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rural life.
1. The ancestors of the horse lived
_________ and were about half a (A) and producing
meter tall. (B) who they produced
(C) producing
(A) years ago 60 million (D) whose production of
(B) 60 million years ago
(C) ago 60 million years
(D) million years ago 60 6. Since prehistoric people first
applied natural pigments to cave
walls, _________ have painted to
2. The museum on Ellis Island, a express themselves.
former immigration station,
contains documents and (A) when artists
artifacts_________ to four centuries (B) artists
of United States immigration. (C) artists who
(D) that artists
(A) related them
(B) related
(C) related that 7. About 42 million bushels of oats are
(D) be related used annually _________
manufacture of breakfast foods in
die United States.
3. _________, particularly the oxides of
sulfur, greatly increases the rate (A) the
at which rust forms. (B) is the
(C) in the
(A) The presence of air pollutants (D) to
(B) Air pollutants are present
(C) Because the presence of air
pollutants 8. Any acid can, in principle,
(D) Air pollutants whose presence neutralize any base, although
_________ between some of the
more reactive compounds.
4. The Sun, the Moon, and Earth have
magnetic fields, and_________ (A) side reactions can occur
evidence that the stellar that (B) the occurrence of side reactions
extend through vast regions can
galaxies have fields of space. (C) can side reactions occur
(D) side reactions that can occur
(A) which is
(B) is
(C) because 9. Just over two-thirds of Earths
(D) There is surface is covered by wafer,
_________ more than 98 percent of
this water is contained in the
5. The confederation school poets of oceans.
nineteenth-century Canada were
primarily nature poets, _________ a (A) with
(B) which States from destruction or
(C) and alteration.
(D) resulting (A) both
(B) came
l0. Pleasing to look at and touch, (C) did
beads come in shapes, colors, and (D) when
materials _________.to handle and
to sort them. 15. ----- 200 bones forming the
(A) that almost compel one framework, or skeleton, of the human
(B) one compels body.
(C) that compel almost (A) Being over
(D) one is almost compelled (B) There are over
(C) Where over
(D) Over
11. In 1978 the united States National
Air and Space Administration
selected Sally Ride _________.the 16. The worlds water balance is
first woman astronaut. regulated by the constant
circulation of water in Liquid and
(A) who being vapor tom among the oceans, the
(B) to be atmospheric, and the land.
(C) and being
(D) was
17. The major purpose of the United
12. Adhesions are _________ formed States Department of Education
within the body in response to are to ensure equal educational
inflammation or injury. opportunity for all and to improve
the quality of education.
(A) that thin bands of scar tissue
(B) they thin bands of scar tissue
when 18. Massive gains in computer speed,
(C) thin bands of scar tissue power, and reliably have been
(D) thin bands of scar tissue able to largely due to advances in silicon
technologies and manufacturing
13. The planet Neptune is about 30 processes.
times _________ from the Sun as
Earth is. 19. The sunflower, the official state
(A) far flower of Kansas, and is
(B) as far widespread in the prairies of the
(C) more far western United States.
(D) far that
14. Not until the 1850s _________ a 20. Lake Superior, part of the United
few public-spirited citizens and States-Canadian boundary, is a
state legislatures seek to rescue largest freshwater lake in the
historic buildings in the United world.
standard which by the symphony
21. The snapper, a large-headed fish orchestra is tuned.
with a long dorsal fin, is named to
its characteristic way of suddenly 29. Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that
shutting its mouth. form cushions between tendons
and bones and protect them while
22. The aim of the decorative arts is movement.
to beautiful our surroundings.
30. In 1916, United States suffragist
23. Modern digital synthesizers, based Alice Paul founded the National
on microprocessors, are virtually Womans Party, a political party
unlimited in the number and dedicate to establishing equal
range of musical sounds it can rights for women.
31. The spice cinnamon and the drugs
24. During the years he composed, cascara and quinine all come from
Charles Ives was isolation from bark, the protective out layer of
the music world; none of his major stems and roots of woody plants.
works was publicly performed.
32. Tunas migrate long distances over
25. Psychoanalysis is a form of all the worlds oceans and occupy
therapy that attempts to tropical, temperate, and even
eliminate conflict by alter the some the cooler waters.
personality in a positive way.
33. Taste buds, small sensory organ
26. Globally, the 1990s stood out as located on the tongue and palate,
the warmest decade for what we recognize four primary tastes:
have weather records. sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
34. Astronauts receive extensive
training to prepare themselves
27. Silicon chips are reliable and both physically and
cheap to produce in large psychologically for complexity and
numbers and are used them in rigor of a space mission.
computers, calculators,
programmed household
appliances, and most electronic 35. By 1900 several prominent
applications. technical institutions, including
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, fashioned its own
28. Because its pitch cannot easily be educational offerings to meet the
altered, the oboe serves as the industrial needs of the United
36. Some of the earliest mechanical
devices were designed to raise
water from streams for the
irrigate of crops.
1.In the late 1970s and early 1980s, 7.The basis premise behind all
the United States developed the agricultural production is
reusable space shuttle ________to _____available the riches of the soil for
space cheaper and easier. human consumption.
A. to make access A. to be made
B. and making access B. the making
C. which made accessible C. making is
D. and made accessible. D. to make
8.___to the united states House of
2. Genetically, the chimpanzee is Representatives in 1791, Nathaniel
more similar to humans _______. Macon remained in office until 1815.
A. are than any other animal A. Election
B. than is any other animal B. Why he was elected
C. any other animal is C. Elected
D. and any other animal is D. Who was elected
3._______more than 65,000 described 9.________ of classical ballet in the
species of protozoa, of which united states began around 1830.
more than half are fossils. A. To teach
A. Being that there are B. Is teaching
B. There being C. It was taught
C. Are there D. The teaching
D. There are 10.The universe is estimated
4.The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 ___between 10 billion and 20 billion
___ nearly unanimously through the years old.
United States Congress. A. being
A. passed B. to be
B. in passage C. which is
C. having passed D. is.
D. passing
5.Modern skyscrapers have a steel 11. A situation in which an economic
skeleton of beams and columns ___a market is dominated by a ____ is
three-dimensional grid. known as a monopoly.
A. forms A. single of a product seller
B. from which forming B. product single of a seller
C. and forming C. seller of a product single
D. that forms D. single seller of a product
6.The average level of United States 12.____ freshwater species of fish
prices grew very little from 1953 build nests of sticks, stones, or
until the mid-1960s when scooped-out sand..
____________. A. As the many
A. did inflation begin B. Of the many
B. inflation began C. Many
C. the beginning of inflation D. Many of them are
D. did the beginning of inflation
13.Newspaper publishers in the united 19.Fluorine is a greenish gas too
states have estimated active that even water and glass
___________reads a newspaper burn in it.
every day. 20.In general, novels are thought of
A. nearly 80 percent of the adult extended works of prose fiction
population who depicting the inner and outer lives
B. it is nearly 80 percent of the adult of their characters.
population 21.Metabolism is the inclusive term
C. that nearly 80 percent of the adult for the chemical reactions by
population who which the cells of an organism
D. that nearly 80 percent of the adult transforms energy, maintain their
population identity, and reproduce.
14. The foundation of all other 22.Although most petroleum is
branches of mathematics is produced from underground
arithmetic, _ science of calculating reservoirs, petroleum occurs in a
with numbers. varieties of forms at the surface.
A. is the 23.A musical organ can have pipes of
B. the two kinds: flue pipes that work
C. which the like a flute and reed pipes that
D. because the operate on same principle as a
15.Nylon was ___the human-made
fibers. 24.The Land Ordinance of 1784
A. the first of which divided the western lands
B. what the first of belonging to the United States
C. it the first of into territories, each to be govern
D. the first of temporarily by its settlers.
16.The male cicada sound is made by 25.If there is too much pituitary
specialized structures on the hormone of too few insulin, the
abdomen and which apparently amount of sugar in the blood rises
serves to attract females. abnormally, producing a condition
called. Hyperglycemia.
17.Televisions are now an everyday
feature of most households in the 26.The care of children during their
United States, and television years of relative helplessness
viewing is the number one activity appears to have being the chief
leisure. incentive for the evolution of
family structures.
18.Bacteria are one of the most
abundant life forms on Earth, 27.It was not until the 1920s that
growing on and inside another pollution came to be viewed by
living things, in every type of many as a threat to the health of
environment. live on Earth.
28.Platelets are tiny blood cells that
help transport hormones and
other chemicals throughout the comes to accuracy, speed of
body, and it play a role in clotting firing,and endure.
blood. 38.Evidence from ancient fossils
29. Until the twentieth century, indicates the scorpion may had
pendulum clocks were calibrated been among the first land
against the rotation of earth by animals.
taking astronomically 39.Jetties, piers designed to aid in
measurements. marine navigation, are
30.The rapid growth of the worlds constructed primary of wood,
population over the past 100 stone, concrete, or combinations
years have led to a great increase of these materials.
in the acreage of land under 40.The Barnes Foundation in Merion,
cultivation. Pennsylvania, was chartered in
31.In the eighteenth century, the 1922 to promotion art education
Pawnees, descendants of the by providing art classes and by
Nebraska culture, lived in villages establishing a publishing program.
sizeable on the Loup and Platte
rivers in central Nebraska.
32.The attraction of opposite charges
is one of the force that keep
electrons in orbit around of
nucleus of an atom.
33.Of every the major traditions of
wood carving, the one that is
closest in structure to the tree is
the crest pole made by the Native
Americans of the Northwest coast.
34.Many of the fine-grained varieties
of sedimentary rocks known as
shales yield oil when distilled by
35.In 1820 there were only 65 daily
newspapers in the united states,
which total daily circulation of
perhaps 100,000.
36.The Milky Way galaxy includes the
Sun, its planets, and rest of the
solar system, along with billions of
stars and other objects.
37.Some of sharpshooter Annie
Oakleys exploits with a gun are
almost unbelievable when it
2004 08 (A) commercial companies by
1In tile philosophical school of (B) companies commercial by
pragmatism, -----certainty and there sponsored
are no absolutes. (C) sponsored by commercial
(A) there is no companies
(B) is there not (D) companies commercial
(C) neither sponsored by
(D) no
7. In the early 1900's, Albert Einstein
2. The femur, or thighbone, is -------in showed---, under special
the human body. circumstances, matter and energy
(A) the bone is longest can be converted into one another.
(B) the longest bone that (A) in which
(C) the longest bone (B) that
(D) that of which the longest bone (C) what
(D) there are
3.------- different kinds of beans are
cultivated throughout the world. 8.------in the United States began in
(A) Many the eighteenth century, when
(B) Of the many individuals, merchants, and colonial
(C) There are many governments loaned money to one
(D) Many are the another.
(A) Banking
4. A major source of rock salt is (B) When banking
domes, ------of rock salt embedded in (C) It was banking
surrounding layers of earth. (D) Banking was
(A) are that vertical cylinders
(B) that vertical cylinders 9. By performing specific motions,
(C) cylinders are vertical forager honeybees are able to recruit
(D) vertical cylinders ---------to gather at a recently
discovered food source.
5. Hot springs are one of the most (A) while their nestmates
characteristic features of areas of (B) so that their nestmates
recent volcanic activity, although----- (C) their nestmates
in other areas less abundantly. (D) their nestmates are
(A) also to have occurred
(B) their occurrence also 10. Although the chemical elements
(C) also occur niobium and tantalum are not quite
(D) they do also occur ----------zirconium and hafnium, the
differences between them are slight
6. Soap operas, a type of television (A) as similar
drama series, are so called because (B) as similar as
at first they were ---such as soap (C) similar than
(D) that similar 16. Reptiles are found on land and in
water, but they cannot alive in frigid
11. ------both safety and reliability climates because they need the
have always been primary goals of Sun's warmth to give them energy_
the railway mechanical engineer.
(A) Railroad history 17. Stone tools began to be replaced
(B) Railroad history includes around 6,000 years ago by metal
(C) Throughout railroad history tools, who were used to build
(D) In railroad history there are instruments and simple machines.
12. The trumpet is-----of most dance 18. One of the most famous
and jazz bands. structures in the world, the Statue of
(A) a part is important Liberty is widely considered a
(B) partly important inspiring symbol of hope and
(C) what part is important freedom.
(D) an important part
19. Buses were developed at the
13. Most whole milk undergoes beginning of the twentieth century to
homogenization, -------hot milk is compete with streetcars by providing
pumped through valves to break up flexibility greater in routes.
and permanently disperse the fat
globules. 20. Abundant rainfall or irrigation is
(A) a process necessary during the early grow
(B) which process period of coffee, but dry conditions
(C) a process in which during ripening produce beans with
(D) which is a process the best flavor.
14. A lingua franca is any auxiliary 21. There was at least 2,000 years
language, -------a rudimentary kind, ago that inhabitants of the
used as a medium of communication Northwest Coast of North America
between people who speak different first established trade mutes for
languages. obsidian.
(A) of which usually
(B) which usually of 22. The simplest polymers are
(C) is usually of created when pressure or heat
(D) usually of causes small molecules alter slightly
and link together in a long chain.
15. In 1865 the astronomer Maria
Mitchell became ----appointed to the 23. A Canadian Prime Minister must
faculty of Vassar College. have the supportive of a majority of
(A) as the first woman the members of the Houseof
(B) the first woman was Commons to remain in office.
(C) the first woman
(D) being the first woman 24. The Ashcan school of painting
concentrated on ordinary --even
ugly--city scenes, rendering they in
straightforward, conventional styles
that bordered occasionally on 33. Of all the elements in the Earth's
illustration. crust, oxygen is known to be the
more common.
25. By the end of the 1950"s, the
suburban population of the United 34. In microphotography, processes
States totaled 60 million, photographic are used to reproduce
approximately equivalence to the text or illustrations on film in sizes
urban areas of the country. requiring magnification for reading or
viewing them.
26. Because it is often dependent of
the conditions of crystallization, the 35. The round, hard-shelled nuts of
composition of the minerals in a rock the macadamia tree grow in clusters
can be important in determining the and are covered with husks what
rock's geologic history. split when the nuts are ripe.
27. Endemic diseases are diseases 36. The United States Social Security
that habitual infect only those Act, enacted in 1935, contained
persons living within certain three major programs a retirement
geographical limits. fund, unemployment insurance, and
welfare grants for local distribute.
28. Regional geography examines,
on a regional basis, the ways in 37. The light produced by lasers is in
which the people local interact with general far more monochromatic,
the environment of the area where powerfully, and coherent than that
they live. from any other light source.
29. The Mobile River and its 38. Nineteenth-century United States
tributaries, which flow south to the artist John La Farge was the premier
Gulf of Mexico, form most important interior designer of his time,
river system in Alabama. receiving commissions for church
interiors, private houses, and mural.
30. Beneath the surface of the ocean
there lies a hidden world inhabit by 39. During first ten years of the
plants and animals we rarely see. Space Age, which began in 1957,
more than 500 artificial satellites
31. Advertising's primary objective is were rocketed into orbit around the
to presell a product, that is, to Earth.
convince consumers to purchase an
item before they are actually see and 40. Settlers streamed into
inspect it. Connecticut River towns in so large
numbers between 1765 and 1790
32. Fats and fixed oils are greasy or that they nearly doubled the
waxy substance that ill their pure population of Hampshire County,
state are normally tasteless, Massachusetts.
colorless, and odorless.'
2004 10
5. In area, Montana is the fourth
largest state in the United States,----
1. Inertial navigation,---- a vital role it ranks forty-fourth in population.
in space exploration, employs (A) nor (B) in
devices called accelerometers to spite of
measure accelerations of spacecraft. (C) how (D) but
(A) it plays
(B) which plays 6. Larch and spruce trees ---- in bogs
(C) which it plays and wet areas of the northern United
(D) in which plays States.
(A) found
2. ----- they rely on external sources (B) are found
of warmth, amphibians in cool (C) have found
regions hibernate through the (D) finding
(A) Because (B) By 7. Ostrich eggs are larger ----of any
reason of Other living animal; they may be 150
(C) Due to (D) Since mm long and 127 mm wide and have
that a shell 1.97 mm thick.
(A) than those (B) of those
3. In 1846 --- agreed upon the (C) those that (D) than
boundaries separating what would
become Washington and British 8. Although rain falls throughout
Columbia. most of the world, in Antarctica, and
(A) when the Canadian and United in a few other places,
States governments -------precipitation occurs as ice and
(B) the Canadian and United States snow.
governments which (A) and all (B) all
(C) with the Canadian and United (C) where all (D) it is all
States governments
(D) the Canadian and the United 9. ---- to learn about human origins
States governments and evolution, the physical
anthropologist studies fossil remains
4. Prized for centuries for their and observes the behavior of other
beauty, roses are probably the primates.
world's --- plants. (A) Because trying
(A) cultivated ornamental most (B) Do they try
widely (C) There is trying
(B) ornamental widely cultivated (D) In trying
(C) most widely cultivated 10. ---- where the American craft
ornamental movement seems to have flourished
(D) widely ornamental most most vigorously, partly through its
association with the Prairie School of 15. A challenging new area in
Architecture. inorganic chemistry is ---- the role of
(A) Was the Midwest transition metals in the biochemical
(B) The Midwest as catalysts called enzymes.
(C) It was the Midwest (A) that of understanding
(D) The Midwest being! (B) to have understanding
(C) the understanding
11. ---- as taste is really a composite (D) understanding that
sense made up of both taste and
smell. 16. The hermit crab, a crustacean
(A)To which we refer that uses an empty shell as a
(B)What do we refer to portable refuge to cover its soft
(C)That we refer to it abdomen, changes shells as grows.
(D) What we refer to
17. In the mid-1960's many artists
12. Lorraine Hansberry's play A began to working outdoors on a large
Raisin in the Sun was ---- to be scale, making the landscape rather
produced on Broadway. than the studio their arena.
(A) the first drama that all African
American woman 18. Electoral politics in the United
(B)an African American woman States has been dominated by two
whose first drama political parties since the administer
(C)an African American woman's of George Washington.
drama that first
(D) the first drama by an African 19. Art Deed, a style of design
American woman popular in the 1920's and 1930's,
was used primarily in furniture,
13. When changes in the tilt of the jewel, textiles, and interior
Earth relative to the Sun shift the decoration.
location of South America's warmest
zone,---- with it. 20. Initially introduced in 1852, the
(A) the rains go gyroscope consists a spinning
(B) as go the rains device, usually in the form of a
(C)which the rains to go wheel, that exhibits strong angular
(D) and the rains going momentum.
30. Some seeds are viable, or 38. Animals have to cope with and
capable of growing into healthy control physical and chemical
processes that do not necessarily act
to benefit of the animal. 40. With more than half the world's
annual yield of 50 million tons of soy
39. By 1810 the 23 towns of beans, an important source of
Hampshire County, Massachusetts, protein, is grown in the United
had reached a remarkable uniform of States.
economic development as well as
population density.