Factbook 2004-2005
Factbook 2004-2005
Factbook 2004-2005
Fact Book
Table of Contents
Overview 2
Fuji Xerox 20
Alliances 21
Major Products
Currently Marketed in the U.S. 26
Major Products
by Year of U.S. Announcement 28
Historical Highlights 38
Financial Highlights 44
Organizational Structure 45
Xerox Glossary 46
General Contacts 48
Xerox at a Glance
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Business
Anne M. Mulcahy Xerox Corporation is a technology and services
enterprise that helps businesses deploy smart docu-
Mission Statement ment management strategies and find better ways
to work. It offers an array of innovative document
solutions, services and systems including color
and black-and-white printers, digital presses, multi-
function devices and digital copiers designed for
offices and production-printing environments. It
also offers associated supplies, software and support.
Since our inception, we have operated under the 2003 Revenue
guidance of six core values: $15.7 billion
We succeed through satisfied customers.
2003 Income
We deliver quality and excellence in all we do.
$360 million
We require premium return on assets.
We use technology to develop market leadership.
2003 Earnings
We value and empower employees.
$0.36 per share
We behave responsibly as a corporate citizen.
2003 Commitment to
Research & Development
800 Long Ridge Road
$868 million, or about 5.5 percent of revenue
Stamford, CT 06904
About 61,100 worldwide, including 35,600 in the
1906 in Rochester, N.Y., as The Haloid Company;
United States, as of year-end 2003.
named Xerox Corporation in 1961.
Xerox on the Web
Xerox at a Glance
Xerox fueled market-share gains over the past two
years by launching 38 digital office and production
products, delivered through a broad set of sales
channels. About 50 percent of Xeroxs 2003
equipment-sale revenue was derived from these
new, industry-leading systems.
Under the Social Service Leave Program,
Overview employees are granted paid leaves of up to one
year to work on social action projects of their choice.
The program, one of few corporate sabbatical
programs designed to provide opportunities for
employees to work full-time in their communities,
is believed to be the oldest of its kind in American
business. Since the program began in 1971, 453
employees have been granted a leave, including
nine employees for 2004.
The Foundation also matches employee gifts to
higher education under the Xerox Employee
Matching Gifts Program about 2,120 gifts in
2003. And under the Employee United Way program,
it educates employees about United Way services
and administers employee contributions. In 2003,
Xerox people and the Foundation together gave
more than $4 million to United Way.
A Brief History of Xerox
Chester Carlson, a patent attorney and part-time inventor, made the first xerographic image in Haloid coined the word Xerox for the new copiers, and in 1948, the word
his makeshift laboratory in Astoria, Queens, in New York City, on Oct. 22, 1938. He spent years Xerox was trademarked. Inspired by the early, modest success of its Xerox
trying to sell his invention without success. Business executives and entrepreneurs didnt copiers, Haloid changed its name in 1958 to Haloid Xerox Inc. The company
believe there was a market for a copier when carbon paper worked just fine. And the prototype became Xerox Corporation in 1961 after wide acceptance of the Xerox 914,
for the copier was unwieldy and messy. Some 20 companies, IBM and General Electric among the first automatic office copier to use ordinary paper.
them, met his invention with what Carlson called an enthusiastic lack of interest. September 2004 marks the 45th anniversary of the Xerox 914. More than
Finally in 1944, the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, contracted with Carlson to 200,000 units were made around the world between 1959 and 1976, the
refine his new process, which Carlson called electrophotography. Three years later, The Haloid Company, a maker of year the company stopped production of the 914. In 1985, 26 years after its
photographic paper in Rochester, N.Y., approached Battelle and obtained a license to develop and market a copying introduction, Xerox announced that it would no longer renew 914 service
machine based on Carlsons technology. Haloid later obtained all rights to Carlsons invention. Carlson and Haloid agreed contracts in the United States. Instead, a time and materials repair service was
the word electrophotography was too cumbersome. A professor of classical languages at Ohio State University offered for the more than 6,000 units still in operation. Today, the Xerox 914 is
suggested xerography, derived from the Greek words for dry and writing. part of American history as an artifact in the Smithsonian Institution.
most widely recognized certifications including commitment to source paper from suppliers that
Canadas Environmental Choice EcoLogo and the practice sound environmental management and
international ENERGY STAR. sustainable forestry.
Xerox multifunction systems offer inherent envi- Xerox has integrated environmental considera-
ronmental benefits. In 2003, Xerox expanded its tions into its manufacturing operations through
line with new WorkCentre and WorkCentre Pro implementation of an ISO 14001-conforming
models. The systems are modular and easy to environmental management system. All Xerox
upgrade so customers can buy only the functions manufacturing sites have achieved certification to
they need, conserving resources. Advanced this standard. In 2003, Xerox made a formal
controller technology allows the system to perform commitment to expand efforts to further reduce
several functions print, copy, fax or scan at energy consumption and associated greenhouse
once, making it possible for a multifunction system gas emissions.
to replace several standalone machines. Scanning
options help reduce the need to mail hardcopy The Xerox Trademark
documents, helping customers reduce paper inventory. Xerox is a famous trademark and trade name.
Xerox Phaser solid ink printers are notable for Xerox as a trademark is properly used only as a
conserving materials. They weigh about 25 percent brand name to identify the companys products and
less than typical color laser printers, and they services. The Xerox trademark should always be
produce about 95 percent less waste during use used as a proper adjective followed by the generic
because they require no cartridges and minimal name of the product: e.g., Xerox printer. The Xerox
consumable supplies. trademark should never be used as a verb. The
Xerox also offers high-quality recycled papers trade name Xerox is an abbreviation for the
with up to 100 percent post-consumer waste content. companys full legal name: Xerox Corporation.
Xerox machines are optimized for their use. A The digital X is Xeroxs marketing symbol,
How Xerox Innovates
Scientists and engineers in the Xerox Innovation Group
Monica Beltrametti, vice president and center manager 70 MPH BRAKED TO 0 MPH IN ONE SECOND.
Founded in 1993, XRCE guides Xerox research software, the dual-beam lasers used in many Xerox
activities in Europe. The center coordinates products, and the scheduling software of the Xerox
research, engineering and the TeXnology iGen3 Digital Production Press.
Showroom, a customer showcase for Xerox Xerox continues to embed relevant PARC tech-
research and a technology exchange forum. The nology into its product and solutions offerings.
center also develops connections within the wider PARC is also delivering its innovations to a wider
European scientific community through collabora- range of non-competitive industry partners than
tive projects and partnerships. ever before. Together, PARC and Xerox are
XRCE creates innovative document technologies defining a new vision for how pioneering research
for the Xerox office and global solutions and serv- creates commercial impact. Current research
ices businesses. The group focuses on services that includes diverse areas such as semiconductor lasers,
help people access and share documents and knowl- microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), scalable
edge, regardless of device, format, platform or smart environments, wireless networks, security,
language, from the desktop or at a distance. linguistic analysis, information interaction, commu-
R&D competencies lie in content analysis (natural nity knowledge sharing, and biomedical sciences.
language), machine learning, document structures,
image processing and work practices. XRCE Other XIG Operations
research programs combine results from several
research threads to transfer technology applications Xerox Intellectual Property Operations
to the Xerox business groups; current programs 1350 Jefferson Road
include office applications, work practice services, Rochester, NY 14623
and knowledge and content. Harry Williams, vice president
Equipment, Services,
Software, Supplies
Xerox provides hundreds of
systems and services that
help customers
manage and share
documents: high-end
digital production printers, office
multifunction systems, toner and
paper, outsourced document
management and more.
These products and services primarily originate
from two main business operations called
Business Group Operations and Xerox Global that print over 90 pages per minute and color
Services which are focused on the production products over 40 pages per minute. The office
market, the office market and the services market. segment represented $7.7 billion, and it includes
Both entities contribute to Xeroxs mission to give all systems operating below those speed levels.
customers better ways to do great work. They BGO also manages the supplies business, the
manage the design, engineering and marketing of Xerox Engineering Center and the Xerox Channels
Xerox imaging equipment, supplies, software and Group. The following are some of its key product
services. In 2003, Xerox began working with divisions and offerings.
Visioneer Inc. and Proview Technology Inc. on a Production Systems Group
retail line of Xerox DocuMate desktop scanners, 800 Phillips Road
Xerox digital projectors and Xerox flat-screen Webster, NY 14580
computer monitors that are marketed and Gilbert J. Hatch, president
supported by those partner companies.
Xerox is among the printing industrys digital
Business Group Operations pioneers and continues to lead efforts to help
70 Linden Oaks Parkway businesses profit from the ongoing digital printing
Rochester, NY 14625 revolution. Xerox ignited the customized
Ursula M. Burns, president production-printing industry in 1977 by introducing
high-speed laser printing for producing computer
Business Group Operations brings together all of data-based output. In 1990, the DocuTech
the marketing, engineering, product development Production Publisher spawned todays fast-growing,
and acquisition, and manufacturing for Xeroxs print-on-demand industry.
office and production markets. Of Xeroxs 2003 Building on that legacy, PSG provides both
revenue, the production segment represented about color and black-and-white products for three main
$4.5 billion and includes monochrome products environments: production publishing, transaction
What Xerox Offers
What Xerox Offers
Product Lifecycle Services improve time to Imaging and Scanning Services that streamline
market, cut costs and enhance effectiveness of the image and retrieval process, in part by
documentation that supports products throughout converting hard-copy documents to digital
their lifecycles, such as automotive manuals that and then hosting them in a secure, organized
need to be updated annually as each new car online library.
model is introduced. Global Knowledge and Language Services that
Office Services use the Office Document provide globalization, translation and localization,
Assessment methodology to analyze the way writing, publishing and e-learning services.
customers work. Then Xerox can help customers
deliver cost savings through better use of existing Xerox Production Services help customers with
office equipment, consolidation of assets, and use high-volume printing needs in the production
of a single point of contact for supplies or service. environment to manage documents and document-
production processes from start to finish and across
Document Imaging and Repository Services
the enterprise. Production Document Assessments
make traditional paper documents digital-based
help clients with document engineering and graphic
and more accessible in whatever format the
design, forms management, production publishing,
information is needed, for example, scanning
and mail fulfillment and distribution. This group
hardcopy invoices and putting them online so
provides an opportunity for customers to outsource
that a service representative can quickly access
their entire document business process, using
the data and provide timely and efficient
Xerox as the expert to reduce costs, improve
customer service.
productivity and offer greater levels of service
for their document management needs.
Managed Services provide support for clients
critical business processes, which can be performed
either in-house or off-site. They include:
Tapping Worldwide
Growth Opportunities
Developing Markets Operations is Latin American Countries and Regions
is the hub of
Co. Ltd., International Business Group
New World Tower, 29th Floor
Xerox operations in 300 Huai Hai Middle Road
Shanghai 200021, China
Japan and the markets in the Jiro Shono, president
Fuji Xerox
Xerox has a proven track record of collaboration with Microsoft, a technology leader in operating systems
other leading companies to better serve customers in and business application software. This alliance
todays high-tech, fast-changing global marketplace. continues to improve the compatibility, ease of use,
Xerox manages alliances at two levels: corporate-level and total cost of ownership of Xerox document
alliances, and business group alliances and partnerships. systems and services when integrated with Microsoft
Corporate alliances are material relationships with products. Xerox and Microsoft are also collaborating
other technology companies that typically span Xerox to deliver enhanced office services and solutions
business groups and geographies. Most corporate leveraging the .NET framework, the Xerox Office
alliances help Xerox and its partners reach new cus- Business Group family of systems and Xerox Global
tomers with broader, more valuable offerings. Some of Services force.
Xeroxs corporate alliances: Sun Microsystems, for its strength in the platform and
Adobe Systems, a leader in establishing standards for Web services spaces. The alliance with Sun reflects a
page description languages and document workflow, strong, wide-ranging and complementary partnership
including PostScript and PDF. The alliance enhances that employs components and technologies from both
Xeroxs ability to deliver world-class document companies to deliver enterprise solutions and services
systems and solutions to all levels of the enterprise. to Xerox and Sun customers.
EDS, a global information technology services Xerox also manages alliances within its three
company. Xerox and EDS are working together to primary business groups: Production Systems Group,
integrate and deliver products and solutions that Xerox Office Business Group and Xerox Global
support customers entire enterprises. This alliance Services. These alliances combine the strengths of
provides the seamless integration of document Xerox and its partners to bring superior offerings to
management services, from desktop to data center, customers. They typically involve focused collaboration
including a joint offering called Managed Output with software, hardware and services firms. Each of the
Services. MOS helps customers increase office alliance programs in the business groups are specifi-
productivity, drive down operating costs and increase cally tailored to provide the required support, planning
user productivity. and information exchange to optimize the sales and
profit performance of the relationship. More infor-
mation can be found at www.xerox.com/partners.
Xeroxs commitment to being an employer that supports Human Rights Campaigns Corporate Equality Index:
an inclusive work environment has consistently been Notes Xerox is one of only 21 companies to earn a perfect score.
recognized over the years by external organizations.
Latina Style:
Among recent highlights:
Names Xerox among the 50 Best Companies for Latinas to
DiversityInc: Work For.
Ranks Xerox No. 10 in Top 50 Companies for Diversity, as
National Association for Female Executives:
well as No. 1 for GLBT employees, No. 2 for African-American
Ranks Xerox among the Top 30 Companies for Executive
employees, and No. 3 for Asian-American employees.
Diversity Best Practices/Business Womens Network:
Revista Exame:
Ranks Xerox among the Top 10 Best of the Best: Corporate
Names Xerox Brazil to 100 Best Companies to Work For list for
Awards for Diversity and Women 20032004.
sixth time in seven years.
Selling Power:
Ranks Xerox No. 17 on Americas 50 Best Companies for
Ranks Xerox among the Top 10 sales companies in the
United States.
Hispanic Magazine: Toronto Globe and Mails Report on Business:
Names Xerox to its Corporate 100: The One Hundred Calls Xerox Canada for the second consecutive year one of
Companies Providing the Most Opportunities for Hispanics. the 50 Best Employers in Canada.
A Global Company
U.S. Locations Manufacturing,
Engineering and
Administration Assembly
California California
El Segundo El Segundo
Santa Ana New York
Connecticut Webster
Stamford Ohio
District of Columbia Cincinnati
Washington Oklahoma
Florida Oklahoma City
Miami Lakes Oregon
Illinois Wilsonville
New York
Rochester California
El Segundo
Oregon Palo Alto
New York
Texas Rochester
Lewisville Webster
Color Products
Graphic Arts Multifunction Printers Copier-Printers Copiers
Systems WorkCentre M24 Phaser 6100 DocuColor 12 CopyCentre C32 Color
DocuColor 2045 WorkCentre Pro 32 Color Phaser 6250 DocuColor 1632 CopyCentre C40 Color
DocuColor 5252 WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Phaser 7300 DocuColor 2240
DocuColor 6060 Phaser 7750 DocuColor 3535
DocuPrint 92C Phaser 8400
iGen3 Digital
Production Press
1960S 1970s
5400: First Xerox copier with a built-in
diagnostic micro computer; 45 copies
1963 per minute.
813: First desktop copier to make copies 1970
on plain paper; 7 copies per minute. 4000: First in the second generation of
Ethernet: First local area network
copiers and duplicators; first to provide
1964 (LAN) for connecting workstations,
automatic two-sided copying; 45 copies
Long Distance Xerography (LDX): printers and other office equipment.
per minute.
First system for high-speed document
8200: Copier/duplicator that automati-
fax transmission using scanners, 400: First portable fax machine.
cally feeds originals and produces
networks and printers; targeted for
1972 collated copies without a sorter; 70
businesses with centralized, high-volume
1000: Last copier using the 914 copies per minute.
technology; 15 copies per minute.
2080: Worlds first wide-format engi-
2400: First Xerox duplicator (high-
1973 neering copier; launches the wide-
volume copier); 40 copies per minute.
6500: Xeroxs first color copier; makes format engineering industry.
1860: Plain-paper printer produces full-color copies on plain paper and
reduced-size copies from originals of transparencies.
a variety of materials as large as 3 feet
by 10 feet.
410: First automatic desktop fax machine. 1980s
1200: First non-impact xerographic 1980
printer for computer output. 8000 Network System: Office network
Xerox Magnafax Telecopier: Also
that allows users to electronically
known as the Telecopier I; a joint
create, process, file, print and distribute
venture between Xerox and Magnavox
5011 R/E: Convenience copier 6540 Workstation: UNIX-based work- 5312, 5314: Convenience copiers
makes up to 15 copies per minute; station with enhanced graphics capabili- with reusable toner copy cartridges;
reduces and enlarges at 65, 75 and 130 ties for working with technical, 12 copies per minute.
percent of original. scientific and financial data.
5385: Departmental copier offers
4018: High-speed digital engineering 1992 highlight color.
printer/plotter accepts images from a PaperWorks: Software links personal
4890hc: Highlight color, laser printer
variety of sources including scanners computers at remote locations through
prints in black plus red, blue or green;
and optical-disk storage devices; fax machines.
92 prints per minute.
reproduces images on plain paper.
DocuTech Network Publisher: Accepts
4004: Personal inkjet printer; 3 prints
1991 electronic and hard-copy originals for
per minute.
5100: Copier designed for distribution large printing and publishing jobs.
in the United States, Europe and Japan; MajestiK 5760, 5765: Full-color, digital
DocuTech Signature Booklet Maker:
100 copies per minute. copier-printers designed for short-run
Produces saddle-stitched, folded and
printing; 6 color copies per minute.
8840-D: High-speed engineering trimmed booklets from documents
printer/plotter uses plain paper; used printed on a DocuTech system. 8900 Series II: Electrostatic color
with computer-aided design and plotters for the engineering industry
7033 LAN Fax Server: Allows PC users
drawing management systems. make prints up to 44 inches wide.
on Novell local area networks to send
5775: Digital color copier controlled and receive faxes from workstations. 1994
by a touch screen; 7 copies per minute. 3060: Plain-paper, mid-volume
4700 Digital Color: First full-color,
engineering copier with zoom optics.
4850hc: Highlight-color laser printer networked laser printer; industrys
that prints black and one color fastest to date at 712 prints per minute Visual Recall: Document management
(red, blue or green); up to 50 prints in color, 30 prints per minute in black software indexes text for key-word
per minute. and white. searches, with graphical depiction of
text to be searched.
4135: Cut-sheet, high-volume laser 7041: Plain-paper, laser-based fax
printer; up to 135 prints per minute. machine transmits a standard business 4900: Desktop color laser printer;
page in 6 seconds. 3 prints per minute for color, 12
4197: Xeroxs first magnetic ink char-
for monochrome.
acter recognition (MICR) laser printer 7124S: Engineering fax/copier transmits
for the desktop. and receives documents up to 24 inches DocuTech 6135: Network production
wide from personal computers. printer; 135 prints per minute.
4235: Laser printer that can be
connected to a remote data center 3050, 3090: Wide-format, plain-paper 8808: High-resolution desktop
while being used simultaneously as a engineering copiers for architects laser printer designed for graphics
local workgroup printer; up to 35 prints and engineers. and printing documents up to 11 by
per minute. 17 inches.
5205: Personal copier for the home
office; 3 copies per minute.
small and mid-sized office market; with dealers, targeted for small and mid-
two-sided color printing and 65 MB of sized businesses; copy and print at 23
memory; prints at 21 black-and-white and 28 pages per minute, respectively;
or 5 color pages per minute. optional scan, fax and Internet fax
A History of Excellence
1906 1949 1963
The Haloid Company is founded in The first xerographic copier, the Micro-Systems Inc. is acquired.
Rochester, N.Y., to manufacture and Model A, is introduced.
Electro-Optical Systems Inc.
sell photographic paper.
1953 is acquired.
Chester Carlson, inventor Haloid establishes Canadian sales
of xerography, is born in subsidiary, The Haloid Company of
Xerox acquires patent and marketing
Seattle, Feb. 8. Canada Ltd.
rights to Central and South America
1935 1956 from The Rank Organisation.
Haloid buys Rectigraph Co. Rank Xerox Limited is formed as joint
venture of The Haloid Company and
1936 Basic Systems Inc. is acquired; renamed
The Rank Organisation plc.
First public offering of Xerox stock. Xerox Learning Systems.
1938 Xerox acquires American Education
Chester Carlson makes first xerographic
The Haloid Company Publications Inc.; renamed Xerox
image in his lab in Astoria, Queens, in
changes name to Education Publications; publications
New York City, Oct. 22.
Haloid Xerox Inc. include Weekly Reader.
1942 Rank Xerox opens manufacturing plant
The Xerox 914, the first automatic,
Carlson receives U.S. patent No. 2,297,691 in Venray, Netherlands.
plain-paper office copier, is announced.
on Oct. 6 for electrophotography, later
called xerography, the technology that Haloid purchases all worldwide
Professional Library Service is acquired.
revolutionized the world of imaging. patents on xerography from Battelle
Memorial Institute. Learning Materials Inc. is acquired.
Haloid acquires license to Chester 1960 1967
Carlsons basic xerographic patents Research and Engineering Center is Cheshire Inc. is acquired.
from Battelle Development Corp. of established in Webster, N.Y.
R.R. Bowker Co. is acquired.
Columbus, Ohio, a subsidiary of
Battelle Memorial Institute. 1968
Haloid Xerox Inc. changes name to
Ginn and Company is acquired.
1948 Xerox Corporation.
Haloid and Battelle announce Chester Carlson dies Sept. 19.
Xerox is listed on the New York Stock
development of xerography.
Exchange, July 11. Some 7,700 shares
The word Xerox is are traded, and the stock closes at $104
trademarked. for the day.
First of 213 consecutive quarterly 1962
dividends is declared. Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. is launched as a
joint venture of Rank Xerox Limited
and Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd.
Historical Highlights
1969 1975 Xerox sells 43 of the 54 Xerox retail
Xerox moves its corporate headquar- Brother Dominic advertising stores in the United States to The
ters from Rochester, N.Y., to Stamford, campaign is launched: Its a Miracle. Genra Group.
Conn. About 150 employees, including
Versatec Inc. is acquired. Leadership Through Quality, the Xerox
most of the companys executive
total quality process, is announced.
management, relocate there. Xerox ends manufacture and sale of
mainframe computers. Venray manufacturing facility
Scientific Data Systems Inc. is acquired.
wins CIMEI Quality Award in
Xerox settles antitrust complaint
Xerox acquires majority interest the Netherlands.
with U.S. Federal Trade Commission
(51.2 percent) in Rank Xerox.
by agreeing to license existing Large-format digital color printing
1970 xerographic patents. is introduced.
Xerox Computer Services is established.
1976 1984
Xerox Palo Alto Last Xerox 914 order is taken; field Xerox Financial Services Inc. is formed.
Research Center opens service on the machine is to continue.
Rank Xerox wins British Quality Award.
in Palo Alto, Calif. 1977
Electrostatic printing is introduced. The industrys first laser printer, the
Six publishing companies are sold:
Xerox 9700 (code-named Dover),
1971 AutEx Systems to International
is announced.
Unipub Inc. is acquired. Thomson Organisation; Ginn and
1978 Company to Gulf+Western Industries
Joseph C. Wilson, chairman of the
Xerox receives $25 million from IBM Inc.; Xerox Education Publications to
board, dies Nov. 22.
in agreement that ends litigation and Field Corp.; University Microfilms Inc.
Fuji Xerox acquires Takematsu and leads to exchange of patent licenses to Bell & Howell Co.; R.R. Bowker
Iwatsuki manufacturing plants in Japan between the two companies. Co. to Reed Holdings Inc.; and Xerox
and opens manufacturing and research Learning Systems to The Times
plant in Ebina, Japan. Mirror Co.
Xerox Credit Corporation is formed.
1972 Xerox Financial Services Life Insurance
Diablo Systems Inc. is acquired. Co. is formed.
Kurzweil Computer Products Inc.,
1973 maker of reading systems for the blind, 1986
Xerox PARC invents protoype of is acquired. Xerox Research Centre Europe
the worlds first personal computer, (formerly Rank Xerox EuroPARC)
First Xerox retail store in the United
the Alto, with innovations including opens laboratory in Cambridge, U.K.
States opens.
the first what-you-see-is-what-you-get
Rank Xerox wins British Quality
editor, first commercial use of a mouse, Fuji Xerox wins Deming
Award, its second.
graphical user interface, and bit-mapped Prize, Japans highest award
display. Its commercial descendant was for quality. 1987
the 8010 Star. Rank Xerox South Africa Pty. Ltd. is
sold to Fintech Ltd.; becomes Xeratech.
1974 The 10 Series copiers are inaugurated:
Xerox International Center for Training the industrys first to use built-in micro- Rank Xerox France wins French
and Management Development opens computers with a low-bandwidth Ethernet Quality Award.
in Leesburg, Va. as the communications interface.
Rank Xerox opens new international
Xerox Research Centre of Canada in 1983 headquarters in Marlow, U.K.
Mississauga, Ontario, opens. Xerox acquires Crum and Forster
Inc., the insurance group, part of
Rank Xerox opens new factory in
the companys diversification into
Coslada, Spain, and new assembly plant
financial services.
in Lille, France.
Historical Highlights
Historical Highlights
Historical Highlights
1995 American Foundation for the Blind Xerox aligns with nations
Xerox pays The Rank Organisation plc recognizes Xerox with its Helen Keller leading office product
nearly $1 billion to increase Xeroxs Award in Assistive Technology for the suppliers: U.S. Office
financial stake in Rank Xerox to about companys Reading Edge machine and Products, Office Depot,
80 percent. for pioneering products that help the Boise Cascade Office
blind lead independent lives. Products, Corporate Express
Glass Ceiling Commission gives
Xerox the first Perkins-Dole National 1997 and Staples, to offer Xerox
Award for Diversity and Excellence in Xerox South Africa is created as joint paper and supplies.
American Executive Management. venture between Xerox and Fintech, an The biggest anechoic chamber in the
electronics company. Xerox had been Western Hemisphere opens in the
Xerox wins Environmental
selling its products in South Africa Xerox Webster, N.Y., manufacturing
Achievement Award from
through Fintech since 1994, after the facility. The state-of-the-art room is
National Wildlife Federation.
fall of apartheid. designed to test Xerox products for
Xerox and Scitex Corp. Ltd. of electromagnetic interference.
Israel form alliance to develop
Xerox and Fuji Xerox
digital color printers.
endow the Xerox Disting- Xerox announces worldwide restruc-
uished Professorship in turing, including the elimination of
Xerox wins $30 million contract from Knowledge at Haas School 9,000 jobs through voluntary reduction,
U.S. Navy to be the sole supplier of of Business, University of early retirement and layoffs.
shipboard copiers. California, Berkeley.
Xerox announces plans to build a
U.S. Labor Department honors Xerox Rank Xerox is renamed Xerox manufacturing site in Dundalk, Ireland,
with its Opportunity 2000 Award, Limited, as Xerox buys out its and a new customer call center in
citing the companys success in European partner in the joint venture Dublin a $270 million investment.
promoting women and minorities with The Rank Group.
into management. Xerox and IBM announce a technology
Xerox and the University of Barcelona and marketing agreement to marry
Xerox ColorgrafX Systems formed; leads (Spain) establish laboratory for collab- IBMs Lotus Notes and Domino
Xerox into the graphic arts industry. orative research on magnetic materials. electronic document management
1996 Xerox Business Services wins Malcolm environment with the Xerox Document
Xerox begins treating insurance opera- Baldrige National Quality Award in the Centre family.
tions as discontinued operations for service category, the second Baldrige Working Mother magazine names
accounting purposes in accordance Award for Xerox Corporation. Xerox one of the Top 100 exception-
with its planned exit from financial ally progressive companies for which
Xerox Adaptive Products Inc., maker
services businesses. to work.
of technology products for the blind, is
Board of directors authorizes repur- sold to Telesensory Corp. 1999
chase of up to $1 billion in Xerox Xerox acquires SET Electronique, a
All major manufacturing sites world-
common stock. European developer and distributor of
wide receive ISO 14001 certification.
Xerox creates dpiX as a wholly owned high-speed digital printers.
subsidiary to manufacture and market
XLConnect Solutions Inc., an informa-
high-resolution, flat panel display
tion technology services company, is
screens developed at PARC.
acquired for $415 million, renamed
Document Sciences Corp., a Xerox Xerox Connect.
technology spinoff company, goes public.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited of
Toronto agrees to acquire Crum and
Forster Holdings Inc. The deal effec-
tively completes Xeroxs exit from the
insurance business.
Historical Highlights
Historical Highlights
Xerox and Hewlett-Packard settle all Xerox announces it will exit the
patent-infringement cases, including the SOHO (small-office/home-office)
six patent-related lawsuits filed business segment to sharpen the
between May 1998 and June 1999. companys focus.
Historical Highlights
Xerox and General Electric agree to outstanding and exemplary contribu- Xerox sells its ownership stakes in
an 8-year financing arrangement for tions in electrotechnology. askOnce and Scansoft and the majority
GE Vendor Financial Services to of its stake in ContentGuard Inc.,
Reflecting strong investor confidence,
become primary equipment financing successfully monetizing innovation
Xerox completes a $3.6 billion recapital-
provider for Xerox customers in the that originated in its labs.
ization that includes public offerings of
United States through monthly
common stock, 3-year mandatory At the worlds largest printing
advances against Xeroxs new U.S.
convertible preferred stock, and 7-year trade show, drupa 2004, Xerox
lease originations.
and 10-year senior unsecured notes as rolls out seven digital systems,
Xerox earns its 15,000th utility well as a new $1 billion credit facility. an expanded suite of services,
patent, Sept. 17. Demand for the offerings exceeds initial and workflow tools that rein-
Building on Xeroxs heritage in
expectations, further strengthening vent traditional ways of
quality processes, Xerox Lean Six
Xeroxs balance sheet. printing and drive profit for
Sigma deployment begins. Xerox and General Electric agree to a
customers. Xerox also
7-year agreement for GE VFS Canada
announces the iGen3 press
Xerox returns to full-year profitability,
Limited Partnership, a unit of GE
has printed more than 400
resulting from successful implementa-
Commercial Finance, to become the
million pages at customer
tion of its transformation plan in
primary equipment financing provider
locations worldwide.
October 2000.
for Xerox customers in Canada through Consolidated Graphics Inc., the largest
2003 monthly prepayments against Xeroxs sheet-fed and half-web commercial
Xerox Copier Assistant software is customer contract originations. printing company in the U.S., names
launched, which makes it easier for Xerox its exclusive provider of digital
people who are blind or visually
Xerox delivers 100th iGen3
color print technology.
impaired to operate a digital copier.
Digital Production Press.
Xerox marks its 40th year of Olympic
2004 (through June)
Xerox joins Microsoft and others as a sponsorship as a Top Olympic Partner,
Social Service Leave Program returns
founding sponsor of the Information documenting the legacy of the 2004
after three-year hiatus. Under the
Work Productivity Center at MIT; Summer Games in Athens, Greece.
program, Xerox employees receive
center studies how organizations can Following its support of both the
paid time of up to one year to work
take advantage of technology to Olympic and Paralympic games,
for community nonprofit groups.
increase productivity. Xerox will end its affiliation with the
Two groundbreaking technology plat- International Olympic Committee to
Xerox transforms its office
forms launch: Nuvera digital copier- focus its marketing opportunities on
product lineup, unveils 21 new
printers that create a new mid-production other customer initiatives.
and enhanced CopyCentre
market segment, and the Phaser 8400,
office copiers, WorkCentre
the first office color printer that runs at
copier-printers and
24 ppm in color or black and white and
WorkCentre Pro advanced
costs under $1,000.
multifunction systems.
Bolstering its No. 1 market share posi-
The IEEE recognizes Xerox with the
tion in digital production color printing,
2003 Corporate Innovation Recognition
Xerox achieves 10,000th installation of
award, for its DocuTech product line,
DocuColor 2000 Series presses.
which unified digital electronics,
computing and communications with
xerography to create the print-on-
demand industry. The prestigious
award is presented annually for
Historical Highlights
Financial Highlights
Return to Profitability
Net Income (Loss) Common Stock
($ millions) Splits and Year
1999 2 for 1
1996 3 for 1
1969 3 for 1
1963 5 for 1
1959 4 for 1
(94) 1955 3 for 1
1936 3 for 1
1928 5 for 1
1923 3 for 1
2000 2001 2002 2003
Financial Highlights
Organizational Structure
Group and CTO
Xerox Global
Office Business
Business Group
Xerox Channels
Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Engineering Center
North American
Solutions Group
Xerox Europe
External and
Legal Affairs
Business Operations
Customer Operations
Operations Xerox Lean
Group Six Sigma
Fuji Xerox
Information Management
Fuji Xerox Relations
Organizational Structure
Xerox Glossary
Xerox Glossary
Just-in-time printing Photoreceptor Toner
Allows documents to be created only Physical device inside a marking system The dry ink for laser printers and
at the moment they are needed; for on which the latent image is written by copiers used to form xerographic
example, coordinating the print run of a laser or LED bar and then developed images. It is made either mechanically
instruction sheets with the production with toner. (pulverizing ingredients into tiny parti-
schedule of the boxes that they need to cles) or chemically (growing ingredients
Production publishing
be dropped into. from the molecular level into tiny parti-
The production of documents on demand
cles of a precise shape and size).
Knowledge management from electronic files or masters, such as
Transforming individual knowledge books, manuals, data sheets and cata- Transaction printing
and experiences into knowledge and logs. These documents may or may not The production of large volumes of
experience that can be used by the contain variable data. documents from data and information
collective organization. Effective in databases, using systems that dynami-
Raster image processing (RIP)
knowledge management has both a cally merge data with electronic forms,
Core function provided by a printer
social and technological dimension. such as statements, invoices, checks and
controller that turns print files into
insurance policies.
Laser printing directions so the imaging mechanism
Process invented by Xerox that uses knows where to put dots on paper. Wide-format printing
lasers to create the image on a print The production of large-format docu-
drum, or photoreceptor. Areas on the ments, such as engineering and architec-
Independent business that sells certain
drum hit by the laser attract toner. The tural drawings and posters, on specialized
groups of Xerox products, such as
printer transfers the toner from the equipment with scanning and printing
network printers, to end-users. Resellers
drum to the paper and fuses the toner widths that typically range between
buy Xerox printers and other vendors
in place with heat. 19 and 60 inches.
products from distributors, not directly
Multifunction product (MFP) from the manufacturer. Workflow
Imaging device that combines multiple The tools and procedures required in
Single pass printing
functions, such as print, copy, scan and each step of a business process. In the
Technology that deposits all four colors
fax, all in one system. Basic MFPs copy graphic arts industry, workflow typically
on the paper in one pass to create a
and print, plus offer basic fax and scan refers to the pre-press process: file
full-color image, rather than the four
functionality. Advanced MFPs copy, preparation, color proofing, variable
passes required by traditional color
print and have advanced faxing and data programming, etc.
laser printers.
scanning capabilities, such as Internet
fax and scan-to-file or scan-to-repository. Solid ink printing
Technology invented by Chester Carlson
Process that uses solid blocks of colored
New Business of Printing in 1938 that started the copying revolu-
resin-based ink, which are melted and
How Xerox describes the ongoing tion and gave birth to Xerox Corporation.
sprayed in minuscule dots onto a
transformation of todays world of high- An original image is transferred when
turning offset drum, which then trans-
end printing, which increasingly uses light is projected onto an electrically
fers the image to paper in a single pass.
digital technologies to enable just-in- charged surface. The image attracts oppo-
time production, personalization and Solution sitely charged toner particles, which are
integration with Web capabilities. An integrated offering that typically then fused into place on the copy paper,
Xerox solutions address these new includes hardware, software and serv- reproducing the original image. The word
business opportunities. ices, which solves a problem, improves xerography is derived from the Greek
a work process, or creates a market or words for dry and writing.
On-demand printing
competitive advantage.
Allows commercial printers and other
print providers to quickly turn around Telesales
short, economical print runs of a precise Transactions made through customer
number of documents. inquiries to 800-ASK-XEROX. Skilled
marketing representatives qualify and
One-to-One (1:1) solutions
route leads, answer questions and
Software and hardware that enable
complete sales transactions.
automatic customizing or personalizing
of individual documents in a mass
production run an essential capa-
bility in industries such as direct
marketing and financial services.
Xerox Glossary
General Contacts
General Public:
Call 585-423-5733
Xerox Corporation is an equal opportunity employer and, as such, affirms in policy and practice to recruit,
hire, train and promote, in all job classifications, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national
origin, citizenship status, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity. Furthermore, Xerox will not
discriminate against persons who are veterans of the Vietnam era. Similarly, considering the need for
reasonable accommodation to their limitation, Xerox will not discriminate against persons because of
their handicap, including disabled veterans.
General Contacts
Product Award Highlights
Its satisfying to earn a great reading from editors, customers Industry Analysts, Inc.:
and product reviewers and Xerox products succeed time Rated Xerox color systems best among color product vendors
and again. Among recent highlights: in 13 categories in the June 2003 End User Color Survey.
Better Buys for Business: The International Association of
Editors Choice awards for the WorkCentre Pro 40, Printing House Craftsmen:
CopyCentre C40 and DocuColor 3535. International Gallery of Superb Printing Award, in the
Best Digital Print category for output created on the
Xerox iGen3.
Best Product of 2003 in the printer category
for the Phaser 6250. PC Magazine:
Editors Choice Awards for Phaser 4500 and Phaser
Electronic Publishing:
7750 printers. And the Phaser 7300/DN was among the
Hot Product of 2003 for the DocuColor 3535.
Best Products of 2003.
Gold Ink awards, sponsored by Printing Impressions
PC World:
and Print Media, for output created on the Xerox iGen3
Best Buy Award for the Phaser 8400 color printer.
Digital Production Press.
Transform Magazine:
Graphic Arts Technical Foundation:
Readers Choice Award for Xerox excellence in the
InterTech Technology Award for the Xerox SquareFold
multifunction machines category.
Booklet Maker.
2003 IEEE Corporate Innovation Recognition Award,
honoring Xerox for its pioneering work that created the
DocuTech product line.
Xerox Corporation
800 Long Ridge Road
P.O. Box 1600
Stamford, CT 06904
2004 XEROX CORPORATION. All rights reserved. XEROX, The Document Company
and the digital X are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION.