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Model 897 Dosimeter Sound Measuring System Operator'S Manual

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Model 897

Dosimeter Sound Measuring System



INT 60s
1 2

"CAL" (60 sec)





Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538-0099 (715) 588-3311 FAX (715) 588-3326
Printed in U.S.A. Part No. 06-115891 Edition 6, 05/07
Visit us on the web at: www.simpsonelectric.com
About this Manual NOTES
To the best of our knowledge and at the time written, the information contained in
this document is technically correct and the procedures accurate and adequate
to operate this instrument in compliance with its original advertised specifica-
Notes and Safety Information
This Operators Manual contains warning symbols which alert the user to check
for hazardous conditions. These appear throughout this manual where appli-
cable, and are defined below. To ensure the safety of operating performance of
this instrument, these instructions must be adhered to.

! Warning, refer to accompanying documents.

Caution, risk of electric shock.

This instrument is designed to prevent accidental shock to the operator when
properly used. However, no engineering design can render safe an instrument
which is used carelessly. Therefore, this manual must be read carefully and com-
pletely before making any measurements. Failure to follow directions can result
in a serious or fatal accident.
Technical Assistance
SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY offers assistance Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm Central Time. To receive assistance contact Technical Sup-
port or Customer Service at (715) 588-3311.
Internet: http://www.simpsonelectric.com
Warranty and Returns
SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY warrants each instrument and other articles
manufactured by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under
normal use and service, its obligation under this warranty being limited to making
good at its factory or other article of equipment which shall within one (1) year
after delivery of such instrument or other article of equipment to the original
purchaser be returned intact to it, or to one of its authorized service centers, with
transportation charges prepaid, and which its examination shall disclose to its
satisfaction to have been thus defective; this warranty being expressly in lieu of
all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities
on its part, and SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY neither assumes nor autho-
rizes any other persons to assume for it any other liability in connection with the
sales of its products.
This warranty shall not apply to any instrument or other article of equipment
which shall have been repaired or altered outside the SIMPSON ELECTRIC
COMPANY factory or authorized service centers, nor which has been subject to
misuse, negligence or accident, incorrect wiring by others, or installation or use
not in accord with instructions furnished by the manufacturer.

2 31

30 3
Contents 12. Save data or copy to another program to print.
Data will remain stored in the dosimeter while the dosimeter is still on; once the
dosimeter is turned off, the data will be erased.
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 7
1.1 General Description ........................................................................... 7 4.14.2 Using Microsoft Works 3.0 For Dos
1.2 Items Furnished With Instrument ........................................................ 7 Access the WORKS program, and follow the prompts. Data is first received by the
1.3 Technical Data .................................................................................... 8 Communications portion of WORKS, then moved to the word processor portion,
2. PREPARATION FOR USE ............................................................... 11 and finally into the spreadsheet.
2.1 Unpacking And Inspection ............................................................... 11 From the Quick Start Options Menu, select Create a New File and then continue
2.2 Preparation For Use ......................................................................... 11 below:
2.3 Warranty ........................................................................................... 12
2.4 Shipping ........................................................................................... 12 4.15 Error Message
3. APPLICATION ................................................................................. 12
3.1 Decibel Scale ................................................................................... 12 If the display indicates ERRO3, turn off the dosimeter and wait 10 seconds. Then
3.2 Sound Level Meter ........................................................................... 12 turn the dosimeter on. This resets the 897 and the calibration is unaffected.
3.3 Measurement And Exposure Standards ..........................................13
3.3.1 Steady Level or Slowly Varying Noise ............................................. 13 Communications <OK>
3.3.2 Impact Noise .................................................................................... 15 Options
3.4 Dosimeter .........................................................................................15 Communication
3.5 Dosimeter Equation .......................................................................... 15 Baud Rate [match the 897--try 9600]
3.6 Sound Fields .................................................................................... 16 Data Bits [8]
3.6.1 Free Field .......................................................................................... 16 Stop Bits [1]
3.6.2 Reverberant Field ............................................................................. 16 Handshake [Hardware]
3.7 Microphone Orientation ....................................................................16 Parity [None]
3.7.1 Area Monitor in a Free Field ............................................................. 16
Port [COM1 or COM2], as required
3.7.2 Fixed Position Monitor in a Reverberant Field ................................. 16
3.7.3 Use of Dosimeter as a Personal Monitor ........................................ 16 <OK>
3.8 Windscreen .......................................................................................17 File Save [this will save the setup]
4. OPERATION .................................................................................... 17
4.1 Safety Precautions ........................................................................... 17
4.2 Operating Items And Features ......................................................... 17 Capture Text
4.3 Top Panel Operating Features ........................................................ 19 Save file as [897.DAT] <OK>
4.4 Battery Charging ..............................................................................19
4.5 Preliminary Checks .......................................................................... 20
4.5.1 Underrange Display ......................................................................... 20 Connect
4.5.2 Overrange Display ........................................................................... 20 >> On the 897, slide the OFF-ON-HOLD SWITCH TO HOLD AND PRESS
4.5.3 Diagnostic Memory Test .................................................................. 20 PRINT. You will see the data appear on the computer screen. When the data
4.6 Setting The Dosimeter Parameters ..................................................21 stops appearing...
4.6.1 The Dosimeter Parameters ............................................................. 21
4.6.2 To Program the Dosimeter ............................................................... 21 Connect
4.7 Security Controls ..............................................................................23 Connect
4.8 Selection Of Parallel Or Serial Output Format .................................23 OK to disconnect? <OK>
4.9 Automatic Data Logger .....................................................................23 File
4.10 Data Output Formats ........................................................................ 24 Close
4.11 Parallel Output And Serial Format 2 Prn 2 .................................... 24 File
4.12 Spreadsheet Output Format Prn 1 .................................................26 Open Existing File
4.13 Calibration ........................................................................................27 897.DAT <OK>
4.14 Dosimeter Application ......................................................................28 Open File As <Word Processor>
4.14.1 Using Microsoft Works 4.0 .............................................................. 28 <OK>
4.14.2 Using Microsoft Works 3.0 For Dos ................................................ 29 Select
4.15 Error Message .................................................................................. 30 Replace
Search for [*...........]
<Replace All> <OK>
4 29



INT 60s
ON 114dB
ON 94 dB






Figure 4-5. Calibration Hookup

f. (Optional) The time and date of this calibration may be recorded in the
Instruments memory by pressing and holding the SPL (CAL) switch until
the display flashes CAL. The Instrument will retain the two most recent such
occurrences, which may be observed only via the DATA OUTPUT. Due to
changes in atmospheric conditions, it is recommended that Instrument cali-
brations be conducted and recorded at the beginning and end of the day.
g. Turn off the calibrator, remove the microphone and replace the windscreen.

4.14 Dosimeter Application

The following text describes how to transfer data from the Simpson 897 Dosim-
eter into an IBM-compatible computer using Microsoft Works.
Using the optional RS-232-C serial cable, catalog #02233, connect the 897 to
your computers serial port, either COM1 or COM2.

4.14.1 Using Microsoft Works 4.0

1. Start Works 4.0
2. In Works Task Launcher, go to Works Tools.
3. Click on Communications.
4. Close the Easy Connect window if necessary.
5. Click on Settings and then Communications.
6. Choose the COM Port that the Dosimeter is connected to, then click on
7. Set Port Settings to match the Dosimeter (Flow control=Xon/Xoff), click OK.
8. Click OK again.
9. Click on the Dial/Hang-up button on the toolbar.
10. Press PRINT on the Dosimeter.
11. Data should now be displayed.
28 5
CAL: 114.0 dBA
25/JAN/02 08:23
08:09 25/JAN/02 RANGE: 80/130 dB
CAL: 114.0 dBa 08:40 25/JAN/02 RANGE: 80/130 dB
DOSE: 108.0%
LEQ 115.5
SPL-Max *130.0
Lc 90
th 80
rt 5
id 01
Pk 0
ET 17
HT 2


1 91.1 91.4 0 1 0
2 99.1 105.6 0 1 0
3 129.7 *130.0 0 1 0
4 130.0 *130.0 0 1 0
5 106.2 *130.0 0 1 0
6 *00.0 *00.0 0 1 0
7 *00.0 *00.0 0 0 0
8 95.9 96.7 0 1 0
9 89.9 96.7 0 1 0
10 80.1 80.3 0 1 0
11 80.5 94.6 0 -1 0
12 53.9 54.6 0 0 0
13 53.6 54.7 0 0 0
14 53.0 54.4 0 0 0
15 52.1 53.5 0 0 0
16 52.1 52.3 0 0 1
17 *00.0 *00.0 0 0 1

NOTES: 1. When read by a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Works, the LAVG, L-MAX, PEAKS,
RANGE AND HOLD columns will be aligned.
2. *00.0 indicates an underrange reading
*100.0 or *130.0 indicates an overrange reading

Figure 4-5. Sample Printout - Spreadsheet Serial Format 1 (Prn 1)

4.13 Calibration
Always check the calibration before making any measurement. Use the Simpson
Sound Level Calibrator, Model 887, Series 2.
a. Remove the windscreen (if used) and carefully insert the microphone fully
into the acoustic cavity of the Calibrator.
b. Set the calibrator power switch to the ON position and check that the cali-
brator battery is okay.

Never place the operating calibrator tightly against the ear. The high sound level
could be harmful, especially to someone with a hearing deficiency.
c. Set the OFF-RUN-HOLD slide switch in the 897 to the RUN position. Wait
until the Display Test sequence is completed, then depress the SPL (CAL)
d. Select the desired range: For checking at 94 dB use the 50/100 range; for
checking at 114 dB use the 80/130 range.
e. If calibration is required, using the screwdriver supplied with the calibrator,
turn the adjustment control until a reading of either 94.0 dB or 114.0 dB is
indicated on the display.
6 27
A sample of the Spreadsheet output format is illustrated in Figure 4-5. It is very
similar to the summary report, except it does not include a histograph and the
minute-by-minute data is not in real-time but in elapsed time. The Spread-Sheet 1.1 General Description
output is once for each minute of data saved by the data logger; that is once for
each minute of Elapsed Run Time (ET). The Simpson Model 897 is a combination dosimeter and Class S2A sound level
LAVG is the integrated (60 sec) reading. meter. It is a portable, easy-to-operate, accurate digital sound measurement in-
L-MAX is the maximum sound pressure level for this minute. strument designed to meet the requirements of OSHA and international noise
PEAKS is the number of 140 dB peaks detected this minute. exposure regulations.
RANGE can be 0 for the 50/100 range, 1 for 80/130 or -1 if the range The 897 has a built-in data logger with a 31 hour storage capability. There are two
switch changed during this minute. standard output formats available with the data logger, a Centronics compatible
HOLD is a number flag with a 1 signifying that the dosimeter was parallel printer and an RS-232C serial printer or computer. The 897 also meets
in RUN. the requirements for the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Specifica-
The Spreadsheet Output format is diagramed in Table 4-4. Note that each data tion S1.4-1983 and IEC651 for class S2A sound level meters and American
item is separated by two spaces. National Standard Institute (ANSI) Specification S1.25-1978 for Personal Noise
Table 4-4. Spreadsheet Output Format Measuring continuous, intermittent and impulsive noise in the standard range
from 80 dBA to 130 dBA, the 897 also offers a 50 to 100 dB range where lower
sound level analysis is desired. When used as a personal noise dosimeter, the
897 may be worn in a shirt pocket or on a belt. The microphone is provided with a
Actual Output Description
clip which can be attached to the operators shirt close to the ear.
Start:<sp><sp>25/JAN/02<sp><sp>00:00<CR><LF> Starting date and time for this period
CAL:<sp><sp>0.0<sp>dBA<sp><sp>00:00<sp><sp>25/J The dBA reading, time, date and range When used as a sound level meter, the Instrument is hand-held. A front end
AN/100<sp><sp>RANGE:<sp><sp>80/130<sp><sp> switch setting for each of two possible attachment, properly contoured to avoid interference with incoming sound waves,
dB<CR><LF> calibration readings. If the output data is holds the microphone. The advanced microcomputer, large digital display and
only CAL:<sp><sp>?<CR><LF> then there
is no calibration reading stored. Also,
special electret-condenser microphone offers easy operation and readability,
RANGE: may be 50/100. and excellent performance and reliability.
DOSE:<sp><sp>0.0<CR>LF> The calculated dose in percentage
Leq:<sp><sp>000.0<CR><LF> The calculated 8-hour Time Weighted 1.2 Items Furnished With Instrument
Average (TWA) in dBA
SPL-Max<sp><sp>000.0<CR><LF> The detected maximum SPL for this data All items furnished with the 897 are listed in Table 1-1.
Lc<sp><sp>nn<CR><LF> Criterion Level in dB
Table 1-1. Items Furnished with the Instrument
Th<sp><sp>nn<CR><LF> Threshold in dB
rt<sp><sp>n<CR><LF> Exchange Rate in dB
Qty Description Part No.
ID<sp><sp>nn<CR><LF> Unit I.D. Number
1 Windscreen Dust Cover 5-119753
Pk<sp><sp>nnn<CR><LF> Number of 140 dB peaks
ET<sp><sp>nnnn<CR><LF> Elapsed Run Time in minutes
1 Microphone Clip 5-119752
HT<sp><sp>nnn<CR><LF><CR><LF> Elapsed Hold Time in minutes
1 Splined Wrench 6-113274
ET<sp>LAVG<sp><sp>MAX<sp><sp>PEAKS<sp><sp> 1 Screwdriver, adjusting 5-116470
RANGE<sp><sp>HOLD<CR>LF> 1 Microphone Adapter 10-865235
1 Operators Manual 6-115891
1 Parallel Cable 02234
1 AC Charger 6-115095
1 Carrying Case 10-865926

Optional Items
Description Part No.
887-2 Sound Level Calibrator 12648
RS-232 Serial Cable 02233

26 7
1.3 Technical Data Hrs:Min is the real-time that the data was logged.
LAVG is the integrated (60 sec) reading.
The 897 conforms to ANSI S1.4-1983, ANSI S1.25-1978, and IEC651 (1979) L-MAX is the maximum sound pressure level for that minute.
standards for type S2A sound level meters and noise dosimeters. PEAKS is the number of 140 dB peaks detected in that minute.
Table 1-2 lists the technical specifications for the 897 Noise Dosimeter/Sound RANGE is the range setting selected during that minute.
Level Meter. Readings preceded by an asterisk indicate they were either overrange or
Table 1-2. Instrument Specifications * 00.0 indicates an underrange reading (under 50 on the 50 to 100 dB range or
Dosimeter Specifications under 80 on the 80 to 130 dB range).
* 100.0 indicates an overrange reading on the 50 to 100 dB range.
1. Microphone:
* 130.0 indicates an overrange reading on the 80 to 130 dB range.
Type: 0.52 inch (13.2 mm) diameter electret con-
Maximum Pressure: 148 dBA sound pressure level. 4.12 Spreadsheet Output Format Prn 1
Impedance: 1 K SIMPSON 897 Dosimeter Sound Analysis Report Type S2A
Directional Characteristics: Omnidirectional. The free field angle of inci- CRITERION = 90 dB
dence which closely approximates the ran- THRESHOLD = 80 dB
dom response is 70. UNIT IDENTIFICATION # 01
2. Threshold Level: The threshold level is selectable over the JOB ______________________________________________________
NAME _____________________________________________________
range of 50 to 99 dB, in 1 dB increments, LOCATION _________________________________________________
from the front panel. The dosimeter function START DATE: 25/JAN/02
of the 897 is nonresponsive to noise levels START TIME: 08:23
CALIBRATION: 114.0 dBA 08.09 25/JAN/02 RANGE: 80/130 dB
below the threshold setting. CALIBRATION: 114.0 dBA 08.40 25/JAN/02 RANGE: 80/130 dB
RUN TIME = 00:17
Resolution: 0.1% dose to 999.9%; above 1000%, dis- HOLD TIME = 00:02
play will automatically convert to a higher L EQ = 115.5 dBA
SPL MAX = *130.0 dBA
range. DOSE = 108.0%
Maximum Indication: Dual automatic ranging: either 999.9% or 140 dB PEAKS = 0
9999%. 100% corresponds to a criterion 5-MIN AVERAGE LEVELS IN dBA
level noise exposure for eight hours; 50%
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
corresponds to an eight hour noise expo- HRS:MIN + --------- + ------------ + ------- + ---------- + ------------ + --------------- + --------------- + ---------- +
sure equal to the criterion level minus the 08.24 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 91
08:25 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 93
exchange rate. 08:30 = = = = = = = = = = 69
4. Leq Display: Displays with 0.1 dB resolution. Selectable 08.35 == 52 HOLD
08:40 < HOLD
upper limit of 115 or 130 dB. HRS:MIN + --------- + ------------ + ------- + ---------- + ------------ + --------------- + --------------- + ---------- +
5. Criterion Level: Selectable at 70, 80, 84, 85 or 90 dB from HRS:MIN LAVG LMAX PEAKS RANGE
08:24 91.1 91.4 0 80/130
the front panel. 08:25 99.1 105.6 0 80/130
6. Exchange Rates: 3, 4 or 5 dB, selectable from the front panel. 08:26 129.7 *130.0 0 80/130
08:27 130.0 *130.0 0 80/130
7. Elapsed Time: Displays either hours:minutes or 08:28 106.2 *130.0 0 80/130
minutes:seconds, up to 99 hours, 59 min- 08:29 *00.0 *00.0 0 80/130
08:30 *00.0 *00.0 0 80/130
utes, 59 seconds. Timing accuracy: 6 0.05%. 08:31 95.9 96.7 0 80/130
8. Dynamic Range: Two switch selectable ranges, 50 to 100 dB 08:32 89.9 96.7 0 80/130
08:33 80.1 80.3 0 80/130
and 80 to 130 dB. 08:34 80.5 94.6 0 CHANGED
08:35 53.9 54.6 0 50/100
9. Accuracy: True RMS, per ANSI S1.4-1983, type S2 re- 08:36 53.6 54.7 0 50/100
quirements. 08:37 53.0 54.4 0 50/100
08:38 52.1 53.5 0 50/100
10. Frequency Response 08:39 52.1 52.3 0 50/100 HOLD
Weighting: A weighting. 08:40 *00.0 *00.0 0 50/100 HOLD
11. Response Time: Slow (1 second). END OF REPORT

12. Crest Factor: 10:1 at maximum indication. NOTE: *00.0 Indicates an underrange reading. *100.0 or *130.00 indicates an overrange reading
13. Frequency Range: 31.5 Hz to 8 KHz.
14. Sound Pressure Reference: 0 dB = 20 Pascals. Figure 4-4. Sample Printout - Parallel Output and Serial Format 2 (Prn 2)
15. Linearity: 60.5 dB @ 1 KHz: 50/100 Range: >60dB; 80/130 Range: >90dB
16. Criterion Duration (Tc): 8 hours.
8 25
observed during the preceding minute (not the same as the MAX function switch), 17. Calibration: Instantaneous with 100 Hz, 94 dB or 114 dB
the number of 140 dB peaks during the preceding minute, the RANGE switch SPL calibrator and adjustment on the top of
setting, and the occurrence of the dosimeter entering the HOLD mode. This data the 897. However, an annual factory
is available only via the Data Output connector. recalibration is recommended.
18. 140 dB Peaks: Front panel selectable display indicates
4.10 Data Output Formats number of 140 dB peaks that have been de-
Two standard output formats are available from the data logger of the dosimeter: 19. Warm-up Time: One minute.
a summary report that can be printed on either a parallel printer, or an RS-232C 20: Data Logger
serial printer, and an output that is ideally formatted as input into a multi-column
Recording Time: 31 hours maximum. Any data beyond this
spreadsheet type program such as Microsoft Works. Each output format in-
time is not stored; only the first 31 hours
cludes information of total HOLD time, dose, Leq, SPL MAX, total number of 140
are retained.
dB peaks, and a minute-by-minute output of the data logger. Following are sample
Stored Information: a. The integrated 60 second average
printouts of the same data recorded by the 897 in each of the output formats. To
obtain a printout in either one of the formats: first set the dosimeter to HOLD,
b. The highest SPL (Lmax).
then press the PRINT button to print the data.
c: The number of detected 140 dB peak
4.11 Parallel Output And Serial Format 2 Prn 2 d: HOLD switch status.
A sample of the summary report is illustrated in Figure 4-3. The report is divided e: RANGE switch status.
into four parts for explanatory reasons: Heading, Measurement Summary, Storage Rate: Data is stored at 00:01:00 (hrs:min:sec) and
Histograph, and the Minute-by-Minute Data Logger Output. once per minute thereafter.
Data Retention: Data is retained for as long as the unit re-
Heading includes:
mains powered in the RUN or HOLD
Type of report, measurement parameters set by the operator, location and job modes; all data is lost in the OFFf mode.
identification as assigned by the operator However, to minimize the chance that data
Date and time the Instrument was first set in RUN mode of operation. Also may be lost inadvertently, the data is retained
included are calibration data and time if recorded by the operator. (See para- for 3 seconds after the power is turned off.
graph 4.13 for calibration instructions.) Data Output Port:
Measurement Summary includes the following: Parallel: With supplied cable, communicates with any
Run Time: Total time Instrument was in RUN mode. Centronics compatible, 80 column printer.
Hold Time: Total time Instrument was in HOLD mode of operation. RS-232C Serial: With accessory cable, catalog #02233, com-
Leq: The eight hour TWA (time weighted average) expressed in dBA. municates with any serial computer port at
This measurement can be from the threshold level, set by the baud rates of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 or
operator, up to 130 dB. 9600. (Serial port set for 8 bit words, no par-
SPL Max: The maximum sound pressure level recorded by the data log- ity, 1 stop bit). It will also function with many
ger. RS-232C serial printers.
DOSE: The calculated dose (in percent). A 100% equates to a criterion Data Output Format:
noise level exposure for an eight hour time period. Parallel: Includes criterion level, threshold level,
140 dB Peaks: Total number of 140 dB peaks recorded. elapsed run time, elapsed hold time, Leq,
SPL MAX, dose, and number of 140 dB
Histograph presents five minute averages of the minute-by-minute LAVG read-
peaks. A five minute average level
ings. The histograph is independent of the range setting, however, when the LAVG histograph is then output, which addition-
readings are either underrange as indicated by * 00.0; or overrange as ally gives indications of the RANGE switch
indicated by * 100.0 or * 130.0, then these readings are averaged into the 5
setting and activation of HOLD mode. This
minute summary. For example; if LAVG = * 00.0, as noted in Figure 4-3, then 0.0 dB
is then followed by a complete listing of all
is averaged in the five minute histograph. stored information on a minute-by-minute
Note that the five minute averages start on the minute ending in either a 0 or a 5, basis. See para. 4:10 for further details.
therefore, the initial and final averages may be less than 5 minute interval aver- Serial: Includes criterion level, threshold level, ex-
ages, as noted in Figure 4-3. The Instrument was in either the HOLD or SPL change rate, unit identification number,
mode of operation at anytime during the five minute interval, if the reading is elapsed hold time. Leq, SPL MAX, dose, and
followed by the word HOLD. number of 140 dB peaks. This is then fol-
Minute-by-Minute Data Logger Output includes the following: lowed by a complete listing of all stored in-
24 9
formation on a minute-by-minute basis. All Clock, are saved in nonvolatile memory; the settings are retained even if the
of this data is formatted either for convenient battery becomes fully discharged.
input to a spreadsheet program, such as
Microsoft Works 3.0 for DOS, or in the same 4.7 Security Controls
format as the parallel printer.
Real-Time Clock: A real-time clock provides time and date in- The 897 has been designed with two special security provisions to prevent unau-
formation on the printout. The clock contin- thorized personnel from tampering with the control settings.
ues running even with power OFF. A function lockout feature prevents selected functions from being changed. This
is accomplished by selecting the desired function, and while pressing this button,
moving the OFF-RUN-HOLD control switch from RUN to the HOLD position
and then back to the RUN position. The function touch pad is now disabled and
no further function selections will be acknowledged. To regain control of the func-
21. Power Requirements: The 897 is designed to be used with the tion selections, simply move the OFF-RUN-HOLD switch from RUN to HOLD
Simpson battery charger, part number 6- and back to the RUN position.
115095, which is adequately insulated to The OFF-RUN-HOLD control switch can be locked in any one of the three
permit use of the 897 while being charged. positions by inserting the #4 spline wrench into the Bristol Screw located next to
This charger has a rated input of 108 V AC to the switch and turning the screw clockwise.
264 V AC at 50/60 Hz. Use of any other
charger may be hazardous to the operator
or to the 897. 4.8 Selection Of Parallel Or Serial Output Format
Internal Rechargeable The selection of either the parallel or serial output is performed by the available
Nickel-cadmium Battery Pack: Rechargeable with supplied recharger. accessory cables. No other user action is required, other than setting the RS-232
Battery Life: Approximately 40 hours between charges in Baud Rate. The accessory RS-232 cable comes with a female dB-9 connector,
RUN. Approximately 60 hours between which is standard on IBM PC/AT and compatible personal computers. The
charges in HOLD. accessory parallel cable comes with a 36-pin connector that is compatible with
NOTE: When the Instrument is switched to RUN and the display shows ERR3 most parallel-input printers. In the event that another custom cable configuration
and LO BATT, the battery must be charged at least 8 hours. is required, the pinout of the DATA OUTPUT connector is shown below.

Low Battery Indicator: Automatically displays LO BATT to indicate DATA OUTPUT PINOUT
at least eight hours of time remaining.
22. Display 4-digit liquid crystal display with six additional
characters: SPL, SPL MAX, INT 60, LO BATT, 1. Must not be connected for parallel. 9. Parallel bit 7 output
% DOSE, dBA, plus a colon and decimal Must be connected to pin 4 for serial 10. Serial data output
2. Parallel bit 6 output 11. Parallel bit 4 output
3. Parallel bit 5 output 12. Parallel bit 3 output
4. Ground 13. Ground
23. Keyboard Selected Functions: 5. Parallel bit 2 output 14. Parallel bit 0 output
6. Parallel bit 1 output 15. Parallel data ready input
SPL(CAL): Sound Pressure Level 7. Serial cts input
INT (60 Sec): Continuous 60 second integrated SPL (also 8. Parallel data strobe output
referred to as LAVG.).
DOSE: In percent. The requirements for the RS-232C output are: 8 bit words, no parity, 1 stop bit.
PEAK: The number of detected 140 dB peaks, up to Data is transmitted only; there is no data receive function. Handshaking is via
a maximum of 250. one signal line, CTS.
Leq: The eight-hour Time Weighted Average.
MAX: The maximum detected SPL.
TIME: Displays elapsed HRS:MIN or MIN:SEC. 4.9 Automatic Data Logger
PRINT: Activates the Data Output.
The dosimeter has a self-contained data logger with a 31 hour storage capability,
24. Mechanical Construction and will store up to to 31 hours of data, as long as the OFF-RUN-HOLD switch
Security Provisions: Special (#4 spline) wrench provided to lock is never switched to OFF and/or the self-contained batteries do not become fully
OFF-RUN-HOLD slide switch into any po- discharged. On a once-per-minute basis, the following information is logged: the
present value of the INT (60 sec) function, the maximum sound pressure level

10 23
NOTE: In order to determine how much the Leq exceeds the OSHA upper limit of sition. A keyboard switch lockout feature
115 dB, set the Leq to 130 dB. allows the 897 to be locked into any desired
Example: function.
Case Construction: Anodized aluminum extrusion.
Physical Dimensions:
Length: 6.8 inches (172 mm)
Width: 3.1 inches (80 mm)
5. Serial Output, Option 1 or 2 (Prn): Option 1 formats the data in spread- Thickness: 1.1 inches (28 mm), excluding microphone
sheet format for a computer; option 2 outputs the data formatted for a and clip.
serial printer. This setting has no effect on the parallel output data format. Weight: 18 oz. (500 gm)
This is factory set to option 1.
Example: 25. Environmental Specifications
Influence: 60.03 dB/C, -10 to +25C, 60.05 dB, +25 to
50C (Reference 1000 Hz and 105 dB).
6. Unit Identification Number (id), if multiple units are in service, units or Operating Range: -10 to 50C.
tens digit: 0 through 9; thus the unit identification number may range Storage Range: -30 to 45C (limitation of batteries).
from 00 to 99. This is factory set to unit #01.
Example: Humidity:
Influence: Less than 0.5 dB over measurement range.
Range: 0 to 95% RH.
Magnetic Field: No effect when placed in a field of 1 oersted
(80 A/m) with Model 897 oriented for maxi-
7. RS-232 Baud Rate (0000): 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud. mum sensitivity to the field.
This has no effect on the parallel output. It is factory set at 9600. Atmospheric Pressure: Correction data is provided in the calibrators
operators manual.
8.Real-Time Clock - Set Time:
Set Minutes: Unit Digit (00:00) 9 through 9.
Set Minutes: Tens digit (00:00) 0 through 5. 2. PREPARATION FOR USE
Set Hours: (00:00) Select 00 through 23. This section contains instructions for preparing the new Instrument for use. Also
NOTE: Based on 24 hour clock included are unpacking and inspection procedures, warranty and shipping in-
Example: structions.

2.1 Unpacking And Inspection

Examine the shipping carton and Instrument for damage. If undamaged, check
for internal damage . (Preliminary checks of the operating condition of the Instru-
9. Real-Time Clock - Set Date: ment can be made after carefully reading Section 4). If there is external or internal
Set Day: (1-:N) N = number 01 through 31. damage, immediately file a complaint with the carrier. Make certain all items in
Set Month: (2-:N) N = number 01 through 12. Table 1-1 are included in shipment. Save the shipping carton for possible future
Set Year: Unit Digit: (3-:N) N = number 0 through 9. shipping of the Instrument.
Set Year: Decade Digit: (3-:N) N = number 0 through 9. NOTE: The 897 is powered by a self-contained rechargeable nickel cadmium
Example: battery pack. Charge Instrument for 16 hours before use.

2.2 Preparation For Use

d. Once all the parameter choices are made, switch the OFF-RUN-HOLD Accuracy of measurements can be affected by several factors, including the po-
switch (see figure 4-1) to OFF for three seconds and all changes will be sition of the microphone with respect to the sound source and the positioning of
saved in the internal memory. It is unnecessary to go through the entire the microphone on the user. Read Section 3 carefully for general background
sequence; you may stop and switch the power OFF once all needed changes information.
are made. All of the above parameters, with the exception of the Real-Time In operation, the Instrument can be attached to the belt with the clip provided, or
can be placed in the shirt pocket. Ideally the microphone should be clipped
22 11
upright to the shirt on the center of the shoulder. If this is impractical, clip the number 1, 2 or 3, and should then freeze on this display. If this occurs, the
microphone facing upward on the shirt collar. To protect the microphone in dusty Instrument must be returned for repair.
or windy environments, place the windscreen over the microphone before at- If these tests pass, the Instrument will proceed to a rotating digits test. This will
taching it to the shirt. cycle the display through all digits and all special annunciators. This test will
continue until either the TIME switch is pressed or the OFF-RUN-HOLD switch
2.3 Warranty is switched to OFF.
If the TIME switch was pressed, then the Instrument will continuously display
The Simpson Electric Company warranty policy is printed on the inside front the real-time clock until the OFF-RUN-HOLD switch is switched to OFF.
cover of this manual. Read it carefully before requesting warranty repairs. For all
assistance, including help with the Instrument under warranty, contact the factory.
Give full details of any difficulty and include the Instrument model number and
4.6 Setting The Dosimeter Parameters
date of purchase. Shipping instructions will be mailed promptly. If an estimate of
4.6.1 The Dosimeter Parameters
charges for nonwarranty or other service work is required, a maximum charge
Criterion Level (Lc), Threshold Level (Th), Exchange Rate (rt), Leq Upper Limit
estimate will be quoted. This charge will not be exceeded without prior approval.
(H), Unit ID Number, Baud Rate and Time are easily programmable using the
buttons located on the front panel.
2.4 Shipping
Pack the Instrument carefully and ship it prepaid and insured to the proper desti- 4.6.2 To Program the Dosimeter
nation. a. Press and hold the Setup button (see Figure 4-1) while switching the OFF-
RUN-HOLD switch (see Figure 4-1) from OFF to RUN.
b. Select the parameter to be programmed by sequentially pressing the Setup
button. The order of the sequence is given in Table 4-3, Setup Mode Se-
3. APPLICATION quence.
This section contains the basic information required for effective application of c. Once the desired parameter is displayed, press the Test button (see Figure
the 897. To understand the operation of the Instrument, the following paragraphs 4-1) to select the available choices of that parameter. The digit or digits which
discuss its function in relation to some of the subtleties of sound. will change as a result of pressing the Test button will flash. The display
prompt for each function is given within the parenthesis.
3.1 Decibel Scale
Table 4-3. Setup Mode Sequence
The human ear has a sound sensitivity range of greater than one million to one, 1. Criterion Level (Lc): 70, 80, 84, 85, or 90 dB. Factory set at 90 dB as
from the lowest level that can be detected to the highest level that can be toler- recommended by OSHA.
ated without pain. Because of the large ratio involved, a linear meter scale marked Example:
in sound pressure units becomes impractical. A scale based on logarithms, called
a decibel (dB) scale, is used. This scale expresses the ratio between the sound
pressure level being measured, with respect to a reference level and converts
large ratios into smaller convenient numbers. For example, a million-to-one pres-
sure ratio can be compressed on a 0 to 120 dB scale. The zero dB is the low limit 2. Threshold Level, units digit (th): 0 through 9.
reference which the human ear can barely perceive. Threshold Level, tens digit (th): 5 through 9; thus the threshold may be
set to any value from 50 through 99 dB. Factory set at 80 dB.
3.2 Sound Level Meter Example:

A sound level meter is a measuring device used to determine the existing sound
pressure level in a particular area. A choice of frequency responses called A, B
and C weightings is typically provided which relate to the human ear response
at low, middle and high sound pressure levels. The sound pressure level is ex- 3. Exchange Rate (rt): 3, 4, or 5 dB. Factory set at 5 dB as recommended by
pressed in dB A, dB B or dB C where 0 dB = 20 Pascals; the threshold of hearing OSHA.
and the A, B and C define the weighting selected. (See Figure 3-1). Example:
NOTE: All OSHA type sound level meters must be A-weighted. B and C weightings
are not required for compliance measurements.
The sound level meter function of the 897 meets the requirements of the Ameri-
can National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Specification S1.4 1983 for 4. Leq Upper Limit (H): 115 or 130 dB. Factory set at 115 dB as recommended
type S2A (A weighted) general purpose sound level meter. by OSHA.
12 21
The approximate required time to fully charge the battery pack, in hours, is lin- +5
early proportional to the operating time of the dosimeter. See graph (Figure 4-3) 0
below. 5


16 B

0 15 35

Figure 4-3 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10,000 20,000

The Instrument will operate from the battery for approximately 40 hours between
charges in the RUN position or approximately 60 hours between charges in the Figure 3-1. A, B & C Weighted Electrical Responses
HOLD position, however, this time will vary according to use.
3.3 Measurement And Exposure Standards
4.5 Preliminary Checks
Sound level meter measurement standards are defined in American National
Set the OFF-RUN-HOLD switch to the RUN position. When the unit is first
Standards Institute (ANSI) Specification S1.4-1983. Federal, State and local gov-
turned on, a display segment test is performed. Next, the 897 will display in
ernments also have defined allowable noise (undesirable sound energy) level
sequence given:
exposure limits for persons in industrial environments. Selected and applicable
Lc nn (Criterion Level)
parts of those currently in force are cited in this manual.
th nn (Threshold Level)
rt n (Exchange Rate) NOTE: Standards and government regulatory laws are subject to modification or
SPL Display expansion. Always check for latest available documents and information.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), The Walsh-Healy Act
Example: (Federal Register, Vol. 34, No. 96) and paragraph 1910.95 of the Occupational
Safety and Health Standards (Federal Register, Vol. 46, No. 162), set the present
legal standards of allowable employee noise exposure limits and are shown in
Tables 3-1 and 3-2.

3.3.1 Steady Level or Slowly Varying Noise

4.5.1 Underrange Display
The display will indicate ur if the SPL is underrange; i.e., under 50 on the 50 to
100 dB range or under 80 on the 80 to 130 dB range. Table 3-1. Permissible Noise Exposure Limits
(Based on 90 dB criterion level and 5 dB exchange rate)
4.5.2 Overrange Display
The display will indicate - - - - if the SPL is overrange, i.e., over 100 on the 50 to
Duration Per Day Sound Level, dB A
100 dB range, or over 130 on the 80 to 130 dB range.
in Hours SLOW Response
4.5.3 Diagnostic Memory Test 8 90
The Instrument automatically performs a self diagnostic-memory test when turned 6 92
on. However, the operator may access and display this self-test routine via the 4 95
TEST switch. The self-test contains a complete memory diagnostic, a display 3 97
test routine, and a continuous real-time clock display. These three tests are en- 2 100
abled by pressing the TEST switch down and sliding the OFF-RUN-HOLD 1 - 1/2 102
switch to RUN. The display will first show t 1. If that passes, it will automatically 1 105
proceed to t 2 and t 3. Each of these tests (t) are verifying different portions of 1/2 110
the internal memories. If any of these fail, the display will change to Err with the 1/4 or less 115

20 13
Table 3-2. Permissable Noise Exposure Limits for Continuous Noise 4.3 Top Panel Operating Features
Duration Sound level Duration Sound level
Table 4-2. Top Panel Operating Features
Per Day dB A per day dB A
in Hours Slow response in hours Slow response 1. RANGE switch: A 2-position switch that selects the operating range for
32 80 0.87 106 sound level measurements. The available ranges are 50
27.9 81 0.76 107 to 100 dB and 80 to 130 dB. The data logger records the
24.3 82 0.66 108 position of the switch and the time of any changes in the
83 0.57 109 position.
2. SPL (CAL)
1 8 .4 84 0.50 110
adjust: Used with a calibrator to set the correct level.
16.00 85 0.44 111 3. EXT DC: Used with the supplied battery charger to recharge the
13.93 86 0.38 112 internal nickel-cadmium batteries. The Dosimeter may be
12.12 87 0.33 113 operated while connected to the charger.
10.56 88 0.29 114 4. DATA OUTPUT
CONNECTOR: Use with either parallel or RS-232 Serial accessory cable
9.19 89 0.25 115
to obtain data.
8.00 90 0.22 116
6.96 91 0.19 117
6.06 92 0.16 118 4 1
5 .2 7 93 0.14 119
4.59 94 0.125 120
4.00 95 0.11 121 DATA OUTPUT RANGE
3.48 96 0.095 122
3 .0 3 97 0.082 123 50/100 80/130

2 .6 4 98 0.072 124
2.30 99 0.063 125
2.00 1 00 0.054 126 SPL
1.74 1 01 0.047 127
1.52 102 0.041 128 2
1.32 103 0.036 129 3
1.15 1 04 0.031 130 Figure 4-2. Top Panel
1.00 105

Varying Level Noise 4.4 Battery Charging

When daily noise exposure is composed of two or more periods of noise expo-
sure at different levels, consider their combined effect rather than the individual
effect of each. The total dose is computed by the expression:
The 897 is designed to be used with the Simpson Battery Charger(part no. 6-
D + C1 + C2 + + Cn
T1 T2 Tn 115095) which is insulated well enough to permit use of the 897 while being
Where: D is the noise dose; C1, C2 Cn are the actual segments of exposure charged. This charger has a rated input of 108V AC to 264V AC at 50/60 Hz. Use
time at different noise levels; and T1, T2 Tn are the allowed time intervals (see of any other charger may be hazardous to the operator or the 897.
Table 4-1) for the mentioned segments of exposure. Unlike a sound level meter, The self-contained, rechargeable nickel cadmium battery pack should be charged
a dosimeter computes automatically the exposure, D, and displays the accumu- before operating the Instrument for the first time, or when the Low Battery Indica-
lated percentage of the allowed exposure. tor LO BATT is displayed, or before extended use where a power source is not
B available.
Duration computed from 2 exp (L-90) rt where L = dB level, and rt = exchange The Instrument may be operated with the battery charger connected and thereby
rate = 5 dB, in this example table. maintaining its charge, however, cycling of the charge is healthy for Ni-Cad
*From the Federal Register, Vol. 46, No. 162, August 21, 1981. batteries and extends their life. Do not attempt to keep them fully charged all the
14 19
are suspended and printouts will indicate HOLD during the time SPL is 3.3.2 Impact Noise
selected. For compliance, exposure to impulsive or impact noise must not exceed 140 dB
HOLD: In HOLD mode all data is retained without any modification except A peak sound level.
that the elapsed time clock is kept running. The display will alternately flash
between HOLD and the presently selected function. 3.4 Dosimeter
2. Control Switch LOCK:
A spline head screw is used to lock the control switch. Locking the control To accurately determine a dosage level using a sound level meter is a tedious
switch, together with the keyboard switch lockout feature, provides protec- procedure, as the total length of exposure at each dB level must be weighted and
tion against unauthorized tampering with control settings. To activate the summed (accumulated). The dosimeter function of the 897 automatically and
keyboard lockout, slide the OFF-RUN-HOLD switch to HOLD, then select continuously performs these mathematical manipulations while it is operating
the desired function and while still holding that function button down, slide and provides the dosage readout directly in percent of allowable exposure.
the OFF-RUN-HOLD switch to RUN.
NOTE: The display will indicate four dashes (- - - -) for approximately five 3.5 Dosimeter Equation
seconds. At this point, none of the touch switches will respond. The keyboard may
be reactivated by again sliding the OFF-RUN-HOLD switch to HOLD. The dosimeter function is defined by ANSI S1.25 as:
3. Readout Display:
Four-digit LCD display plus eight special functions/units.
4. SPL (CAL):
When selected, the Instrument functions as a sound level meter. It reads the
incoming sound pressure level on a real time basis, and displays the A-
Dose (D) = 100

L - Lc
q dt (when L > Lt)

weight dB reading.
NOTE: All dosimeter functions are suspended, and the printouts will indicate Where q= rt
HOLD during the time SPL is selected. The SPL mode is also used to calibrate log 2
the Instrument when its microphone is inserted into the Model 887 Calibrator. Thus:
When the SPL (CAL) button is held down for three seconds until CAL is dis-
played, the reading will be retained in memory along with the time, date, and
position of the RANGE switch. The latest two such readings are always stored.
These saved readings are only viewable with the data output printout.
D = 100
Tc T

L - Lc
rt dt

Alternately displays the DOSE in percent or the number of 140 dB (or greater) Since the A/D converter is performing continuous integration, the computer must
peaks that have been detected since entering RUN. only resolve:
L - Lc
6. TIME: rt

Alternately selects an elapsed time display of minutes:seconds or D = 100
hours:minutes since the Dosimeter was first switched into RUN mode.
Hours:minutes is displayed with a flashing color indicator. Note that the result is expressed as a percentage.
7. INT (60 sec): The equivalent sound level during the sample time, T, over which a percentage
Displays the sound pressure level integrated average over a 60 second time criterion exposure (dose) is measured, is: Leq = Lc + q log D Tc
period. The 60 second time period begins whenever the Dosimeter is switched 100 T
into RUN from either OFF or HOLD. It then updates continuously using D = percentage criterion exposure;
the latest 60 seconds of accumulated sound pressure levels. Additional de-
Tc = criterion sound duration, defined as 8 hours;
pressions of this button will sequentially display the latest settings of the
T = actual exposure duration in hours;
programmable options, namely: cirterion level, threshold level, exchange
L = slow, A-weighted sound level;
rate, time weighted average upper limit, serial output format, unit ID, baud
Lc = criterion sound level;
rate and time clock. Notice that it is not possible to change the settings here,
Lt = threshold level
only to observe them. Refer to paragraph 4.6 for programming procedures.
8. Leq/Max: rt = exchange rate: the change in sound level corresponding to a doubling or
Alternately displays Leq, based on eight hours, in dB or the maximum sound halving of the exposure duration.
pressure level in dB since entering RUN. User selectable items:
9. Print: Lt = 50 to 99 db;
Instrument prints out one of the two output formats available from the data Lc = 70, 80, 84, 85 or 90 dB;
logger depending on which accessory cable is presently connected. This rt = 3, 4 or 5 dB.
switch only functions while the Dosimeter is in the HOLD mode. (See para- Upper level of allowable equivalent (Leq) sound level exposure: 115 or 130 dB.
graph 4.9 for further information.)
18 15
3.6 Sound Fields 3.8 Windscreen
3.6.1 Free Field NOTE: When the 897 is exposed to a dusty or windy environment, the windscreen
This field contains no reflecting objects. Ideally it is a point sound source located should be used to protect the microphone diaphragm from damage, and to as-
in free space; however, it can be considered to exist whenever the sound level sure a correct reading.
being measured is caused mainly by the sound waves coming directly from the The windscreen will reduce the effects of wind noise by approximately 20 dB
sound source. This can occur even if there are reflecting objects. without seriously affecting the frequency response of the microphone.
3.6.2 Reverberant Field Grease and dirt on the windscreen may affect the accuracy of sound measure-
This field is more common and exists whenever the sound level being measured ments. Under severe conditions the windscreen should be cleaned often. To
contains a significant amount of direct sound waves and a relatively small amount clean, wash with a mild detergent, thoroughly rinse and dry before placing over
of reflected sound waves. the microphone.

3.7 Microphone Orientation 4. OPERATION

This section provides the instructions required for the operation of the 897.
3.7.1 Area Monitor in a Free Field
When the Instrument is used as a fixed monitor in a free field or in a semi-
reverberant field, the axis of the microphone should be oriented at approximately
4.1 Safety Precautions
70 with incident sound waves. Furthermore, the microphone should ideally be Read Section 3 before performing dosage measurements. Section 3 contains
placed as far from reflecting sound surfaces as possible. (See below.) important information pertaining to sound and noise measurement terminology,
standards, operating techniques and precautions.

4.2 Operating Items And Features


All front panel operating controls are described in Table 4-1 and shown in Figure
70 4-1. Top panel adjustments, controls and connectors are described in Table 4-2
and shown in Figure 4-2.
Table 4-1. Front Panel Operating Features
1. OFF-RUN-HOLD Control
A 3-position slide switch used to 897 DOSIMETER
activate the Instrument and SOUND MEASURING SYSTEM

hold accumulated data.

Figure 3-2. Microphone Orientation LO BATT % DOSE

OFF: Power is removed from SPL MAX

INT 60s
3.7.2 Fixed Position Monitor in a Reverberant Field the Instrument and all accumu-
When monitoring in a reverberant field, orientation of the microphone is not criti- lated data is erased. When 1 OFF RUN HOLD LOCK

cal. switching from RUN to OFF,
there is a minimum three sec-
ond delay before the 897 actu-
3.7.3 Use of Dosimeter as a Personal Monitor
ally goes off. This will aid in pre-
For a practical and efficient application, clip the microphone to the shirt, on the
venting accidental loss of accu- 4
shoulder just below the ear, with the microphone diaphragm facing upward. SPL INT
mulated data. During this three "CAL" (60 sec)

NOTE: The user of the Instrument disturbs the sound field near the microphone at second period, the display may TEST SETUP

the upper limit of frequencies. For many practical situations, the measurement appear dim; this is normal op- 5 DOSE Leq
error is relatively small, typically 1 to 3 dB higher than would occur with a fixed eration.
monitor position. Since the fixed monitor cannot easily follow the motion of a RUN: In RUN mode all data 6 TIME PRINT
mobile individual, the personal dosimeter is the most accurate, practical means 9
relating to DOSE, Leq, INT (60
of measuring individual noise dosage. sec), MAX and PEAK is continu-
ously monitored, updated and SIMPSON ELECTRIC CO. ELGIN , IL 60120

stored, except when in SPL

mode of operation. In the SPL Figure 4-1. Front Panel
mode, all dosimeter functions
16 17

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