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Factbook 2004-2005

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Fact Book
Table of Contents

Xerox is a global leader...

Xerox at a Glance 1

Overview 2

How Xerox Innovates:

Research, Technology, Development 6

What Xerox Offers:

Equipment, Services, Software, Supplies 10

How Xerox Sells:

Customer Operations and Sales Channels 14

How Xerox Operates:

Manufacturing and Business Support 16

Developing Markets Operations 18

Fuji Xerox 20

Alliances 21

Corporate Award Highlights 21

Directors and Officers 22

Major Xerox Locations 24

Major Products
Currently Marketed in the U.S. 26

Major Products
by Year of U.S. Announcement 28

Historical Highlights 38

Financial Highlights 44

Organizational Structure 45

Xerox Glossary 46

General Contacts 48
Xerox at a Glance
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Business
Anne M. Mulcahy Xerox Corporation is a technology and services
enterprise that helps businesses deploy smart docu-
Mission Statement ment management strategies and find better ways
to work. It offers an array of innovative document
solutions, services and systems including color
and black-and-white printers, digital presses, multi-
function devices and digital copiers designed for
offices and production-printing environments. It
also offers associated supplies, software and support.
Since our inception, we have operated under the 2003 Revenue
guidance of six core values: $15.7 billion
We succeed through satisfied customers.
2003 Income
We deliver quality and excellence in all we do.
$360 million
We require premium return on assets.
We use technology to develop market leadership.
2003 Earnings
We value and empower employees.
$0.36 per share
We behave responsibly as a corporate citizen.

2003 Commitment to
Research & Development
800 Long Ridge Road
$868 million, or about 5.5 percent of revenue
Stamford, CT 06904
About 61,100 worldwide, including 35,600 in the
1906 in Rochester, N.Y., as The Haloid Company;
United States, as of year-end 2003.
named Xerox Corporation in 1961.
Xerox on the Web


Xerox at a Glance

Xerox Corporation is a $15.7 billion

technology and
services enterprise...
that helps businesses deploy smart
document management strategies
and find better ways to work.
Its intent is to constantly lead with
innovative technologies, products
and solutions that customers can
depend upon to improve
business results.
Xerox provides the document industrys broadest
portfolio of offerings. Digital systems include color
and black-and-white printing and publishing systems,
digital presses and book factories, advanced and
basic multifunction systems, laser and solid ink
network printers, copiers and fax machines. Xeroxs
services expertise is unmatched and includes helping
businesses develop online document archives, cross all areas and play to Xeroxs core strengths:
analyzing how employees can most efficiently share color, and solutions that tailor Xerox devices to
documents and knowledge in the office, operating solve a customers problem.
in-house print shops or mailrooms, and building Of the $15.7 billion in 2003 revenue, the United
Web-based processes for personalizing direct mail, States accounted for $8.5 billion; Europe accounted
invoices, brochures and more. Xerox also offers for $4.9 billion; and Latin America, Canada and other
associated software, support and supplies such as countries accounted for $2.3 billion. Also in 2003:
toner, paper and ink. Revenue derived from Xeroxs services offerings
Headquartered in Stamford, Conn., Xerox is represented about $3.4 billion, which includes
No. 130 among the Fortune 500 and has 61,100 document outsourcing.
employees worldwide. The companys operations
are guided by customer-focused and employee- Color revenue, including sales of everything from
centered core values such as social responsibility, network printers to digital color presses and
diversity and quality augmented by a passion for related services and supplies, grew to $3.3 billion.
innovation, speed and adaptability. And 28 percent of all Xerox equipment-sale
revenue came from color equipment, reflecting
The Business of Xerox the growing market demand for color systems.
The companys strategic focus is on three primary
markets: high-end production and commercial print
environments, networked offices from small to large
and value-added services. Two unifying themes

Xerox fueled market-share gains over the past two
years by launching 38 digital office and production
products, delivered through a broad set of sales
channels. About 50 percent of Xeroxs 2003
equipment-sale revenue was derived from these
new, industry-leading systems.

Xerox and Quality

Xerox products are consistently rated among the
worlds best by independent testing organizations.
Since 1980, Xerox and Fuji Xerox have won 25
national quality awards in 20 countries, including
the worlds three most prestigious. In the United
States, Xerox is a two-time winner of the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award: for Xerox
Business Services in 1997 and for Xerox Business
work force strategy, senior managers are expected
to proactively manage diversity objectives through
staffing, retention, promotions, leadership develop-
ment and work environment initiatives.
At the end of 2003, Xeroxs U.S. work force was
Source: 2003 combined market-share reports
15.4 percent African-American, 8.2 percent Hispanic,
Products and Systems in 1989. Xerox Europe, 5.4 percent Asian and 0.8 percent Native American.
formerly Rank Xerox, won the first European Women made up 33 percent of the total U.S. work
Quality Award in 1992. Fuji Xerox won the Deming force of 35,600. About 43 percent of Xerox senior
Prize, Japans highest quality award, in 1980. executives are women or people of color or both.
Building on the companys experience in quality, Caucus groups are another piece of the diversity
in late 2002 Xerox began an enterprise-wide effort story. These independent groups of Xerox employees
integrating Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing date from the 1960s. The six caucuses, akin to
tools and processes into a comprehensive strategy networking and mentoring groups, are instrumental
called Xerox Lean Six Sigma. It is a disciplined, in advocating openness, opportunity and inclusion
data-driven method of reducing waste and variation for the entire Xerox community and work with
in processes so they consistently deliver products management to achieve common business objectives.
and services at the quality levels, speeds and prices Caucuses exist for African-American, Hispanic,
that customers value and therefore improve Asian, women, African-American women, and
Xerox business results. More than 25 dedicated gay/lesbian employees.
Xerox Lean Six Sigma deployment managers and Xerox has been consistently recognized by inde-
more than 300 Black Belts lead projects in every pendent organizations for its employee diversity
business throughout the company. successes as well as for its commitment to supplier
diversity. Since 1985, Xerox has purchased more
Xerox and Diversity than $4.4 billion in goods and services from
Xerox has had a long-standing commitment to minority- and women-owned businesses in the
maintaining an inclusive, progressive workplace United States.
environment that values all ways of thinking,
cultural differences and new perspectives. Xerox Xerox and Work-Life
views diversity in the workplace as a moral impera- Xerox is committed to helping employees balance
tive and a business and competitive advantage. People the demands of their professional and personal
of all ages and from different backgrounds bring lives, in the belief that such balance helps employees
fresh perspectives and create innovative solutions. to be more satisfied and productive on the job.
Diversity practices are deployed throughout all Xerox offers a variety of alternative work arrange-
core operations. Under the companys balanced ments and benefits including flex hours, job sharing

Under the Social Service Leave Program,
Overview employees are granted paid leaves of up to one
year to work on social action projects of their choice.
The program, one of few corporate sabbatical
programs designed to provide opportunities for
employees to work full-time in their communities,
is believed to be the oldest of its kind in American
business. Since the program began in 1971, 453
employees have been granted a leave, including
nine employees for 2004.
The Foundation also matches employee gifts to
higher education under the Xerox Employee
Matching Gifts Program about 2,120 gifts in
2003. And under the Employee United Way program,
it educates employees about United Way services
and administers employee contributions. In 2003,
Xerox people and the Foundation together gave
more than $4 million to United Way.

Xerox and Corporate Governance

and telecommuting, help for first-time home buyers, Xerox aims to be a role model in ethical behavior
child-care subsidies, dependent-care counseling and and business practices, nurturing a culture of
referral, adoption assistance, help with parenting integrity, openness and inclusion. The companys
and educational concerns, and assistance with 11-member board of directors is 90 percent inde-
elder-care issues. pendent. Xerox people worldwide receive frequent
training on how to apply the companys Code of
Xerox and Community Investments Conduct to their everyday work activities. In
Xeroxs social responsibility efforts are an extension addition, the Xerox Ethics Helpline offers
of the companys belief that a successful corporation employees an opportunity to seek guidance and
must be an active participant in society. The company raise issues concerning business standards and
carries out most of its philanthropy through The ethics. All governance policies, charters and codes
Xerox Foundation. It assists more than 400 social, are available on the Xerox corporate Web site.
civic and cultural organizations. Xerox also provided
more than 40 grants to university research programs Xerox and the Environment
championed by a Xerox scientist, and it offered Xerox is a pioneer in designing and building
scholarship support at more than 140 colleges and waste-free products. In a world of finite resources,
universities to prepare students for careers in busi- Xerox uses materials and energy efficiently to mini-
ness, science and technology and to enhance learning mize waste and emissions. Each year, Xerox saves
opportunities for minorities and women. several hundred million dollars through product
In all, the Foundation contributed $11 million in remanufacturing and parts reuse processes, diverting
2003 across five areas: education and work force well over 100 million pounds of waste from land-
preparedness, science and technology, cultural fills. All Xerox-designed copiers, printers and
affairs, national affairs, and employee/community multifunction systems are developed to be remanu-
activities. Employee/community activities are factured at the end of their initial life cycles.
supported primarily through four programs. Each new generation of Xerox products offers
The Xerox Community Involvement Program increasing functionality while conserving energy
helps fund teams of employees who work on specific and materials and requiring fewer hazardous
community projects of their choosing. In 2003, substances throughout the product life cycle.
more than 13,600 employees participated in XCIP Hundreds of Xerox products have met the environ-
projects across the country, and more than 404,800 mental performance requirements of the worlds
employees have worked on 15,381 projects since 1974.

A Brief History of Xerox
Chester Carlson, a patent attorney and part-time inventor, made the first xerographic image in Haloid coined the word Xerox for the new copiers, and in 1948, the word
his makeshift laboratory in Astoria, Queens, in New York City, on Oct. 22, 1938. He spent years Xerox was trademarked. Inspired by the early, modest success of its Xerox
trying to sell his invention without success. Business executives and entrepreneurs didnt copiers, Haloid changed its name in 1958 to Haloid Xerox Inc. The company
believe there was a market for a copier when carbon paper worked just fine. And the prototype became Xerox Corporation in 1961 after wide acceptance of the Xerox 914,
for the copier was unwieldy and messy. Some 20 companies, IBM and General Electric among the first automatic office copier to use ordinary paper.
them, met his invention with what Carlson called an enthusiastic lack of interest. September 2004 marks the 45th anniversary of the Xerox 914. More than
Finally in 1944, the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, contracted with Carlson to 200,000 units were made around the world between 1959 and 1976, the
refine his new process, which Carlson called electrophotography. Three years later, The Haloid Company, a maker of year the company stopped production of the 914. In 1985, 26 years after its
photographic paper in Rochester, N.Y., approached Battelle and obtained a license to develop and market a copying introduction, Xerox announced that it would no longer renew 914 service
machine based on Carlsons technology. Haloid later obtained all rights to Carlsons invention. Carlson and Haloid agreed contracts in the United States. Instead, a time and materials repair service was
the word electrophotography was too cumbersome. A professor of classical languages at Ohio State University offered for the more than 6,000 units still in operation. Today, the Xerox 914 is
suggested xerography, derived from the Greek words for dry and writing. part of American history as an artifact in the Smithsonian Institution.

most widely recognized certifications including commitment to source paper from suppliers that
Canadas Environmental Choice EcoLogo and the practice sound environmental management and
international ENERGY STAR. sustainable forestry.
Xerox multifunction systems offer inherent envi- Xerox has integrated environmental considera-
ronmental benefits. In 2003, Xerox expanded its tions into its manufacturing operations through
line with new WorkCentre and WorkCentre Pro implementation of an ISO 14001-conforming
models. The systems are modular and easy to environmental management system. All Xerox
upgrade so customers can buy only the functions manufacturing sites have achieved certification to
they need, conserving resources. Advanced this standard. In 2003, Xerox made a formal
controller technology allows the system to perform commitment to expand efforts to further reduce
several functions print, copy, fax or scan at energy consumption and associated greenhouse
once, making it possible for a multifunction system gas emissions.
to replace several standalone machines. Scanning
options help reduce the need to mail hardcopy The Xerox Trademark
documents, helping customers reduce paper inventory. Xerox is a famous trademark and trade name.
Xerox Phaser solid ink printers are notable for Xerox as a trademark is properly used only as a
conserving materials. They weigh about 25 percent brand name to identify the companys products and
less than typical color laser printers, and they services. The Xerox trademark should always be
produce about 95 percent less waste during use used as a proper adjective followed by the generic
because they require no cartridges and minimal name of the product: e.g., Xerox printer. The Xerox
consumable supplies. trademark should never be used as a verb. The
Xerox also offers high-quality recycled papers trade name Xerox is an abbreviation for the
with up to 100 percent post-consumer waste content. companys full legal name: Xerox Corporation.
Xerox machines are optimized for their use. A The digital X is Xeroxs marketing symbol,


growing number of papers are manufactured using often accompanied by the companys signature
DOLLARS THROUGH PRODUCT elemental chlorine-free or totally chlorine-free The Document Company Xerox. The symbols
REMANUFACTURING AND PARTS bleaching and de-inking processes. As one of the upper right quadrant depicts the pixels of digital
REUSE PROCESSES, DIVERTING largest resellers of cut-sheet paper in the world, imaging and the movement of documents between
Xerox ensures the practices of its paper suppliers the paper and electronic worlds.
are consistent with its environmental goals. In 2003, XEROX, The Document Company and the digital
Xerox issued to its paper suppliers a set of environ- X are registered trademarks of Xerox Corporation.
mental requirements, which support Xeroxs
Stock Information
Xerox common stock (XRX) was listed on the New
York Stock Exchange in 1961 and on the Chicago
Stock Exchange in 1990. It is also traded on the
Boston, Cincinnati, Pacific Coast, Philadelphia,
London and Switzerland exchanges.
Xerox is incorporated in New York.

How Xerox Innovates

Scientists and engineers in the Xerox Innovation Group

Xerox Innovation Group drive 800 Long Ridge Road

Stamford, CT 06904
invention, innovation and Herv J. Gallaire, XIG president
and Xerox chief technology officer
integration throughout the
corporation. Research and Technology

Imaging and Services Technology Center

Xerox is a company thats founded on and
800 Phillips Road
thrives on innovation. The Xerox Innovation
Webster, NY 14580
Group explores the unknown, invents next-genera-
Sid Dalal, vice president and center manager
tion technology and creates new business and
shareholder value through its five worldwide The Imaging and Services Technology Center,
research centers and associated operations. XIG founded in 2003, is the focal point for Xeroxs core
includes everything from the scientists who invent competencies in digital imaging and in document
new technology... to the experts who help secure solutions and services. Its researchers are in
intellectual property through patents... to the Webster, N.Y., and in El Segundo and Palo Alto,
managers who deliver the technology to Xerox Calif. Expertise in the center includes digital
business groups, use it as the foundation for new imaging, electrical engineering, computer science,
businesses, or license it to an outside company to
bring value to their products.
XIG divides its functions into three areas: research
and technology, intellectual property management
and licensing, and business unit operations. XIG
business units and spinoff companies generate
revenue by providing software, services and new
devices to their customers.
Xerox continues to push the frontiers of research
and technology by reinventing its machines and
systems, rethinking how people work, and redefining
the document. XIG also collaborates with Xerox
business groups to select and implement the archi-
tectures and technologies that enable winning
product and component platforms.
Research and technology activities are conducted
at centers in the United States, Canada and Europe
and often in collaboration with Fuji Xerox. In 2003,
Xerox spent $868 million on research and develop-
ment, or about 5.5 percent of its $15.7 billion in
revenue. The $727 million spent by Fuji Xerox
raised the total Xerox group commitment in R&D
to about $1.6 billion in 2003.

How Xerox Innovates

data mining, and social sciences including anthro-
pology, psychology and sociology.
ISTC researches and develops new software Xerox is...
architectures and systems for two primary areas.
First, it supports Xeroxs traditional office and
production systems with benchmark digital imaging
and workflow technologies that are key compo-
nents in the rapid growth of color printing. These
technologies enable applications and features for
personalized printing, on-demand printing and
other areas. It also creates technologies that will
support customers after the sale, such as software
that can help machines correct or repair themselves
or automatically re-order supplies.
media handling, microsystems, embedded systems
Second, its research helps form the foundation
controls and device controls. In particular, they
of offerings for Xeroxs Global Services produc-
develop future marking engine platforms that
tion and document management businesses. For
emphasize color, improved media latitude, bench-
example, ISTCs expertise in work process analysis
mark image quality and lower cost of ownership.

REQUIRES THE BRIGHTEST AND B E S T: A P P R O X I M AT E LY 1 IN 12 Xerox Research Centre of Canada

Mississauga, Ontario
is used by Services personnel when conducting
L5K 2L1, Canada
productivity analyses at customer sites. In
Rafik O. Loutfy, vice president and center manager
addition, expertise in operations research has
led to services around lean production XRCC is Xeroxs materials research center, enabling
techniques that help commercial print shops the flow of leading-edge imaging materials from
boost productivity. research concepts to supplies solutions. Founded
in 1974, XRCC leverages its core competencies in
Wilson Center for Research and Technology materials design, synthesis, characterization, evalua-
800 Phillips Road tion and scale-up to deliver with partners
Webster, NY 14580 environmentally sound materials and processes
Steven B. Bolte, vice president and center manager that support higher-quality and lower-cost color
and monochrome printing.
Since its founding in 1960, the Wilson Center has
Specifically, XRCC conducts fundamental and
attained international recognition for its pioneering
applied materials research in toners, inks, photo-
work on xerography, which provided the technical
receptors and specialty substrates to support
and patent basis for Xerox imaging products from
xerographic and direct printing technologies.
the 1960s to today. It continues to discover new
An example of its breakthrough research is a
ways to put images on paper and other media and
chemical toner called EA Technology, which
to enhance images electronically.
yields sharper image quality, higher reliability
Today, Wilson Center scientists focus on leading
and faster warm-up time.
the companys drive to providing customers with
Research in organic electronic materials for
affordable color technology, and on extending
digital document media, displays, and printed
Xeroxs product functionality to create valuable
organic electronic consumables is also being
customer services. They leverage proprietary and
carried out to bridge the gap between paper
leading-edge external technologies to inject innova-
and electronic documents.
tive elements into platforms used as the basis for
Xerox product families. Their work spans the entire
scope of document production, including image
evaluation, image processing, marking processes,

How Xerox Innovates

How Xerox Innovates





Monica Beltrametti, vice president and center manager 70 MPH BRAKED TO 0 MPH IN ONE SECOND.

Founded in 1993, XRCE guides Xerox research software, the dual-beam lasers used in many Xerox
activities in Europe. The center coordinates products, and the scheduling software of the Xerox
research, engineering and the TeXnology iGen3 Digital Production Press.
Showroom, a customer showcase for Xerox Xerox continues to embed relevant PARC tech-
research and a technology exchange forum. The nology into its product and solutions offerings.
center also develops connections within the wider PARC is also delivering its innovations to a wider
European scientific community through collabora- range of non-competitive industry partners than
tive projects and partnerships. ever before. Together, PARC and Xerox are
XRCE creates innovative document technologies defining a new vision for how pioneering research
for the Xerox office and global solutions and serv- creates commercial impact. Current research
ices businesses. The group focuses on services that includes diverse areas such as semiconductor lasers,
help people access and share documents and knowl- microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), scalable
edge, regardless of device, format, platform or smart environments, wireless networks, security,
language, from the desktop or at a distance. linguistic analysis, information interaction, commu-
R&D competencies lie in content analysis (natural nity knowledge sharing, and biomedical sciences.
language), machine learning, document structures,
image processing and work practices. XRCE Other XIG Operations
research programs combine results from several
research threads to transfer technology applications Xerox Intellectual Property Operations
to the Xerox business groups; current programs 1350 Jefferson Road
include office applications, work practice services, Rochester, NY 14623
and knowledge and content. Harry Williams, vice president

XIPO manages the protection and commercializa-

Palo Alto Research Center Inc. tion of Xeroxs intellectual property and plays a
3333 Coyote Hill Road significant role in the patent filing process. In 2003,
Palo Alto, CA 94304 Xerox received 628 U.S. patents. This group
Mark Bernstein, president and center director develops and implements IP strategies and policies
PARC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Xerox and in alignment with corporate technology, product and
an integral part of Xeroxs strategy for long-term market strategies. It analyzes, rates and, as appro-
research investment. Founded in 1970 as part of priate, recommends invention disclosures for either
Xerox Research, PARC was incorporated in 2002 patent prosecution, public disclosures or trade secret
as an independent research business. retention. XIPO ensures that other companies
As the birthplace of technologies such as laser respect Xerox intellectual property rights by
printing, Ethernet, the graphical user interface, and enforcing Xerox rights through various licensing
ubiquitous computing, PARC has an established and other settlement arrangements, by defending
track record for transforming industries and creating Xerox from the assertions of others, or by obtaining
commercial value. PARC has delivered lasting value strategic cross-licenses with key companies.
to Xerox, for example, as laser printing became a
multibillion-dollar business for Xerox. PARC is the
birthplace of Xeroxs DocuPrint network printing

How Xerox Innovates

In addition, XIPO works closely with IPValue
Management, an external firm focused on commer-
cializing intellectual assets, to leverage Xerox tech-
nologies through licensing opportunities. Through
XIPO and IPValue, Xerox licenses its portfolio of
about 8,000 active patents that span digital imaging,
marking systems, materials, and solutions and serv-
ices technology.

Xerox Innovation Group Enterprises

800 Long Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06904 Xerox Engineering Center
Herv J. Gallaire, acting manager 800 Phillips Road
Webster, NY 14580
This group includes Xerox business units managed
Sophie V. Vandebroek, vice president
by XIG and separate companies that have been
and Xerox chief engineer
formed to commercialize Xerox technology. Those
units and companies serve as new businesses for The Xerox Engineering Center, which reports into
Xerox and as additional commercialization paths both XIG and Business Group Operations, manages
for Xerox-developed technology. In the start-up Xeroxs platform planning and product delivery
phase, they can tap into established Xerox effectiveness, striving to make technology innova-
resources, including corporate engineering, tion a strong foundation for Xeroxs profitable
marketing and professional services support, revenue growth. The centers responsibilities
beyond the reach of most new businesses. Over include nurturing strong engineering leaders;
time, each unit or company will be merged into enabling benchmark growth in systems,
Xerox Corporation, become an independent or hardware/materials and software technologies;
publicly traded company, or be sold. Xerox may prioritizing the Xerox R&D portfolio; keeping
retain a minority or majority ownership stake. strategic technology roadmaps and platform
Today XIGE consists of two entities: architectures current; and strengthening Xerox
engineering capabilities through Web-enabled tools
DocuShare Business Unit, which develops and
and processes. Global platform development is
sells DocuShare document management
coordinated with Fuji Xerox. The XEC also drives
software. DocuShare allows multiple users to
consistency in the look and feel of all Xerox
access, manage and share digital content within
products and their systems coherence as demon-
a secure, online environment, using standard
strated in the interoperability and the seamless fit
Web browsers. With more than 1 million users,
of Xerox products in customers environments.
DocuShare is a user-friendly, easy-to-install
system that works with a variety of platforms
and document formats.

Gyricon LLC, established in 2000, is commer-

cializing the SmartPaper electronic paper
technology developed at Xerox PARC. The
companys initial products are wireless electronic
signs for retailers and the recently developed
SyncroSign Message Board. For more
information, visit www.gyriconmedia.com.

How Xerox Innovates

What Xerox Offers

Equipment, Services,
Software, Supplies
Xerox provides hundreds of
systems and services that
help customers
manage and share
documents: high-end
digital production printers, office
multifunction systems, toner and
paper, outsourced document
management and more.
These products and services primarily originate
from two main business operations called
Business Group Operations and Xerox Global that print over 90 pages per minute and color
Services which are focused on the production products over 40 pages per minute. The office
market, the office market and the services market. segment represented $7.7 billion, and it includes
Both entities contribute to Xeroxs mission to give all systems operating below those speed levels.
customers better ways to do great work. They BGO also manages the supplies business, the
manage the design, engineering and marketing of Xerox Engineering Center and the Xerox Channels
Xerox imaging equipment, supplies, software and Group. The following are some of its key product
services. In 2003, Xerox began working with divisions and offerings.
Visioneer Inc. and Proview Technology Inc. on a Production Systems Group
retail line of Xerox DocuMate desktop scanners, 800 Phillips Road
Xerox digital projectors and Xerox flat-screen Webster, NY 14580
computer monitors that are marketed and Gilbert J. Hatch, president
supported by those partner companies.
Xerox is among the printing industrys digital
Business Group Operations pioneers and continues to lead efforts to help
70 Linden Oaks Parkway businesses profit from the ongoing digital printing
Rochester, NY 14625 revolution. Xerox ignited the customized
Ursula M. Burns, president production-printing industry in 1977 by introducing
high-speed laser printing for producing computer
Business Group Operations brings together all of data-based output. In 1990, the DocuTech
the marketing, engineering, product development Production Publisher spawned todays fast-growing,
and acquisition, and manufacturing for Xeroxs print-on-demand industry.
office and production markets. Of Xeroxs 2003 Building on that legacy, PSG provides both
revenue, the production segment represented about color and black-and-white products for three main
$4.5 billion and includes monochrome products environments: production publishing, transaction

What Xerox Offers

PSG offers solutions to enable just-in-time
printing, customized publishing and book publishing.
PSG also is responsible for wide-format hardware,
software and supplies for the technical document
market and the graphic arts market.
printing and enterprise-wide printing. The group Xerox Office Business Group
offers total document solutions and services that can 26600 SW Parkway
scan, view, manage and produce documents, as well Wilsonville, OR 97070
as a variety of pre-press and post-press workflow Timothy Williams, president
options to fully meet customer demands. Xerox is a
leader in product and software open architecture Since the invention of the plain-paper copier, Xerox
and flexibility, as well as in production workflow and has transformed the way people work in an office.
systems integration. Its workflow strategy, called From the single-person office to the departmental
FreeFlow, includes a collection of offerings that help workgroup, from the knowledge worker to the
print providers simplify work processes, attract new graphic designer, Xerox supports every office
business, and better manage print jobs all the way environment. The Xerox Office Business Group
from the initial order to the final invoice. develops and manufactures a range of color and
Xeroxs primary high-end product families are black-and-white multifunction, printer, copier
DocuPrint for enterprise printing, Nuvera and and fax products, which are marketed and sold
DocuTech for digital on-demand printing, and by the Xerox Channels Group through several
DocuColor for digital full-color printing. Products sales channels.
range from entry-level, black-and-white cut-sheet Xerox office digital copiers, copier-printers and
printers to high-speed continuous-feed production advanced multifunction systems which print,
copy, scan, fax and e-mail belong to one of three
product families: CopyCentre, WorkCentre and
WorkCentre Pro. These products range in speeds
from 16 to 90 pages per minute. Xerox midrange
color multifunction systems include the DocuColor
3535 and WorkCentre Pro 40 Color products.
The Xerox Office Business Group also provides
Xerox Phaser color and black-and-white network
printers. Xerox is a strong player in the U.S. office
color printer market, with about 15 percent market
share. Xerox printers, such as the Phaser 8400 and
Phaser 7750, are making color printing fast, easy
and affordable for all business environments. Xerox
uses a variety of printing technologies including
laser, LED and the Xerox-exclusive solid ink.

printers and full-color production printing systems

such as the DocuColor 6060.
In 2002 Xerox launched its iGen3 Digital
Production Press, the industrys most advanced and
cost-effective digital color press. It is revolutionizing
the color print market, as it combines the image
quality of offset printing with the speed and tech-
nical capabilities of digital printing.

What Xerox Offers
What Xerox Offers

Rounding out Xeroxs offerings are software

solutions and services developed to enhance
worker productivity. For example, CentreWare
Web is designed to help customers effectively
manage all network printing devices in their
company, regardless of brand, through a Web
browser. DocuShare allows people to share and
store online documents more efficiently, and
FlowPort bridges the paper and digital worlds by
using a unique encoded cover sheet to send
scanned documents directly to e-mail or other
destinations. Xerox also provides in-depth analyses
of how office environments operate and the
processes their workers use so that it can recom-
mend the optimal mix of office systems.

Xerox Supplies Business Group

800 Long Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06904
Brian E. Stern, president

Xerox is one of the worlds leading providers of

imaging and document supplies. From toner, inks
and print cartridges to various types of paper and
printing materials, supplies are an important part of
the companys overall business. XSBG develops and
markets a range of paper and specialty media prod-
ucts designed for Xerox digital printers. Xerox papers
and specialty media include text and cover grades, Xerox Global Services
coated papers, labels, transparencies, carbonless cut- 70 Linden Oaks Parkway
sheet papers, business cards and more all Rochester, NY 14625
designed in the Xerox Media Technology Center Thomas J. Dolan, president
to ensure optimal machine performance.
Xerox is also the leading innovator in toner, photo- Xerox Global Services helps clients reduce costs
receptor and fuser technology. From its pioneering and create value by making smarter connections
work with carbon-based organic toner formulations between their people, processes and technology. It
in the 1950s creating the copier marketplace works with clients to streamline and simplify their
to current work with chemically grown EA toner, document- and information-intensive business
Xerox has consistently set the pace for the industry. processes everyday processes like customer
Its research and development and manufacturing communications, billing, training and records
partnership with Fuji Xerox positions Xerox as the management. A team of more than 14,000
worlds largest toner manufacturer. employees, including consultants and technical
XSBG also develops and distributes Its experts, provide a full range of capabilities to iden-
Compatible toner cartridges laser toner tify and assess a clients opportunity, design and
cartridges designed for selected Hewlett-Packard implement solutions, and manage the resulting
printers. Since entering this market in 1997, Xerox work processes.
has established itself as a high-quality alternative to Xerox Global Services delivers both process
HP, with the largest line of brand-name compatible innovation and managed services.
cartridges in the industry.

What Xerox Offers








Business Innovation Services help clients improve

the way they work and implement business-process
change through consulting, work-process design and
systems integration. These services streamline and
improve a clients document-intensive business
processes. The engagements begin with an assess-
ment using Lean Six Sigma methodologies, a quality
process that ensures objectives are clearly defined
and results are measurable.

Customer Communications Services improve

communication and information flow between a design and implementation as well as support for IT
company and its customers. For example, a direct assets such as personal computers and printers; and
mail campaign can be individualized to target delivery of remote proactive network management
specific customers and their interests. and security services.

Product Lifecycle Services improve time to Imaging and Scanning Services that streamline
market, cut costs and enhance effectiveness of the image and retrieval process, in part by
documentation that supports products throughout converting hard-copy documents to digital
their lifecycles, such as automotive manuals that and then hosting them in a secure, organized
need to be updated annually as each new car online library.
model is introduced. Global Knowledge and Language Services that
Office Services use the Office Document provide globalization, translation and localization,
Assessment methodology to analyze the way writing, publishing and e-learning services.
customers work. Then Xerox can help customers
deliver cost savings through better use of existing Xerox Production Services help customers with
office equipment, consolidation of assets, and use high-volume printing needs in the production
of a single point of contact for supplies or service. environment to manage documents and document-
production processes from start to finish and across
Document Imaging and Repository Services
the enterprise. Production Document Assessments
make traditional paper documents digital-based
help clients with document engineering and graphic
and more accessible in whatever format the
design, forms management, production publishing,
information is needed, for example, scanning
and mail fulfillment and distribution. This group
hardcopy invoices and putting them online so
provides an opportunity for customers to outsource
that a service representative can quickly access
their entire document business process, using
the data and provide timely and efficient
Xerox as the expert to reduce costs, improve
customer service.
productivity and offer greater levels of service
for their document management needs.
Managed Services provide support for clients
critical business processes, which can be performed
either in-house or off-site. They include:

A centralized help desk service that provides a

complete customer care solution; diagnostics and
repair of failed hardware; consultation, solution

What Xerox Offers

How Xerox Sells

Customer Operations and

Sales Channels
Xerox products are sold through a NASG direct sales force. The roughly 100 represen-
tatives serve Fortune 1000 customers in the United
variety of channels, States, supported by NASG service engineers. Xerox
acquired Omnifax in 1999.
including direct sales, telebusiness, Xerox Capital Services LLC is a joint venture
resellers, agents, concessionaires company owned by GE Vendor Financial Services,
a unit of GE Commercial Finance, and Xerox
and the Web. Corporation. Xerox Capital Services manages order
Customer Operations processing, lease administration, billing and collec-
These geographically based organizations primarily tions for Xerox customers in the United States.
sell office and production products directly to Xerox It was created in 2002.
customers, although they may also manage additional Xerox Canada Inc.
sales channels. They also deliver support and people- 5650 Yonge St.
based services in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Other North York, Ontario
territories are managed by Xeroxs Developing M2M 4G7, Canada
Markets Operations (see page 18). Doug Lord, president and CEO
North American Solutions Group Xerox Canada was established in 1953 and has
Xerox Square offices in most major Canadian cities. In addition to
100 S. Clinton Ave. providing direct sales, marketing and service support
Rochester, NY 14644 of Xerox products and solutions with the North
Michael C. Mac Donald, president American Solutions Group, Xerox Canada sells prod-
The North American Solutions Group sells and ucts through other channels such as resellers, agents,
services Xerox office and high-end products and dealers and the two Xerox TeleWeb centers in
solutions throughout the United States and Canada. St. John, New Brunswick, and Halifax, Nova Scotia.
NASG employs about 25,000 direct sales, services The Xerox Research Centre of Canada is in
and support experts who serve customers through Mississauga, a Toronto suburb. The total Xerox
its geographic and industry-focused business units; population in Canada includes nearly 5,000 people
for example, the graphic arts industry unit focuses at Xerox Canada, XRCC and the TeleWeb opera-
on commercial printers, quick printers and similar tions. Xerox Corporation owns 97 percent of the
enterprises. NASG also works closely with other Canadian subsidiary; the remaining 3 percent is
Xerox business groups to make sure Xerox responds held by shareholders.
effectively to a wide range of customer requirements. Xerox Europe
Xerox Services is the largest NASG component. Oxford Road, Uxbridge
They operate outsourced document management Middlesex, UB8 1HS
services, such as running a customers in-house United Kingdom
printing center or mailroom. They deliver technical Armando Zagalo de Lima, president
services, such as installing digital products or
performing product repairs, and they implement Xerox Europe markets Xerox products, services and
solutions created for Xerox customers. In addition, associated offerings across 17 countries. It is focused
they manage customer satisfaction and training on three main areas: offices from small to large,
programs for the entire organization. production print and graphic arts environments,
Xerox Omnifax is a direct sales force organization and services that include consulting, systems design
that specializes in mid-range multifunction products and management, and document outsourcing.
and workgroup fax devices in cooperation with the

How Xerox Sells

Xerox Europe also has manufacturing and logistics Xerox office printers, with about 10,000 resellers in
operations in Ireland, the United Kingdom and North America carrying Xerox products.
Holland, and has the Xerox Research Centre Europe In Europe, the Concessionaires Channel consists
in Grenoble, France. Xerox Europe employs nearly of Xerox solution providers that serve small and
16,000 people and dates from 1956, when Xerox medium-sized businesses on a local basis in 16 coun-
made its first foray into international markets with tries. The concessionaire channel was formed in
Rank Xerox, a joint venture with The Rank Organis- 1984. Today, this network includes 600 independent
ation plc. Xerox bought out Ranks interest in 1997. concessionaires with more than 4,500 sales and tele-
Xerox Office Group in Europe delivers office sales representatives.
systems and services to end users via an indirect
e-Business and TeleWeb
channel network of concessionaires, corporate
800 Long Ridge Road
resellers, system integrators, and others.
Stamford, CT 06904
James H. Lesko, president
Sales Channels
Complementing Xeroxs direct-sales efforts is a The e-Business and TeleWeb organization, part of
variety of sales channels that allow customers to do the Corporate Operations Group, focuses on bringing
business with Xerox in several ways. e-business processes into Xerox, as well as managing
and deploying TeleWeb, customer management and
Xerox Channels Group xerox.com capabilities worldwide.
1350 Jefferson Road Xerox.com provides a global Web presence,
Rochester, NY 14623 serving more than two dozen countries with a
Emerson U. Fullwood, president common platform that is customized for each
The Xerox Channels Group leads product marketing countrys language and requirements. The site has
for the global Xerox office business, including extensive information about Xerox products,
supplies, solutions and services, including animated
virtual demos that outline the features of Xerox
products. It offers ways to buy Xerox products,
either directly from Xerox or through online
printers, copiers, fax machines, basic multifunction channel partners. Equally important, the site offers
devices and advanced multifunction systems. It also extensive post-sale support tools, ranging from
sets the go-to-market strategy for agents, dealers, knowledge databases that help customers
resellers and direct sales, and works closely with the troubleshoot problems to account management
North American Solutions Group, Xerox Europe applications that let customers create
and Developing Markets Operations sales and personalized catalogs.
distribution partners to implement these strategies. Global TeleWeb operations let customers do
North American Agent Operations, part of the business with Xerox over the phone (in North
Xerox Channels Group, operates the Authorized America, 800-ASK-XEROX) and on the Web.
Sales Agent program. About 600 independent busi- Since 1999, the channel has grown to several
nesses act as Xerox Authorized Agencies with TeleWeb contact centers in North America,
approximately 2,500 agency sales representatives. Europe and developing markets countries. Global
This channel, initiated in 1982, sells the complete TeleWeb takes inbound and outbound calls to sell
line of Xerox offerings to primarily small- and products, supplies and services, often complemented
medium-sized businesses across North America. by Web-based tools and demonstrations. It also
The North American Dealer Channel markets places outbound calls to generate sales leads for a
workgroup fax and midrange digital multifunction variety of Xerox channels. Highly trained Virtual
devices through more than 400 Xerox Authorized Sales Executives deliver proposals online, imple-
Dealers and independent office equipment dealers. ment demonstrations or complete transactions over
These dealers are independent businesses locally the phone and Web broadening Xeroxs
owned and managed with showroom, office and customer contact.
warehouse facilities.
Through the Xerox Channels Group, Xerox
provides a range of programs and tools designed
to help independent Value-Added Resellers and
direct-response partners worldwide grow their busi-
ness with Xerox color and black-and-white network
printers, as well as workgroup fax and multifunction
devices. Resellers are the primary sales channel for

How Xerox Sells

How Xerox Operates

Manufacturing and Business Support

These groups
critical systems, services
and support to Xerox business
operations and employees, whether
managed locally or as centralized
corporate initiatives.
Worldwide Manufacturing and Supply Chain
800 Phillips Road
Webster, NY 14580
Wim T. Appelo, vice president

This group, which reports to Business Group

Operations, is responsible for worldwide manufac-
turing and distribution of Xerox products and
service parts. In addition, it distributes consumables,
such as toner, photoreceptors and other replaceable
parts. WM&SC works closely with the Xerox
Supplies Business Group on the design and manu- unions or works councils, including the Union
facture of Xerox supplies. of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees
Manufacturing and Supply Chain essentially (UNITE), which represents about 2,500 workers
encompasses all aspects of equipment delivery, in the United States and Canada. Xerox is the
including procurement of materials and products, only union-represented office equipment
manufacture of equipment, and delivery of finished manufacturer worldwide.
products to customers.
WM&SC maintains the companys central global
purchasing function, handling purchasing for
non-production contracts, such as travel and office
supplies, and for production materials, such as plas-
tics, circuit boards and acquired products. It also Manufacturing and distribution facilities are
designs and implements Xerox environment, health located around the world. The companys largest site
and safety initiatives and programs. is in Webster, N.Y., where among other products it
Xerox manufacturing and distribution facilities makes fusers, photoreceptors and iGen3 systems and
are managed to the highest quality and environ- components. Increasingly, Xerox works with partners
mental standards; all manufacturing factories are such as Fuji Xerox, Flextronics International and
ISO 9000 and 14001 certified. Extensive employee others on aspects of design, manufacturing and
training and involvement is practiced, and the use distribution. Suppliers and partners continue to
of quality tools, such as Lean Six Sigma, is perva- produce Xerox equipment and components under
sive. In several regions, Xeroxs manufacturing and the same high quality standards that customers rely
distribution workers are represented by labor on from Xerox.

How Xerox Operates

Corporate Operations Group Office of the Chief Staff Officer
800 Long Ridge Road and Chief Ethics Officer
Stamford, CT 06904 800 Long Ridge Road
James A. Firestone, president Stamford, CT 06904
Hctor J. Motroni, chief staff officer
The Corporate Operations Group leads the strategy
and chief ethics officer
and operational support functions that are managed
as centralized corporate initiatives. It is also This office leads critical functions that support
responsible for Fuji Xerox relations and Xerox Xerox people, such as Human Resources, which
International Partners. drives programs and policies to make Xerox a top
As part of COG, Corporate Strategy and Alliances place to work. The chief staff officer is also respon-
provides business analysis that serves to shape sible for Corporate Real Estate and General
Xeroxs strategic direction. It also develops and Services, which provides travel and meeting services,
maintains Xeroxs relationships with key business records, and forms management, an internal Xerox
partners. Corporate Marketing and Communications resource library, facilities management and more.
directs Xerox advertising, public relations, marketing, The Business Ethics and Compliance office
business intelligence and internal communications. ensures Xerox maintains a culture of integrity,
The e-Business and TeleWeb organization leads openness and inclusion; provides an Ethics Helpline
www.xerox.com and the TeleWeb call centers. Xerox for employees to seek guidance or raise issues; and
Information Management manages and delivers conducts ethics training and annual policy acknowl-
information systems and services to support Xerox edgements. Enterprise Risk Management helps the
core business processes. company identify potential risks that may affect the
achievement of its business objectives, categorize
External and Legal Affairs
those risks, and systematically assess, monitor and
800 Long Ridge Road
mitigate each one.
Stamford, CT 06904
J. Michael Farren, vice president Xerox Lean Six Sigma
Xerox Square
External and Legal Affairs manages Xeroxs
100 S. Clinton Ave.
interaction with governments and government
Rochester, NY 14644
organizations around the world. It represents the
Arthur C. Fornari, corporate deployment champion
company across a range of trade, tax, legal, finan-
cial, compliance, intellectual property and related The goal of Xerox Lean Six Sigma is to help the
issues both internationally and at a state and company become more focused, faster and flexible
federal level in the United States. The group also with lean work processes capable of building and
helps lead Xeroxs activity with associations such sustaining both profits and revenue growth.
as The Business Roundtable, the U.S. Chamber of The organization helps select projects based on
Commerce, the National Association of Manu- their economic value to Xerox, track overall finan-
facturers and others. cial results, provide a program framework and
resources, and identify and train the Black Belts
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
who lead projects through a disciplined, five-step
800 Long Ridge Road
problem-solving process. By the end of 2003, Xerox
Stamford, CT 06904
had 25 full-time deployment managers, more than
Lawrence A. Zimmerman, chief financial officer
300 Black Belt candidates, and 900 people in Green
This office leads Xeroxs financial operations, Belt training. By the end of 2004, Xerox expects to
planning, internal controls and audit operations have 1 percent of its employee population working
worldwide. It guides the capital structure of the as Black Belts, integrating Lean Six Sigma tools
corporation, including developing worldwide into daily operations and into the services and solu-
funding strategies; interfaces with the capital tions Xerox offers to its customers.
markets and credit rating agencies; and manages
Xeroxs relationships with financial analysts and
others in the investment community.

service& support How Xerox Operates

Developing Markets Operations

Tapping Worldwide
Growth Opportunities
Developing Markets Operations is Latin American Countries and Regions

focused on growth opportunities for Xerox of Brazil Ltd.

Av. Rodrigues Alves, 261
Xerox products and services in 3 Andar, Gamboa,
emerging markets
the CEP 20 220 360
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
and developing Pedro Fbrega, vice president and general manager
economies of the world. Xerox Brazil is a technology leader and offers the
full complement of Xerox sales, services and support.
Developing Markets Operations is responsible for It has marketing and sales headquarters in Rio de
marketing, direct sales, distribution programs and Janeiro, and it operates manufacturing facilities in
service operations for the full line of Xerox products, Manaus and Salvador and a software development
supplies and services in more than 120 countries center in Vitoria. The company also operates a
outside of the United States, Canada, Western document processing and production center near
Europe, Japan and the Pacific Rim. Major markets So Paulo. Xerox Brazil serves the market through
within DMO include Africa, Central and South direct sales and service representatives in major
America, Eastern Europe, Eurasia, India, Mexico, population centers, and an indirect channel of
the Middle East and Russia. In these developing concessionaires and dealers in other areas. The
economies, which serve more than half of the worlds company was formed in 1965 and employs about
population, DMO manages the Xerox business 2,100 people.
through operating companies, subsidiaries, joint
ventures, affiliates, concessionaires, distributors, Xerox Latin Group
resellers and dealers. 800 Long Ridge Road
The same cultural, business and ethical values Stamford, CT 06904
that are the foundation of the strong global reputa- Richard Adamo, vice president and general manager
tion and recognition of the Xerox brand guide The Xerox Latin Group provides the full range of
Developing Markets Operations. In 2003, DMO Xerox products and services. The group manages
had more than $1.6 billion in annual revenue. marketing, sales, product support and business serv-
Developing Markets Operations ices operations in all markets in Central and South
800 Long Ridge Road America and the Caribbean except Brazil. In larger
Stamford, CT 06904 markets including Argentina, Chile, Colombia,
Jean-Nol Machon, president Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, operations are
managed through wholly owned subsidiaries.
Smaller markets are served by distributors.

Developing Markets Operations

Xerox International Group

International Group Operations

Waterside, Oxford Road, Uxbridge
Middlesex, UB8 1HS
Xerox Eurasia Region
United Kingdom
5 Ogorodnaya Sloboda Pereulok
Jule E. Limoli, vice president and general manager
Moscow 101000, Russia
DMO groups its Eastern operations, including Igor Simonov, general manager
Africa, Eurasia, central and eastern Europe, India,
Xerox first exhibited its products in Russia in the
the Middle East and Russia into this U.K.-based
late 1960s and opened a sales office in Moscow in
organization. Some of its larger country operations
1974. Today, Xerox Russia is conducting business
are listed here.
through sales operations in major centers as well as
Xerox International Distributor Operations through a network of dealers and resellers. Xerox
Waterside, Oxford Road, Uxbridge has eight offices in different regions of Russia and
Middlesex, UB8 1HS employs about 300 people. The operation has an
United Kingdom extensive network of local partners, distributors
Roy Harding, general manager and resellers.
From Moscow, Xerox also manages its operations
Established in 1987, Distributor Operations is
in the Eurasian region. Principal countries include
responsible for developing the Xerox business in
Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania,
more than 60 countries across Africa and South
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,
Africa, as well as in the Middle East through a
Ukraine and Belarus.
combination of joint-equity ventures (as in Saudi
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) and Xerox India
partnerships with local distributors. DLF Square, DLF City Phase 2
Jacaranda - Marg
Central and Eastern Europe Region
Gurgaon 122 002, India
Kasap Sokak, Konak Azer Han No. 12
Andrew Horne, general manager
Esentepe 08280
Istanbul, Turkey Xerox India, incorporated as Xerox Modicorp Ltd.,
Oliver Ferraton, general manager began operations in 1983 with joint ventures involving
Xerox and Modicorp, an Indian company. In 1999,
This group serves as the regional headquarters for
the joint ventures were merged, and the enterprise
Xeroxs operations in central and eastern Europe,
became a Xerox majority-owned subsidiary. Xerox
comprising Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic,
India operates manufacturing and software devel-
Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
opment centers in Rampur and New Delhi and
Yugoslavia, Albania and Macedonia. The company
markets a wide range of Xerox products and services.
operates through a combination of a direct sales
The company employs about 800 people and is
force and an expanding network of local partners
expanding its countrywide network of local partners,
and resellers.
dealers and resellers.
Xerox Egypt
Xerox Israel
2 Lebanon St.
10 Kehilat Venezia St.
Neot Afeka
El Giza, Cairo, Egypt
Tel Aviv 69400, Israel
David Dias, general manager
Yoram Levanon, general manager
Xerox Egypt opened its operations in 1978 and is a
Xerox has served the Israeli market since 1993.
Xerox majority-owned venture with the Egyptian
Xerox Israel Ltd. was established in 2000 as a
Finance Company. The operation employs about
successor to a local distributor and representative
400 people. A manufacturing facility in Sixth of
in Israel. As a wholly owned subsidiary, Xerox
October City opened in 1985. Xerox Egypt operates
Israel is expanding the range of Xerox products,
through both a direct sales force and a network of
services and solutions offered through a direct
dealer-concessionaires and distributors.
sales force and a growing network of indirect
distribution channels.

Developing Markets Operations

Fuji Xerox

Fuji Xerox, a 25/75 Joint Venture...

...with Xerox and Fuji Photo Film Some Key Divisions:

is the hub of
Co. Ltd., International Business Group
New World Tower, 29th Floor
Xerox operations in 300 Huai Hai Middle Road
Shanghai 200021, China
Japan and the markets in the Jiro Shono, president

Pacific Rim. The International Business Group manages the Fuji

Xerox business in Asia outside of Japan, including
This successful enterprise, incorporated in 1962, markets Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. which conducts
the Xerox brand throughout most of Asia, is respon- business in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New
sible for the design and manufacture of many digital Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea,
color copiers and printers for Xerox worldwide, and is Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam and Fuji Xerox
an active partner in research and development. (China) Limited Inc., created after Fuji Xerox
With more than $9 billion in annual revenue, Fuji acquired Xeroxs China operations in December
Xerox Co. Ltd. derives approximately 74 percent from 2000. It conducts business in China and Hong Kong.
business in Japan, 11 percent from Xerox, and 15
percent in the Asia Pacific region outside of Japan. It is FX Palo Alto Laboratory Inc.
the market leader in Japan in digital and color products. 3400 Hillview Ave., Bldg. 4
Xeroxs 2003 consolidated profits include $58 Palo Alto, CA 94304
million contributed by the equity method of James Baker, president and chief executive officer
accounting from Fuji Xerox. Fuji Xerox revenues
Incorporated in 1995, the lab researches software
are not consolidated in Xerox accounting state-
and information technology for Fuji Xerox. Research
ments, and its fiscal year is April through March.
is often conducted in collaboration with Xerox.
Fuji Xerox invested $724 million in research and
Together, Xerox and Fuji Xerox have consistently
development in 2003. Fuji Xerox R&D expenditures
rated among the worlds top technology innovators.
are principally focused on the Office segment.
The company has manufacturing facilities in Ebina,
Niigata, Suzuka, Takematsu, and Toyama, Japan;
Shanghai and Shenzhen, China; Inchon, South Korea;
and Tao Yuan,Taiwan. Fuji Xerox has 34,000 employees,
including 13,000 in Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. in Japan.
For more information, visit www.fujixerox.co.jp/eng/.
Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. A Powerful Partnership
2-17-22 Akasaka Xerox International Partners, established in 1991 as a joint venture between Fuji Xerox Co.
Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan Ltd. and Xerox Corporation, sells digital marking engines, full-system printers and digital
Yotaro Kobayashi, chairman copiers to original equipment manufacturers for resale under the OEM brand name.
Toshio Arima, president XIP products are developed and manufactured by both companies and may also be sold
Hideaki Takahashi, deputy president under the Xerox brand name. Xerox is a 51 percent partner, Fuji Xerox is a 49 percent
partner, and both are equally represented on the XIP owners board.
Based in Palo Alto, Calif., XIP is led by Sunil Gupta, president and chief executive officer
of the organization.

Fuji Xerox

Xerox has a proven track record of collaboration with Microsoft, a technology leader in operating systems
other leading companies to better serve customers in and business application software. This alliance
todays high-tech, fast-changing global marketplace. continues to improve the compatibility, ease of use,
Xerox manages alliances at two levels: corporate-level and total cost of ownership of Xerox document
alliances, and business group alliances and partnerships. systems and services when integrated with Microsoft
Corporate alliances are material relationships with products. Xerox and Microsoft are also collaborating
other technology companies that typically span Xerox to deliver enhanced office services and solutions
business groups and geographies. Most corporate leveraging the .NET framework, the Xerox Office
alliances help Xerox and its partners reach new cus- Business Group family of systems and Xerox Global
tomers with broader, more valuable offerings. Some of Services force.
Xeroxs corporate alliances: Sun Microsystems, for its strength in the platform and
Adobe Systems, a leader in establishing standards for Web services spaces. The alliance with Sun reflects a
page description languages and document workflow, strong, wide-ranging and complementary partnership
including PostScript and PDF. The alliance enhances that employs components and technologies from both
Xeroxs ability to deliver world-class document companies to deliver enterprise solutions and services
systems and solutions to all levels of the enterprise. to Xerox and Sun customers.
EDS, a global information technology services Xerox also manages alliances within its three
company. Xerox and EDS are working together to primary business groups: Production Systems Group,
integrate and deliver products and solutions that Xerox Office Business Group and Xerox Global
support customers entire enterprises. This alliance Services. These alliances combine the strengths of
provides the seamless integration of document Xerox and its partners to bring superior offerings to
management services, from desktop to data center, customers. They typically involve focused collaboration
including a joint offering called Managed Output with software, hardware and services firms. Each of the
Services. MOS helps customers increase office alliance programs in the business groups are specifi-
productivity, drive down operating costs and increase cally tailored to provide the required support, planning
user productivity. and information exchange to optimize the sales and
profit performance of the relationship. More infor-
mation can be found at www.xerox.com/partners.

Corporate Award Highlights

Xeroxs commitment to being an employer that supports Human Rights Campaigns Corporate Equality Index:
an inclusive work environment has consistently been Notes Xerox is one of only 21 companies to earn a perfect score.
recognized over the years by external organizations.
Latina Style:
Among recent highlights:
Names Xerox among the 50 Best Companies for Latinas to
DiversityInc: Work For.
Ranks Xerox No. 10 in Top 50 Companies for Diversity, as
National Association for Female Executives:
well as No. 1 for GLBT employees, No. 2 for African-American
Ranks Xerox among the Top 30 Companies for Executive
employees, and No. 3 for Asian-American employees.
Diversity Best Practices/Business Womens Network:
Revista Exame:
Ranks Xerox among the Top 10 Best of the Best: Corporate
Names Xerox Brazil to 100 Best Companies to Work For list for
Awards for Diversity and Women 20032004.
sixth time in seven years.
Selling Power:
Ranks Xerox No. 17 on Americas 50 Best Companies for
Ranks Xerox among the Top 10 sales companies in the
United States.
Hispanic Magazine: Toronto Globe and Mails Report on Business:
Names Xerox to its Corporate 100: The One Hundred Calls Xerox Canada for the second consecutive year one of
Companies Providing the Most Opportunities for Hispanics. the 50 Best Employers in Canada.

Alliances and Corporate Award Highlights

Directors and Officers Anne M. Mulcahy
Chief Executive Officer
Working Together, 2002present

Achieving Success... Leadership

Chairmen Directors
2002present Anne M. Mulcahy Glenn A. Britt
Chairman and
19912001 Paul A. Allaire
Chief Executive Officer
1985 1991 David T. Kearns Time Warner Cable Anne M. Mulcahy
Stamford, Conn. Chairman and
19711985 C. Peter McColough Chief Executive Officer
1966 1971 Joseph C. Wilson Richard J. Harrington Xerox Corporation
President and Stamford, Conn.
19611966 Sol M. Linowitz
Chief Executive Officer
1960 1961 Harold S. Kuhns The Thomson Corporation N.J. Nicholas, Jr.
19581960 John B. Harnett Stamford, Conn. Investor
New York, N.Y.
1953 1958 Homer A. Piper William Curt Hunter
1946 1952 Joseph R. Wilson Dean and Distinguished John E. Pepper
Professor of Finance Vice President Finance
1944 1946 Raymond F. Leimen and Administration
University of Connecticut
1938 1944 Gilbert E. Mosher School of Business Yale University
Storrs, Conn. New Haven, Conn.
Chief Executive Officers Retired Chairman
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. and Chief Executive Officer
2001present Anne M. Mulcahy The Procter & Gamble Company
Senior Managing Director
2000 2001 Paul A. Allaire Lazard Freres & Co., LLC Cincinnati, Ohio
New York, N.Y.
1999 2000 G. Richard Thoman Ann N. Reese
Of Counsel
1990 1999 Paul A. Allaire Akin, Gump, Strauss, Executive Director
Hauer & Feld, LLP Center for Adoption Policy Studies
19821990 David T. Kearns Rye, N.Y.
1968 1982 C. Peter McColough Washington, D.C.
Stephen Robert
19611967 Joseph C. Wilson
Hilmar Kopper Chancellor, Brown University
Former Chairman and Chairman
Presidents Robert Capital Management, LLC
Chief Executive Officer
2000 2001 Anne M. Mulcahy Deutsche Bank AG New York, N.Y.
19972000 G. Richard Thoman Frankfurt, Germany

1986 1991 Paul A. Allaire Ralph S. Larsen

19771985 David T. Kearns Former Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
19711977 Archie R. McCardell Johnson & Johnson
1966 1971 C. Peter McColough New Brunswick, N.J.
1946 1966 Joseph C. Wilson
1938 1946 Joseph R. Wilson
19121938 Gilbert E. Mosher
1906 1912 George C. Seager

Directors and Officers

Corporate Officers Wim T. Appelo Rafik O. Loutfy
Vice President Vice President
Anne M. Mulcahy Worldwide Manufacturing Center Manager, Xerox Research
Chairman and Supply Chain Centre of Canada
Chief Executive Officer Xerox Innovation Group
Harry R. Beeth
Vice President John E. McDermott
Ursula M. Burns Controller Vice President
Senior Vice President Corporate Strategy and
President, Business Group Operations Guilherme M.N. Bettencourt Alliances
Vice President Corporate Operations Group
Thomas J. Dolan Chairman, Xerox Comercio
Senior Vice President e Indstria (Brazil) Diane E. McGarry
President, Xerox Global Services Developing Markets Operations Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
James A. Firestone Michael D. Brannigan Corporate Operations Group
Senior Vice President Vice President
President, Corporate Operations Group Senior Vice President, Sales Operations Patricia M. Nazemetz
North American Solutions Group Vice President
Herv J. Gallaire Human Resources
Senior Vice President Richard F. Cerrone
President, Xerox Innovation Group Vice President Russell Y. Okasako
and Chief Technology Officer Senior Vice President and Vice President
General Manager, Office Europe Taxes
Gilbert J. Hatch Xerox Europe
Senior Vice President Rhonda L. Seegal
President, Production Systems Group Christina E. Clayton Vice President
Business Group Operations Vice President Treasurer
Michael C. Mac Donald Patricia A. Cusick Frank D. Steenburgh
Senior Vice President Vice President Vice President
President, North American Solutions Group Chief Information Officer Senior Vice President,
Corporate Operations Group Business Growth
Jean-Nol Machon Production Systems Group
Senior Vice President J. Michael Farren Business Group Operations
President, Developing Markets Operations Vice President
External and Legal Affairs Leslie F. Varon
Hctor J. Motroni Acting General Counsel Vice President
Senior Vice President Investor Relations and
Chief Staff Officer Anthony M. Federico Corporate Secretary
Chief Ethics Officer Vice President
Platform Development, Timothy Williams
Brian E. Stern Production Systems Group Vice President
Senior Vice President Business Group Operations President, Xerox Office
President, Xerox Supplies Business Group Business Group
Business Group Operations Emerson U. Fullwood Business Group Operations
Vice President
Lawrence A. Zimmerman President, Xerox Channels Group Armando Zagalo de Lima
Senior Vice President Business Group Operations Vice President
Chief Financial Officer President, Xerox Europe
Gary R. Kabureck
Vice President Lance H. Davis
Chief Accounting Officer Assistant Treasurer
Director, Global Risk
James H. Lesko Management
Vice President
President, e-Business and TeleWeb
Corporate Operations Group

Directors and Officers

Major Xerox Locations

A Global Company
U.S. Locations Manufacturing,
Engineering and
Administration Assembly

California California
El Segundo El Segundo
Santa Ana New York
Connecticut Webster
Stamford Ohio
District of Columbia Cincinnati
Washington Oklahoma
Florida Oklahoma City
Miami Lakes Oregon
Illinois Wilsonville
New York
Rochester California
El Segundo
Oregon Palo Alto
New York
Texas Rochester
Lewisville Webster

Virginia Customer Operations

Leesburg For the location of the
McLean nearest sales office, call

Major Xerox Locations

International Customer Romania Philippines
Locations Operations Russia Manila
Slovak Republic
Angola South Korea
Administration Slovenia
Argentina Inchon
South Africa
Canada Austria
Spain Taiwan
Toronto Belarus
Sweden Tao Yuan
United Kingdom Switzerland
Uxbridge Turkey Research
Canada Japan
Manufacturing, Ukraine
Chile Ebina
Engineering and United Arab Emirates
Columbia Nakai
Assembly United Kingdom
Costa Rica Takematsu
Brazil Croatia Yokohama
Manaus Curacao United States
Czech Republic Palo Alto
Canada Yugoslavia
Dominican Republic Customer
Fuji Xerox Operations
El Salvador
Operations Australia
Finland China
India Administration Indonesia
Rampur Japan
Germany China
Ireland Greece Beijing Malaysia
Dundalk Guatemala Shanghai New Zealand
Hungary Singapore
Netherlands Hong Kong South Korea
Venray Taiwan
Ireland Japan
Spain Israel Tokyo Thailand
Coslada Italy Vietnam
United Kingdom Jamaica
Mitcheldean Kazakhstan Manufacturing
Mexico China
Morocco Shanghai
Canada Netherlands Shenzhen
Mississauga Nicaragua Indonesia
France Norway Jakarta
Grenoble Panama
Paraguay Japan
United Kingdom Peru Ebina
Welwyn Garden City Philippines Suzuka
(Development Center) Poland Takematsu
Portugal Toyama

Major Xerox Locations

Major Products

Currently Marketed in the U.S.

Multifunction WorkCentre M20 Copiers
WorkCentre M20i
FaxCentre Workgroup CopyCentre C20
WorkCentre M24
FaxCentre F12 CopyCentre C32 Color
WorkCentre M35
WorkCentre Pro 575 CopyCentre C35
WorkCentre M45
WorkCentre Pro 580 CopyCentre C40 Color
WorkCentre M55
WorkCentre Pro 765 CopyCentre C45
WorkCentre PE16
WorkCentre Pro 785 CopyCentre C55
WorkCentre Pro 416
CopyCentre C65
WorkCentre Pro 421
WorkCentre Systems and CopyCentre C75
WorkCentre Pro 423
Copier-Printers CopyCentre C90
WorkCentre Pro 425
DocuColor 12 Document Centre 420
WorkCentre Pro 428
DocuColor 1632 Document Centre 425
DocuColor 2240 Xerox 2101
WorkCentre Pro Advanced Systems
DocuColor 3535 5680
WorkCentre Pro 32 Color
Document Centre 425 ST 5690
WorkCentre Pro 40 Color
Document Centre 426 5885
WorkCentre Pro 35
Document Centre 430 5892
WorkCentre Pro 45
Nuvera 100 5995
WorkCentre Pro 55
Nuvera 120
WorkCentre Pro 65
WorkCentre M15
WorkCentre Pro 75
WorkCentre M15i
WorkCentre Pro 90

Color Products
Graphic Arts Multifunction Printers Copier-Printers Copiers
Systems WorkCentre M24 Phaser 6100 DocuColor 12 CopyCentre C32 Color
DocuColor 2045 WorkCentre Pro 32 Color Phaser 6250 DocuColor 1632 CopyCentre C40 Color
DocuColor 5252 WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Phaser 7300 DocuColor 2240
DocuColor 6060 Phaser 7750 DocuColor 3535
DocuPrint 92C Phaser 8400
iGen3 Digital
Production Press

Xerox has unrivaled expertise in the science

and practice of color imaging.
Major Products Currently Marketed in the U.S.
Printers/Printing Systems Graphic Arts Systems: Color Supplies
DocuColor 2045
Transaction Compatible Laser Print Toner Cartridges
DocuColor 5252
DocuPrint 75/75MX EPS Custom Solutions
DocuColor 6060
DocuPrint 90 Digital Carbonless Paper
iGen3 Digital Production Press
DocuPrint 92C Digital Color Imaging Cast-Coated Covers
DocuPrint 100/100MX EPS Digital Color Imaging Coated and
Wide Format Printers
DocuPrint 115/115MX EPS Uncoated Papers and Covers
Xerox 510
DocuPrint 135/135MX EPS Digital Publishing Papers and Covers
Xerox 721
DocuPrint 155/155MX EPS DocuCard ID Card
Xerox 6030
DocuPrint 180/180MX EPS Labels
Xerox 6050
DocuPrint 350 CF Multipurpose Papers, Index and Covers
3030 Engineering Copier
DocuPrint 425 CF Presentation and Binding Supplies
3040 Engineering Copier
DocuPrint 500 CF Specialty Application Productsbrochures,
DocuPrint 525 CF business cards, greeting cards, etc.
DocuPrint 700 CF Synthetic Media Solutions
DocuPrint 850 CF Office Environment Tabs and Dividers
DocuPrint 1000 CF CentreWare WebXerox Device Transparencies
DocuPrint 1050 CF Management Software
DocuShareXerox Document Other Hardware Products
Networked/Office Repository Software DocuMate Scanners
DocuPrint N4525 FlowPortXerox Image Routing Software DP1011 Digital Projector
Phaser 3130 PhaserSMARTXerox Web-based FreeFlow Scanner 665
Phaser 3400 Support Software XL3, XL5, XL7 Series Monitors
Phaser 3450 PrintingScoutXerox Print Job
Phaser 4500 Completion Notification
Phaser 5400 PrintXchange
Phaser 6100 XCounterXerox Page Accounting Software
Phaser 6250 Xerox Copier Assistant
Phaser 7300 Xerox Web Document Submission Software
Phaser 7750
Phaser 8400 Production Environment
DigiPath Professional
Graphic Arts Systems: DigiPath Xpress
Black and White DigiPath PDF Productivity Suite
DocuTech 75 Xerox FreeFlow Digital Workflow Collection
DocuTech 90
DocuTech 6100
DocuTech 6115
DocuTech 6135
DocuTech 6155 Xerox, The Document Company and the digital X
DocuTech 6180 are registered trademarks of Xerox Corporation.

DocuTech EPS CentreWare, CopyCentre, DigiPath, DocuCard,

DocuPrint, DocuShare, DocuTech, Document Centre,
Nuvera 100
FaxCentre, FlowPort, iGen3, Its Compatible, Phaser,
Digital Production System PhaserSMART, PrintXchange, WorkCentre, XCounter,
Nuvera 120 765 and 785 are registered trademarks and C20,
Digital Production System C32 Color, C35, C40 Color, C45, C65, C75, C90,
Xerox 2101 Copier Assistant, DocuMate, FreeFlow, Xerox FreeFlow,
M15, M20, M35, M45, M55, Nuvera, 32 Color, 40 Color,
1632, 3535, and 6060 are trademarks of Xerox
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
DocuColor is a registered trademark licensed to Xerox
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Major Products Currently Marketed in the U.S.

Major Products

by Year of U.S. Announcement

For a complete list of U.S. products organized by product category, visit www.xerox.com/factbook.

1949 Company; first non-xerographic 1974

Model A Copier (Ox Box): First desktop fax machine capable of sending 9200: High-volume, two-sided, plain-
manually operated commercial and receiving documents over any paper duplicator; 120 copies per minute.
xerographic printer. distance using a regular telephone.
800 Electronic Typing System: The first
660: Fastest table-top, plain-paper Xerox word-processing product; 350
1950s copier to date; 11 copies per minute. words per minute from magnetic tape
or cards.
1955 1968
Copyflo: First semi-automatic Copyflo 600: Engineering printer 1975
xerographic printer; makes continuous enlarges tiny images from microfilm Telecopier 200: First laser, plain-paper
copies on ordinary paper. and reproduces them onto plain paper fax machine; one of the first commercial
at 600 prints per hour. applications of laser technology
in business.
914: First automatic office copier to 1969
make copies on plain paper; 7 copies 7000: First Xerox duplicator to reduce; 1977
per minute. makes two-sided copies manually; 60 9700: First xerographic laser printer;
copies per minute. 120 prints per minute.

1960S 1970s
5400: First Xerox copier with a built-in
diagnostic micro computer; 45 copies
1963 per minute.
813: First desktop copier to make copies 1970
on plain paper; 7 copies per minute. 4000: First in the second generation of
Ethernet: First local area network
copiers and duplicators; first to provide
1964 (LAN) for connecting workstations,
automatic two-sided copying; 45 copies
Long Distance Xerography (LDX): printers and other office equipment.
per minute.
First system for high-speed document
8200: Copier/duplicator that automati-
fax transmission using scanners, 400: First portable fax machine.
cally feeds originals and produces
networks and printers; targeted for
1972 collated copies without a sorter; 70
businesses with centralized, high-volume
1000: Last copier using the 914 copies per minute.
technology; 15 copies per minute.
2080: Worlds first wide-format engi-
2400: First Xerox duplicator (high-
1973 neering copier; launches the wide-
volume copier); 40 copies per minute.
6500: Xeroxs first color copier; makes format engineering industry.
1860: Plain-paper printer produces full-color copies on plain paper and
reduced-size copies from originals of transparencies.
a variety of materials as large as 3 feet
by 10 feet.
410: First automatic desktop fax machine. 1980s
1200: First non-impact xerographic 1980
printer for computer output. 8000 Network System: Office network
Xerox Magnafax Telecopier: Also
that allows users to electronically
known as the Telecopier I; a joint
create, process, file, print and distribute
venture between Xerox and Magnavox

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

1981 1986 4090: High-quality laser printer that
8010 Star Information System: 4020: Color inkjet printer that produces handles 4 different paper stocks simul-
Industrys first desktop computer documents with integrated test and taneously; 92 prints per minute.
workstation that combines computing, high-resolution graphics in seven colors.
text editing and graphics creation. 990 Viewer/Printer: Makes prints as Remote Interactive Communications:
Memorywriter 600 Series: Electronic large as 18 by 24 inches from 35mm Diagnostic system that transmits
typewriters with internal memory. microfilm aperture cards or roll film. copier performance data via telephone
lines; first offered as accessory for the
495: Automatic fax machine converts 2510: Engineering copier produces
1090 copier.
information on a page to digital form copies up to 36 inches wide on paper,
and compresses it for faster transmission. vellum or polyester film. 5042: Mid-volume copier reproduces
images from books and other bound
1982 1012: Desktop copier with an industry-
documents without damaging bindings;
1075: First copier in the Xerox 10 first, three-year warranty; 15 copies
35 copies per minute.
series; 70 copies per minute. per minute.
Xerox Encryption Unit: Electronic
1983 9790: High-volume laser printer with
encryption device mathematically
1810 Portable Computer: Fits in a high-capacity disk storage and central
encodes computer signals so they may
briefcase and operates up to 10 hours processing power to print merged text
travel in top security on ordinary local
on rechargeable batteries. and graphics; 120 prints per minute.
area networks.
ECP 42: The first large-format digital 1005: Color copier reduces and enlarges;
5080: Engineering printer allows elec-
color plotter. 5 full-color copies per minute.
tronic editing of documents up to 36
1035: Second copier in the 10 Series; Conference Copier: Allows one person inches wide.
the only copier to offer preset modes of to take notes for everyone at a meeting
using a writing board linked to copier;
both reduction and enlargement; 20
copies per minute. 99 copies at a time. 1990s
1984 7020: First Xerox fax machine to use 1990
9900: Duplicator with computerized ordinary, cut-sheet paper; also functions GlobalView: Networked computing
programming, two-sided copying, as a copier with automatic speed dial. system for workgroups with the icon-
stapling and job storage; 120 copies based graphical interface. Includes the
CE 3000: Large-format digital
per minute. integration of text, graphics and data;
color printer.
the sharing of documents across
1055: Heavily featured copier that 1987 networks; and the transmission of
offers automatic two-sided copying 1065: Fully featured mid-volume electronic mail.
with second-side image shift and copier; 62 copies per minute.
variable reduction and enlargement; Telecopiers 7032, 7033: High-speed,
50 copies per minute. Pro Scan System: Computer system plain-paper facsimile products designed
scans in technical drawings and for hub applications in high-volume fax
1985 maps, allowing them to be edited on work environments.
FaxMaster: First software for the screen and then printed or
integration of fax and computer. DocuTech Production Publisher,
stored electronically.
Model 135: First in series of digital
6085 Professional Computer System: 1988 publishing systems for business
Sophisticated workstation also runs 8836 Laser Plotter: First wide-format publishing from computer workstations:
various software programs. engineering laser plotter. scans, files, prints, finishes; 135 prints
1090: First Xerox high-volume copier 5090: Fastest duplicator to date at 135 per minute.
handles a variety of originals, reduces copies per minute; staple stitches and 5065: First Xerox copier with built-in
and enlarges, and makes two-sided thermal binds pages. Remote Interactive Communications;
copies; 92 copies per minute.
5008: First Xerox personal copier; 62 copies per minute.
XPS 700 Series: Publishing systems 8 copies per minute.
include terminals for editing and design
pagination, composition software and
connections to electronic printers.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement
7220, 7240, 7260: First Xerox fax 4213: Desktop laser printer that offers DocuPlex: Networked engineering
products available through retail two-sided printing; up to 13 prints document management system allows
channels; act as convenience copiers per minute. users to store, retrieve, edit and
and full-function telephones. distribute engineering documents.
5009, 5009 R/E: Copiers for the
3010 Editor: First multifunction digital small office/home office; R/E model 1993
fax/copier allows users to revise images reduces and enlarges; 8 copies 5126: Office copier for copying bound
using an editing pad. per minute. volumes; 26 copies per minute.

5011 R/E: Convenience copier 6540 Workstation: UNIX-based work- 5312, 5314: Convenience copiers
makes up to 15 copies per minute; station with enhanced graphics capabili- with reusable toner copy cartridges;
reduces and enlarges at 65, 75 and 130 ties for working with technical, 12 copies per minute.
percent of original. scientific and financial data.
5385: Departmental copier offers
4018: High-speed digital engineering 1992 highlight color.
printer/plotter accepts images from a PaperWorks: Software links personal
4890hc: Highlight color, laser printer
variety of sources including scanners computers at remote locations through
prints in black plus red, blue or green;
and optical-disk storage devices; fax machines.
92 prints per minute.
reproduces images on plain paper.
DocuTech Network Publisher: Accepts
4004: Personal inkjet printer; 3 prints
1991 electronic and hard-copy originals for
per minute.
5100: Copier designed for distribution large printing and publishing jobs.
in the United States, Europe and Japan; MajestiK 5760, 5765: Full-color, digital
DocuTech Signature Booklet Maker:
100 copies per minute. copier-printers designed for short-run
Produces saddle-stitched, folded and
printing; 6 color copies per minute.
8840-D: High-speed engineering trimmed booklets from documents
printer/plotter uses plain paper; used printed on a DocuTech system. 8900 Series II: Electrostatic color
with computer-aided design and plotters for the engineering industry
7033 LAN Fax Server: Allows PC users
drawing management systems. make prints up to 44 inches wide.
on Novell local area networks to send
5775: Digital color copier controlled and receive faxes from workstations. 1994
by a touch screen; 7 copies per minute. 3060: Plain-paper, mid-volume
4700 Digital Color: First full-color,
engineering copier with zoom optics.
4850hc: Highlight-color laser printer networked laser printer; industrys
that prints black and one color fastest to date at 712 prints per minute Visual Recall: Document management
(red, blue or green); up to 50 prints in color, 30 prints per minute in black software indexes text for key-word
per minute. and white. searches, with graphical depiction of
text to be searched.
4135: Cut-sheet, high-volume laser 7041: Plain-paper, laser-based fax
printer; up to 135 prints per minute. machine transmits a standard business 4900: Desktop color laser printer;
page in 6 seconds. 3 prints per minute for color, 12
4197: Xeroxs first magnetic ink char-
for monochrome.
acter recognition (MICR) laser printer 7124S: Engineering fax/copier transmits
for the desktop. and receives documents up to 24 inches DocuTech 6135: Network production
wide from personal computers. printer; 135 prints per minute.
4235: Laser printer that can be
connected to a remote data center 3050, 3090: Wide-format, plain-paper 8808: High-resolution desktop
while being used simultaneously as a engineering copiers for architects laser printer designed for graphics
local workgroup printer; up to 35 prints and engineers. and printing documents up to 11 by
per minute. 17 inches.
5205: Personal copier for the home
office; 3 copies per minute.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

3002, 3004, 3006: Compact digital Xprint 4915, 4920, 4925: Networked 2240ij: Wide-format color printer for
document devices that fax, PC fax, color laser printers with Intelligent the engineering market.
print, copy and scan; designed for the Color technology that allows office
PrintXchange: Software that simplifies
small office. workgroups to integrate color and
printing across networks and links
black-and-white documents using a
7042: High-speed, plain-paper, laser several types of printers.
single printer.
fax reduces telephone line charges
by transmitting documents quickly; Regal 5790: Fastest Xerox color
Automated Fulfillment Factory:
6 pages per second. copier-printer to date; 9 prints per
A print-on-demand system for
minute in color; for Macintosh, PC
DocuPrint 4635, 4635MX: Production managing and producing time-critical
and UNIX networks.
laser printers; 4635MX prints checks documents; targeted toward the insur-
and other financial documents with Document WorkCentre 250: ance, manufacturing, real estate and
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Multifunction printer, fax machine, telemarketing sectors.
security symbols. scanner and copier with TextBridge
8830: Engineering printer that can be
OCR software for the small
Xerox Documents on Demand: connected to virtually any PC or network.
office/home office.
Production-oriented document manage-
DocuColor 5750: Digital color
ment software that simplifies the input, Document Centre Systems 20 and 35:
copier-printer; least-expensive color
storage, customizing and printing of First in the Document Centre System
system for the office to date; 6 full-color
materials; transforms paper masters family of digital, networked office
or 24 monochrome copies per minute.
into digital documents. document systems; products print,
scan, fax and copy documents for Document Centre 220, 230, 240, 265:
workgroups of up to 50 people. Digital office copiers that are first in the
5614: First in the 56 copier series,
next generation of office document
designed to address a broad range of CentreWare: Software enables
products; modular digital devices can be
environmental issues including paper Document Centre Systems to perform
upgraded from stand-alone copiers to
recycling and energy conservation. multiple functions simultaneously.
fully integrated office systems; 20, 30, 40
ES8180: Worlds fastest engineering 2230ij: Xeroxs first wide-format and 65 pages per minute. The 220ST
copier-printer to date; delivers 18 prints inkjet printer for engineering, technical and 230ST and LP models provide
per minute, up to 24 inches wide, with and scientific communities; a black- network capabilities.
highlight color. and-white printer with highlight-
DocuShare: Document-management
color capabilities.
7336: Engineering scanner module; software that allows users to post,
wide-format scanner for engineering 1996 manage and share information on
drawings. DocuPrint 4517: Networked, desktop corporate intranets.
laser printer; 17 prints per minute.
SmartPaper Toolkit, DataGlyphs DocuTech 6180: Digital production
Software Developers Kit: DocuColor 40: Worlds fastest digital publisher; 180 pages per minute;
Complementary technologies for color copier-printer to date; functions 600 dpi laser output.
encoding and decoding information as stand-alone copier and network
DocuPrint 180: Digital production
for computer-readable data on ordinary printer; 40 prints per minute.
printer for cut-sheet laser printing
paper, which makes it easier to bring
Document Fax Centre Pro 735: High- of transaction-based documents;
information on paper back into
capacity, plain-paper laser fax system 180 pages per minute.
electronic form.
that doubles as a convenience copier.
DocuColor 70: Digital color press;
Bookmark35 Copy Station: Copier
5624, 5626: Convenience copiers that 70 impressions per minute.
with angled copying surface to protect
comply with the EPSs Energy Star
book bindings. 5892: Industrys most compact, high-
standards for energy savings; 24 copies
speed departmental copier to date;
InterDoc: Software that allows printing per minute.
footprint of only 68 by 35 inches;
departments to receive and produce
8855 Digital Reprographics System: 92 copies per minute.
digital file submissions from customers
Provides high-speed, high-volume
over the Internet.
digital printing that can connect
directly to client or in-house
workstations at 400 dpi resolution.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement
Document WorkCentre Pro 745: Document WorkCentre Pro 635, 645, 657: DocuTech 6100: Entry-level publishing
Plain-paper, laser-based multifunction Series of laser-based multifunction fax system that prints 96 pages per minute.
fax system for workgroups of up to machines that offer fast fax scanning
DocuPrint C20: Xeroxs first entry
25 people. and transmission capabilities.
into the network color inkjet market;
Document HomeCentre: First Xerox 212, 214: Digital copier-printers offering 8 monochrome or 4 color pages
desktop color product for the small- superior print quality; 12 and 14 copies per minute.
office/home-office market; combines a per minute; available as stand-alone
DocuTech 65 Publisher: Smallest and
detachable color scanner, color inkjet copiers or as copier-printers.
lowest-cost model in the DocuTech
printer and color copier.
DigiPath: Integrated digital printing publishing series to date; 65 pages
DocuPrint N32, N24: First in a series software solution that extends the per minute.
of network laser printers intended power of the DocuTech family of
DocuPrint 180MX: To date, the
to challenge Hewlett-Packards production publishers by enabling print
industrys fastest, highest-quality
dominance in the retail printer job submission and document viewing
magnetic ink character recognition
market; 32 and 24 pages per minute. via the World Wide Web.
printer for producing checks and
DocuColor 5799: Mid-range digital Document Centre 255DC: Digital other negotiable documents.
color copier-printer that produces copier-printer that offers future network
DocuPrint 65: Small printer that delivers
9 full-color or 36 monochrome connectivity for office printing and
data center quality results from all
images per minute. document scanning; 55 pages per minute.
popular computing platforms at the
DocuPrint 96, DocuPrint 96 MX: 8830 Digital Document System: users location.
Production cut-sheet printer for the Engineering industrys first multifunc-
DocuPrint 330, 900, 1300: First three
100 print-per-minute printer market tional device to offer concurrent printing,
models in a new family of DocuPrint
and smaller corporate data centers; scanning and copying capabilities.
production printers that print from
MX model is for check printing.
PrinterMap: The industrys first and continuous roll paper.
DocuPrint 135 LMX: Check printer; only multi-vendor printer management
large-format model for boosting software to date that allows network
Document WorkCentre Pro 745DL,
productivity in commercial check administrators to proactively manage
Pro 745SX: High-performance laser fax
production operations. and track usage of a range of printers
systems for business workgroups that
from Xerox and competitors.
Intranet Docs: A Web server-based have the ability to connect to the
software enabling universal, real-time XD100, 102, 120f: Personal digital laser network; offers 11-page-per-minute
access to wide-format digital documents. copier-printers for the retail market; fax and copy printing speeds.
can connect to the users Windows PC
1998 WorkCentre 480cx: Color inkjet printer
to operate as a laser printer; 10 copies
DocuPrint P12: First Xerox laser that also serves as a color scanner,
per minute for the 100 and 102;
printer for the retail market; 12 pages copier, fax and PC fax; 8 monochrome
12 copies per minute for the 120f.
per minute. pages or 4 color pages per minute.
DocuPrint XJ6C, XJ8C: Color inkjet
5885: High-volume copier equipped WorkCentre XD155df: The industrys
printers for the retail market;
with advanced features including first personal digital copier-printer at
212 and 4 color pages per minute.
book binding, and to date the fastest 15 pages per minute; offers automatic
ledger-size copying in its class; DocuColor Office 6: Networked two-sided copying.
85 pages per minute. color copier-printer; 6 color and
3001: Wide-format copier that includes
24 monochrome pages per minute.
an automated document handler
5890: Compact, high-volume copier; and improved electronic job
100 copies per minute. accounting option.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

8825 Digital Document System: Entry- DocuColor 12: Color copier-printer DocuPrint 900 Plus: Continuous-feed
level, multifunction engineering system. that employs the innovative printer prints PostScript and other
Intermediate Belt Transfer technology popular network data streams as fast
7346 Scanner: Wide-format scanner for
to establish a new standard in color as 206 feet per minute.
engineering drawings.
copier-printer reliability, capability and
VIPP Tools: Industrys first family of
DocuColor 30 Pro, 30 CP: Digital image quality; 1212 full-color or 50
open systems software tools for simpli-
color copier-printers for entry-level black-and-white pages per minute.
fying the development of marketing
production printing environments;
DocuColor 4 CP: Networked applications for non-programmers.
30 pages per minute.
copier-printer designed for graphic
DocumentCentre Color Series 50:
DocuColor 4 LP: Laser printer that arts and office customers with monthly
Digital networked color copier-printer
is the first Xerox product to employ volumes between 3,000 and 5,000;
that brings color to the Document
intermediate belt transfer technology; employs the Intermediate Belt
Centre family of multifunction devices;
4 full-color pages or 16 black-and-white Transfer technology; 4 full-color or
50 monochrome or 1212 full-color pages
pages per minute. 16 black-and-white pages per minute.
per minute.
BookMark21 Copy Station: Copier with DocuPrint 92C: Industrys first black-
angled copying surface to protect bound
documents; coin- and card-operated
models available; 21 copies per minute.
plus-one-color production printer
with 600 dpi print resolution; addresses
graphically demanding applications;
92 pages per minute.
WorkCentre Xi70c: First Xerox inkjet WorkCentre XE90fx: Xeroxs first entry
multifunction device using a flatbed DocuPrint NC60: Internet-enabled into the flatbed laser multifunction
design; serves as a color printer, copier, color laser printer; 4 color or 16 market; combines a flatbed design with
scanner and PC fax; the fixed, flatbed monochrome pages per minute. an all-in-one laser printer, fax, copier
design allows for the color copying and and scanner.
DocuPrint P1202: Xeroxs first
scanning of any document.
personal laser printer that can support 5900, 5900I, 5990, 5995: Family of
Document Centre 332, 340: Digital Macintosh environments and PostScript departmental copiers combining speed
systems that print, copy and scan at Level 2 printing; manual duplexing, and finishing capabilities; the 5900I
32 and 40 pages per minute; offer 4 MB standard memory, PCL5e and includes the Interposer, an in-line
best-in-class network and walk-up PCL6 emulation; 12 pages per minute. device that provides three additional
fax capabilities and feature design paper drawers from which specialty
Document Booklet System: Signature
enhancements to the product line. stocks can be selected and integrated;
booklet maker that supports mid-range
5900 and 5900I print 120 pages per
ContentGuard: Comprehensive solution DocuTech printers; the first signature
minute; 5990 and 5995 print 100 pages
for rights management of digital content, booklet maker that runs in-line with
per minute.
which enables publishers to create new the DocuTech 6100 production printer.
revenue streams through Internet docu- DocuPrint N3225, N4025: Monochrome
WorkCentre XK35c: The industrys
ment distribution; includes tools for laser printers for medium-to-large
lowest-priced color printer that copies
publishing, electronic commerce, user workgroups, with speeds of 32 and 40
and scans from a flatbed surface; prints
authorization and usage tracking of pages per minute; both have extensive
8 monochrome or 3 color pages per
digital documents. production-level paper handling with a
minute; copies 3 black-and-white or
266 MHz processor.
Digital Books: Service that uses print- 112 color copies per minute.
on-demand technology to enable book WorkCentre Pro 555, 575, 665, 685,
FlowPort: Server software designed to
printers to digitally store titles and 765, 785: A family of business, multi-
capture and integrate paper-based
instantly print the desired quantity. function fax products designed to tie
documents into a digital workflow to
worldwide connectivity of the Internet
Just-In-Time Documentation: Enables allow for accessibility, retrieval and
to the fax machine; offer traditional fax,
graphic arts companies to align more distribution all without the use of
copy, PC or network print, scan and PC
closely with the needs of clients by a PC.
or LAN fax capabilities to workgroups
providing the latest version of documen-
up to 25 users.
tation in the requested quantity and at
the point of need.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement
DocuColor 2060 and 2045 Digital Color DocuColor 130CSX Digital Color Press: and receive faxes via a PC modem;
Press: Worlds first sheet-fed digital Digital, color, production-level printing feature eXpress Mode and InkLogic
color presses enabling digital color on system based on Web-fed technology; Technology; print speeds up to 12 black-
demand for the graphic arts market; targeted toward graphic arts/commercial and-white or 7 color pages per minute.
print 60 and 45 pages per minute. printer and in-plant facilities markets;
up to 130 impressions per minute.
DocuTech 6155: Part of a new suite in DocuPrint 75: Cut-sheet, digital, mono-
the DocuTech family; prints up to 155 DigiBook 5600: High-productivity, high- chrome printer for smaller-sized print
pages per minute; features include 600 quality scanner that is contact free and operations offers printing transaction
dpi image quality and 7,000-sheet uses a low-intensity, non-ultraviolet, applications requiring merging of
paper capacity. fiberoptic light source to protect fragile variable data; 600 dpi output, 75 pages
documents and books. per minute.
DigiPath Scanner: Improves scanning
productivity in the DocuTech family; DocuTech 6115: Digital black-and- DocuTech 75: Cut-sheet, digital,
scans at 65 pages per minute at 600 white printer for the digital publishing monochrome printer engineered for
dpi resolution; includes a 100-sheet industry; prints 115 pages per minute at on-demand printing designed with
automatic document feeder that scans 600 dpi resolution. customer replaceable units such as fuser
documents as large as 12 by 18 inches. and toner; 600 dpi output, 75 pages
WorkCentre XK50cx: Color inkjet,
per minute.
8855 Digital Document System (DDS): flatbed multifunction product combines
Engineering system for mid-to-high color inkjet printing and scanning, KnowledgeShare: Document and
volume market allows scanning and stand-alone color flatbed faxing and knowledge management solution that
printing directly to and from desktops. copying for the small-office/home-office converts paper documents into digital
market; prints up to 12 monochrome files that can then be e-mailed and
WorkCentre Pro 215: Digital laser
and 7 color pages per minute, and shared more easily throughout
copier-printer for the small businesses
copies up to 10 monochrome or an organization.
and workgroups; platen-based, offering
5 color pages per minute.
automatic two-sided printing and DocuColor 12 Laser Printer:
copying, an automatic document Phaser 1235: Office color printer Printer-only version of the DocuColor
feeder and PCL printing capability featuring single-pass technology 12 Copier-Printer provides high image
as standard features. that is up to four times faster than quality that makes it ideal as a proof
traditional color laser printers; prints printer in pre-press departments
WorkCentre XD 130df: Digital copier-
12 pages per minute. and production printing operations;
printer offers a 30-sheet automatic
prints up to 1212 color or 50
document feeder and automatic two- Phaser 790: Tabloid color laser printer
black-and-white pages per minute
sided copying; copies at 13 pages for the graphic arts market offers fast
with 600-by-600 dpi resolution.
per minute and prints at 8 pages print speed, superior print quality and
per minute. two-sided printing; prints 6 color or Phaser 2135: Office color printer uses
26 black-and-white pages per minute. single-pass technology transferring a
Imaging Kiosk: Solution that quickly
full-color image to paper in a single
scans legal documents and transfers DocuPrint 155 EPS: Black-and-white
pass using LED technology; equipped
them to CD-ROM, providing a cost- printing system offers large customers
with a 500 MHz Intel processor; prints
effective system for capturing, storing higher print speeds, advanced system
21 color or 26 black-and-white pages
and managing reams of legal documents. integration and printing capabilities;
per minute at 1,200 dpi resolution.
equipped with the Xerox DocuSP
Document Centre 400 Series Family
controller; prints at 155 pages WorkCentre Pro 416: Digital multifunc-
420, 432, 440, 460, 470: Digital copier-
per minute. tion product that offers important
printers print, copy, fax and scan;
digital features for the small-office
equipped with a new Intel micro- WorkCentre M940, M950: Color
market; equipped with scan-once-print-
processor that boosts document multifunction products with a flatbed
many capability, electronic collation and
processing speed; run from 20 to scanner, allowing users to import color
booklet creation; prints and copies at
65 pages per minute. images to desktops as well as to send
16 pages per minute.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

Document Centre 490: Digital multi- WorkCentre Pro 580: Entry-level VIPP Software v. 4.0: Industrys first
function system for large offices that multifunction fax system designed software capable of accepting Web-
combines printing, copying, faxing and for the small office and workgroup variable content standard XML data
scanning; prints and copies at 90 pages customers; includes a 33.6 kpbs modem, sets as the variable component for
per minute. 3 seconds-per-page scanning and an VIPP production.
80-location speed dial.
Phaser 3400: First black-and-white VIPP Thin Printer v. 2.0: System
office laser printer to have the Phaser 2002 provides the capability to produce
brand; offers an optional network Phaser 6200: Color laser printer uses indexed Adobe PDFs of VIPP-gener-
configuration; prints 17 pages per minute. single-pass technology; has a 500 MHz ated variable information documents
PowerPC processor; 2,400 dpi resolu- for archiving, Web presentment and
DocuPrints 1000 CFD, 700 CFD,
tion; prints 16 pages per minute. distribution across computer platforms.
350 CFD: Continuous-feed, digital,
black-and-white printers designed for Phaser 8200: Solid ink color printer SquareFold Booklet Maker: Device
high-speed production of publishing uses single-pass technology, has a produces a square-fold edge on saddle-
and transaction documents; the 700 300 MHz processor; prints 16 pages stitched booklets that gives DocuTech
and 1000 models are made up of twin- per minute. products the look and feel of a perfect-
engine configurations, which can print bound book.
Document Centres 535, 545, 555:
in duplex mode; images per minute are
Digital, black-and-white multifunction DocuTech LFP: Large-format paper
353 for the 350 CFD, 708 for the 700
systems designed for the small and versions of the DocuTech family that
CFD and 1,002 for the 1000 CFD.
mid-size workgroups; print at enable printing on stocks larger than
Phaser 7700: Industrys first tabloid speeds of 35, 45 and 55 pages per 11 by 17 inches.
color laser printer capable of speeds minute, respectively.
Invisible Control Marks: Solution
of 22 pages per minute in color and
DocuColor 1632, 2240: Color copier- for high-end printing and publishing
black and white; uses single-pass laser
printers for the office and quick-print systems; uses an invisible ink bar
technology; supports media sizes from
firms; use chemically produced EA code that eliminates visible bar codes
4 by 6 inches to 12 by 18 inches.
toner; print 16 and 22 color pages per without sacrificing the automated
Xerox iGen3: Digital production press minute, and 32 and 40 monochrome controls they provide; prints bar codes
uses Xeroxs patented SmartPress tech- pages per minute, respectively. anywhere, even directly over text.
nology; has replaceable parts designed
DocuColor 6060: Digital press for DocuTech EPS: Production printing
for recycling, uses non-toxic dry inks,
commercial, in-plant and quick-print system designed for customers who
and generates no hazardous waste; runs
printers that can run complex print require DocuTechs built-in finishing
at 100 pages per minute and produces
jobs, including customized documents, capabilities and the ability to natively
6,000 full-color 812-by 11-inch impres-
around the clock. print LCDS data streams traditionally
sions per hour.
associated with DocuPrint systems.
FaxCentre F12: First multifunction
1:1 Personalized Marketing
fax product that is customer installable DocuSP 3.6: Enhancement to DocuSP,
Communications: Solution provides the
requiring no training; offers color Xeroxs print management software
ability to quickly address individual
scanning and two-sided printing; that processes print files and drives
customer needs for information; for
12 copies per minute. printers and digital presses; provides a
example, it can create personalized
common workflow platform for 26
marketing brochures. Phaser 4400: Fully featured, black-and-
Xerox production printers.
white office printer; 1,200 dpi resolu-
DocuPrint 90: Cut-sheet, monochrome
tion; prints 26 pages per minute and Phaser 7300: Workgroup color printer
digital printer for small and mid-size
offers Adobe PostScript 3 for precise using single pass technology that trans-
print operations can create on-demand,
image and text rendering. fers a full-color image to paper in one
personalized documents; speeds up to
pass; features a 500 MHz processor;
90 pages per minute at 600 dpi DigiPath Production Software v. 3.0:
prints 30 color and 37 black-and-white
resolution. Industrys only comprehensive work-
pages per minute.
flow software for digital production of
DocuTech 90: Entry-level production,
both color and black-and-white pages,
monochrome, digital printer that
enabling print providers to run a single
includes the Signature Booklet Maker;
digital workflow.
speeds up to 90 pages per minute.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement
WorkCentre Pro 421: Digital multifunc- 721p is the industrys fastest printer WorkCentre M15, M15i: Basic copier-
tion device for small offices and work- with a print speed of 22 D-sized docu- printers offer essential features of a
groups; includes two-sided printing and ments per minute, and the 510dp offers digital multifunction device; both copy
copying with a 100-sheet automatic more than 60 configurations. and print at 16 pages per minute; the 15i
document feeder and two 550-sheet adds color scanning and faxing.
DocuSP 3.7: Upgrade of the color-
paper trays; 20 pages per minute.
capable version of Xeroxs traditional WorkCentre M35, M45, M55: Digital
2003 monochrome printer controller for the copier-printers produce 35, 45 and 55
DocuColor 5252: Digital production production-print environments; used in pages per minute, respectively; they are
press for the production color market; Xeroxs digital color presses. modular and upgradeable to fully
prints at 52 pages per minute in full networked office systems.
Horizon Color Works 2000 Booklet
color or black and white.
Maker: In-line document finisher that WorkCentre Pro 32 Color, 40 Color:
WorkCentre M24: Color-capable produces professional quality finished Color, advanced multifunction devices
office multifunction product for small documents, including bleed trimming, using EA toner; operate at 32 black-and-
workgroups; prints at 13 color or 24 creasing, folding and stacking. white/16 color and 40 black-and-white/22
black-and-white pages per minute; has color pages per minute, respectively.
Xerox Large Format Manual+Book
printing, scanning and faxing functions;
Factory: Configured DocuTech large WorkCentre Pro 35, 45, 55:
includes 768 MB printing memory.
format printer offering a binding Monochrome digital multifunction
DocuColor 3535 Printer-Copier: Color process enabling fully digital, in-line systems are compatible with Macintosh
multifunction product using EA toner, book production from start to finish; and Unix systems and have the ability
designed for office departments, solution expands the capability to to handle Postscript, PCL and TIFF
graphic arts firms and in-plant print produce 6- by 9-inch books. files; operate at 35, 45 and 55 pages per
shops; prints and copies up to 35 color minute, respectively.
Xerox Lightweight Paper Booklet
or monochrome pages per minute.
Factory: Configured DocuTech LWP WorkCentre Pro 65, 75, 90: Xeroxs
Xerox Copier Assistant: Software used printer and finisher produces short-run, fastest-to-date, high-performance,
with a personal computer and a Xerox on-demand reference documents for network multifunction systems for the
multifunction system, making it easier publications up to 160 pages; solution office; monochrome print speeds of 65,
for people who are blind or visually reduces the thickness and weight of a 75 and 90 pages per minute, respectively.
impaired to operate a digital copier. printed document.
DocuPrint 75MX: Production laser
Xerox FreeFlow Digital Workflow CopyCentre C32, C40: Digital printer that prints checks and other
Collection: Collection of software and color copiers using EA toner; negotiable documents; designed for
solutions based on open standards for 32 black-and-white/16 color and the mid-volume and distributed
the production industry; helps print 40 black-and-white/22 color pages production environments; 75
providers simplify work processes, per minute, respectively. impressions per minute.
attract new business and better
CopyCentre C35, C45, C55: Xerox 2101: Digital copier-printer
manage print jobs.
Monochrome digital copiers for small- targeting the black-and-white print-on-
DocuPrint 425, 850: Continuous-feed to-mid-sized workgroups and offices; demand market segment; offers
digital printers for high-volume copy at 35, 45 and 55 pages per minute, advanced features such as finishing,
production of print-on-demand and respectively. printing and network scanning; prints at
publishing segments; both print at 195 101 pages per minute; available as a
CopyCentre C65, C75, C90:
feet per minute. stand-alone copier.
Monochrome digital copiers for large-
Synergix Print System 721p, 510dp: size workgroups and enterprise depart- Phaser 6250: Color laser printer
Wide-format, monochrome digital ments; include finishing features; copy targeted for medium-to-large work-
printers for engineering, manufacturing at 65, 75 and 90 pages per minute, groups; 2,400 dpi resolution; prints 26
and utility company applications; the respectively. pages per minute.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

Phaser 3450: Black-and-white laser DocuShare Records Manager: CopyCentre C20: Standalone,
printer for individuals and small work- Web-based document and content black-and-white, digital copier; 22 pages
groups; 1,200 dpi resolution; prints at 25 management software makes it easier per minute.
pages per minute. for businesses to comply with government
Nuvera 100, 120 Digital Production
and industry regulations relating to the
WorkCentre PE15: Basic multifunction Systems: First black-and-white, digital
safeguarding of content and documents.
product for personal use within any size production systems with the new name,
office; prints and copies in black and FreeFlow Print Manager: Xeroxs first Nuvera; based on new technology that
white at 17 pages per minute at 600 dpi workflow software product that enables comes close to offset image quality;
resolution; faxes at up to 300 dpi and print providers to manage both digital print at 100 pages and 120 pages per
scans at up to 1,200 dpi in full color, and offset jobs with a single interface. minute, respectively.
which enables it to send color faxes. Phaser 4500: Black-and-white laser Nuvera 100, 120 Digital Copier-Printers:
DocuShare 3.1: New version of docu- printer designed for high-capacity Copier-printers formerly known as
ment and content management soft- printing; industrys fastest laser printer DocuTech 100, 120 Copier-Printers;
ware that enables the creation of Web in its class at 36 pages per minute, 1,200 built on the same breakthrough tech-
pages, Web logs, and other applications. dpi with edge-to-edge-printing. nology as the Nuvera 100, 120 Digital
Production Systems.
DocuMate Scanners: The first work- Phaser 7750: Color laser printer
group color scanners developed, targeted for graphic design profes- DocuPrint 525, 1050 CF: Roll-fed,
marketed and supported by Visioneer sionals; industrys fastest printer in its continuous-feed digital printers that
Inc. to combine scanning, PDF file class at 35 pages per minute; uses print up to 244 feet per minute;
creation and document management; PhaserMatch 3.0 and PhaserCal designed for creating publishing and
first scanners to link directly color software. transaction document applications.
to DocuShare. Phaser 8400: Color printer based on a Xerox 6030, 6050: Black-and-white,
DP 1011 Projector: Compact digital new solid ink technology platform, wide-format printing systems designed
projector developed, marketed and industrys fastest printer in its class at for printing and scanning architecture,
supported by Visioneer Inc. providing 24 color or black-and-white pages construction, engineering, government
one of the brightest projectors in the per minute. and manufacturing industries; 600 by
microportable class. 1,200 dpi.
PhaserMatch 3.0 and PhaserCal:
XL3, XL5, XL7 Series Monitors: Flat- Color matching and color calibration Xerox FreeFlow Scanner 665: High-
panel monitors, licensed with Proview software for graphic design customers speed scanner for professional print
Technology Inc., are designed for busi- to enhance color quality; both tools operations, which automatically
ness, educational and home computer are compatible with Windows and produces professional-quality images
viewing applications. Mac OS environments. previously achievable only through
manual editing; scans at 65 pages
2004 (through June) WorkCentre 423, 428: Copier-printers,
per minute.
Phaser 6100: Color laser printer for the available through Xerox resellers and

small and mid-sized office market; with dealers, targeted for small and mid-
two-sided color printing and 65 MB of sized businesses; copy and print at 23
memory; prints at 21 black-and-white and 28 pages per minute, respectively;
or 5 color pages per minute. optional scan, fax and Internet fax

Phaser 3130: Monochrome compact

laser printer for the small and mid-sized
office market; with 32 MB of memory;
prints at 17 pages per minute.
capabilities; also sold as a digital copier.

WorkCentre M20, M20i: Black-and-

white, digital multifunction devices
for the office that offer the ID Card
Document Centre 426, 430: Copier-
printers with optional scan, e-mail and
Copy feature, copying both sides of a
document onto one side of a piece of
paper; print and copy speeds at 22
faxing capabilities for small and
pages per minute; the M20i is designed
medium offices and workgroups; copy
to be networked.
and print at 26 and 30 pages per minute,
respectively; DC 430 also sold as a
digital copier.

Major Products by Year of U.S. Announcement

Historical Highlights

A History of Excellence
1906 1949 1963
The Haloid Company is founded in The first xerographic copier, the Micro-Systems Inc. is acquired.
Rochester, N.Y., to manufacture and Model A, is introduced.
Electro-Optical Systems Inc.
sell photographic paper.
1953 is acquired.
Chester Carlson, inventor Haloid establishes Canadian sales
of xerography, is born in subsidiary, The Haloid Company of
Xerox acquires patent and marketing
Seattle, Feb. 8. Canada Ltd.
rights to Central and South America
1935 1956 from The Rank Organisation.
Haloid buys Rectigraph Co. Rank Xerox Limited is formed as joint
venture of The Haloid Company and
1936 Basic Systems Inc. is acquired; renamed
The Rank Organisation plc.
First public offering of Xerox stock. Xerox Learning Systems.
1938 Xerox acquires American Education
Chester Carlson makes first xerographic
The Haloid Company Publications Inc.; renamed Xerox
image in his lab in Astoria, Queens, in
changes name to Education Publications; publications
New York City, Oct. 22.
Haloid Xerox Inc. include Weekly Reader.
1942 Rank Xerox opens manufacturing plant
The Xerox 914, the first automatic,
Carlson receives U.S. patent No. 2,297,691 in Venray, Netherlands.
plain-paper office copier, is announced.
on Oct. 6 for electrophotography, later
called xerography, the technology that Haloid purchases all worldwide
Professional Library Service is acquired.
revolutionized the world of imaging. patents on xerography from Battelle
Memorial Institute. Learning Materials Inc. is acquired.
Haloid acquires license to Chester 1960 1967
Carlsons basic xerographic patents Research and Engineering Center is Cheshire Inc. is acquired.
from Battelle Development Corp. of established in Webster, N.Y.
R.R. Bowker Co. is acquired.
Columbus, Ohio, a subsidiary of
Battelle Memorial Institute. 1968
Haloid Xerox Inc. changes name to
Ginn and Company is acquired.
1948 Xerox Corporation.
Haloid and Battelle announce Chester Carlson dies Sept. 19.
Xerox is listed on the New York Stock
development of xerography.
Exchange, July 11. Some 7,700 shares
The word Xerox is are traded, and the stock closes at $104
trademarked. for the day.
First of 213 consecutive quarterly 1962
dividends is declared. Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. is launched as a
joint venture of Rank Xerox Limited
and Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd.

Historical Highlights
1969 1975 Xerox sells 43 of the 54 Xerox retail
Xerox moves its corporate headquar- Brother Dominic advertising stores in the United States to The
ters from Rochester, N.Y., to Stamford, campaign is launched: Its a Miracle. Genra Group.
Conn. About 150 employees, including
Versatec Inc. is acquired. Leadership Through Quality, the Xerox
most of the companys executive
total quality process, is announced.
management, relocate there. Xerox ends manufacture and sale of
mainframe computers. Venray manufacturing facility
Scientific Data Systems Inc. is acquired.
wins CIMEI Quality Award in
Xerox settles antitrust complaint
Xerox acquires majority interest the Netherlands.
with U.S. Federal Trade Commission
(51.2 percent) in Rank Xerox.
by agreeing to license existing Large-format digital color printing
1970 xerographic patents. is introduced.
Xerox Computer Services is established.
1976 1984
Xerox Palo Alto Last Xerox 914 order is taken; field Xerox Financial Services Inc. is formed.
Research Center opens service on the machine is to continue.
Rank Xerox wins British Quality Award.
in Palo Alto, Calif. 1977
Electrostatic printing is introduced. The industrys first laser printer, the
Six publishing companies are sold:
Xerox 9700 (code-named Dover),
1971 AutEx Systems to International
is announced.
Unipub Inc. is acquired. Thomson Organisation; Ginn and
1978 Company to Gulf+Western Industries
Joseph C. Wilson, chairman of the
Xerox receives $25 million from IBM Inc.; Xerox Education Publications to
board, dies Nov. 22.
in agreement that ends litigation and Field Corp.; University Microfilms Inc.
Fuji Xerox acquires Takematsu and leads to exchange of patent licenses to Bell & Howell Co.; R.R. Bowker
Iwatsuki manufacturing plants in Japan between the two companies. Co. to Reed Holdings Inc.; and Xerox
and opens manufacturing and research Learning Systems to The Times
plant in Ebina, Japan. Mirror Co.
Xerox Credit Corporation is formed.
1972 Xerox Financial Services Life Insurance
Diablo Systems Inc. is acquired. Co. is formed.
Kurzweil Computer Products Inc.,
1973 maker of reading systems for the blind, 1986
Xerox PARC invents protoype of is acquired. Xerox Research Centre Europe
the worlds first personal computer, (formerly Rank Xerox EuroPARC)
First Xerox retail store in the United
the Alto, with innovations including opens laboratory in Cambridge, U.K.
States opens.
the first what-you-see-is-what-you-get
Rank Xerox wins British Quality
editor, first commercial use of a mouse, Fuji Xerox wins Deming
Award, its second.
graphical user interface, and bit-mapped Prize, Japans highest award
display. Its commercial descendant was for quality. 1987
the 8010 Star. Rank Xerox South Africa Pty. Ltd. is
sold to Fintech Ltd.; becomes Xeratech.
1974 The 10 Series copiers are inaugurated:
Xerox International Center for Training the industrys first to use built-in micro- Rank Xerox France wins French
and Management Development opens computers with a low-bandwidth Ethernet Quality Award.
in Leesburg, Va. as the communications interface.
Rank Xerox opens new international
Xerox Research Centre of Canada in 1983 headquarters in Marlow, U.K.
Mississauga, Ontario, opens. Xerox acquires Crum and Forster
Inc., the insurance group, part of
Rank Xerox opens new factory in
the companys diversification into
Coslada, Spain, and new assembly plant
financial services.
in Lille, France.

Historical Highlights
Historical Highlights

1988 Total Satisfaction Guarantee program

Xerox acquires Datacopy Corp. is announced.

Marketing agreement with Sears, Putting It Together advertising

Roebuck & Co. is signed. campaign is launched.

Two-millionth Xerox copier Fuji Xerox takes over Rank Xerox

is produced. operations in Australia, Malaysia, New
Zealand and Singapore.
The Xerox 50 Series of copiers is Xerox offers 7 million additional shares
launched to recognize 50th anniversary Xerox Mexicana S.A. de C.V. wins of common stock.
of xerography. Premio Nacional de Calidad, the
Mexican national quality award.
Partnership with Microsoft
1989 Corp. to integrate personal
Xerox ceases manufacturing personal Rank Xerox Australia wins computers and document
computers/workstations, which were Outstanding Service Quality processing products is
based on technology developed in the Improvement Award of Australia. announced.
8010 Star.
1991 Crum and Forster, the commercial
Soviet Unions first public copy center Collection and recycling of copy property and casualty insurance
opens in joint venture with division of cartridges begin. company under Xerox Financial
Soviet State Publishing. Services Inc., is renamed Talegen
Recycled paper for use in Xerox prod-
Holdings Inc. and is restructured into
Xerox Business Products ucts is introduced.
seven stand-alone operating groups.
and Systems organization Color research lab in Webster, N.Y., opens.
wins Malcolm Baldrige Worldwide company restructuring,
National Quality Award Xerox and Fuji Xerox form Xerox including 10 percent reduction in
in the United States. International Partners to market work force, is announced.
desktop and workgroup printers
Xerox Canada wins Canadian national Xerox do Brasil Ltda. wins National
quality award. Quality Award in Brazil.
1990 1994
Rank Xerox wins the first European
U.S. government endorses Xerox
Quality Award.
The Document Company
Encryption Unit, an electronic device Xerox is unveiled as new
that encodes computer signals for Xerox wins Gold Medal for Inter- corporate signature; partially
secure transmission. national Corporate Environmental digitized, red X introduced
Xerox Desktop Software Inc. acquires
Achievement from the World as new corporate symbol;
Ventura Software.
Environment Center. red replaces blue as the
1993 corporate color.
Venray, Netherlands, manufacturing
Rank Xerox Research Centre (now Rank Xerox Norway wins the first
facility receives British Assurance
Xerox Research Centre Europe) Norwegian Quality Award. Xerox
Certification for commitment to
established in Grenoble, France. Argentina wins Argentinas first
quality, the first non-British Xerox
Xerox announces decision to exit National Quality Award.
plant so recognized.
the insurance business and other Electronic Data Systems wins $3.2
Demand Book Binding Systems
financial services. billion contract to operate the Xerox
Inc. is formed; later renamed
Xerox International Center for Training worldwide computer and telecommuni-
ChannelBind Corp.
and Management Development cations network.
Rank Xerox ends distribution
renamed Xerox Document University.
agreement with Xeratech Limited
of South Africa.

Historical Highlights
1995 American Foundation for the Blind Xerox aligns with nations
Xerox pays The Rank Organisation plc recognizes Xerox with its Helen Keller leading office product
nearly $1 billion to increase Xeroxs Award in Assistive Technology for the suppliers: U.S. Office
financial stake in Rank Xerox to about companys Reading Edge machine and Products, Office Depot,
80 percent. for pioneering products that help the Boise Cascade Office
blind lead independent lives. Products, Corporate Express
Glass Ceiling Commission gives
Xerox the first Perkins-Dole National 1997 and Staples, to offer Xerox
Award for Diversity and Excellence in Xerox South Africa is created as joint paper and supplies.
American Executive Management. venture between Xerox and Fintech, an The biggest anechoic chamber in the
electronics company. Xerox had been Western Hemisphere opens in the
Xerox wins Environmental
selling its products in South Africa Xerox Webster, N.Y., manufacturing
Achievement Award from
through Fintech since 1994, after the facility. The state-of-the-art room is
National Wildlife Federation.
fall of apartheid. designed to test Xerox products for
Xerox and Scitex Corp. Ltd. of electromagnetic interference.
Israel form alliance to develop
Xerox and Fuji Xerox
digital color printers.
endow the Xerox Disting- Xerox announces worldwide restruc-
uished Professorship in turing, including the elimination of
Xerox wins $30 million contract from Knowledge at Haas School 9,000 jobs through voluntary reduction,
U.S. Navy to be the sole supplier of of Business, University of early retirement and layoffs.
shipboard copiers. California, Berkeley.
Xerox announces plans to build a
U.S. Labor Department honors Xerox Rank Xerox is renamed Xerox manufacturing site in Dundalk, Ireland,
with its Opportunity 2000 Award, Limited, as Xerox buys out its and a new customer call center in
citing the companys success in European partner in the joint venture Dublin a $270 million investment.
promoting women and minorities with The Rank Group.
into management. Xerox and IBM announce a technology
Xerox and the University of Barcelona and marketing agreement to marry
Xerox ColorgrafX Systems formed; leads (Spain) establish laboratory for collab- IBMs Lotus Notes and Domino
Xerox into the graphic arts industry. orative research on magnetic materials. electronic document management
1996 Xerox Business Services wins Malcolm environment with the Xerox Document
Xerox begins treating insurance opera- Baldrige National Quality Award in the Centre family.
tions as discontinued operations for service category, the second Baldrige Working Mother magazine names
accounting purposes in accordance Award for Xerox Corporation. Xerox one of the Top 100 exception-
with its planned exit from financial ally progressive companies for which
Xerox Adaptive Products Inc., maker
services businesses. to work.
of technology products for the blind, is
Board of directors authorizes repur- sold to Telesensory Corp. 1999
chase of up to $1 billion in Xerox Xerox acquires SET Electronique, a
All major manufacturing sites world-
common stock. European developer and distributor of
wide receive ISO 14001 certification.
Xerox creates dpiX as a wholly owned high-speed digital printers.
subsidiary to manufacture and market
XLConnect Solutions Inc., an informa-
high-resolution, flat panel display
tion technology services company, is
screens developed at PARC.
acquired for $415 million, renamed
Document Sciences Corp., a Xerox Xerox Connect.
technology spinoff company, goes public.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited of
Toronto agrees to acquire Crum and
Forster Holdings Inc. The deal effec-
tively completes Xeroxs exit from the
insurance business.

Historical Highlights
Historical Highlights

Xerox and Hewlett-Packard settle all Xerox announces it will exit the
patent-infringement cases, including the SOHO (small-office/home-office)
six patent-related lawsuits filed business segment to sharpen the
between May 1998 and June 1999. companys focus.

Xerox sells Xerox Document Xerox eliminates stock dividend.

University campus to WXIII Oxford-
Xerox begins to transfer office
DTC Real Estate LLC. Xerox will lease
manufacturing operations to
Xerox and the town of Webster, N.Y., back part of XDU and continue to host
Flextronics, an electronics
agreement ends 19921994 tax assess- education and learning events.
manufacturing services company.
ment litigation. This results in refunds
An Olympic first: At the Sydney 2000
to Xerox of $9.7 million, including 2002
Summer Games, Xerox, an official
interest ($6.5 million before interest). Anne M. Mulcahy becomes
sponsor, burned the results of every
dpiX, a former Xerox New Enterprise
Xerox chairman.
competition onto CD-ROMs, creating
Company, is purchased by dpiX electronic results books. Xerox incorporates Palo Alto Research
Holding Company LLC, owned by Center Inc. as a wholly owned Xerox
Xerox details aggressive turnaround
Planar Systems Inc. and a consortium. research company. Xerox continues to
plan with actions centered on improved
Xerox retains a 20 percent interest embed relevant PARC technology into
cash flow and profitability cutting
in dpiX. its offerings.
$1 billion in costs and selling $2 billion
Xerox acquires Omnifax from Danka to $4 billion of assets while working A New Way to Look at It
Business Systems. toward strengthening its core businesses. advertising campaign is launched.
Xerox experiences the worst day in Xerox seals $310 million Digital imaging and repository services
the companys history with the fatal deal with Kinkos Inc., facility in Hot Springs, Ark., expands
shootings of seven employees in the providing them with more and more than quadruples its
Honolulu, Hawaii, facility. than 2,000 of the latest Xerox production capacity.
Xerox partners with Bertlesman Arvato digital color products, high- Settlement agreement reached with the
Ag, one of the worlds leading interna- speed digital printers, and Securities and Exchange Commission,
tional book producers, to deploy digital black-and-white digital multi- resolving all outstanding accounting
print-on-demand technology and solu- function machines. issues with the SEC. Xerox neither
tions worldwide. Xerox completes sale of Xerox admits nor denies SEC allegations
(China) Ltd. and Xerox (Hong Kong) and agrees to restate its financials for
Ltd. for $550 million in cash to Fuji 1997 through 2000 and adjust 2001 results.
Xerox acquires Tektronix
Inc.s Color Printing and Xerox Co. Ltd.
$7 billion revolving line of credit
Imaging Division 2001 successfully renegotiated, reflecting
for $925 million. Xerox sells half of its stake in Fuji Xeroxs strengthened financial position
Xerox Co. Ltd. to Fuji Photo Film Co. and improved operational performance.
Launch of the next-generation
DocuColor 2000 Series of digital color Ltd., for more than $1.3 billion. Xerox
2002 marks Xeroxs most significant
presses. About 5,000 are sold in the retains 25 percent ownership interest,
product launch year in a decade, with
next two years. and all product and technology
17 new products and five product
agreements between Xerox and Fuji
platforms, including the Xerox iGen3
Xerox continue.
Digital Production Press.

Historical Highlights
Xerox and General Electric agree to outstanding and exemplary contribu- Xerox sells its ownership stakes in
an 8-year financing arrangement for tions in electrotechnology. askOnce and Scansoft and the majority
GE Vendor Financial Services to of its stake in ContentGuard Inc.,
Reflecting strong investor confidence,
become primary equipment financing successfully monetizing innovation
Xerox completes a $3.6 billion recapital-
provider for Xerox customers in the that originated in its labs.
ization that includes public offerings of
United States through monthly
common stock, 3-year mandatory At the worlds largest printing
advances against Xeroxs new U.S.
convertible preferred stock, and 7-year trade show, drupa 2004, Xerox
lease originations.
and 10-year senior unsecured notes as rolls out seven digital systems,
Xerox earns its 15,000th utility well as a new $1 billion credit facility. an expanded suite of services,
patent, Sept. 17. Demand for the offerings exceeds initial and workflow tools that rein-
Building on Xeroxs heritage in
expectations, further strengthening vent traditional ways of
quality processes, Xerox Lean Six
Xeroxs balance sheet. printing and drive profit for
Sigma deployment begins. Xerox and General Electric agree to a
customers. Xerox also
7-year agreement for GE VFS Canada
announces the iGen3 press
Xerox returns to full-year profitability,
Limited Partnership, a unit of GE
has printed more than 400
resulting from successful implementa-
Commercial Finance, to become the
million pages at customer
tion of its transformation plan in
primary equipment financing provider
locations worldwide.
October 2000.
for Xerox customers in Canada through Consolidated Graphics Inc., the largest
2003 monthly prepayments against Xeroxs sheet-fed and half-web commercial
Xerox Copier Assistant software is customer contract originations. printing company in the U.S., names
launched, which makes it easier for Xerox its exclusive provider of digital
people who are blind or visually
Xerox delivers 100th iGen3
color print technology.
impaired to operate a digital copier.
Digital Production Press.
Xerox marks its 40th year of Olympic
2004 (through June)
Xerox joins Microsoft and others as a sponsorship as a Top Olympic Partner,
Social Service Leave Program returns
founding sponsor of the Information documenting the legacy of the 2004
after three-year hiatus. Under the
Work Productivity Center at MIT; Summer Games in Athens, Greece.
program, Xerox employees receive
center studies how organizations can Following its support of both the
paid time of up to one year to work
take advantage of technology to Olympic and Paralympic games,
for community nonprofit groups.
increase productivity. Xerox will end its affiliation with the
Two groundbreaking technology plat- International Olympic Committee to
Xerox transforms its office
forms launch: Nuvera digital copier- focus its marketing opportunities on
product lineup, unveils 21 new
printers that create a new mid-production other customer initiatives.
and enhanced CopyCentre
market segment, and the Phaser 8400,
office copiers, WorkCentre
the first office color printer that runs at
copier-printers and
24 ppm in color or black and white and
WorkCentre Pro advanced
costs under $1,000.
multifunction systems.
Bolstering its No. 1 market share posi-
The IEEE recognizes Xerox with the
tion in digital production color printing,
2003 Corporate Innovation Recognition
Xerox achieves 10,000th installation of
award, for its DocuTech product line,
DocuColor 2000 Series presses.
which unified digital electronics,
computing and communications with
xerography to create the print-on-
demand industry. The prestigious
award is presented annually for

Historical Highlights
Financial Highlights

Five Years In Review 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999

Dollars in millions, except per-share data

Total Revenue $15,701 $15,849 $17,008 $18,751 $18,995

Income (Loss)* $360 $91 ($94) ($273) $844
Net income (Loss) $360 $91 ($94) ($273) $844
Diluted Earnings (Loss) per Common Share* $0.36 $0.02 ($0.15) ($0.48) $1.17
Common Shareholders of Record at Year-End 56,326 57,300 59,830 59,879 55,766
Employees at Year-End 61,100 67,800 78,900 91,500 93,600
* These values are for continuing operations.

Common Stock Price by Year Rank Among the Fortune 500*


2003 13.80 8.05 13.80 2003 130 1988 34 1973 41

2002 11.45 4.30 8.05 2002 116 1987 32 1972 40
2001 11.35 4.95 10.42 2001 120 1986 40 1971 52
2000 29.75 4.44 4.63 2000 109 1985 38 1970 60
1999 63.69 19.88 22.69 1999 87 1984 38 1969 71
1998 60.81 33.09 59.00 1998 63 1983 38 1968 109
1997 44.00 25.75 36.94 1997 72 1982 38 1967 126
1996 29.13 19.89 26.31 1996 51 1981 42 1966 145
1995 24.10 16.08 22.84 1995 41 1980 38 1965 171
1994 18.79 14.63 16.50 1994 22 1979 40 1964 227
1993 15.13 11.63 14.69 1993 21 1978 36 1963 294
1992 13.69 11.06 13.21 1992 22 1977 39 1962 423
1991 11.63 5.88 11.42 1991 22 1976 40
1990 9.68 4.83 5.92 1990 21 1975 39
1989 11.50 9.06 9.54 1989 22 1974 41
1988 10.50 8.38 9.75 * Data above show Xeroxs rank in Fortune magazines annual list of
1987 14.18 8.38 9.44 the 500 largest U.S. corporations, based on company revenue for the
1986 12.00 8.13 10.00 year cited. The list is published in April, reflecting revenue from the
previous calendar year.
1985 10.08 6.18 10.00

Return to Profitability
Net Income (Loss) Common Stock
($ millions) Splits and Year

1999 2 for 1
1996 3 for 1
1969 3 for 1
1963 5 for 1
1959 4 for 1
(94) 1955 3 for 1
1936 3 for 1
1928 5 for 1
1923 3 for 1
2000 2001 2002 2003

Financial Highlights
Organizational Structure

Group and CTO

Research and Technology

Technology Enterprises Production
Intellectual Property
Systems Group

Xerox Global

Office Business

Business Group

Xerox Channels
Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Engineering Center

North American
Solutions Group
Xerox Europe

Chairman & CEO

External and
Legal Affairs

Business Operations

Customer Operations

Operations Support Chief Financial

Officer Chief Staff
Officer and
Note: Chief Ethics
This chart is illustrative only and
does not show all organizations Controller/Audit
or reporting relationships. Tax Human Resources
Investor Relations Ethics and Compliance
Business Development Risk Management
Corporate Real Estate

Operations Xerox Lean
Group Six Sigma

Fuji Xerox
Information Management
Fuji Xerox Relations

Organizational Structure
Xerox Glossary

Basic definitions Continuous-feed printer

Production machine that is fed nonstop
Compilation of information structured

of some terms by a roll of paper and can cut each

printed piece to size. CF printers offer
for human comprehension; the container
for information. Formats include but are

commonly used at the industrys fastest print speeds,

around 1,000 images per minute.
not limited to electronic files, e-mail,
paper, images and Web content.

and around Xerox. Controller

Microprocessor that performs the RIP
Document management
Integrating an organizations critical
Affiliate and other control functions for printers. business processes with functions such
Direct or indirect subsidiary with exclu- On office/workgroup printers, the as document imaging, storage, archiving
sive rights to market and support Xerox controller is inside. On production and retrieval to ensure that workers
products and services in developing printers, the controller is typically always have ready access to digital and
markets countries. Xerox maintains an outside the machine, housed in a sepa- paper document-based information.
equity investment in its affiliates. rate PC or workstation. It may also be
Document outsourcing
called a digital front end, print
Agent A managed service in which skilled
server or color server.
Independent business in North America Xerox operators take over a companys
that takes orders for Xerox products Dealer document production and management
primarily from small- and medium-sized Independent business that sells certain needs, freeing the company to concen-
businesses. Agents have exclusive sales groups of Xerox products, such as trate on its core business.
territories defined by Xerox (like a workgroup fax machines, to end-users.
Document supplies
European concessionaire). Dealers usually buy their products
Materials that go through a printer or
directly from Xerox and other manu-
Channel copier, such as paper, card stock, labels
facturers for resale to their customers.
How and where a company sells its or transparencies.
products, for example, through a Digital copier
Enterprise printing
reseller, a direct sales representative Machine that integrates scanning and
Managing electronic information and
or the Internet. printing functionality to perform the
hardcopy printing throughout a
copy function. Unlike an analog (light-
Concessionaire companys critical business systems,
lens) copier, it creates an electronic
Independent business in Europe such as billing or procurement, or
representation of the image.
established to sell exclusively Xerox throughout an entire environment.
equipment. Xerox does not own such Digital press
Green World Alliance
companies but does support their Machine designed to handle high-volume
An environmental initiative that encour-
business activities (like a U.S. agent). production-level printing, provide flaw-
ages customers to return used cartridges,
less image quality and offer compati-
Consumables toner and other consumables to Xerox,
bility with multiple finishing options,
Equipment products such as toner, so Xerox can extend the products
just like an offset press. But compared
developer or ink cartridges that can useful lives through remanufacturing.
to offset, a digital press can produce
be purchased and installed by the short-run jobs more economically, inte- Imaging services
customer as needed. grate with the Internet and incorporate Taking hardcopy documents and scan-
Content management variable data. ning them to make electronic files, also
Processes involved in organizing, known as images, that can be more
categorizing, and structuring informa- easily stored, manipulated, shared and
Independently owned business, in devel-
tion resources so that they can be retrieved from a digital repository.
oping markets countries, that can market,
stored, published and reused in service and supply Xerox products and Intellectual property
multiple ways. A content management services appropriate for its territory. Unique designs, inventions, ideas and
system can collect, manage and publish Xerox has no ownership interest in know-how that are protected by patents,
content, storing the content either as its distributorships. copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or
components or whole documents, license agreements. Intellectual property
while maintaining the connections is a corporate asset.
between components.

Xerox Glossary
Just-in-time printing Photoreceptor Toner
Allows documents to be created only Physical device inside a marking system The dry ink for laser printers and
at the moment they are needed; for on which the latent image is written by copiers used to form xerographic
example, coordinating the print run of a laser or LED bar and then developed images. It is made either mechanically
instruction sheets with the production with toner. (pulverizing ingredients into tiny parti-
schedule of the boxes that they need to cles) or chemically (growing ingredients
Production publishing
be dropped into. from the molecular level into tiny parti-
The production of documents on demand
cles of a precise shape and size).
Knowledge management from electronic files or masters, such as
Transforming individual knowledge books, manuals, data sheets and cata- Transaction printing
and experiences into knowledge and logs. These documents may or may not The production of large volumes of
experience that can be used by the contain variable data. documents from data and information
collective organization. Effective in databases, using systems that dynami-
Raster image processing (RIP)
knowledge management has both a cally merge data with electronic forms,
Core function provided by a printer
social and technological dimension. such as statements, invoices, checks and
controller that turns print files into
insurance policies.
Laser printing directions so the imaging mechanism
Process invented by Xerox that uses knows where to put dots on paper. Wide-format printing
lasers to create the image on a print The production of large-format docu-
drum, or photoreceptor. Areas on the ments, such as engineering and architec-
Independent business that sells certain
drum hit by the laser attract toner. The tural drawings and posters, on specialized
groups of Xerox products, such as
printer transfers the toner from the equipment with scanning and printing
network printers, to end-users. Resellers
drum to the paper and fuses the toner widths that typically range between
buy Xerox printers and other vendors
in place with heat. 19 and 60 inches.
products from distributors, not directly
Multifunction product (MFP) from the manufacturer. Workflow
Imaging device that combines multiple The tools and procedures required in
Single pass printing
functions, such as print, copy, scan and each step of a business process. In the
Technology that deposits all four colors
fax, all in one system. Basic MFPs copy graphic arts industry, workflow typically
on the paper in one pass to create a
and print, plus offer basic fax and scan refers to the pre-press process: file
full-color image, rather than the four
functionality. Advanced MFPs copy, preparation, color proofing, variable
passes required by traditional color
print and have advanced faxing and data programming, etc.
laser printers.
scanning capabilities, such as Internet
fax and scan-to-file or scan-to-repository. Solid ink printing
Technology invented by Chester Carlson
Process that uses solid blocks of colored
New Business of Printing in 1938 that started the copying revolu-
resin-based ink, which are melted and
How Xerox describes the ongoing tion and gave birth to Xerox Corporation.
sprayed in minuscule dots onto a
transformation of todays world of high- An original image is transferred when
turning offset drum, which then trans-
end printing, which increasingly uses light is projected onto an electrically
fers the image to paper in a single pass.
digital technologies to enable just-in- charged surface. The image attracts oppo-
time production, personalization and Solution sitely charged toner particles, which are
integration with Web capabilities. An integrated offering that typically then fused into place on the copy paper,
Xerox solutions address these new includes hardware, software and serv- reproducing the original image. The word
business opportunities. ices, which solves a problem, improves xerography is derived from the Greek
a work process, or creates a market or words for dry and writing.
On-demand printing
competitive advantage.
Allows commercial printers and other
print providers to quickly turn around Telesales
short, economical print runs of a precise Transactions made through customer
number of documents. inquiries to 800-ASK-XEROX. Skilled
marketing representatives qualify and
One-to-One (1:1) solutions
route leads, answer questions and
Software and hardware that enable
complete sales transactions.
automatic customizing or personalizing
of individual documents in a mass
production run an essential capa-
bility in industries such as direct
marketing and financial services.

Xerox Glossary
General Contacts

Corporate Media Contacts Other Contacts Xerox Newsroom

Xerox Square 004 Sales information on any Xerox product: www.xerox.com/news
100 S. Clinton Ave. 800-ASK-XEROX The Newsroom contains Xerox news
Rochester, NY 14644 (800-275-9376) releases, high-resolution product photog-
www.xerox.com raphy, executive biographies, awards,
Christa B. Carone
presentations, an online Fact Book thats
Office: 585-423-5074 Customer Environment,
updated throughout the year, and other
Mobile: 585-737-7653 Health and Safety Support:
resources designed for the media and
Christa.Carone@usa.xerox.com 800-828-6571
consultant communities.
Kara Choquette
Office: 303-796-6420 Investor/Shareholder Services:
Mobile: 203-613-1444 800-828-6396
Kara.Choquette@usa.xerox.com www.xerox.com/investor
Bill McKee Technical Assistance:
Office: 585-423-4476 www.xerox.com/eSupportCentre
Mobile: 585-737-9069
Ethics Helpline:
Tim Tindall
Directory Assistance:
Office: 585-231-2554
Mobile: 585-507-8665
Tim.Tindall@usa.xerox.com Student Research Inquiries:
Consultant Relations Contact

Jan Daley-Austin For Fact Book Copies

Office: 310-333-2445 Employees:
Mobile: 310-503-0999 For all orders (lots of 10), order
Jan.Daley@usa.xerox.com through the Sales Collateral
610P Catalog available at:
Products/Services/Solutions http://xww.nasg.xerox.com/610p/catalog/
Media Contacts Reference No.: 610P703620
Full list available at Charges may be added for rush or
www.xerox.com/news international shipments.

General Public:
Call 585-423-5733

Xerox Corporation is an equal opportunity employer and, as such, affirms in policy and practice to recruit,
hire, train and promote, in all job classifications, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national
origin, citizenship status, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity. Furthermore, Xerox will not
discriminate against persons who are veterans of the Vietnam era. Similarly, considering the need for
reasonable accommodation to their limitation, Xerox will not discriminate against persons because of
their handicap, including disabled veterans.

General Contacts
Product Award Highlights
Its satisfying to earn a great reading from editors, customers Industry Analysts, Inc.:
and product reviewers and Xerox products succeed time Rated Xerox color systems best among color product vendors
and again. Among recent highlights: in 13 categories in the June 2003 End User Color Survey.
Better Buys for Business: The International Association of
Editors Choice awards for the WorkCentre Pro 40, Printing House Craftsmen:
CopyCentre C40 and DocuColor 3535. International Gallery of Superb Printing Award, in the
Best Digital Print category for output created on the
Xerox iGen3.
Best Product of 2003 in the printer category
for the Phaser 6250. PC Magazine:
Editors Choice Awards for Phaser 4500 and Phaser
Electronic Publishing:
7750 printers. And the Phaser 7300/DN was among the
Hot Product of 2003 for the DocuColor 3535.
Best Products of 2003.
Gold Ink awards, sponsored by Printing Impressions
PC World:
and Print Media, for output created on the Xerox iGen3
Best Buy Award for the Phaser 8400 color printer.
Digital Production Press.
Transform Magazine:
Graphic Arts Technical Foundation:
Readers Choice Award for Xerox excellence in the
InterTech Technology Award for the Xerox SquareFold
multifunction machines category.
Booklet Maker.
2003 IEEE Corporate Innovation Recognition Award,
honoring Xerox for its pioneering work that created the
DocuTech product line.
Xerox Corporation
800 Long Ridge Road
P.O. Box 1600
Stamford, CT 06904


2004 XEROX CORPORATION. All rights reserved. XEROX, The Document Company
and the digital X are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION.

36 USC 220506 610P703620 07/04

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