Supreme Court: Republic of The Philippines
Supreme Court: Republic of The Philippines
Supreme Court: Republic of The Philippines
Supreme Court
- versus - BRION,
In an Investigation Report[1] dated June 15, 2009, Mr. Reynaldo V. Dianco, Chief of
the CA Security Services Unit, informed Hon. Justice Normandie B. Pizarro,
Chairperson of the CA Security and Safety Committee, that at around 8:00 a.m. of
June 8, 2009, the respondent, who was inside the guardhouse, accidentally fired his
service pistol, a 9mm FEG Hungary, while in the process of unloading it for
turnover to SG1 Miguel Tamba, the guard on duty for the next shift. In the same
report, Mr. Dianco recommended that the respondent be dismissed from the service
for gross neglect of duty. The matter was forwarded to the CA Clerk of Court, Atty.
Teresita R. Marigomen, for investigation.[2]
On June 22, 2009, the CA Clerk of Court filed a formal charge [3] against the
respondent for gross neglect of duty and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of
the service. The respondent was directed to file a written answer, under oath,
within five (5) days from receipt thereof.
In his verified answer,[4] the respondent explained that the firing of his service
pistol on June 8, 2009 was purely accidental, it was not done with evident bad
faith, and it did not cause undue injury to any party; hence, his dismissal from the
service for gross neglect of duty is unwarranted. He narrated that, to his surprise,
the pistol went off after he removed the magazine and while emptying the chamber
load; that immediately after the incident, he reported the same to the CA Clerk of
Court; and that in turning over the pistol to SG1 Tamba, he observed the usual and
safety procedure of pointing the guns muzzle towards the ground, particularly to
the inner wall of the guardhouse, and at a safe distance from his co-officer a fact
attested to by SG1 Tamba in an affidavit attached to his answer.[5] As cause of the
accidental discharge, the respondent intimated that his pistol may have been
defective because during their recent firing course at Camp Crame, service pistols
of the model 9mm FEG Hungary used in the shooting exercises malfunctioned;
that the malfunctioning of the 9mm FEG Hungary pistols was made known to
Justice Pizarro; and that their police instructor at Camp Crame recommended that
they no longer use the 9mm FEG Hungary pistols as they may encounter problems
with them in the future. The respondent reiterated these arguments in the position
paper[6] he subsequently filed with the CA.
After the investigation, the CA Clerk of Court did not find the respondent
guilty of gross neglect of duty and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the
service. However, the CA Clerk of Court found the respondent liable for simple
neglect of duty, and recommended the penalty of one (1) month and one (1) day
suspension without pay, with a stern warning that a repetition of the same offense
would be dealt with more severely. The CA Clerk of Court forwarded the
Investigation Report and Recommendation[7]to CA Presiding Justice Andres B.
Reyes, Jr., who adopted the recommended penalty and forwarded the records of the
instant case to this Court.[8]
In his comment,[10] the respondent stressed that the incident was purely
accidental; that he had complied with the standard procedure in unloading his
pistol, but despite this, the pistol still went off without his fault. For this reason, he
argued that the recommended penalty of dismissal from the service is highly
improper and he prayed that the charges against him be dismissed for insufficiency
of evidence. Also, he related that he had been employed with the CA for eleven
(11) years and that his latest performance rating for the period of January to June
2009 was very satisfactory.
After a review of the records, the OCA agreed with the CAs finding that the
respondent is guilty of simple neglect of duty. For one, the OCA did not find the
elements of gross negligence present in the case. The OCA, however, could not
absolve the respondent from liability because the latter, by accidentally firing his
service pistol, still failed to exercise the diligence required in the proper discharge
of his functions; that the respondent should have been extra careful in handling his
firearm while turning it over to SG1 Tamba. The OCA belied the respondents claim
that his service pistol was defective for there was evidence which showed that the
exact same service pistol issued to him was in good condition and has never been
reported for any malfunction this fact was attested to by former SG1 Marcialito
Villaflor and SG1 Romeo Pimentel, to whom the same service pistol had earlier
been issued.[11]
Also, the OCA did not find the respondent liable for the offense of conduct
prejudicial to the best interest of the service because the records do not show that
the respondents negligent act compromised the integrity and efficacy of the
government service.[12]
The unexpected discharge of a firearm may occur for a variety of reasons. It can be
the result of mechanical failure such as wear, faulty assembly, damage or faulty
design of the firearm, but most often, undesired discharges result from operator
error or due to the carelessness or ineptness of the person handling the firearm. It is
for the latter reason that our court security personnel are taught the basic rules of
firearm or gun safety in order to prevent incidents of undesired discharges.
In ruling out mechanical causes, it can only be concluded that the undesired
discharge of the respondents service pistol was the result of his own negligence; in
the usual course of things, a firearm that is being unloaded should not discharge if
gun safety procedures had been strictly followed. What cannot be denied is that the
gun fired and the firing could not have happened unless there was a bullet in the
guns chamber. Assuming that the respondent did indeed remove the magazine and
did indeed cock the gun to eject whatever bullet that might have been in the
chamber, obviously, he simply cocked the gun and did not visually examine if the
chamber was clear. This is a basic and elementary precaution that every gun
handler, more so a security guard who is provided a gun for his duties, should
We also agree with the OCA that the respondent is not liable for conduct
prejudicial to the best interest of the service. Although the Revised Uniform Rules
on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service [17] does not provide for a definition or
enumerate acts that constitute such an offense, we held that conduct prejudicial to
the best interest of the service refers to acts or omissions that violate the norm of
public accountability and diminish or tend to diminish the peoples faith in the
Judiciary.[18] Here, we do not find the respondents negligent act to have an adverse
reflection on the Judiciarys integrity.