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SBI 3012 Information and Comunication Technology in Biology Assignment 1: Smart School

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The Malaysian Smart School is a learning institution that has been systemically reinvented in
terms of teaching-learning practices and school management in order to prepare children for
the Information Age. For todays children, the information age is already a reality. Students
are taking more responsibility for specifying and initiating some of the learning task,
including team-oriented investigation. A new pedagogy, supported by a set of widespread
classroom practices, is emerging that encourages individual and small group investigation of
student-generated questions. The teacher becomes a consultant, guide and facilitator as
students seek answers and develop skills. As a mechanism of accomplishing these tasks,
technology becomes a most important enabling asset. Hence, there are five important
objectives in Smart School which are development of individual (intellectual, physical,
emotional, and spiritual), create an opportunities to enhance individual strengths and abilities,
democratizing education, increasing involvement of stakeholders, and produce a thinking and
technology literate workforce.


The primary objective of Smart School management will be to manage efficiently and
effectively the resources and processes required to support the teaching-learning functions.
Management also will help to reallocate skilled human resources to more valuable activities,
save costs over the long term, improve the quality of decisions through better access to
information, and accelerate decision making. The world today is getting smaller, the pace of
change rapid, as information technology is set to change the lives and the work culture of
Malaysians. As Vision 2020 has made the entire nation realize the need for the pursuit of
excellence, it is time therefore to bring down the constraining towers of self-doubt and
insecurities Malaysians have built around them. There needs to be enough flexibility to be
able to adapt and take on new challenges when necessary. It has become necessary, with the
life cycle of knowledge being shortened, for the trend in education to change towards
promoting learning rather than just plain teaching. This new learning paradigm can be
attributed to the realization that man learns more from meaningful experiences.
The Teaching and Learning Component

In 1996, Malaysia identified that information and communication technology (ICT) as the
one foundation towards the more advance country. In declare this goals, the government also
acknowledged that such a transition will require a workforce capable of exploiting ICT to
create new economic opportunities. In order to develop this talent, the government announced
under Eight Malaysia Plan (RMK 8) the need to re-engineer the country education system
align it with its Vision 2020. The Smart School Flagship was one of the seven applications
identified under Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) initiative.

The Ministry of Education (MoE) planned the Smart School concept based on a critical look
at the creative teaching and learning processes. Technology is seen as an enabler and will
become important guiding principle of Smart Schools. As consequent, the Smart School
operates based on the Teaching Learning Concept related to Smart School Curriculum,
Pedagogy, Assessment and Teaching Learning Materials.

Smart Schools Curriculum

For the first Teaching Learning Concept is related to Smart School Curriculum. The Smart
Schools Curriculum designed according to the best practices of other successful Smart
Schools before. The element in this curriculum will enable the education system to achieve
the goals of National Philosophy of Education. There are few characteristics of curriculum
designed. Firstly, it designed to help students achieve overall and balanced development.
This means The Smart Schools curriculum will focus on all development of students
appropriate for the Information Age such as communication, cognitive, affective and
physical. For example in cognitive development, students acquiring knowledge. So, they will
focus on searching, generating and using knowledge with emphasis on problem solving and

Next, the characteristic curriculum is integrating of knowledge, skills, values and

correct use of language across the curriculum. Integrating of knowledge means student will
became knowledge. For example, the student gets the knowledge from problem solving. In
this curriculum, student will have the skill of creative and critical thinking skill, personal
skills, social skills and information technology skills. In this curriculum also, student can
built the value of self reliance, respect each other, love, freedom and others.

Besides, intended learning outcomes explicitly stated for different level abilities,
ensuring all student gain equal access to quality learning and allowing for self-paced learning
across grades. The curriculum will reflect vertical integration to allow high fliers to surf
through their schooling years, without being kept apart from their peers, in virtual express
classes. For example, each subject is divided into learning area which is included many
different level. For the first level, student listen to selected texts and respond to the question.
Second level, student will give idea, information and respond to variety of texts. Last level,
student will give their views and opinion.

The curriculum will reflect horizontal integration which features multidisciplinary and
interdisciplinary approaches. A multidisciplinary approaches is one in which two or three
subject areas are combined in a single learning area that focuses on a theme, issue, problem,
topic or concept. Whereas, the interdisciplinary approach combines all subject areas to focus
the full array of disciplines on theme, issues, problem , topic or concept.


For the second Teaching Learning Concept is pedagogy. The characteristics in pedagogy are
appropriate mix of learning strategies to ensure mastery of basic competencies and promotion
of holistic development likes encouragement of learning activities to promote creativity and
experimentation. The innovative methods of teaching that can make learning experience
interesting are the process, modes and tasks. The process of learning involves specific
learning goal that will achieve every day. Another characteristic that can makes classroom
atmosphere of Smart School interesting, we need to creating an atmosphere of respect.
Besides, we need to establish a culture for learning which is important of balance between
process and content in learning student pride in work.


The scope of assessment in Smart School is holistic in that it covers not only achievement but
also readiness, progress and aptitude. Such an approach will give various information
regarding the students learning style and abilities. For example, the assessment system will
be on-line. Online assessment means that the items for smart assessment will be stored in a
computerized item bank and be made available to users on terminals through networking. The
integration of technology as a tool to facilitate assessment will create a climate where
assessment can be provided for each student virtually on demand. With item banks and
networking, teachers, students, assessment workers can engage in assessment activities
whenever they are ready. Assessment will be conducted in various forms which is classroom
assessment, school based assessment and centralized assessment because to allow different
demonstrations of strengths, abilities and knowledge.

Teaching-Learning Materials
The Smart School teaching-learning materials will be designed to fully support the new
teaching- learning strategies. Firstly, the teaching-learning materials are cost effective, as well
as cosmetically and technically adequate. Secondly, the teaching-learning more cognitively
challenging, attractive motivates students to learn and encourages active participant. Besides,
conceptual selection and evaluation guidelines for teaching learning materials will cover five
main criteria. Teaching and learning materials will be acquired from a wide range of source,
and will no longer be limited by resources with schools. In addition to libraries, homes,
government departments and others sources include internet. Teaching-learning materials will
accommodate between students different needs and abilities resulting in fuller realization of
students capabilities and potential. Student also takes responsibility for managing and
directing their own learning.
Challenge of smart school

Challenge is the situation of being faced with of something that needs

great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a
person's ability. Meanwhile, example of challenge in noun is a call to take part in a contest or
competition, especially a duel. This is example of someone want to make some provocation.
Also an objection or query as to the truth of something, often with an implicit demand for


The performance in academic

Academic performance of Malaysian student get improvement across all nation

examination in 2009 in core subject Mathematics, Language and Science for

Smart School Qualification Standard (SSQS)

A monitoring tool to measure the use of ICT in schools.

School are given Star Ranking each year based on their performance in four areas :

Use of ICT

Competency of end-user (student, teacher, administrators)

Adoption of application provided by MOE (modules and courseware)

IT infrastructure.

A broad curriculum that consider the different capabilities and needs of all students.
Then, indirectly we can learn existing skills students are to maintain their abilities to
better ways.

A school climate that conducive to learning.

Strong and professional principals and teachers.

Lack of technological infrastructure and teaching materials in school. Because the
quantity of student too many, the issue lack of material will appear so the teaching and
learning process cannot be done systematically.
Limited internet connection. Too many users are using the same connection so that the
network cannot work perfectly.
Limitation of infrastructure, such as computer labs lead to ineffectiveness of
technology supported teaching and learning.
Shortages of computer.

Smart school hardware, software and courseware was found to be under-utilized.

Lack of ICT knowledge

Not comfortable with use of hardware and courseware.
A waste of time.
The design of the courseware does not accommodate for students with differing
needs and learning abilities.
Courseware lacks proper guidelines to use.
The processor takes a longer time and slow
Lack of knowledge can cause a damage.

Lack of training

Some teachers cannot teach effectively.

New teachers lack intensive training. This is because there are a number of teachers
who simply adopt a nonchalant attitude toward the importance of the use of
computers in the right way and should provide maximum exposure to students.

Time constraint

Students felt that learning using computer is very time consuming.

Teachers have to prepare earlier if they want to use the computer lab for teaching and
it may disturb the process of teaching and learning.


Students nowadays are passive.

They hope every material is provided by the teachers.


They are not getting involved in this project. parents give less attention to their
children and just give the job to educate the teachers. This indirectly may cause and
pressure to children because they did not get moral support from family.
They are too busy with their own work so they can upgrade their life and provide
better environment for the children.

Dont rush straight into your school council election; candidates might not know what
theyre applying for, turnout might be low, and you will have missed a really good
opportunity to improve your school council and engage more pupils. So pause for a
moment and consider the following questions!
This is a really useful starting point. Why do you have a school council? What do you
want your pupils to learn by having a school council in your primary or secondary
school? Take a moment to think about this. Think about the skills, values or
experiences youd like students to get out of having a school council in your school.

You might be thinking of answers like:

Empowerment and ability to make a change

Developing confidence and assertiveness
Taking responsibility
Making their voice heard
Learning about democracy

Think about who should learn these skills

who do you think should be able to learn these skills? Which students should be
involved? Hopefully this is an easy question to answer.

Brief or train your key staff

The introduction and set up section also includes the key information to let your
colleagues know about the new model and its learning outcomes.

Hand over to the students!

Once youve got agreement from your head and your colleagues understand the
model, thats when you can skill-up your students to run the model themselves.

The Smart School Flagship is one of the few initiatives in the region that incorporates
strategic planning elements into its implementation Roadmap. The milestones for the Smart
School Flagship has four waves.The Smart Schools concept has begin with the launched of
The Pilot Project to seek for the proof-of-concept before the next steps or phases are
implemented by the government. If the concept solution fulfills the scope of the service
required, then the entire project will be launched. Phases in the Smart School Flagship are
carried out in 4 waves as below:

WAVE 1 THE PILOT (1999 2002)

Ministry Of Education (MoE), Multimedia Development Corporation(MDC) and Telekom

Smart School Sdn. Bhd. (TSS) has build a partnership in order to ensure the involvement
from both the central and state levels. The MoE and TSS have signed the agreement on 28
July 1999. Different parties play different significant roles such as the MoE provided the
educational expertise while the industry partner, TSS on the other hand was setting up the
infrastructure and developing applications and teaching-learning solutions to fulfill the
requirements and objectives of the Smart School. Besides that, MDC was strategic the
position and role in the Information and Communication InTechnology (ICT) growth and
development process of the Multimedia Super Corridor(MSC) for build up the partnerships
with the industry sector. The Conceptual Blueprint of Smart School has clearly stated that
two type of phases will be launched, which are a Pilot Project phase and a broad roll-out
phase during the implementation of the Smart School. Eighty-eight (87) Pilot schools that
recognized to be the center for the roll-out of Smart School concepts, materials, skills and
technologies were participated in this Pilot Project phase. The Pilot Project tested the Smart
School Integrated Solution (SSIS) through various components. At this stage, measures such
as teachers and principals trained in use of Smart School application, ICT infrastructure and
systems as an enabler for quality teaching and learning, Data Centre, Help Desk and Call
Centre are taken. The implementation phase from year 1999 to 2002 was closely monitored
by the three parties. Issues that occurred at this phase were resolved at the meetings that
attended by the three parties.

WAVE 2 THE POST-PILOT (2002 2005)

When the Pilot Project was successfully concluded in 2002, a consortium of evaluators made
up of experts from the local universities was commissioned by the MoE or MDC partners to
conduct an evaluation of the project. Others also included a benchmarking study by Frost and
Sullivan, an independent consultant, to compare the Malaysia Smart Schools Integrated
Solution (SSIS) with eight other countries, a study by local academics, and technology
evaluation by the Smart School team and TSS. The benchmarking study compared the merits
of the SSIS and its components with similar implementations in Australia, Britain, Canada,
Ireland, Japan,New Zealand, Singapore and the USA to benchmark their best practices in
ICT-mediated education with that of Malaysia. The benchmark shown that Malaysia's
achievement is good as the teaching-learning courseware was tailor-made for Malaysian
curriculum while the other countries used courseware developed for the generic market. The
evaluation work began in April 2003 and a report of the findings was published in year 2004.
At this stage, it is more to enhancement of 88 Smart Schools. At Post Pilot phase, massive
computerization phase is launched to all 10,000 schools. Infrastructure and measures such as
computer lab, School Net, course wares, e-material and the Teaching-Learning Science And
Mathematics In English (PPSMI), an education policy is conducted to the whole Malaysia's


Making All Schools Smart is a continuous process to acculturate the use of technology in
education to ensure quality teaching and learning, effectiveness of school administration and
management and teachers' ICT competency. At this wave, the steps of leveraging all ICT
initiatives are taken. For examples, EduWebTV and School Access Centre are set up and
made full use of them. Smart School Qualification Standards (SSQS), a monitoring tool is
used to measure the utilization of ICT in schools.


At this wave, continuous effort is continued. Meticulous planning and monitoring, rigorous
training and upgrading of teachers and school administrators, enhancement of information
literary among school leavers and formulation of smart partnerships are taken to consolidate
and sustain the Smart Schools progress. The Educational Technology Division, as the lead
agency in the MoE Malaysia has prepared the Smart School Strategic Plan, 2011-2015 (Pelan
Strategik Pembestarian 2011-2015) to achieved the objectives of MASS. National Key
Results Areas (NKRA)for education that emphasis the need for improving student's outcomes
and providing access to quality education for all is launched. All the 10,000 schools should
achieve the smart schools standards in this wave. One of MoEs strategies to ensure schools
achieve the Smart School status is by means of the Catalyst Schools programme. Catalyst
School System To make sure the Catalyst School Program succeed, several programmes were
implemented like mindset & culture change, sharing of best practices, Community
Programmes/Smart Partnerships, ICT Buddy Support, Bestari Club (Bestari Brigade) and On-
Site Monitoring.


Smart Schools and In cultured Schools with Smart Technology is one effort initiated by the
Ministry of Education, Malaysia towards the enhancement of education in Malaysia to a more
competent level. The Smart School initiative can revolutionise learning in ways that are
beyond our grasp today. The Pilot and the Post-Pilot phases have helped in identifying
weakness and corrective steps have been identified to correct these and enhance the strength.
Ensuring the successful implementation of the nationwide expansion of the Smart School will
require certain move such as a long-term implementation plan for the period 2005-2020 will
set performance targets that will have to be met by the major players. The plan would have to
get the approval and fully backing of the government in terms of its commitments to the goals
of the Smart Schools. To ensure the successful implementation of Smart Schools , the effort
to prepare teachers as catalysts cannot be ignored any more. This is because they are the core
pillar of the nations education system there by acting as agents of change for the nation. In
order to ensure the successful realization of the requirements of Smart Schools and in
cultured schools with Smart Technology, teachers must be prepared to raise their own
personal state of capacity and capability to the level of excellence (Smart). For this the
provision of training of Smart teachers must be made a success as a starting point for produce
catalysts for the successful achievement of Smart Schools and In cultured Schools with Smart
Technology. The process of training transfer which is evident and continuous is very
important and will ensure that it becomes a national agenda for implementation on
continuous basis. This effort must be managed together and not thrust upon the shoulders of
the teachers alone. Support from management and the organization will strengthen further the
effort and seriousness of teachers to make Smart a reality.

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