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1.1test Methodology

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Method Statement

Method Statement for Customer Witness Test

Air Cooled Chillers

RTAC / RTAD / CGAM / RTAF series
built in Charmes factory

July 2015 SASU-RLC-EB-001


1) INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 2
2) TESTS UNDERTAKEN DURING MANUFACTURE ............................................................. 2
3) FACTORY TEST LOOP DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 4
4) TESTS POSSIBILITIES......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1) Pre-defined tests............................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1) Visual inspection only => Test B................................................................................ 8
4.1.2) Performance Witnessed Test at Full Load only => Test C ......................................... 8
4.2) Special tests ..................................................................................................................... 6
5) TEST TOLERANCES AND UNCERTAINTY OF MEASUREMENT ...................................... 7
5.1) Eurovent Acceptance Criteria ........................................................................................... 7
5.2) Uncertainty of measurement ............................................................................................. 7
6) DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED AFTER A CUSTOMER TEST ........................................... 9
7) SAFETY RULES .................................................................................................................. 9
8) ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................ 9
ANNEXE A Maximum Ambient temperatures in the Test Loop ..................................... 10
ANNEXE B - Customer Factory Test: Typical Planning (Test C and D) ........................... 10
ANNEXE C Test Report sample ................................................................................... 10

Page 1

The purpose of this Method Statement is:

- To allow external communication from the factory on the different tests handled in the
factory, the witnessed tests possibilities and the testing capabilities and standards.
- To define the process for requesting and handling test preparation in a rigorous and
contractual way as to ensure customer satisfaction without unexpected impact to the factory
production lines which would impact other customers.

This procedure is intended for Air Cooled chillers made in Charmes (RTAC)

The factory visit coordination is described in a separate procedure involving a customer form to
fill-in and a potential legal department approval to obtain for certain conditions. This process is to
be followed by the Trane Sales Office (TSO) for any customer visit.

This Method Statement is coming along with a Test Request Sheet (Ref. SASU-RLC-EB-003)
Shall be used to request tests following this procedure, and approve them by all parties prior to
The test.
The process for requesting a test is as follows:
- The Test Request Sheet must be filled-in by TSO from customer request and sent to Sales
Support -
Product Support reviews the request, modify or add comments and put their approval
- The approved form is sent back to the TSO with associated TFN and prices.
- The TSO review Product Support comments and discuss with the customer in order to reach
- At order entry, the form is sent back with the order with the approval from all parties including
Only on receipt of this Test Request Sheet completed and approved by all parties, the test will
be considered
As acceptable by the factory for planning.


List of internal tests of components during manufacturing process

Please note that these tests will not be part of test method statements for chiller witnessed test
as they are undertaken during manufacturing, and so, before the performance test. However, the
facilities can be inspected at the time of the witness test (factory visit)

- EVP and CDS High Pressure Test Resistance (as per Pressure Vessel Code - PED)
- EVP and CDS Pressure test Leakage
- Oil Separator High Pressure Test Resistance (as per Pressure Vessel Code - PED) (made
by the supplier)
- Pressure Test Unit Assembled Total Circuit
- Leakage Test Unit Assembled Total Circuit
- Electrical Sequence Test

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Page 3

The Test Loop for Air Cooled chillers in Charmes is compliant with EN14511 and approved by
Eurovent for performance tests of units below and above 600kW, allowing us to have the
Eurovent certification in Certify All for all our chillers.

Air Loop
The design ambient operating conditions are simulated by means of 4 Air Handling Units (Trane
CLCE total 600.000 m3/h) recovering part of the heat rejected by the condenser to simulate the
load in the water loop and using the remaining heat from condenser to increase the temperature
around the Chiller tested. The ambient temperature is managed by these AHU with the
possibility to mix with outside air.
The average ambient air temperature entering in the condenser is verified by few temperature
sensors installed in the chamber on each side of the unit to be tested.

The installation is anyway not capable of decreasing the temperature below the minimum given

Air flow = 600.000 m /h

Drilled diffusion wall for

good air homogeneity
Page 4
Water Loop
The heat load is transferred to the chilled water loop from the AHU for one part, and the steam
factory heating system or a dedicated outdoor boiler for the other part (by mean of a plate heat
exchanger). 3-way valves control the load to the desire cooling capacity to be tested. A variable
flow water pump controlled by the computer helps to circulate the chilled water at design flow
rate. When a pump is fitted on the chiller, this pump is used to circulate the water for the test. A
flow meter is installed in the loop to verify the flow rate.

Page 5
Test Loop Capabilities / Operating Map

- Cooling Capacity (Min / Max): 250 to 1600 kW

- Evaporator leaving water temperature = 5 to 15C
- Water flow: 10 to 70 l/s
- Power input: Up to 750kVA (in 50Hz)
- Voltage range: On request for special units in other voltages than standard
- Ambient Temperatures simulated:
o Mini ambient temp = Outdoor ambient + 6C
o Max ambient temp depends on Cooling Cap and Outdoor temperature
+50C(see ANNEXE A)

Note 1: The test loop cant test a reversible unit in heating mode + PHR/THR nor Free
Note 2: The testing facility does not allow the use of glycol in the water loop. As a
consequence, it is not possible to test below 5C leaving evaporator temperature.

Data Acquisition System

The data acquisition system consist in sensors (independent of the unit and calibrated by Trane
metrology department as per ISO9001 requirements) measuring the different physical data for
the test. These sensors are connected to Analog/Numerical Converter which converts the signal
prior to sending it to the computer for signal treatment.

Data,displayed on the screen in real time (instantaneous values + average on 3 minutes/180

- Cooling Capacity
- Power Input
- Efficiency

Page 6
- Simulated ambient air temperature
- Water entering and leaving temperature
- Water flow

The below parameters are also used to draw curves showing their trend and proving
- Water entering and leaving temperature
- Simulated ambient air temperature
- Cooling Capacity
- Power Input

Note: The curves are drawn on the screen, but no record of numerical data through time is
available as a table or Excel file.

Data recorded: The below data appears on the Test Report and will be the only data stored in
the system for years:

- Unit / Size / Serial Number / Order number / Date of test / Operator

- % load tested
- Entering / Leaving water temperature.
- Water flow rate.
- Ambient air temperature
- Cooling Capacity
- Total Chiller power input
- Average voltage across the three phases.
- Frequency of electrical supply.

Page 7
4.1) Pre-defined tests

4.1.1) Visual inspection only => Test B

The inspection takes place in the factory or outside depending on the unit location.
The customer will be able to see the unit(s) to check the quality of the construction, the
documentation provided with the unit (IOM, wiring diagram, submittal and lifting instructions) and
to check that the unit is in accordance with the order write up (Trane internal order description)

4.1.2) Performance Witnessed Test at Full Load only => Test C

The purpose of the performance test is to ensure that the chiller operates correctly and to verify
the performances against the order conditions as long as within the test loop capabilities
(see Test Loop description chapter), or others agreed before order entry.

The unit is tested at 100% load with the presence of the customer.
The performance data are recorded against the conditions agreed.
The customer has the possibility to make a visual inspection as long as it is done with all the
necessary safety.
A list of the measurement tools with the date of calibration can be provided on customer request.

See ANNEXE B for the detailed test planning and ANNEXE C for a test report sample.
Also refer to Test Loop description and Acceptance Criteria chapter for more details.

All the test described in this test procedure shall be performed on this Reggane project
1. Visual Inspection
2. Dimensional Check
3. Performance Test
4. Document Review
5. Test Reports
6. Internal Test reports/check lists eg; pr test,coil leal test,etc

Page 8

5.1) Eurovent Acceptance Criteria

Based on EUROVENT Standard 6/C/003-2011

The chillers will be deemed to have passed the test if at full load it meets the specified cooling
capacity and total power input within the following criteria of acceptability:

- Water temp mean value = +/- 0,3C
- Cooling Capacity at full load: - 5 %
- Water flow rate = +/- 1%
- Power Input at full load: +5%
- Air temperature = +/- 1C
- EER or COP at full load: - 5 %
- Voltage +/- 10%
- EER and CC at part load condition: -(2+3/LR)%
- Frequency +/- 1%

LR = Load Ratio (example: For 25% load, LR = 0,25 => 2+3/0,25 = 2+12 = 14% tolerance on
=> 6 / 8 / 14% tolerances at part loads 75 / 50 / 25%

5.2) Uncertainty of measurement

The maximum acceptable uncertainty of measurement on displayed values is specified in the

applicable standard EN 14511:

- Water temperature = +/- 0.1C

- Water flow rate = +/- 1%
- Air temperature = +/- 0.2C
- Voltage / Amperes / Frequency = 1%

Page 9

- Inspection Report Sheet (only if witnessed)

- Performance Test Report
- Metrological tools calibration list (on request)


Safety shoes, safety glasses and ear plugs are mandatory in the factory.
Please never touch any part that can be hot or sharp and hurt you, enter in the
assembly lines or leave the group and walk alone.

Pictures in the factory are forbidden for confidentiality reasons (unless authorized by
factory representative in the Test Loop

It is forbidden to smoke in the factory (specific areas are defined for this purpose)

Any test or request that can lead to a dangerous situation for anybody will be
denied. Intervention and tests into the electrical panel of the unit connected to the
power supply shall be highly limited. Access to the electrical panel is NOT allowed to
non-authorized people and people without electrical habilitation.

In case of emergency, First Aid Workers will help you. They wear special green
clothing, with the letters SST in red on their back.

In case of emergency, First Aid Workers will help you. They wear special green
clothing, with the letters SST in red on their back.

It is recommended to limit the number of visitors to 5 people (including Trane

representatives) which is the maximum allowed in the Test Loop room at the same time.


ANNEXE A Maximum Ambient temperatures in the Test Loop

Air Cooled test Loop max Ambient Temperatures

Mini amb temp (C) = Outdoor Ambient +6C

ANNEXE B - Customer Factory Test: Typical Planning (Test C and D)

Test Objective: Thermal load test to verify the performances at 100% load (or part loads if
ordered) at design conditions or others agreed (as long as these are within the test loop

Test General Planning: The visiting customers will be briefed on the test loop, procedures,
targets of the test and safety rules.
The visitors are equipped with all necessary individual safety protections before proceeding to
the test loop located in the factory.

The following steps 1 to 4 linked with test preparation will be conducted without customer
presence as these are not relevant for the test itself.

1) The chiller will be positioned in the test chamber and connected to the water loop as
above. Units are generally pre-tested prior to the customer visit as to make sure the unit is
compliant for the witness test.

2) The test loop technician will make all necessary setups and safety installation prior to running
the unit.

3) The unit will be powered at the network (or special) power supply voltage and frequency, and
adjusted to the agreed flowrate and temperatures.

4) Heat will be added to the water loop as to generate the necessary cooling load and the chiller
will load as to keep the chilled water setpoint. The data acquisition starts from the beginning and
the unit will keep on at the requested load until the temperatures are stabilized (proved by the
trend curves on the screen).

5) The customers are led to the test loop as to witness the stability of the values and validate the
performances (data shown on the screen) Stabilization for max 15 minutes for each point

6) Once approved by the customer, the data are captured as to generate the test report prior to
stop the unit, or keep on to the next test if planned.

7) The Test Report(s) is (are) printed and given to customer as 1 original by default (other
originals, copies or scan are possible on request)

8) When the result is concluded by the witnessing parties, an Inspection Record Sheet is
signed for Trane records, with copy to the witnessing parties, thus closing the test session.

ANNEXE C Test Report sample


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