ICTP VaporPressureGroup 2 PDF
ICTP VaporPressureGroup 2 PDF
ICTP VaporPressureGroup 2 PDF
List of content:
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
3. Simple and Controlled Extrapolation of Vapor Pressures towards the Triple Point... 6
6. References ................................................................................................................. 13
1. Introduction
The vapor-liquid saturation line in a diagram of pressure versus temperature is the main
characteristic of the vaporization equilibrium for a one-component system. The vapor pressure
The experimental determination of vapor pressure is relatively easy in the range between 1
and 200 kPa which is usually denoted as a moderate (or medium) pressure region. Most
published data have been reported between 5 and 100 kPa and many reliable results are available.
The best accuracy can be achieved near the normal boiling temperature; the high quality data
measured close to atmospheric pressure have an error below 0.01 percent. Several compilations
were published over the last 30 years (see Appendix A) that present experimental and/or
recommended data for a large quantity of compounds.
Measurements become difficult at low pressures (say psat < 1 kPa); data are available only
for a limited number of substances and often subject to large systematic errors. Differences in
reported values usually amount to several tens of percent near the triple point temperature.
Various approaches to experimental determination of vapor pressures were reviewed (see Appendix
B). The main experimental techniques for determination of vapor pressures in the low-pressure
region are the saturation method using a carrier gas and two techniques based on molecular effusion
(weighing effusion and torsion effusion methods). Gas-liquid chromatography has also been used,
but it is not easy to give the resulting data a rigorous thermodynamic interpretation. Direct static
measurement of vapor pressure is a universal technique that can be used over a wide pressure range
down to, or in special cases even below, 1 Pa; the most accurate data reported in the low-pressure
region were obtained by this technique.
In our laboratory two static apparatuses are currently available. Another static apparatus
especially suited for measurements with highly toxic compounds was constructed in a partner
laboratory of an institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic30. Static method
allows measurement of vapor pressure in the liquid as well in the solid phases over a wide range
of temperatures including room temperature. As the inner volume of the apparatuses is evacuated
to pressure of about 10-5 Pa and the apparatus is regularly checked for tightness by a helium leak
detector the static apparatuses allow measurement with compounds sensitive to oxygen and
water. In the next two sections the apparatuses and their most recent improvements are described
in some more details and the preparation of samples for vapor pressure measurement is discussed.
Two static apparatuses internally denoted as STAT3 and STAT4 (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2,
respectively) were recently built in our laboratory at the Institute of Chemical Technology,
Prague. Working ranges of apparatuses STAT3 and STAT4 are given in Table 1.
Signal conditioner
MKS, type 670AD21
Agilent 34970A
Temperature regulator
Technologic THP 48
Regulating thermometer
Nupro valves
SS-4BG-V51(VCR) 1 T2 Preheater 2
Heating cartridges
T1 3 Vacuum gauge
T1 Penning
Platinum resistance thermometer
Burns Engineering Model:
Fig. 1 Apparatus STAT3 for the measurement of vapor pressure. Valve 1 is the container valve; valves 2
and 3 are computer controlled. Valves 3-6 serve for the maintenance of the apparatus.
Prior to measurement of vapor pressure the apparatuses are checked for tightness by MKS
PICO vacuum leak detector (MKS Instruments Inc., USA). The apparatuses are evacuated
between individual measurement cycles by turbomolecular pumps to a pressure of 10-5 Pa. A
computer using HP-VEE program monitors the pressure, the temperature of the sample, preheater
and thermostatted box (see Fig. 1) and controls the measuring procedure. Experiments are carried
out in the given temperature interval by varying the temperature at random in order to avoid
systematic errors caused by possible decomposition or insufficient degassing of the sample.
Generally, there are two steps in preparation of samples for vapor pressure measurement by
a static method. Firstly, since vapor pressure is very sensitive to sample impurities it is often
necessary to purify and dry the sample. Secondly, the samples must be perfectly degassed. This
step is a prerequisite for correct vapor pressure measurement by a static method. Several methods
of degassing are known: the method based on repeated freeze-pump-melt cycles,4 degassing
using ultrasound, distillation, etc. We developed a new method, which allows handling of
compounds without any risk of contamination and loss of the sample during degassing procedure.
The method is based on using a semi permeable membrane (e.g. made of polydimethylsiloxane)
which is permeable only for low molecular weight gases (oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) but not for the
sample molecules. This membrane is placed between the sample cell and the vacuum pump to
avoid loss of the sample when it is pumped out by a vacuum pump; pressure is maintained at or
ICTP_VaporPressureGroup.pdf 28 March 2008 5/27
below 1 Pa. This method proved to be very efficient and easy when using a simple vacuum
The simplest approach to obtain vapor pressure data in the low-pressure region is an
extrapolation from vapor pressures measured in the medium pressure region using an equation with
an optimum number of parameters. The input data must be reliable and available over a sufficiently
wide temperature interval in order to allow a meaningful extrapolation. The form of the
correlation equation used can also largely affect the results.
Cvap = C pg 0 C p (1)
where C pg 0 denotes the heat capacity of an ideal gas and C p that of the liquid. Vapor pressures
are related to the thermal properties by the exact thermodynamic relationships, which allow a
controlled extrapolation of psat data in the medium-pressure region down to the triple-point
temperature Tt, provided the thermal data are available in the temperature range below that of the psat
data. In extrapolations, enthalpies of vaporization cannot always be used effectively, as reliable
calorimetric values at temperatures corresponding to psat in the low-pressure region are available
only for a limited number of compounds. On the other hand, heat capacity differences are more
readily accessible since they can be calculated for many compounds in a wide temperature range
down to the triple-point temperature by combining calorimetric and spectroscopic data. The
simultaneous correlation of medium vapor pressures and Cvap values can also be useful for de-
termining the frequently required values of H vap at 298.15 K for high boiling compounds.
Further combination of the vapor pressure calculated at Tt with the enthalpies of phase transition
(solid-liquid, solid-solid) and differences between the heat capacity of an ideal gas and that of the
solid makes it possible to calculate vapor pressures along the vapor-solid saturation line.
The method using the thermal data for extrapolating vapor pressures was first described by
King and Al-Najjar3, and further developed by Ambrose and Davies5 and Rika and Majer.7
Thermodynamic background of the method of multi-property simultaneous correlation of vapor
pressure and related thermal data is described in the part 3.
Rika and Majer12 tested several most frequently used equations for correlating
temperature dependence of vapor pressure. The Antoine equation
clearly shows the poorest performance; it fails for most types of compounds both in simple and
controlled extrapolation and is not even able to describe adequately the psat data in the medium-
pressure region for compounds with specific interactions. The Antoine equation has a very low
flexibility and its use should always be abandoned when the temperature interval of correlation
becomes large (say above 50 K) and any kind of extrapolation is foreseen. The only effective way
of using the Antoine equation is determination of two (or more) parameter sets, corresponding to
different temperature intervals, with forced continuity of psat and its first temperature derivative at the
boundaries (TRC Thermodynamic Tables20, 21).
requires the use of critical parameters that provide for the realistic prediction of the vapor pressure
saturation line up to the critical temperature. However, this constraint limits the flexibility of the
relationship in low-pressure extrapolations and is both useless and inconvenient for high boiling
chemicals that decompose below or near the normal boiling temperature. The number of adjustable
parameters in equation (3) is usually four; five adjustable parameters were used exceptionally for
correlations of accurate data in a wide temperature range. In all versions of the Wagner equation the
first exponent 1 is equal to 0. The four-parameter forms with either 2=1, 3=2, 4=5 or 2=1.5,
3=3, 4=6 have been used most often.
p T n i
ln sat = 1- o exp ATi (4)
po T i=0
can be considered to be the most useful equations for extrapolations toward low pressures; the
possibility of changing both the number of parameters and the reference condition To and po allows
one to obtain different forms suitable for particular applications. The three-parameter form with the
normal boiling point (To=Tb and po=101,325 kPa) is very dependable in both simple and
controlled extrapolation for all organic liquids with the exception of hydrogen-bonded compounds.
In the latter case, the four-parameter equation gives very good results for extrapolation when
vapor pressures and the thermal data are fitted simultaneously. For compounds decomposing
below the normal boiling temperature, a vapor pressure corresponding to a lower temperature can
always be used as a reference condition. On the other hand, the use of the critical point allows one
to transform the Cox equations into a relationship suitable for description of the complete vapor
pressure line. The four-parameter form with reference conditions Tc and pc is comparable to the
Wagner equation and behaves similarly in correlation and extrapolation toward low pressures. The
Wagner equations require the use of critical parameters that provide for the realistic prediction of
Thermodynamic background for the temperature correlation of vapor pressures and the
related thermal data has been described in the literature (Majer et al.8; Rika and Majer11) and
will be reviewed only briefly here. The parameters of a selected correlation equation can be
determined by minimizing a general objective function:
sm 2 2
t ( ln p exp
sat -ln p sat ) u ( H exp
- H sm ) j v
( C exp
sm 2
ln p sat
+K 2
j=1 H 2
+ KC 2
k =1
k C '
The three individual sums correspond to the contribution of vapor pressures, enthalpies of
vaporization, and heat capacity differences; indices t, u, v indicate the number of data points for
each property. In the case when u = v = 0, the preceding equation reduces to the common formula
for the weighted least squares fitting of vapor pressures alone; KH, Kc are the factors allowing one
to modify the weight of the thermal properties in the correlation; their values differ from unity when
the number of data points for individual properties is disproportional or when some data
inconsistency is observed. The variances 2 ln psat , i2H , i2 C are estimated from the
expected errors of experimental data points
The quantities with the superscript sm are expressed from the selected vapor pressure
equation (psatsm); the quantities H'sm and C'sm are given by equations
d ln p
H = R T 2 (6)
d T sat
d H d 2 d ln p
C = = R T (7)
d T sat d T d T sat
The quantities with the superscript "exp" relate to experimental vapor pressures (psatexp); and
thermal data. H'exp and C'exp can be calculated from Hvap and Cvap as follows:
H = (8)
p sat
1+ ( B V )
where B is the second virial coefficient and the pressure dependence of the molar volume V is
neglected. For ideal gas behavior, H' and C' are equal to H vap and Cvap , respectively. This
means that at sufficiently low pressures the primed quantities and the thermal data are practically
identical and the importance of the pVT correction terms is increasing with increasing vapor
pressure. At the normal boiling temperature, the quantities H' and C' differ from H vap and
Cvap typically by about 5 and 40 %, respectively. The possibilities of accurately determining the
pVT correction terms in Eqs. 8 and 9 are limited for most compounds. In order to avoid distortion
of the correlation through uncertainty in estimating the vapor nonideality, it is necessary to confine
thermal data to the region where correction terms are not important, that is, T< Tb -40 and
T<Tb -80 for H vap and Cvap , respectively.
The simultaneous treatment of vapor pressures and the related thermal data requires that
reliable data are available for the respective properties. The data availability has been substantially
facilitated over the last few decades by the publication of several comprehensive compilations listing
the evaluated data for thermal properties in the form of correlating equations. Calorimetric
enthalpies of vaporization were compiled and the recommended data produced for over 650
compounds by Majer and Svoboda 6, and experimental heat capacities of liquid were evaluated and
correlated as a function of temperature for more than 2000 compounds by Zbransk et al.13, 19
Frenkel et al. 10 evaluated ideal gas properties for over 2000 organic compounds and reported
recommended values of C pg 0 . Bure et al. 9 published a temperature correlation of thermodynamic
properties of ideal gas (including spectroscopic C pg 0 values) for 3000 organic compounds.
Several families of compounds have been studied so far in our laboratory. The families
include organic pollutants (chlorobenzenes, phthalates), high-boiling and poly-condensed
compounds of petroleum interest, two compounds of pharmaceutical interest, metal-organic
compounds, alkane-,-diamines as biochemical model compounds, and isomeric pentanols. We
also measured and developed recommended data for vapor pressure of solid naphthalene which is
used as a standard compound for vapor pressure measurements. A survey of compounds
measured with respective references is given in the table 1.
Esters of phthalic dimethyl-, diethyl- Roh et al. 15, 26 Correlation of own and
acid phthalate literature data by
SimCor, recommended
Metal-organic diethylzinc, Fulem et al. 22, 24, 25, Only vapor pressure
27, 30, 32
compounds triethylantimony, data determined by
trimethylgallium, static method.
Y(thd)3 and Zr(thd)42,
trimethylindium, di-tert-
butylsilane, trimethyl
phosphine, tert-butyl
manganese, tert-butyl
SimCor = multi-property simultaneous correlation of vapor pressure and related thermal data
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Family Compounds References Note
1. Cox, E. R., Hydrocarbon vapor pressures. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
(Washington, D. C.) 1936, 28, 613-16.
2. Wagner, W., New vapor pressure measurements for argon and nitrogen and a new method for
establishing rational vapor pressure equations. Cryogenics 1973, 13, (8), 470-82.
3. King, M. B.; Al-Najjar, H., Method for correlating and extending vapor pressure data to
lower temperatures using thermal data. Vapor pressure equations for some n-alkanes at
temperatures below the normal boiling point. Chemical Engineering Science 1974, 29, (4),
4. Ambrose, D.; Lawrenson, I. J.; Sprake, C. H. S., Vapor pressure of naphthalene. Journal of
Chemical Thermodynamics 1975, 7, (12), 1173-6.
5. Ambrose, D.; Davies, R. H., The correlation and estimation of vapor pressures. III. Reference
values for low-pressure estimations. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 1980, 12, (9),
6. Majer, V.; Svoboda, V., International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Chemical Data
Series, No. 32: Enthalpies of Vaporization of Organic Compounds. 1985; p 300 pp.
7. Rika, K.; Majer, V., A simultaneous correlation of vapor pressures and thermal data:
application to 1-alkanols. Fluid Phase Equilibria 1986, 28, (3), 253-64.
8. Majer, V.; Svoboda, V.; Pick, J., Heats of Vaporization of Fluids. Academia: Praha, 1989; p
9. Bure, M.; Holub, R.; Leitner, J.; Voka, P., Termochemick veliiny organickch slouenin
(Thermochemical properties of organic compounds). VCHT: Praha, 1992.
10. Frenkel, M. L.; Kabo, G. J.; Marsh, K. N.; Roganov, G. N.; Wilhoit, R. C., Thermodynamics
of Organic Compounds in the Gas State. TRC, TAMUS: College Station, Texas, 1994.
11. Rika, V.; Zbransk, M.; Rika, K.; Majer, V., Vapor pressures for a group of high-
boiling alkylbenzenes under environmental conditions. Thermochimica Acta 1994, 245, 121-
12. Rika, K.; Majer, V., Simple and controlled extrapolation of vapor pressures toward the
triple point. AIChE Journal 1996, 42, (6), 1723-1740.
13. Zbransk, M.; Rika, V.; Majer, V.; Domalski, E. S., Heat Capacity of Liquids. Critical
Review and Recommended Values. American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 1996; p
14. Rika, K.; Mokbel, I.; Majer, V.; Rika, V.; Jose, J.; Zbransk, M., Description of
vapor-liquid and vapor-solid equilibria for a group of polycondensed compounds of
petroleum interest. Fluid Phase Equilibria 1998, 148, (1-2), 107-137.
15. Roh, V.; Musgrove, J. E.; Rika, K.; Rika, V.; Zbransk, M.; Aim, K.,
Thermodynamic properties of dimethyl phthalate along the (vapour + liquid) saturation curve.
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 1999, 31, (8), 971-986.
16. Roh, V.; Rika, V.; Rika, K.; Polednek, M.; Aim, K.; Jose, J.; Zbransk, M.,
Recommended vapor and sublimation pressures and related thermal data for chlorobenzenes.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1999, 157, (1), 121-142.
Presented list of sources of vapour pressure data of is definitely not complete. Suggestions
for including other sources as well as notification about errors are welcomed
Whenever possible, ISBN of books or www link for on-line sources is presented. Older
sources which were later updated are in gray
1A) Ohe, S. Computer Aided Data Book of Vapor Pressure. 1976, Tokyo, Data Book Publishing.
ISBN not found. http://s-ohe.com/VP_1ST.html
Ohe published book with datasets represented graphically (graph for each dataset includes
also literature citation, and parameters of Antoine eq ).
Number of compounds not specified.
1B) Ohe, S. Computer Aided Data Book of Vapor Pressure. 2nd Edition. 1999, Tokyo, Data
Book Publishing 1999. [ISBN: 4-902209-04-7] 1550 pp., USD 1400
http://www.s-ohe.com/katarogu.html , www.data-books.com (in Japanese).
Second edition of book by Ohe contains 3024 datasets represented graphically (no numeric
values). Graphs include also literature citation, parameters of Antoine eq, temp. and pressure
range, and "error" in mmHg).
Number of compounds not specified.
2B) Boublk, T., V. Fried, and E. Hla, The Vapour Pressures of Pure Substances. Selected
values of the temperature dependence of the vapour pressures of some pure substances in the
normal and low pressure region. 2nd Edition, 1984, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
[ISBN 0-444-42266-8] 972 pp.
Original datapoints (recalculated to C and kPa) are presented along with data calculated from
Antoine eq and corresponding absolute and percent deviation from the fit. Antoine eq
parameters and standard deviation is are also given (points with standard deviation exceeding
st.dev more than three times are excluded and fitting procedure is repeated). When there are
several data sets for given compounds, each dataset is treated separately.
Number of compounds/datasets not stated.
Valuable source of information for hydrocarbons (API project).
3A) Dykyj, J. and M. Rep. Tlak nastenej pary organickch zlenn (Vapor pressure of
organic compounds). Volume 1 (1979) Bratislava, Veda (in Slovak). No ISBN. 516 pp
3B) Dykyj, J. Rep. M., and Svoboda, J. Tlak nastenej pary organickch zlenn (Vapor
pressure of organic compounds). Volume 2 (1983) Bratislava, Veda (in Slovak). No ISBN.
427 pp
Monographs by Dykyj et al. (in Slovak) contain parameters of Antoine eq, references to both
accepted and rejected literature sources, and quality reating. Though it does not contain
original datapoints, it covers data for large amount of compounds extracted from several
thousands of literature sources. Data for solids are also included. Volume two represents
update of data for compounds included in Vol. 1 as well as data for new compounds.
3Ca) Dykyj, J., J. Svoboda, R.C. Wilhoit, M. Frenkel, and K.R. Hall, Vapor Pressure and Antoine
Constants for Hydrocarbons, and S, Se, Te, and Halogen Containing Organic Compounds
Landolt-Brnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology.
Vol. 20A. 1999, Heidelberg: Springer. [ISBN 978-3-540-64735-5] (data for 4252
compounds) 373 pp, price EUR 3809,
3Cb) Dykyj, J., J. Svoboda, R.C. Wilhoit, M. Frenkel, and K.R. Hall, Vapor Pressure and
Antoine Constants for Oxygen Containing Organic Compounds. Landolt-Brnstein:
Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology. Vol. 20B. 2000,
Heidelberg: Springer. [ISBN 978-3-540-64968-7] (data for 3174 compounds) 374 pp, price
EUR 4039, http://www.springer.com/laboe/book/978-3-540-64968-7
3Cc) Dykyj, J., J. Svoboda, R.C. Wilhoit, M. Frenkel, and Hall. K.R., Vapor Pressure and
Antoine Constants for Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds Landolt-Brnstein:
Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology. Vol. 20C. 2001,
Heidelberg: Springer. [ISBN 978-3-540-41060-7] (data for 1575 compounds)197 pp, price
EUR 2239, http://www.springer.com/laboe/book/978-3-540-41060-7
4D) Poling, B. E.; Prausnitz, J. M.; O'Connell, J. P. Properties of Gases and Liquids, 5th Ed., 768
pp., McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing: 2000. [ISBN:0-07-011682-2]
Appendix A of this book contains parameters of Antoine and/or extended Antoine eq for
selected compounds reproduced from TRC tables (items 4Aa and 4Ab above).
5A) DIPPR (Design Insitute for Physical Properties) Project 801 [Evaluated Process Design
Data] (http://dippr.byu.edu)
Multiproperty tables cover evaluated data for almost 2000 compounds based on both
experimental and estimated values. Vapour pressures and sublimation pressures are
represented in the in the form of Riedel eqn parameters. Electronic version contains also
original datapoints (including references) and accepted/rejected status for each datapoint.
Data from TRC Tables, Boublik, and Dykyj (see items 2x, 3x, and 4x above) are frequently
refitted to Riedel eqn. Acceptance of estimated values makes this source slightly less reliable
than TRC. Price: from USD 750 to 2500 for local installation, USD 15000 to 26000 for
network installation. Academic discounts available. Stand-alone or web access
7Ad) Yaws C.L.: Handbook of vapor pressure, Volume 4: Inorganic compounds and elements
348 pp, Gulf, Houston 1995 [ISBN 0884151913]
7B) Yaws C.L. The Yaws handbook of vapor pressure : Antoine coefficients
8200 compounds, 168 pp, USD 175. Gulf, Houston 2007 [ISBN 1-933762-10-1]
9a) Lide, D. R. CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. 88th Ed. CRC: Boca Raton, 2007.
[ISBN 0849304881 ] $140. Multiproperty tables. Section 6 (Fluid properties) contains tables
9b) http://www.hbcpnetbase.com
Internet version of 9a)
10) Lencka, M.; Szafranski, A.; Maczynski, A., Verified vapor pressure data, Vol. 1: Organic
Compounds Containing Nitrogen. PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers: Warszawa, 1984. 403
pp[ISBN 83-01-05409-3] 386 datasets for 272 substances published over 1920-1981. Both
original and SI values tabulated along with Antoine eq parameters.
11) Stephenson, R. M.; Malanowski, S.; Ambrose, D., Handbook of the thermodynamics of
organic compounds. Elsevier: New York, 1987.
20Aa) Howard, P.H., W.F. Jarvis, G.W. Sage, D.K. Basu, A.D. Gray, W.M. Meylan, and E.K.
Grosbie, Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic Chemicals. I.
Large Production and Priority Pollutants. 1990, Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis Publishers 574
pp. [ISBN 0-87371-151-3]
20Ab) Howard, P.H., G.W. Sage, W.F. Jarvis, and D.A. Gray, Handbook of Environmental Fate
and Exposure data for Organic Chemicals. II. Solvents. 1991, Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis
Publishers, 546 pp. [ISBN 0-87371-204-8]
20Ac) Howard, P.H., E.M. Michalenko, W.F. Jarvis, D.K. Basu, G.W. Sage, J.A. Beauman, and
D.A. Gray, Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure data for Organic Chemicals.
III. Pesticides. 1991, Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis Publishers, 684 pp.
[ISBN 0-87371-328-1]
20Ad) Howard, P.H., E.M. Michalenko, D.K. Basu, G.W. Sage, W.M. Meylan, J.A. Beauman,
W.F. Jarvis, and D.A. Gray, Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure data for
Organic Chemicals. IV. Solvents 2. 1993, Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis Publishers, 578 pp.
[ISBN 0-87371-413-X]
20Ae) Howard, P.H., G.W. Sage, E.M. Michalenko, D.K. Basu, A. Hill, and D. Aronson,
Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure data for Organic Chemicals. V. Solvents
3. 1997, New York: CRC Lewis Publishers. 491 pp. [ISBN 0-87371-151-3]
Altogether this five-volume handbook covers data for nearly 400 compounds. Single
(selected) value is given.
20B) Howard P.H. Handbook of Physical Properties of Organic Chemicals 1996, CRC Press,
$160, 2112 pp, [ISBN 1566702275] Multiproperty handbook. Single (selected) value of
vapor pressure is given.
20C) Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC) is an independent, not-for-profit research and
development organization http://www.syrres.com/esc/physdemo.htm
20D) http://www.epa.gov/oppt/exposure/pubs/episuitedl.htm Free download. Module Mpbpwin
calculates value of normal boiling point temperature and value of vapor pressure at
298.15 K (estimated and/or unreferenced experimental data are supplied)
Temperatures corresponding to selected vapor pressures in mm Hg (1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100,
200, 400, 760) tabulated. Extensive bibliography, data up to 1942 covered. Should not be
used if newer data are available.
51) Jones, A. H., Sublimation-pressure data for organic compounds. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1960, 5,
(No. 2), 196-200.
52) Ambrose, D. and J. Walton "Vapor pressures up to their critical temperature of normal
alkanes and 1-alkanols." Pure and Applied Chemistry 61(8) (1989): 1395-403).
53) Rika, K. and Majer, V. Simultaneous Treatment of Vapor Pressures and Related Thermal
Data Between the Triple and Normal Boiling Temperatures for n-Alkanes C5-C20. J. Phys.
Chem. Ref. Data 1994, 23, 1-39.
Complement to Ambrose and Walton (item 52) with emphases to low-pressure region.
54) Lemmon, E. W. and A. R. H. Goodwin (2000). "Critical properties and vapor pressure
equation for alkanes CnH2n+2: Normal alkanes with n <= 36 and isomers for n=4 through
n=9." J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 29(1): 1-39.
55) Delle Site, A. (1997). "The vapor pressure of environmentally significant organic chemicals:
a review of methods and data at ambient temperature." Journal of Physical and Chemical
Reference Data 26(1): 157-193.
57B) Chickos, J. S. and W. E. Acree, Jr. (2003). "Enthalpies of Vaporization of Organic and
Organometallic Compounds, 1880-2002." J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data 32(2): 519-878.
Valuable source of bibliographic information for vapor pressures and sublimation pressures.
2) Carson, A. S., The measurement of vapor pressure. In Thermochemistry and Its Applications to
Chemical and Biochemical Systems, Ribeiro da Silva, M. A. V., Ed., D.Riedel Publishing
Company: 1984; pp 127-41. [ISBN 978-9027716989]
3) Verevkin, S. P., Phase Changes in Pure Component Systems: Liquids and Gases. In Measurement
of the Thermodynamic Properties of Multiple Phases, Weir, R. D.; de Loos, T. W., Eds. Elsevier:
Amsterdam, 2005; pp 5-30. [ISBN 0444519777].
4) Delle Site, A., The vapor pressure of environmentally significant organic chemicals: a review of
methods and data at ambient temperature. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 1997,
26, (1), 157-193.