
4 Nano-electronics
will be announced before the commencement of
5 Quality Management and Six Sigma
the semester.
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Electrical science has revealed to us the true nature of light, has provided us with innumerable appliances
and instruments of precision, and has thereby vastly added to the exactness of our knowledge.
Nikola Tesla
1.1.4 Electronic and Communication Engineering
The impact of communication technology, on developing countries such as India, has caused a major
societal revolution. There is a need to have highly trained manpower in the domain of Electronics and
Communication Engineering. Good outcome based undergraduate engineering education is critical in
developing human resources.
The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) study, conducted in 2010 and
titled Global Engineering Research and Development: Accelerating Innovation with Indian
Engineering, underlined the significance for India as the country had posted a revenue growth of about
40% during 2007-2010 and is expected to grow in coming years.
The Electronic and Communication Engineering course at Faculty of Engineering and Technology at RUAS
has been developed by the members of the faculty based on their teaching experience and long standing
interactions with various universities and industries in India and abroad.
The curriculum is outcome based and helps students to develop critical thinking abilities and imbibe
relevant practical skills for a smooth transition from academics to real-life work environment.
Opportunities are provided for the students to do their internship in India or abroad depending on their
The Global Innovation 1000, reported in 2012, by management consulting firm Booz & Company has
indicated that R & D investment in Computing, Electronics, Tele-communication is about 30% by top
innovative companies making this sector a leader.
The importance of technological advancements in electronics could also be seen in other categories such
as Automobile, Process industries, etc. Expertise needs to be built for the design, analysis, simulation,
testing and evaluation of analog, digital, control, instrumentation, and communication systems. In the
light of above, knowledge of computer architectures and communication protocols is required. Outcome
based undergraduate programme along with modern pedagogy is the need of the hour.
The course provides strong foundation in basic concepts, followed by comprehensive understanding of
electrical, electronics, and communication subjects. Stress is laid on simulation, and larger perspective of
systems and sub-systems of electronics product. Students are trained to develop life-long skills to
understand, analyse, and develop solutions for challenging technological problems.
There is a shortage of quality electronics and communication graduates in spite of many institutions
offering undergraduate course. The FET at RUAS would like to offer Electronic and Communication
Engineering course to produce imaginative, creative and innovative engineers to solve the problems of
Engineering problems are under-defined, there are many solutions, good, bad and indifferent. The art is
to arrive at a good solution. This is a creative activity, involving imagination, intuition and deliberate
- Ove Arup
The B. Tech. Programme in Electronics and Communication Engineering is of 4 years duration spread over
8 semesters. The semester wise course structure is as described below:
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-1 1 Mathematics-2
2 Engineering Physics 2 Engineering Chemistry
3 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3 Construction Materials and Engineering
4 Elements of Electronics Engineering Mechanics
5 Engineering Drawing 4 Elements of Electrical Engineering
6 Engineering Physics Laboratory 5 Elements of Computer Science and
7 Basic Workshop Practice Engineering
8 Basic Electronics Laboratory 6 Computer Programming Laboratory
9 Sociology and Elements of Indian 7 Chemistry Laboratory
History for Engineers 8 Basic Electrical Laboratory
10 Technical Communication and Soft Skills 9 Business communication and
Presentation skill
10 Environmental Studies
Semester 3 Semester 4
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-3 1 Mathematics-4
2 Signals and Systems 2 Digital Logic Circuits
3 Electronic Circuits 3 Electromagnetic Theory
4 Network Analysis and Synthesis 4 Microprocessors and Controllers
5 Measurements and Instrumentation 5 Solid State Devices
6 Electrical Machines 6 Economics for Engineers
7 Electronic Circuit Design Laboratory 7 Digital Electronics Laboratory
8 Electrical Machines Laboratory 8 Microprocessor Laboratory
9 Human Rights and Legislative
Semester 5 Semester 6
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 7 Semester 8
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 6 Semester 7
Open Electives:
A number of Electives from Faculty of Engineering, Management and Commerce, Art and Design,
Hospitality Management and Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences will be announced before
the commencement of the semester.
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that
works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering.
Freeman Dyson
1.1.5 Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest disciplines of engineering. Designing and manufacturing of
mechanical machinery and equipment have been there world over for many centuries. Mechanical
Engineering is a foundational discipline, critical to the success of many enterprises. It plays a key role in
energy, transportation, development of infrastructure and manufacturing of consumer durables.
Presently, mechanical engineers are contributing in research and development pertaining to
environmental and bio-medical fields.
Mechanical engineers are responsible for selection and processing of eco-friendly materials and
processes, design and fabrication of medical devices and prostheses to improve quality of life. The
Mechanical Engineering course at Faculty of Engineering and Technology at RUAS has been developed by
the members of the faculty based on their teaching experience and long standing interactions with
various universities and industries in India and abroad.
The curriculum is outcome based and helps students to develop critical thinking abilities and imbibe
relevant practical skills for a smooth transition from academics to real-life work environment.
Opportunities are provided for the students to do their internship in India or abroad depending on their
The alumni of the faculty hold respected positions in industry and business in India and abroad. The
faculty interacts with the industry and business offering engineering and consultancy, product design
and development services along with training modules to practicing professionals. The faculty interacts
with more than 150 companies in public and private sectors including OEMs spread across India.
The above mentioned features of the courses and the faculty members' strong footing in industry and
business make the course unique. The student admitted to the course in Mechanical Engineering is given
a strong foundation in real-life problem solving which is quite rare with many institutions offering similar
The B. Tech. Programme in Mechanical Engineering is of 4 years duration spread over 8 semesters. The
semester wise course structure is as described below:
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-1 1 Mathematics-2
2 Engineering Physics 2 Engineering Chemistry
3 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3 Construction Materials and Engineering
4 Elements of Electronics Engineering Mechanics
5 Engineering Drawing 4 Elements of Electrical Engineering
6 Engineering Physics Laboratory 5 Elements of Computer Science and
7 Basic Workshop Practice Engineering
8 Basic Electronics Laboratory 6 Computer Programming Laboratory
9 Sociology and Elements of Indian 7 Chemistry Laboratory
History for Engineers 8 Basic Electrical Laboratory
10 Technical Communication and Soft Skills 9 Business communication and
Presentation skill
10 Environmental Studies
Semester 3 Semester 4
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Mathematics-3 1 Mathematics-4
2 Materials Science 2 Turbomachinery
3 Strength of Materials 3 Kinematics of Machinery
4 Engineering Thermodynamics 4 Manufacturing Processes-1
5 Fluid Mechanics 5 Mechanical Measurements and
6 Strength of Materials Laboratory Metrology
7 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 6 Economics for Engineers
8 Machine Drawing 7 Measurements and Metrology
9 Materials Science Laboratory Laboratory
10 Human Rights and Legislative 8 Turbomachinery Laboratory
Procedures 9 Foundry and Forging Lab
10 Mechanisms and Kinematics Simulation
Semester 5 Semester 6
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 7 Semester 8
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Professional Core Electives:
Semester 6 Semester 7
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Mobility plays an important role in the development of economy of the world. Particularly, the road
transport is very important for day to day movement of people and goods. It is estimated that there will
be 1.4 billion vehicles on road by 2020 and around a 50% of them in non OECD countries including India
and China. Though the road vehicles have a history of more than a century, the development of newer
vehicles, creating new designs, improving the existing designs, adoption of new materials and
manufacturing methods and introduction of new technologies to improve their performance is a
continuing process.
The road transport vehicles are automobiles and commercial vehicles. Normally, we refer the personal
transport vehicles as automobiles and the bigger vehicles used for transportation of goods and public as
commercial vehicles. The developed countries like the USA, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden,
Japan, Korea and India have made mark in design and production of road vehicles. The automotive
companies like GM, Ford, Chrysler, Jaguar, Daimler -Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Renault,Volvo, Toyota,
Honda, Suzuki, Nissan, Hyundai, Kea Motors, Tata Motors, Mahindra and Mahindra are well known
worldwide. Almost all of these companies have established their operations in India too. In addition, the
companies, which provide technology support for automobile development like Robert Bosch, Delphi,
Continental and a number of design companies are all located in India. India is one of the largest two
wheeler producer in the world; Hero Motors, Bajaj, TVS Motors are the famous two wheeler
manufacturers in India.
The companies are involved in development of technologies to meet stringent emission norms,
reduction of emission of greenhouse gases, safety standards and ease of driving and even autonomous
In India, the mobility growth is exponential. In the year 2006, India released Automotive Mission Plan; as
per this plan by 2016, India plans to become a hub for automotive design and manufacturing and aspires
to contribute 10% to Indian GDP and create 25 million jobs additionally.
In the last decade, many multinational automotive companies have established their operations in India
and the car sales in India have grown exponentially.
The automotive companies are recruiting a considerable number of graduates in India for the last 8-9
years. Each company recruits around 200-800 fresh engineering graduates annually and 25 % of them are
specialised postgraduates in engineering.
It is the primary responsibility of the universities to produce quality graduates to sustain growth of
automobile sector. RUAS has been offering automotive engineering course at the postgraduate level
since 2001. The course focuses on automotive structural design, analysis, evaluation, development and
physical testing of automotive systems.
The course teaches modules like modern automotive systems, powertrain, vehicle dynamics, handling
and simulation, noise, vibration and harshness, structural safety and fatigue, vehicle aerodynamics and
thermal management and modern CAE methods.
The graduates are getting opportunities in the well known automotive companies mentioned earlier; a
few of them are taking entrepreneurship route and many of them have taken research route for growth.
In fact, Automotive Engineering is one of the flagship courses of Faculty of Engineering and Technology of
Over the years, the department has grown intellectually as well created excellent infrastructure and has
developed a reputation amongst students, parents, industry and research sponsors.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology plans for further development of automotive engineering
course and compete with the best universities in the world by attracting high quality graduates as well as
teaching talent from all over the country and abroad.
The M. Tech. Programme in Automotive Engineering is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Design can never be an ultimate explanation for anything. It can only be a proximate explanation. A
plane or a car is explained by a designer but that's because the designer himself, the engineer, is explained
by natural selection.
Richard Dawkins
1.2.2 Automotive Product Design
Mobility plays an important role in the development of economy of the world. Particularly, the road
transport is very important for day to day movement of people and goods. It is estimated that there will
be 1.4 billion vehicles on road by 2020 and around a 50% of them in non OECD countries including India
and China. In India, automotive industry is growing rapidly.
The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to Indian Automotive Industry from April 2000 to January 2013 was
around US$7,653 million i.e. around 4% of total FDI as per data published by Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce.
The foreign major automotive companies like GM, Ford, Daimler -Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Renault,
Volvo, Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Nissan, Hyundai are present in India and the Indian automotive companies
like Tata Motors, Mahindra and Mahindra, Eicher motors have expanded their business.
In addition, the companies, which provide technology support for automobile development like Robert
Bosch, Delphi, Continental and a number of design companies are all located in India. India is one of the
largest two wheeler producer in the world; Hero Motors, Bajaj, TVS Motors are the famous two wheeler
manufacturers in India.
Though the road vehicles have a history of more than a century, the development of newer vehicles,
creating new designs, improving the existing designs, adoption of new materials and manufacturing
methods and introduction of new technologies to improve their performance is a continuing process to
meet the customer needs and demands.
Automobile styling and design involves art and market success of an automobile model depends on its
design. Automotive design focuses particularly on functionality, aesthetics and ergonomics of a vehicle
system. Automotive design encompasses vehicle concept design and its interior and exterior design.
The design process begins with market research on current and future trends in vehicle design and
customer needs. The higher growth rate of automotive industry has lead to a higher demand for
automotive designers, innovators, engineers, researchers and managers with a post graduate degree in
automotive product design. It is estimated that these organisations will require large number of
postgraduates in automotive design.
It is the primary responsibility of the universities to produce quality graduates to sustain growth of
automobile sector. RUAS has been offering automotive product design course at the postgraduate level
since 2008. The course focuses on vehicle concept design, automotive interior design, automotive
exterior design, visualisation and animation, in addition to providing knowledge on materials, and
manufacturing processes.
The graduates are getting opportunities in the well known automotive companies mentioned earlier; a
few of them are taking entrepreneurship route and some of them have taken research route for growth.
Over the years, the department has grown intellectually as well created excellent infrastructure and has
earned a reputation amongst students, parents, and industry and research sponsors. The Faculty of
Engineering and Technology plans for further development of automotive product design course and
compete with the best universities in the world by attracting high quality graduates as well as teaching
talent from all over the country and abroad.
To an engineer, good enough means perfect. With an artist, there's no such thing as perfect.
- Alexander Calder
The M. Tech. Programme in Automotive Product Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.3 Automotive Powertrain Design
Mobility plays an important role in the development of economy of the world. Particularly, the road
transport is very important for day to day movement of people and goods. It is estimated that there will
be 1.4 billion vehicles on road by 2020 and around a 50% of them in non OECD countries including India
and China.
Though the road vehicles have a history of more than a century, the development of newer vehicles,
creating new designs, improving the existing designs, adoption of new materials and manufacturing
methods and introduction of new technologies to improve their performance is a continuing process.
The road transport vehicles are automobiles and commercial vehicles. Normally, we refer the personal
transport vehicles as automobiles and the bigger vehicles used for transportation of goods and public as
commercial vehicles. The developed countries like the USA, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden,
Japan, Korea and India have made mark in design and production of road vehicles. The automotive
companies like GM, Ford, Chrysler, Jaguar, Daimler -Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Renault, Volvo, Toyota,
Honda, Suzuki, Nissan, Hyundai, Kea Motors, Tata Motors, Mahindra and Mahindra are well known
worldwide. Almost all of these companies have established their operations in India too.
In addition, the companies, which provide technology support for automobile development like Robert
Bosch, Delphi, Continental and a number of design companies are all located in India. India is one of the
largest two wheeler producer in the world; Hero Motors, Bajaj, TVS Motors are the famous two wheeler
manufacturers in India.
The companies are involved in development of technologies to meet stringent emission norms,
reduction of emission of greenhouse gases, safety standards and ease of driving and even autonomous
vehicles. In India, the mobility growth is exponential. In the year 2006, India released Automotive Mission
Plan; as per this plan by 2016, India plans to become a hub for automotive design and manufacturing and
aspires to contribute 10% to Indian GDP and create 25 million jobs additionally. In the last decade, many
multinational automotive companies have established their operations in India and the car sales in India
have grown exponentially.
The automotive companies are recruiting a considerable number of graduates in India for the last 8-9
years. Each company recruits around 200-800 fresh engineering graduates annually and 25 % of them are
specialised postgraduates in engineering.
It is the primary responsibility of the universities to produce quality graduates to sustain growth of
automobile sector. An automobile may broadly be subdivided into running system, powertrain and body
system. A powertrain system consists of a power source, clutch, transmission, differential, axles and the
wheels. The power flows from power source to wheels through power train subsystems. The power
source can be a conventional IC engine, battery powered motor or a hybrid source.
The vehicle performance depends on powertrain design and it is the source for emissions and emission
of greenhouse gases. The successes of a vehicle model depends on intelligent design and development of
powertrain. Hence, Faculty of Engineering and Technology at RUAS found it necessary to develop and
introduce a course in powertrain design at postgraduate level.
The course focuses on design, development, testing and management of powertrain system. Graduates
will have opportunities in the well known automotive companies mentioned earlier; a few of them may
take up entrepreneurship and some of them may pursue research.
The faculty has created facilities to effectively teach, train and pursue research in automotive powertrain
The M. Tech. Programme in Automotive Powertrain Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is
as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.4 Turbomachinery Design
Turbomachines find application in aeroengines; land based marine and micro gas turbines; steam
turbines; wind turbines; turbochargers; hydraulic power plants; liquid pumping systems etc. Among
these, there is a relatively larger world market for power gas turbines, aeroengines and wind turbines.
Demand for power gas turbines is expected to accelerate to 7.3% annual growth rate and the world
market is expected to rise 6.4% annually to US $162 billion by 2016. The aeroengine market was US $21.2
billion in 2011 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5% during 2012-2017. The commercial aeroengine
maintenance market is also expected to reach US $ 32.1 billion by 2020 at CAGR of 4.2%. Similarly, the
global wind turbine market has expanded sevenfold during 2001-11 and will continue to be the fastest
growing turbine product type through 2016 and beyond. These trends have generated an
unprecedented worldwide demand for engineers with in-depth knowledge of turbomachinery systems.
In India too, there are manufacturing as well as R&D activities related to power gas turbines, aeroengines,
wind turbines and other turbomachinery systems. The public sector industries, viz. HAL and BHEL, are
engaged in both manufacturing as well as R&D activities, and the government organisations, viz. NAL,
DRDO, VSSC etc. are mainly engaged in R&D activities. Further, there are private players like GE,
Infotech, Safron, QuEST etc. that are engaged in design and analysis of power gas turbine and aeroengine
systems for various off-shore clients and parent industries. Similarly, in wind turbine sector, the players
like GE, Suzlon etc. are engaged in design and manufacturing activities. The Indian power generation
market is the fourth largest in Asia and sixth largest in the world. The Indian market for steam and hydro
turbines has been growing at 7 % per annum. Currently, India is the 5th largest generator of wind energy
in the world with an installed capacity of ~18 GW. According to Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the
wind energy in India would meet over 24 % of the energy needs by 2030. Hence, there is a growing
demand for well-trained manpower in India in the area of turbomachinery systems to cater to the
requirements of these establishments. A rough estimate suggests an annual local requirement of at least
200 core turbomachinery engineers with PG qualification.
It is a fact that most of the above-mentioned research organisations, industries and MNCs, engaged in
turbomachinery related activities, are located in the southern part of India. Over the years, Bangalore has
become the national hub of aerospace and turbomachinery related activities. There is always a need for
engineers at Masters degree level with knowledge, understanding and skill in design and analysis of
various turbomachinery systems. The employers constantly look for industry-ready personnel who can
be assigned specific tasks immediately on recruitment.
The growing concern for higher fuel efficiency, wider operating range, lower operating costs, cleaner
environment and higher reliability is posing challenging problems to the designers and the
manufacturers of turbomachinery systems worldwide. The quest for design innovations, together with
an aggressive and competitive market, has given tremendous boost to applied research in the relevant
areas. A competent engineer should not only be good in theory but should also have an aptitude for
research that helps in achieving successful, efficient and reliable designs.
The sustained growth rate of power turbines, aircraft engines, and hydraulic pumping systems has
generated demand for post graduate engineers with good knowledge and understanding of various
turbomachinery systems. The continued advancement in technology also requires that the fresh
engineers should have good exposure to state of art and future trends in turbomachinery design and
The M. Tech. Programme in Turbomachinery Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.5 Aircraft Design
The present global economic recession is showing signs of abating and India's growth story continues to
hold promise. Demographically India is at a great advantage as close to half of the population are in the 14
to 35 years age group.
Aerospace sector in India has seen robust growth and most big OEMs and service sector giants can be
found in here. India is home to government organisations like Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO), Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), and private enterprises like Boeing, Airbus,
General Electric, Pratt and Whitney, SNECMA, Honeywell, Goodrich Aerospace.
Some are involved in Aerospace research and development, while others provide engineering services.
Their already high annual average growth rate is likely to be boosted by the 'off-set' clause included by
Government of India in all major aerospace transactions.
High competitiveness in the airline sector has forced the manufacturers to not only continuously improve
their product but also introduce cutting edge technology in their products. Aerospace industry
traditionally has pushed technological boundaries in a bid to meet the ever increasing demand for faster,
safer and cheaper travel. With the available experienced person power and infrastructure in the areas of
fluid mechanics, structural engineering and propulsion, the University will be able to support their
requirement for advanced products.
To sustain the growth rate the organisations are in need of designers, analysts, developers, innovators,
manufacturing, testing and marketing engineers as well as managers with a postgraduate degree in
Aircraft Design. It is estimated that these organisations will require annually 500-600 such postgraduates
for the next 5-6 years.
Gliders, sail planes, they're wonderful flying machines. It's the closest you can come to being a bird.
- Neil Armstrong
The M. Tech. Programme in Aircraft Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.6 Advanced Machinery Design
Aerospace, automotive, infrastructure, agriculture, power engineering and industrial products need
machineries and equipment. Industries developing machineries to these sectors need well qualified
design engineers. The manufacturing is growing at a rate of 1.5-1.7% globally and manufacturing sector is
developing and adopting newer manufacturing technologies and processes creating demand for special
purpose machines.
It is estimated that there is an annual demand for 500-600 specialised design engineers.
Design engineers need to be well versed in mechanisms, kinematics and dynamics of machines,
materials, manufacturing processes, tribology, machine structures, control systems, electrical and
electronics to conceptualise and design machinery.
Designers should be capable of using modern design tools to model, simulate, analyse and validate the
The department has been offering Advanced Machinery Design course at postgraduate level since 2008.
The graduates are getting opportunities in the well known design firms and manufacturing companies; a
few of them are taking entrepreneurship route and some of them have taken research route for growth.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology plans for further development of Advanced Machinery Design
course and compete with the best universities in the world and attract high quality graduates as well as
teaching talent from all over the country and abroad.
The M. Tech. Programme in Advanced Machinery Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure
is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.7 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
A survey made in 2013 by KPMG in Asia-Pacific; Europe, The Middle East, Africa and America reveal that
the global manufacturers are generally optimistic about the future. The manufacturing sector provides
employment to 14 % of population and contributes 16 % to GDP and at present the global manufacturing
is growing at a rate 1.5-1.7%.
In India, the manufacturing is growing at a rate of 2-2.5%. The manufacturing sector contributes 15-16%
to GDP and employs 45 million people.
Globally the focus is on advanced technologies such as additive manufacturing, automation, green
manufacturing etc.India is becoming a manufacturing hub. Multinational companies are sourcing
components and products from Indian manufacturing firms. Indian OEMs, tier 1 and 2 suppliers have
adopted advanced processing techniques to cater to automotive, aeronautical, space and general
engineering sectors.
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies like non traditional processes, automation and robotics in
manufacturing have made significant impact on Indian Industries to compete globally. Global players in
aircraft or aircraft subsystem manufacturing like UTC, Honeywell, Rolls Royce have started manufacturing
plants in Bengaluru. Automotive OEMs like Toyota, Volvo, Mahindra Reva and subsystem manufacturers
like Bosch, Delphi, etc are operating from this region.
Very significant growth has been recorded in CNC machine tools and special purpose machine
manufacturing from Bengaluru.
All such enterprises are in need of around 400-500 engineers per year with proficiency in advanced
manufacturing technologies to sustain and grow further.
It is the primary responsibility of the universities to produce quality graduates to sustain growth of
manufacturing sector. RUAS has been offering advanced manufacturing technology course at the
postgraduate level since 2008. The department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering is
producing around 20-25 postgraduates in manufacturing annually.
The course focuses on application of advanced manufacturing technologies for machining, casting,
forging, forming, processing composites and polymers, automation in manufacturing and optimization
of manufacturing resources in addition modern manufacturing concepts like additive manufacturing,
green manufacturing are being taught.
The graduates are getting opportunities in the well known manufacturing companies mentioned earlier;
a few of them are taking entrepreneurship route and some of them have taken research route for growth.
Over the years, the department has grown intellectually as well as created excellent infrastructure and
has earned a reputation amongst students, parents, and industry and research sponsors.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology plans for further development of Advanced Manufacturing
Technologies course and compete with the best universities in the world by attracting high quality
graduates as well as teaching talent from all over the country and abroad.
The M. Tech. Programme in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies is of 2 years duration.
The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.8 Engineering and Manufacturing Management
Manufacturing remains critically important to both the developing and advanced world. Globally,
manufacturing continues to grow at the rate of 16% and the trend is to adopt competitive manufacturing
practices to achieve efficient utilisation of resources, improve customer satisfaction and reduce
environmental impact. Hence managing manufacturing operations is very critical.
Manufacturing has not been the engine of growth for the Indian economy till 90s. It is now growing at
much faster rate and India is aspiring to become a manufacturing hub. There exists a scope for adopting
efficient manufacturing management practices for improving the performance.
Manufacturing Management plays an important role to improve planning, execution, control and
sustenance of operations there by contributing to the growth of manufacturing in India. Manufacturing is
vital for a populous and developing country like India as it creates more jobs. It is estimated that Indian
companies need around 1500 manufacturing management professionals every year.
Many world class manufacturing companies like Toyota, ABB, Volvo, TVS along with large number of
medium and small scale industries are operating in and around Bangalore. In addition, a significant
number of public sector and defence sector companies like BEML, BHEL, BEL, HAL are located here.
Machine tool and cutting tool manufacturers like ACE group, Makino, BFW, Kennametal, Taegutec, etc.,
have set up their plants.
Service sector acts as complementary to manufacturing sector and Bangalore hosts a large number of
engineering services firms. There is a need for engineering management professionals in both
manufacturing and service sectors.
University gives an ideal platform for the students as they are exposed to different aspects of
manufacturing management. University also provides a conducive environment for overall personality
development which helps in career advancement.
The M. Tech. Programme in Engineering and Manufacturing Management is of 2 years duration.
The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.9 Robotic Engineering
Robotic engineers need to be well versed in geometric modelling of robotic components, mechanisms,
kinematics and dynamics of robotic system, sensors, actuators, drives and control systems, image
processing, embedded systems, programming for robots. Robotic engineers should be able to
conceptualise and design, model, simulate, analyse and validate the robots using modern tools.
The M. Tech. Programme in Robotic Engineering is of 2 years duration.
The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.10 Civil Structural Design
Civil Engineering is primarily infrastructure development involving planning, design, construction, and
operation of facilities essential to modern life, ranging from transit systems to offshore structures to
space satellites. Major disciplines within civil engineering that are closely interrelated are structural,
environmental, geotechnical, water resources, transportation, construction and urban planning.
Till recently civil engineering teaching was limited to planning, analysis, design and execution of different
types of infrastructure like buildings, roads, bridges, dams and power plants. However, increasing
technological sophistication and demand for higher living standards fuelled by economic growth and
concerns about environmental impact have changed the scope of civil engineering curriculum.
Structural engineering is a field of engineering dealing with the analysis and design of structures that
support or resist loads. Structural engineering is usually considered a speciality within civil engineering.
Structural engineers are most commonly involved in the design of buildings and large nonbuilding
structures but they can also be involved in the design of machinery, medical equipment, vehicles or any
item where structural integrity affects the item's function or safety.
The complexity of modern structures often requires a great deal of creativity from the engineer in order
to ensure the structures support and resist the loads they are subjected to. The role of a structural
engineer demands a significant understanding of both static and dynamic loading and the structures that
are available to resist them. Presently, structural engineers need to combine traditional structural
engineering expertise with an understanding of a wide range of issues related to design of zero carbon
buildings. Though there are a large number of institutions world over which are producing civil engineers
there is a significant shortage of structural engineers. The FET at RUAS would like to offer Civil Engineering
programmes to produce imaginative, creative and innovative civil engineers.
RUAS is offering Civil Structural Design course at the postgraduate level. The course focuses on
addressing the professional services needs of construction industry by producing structural engineers
with the requisite knowledge, skills, and expertise to deal efficiently with complex issues for designing
structurally sound and environmentally sustainable buildings. The graduates will get opportunities in
well known construction companies and will be effective and efficient problem solvers providing
economical and sustainable infrastructure solutions in India and abroad.
A great bridge is a great monument which should serve to make known the splendour and genius of a
nation; one should not occupy oneself with efforts to perfect it architecturally, for taste is always
susceptible to change, but to conserve always in its form and decoration the character of solidity which is
- Jean Peronnet
The M. Tech. Programme in Civil Structural Design is of 2 years duration.
The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and
in the University intranet.
Architects and engineers are among the most fortunate of men since they build their own monuments
with public consent, public approval and often public money.
- John Prebble
1.2.11 Construction Engineering and Management
Civil Engineering is primarily Infrastructure development involving planning, design, construction, and
operation of facilities essential to modern life, ranging from transit systems to offshore structures to
space satellites. Major disciplines within Civil Engineering that are closely interrelated are, structural,
environmental; geotechnical; water resources; transportation; construction; and urban planning.
Till recently Civil Engineering teaching was limited to planning, Analysis, Design and Execution of
different types of infrastructures like buildings, roads, bridges, dams and power plants. However,
increasing technological sophistication and demand for higher living standards fuelled by economic
growth, and concerns about environmental impact have changed the face of Civil Engineering.
The construction industry may be defined as comprising those organisations involved in design,
production, alteration, renovation, maintenance, facility management, demolition and re-cycling of
building and civil engineering works, including the supply of resources. It includes all internal and
external stakeholders who in some way or another promote the industry's policies, procedures, practices
Indian Construction Industry is one of the fastest growing Construction Industry Internationally and the
second largest employer in India next to agriculture.
In the recent times, India has stepped up its development agenda which is evident from aggressive pace
of construction activities in the country. Government of India, for the first time incorporated a chapter on
Construction in the 10th Five year plan (20022007. For the 11th five year plan (2007-2012) it enhanced
the investment in infrastructure two folds.
Primary responsibility of a University is to produce qualified human resources trained to sustain growth
of construction industry by adopting innovative technologies and skilled project handling strategies to
overcome these challenges. Though there are a large number of institutions world over which are
producing Civil engineers still there is a shortage of quality Civil Engineering graduates. The FET at RUAS
would like to offer civil engineering programmes to produce imaginative, creative and innovative Civil
RUAS is offering construction engineering and management course at the postgraduate level. The course
focuses on addressing the professional services needs of the construction industry like litigation, training
of artisans, cost indices, contracting, insurance, finance, banking and taxation. The graduates will get
opportunities in the well known construction companies and will be effective and efficient problem
solvers providing economical and sustainable infrastructure solutions playing an important role in driving
construction industry development in India and Abroad.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology plans further development of Construction Engineering and
management and compete with the best universities in the world by attracting high quality graduates as
well as teaching talent from all over the country and abroad.
The M. Tech. Programme in Construction Engineering and Management is of 2 years duration.
The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.12 Sanitation Engineering and Waste Management
Civil Engineering is primarily infrastructure development involving planning, design, construction, and
operation of facilities essential to modern life, ranging from transit systems to offshore structures to
space satellites. Major disciplines within civil engineering that are closely interrelated are Structural,
Environmental, Geotechnical, Water Resources, Transportation, Construction and Urban Planning.
Until recently Civil Engineering teaching was limited to Planning, Analysis, Design and Execution of
different types of infrastructure like buildings, roads, bridges, dams and power plants. However,
increasing technological sophistication and demand for higher living standards fuelled by economic
growth and concerns about environmental impact have changed the scope of Civil Engineering
Sanitation generally refers to hygiene and deals with the provision of facilities for the safe disposal of
human waste. Sanitary engineering is a sub branch of environmental engineering dealing with matters
affecting public health and methods to improve sanitation of human communities, primarily by providing
the removal and disposal of human waste, and in addition to the supply of safe potable water.
Rate of urbanisation in the developing countries as elsewhere has increased in the recent decades. This
has resulted in mega cities in these countries having a staggering share of 80% in world's megacities in
recent decades. Population is expected to double in next two decades resulting in high concentration of
people in urban areas. This will place enormous pressure on local environment and resources, requiring
high demands on clean water and sanitation.
The explosive growth in urbanization and the massive rural to urban migration necessitated the
requirement of rational approaches towards sustainable management of urban drainage, sanitation
provision to urban poor, waste collection and its treatment for proper disposal or reclamation / reuse.
Services and programmes that include proper waste disposal methods for management of hazardous
biological and chemical wastes, minimisation and recycling will be needed.
Developing countries are still in the transition towards better waste management but they currently have
insufficient collection and improper disposal of wastes. The authorities in the developing countries are
crippled by the lack of proper and scientific approach towards the waste management mainly due to the
increasing generation of waste. In this scenario, most acute and relevant issues related to sanitation and
waste management require special attention so that innovative and sustainable solutions can be
With a lot of stress on reducing carbon emission and interdependencies between resources, an Engineer
needs world-class skill base coupled with flair for innovation and understanding of the
interdependencies between resources and infrastructural demands. This can be done only by inculcating
multidisciplinary skills in water supply, sanitary, environmental and public health aspects.
Even though there are a large number of institutions in India producing Engineers, there is a shortage of
quality multidisciplinary Engineering graduates. The FET at RUAS would like to offer interdisciplinary
postgraduate Engineering programmes to produce imaginative, creative and innovative Engineers.
RUAS is offering sanitation engineering and waste management programme at the post graduate level.
The graduates will get opportunities in water supply and waste-water companies, municipal assemblies,
government ministries and consulting companies dealing with water supply, sanitation and municipal
infrastructure. They will be effective and efficient problem solvers providing economical and
sustainable infrastructure solutions in India and abroad.
The M. Tech. Programme in Sanitation Engineering and Waste Management is of 2 years
duration. The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.13 Transportation Engineering
Until recently Civil Engineering teaching was limited to Planning, Analysis, Design and Execution of
different types of infrastructure like buildings, roads, bridges, dams and power plants. However,
increasing technological sophistication and demand for higher living standards fuelled by economic
growth and concerns about environmental impact have changed the scope of Civil Engineering
Transportation engineering is one of the major branches of civil engineering and it involves planning,
design, construction, operation and maintenance of transportation facilities. The facilities support air,
highway, railroad, pipeline, water, and even space transportation. Transportation engineering includes
sizing of transportation facilities, selection of materials and design of pavement and geometry of
In Transportation Engineering, students acquire advanced know-how concerning the planning, design,
operations, performance, evaluation, maintenance and rehabilitation of transportation systems
including their economics and social aspects. This field imbibes in each student analytic, problem-solving
and management skills suitable for public and private sector professional works. Students are trained on
the application of various softwares and programming skills for simulation of traffic flow and Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) to address urban transportation issues. The challenges faced in
transportation engineering are developing network links and major terminals to satisfy transportation
demands, with due regard for the resultant land-use, environmental and other impacts of these facilities.
Primary responsibility of a University is to produce qualified human resource trained to sustain growth of
transportation industry by adopting innovative technologies and skilled project handling strategies
to overcome these challenges. Even though there are a large number of institutions in India producing
Transportation Engineers, there is a shortage of quality Transportation Engineering graduates. The FET at
RUAS would like to offer Transportation Engineering courses to produce imaginative, creative and
innovative Transportation Engineers.
RUAS is offering Transportation Engineering programme at the postgraduate level. The programme
focuses on addressing the professional service needs of the transportation industry like planning,
designing, maintenance and evaluation of various transportation facilities. The programme also involves
studying, simulation and suggesting remedial measures for various traffic issues. The graduates will get
opportunities in well-known infrastructure companies involved in transportation planning and
construction where they exhibit effective and efficient problem solving skills to provide economical
and sustainable solutions in India and abroad.
The M. Tech. Programme in Transportation Engineering is of 2 years duration. The course
structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.14 Electrical Machinery Design
Electrical machines have a dominant role to play as primary component in industrial drives. Nearly all
electric power used throughout the world is generated by electric machines (AC/DC) and a large fraction
of generated power is consumed by electric motor loads. At present, electric drives are contributing 80-
90% of the industrial applications throughout the world starting from small sectors of ventilators,
compressor pumps, hoists, cranes, conveyors, excavators, escalators etc. to large sectors of automobiles,
power generation, textile mills, traction systems, defence systems, aviation etc. In India, the total
industrial application of electric drive application is looming at a rate of 50-60% with an approximate
growth of 2.7% every year.
Considering the fact that electrical machines form the crux of the drive system, the performance of
overall system depends on design aspects of Electrical Machines and their effective analysis. There is a
need for a course which focuses on electric drive as a whole from small scale to larger aspects by
incoporating novel design and development techniques. So this course will provide students insight into
design aspects of the complete drive system to be incorporated for a specific application.
RUAS will have a significant role to play in meeting the large need for trained manpower implied by the
global, national and regional needs of power and machines design. Seminars, workshops, and research
projects will also be actively conducted to bring latest knowledge to students. Specialised course at the
postgraduate level in Engineering, Design and Management to work in niche areas.
The M. Tech. Programme in Electrical Machinery Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
I hope climate science becomes the big thing. And then what I want is electrical engineers to solve the
world's energy problems, energy distribution problems. I want mechanical engineers to make better
transportation systems. I want chemical engineers to develop better solar panels, and so on.
- Bill Nye
1.2.15 Sensors and Control Systems Engineering
The market for industrial automation and sensing technologies is increasing dynamically in today's world.
Sensors are widely used in automobile, chemical, aerospace and manufacturing industries.
According to the market survey report prepared by a private firm, M&M - Texas, for the year 2013-2020,
smart / intelligent sensor market is expected to generate revenue of $10.46 Billion by 2020; growing at an
estimated CAGR of 36% from 2012-2020. In 2013, the Americas were the largest geography in terms of
market revenue for the smart sensor market. China, India, Germany and the Middle East are providing
impetus to the growth. Control Systems, along with sensors, play a crucial role in industrial drives.
The design of controllers and its real-time implementation envisage strong foundation in modern control
Students will acquire knowledge and skills necessary to become a control system designer in the
automotive, semiconductor, chemical, aerospace and other manufacturing industries as well as in the
areas of power systems, communication networks, and computer software/hardware.
RUAS will have a significant role to provide a high-quality, state-of-the-art education in Sensors and
Control Engineering that produces professionals capable of performing jobs in their fields of
specialisation at the highest level of quality and competitiveness. Seminars, workshops and research
projects will also be actively conducted to expose students to emerging trends and advances in the field.
take up entrepreneurship. With experience, they should be able to take up leadership positions.
The M. Tech. Programme in Sensors and Control Systems Engineering is of 2 years duration. The course
structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.
- Albert Einstein
1.2.16 Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering is the application of engineering design principles to biomedical systems. The
domain is highly multi-disciplinary in nature that combines signal and image processing,
instrumentation, imaging principles, etc.
The creation of 'Global Initiative on Health Technologies' by World Health Organization underlines the
importance of Biomedical Engineering in the coming years. India's healthcare sector has been predicted
to grow at the rate of 13 percent per annum.
There is a need to develop low-cost diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices. Biomedical Engineering
would play a major role in fulfilling these needs.
Innovative product development needs a good entrepreneurial eco-system. Bangalore, being the hub of
India's information technology revolution, provides such a platform. Public, private, and start-up firms
offer a unique opportunity to realise the potential created by the knowledge of Biomedical Engineering.
The development of algorithms for diagnosis and analysis is one of the major research areas in
Biomedical Engineering. Technological developments have opened up plenty of research opportunities.
Cost-effective product development in healthcare is a necessity. Some of the thrust areas are implants,
drug-delivery systems, biomechanics, and development of diagnostic medical devices.
Students will find the inter-disciplinary nature of Biomedical Engineering challenging and professionally
rewarding. The field has something for all with the possibility of research, algorithm development, etc
RUAS will have a significant role to play in meeting the trained manpower requirements in this niche area.
The University's unique philosophy of integrated view of theory and application will go a long way in
creating the expertise in this vital area of Biomedical Engineering.
The M. Tech. Programme in Biomedical Engineering is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.17 Electronic Systems Design Engineering
Electronic industry continues to give a fillip to the IT and hardware sector throughout the world by
conducive growth of infrastructure and thereby broadening the market for electronic system engineers.
Integration of electronic subsystems is complex and elaborate task which requires cutting edge design
and technology.
For the successful implementation of a cost effective system, the system design engineer has to increase
the comprehension about the system using appropriate abstractions.
The phenomenal growth of GDP has fuelled the consumer demand for electronic goods in India. Due to
factors such as improving labour conditions and availability of infrastructure, global industries in
Electronic Systems Design and Manufacturing sector are viewing India as a probable destination for
setting up their units. These units not only have to cater to the domestic demand but also have to act as
export hubs.
Numerous public, private, and start-up electronic industries are having their production units in
Bangalore. To sustain a required growth rate and to satisfy the ever growing demand for compact,
efficient and cost effective electronic solutions, these industries require design engineers who are
capable of tackling the problem at hand in a top to down approach.
As a comparatively broad area, Electronic Systems Design Engineering offers various avenuesof research
in the integration of electronics, computers, and communication technologies in different types of
The course will help the students in reaching a higher plateau, in terms of design skills and employability.
On completion, the students will be able to analyse the need of a system, explore the different concepts
for implementation and finally come up with an optimised design.
RUAS, through the Electronic Systems Design Engineering course, will contribute its miniscule share of
skilled system designers, for satisfying the future needs of electronic industry.
The M. Tech. Programme in Electronic Systems Design Engineering is of 2 years duration. The course
structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.18 Digital Signal and Image Processing
Digital image processing has been put to innovative use in many fields such as remote sensing,
biomedical image processing, surveillance, etc. The solutions offered by digital image processing
techniques are critical to India. For instance, visual surveillance is one of the key components in security
policy. Automated data mining of the visual content involves development of effective image processing
Image processing also plays an important role in national disaster management. India needs innovative
solutions arising out of combining signal and image processing.
Innovative product development needs a good entrepreneurial eco-system. Bangalore, being the hub of
India's information technology revolution, provides such a platform. Public, private, and start-up firms
offer a unique opportunity to realize the potential created by the knowledge of signal and image
The development of algorithms to perform complex tasks on a modern computation platform is a major
research focus of digital signal and image processing. The drive of digital technology has opened up
plenty of open research problems.
The thrust areas are not limited to autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems, satellite imaging,
biomedical imaging, multimedia systems and artificial intelligence. Potential opportunities exist to
develop intellectual properties.
Students will find the inter-disciplinary nature of digital signal and image processing challenging and
professionally rewarding. The field has something for all with the possibility of research, algorithm
development, floating a start-up, etc.
RUAS will have a significant role to play in meeting the trained manpower requirements in this niche area.
The University's unique philosophy of integrated view of theory and application will go a long way in
creating the expertise in this vital area of digital signal and image processing.
The M. Tech. Programme in Digital Signal and Image Processing is of 2 years duration. The course
structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.19 Signal Processing and Communication Technologies
The need for better and faster communication systems has driven organisations to innovative and
improved systems for end user communication. This has opened up opportunities for communication
engineers to explore some of the most advanced and interdisciplinary fields of signal processing and
communication system.
The growth of telecommunication domain as well as networking in India in the past 10-15 years is well
known. India is predicted to become a contemporary source for communication system manufacturing
and largest provider of services for Japanese and American markets.
Research and Design centres for communication are centred around Bangalore. There is an increase in
requirement for qualified communication engineers and training of new employees in the domain
related subjects. Through this course, the University will be able to support the expected demand.
High competitiveness and evolution of Communication and Signal Processing Sector has driven firms to
provide cutting edge technology in their products. The University will cater for the requirements in
Research and Development in all aspects of communication domain areas like baseband signal
processing, DSP processors, Wireless and Wireless Networks, Fibre Optics and Antennas & RF
Signal Processing and Communication Industry is a rapidly growing industry in India and needs
technicians with knowledge and experience in this domain. The university with its experience in offering
this course for over a decade will be able to cater to the companies in communication sector and PSU to
meet their requirement.
Signal Processing and Communication Technologies has been one of the traditional and most popular
courses. Historically, it has attracted research related activities. Hence, this will serve as the flagship
course in the signal processing and communication domain.
The M. Tech. Programme in Signal Processing and Communication Technologies is of 2 years duration.
The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.20 VLSI-System Design
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) system design is the process of creating complex integrated circuits by
combining million/billion number of transistors into a single chip. This course aims to prepare the
students to design analog and digital integrated circuits using custom and semicustom design flow.
Worldwide, for the past five decades, the semiconductor industry has distinguished itself by the rapid
pace of improvement in its products. The improvement of integration level, cost, speed, power,
compactness and functionality of the integrated circuits leads to significant improvement in economic
productivity and overall quality of life through proliferation of computers, communication, industrial and
consumer electronics.
In India, being a fast changing technology area, VLSI design is an extremely challenging and creative
sector that offers exciting opportunities and fast growth for engineers.
Bangalore is often referred to as the silicon valley of India. The growing number of product and service
based semiconductor industry, thus various career opportunities exist in product development
companies of VLSI include mobile and consumer electronics, computing, telecommunications,
networking, data processing, automotive, healthcare and industrial applications.
The improvement and complexity of VLSI system can be achieved by revolution of CMOS transistors,
miniaturization of transistors, VLSI design methodology, EDA tool support, fabrication support, new
design idea and innovative technology which are active research area in VLSI system design.
To sustain the growth rate the organisations are in need of designers, analysts, developers,
manufacturing, testing and marketing engineers as well as managers with a postgraduate degree in VLSI
design sector. There is a huge demand in the industry for VLSI designers to develop field-programmable
gate array (FPGA) implementations, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) designs and PCB design
The demand of VLSI design engineers are constantly increasing in India. There is an acute shortage of
skilled engineers, particularly for physical design and analog design. With the technology advancing at a
fast pace, it makes sense to undergo technical training on deep sub-micron technology to become
industry-ready. Through this course, RUAS will able to support the expected demand.
The M. Tech. Programme in VLSI System Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.21 Computer Science and Networking
The information age that we live is built largely on the foundation of networked computing systems
spanning the globe based on seamless connectivity and Internet Cloud technologies. Innovation of new
computing technologies and paradigms continues at a rapid rate. This calls for qualified professionals
who are not only well versed in the state-of-the-art but also have the conceptual depth and practical
knowledge to quickly master new ideas and techniques to develop innovative solutions.
India is a global leader in computing services & solutions and produces the world's largest pool of
Engineering graduates. Masters programmes with industry focus are much sought after by fresh
graduates as well as working professionals. However, there are very few Postgraduate programmes
which are designed to pepare engineers to meet the requirements and demands of the industry.
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) is located at the centre for research, development and
service delivery in the field of software and networking systems. Good prospects also exist for
enterprising individuals and groups to launch new industries. RUAS has established strong industry
interaction as well as collaborations with foreign universities.
This provides a good milieu for RUAS to offer an industry relevant and applied research oriented Masters
course in the Computer Science and Networking (CSN) domain. The course emphasises design and
development of networked, enterprise and analytics applications using state-of-the art computing and
networking architectures and technologies. It is designed to develop independent and innovative
thinking students with conceptual depth as well as practical knowledge able to meet the demands placed
on them.
Fresh graduates as well as working professionals seeking to upgrade their knowledge and qualification
benefit from the industry relevant focus of the course. The experience of conducting research enables
them to take up a research career. Exposure to entrepreneurial skills and product oriented group work
help interested students to start new enterprises.
The M. Tech. Programme in Computer Science and Networking is of 2 years duration. The course
structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.22 Real Time Embedded Systems
Embedded systems have become pervasive across various domains such as automotive, industrial and
communication systems leading to tremendous growth in the application and innovation of networked
and high performance real time embedded systems.
India possesses a large collection of private and government R&D centres and industries focussed on
innovation, design and manufacture of a complete spectrum of real time embedded systems catering to
the domestic and international markets. Good prospects abound for enterprising individuals and groups
to launch new ventures.
With its strong industry interaction, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) is ideally positioned
to offer an industry relevant Masters course in the Real Time Embedded Systems (RTS) domain. The
course emphasises conceptual depth as well as practical knowledge in the complete embedded system
design and development cycle using modern embedded archtitectures and technologies. Design,
development and analysis of signal processing, control and communication subsystems and their
integration & deployment on embedded hardware with or without an operating system is covered
providing a comprehensive understanding and experience of embedded system development to the
students. A majority of the student effort is directed towards independent research, design, practical
realisation and analysis of systems and subsystems. The course is designed to produce independent and
creative individuals in the field of embedded system design and development.
Fresh graduates, as well as working professionals seeking to upgrade their knowledge and qualification,
benefit from the industry relevant focus of the course. The experience of conducting research also
enables them to take up a research career. Exposure to entrepreneurial skills and product oriented group
work help interested students to start new enterprises.
The M. Tech. Programme in Real Time Embedded Systems is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.23 Automotive Electronics
The automotive industry is in a phase of both rapid and broad technological innovation that spans several
scientific disciplinesMechanical Engineering, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry and Materials
Scienceto name a few.
Automotive Electronics and embedded software constitutes a major component of automobile and
continues to be at the forefront of the innovation. Research and development in this area is gaining
momentum in order to meet the growing demand for safety, comfort and fuel efficiency of automotive
India is one of the most sought after destination for many of the R&D as well as manufacturing divisions
of all the major automotive OEMs and suppliers leading to growing demand for qualified professionals to
meet their requirements. Engineering graduates and working professionals are constantly seeking to
enhance their skills and expertise through Masters programmes in the Automotive Electronics domain.
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) one of the very few universities in India which offer
domain oriented Masters Programmes in domains such as Automotive Electronics. With its strength in
the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Modelling & Simulation and Embedded Systems, RUAS is ideally
positioned to offer the M. Tech. Programme in Automotive Electronics (AEL).
The AEL M. Tech. programme is designed to meet the specific requirements of the automotive industry in
terms of conceptual depth, quality and practical experience. It emphasises the design, development,
analysis and simulation of automotive subsystems & applications as well as their integration, testing and
diagnostics. More than half the student effort will be directed towards research, analysis, design, and
practical realisation of automotive systems and applications.
Students can build their careers in the automotive and embedded software industry, take up research
and higher studies. They will be also be able to launch new ventures.
The M. Tech. Programme in Automotive Electronics is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
1.2.24 Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems
Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. Trends
in machine learning and intelligent systems focus on designing computer-based systems that exhibit
intelligent behavior, operate autonomously, and adapt to dynamic environments. Machine learning
addresses the fundamental problem of developing algorithms that can harness vast amount of available
digital data and then use it in an intelligent way to solve a variety of real-world problems. Intelligent
systems deal with design and analysis of algorithms having automated reasoning in order to either
replace or support humans in decision making, information retrieval, speech recognition, vision and
other tasks.
Self-driving cars, speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the
human genome are the legendary applications of machine learning and intelligent systems. Over the
next five years, machine learning applications will lead to new breakthroughs that will amplify human
abilities, assist us in making good choices, look out for us and help us navigate our world in powerful new
ways (Source: IBM Research). Resurging industrial interest in machine learning is due to growing
volumes and varieties of available data, cheaper computational processing and more powerful, and
affordable data storage.
Companies and clients are applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to add value to existing
products, and in some cases launch new ones. Venture capitalists are making aggressive investments in
startups focused on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data. The market for machine
learning platforms is growing substantially year on year. Students who develop expertise in this
technology will definitely gain a competitive advantage over their peers.
Students will find the inter-disciplinary nature of machine learning and intelligent systems challenging
and professionally rewarding. The field has something for all with the possibility of research, algorithm
development, floating a start-up, etc.
RUAS has a significant role to play in meeting the trained manpower requirements in this niche area. The
University's unique philosophy of integrated view of theory and application will go a long way in creating
the expertise in this vital area of machine learning and intelligent systems.
The M. Tech. Programme in Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems is of 2 years duration. The course
structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
2. Faculty of Art and Design
The Faculty of Art and Design (FAD) was a major department in the earlier M.S. Ramaiah School of
Advanced Studies. The Faculty offers Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes in Art and Design.
The 4 year Undergraduate courses offered leading to B.Des. Degree of the University are:
1. Product Design
2. Visual Communication
3. Fashion Design
The 2 year Postgraduate courses offered leading to M.Des. Degree of the University are:
1. Product Design
2. Commercial and Retail Design
3. Rural Product Design
4. Computer Animation and Game Design
5. Fashion Design
The courses in Art and Design challenge the creative pursuit of students. Though the courses are highly
popular in the western world, they are slowly catching up in India. The National Institute of Design
pioneered Design courses in India, now many of the IITs offer design courses.
The design courses and curriculum at RUAS have been evolved over the years by the members of faculty
based on their teaching experience, long standing interaction with various foreign universities
particularly Coventry University of the UK and Industries. The curriculum offered is outcome based and
helps students to develop critical thinking, creative and innovative abilities and helps to develop
transferable skills for a smooth transition from academics to real life. Opportunities are provided for
students to do their internship in India or abroad depending on the student's interest.
The Faculty conducts research and also undertakes sponsored research for Life Style product,
automotive, industrial design and agricultural product companies. The Faculty is recognized as a PACE
(Partner for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education) Institute and under this
partnership programme the Faculty interacts actively with designers of General Motors and Students
take part in international student competitions conducted among more than 70 PACE institutes world
over. Over the years our students have won many design competitions nationally and internationally.
The Faculty works very closely with MSMEs, Agriculture Universities and NGOs. Annually, the students
participate in national level design competitions conducted by Automotive and Product Design and
Development Companies and they have won several awards including i3 awards twice. Many designs
created by the students have appeared in national TV channels. The Faculty publishes more than 25
papers annually and contributes to the University publications- Book of Students Projects Abstracts, a
student feedback magazine called Reflections and a biannual technical journal-SAS Tech.
Many alumni of the Faculty have been working as designers for reputed car companies across the world.
2.1 Undergraduate Programmes
2.1.1 Product Design
India is stated to be the largest consumer market in the world by the year 2030, according to a report by
the global professional services company Deloitte in the year 2013. As the Indian economy continues to
grow stronger, it offers vast opportunities for multinational firms to make further inroads into India as
well as national firms to expand globally. With the increase in household income in the urban populace in
India which is further stated to grow by around 10 percent annually for the next 8 years, according to a
report by McKinsey Global Institute, a global management consulting firm in the year 2011, the Indian
consumer is spending more on utility and luxury consumer products to match their needs and lifestyle.
The Indian consumer durables sector is competitive with both International and National players vying to
woo consumers by offering newer, better and more value for money products. Some of the key players in
the consumer durables sector in the Indian market include Philips, General Motors, Hyundai, Samsung,
LG, Onida, Mahindra & Mahindra, Micromax, Tata Technologies, HCL Technologies, Godrej, Bajaj, TVS
Motor Company, to name a few. To increase the value addition in their product offerings the firms have
started focusing heavily on verticals such as product design. As per data furnished by National Institute of
Design to corporations such as Autodesk and others, it is estimated that India needs a workforce of 5000
to 8000 skilled designers per annum whilst the number of designers graduating from educational
institutes in India are less than 500. Furthermore, due to high demand, entry level designers are being
offered higher salaries when compared to entry level tech graduates, according to The Economic Times
Bureau, 2014. With better career prospects, design is being viewed as a better alternative for students to
With an intention to create highly skilled, industry ready and sought-after product designers, the Faculty
of Art and Design at the University has developed a superior design course in the field of Product Design.
This course provides the prospective students with a strong design foundation coupled with art
education so that the students can create not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally appealing
products. The graduates thus produced will be able to meet the human resources requirement of the
product design sector. The graduates will be able to ideate and create newer and better product design
solutions. Moreover, this acts as a first course to develop further expertise in a chosen domain of product
As design is highly interdisciplinary in nature, the University provides an ideal platform for students to
interact and work with others from different disciplines such as engineering, medicine and management.
Furthermore, the Faculty of Art and Design at the University is presently associated with PACE (Partners
for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education) which links firms such as General Motors,
Siemens, Hewlett-Packard with selected academic institutions worldwide to nurture young talent and
create the product development teams of the future.
The B. Des. Programme in Product Design is of 4 years duration spread over 8 semesters. The semester
wise course structure is as described below:
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 English for Design Communication 1 Design Drawing-1
2 Technical Writing 2 Creativity Techniques
3 Elements of Design-1 3 Creative Writing
4 Foundation Drawing 4 Foundation Painting
5 Literary Arts and Studies 5 History of Art and Visual Culture
6 Print Making 6 Handicraft
7 Workshop Practice-1 7 Sculpture
8 Sociology and elements of Indian 8 Workshop Practice-2
history for Designers 9 Economics for Designers
2. Faculty
Semester 3 of Art and Design Semester 4
S.No.Faculty of Art
Course and Design (FAD) was a major department
Title in the
S.No. Course earlier M.S. Ramaiah School of
Advanced Studies. The Faculty offers Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes in Art and Design.
1 Elements of Design-2 1 Design Drawing-2
2 4 year Undergraduate
Engineering courses offered leading to B.Des.
Drawing 2 Degree are:
3 Product Design
Digital Illustration Techniques 3 Mathematics
4 VisualMaterials
for Product Design 4 Fundamentals of Animation
5 Workshop Practice-3 5 Manufacturing Techniques for Product
6 2 year Postgraduate
Product courses offered leading to M.Des. Degree
Photography are:
7 Product Design
Environmental Studies 6 Workshop Practice-4
8 Commercial
Law forand Retail Design
Designers 7 Human Rights and Legislative Procedures
3. Rural Product Design
4. Computer Animation and Game Design
5. Fashion Design
Semester 5 Semester 6
The in Art
Course and Design challenge the creative pursuit
Title S.No. ofCourse
students. Though the courses are highly
popular in the western world but they are slowly catching up in India. The National Institute of Design
1 DesignErgonomics
Product courses in India, now many of the IITs1offer design courses.
Computer Aided Industrial Design
2 Mechanism Design 2 Product Rendering and Animation
3 design 3Dcourses
Modeling andand
Simulation at RUAS have been3evolved over the years
Advanced by the members of faculty
4 on their teaching
Product Detailing experience, long standing4 interaction with
Model Making various foreign universities
5 Coventry
Product Design University of the UK and Industries.
5 The curriculum offered is
Inter-disciplinary Design outcome based and
helps students to
Project-1 develop critical thinking, creative6 and innovative abilities and
Product Design Project-2 helps to develop
6 skills for a smooth
Business Communication and transition from academics to real life. Opportunities are provided for
students Presentation
to do their internship
Skills in India or abroad depending on the student's interest.
The Faculty conducts research and also undertakes sponsored research for Life Style product,
Semester 7industrial design and agricultural productSemestercompanies.8 The Faculty is recognized as a PACE
(Partner for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education) Institute and under this
S.No. Course
partnership Title
programme the Faculty interacts activelyS.No. Course Title
with designers of General Motors and Students
take part in international student competitions conducted among more than 70 PACE institutes world
over. OverDesign Legacy
the years our students have won many design 1 competitions
Management and Professional
and internationally.
2 Advanced Form Studies Practice
3 Faculty
The New Media
works Studies
very closely with MSMEs, Agriculture 2 Universities
Open Elective-3
and NGOs. Annually, the students
4 Open
participate in national 3
Elective-1level design competitions conducted Open
by Elective-4and Product Design and
Development Elective-2 and they have won several 4awards including
OpenCompanies Final Project
i3 awards twice. Many designs
created Product
by Design Project-3
the students have appeared in national TV channels. The Faculty publishes more than 25
papers annually and contributes to the University publications- Book of Students Projects Abstracts, a
student feedback magazine called Reflections and a biannual technical journal-SAS Tech.
Open Electives:
Many alumni of the Faculty have been working as designers for reputed car companies across the world.
A number of Electives from Faculty of Engineering, Management and Commerce, Art and Design,
Hospitality Management and Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences will be announced before
the commencement of the semester.
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Design in art, is a recognition of the relation between various things, various elements in the creative
flux. You can't invent a design. You recognize it, in the fourth dimension. That is, with your blood and your
bones, as well as with your eyes.
- David Herbert Lawrence
2. Visual
of Art and Design
Thecited by the
Faculty CII- and
of Art Confederation
Design (FAD) of Indian
was a Industries in the INDIA
major department DESIGN
in the REPORT
earlier majority School
M.S. Ramaiah of designof
India areThefocused
Faculty in major
offers metropolitanand
Undergraduate cities. Design activities
Postgraduate are urban
programmes in and
in Art character
Bangalore is the metro city which represents Southern India. Bangalore brings in the much deeper
possibilities and experiences
The 4 year Undergraduate of exploring
courses designtoopportunities
offered leading B.Des. Degree in are:fields like education, advertising,
1. Product business,
Design health care, hospitality, entertainment, manufacturing industries, transportation,
retail, andCommunication
2. Visual commerce and leisure activities. With its rich visual culture and heritage, diverse historical
background Karnataka provides ample opportunity for education, research and application in the field of
visual communication.
The 2 year PostgraduateWith residents
courses offeredfrom most
leading toof the states
M.Des. in India,
Degree are: it is already proven as Bangalore
being one ofDesign
1. Product the most successful educational hubs of India. With many organisations increasing their
capacity and newer
2. Commercial organisation
and Retail Design sprouting resulting in the growing demand for professional visual
designers with creative,
3. Rural Product Designaesthetic and innovative abilities. As a fact more than half of the top 25 earners
4. are from India
Computer Animation and most
and Game of them specialise in web design which is a specialisation in Visual
Design (Source
5. Fashion Design In addition to this, Bangalore is the I.T. capital of India giving the edge for
research and development in I.T. Integrated design.
The courses in Art and Design challenge the creative pursuit of students. Though the courses are highly
The B. Des.
popular Course
in the in Visual
western world Communication is aimed
but they are slowly at developing
catching graduates
up in India. with the
The National abilityof
Institute to Design
pioneered avenues
Designfor application
courses of visual
in India, now many ideas with
of the IITs thedesign
offer strategic
courses.nature of design. It explores
opportunities in solving visual communication problems in ways that are functionally and aesthetically
The design and make and
courses economic sense.
curriculum It helps
at RUAS to been
have improve quality
evolved overand
thedifferentiation, offer world
years by the members class
of faculty
based onand services
their and improve
teaching experience,business
long efficiencies with accelerated
standing interaction growth.foreign
with various The emphasis is to
enable the students
particularly CoventrytoUniversity
become successful
of the UK communicators
and Industries. The by means of learning
curriculum new
offered skills and based
is outcome advancing
helpslevel of understanding.
students They can
to develop critical also specialise
thinking, creativein and
one of the manyabilities
innovative areas ofand
visual communication
helps to develop
like graphic design,
transferable typography,
skills for a smoothexhibition
transitiondesign, photography,
from academics video
to real making,
life. information
Opportunities are visualisation,
provided for
web and IT-integrated
students design and
to do their internship animation.
in India or abroad depending on the student's interest.
TheUniversities and academic
Faculty conducts researchsubjects
and are
alsomostly composed
undertakes of livingresearch
sponsored beings, whofor have developed
Life Style not
only throughindustrial
automotive, academicdesign
programmes and the dynamics
and agricultural of their courses,
product companies. but particularly
The Faculty through
is recognized their
as a PACE
(Partner for We the at M.S.R.U.A.S.,ofFaculty
Advancement of Art and
Collaborative Design believe
Engineering in this Institute
Education) via emotions andand exercise
under this
Quality education,
partnership right exposure,
programme the Faculty appropriate skill building
interacts actively and Futuristic
with designers thinking
of General as theand
Motors outcomes of
part inThe Faculty of student
international Art and competitions
Design engages a faculty among
conducted group whomorehave
thaneducation and experience
70 PACE institutes world
from diverse
over. Over thefields
yearsof Literature,
our Visualwon
students have Arts, Sculpture,
many Applied Arts, nationally
design competitions Design, Architecture, Engineering
and internationally.
and Management for an interdisciplinary outcome. The course contents are delivered through face-to-
face lecturesworks
The Faculty using very
closely withworkshops, demonstrations,
MSMEs, Agriculture guest lectures
Universities and NGOs.and Industry
Annually,visits. To meet
the students
the demands
participate in of the creative
national industry
level design sector in India
competitions as well by
conducted as globally,
Automotive we atandF.A.D. strive
Product to create
Design and
Companies withandcreative skillswon
they have combined
severalwith the knowledge
awards including i3and application
awards twice. aspects of the
Many designs
by the students have appeared in national TV channels. The Faculty publishes more than 25
papers annually and contributes to the University publications- Book of Students Projects Abstracts, a
The B. Des.
student Programme
feedback magazinein Visual Communication
called Reflections and a is of 4 years
biannual duration
technical spread over
journal-SAS Tech.8 semesters. The
semester wise course structure is as described below:
Many alumni of the Faculty have been working as designers for reputed car companies across the world.
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
2. Faculty
Semester 3 of Art and Design Semester 4
S.No.Faculty of Art
Course and Design (FAD) was a major department
Title in the
S.No. Course earlier M.S. Ramaiah School of
Advanced Studies. The Faculty offers Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes in Art and Design.
1 Elements of Design-2 1 Design Drawing-2
2 4 year Undergraduate
Visual Design courses offered leading to B.Des.
2 Degree are:
Fundamentals of Animation
3 Product Design
Digital Illustration Techniques 3 Typography
4 VisualGraphic
Representation Techniques 4 Information Graphics
5 Workshop Practice-3 5 Soft Prototyping Techniques
6 2 year Postgraduate
Photography courses offered leading to M.Des.
Techniques 6 Degree are: Practice-4
7 Product Design
Environmental Studies 7 Human Rights and Legislative Procedures
8 Commercial
Law forand Retail Design
3. Rural Product Design
4. Computer Animation and Game Design
5. 5
Fashion Design Semester 6
The Course
in ArtTitle S.No. ofCourse
and Design challenge the creative pursuit Title
students. Though the courses are highly
popular in the western world but they are slowly catching up in India. The National Institute of Design
pioneeredNew Media
Design Studies
courses in India, now many of the IITs1offer design
2 Human Computer Interaction 2 Semantics & Communication
3 design
The Visual
courses and curriculum at RUAS have been3evolved over
Ergonomics Photography
the yearsEditing
by the Techniques
members of faculty
4 Photo and Video Communication 4 Creative Advertising
based on their teaching experience, long standing interaction with various foreign universities
5 Visual
particularly Communication
Coventry University Project-1 5 The curriculum
of the UK and Industries. Interdisciplinary Design
offered Projectbased and
is outcome
6 Business communication and 6 Visual Communication Project-2/
helps students to develop critical thinking, creative and innovative abilities and helps to develop
transferable smooth transition from academics to Internship
skills for askills real life. Opportunities are provided for
students to do their internship in India or abroad depending on the student's interest.
Many alumni
A number ofofElectives
the Faculty have
from been working
Faculty as designers
of Engineering, for reputedand
Management car companies
Commerce,across the world.
Art and Design,
Hospitality Management and Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences will be announced before
the commencement of the semester.
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
The glance is natural magic. The mysterious communication established across a house between two
entire strangers, moves all the springs of wonder. The communication by the glance is in the greatest part
not subject to the control of the will. It is the bodily symbol of identity with nature. We look into the eyes to
know if this other form is another self, and the eyes will not lie, but make a faithful confession what
inhabitant is there.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. Fashion
of Art and Design
The Faculty Design is one
of Art andofDesign
the most (FAD)attractive
was a majorand lucrative
departmentcoursesin thein India
earlierand theRamaiah
M.S. world over. Trend,
School of
Advancedglamour andThe
Studies. passion
Facultydrive the Undergraduate
offers young minds to and propel their careerprogrammes
Postgraduate in the field ofinfashion
Art anddesign.
Design.It is
needless and endless to say that clothing has become integral part of our lifestyle. The world of internet
The brought the whole world
4 year Undergraduate closer
courses and together.
offered leading to The propensity
B.Des. Degreeof online marketing has increased the
pace and space,
1. Product Designat which the fashion business is ubiquitous in both domestic and international markets.
2. Visual Communication
The textile industry contributes about 14 percent to industrial production and four percent to the Gross
The 2 yearProduct
It is second largest
offered industry
leading in the
to M.Des. country
Degree are:in terms of employment generation
and worlds Design
1. Product second-largest producer of textiles and garments. Our country has the potential to increase
2. textile and apparel
Commercial share
and Retail in the world trade from the current level of 4.5 percent to eight percent and
3. RuralUS$Product
80 Design
billion by 2020.Animation and Game Design
4. Computer
5. Fashion Design
The recent research conducted by Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI), the designs and apparels
The coursesby in Indian
Art anddesigners are going
Design challenge thetocreative
play a major
pursuitrole in the growth
of students. Though of the
apparel industry.
courses The
are highly
popular in requires more designers
the western world but to theyboost
are the development
slowly catching upofinfashion industry
India. The in India.
National Indiaof
Institute has seen
the emergence
pioneered Designofcourses
now manysuch of theasIITs
Reliance Trends,
offer design Mahindra Retail (Mom & Me),
Pantaloon Retail India etc. Bengaluru is a base for many garment industries such as Gokaldas Images,
Shahi Exports,
The design Texport
courses andSyndicate,
curriculum Himatsingka
at RUAS have Seide
over the Garments
years byetc.
the members of faculty
based on their teaching experience, long standing interaction with various foreign universities
an important fashion
University of hub
the UK forandmanufacturing
Industries. Theandcurriculum
exporting, offered
about 30% of the readymade
is outcome based and
helps students of the country are manufactured
to develop critical thinking, in Bengaluru.
creative andOut of 2066 active
innovative garment
abilities andmanufacturing units
helps to develop
in Bengaluru,skills
transferable almost for900 units aretransition
a smooth placed infrom Peenya industrialtoarea
academics realitself.
life. This provides anare
Opportunities opportunity
provided for
the students
students to dototheir
and get acquainted
in India orto the industrial
abroad depending work culture
on the and develop
student's opportunities
in consultation with industry experts. Many of the fashion design professionals have become freelancers
The enjoy their career
Faculty conducts andresearch
flexible lifestyle.
and also undertakes sponsored research for Life Style product,
automotive, industrial design and agricultural product companies. The Faculty is recognized as a PACE
(Partner is tremendous potential forofprofessionals
for the Advancement Collaborativein Engineering
fashion design, as the market
Education) is evergreen,
Institute and undergrowing
and developing
partnership at a fast pace.
programme Bengaluru
the Faculty is viewed
interacts as anwith
actively important
designers location for sourcing
of General Motorsofand
garments by
take partbuyers.
in international student competitions conducted among more than 70 PACE institutes world
over. Over the years our students have won many design competitions nationally and internationally.
Fashion shows are marked as events to showcase and present dream garments to the world of fashion.
the limit for creativity
works very closely andwith
MSMEs,One can be Guru
Agriculture of fashion
Universities heralding
and NGOs. a new generation
Annually, the students of
participate Theinkaleidoscope
national level of design
is eternal andconducted
boundless for by those who visualise
Automotive the future
and Product Designof style
and clothing. Companies and they have won several awards including i3 awards twice. Many designs
created by the students have appeared in national TV channels. The Faculty publishes more than 25
papers annuallya few institutes in Indiatoprovide
and contributes quality education
the University publications- in Fashion, only a few
Book of Students amongAbstracts,
Projects them offera
feedbackPost Graduate
magazine calledand Doctoral studies
Reflections in Fashion
and a biannual Design.journal-SAS
technical Realising the potential of Fashion
industry and associated requirement of trained human resource, the Faculty of Art and Design of RUAS
Many developed
alumni ofthe thecourse
FacultyofhaveBachelor of Fashion
been working Design to for
as designers meet the career
reputed objectives,
car companies professional
across the world.and
societal needs.
At RUAS, curriculum of Fashion Design course is blended with aspects of textiles, design and clothing. The
cognitive and learning ability will be harnessed throughout the course with both theoretical and practical
approaches. The outcome based education of the course will help students transform and mould to
become a Fashionpreneur - raw mine to a gem, before leaving the portals of RUAS.
The B. Des. Programme in Fashion Design is of 4 years duration spread over 8 semesters. The semester
wise course structure is as described in the next page:
Semester 1 Semester 2
Faculty of Art and Design
Course Title S.No. Course Title
The Course Title research and also undertakes
conducts S.No. Courseresearch
sponsored Title for Life Style product,
automotive, industrial design and agricultural product companies. The Faculty is recognized as a PACE
(Partner Fashion
for the Entrepreneurship 1
Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Internship*/ Individual Project
Education) Institute Workthis
and under
2 Fashion Styling
partnership programme the Faculty interacts actively with designers of General Motors and Students
3 Visual Merchandising
take part in international student competitions conducted among more than 70 PACE institutes world
4 Apparel Quality
5 OverFashion
the years our students
Photography Labhave won many design competitions nationally and internationally.
6 Pattern and Construction of Kids Wear
The Faculty
Labworks very closely with MSMEs, Agriculture Universities and NGOs. Annually, the students
7 in national
Fashion level design
Accessories Lab competitions conducted by Automotive and Product Design and
Development Companies and they have won several awards including i3 awards twice. Many designs
created 7 students have appeared in national TV
by the Semester
channels. 8The Faculty publishes more than 25
papers annually and contributes to the University publications- Book of Students Projects Abstracts, a
S.No. feedback
student Course Title S.No. technical
magazine called Reflections and a biannual Coursejournal-SAS
Title Tech.
Many Fashion
alumni Design
of the Research
Faculty 1 for reputed
have been working as designers Portfoliocar
Design and Development
companies across the world.
2 Fashion Merchandising 2 Open Elective-3
3 Eco- Fashion 3 Open Elective-4
4 Haute Couture Fashion 4 Group Project II
5 Open Elective-1
6 Open Elective-2
7 Group Project I
Open Electives:
A number of electives from Faculty of Engineering, Management and Commerce, Art and Design,
Hospitality Management and Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences will be announced before
the commencement of the semester
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
2.2 Postgraduate Programmes
India, the land of a billion people as per census carried out by the Indian Government in the year 2011 is a
large and diverse market. The diversity in terms of its various cultures, traditions, religions, customs and
practices make it not only unique but also complex for both Indian and International corporations to
cater to. Merely reintroducing successful products offered elsewhere into the Indian market may not
accomplish the same effect as the needs, wants, desires and preferences of the Indian customers are
different. To cater to the Indian aspirations and preferences companies globally are retuning their
strategies and offerings in India.
To offer Indian centric products, corporations need the assistance of Indian designers to understand and
design products for the local market. According to a report published by an advisory and management
consulting firm Zinnov in the year 2013, a majority of the global top 500 research and development (R&D)
spenders have their own centers in India and at least 100 such companies have opened their R&D centers
in India in the last 2 years. Some of the forerunners focusing on product development and innovation in
the Indian market include 3M, Dell, HP Labs, Philips, Honda, General Motors, Nissan, Samsung,
Panasonic, Airbus Innovation, Onida, Mahindra & Mahindra, Micromax, Tata Technologies, Godrej, Bajaj,
TVS Motor Company, to name a few.
With an intention to create highly knowledgeable, industry ready and sought-after product designers,
innovators and thinkers, the Faculty of Art and Design at the University has developed a superior design
course in the field of Product Design. This course provides the prospective students the holistic approach
to product design. It includes research methods to obtain the needs and wants of the target consumers
and translate the insights found to create aesthetic, ergonomic and functionally appealing products for
the target consumers. Additionally the students will also be taught advanced methods such as Design for
Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) and Theory of Inventive problem solving (TRIZ) for product
innovation. The graduates will also be able to identify newer opportunities gaps for design intervention in
the market. The graduates thus produced will be the design thinkers and innovators of the future.
As design is highly interdisciplinary in nature, the University provides an ideal platform for students to
interact and work with others from different disciplines such as engineering, medicine and management.
Furthermore, the Faculty of Art and Design at the University is presently associated with PACE (Partners
for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education) which links firms such as General Motors,
Siemens, Hewlett-Packard with selected academic institutions worldwide to nurture young talent and
create the product development teams of the future. With experience, they should be able to take up
leadership positions or pursue entrepreneurship.
The M. Des. Programme in Product Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
2.2.2 Commercial and Retail Design
One of the fastest growing industries in India in recent times is the retail sector and is rated as one of the
most attractive emerging markets for investment by global companies with Bangalore being the
preferred location. The growth rate is likely to be boosted by the increase in the spending capacity of
consumers. This trend creates avenues in the field of retail design for conducting research on customer
needs and aspirations along with consumer behavior and emotions in addition to developing innovative,
aesthetically attractive and functional design of retail spaces.
To sustain the growth rate, many organizations will need the services of designers, developers,
innovators, managers and marketing professionals with a postgraduate degree in Commercial and Retail
Design. The postgraduate professionals will have opportunities to work with global enterprises, establish
their own business or continue with family businesses and take up leadership positions.
The Commercial and Retail Design Masters' degree programme at RUAS is designed to impart a high-
order overview and understanding of Commercial and Retail Design and produce professionals equipped
with creative and problem solving skills to develop innovative concepts of retail spaces, display and
interactive design solutions, environmentally compatible systems and specialised interiors and systems.
The Faculty of Art and Design at RUAS is staffed with professors from diverse specialisations like Applied
Arts, Design, Visual Arts, Architecture, Engineering and Management with extensive experience in
academics, studios and execution of design projects. With an excellent infrastructure and an exceptional
faculty, RUAS has developed a reputation amongst students, industries and research sponsors. The
Faculty of Art and Design plans for further development of the CRD course and attract high quality
graduates as well as teaching talent from India and abroad.
The M. Des. Programme in Commercial and Retail Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
2.2.3 Rural Product Design
Rural development in India implies both the economic betterment of people as well as greater social
transformation, while addressing the special needs of the rural population which amounts to over three
quarters of the total Indian population.
The need for specific rural ethnographic research studies offers great opportunities and insights into the
rural scenario, the documented results of these research activities may be used in finding suitable
applications for developing products and services catering to their specific rural needs and also
enhancing their living standards. The rural products are of great significance adding values of culture,
tradition and innovative applications of indigenous design.
The necessity for developing products and solutions by exploring innovative methods of utilising rural
produce, byproducts and waste for development of cottage and small scale industries which are
sustainable, economical and generic to a rural population is in fact the need of the hour. Combining
traditional methodologies and techniques with present technological trends to develop cost effective
technical solutions and products with emphasis on agricultural equipment, transportation, utilization of
water resources along with renewable energy sources like solar and wind is of prime importance.
In order to achieve the above mentioned goals, the combined expertise of designers, developers,
innovators, manufacturing and testing professionals as well as managers is imperative.
RUAS has been actively involved with Universities, NGO's and related organisations over the years in
addressing various needs of the rural sector in the region with participation by multidisciplinary
professionals with vast experience in the field.
This course is proposed for fulfilling the demand for professionals with a Master's degree in Rural Product
Design equipped with the required creative skills combined with the knowledge of the product and
application aspects of the design process.
The M. Des. Programme in Rural Product Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
2.2.4 Computer Animation and Game Design
The Animation and Gaming Industry in India has experienced a remarkable change in recent years. The
industry that was only considered as an outsourcing hub for global companies focusing on delivery of
post-production work is now progressing towards generating original content through innovative
business models and gradually moving up the value chain. Adding to it, companies are increasingly
adopting the 'Co-Production' model (Revenue-Sharing). This trend opens high revenue opportunities for
the Indian players.
In early 2012, Karnataka became the first Indian state to unveil a policy for the Animation Visual Effects
Gaming and Comics (AVGC) sector, recognising its growth potential. Salient features of the policy were to
make Karnataka the most favored destination for investment in Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and
Comics, capturing a larger share of outsourced international AVGC work, and facilitating a legal
framework for IP creation and protection. In addition, the policy envisages an environment that
promotes growth of indigenous digital content, education and entertainment for masses and the setting
up of a Center of Excellence with state-of-the-art facilities. Bangalore is already a hub to national and
international animation and gaming giants such as Dreamworks, Technicolor, Tata Elxsi, MPC, Dhruva
Interactive, Xentrix, Digital Juice Animation, Digital Chocolate, etc. To cater the growing needs of
corporate sector in India, trained workforce in animation and gaming is required. However, India faces
numerous challenges in realizing the potential such as significant talent crunch due to non-standardised
course curriculum, infrastructure and cultural constraints.
In this situation, RUAS gives an ideal platform for the students through its highly intensive course, M. Des
in Computer Animation and Game Design. This course offers a unique opportunity which allows the
students to explore the design and aesthetic components of animation film making as well as game
design and thereby increasing their breadth of knowledge. This course is designed to introduce students
to several key issues raised in the development of an animation film and video game design in its variety
of forms. This course is proposed for fulfilling the demand for professionals with a Master's degree in
Computer Animation and Game Design equipped with required creative skills combined with the
knowledge of the product and application aspects of Computer Animation and Game Design. The
department is staffed with professors with extensive experience in academics, studios and executing
design projects. With an excellent infrastructure and an exceptional faculty, RUAS has developed a
reputation amongst students, parents, industries and research sponsors. The Faculty of Art and Design
plans for further development of CAGD course and compete with the best universities in the world and
attract high quality graduates as well as teaching talent from all over the country and abroad.
The M. Des. Programme in Computer Animation and Game Design is of 2 years duration. The course
structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
2.2.5 Fashion Design
India has a very rich tradition in textile and clothing and is well known globally for its highly valued textiles
and raw materials in the field of fashion. Bangalore has become the hub for the textile and fashion
industry and the economic growth of the region has created an unprecedented demand for talented and
trained human resources particularly in fashion design, merchandising and management areas. It also
creates avenues for conducting research in the field of fashion on customer needs and aspirations,
consumer emotions and behavior. To sustain the growth rate, organisations are in need of fashion design
professionals, who will have opportunities to work with global enterprises, establish their own business
or continue with family businesses.
The M. Des. Post graduate degree programme in Fashion Design at RUAS is designed to impart a clear
understanding of Fashion Design and produce fashion design professionals equipped with skills to
develop creative fashion outfits and accessories.
The proposed course in Fashion Design is aimed at preparing skilled professionals and human resources
to meet the demands of the fashion industry including other regional, national and global organizations.
It also aims at encouraging the development of new concepts and designs creating avenues for
The Faculty of Art and Design at RUAS is staffed with professors from diverse specialisations like Fashion
Design, Applied Arts, Design, Visual Arts, Architecture, and Management with extensive experience in
academics, studios and execution of design projects. With an excellent infrastructure and an exceptional
faculty, RUAS has developed a reputation amongst students, industries and research sponsors. The
Faculty of Art and Design plans for further development of the Fashion Design course and attract high
quality graduates as well as teaching talent from India and abroad.
The M. Des. Programme in Fashion Design is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
3. Faculty of Management and Commerce
The Faculty of Management and Commerce (FMC) was established in the year 2007 and was offering
MBA Courses of Coventry University, UK and University of Mysore.
The FMC offers 2 year postgraduate courses leading to MBA degree with specialisations in
1. Marketing Management
2. Human Resources Management
3. Financial Management
4. Operations Management
5. Small Business and Entrepreneurship
6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Faculty also offers a specialized management course of 2 years duration in Hospital Administration in
association with M.S. Ramaiah Hospitals, leading to MHA Degree.
The Commerce department of the faculty offers 2 year duration Master of Commerce (M.Com).
The courses in Management and Commerce have been designed based on successful management
programmes offered by reputed business Schools and universities in the west as well as in the east.
However, a considerable part of the curriculum is aligned to deal with peculiarities that are specific to
Indian business and culture. The curriculum offered is outcome based and helps students to develop
critical thinking, creative and innovative abilities and helps to develop transferable skills for a smooth
transition from academics to real life. Students are given experience of real life problem solving skills
through assignments and role plays. Opportunities are provided for students to do their internship in
India or abroad depending on the student's interest.
The Faculty conducts research leading to PhD degree and also undertakes sponsored research with Micro
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The main areas of research are Supply Chain Management,
Management of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Lean Management and Engineering Operations
and Financial Investments. The Faculty publishes more than 25 papers annually and contributes to the
University publications- Book of Students Projects Abstracts, a student feedback magazine called
Reflections and a biannual technical journal-SAS Tech.
Many alumni of the Faculty have been working for industries and business organisations at various levels.
3.1 Postgraduate Programmes
As reported by the Ministry of Statistics, the Gross Domestic Product in India is maintaining a healthy
average growth of around 5.84 percent during the last ten years. Further, expanding markets intense
competition and new opportunities enabled by leapfrogging technology are leading to 'customer-centric
marketing' in Indian scenario. It is anticipated that Indian companies need efficient marketing
professionals to meet challenges in a dynamic environment.
The turn of the millennium has witnessed the growth of Karnataka on the industrial development front
and has seen a major market growth. Bengaluru known as the silicon valley of India, is home to IT
industry, Automobile industy, Health care, Hospitality, etc. engaged in marketing of goods and services.
Thus there is a huge need for marketing professionals in both goods and service sectors.
The specialisation in marketing management provides opportunity for students to conduct market
research and analyse contemporary issues, challenges and strategies. The development of marketing
frame work, business model, service marketing and branding strategies are the topics of interest. This
course will imbibe research culture to analyse marketing strategies.
The prestigious event of Global Investors Meet 2012 was held at Bengaluru and attracted an investment
of rupees 7.6 lakh crore with a potential to generate 15 lakh jobs. Optimistically it is expected to create
substantial demand for marketing managers. Peenya Industrial Area is not an exception, which consists
of over 6,000 industries in the range of micro, small and medium industries in north Bengaluru striving for
competent marketing persons to face future challenges. This programme combines the broad-based
curriculum of M.B.A. programme with specialised study on marketing management, prepare students
for managerial positions.
Ramaiah group is a well known for its brand in higher education, aims to offer M.B.A. programme with
interdisciplinary approach on industry relevant education. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
(RUAS) offers post graduate degree programme in M.B.A. with Marketing Management specialisation,
enrolls students from all over the world. The university is benefited by growing its expertise, breadth and
depth of knowledge in national and international marketing affairs. Further, the University offers
opportunity for collaborative research and industry relevant projects to resolve marketing challenges
faced by various organisations. The main strengths of the University are well qualified, experienced
faculty who are able to provide insights on a wide range of management issues. The in-house faculty
members are well supported by the adjunct faculty members from overseas universities, industries and
research establishments. In this regard, University has established good tie-up with various industries to
help students to identify and bridge the gap between academia and industry to resolve managerial
problems. In addition, the faculty curriculum has been designed considering inputs from various
industries and foreign universities to make it more comprehensive.
Transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn't happen overnight by simply writing new
marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find
credible and aligned with their values.
- Simon Mainwaring
The M.B.A. Programme in Marketing Management is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but
nobody else does.
- Steuart Henderson Britt, Marketing Management and Administrative Action
3.1.2 Human Resources Management
Human Resource Management (HRM) deals with responsibilities, functions, behaviors and importance
of employees. The world has become a global community making it possible for Human Resource (HR) to
move across boundaries. As a result of globalisation, the world economy is interlinked and subject to
regulation by international bodies. According to McKinsey's Survey 2012, the demand for employees in
advanced economies is expected to increase by about 16 million over next six years. More and more
people are working for international organisations and the labour force is becoming more culturally
diverse and firms have to compete at global level. Hence, management of human resources is
increasingly becoming crucial.
The economic growth of India has created unprecedented demand for talented and trained human
resources. To meet this demand, the Government of India is encouraging private and public sectors to
establish more management courses. The bustling activity in many Indian business sector organisations,
indicate the criticality of managing the human resources in any organisation. Human Resource Specialists
are in great demand for deploying their skills to hire, manage and retain talent in times of downturn as
well as economic growth.
Karnataka State Level Skill Survey report highlights requirement of 3.5 million additional workforce by
2020. Sectors such as IT, fashion, manufacturing, retail, public and government etc. would require this
infusion of workforces in order to match the growth. In addition, there is need for skilled HR
professionals for competitive enterprises.
Ramaiah group is well known for its brand in higher education, aims to offer M.B.A. programme with
interdisciplinary approach on industry relevant education. RUAS offers post graduate degree programme
in M.B.A. with Human Resource Management specialisation and enrolls students from all over the world.
The university is benefited by growing its expertise, breadth and depth of knowledge in global context.
Further, the University offers opportunity for collaborative research and industry relevant projects to
resolve HR challenges.
The main strength of the University is the faculty. The strength of the faculties lies within its well qualified,
experienced and student-friendly staff members. Our faculty members adopt innovative research
philosophy, teaching excellence and insight of a wide range of management issues in their delivery. The
in-house faculty members are well supported by the adjunct faculty members from overseas universities,
industries and research establishments. University incorporates Industry visits and lectures from
industry experts as an integral part of module delivery. In this regard, University has established good tie-
up with around 100 industries to help students to identify and bridge the gap between academia and
industry to resolve managerial problems. The University aims to focus its programmes on student-
centric higher education so that graduates are equipped with both theoretical knowledge and practical
skills expected by industry and business. In addition, the faculty curriculum has been designed
considering feedback from various industries and foreign universities to make it more comprehensive.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
- Mahatma Gandhi
The M.B.A. Programme in Human Resources Management is of 2 years duration. The course structure is
as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain,
muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is
the way to success.
- Vivekananda
3.1.3 Financial Management
Finance Management deals with aspects related to asset selection, financing and profit sharing As firms
internationalise, they are subject to risks from the global economic environment. There is a constant
pressure to increase shareholder value while minimising exposure to global economic risks. Therefore it
is imperative to impart advanced finance skills to manage the organisations.
India is an important emerging market in the world economy today. There is a need to adapt Finance
Management as inflation and interest rates are mostly higher than those in developed countries.
Financial Services sector in India is seeing robust growth and with an average savings rate of 25 per cent,
India is a preferred investment destination. Thus there is an increasing demand for Finance professionals
in India, across industries.
Karnataka recorded the highest growth rates in terms of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) and per
capita GSDP in the last decade compared to other states. With an overall GSDP growth of 56.2% and a per
capita GSDP growth of 43.9% in the last decade, Karnataka surpassed all other states in India, pushing
Karnataka's per capita income in Indian Rupee terms to sixth place.
Bengaluru is the knowledge capital of India due to its rich heritage of knowledge industries, universities,
colleges and schools. It is an important industrial hub with immense appetite for knowledge and
expertise in financial management. This creates a requirement to develop talent in the field of Finance
The course is designed to maximise student ability to understand and apply techniques and tools to real
life problems in Finance. The student will have a fulfilling experience in terms of understanding the
manner in which different financial decisions impact firm shareholder value. The student will gain
knowledge, understand concepts, analyse and apply frameworks taught with the goal of improving firm
shareholder value.
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) is offering a unique industry relevant course in Financial
Management. In addition, the faculty curriculum has been designed considering feedback from various
industries and foreign universities to make it more comprehensive. RUAS acquires repute because it has
created graduates with good foundation and knowledge in the important and growing field of Finance in
Industry. It will attract talented students from diverse locations as being a leading University in imparting
knowledge on Finance Related Subjects.
Further, the University can get project work related to Finance issues and problems from different
The M.B.A. Programme in Financial Management is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Wealth is a planned result that requires productive work and dedication. The Tanakh says, The plans of
the diligent lead only to abundance; but all who rush in arrive only at want (CJB, Proverbs 21:5).
- H.W. Charles
3.1.4 Operations Management
Operations management deals with transformation process of input resources into goods or services.
Globally, operations account for more than 60 per cent of cash outflow. In particular, operations manager
deals with devising strategies, designing processes, planning and controlling of scarce resources. Due to
opening up of global markets, managing operations for diverse organisations is becoming complex.
According to Delloite's report, availability of high quality human talent to manage operations is viewed as
critical competitiveness driver. Moreover, organisations are strategically moving their operations closer
to their end markets in order to reduce costs and risks.
Based on competitiveness index survey 2013-14, emerging markets like India is considered as one of the
competitive regions for conducting business. Due to this unprecedented growth, there exists scope for
adapting effective operations management practices to improve performance. Bengaluru houses many
world class companies like Toyota, Cap Gemini, HoneyWell, Tesco along with large number of medium
and small scale industries. To survive and grow, these organisations require around 500-600 operations
personnel and managers annually with a postgraduate degree in management for the next 5-6 years. It is
the primary responsibility of the universities to produce quality graduates to leverage growth. Hence, a
post graduate degree is essential to carry out analysis and recommend suitable competitive strategies for
sustainable growth.
In order to fill this gap, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) has been offering operations
management course at the postgraduate level since 2007. The course inculcates a research culture to
develop, analyse and adapt appropriate operations strategy for a process and is designed in consultation
with industry professionals and foreign universities. Further, RUAS gives an ideal platform for the
students by exposing them to different aspects of operations management. Once organisations stabilise
their operations process, they look for universities for academic research to enhance their productivity.
This culture envisages RUAS to create knowledge base in operations management and share experiences
to student community through case studies. The graduates are getting opportunities in the well known
business houses mentioned earlier; a few of them are taking entrepreneurship route and many of them
have taken research route for growth. In fact, operations management is one of the flagship courses of
Faculty of Management and Commerce. Over the years, the department has grown intellectually and has
developed a reputation amongst students, parents, and corporates. The Faculty of Management and
Commerce plans for further development of Operations Management course to compete with the best
universities in the world by attracting high quality graduates as well as teaching talent from all over the
country and abroad.
The M.B.A. Programme in Operations Management is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
-Vince Lombardi
3.1.5 Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Worldwide, small enterprises have been driving the economic growth for promoting equitable
development. Globally, the largest part of revenue and employment with low capital cost is generated by
small enterprises. They constitute over 90% of total enterprises in most of the economies and account for
a major share of industrial production and exports. Hence, managing small business enterprises is very
In India, small and medium scale business sector employs an estimated 60 million people spread over 26
million enterprises. This accounts for about 45% of the manufacturing output and around 40% of the
total export of the country.
In recent years, the small business sector has consistently registered higher growth rate compared to the
overall industrial sector. With its vigour and vitality, it is found to be highly innovative and adaptable in
surviving the recent economic downturn and recession. Hence there exists a scope for adapting efficient
management practices for improving the performance of small business enterprises (SBE). SBE provides
a platform for nurturing entrepreneurial talent.
The report of the working group on Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) growth for 12th five
year plan (2012-2017) highlights the impressive performance of MSME compared to most of the other
sectors at a rate of 13 % during the 11th five year plan. Such economic growth in MSME sector of India
has created a demand for research and innovation to manage, start or expand a small business.
Since general M.B.A. programmes offered by various educational organisations across the country have
been addressing the business management with a general perspective, there is a need for specialised
courses at the postgraduate level in SBE management to sustain its current growth rate.
In view of this, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) has developed this postgraduate course
entitled Small Business and Entrepreneurship leading to M.B.A. degree based on inputs from small and
medium industries. The course will attract graduates to make a career in MSMEs. In addition, the
graduates may have opportunities to continue with family business or establish own business or pursue
higher education.
The M.B.A. Programme in Small Business and Entrepreneurship is of 2 years duration. The course
structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Careers are not made in a family business; they are born by patricide. Then they die from neglect, and
avoid the tragedy of being put out of business.
- Bauvard
3.1.6 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship requires a dedicated approach coupled with a set of refined skills with a lot initiative
and motivation to set up a business or an enterprise. Entrepreneurs play a significant role in the economic
development of a country. They are always ready to face numerous challenges on the road to success.
The entrepreneurial process of creating value out of good idea, brings innovative products into existence.
The intensity of the challenge to promote an entrepreneurship culture as well as to evolve new
enterprises in a sustainable and competitive fashion varies between countries. Entrepreneurs are the
largest creators of wealth and employment globally and the Indian Government has realized the
importance of creating an enabling environment that encourages large-scale growth of entrepreneurial
In India, today, a start-up ecosystem has been created through the new policy initiatives which would
promote start-ups in all sectors. It would also give a significant push to micro units allowing them
graduate faster as small and medium units. Research data reflects the success of start-ups in e-commerce
and other IT based applications of service sector.
For start-ups today there are different levels of financial support such as the initial seed capital in the
form of incubators, angel funds or venture capital funds followed by private equity and debt in that order.
Between January-September 2015, Angel Funds and VCFs have invested $7.3 billion in early stage Indian
Start-ups. India's first generation e-commerce and mobile entrepreneurs have become angel investors
which is a sign of maturing of start-up ecosystem.
To give boost to the Make in India programme, the MSME Ministry has launched the ASPIRE scheme in
March 2015, a Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship. SETU (Self
Employment and Talent Utilization) is a Techno-Financial, Incubation and Facilitation Programme to
support all aspects of start-up businesses and other self-employment activities, particularly in
technology driven areas operated from NITI Aayog.
India's growing metropolises beyond Delhi/NCR, Bengaluru and Mumbai that include more than 20
upcoming metros and Tier 1 destinations are adding fuel to its fiery start-up space. A recent study
showed that Bangalore is the 2nd fastest growing start-up ecosystem in the World. This city is a great
fusion of hi-quality talent, better access to capital with a high density of investors and mentorship
support, a conducive government that announced initiatives like building one of the Asia's biggest start-
up warehouse, an Internet of Things Lab, etc., that attract companies from cities like Delhi and Mumbai
and certainly across India.
This programme is aimed at preparing and transforming professionals into entrepreneurs in a holistic
way by developing their ability to envisage, innovate, organize, manage and produce a workable idea into
a well marketable product which can add value to the company and society through time
The M.B.A. Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is of 2 years duration. The course structure is
as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
3.1.7 Master of Hospital Administration (M. H. A.)
There is an increasing focus on quality, optimisation, improved productivity and sustainability in hospital
operations across the globe. The vital administrative functions of a hospital such as accounts, human
resource management, quality, logistics and supply chain, public relations, marketing and waste
management are increasingly being managed by professional healthcare managers to achieve
effectiveness and efficiency in day-to-day operations.
In India, the current Hospital Bed to Patient ratio is under 1:1000, way below the global ratio of 3:1000.
With the addition of new hospitals, emerging second and third tier cities, deeper penetration of super
specialty health care and health insurance, rising income levels, ageing population, growing health
awareness and increasing medical tourism in the country, the healthcare sector is growing at an explosive
pace, estimated to be a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15% by the brand equity foundation of
India in their March 2014 report. This scenario coupled with increasing complexities and advances in
healthcare delivery has created a significant need for professionally trained health care managers.
The present numbers of skilled healthcare managers in the country are inadequate to meet this
burgeoning demand. The Department of Hospital Administration in the M. S. Ramaiah Hospitals has
been instrumental in identifying this need and producing Master of Hospital Administration (M.H.A.)
graduates with a sound foundation in management and a strong sense of business ethics. The M.H.A.
course now being offered under Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) further enhances the
value of the programme by revamping the curriculum to equip students with management skills,
necessary to meet the unique and dynamic challenges of the healthcare sector not just locally, but in a
global context.
Furthermore, this course under RUAS offers the students a unique advantage of learning the basics of
management from the Faculty of Business Management, and gaining practical, hands-on experience in
management of services in a state-of-the-art, tertiary super-specialty hospital under hospital
administrators' guidance and supervision. Specialised training in product development, innovation and
soft skills has been incorporated into the programme to enable the students to remain relevant and
competitive in the dynamic healthcare sector.
With its research orientation, the course further fosters creative thinking, critical analysis and innovation,
thus contributing to the creation of a knowledge economy.
The M.H. A. Programme is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm.
- Florence Nightingale
3.1.8 Master of Commerce (M. Com.) in Accounting and Taxation
The Commerce stream has witnessed a sea change over the past decades, with a range of
specialisations and career options emerging in recent years. Commerce education develops the
required knowledge, skills and attitudes for the successful handling of trade, commerce and
industry. Increasing industrialisation, changes in global economy, increase in entry of multi-
national companies into the country and expansion of service sector in the national economy
have resulted in an increased demand for Commerce trained professionals. Commerce
students now have a wider range of responsibilities that span diverse job functions from
finance and banking to accounts and taxation to logistics and even research. Due to
continuation of liberalisation, national and multinational corporate enterprises are coming out
with a specific demand for accounting and allied functions for which they are looking for
Masters in Commerce. Increasing job prospects in finance and banking related sectors, has
made commerce the front-runner among all other subjects. The emerging global scenario
necessitates the organisations to look for capable professionals in Accounting and Taxation,
competent in responding to the market with the capacity to analyse complex problems and
make effective business decisions.
The Faculty of Management and Commerce of Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences offers
the M.Com. in Accounting and Taxation with an emphasis on qualitative approach, standards
and practices to deal with practical issues in financial and non-financial sectors.
The presence of other allied Faculties of the University provides for a multi-disciplinary
approach which is emerging as a key differentiator in the success of modern scientific and
engineering endeavors.
The M.Com. In Accounting and Taxation course is structured to produce post graduates in
Commerce with specialised skills and applied competence in theoretical and practical
knowledge of standard practices of particular relevance to Accounting and Tax Planning of
Business Enterprises.
The M.Com. Programme is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the
stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and
- John F. Kennedy
3.1.9 Master of Commerce (M. Com.) in Banking and Finance
The commerce stream has witnessed a sea change over the past decades, with a range of
specialisations and career options emerging in recent years. Commerce education is a
specialisation to develop the required knowledge, skills and attitudes for the successful
handling of trade, commerce and industry.
India is fast emerging as an International Financial Centre and this is creating an opportunity for
a large number of finance professionals. At the same time, the financial markets are changing
swiftly. The rapid pace of financial innovation has changed the landscape of the financial sector.
Increasing industrialisation, changes in global economy, increase in entry of multi-national
companies into the country and expansion of service sector in the national economy have
resulted in an increased demand for Commerce trained professionals. Commerce professionals
now have a wider range of responsibilities that span diverse job functions from finance and
banking, to accounts and taxation, to logistics, and even research. Due to continued policies of
liberalisation, national and multinational corporate enterprises are coming out with a specific
demand for Finance and Banking with allied functions for which they are looking for Masters in
Commerce. Increasing job prospects in Finance and Banking related sectors, has made
Commerce the front-runner among all other subjects. The emerging global scenario
necessitates organisations to look for capable professionals in Finance and Banking, competent
in responding to the market with the capacity to analyse complex problems and make effective
business decisions.
The Faculty of Management and Commerce of Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences offers
the M.Com. in Banking and Finance with an emphasis on qualitative approach, standards and
practices to deal with practical issues in financial and non-financial sectors. The presence of
other allied Faculties of the University provides for a multi-disciplinary approach which is
emerging as a key differentiator in the success of modern scientific and engineering endeavors.
The M.Com. in Banking and Finance course is structured to produce Post Graduates in
Commerce with specialised skills and applied competence in theoretical and practical
knowledge of standard practices in Finance and Banking divisions of Business Enterprise with a
global outlook.
The M.Com. Programme is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell
4. Faculty of Science and Humanities
The Faculty of Science and Humanities (FSH) has been established along with the University. The faculty
was created by integrating all the basic science departments.
FSH offers M.SC. and Ph.D programmes in physics, chemistry and mathematics.Each department is
administered by the HOD (Head of the Department), who reports to the Dean, FSH. The faculty of each
department take part in the UG and PG courses offered by RUAS. In the B.Tech, B.Design, B.Pharm,
M.Com and MHA programme, FSH plays a supportive role to the FET (Faculty of Engineering and
Technology), FAD (Faculty of Art and Design), FPH (Faculty of Pharmacy). The various courses offered by
the FSH are follows:
4.1 Postgraduate Programmes
Solid State Physics has had tremendous impact on the technological changes in the past 70 years. With
the discovery of transistor in the early 1950's, semiconductor industry has paved the way for the advent
of microelectronics, minicomputers and information technology. Semiconductor lasers and laser
amplifiers have revolutionised optical communication. Solid State Physics has also contributed to the
design of important technological materials, which have found applications in sensor technology, MEMS
and MOEMS. It has become imperative for physicists to get involved in solving the practical problems
faced by engineers. A firm foundation of the basic principles of solid state physics and practical
knowledge of the solid state devices has become an absolute necessity. In our country, teaching/research
in solid state physics is being carried out in a number of Universities and CSIR/Defence laboratories.
There are also plenty of opportunities for pursuing doctoral programmes in US/Europe. Solid state
physics forms an important component of Undergraduate physics courses both in engineering and basic
sciences. After nearly two decades of IT revolution and its booming economic impact on the country,
there is a positive trend and appreciation for the role and importance of basic sciences for further
technological advancement. There is a need for qualified and competent postgraduate students with
sound knowledge of Physics in general, and Solid state Physics in particular. Although there are numerous
institutions and Universities which offer Post Graduate degree courses in Solid State Physics, vast
majority of them offer more conventional content based academic curriculum which inherently lacks
application oriented approach that is essential to make the degree programme more fulfilling and
professional from student career perspective.
The Faculty of Science and Humanities of RUAS offers the M.Sc.(Applied Solid State Physics) course with
an outcome based curriculum emphasising the Critical, Analytical and Problem Solving skills to equip the
students to pursue their scientific and research career with better preparedness and matured
professional outlook. The presence of other allied Faculties of the University provides for a
multidisciplinary approach which is emerging as a key differentiator in the success of modern scientific
and engineering endeavors. In the coming years, the government intends to allocate more funds for basic
sciences. There is an acute shortage of qualified teaching staff. The job prospects for candidates with
M.Sc. (Applied Solid State Physics) is promising in academia and industry.
The M.Sc. Programme in Applied Solid State Physics is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
No one undertakes research in physics with the intention of winning a prize. It is the joy of discovering
something no one knew before
- Stephen Hawking
4.1.2 Nuclear Physics and Technology
The energy consumption all over the world has been increasing and nuclear energy is still one of the best
options as a viable source of energy. Though there are concerns about safety and nuclear waste
management, nuclear energy is there to stay in the immediate future. Nuclear medicine has been
successfully deployed especially in the treatment of cancer and this also opens up several job
opportunities for nuclear physicists. Indian nuclear power programme, visualised by Dr. Bhabha in early
fifties has been developed and successfully deployed with indigenous efforts. This has placed the country
in an elite club of countries possessing advanced nuclear technology. The evolution and development of
commercial nuclear technology in the country has passed through several technological revolutions.
While developing and implementing the nuclear power programme, the Indian industry capability in
manufacturing and supply of high precision and specialised equipment has also been developed, which is
comparable to international standards. Nuclear power programme is poised for a large expansion and
there is plenty of scope for physicists with a sound knowledge of reactor physics to play an important role
in the years to come. In our country, teaching/research in nuclear physics is being carried out in a number
of Universities and atomic energy establishments. Nuclear physics forms an important component of
postgraduate physics courses in physics. After nearly two decades of IT revolution and its booming
economic impact on the country, there is a positive trend and appreciation for the role and importance of
basic sciences for further technological advancement. There is a need for qualified and competent post
graduate students with sound knowledge of Physics in general, and nuclear technology in particular.
Although there are numerous institutions and Universities which offer Post-graduate degree courses in
Nuclear Physics, vast majority of them offer more conventional content based academic curriculum
which inherently lacks application oriented approach that is essential to make the degree programme
more fulfilling and professional from student career perspective.
The Faculty of Science and Humanities of RUAS offers the M.Sc.(Nuclear Physics and Technology) course
with an outcome based curriculum emphasizing the Critical, Analytical and Problem Solving skills to
equip the students to pursue their scientific and research career with better preparedness and matured
professional outlook. The presence of other allied Faculties of the University provides for a multi-
disciplinary approach which is emerging as a key differentiator in the success of modern scientific and
engineering endeavors.
The M.Sc. Programme in Nuclear Physics and Technology is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
The world has today 546 nuclear plants generating electricity. Their experience is being continuously
researched, and feedback should be provided to all. Nuclear scientists have to interact with the people of
the nation, and academic institutions continuously update nuclear power generation technology and
- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
4.1.3 Optoelectronics
Optoelectronics has been a buoyant area for careers for the last 30 years, and there are signs of this trend
increasing, rather than diminishing. It is at the heart of our world's most exciting technologies. It is a
technology of the future. Optoelectronics, fiber optic communication and optical networks have
revolutionised global communication. Apart from global communication, optical technologies are widely
used for system development in the areas of distributed sensing, biomedical applications, industrial
manufacturing, display and lighting and defence environments. India has a gigantic consumer market for
these optical components and systems. The government is also encouraging photovoltaics as an
alternative for generating energy. Biomedical optics including microscopy, endoscopy and skin treatment
is another major application area of optoelectronics. The study of physics and technology of
optoelectronic devices, fibre optic communication and optical networks for efficient transmission of
information across the globe has become very important and presents exciting job opportunities. This
interdisciplinary field is ideal for creative and versatile physicists to play their crucial role in technology
development. In our country, teaching/research in optoelectronics is being carried out at a number of
Universities and CSIR/Defence laboratories. There are also plenty of opportunities for pursuing doctoral
programmes in US/Europe. In a majority of Indian Universities, topics in optoelectronics are taught as a
part of the course in solid state physics. Consequently, postgraduate students opting for solid state
physics do not get an in-depth knowledge of optoelectronics. Also these courses lack application
oriented approach, that is essential to make the degree programme more fulfilling and professional from
student career perspective.
After nearly two decades of IT revolution and its booming economic impact on the country, there is a
positive trend and appreciation for the role and importance of basic sciences for further technological
advancement. There is a need for qualified and competent post graduate students with sound
knowledge of Physics in general, and Optoelectronics in particular.
The Faculty of Science and Humanities of RUAS offers the M.Sc.(Optoelectronics) course with an
outcome based curriculum emphasising the Critical, Analytical and Problem Solving skills to equip the
students to pursue their scientific and research career with better preparedness and matured
professional outlook. The presence of other allied Faculties of the University provides for a
multidisciplinary approach which is emerging as a key differentiator in the success of modern scientific
and engineering endeavors. In the coming years, the government intends to allocate more funds for basic
sciences. There is an acute shortage of qualified teaching staff. The job prospects for candidates with
M.Sc. (Optoelectronics) looks good.
The M.Sc. Programme in Optoelectronics is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
4.1.4 Analytical Chemistry
The Faculty of Science and Humanities of RUAS offers the M.Sc.(Analytical Chemistry) course
with an outcome based curriculum emphasising the Critical, Analytical and Problem Solving
skills to equip the students to pursue their scientific and research career with better
preparedness and a mature professional outlook. The presence of other allied Faculties of the
University provides for a multi-disciplinary approach which is emerging as a key differentiator in
the success of modern scientific and engineering endeavors. In the coming years, the
government intends to allocate more funds for basic sciences. There is an acute shortage of
qualified teaching staff. The job prospects for candidates with M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry) is
promising in academia and industry.
The M.Sc. Programme in Analytical Chemistry is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
4.1.5 Industrial Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry is the branch of Chemistry, which applies physical and chemical processes
towards the transformation of natural materials and their derivatives to products which have
utilitarian value. Chemical industries are an essential part of any nation's economy. Chemical
industry contributes around 7 % of the Indian GDP. The industry presently produces around
70,000 commercial products, which range from toiletries and cosmetics, to plastics and
pesticides. Globalisation poses many challenges to the industry, which had predominantly
developed in a protected environment. With World Trade Organisation assuming an increasing
role in global economics, there is an inevitable move towards an inter-linked international
economy. In India, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology have performed exceedingly well even
at the world level. During 2005-06, the industry contributed 17.6% of the manufacturing sector
and could grow at 11%pa to have a market of $224billion by 2017. The Indian chemical industry
thus offers a wide spectrum of job opportunities for chemists. There is a great demand for
chemists who are capable of translating chemical knowledge and skills into industrial
The Faculty of Science and Humanities of RUAS offers the M.Sc.(Industrial Chemistry) course
with an outcome based curriculum emphasising the Critical, Analytical and Problem Solving
skills to equip the students to pursue their scientific and research career with better
preparedness and a mature professional outlook. The presence of other allied Faculties of the
University provides for a multidisciplinary approach which is emerging as a key differentiator in
the success of modern scientific and engineering endeavors. In the coming years, the
government intends to allocate more funds for basic sciences. There is an acute shortage of
qualified teaching staff. The job prospects for candidates with M.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) is
promising in academia and industry.
The M.Sc. Programme in Industrial Chemistry is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
4.1.6 Medicinal Chemistry
A critical element that has opened up career opportunities for medicinal chemists in India is the
globalisation phenomenon and participation of India in GATT and WTO agreements. Post-
1995, a few leading major Indian pharmaceutical companies initiated the game of drug
discovery. Since then the demand for medicinal chemists has begun to grow. Post-2005, both
multinational and major domestic pharmaceutical companies in India are experiencing a
paradigm shift from business-driven research to research-driven business, with an increased
R&D thrust focused not only on development of innovative/indigenous processes for known
drugs but also on the discovery of new drugs. The increase in medicinal chemistry employment
in Asian pharmaceutical companies and Contract Research Organisations collaborating with US
and European companies has created a need for chemists to acquire state of the art knowledge
of Medicinal Chemistry.
The Faculty of Science and Humanities of RUAS offers the M.Sc.(Medicinal Chemistry) course
with an outcome- based curriculum emphasising the Critical, Analytical and Problem Solving
skills to equip the students to pursue their scientific and research career with better
preparedness and a mature professional outlook. The presence of other allied Faculties of the
University provides for a multi-disciplinary approach which is emerging as a key differentiator in
the success of modern scientific and engineering endeavors. In the coming years, the
government intends to allocate more funds for basic sciences. There is an acute shortage of
qualified teaching staff. The job prospects for candidates with M.Sc. (Medicinal Chemistry) is
promising in academia and industry.
The M.Sc. Programme in Medicinal Chemistry is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
4.1.7 Applied Mathematics
In the present day, the application of mathematical methods to solve real life problems in a
wide variety of disciplines such as physics, chemistry, information science, business
management, finance, economics and various branches of engineering has become a necessity.
Apart from being an indispensable problem-solving and decision-making tool, Mathematics is
at the heart of advances in science, engineering and technology.The large scale use of
computers in education and industry has given an impetus to the wide use of numerical
methods and simulation. There is a need for qualified and competent mathematicians with a
sound knowledge in Applied Mathematics. In our country, teaching/research in Mathematics is
being carried out in a number of Universities. However, a vast majority of post-graduate degree
courses in Mathematics offer more conventional, content-based academic curriculum which
inherently lacks an application oriented approach, which is essential to make the degree
programme more fulfilling and professional from the career perspective. The Faculty of Science
and Humanities of RUAS offers the M.Sc.(Applied Mathematics) course with an outcome based
curriculum emphasising the Critical, Analytical and Problem Solving skills to equip the students
to pursue their scientific and research career with better preparedness and matured
professional outlook. The presence of other allied Faculties of the University provides a multi-
disciplinary approach, which is emerging as a key differentiator in the success of modern
scientific and engineering endeavours. An expanding job market is open for Applied
Mathematicians since employers value the intellectual rigour and reasoning skills that
Mathematicians have. The Mathematician's familiarity with numerical and symbolic thinking
and the analytic approach to problem-solving is highly valued in industry.
The M.Sc. Programme in Applied Mathematics is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything
around you is numbers
- Shakuntala Devi
5. Faculty of Dental Sciences
The Faculty of Dental Sciences was earlier M.S. Ramaiah Dental College and Hospital that was established
in 1991.
The Faculty offers a 5 year undergraduate programme including one year internship leading to Bachelor
of Dental Surgery (BDS) and a 3 year postgraduate programme leading to Master of Dental Surgery
(MDS) degree.
The Faculty also offers Certificate programmes in Esthetic Dentistry as well as Oral Implantology and
doctoral research programme leading to PhD degree.
The courses and curriculum offered by the Faculty adhere to Dental Council of India (DCI) norms. The
curriculum offered is outcome based and helps students to develop critical thinking abilities and helps to
develop transferable skills for a smooth transition from academics to real life. Opportunities are provided
for students to do their internship in India as well as abroad.
The faculty has an attached dental hospital with more than 250 dental chairs, laboratories and other
facilities for providing clinical services. The students are given training and experience in the attached
hospital as well as adopted hospitals in urban and rural areas around Bangalore.
There are around 75 members of faculty and 400 students. Members of the faculty are well trained in
research and present their research findings at various forums and publish more than 50 papers annually
in peer reviewed journals. Faculty also has an active dental education unit that support and provides for
innovation in medical education. Department of Public Health Dentistry plays a very active role in
inculcating the sense of social responsibility through dental camps, community orientation programme
and school dental health programmes. The faculty has collaboration with dental Schools in Hongkong,
Ghent University and Cancer Society of Finland. The faculty also publishes the Journal of Orofacial &
Dental Research which is internationally peer reviewed.
Many alumni of the Faculty have been working for quality healthcare organisations in India and abroad
and some of them have been practicing on their own.
5.1 Undergraduate Programmes
The art and science of dentistry, though considerably advanced from where it began, is still in a
progressive stage of research. Awareness of dental health amongst the population, is increasing by the
day, even in semi urban and non urban areas with increased demand for conservative and esthetic
Dentists form a crucial component of the healthcare delivery system of the country. While the WHO
states that the ideal ratio of dentist to population is 1:7500, the current proportions are at 1:13,500 in
urban areas based on a report from the DCI. This gap is much more in rural are as where it can be as high
as 1: 150,000. Therefore, the education of dentistry is in greater demand than ever before. At the same
time, standards of healthcare and education of the healthcare provider have been escalating in India, to
match world standards .
There are a large number of institutions world over which are producing dentists and yet, there is a
shortage of quality dental graduates who may have limited exposure to patients, to state of art clinical
equipment, faculty focused on research, or all.
The FDS at RUAS has state of art clinical equipment; such as CBCT, Skill labs and others; that is constantly
upgraded to be at par or beyond the best in the country. This with excellent clinical exposure to patients in
addition to our rural health programs and innovative teaching methodologies with stringent quality
control protocols gives our students a competitive advantage.
The value additions of patient safety, basic life support, ethics and jurisprudence, advanced information
communication technologies simulation labs and inter-university internships overseas raise the bar of
education for our students preparing them better for employment and future research.
The presence of other Faculties of Applied Sciences on the campus enables the student to seek education
beyond the conventional curriculum; for example, the use of 3D printing and rapid prototyping from the
Faculty of Engineering and Technology. The presence of a 1400 bed hospital on the same campus offers
invaluable clinical experience.
This enables our graduates to take an entrepreneurial route, management positions in hospitals,
employment in the corporate sector or armed forces, and prepare them for higher education. The FDS at
RUAS is pleased to offer this bachelor of dentistry program to address the oral and health problems of
society through highly motivated and well prepared graduates.
The B.D.S. Programme is of 5 year duration including one year of internship. The year wise course
structure is as described below:
1 Oral Medicine
2 Pedodontics
3 Public Health Dent. Open Electives:
4 Orthodontics
5 Oral Surgery A n u m b e r o f E l e c t i ve s f ro m Fa c u l t y o f
6 Periodontics Engineering, Management and Commerce, Art
7 Prosthodontics and Design, Hospitality Management and
8 Conservative Dent. Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences
9 Rural Posting will be announced before the commencement of
10 Accident & Emergency the semester.
11 Inter University Internship
12 Practice Observation
13 Inter Faculty open Electives
The detailed curriculum will be available
with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty.
5.2 Postgraduate Programmes
Although Oral medicine and Oral Radiology are distinct specialities in many parts of the world, it is a
combined specialty in India. Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Radiology deals with the diagnosis and
management of oral disorders and production and interpretation of radiographic images of the oral and
maxillofacial region.
The mouth is the major portal of entry to the body and is equipped with formidable mechanisms for
sensing the environment and defending against various pathogens. The oral cavity serves as a window to
the body because many important systemic disorders manifest here. The oral physician is the first
medical person to encounter such disorders. Poor oral health has been linked with various systemic
disorders like cardiovascular disorders, malignancies, low birth weight preterm babies, hematological
disorders and osteoporosis which have certain manifestations in the oral cavity. These oral
manifestations must be properly identified if the patient is to receive appropriate diagnosis and
In India, Iron deficiency anaemia is the most commonly encountered hematological disorder, especially
among females and children. Pallor of oral mucosa, atrophy of the tongue, angular cheilitis, etc are some
of the early and first oral manifestations of this disorder. Here an oral physician plays a very important role
in early diagnosis and management. Oral Medicine and Radiology is one such specialty which provides
the missing link between Medicine and Dentistry.
Oral medicine and radiology has a curriculum envisaged with oral mucosal lesions, tumors, oral
manifestation of systemic diseases, radiographic imaging principles and techniques and its
interpretation, palliative care and treatment modalities. With recent advances and modernization of
imaging techniques this speciality serves as a promising career and research option for aspiring
Masters degree programme in Oral medicine and Radio diagnosis is a 3 year residency programme. It is
mainly associated with training in Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, craniofacial radiology and applied sciences.
The course aim is to promote academic growth with utmost importance towards research in the field of
molecular advancements, and radio diagnosis. The primary educational aim is to nurture post graduates
to attain excellence in education, research and patient care in the field of oral and cranio facial diagnosis.
The speciality aims to train the postgraduates to acquire good diagnostic acumen and unique skills
required in terms of image interpretation, pattern recognition, deduction diagnosis and patient focused
care. It provides a platform for maximum learning opportunities and enables them to disseminate the
knowledge learnt through the course.
5.2.2 Periodontics
Periodontics is a specialty of dentistry which encompasses the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth or their substitutes and the maintenance
of the health, function and esthetics of these structures and tissues. Since periodontal diseases are one
of the largest causes of tooth mortality it becomes very essential to enhance awareness amongst all
populations and health care professionals. Adequate knowledge of the subject is of utmost importance
in early identification and proper treatment of periodontal diseases.
In the Indian population the awareness regarding periodontal health needs to be enhanced to a higher
level in order to improve the quality of life amongst them. This can be achieved by providing quality
education to the budding Periodontists to cater to the increasing demands.
Periodontal disease has been linked to many other systemic diseases, like diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and so on. Also periodontal disease presents a serious
public health problem, with millions of individuals across the globe being affected by it. Knowing the
impact of periodontal health on general health, it is crucial for people to maintain healthy teeth and
gums. This includes diligent home care, as well as receiving an annual comprehensive periodontal
evaluation from a dental professional. Treatment of periodontal disease in patients with systemic health
problems helps improve control of the disease.
All these situations provide a huge platform for research in this specialty opening newer avenues for
advanced diagnosis, treatment and maintenance. This provides a strong rationale to incorporate
periodontics as a specialty in dental education.
The aims of postgraduate training in Periodontics are to train the postgraduates to practice Periodontics
efficiently and effectively, backed by scientific knowledge and skill. They should be able to exercise
empathy and a caring attitude and maintain high ethical standards and continue to evince keen interest in
continuing professional education in their specialty and allied specialties irrespective of whether in
teaching or practice. The students should be willing to share the knowledge and skills with any learner,
junior or a colleague. Finally to develop the faculty for critical analysis and evaluation of various concepts
and views, to adopt the most rational approach.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a specialty which addresses a wide range of problems involving the Head
and Neck region which has an impact on the overall health and well being of the individual. The scope of
this specialty is very extensive; from the surgical removal of unsalvageable and impacted teeth, pre-
prosthetic surgery and implants to management of maxillofacial space infections, maxillofacial
pathology, maxillofacial trauma, orofacial pain, oral cancer, aesthetic facial problems,
temporomandibular joint disorders, cleft lip and palate and the like. Also of great importance is the
multidisciplinary team approach in the management of these problems by coordinating with the other
dental specialties as well as with allied specialties such as anesthesia, neurosurgery, general surgery,
otolaryngology, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, medical and radiation oncology and so on.
In the Indian Scenario the need for the basic maxillofacial surgeon is of prime importance. The common
surgical problems have to be skillfully and comprehensively addressed at the grass root level at the
primary health care centers. This will definitely impact the rural sector positively where provision of
preventive and therapeutic care has multiple barriers including lack of awareness, access to oral care and
Specialized intensive clinical and surgical training in this field is mandatory to treat these complex
maxillofacial problems and also effectively interface with other allied disciplines to provide holistic care.
Higher surgical training in Oral Oncology, Aesthetic Facial Surgery and Cleft and Craniofacial problems is
fast gaining importance.
Considering the complexity and multidisciplinary nature of the problems involved, continuous lifelong
learning through scientific interactions and both basic and clinical research is required for better and
more effective management. Today, the need of the hour is to train students intensively in the
management of oral and maxillofacial problems at the basic level as well as to provide higher surgical
training to manage complex cranio-maxillofacial problems so that it is all encompassing.
Masters degree programme in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is designed to impart training based on
sound professional knowledge coupled with basic surgical skills to enable the student to competently
diagnose and treat oral surgical problems. Students will be trained to acquire advanced theoretical and
application skills in all facets of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; high order skills in analysis, critical
evaluation, professional clinical application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think
rigorously and independently. The programme will develop a sense of confidence in their surgical skills
and clinical judgment and encourage a desire for continuation of professional study and self
improvement. The students are encouraged to meet the human resources requirements in the area of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; in oral health care research, in academics and teaching career, specialty
practice and also pursue further training through fellowship and continuing education programmes.
The health of teeth and mouth are linked to overall health and well-being in many ways. Dental caries
being the most common infectious disorder affecting the teeth, loss of tooth structure due to caries,
trauma or any other cause can also affect the self-esteem of our patients. Due to improved awareness
and access to information there is an increased demand for retaining one's own teeth as compared to
extraction as was seen in the recent past. There is also an increased demand for esthetic treatment
options. Patient care can only be improved with advances in science made possible through research.
Knowledge of the disease process and material science technology thus has progressed in leaps and
bounds that one can prevent, intercept, as well as effectively treat the disease at the most appropriate
In Indian scenario dental caries affects significant number of Indian population. The prevalence of caries
in India is reported to range from 31.5% to 89%. Conservative dentists and Endodontists share a
responsibility to tackle the emerging trend of dental caries and related dental disorders, responsibility to
help restore and retain the smiles of the population. Hence there is a national and overseas demand for
dental surgeons who are highly knowledgeable in Restorative Dentistry & Endodontology. The need of
the hour is hence to train specialists in the field with sound scientific knowledge and the required
psychomotor skills to tackle ethically varied challenging clinical scenarios affecting the teeth with ease
and proficiency.
Masters degree programme in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics is to develop functional and
practically trained personnel for prevention and treatment of the disease and injuries of the hard tissues
and the pulp of the tooth and associated periapical lesions. The objective is to train a candidate so as to
ensure higher competence in field of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics and prepare them for a
career in teaching, research and speciality practice
Social and psychological aspect of physical attractiveness hampered by malocclusion and jaw
discrepancies is a known fact and psychological well being is an intangible benefit to the society as a
whole. The role of orthodontic treatment is analogous to that of several other medical specialities such as
plastic surgery and orthopedics, in which patients problem often does not result from disease but from
distortion of development. Therefore orthodontic treatment for these people is essential, and it is shown
that such treatment improves the quality of life. Also oral diseases especially dental caries, periodontal
diseases arising from irregular teeth, speech defects and risk of trauma because of some type of
malocclusion, temperomandibular joint problems arising from deep bite and occlusal prematurities and
combined multidisciplinary approach for congenital defects like cleft lip and palate often necessitates
orthodontic treatment. Intervention of adverse oral habits and as an adjunct for prosthetic
rehabilitation, are the added scope of orthodontics. In the Indian scenario, as malocclusion is a
predominant factor, but at the same time due to lack of patients education, it is the most neglected
aspect. Hence the orthodontist should aim at identifying the problem, educating the patient and plan a
necessary treatment in order to achieve structural balance, functional stability and esthetic harmony.
Orthodontics includes study of growth and development of jaws and face particularly and body generally
as influencing the position of teeth; study of action and reaction of internal and external influences on
the development; prevention and correction of arrested and perverted development. It is that area of
Dentistry concerned with supervision, guidance and correction of growing and mature dento-facial
structures including those conditions require movement of teeth or correction of malrelation and
malformation of related structures.
Considering that the patients with dentofacial deformities constitute a major portion of population and
with the demand for treatment for both children and adults, presently we have a shortage of
orthodontists in the country, it is imperative to train more orthodontists to address the orthodontic
health care needs of the community.
Masters degree programme in Orthodontics and Dento-facial Orthopedics is designed to impart training
in clinical diagnosis and management of common orthodontic problems such as dental malocclusion,
skeletal jaw discrepancies, malformation & malfunctioning of oro-facial structures. Postgraduates are
expected to possess advanced theoretical knowledge applied topics in applied basic sciences and in all
facets of Orthodontics and Dento-facial Orthopedics; high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation,
professional clinical application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and
independently. The postgraduates are expected to exhibit high skill levels in all treatment modalities and
exercise empathy and a caring attitude and maintain high ethical standards. Objective is to train the
candidates so as to ensure higher competence in both general and special area of interest and prepare
them for career in teaching, research and specialty practice. Professional honesty and integrity are also to
be fostered.
Oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal diseases, tooth loss, oral mucosal lesions &
oropharyngeal cancers, human immunodeficiency virus-related oral diseases and orodental trauma are
major public health problems worldwide. Poor oral health has a profound effect on general health and
quality of life. The burden of oral diseases is particularly high for the disadvantaged and poor population
groups in both developing and developed countries.In the Indian scenario, often oral health is the most
neglected aspect of health care with higher prevalence occurring in rural areas due to multiple barriers
including lack of awareness, access to dental care or unaffordability.
The practice of oral pathology includes research, diagnosis of diseases using clinical, radiographic,
microscopic, biochemical or other examinations. It occupies a unique position in the health care
community for the dental as well as medical professions. A thorough knowledge obtained from this
subject will help to correlate human biology with signs and symptoms of human disease. This will help to
understand oral diseases so that it can be properly diagnosed and adequately treated.
Oral pathology speciality assists the clinicians to diagnose the challenging diseases like head and neck
cancers by providing confirmatory evidence. This can be combined with advanced investigative
techniques. It also navigates the surgeons for better management of patients. Thus it is imperative to
train more oral pathologists to address the oral health care issues.
Masters degree programme in Oral Pathology is structured to ensure adequate coverage at an advanced
level of all areas in Oral Pathology. However, the post graduates are expected to possess high end
theoretical knowledge in applied basic sciences and in all facets of oral pathology; high order skills in
analysis, critical evaluation and diagnosis, professional practical application; and the ability to diagnose
complex oral health diseases independently. The post graduates are expected to meet the human
resource requirement in the arena of oral pathology and opt one of these: exclusive clinical practice,
research or academics.
5.2.7 Public Health Dentistry
The present Global scenario has recognized Dental Public Health as a core component of the
undergraduate dental curricula. This recognition acknowledges that Dental Public Health is an important
subject relevant to practice of dentistry.
Oral diseases are a few of the most prevalent health problems throughout the world. Dental caries and
periodontal disease represent most of the problem, but edentulism, oral cancer, orodental trauma,
malocclusion and craniofacial anomalies also contribute to the burden.
Demographic shifts have resulted in differing trends in disease burden among place, person more so
pertaining to economic status of the country. These scenarios pose challenging situations and have
prompted each of the country to adopt methods relevant to their scenario at political level and
community level to combat the disease burden. This burden with differing determinants provides
opportunities for research to plan implementation strategies relevant to their scenarios. Currently,
communities are recognizing the need for broad and diverse input into promotion of oral health. Hence,
graduates with adequate skills in terms of initiating public/private partnerships, community coalitions
and volunteerism and new health communication strategies such as social marketing and media
advocacy are required for being incorporated into public health approaches to improving oral health.
This is the specialty which addresses the problems at community level adopting whole population
strategy, targeted approach and risk group approach. This substantiates the need for training more
graduates to meet these challenges.
Master in Public Health Dentistry is designed to equip the graduates with necessary skills
(communication, social, political), to identify and to ascertain the burden and plan intervention
appropriately. The competencies acquired in terms of application, evaluation and synthesis of
knowledge will enable the graduate to initiate intervention as, advocacy at Government level, lobby
efforts with professional bodies and also at community and individual level. They are also equipped to
demonstrate leadership qualities in organizing community based programs and act as effective link
between Public and community, working in partnership with different sectors. In a nutshell the graduate
should be able to demonstrate transferable skills in his future career prospects. To communicate and
work across agencies and function as effective change agents and able to integrate oral health strategies
into existing and ongoing public health programs.
Oral diseases especially dental caries is a significant health problem among children that can affect
general health of the child. Infancy and childhood represents a growing phase with constant change that
requires specialized training to provide comprehensive oral care. In the Indian scenario, often oral health
is the most neglected aspect of health care with prevalence of dental diseases crossing more than 40-
50% of children. The proportion assumes greater importance especially in rural sector due to multiple
barriers including lack of awareness, access to dental care or unaffordability.
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry is an
age-defined specialty that provides both primary and comprehensive, preventive and therapeutic oral
health care for infants and children through adolescence including those with special health care needs.
The definition implies that the pedodontist is primarily involved in the oral health care of infants and
children and therefore has to be contributory to scientific research that can alleviate the oral health
problems. It is also a very professionally satisfying experience to bring about positive oral health
behavior in children that will enrich the professional learning.
Considering that the children constitute a major chunk of population and that at present we have dearth
of pedodontists in the country, it is imperative to train more pedodontists to address the oral health care
needs of the children.
Masters degree programme in Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry is designed to impart training in
clinical diagnosis and management of oral health problems in infants, children through adolescence
including children with special health care needs. Postgraduates are expected to possess advanced
knowledge and understanding in all facets of pedodontics and preventive dentistry; high order skills in
analysis, critical evaluation and diagnosis, professional clinical application; and the ability to solve
complex oral health problems in children and those with special health care needs and think rigorously
and independently. The postgraduates are expected to meet the human resources requirements in the
area of Pedodontics and also a few of them may take the path of oral health research for future, a few
them may prefer to be in academics while a few may take up to exclusive clinical practice.
The world population is rapidly ageing. Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of the world's population
over 60 years will double from about 11% to 22%. The absolute number of people aged 60 years and over
is expected to increase from 605 million to 2 billion over the same period. Globally, edentulism
compromises quality of life by reducing masticatory efficiency and thereby the nutrient value of food
consumed. Treatment methodologies to treat edentulism have evolved over the years with near
predictable results.
In India, the problem of edentulism is widely prevalent upto about fifty percent of our population being
partially dentate and about 15%, being completely edentulous. In proportion to our population, this
translates into mind boggling numbers and we still don't have the required number of professionals to
treat and restore these patients. In addition, the lack of awareness of the consequences of edentulism,
the financial inability of a large percentage of the population to avail of state of art services, raises the
need of the professional to be innovative and deliver prosthodontic therapy in a manner that mitigates
the patients' health worries.
On the other hand, Bangalore, being a cosmopolitan city also provides plenty of scope to treat patients
with the highest levels of care possible. This increases the bar for research required in material science as
well as bring about paradigm shifts in treatment methodologies.
A student of MDS Prosthodontics will be exposed to a wide variety of cases, due to, advanced training
centres, location and attachment to the 1400 bed hospitals and the good standing of the institution. As
prosthodontic treatment forms a major portion of private practice, effective training in Prosthodontics
is essential.
The University, by providing excellent educational technologies, research facilities and an atmosphere
conducive for assimilation of knowledge, wants to make available the best possible education in
Prosthodontics , including Crown and Bridge.
Masters degree programme in prosthodontics is aimed to design efficient training and competence to
diagnose and manage clinical situations of partial and complete edentulism and rehabilitation of
associated missing structure by use of removable and/or fixed prosthesis including implantology. The
course will impart knowledge and aid to attain procedural and operative skills in removable and fixed
prosthodontics, maxillofacial Prosthodontics including implantology. Postgraduates are expected to
acquire advanced knowledge in all facets of Prosthodontics with high order skills in analysis, critical
evaluation, professional clinical application, and the ability to solve complex problems and think
rigorously and independently. The postgraduates are expected to meet the human resources
requirements in the area of Prosthodontics. They may take the path of oral health research for future and
a few of them may also prefer to be into academics or take up to exclusive clinical practice.
The M.D.S. Programme is of 3 years duration. The course structure is similar for all the postgraduate
courses and is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
6. Faculty of Pharmacy
The Faculty of Pharmacy (FPH) was earlier M.S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy that was established in
The Faculty offers a four year undergraduate programme leading to Bachelor of Pharmacy degree (B.
Pharm), 2 year duration postgraduate programme leading to Master of Pharmacy degree (M. Pharm) and
also a 6 year duration Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm. D.).
1. Pharmacognosy
2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
3. Pharmaceutics
4. Pharmacology
5. Pharmacy Practice
The Faculty also offers doctoral research programme leading to Ph. D. Degree and many certificate
The courses and curriculum offered by the Faculty adhere to Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) norms. The
curriculum offered is outcome based and helps students to develop critical thinking abilities and helps to
develop transferable skills for a smooth transition from academics to real life. Opportunities are provided
for students to do their internship in India as well as abroad.
The Faculty is well connected with pharmaceutical companies across India. The students are given
training and experience in the formulations and manufacturing of drugs and the students have found
jobs in the major pharmaceutical companies spread all over the world. The Faculty specialises in herbal
drugs and herbal formulations. There are around 30 members of faculty and around 400 students. The
Faculty publishes more than 40 papers annually. The Faculty contributes to the University publications-
Book of Students Projects Abstracts, a student feedback magazine called Reflections and a biannual
technical journal-SAS Tech.
Many alumni of the Faculty have been working for pharmaceutical industries and business organisations
at various levels.
6.1 Undergraduate Programmes
Pharmacists play a vital role in the health care system from manufacturing to dispensing of medications
including educating the patients regarding rational use of the prescribed drugs. The spectrum of
pharmacy profession is very wide, as it covers numerous opportunities in the pharma industryR&D,
manufacturing and retail, healthcare sector, pharmacy education and regulatory bodies. The current
availability of pharmacists in terms of pharmacist to population ratio is inadequate in this country.
The rapid growth and diversification of the pharma industry and health care sector has created lots of
opportunities for pharmacy graduates. The demand of pharmacists is further growing with the growth of
the industry within the country and outsourcing from abroad. Among the biggest factors fuelling the
growth is contract research for Pharma R&D and contract manufacturing for global pharma companies.
The retail sector is also witnessing growth due to entry of major retail chains. The shortfall in supply of
pharmacists globally and lucrative overseas opportunities for employment results in migration of the
trained pharmacists from India to abroad.
The M.S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy, now a constituent of RUAS as Faculty of Pharmacy has been in
existence for more than two decades. Over the years, Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS has grown and
evolved as one of the Premier Institutions in the state of Karnataka. The University infrastructure with
latest technologies will empower the students in depth knowledge and to pursue high quality research
with creativity and innovation. During the last two decades, the institution has produced over 1000
graduates and 110 Post graduates. The presence of other Faculties of Applied Sciences of the University
will facilitate the students to experience more than the conventional curriculum.
The Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS offer a four year B. Pharm. degree course blending the art of science,
technology and human relationships in a unique fashion. The curriculum offered at B. Pharm. level is
outcome based and helps students to think critically and acquire practical skills for smooth transition
from academics to competitive real life work environment.
The B. Pharm. Programme is of 4 years duration spread over 8 semesters. The semester wise course
structure is as described below:
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 3 Semester 4
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 5 Semester 6
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
Semester 7 Semester 8
S.No. Course Title S.No. Course Title
1 Drug Design A n u m b e r o f E l e c t i ve s f ro m Fa c u l t y o f
2 Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Engineering, Management and Commerce, Art
3 Pharmaceutical Industrial Management and Design, Hospitality Management and
4 Herbal Drug Technology Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences
will be announced before the commencement of
the semester.
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
6.1.2 Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.)
The Pharm D course is an emerging concept globally focusing mainly on improving health care system for
a better drug therapy by assisting medical practitioners. It is a clinical oriented curriculum where the
students would be trained to provide information about diseases, drugs and lifestyle modifications to
the patients in a hospital environment to improve the patient's health condition. There is an immense
need for the Pharm D course in our country where enormous drug related problems, irrational drug use
and non-compliance to therapy among patients exist which can be tackled by properly trained clinical
The M.S.Ramaiah College of Pharmacy, now a constituent of RUAS as Faculty of Pharmacy has been in
existence for over 2 decades. Over the years, Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS has grown and evolved as one
of the Premier Institutions in the state of Karnataka. It has very good infrastructure, note worthy
laboratory facilities and also associated with 1500 bedded multispeciality hospitals with experienced
and competent staff, within the campus. During the last two decades it has produced over 1000
graduates and 110 Post graduates. The presence of other Faculties of Applied Sciences of the University
will facilitate the students to experience more than the conventional curriculum.
The Faculty of Pharmacy at RUAS offers the Pharm D programme to produce quality pharmacists with
good knowledge on pharmacotherapy, critical thinking, analytical and problem solving skills.
The Pharm. D. Programme is of 6 years duration and the course structure is as described below:
1 Pharmacology-II 1 Pharmacotherapeutics-III
2 Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 Hospital Pharmacy
3 Pharmacotherapeutics-II 3 Clinical Pharmacy
4 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 4 Biostatistics & Research Methodology
5 Medicinal Chemistry 5 Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
6 Pharmaceutical Formulations 6 Clinical Toxicology
6.2 Postgraduate Programmes
6.2.1 Pharmacognosy
Pharmacognosy is a systematic study of crude drugs obtained from plant, animal and mineral sources.
From time immemorial, curing of diseases commenced by experimenting with natural products leading
to the modern drug therapy and this has made Pharmacognosy as the mother of all innovations. This is
a multidisciplinary science, which deals with naturally derived drugs and it incorporates various modern
analytical techniques to authenticate and standardize crude drugs as well as extracts. Thus,
Pharmacognosy will remain to be a precursor and significant contributor in new drug discoveries. As per
WHO reports nearly 60% of the world population use herbal/natural products towards treatment of
various ailments due to the belief that they do not have any side effects unlike the modern synthetic
drugs. To prove such belief and to benefit the patients suffering from various diseases, identification and
standardisation of herbal medicines is being carried out worldwide and the study of Pharmacognosy is
very essential in this regard.
The M.S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy, now a constituent of RUAS as Faculty of Pharmacy has been in
existence for more than two decades. Over the years, Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS has grown and
evolved as one of the Premier Institutions in the state of Karnataka. It has a vast and very good
infrastructure, noteworthy laboratory facilities, experienced and competent staff. During the last two
decades, the institution has produced over 1000 graduates and 110 Post graduates. The presence of
other Faculties of Applied Sciences of the University will facilitate the students to experience more than
the conventional curriculum.
Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS offers M. Pharm programme in Pharmacognosy featured with outcome
based curriculum to provide an in depth scientific knowledge, critical thinking, analytical and problem
solving skills. Other salient features include fully equipped instrumentation room with sophisticated
instruments to isolate and identify phytoconstituents and advanced instruments like HPTLC for
standardization of phytoconstituents. The successful postgraduates are expected to meet the human
resource requirements in the area of research and many of them prefer to become entrepreneurs.
The M. Pharm. Programme in Pharmacognosy is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
6.2.2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry
In the post GATT era, there is a need for vast and speedy research to obtain new drug molecules for
clinical use and a post graduate course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry provides the requisite man-power
towards the same. Further, the indiscriminate use of anti-microbial agents has resulted in microbial
resistance which requires the development of large number of new drug molecules. This requires
professionals trained in rational drug design. The new drugs need standardisation of quality control
procedures which in turn are fulfilled by the trained post graduates to develop newer methods of
analysis. These Post graduates play a major role in academics too.
The M.S.Ramaiah College of Pharmacy, now a constituent of RUAS as Faculty of Pharmacy has been in
existence for more than two decades. Over the years, Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS has grown and
evolved as one of the Premier Institutions in the state of Karnataka. It has very good infrastructure,
noteworthy laboratory facilities, experienced and competent staff. During the last two decades it has
produced over 1000 graduates and 110 Post graduates. The presence of other Faculties of Applied
Sciences of the University will facilitate the students to have a better experience and exposure than the
conventional curriculum. Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS offers M. Pharm degree programme in
Pharmaceutical Chemistry which is featured with critical thinking, analytical and problem solving skills,
outcome based curriculum and open electives across various faculties. Other noteworthy facilities such
as HPTLC, HPLC, IR spectrophotometer, Double beam UV-Visible spectrophotometers, Auto-Titrator
and digital flame photometer which helps the students to get hands on experience to handle
sophisticated instruments.
The M. Pharm. Programme in Pharmaceutical Chemistry is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
COURSES Credits Hours
1. Modern Pharmaceutical Analysis Theory 7 105
2. Modern Pharmaceutical Analysis Practical 6 180
1. Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Theory 5 75
2. Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Practical 6 180
3. Medicinal Chemistry-I- Theory 5 75
4. Medicinal Chemistry-I- Practical 6 180
5. Medicinal Chemistry-II-Theory 5 75
6. Medicinal Chemistry-II- Practical 6 180
1. Research Methodology & Soft Skills
3 45
Dissertation synopsis preparation and approval -- 175
Study work -- 210
Group Project 4 120
Dissertation 56 1680
1. Presentation at National / International
3 90
2. Publication in National / International Journal
(Referred & Abstracted)
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
6.2.3 Pharmaceutics
There are many drug moieties with pharmacological properties, but need special measures to achieve
desired therapeutic activity at the site of action. Pharmaceutics is the science of dosage form design that
converts drugs and plant based intermediates into medication to be used safely and effectively by
patients. The Indian pharmaceutical industry currently tops the chart amongst India's science-based
industries with wide ranging capabilities in the complex field of drug manufacture. The new drug
launches, new drug filings, and Phase II clinic trials throughout the year create the thrust for competitive
and qualified Postgraduates in Pharmaceutics. Taking into consideration the excellent opportunities
available in the field of pharmaceutics, post graduate course in M. Pharm. in Pharmaceutics is being
The M.S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy, now a constituent of RUAS as Faculty of Pharmacy has been in
existence for more than two decades. Over the years, Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS has grown and
evolved as one of the Premier Institutions in the state of Karnataka. The University infrastructure,
interdisciplinary facilities with latest technologies will empower the students to pursue high quality
research with creativity and innovation. During the last two decades, the institution has produced over
1000 graduates and 110 Post graduates. The presence of other Faculties of Applied Sciences of the
University will facilitate the students to experience more than the conventional curriculum.
Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS offers M. Pharm programme in Pharmaceutics featured with modular
curriculum is aimed to emphasize the concepts in the design of advanced novel pharmaceutical dosage
forms. Importance will be given to research projects based on industrial needs in terms of patenting the
application. The curriculum is structured to impart the students to take independent professional
responsibilities and acquire necessary skills to compete with their global counterparts.
The M. Pharm. Programme in Pharmaceutics is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
6.2.4 Pharmacology
Specialization in Pharmacology involves the research, discovery, and characterization of chemicals which
show biological effects and the elucidation of their function at organ and cellular levels. A pharmacologist
is involved in kinetic and dynamics studies; toxicology, preclinical and clinical studies of new drug
The M.S.Ramaiah College of Pharmacy, now a constituent of RUAS as Faculty of Pharmacy has been in
existence for over 2 decades. Over the years, Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS has grown and evolved as one
of the Premier Institutions in the state of Karnataka. It has very good infrastructure, note worthy
laboratory facilities including well maintained animal house, experienced and competent staff. During
the last two decades it has produced over 1000 graduates and 110 Post graduates.
The presence of other Faculties of Applied Sciences of the University will facilitate the students to
experience more than the conventional curriculum.
Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS offers M.Pharm Pharmacology degree which is featured with critical
thinking, analytical and problem solving skills, outcome based curriculum and open electives across
various faculties.
The M. Pharm. Programme in Pharmacology is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as described
6.2.5 Pharmacy Practice
Pharmacy Practice is the discipline which develops the professional role of the clinical pharmacist in the
areas like pharmacovigilance, therapeutic drug monitoring, pharmacoeconomics, drug therapy review
and patient counseling. Department of Pharmacy Practice is associated with 1500 bedded M.S. Ramaiah
Medical Teaching Hospital and M. S. Ramaiah Memorial Hospital. The clinical pharmacist provides direct
patient care services that optimizes the use of medication and promotes good health, wellness and
disease prevention.
A great deal of research work is required to be done to understand newer diseases and many other
systemic disorders. With the advent of good clinical practices and ICH guidelines in clinical studies,
clinical research has emerged as the most expanding and exponentially growing sector.
To meet the demand in this field, there is an absolute need for more clinical pharmacists who can help in
coordinating and conducting the clinical trials. Keeping these trends in view we intend to introduce the
course of Pharmacy practice.
The M.S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy, now a constituent of RUAS as Faculty of Pharmacy has been in
existence for over 2 decades. Over the years, Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS has grown and evolved as one
of the Premier Institutions in the state of Karnataka.
It has very good infrastructure, note worthy laboratory facilities, experienced and competent staff.
During the last two decades it has produced over 1000 graduates and 110 Post graduates. The presence
of other Faculties of applied sciences of the University will facilitate the students to experience more than
the conventional curriculum.
Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS offers M. Pharm in Pharmacy Practice degree which is featured with critical
thinking, analytical and problem solving skills, outcome based curriculum, open electives across various
The M. Pharm. Programme in Pharmacy Practice is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
6.2.6 MBA in Pharma Business Management
India enjoys an important position in the global pharmaceutical sector. Indian companies carved a niche
in both the Indian and world markets with their expertise in reverse-engineering new processes for
manufacturing drugs at low costs. Branded generics dominate the pharmaceutical market, constituting
nearly 70 to 80 per cent of the market. India is the largest provider of generic drugs globally with the
Indian generics accounting for 20 per cent of global exports in terms of volume.
The Government of India has given its nod for the amendment of the existing Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) policy in the pharmaceutical sector in order to allow FDI up to 100 per cent under the automatic
route for manufacturing of medical devices subject to certain conditions.
The Addendum 2015 of the Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) 2014, published by the Indian Pharmacopoeia
Commission (IPC) on behalf of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, is expected to play a significant
role in enhancing the quality of medicines that would in turn promote public health and accelerate the
growth and development of pharmaceutical sector.
The Government of India unveiled 'Pharma Vision 2020' aimed at making India a global leader in end-to-
end drug manufacture. Approval time for new facilities has been reduced to boost investments. Further,
the government introduced mechanisms such as the Drug Price Control Order and the National
Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority to deal with the issue of affordability and availability of medicines.
India's healthcare sector is estimated to reach $197 billion (approx. Rs.12,80,500 crores) by 2017-18. The
Indian pharmaceutical industry has become the third largest producer in the world and is poised to
growth expected to reach US$49 billion (approx. Rs.3,19,000 crores) by 2020. According to India ratings,
a Fitch company, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is estimated to grow at 20 per cent Compound
Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over the next five years. India's biotechnology industry comprising bio-
pharmaceuticals, bio-services, bio-agriculture, bio-industry and bioinformatics is expected to grow at an
average growth rate of around 30 per cent a year and reach US$ 100 billion (approx. Rs.6,50,000 crores)
by 2025.
Pharmaceutical industry has been proved to be the major driving force in economic growth for all the
developed and developing countries. The pharmaceutical sector is now a key powerhouse driving the
Indian economy. Hence, the importance of pharmaceutical industry in economic prosperity is
undeniable. As it is the major contributor in overall production mechanism of any economy, people with
special skill set and knowledge to face the challenges of services management is high in demand.
The MBA qualification is regarded internationally as the hallmark of successful managers a pre
requisite for individuals and organizations who seek to gain competitive advantage. It equips motivated
individuals with an exceptional portfolio of academic and practical business skills. Studying MBA enables
students to apply both creative and analytical thinking to every business issue. At the same time it also
provides students with a unique framework from which to develop their experience, build on their
strengths and nurture their individual talents.
The wind of change towards globalisation and liberalisation is fast penetrating into the pharma industry.
Industry always looks for the best of the people fit to fight with the odds of the world. It expects the fresh
business minds to demonstrate enthusiasm, be self-motivated, lead teams and motivate others.
For the past few years there has been a drastic change in pharma business trend towards global
diversification. To meet this demanding strategy, Non-science graduates are also preferred apart from
science graduates by many pharmaceutical companies to strengthen their demanding business and sales
portfolio. If non-science graduates desires for a good career in this chosen domain, then Pharma Business
Management programme is a ladder for the success. The M.B.A. programme is focused on producing
MBA graduates who truly understands the dynamics of pharmaceutical industry and business with
vision, creativity and its innovativeness.
Faculty of Pharmacy of RUAS offers M.B.A. programme in Pharma Business Management featured with
modular based curriculum emphasize and offer the students in understanding concepts of
pharmaceutical industry, the environment, customer expectations and the best business practices and
strategies. This Programme focuses on developing the management skills and knowledge which is a pre-
requisite in an expanding and constantly changing competitive global pharma business scenario. Apart
from this, the programme specifically intend to deepen practical experience and ability to strategically
manage health care industry. The Programme also focuses on conceptual thinking, analysis and research
to develop and implement creative ideas and solutions to organizational issues.
The M.B.A. programme in Pharma Business Management is of 2 years duration. The course structure is as
described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
7. Faculty of Hospitality Management and Catering Technology
The Faculty of Hospitality Management and Catering Technology (FHMCT) was earlier M.S. Ramaiah
College of Hotel Management and established in 1993.
The Faculty offers a four year undergraduate programme leading to Bachelor of Hotel Management
(BHM) and a 2 year duration postgraduate programme leading to MBA in Hospitality Management.
The courses in Hospitality Management and Catering Technology have been designed based on
successful programmes offered by reputed hospitality Schools and universities in the west as well as in
the east. However, the curriculum reflects the Indian hospitality that is embedded in its culture. The
curriculum offered is outcome based and helps students to develop critical thinking, creative and
innovative abilities and helps to develop transferable skills for a smooth transition from academics to real
life. Students are given experience of real life problem solving skills through assignments and role plays.
Opportunities are provided for students to do their internship in India or abroad depending on the
student's interest.
The Faculty is well connected with 3 and 5 star hotels and resorts in the city of Bangalore and elsewhere.
The students are given training and experience in the hospitality industry and over the years the students
have successfully been placed in the major hotels and resorts spread across the world. The Faculty has a
student exchange programme with The Centre d' Orientation et de formation Professionals (COFOP),
Switzerland. There are around 30 members of faculty and around 400 students. The faculty publishes
more than 25 papers annually and conducts exhibitions and shows. The Faculty contributes to the
University publications- Book of Students Projects Abstracts, a student feedback magazine called
Reflections and a biannual technical journal-SAS Tech.
7.1 Undergraduate Programme
The hotel sector is one of the fastest growing and continuously evolving industry contributing to the
world's economy. It demands astute managerial skills and a passion for innovation with a creative bent of
mind. The hotel sector is a labour intensive industry and millions of job opportunities are created world-
wide annually as endorsed by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation. Hotels, the primary
recruiters of hotel management graduates, recommend that there is a need for courses that offer high
level training in operations, management, foreign language, information technology and entrepreneurial
skills. In addition, there is a need for high quality hotel professionals with competence and a strong sense
of business ethics. The philosophy of the Bachelor of Hotel Management- course of RUAS is to offer an
extensive curriculum to provide the global hospitality sector with graduates who possess appropriate
attributes and attitudes for a wide range of management positions. The course focuses on a
contemporary technological approach to hotel operations coupled with a strong foundation in
management concepts. It also emphasises on proficiency in foreign languages, holistic personality
development, ethical values and development of an inquiring mind. M.S.Ramaiah College of Hotel
Management, a constituent faculty of RUAS, is a 21 year-old pioneer institution in Hotel Management
education in the private sector in India.
With continuous up gradation, the college has state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities, which include
well- equipped kitchens, restaurants, guest rooms and front desk areas for operational skill
development. Digital language laboratories, computer laboratory with property management system
software, class rooms with audio-visual aids and a library with an exhaustive collection of resources
complement the above facilities. For the overall development of students, cultural and sports activities
are facilitated. To give the students an edge over their contemporaries, they are intensively trained for
recruitment interviews with an ongoing personality development programme. The placement cell has
been successful in consistently achieving 100% placement over the years. More than 50 companies
including hotels, stand-alone restaurants, facility management companies, airlines, retailers, banks,
multi-national companies and service apartments visit our college for campus recruitments. Our alumni
hold key positions in the hospitality industry world over. The Faculty of Hotel Management and Catering
Technology has a team of committed teaching staff with a strong academic ethos and years of industry
and teaching experience with minimum staff turnover. Their student friendly approach and dedication to
teaching has ensured that the students excel in their academic and professional life. The industry has
recognised the high standard of education provided by this institution and their feedback has enabled us
to be ranked amongst the leading colleges of the country.
The B.H.M Programme is of 4 years duration spread over 8 semesters. The semester wise course
structure is as described below:
Semester 1 Semester 2
S.No. Subject Title S.No. Subject Title
1 Fundamentals of Food & Beverage Production 1 Food & Beverage Production - II Theory
2 Fundamentals of Food & Beverage Service 2 Food & Beverage Production- II Practical
3 Fundamentals of Front Office 3 Food & Beverage Service- II Theory
4 Fundamentals of Housekeeping 4 Food & Beverage Service - II Practical
5 Professional English Spoken 5 Front Office- II Theory
6 Professional English Reading and Vocabulary 6 Front Office - II Practical
7 Professional English Writing 7 Housekeeping - II Theory
8 Computer Fundamentals 8 Housekeeping - II Practical
9 Environmental Studies 9 Hospitality Communication-II
10 Principles of Management
11 Environmental Studies
Semester 3 Semester 6
S.No. Subject Title S.No. Subject Title
1 Food & Beverage Production - III 1 Professional Core Elective -I
Theory 2 Hotel Information Systems - II (Theory)
2 Food & Beverage Production- III 3 Hotel Information Systems II (Practical)
Practical 4 Hospitality HRM
3 Food & Beverage Service- III Theory 5 Hotel Costing & Finance
4 Food & Beverage Service - III Practical 6 Research methodology & Statistics
5 Front Office- III Theory 7 Banking & Hospitality Services
6 Front Office - III Practical 8 Personality Development and Soft Skills
7 Housekeeping - III Theory 9 Open Elective-I
8 Housekeeping - III Practical
9 Basic French
10 Food Science, Safety & Nutrition Semester 7
S.No. Subject Title
Semester 4 1 Professional Core Elective -II
2 Entrepreneurial Development
S. No. Subject Title
3 Taxation & Hospitality Services
1 Industrial Exposure Training
4 Foreign Language Elective-I
5 Hospitality Project
Semester 5 6 Human Rights and Legislative
S.No. Subject Title
7 Open Elective-II
1 Food & Beverage Management
2 Rooms Division Management Semester 8
3 Hotel Information Systems - I
4 Ancillary Hospitality Sectors S.No. Subject Title
5 Hospitality Facility Planning & 1 Professional Core Elective -III
Maintenance 2 Menu Management
6 Hotel Accounts 3 Organizational Behaviour
7 Hospitality Marketing 4 Total Quality & Strategic Management
8 Hospitality French 5 Foreign Language Elective-II
9 Hospitality Business Ethics 6 Travel & Tourism Management
7 Hotel Laws
8 Open Elective-III
Professional Core Electives
Semester 6 Semester 7
HCE- I ( 6th Semester) HCE- II (7th Semester)
Open Electives:
A number of Electives from Faculty of Engineering, Management and Commerce, Art and Design,
Hospitality Management and Catering Technology, Pharmacy, Dental Sciences will be announced before
the commencement of the semester.
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
The Hospitality Industry is a diverse and specialised service sector employing millions of people, in a wide
array of jobs around the globe. United Nations World Travel Organisation estimates an annual growth
rate of about 10% in the Hospitality Industry and the need for middle and senior level management
professionals is estimated to grow proportionately. There is a dearth for qualified personnel in the higher
management positions in the hospitality industry. The undergraduate programmes offered by most
institutions have limitations in the management component of hospitality studies which limits the
growth prospects in the industry.
A Masters course which addresses the continuous need for competent professionals in the higher
echelons of hospitality management is the need of the day. At the managerial level there is a growing
need for high quality education and training in hospitality to fill the gap between industry expectations
and hospitality education offered today.
Keeping the above in mind and the phenomenal growth of the hospitality industry, Faculty of Hospitality
Management and Catering Technology of RUAS offers a Master of Business Administration in Hospitality
Management degree to meet the needs of the hospitality industry and academia at all levels. It prepares
students/delegates to be action-oriented leaders of executive management teams and entrepreneurial
ventures with a strong theoretical and practical foundation. Graduates will be well versed in foundational
principles, current best practices and ethical considerations.
The Faculty of Hospitality Management and Catering Technology of RUAS has highly experienced and
qualified teaching fraternity to guide the student/delegate to make sound professional decisions and
career plans. State-of-the-art infrastructure and other resources to facilitate academic excellence,
research opportunities and professional development to prepare the students/delegates to become
proficient in the operations, revenue management and marketing capabilities required for top level
managers in hospitality industry.
The Faculty has nurtured and maintained a long lasting goodwill with the industry, which plays a vital role
in academic quality improvement, training and placement. The presence of other Faculty of applied
sciences in the campus enable the students/delegates experience multi disciplinary environment. In
addition, the students/delegates benefit from the contributions of practitioners from hospitality
Individuals who will benefit from the programme include hospitality employees seeking to gain
expertiseand hospitality managers who want to learn about new technologies and global opportunities
in the field. This Masters programme will also be beneficial to entrepreneurs looking for avenues to
succeed in the hospitality business and college graduates interested inentering the hospitality service
sector at a managerial level. The course structure is as described below:
The detailed curriculum will be available with the Academic Registrar of the Faculty and in the
University intranet.
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without
knowing it.
- Anonymous, Holy Bible: King James Version
8. Research at RUAS
Doctoral Research Programme
RUAS has a strong focus on Applied Research. The research problems come from industries, research
establishments and business organisations. Students can opt for doctoral programme leading to PhD
degree through full time or part time route. Doctoral Programme is offered in:
The Doctoral programme offered at RUAS is well structured and motivated candidates will be able to
complete their PhD in the defined period. The faculties have produced more than 30 PhDs. The details of
the Doctoral research programme leading to PhD degree are available on the University website.
Sponsored Research
The University is actively involved in seeking financial grants from National and International
organisations in government, public and private sector to carryout research and generates knowledge for
the benefit of the Society. Research Organisations like ISRO, DRDO, DST, DBT and Central Ministries like
Power, New and Renewable Energy, Environment and Forest, Human Resources, Agriculture, IT and
Electronics and Industries have provided grants for advanced research in the past. So far the University
faculties have undertaken more than 90 funded research projects and have filed more than 50 patents.
Energy and Environment; Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Implants; Robotics and Automation;
Signal and Image Processing; Control Engineering; Materials Engineering; Biomedical Engineering and
Biomechanics; Engineering Design and Rural Products Design; Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics;
Automotive Technologies; Micro Air Vehicles; Manufacturing Technologies; Optoelectronics; Human
Computer Interactions; Electric Motors, drives and Electromagnetics; Sensors and Micro Electro
Mechanical System; Microelectronics and CMOS Technology; Graphene and Carbon Nanotechnology;
Graphics and Visualization; Software Engineering and ICT Networks and Distributed Systems; Plasma and
Lasers; Construction Engineering and Management; Life Sciences and Biotechnology.
Research Centres
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences conducts its research through the following specialised research
9. Techno Centre
Techno Centre manages Consultancy, Product Design and Development, and Business Incubation
activities. Directorate harnesses the research and problem solving abilities that are available with the
members of faculties, in addition to the teaching resources and practical skills to work on real life
projects. Industries, Businesses and Research and Development organisations who may want to work on
challenging problems; interested in developing a new product concept; interested in new product
development and commercialisation or would like to invest in new technology development can access
the ecosystem that exists on the campus to meet their requirements. Students and Entrepreneurs alike
are also provided access to the University's resources for this purpose. The Techno Centre aims to bring
the University, Industry, Business and Communities together for their mutual benefit.
The model for Technology Product Incubation and Entrepreneurship Development is as described
10. Training & Lifelong Learning at RUAS
The Directorate of Training and Lifelong Learning is a vertical of the University involved in conducting
training and skill upgradation programs that come outside the gamut of the academic curriculum. The
Directorate offers these skilling programmes to aspiring professionals, fresh graduates and reskilling and
upskilling programmes to practicing professionals from industry, business and academia
The Directorate conducts Credit based and noncredit based courses
Bachelor of Vocational Degree Programme (B.Voc) is part of Skill India initiative and UGC's efforts to
promote skill based higher education in India. The B.Voc course with 70% focus on skill development and
30% focus on theoretical knowledge prepares the student for skill sets required for that industry or
entrepreneurial role. The course curriculum is structured such that students will be able to get a job
opportunity at the end of each year.
Bachelor of Vocational Degree Programme (B.Voc) is part of Skill India initiative and UGC's efforts to
promote skill based higher education in India. The B.Voc course with 70% focus on skill development and
30% focus on theoretical knowledge prepares the student for skill sets required for that industry or
entrepreneurial role. The course curriculum is structured such that students will be able to get a job
opportunity at the end of each year.
Passenger Car Repair & Maintenance is a B.Voc., Degree programme with specialization in automotive
repair and maintenance and is designed to train and produce skilled automotive repair and maintenance
workforce to handle the advanced automotive technologies The students are trained as per
requirements of the industry, thus helping them procure jobs with ultimate working satisfaction. As the
course includes managerial subjects and principles, it will be an added advantage to the student to be
able to grow as a technically skilled entrepreneur.
Machine Tool Operation & Maintenance: The Machine Tool industry is moving towards increasingly
sophisticated CNC machines, driven by demand from key user segments, such as, automobiles and
consumer durables, Aerospace etc. While the estimated manpower requirement in this segment in 2017
is said to be close to 20 lakh people, the same is expected to double by 2022. Therefore, skill training of
people in the Machine tool Operation, repair and maintenance is the need of the hour to prepare human
resource for the Machine tool industry. 70%of India's machine tools are produced in Peenya in Bangalore
and therefore, there is close collaboration with industry for the conduct of this course
Culinary Operations: Catering operations have exhibited a phenomenal growth over the last few years
and are a significant contributor to economic growth. They employ millions of people who are driven by
passion, creativity and determination. The culinary operations course integrates theoretical, practical
and innovative aspects of food production. Fundamental concepts that progress to advanced techniques
in Food Production operations with emphasis on hygiene, nutrition, work ethics and other ancillary
elements will contribute to the overall career growth of the individual, both as a professional chef and as
an entrepreneur.
Product Design & Modelling: Indian Engineering and Design sector has witnessed a combined growth
rate of about 15 percent touching US$ 26.4 billion over the last year driven by increased national and
global demand for its produce. Many local and international firms have set up R&D and Design centers in
India to develop innovative products and offerings. This course provides the prospective students with a
strong foundation of the art of creating scaled models and prototypes of the concepts envisioned by
prestigious R&D and Design centers in India and abroad.
Garment Manufacturing & Quality Control: The textile industry contributes about 14 percent to
industrial production and four percent to the gross domestic product (GDP). It is second largest industry
in the country in terms of employment generation and world's second-largest producer of textiles and
garments. The industry requires more sewing machine operators and quality controllers. About 30% of
the readymade garments of the country are manufactured in Bangalore. Many of the sewing operator
professionals have become entrepreneurs to enjoy their career and flexi lifestyle. There is tremendous
potential for professionals in sewing operation and quality control, as the market is evergreen, growing
and developing at a fast pace.
Office Administration: The manufacturing and service sector contribute to about 84% of the GDP, which
grew at over 7% and is poised to be one of the largest economies of the world. This growth spurt demands
multiple offices across the country. Needless to say, this entails for a steady supply of efficient and
effective office administrators. B.voc in Office administration is a set of daily activities that include
secretarial services, personal assistance, co-ordination between various functional departments, front
office administration, files and records maintenance, logistics, liaising with external agencies and
coordinating commercial activities within an organization. Training in management, computer
applications, expert use of the internet, and life skills will enhance the effectiveness of a good office
Retail Marketing: The size of the India Retail sector, spanning diverse categories across food and non-
food, is estimated to be in excess of 400 billion USD and growing at a healthy pace of more than 15 % per
annum. Regardless of size and structure, all retail organizations are required to engage in a gamut of retail
operations and retail merchandising, retail operations, Retail Marketing and Sales, retail information
technology and systems - all of which require well-trained retail professionals.
Banking & Insurance: The Indian banking sector's assets reached US$ 1.8 trillion in FY15 from US$ 1.3
trillion in FY10. Rising incomes are expected to enhance the need for banking services in rural areas and
therefore drive the growth of the sector; programmes like MNREGA have helped in increasing rural
income aided by the recent Jan Dhan Yojana. The Indian life insurance industry is estimated to grow at a
compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.1 per cent, and reach US$ 111.9 billion in 2015 from US$
66.5 billion in 2011, according to a report by BRIC data. This would make India the third-largest market for
life insurance in the world by 2015. The vocational Programme will integrate theoretical, practical and
innovative aspects of Banking and Insurance operations. The Programme is designed to introduce
fundamental concepts and simulate the operations of banking and Insurance.
Accounting & Logistics: To support the rapidly growing industrial sector, logistics as well as accounting
professionals will be critical to enhance their productivity. India is expected to witness unprecedented
growth in the logistics sector to provide end-to-end logistic solutions from manufacturers of goods to the
consumer through organized retailers. As a concomitant role, regardless of size and scale all
organizations are required to keep track of finances, budgets, transactions and maintain all statutory
requirements of accounting records, all of which require accountants. The integration of technology to
both accounting and logistics will boost economic growth. Job opportunities exist in warehousing, cold
storage, shipping and ports, freight forwarding and transportation, logistics solutions and supply chain
management companies besides the manufacturing and retailing sectors. The B.Voc is expected to meet
these requirements
Photography & Visual Effects: There is a wide world of photography. People enjoy photography and are
thinking of it as a career, there are actually many different directions one can choose from. One can begin
by creating a resume and portfolio of your work and can be done with proper qualifications for the job.
Video editors use digital editing software to piece raw footage into a cohesive video story. Much of the
editing direction is provided by the director or producer overseeing the project. Video editors also make
sure that audio files match the speech appearing on screen. A video editor spends large amounts of time
in front of several monitors in a closed office environment. The B.Voc provides the requisite training for
various levels of photography and visual effects.
Home Care & Nursing Assistance: India faces an acute shortage of nursing staff with an estimated deficit
of 2 million. In the public sector alone, an additional 140,000 staff nurses are required. Needless to say,
this gets more acute when the patient is recovering at home. With most families, especially in the urban
setting, being nuclear and both partners working, having a small child, or an elderly parent or a relative
recuperating from an illness, either short term or long term calls for a care giver. While the opportunity
for employment for home care is tremendous, an unexplored area is the potential for these graduates to
work as nursing assistants to help tide over the paucity of quality nursing care, a need both in India as well
as the rest of the world. Therefore, the B.Voc degree, addresses this niche area of training for home care
and nursing assistance.
Dental Hospital Assistance: Dental assistants are an important part of the dental health care team and
increase the efficiency of the entire dental health care delivery system. In addition, training on counseling
is seen as an invaluable adjunct tool in the education system, across the community. The education could
be in a clinic, a primary health centre, secondary and tertiary care hospitals and schools. Assistance in a
laboratory is a skill that is valuable both in a lab as well as hospital. It saves both time and effort involved in
using lab support for simple lab procedures. The B.Voc training imparted above happens in a
multidisciplinary environment, delivered effectively through an internship programme.
Aesthetic Dentistry and Smile Design: Keeping in line with the growing trend of personal aesthetics,
dentistry too has fulfilled the need for a beautiful and healthy smile. As more and more people are
focused on a beautiful smile, demand for dental services to enable this has also been set in motion. In
response, the global dental devices market is slated to reach a whopping $12.9 billion by 2016. Hence the
need of the day is to train graduates and orient them to meet the esthetic trends of society.
Oral Implantology: Globally, edentulism compromises quality of life by reducing masticatory efficiency
and thereby the nutrient value of food consumed. Treatment methodologies to treat edentulism have
evolved over the years with near predictable results. A student of Oral implantology will be exposed to a
wide variety of cases, due to, advanced training facilities including the Advanced Learning Centre and
location and attachment to the 1400 bed hospitals. As rehabilitation of the missing tooth forms a major
portion of private practice, effective training in current and advanced rehabilitative methods is
User Oriented Post Graduate Courses: The University offers tailor made postgraduate courses in
Engineering, Art & Design, Finance, Management and other Allied Areas to Industries and organisations
interested in their employee development through education by the part time route. The duration of the
course is 3 years and classes are conducted during weekends ie. on Saturdays and Sundays or on days
convenient to the users. The users can opt for regular courses that are offered by RUAS or can opt for
customised courses. The methodology adopted for teaching and learning and credit to be earned for the
award of the degree is same as that of full time courses.
1.Corporate Training Programme: RUAS is well known for domain specific training program. The
Corporate Training programs are customized to meet the needs of industry and academic institutions.
We are very closely working with industry, research organization and also with academic institutions.
2.Advanced Certificate Programme: The courses under Advanced Certificate Program (ACP) are value
addition courses with greater emphasis on student skill development on high-end industry standard
software and hardware tools. This enables the student to uograde their academic knowledge to practical
industry oriented applications.
3.Modular Training Programme: These courses are designed for the students / working professionals
who would like to acquire skills in specific areas. Delegates can choose a single module or
combination of modules at their convenient timing
4. Fellowship Programmes: A collaborative modular training programme along with the International
College of Oral Implantologists to train clinicians and graduates in preclinical and clinical implantology
with exposure to advanced surgical procedures. Training will be conducted at the Advanced Learning
Centre and clinical facilities of FDS, while assessment will be done by the ICOI.
5. Skill Training Programme: Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, started the Skill Development and
Manufacturing Centre to offers vocational courses and also for assisting in prototype development. The
courses offered are CNC Turning, Milling and Finishing
6. Seminars / Workshops: Seminar / Workshop are offered from all faculties often and are based on
challenges and new advancements in the particular field. Sessions will be handled by experts from
Industry, Research Organization, in house and external Academic experts. These programs provide a
forum for domain experts to share their knowledge and experiences with practicing engineers from
industry and faculty and students from academia.
7. Proficiency Programme: Proficiency Program is offered during weekends on Science, Engineering and
Management topics for the benefit of working professionals & students. Training department shares the
identified modules and contents in advance with Industry & Academia. Interested individuals from these
organizations can register for these modules.
8. Short Term Cookery Courses: These are day long to 5 day long courses offered to the interested in
baking, salad making, low calorie cooking, bar tending and cocktail preparations, world cuisine and
cooking for children.
Corporate Training Programme
11. Directorate of International Collaboration, Partnership
Management and Public Relations
Delivering Academic Proficiency through Study Abroad Program
Studying Abroad is a sign of academic excellence in the field of education. It gives students the
competence and combines various areas of interest. Study Abroad Program (SAP) assists the aspirants to
internationalize themselves while earning academic credits. SAP allows the students to expand their
horizon academically, culturally, and socially.
RUAS-SAP are designed to create a potential future and success in a wide range of career opportunities
globally. RUAS assist the students for their Study Abroad Program through its Tie-ups with Universities
across globe. With this, students can acquire profound knowledge through adoption of diversified
learning styles and reap a competitive edge in the job market.
International MoUs.
International Collaborations
Coventry University, UK
University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
University of Illinois, Chicago
Oklama State University, Still Waters, Oklahoma,US
St. Petersburg State Academy of Art & Design, St. Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg State University of Architecture & Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia
Samara State Aerospace University, Samara, Russia
Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, Russia
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Russia
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia
University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Air force Institute of Technology, Nigeria
Ghana Technology University College, Ghana
Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancees (IPSA), France
UniEVANGELICA Centro Universitario, Brazil
12. Directorate of Transferrable Skills & Leadership Development
This Directorate was created with the objective of integrating various annexes of M S Ramaiah University
into a matrix that espouses the value and the vision of the university. True to its name, the Directorate
works toward imparting transferable skills and developing leaders among the mainstays of the University
which are Academics, Training and Lifelong Learning, Research, and Techno Centre.
Certain initiatives worth a mention are:
Complete shift in class-room teaching style, from being a teacher centric to participant centric style
Workshops for better effectiveness of internal stake-holders, both administrative and academic staff
Training and development using theatre as a tool
Still in its infancy, the Directorate aspires to reach to the millions outside the boundary of the University
as well. It has already started working towards making a global program in the form of Study India,
Global Citizen, programmes on Women Entrepreneurship, Women Leadership, Social Leadership
and many more. A visionary in its own right, the Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership
Development is the department that celebrates versatility, creativity and above all, originality.
13. Directorate of Quality, Education Processes and Educational
Technologies (QEPET)
The Directorate of Quality, Education Processes and Education Technologies is mandated to implement
and monitor academic quality control processes that include development and review of curriculum
from Board of Studies; approval of curriculum by the Academic Council; review and approval of
course/module notes; review and approval of term, assignment and examination question papers;
monitoring of student attendance; collection and analysis of student feedback, staff feedback, feedback
from technical and administrative staff; and training of members of faculty and members of staff on
academic processes.
The courses/modules are delivered using various educational technologies, the directorate studies the
various modern educational technologies that are essential to be implemented in the University to
enhance the learning experience of the students and recommend for implementation.
The Directorate of Quality, Educational Processes and Educational Technologies at RUAS is committed to
closely monitor the quality of educational processes of the University and implement modern
educational technologies to achieve international quality in curriculum development, delivery and
assessment to produce globally competitive graduates.
14. Teaching and Learning Resources
RUAS has created state-of-the art teaching and learning resources for effective delivery and active
learning by the students.
15. Software Available NI LABVIEW
ANSYS Maxwell
ANSYS Simplorer
Mechanical, Automotive, Aeronautical and Civil
Engineering Art and Design
CATIA Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 2014
UGNX Autodesk Sketchbook Designer 2014
TEAM CENTRE Autodesk Alias Automotive 2014
ALTAIR HYPERWORKS Autodesk Maya 2014
ANSYS Autodesk 3DS Max 2014
ABACUS Autodesk Showcase Professional 2014
FE-SAFE Autodesk Mould flow Insight Advanced 2014
MSC ADAMS Autodesk 360
LS-DYNA Corel Painter
MATLAB Pinnacle Studio 19
DFMA Management and Commerce
ERP NAVIGATOR Microsoft Project 2013
PREACTOR 10 ERP Navigator
SOLID CAST Science and Humanities
On board diagnostics (OBD) Tester Dental Sciences
Dolphin Imaging Premium
Electronic, Electrical and Computer Science VISTA SCAN & PRACTO
EM PRO Turbo C
SYSTEM VIEW IR Solutions software
XILINX ISE VIVADO Euro Chrome software
EMPIRE 3D PCP Disso v2 Drug release Kinetic studies
CADENCE software
RVDS Graph Pad Prism ver. 4.0 software
NI MULTISIM layer Chromatography WINCAT'S software)
MICRO IMAGE LITE OLUMPUS University Management System (Custom Built)
BIOVIS Image Capture Software (Particle size Tally 9 multi user accounting package
analyzer - Professional software to control Saral Pay Pack Advanced Multi User
complicated experiments, quantify the data, and Acc Pac (Accounts Software)
visualize the results) Bar Coding Software
ExPharma Animal Simulation Software Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 2014
(Micromedex Solutions provide a single source of Autodesk AutoCAD2014
clinical information from need-to-know drug, Autodesk Alias Automotive 2014
pediatric, disease, lab, and toxicology) Autodesk Maya 2014
TOPCAT - Drug Design - Auxiliary software Autodesk 3DS Max 2014
Autodesk Showcase Professional 2014
Hospitality Management and Catering Autodesk Moldflow Insight Advanced 2014
Technology Autodesk 360
Fortune NEXT 6i Professional LSTC LS Dyna
Orell language software Ansys
Mentor Graphics
General Software Altair-Hyperwork
eScan Antivirus
Microsoft Office 2013 (full package)
LibSoft Ver. 9.0.0
Front Page
16. Staff Resources
The Teaching and Research faculty members have qualification as per UGC norms, experienced,
technology savvy and student loving. Many of these members of faculty act as Proctors at Undergraduate
level, Project supervisors and Research supervisors at Postgraduate and Ph.D. levels and take
responsibility for shaping up the careers of the students. RUAS maintains a staff student ratio of 1:15 at
Undergraduate level and 1:9 at the Postgraduate level. The professors publish research articles in
reputed journals, present research findings in reputed conferences and symposia and periodically attend
staff development programs to keep themselves updated and undertake sponsored research,
consultancy and training work with reputed industries and business organisations to keep themselves
relevant to the present day requirements of society.
Staff interacting with the Members from PACE Staff Interacting with members of
(Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative University of Paradubice, Czech Republic
Engineering Education)
Staff representing student work to the members Staff interacting with Russian Delegates from
of University of AVEIRO Kazan National Research Technical University
Staff Interacting with Rector and Staff interacting with Russian Delegates from
Members Ghent University, Belgium St. Petersburg State University of Architecture
and Civil Engineering, Russia
17. Student Life at RUAS
The University has created Hostels on its campuses. More than 20% of its students are accommodated in
the campus hostels. The students can opt for twin bed or single bed accommodations. Since there are
limited numbers of accommodations outstation students like to stay in the campus hostels are required
to contact student welfare office for accommodation at the time of initiating their admissions. However,
those students do not get campus accommodation will be facilitated by the student welfare office to get
accommodation in the surrounding areas of the campus.
Students who would like to avail mess facilities available in the hostels. The mess serves both vegetarian
and non-vegetarian food in the south Indian style. However, there are number of cafeteria on the
campuses and in the surrounding area which serve food, snacks and beverages to everyone's taste.
Novels, Story books, Magazines, News Papers are available in the student reading rooms. Internet, Music
System and TV facilities are available in the student lounges. Interested students can spend their leisure
times in various hobby clubs and dance and music halls.
Sports and Games
Competitions and Exhibitions
Students are encouraged to take part in various technical competitions at the University and Inter
University levels.
The placement office of the student welfare division is committed to assist the students to get internships
during the course and placements after the completion of the course.
The student placement, welfare and career advice directorate conducts tours and excursions
periodically. Students interested can take part in trekking, excursions and tours.
Health Care
What our Alumni and Visitors Say?
It was a great experience to pursue the course at MSRSAS. The course content as well as the different
approach of evaluation made the course challenging. Unlike traditional method of examinations which
are only theory based and does not really test the practical knowledge, the assignments for the modules
were really challenging and really test the understanding of the concepts.
The entire course has laid in me a strong foundation of concepts in various areas of computers and has
stimulated my way of approaching a problem and finding the solution to it. The course has also enhanced
my discipline and conviction to learn after a long 7 year gap. I am very satisfied with he entire course and I
thank MSRSAS and Coventry for giving me this opportunity to learn and strengthen my knowledge.
My Master's program from MSRSAS has broadened my knowledge and opened the horizon in
engineering and management to guide and lead an organization with confidence and zeal.
I have attached my contribution to Volvo Buses India from my learning's taken from MS Ramaiah School
of Advanced Studies. The uniqueness about my project which I have taken has given a reduction of 54% in
process time reduction which is unique by any industrial standard in manufacturing. In other words
productivity improvement can go up to a maximum of 100% since the production can be doubled.
Generally productivity improvements are between 10% to 15%.
Cyril G. Xavier (EMM PT 2010), Chief Operating Officer, Spheros Motherson Thermal Systems
Limited, Noida, India
To complete a three year degree, while working full time is no easy feat. There will be deadlines, to meet
at work, and after a very taxing working week, studying during the weekend, is a tough choice. However,
while I started my Masters in Computer Science and Networking at MSRSAS, I found the topics
Working on the assignments and the final year project, was intellectually challenging, and it changed
my outlook towards studying.
The facilities provided by MSRAS were always top notch. Studying and attending lectures were a pleasure
due to the ambience in the study rooms. The course structure, contents and subjects which are part of
Computer Science and Networking where well etched to my needs and my current working experience.
Attending this course has immensely helped me better my day to day work.
Labs and testing are the make or break part of any curriculum. The supportive lab faculties and state of
the art labs made studying more pleasurable, as there is no better way to learn than to get hands-on
experience. For a part time student like me, MSRSAS was a great opportunity to complete my dream of
getting a Master's Degree. Thank You MSRSAS!
Very good initiative by MSRSAS and a good form of industry & academic interaction. Event was really
good. Would like to attend such events or sessions in near future. Seminar organized in professional
We are very happy with the course content covered and detailed explanation provided. Thank you.
Project Engineer, MAN Diesel and Turbo India Ltd. attending I C Engines
A truly well planned facility that will help Surgeons train in a proper scientific manner!!
Congrats & Best Wishes to Dr Sundaresh and his dedicated team
A fantastic experience!!!
Padmashree Dr Yash Gulati, Director & HOD in Orthopaedics, Joint Reconstruction & Spine Surgery
BLK Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
"I had a great time at MSRCHM. I still love keeping in touch with the College. A few years back Facility
Management Career was quite unconventional, yet today I find many hotel management graduates
having a lucrative career in this field. As Vice President of my company, I owe a great deal of my success to
my alma mater and have provided employment to many from my college. "
A visit full of imaginative training and educational methods for practical engineers. I am impressed with
the range and depth of studies undertaken. The model used for training must have greater applicability
throughout engineering training.
To solve the worlds environmental and development problems, we need innovators and designers that
your institution is training. Keep up the good work.
In a short span, an excellent institution for training and R & D in several technology areas has been
started. It has excellent potential for further growth.
Admission to the University
Students are advised to choose the programme and the course after carefully reading this prospectus
and making enquires with the concerned faculties.
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criterion for each of the programme is given in programme regulations available on the
University website.
Selection of students
Course Fees
The course fee to be paid will be notified on the University website at the time of calling for
Admission Period
Students can contact Director Admissions from the month of January of the year. The admissions will
be closed by the end of July every year.
Academic Year
The academic year starts from the second week of August every year.
Foreign students are required to have the minimum qualification as specified by the Faculty and also
should have proof of having proficiency in English language. The foreign students are required to pay the
fee in USD.
Director Admissions
University House, Gnanagangothri Campus, New BEL Road,
M S R Nagar, Bangalore-560 054. Karnataka, INDIA.
Envisaged Outcomes of the University
Graduates, Postgraduates,
Faculty and Staff
Research Publications
Research Projects and Grants
IP and Patents
Students and
Delegates Industrial Research and Problem
Training and Skill Development
Technology and Business Incubation
Physical and Learning
Resources Community Services