SpecPro Full Text FINAL
SpecPro Full Text FINAL
SpecPro Full Text FINAL
182795 June 5, 2008 While they attempted to focus on issuance of what they claimed to be
fraudulent and spurious land titles, to wit:
petitioners, Petitioners herein are desirous to help the government, the best way they
vs. can, to unearth these so-called "syndicates" clothed with governmental
NAPICO HOMEOWNERS ASSN., I XIII, INC., ET AL., respondents. functions, in cahoots with the "squatting syndicates" - - - - the low so
defines. If only to give its proper meanings, the Government must be the first
RESOLUTION one to cleans (sic) its ranks from these unscrupulous political protges. If
unabated would certainly ruin and/or destroy the efficacy of the Torrens
REYES, R.T., J.: System of land registration in this Country. It is therefore the ardent initiatives
of the herein Petitioners, by way of the said prayer for the issuance of the Writ
THE present petition filed on May 26, 2008 seeks the issuance of a Writ of of Amparo, that these unprincipled Land Officials be summoned to
Amparo upon the following premise: answer their participation in the issuances of these fraudulent and
spurious titles, NOW, in the hands of the Private Respondents. The
Petitioners were deprived of their liberty, freedom and/or rights to shelter Courts of Justice, including this Honorable Supreme Court, are likewise
enshrined and embodied in our Constitution, as the result of these nefarious being made to believe that said titles in the possession of the Private
activities of both the Private and Public Respondents. This ardent request filed Respondents were issued untainted with frauds.2
before this Honorable Supreme Court is the only solution to this problem via
this newly advocated principles incorporated in the Rules the "RULE ON what the petition ultimately seeks is the reversal of this Courts dismissal of
petitions in G.R. Nos. 177448, 180768, 177701, 177038, thus:
It appears that petitioners are settlers in a certain parcel of land situated in That, Petitioners herein knew before hand that: there can be no motion for
Barangay Manggahan, Pasig City. Their dwellings/houses have either been reconsideration for the second or third time to be filed before this Honorable
demolished as of the time of filing of the petition, or is about to be demolished Supreme Court. As such therefore, Petitioners herein are aware of the opinion
pursuant to a court judgment. that this present petition should not in any way be treated as such motions
fore reconsideration. Solely, this petition is only for the possible issuance of
the writ of amparo, although it might affect the previous rulings of this
Honorable Supreme Court in these cases, G.R. Nos. 177448, 180768, constitute right to life, liberty and security. There is, therefore, no legal basis
177701 and 177038. Inherent in the powers of the Supreme Court of the for the issuance of the writ of amparo.
Philippines is to modify, reverse and set aside, even its own previous
decision, that can not be thwarted nor influenced by any one, but, only
on the basis of merits and evidence. This is the purpose of this petition Besides, the factual and legal basis for petitioners claim to the land in
for the Writ of Amparo. question is not alleged in the petition at all. The Court can only surmise that
these rights and interest had already been threshed out and settled in the four
cases cited above. No writ of amparo may be issued unless there is a clear
We dismiss the petition. allegation of the supposed factual and legal basis of the right sought to be
The Rule on the Writ of Amparo provides:
Section 1. Petition. The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to Under Section 6 of the same rules, the court shall issue the writ upon the filing
any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened of the petition, only if on its face, the court ought to issue said writ.
with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or
of a private individual or entity. Section 6. Issuance of the Writ. Upon the filing of the petition, the court,
justice or judge shall immediately order the issuance of the writ if on its face it
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats ought to issue. The clerk of court shall issue the writ under the seal of the
thereof. (Emphasis supplied.) court; or in case of urgent necessity, the justice or the judge may issue the writ
under his or her own hand, and may deputize any officer or person to serve it.
The threatened demolition of a dwelling by virtue of a final judgment of the The writ shall also set the date and time for summary hearing of the petition
court, which in this case was affirmed with finality by this Court in G.R. Nos. which shall not be later than seven (7) days from the date of its issuance.
This new remedy of writ of amparo which is made available by this Court is BRION, J.:
intended for the protection of the highest possible rights of any person, which
is his or her right to life, liberty and security. The Court will not spare any time Before us for the determination of sufficiency of form and substance (pursuant
or effort on its part in order to give priority to petitions of this nature. However, to Sections 1 and 4 of Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court; Sections 1 and
the Court will also not waste its precious time and effort on matters not 5 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo; 1 and Sections 1 and 6 of the Rule on the
covered by the writ. Writ of Habeas Data2) is the petition for certiorari and for the issuance of the
writs of amparo and habeas data filed by the above-named petitioners against
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. the Honorable Judge Elmo del Rosario [in his capacity as presiding judge of
RTC Br. 5, Kalibo], Sheriff Nelson de la Cruz [in his capacity as Sheriff of the
SO ORDERED. RTC], the Philippine National Police stationed in Boracay Island, represented
by the PNP Station Commander, the Honorable Court of Appeals in Cebu, 18 th
Division, and the spouses Gregorio Sanson and Ma. Lourdes T. Sanson,
G.R. No. 182484 June 17, 2008 respondents.
ASUNCION, LADYLYN BAMOS MADRIAGA, EVERLY TAPUZ MADRIAGA, The petition and its annexes disclose the following material antecedents:
vs. The private respondents spouses Gregorio Sanson and Ma. Lourdes T.
HONORABLE JUDGE ELMO DEL ROSARIO, in his capacity as Presiding Sanson (the "private respondents"), filed with the Fifth Municipal Circuit Trial
Judge of RTC Br. 5 Kalibo, SHERIFF NELSON DELA CRUZ, in his Court of Buruanga-Malay, Aklan (the "MCTC") a complaint3 dated 24 April
capacity as Sheriff of the RTC, THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE 2006 for forcible entry and damages with a prayer for the issuance of a writ
stationed in Boracay Island, represented by the PNP STATION of preliminary mandatory injunction against the petitioners Daniel Masangkay
Tapuz, Aurora Tapuz-Madriaga, Liberty M. Asuncion, Ladylyn Bamos
DIVISION, SPOUSES GREGORIO SANSON & MA. LOURDES T. SANSON, Madriaga, Everly Tapuz Madriaga, Excel Tapuz, Ivan Tapuz and Marian
respondents. Timbas (the "petitioners") and other John Does numbering about 120.
The private respondents alleged in their complaint that: (1) they are the report and sketch collaborated the claim of the plaintiffs that after they
registered owners under TCT No. 35813 of a 1.0093-hectare parcel of land acquired the land in question on May 27, 1993 through a Deed of Sale (Annex
located at Sitio Pinaungon, Balabag, Boracay, Malay, Aklan (the "disputed 'A', Affidavit of Gregorio Sanson, p. 276, rec.), they caused the construction of
land"); (2) they were the disputed land's prior possessors when the petitioners the perimeter fence sometime in 1993 (Affidavit of Gregorio Sanson, pp. 271-
- armed with bolos and carrying suspected firearms and together with 275, rec.).
unidentified persons numbering 120 - entered the disputed land by force and
intimidation, without the private respondents' permission and against the From the foregoing established facts, it could be safely inferred that the
objections of the private respondents' security men, and built thereon a nipa plaintiffs were in actual physical possession of the whole lot in question since
and bamboo structure. 1993 when it was interrupted by the defendants (sic) when on January 4, 2005
claiming to (sic) the Heirs of Antonio Tapuz entered a portion of the land in
In their Answer dated 14 May 2006, the petitioners denied the material
question with view of inhabiting the same and building structures therein
allegations of the complaint. They essentially claimed that: (1) they are the prompting plaintiff Gregorio Sanson to confront them before BSPU, Police
actual and prior possessors of the disputed land; (2) on the contrary, the Chief Inspector Jack L. Wanky and Barangay Captain Glenn Sacapao. As a
private respondents are the intruders; and (3) the private respondents' result of their confrontation, the parties signed an Agreement (Annex 'D',
certificate of title to the disputed property is spurious. They asked for the Complaint p. 20) wherein they agreed to vacate the disputed portion of the
dismissal of the complaint and interposed a counterclaim for damages. land in question and agreed not to build any structures thereon.
The foregoing is the prevailing situation of the parties after the incident of
The MCTC, after due proceedings, rendered on 2 January 2007 a decision in 5
January 4, 2005 when the plaintiff posted security guards, however, sometime
the private respondents' favor. It found prior possession - the key issue in on or about 6:30 A.M. of April 19, 2006, the defendants some with bolos and
forcible entry cases - in the private respondents' favor, thus: one carrying a sack suspected to contain firearms with other John Does
"The key that could unravel the answer to this question lies in the Amended numbering about 120 persons by force and intimidation forcibly en qv2tered
Commissioner's Report and Sketch found on pages 245 to 248 of the records the premises along the road and built a nipa and bamboo structure (Annex 'E',
and the evidence the parties have submitted. It is shown in the Amended Complaint, p. 11) inside the lot in question which incident was promptly
Commissioner's Report and Sketch that the land in question is enclosed by a reported to the proper authorities as shown by plaintiffs' Certification (Annex
concrete and cyclone wire perimeter fence in pink and green highlighter as 'F', Complaint, p. 12) of the entry in the police blotter and on same date April
shown in the Sketch Plan (p. 248). Said perimeter fence was constructed by 19, 2006, the plaintiffs filed a complaint with the Office of the Lupong
the plaintiffs 14 years ago. The foregoing findings of the Commissioner in his Tagapamayapa of Barangay Balabag, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan but no
settlement was reached as shown in their Certificate to File Ab ction (Annex Commissioner's Amended Report, pp. 246 to 247), after there (sic) entry
'G', Complaint, p. 13); hence the present action. thereto on even date.
Defendants' (sic) contend in their answer that 'prior to January 4, 2005, they Likewise, said contention is contradicted by the categorical statements of
were already occupants of the property, being indigenous settlers of the same, defendants' witnesses, Rowena Onag, Apolsida Umambong, Ariel Gac,
under claim of ownership by open continuous, adverse possession to the Darwin Alvarez and Edgardo Pinaranda, in their Joint Affidavit (pp. 143- '144,
exclusion of other (sic)'. (Paragraph 4, Answer, p. 25). rec.) [sic] categorically stated 'that on or about April 19, 2006, a group of
armed men entered the property of our said neighbors and built plastic roofed
The contention is untenable. As adverted earlier, the land in question is tents. These armed men threatened to drive our said neighbors away from
enclosed by a perimeter fence constructed by the plaintiffs sometime in 1993 their homes but they refused to leave and resisted the intruding armed men.
as noted by the Commissioner in his Report and reflected in his Sketch, thus,
it is safe to conclude that the plaintiffs where (sic) in actual physical
possession of the land in question from 1993 up to April 19, 2006 when they From the foregoing, it could be safely inferred that no incident of forcible entry
were ousted therefrom by the defendants by means of force. Applying by happened on April 18, 2006 but it was only on April 19, 2006 when the
analogy the ruling of the Honorable Supreme Court in the case of Molina, et defendants overpowered by their numbers the security guards posted by the
al. vs. De Bacud, 19 SCRA 956, if the land were in the possession of plaintiffs plaintiffs prior to the controversy.
from 1993 to April 19, 2006, defendants' claims to an older possession must
be rejected as untenable because possession as a fact cannot be recognized Likewise, defendants (sic) alleged burnt and other structures depicted in their
at the same time in two different personalities. pictures attached as annexes to their position paper were not noted and
reflected in the amended report and sketch submitted by the Commissioner,
Defendants likewise contend that it was the plaintiffs who forcibly entered the hence, it could be safely inferred that these structures are built and (sic)
land in question on April 18, 2006 at about 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon as situated outside the premises of the land in question, accordingly, they are
shown in their Certification (Annex 'D', Defendants' Position Paper, p. 135, irrelevant to the instant case and cannot be considered as evidence of their
rec.). actual possession of the land in question prior to April 19, 2006 6."
The petitioners appealed the MCTC decision to the Regional Trial Court
The contention is untenable for being inconsistent with their allegations made ("RTC," Branch 6 of Kalibo, Aklan) then presided over by Judge Niovady M.
to the commissioner who constituted (sic) the land in question that they built Marin ("Judge Marin").
structures on the land in question only on April 19, 2006 (Par. D.4,
On appeal, Judge Marin granted the private respondents' motion for the
issuance of a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction through an Order dated It was against this factual backdrop that the petitioners filed the present
26 February 2007, with the issuance conditioned on the private respondents' petition last 29 April 2008. The petition contains and prays for three remedies,
posting of a bond. The writ - authorizing the immediate implementation of the
namely: a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court;
MCTC decision - was actually issued by respondent Judge Elmo F. del the issuance of a writ of habeas data under the Rule on the Writ of Habeas
Rosario (the "respondent Judge") on 12 March 2007 after the private Data; and finally, the issuance of the writ of amparo under the Rule on the Writ
respondents had complied with the imposed condition. The petitioners moved of Amparo.
to reconsider the issuance of the writ; the private respondents, on the other
hand, filed a motion for demolition. To support the petition and the remedies prayed for, the petitioners present
factual positions diametrically opposed to the MCTC's findings and legal
The respondent Judge subsequently denied the petitioners' Motion for reasons. Most importantly, the petitioners maintain their claims of prior
Reconsideration and to Defer Enforcement of Preliminary Mandatory possession of the disputed land and of intrusion into this land by the private
Injunction in an Order dated 17 May 2007 . 8
respondents. The material factual allegations of the petition - bases as well of
the petition for the issuance of the writ of amparo - read:
Meanwhile, the petitioners opposed the motion for demolition. 9 The "29. On April 29, 2006 at about 9:20 a.m. armed men sporting 12 gauge
respondent Judge nevertheless issued via a Special Order 10
a writ of shot guns intruded into the property of the defendants [the land in
demolition to be implemented fifteen (15) days after the Sheriff's written notice dispute]. They were not in uniform. They fired their shotguns at the
to the petitioners to voluntarily demolish their house/s to allow the private defendants. Later the following day at 2:00 a.m. two houses of the defendants
respondents to effectively take actual possession of the land. were burned to ashes.
The petitioners thereafter filed on 2 August 2007 with the Court of Appeals, 30. These armed men [without uniforms] removed the barbed wire fence put
Cebu City, a Petition for Review 11
(under Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil up by defendants to protect their property from intruders. Two of the armed
Procedure) of the Permanent Mandatory Injunction and Order of men trained their shotguns at the defendants who resisted their intrusion. One
Demolition of the RTC of Kalibo, Br. 6 in Civil Case No. 7990. of them who was identified as SAMUEL LONGNO y GEGANSO, 19 years old,
single, and a resident of Binun-an, Batad, Iloilo, fired twice.
Meanwhile, respondent Sheriff Nelson R. dela Cruz issued the Notice to
Vacate and for Demolition on 19 March 2008.12
31. The armed men torched two houses of the defendants reducing them Republic Act No. 7691,14 they maintain that the forcible entry case in fact
to ashes. [] involves issues of title to or possession of real property or an interest therein,
with the assessed value of the property involved exceeding P20,000.00; thus,
32. These acts of TERRORISM and (heinous crime) of ARSON were the case should be originally cognizable by the RTC. Accordingly, the
reported by one of the HEIRS OF ANTONIO TAPUZ [...]. The terrorists petitioners reason out that the RTC - to where the MCTC decision was
trained their shotguns and fired at minors namely IVAN GAJISAN and appealed - equally has no jurisdiction to rule on the case on appeal and could
MICHAEL MAGBANUA, who resisted their intrusion. Their act is a blatant not have validly issued the assailed orders.
violation of the law penalizing Acts of Violence against women and
children, which is aggravated by the use of high-powered weapons. [] OUR RULING
We find the petitions for certiorari and issuance of a writ of habeas data
34. That the threats to the life and security of the poor indigent and unlettered fatally defective, both in substance and in form. The petition for the
petitioners continue because the private respondents Sansons have under issuance of the writ of amparo, on the other hand, is fatally defective
their employ armed men and they are influential with the police authorities with respect to content and substance.
owing to their financial and political clout.
The Petition for Certiorari
35. The actual prior occupancy, as well as the ownership of the lot in dispute We conclude, based on the outlined material antecedents that led to the
by defendants and the atrocities of the terrorists [introduced into the property petition, that the petition for certiorari to nullify the assailed RTC orders has
in dispute by the plaintiffs] are attested by witnesses who are persons not been filed out of time. It is not lost on us that the petitioners have a pending
related to the defendants are therefore disinterested witnesses in the case petition with the Court of Appeals (the "CA petition") for the review of the same
namely: Rowena Onag, Apolsida Umambong, Ariel Gac, Darwin Alvarez and RTC orders now assailed in the present petition, although the petitioners
Edgardo Penarada. Likewise, the affidavit of Nemia T. Carmen is submitted to never disclosed in the body of the present petition the exact status of their
prove that the plaintiffs resorted to atrocious acts through hired men in their pending CA petition. The CA petition, however, was filed with the Court of
bid to unjustly evict the defendants.
Appeals on 2 August 2007, which indicates to us that the assailed orders (or
at the very least, the latest of the interrelated assailed orders) were received
The petitioners posit as well that the MCTC has no jurisdiction over the on 1 August 2007 at the latest. The present petition, on the other hand, was
complaint for forcible entry that the private respondents filed below. Citing filed on April 29, 2008 or more than eight months from the time the CA petition
Section 33 of The Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, as amended by was filed. Thus, the present petition is separated in point of time from the
assumed receipt of the assailed RTC orders by at least eight (8) months, i.e., Based on the same material antecedents, we find too that the petitioners have
beyond the reglementary period of sixty (60) days 15
from receipt of the been guilty of willful and deliberate misrepresentation before this Court and, at
assailed order or orders or from notice of the denial of a seasonably filed the very least, of forum shopping.
motion for reconsideration.
By the petitioners' own admissions, they filed a petition with the Court of
We note in this regard that the petitioners' counsel stated in his attached Appeals (docketed as CA - G.R. SP No. 02859) for the review of the orders
"Certificate of Compliance with Circular #1-88 of the Supreme Court" 16
now also assailed in this petition, but brought the present recourse to us,
("Certificate of Compliance") that "in the meantime the RTC and the Sherif allegedly because "the CA did not act on the petition up to this date and for
issued a NOTICE TO VACATE AND FOR DEMOLITION not served to counsel the petitioner (sic) to seek relief in the CA would be a waste of time and would
but to the petitioners who sent photo copy of the same NOTICE to their render the case moot and academic since the CA refused to resolve pending
counsel on April 18, 2008 by LBC." To guard against any insidious argument urgent motions and the Sherif is determined to enforce a writ of demolition
that the present petition is timely filed because of this Notice to Vacate, we despite the defect of LACK OF JURISDICTION.18
feel it best to declare now that the counting of the 60-day reglementary period
under Rule 65 cannot start from the April 18, 2008 date cited by the Interestingly, the petitioners' counsel - while making this claim in the body of
petitioners' counsel. The Notice to Vacate and for Demolition is not an order the petition - at the same time represented in his Certificate of Compliance 19
that exists independently from the RTC orders assailed in this petition and in that:
the previously filed CA petition. It is merely a notice, made in compliance with
one of the assailed orders, and is thus an administrative enforcement medium "x x x
that has no life of its own separately from the assailed order on which it is (e) the petitioners went up to the Court of Appeals to question the WRIT OF
based. It cannot therefore be the appropriate subject of an independent PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION copy of the petition is attached (sic);
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 in the context of this case. The April 18,
2008 date cannot likewise be the material date for Rule 65 purposes as the (f) the CA initially issued a resolution denying the PETITION because it
above-mentioned Notice to Vacate is not even directly assailed in this petition, held that the ORDER TO VACATE AND FOR DEMOLITION OF THE
as the petition's Prayer patently shows. 17
HOMES OF PETITIONERS is not capable of being the subject of a
PETITION FOR RELIEF, copy of the resolution of the CA is attached hereto;
(underscoring supplied)
(g) Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration on August 7, 2007 but up to involving the same assailed interlocutory orders, with the recourses existing
this date the same had not been resolved copy of the MR is attached (sic). side by side at the same time.
To restate the prevailing rules, "forum shopping is the institution of two or more
x x x actions or proceedings involving the same parties for the same cause of
action, either simultaneously or successively, on the supposition that one or
The difference between the above representations on what transpired at the the other court would make a favorable disposition. Forum shopping may be
appellate court level is replete with significance regarding the petitioners' resorted to by any party against whom an adverse judgment or order has
intentions. We discern -- from the petitioners' act of misrepresenting in the been issued in one forum, in an attempt to seek a favorable opinion in
body of their petition that "the CA did not act on the petition up to this date" another, other than by appeal or a special civil action for certiorari. Forum
while stating the real Court of Appeals action in the Certification of shopping trifles with the courts, abuses their processes, degrades the
Compliance -- the intent to hide the real state of the remedies the petitioners administration of justice and congest court dockets. Willful and deliberate
sought below in order to mislead us into action on the RTC orders without violation of the rule against it is a ground for summary dismissal of the case; it
frontally considering the action that the Court of Appeals had already may also constitute direct contempt.20
Additionally, the required verification and certification of non-forum shopping is
At the very least, the petitioners are obviously seeking to obtain from us, via defective as one (1) of the seven (7) petitioners - Ivan Tapuz - did not sign, in
the present petition, the same relief that it could not wait for from the Court of violation of Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 7; Section 3, Rule 46; Section 1, Rule 65;
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 02859. The petitioners' act of seeking against the all in relation with Rule 56 of the Revised Rules of Court. Of those who
same parties the nullification of the same RTC orders before the appellate signed, only five (5) exhibited their postal identification cards with the Notary
court and before us at the same time, although made through different Public.
mediums that are both improperly used, constitutes willful and deliberate
forum shopping that can sufficiently serve as basis for the summary dismissal In any event, we find the present petition for certiorari, on its face and on the
of the petition under the combined application of the fourth and penultimate basis of the supporting attachments, to be devoid of merit. The MCTC
paragraphs of Section 3, Rule 46; Section 5, Rule 7; Section 1, Rule 65; and correctly assumed jurisdiction over the private respondents' complaint, which
Rule 56, all of the Revised Rules of Court. That a wrong remedy may have specifically alleged a cause for forcible entry and not - as petitioners may have
been used with the Court of Appeals and possibly with us will not save the misread or misappreciated - a case involving title to or possession of realty or
petitioner from a forum-shopping violation where there is identity of parties, an interest therein. Under Section 33, par. 2 of The Judiciary Reorganization
Act, as amended by Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7691, exclusive jurisdiction over to address these extraordinary concerns. It is intended to address violations of
forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases lies with the Metropolitan Trial or threats to the rights to life, liberty or security, as an extraordinary and
Courts, Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts. These first- independent remedy beyond those available under the prevailing Rules, or as
level courts have had jurisdiction over these cases - called accion interdictal - a remedy supplemental to these Rules. What it is not, is a writ to protect
even before the R.A. 7691 amendment, based on the issue of pure physical concerns that are purely property or commercial. Neither is it a writ that
possession (as opposed to the right of possession). This jurisdiction is we shall issue on amorphous and uncertain grounds. Consequently, the
regardless of the assessed value of the property involved; the law established Rule on the Writ of Amparo - in line with the extraordinary character of the writ
no distinctions based on the assessed value of the property forced into or and the reasonable certainty that its issuance demands - requires that every
unlawfully detained. Separately from accion interdictal are accion publiciana petition for the issuance of the writ must be supported by justifying allegations
for the recovery of the right of possession as a plenary action, and accion of fact, to wit:
reivindicacion for the recovery of ownership. 21
Apparently, these latter actions
are the ones the petitioners refer to when they cite Section 33, par. 3, in "(a) The personal circumstances of the petitioner;
relation with Section 19, par. 2 of The Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980,
as amended by Republic Act No. 7691, in which jurisdiction may either be with (b) The name and personal circumstances of the respondent responsible for
the first-level courts or the regional trial courts, depending on the assessed the threat, act or omission, or, if the name is unknown or uncertain, the
value of the realty subject of the litigation. As the complaint at the MCTC was respondent may be described by an assumed appellation;
patently for forcible entry, that court committed no jurisdictional error
correctible by certiorari under the present petition. (c) The right to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party violated or
threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of the
In sum, the petition for certiorari should be dismissed for the cited respondent, and how such threat or violation is committed with the
formal deficiencies, for violation of the non-forum shopping rule, for attendant circumstances detailed in supporting affidavits;
having been filed out of time, and for substantive deficiencies.
The Writ of Amparo (d) The investigation conducted, if any, specifying the names, personal
circumstances, and addresses of the investigating authority or
To start off with the basics, the writ of amparo was originally conceived as a individuals, as well as the manner and conduct of the investigation,
response to the extraordinary rise in the number of killings and enforced together with any report;
disappearances, and to the perceived lack of available and effective remedies
(e) The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to determine the fate or (d) Certification dated 23 April 2006 issued by Police Officer Jackson Jauod
whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the identity of the person responsible regarding the incident of petitioners' intrusion into the disputed land;
for the threat, act or omission; and (e) Certification dated 27 April 2006 issued by Police Officer Allan R. Otis,
narrating the altercation between the Tapuz family and the security guards of
(f) The relief prayed for. the private respondents, including the gun-poking and shooting incident
involving one of the security guards;
The petition may include a general prayer for other just and equitable reliefs. 22
(f) Certification issued by Police Officer Christopher R. Mendoza, narrating
that a house owned by Josiel Tapuz, Jr., rented by a certain Jorge
The writ shall issue if the Court is preliminarily satisfied with the prima facie Buenavente, was accidentally burned by a fire.
existence of the ultimate facts determinable from the supporting affidavits that
detail the circumstances of how and to what extent a threat to or violation of
the rights to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party was or is being On the whole, what is clear from these statements - both sworn and unsworn -
committed. is the overriding involvement of property issues as the petition traces its roots
The issuance of the writ of amparo in the present case is anchored on the to questions of physical possession of the property disputed by the private
factual allegations heretofore quoted, 23
that are essentially repeated in parties. If at all, issues relating to the right to life or to liberty can hardly be
paragraph 54 of the petition. These allegations are supported by the following discerned except to the extent that the occurrence of past violence has been
documents: alleged. The right to security, on the other hand, is alleged only to the extent of
"(a) Joint Affidavit dated 23 May 2006 of Rowena B. Onag, Apolsida the threats and harassments implied from the presence of "armed men bare to
Umambong, Ariel Gac, Darwin Alvarez and Edgardo Pinaranda, supporting the waist" and the alleged pointing and firing of weapons. Notably, none of
the factual positions of the petitioners, id., petitioners' prior possession, private the supporting affidavits compellingly show that the threat to the rights
respondents' intrusion and the illegal acts committed by the private to life, liberty and security of the petitioners is imminent or is
respondents and their security guards on 19 April 2006; continuing.
(b) Unsubscribed Affidavit of Nemia Carmen y Tapuz, alleging the illegal acts
(firing of guns, etc.) committed by a security guard against minors - A closer look at the statements shows that at least two of them - the
descendants of Antonio Tapuz; statements of Nemia Carreon y Tapuz and Melanie Tapuz are practically
(c) Unsubscribed Affidavit of Melanie Tapuz y Samindao, essentially identical and unsworn. The Certification by Police Officer Jackson Jauod, on
corroborating Nemia's affidavit; the other hand, simply narrates what had been reported by one Danny Tapuz
y Masangkay, and even mentions that the burning of two residential houses
was "accidental." Nor do we believe it appropriate at this time to disturb the MCTC findings, as
As against these allegations are the cited MCTC factual findings in its decision our action may carry the unintended effect, not only of reversing the MCTC
in the forcible entry case which rejected all the petitioners' factual claims. ruling independently of the appeal to the RTC that is now in place, but also of
These findings are significantly complete and detailed, as they were made nullifying the ongoing appeal process. Such effect, though unintended, will
under a full-blown judicial process, i.e., after examination and evaluation of the obviously wreak havoc on the orderly administration of justice, an overriding
contending parties' positions, evidence and arguments and based on the goal that the Rule on the Writ of Amparo does not intend to weaken or negate.
report of a court-appointed commissioner.
Separately from these considerations, we cannot fail but consider too at this
We preliminarily examine these conflicting factual positions under the point the indicators, clear and patent to us, that the petitioners' present
backdrop of a dispute (with incidents giving rise to allegations of violence or recourse via the remedy of the writ of amparo is a mere subterfuge to negate
threat thereof) that was brought to and ruled upon by the MCTC; subsequently the assailed orders that the petitioners sought and failed to nullify before the
brought to the RTC on an appeal that is still pending; still much later brought appellate court because of the use of an improper remedial measure. We
to the appellate court without conclusive results; and then brought to us on discern this from the petitioners' misrepresentations pointed out above; from
interlocutory incidents involving a plea for the issuance of the writ of amparo their obvious act of forum shopping; and from the recourse itself to the
that, if decided as the petitioners advocate, may render the pending RTC extraordinary remedies of the writs of certiorari and amparo based on grounds
appeal moot. that are far from forthright and sufficiently compelling. To be sure, when
recourses in the ordinary course of law fail because of deficient legal
Under these legal and factual situations, we are far from satisfied with the representation or the use of improper remedial measures, neither the writ of
prima facie existence of the ultimate facts that would justify the issuance of a certiorari nor that of amparo - extraordinary though they may be - will suffice to
writ of amparo. Rather than acts of terrorism that pose a continuing threat to serve as a curative substitute. The writ of amparo, particularly, should not
the persons of the petitioners, the violent incidents alleged appear to us to be issue when applied for as a substitute for the appeal or certiorari process, or
purely property-related and focused on the disputed land. Thus, if the when it will inordinately interfere with these processes - the situation obtaining
petitioners wish to seek redress and hold the alleged perpetrators criminally in the present case.
accountable, the remedy may lie more in the realm of ordinary criminal
prosecution rather than on the use of the extraordinary remedy of the writ of While we say all these, we note too that the Rule on the Writ of Amparo
amparo. provides for rules on the institution of separate actions, 24 for the effect of
earlier-filed criminal actions,25 and for the consolidation of petitions for the (c) The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to secure the data
issuance of a writ of amparo with a subsequently filed criminal and civil or information;
action. 26
These rules were adopted to promote an orderly procedure for (d) The location of the files, registers or databases, the government
dealing with petitions for the issuance of the writ of amparo when the parties office, and the person in charge, in possession or in control of the data
resort to other parallel recourses. or information, if known;
(e) The reliefs prayed for, which may include the updating, rectification,
Where, as in this case, there is an ongoing civil process dealing directly with suppression or destruction of the database or information or files kept by the
the possessory dispute and the reported acts of violence and harassment, we respondent.
see no point in separately and directly intervening through a writ of amparo in In case of threats, the relief may include a prayer for an order enjoining the act
the absence of any clear prima facie showing that the right to life, liberty or complained of; and
security - the personal concern that the writ is intended to protect - is (f) Such other relevant reliefs as are just and equitable."
immediately in danger or threatened, or that the danger or threat is continuing. Support for the habeas data aspect of the present petition only alleges that:
We see no legal bar, however, to an application for the issuance of the writ, in
a proper case, by motion in a pending case on appeal or on certiorari, "1. [ ] Similarly, a petition for a WRIT OF HABEAS DATA is prayed for so
applying by analogy the provisions on the co-existence of the writ with a that the PNP may release the report on the burning of the homes of the
separately filed criminal case. petitioners and the acts of violence employed against them by the private
respondents, furnishing the Court and the petitioners with copy of the same;
The Writ of Habeas Data []
Section 6 of the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data requires the following 66. Petitioners apply for a WRIT OF HABEAS DATA commanding the
material allegations of ultimate facts in a petition for the issuance of a writ of Philippine National Police [PNP] to produce the police report pertaining to the
habeas data: burning of the houses of the petitioners in the land in dispute and likewise the
investigation report if an investigation was conducted by the PNP."
"(a) The personal circumstances of the petitioner and the respondent;
(b) The manner the right to privacy is violated or threatened and how it These allegations obviously lack what the Rule on Writ of Habeas Data
affects the right to life, liberty or security of the aggrieved party; requires as a minimum, thus rendering the petition fatally deficient.
Specifically, we see no concrete allegations of unjustified or unlawful violation
of the right to privacy related to the right to life, liberty or security. The petition VILLANUEVA, PS/SUPT. RUDY GAMIDO LACADIN, AND CERTAIN
likewise has not alleged, much less demonstrated, any need for information PERSONS WHO GO BY THE NAME[S] DEX, RC AND ROSE, Respondents.
under the control of police authorities other than those it has already set forth
as integral annexes. The necessity or justification for the issuance of the writ, DECISION
based on the insufficiency of previous efforts made to secure information, has
not also been shown. In sum, the prayer for the issuance of a writ of habeas PEREZ, J.:
data is nothing more than the "fishing expedition" that this Court - in the
course of drafting the Rule on habeas data - had in mind in defining what the At bench is a Petition For Review on Certiorari 1 assailing the Decision2 dated
purpose of a writ of habeas data is not. In these lights, the outright denial of 26 August 2009 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 00036-WRA a
the petition for the issuance of the writ of habeas data is fully in order. petition that was commenced jointly under the Rules on the Writ of Amparo
(Amparo Rule) and Habeas Data (Habeas Data Rule). In its decision, the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, we hereby DISMISS the present petition Court of Appeals extended to the petitioner, Melissa C. Roxas, the privilege of
OUTRIGHT for deficiencies of form and substance patent from its body and the writs of amparo and habeas data but denied the latters prayers for an
attachments. inspection order, production order and return of specified personal belongings.
SO ORDERED. The fallo of the decision reads:
WHEREFORE, the Petition is PARTIALLY MERITORIOUS. This Court hereby
grants Petitioner the privilege of the Writ of Amparo and Habeas Data.
G.R. No. 189155 September 7, 2010 Accordingly, Respondents are enjoined to refrain from distributing or causing
the distribution to the public of any records in whatever form, reports,
IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR THE WRIT OF AMPARO AND documents or similar papers relative to Petitioners Melissa C. Roxas, and/or
THE WRIT OF HABEAS DATA IN FAVOR OF MELISSA C. ROXAS, Melissa Roxas; alleged ties to the CPP-NPA or pertinently related to the
MELISSA C. ROXAS, Petitioner, complained incident. Petitioners prayers for an inspection order, production
vs. order and for the return of the specified personal belongings are denied for
GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, GILBERT TEODORO, GEN. VICTOR S. lack of merit. Although there is no evidence that Respondents are responsible
IBRADO, P/DIR. GEN. JESUS AME VERZOSA, LT. GEN. DELFIN N. for the abduction, detention or torture of the Petitioner, said Respondents
BANGIT, PC/SUPT. LEON NILO A. DELA CRUZ, MAJ. GEN. RALPH pursuant to their legally mandated duties are, nonetheless, ordered to
continue/complete the investigation of this incident with the end in view of
prosecuting those who are responsible. Respondents are also ordered to
provide protection to the Petitioner and her family while in the Philippines Suddenly, fifteen (15) heavily armed men forcibly opened the door, barged
against any and all forms of harassment, intimidation and coercion as may be inside and ordered petitioner and her companions to lie on the ground face
relevant to the grant of these reliefs. 3
down.12 The armed men were all in civilian clothes and, with the exception of
their leader, were also wearing bonnets to conceal their faces. 13
We begin with the petitioners allegations.
Petitioner tried to protest the intrusion, but five (5) of the armed men ganged
Petitioner is an American citizen of Filipino descent. While in the United
up on her and tied her hands. 14 At this juncture, petitioner saw the other armed
States, petitioner enrolled in an exposure program to the Philippines with the men herding Carabeo and Jandoc, already blindfolded and taped at their
group Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-United States of America (BAYAN-USA) mouths, to a nearby blue van. Petitioner started to shout her name. 15 Against
of which she is a member.5 During the course of her immersion, petitioner her vigorous resistance, the armed men dragged petitioner towards the van
toured various provinces and towns of Central Luzon and, in April of 2009, she bruising her arms, legs and knees.16 Once inside the van, but before she can
volunteered to join members of BAYAN-Tarlac6 in conducting an initial health be blindfolded, petitioner was able to see the face of one of the armed men
survey in La Paz, Tarlac for a future medical mission. 7
sitting beside her.17 The van then sped away.
In pursuit of her volunteer work, petitioner brought her passport, wallet with After about an hour of traveling, the van stopped. 18 Petitioner, Carabeo and
Fifteen Thousand Pesos (P15,000.00) in cash, journal, digital camera with Jandoc were ordered to alight.19 After she was informed that she is being
memory card, laptop computer, external hard disk, IPOD,8 wristwatch, detained for being a member of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New
sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and medicines. 9
Peoples Army (CPP-NPA), petitioner was separated from her companions
and was escorted to a room that she believed was a jail cell from the sound of
After doing survey work on 19 May 2009, petitioner and her companions, its metal doors.20 From there, she could hear the sounds of gunfire, the noise
Juanito Carabeo (Carabeo) and John Edward Jandoc (Jandoc), decided to of planes taking off and landing and some construction bustle. 21 She inferred
rest in the house of one Mr. Jesus Paolo (Mr. Paolo) in Sitio Bagong Sikat, that she was taken to the military camp of Fort Magsaysay in Laur, Nueva
Barangay Kapanikian, La Paz, Tarlac. 10
At around 1:30 in the afternoon, Ecija.22
however, petitioner, her companions and Mr. Paolo were startled by the loud
sounds of someone banging at the front door and a voice demanding that they What followed was five (5) straight days of interrogation coupled with torture. 23
open up.11 The thrust of the interrogations was to convince petitioner to abandon her
communist beliefs in favor of returning to "the fold." 24 The torture, on the other
hand, consisted of taunting, choking, boxing and suffocating the petitioner. 25 Seeking sanctuary against the threat of future harm as well as the
suppression of any existing government files or records linking her to the
Throughout the entirety of her ordeal, petitioner was made to suffer in communist movement, petitioner filed a Petition for the Writs of Amparo and
blindfolds even in her sleep.26 Petitioner was only relieved of her blindfolds Habeas Data before this Court on 1 June 2009.38 Petitioner impleaded public
when she was allowed to take a bath, during which she became acquainted officials occupying the uppermost echelons of the military and police hierarchy
with a woman named "Rose" who bathed her. 27
There were also a few times as respondents, on the belief that it was government agents who were behind
when she cheated her blindfold and was able to peek at her surroundings. 28
her abduction and torture. Petitioner likewise included in her suit "Rose," "Dex"
and "RC."39
Despite being deprived of sight, however, petitioner was still able to learn the
names of three of her interrogators who introduced themselves to her as The Amparo and Habeas Data petition prays that: (1) respondents be
"Dex," "James" and "RC." 29
"RC" even told petitioner that those who tortured enjoined from harming or even approaching petitioner and her family; (2) an
her came from the "Special Operations Group," and that she was abducted order be issued allowing the inspection of detention areas in the 7th Infantry
because her name is included in the "Order of Battle." 30
Division, Fort Magsaysay, Laur, Nueva Ecija; (3) respondents be ordered to
produce documents relating to any report on the case of petitioner including,
On 25 May 2009, petitioner was finally released and returned to her uncles but not limited to, intelligence report and operation reports of the 7th Infantry
house in Quezon City. 31
Before being released, however, the abductors gave Division, the Special Operations Group of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
petitioner a cellular phone with a SIM 32
card, a slip of paper containing an e- (AFP) and its subsidiaries or branch/es prior to, during and subsequent to 19
mail address with password, 33
a plastic bag containing biscuits and books, 34
May 2009; (4) respondents be ordered to expunge from the records of the
the handcuffs used on her, a blouse and a pair of shoes. 35
Petitioner was also respondents any document pertinent or connected to Melissa C. Roxas,
sternly warned not to report the incident to the group Karapatan or something Melissa Roxas or any name which sounds the same; and (5) respondents be
untoward will happen to her and her family. 36
ordered to return to petitioner her journal, digital camera with memory card,
laptop computer, external hard disk, IPOD, wristwatch, sphygmomanometer,
Sometime after her release, petitioner continued to receive calls from RC via stethoscope, medicines and her P15,000.00 cash.40
the cellular phone given to her. 37 Out of apprehension that she was being
monitored and also fearing for the safety of her family, petitioner threw away In a Resolution dated 9 June 2009, this Court issued the desired writs and
the cellular phone with a SIM card. referred the case to the Court of Appeals for hearing, reception of evidence
and appropriate action.41 The Resolution also directed the respondents to file produced remarkable bruisesher Medical Certificate only shows abrasions
their verified written return. 42
in her wrists and knee caps.50
On 18 June 2009, the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), filed a Return of For the public respondents, the above anomalies put in question the very
the Writs43 on behalf of the public officials impleaded as respondents. authenticity of petitioners alleged abduction and torture, more so any military
or police involvement therein. Hence, public respondents conclude that the
We now turn to the defenses interposed by the public respondents. claims of abduction and torture was no more than a charade fabricated by the
petitioner to put the government in bad light, and at the same time, bring great
The public respondents label petitioners alleged abduction and torture as media mileage to her and the group that she represents. 51
"stage managed."44 In support of their accusation, the public respondents
principally rely on the statement of Mr. Paolo, as contained in the Special Nevertheless, even assuming the abduction and torture to be genuine, the
Report 45
of the La Paz Police Station. In the Special Report, Mr. Paolo public respondents insist on the dismissal of the Amparo and Habeas Data
disclosed that, prior to the purported abduction, petitioner and her petition based on the following grounds: (a) as against respondent President
companions instructed him and his two sons to avoid leaving the house. 46
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, in particular, because of her immunity from suit, 52
From this statement, the public respondents drew the distinct possibility that, and (b) as against all of the public respondents, in general, in view of the
except for those already inside Mr. Paolos house, nobody else has any way of absence of any specific allegation in the petition that they had participated in,
knowing where petitioner and her companions were at the time they were or at least authorized, the commission of such atrocities. 53
supposedly abducted.47 This can only mean, the public respondents
concluded, that if ever there was any "abduction" it must necessarily have Finally, the public respondents posit that they had not been remiss in their
been planned by, or done with the consent of, the petitioner and her duty to ascertain the truth behind the allegations of the petitioner. 54 In both the
companions themselves.48 police and military arms of the government machinery, inquiries were set-up in
the following manner:
Public respondents also cited the Medical Certificate 49
of the petitioner, as
actually belying her claims that she was subjected to serious torture for five (5) Police Action
days. The public respondents noted that while the petitioner alleges that she
was choked and boxed by her abductorsinflictions that could have easily Police authorities first learned of the purported abduction around 4:30 oclock
in the afternoon of 19 May 2009, when Barangay Captain Michael M. Manuel
came to the La Paz Municipal Police Station to report the presence of heavily On 26 May 2009, public respondent PC/Supt. Leon Nilo Dela Cruz, as
armed men somewhere in Barangay Kapanikian. 55
Acting on the report, the Director of the Regional Police Office for Region 3, caused the creation of
police station launched an initial investigation. 56
Special Investigation Task GroupCAROJAN (Task Group CAROJAN) to
conduct an in-depth investigation on the abduction of the petitioner, Carabeo
The initial investigation revolved around the statement of Mr. Paolo, who and Jandoc.64
informed the investigators of an abduction incident involving three (3) persons Task Group CAROJAN started its inquiry by making a series of background
later identified as petitioner Melissa Roxas, Juanito Carabeo and John examinations on the victims of the purported abduction, in order to reveal the
Edward Jandocwho were all staying in his house. 57
Mr. Paolo disclosed that motive behind the abduction and, ultimately, the identity of the perpetrators. 65
the abduction occurred around 1:30 oclock in the afternoon, and was Task Group CAROJAN also maintained liaisons with Karapatan and the
perpetrated by about eight (8) heavily armed men who forced their way inside Alliance for Advancement of Peoples Rightsorganizations trusted by
his house. 58
Other witnesses to the abduction also confirmed that the armed petitionerin the hopes of obtaining the latters participation in the ongoing
men used a dark blue van with an unknown plate number and two (2) Honda investigations.66 Unfortunately, the letters sent by the investigators requesting
XRM motorcycles with no plate numbers.59 for the availability of the petitioner for inquiries were left unheeded. 67
At 5:00 oclock in the afternoon of 19 May 2009, the investigators sent a Flash The progress of the investigations conducted by Task Group CAROJAN had
Message to the different police stations surrounding La Paz, Tarlac, in an been detailed in the reports68 that it submitted to public respondent General
effort to track and locate the van and motorcycles of the suspects. Jesus Ame Verzosa, the Chief of the Philippine National Police. However, as
Unfortunately, the effort yielded negative results. 60
of their latest report dated 29 June 2009, Task Group CAROJAN is still unable
to make a definitive finding as to the true identity and affiliation of the
On 20 May 2009, the results of the initial investigation were included in a abductorsa fact that task group CAROJAN attributes to the refusal of the
Special Report 61
that was transmitted to the Tarlac Police Provincial Office, petitioner, or any of her fellow victims, to cooperate in their investigative
headed by public respondent P/S Supt. Rudy Lacadin (Supt. Lacadin). Public efforts.69
respondent Supt. Lacadin, in turn, informed the Regional Police Office of
Region 3 about the abduction.62 Follow-up investigations were, at the same Military Action
time, pursued.63
Public respondent Gilbert Teodoro, the Secretary of National Defense, first
came to know about the alleged abduction and torture of the petitioner upon
receipt of the Resolution of this Court directing him and the other respondents In its Decision,79 the Court of Appeals gave due weight and consideration to
to file their return.70 Immediately thereafter, he issued a Memorandum the petitioners version that she was indeed abducted and then subjected to
Directive 71
addressed to the Chief of Staff of the AFP, ordering the latter, torture for five (5) straight days. The appellate court noted the sincerity and
among others, to conduct an inquiry to determine the validity of the accusation resolve by which the petitioner affirmed the contents of her affidavits in open
of military involvement in the abduction.72 court, and was thereby convinced that the latter was telling the truth. 80
Acting pursuant to the Memorandum Directive, public respondent General
Victor S. Ibrado, the AFP Chief of Staff, sent an AFP Radio Message 73 On the other hand, the Court of Appeals disregarded the argument of the
addressed to public respondent Lieutenant General Delfin N. Bangit (Lt. Gen. public respondents that the abduction of the petitioner was "stage managed,"
Bangit), the Commanding General of the Army, relaying the order to cause an as it is merely based on an unfounded speculation that only the latter and her
investigation on the abduction of the petitioner. 74
companions knew where they were staying at the time they were forcibly
taken.81 The Court of Appeals further stressed that the Medical Certificate of
For his part, and taking cue from the allegations in the amparo petition, public the petitioner can only affirm the existence of a true abduction, as its findings
respondent Lt. Gen. Bangit instructed public respondent Major General Ralph are reflective of the very injuries the latter claims to have sustained during her
A. Villanueva (Maj. Gen. Villanueva), the Commander of the 7th Infantry harrowing ordeal, particularly when she was handcuffed and then dragged by
Division of the Army based in Fort Magsaysay, to set in motion an her abductors onto their van.82
investigation regarding the possible involvement of any personnel assigned at
the camp in the purported abduction of the petitioner. 75 In turn, public The Court of Appeals also recognized the existence of an ongoing threat
respondent Maj. Gen. Villanueva tapped the Office of the Provost Marshal against the security of the petitioner, as manifested in the attempts of "RC" to
(OPV) of the 7th Infantry Division, to conduct the investigation. 76
contact and monitor her, even after she was released. 83 This threat, according
to the Court of Appeals, is all the more compounded by the failure of the
On 23 June 2009, the OPV of the 7th Infantry Division released an police authorities to identify the material perpetrators who are still at large. 84
Investigation Report77 detailing the results of its inquiry. In substance, the Thus, the appellate court extended to the petitioner the privilege of the writ of
report described petitioners allegations as "opinionated" and thereby cleared amparo by directing the public respondents to afford protection to the former,
the military from any involvement in her alleged abduction and torture. 78
as well as continuing, under the norm of extraordinary diligence, their existing
investigations involving the abduction.85
The Decision of the Court of Appeals
The Court of Appeals likewise observed a transgression of the right to
informational privacy of the petitioner, noting the existence of "records of Accordingly, the petitioners prayers for the return of her personal belongings
investigations" that concerns the petitioner as a suspected member of the were denied.93 Petitioners prayers for an inspection order and production
CPP-NPA.86 The appellate court derived the existence of such records from a order also met the same fate.94
photograph and video file presented in a press conference by party-list
representatives Jovito Palparan (Palparan) and Pastor Alcover (Alcover), Hence, this appeal by the petitioner.
which allegedly show the petitioner participating in rebel exercises.
Representative Alcover also revealed that the photograph and video came AMPARO
from a female CPP-NPA member who wanted out of the organization.
According to the Court of Appeals, the proliferation of the photograph and A.
video, as well as any form of media, insinuating that petitioner is part of the Petitioner first contends that the Court of Appeals erred in absolving the public
CPP-NPA does not only constitute a violation of the right to privacy of the respondents from any responsibility in her abduction and torture. 95 Corollary to
petitioner but also puts further strain on her already volatile security. 87 To this this, petitioner also finds fault on the part of Court of Appeals in denying her
end, the appellate court granted the privilege of the writ of habeas data prayer for the return of her personal belongings.96
mandating the public respondents to refrain from distributing to the public any
records, in whatever form, relative to petitioners alleged ties with the CPP- Petitioner insists that the manner by which her abduction and torture was
NPA or pertinently related to her abduction and torture. 88
carried out, as well as the sounds of construction, gun-fire and airplanes that
she heard while in detention, as these were detailed in her two affidavits and
The foregoing notwithstanding, however, the Court of Appeals was not affirmed by her in open court, are already sufficient evidence to prove
convinced that the military or any other person acting under the acquiescence government involvement.97
of the government, were responsible for the abduction and torture of the
petitioner.89 The appellate court stressed that, judging by her own statements, Proceeding from such assumption, petitioner invokes the doctrine of
the petitioner merely "believed" that the military was behind her abduction. 90
command responsibility to implicate the high-ranking civilian and military
Thus, the Court of Appeals absolved the public respondents from any authorities she impleaded as respondents in her amparo petition. 98 Thus,
complicity in the abduction and torture of petitioner. 91 The petition was likewise petitioner seeks from this Court a pronouncement holding the respondents as
dismissed as against public respondent President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, in complicit in her abduction and torture, as well as liable for the return of her
view of her immunity from suit. 92
Command Responsibility in Amparo Proceedings Since the application of command responsibility presupposes an imputation of
It must be stated at the outset that the use by the petitioner of the doctrine of individual liability, it is more aptly invoked in a full-blown criminal or
command responsibility as the justification in impleading the public administrative case rather than in a summary amparo proceeding. The
respondents in her amparo petition, is legally inaccurate, if not incorrect. The obvious reason lies in the nature of the writ itself:
doctrine of command responsibility is a rule of substantive law that establishes
liability and, by this account, cannot be a proper legal basis to implead a The writ of amparo is a protective remedy aimed at providing judicial relief
party-respondent in an amparo petition. 100
consisting of the appropriate remedial measures and directives that may be
crafted by the court, in order to address specific violations or threats of
The case of Rubrico v. Arroyo, 101
which was the first to examine command violation of the constitutional rights to life, liberty or security. 106 While the
responsibility in the context of an amparo proceeding, observed that the principal objective of its proceedings is the initial determination of whether an
doctrine is used to pinpoint liability. Rubrico notes that: 102
enforced disappearance, extralegal killing or threats thereof had transpired
the writ does not, by so doing, fix liability for such disappearance, killing or
The evolution of the command responsibility doctrine finds its context in the threats, whether that may be criminal, civil or administrative under the
development of laws of war and armed combats. According to Fr. Bernas, applicable substantive law.107 The rationale underpinning this peculiar nature
"command responsibility," in its simplest terms, means the "responsibility of of an amparo writ has been, in turn, clearly set forth in the landmark case of
commanders for crimes committed by subordinate members of the armed The Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo:108
forces or other persons subject to their control in international wars or
domestic conflict."103 In this sense, command responsibility is properly a form x x x The remedy provides rapid judicial relief as it partakes of a summary
of criminal complicity. The Hague Conventions of 1907 adopted the doctrine of proceeding that requires only substantial evidence to make the appropriate
command responsibility, 104
foreshadowing the present-day precept of holding a reliefs available to the petitioner; it is not an action to determine criminal guilt
superior accountable for the atrocities committed by his subordinates should requiring proof beyond reasonable doubt, or liability for damages requiring
he be remiss in his duty of control over them. As then formulated, command preponderance of evidence, or administrative responsibility requiring
responsibility is "an omission mode of individual criminal liabilit y," substantial evidence that will require full and exhaustive
whereby the superior is made responsible for crimes committed by his proceedings.109(Emphasis supplied)
subordinates for failing to prevent or punish the perpetrators 105 (as opposed to
crimes he ordered). (Emphasis in the orginal, underscoring supplied)
It must be clarified, however, that the inapplicability of the doctrine of responsibility on their part, based on her assumption that they, in one way or
command responsibility in an amparo proceeding does not, by any measure, the other, had condoned her abduction and torture. 111
preclude impleading military or police commanders on the ground that the
complained acts in the petition were committed with their direct or indirect To establish such assumption, petitioner attempted to show that it was
acquiescence. In which case, commanders may be impleadednot actually government agents who were behind her ordeal. Thus, the petitioner calls
on the basis of command responsibilitybut rather on the ground of their attention to the circumstances surrounding her abduction and torturei.e., the
responsibility, or at least accountability. In Razon v. Tagitis, 110
the distinct, but forcible taking in broad daylight; use of vehicles with no license plates;
interrelated concepts of responsibility and accountability were given special utilization of blindfolds; conducting interrogations to elicit communist
and unique significations in relation to an amparo proceeding, to wit: inclinations; and the infliction of physical abusewhich, according to her, is
consistent with the way enforced disappearances are being practiced by the
x x x Responsibility refers to the extent the actors have been established by military or other state forces.112
substantial evidence to have participated in whatever way, by action or
omission, in an enforced disappearance, as a measure of the remedies this Moreover, petitioner also claims that she was held inside the military camp
Court shall craft, among them, the directive to file the appropriate criminal and Fort Magsaysaya conclusion that she was able to infer from the travel time
civil cases against the responsible parties in the proper courts. required to reach the place where she was actually detained, and also from
Accountability, on the other hand, refers to the measure of remedies that the sounds of construction, gun-fire and airplanes she heard while thereat. 113
should be addressed to those who exhibited involvement in the enforced We are not impressed. The totality of the evidence presented by the petitioner
disappearance without bringing the level of their complicity to the level of does not inspire reasonable conclusion that her abductors were military or
responsibility defined above; or who are imputed with knowledge relating to police personnel and that she was detained at Fort Magsaysay.
the enforced disappearance and who carry the burden of disclosure; or those
who carry, but have failed to discharge, the burden of extraordinary diligence First. The similarity between the circumstances attending a particular case of
in the investigation of the enforced disappearance. abduction with those surrounding previous instances of enforced
disappearances does not, necessarily, carry sufficient weight to prove that the
Responsibility of Public Respondents government orchestrated such abduction. We opine that insofar as the present
At any rate, it is clear from the records of the case that the intent of the case is concerned, the perceived similarity cannot stand as substantial
petitioner in impleading the public respondents is to ascribe some form of evidence of the involvement of the government.
In amparo proceedings, the weight that may be accorded to parallel that she was a mere sojourner in the Philippines, whose familiarity with Fort
circumstances as evidence of military involvement depends largely on the Magsaysay and the travel time required to reach it is in itself doubtful.116 With
availability or non-availability of other pieces of evidence that has the potential nothing else but obscure observations to support it, petitioners claim that she
of directly proving the identity and affiliation of the perpetrators. Direct was taken to Fort Magsaysay remains a mere speculation.
evidence of identity, when obtainable, must be preferred over mere In sum, the petitioner was not able to establish to a concrete point that her
circumstantial evidence based on patterns and similarity, because the former abductors were actually affiliated, whether formally or informally, with the
indubitably offers greater certainty as to the true identity and affiliation of the military or the police organizations. Neither does the evidence at hand prove
perpetrators. An amparo court cannot simply leave to remote and hazy that petitioner was indeed taken to the military camp Fort Magsaysay to the
inference what it could otherwise clearly and directly ascertain. exclusion of other places. These evidentiary gaps, in turn, make it virtually
impossible to determine whether the abduction and torture of the petitioner
In the case at bench, petitioner was, in fact, able to include in her Offer of was in fact committed with the acquiescence of the public respondents. On
Exhibits, 114
the cartographic sketches 115
of several of her abductors whose account of this insufficiency in evidence, a pronouncement of responsibility on
faces she managed to see. To the mind of this Court, these cartographic the part of the public respondents, therefore, cannot be made.
sketches have the undeniable potential of giving the greatest certainty as to
the true identity and affiliation of petitioners abductors. Unfortunately for the Prayer for the Return of Personal Belongings
petitioner, this potential has not been realized in view of the fact that the faces
described in such sketches remain unidentified, much less have been shown This brings Us to the prayer of the petitioner for the return of her personal
to be that of any military or police personnel. Bluntly stated, the abductors belongings.
were not proven to be part of either the military or the police chain of
command. In its decision, the Court of Appeals denied the above prayer of the petitioner
by reason of the failure of the latter to prove that the public respondents were
Second. The claim of the petitioner that she was taken to Fort Magsaysay was involved in her abduction and torture. 117 We agree with the conclusion of the
not adequately established by her mere estimate of the time it took to reach Court of Appeals, but not entirely with the reason used to support it. To the
the place where she was detained and by the sounds that she heard while mind of this Court, the prayer of the petitioner for the return of her belongings
thereat. Like the Court of Appeals, We are not inclined to take the estimate is doomed to fail regardless of whether there is sufficient evidence to hold
and observations of the petitioner as accurate on its facenot only because public respondents responsible for the abduction of the petitioner.
they were made mostly while she was in blindfolds, but also in view of the fact
In the first place, an order directing the public respondents to return the
personal belongings of the petitioner is already equivalent to a conclusive An inspection order is an interim relief designed to give support or strengthen
pronouncement of liability. The order itself is a substantial relief that can only the claim of a petitioner in an amparo petition, in order to aid the court before
be granted once the liability of the public respondents has been fixed in a full making a decision.124 A basic requirement before an amparo court may grant
and exhaustive proceeding. As already discussed above, matters of liability an inspection order is that the place to be inspected is reasonably
are not determinable in a mere summary amparo proceeding. 118
determinable from the allegations of the party seeking the order. While the
Amparo Rule does not require that the place to be inspected be identified with
But perhaps the more fundamental reason in denying the prayer of the clarity and precision, it is, nevertheless, a minimum for the issuance of an
petitioner, lies with the fact that a persons right to be restituted of his property inspection order that the supporting allegations of a party be sufficient in itself,
is already subsumed under the general rubric of property rightswhich are no so as to make a prima facie case. This, as was shown above, petitioner failed
longer protected by the writ of amparo. 119
Section 1 of the Amparo Rule, 120
to do.
which defines the scope and extent of the writ, clearly excludes the protection
of property rights. Since the very estimates and observations of the petitioner are not strong
enough to make out a prima facie case that she was detained in Fort
B. Magsaysay, an inspection of the military camp cannot be ordered. An
inspection order cannot issue on the basis of allegations that are, in
The next error raised by the petitioner is the denial by the Court of Appeals of themselves, unreliable and doubtful.
her prayer for an inspection of the detention areas of Fort Magsaysay. 121
Considering the dearth of evidence concretely pointing to any military As earlier intimated, the Court of Appeals granted to the petitioner the
involvement in petitioners ordeal, this Court finds no error on the part of the privilege of the writ of habeas data, by enjoining the public respondents from
Court of Appeals in denying an inspection of the military camp at Fort "distributing or causing the distribution to the public any records in whatever
Magsaysay. We agree with the appellate court that a contrary stance would be form, reports, documents or similar papers" relative to the petitioners "alleged
equivalent to sanctioning a "fishing expedition," which was never intended by ties with the CPP-NPA or pertinently related to her abduction and torture."
the Amparo Rule in providing for the interim relief of inspection order. 122 Though not raised as an issue in this appeal, this Court is constrained to pass
Contrary to the explicit position 123
espoused by the petitioner, the Amparo Rule upon and review this particular ruling of the Court of Appeals in order to
does not allow a "fishing expedition" for evidence. rectify, what appears to Us, an error infecting the grant.
her alleged membership in the CPP-NPA. And if said report or similar reports
For the proper appreciation of the rationale used by the Court of Appeals in are to be continuously made available to the public, Petitioners security and
granting the privilege of the writ of habeas data, We quote hereunder the privacy will certainly be in danger of being violated or transgressed by persons
relevant portion 125
of its decision: who have strong sentiments or aversion against members of this group. The
unregulated dissemination of said unverified video CD or reports of
Under these premises, Petitioner prayed that all the records, intelligence Petitioners alleged ties with the CPP-NPA indiscriminately made available for
reports and reports on the investigations conducted on Melissa C. Roxas or public consumption without evidence of its authenticity or veracity certainly
Melissa Roxas be produced and eventually expunged from the records. violates Petitioners right to privacy which must be protected by this Court. We,
Petitioner claimed to be included in the Governments Order of Battle under thus, deem it necessary to grant Petitioner the privilege of the Writ of Habeas
Oplan Bantay Laya which listed political opponents against whom false Data. (Emphasis supplied).
criminal charges were filed based on made up and perjured information.
The writ of habeas data was conceptualized as a judicial remedy enforcing the
Pending resolution of this petition and before Petitioner could testify before Us, right to privacy, most especially the right to informational privacy of
Ex-army general Jovito Palaparan, Bantay party-list, and Pastor Alcover of the individuals.126 The writ operates to protect a persons right to control
Alliance for Nationalism and Democracy party-list held a press conference information regarding himself, particularly in the instances where such
where they revealed that they received an information from a female NPA information is being collected through unlawful means in order to achieve
rebel who wanted out of the organization, that Petitioner was a communist unlawful ends.
rebel. Alcover claimed that said information reached them thru a letter with
photo of Petitioner holding firearms at an NPA training camp and a video CD Needless to state, an indispensable requirement before the privilege of the
of the training exercises. writ may be extended is the showing, at least by substantial evidence, of an
actual or threatened violation of the right to privacy in life, liberty or security of
Clearly, and notwithstanding Petitioners denial that she was the person in the victim.127 This, in the case at bench, the petitioner failed to do.
said video, there were records of other investigations on Melissa C. Roxas or
Melissa Roxas which violate her right to privacy. Without a doubt, reports of The main problem behind the ruling of the Court of Appeals is that there is
such nature have reasonable connections, one way or another, to petitioners actually no evidence on record that shows that any of the public respondents
abduction where she claimed she had been subjected to cruelties and had violated or threatened the right to privacy of the petitioner. The act
dehumanizing acts which nearly caused her life precisely due to allegation of ascribed by the Court of Appeals to the public respondents that would have
violated or threatened the right to privacy of the petitioner, i.e., keeping respondents, revealed two important things that can guide Us to a proper
records of investigations and other reports about the petitioners ties with the disposition of this case. One, that further investigation with the use of
CPP-NPA, was not adequately provenconsidering that the origin of such extraordinary diligence must be made in order to identify the perpetrators
records were virtually unexplained and its existence, clearly, only inferred by behind the abduction and torture of the petitioner; and two, that the
the appellate court from the video and photograph released by Commission on Human Rights (CHR), pursuant to its Constitutional mandate
Representatives Palparan and Alcover in their press conference. No evidence to "investigate all forms of human rights violations involving civil and political
on record even shows that any of the public respondents had access to such rights and to provide appropriate legal measures for the protection of human
video or photograph. rights,"128 must be tapped in order to fill certain investigative and remedial
In view of the above considerations, the directive by the Court of Appeals
enjoining the public respondents from "distributing or causing the distribution Further Investigation Must Be Undertaken
to the public any records in whatever form, reports, documents or similar Ironic as it seems, but part and parcel of the reason why the petitioner was not
papers" relative to the petitioners "alleged ties with the CPP-NPA," appears to able to adduce substantial evidence proving her allegations of government
be devoid of any legal basis. The public respondents cannot be ordered to complicity in her abduction and torture, may be attributed to the incomplete
refrain from distributing something that, in the first place, it was not proven to and one-sided investigations conducted by the government itself. This
have. "awkward" situation, wherein the very persons alleged to be involved in an
Verily, until such time that any of the public respondents were found to be enforced disappearance or extralegal killing are, at the same time, the very
actually responsible for the abduction and torture of the petitioner, any ones tasked by law to investigate the matter, is a unique characteristic of these
inference regarding the existence of reports being kept in violation of the proceedings and is the main source of the "evidentiary difficulties" faced by
petitioners right to privacy becomes farfetched, and premature. any petitioner in any amparo case.129
For these reasons, this Court must, at least in the meantime, strike down the Cognizant of this situation, however, the Amparo Rule placed a potent
grant of the privilege of the writ of habeas data. safeguardrequiring the "respondent who is a public official or employee" to
prove that no less than "extraordinary diligence as required by applicable
DISPOSITION OF THE CASE laws, rules and regulations was observed in the performance of duty." 130 Thus,
Our review of the evidence of the petitioner, while telling of its innate unless and until any of the public respondents is able to show to the
insufficiency to impute any form of responsibility on the part of the public satisfaction of the amparo court that extraordinary diligence has been
observed in their investigations, they cannot shed the allegations of a court of lawthey are, nonetheless, a vital source of valuable investigative
responsibility despite the prevailing scarcity of evidence to that effect. leads that must be pursued and verified, if only to comply with the high
standard of diligence required by the Amparo Rule in the conduct of
With this in mind, We note that extraordinary diligence, as required by the investigations.
Amparo Rule, was not fully observed in the conduct of the police and military
investigations in the case at bar. Assuming the non-cooperation of the petitioner, Task Group CAROJANs
reports still failed to explain why it never considered seeking the assistance of
A perusal of the investigation reports submitted by Task Group CAROJAN Mr. Jesus Paolowho, along with the victims, is a central witness to the
shows modest effort on the part of the police investigators to identify the abduction. The reports of Task Group CAROJAN is silent in any attempt to
perpetrators of the abduction. To be sure, said reports are replete with obtain from Mr. Paolo, a cartographic sketch of the abductors or, at the very
background checks on the victims of the abduction, but are, at the same time, least, of the one who, by petitioners account, was not wearing any mask..
comparatively silent as to other concrete steps the investigators have been
taking to ascertain the authors of the crime. Although conducting a The recollection of Mr. Paolo could have served as a comparative material to
background investigation on the victims is a logical first step in exposing the the sketches included in petitioners offer of exhibits that, it may be pointed
motive behind the abductionits necessity is clearly outweighed by the need out, were prepared under the direction of, and first submitted to, the CHR
to identify the perpetrators, especially in light of the fact that the petitioner, pursuant to the latters independent investigation on the abduction and torture
who was no longer in captivity, already came up with allegations about the of the petitioner.133 But as mentioned earlier, the CHR sketches remain to be
motive of her captors. unidentified as of this date.
Instead, Task Group CAROJAN placed the fate of their investigations solely on
the cooperation or non-cooperation of the petitionerwho, they claim, was In light of these considerations, We agree with the Court of Appeals that
less than enthusiastic in participating in their investigative efforts. 131
While it further investigation under the norm of extraordinary diligence should be
may be conceded that the participation of the petitioner would have facilitated undertaken. This Court simply cannot write finis to this case, on the basis of
the progress of Task Group CAROJANs investigation, this Court believes that an incomplete investigation conducted by the police and the military. In a very
the formers reticence to cooperate is hardly an excuse for Task Group real sense, the right to security of the petitioner is continuously put in jeopardy
CAROJAN not to explore other means or avenues from which they could because of the deficient investigation that directly contributes to the delay in
obtain relevant leads. 132
Indeed, while the allegations of government complicity bringing the real perpetrators before the bar of justice.
by the petitioner cannot, by themselves, hold up as adequate evidence before
To add teeth to the appellate courts directive, however, We find it fitting, nay, the petitioners abduction and torture, subject to reasonable regulations
necessary to shift the primary task of conducting further investigations on the consistent with the Constitution and existing laws.
abduction and torture of the petitioner upon the CHR. 134
We note that the 3.) Further directing the incumbent Chief of the PNP, or his successor, to
CHR, unlike the police or the military, seems to enjoy the trust and confidence furnish to this Court, the Court of Appeals, and the petitioner or her
of the petitioneras evidenced by her attendance and participation in the representative, a copy of the reports of its investigations and their
hearings already conducted by the commission. 135
Certainly, it would be recommendations, other than those that are already part of the records of this
reasonable to assume from such cooperation that the investigations of the case, within ninety (90) days from receipt of this decision.
CHR have advanced, or at the very least, bears the most promise of 4.) Further directing the CHR to (a) furnish to the Court of Appeals within
advancing farther, in terms of locating the perpetrators of the abduction, and is ninety (90) days from receipt of this decision, a copy of the reports on its
thus, vital for a final resolution of this petition. From this perspective, We also investigation and its corresponding recommendations; and to (b) provide or
deem it just and appropriate to relegate the task of affording interim protection continue to provide protection to the petitioner during her stay or visit to the
to the petitioner, also to the CHR. Philippines, until such time as may hereinafter be determined by this Court.
Accordingly, this case must be referred back to the Court of Appeals, for the
Hence, We modify the directive of the Court of the Appeals for further purposes of monitoring compliance with the above directives and determining
investigation, as follows whether, in light of any recent reports or recommendations, there would
already be sufficient evidence to hold any of the public respondents
1.) Appointing the CHR as the lead agency tasked with conducting further responsible or, at least, accountable. After making such determination, the
investigation regarding the abduction and torture of the petitioner. Accordingly, Court of Appeals shall submit its own report with recommendation to this
the CHR shall, under the norm of extraordinary diligence, take or continue to Court for final action. The Court of Appeals will continue to have jurisdiction
take the necessary steps: (a) to identify the persons described in the over this case in order to accomplish its tasks under this decision.
cartographic sketches submitted by the petitioner, as well as their WHEREFORE, the instant petition is PARTIALLY MERITORIOUS. We hereby
whereabouts; and (b) to pursue any other leads relevant to petitioners render a decision:
abduction and torture. 1.) AFFIRMING the denial of the petitioners prayer for the return of her
2.) Directing the incumbent Chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), or personal belongings;
his successor, and the incumbent Chief of Staff of the AFP, or his successor, 2.) AFFIRMING the denial of the petitioners prayer for an inspection of the
to extend assistance to the ongoing investigation of the CHR, including but not detention areas of Fort Magsaysay.
limited to furnishing the latter a copy of its personnel records circa the time of
3.) REVERSING the grant of the privilege of habeas data, without prejudice, and (b) to provide or continue to provide protection to the petitioner during her
however, to any modification that this Court may make on the basis of the stay or visit to the Philippines, until such time as may hereinafter be
investigation reports and recommendations submitted to it under this decision. determined by this Court.
4.) MODIFYING the directive that further investigation must be undertaken, as 5.) REFERRING BACK the instant case to the Court of Appeals for the
follows following purposes:
a. APPOINTING the Commission on Human Rights as the lead agency tasked a. To MONITOR the investigations and actions taken by the PNP, AFP, and
with conducting further investigation regarding the abduction and torture of the the CHR;
petitioner. Accordingly, the Commission on Human Rights shall, under the b. To DETERMINE whether, in light of the reports and recommendations of
norm of extraordinary diligence, take or continue to take the necessary steps: the CHR, the abduction and torture of the petitioner was committed by
(a) to identify the persons described in the cartographic sketches submitted by persons acting under any of the public respondents; and on the basis of this
the petitioner, as well as their whereabouts; and (b) to pursue any other leads determination
relevant to petitioners abduction and torture. c. To SUBMIT to this Court within ten (10) days from receipt of the report and
b. DIRECTING the incumbent Chief of the Philippine National Police, or his recommendation of the Commission on Human Rightsits own report, which
successor, and the incumbent Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the shall include a recommendation either for the DISMISSAL of the petition as
Philippines, or his successor, to extend assistance to the ongoing investigation against the public respondents who were found not responsible and/or
of the Commission on Human Rights, including but not limited to furnishing accountable, or for the APPROPRIATE REMEDIAL MEASURES, AS MAY BE
the latter a copy of its personnel records circa the time of the petitioner s ALLOWED BY THE AMPARO AND HABEAS DATA RULES, TO BE
abduction and torture, subject to reasonable regulations consistent with the UNDERTAKEN as against those found responsible and/or accountable.
Constitution and existing laws. Accordingly, the public respondents shall remain personally impleaded in this
c. Further DIRECTING the incumbent Chief of the Philippine National Police, petition to answer for any responsibilities and/or accountabilities they may
or his successor, to furnish to this Court, the Court of Appeals, and the have incurred during their incumbencies.
petitioner or her representative, a copy of the reports of its investigations and Other findings of the Court of Appeals in its Decision dated 26 August 2009 in
their recommendations, other than those that are already part of the records CA-G.R. SP No. 00036-WRA that are not contrary to this decision are
of this case, within ninety (90) days from receipt of this decision. AFFIRMED.
d. Further DIRECTING the Commission on Human Rights (a) to furnish to the
Court of Appeals within ninety (90) days from receipt of this decision, a copy SO ORDERED.
of the reports on its investigation and its corresponding recommendations;
G.R. No. 191805 April 16, 2013 RESOLUTION
RODRIGUEZ, Petitioner, On 15 November 2011, the Court promulgated its Decision in the present
vs. case, the dispositive portion of which reads:
GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, GEN. VICTOR S. IBRADO, PDG JESUS WHEREFORE, we resolve to GRANT the Petition for Partial Review in G.R.
AME VERSOZA, LT. GEN. DELFIN BANGIT, MAJ. GEN. NESTOR Z. No. 191805 and DENY the Petition for Review in G.R. No. 193160. The
COL. REMIGIO M. DE VERA, an officer named MATUTINA, LT. COL. The case is dismissed with respect to respondents former President Gloria
MINA, CALOG, GEORGE PALACPAC under the name "HARRY," Macapagal-Arroyo, P/CSupt. Ameto G. Tolentino, and P/SSupt. Jude W.
ANTONIO CRUZ, ALDWIN "BONG" PASICOLAN and VINCENT Santos, Calog, George Palacpac, Antonio Cruz, Aldwin Pasicolan and Vincent
CALLAGAN, Respondents. Callagan for lack of merit.
x-----------------------x This Court directs the Office of the Ombudsman (Ombudsman) and the
Department of Justice (DOJ) to take the appropriate action with respect to any
G.R. No. 193160 possible liability or liabilities, within their respective legal competence, that
may have been incurred by respondents Gen. Victor lbrado, PDG. Jesus
IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR THE WRIT OF AMPARO AND Verzosa, Lt. Gen. Delfin Bangit, Maj. Gen. Nestor Ochoa, Brig. Gen. Remegio
HABEAS DATA IN FAVOR OF NORIEL RODRIGUEZ, POLICE DIR. GEN. De Vera, 1st Lt. Ryan Matutina, and Lt. Col. Laurence Mina. The Ombudsman
JESUS A. VERSOZA, P/SSUPT. JUDE W. SANTOS, BGEN. REMEGIO M. and the DOJ are ordered to submit to this Court the results of their action
DE VERA, 1ST LT. RYAN S. MATUTINA, LT. COL. LAURENCE E. MINA, within a period of six months from receipt of this Decision.
CALLAGAN, Petitioners, In the event that herein respondents no longer occupy their respective posts,
vs. the directives mandated in this Decision and in the Court of Appeals are
NORIEL H. RODRIGUEZ, Respondent. enforceable against the incumbent officials holding the relevant positions.
Failure to comply with the foregoing shall constitute contempt of court.
possible liabilities respondents may have incurred. The exhaustive report
SO ORDERED. detailed the steps taken by the Field Investigation Office (FIO) of the Office of
the Ombudsman, concluding that no criminal, civil, or administrative liabilities
After a careful examination of the records, the Court was convinced that the may be imputed to the respondents. It was reflected therein that the lawyers
Court of Appeals correctly found sufficient evidence proving that the soldiers for the Rodriguezes had manifested to the FIO that the latter are hesitant to
of the 17th Infantry Battalion, 5th Infantry Division of the military abducted appear before them for security reasons, viz:
petitioner Rodriguez on 6 September 2009, and detained and tortured him
until 17 September 2009. Karapatan (a non-governmental organization that provides legal assistance to
victims of human rights violations and their families) could not locate Noriel
Pursuant to the Decision ordering the Office of the Ombudsman to take further and Rodel. As of this writing, the Rodriguezes refused to participate in the
action, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales sent this Court a letter dated 23 present fact-finding investigation for security reasons. Atty. Yambot disclosed
May 2012, requesting an additional two-month period, or until 24 July 2012, (through a Manifestation dated March 30, 2012 that despite efforts to convince
within which to submit a report. The Ombudsman stated that Noriel Rodriguez Noriel to participate in the present proceedings, the latter remains
(Rodriguez) and his family refused to cooperate with the investigation for unconvinced and unwilling to this date.
security reasons.
Recent information, however, revealed that Noriel and his family are no longer
On 6 January 2012, respondents filed their Motion for Reconsideration,1 interested in participating in the present case.
arguing that the soldiers belonging to the 17th Infantry Battalion, 5th Infantry
Division of the military cannot be held accountable for authoring the abduction Instead of appearing before this Office for a conference under oath, SPO1
and torture of petitioner. Their arguments revolve solely on the claim that Robert B. Molina submitted an Affidavit dated June 13, 2012 stating that on
respondents were never specifically mentioned by name as having performed, September 15, 2009, at around 11:00 oclock in the morning, Wilma H.
permitted, condoned, authorized, or allowed the commission of any act or Rodriguez appeared before the Gonzaga Police Station and requested to
incurrence omission which would violate or threaten with violation the rights to enter into the blotter that her son, Noriel, was allegedly missing in Sitio
life, liberty, and security of petitioner-respondent and his family.2 Comunal, Gonzaga, Cagayan. Thereupon, he gathered information relative to
zeSA Wilmas report "but the community residence failed to reveal anything".3
On 18 January 2013, the Ombudsman submitted the Investigation Report, as
compliance with the Courts directive to take appropriate action with respect to
The other accounts specifically that of respondent Antonino C. Cruz, Special for damages requiring preponderance of evidence, or even administrative
Investigator II of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), as well as the responsibility requiring substantial evidence. The totality of evidence as a
claims of respondents Mina and De Vera that they had disclosed to the CHR standard for the grant of the writ was correctly applied by this Court, as first
that Noriel had become an agent ("asset") of the 17th Infantry Battalion have laid down in Razon v. Tagitis:
been thoroughly evaluated and ruled upon in our Decision. The OMB further The fair and proper rule, to our mind, is to consider all the pieces of evidence
laments, "If only he (Noriel) could be asked to verify the circumstances under adduced in their totality, and to consider any evidence otherwise inadmissible
which he executed these subsequent affidavits, his inconsistent claims will under our usual rules to be admissible if it is consistent with the admissible
finally be settled," and that "(I)f there is one person who can attest on whether evidence adduced. In other words, we reduce our rules to the most basic test
detention and torture were indeed committed by any of the Subjects herein, it of reason i.e., to the relevance of the evidence to the issue at hand and its
is Noriel Rodriguez himself, the supposed victim."4 consistency with all other pieces of adduced evidence. Thus, even hearsay
The purported unwillingness of the petitioner to appear or participate at this evidence can be admitted if it satisfies this basic minimum test.6 (Emphasis
stage of the proceedings due to security reasons does not affect the rationale supplied.)
of the writ granted by the CA, as affirmed by this Court. In any case, the issue
of the existence of criminal, civil, or administrative liability which may be No reversible error may be attributed to the grant of the privilege of the writ by
imputed to the respondents is not the province of amparo proceedings -- the CA, and the present motion for reconsideration raises no new issues that
rather, the writ serves both preventive and curative roles in addressing the would convince us otherwise.
problem of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances. It is preventive
in that it breaks the expectation of impunity in the commission of these Respondents claim that they were not competently identified as the soldiers
offenses, and it is curative in that it facilitates the subsequent punishment of who abducted and detained the petitioner, or that there was no mention of
perpetrators by inevitably leading to subsequent investigation and action.5 In their names in the documentary evidence, is baseless. The CA rightly
this case then, the thrust of ensuring that investigations are conducted and the considered Rodriguezs Sinumpaang Salaysay7 as a meticulous and
rights to life, liberty, and security of the petitioner, remains. straightforward account of his horrific ordeal with the military, detailing the
We deny the motion for reconsideration. manner in which he was captured and maltreated on account of his suspected
The writ of amparo partakes of a summary proceeding that requires only membership in the NPA.8
substantial evidence to make the appropriate interim and permanent reliefs
available to the petitioner. As explained in the Decision, it is not an action to Petitioner narrated that at dawn on 9 September 2009, he noticed a soldier
determine criminal guilt requiring proof beyond reasonable doubt, or liability with the name tag "Matutina," who appeared to be an official because the
other soldiers addressed him as "sir."9 He saw Matutina again at 11:00 p.m. wilderness he dreads to locate the hideout of his alleged NPA comrades.12
on 15 September 2009, when his abductors took him to a military operation in (Emphasis supplied.)
the mountains. His narration of his suffering included an exhaustive
description of his physical surroundings, personal circumstances, and Respondents conveniently neglect to address the findings of both the CA and
perceived observations. He likewise positively identified respondents 1st Lt. this Court that aside from the abduction of Rodriguez, respondents,
Matutina and Lt. Col. Mina to be present during his abduction, detention and specifically 1st Lt. Matutina, had violated and threatened the formers right to
torture.10 These facts were further corroborated by Hermie Antonio Carlos in security when they made a visual recording of his house, as well as the
his Sinumpaang Salaysay dated 16 September 2009,11 wherein he recounted photos of his relatives. The CA found that the soldiers even went as far as
in detail the circumstances surrounding the victims capture. taking videos of the photos of petitioners relatives hung on the wall of the
house, and the innermost portions of the house.13 There is no reasonable
Respondents main contention in their Return of the Writ was correctly justification for this violation of the right to privacy and security of petitioners
deemed illogical and contradictory by the CA. They claim that Rodriguez had abode, which strikes at the very heart and rationale of the Rule on the Writ of
complained of physical ailments due to activities in the CPP-NPA, yet Amparo. More importantly, respondents also neglect to address our ruling that
nevertheless signified his desire to become a double-agent for the military. the failure to conduct a fair and effective investigation similarly amounted to a
The CA stated: violation of, or threat to Rodriguezs rights to life, liberty, and security.14
In the Return of the Writ, respondent AFP members alleged that petitioner The writs curative role is an acknowledgment that the violation of the right to
confided to his military handler, Cpl. Navarro, that petitioner could no longer life, liberty, and security may be caused not only by a public officials act, but
stand the hardships he experienced in the wilderness, and that he wanted to also by his omission. Accountability may attach to respondents who are
become an ordinary citizen again because of the empty promises of the CPP- imputed with knowledge relating to the enforced disappearance and who carry
NPA. However, in the same Return, respondents state that petitioner agreed to the burden of disclosure; or those who carry, but have failed to discharge, the
become a double agent for the military and wanted to re-enter the CPP-NPA, burden of extraordinary diligence in the investigation of the enforced
so that he could get information regarding the movement directly from the disappearance.15 The duty to investigate must be undertaken in a serious
source. If petitioner was tired of life in the wilderness and desired to become manner and not as a mere formality preordained to be ineffective.16
an ordinary citizen again, it defies logic that he would agree to become an The CA found that respondents Gen. Ibrado, PDG Verzosa, LT. Gen. Bangit,
undercover agent and work alongside soldiers in the mountains or the Maj. Gen. Ochoa, Col. De Vera, and Lt. Col. Mina conducted a perfunctory
investigation which relied solely on the accounts of the military. Thus, the CA
correctly held that the investigation was superficial, one-sided, and depended ALEXANDER YANO, Gen. JESUS VERZOSA, Brig. Gen. REYNALDO
entirely on the report prepared by 1st Lt. Johnny Calub. No efforts were MAPAGU, Lt. P/Dir. EDGARDO DOROMAL, Maj. Gen. ISAGANI
CACHUELA, Commanding Officer of the AFP-ISU based in Baguio City,
undertaken to solicit petitioners version of the incident, and no witnesses
were questioned regarding it.17 The CA also took into account the palpable
lack of effort from respondent Versoza, as the chief of the Philippine National
Police. x-------------------------x
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Motion for Reconsideration is
hereby DENIED with FINALITY. Let a copy of this Resolution be furnished the
Ombudsman for whatever appropriate action she may still take under
SO ORDERED. Petitioners,
- versus -
G.R. No. 186050
- versus -
Before us are consolidated appeals under Section 19 of the Rule on the Writ
of Amparofrom the January 19, 2009 Judgment,1, of the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) of La Trinidad, Benguet, Branch 63, in Special Proceeding No. 08-AMP-
0001, entitled In the Matter of the Petition for Issuance of Writ of Amparo in
G.R. No. 186059 favor of James Balao, Arthur Balao, et al. v. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, et al.
The RTC granted the petition for the writ of amparo but denied the prayer for
Present: issuance of inspection, production and witness protection orders.
Eugene Gabriel Martin, the Commanding Officer of the AFP Intelligence bag. Before leaving the place, one of the armed men was also heard telling
Service Unit (AFP-ISU) based in Baguio City and several John Does. the driver of the van that they are going to proceed to Camp Dangwa (PNP
Provincial Headquarters in La Trinidad, Benguet). The van headed towards
James M. Balao is a Psychology and Economics graduate of the University of the direction of La Trinidad town proper. The witnesses later identified the man
the Philippines-Baguio (UP-Baguio). In 1984, he was among those who as James Balao after seeing his photograph which appeared in posters
founded the Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA), a coalition of non-government announcing him as missing.
organizations (NGOs) working for the cause of indigenous peoples in the
Cordillera Region. As head of CPAs education and research committee, The petition alleged that in May 2008, James reported surveillances on his
James actively helped in the training and organization of farmers. He was also person to his family, particularly to his sister Nonette Balao (Nonette), and to
the President of Oclupan Clan Association which undertakes the registration CPA Chairperson Beverly Longid (Beverly). James supposedly observed
and documentation of clan properties to protect their rights over ancestral certain vehicles tailing him and suspiciously parked outside his residence, one
lands. In 1988, while working for the CPA, he was arrested on the charge of of which was a van with plate number USC 922. He also claimed to have
violation of the Anti-Subversion Law but the case was eventually dismissed for received calls and messages through his mobile phone informing him that he
lack of evidence. was under surveillance by the PNP Regional Office and the AFP-ISU. To
prove the surveillance, the informer gave the exact dates he visited his family,
The testimonies and statements of eyewitnesses established the following clothes he wore, and dates and times he goes home or visits friends and
circumstances surrounding Jamess disappearance: relatives. Attached to the petition were the affidavits,4, of Nonette and Beverly
attesting to Jamess reports of surveillance to his family and to the CPA.
On September 17, 2008, at around 8:30 in the morning, a man clad in black
jacket, black shirt, black visor and gray pants was standing infront of It was further alleged that on September 17, 2008, around 7:00 in the
Saymors,3, Store at Tomay, La Trinidad, Benguet. He had a belt bag and a morning, James sent a text message to Nonette informing her that he was
travelling bag which was placed on a bench. Vicky Bonel was at the time about to leave his rented house in Fairview Central, Baguio City and that he
attending to the said store owned by her brother-in-law while Aniceto G. was going to their ancestral residence in Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet to do his
Dawing, Jr. and his co-employee were delivering bakery products thereat. A laundry. The travel time from Fairview, Baguio City to Pico usually takes only
white van then arrived and stopped infront of the store. Five men in civilian 20 to 45 minutes. Around 8:00 a.m., Nonette, after discovering that James
clothes who were carrying firearms alighted from the van and immediately never reached their parents house at Pico, started contacting their friends and
approached the man poking their guns on him. They grabbed and handcuffed relatives to ask about Jamess whereabouts. No one, however, had any idea
him. The man was asking why he was being apprehended. One of the armed where he was.
men addressed the people witnessing the incident, saying they were Thus, the Balao family, with the assistance of the CPA and other NGOs, tried
policemen. Another warned that no one should interfere because the man was to locate James. Teams were formed to follow Jamess route from Fairview,
being arrested for illegal drugs. Thereafter, they pushed the man inside the Baguio City to Pico, La Trinidad and people along the way were asked if they
van. One of the armed men went back to the store to get the mans travelling happened to see him. These searches, however, yielded negative results. One
of the teams also went to the office of the AFP-ISU (PA-ISU) in Navy Base
and the office of the Military Intelligence Group in Camp Allen, both in Baguio Respondents in their Joint Return,7, stated: (1) that President Gloria
City, but the personnel in said offices denied any knowledge on Jamess Macapagal-Arroyo is immune from suit and should thus be dropped as party-
whereabouts. The family likewise went to Baguio Police Station 7 to report respondent; (2) that only Arthur Balao should be named petitioner and the rest
Jamess disappearance. The report was duly entered on the blotter but there of the other petitioners dropped; (3) that there is no allegation of specific
have been no developments as of the filing of the petition. They also sought wrongdoing against respondents that would show their knowledge,
the help of the media to announce Jamess disappearance and wrote several involvement or participation in the abduction of James; (4) that Exec. Sec.
government agencies to inform them of his disappearance and enlist their help Ermita, Sec. Teodoro, Sec. Puno, Sec. Gonzales, Gen. Yano, Gen. Cachuela,
in locating him. Gen. Mapagu and Gen. Verzosa in their respective affidavits denied having
such participation or knowledge of Jamess abduction, set forth their actions
Petitioners, moreover, enumerated in their petition several incidents of taken in investigating the matter and undertaking to continue exerting
harassments and human rights violations against CPA officers, staff and extraordinary diligence in securing the liberty of James and bring all those
members. responsible for his disappearance to the bar of justice, including military or
police personnel when warranted by the findings of the investigations; (5) that
Contending that there is no plain, speedy or adequate remedy for them to Supt. Martin already ordered an investigation, came up with interviews of
protect Jamess life, liberty and security, petitioners prayed for the issuance of several witnesses, and held a dialogue with the Commander of the Military
a writ of amparo ordering the respondents to disclose where James is Intelligence Group I (MIG1) and the Commanding Officer of the Internal
detained or confined, to release James, and to cease and desist from further Service Unit-Internal Security Group, Philippine Army;and (6) that petitioners
inflicting harm upon his person. They likewise prayed for (1) an inspection themselves did not cooperate with police authorities in the investigation and
order for the inspection of at least 11 military and police facilities which have neither did they ask the National Bureau of Investigation to locate James.
been previously reported as detention centers for activists abducted by
military and police operatives; (2) a production order for all documents that Respondents contended that the petition failed to meet the requirement in the
contain evidence relevant to the petition, particularly the Order of Battle List Rule on the Writ of Amparo that claims must be established by substantial
and any record or dossier respondents have on James; and (3) a witness evidence considering that: (1) petitioners allegations do not mention in anyway
protection order. the manner, whether directly or indirectly, the alleged participation of
Petitioners simultaneously filed an Urgent Ex-Parte Motion ,5, for the immediate respondents in the purported abduction of James; (2) Nonette and Beverly do
issuance of a writ of amparo pursuant to Section 6 of the Rule on the Writ of not have personal knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the abduction
Amparo. of James, hence, their statements are hearsay with no probative value; and
(3) the allegations in the petition do not show the materiality and relevance of
On October 9, 2008, the Writ of Amparo,6, was issued directing respondents to the places sought to be searched/inspected and documents to be produced,
file their verified return together with their supporting affidavit within five days specifically the requirement that the prayer for an inspection order shall be
from receipt of the writ.
supported by affidavits or testimonies of witnesses having personal knowledge Chief of Staff, AFP, and there is no reason for him to doubt that the AFP will
of the whereabouts of the aggrieved party. comply with it insofar as the present petition for writ of amparo is concerned 9,
Respondents further argued that it is the PNP as the law enforcement agency, Secretary Puno confirmed receipt of a copy of the petition and
and not the respondent military and executive officials, which has the duty to said he will write to the PNP Chief to call for pertinent reports relative to the
investigate cases of missing persons. At most, the AFP may inquire on the circumstances of the alleged taking of the person in whose favor the writ of
matters being alluded to them as may be ordered by the proper superior, amparo was sought. He undertook to make available any report he will receive
which is primarily done for possible court martial proceedings. Hence, their from the PNP on the matter 10,
common denials of having any knowledge, participation or authorization for
the alleged disappearance of James Balao. Nonetheless, respondents NSA Gonzales asserted that as a public officer, he is presumed to
executed their affidavits to show the actions they have taken and reports have performed his duties in accordance with law, which presumption remains
submitted to them by the proper authorities, as follows: undisturbed amid gratuitous assumptions and conclusions in the petition
devoid of factual and legal basis. Upon receipt of a copy of the petition, he
Executive Secretary Ermitastated that upon receipt of copy of the caused to be issued letters/communications to the Director General of the
petition for a writ of amparo, he caused the issuance of a letter addressed to National Intelligence Coordinating Agency, the PNP Chief and the AFP Chief
the PNP Chief and AFP Chief of Staff for the purpose of inquiring and of Staff for the purpose of making active inquiries and establishing the
establishing the circumstances surrounding the alleged disappearance of circumstances of the alleged disappearance insofar as the possible
James Balao, and which letters also called for the submission of pertinent involvement of military/police personnel is concerned. He undertook to provide
reports on the results of the investigation conducted, if any 8, the material results of investigations conducted or to be conducted by the
concerned agencies 11,
Secretary Teodoro declared that soon after the promulgation by
this Court of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo, he issued Policy Directive on the General Yano narrated that prior to the receipt of a copy of the
Actions and Defenses Under the Amparo Rule which instructed members of petition, he received a memorandum from the Department of National
the AFP to undertake specific measures even without waiting for the filing of Defense transmitting the letter of Bayan Muna Representative Teodoro A.
an amparo petition in court whenever any member of the AFP or any of its Casio inquiring about the alleged abduction of James Balao. On the basis of
commands or units have been reported or published as being involved in the said memo, he directed by radio message the NOLCOM Commander to
alleged violation of an individuals right to life, liberty and security or threat conduct a thorough investigation on the matter and to submit the result thereof
thereof, as a preparatory step in the filing of a verified return as required by to the AFP General Headquarters. This was also done in compliance with the
A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC. The AFP was therein also directed to immediately Policy Directive issued by Defense Secretary Teodoro. He reiterated his
coordinate with the PNP, NBI, DOJ and other government agencies in the October 6, 2008 directive to the PA Commanding General in another radio
attainment of the desired actions in the event a petition is filed. Said policy message dated October 16, 2008. He undertook to provide the court with
directive was contained in his Memorandum dated October 31, 2007 to the
material results of the investigations conducted by the concerned units as the boarding house of James at Barangay Fairview, Baguio City. Likewise, he
soon as the same are received by Higher Headquarters 12, ordered the creation of Task Force Balao to fast track the investigation of the
case. He further instructed the RID to exert all efforts and supervise all lower
Lt. Gen. Cachuela said that even prior to the receipt of a copy of units to intensify their investigation and ascertain the whereabouts and other
the petition, he was already directed by Higher Headquarters to conduct a circumstances surrounding the disappearance of James. Results of the
thorough investigation on the alleged abduction of James Balao. Acting on investigations conducted were set forth in his affidavit. He had constant
said directive, he in turn directed the 5th Infantry Division, PA to investigate the coordination with the CPA leaders and Balao family who divulged the plate
matter since the place of the commission of the abduction is within its area of numbers of vehicles allegedly observed by James prior to his disappearance
responsibility. He undertook to furnish the court with a copy of the result of the as conducting surveillance on his person. Upon verification with the Land
investigation conducted or to be conducted, as soon as NOLCOM receives the Transportation Office, the said vehicles were found to be registered under the
same 13, following persons: TNH 787 Narciso Magno of #20 Darasa, Tanauan,
Batangas; and USC 922 G & S Transport Corp. On October 6, 2008, he
BGen. Mapagu on his part declared that there is nothing in the received information regarding an abduction incident in Tomay, La Trinidad
allegations of the petition that would show the involvement of the PA in the whereupon he ordered the Provincial Director of Benguet to conduct an in-
reported disappearance of James Balao. He claimed that he immediately depth investigation; said investigation disclosed that the person abducted was
called the attention of the concerned staff to give some information regarding indeed James. On October 8, 2008, Task Force Balao with the help of the
the case and directed them to submit a report if they are able to obtain CPA and Balao family were able to convince two witnesses in the abduction
information 14, incident in Tomay, La Trinidad, Benguet to shed light on the incident; as a
result, cartographic sketches of the suspects were made. In the morning of
Pol. Dir. General Verzosa set forth the actions and steps taken by October 9, 2008, he presided over a dialogue which was attended by the
the PNP, particularly the PNP Regional Office-Cordillera (PRO-COR) headed Group Commander, MIG1 and Commanding Officer of ISU, ISG and PA, for
by PCSupt. Eugene Martin, being the lead PNP unit investigating the case of the coordinated efforts to locate James. In the afternoon of the same day, he
James Balao 15, met with the family and relatives of James to inform them of initial efforts and
investigation of the case. The Task Force Balao was also able to secure the
Pol. Chief Supt. Martin recounted that in the afternoon of affidavits of witnesses Aniceto Dawing and Vicky Bonel, and invited some
September 17, 2008, CPA Chairperson Beverly Longid called up and informed members of the CPA who retrieved Jamess personal belongings in Fairview,
him of the disappearance of James. On September 20, 2008, he was Baguio City and his companions prior to his disappearance on September 17,
informed that James was allegedly missing and immediately ordered the 2008 to appear before the Task Force Balao for some clarifications but none
Office of the Regional Intelligence Division (RID) to send flash alarm to all of them appeared. The case is still under follow-up and continuing
lower units to look for and locate James Balao. This was followed by a investigation to know what really happened, identify the abductors, determine
Memorandum with his picture and description. Upon his orders, Police Station the real motive for the abduction and file the necessary charges in court
1 of the Baguio City Police Office (BCPO) immediately conducted inquiries at against those responsible 16,
5. Mrs[.] Corazon Addun, resident of Nr 114, Purok 3, Central Fairview,
Also attached to the Return are the more detailed reports (with Baguio City averred that the subject is not residing in the said place and saw
attached affidavits of other witnesses) dated October 14, 2008 and October 6, him only once, sometime on April 2008. She further narrated that a certain
2008 submitted by Task Force Balao Commander P/S Supt. Fortunato B. Uncle John aged 40 to 50 years old and a male person aged 20 to 30 are
Albas to the PNP Cordillera Regional Director. Pertinent portions of the two among the occupants of said house. Accordingly, on September 21, 2008,
reports read: Uncle John went to the house of Mrs. Addun and over a cup of coffee told
her that he will be going to Sagada, Mountain Province purposely to locate a
xxxx missing colleague who was sent there. Accordingly[,] he received a phone
call that his missing colleague (James Balao) did not reach the municipality
2. Inquiries conducted from Mr. Zusimo Unarosa, a resident of Nr 126, and reported missing. After that short talk, she never saw Uncle John again.
Purok 3, Central Fairview, Baguio City, claimed that on the 1 st week of Additionally, she did not notice any vehicle conducting surveillance therein
September 2008, he frequently observed two (2) unidentified male persons and any unusual incidents that transpired in said place.
aged 50-70 years old and about 51 to 55 in height, bringing boxes from the
house, the contents of which could not be determined. However, averred xxxx
that these two (2) male personalities are not familiar in the barangay. He
further stated that he had never seen a van conducting surveillance on the 7. This office has likewise coordinated with MIG-1 and ISU, ISG, PA but both
house and have not heard of any incident of kidnapping or abduction in the offices denied any knowledge on the alleged abduction of James Balao.
8. It was found out that it was SPO4 Genero Rosal, residing within the
3. Mr[.] Anselmo Alukim, a neighbor, residing adjacent to the house of the vicinity, who followed-up the incident because it was reported to him by his
subject, when interviewed, averred that he observed some unidentified male neighbors. That after he learned about [James abduction], he contacted
and female persons visiting the said house. PDEA, La Trinidad PS, RID ad Intel BPPO to verify if they had an operation
in Tomay, La Trinidad but all of them answered negative.
4. Interview conducted on Mr[.] Danny Griba, a resident of said barangay x x x x,17,
averred that James Balao is not a resident or occupant of the said house
and claimed that he only saw the subject last summer and stated there are xxxx
five (5) unidentified persons occupying the said house. He further stated
that three (3) male persons aged 40 to 50 years old and a female aged 3. A photocopy of the photograph of James Balao was presented to the
between 20-30 years old goes out during day time with several boxes and witnesses wherein they confirmed that the picture is the same person who
returns at about 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM on board a taxi cab again with some was arrested and handcuffed. Another witness divulged that prior to the
boxes of undetermined contents. arrest of the person in the picture/photograph, a red motorcycle with two (2)
male riders allegedly conducted surveillance along the highway about ten
(10) meters away from the place where the victim was picked-up. Minutes certain Uncle John about 65-75 years old, about 54 in height and a certain
later, a white Mitsubishi Adventure arrived and took the victim inside the car. Rene about 30-35 years old and stands 55, were her neighbors for almost
The motorcycle riding in tandem followed the Mitsubushi Adventure en route one year. She further stated that James Balao and company do not mingle
to Camp Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet. Another witness overheard one of with their neighbors and only one person is usually left behind while James
the abductors instructing the driver to quote pare sa Camp Dangwa tayo. and Rene goes out at 6:00 or 7:00 AM and goes back at around 6:00 or
7:00 PM.
4. Follow[-]up investigation resulted in the identification of a certain KULOT
who also witnessed the alleged abduction. However, he was hesitant to talk She further averred that she did not notice any van or any kind of vehicle
and instead pointed to the driver of the delivery van of Helens Bread. At parked along the roadside infront of any residence not his neighbors nor any
about 8:30 AM of October 9, 2008, Aniceto Dawing Jr[.] y Gano, the driver person or persons observing the occupants of the said house. Accordingly,
of the delivery van of Helens Bread, surfaced and gave his statements on at around 1:00 PM of September 26, 2008, a closed van (Ca[n]ter) with
what he witnessed on the alleged abduction. unknown plate number was seen parked infront of the said house and more
or less (10) unidentified male person[s] aging from 20-23 and an
5. On October 12, 2008, one Vicky Bonel y Felipe, 19 years old, single, unidentified female entered the alleged rented house of James Balao and
native of Atok, Benguet, resident of Tomay, LTB and store keeper of took some table, chairs and cabinets then left immediately to unknown
Saymor[s] Store appeared before the office of Benguet PPO and gave her destination.
sworn statement on the alleged abduction. A cartographic sketch was made
on the person who identified himself as policeman. She further stated that it 8. Mrs[.] Mina Cabati Serdan the owner of the house being rented by James
was when while she was tending her brother-in-laws store, gun-wielding Balao averred that sometime May of 2007, a certain Mr[.] June, a realtor
men, of about six or more, handcuffed and shove the victim inside their agent, recommended to her that a certain James Balao will rent the house
vehicle. She recalled that she can recognize the abductors if she can see for one (1) year term with an agreed monthly rent of fifteen thousand pesos
them again. (P15,000.00). She stated that James Balao had extended his stay for almost
4 months. On the last week of August 2008, Mrs[.] Serdan called up James
6. Another witness stated that she was preparing her merchandise in the Balao through phone to inform him that she will terminate his stay at the
waiting shed of Lower Tomay when she noticed a parked motorcycle beside rented house on September 30, 2008. Mrs[.] Serdan further stated that
the elementary school at about 7:00 AM of September 17, 2008. The rider [she]visited the rented house only twice and that was the only time she saw
of the bike was suspiciously scouring the area and kept on calling someone James Balao with an unidentified companions.
from his cellular phone before the abduction was made.
That she only discovered that James Balao was missing when a certain
7. Baguio City Police Office conducted follow-up investigation and were able Carol informed her that he was missing. [Sh]e further stated that she visited
to secure affidavit of Florence Luken y Mayames, 47 years old, married, and her house and found
a resident of 135 Central Fairview averred that James Balao together with a
out that the said occupants have already left on September 26, 2008 and who are then residing in the same boarding house including all his
discovered that all personal belongings of the occupants have already been companions on September 17, 2008 and prior to his disappearance.
taken out by the relatives. REMARKS:
VI. ACTIONS TAKEN: Case is still under follow-up investigation to identify the alleged abductors to
determine the real motive of the abduction and to file necessary charges
,1. .That a composite team TASK FORCE BALAO from this office and against them in courtFootnotes][18,
the Regional Headquarters headed by [P/S SUPT] FORTUNATO BASCO
ALBAS was formed.
4. On the morning of October 9, 2008, a dialogue was presided by RD, Aniceto Dawing,19, testified that on September 17, 2008, around
PRO-COR and attended by the Group Commander, MIG1 and Commanding 8:00 in the morning, while he was delivering bread at Saymors Store in Tomay,
Officer of ISU, SG, PA. Both commanders denied the accusations against La Trinidad, Benguet, a white van stopped infront of them and five armed men
them alighted. The armed men, who introduced themselves as policemen in
Filipino, held and pointed a gun at one male person. The armed men told the
5. In the afternoon of the same day, a meeting with the family and relatives male person that he was being apprehended for illegal drugs. They then let
of James Balao was again presided by RD, PRO-COR wherein the results the male person board the vehicle and informed him that they will proceed to
of the initial efforts and investigation were given to the family. He also Camp Dangwa. Dawing admitted that he did not know that it was James
reported the surfacing of another two (2) witnesses who described the whom he saw that time and came to know only of his identity when he saw a
suspect who handcuffed James Balao. poster bearing Jamess photograph. On cross-examination, he stated that the
white van did not have any markings that it was a police vehicle and that the
6. PRO-Cordillera wrote a letter to the Cordillera Peoples Alliance armed men were in civilian clothes and did not wear any police badges or
requesting them to present Uncle John, Rene and his other companions identification cards. He just assumed that they were policemen because of
their posture and haircut and because they introduced themselves as such.
she received another text message from James saying that he was already
Anvil Lumbag stated in his affidavit,20, that he was also at Saymors Store in leaving his place in Fairview, Baguio City. When around 8:00 a.m. James had
the morning of September 17, 2008 to buy chicken. He said that a ToyotaRevo not yet arrived at their ancestral home, she got worried. She texted him but
stopped infront of the store from where four men alighted. The men failed to get a reply, so she tried to call him. His phone, however, had already
handcuffed a man who was standing infront of the store and uttered Walang been turned off. She then called the CPA office to check if James was there.
makikialam, drugs kaso nito while pointing a gun at the said man. Then, they She was told that he was not there so she went to Jamess house in Fairview
forced the man to board the Revo. Before the Revo fled, Lumbag heard one of at around 9:00 a.m. Jamess housemates, however, told her that he left at 7:00
the men say that they will be going to Camp Dangwa. Lumbags affidavit, a.m.
however, did not mention if it was James who was forcibly taken by the armed
men. Nonette also testified that they only reported Jamess disappearance to the
police on September 20, 2008 because they thought that it was necessary
Beverly Longid,21, testified that she got to know James when she was a that a person be missing for at least 48 hours before the disappearance could
member of the CPA youth organization in her student days. Every time James be reported. They went to Sub-Station Police Precinct No. 1 in Baguio and to
will have an activity that is CPA-related, he would coordinate with Beverly, she the police precinct in La Trinidad to report the matter. They also went to Camp
being the CPA chair. She also testified that prior to his disappearance, the last Dangwa to see if James was there.
time she talked with James was in July or August of 2008 when he reported
surveillances on his person by the PNP and the AFP. In her affidavit, she Nonette claimed that she became worried because James never switched off
alleged that James reported to her several vehicles tailing him, one of which his mobile phone and since he already texted her that he was coming home,
was a green van with plate number USC 922, the same plate number she had he could have texted again if there was a change of plans. Also, James had
seen at the Intelligence Security Unit in Navy Base, Baguio City, and which told them since April 2008 that he had been under surveillance. She does not
was attached to a silver grey van. know why James went to Tomay, La Trinidad.
Beverly admitted that at the time of the alleged abduction, she was in Baguio Samuel Anongos stated in his affidavit,23, that he is a member of the
City, at the Office of the Cordillera Peoples Legal Center and that she only Education Commission of the CPA. He claimed that when they conducted
came to know that James was missing in the afternoon of September 18, trainings and educational discussions on mining education in Abra, members
2008. She also confirmed that they met with Pol. Supt. Martin to seek of the AFP harassed the community and committed various human rights
assistance regarding Jamess disappearance. violations. The AFP also allegedly held community meetings where they said
that the CPA is part of the New Peoples Army. Attached to Anongoss affidavit
Nonette Balao,22, testified that she was at her bakeshop located in is a copy of a paper that the AFP was allegedly distributing. It shows the
Km. 4, La Trinidad, Benguet in the morning of September 17, 2008. At around organizational structure of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New
6:30 a.m., she received a text message from James saying that he will be Peoples Army (CPP-NPA) wherein CPA was identified as one of the
going home to their ancestral home to do some laundry. Thirty minutes later, organizations under the National Democratic Front (NDF) 24,
In upholding the standing of Jamess siblings and Beverly to file
RTC Ruling the petition, the RTC held that what Section 2 of the Rule on the Writ of
Amparorules out is the right to file similar petitions, meaning there could
On January 19, 2009, the RTC issued the assailed judgment, disposing as be no successive petitions for the issuance of a writ of amparo for the
follows: same party.
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby The RTC further held that more likely than not, the motive for
rendered: Jamess disappearance is his activist/political leanings and that Jamess
case is one of an enforced disappearance as defined under the Rule on
ISSUE a Writ of Amparo Ordering the respondents to (a) the Writ of Amparo. In so ruling, the RTC considered (1) the several
disclose where James Balao is detained or confined, (b) to release James incidents of harassment mentioned in Beverlys testimony and enumerated
Balao considering his unlawful detention since his abduction and (c) to in the petition; and (2) the references in the petition to the CPA as a front
cease and desist from further inflicting harm upon his person; and for the CPP-NPA.
DENY the issuance of INSPECTION ORDER, The RTC likewise ruled that the government unmistakably
PRODUCTION ORDER and WITNESS PROTECTION violated Jamess right to security of person. It found the investigation
ORDER for failure of herein Petitioners to comply with conducted by respondents as very limited, superficial and one-sided. The
the stringent provisions on the Rule on the Writ of police and military thus miserably failed to conduct an effective
Amparo and substantiate the same 25, investigation of Jamess abduction as revealed by the investigation report
of respondents own witnesses, Supt. Martin and P/S Supt. Fortunato
In denying respondents prayer that President Arroyo be dropped as Basco Albas, the Commander of Task Force Balao. It further noted that
party-respondent, the RTC held that a petition for a writ of amparo is not respondents did not investigate the military officials believed to be behind
by any stretch of imagination a niggling[,] vexing or annoying court the abduction as said military officials were merely invited to a dialogue
case,26, from which she should be shielded. The RTC ruled that said and there was no investigation made in Camp Dangwa where the
petition is nothing more than a tool to aid the president to guarantee that abductors were believed to have taken James as narrated by the
laws on human rights are devotedly and staunchly carried out. It added witnesses. Moreover, the RTC observed that despite the undertaking of
that those who complain against naming the president as party- respondents to investigate the abduction and provide results thereof, four
respondent are only those who either do not understand what the Writ of months have passed but petitioners have not been furnished reports
Amparo is all about or who do not want to aid Her Excellency in her duty regarding the investigation.
to supervise and control the machinery of government 27,
As to the denial of the interim reliefs, the RTC stated that the stringent
provisions of the rules were not complied with and granting said reliefs
might violate respondents constitutional rights and jeopardize State THE FACTUAL CIRCUMSTANCES AND THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED
Both parties appealed to this Court. THE RULING THEREIN TO THE CASE AT BAR.
Petitioners, in G.R. No. 186050, question the RTCs denial of the interim THE TRIAL COURT CORRECTLY DENIED PETITIONER-
Respondents, on the other hand, assail in their petition in G.R. No. 186059, ORDER 28,
the issuance of the writ of amparo. They raise the following arguments:
Our Ruling
PETITIONERS TO: (A) DISCLOSE WHERE JAMES BALAO IS The Rule on the Writ of Amparo was promulgated on October 24, 2007
DETAINED AND CONFINED; (B) TO RELEASE JAMES BALAO amidst rising incidence of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances.
CONSIDERING HIS UNLAWFUL DETENTION SINCE HIS ABDUCTION It was formulated in the exercise of this Courts expanded rule-making
AND (C) TO CEASE AND DESIST FROM FURTHER INFLICTING HARM power for the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights enshrined
UPON HIS PERSON IS BASED PURELY ON CONJECTURES, in the 1987 Constitution, albeit limited to these two situations. Extralegal
SURMISES AND HEARSAY EVIDENCE; HENCE, IT MUST BE SET killings refer to killings committed without due process of law, i.e., without
ASIDE. legal safeguards or judicial proceedings 29, On the other hand, enforced
disappearances are attended by the following characteristics: an arrest,
II detention, or abduction of a person by a government official or organized
groups or private individuals acting with the direct or indirect acquiescence
RESPONDENT-PETITIONERS HAD PROVEN THAT THEY OBSERVED of the government; the refusal of the State to disclose the fate or
EXTRAORDINARY DILIGENCE AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAWS, whereabouts of the person concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the
RULES AND REGULATIONS IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR deprivation of liberty which places such person outside the protection of
SEC. 18. Judgment. - The court shall render judgment within ten (10) and their members, as enemies of the state. The petition cited other
days from the time the petition is submitted for decision. If the allegations documents confirming such all-out war policy which resulted in the
in the petition are proven by substantial evidence, the court shall grant prevalence of extrajudicial killings: namely, the published reports of the
the privilege of the writ and such reliefs as may be proper and appropriate; Melo Commission and the UNHRCs Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial
otherwise, the privilege shall be denied. (Emphasis supplied.) Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Mr. Philip Alston. The petition also
enumerated previously documented cases of extralegal killings of activists
The threshold issue in this case is whether the totality of evidence belonging to militant groups, including CPA leaders and workers, almost
satisfies the degree of proof required by the Amparo Rule to establish an all of which have been preceded by surveillance by military or police
enforced disappearance. agents and acts of harassment. Consequently, petitioners postulated that
the surveillance on James and his subsequent abduction are
In granting the privilege of the writ of amparo, the trial court ratiocinated: interconnected with the harassments, surveillance, threats and political
assassination of other members and officers of CPA which is his
On record is evidence pointing to the more likely than not motive for organization.
James Balaos disappearance his activist/political leanings. This is shown
by the several incidents relating to harassments of activists as mentioned We hold that such documented practice of targeting activists in the
in the unrebutted testimony of Beverly Longid and the enumeration made militarys counter-insurgency program by itself does not fulfill the
in par. 48 (a) to (cc) of the petition. There were also references in the evidentiary standard provided in the Amparo Rule to establish an enforced
petitions pars. 52 et. seq. to the CPA (of which James Balao was an active disappearance.
staff) as a front organization of the Communist Party of the Philippines-
New Peoples Army. More likely than not he was not taken to parts In the case of Roxas v. Macapagal-Arroyo,,32, the Court noted that the
unknown for reasons other than his involvement in the CPA, that is, similarity between the circumstances attending a particular case of
politically-motivated. The Court considers these facts enough abduction with those surrounding previous instances of enforced
circumstances to establish substantial evidence of an enforced disappearances does not, necessarily, carry sufficient weight to prove that
disappearance as defined under the Rule on the Writ of Amparo. For the government orchestrated such abduction. Accordingly, the trial court in
after all, substantial evidence requires nothing greater than more this case cannot simply infer government involvement in the abduction of
likely than not degree of proof 31,(Emphasis supplied.) James from past similar incidents in which the victims also worked or
affiliated with the CPA and other left-leaning groups.
The trial court gave considerable weight to the discussion in the petition of
briefing papers supposedly obtained from the AFP (Oplan Bantay-Laya The petition further premised government complicity in the abduction of
implemented since 2001) indicating that the anti-insurgency campaign of James on the very positions held by the respondents, stating that --
the military under the administration of President Arroyo included targeting
of identified legal organizations under the NDF, which included the CPA,
The abduction of James Balao can only be attributed to the Respondents While there are several pending bills on command responsibility, there is
who have command responsibility of all the actions of their subordinates still no Philippine law that provides for criminal liability under that doctrine.
and who are the primary persons in the implementation of the
governments all out war policy 33, (Emphasis supplied.) It may plausibly be contended that command responsibility, as legal basis
to hold military/police commanders liable for extra-legal killings, enforced
The Court in Rubrico v. Macapagal-Arroyo,34, had the occasion to expound disappearances, or threats, may be made applicable to this jurisdiction on
on the doctrine of command responsibility and why it has little bearing, if the theory that the command responsibility doctrine now constitutes a
at all, in amparo proceedings. principle of international law or customary international law in accordance
with the incorporation clause of the Constitution. Still, it would be
The evolution of the command responsibility doctrine finds its context in inappropriate to apply to these proceedings the doctrine of
the development of laws of war and armed combats. According to Fr. command responsibility, as the CA seemed to have done, as a form
Bernas, command responsibility, in its simplest terms, means the of criminal complicity through omission, for individual respondents
responsibility of commanders for crimes committed by subordinate criminal liability, if there be any, is beyond the reach of amparo. In
members of the armed forces or other persons subject to their control in other words, the Court does not rule in such proceedings on any
international wars or domestic conflict. In this sense, command issue of criminal culpability, even if incidentally a crime or an
responsibility is properly a form of criminal complicity. The Hague infraction of an administrative rule may have been committed. As the
Conventions of 1907 adopted the doctrine of command responsibility, Court stressed in Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo (Manalo), the
foreshadowing the present-day precept of holding a superior accountable writ of amparo was conceived to provide expeditious and effective
for the atrocities committed by his subordinates should he be remiss in his procedural relief against violations or threats of violation of the basic rights
duty of control over them. As then formulated, command responsibility is to life, liberty, and security of persons; the corresponding amparo suit,
an omission mode of individual criminal liability, whereby the superior is however, is not an action to determine criminal guilt requiring proof beyond
made responsible for crimes committed by his subordinates for failing to reasonable doubt x x x or administrative liability requiring substantial
prevent or punish the perpetrators (as opposed to crimes he ordered). evidence that will require full and exhaustive proceedings. Of the same
tenor, and by way of expounding on the nature and role of amparo, is what
The doctrine has recently been codified in the Rome Statute of the the Court said in Razon v. Tagitis:
International Criminal Court (ICC) to which the Philippines is signatory.
Sec. 28 of the Statute imposes individual responsibility on military It does not determine guilt nor pinpoint criminal culpability for the
commanders for crimes committed by forces under their control. The disappearance [threats thereof or extrajudicial killings]; it determines
country is, however, not yet formally bound by the terms and provisions responsibility, or at least accountability, for the enforced
embodied in this treaty-statute, since the Senate has yet to extend disappearance [threats thereof or extrajudicial killings] for purposes
concurrence in its ratification. of imposing the appropriate remedies to address the disappearance
[or extrajudicial killings].
xxxx imputed with knowledge relating to the enforced disappearance and who
carry the burden of disclosure; or those who carry, but have failed to
As the law now stands, extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances discharge, the burden of extraordinary diligence in the investigation
in this jurisdiction are not crimes penalized separately from the component of the enforced disappearance. x x x,38, (Emphasis supplied.)
criminal acts undertaken to carry out these killings and enforced
disappearances and are now penalized under the Revised Penal Code Assessing the evidence on record, we find that the participation in any
and special laws. The simple reason is that the Legislature has not manner of military and police authorities in the abduction of James has
spoken on the matter; the determination of what acts are criminal x x x are not been adequately proven. The identities of the abductors have not been
matters of substantive law that only the Legislature has the power to established, much less their link to any military or police unit. There is
enact. x x x,35, likewise no concrete evidence indicating that James is being held or
detained upon orders of or with acquiescence of government agents.
Subsequently, we have clarified that the inapplicability of the doctrine of Consequently, the trial court erred in granting amparo reliefs by ordering
command responsibility in an amparo proceeding does not, by any the respondent officials (1) to disclose where James Balao is detained or
measure, preclude impleading military or police commanders on the confined, (2) to release him from such detention or confinement, and (3) to
ground that the complained acts in the petition were committed with their cease and desist from further inflicting harm upon his person. Such
direct or indirect acquiescence. Commanders may therefore be pronouncement of responsibility on the part of public respondents cannot
impleadednot actually on the basis of command responsibilitybut rather on be made given the insufficiency of evidence 39, However, we agree with the
the ground of their responsibility, or at least accountability 36, trial court in finding that the actions taken by respondent officials are very
limited, superficial and one-sided. Its candid and forthright observations
In Razon, Jr. v. Tagitis,,37,the Court defined responsibility and on the efforts exerted by the respondents are borne by the evidence on
accountability as these terms are applied to amparo proceedings, as record, thus:
x x x the violation of the right to security as protection by the government
x x x Responsibility refers to the extent the actors have been established is unmistakable. The police and the military miserably failed in conducting
by substantial evidence to have participated in whatever way, by action or an effective investigation of James Balaos abduction as revealed by the
omission, in an enforced disappearance, as a measure of the remedies investigation report of respondents own witnesses Honorable Chief
this Court shall craft, among them, the directive to file the appropriate Superintendent Eugene Martin and Honorable Senior Superintendent
criminal and civil cases against the responsible parties in the proper Fortunato Albas. The investigation was to use the words in The Secretary
courts. Accountability, on the other hand, refers to the measure of of National Defense, et. al., v. Manalo et. al. verylimited, superficial and
remedies that should be addressed to those who exhibited one-sided.
involvement in the enforced disappearance without bringing the level of
their complicity to the level of responsibility defined above; or who are
The actions taken were simply these: (a) organization of the Task Force some suspects 41, Moreover, Beverly had explained during the cross-
Balao; (b) conduct of ocular inspection at the place of abduction; (c) taking examination conducted by Associate Solicitor Paderanga that she was at
of sworn statements of civilian witnesses, whose testimonies did not prove the time coordinating with national and local agencies even as the police
much as shown by the continued disappearance of James Balao; (d) investigation was ongoing 42, There is nothing wrong with petitioners
dialogue with implicated military officials as well as family members and simultaneous recourse to other legal avenues to gain public attention for a
friends of James Balao; and (e) writing of letter to the CPA. The Court possible enforced disappearance case involving their very own colleague.
does not want to second-guess police protocols in investigation but surely Respondents should even commend such initiative that will encourage
some things are amiss where the investigation DID NOT INVESTIGATE those who may have any information on the identities and whereabouts of
the military officials believed to be behind the abduction as they were Jamess abductors to help the PNP in its investigation.
merely invited to a dialogue and where the investigation DID NOT LEAD to
Camp Dangwa where the abductors were supposed to have proceeded as Assuming there was reluctance on the part of the Balao family and CPA to
narrated by the witnesses. To the mind of this Court, there is a seeming submit Jamess relatives or colleagues for questioning by agents of the
prejudice in the process of investigation to pin suspects who are not PNP and AFP, they cannot be faulted for such stance owing to the
connected with the military establishments. By any measure, this cannot militarys perception of their organization as a communist front: ergo,
be a thorough and good faith investigation but one that falls short of that enemies of the State who may be targeted for liquidation. But more
required by the Writ of Amparo 40, important, such non-cooperation provides no excuse for respondents
incomplete and one-sided investigations. As we held in Rubrico v.
Respondents reiterate that they did their job the best they could and fault Macapagal-Arroyo,43,:
the petitioners instead for their non-cooperation which caused delay in the
investigation. They particularly blamed Beverly who failed to attend the As regards P/Supt. Romero and P/Insp. Gomez, the Court is more than
October 15, 2008 invitation to appear before the investigators and shed satisfied that they have no direct or indirect hand in the alleged enforced
light on Jamess disappearance. disappearance of Lourdes and the threats against her daughters. As
police officers, though, theirs was the duty to thoroughly investigate
We are not persuaded. the abduction of Lourdes, a duty that would include looking into the
cause, manner, and like details of the disappearance; identifying
First, the Task Force Balao had acknowledged the fact that Pol. Chief witnesses and obtaining statements from them; and following
Supt. Martin was already in constant coordination with the Balao family evidentiary leads, such as the Toyota Revo vehicle with plate number
and CPA, and hence the investigators could have readily obtained XRR 428, and securing and preserving evidence related to the
whatever information they needed from Beverly. Pol. Chief Supt. Martin abduction and the threats that may aid in the prosecution of the
even mentioned in his affidavit that Task Force Balao was able to secure person/s responsible. As we said in Manalo, the right to security, as a
the testimonies of two eyewitnesses with the help of Beverly and the guarantee of protection by the government, is breached by the superficial
Balao family, and that as a result cartographic sketches were made of and one-sidedhence, ineffectiveinvestigation by the military or the police
of reported cases under their jurisdiction. As found by the CA, the local incident, as well as descriptions of the abductors? With the cartographic
police stations concerned, including P/Supt. Roquero and P/Insp. Gomez, sketches having been made from interviews and statements of witnesses,
did conduct a preliminary fact-finding on petitioners complaint. They could the police investigators could have taken proper steps to establish the
not, however, make any headway, owing to what was perceived to be the personal identities of said suspects and yet this was not done, the police
refusal of Lourdes, her family, and her witnesses to cooperate. Petitioners investigators not even lifting a finger to ascertain whether the cartographic
counsel, Atty. Rex J.M.A. Fernandez, provided a plausible explanation for sketches would match with any enlisted personnel of AFP and PNP, or
his clients and their witnesses attitude, [They] do not trust the their civilian agents/assets. As to the vehicles, the plate numbers of which
government agencies to protect them.The difficulty arising from a have earlier been disclosed by James to his family and the CPA as used
situation where the party whose complicity in extrajudicial killing or in conducting surveillance on him prior to his abduction, the military
enforced disappearance, as the case may be, is alleged to be the same merely denied having a vehicle with such plate number on their property
party who investigates it is understandable, though. list despite the fact that the same plate number (USC 922) was sighted
attached to a car which was parked at the PA-ISU compound in Navy
The seeming reluctance on the part of the Rubricos or their Base, Baguio City. As to the other plate number given by James (TNH
witnesses to cooperate ought not to pose a hindrance to the police 787), while the police investigators were able to verify the name and
in pursuing, on its own initiative, the investigation in question to its address of the registered owner of the vehicle, there is no showing that
natural end. To repeat what the Court said in Manalo, the right to said owner had been investigated or that efforts had been made to locate
security of persons is a guarantee of the protection of ones right by the said vehicle. Respondents insistence that the CPA produce the
the government. And this protection includes conducting effective alleged companions of James in his rented residence for investigation by
investigations of extra-legal killings, enforced disappearances, or the PNP team, while keeping silent as to why the police investigators had
threats of the same kind. The nature and importance of an investigation not actively pursued those evidentiary leads provided by eyewitnessesand
are captured in the Velasquez Rodriguez case, in which the Inter- the Balao family, only reinforce the trial courts observation that the
American Court of Human Rights pronounced: investigators are seemingly intent on building up a case against other
persons so as to deflect any suspicion of military or police involvement in
[The duty to investigate] must be undertaken in a serious manner and not James Balaos disappearance.
as a mere formality preordained to be ineffective. An investigation must
have an objective and be assumed by the State as its own legal duty, not In view of the foregoing evidentiary gaps, respondents clearly failed to
a step taken by private interests that depends upon the initiative of discharge their burden of extraordinary diligence in the investigation of
the victim or his family or upon offer of proof, without an effective search Jamess abduction. Such ineffective investigation extant in the records of
for the truth by the government 44, (Emphasis supplied.) this case prevents us from completely exonerating the respondents from
allegations of accountability for James disappearance. The reports
Indeed, why zero in on Jamess own kin and colleagues when submitted by the PNP Regional Office, Task Force Balao and Baguio City
independent eyewitnesses already provided firsthand accounts of the Police Station do not contain meaningful results or details on the depth
and extent of the investigation made. In Razon, Jr. v. Tagitis, the Court Lastly, on the denial of the prayer for interim reliefs under the Amparo
observed that such reports of top police officials indicating the personnel Rule.
and units they directed to investigate can never constitute exhaustive and
meaningful investigation, or equal detailed investigative reports of the An inspection order is an interim relief designed to give support or
activities undertaken to search for the victim 45, In the same case we strengthen the claim of a petitioner in an amparo petition, in order to aid
stressed that the standard of diligence required the duty of public officials the court before making a decision 48, A basic requirement before an
and employees to observe extraordinary diligence called for extraordinary amparo court may grant an inspection order is that the place to be
measures expected in the protection of constitutional rights and in the inspected is reasonably determinable from the allegations of the party
consequent handling and investigation of extra-judicial killings and seeking the order 49, In this case, the issuance of inspection order was
enforced disappearance cases. properly denied since the petitioners specified several military and police
establishments based merely on the allegation that the testimonies of
As to the matter of dropping President Arroyo as party-respondent, though victims and witnesses in previous incidents of similar abductions involving
not raised in the petitions, we hold that the trial court clearly erred in activists disclosed that those premises were used as detention centers. In
holding that presidential immunity cannot be properly invoked in an the same vein, the prayer for issuance of a production order was
amparo proceeding. As president, then President Arroyo was enjoying predicated on petitioners bare allegation that it obtained confidential
immunity from suit when the petition for a writ of amparo was filed. information from an unidentified military source, that the name of James
Moreover, the petition is bereft of any allegation as to what specific was included in the so-called Order of Battle. Indeed, the trial court could
presidential act or omission violated or threatened to violate petitioners not have sanctioned any fishing expedition by precipitate issuance of
protected rights 46, inspection and production orders on the basis of insufficient claims of one
In order to effectively address thru the amparo remedy the violations of the
constitutional rights to liberty and security of James who remains missing Nonetheless, the trial court is not precluded, as further evidence warrants,
to date, the Court deems it appropriate to refer this case back to the trial to grant the above interim reliefs to aid it in making a decision upon
court for further investigation by the PNP and CIDG and monitoring of evaluation of the actions taken by the respondents under the norm of
their investigative activities that complies with the standard of diligence extraordinary diligence.
required by the Amparo Rule. Section 24 of Republic Act No. 6975,
otherwise known as the PNP Law,47, specifies the PNP as the WHEREFORE, the petitions in G.R. Nos. 186050 and 186059 are PARTLY
governmental office with the mandate to [i]nvestigate and prevent crimes, GRANTED. The Judgment dated January 19, 2009 of the Regional Trial Court
effect the arrest of criminal offenders, bring offenders to justice and assist of La Trinidad, Benguet, Branch 63, in Special Proceeding No. 08-AMP-0001
in their prosecution. The trial court should further validate the results of is MODIFIED as follows:
such investigations and actions through hearings it may deem necessary 1) REVERSING the grant of the privilege of the writ of amparo;
to conduct.
2) AFFIRMING the denial of the prayer for inspection and production orders, upon the sufficiency of their investigative efforts. The
without prejudice to the subsequent grant thereof, in the course of hearing and Philippine National Police and the Philippine National
other developments in the investigations by the Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group shall
Police/Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group have six (6) months from notice hereof to undertake their
and the Armed Forces of the Philippines; investigations. Within fifteen (15) days after completion of
3) ORDERING the incumbent Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the the investigations, the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of
Philippines, or his successor, and the incumbent Director General of the the Philippines and the DirectorGeneral of the Philippine
Philippine National Police, or his successor, to CONTINUE the investigations National Police shall submit a full report of the results of
and actions already commenced by the Philippine National Police Regional the said investigations to the trial court. Within thirty (30)
OfficeCordillera, Baguio City Police, Northern Luzon Command, Philippine days thereafter, the trial court shall submit its full reportto
National Police/Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection this Court.
Group, Philippine Army-Intelligence Service Unit and other concerned units,
and specifically take and continue to take the necessary steps: These directives and those of the trial court made pursuant to this Decision
(a) to identify the persons described in the cartographic sketches submitted by shall be given to, and shall be directly enforceable against,
Task Force Balao; whoever may be the incumbent Armed Forces of the
(b) to locate and search the vehicles bearing the plate numbers submitted by Philippines Chief of Staff, Director General of the Philippine
the petitioners and which James Balao had reported to be conducting National Police and Chief of the Philippine National Police
surveillance on his person prior to his abduction on September 17, 2008, and Criminal Investigation and Detection Group and other
investigate the registered owners or whoever the previous and present concerned units, under pain of contempt from this Court
possessors/transferees thereof; and to pursue any other leads relevant to the when the initiatives and efforts at disclosure and
abduction of James Balao; investigation constitute less than the EXTRAORDINARY
The incumbent Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff, Philippine DILIGENCE that the Amparo Rule and the circumstances
National Police Director General, or their successors, shall ensure that the of the case demand; and
investigations and actions of their respective units on the abduction of James 4) DROPPING former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as party-
Balao are pursued with extraordinary diligence as required by Sec. 17 of the respondent in the petition for writ of amparo;
Amparo Rule. This case is hereby REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court of La Trinidad,
Benguet, Branch 63 for continuation of proceedings in
For purposes of these investigations, the Philippine National Police/Philippine Special Proceeding No. 08-AMP-0001 for the purposes of
National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group monitoring compliance with the above directives and
shall periodically report the detailed results of its determining whether, in the light of any recent reports or
investigation to the trial court for its consideration and recommendations, there would already be sufficient
action. On behalf of this Court, the trial court shall pass evidence to hold any of the public respondents responsible,
or, at least, accountable. After making such determination,
the trial court shall submit its own report and The undisputed facts as found by the CA are as follows:
recommendation to this Court for final action. The trial
court will continue to have jurisdiction over this case in Petitioner was among those arrested in the Manila Peninsula Hotel siege on
order to accomplish its tasks under this decision; November 30, 2007. In the morning of November 30, 2007, petitioner together
Accordingly, the public respondents shall remain personally with fifty (50) others, were brought to Camp Crame to await inquest
impleaded in this petition to answer for any responsibilities and/or proceedings. In the evening of the same day, the Department of Justice (DOJ)
accountabilities they may have incurred during their incumbencies. Panel of Prosecutors, composed of Emmanuel Y. Velasco, Phillip L. Dela Cruz
No pronouncement as to costs. and Aristotle M. Reyes, conducted inquest proceedings to ascertain whether
or not there was probable cause to hold petitioner and the others for trial on
SO ORDERED. charges of Rebellion and/or Inciting to Rebellion.
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: On December 7, 2007, petitioner filed a Motion for Judicial Determination of
Probable Cause and Release of the Accused Fr. Reyes Upon Recognizance
For resolution is the petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, asserting that the DOJ panel failed to produce any evidence indicating his
assailing the February 4, 2008 Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA- specific participation in the crime charged; and that under the Constitution, the
G.R. No. 00011 which dismissed the petition for the issuance of the writ of determination of probable cause must be made personally by a judge.
amparo under A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC, as amended. It also assails the CAs
Resolution dated March 25, 2008, denying petitioners motion for On December 13, 2007, the RTC issued an Order dismissing the charge for
reconsideration of the aforesaid February 4, 2008 Decision. Rebellion against petitioner and 17 others for lack of probable cause. The trial
court ratiocinated that the evidence submitted by the DOJ Panel of Secretary of Justice has not acted on his request for the lifting of HDO No. 45.
Investigating Prosecutors failed to show that petitioner and the other accused- Petitioner further maintained that immediate recourse to the Supreme Court
civilians conspired and confederated with the accused-soldiers in taking arms for the availment of the writ is exigent as the continued restraint on petitioners
against the government; that petitioner and other accused-civilians were right to travel is illegal.
arrested because they ignored the call of the police despite the deadline given
to them to come out from the 2nd Floor of the Hotel and submit themselves to On January 24, 2008, respondents represented by the Office of the Solicitor
the police authorities; that mere presence at the scene of the crime and General (OSG) filed the Return of the Writ raising the following affirmative
expressing ones sentiments on electoral and political reforms did not make defenses: 1) that the Secretary of Justice is authorized to issue Hold
them conspirators absent concrete evidence that the accused-civilians knew Departure Orders under the DOJ Circulars No. 17, Series of 19982 and No.
beforehand the intent of the accused-soldiers to commit rebellion; and that the 18 Series of 20073 pursuant to his mandate under the Administrative Code of
cooperation which the law penalizes must be one that is knowingly and 1987 as ahead of the principal law agency of the government; 2) that HDO
intentionally rendered. No. 45 dated December 1, 2007 was issued by the Sec. Gonzales in the
course of the preliminary investigation of the case against herein petitioner
On December 18, 2007, petitioners counsel Atty. Francisco L. Chavez wrote upon the request of the DILG; 3) that the lifting of HDO No. 45 is premature in
the DOJ Secretary requesting the lifting of HDO No. 45 in view of the view of public respondents pending Motion for Reconsideration dated
dismissal of Criminal Case No. 07-3126. January 3, 2008 filed by the respondents of the Order dated December 13,
2007 of the RTC dismissing Criminal Case No. 07-3126 for Rebellion for lack
On even date, Secretary Gonzales replied to petitioners letter stating that the of probable cause; 4) that petitioner failed to exhaust administrative remedies
DOJ could not act on petitioners request until Atty. Chavezs right to represent by filing a motion to lift HDO No. 45 before the DOJ; and 5) that the
petitioner is settled in view of the fact that a certain Atty. J. V. Bautista constitutionality of Circulars No. 17 and 18 can not be attacked collaterally in
representing himself as counsel of petitioner had also written a letter to the an amparo proceeding.
On January 3, 2008, petitioner filed the instant petition claiming that despite During the hearing on January 25, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at the Paras Hall of the
the dismissal of the rebellion case against petitioner, HDO No. 45 still Court of Appeals, counsels for both parties appeared. Petitioners counsel
subsists; that on December 19, 2007, petitioner was held by BID officials at Atty. Francisco Chavez manifested that petitioner is currently in Hong Kong;
the NAIA as his name is included in the Hold Departure List; that had it not that every time petitioner would leave and return to the country, the
been for the timely intervention of petitioners counsel, petitioner would not immigration officers at the NAIA detain and interrogate him for several minutes
have been able to take his scheduled flight to Hong Kong; that on December because of the existing HDO; that the power of the DOJ Secretary to issue
26, 2007, petitioner was able to fly back to the Philippines from Hong Kong but HDO has no legal basis; and that petitioner did not file a motion to lift the HDO
every time petitioner would present himself at the NAIA for his flights abroad, before the RTC nor the DOJ because to do so would be tantamount to
he stands to be detained and interrogated by BID officers because of the recognizing the power of the DOJ Secretary to issue HDO.
continued inclusion of his name in the Hold Departure List; and that the
For respondents part, the Office of the Solicitor-General (OSG) maintained "REGULARLY EXERCISED IN THE PAST" OR HAS "NEVER BEEN
that the Secretary of the DOJs power to issue HDO springs from its mandate QUESTIONED (IN THE PAST).
under the Administrative Code to investigate and prosecute offenders as the
principal law agency of the government; that in its ten-year existence, the II.
constitutionality of DOJ Circular No. 17 has not been challenged except now; THE DOJ HAS CLAIMED A POWER TO ISSUE AN HDO INDEPENDENT OF
and that on January 3, 2008, the DOJ Panel of Investigating Prosecutors had THAT OF THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURTS, HENCE, PETITIONER CANNOT
filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the Order of Dismissal of the trial court. MERELY RELY ON THE RESIDUAL POWER OF THE RTC MAKATI IN
On February 1, 2008, petitioner filed a Manifestation attaching thereto a copy
of the Order dated January 31, 2008 of the trial court denying respondent III.
DOJs Motion for Reconsideration for utter lack of merit. The trial court also THE UTMOST EXIGENCY OF THE PETITION IS EXEMPLIFIED BY THE
observed that the said Motion should be dismissed outright for being filed out CONTINUING ACTUAL RESTRAINT ON PETITIONERS RIGHT TO TRAVEL
The petition for a writ of amparo is anchored on the ground that respondents DOES NOT SIMPLY HINGE ON THE QUESTION OF WHETHER OR NOT
violated petitioners constitutional right to travel. Petitioner argues that the DOJ PETITIONER WAS ABLE TO TRAVEL DESPITE SUCH A RESTRAINT.
Secretary has no power to issue a Hold Departure Order (HDO) and the IV.
subject HDO No. 45 has no legal basis since Criminal Case No. 07-3126 has DOJ CIRCULAR 17 SERIES OF 1998 PROVIDES NO STATUTORY BASIS
On February 4, 2008, the CA rendered the assailed Decision dismissing the BASED ON ANY STATUTE, HENCE, IT DOES NOT HAVE THE FORCE OF
petition and denying the privilege of the writ of amparo. LAW AND NEED NOT BE ATTACKED IN A DIRECT PROCEEDING.7
Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration5 thereon was also denied in the Petitioner maintains that the writ of amparo does not only exclusively apply to
assailed Resolution6 dated March 25, 2008. situations of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances but
encompasses the whole gamut of liberties protected by the Constitution.
Hence, the present petition which is based on the following grounds: Petitioner argues that "[liberty] includes the right to exist and the right to be
free from arbitrary personal restraint or servitude and includes the right of the
I. citizens to be free to use his faculties in all lawful ways." Part of the right to
THE DOJ SECRETARYS ARROGATION OF POWER AND USURPATION liberty guaranteed by the Constitution is the right of a person to travel.
JUSTIFIED THROUGH A RATIONALE THAT IT HAS SUPPOSEDLY BEEN In their Comment,8 both respondents Secretary Gonzalez and Commissioner
Libanan argue that: 1) HDO No. 45 was validly issued by the Secretary of
Justice in accordance with Department of Justice Circular No. 17, Series of form, is confined to these two instances or to threats thereof. "Extralegal
1998,9 and Circular No. 18, Series of 2007,10 which were issued pursuant to killings" are "killings committed without due process of law, i.e., without legal
said Secretarys mandate under the Administrative Code of 1987, as head of safeguards or judicial proceedings." On the other hand, "enforced
the principal law agency of the government, to investigate the commission of disappearances" are "attended by the following characteristics: an arrest,
crimes, prosecute offenders, and provide immigration regulatory services; detention or abduction of a person by a government official or organized
and; 2) the issue of the constitutionality of the DOJ Secretarys authority to groups or private individuals acting with the direct or indirect acquiescence of
issue hold departure orders under DOJ Circulars Nos. 17 and 18 is not within the government; the refusal of the State to disclose the fate or whereabouts of
the ambit of a writ of amparo. the person concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty
which places such persons outside the protection of law."12
The case hinges on the issue as to whether or not petitioners right to liberty
has been violated or threatened with violation by the issuance of the subject In Tapuz v. Del Rosario,13 the Court laid down the basic principle regarding
HDO, which would entitle him to the privilege of the writ of amparo. the rule on the writ of amparo as follows:
The petition must fail. To start off with the basics, the writ of amparo was originally conceived as a
response to the extraordinary rise in the number of killings and enforced
Section 1 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo provides: disappearances, and to the perceived lack of available and effective remedies
to address these extraordinary concerns. It is intended to address violations of
Section 1. Petition. The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to or threats to the rights to life, liberty or security, as an extraordinary and
any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened independent remedy beyond those available under the prevailing Rules, or as
with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or a remedy supplemental to these Rules. What it is not, is a writ to protect
of a private individual or entity. concerns that are purely property or commercial. Neither is it a writ that we
shall issue on amorphous and uncertain grounds. Consequently, the Rule on
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats the Writ of Amparo in line with the extraordinary character of the writ and the
thereof. reasonable certainty that its issuance demands requires that every petition
for the issuance of the writ must be supported by justifying allegations of fact,
The Court, in Secretary of National Defense et al. v. Manalo et al.,11 made a to wit:
categorical pronouncement that the Amparo Rule in its present form is
confined to these two instances of "extralegal killings" and "enforced "(a) The personal circumstances of the petitioner;
disappearances," or to threats thereof, thus: (b) The name and personal circumstances of the respondent responsible for
the threat, act or omission, or, if the name is unknown or uncertain, the
x x x As the Amparo Rule was intended to address the intractable problem of respondent may be described by an assumed appellation;
"extralegal killings" and "enforced disappearances," its coverage, in its present
(c) The right to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party violated or While the right to life under Article III, Section 1 guarantees essentially the
threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of the respondent, right to be alive- upon which the enjoyment of all other rights is preconditioned
and how such threat or violation is committed with the attendant - the right to security of person is a guarantee of the secure quality of this life,
circumstances detailed in supporting affidavits; viz: "The life to which each person has a right is not a life lived in fear that his
(d) The investigation conducted, if any, specifying the names, personal person and property may be unreasonably violated by a powerful ruler.
circumstances, and addresses of the investigating authority or individuals, as Rather, it is a life lived with the assurance that the government he established
well as the manner and conduct of the investigation, together with any report; and consented to, will protect the security of his person and property. The
(e) The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to determine the fate or ideal of security in life and property pervades the whole history of man. It
whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the identity of the person responsible touches every aspect of mans existence." In a broad sense, the right to
for the threat, act or omission; and security of person "emanates in a persons legal and uninterrupted enjoyment
(f) The relief prayed for. of his life, his limbs, his body, his health, and his reputation. It includes the
right to exist, and the right to enjoyment of life while existing, and it is invaded
The petition may include a general prayer for other just and equitable not only by a deprivation of life but also of those things which are necessary to
reliefs."14 the enjoyment of life according to the nature, temperament, and lawful desires
The writ shall issue if the Court is preliminarily satisfied with the prima facie of the individual."16
existence of the ultimate facts determinable from the supporting affidavits that
detail the circumstances of how and to what extent a threat to or violation of The right to liberty, on the other hand, was defined in the City of Manila, et al.
the rights to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party was or is being v. Hon. Laguio, Jr.,17 in this manner:
committed. (Emphasis supplied)
Liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution was defined by Justice Malcolm to
Here, petitioner invokes this extraordinary remedy of the writ of amparo for the include "the right to exist and the right to be free from arbitrary restraint or
protection of his right to travel. He insists that he is entitled to the protection servitude. The term cannot be dwarfed into mere freedom from physical
covered by the Rule on the Writ of Amparo because the HDO is a continuing restraint of the person of the citizen, but is deemed to embrace the right of
actual restraint on his right to travel. The Court is thus called upon to rule man to enjoy the facilities with which he has been endowed by his Creator,
whether or not the right to travel is covered by the Rule on the Writ of Amparo. subject only to such restraint as are necessary for the common welfare." x x x
The rights that fall within the protective mantle of the Writ of Amparo under
Section 1 of the Rules thereon are the following: (1) right to life; (2) right to Secretary of National Defense et al. v. Manalo et al.18 thoroughly expounded
liberty; and (3) right to security. on the import of the right to security, thus:
In Secretary of National Defense et al. v. Manalo et al.,15 the Court explained A closer look at the right to security of person would yield various
the concept of right to life in this wise: permutations of the exercise of this right.
First, the right to security of person is "freedom from fear." In its "whereas" killings and enforced disappearances constitute more than a search or
clauses, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) enunciates that invasion of the body. It may constitute dismemberment, physical disabilities,
"a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and and painful physical intrusion. As the degree of physical injury increases, the
freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of danger to life itself escalates. Notably, in criminal law, physical injuries
the common people." (emphasis supplied) Some scholars postulate that constitute a crime against persons because they are an affront to the bodily
"freedom from fear" is not only an aspirational principle, but essentially an integrity or security of a person.
individual international human right. It is the "right to security of person" as the
word "security" itself means "freedom from fear." Article 3 of the UDHR xxx
provides, viz:
Third, the right to security of person is a guarantee of protection of ones rights
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. by the government. In the context of the writ of amparo, this right is built into
the guarantees of the right to life and liberty under Article III, Section 1 of the
xxx 1987 Constitution and the right to security of person (as freedom from threat
and guarantee of bodily and psychological integrity) under Article III, Section
The Philippines is a signatory to both the UDHR and the ICCPR. 2. The right to security of person in this third sense is a corollary of the policy
that the State "guarantees full respect for human rights" under Article II,
In the context of Section 1 of the Amparo Rule, "freedom from fear" is the right Section 11 of the 1987 Constitution. As the government is the chief guarantor
and any threat to the rights to life, liberty or security is the actionable wrong. of order and security, the Constitutional guarantee of the rights to life, liberty
Fear is a state of mind, a reaction; threat is a stimulus, a cause of action. Fear and security of person is rendered ineffective if government does not afford
caused by the same stimulus can range from being baseless to well-founded protection to these rights especially when they are under threat. Protection
as people react differently. The degree of fear can vary from one person to includes conducting effective investigations, organization of the government
another with the variation of the prolificacy of their imagination, strength of apparatus to extend protection to victims of extralegal killings or enforced
character or past experience with the stimulus. Thus, in the amparo context, it disappearances (or threats thereof) and/or their families, and bringing
is more correct to say that the "right to security" is actually the "freedom from offenders to the bar of justice. x x x (emphasis supplied) 19
threat." Viewed in this light, the "threatened with violation" Clause in the latter
part of Section 1 of the Amparo Rule is a form of violation of the right to The right to travel refers to the right to move from one place to another.20 As
security mentioned in the earlier part of the provision. we have stated in Marcos v. Sandiganbayan,21 "xxx a persons right to travel
is subject to the usual constraints imposed by the very necessity of
Second, the right to security of person is a guarantee of bodily and safeguarding the system of justice. In such cases, whether the accused
psychological integrity or security. Article III, Section II of the 1987 Constitution should be permitted to leave the jurisdiction for humanitarian reasons is a
guarantees that, as a general rule, ones body cannot be searched or invaded matter of the courts sound discretion." 22
without a search warrant. Physical injuries inflicted in the context of extralegal
Here, the restriction on petitioners right to travel as a consequence of the Secretary to issue an HDO.24 We quote with approval the CAs ruling on this
pendency of the criminal case filed against him was not unlawful. Petitioner matter:
has also failed to establish that his right to travel was impaired in the manner
and to the extent that it amounted to a serious violation of his right to life, The said provision [Section 22] is an affirmation by the Supreme Court of its
liberty and security, for which there exists no readily available legal recourse pronouncement in Crespo v. Mogul25 that once a complaint or information is
or remedy. filed in court, any disposition of the case such as its dismissal or its
In Canlas et al. v. Napico Homeowners Association I XIII, Inc. et al.,23 this continuation rests on the sound discretion of the court. Despite the denial of
Court ruled that: respondents MR of the dismissal of the case against petitioner, the trial court
has not lost control over Criminal Case No. 07-3126 which is still pending
This new remedy of writ of amparo which is made available by this Court is before it. By virtue of its residual power, the court a quo retains the authority to
intended for the protection of the highest possible rights of any person, which entertain incidents in the instant case to the exclusion of even this Court. The
is his or her right to life, liberty and security. The Court will not spare any time relief petitioner seeks which is the lifting of the HDO was and is available by
or effort on its part in order to give priority to petitions of this nature. However, motion in the criminal case. (Sec. 22, Rule on the Writ of amparo, supra).26
the Court will also not waste its precious time and effort on matters not
covered by the writ. Even in civil cases pending before the trial courts, the Court has no authority
to separately and directly intervene through the writ of amparo, as elucidated
We find the direct recourse to this Court inappropriate, considering the in Tapuz v. Del Rosario,27 thus:
provision of Section 22 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo which reads:
Where, as in this case, there is an ongoing civil process dealing directly with
Section 22. Effect of Filing of a Criminal Action. When a criminal action has the possessory dispute and the reported acts of violence and harassment, we
been commenced, no separate petition for the writ shall be filed. The reliefs see no point in separately and directly intervening through a writ of amparo in
under the writ shall be available by motion in the criminal case.. the absence of any clear prima facie showing that the right to life, liberty or
The procedure under this Rule shall govern the disposition of the reliefs securitythe personal concern that the writ is intended to protect is
available under the writ of amparo. immediately in danger or threatened, or that the danger or threat is continuing.
We see no legal bar, however, to an application for the issuance of the writ, in
Pursuant to the aforementioned Section 22, petitioner should have filed with a proper case, by motion in a pending case on appeal or on certiorari,
the RTC-Makati a motion to lift HDO No. 45 in Criminal Case No. 07-3126. applying by analogy the provisions on the co-existence of the writ with a
Petitioner, however, did not file in the RTC-Makati a motion to lift the DOJs separately filed criminal case.
HDO, as his co-accused did in the same criminal case. Petitioner argues that
it was not the RTC-Makati but the DOJ that issued the said HDO, and that it is Additionally, petitioner is seeking the extraordinary writ of amparo due to his
his intention not to limit his remedy to the lifting of the HDO but also to apprehension that the DOJ may deny his motion to lift the HDO.28 Petitioners
question before this Court the constitutionality of the power of the DOJ apprehension is at best merely speculative. Thus, he has failed to show any
clear threat to his right to liberty actionable through a petition for a writ of
amparo. The absence of an actual controversy also renders it unnecessary for Promulgated:
us on this occasion to pass upon the constitutionality of DOJ Circular No. 17,
Series of 1998 (Prescribing Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance of April 24, 2012
Hold Departure Orders); and Circular No. 18, Series of 2007 (Prescribing
Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance and Implementation of x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
Watchlist Orders and for Other Purposes).
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. The assailed Decision of the CA
dated February 4, 2008 in CA-G.R. No. 00011 is hereby AFFIRMED. SERENO, J.:
What the Court decides today has nothing to do with the substance or merits
SO ORDERED. surrounding the aborted deal of the Philippine government with the National
Broadband Network and ZTE Corporation, or any allegation of petitioner
EN BANC Rodolfo Noel June Lozada, Jr., (Lozada) regarding the same. There is only
one issue that we decide today whether circumstances are adequately alleged
and proven by petitioner Lozada to entitle him to the protection of the writ of
amparo. Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari of the Decision dated
12 September 2008 of the Court of Appeals (CA), dismissing the Petition for
RODOLFO NOEL LOZADA, JR., VIOLETA LOZADA and ARTURO the Issuance of a Writ of Amparo 1,
Petitioners, Petitioner Lozada was the former President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Philippine Forest Corporation (PFC), a government-owned- and -controlled
corporation under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
- versus - (DENR) 2, Petitioner Violeta Lozada (Violeta) is his wife, while petitioner
Arturo Lozada (Arturo) is his brother.
PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO, EDUARDO ERMITA, At the time the Petition for the Writ of Amparo was filed, respondent former
AVELINO RAZON, ANGEL ATUTUBO and SPO4 ROGER VALEROSO,* President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (former President Arroyo) was the
Respondents. incumbent President of the Philippines. Meanwhile, Eduardo Ermita (ES
G.R. Nos. 184379-80 Ermita) was then the Executive Secretary; Avelino Razon (Razon), the
Director General of the Philippine National Police (PNP); Angel Atutubo
(Atutubo), the Assistant General Manager for Security and Emergency
Services of the Manila International Airport Authority; and Rodolfo Valeroso
(Valeroso), an agent of the Aviation Security Group (ASG) of the PNP. In the Petition, Lozada claims that, upon disembarking from the aircraft,
several men held his arms and took his bag. Although he allegedly insisted on
Antecedent Facts meeting with his family, he later realized that it was wiser to just follow them,
especially when he overheard from their handheld radio: [H]wag kayong
The instant Petition stems from the alleged corruption scandal precipitated by dumaan diyan sir nandyan ang mga taga senado 13,
a transaction between the Philippine government, represented by the National
Broadband Network (NBN), and ZTE Corporation (ZTE), a Chinese Lozada asked if he could go to the comfort room, an opportunity he used to
manufacturer of telecommunications equipment 3, Former National Economic call up his brother, petitioner Arturo, and inform him of his situation 14, The
Development Authority (NEDA) Secretary Romulo Neri (Sec. Neri) sought the men thereafter led him through the departure area of the airport and into a car
services of Lozada as an unofficial consultant in the ZTE-NBN deal] The latter waiting for them 15, They made him sit alone at the back of the vehicle, while
avers that during the course of his engagement, he discovered several a man, whom he later discovered to be respondent Valeroso, took the
anomalies in the said transaction involving certain public officials These passenger seat and was always in contact with other individuals 16, Lozada
events impelled the Senate of the Philippines Blue Ribbon Committee (Blue observed that other cars tailed their vehicle 17,
Ribbon Committee) to conduct an investigation thereon,[if for which it issued Sec. Atienza then phoned Lozada, assuring the latter that he was with people
a subpoena directing Lozada to appear and testify on 30 January 2008 from the government, and that the former was going to confer with ES and
Ma[a]m. Lozada surmised that these individuals referred to ES Ermita and
On that date, instead of appearing before the Blue Ribbon Committee, Lozada former President Arroyo, respectively 18, Sec. Atienza also purportedly
left the country for a purported official trip to London, as announced by then instructed Lozada to pacify his wife, petitioner Violeta, who was making public
DENR Secretary Lito Atienza (Sec. Atienza][8, In the Petition, Lozada alleged statements asking for her husbands return 19,
that his failure to appear at the scheduled hearing was upon the instructions of
then Executive Assistant Undersecretary Manuel Gaite (Usec. Gaite).[if 9, The vehicle traversed the South Luzon Expressway and drove towards the
Consequently, the Senate issued an Order dated 30 January 2008: (a) citing direction of Laguna 20, Along the way, the men asked Lozada to draft an
Lozada for contempt; (b) ordering his arrest and detention; and (c) directing antedated letter requesting police protection 21,
the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms to implement the Order and make a return
thereon. Lozada requested that he be brought home to Pasig, but the men were
allegedly compelled to deny his request on account of unidentified security
While overseas, Lozada asked Sec. Atienza whether the former could be risks 22, Eventually, however, the vehicle turned around and drove to Libis,
allowed to go back to the Philippines. Upon the approval of Sec. Atienza, Quezon City. The group stopped at The Outback restaurant to meet with
Lozada informed his family that he was returning from Hong Kong on 5 certain individuals, who turned out to be Atty. Antonio Bautista (Atty. Bautista)
February 2008 on board Cathay Pacific Flight No. 919, bound to arrive in and Colonel Paul Mascarinas (Col. Mascarinas) of the Police Special
Manila at 4:40 p.m. on the same day 12,
Protection Office (PSPO). At the restaurant, Lozada claimed that he was ZTE deal. Sec. Defensor then purportedly gave Lozada P50,000 for the latters
made to fill in the blanks of a prepared affidavit 23, expenses 32,
After the meeting, the men informed Lozada that they were going to billet him On 7 February 2008, Lozada decided to hold a press conference and contact
in a hotel for a night, but he suggested that they take him to La Salle Green the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms, who served the warrant of arrest on him 33,
Hills instead. The men acquiesced 24, Lozada claimed that after his press conference and testimony in the Senate,
he and his family were since then harassed, stalked and threatened 34,
Upon arriving in La Salle Green Hills, Lozada was met by Violeta and his
sister, Carmen Lozada (Carmen) 25, He observed that the perimeter was On the same day, this Court issued a Resolution (a) consolidating the Habeas
guarded by policemen, purportedly restraining his liberty and threatening not Corpus case and the Amparo case; (b) requiring respondents in the Habeas
only his security, but also that of his family and the De La Salle brothers 26, Corpus case to comment on the Petition; (c) issuing a Writ of Amparo; (d)
ordering respondents in the Amparo case to file their verified Return; (e)
On 6 February 2008, at around 10:00 a.m., Col. Mascarinas supposedly referring the consolidated Petitions to the CA; and (f) directing the CA to set
brought Lozada to the office of Atty. Bautista to finalize and sign an affidavit the cases for hearing on 14 February 2008 35, Accordingly, the court a quo
27, set both cases for hearing on 14 February 2008 36,
At about 1:00 p.m., Violeta filed before this Court a Petition for Habeas On 12 February 2008, respondents filed before the CA a Manifestation and
Corpus,f docketed as G.R. No. 181342 (the Habeas Corpus case) 28, Arturo Motion, praying for the dismissal of the Habeas Corpus case 37, They
likewise filed before this Court a Petition for a Writ of Amparo, docketed as asserted that Lozada was never illegally deprived of his liberty and was, at
G.R. No. 181356 (the Amparo case), and prayed for the issuance of (a) the that time, no longer in their custody. They likewise averred that, beginning 8
writ of amparo; (b) a Temporary Protection Order (TPO); and (c) Inspection February 2008, Lozada had already been under the supervision of the Senate
and Production Orders as regards documents related to the authority ordering and, from then on, had been testifying before it 38,
custody over Lozada, as well as any other document that would show
responsibility for his alleged abduction 29, In their verified Return, respondents claimed that Sec. Atienza had arranged
for the provision of a security team to be assigned to Lozada, who was then
At around the same time that Arturo filed the Petition for a Writ of Amparo, fearful for his safety 39, In effect, respondents asserted that Lozada had
Col. Mascarinas drove Lozada back to La Salle Green Hills 30, Lozada was knowledge and control of the events that took place on 5 February 2008,
then made to sign a typewritten, antedated letter requesting police protection voluntarily entrusted himself to their company, and was never deprived of his
31, Thereafter, former Presidential Spokesperson Michael Defensor (Sec. liberty. Hence, respondents prayed for the denial of the interim reliefs and the
Defensor) supposedly came and requested Lozada to refute reports that the dismissal of the Petition 40,
latter was kidnapped and to deny knowledge of alleged anomalies in the NBN-
During the initial hearing on 14 February 2008, Lozada and Violeta ratified the respondents violated, or threatened with violation, the right to life, liberty and
Petition in the Amparo case,41, to comply with Section 2 of the Rule on the security of Lozada.
Writ of Amparo,,42, which imposes an order to be followed by those who can
sue for the writ 43, The CA also dismissed the Habeas Corpus case in open Petitioners thus filed the instant Petition, praying for: (a) the reversal of the
court for being moot and academic, as Lozada was physically present and assailed CA Decision; (b) the issuance of the TPO; and (c) the accreditation of
was not confined or detained by any of the respondents 44, Considering that the Association of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines and the De La
petitioners failed to question the dismissal of the Habeas Corpus case, the Salle Brothers as the sanctuaries of Lozada and his family 54, In the
said dismissal had lapsed into finality, leaving only the Amparo case open for alternative, petitioners pray that this Court remand the case to the CA for
disposition. further hearings and reverse the latters Orders: (a) denying the Motion to
Issue a Subpoena Ad Testificandum and (b) dropping former President Arroyo
Thereafter, Lozada filed a Motion for Temporary Protection Order and as a respondent. Petitioners raise the following issues:
Production of Documents,,45, while Arturo filed a Motion for Production of
Documents 46, Additionally, Arturo also filed a Motion for the Issuance of Whether the Court a [q]uo erred in ruling to dismiss the petition for a writ of
Subpoena Ad Testificandum and Presentation of Hostile Witnesses and amparo and deny Petitioners prayer for a Temporary Protection Order, inter
Adverse Parties Romulo Neri, Benjamin Abalos, [Sr.], Rodolfo Valeroso, Jaime alia, because there is no substantial evidence to prove that the right to life,
the Driver and Other Respondents. Respondents opposed these motions 47, liberty or security of Jun Lozada was violated or threatened with violation. This
The CA denied the Motion for the Issuance of Subpoena on the ground that rule is not in accord with the rule on the writ of amparo and Supreme Court
the alleged acts and statements attributed to Sec. Neri and Benjamin Abalos jurisprudence on substantial evidence[.]
(Abalos) were irrelevant to the Amparo case, and that to require them to testify
would only result in a fishing expedition 48, The CA likewise denied Arturos Whether the Ponencia erred and gravely abused its discretion by prematurely
subsequent Motion for Reconsideration 49, ruling that the testimony of witnesses which Petitioners sought to present and
who are subject of the Motion for Issuance of Subpoena ad testificandum
In its Resolution dated 5 March 2008, the CA dropped former President Arroyo were irrelevant to the Petition for a Writ of Amparo in a way not in accord with
as a respondent on the ground that at the time the Petition in the Amparo case the Rules of Court and Supreme Court decisions.
was filed, she was still the incumbent President enjoying immunity from suit
50, Arturo filed a Motion for Reconsideration,,51, which the CA denied in its ]Whether the Court a quo erred in using and considering the affidavits of
Resolution dated 25 March 2008 52, respondents in coming up with the questioned decision when these were not
offered as evidence and were not subjected to cross-examination. This ruling
On 12 September 2008, the CA rendered its Decision denying petitioners the is not in accord with the Rules of Court and jurisprudence.
privilege of the Writ of Amparo and dismissing the Petition 53, The CA found
that petitioners were unable to prove through substantial evidence that Whether the Court a [q]uo erred in dropping as respondent Pres. Gloria
Arroyo despite her failure to submit a verified return and personally claim
presidential immunity in a way not in accord with the Rule on the Writ of ,I. Whether the CA committed an error in dropping former President Arroyo
Amparo as a respondent in the Amparo case.
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) asserts that petitioners failed to ,II. Whether the CA committed an error in denying petitioners Motion for the
adduce substantial evidence, as the allegations they propounded in support of Issuance of a Subpoena Ad Testificandum.
their Petition were largely hearsay The OSG also maintains that it was proper III. Whether petitioners should be granted the privilege of the writ of amparo.
for the CA to have dropped former President Arroyo as respondent on account
of her presidential immunity from suit Discussion
Respondent Atutubo also alleges, among others, that: (a) Lozada voluntarily The writ of amparo is an independent and summary remedy that provides
asked for security and protection; (b) Lozada willingly submitted himself to the rapid judicial relief to protect the peoples right to life, liberty and security 62,
company of the police escorts; (c) Atutubo merely accompanied him to pass Having been originally intended as a response to the alarming cases of
through the contingency route customarily provided to VIP passengers, public extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances in the country, it serves
figures, foreign dignitaries, and the like; and (d) Atutubo only performed his job both preventive and curative roles to address the said human rights violations.
to ensure security and maintain order at the airport upon the arrival of Lozada It is preventive in that it breaks the expectation of impunity in the commission
of these offenses, and it is curative in that it facilitates the subsequent
In the face of these assertions by respondents, petitioners nevertheless insist punishment of perpetrators by inevitably leading to subsequent investigation
that while they have sufficiently established that Lozada was taken against his and action 63,
will and was put under restraint, respondents have failed to discharge their
own burden to prove that they exercised extraordinary diligence as public As it stands, the writ of amparo is confined only to cases of extrajudicial
officials 59, Petitioners also maintain that it was erroneous for the CA to have killings and enforced disappearances, or to threats thereof 64, Considering
denied their motion for subpoena ad testificandum for being irrelevant, given that this remedy is aimed at addressing these serious violations of or threats
that the relevancy of evidence must be examined after it is offered, and not to the right to life, liberty and security, it cannot be issued on amorphous and
before 60, Finally, petitioners contend that the presidential immunity from suit uncertain grounds,,65, or in cases where the alleged threat has ceased and is
cannot be invoked in amparo actions no longer imminent or continuing 66, Instead, it must be granted judiciously so
as not to dilute the extraordinary and remedial character of the writ, thus:
The privilege of the writ of amparo is envisioned basically to protect and
In ruling on whether the CA committed reversible error in issuing its assailed guarantee the rights to life, liberty, and security of persons, free from fears and
Decision, three issues must be discussed: threats that vitiate the quality of this life. It is an extraordinary writ
conceptualized and adopted in light of and in response to the prevalence of
extra-legal killings and enforced disappearances. Accordingly, the remedy
ought to be resorted to and granted judiciously, lest the ideal sought by the any unlawful act or omission on her part that violated, or threatened with
Amparo Rule be diluted and undermined by the indiscriminate filing of amparo violation, the right to life, liberty and security of Lozada. Except for the bare
petitions for purposes less than the desire to secure amparo reliefs and claims that: (a) Sec. Atienza mentioned a certain Ma[a]m,,70, whom Lozada
protection and/or on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations 67, (Emphasis speculated to have referred to her, and (b) Sec. Defensor told Lozada that the
supplied.) President was hurting from all the media frenzy,,71, there is nothing in the
records that would sufficiently establish the link of former President Arroyo to
Using this perspective as the working framework for evaluating the assailed the events that transpired on 5-6 February 2010, as well as to the subsequent
CA decision and the evidence adduced by the parties, this Court denies the threats that Lozada and his family purportedly received.
Second issue: Denial of the issuance of a subpoena ad testificandum
First issue: Presidential immunity from suit This Court, in Roco v. Contreras,,72, ruled that for a subpoena to issue, it
It is settled in jurisprudence that the President enjoys immunity from suit must first appear that the person or documents sought to be presented are
during his or her tenure of office or actual incumbency 68, Conversely, this prima facie relevant to the issue subject of the controversy, to wit:
presidential privilege of immunity cannot be invoked by a non-sitting president
even for acts committed during his or her tenure 69, A subpoena is a process directed to a person requiring him to attend and to
testify at the hearing or trial of an action or at any investigation conducted
In the case at bar, the events that gave rise to the present action, as well as under the laws of the Philippines, or for the taking of his deposition.
the filing of the original Petition and the issuance of the CA Decision, occurred
during the incumbency of former President Arroyo. In that respect, it was In this jurisdiction, there are two (2) kinds of subpoena, to wit: subpoena ad
proper for the court a quo to have dropped her as a respondent on account of testificandum and subpoena duces tecum. The first is used to compel a
her presidential immunity from suit. person to testify, while the second is used to compel the production of books,
records, things or documents therein specified. As characterized in H.C.
It must be underscored, however, that since her tenure of office has already Liebenow vs. The Philippine Vegetable Oil Company:
ended, former President Arroyo can no longer invoke the privilege of
presidential immunity as a defense to evade judicial determination of her The subpoena duces tecum is, in all respects, like the ordinary subpoena ad
responsibility or accountability for the alleged violation or threatened violation testificandum with the exception that it concludes with an injunction that the
of the right to life, liberty and security of Lozada. witness shall bring with him and produce at the examination the books,
documents, or things described in the subpoena.
Nonetheless, examining the merits of the case still results in the denial of the
Petition on the issue of former President Arroyos alleged responsibility or Well-settled is the rule that before a subpoena duces tecum may issue, the
accountability. A thorough examination of the allegations postulated and the court must first be satisfied that the following requisites are present: (1) the
evidence adduced by petitioners reveals their failure to sufficiently establish books, documents or other things requested must appear prima facie relevant
to the issue subject of the controversy (test of relevancy); and (2) such books Although the present action is rooted from the involvement of Lozada in the
must be reasonably described by the parties to be readily identified (test of said government transaction, the testimonies of Sec. Neri or Abalos are
definiteness) 73, (Emphasis supplied.) nevertheless not prima facie relevant to the main issue of whether there was
an unlawful act or omission on the part of respondents that violated the right
In the present case, the CA correctly denied petitioners Motion for the to life, liberty and security of Lozada. Thus, the CA did not commit any
Issuance of Subpoena Ad Testificandum on the ground that the testimonies of reversible error in denying the Motion for the Issuance of Subpoena Ad
the witnesses sought to be presented during trial were prima facie irrelevant to Testificandum.
the issues of the case. The court a quo aptly ruled in this manner:
Third issue: Grant of the privilege of the writ of amparo
The alleged acts and statements attributed by the petitioner to Neri and
Abalos are not relevant to the instant Amparo Petition where the issue ,A. .Alleged violation of or threat to the right to life, liberty and security
involved is whether or not Lozadas right to life, liberty and security was of Lozada
threatened or continues to be threatened with violation by the unlawful act/s of
the respondents. Evidence, to be relevant, must have such a relation to the Sections 17 and 18 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo requires the parties to
fact in issue as to induce belief in its existence or nonexistence. Further, Neri, establish their claims by substantial evidence,,75, or such relevant evidence
Abalos and a certain driver Jaime are not respondents in this Amparo Petition as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion 76,
and the vague allegations averred in the Motion with respect to them do not The use of this evidentiary threshold reveals the clear intent of the framers of
pass the test of relevancy. To Our mind, petitioner appears to be embarking on the Rule on the Writ of Amparo to have the equivalent of an administrative
a fishing expedition. Petitioner should present the aggrieved party [Lozada], proceeding, albeit judicially conducted, in addressing amparo situations 77,
who has been regularly attending the hearings, to prove the allegations in the
Amparo Petition, instead of dragging the names of other people into the In cases where the violation of the right to life, liberty or security has already
picture. We have repeatedly reminded the parties, in the course of the ceased, it is necessary for the petitioner in an amparo action to prove the
proceedings, that the instant Amparo Petition does not involve the existence of a continuing threat 78, Thus, this Court held in its Resolution in
investigation of the ZTE-[NBN] contract. Petitioner should focus on the fact in Razon v. Tagitis:,79,
issue and not embroil this Court into said ZTE-NBN contract, which is now
being investigated by the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee and the Office of the Manalo is different from Tagitis in terms of their factual settings, as enforced
Ombudsman 74, (Emphasis supplied.) disappearance was no longer a problem in that case. The enforced
disappearance of the brothers Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo effectively
All the references of petitioners to either Sec. Neri or Abalos were solely with ended when they escaped from captivity and surfaced, while Tagitis is still
respect to the ZTE-NBN deal, and not to the events that transpired on 5-6 nowhere to be found and remains missing more than two years after his
February 2008, or to the ensuing threats that petitioners purportedly received. reported disappearance. An Amparo situation subsisted in Manalo, however,
because of the continuing threat to the brothers right to security; the brothers
claimed that since the persons responsible for their enforced disappearance [Lozada] could have passed through immigration so that his passport could be
were still at large and had not been held accountable, the former were still properly stamped.
under the threat of being once again abducted, kept captive or even killed,
which threat constituted a direct violation of their right to security of person 80, This Court does not find any evidence on record that [Lozada] struggled or
(Emphasis supplied.) made an outcry for help when he was allegedly grabbed or abducted at the
In the present case, the totality of the evidence adduced by petitioners failed airport. [Lozada] even testified that nobody held him, and they were not hostile
to meet the threshold of substantial evidence. Sifting through all the evidence to him nor shouted at him. With noon day clarity, this Court finds that the
and allegations presented, the crux of the case boils down to assessing the reason why [Lozada] was fetched at the airport was to help him avoid the
veracity and credibility of the parties diverging claims as to what actually Senate contingent, who would arrest and detain him at the Office of the
transpired on 5-6 February 2008. In this regard, this Court is in agreement Senate Sergeant-at-Arms, until such time that he would appear and give his
with the factual findings of the CA to the extent that Lozada was not illegally testimony, pursuant to the Order of the Senate on the NBN-ZTE Project.
deprived of his liberty from the point when he disembarked from the aircraft up [Lozada] clearly knew this because at that time, it was still his decision not to
to the time he was led to the departure area of the airport,,81, as he testify before the Senate. He agreed with that plan 82, (Emphases supplied.)
voluntarily submitted himself to the custody of respondents: The foregoing statements show that Lozada personally sought the help of
Sec. Atienza to avoid the Senate personnel, and thus knew that the men who
[Lozada] was one of the first few passengers to get off the plane because he met him at the airport were there to aid him in such objective. Surely, the
was instructed by Secretary Atienza, th[r]ough a phone call on the night of 04 actions of Lozada evinced knowledge and voluntariness, uncharacteristic of
February 2008, while he was still in Hong Kong, to proceed directly to the someone who claims to have been forcibly abducted.
Bureau of Immigration so that few people would notice him and he could be
facilitated in going out of the airport without any hassle from the people of the However, these mens subsequent acts of directing Lozada to board the
Senate Sergeant-at-Arms. Again, [Lozada] stated that he wanted to get away vehicle and driving him around, without disclosing the exact purpose thereof,
from the Senate people. [Lozada] even went to the mens room of the airport, appear to be beyond what he had consented to and requested from Sec.
after he was allegedly grabbed, where he made a call to his brother Arturo, Atienza. These men neither informed him of where he was being transported
using his Globe phone, and he was not prevented from making said call, and nor provided him complete liberty to contact his family members to assure
was simply advised by the person who met him at the tube to (sic) sir, bilisan them of his safety. These acts demonstrated that he lacked absolute control
mo na. When they proceeded out of the tube and while walking, [Lozada] over the situation, as well as an effective capacity to challenge their
heard from the radio track down, wag kayo dyan, sir, nandyan yong mga taga instructions.
Senado, so they took a detour and went up to the departure area, did not go
out of the normal arrival area, and proceeded towards the elevator near the Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that if Lozada had in fact been illegally
Duty Free Shop and then down towards the tarmac. Since [Lozada] was restrained, so much so that his right to liberty and security had been violated,
avoiding the people from the Office of the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms, said the acts that manifested this restraint had already ceased and has
detour appears to explain why they did not get out at the arrival area, where consequently rendered the grant of the privilege of the writ of amparo moot.
Whether or not Lozada was deprived of his liberty from the point when he was the bomb threats were made by the respondents or done upon their
led inside the vehicle waiting for him at the airport up to the time he was taken instigation.
to La Salle Green Hills, petitioners assertions that Lozada and his family
continue to suffer various threats from respondents remain unproven. The CA Moreover, [Lozada] views the pronouncement of the Secretary of Justice that
correctly found as follows: he was put on the watch list of the Bureau of Immigration as a threat to his life,
liberty and security. This alleged threat is again unsupported by evidence, as
The supposed announcement of General Razon over the radio that [Lozada] in fact, [Lozada] testified that he did not ascertain from the Bureau of
was in the custody of the PNP can neither be construed as a threat to Immigration whether his name was actually in the official watch list of the
[Lozadas] life, liberty and security. Certainly, no person in his right mind would Bureau. At any rate, the Secretary of Justice is not one of the respondents in
make that kind of media announcement if his intent was indeed to threaten the amparo petition, and there is no showing in the record that it was the
somebodys life, liberty and security. respondents who ordered the same for the purpose of threatening him.
xxx xxx xxx [Lozada] harps on the filing of alleged frivolous cases against him and his
family as threat to his life, liberty and security. xxx However, [Lozada] himself
He claims that he is threatened by the alleged presence of armed men riding testified that he does not know whether the respondents or any of the
in motorcycle passing outside the De La Salle premises where he and his respondents ordered the filing of these cases against him. In any event, said
family are staying and by alleged threats of armed men around him at places purported cases are to be determined based on their own merits and are
where he went to. Again, these alleged threats were not proven by any clearly beyond the realm of the instant amparo petition filed against the
evidence at all, as having originated from any of the respondents. respondents 83, (Emphasis supplied.)
[Lozada] also considers the installation of the surveillance camera at the De Finally, petitioners insist that while they were able to sufficiently establish their
La Salle and at St. Scholastica as indirect threat to his right to life, liberty and case by the required evidentiary standard, respondents failed to discharge
security. He claims that these are spy cameras. However, save for [Lozadas] their burden to prove their defenses by substantial evidence and to show that
self-serving claim, he simply failed to prove that they were installed or ordered respondents exercised extraordinary diligence as required by the Rule on the
installed by the respondents for the purpose of threatening his right to life, Writ of Amparo 84, This Court has squarely passed upon this contention in
liberty and security. Yano v. Sanchez,,85, to wit:
[Lozada] further maintains that there is an alleged trend, i.e., wherever he The failure to establish that the public official observed extraordinary diligence
goes, there is a bomb threat. There were bomb threats in the places where he in the performance of duty does not result in the automatic grant of the
went to like in [the Polytechnic University of the Philippines], Dagupan, Cebu privilege of the amparo writ. It does not relieve the petitioner from establishing
and Bohol. However, [Lozada] himself testified that he did not try to ascertain his or her claim by substantial evidence.
where the bomb threats emanated. Plainly, there is no evidence on record that
Thus, in amparo actions, petitioners must establish their claims by substantial facie case against the five (5) impleaded individuals suspected to be actually
evidence, and they cannot merely rely on the supposed failure of respondents involved in the detention of Lourdes have been set in motion. It must be
to prove either their defenses or their exercise of extraordinary diligence. In pointed out, though, that the filing of the OMB complaint came before the
this case, the totality of the evidence presented by petitioners fails to meet the effectivity of the Amparo Rule on October 24, 2007.
requisite evidentiary threshold, and the privilege of the writ of amparo has
already been rendered moot and academic by the cessation of the restraint to Second, Sec. 22 of the Amparo Rule proscribes the filing of an amparo
Lozadas liberty. petition should a criminal action have, in the meanwhile, been commenced.
The succeeding Sec. 23, on the other hand, provides that when the criminal
,B. .Propriety of the privilege of the writ of amparo and its interim suit is filed subsequent to a petition for amparo, the petition shall be
reliefs consolidated with the criminal action where the Amparo Rule shall
nonetheless govern the disposition of the relief under the Rule. Under the
As previously discussed, there is no basis to grant Lozada the privilege of the terms of said Sec. 22, the present petition ought to have been dismissed at
writ of amparo, considering that the illegal restraint alleged in this case had the outset. But as things stand, the outright dismissal of the petition by force of
already ceased and there is no imminent or continuing restriction on his that section is no longer technically feasible in light of the interplay of the
liberty. In Castillo v. Cruz,,86, this Court held as follows: following factual mix: (1) the Court has, pursuant to Sec. 6 of the Rule, already
issued ex parte the writ of amparo; (2) the CA, after a summary hearing, has
Although respondents release from confinement does not necessarily hinder dismissed the petition, but not on the basis of Sec. 22; and (3) the complaint
supplication for the writ of amparo, absent any evidence or even an allegation in OMB-P-C-O7-0602-E named as respondents only those believed to be the
in the petition that there is undue and continuing restraint on their liberty, actual abductors of Lourdes, while the instant petition impleaded, in addition,
and/or that there exists threat or intimidation that destroys the efficacy of their those tasked to investigate the kidnapping and detention incidents and their
right to be secure in their persons, the issuance of the writ cannot be justified. superiors at the top. Yet, the acts and/or omissions subject of the criminal
(Emphasis supplied.) complaint and the amparo petition are so linked as to call for the consolidation
of both proceedings to obviate the mischief inherent in a multiplicity-of-suits
Further, it appears that Lozada had already filed before the Department of situation.
Justice (DOJ) a Complaint charging respondents with kidnapping and
attempted murder, docketed as I.S. No. 2008-467 87, In this regard, this Given the above perspective and to fully apply the beneficial nature of the writ
Courts ruling in Rubrico v. Arroyo,88, is worth considering: of amparo as an inexpensive and effective tool to protect certain rights
violated or threatened to be violated, the Court hereby adjusts to a degree the
First, a criminal complaint for kidnapping and, alternatively, for arbitrary literal application of Secs. 22 and 23 of the Amparo Rule to fittingly address
detention rooted in the same acts and incidents leading to the filing of the the situation obtaining under the premises. Towards this end, two things are at
subject amparo petition has been instituted with the OMB, docketed as OMB- once indicated: (1) the consolidation of the probe and fact-finding aspects of
P-C-O7-0602-E. The usual initial steps to determine the existence of a prima the instant petition with the investigation of the criminal complaint before the
OMB; and (2) the incorporation in the same criminal complaint of the
allegations in this petition bearing on the threats to the right to security. Withal, SO ORDERED.
the OMB should be furnished copies of the investigation reports to aid that
body in its own investigation and eventual resolution of OMB-P-C-O7-0602-E.
Then, too, the OMB shall be given easy access to all pertinent documents and G.R. No. 183871 February 18, 2010
evidence, if any, adduced before the CA. Necessarily, Lourdes, as
complainant in OMB-P-C-O7-0602-E, should be allowed, if so minded, to LOURDES D. RUBRICO, JEAN RUBRICO APRUEBO, and MARY JOY
amend her basic criminal complaint if the consolidation of cases is to be fully RUBRICO CARBONEL, Petitioners,
effective. (Emphasis supplied.) vs.
Thus, if the Complaint filed before the DOJ had already progressed into a GEN. AVELINO RAZON, MAJ. DARWIN SY a.k.a. DARWIN REYES, JIMMY
criminal case, then the latter action can more adequately dispose of the SANTANA, RUBEN ALFARO, CAPT. ANGELO CUARESMA, a certain
allegations made by petitioners. After all, one of the ultimate objectives of the JONATHAN, P/SUPT. EDGAR B. ROQUERO, ARSENIO C. GOMEZ, and
writ of amparo as a curative remedy is to facilitate the subsequent punishment OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN, Respondents.
of perpetrators 89, On the other hand, if there is no actual criminal case
lodged before the courts, then the denial of the Petition is without prejudice to DECISION
the filing of the appropriate administrative, civil or criminal case, if applicable,
against those individuals whom Lozada deems to have unduly restrained his VELASCO, JR., J.:
Finally, with respect to the interim reliefs sought by petitioners, this Court, in In this petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court in relation to
Yano v. Sanchez,,90, declined to grant the prayer for the issuance of a TPO, Section 191 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo2 (Amparo Rule), Lourdes D.
as well as Inspection and Production Orders, upon a finding that the Rubrico, Jean Rubrico Apruebo, and Mary Joy Rubrico Carbonel assail and
implicated public officials were not accountable for the disappearance subject seek to set aside the Decision3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) dated July 31,
of that case. Analogously, it would be incongruous to grant herein petitioners 2008 in CA-G.R. SP No. 00003, a petition commenced under the Amparo
prayer for a TPO and Inspection and Production Orders and at the same time Rule.
rule that there no longer exists any imminent or continuing threat to Lozadas The petition for the writ of amparo dated October 25, 2007 was originally filed
right to life, liberty and security. Thus, there is no basis on which a prayer for before this Court. After issuing the desired writ and directing the respondents
the issuance of these interim reliefs can be anchored. to file a verified written return, the Court referred the petition to the CA for
summary hearing and appropriate action. The petition and its attachments
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED for being moot and academic. contained, in substance, the following allegations:
The Court of Appeals denial of the privilege of the writ of amparo is hereby
1. On April 3, 2007, armed men belonging to the 301st Air Intelligence and City, but nothing has happened; and the threats and harassment incidents
Security Squadron (AISS, for short) based in Fernando Air Base in Lipa City have been reported to the Dasmarias municipal and Cavite provincial police
abducted Lourdes D. Rubrico (Lourdes), then attending a Lenten pabasa in stations, but nothing eventful resulted from their respective investigations.
Bagong Bayan, Dasmarias, Cavite, and brought to, and detained at, the air
base without charges. Following a week of relentless interrogation - conducted Two of the four witnesses to Lourdes abduction went into hiding after being
alternately by hooded individuals - and what amounts to verbal abuse and visited by government agents in civilian clothes; and
mental harassment, Lourdes, chair of the Ugnayan ng Maralita para sa Gawa 5. Karapatan conducted an investigation on the incidents. The investigation
Adhikan, was released at Dasmarias, Cavite, her hometown, but only after would indicate that men belonging to the Armed Forces of the Philippines
being made to sign a statement that she would be a military asset. (AFP), namely Capt. Cuaresma of the Philippine Air Force (PAF), Alfaro,
Santana, Jonathan and Maj. Darwin Sy/Reyes, led the abduction of Lourdes;
After Lourdes release, the harassment, coming in the form of being tailed on that unknown to the abductors, Lourdes was able to pilfer a "mission order"
at least two occasions at different places, i.e., Dasmarias, Cavite and which was addressed to CA Ruben Alfaro and signed by Capt. Cuaresma of
Baclaran in Pasay City, by motorcycle-riding men in bonnets, continued; the PAF.
2. During the time Lourdes was missing, P/Sr. Insp. Arsenio Gomez (P/Insp. The petition prayed that a writ of amparo issue, ordering the individual
Gomez), then sub-station commander of Bagong Bayan, Dasmarias, Cavite, respondents to desist from performing any threatening act against the security
kept sending text messages to Lourdes daughter, Mary Joy R. Carbonel of the petitioners and for the Office of the Ombudsman (OMB) to immediately
(Mary Joy), bringing her to beaches and asking her questions about file an information for kidnapping qualified with the aggravating circumstance
Karapatan, an alliance of human rights organizations. He, however, failed to of gender of the offended party. It also prayed for damages and for
make an investigation even after Lourdes disappearance had been made respondents to produce documents submitted to any of them on the case of
known to him; Lourdes.
3. A week after Lourdes release, another daughter, Jean R. Apruebo (Jean), Before the CA, respondents President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Gen.
was constrained to leave their house because of the presence of men Hermogenes Esperon, then Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of
watching them; Staff, Police Director-General (P/Dir. Gen.) Avelino Razon, then Philippine
National Police (PNP) Chief, Police Superintendent (P/Supt.) Roquero of the
4. Lourdes has filed with the Office of the Ombudsman a criminal complaint Cavite Police Provincial Office, Police Inspector (P/Insp.) Gomez, now retired,
for kidnapping and arbitrary detention and administrative complaint for gross and the OMB (answering respondents, collectively) filed, through the Office of
abuse of authority and grave misconduct against Capt. Angelo Cuaresma the Solicitor General (OSG), a joint return on the writ specifically denying the
(Cuaresma), Ruben Alfaro (Alfaro), Jimmy Santana (Santana) and a certain material inculpatory averments against them. The OSG also denied the
Jonathan, c/o Headquarters 301st AISS, Fernando Air Base and Maj. allegations against the following impleaded persons, namely: Cuaresma,
Sy/Reyes with address at No. 09 Amsterdam Ext., Merville Subd., Paraaque Alfaro, Santana, Jonathan, and Sy/Reyes, for lack of knowledge or information
sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations truth. And by way of general one Jonathan do not appear in the police personnel records, although the
affirmative defenses, answering respondents interposed the following PNP files carry the name of Darwin Reyes Y. Muga.
defenses: (1) the President may not be sued during her incumbency; and (2)
the petition is incomplete, as it fails to indicate the matters required by Sec. Per the initial investigation report of the Dasmarias municipal police station,
5(d) and (e) of the Amparo Rule.4 P/Dir. Gen. Razon disclosed, Lourdes was abducted by six armed men in the
afternoon of April 3, 2007 and dragged aboard a Toyota Revo with plate
Attached to the return were the affidavits of the following, among other public number XRR 428, which plate was issued for a Mitsubishi van to AK Cottage
officials, containing their respective affirmative defenses and/or statements of Industry with address at 9 Amsterdam St., Merville Subd., Paraaque City.
what they had undertaken or committed to undertake regarding the claimed The person residing in the apartment on that given address is one
disappearance of Lourdes and the harassments made to bear on her and her Darius/Erwin See @ Darius Reyes allegedly working, per the latters house
daughters: helper, in Camp Aguinaldo.
1. Gen. Esperon attested that, pursuant to a directive of then Secretary of P/Dir. Gen. Razon, however, bemoaned the fact that Mrs. Rubrico never
National Defense (SND) Gilberto C. Teodoro, Jr., he ordered the Commanding contacted nor coordinated with the local police or other investigating units of
General of the PAF, with information to all concerned units, to conduct an the PNP after her release, although she is in the best position to establish the
investigation to establish the circumstances behind the disappearance and the identity of her abductors and/or provide positive description through composite
reappearance of Lourdes insofar as the involvement of alleged personnel/unit sketching. Nonetheless, he manifested that the PNP is ready to assist and
is concerned. The Provost Marshall General and the Office of the Judge protect the petitioners and the key witnesses from threats, harassments and
Advocate General (JAGO), AFP, also undertook a parallel action. intimidation from whatever source and, at the same time, to assist the Court in
the implementation of its orders
Gen. Esperon manifested his resolve to provide the CA with material results of
the investigation; to continue with the probe on the alleged abduction of 3. P/Supt. Roquero stated conducting, upon receipt of Lourdes complaint,
Lourdes and to bring those responsible, including military personnel, to the an investigation and submitting the corresponding report to the PNP
bar of justice when warranted by the findings and the competent evidence that Calabarzon, observing that neither Lourdes nor her relatives provided the
may be gathered in the investigation process by those mandated to look into police with relevant information;
the matter;5
4. P/Insp. Gomez alleged that Lourdes, her kin and witnesses refused to
2. P/Dir. Gen. Razon - stated that an investigation he immediately ordered cooperate with the investigating Cavite PNP; and
upon receiving a copy of the petition is on-going vis--vis Lourdes abduction,
and that a background verification with the PNP Personnel Accounting and 5. Overall Deputy Ombudsman Orlando Casimiro - alleged that cases for
Information System disclosed that the names Santana, Alfaro, Cuaresma and violation of Articles 267 and 124, or kidnapping and arbitrary detention,
respectively, have been filed with, and are under preliminary investigation by
the OMB against those believed to be involved in Lourdes kidnapping; that the answering respondents were concerned. The fallo of the CA decision
upon receipt of the petition for a writ of amparo, proper coordination was made reads as follows:
with the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and other Law
Enforcement Offices (MOLEO) where the subject criminal and administrative WHEREFORE, premises considered, partial judgment is hereby rendered
complaints were filed. DISMISSING the instant petition with respect to respondent Gen.
Hermogenes Esperon, P/Dir. Gen. Avelino Razon, Supt. Edgar B. Roquero,
Commenting on the return, petitioners pointed out that the return was no more P/Sr. Insp. Arsenio C. Gomez (ret.) and the Office of the Ombudsman.
than a general denial of averments in the petition. They, thus, pleaded to be
allowed to present evidence ex parte against the President, Santana, Alfaro, Nevertheless, in order that petitioners complaint will not end up as another
Capt. Cuaresma, Darwin Sy, and Jonathan. And with leave of court, they also unsolved case, the heads of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the
asked to serve notice of the petition through publication, owing to their failure Philippine National Police are directed to ensure that the investigations
to secure the current address of the latter five and thus submit, as the CA already commenced are diligently pursued to bring the perpetrators to justice.
required, proof of service of the petition on them. The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and P/Dir. Gen.
Avelino Razon are directed to regularly update petitioners and this Court on
The hearing started on November 13, 2007.7 In that setting, petitioners the status of their investigation.
counsel prayed for the issuance of a temporary protection order (TPO) against
the answering respondents on the basis of the allegations in the petition. At SO ORDERED.
the hearing of November 20, 2007, the CA granted petitioners motion that the
petition and writ be served by the courts process server on Darwin Sy/Reyes, In this recourse, petitioners formulate the issue for resolution in the following
Santana, Alfaro, Capt. Cuaresma, and Jonathan. wise:
The legal skirmishes that followed over the propriety of excluding President WHETHER OR NOT the [CA] committed reversible error in dismissing [their]
Arroyo from the petition, petitioners motions for service by publication, and Petition and dropping President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as party respondent.
the issuance of a TPO are not of decisive pertinence in this recital. The Petitioners first take issue on the Presidents purported lack of immunity from
bottom line is that, by separate resolutions, the CA dropped the President as suit during her term of office. The 1987 Constitution, so they claim, has
respondent in the case; denied the motion for a TPO for the courts want of removed such immunity heretofore enjoyed by the chief executive under the
authority to issue it in the tenor sought by petitioners; and effectively denied 1935 and 1973 Constitutions.
the motion for notice by publication owing to petitioners failure to submit the
affidavit required under Sec. 17, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court.8 Petitioners are mistaken. The presidential immunity from suit remains
preserved under our system of government, albeit not expressly reserved in
After due proceedings, the CA rendered, on July 31, 2008, its partial the present constitution. Addressing a concern of his co-members in the 1986
judgment, subject of this review, disposing of the petition but only insofar as Constitutional Commission on the absence of an express provision on the
matter, Fr. Joaquin Bernas, S.J. observed that it was already understood in
jurisprudence that the President may not be sued during his or her tenure.9 As explained by the CA, Gen. Esperon and P/Dir. Gen. Razon were included
The Court subsequently made it abundantly clear in David v. Macapagal- in the case on the theory that they, as commanders, were responsible for the
Arroyo, a case likewise resolved under the umbrella of the 1987 Constitution, unlawful acts allegedly committed by their subordinates against petitioners. To
that indeed the President enjoys immunity during her incumbency, and why the appellate court, "the privilege of the writ of amparo must be denied as
this must be so: against Gen. Esperon and P/Dir. Gen. Razon for the simple reason that
Settled is the doctrine that the President, during his tenure of office or actual petitioners have not presented evidence showing that those who allegedly
incumbency, may not be sued in any civil or criminal case, and there is no abducted and illegally detained Lourdes and later threatened her and her
need to provide for it in the Constitution or law. It will degrade the dignity of the family were, in fact, members of the military or the police force." The two
high office of the President, the Head of State, if he can be dragged into court generals, the CAs holding broadly hinted, would have been accountable for
litigations while serving as such. Furthermore, it is important that he be freed the abduction and threats if the actual malefactors were members of the AFP
from any form of harassment, hindrance or distraction to enable him to fully or PNP.
attend to the performance of his official duties and functions. Unlike the
legislative and judicial branch, only one constitutes the executive branch and As regards the three other answering respondents, they were impleaded
anything which impairs his usefulness in the discharge of the many great and because they allegedly had not exerted the required extraordinary diligence in
important duties imposed upon him by the Constitution necessarily impairs the investigating and satisfactorily resolving Lourdes disappearance or bringing to
operation of the Government.10 x x x justice the actual perpetrators of what amounted to a criminal act, albeit there
were allegations against P/Insp. Gomez of acts constituting threats against
And lest it be overlooked, the petition is simply bereft of any allegation as to Mary Joy.
what specific presidential act or omission violated or threatened to violate
petitioners protected rights. While in a qualified sense tenable, the dismissal by the CA of the case as
against Gen. Esperon and P/Dir. Gen. Razon is incorrect if viewed against the
This brings us to the correctness of the assailed dismissal of the petition with backdrop of the stated rationale underpinning the assailed decision vis--vis
respect to Gen. Esperon, P/Dir. Gen. Razon, P/Supt. Roquero, P/Insp. the two generals, i.e., command responsibility. The Court assumes the latter
Gomez, and the OMB. stance owing to the fact that command responsibility, as a concept defined,
developed, and applied under international law, has little, if at all, bearing in
None of the four individual respondents immediately referred to above has amparo proceedings.
been implicated as being connected to, let alone as being behind, the alleged
abduction and harassment of petitioner Lourdes. Their names were not even The evolution of the command responsibility doctrine finds its context in the
mentioned in Lourdes Sinumpaang Salaysay11 of April 2007. The same goes development of laws of war and armed combats. According to Fr. Bernas,
for the respective Sinumpaang Salaysay and/or Karagdagang Sinumpaang "command responsibility," in its simplest terms, means the "responsibility of
Salaysay of Jean12 and Mary Joy.13 commanders for crimes committed by subordinate members of the armed
forces or other persons subject to their control in international wars or administrative rule may have been committed. As the Court stressed in
domestic conflict."14 In this sense, command responsibility is properly a form Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo (Manalo),22 the writ of amparo was
of criminal complicity. The Hague Conventions of 1907 adopted the doctrine of conceived to provide expeditious and effective procedural relief against
command responsibility,15 foreshadowing the present-day precept of holding violations or threats of violation of the basic rights to life, liberty, and security
a superior accountable for the atrocities committed by his subordinates should of persons; the corresponding amparo suit, however, "is not an action to
he be remiss in his duty of control over them. As then formulated, command determine criminal guilt requiring proof beyond reasonable doubt x x x or
responsibility is "an omission mode of individual criminal liability," whereby the administrative liability requiring substantial evidence that will require full and
superior is made responsible for crimes committed by his subordinates for exhaustive proceedings."23 Of the same tenor, and by way of expounding on
failing to prevent or punish the perpetrators16 (as opposed to crimes he the nature and role of amparo, is what the Court said in Razon v. Tagitis:
It does not determine guilt nor pinpoint criminal culpability for the
The doctrine has recently been codified in the Rome Statute17 of the disappearance [threats thereof or extra-judicial killings]; it determines
International Criminal Court (ICC) to which the Philippines is signatory. Sec. responsibility, or at least accountability, for the enforced disappearance
28 of the Statute imposes individual responsibility on military commanders for [threats thereof or extra-judicial killings] for purposes of imposing the
crimes committed by forces under their control. The country is, however, not appropriate remedies to address the disappearance [or extra-judicial killings].
yet formally bound by the terms and provisions embodied in this treaty-statute,
since the Senate has yet to extend concurrence in its ratification.18 xxxx
While there are several pending bills on command responsibility,19 there is As the law now stands, extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances in
still no Philippine law that provides for criminal liability under that doctrine.20 this jurisdiction are not crimes penalized separately from the component
criminal acts undertaken to carry out these killings and enforced
It may plausibly be contended that command responsibility, as legal basis to disappearances and are now penalized under the Revised Penal Code and
hold military/police commanders liable for extra-legal killings, enforced special laws. The simple reason is that the Legislature has not spoken on the
disappearances, or threats, may be made applicable to this jurisdiction on the matter; the determination of what acts are criminal x x x are matters of
theory that the command responsibility doctrine now constitutes a principle of substantive law that only the Legislature has the power to enact.24 x x x
international law or customary international law in accordance with the
incorporation clause of the Constitution.21 Still, it would be inappropriate to If command responsibility were to be invoked and applied to these
apply to these proceedings the doctrine of command responsibility, as the CA proceedings, it should, at most, be only to determine the author who, at the
seemed to have done, as a form of criminal complicity through omission, for first instance, is accountable for, and has the duty to address, the
individual respondents criminal liability, if there be any, is beyond the reach of disappearance and harassments complained of, so as to enable the Court to
amparo. In other words, the Court does not rule in such proceedings on any devise remedial measures that may be appropriate under the premises to
issue of criminal culpability, even if incidentally a crime or an infraction of an protect rights covered by the writ of amparo. As intimated earlier, however, the
determination should not be pursued to fix criminal liability on respondents with the Personnel Accounting and Information System of the PNP yielded the
preparatory to criminal prosecution, or as a prelude to administrative information that, except for a certain Darwin Reyes y Muga, the other alleged
disciplinary proceedings under existing administrative issuances, if there be abductors, i.e., Cuaresma, Alfaro, Santana and Jonathan, were not members
any. of the PNP. Petitioners, when given the opportunity to identify Police Officer 1
Darwin Reyes y Muga, made no effort to confirm if he was the same Maj.
Petitioners, as the CA has declared, have not adduced substantial evidence Darwin Reyes a.k.a. Darwin Sy they were implicating in Lourdes abduction.
pointing to government involvement in the disappearance of Lourdes. To a
concrete point, petitioners have not shown that the actual perpetrators of the Petitioners, to be sure, have not successfully controverted answering
abduction and the harassments that followed formally or informally formed respondents documentary evidence, adduced to debunk the formers
part of either the military or the police chain of command. A preliminary police allegations directly linking Lourdes abductors and tormentors to the military or
investigation report, however, would tend to show a link, however hazy, the police establishment. We note, in fact, that Lourdes, when queried on
between the license plate (XRR 428) of the vehicle allegedly used in the cross-examination, expressed the belief that Sy/Reyes was an NBI agent.29
abduction of Lourdes and the address of Darwin Reyes/Sy, who was alleged The Court is, of course, aware of what was referred to in Razon30 as the
to be working in Camp Aguinaldo.25 Then, too, there were affidavits and "evidentiary difficulties" presented by the nature of, and encountered by
testimonies on events that transpired which, if taken together, logically point to petitioners in, enforced disappearance cases. But it is precisely for this reason
military involvement in the alleged disappearance of Lourdes, such as, but not that the Court should take care too that no wrong message is sent, lest one
limited to, her abduction in broad daylight, her being forcibly dragged to a conclude that any kind or degree of evidence, even the outlandish, would
vehicle blindfolded and then being brought to a place where the sounds of suffice to secure amparo remedies and protection.
planes taking off and landing could be heard. Mention may also be made of
the fact that Lourdes was asked about her membership in the Communist Sec. 17, as complemented by Sec. 18 of the Amparo Rule, expressly
Party and of being released when she agreed to become an "asset." prescribes the minimum evidentiary substantiation requirement and norm to
support a cause of action under the Rule, thus:
Still and all, the identities and links to the AFP or the PNP of the alleged
abductors, namely Cuaresma, Alfaro, Santana, Jonathan, and Sy/Reyes, have Sec. 17. Burden of Proof and Standard of Diligence Required.The parties
yet to be established. shall establish their claims by substantial evidence.
Based on the separate sworn statements of Maj. Paul Ciano26 and Technical Sec. 18. Judgment.x x x If the allegations in the petition are proven by
Sergeant John N. Romano,27 officer-in-charge and a staff of the 301st AISS, substantial evidence, the court shall grant the privilege of the writ and such
respectively, none of the alleged abductors of Lourdes belonged to the 301st reliefs as may be proper and appropriate; otherwise, the privilege shall be
AISS based in San Fernando Air Base. Neither were they members of any denied. (Emphasis added.)
unit of the Philippine Air Force, per the certification28 of Col. Raul Dimatactac,
Air Force Adjutant. And as stated in the challenged CA decision, a verification
Substantial evidence is more than a mere imputation of wrongdoing or protection by the government, is breached by the superficial and one-sided
violation that would warrant a finding of liability against the person charged;31 hence, ineffectiveinvestigation by the military or the police of reported cases
it is more than a scintilla of evidence. It means such amount of relevant under their jurisdiction. As found by the CA, the local police stations
evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a concerned, including P/Supt. Roquero and P/Insp. Gomez, did conduct a
conclusion, even if other equally reasonable minds might opine otherwise.32 preliminary fact-finding on petitioners complaint. They could not, however,
Per the CAs evaluation of their evidence, consisting of the testimonies and make any headway, owing to what was perceived to be the refusal of Lourdes,
affidavits of the three Rubrico women and five other individuals, petitioners her family, and her witnesses to cooperate. Petitioners counsel, Atty. Rex
have not satisfactorily hurdled the evidentiary bar required of and assigned to J.M.A. Fernandez, provided a plausible explanation for his clients and their
them under the Amparo Rule. In a very real sense, the burden of evidence witnesses attitude, "[They] do not trust the government agencies to protect
never even shifted to answering respondents. The Court finds no compelling them."34 The difficulty arising from a situation where the party whose
reason to disturb the appellate courts determination of the answering complicity in extra-judicial killing or enforced disappearance, as the case may
respondents role in the alleged enforced disappearance of petitioner Lourdes be, is alleged to be the same party who investigates it is understandable,
and the threats to her familys security. though.
Notwithstanding the foregoing findings, the Court notes that both Gen. The seeming reluctance on the part of the Rubricos or their witnesses to
Esperon and P/Dir. Gen. Razon, per their separate affidavits, lost no time, cooperate ought not to pose a hindrance to the police in pursuing, on its own
upon their receipt of the order to make a return on the writ, in issuing initiative, the investigation in question to its natural end. To repeat what the
directives to the concerned units in their respective commands for a thorough Court said in Manalo, the right to security of persons is a guarantee of the
probe of the case and in providing the investigators the necessary support. As protection of ones right by the government. And this protection includes
of this date, however, the investigations have yet to be concluded with some conducting effective investigations of extra-legal killings, enforced
definite findings and recommendation. disappearances, or threats of the same kind. The nature and importance of an
investigation are captured in the Velasquez Rodriguez case,35 in which the
As regards P/Supt. Romero and P/Insp. Gomez, the Court is more than Inter-American Court of Human Rights pronounced:
satisfied that they have no direct or indirect hand in the alleged enforced
disappearance of Lourdes and the threats against her daughters. As police [The duty to investigate] must be undertaken in a serious manner and not as a
officers, though, theirs was the duty to thoroughly investigate the abduction of mere formality preordained to be ineffective. An investigation must have an
Lourdes, a duty that would include looking into the cause, manner, and like objective and be assumed by the State as its own legal duty, not a step taken
details of the disappearance; identifying witnesses and obtaining statements by private interests that depends upon the initiative of the victim or his family
from them; and following evidentiary leads, such as the Toyota Revo vehicle or upon offer of proof, without an effective search for the truth by the
with plate number XRR 428, and securing and preserving evidence related to government. (Emphasis added.)
the abduction and the threats that may aid in the prosecution of the person/s
responsible. As we said in Manalo,33 the right to security, as a guarantee of
This brings us to Mary Joys charge of having been harassed by respondent notice or service via publication has not been accompanied by supporting
P/Insp. Gomez. With the view we take of this incident, there is nothing affidavits as required by the Rules of Court. Accordingly, the appealed CA
concrete to support the charge, save for Mary Joys bare allegations of partial judgmentdisposing of the underlying petition for a writ of amparo
harassment. We cite with approval the following self-explanatory excerpt from without (1) pronouncement as to the accountability, or lack of it, of the four
the appealed CA decision: non-answering respondents or (2) outright dismissal of the same petition as to
themhews to the prescription of Sec. 20 of the Amparo Rule on archiving
In fact, during her cross-examination, when asked what specific act or threat and reviving cases.41 Parenthetically, petitioners have also not furnished this
P/Sr. Gomez (ret) committed against her or her mother and sister, Mary Joy Court with sufficient data as to where the afore-named respondents may be
replied "None "36 served a copy of their petition for review.
Similarly, there appears to be no basis for petitioners allegations about the Apart from the foregoing considerations, the petition did not allege ultimate
OMB failing to act on their complaint against those who allegedly abducted facts as would link the OMB in any manner to the violation or threat of
and illegally detained Lourdes. Contrary to petitioners contention, the OMB violation of the petitioners rights to life, liberty, or personal security.
has taken the necessary appropriate action on said complaint. As culled from
the affidavit37 of the Deputy Overall Ombudsman and the joint affidavits38 of The privilege of the writ of amparo is envisioned basically to protect and
the designated investigators, all dated November 7, 2007, the OMB had, on guarantee the rights to life, liberty, and security of persons, free from fears and
the basis of said complaint, commenced criminal39 and administrative40 threats that vitiate the quality of this life.42 It is an extraordinary writ
proceedings, docketed as OMB-P-C-07-0602-E and OMB-P-A 07-567-E, conceptualized and adopted in light of and in response to the prevalence of
respectively, against Cuaresma, Alfaro, Santana, Jonathan, and Sy/Reyes. extra-legal killings and enforced disappearances.43 Accordingly, the remedy
The requisite orders for the submission of counter-affidavits and verified ought to be resorted to and granted judiciously, lest the ideal sought by the
position papers had been sent out. Amparo Rule be diluted and undermined by the indiscriminate filing of amparo
petitions for purposes less than the desire to secure amparo reliefs and
The privilege of the writ of amparo, to reiterate, is a remedy available to protection and/or on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations.
victims of extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances or threats of
similar nature, regardless of whether the perpetrator of the unlawful act or In their petition for a writ of amparo, petitioners asked, as their main prayer,
omission is a public official or employee or a private individual. that the Court order the impleaded respondents "to immediately desist from
doing any acts that would threaten or seem to threaten the security of the
At this juncture, it bears to state that petitioners have not provided the CA with Petitioners and to desist from approaching Petitioners, x x x their residences
the correct addresses of respondents Cuaresma, Alfaro, Santana, Jonathan, and offices where they are working under pain of contempt of [this] Court."
and Sy/Reyes. The mailed envelopes containing the petition for a writ of Petitioners, however, failed to adduce the threshold substantive evidence to
amparo individually addressed to each of them have all been returned establish the predicate facts to support their cause of action, i.e., the adverted
unopened. And petitioners motion interposed before the appellate court for harassments and threats to their life, liberty, or security, against responding
respondents, as responsible for the disappearance and harassments requirements. It also failed to consider Gen. Esperon and P/Dir. Gen. Razons
complained of. This is not to say, however, that petitioners allegation on the imminent compulsory retirement from the military and police services,
fact of the abduction incident or harassment is necessarily contrived. The respectively. Accordingly, the CA directives, as hereinafter redefined and
reality on the ground, however, is that the military or police connection has not amplified to fully enforce the amparo remedies, are hereby given to, and shall
been adequately proved either by identifying the malefactors as components be directly enforceable against, whoever sits as the commanding general of
of the AFP or PNP; or in case identification is not possible, by showing that the AFP and the PNP.
they acted with the direct or indirect acquiescence of the government. For this
reason, the Court is unable to ascribe the authorship of and responsibility for At this stage, two postulates and their implications need highlighting for a
the alleged enforced disappearance of Lourdes and the harassment and proper disposition of this case.
threats on her daughters to individual respondents. To this extent, the
dismissal of the case against them is correct and must, accordingly, be First, a criminal complaint for kidnapping and, alternatively, for arbitrary
sustained. detention rooted in the same acts and incidents leading to the filing of the
subject amparo petition has been instituted with the OMB, docketed as OMB-
Prescinding from the above considerations, the Court distinctly notes that the P-C-O7-0602-E. The usual initial steps to determine the existence of a prima
appealed decision veritably extended the privilege of the writ of amparo to facie case against the five (5) impleaded individuals suspected to be actually
petitioners when it granted what to us are amparo reliefs. Consider: the involved in the detention of Lourdes have been set in motion. It must be
appellate court decreed, and rightly so, that the police and the military take pointed out, though, that the filing44 of the OMB complaint came before the
specific measures for the protection of petitioners right or threatened right to effectivity of the Amparo Rule on October 24, 2007.
liberty or security. The protection came in the form of directives specifically to
Gen. Esperon and P/Dir. Gen. Razon, requiring each of them (1) to ensure Second, Sec. 2245 of the Amparo Rule proscribes the filing of an amparo
that the investigations already commenced by the AFP and PNP units, petition should a criminal action have, in the meanwhile, been commenced.
respectively, under them on the complaints of Lourdes and her daughters are The succeeding Sec. 23,46 on the other hand, provides that when the criminal
being pursued with urgency to bring to justice the perpetrators of the acts suit is filed subsequent to a petition for amparo, the petition shall be
complained of; and (2) to submit to the CA, copy furnished the petitioners, a consolidated with the criminal action where the Amparo Rule shall
regular report on the progress and status of the investigations. The directives nonetheless govern the disposition of the relief under the Rule. Under the
obviously go to Gen. Esperon in his capacity as head of the AFP and, in a terms of said Sec. 22, the present petition ought to have been dismissed at
sense, chief guarantor of order and security in the country. On the other hand, the outset. But as things stand, the outright dismissal of the petition by force of
P/Dir. Gen. Razon is called upon to perform a duty pertaining to the PNP, a that section is no longer technically feasible in light of the interplay of the
crime-preventing, investigatory, and arresting institution. following factual mix: (1) the Court has, pursuant to Sec. 647 of the Rule,
already issued ex parte the writ of amparo; (2) the CA, after a summary
As the CA, however, formulated its directives, no definitive time frame was set hearing, has dismissed the petition, but not on the basis of Sec. 22; and (3)
in its decision for the completion of the investigation and the reportorial the complaint in OMB-P-C-O7-0602-E named as respondents only those
believed to be the actual abductors of Lourdes, while the instant petition command responsibility principle, to attach accountability and responsibility to
impleaded, in addition, those tasked to investigate the kidnapping and them, as then AFP Chief of Staff and then PNP Chief, for the alleged enforced
detention incidents and their superiors at the top. Yet, the acts and/or disappearance of Lourdes and the ensuing harassments allegedly committed
omissions subject of the criminal complaint and the amparo petition are so against petitioners. The dismissal of the petition with respect to the OMB is
linked as to call for the consolidation of both proceedings to obviate the also affirmed for failure of the petition to allege ultimate facts as to make out a
mischief inherent in a multiplicity-of-suits situation. case against that body for the enforced disappearance of Lourdes and the
threats and harassment that followed; and
Given the above perspective and to fully apply the beneficial nature of the writ
of amparo as an inexpensive and effective tool to protect certain rights (3) Directing the incumbent Chief of Staff, AFP, or his successor, and the
violated or threatened to be violated, the Court hereby adjusts to a degree the incumbent Director-General of the PNP, or his successor, to ensure that the
literal application of Secs. 22 and 23 of the Amparo Rule to fittingly address investigations already commenced by their respective units on the alleged
the situation obtaining under the premises. 48 Towards this end, two things abduction of Lourdes Rubrico and the alleged harassments and threats she
are at once indicated: (1) the consolidation of the probe and fact-finding and her daughters were made to endure are pursued with extraordinary
aspects of the instant petition with the investigation of the criminal complaint diligence as required by Sec. 1749 of the Amparo Rule. They shall order their
before the OMB; and (2) the incorporation in the same criminal complaint of subordinate officials, in particular, to do the following:
the allegations in this petition bearing on the threats to the right to security.
Withal, the OMB should be furnished copies of the investigation reports to aid (a) Determine based on records, past and present, the identities and locations
that body in its own investigation and eventual resolution of OMB-P-C-O7- of respondents Maj. Darwin Sy, a.k.a. Darwin Reyes, Jimmy Santana, Ruben
0602-E. Then, too, the OMB shall be given easy access to all pertinent Alfaro, Capt. Angelo Cuaresma, and one Jonathan; and submit certifications
documents and evidence, if any, adduced before the CA. Necessarily, of this determination to the OMB with copy furnished to petitioners, the CA,
Lourdes, as complainant in OMB-P-C-O7-0602-E, should be allowed, if so and this Court;
minded, to amend her basic criminal complaint if the consolidation of cases is (b) Pursue with extraordinary diligence the evidentiary leads relating to Maj.
to be fully effective. Darwin Sy and the Toyota Revo vehicle with Plate No. XRR 428; and
(c) Prepare, with the assistance of petitioners and/or witnesses, cartographic
WHEREFORE, the Court PARTIALLY GRANTS this petition for review and sketches of respondents Maj. Sy/Reyes, Jimmy Santana, Ruben Alfaro, Capt.
makes a decision: Angelo Cuaresma, and a certain Jonathan to aid in positively identifying and
locating them.
(1) Affirming the dropping of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from the
petition for a writ of amparo; The investigations shall be completed not later than six (6) months from
receipt of this Decision; and within thirty (30) days after completion of the
(2) Affirming the dismissal of the amparo case as against Gen. Hermogenes investigations, the Chief of Staff of the AFP and the Director-General of the
Esperon, and P/Dir. Gen. Avelino Razon, insofar as it tended, under the
PNP shall submit a full report of the results of the investigations to the Court, Secretary of National Defense, the Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the
the CA, the OMB, and petitioners. Philippines, respondents."
This case is accordingly referred back to the CA for the purpose of monitoring This case was originally a Petition for Prohibition, Injunction, and Temporary
the investigations and the actions of the AFP and the PNP. Restraining Order (TRO)2 filed before this Court by herein respondents
Subject to the foregoing modifications, the Court AFFIRMS the partial (therein petitioners) on August 23, 2007 to stop herein petitioners (therein
judgment dated July 31, 2008 of the CA. respondents) and/or their officers and agents from depriving them of their right
SO ORDERED. to liberty and other basic rights. Therein petitioners also sought ancillary
remedies, Protective Custody Orders, Appointment of Commissioner,
G.R. No. 180906 October 7, 2008 Inspection and Access Orders, and all other legal and equitable reliefs under
Article VIII, Section 5(5)3 of the 1987 Constitution and Rule 135, Section 6 of
THE SECRETARY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE, THE CHIEF OF STAFF, the Rules of Court. In our Resolution dated August 24, 2007, we (1) ordered
ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioners, the Secretary of the Department of National Defense and the Chief of Staff of
vs. the AFP, their agents, representatives, or persons acting in their stead,
RAYMOND MANALO and REYNALDO MANALO, respondents. including but not limited to the Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit
(CAFGU) to submit their Comment; and (2) enjoined them from causing the
DECISION arrest of therein petitioners, or otherwise restricting, curtailing, abridging, or
depriving them of their right to life, liberty, and other basic rights as
PUNO, C.J.: guaranteed under Article III, Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution.5
While victims of enforced disappearances are separated from the rest of the While the August 23, 2007 Petition was pending, the Rule on the Writ of
world behind secret walls, they are not separated from the constitutional Amparo took effect on October 24, 2007. Forthwith, therein petitioners filed a
protection of their basic rights. The constitution is an overarching sky that Manifestation and Omnibus Motion to Treat Existing Petition as Amparo
covers all in its protection. The case at bar involves the rights to life, liberty Petition, to Admit Supporting Affidavits, and to Grant Interim and Final Amparo
and security in the first petition for a writ of Amparo filed before this Court. Reliefs. They prayed that: (1) the petition be considered a Petition for the Writ
of Amparo under Sec. 266 of the Amparo Rule; (2) the Court issue the writ
This is an appeal via Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court commanding therein respondents to make a verified return within the period
in relation to Section 191 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo, seeking to provided by law and containing the specific matter required by law; (3) they be
reverse and set aside on both questions of fact and law, the Decision granted the interim reliefs allowed by the Amparo Rule and all other reliefs
promulgated by the Court of Appeals in C.A. G.R. AMPARO No. 00001, prayed for in the petition but not covered by the Amparo Rule; (4) the Court,
entitled "Raymond Manalo and Reynaldo Manalo, petitioners, versus The after hearing, render judgment as required in Sec. 187 of the Amparo Rule;
and (5) all other just and equitable reliefs.
medical and (sic) personnel (military and civilian) who attended to
On October 25, 2007, the Court resolved to treat the August 23, 2007 Petition them from February 14, 2006 until August 12, 2007 within five days
as a petition under the Amparo Rule and further resolved, viz: from notice of this decision.
The compliance with this decision shall be made under the signature and oath
WHEREFORE, let a WRIT OF AMPARO be issued to respondents requiring of respondent AFP Chief of Staff or his duly authorized deputy, the latter's
them to file with the CA (Court of Appeals) a verified written return within five authority to be express and made apparent on the face of the sworn
(5) working days from service of the writ. We REMAND the petition to the CA compliance with this directive.
and designate the Division of Associate Justice Lucas P. Bersamin to conduct SO ORDERED.10
the summary hearing on the petition on November 8, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. and
decide the petition in accordance with the Rule on the Writ of Amparo.9 Hence, this appeal. In resolving this appeal, we first unfurl the facts as alleged
by herein respondents:
On December 26, 2007, the Court of Appeals rendered a decision in favor of
therein petitioners (herein respondents), the dispositive portion of which Respondent Raymond Manalo recounted that about one or two weeks before
reads, viz: February 14, 2006, several uniformed and armed soldiers and members of the
CAFGU summoned to a meeting all the residents of their barangay in San
ACCORDINGLY, the PRIVILEGE OF THE WRIT OF AMPARO is GRANTED. Idelfonso, Bulacan. Respondents were not able to attend as they were not
The respondents SECRETARY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE and AFP CHIEF informed of the gathering, but Raymond saw some of the soldiers when he
OF STAFF are hereby REQUIRED: passed by the barangay hall.11
1. To furnish to the petitioners and to this Court within five days from On February 14, 2006, Raymond was sleeping in their house in Buhol na
notice of this decision all official and unofficial reports of the Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. At past noon, several armed soldiers
investigation undertaken in connection with their case, except those wearing white shirts, fatigue pants and army boots, entered their house and
already on file herein; roused him. They asked him if he was Bestre, but his mother, Ester Manalo,
replied that he was Raymond, not Bestre. The armed soldier slapped him on
2. To confirm in writing the present places of official assignment of M/Sgt both cheeks and nudged him in the stomach. He was then handcuffed,
Hilario aka Rollie Castillo and Donald Caigas within five days from brought to the rear of his house, and forced to the ground face down. He was
notice of this decision. kicked on the hip, ordered to stand and face up to the light, then forcibly
brought near the road. He told his mother to follow him, but three soldiers
stopped her and told her to stay.12
3. To cause to be produced to this Court all medical reports, records and
charts, reports of any treatment given or recommended and Among the men who came to take him, Raymond recognized brothers
medicines prescribed, if any, to the petitioners, to include a list of Michael de la Cruz, Madning de la Cruz, "Puti" de la Cruz, and "Pula" de la
Cruz, who all acted as lookout. They were all members of the CAFGU and In the next days, Raymond's interrogators appeared to be high officials as the
residing in Manuzon, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. He also recognized brothers soldiers who beat him up would salute them, call them "sir," and treat them
Randy Mendoza and Rudy Mendoza, also members of the CAFGU. While he with respect. He was in blindfolds when interrogated by the high officials, but
was being forcibly taken, he also saw outside of his house two barangay he saw their faces when they arrived and before the blindfold was put on. He
councilors, Pablo Cunanan and Bernardo Lingasa, with some soldiers and noticed that the uniform of the high officials was different from those of the
armed men.13 other soldiers. One of those officials was tall and thin, wore white pants, tie,
and leather shoes, instead of combat boots. He spoke in Tagalog and knew
The men forced Raymond into a white L300 van. Once inside, he was much about his parents and family, and a habeas corpus case filed in
blindfolded. Before being blindfolded, he saw the faces of the soldiers who connection with the respondents' abduction.16 While these officials
took him. Later, in his 18 months of captivity, he learned their names. The one interrogated him, Raymond was not manhandled. But once they had left, the
who drove the van was Rizal Hilario alias Rollie Castillo, whom he estimated soldier guards beat him up. When the guards got drunk, they also
was about 40 years of age or older. The leader of the team who entered his manhandled respondents. During this time, Raymond was fed only at night,
house and abducted him was "Ganata." He was tall, thin, curly-haired and a usually with left-over and rotten food.17
bit old. Another one of his abductors was "George" who was tall, thin, white-
skinned and about 30 years old.14 On the third week of respondents' detention, two men arrived while Raymond
was sleeping and beat him up. They doused him with urine and hot water, hit
his stomach with a piece of wood, slapped his forehead twice with a .45 pistol,
The van drove off, then came to a stop. A person was brought inside the van punched him on the mouth, and burnt some parts of his body with a burning
and made to sit beside Raymond. Both of them were beaten up. On the road, wood. When he could no longer endure the torture and could hardly breathe,
he recognized the voice of the person beside him as his brother Reynaldo's. they stopped. They then subjected Reynaldo to the same ordeal in another
The van stopped several times until they finally arrived at a house. Raymond room. Before their torturers left, they warned Raymond that they would come
and Reynaldo were each brought to a different room. With the doors of their back the next day and kill him.18
rooms left open, Raymond saw several soldiers continuously hitting his
brother Reynaldo on the head and other parts of his body with the butt of their The following night, Raymond attempted to escape. He waited for the guards
guns for about 15 minutes. After which, Reynaldo was brought to his to get drunk, then made noise with the chains put on him to see if they were
(Raymond's) room and it was his (Raymond's) turn to be beaten up in the still awake. When none of them came to check on him, he managed to free his
other room. The soldiers asked him if he was a member of the New People's hand from the chains and jumped through the window. He passed through a
Army. Each time he said he was not, he was hit with the butt of their guns. He helipad and firing range and stopped near a fishpond where he used stones to
was questioned where his comrades were, how many soldiers he had killed, break his chains. After walking through a forested area, he came near a river
and how many NPA members he had helped. Each time he answered none, and an Iglesia ni Kristo church. He talked to some women who were doing the
they hit him.15 laundry, asked where he was and the road to Gapan. He was told that he was
in Fort Magsaysay.19 He reached the highway, but some soldiers spotted him,
forcing him to run away. The soldiers chased him and caught up with him. plenty of water and take their medicine. The two ladies returned a few more
They brought him to another place near the entrance of what he saw was Fort times. Thereafter, medicines were sent through the "master" of the DTU,
Magsaysay. He was boxed repeatedly, kicked, and hit with chains until his "Master" Del Rosario alias Carinyoso at Puti. Respondents were kept in the
back bled. They poured gasoline on him. Then a so-called "Mam" or "Madam" DTU for about two weeks. While there, he met a soldier named Efren who said
suddenly called, saying that she wanted to see Raymond before he was killed. that Gen. Palparan ordered him to monitor and take care of them.25
The soldiers ceased the torture and he was returned inside Fort Magsaysay
where Reynaldo was detained.20 One day, Rizal Hilario fetched respondents in a Revo vehicle. They, along with
Efren and several other armed men wearing fatigue suits, went to a
For some weeks, the respondents had a respite from all the torture. Their detachment in Pinaud, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. Respondents were detained
wounds were treated. When the wounds were almost healed, the torture for one or two weeks in a big two-storey house. Hilario and Efren stayed with
resumed, particularly when respondents' guards got drunk.21 them. While there, Raymond was beaten up by Hilario's men.26
Raymond recalled that sometime in April until May 2006, he was detained in a From Pinaud, Hilario and Efren brought respondents to Sapang, San Miguel,
room enclosed by steel bars. He stayed all the time in that small room Bulacan on board the Revo. They were detained in a big unfinished house
measuring 1 x 2 meters, and did everything there, including urinating, inside the compound of "Kapitan" for about three months. When they arrived
removing his bowels, bathing, eating and sleeping. He counted that eighteen in Sapang, Gen. Palparan talked to them. They were brought out of the house
people22 had been detained in that bartolina, including his brother Reynaldo to a basketball court in the center of the compound and made to sit. Gen.
and himself.23 Palparan was already waiting, seated. He was about two arms' length away
from respondents. He began by asking if respondents felt well already, to
For about three and a half months, the respondents were detained in Fort which Raymond replied in the affirmative. He asked Raymond if he knew him.
Magsaysay. They were kept in a small house with two rooms and a kitchen. Raymond lied that he did not. He then asked Raymond if he would be scared
One room was made into the bartolina. The house was near the firing range, if he were made to face Gen. Palparan. Raymond responded that he would
helipad and mango trees. At dawn, soldiers marched by their house. They not be because he did not believe that Gen. Palparan was an evil man.27
were also sometimes detained in what he only knew as the "DTU."24
Raymond narrated his conversation with Gen. Palparan in his affidavit, viz:
At the DTU, a male doctor came to examine respondents. He checked their
body and eyes, took their urine samples and marked them. When asked how Tinanong ako ni Gen. Palparan, "Ngayon na kaharap mo na ako, di ka ba
they were feeling, they replied that they had a hard time urinating, their natatakot sa akin?"
stomachs were aching, and they felt other pains in their body. The next day,
two ladies in white arrived. They also examined respondents and gave them Sumagot akong, "Siyempre po, natatakot din..."
medicines, including orasol, amoxicillin and mefenamic acid. They brought
with them the results of respondents' urine test and advised them to drink
Sabi ni Gen. Palparan: "Sige, bibigyan ko kayo ng isang pagkakataon na medicine. The "Alive" made them sleep each time they took it, and they felt
mabuhay, basta't sundin n'yo ang lahat ng sasabihin ko... sabihin mo sa heavy upon waking up.33
magulang mo - huwag pumunta sa mga rali, sa hearing, sa Karapatan at sa
Human Right dahil niloloko lang kayo. Sabihin sa magulang at lahat sa bahay After a few days, Hilario arrived again. He took Reynaldo and left Raymond at
na huwag paloko doon. Tulungan kami na kausapin si Bestre na sumuko na Sapang. Arman instructed Raymond that while in Sapang, he should introduce
sa gobyerno."28 himself as "Oscar," a military trainee from Sariaya, Quezon, assigned in
Bulacan. While there, he saw again Ganata, one of the men who abducted
Respondents agreed to do as Gen. Palparan told them as they felt they could him from his house, and got acquainted with other military men and
not do otherwise. At about 3:00 in the morning, Hilario, Efren and the former's civilians.34
men - the same group that abducted them - brought them to their parents'
house. Raymond was shown to his parents while Reynaldo stayed in the Revo After about three months in Sapang, Raymond was brought to Camp Tecson
because he still could not walk. In the presence of Hilario and other soldiers, under the 24th Infantry Battalion. He was fetched by three unidentified men in
Raymond relayed to his parents what Gen. Palparan told him. As they were a big white vehicle. Efren went with them. Raymond was then blindfolded.
afraid, Raymond's parents acceded. Hilario threatened Raymond's parents After a 30-minute ride, his blindfold was removed. Chains were put on him and
that if they continued to join human rights rallies, they would never see their he was kept in the barracks.35
children again. The respondents were then brought back to Sapang.29
The next day, Raymond's chains were removed and he was ordered to clean
When respondents arrived back in Sapang, Gen. Palparan was about to outside the barracks. It was then he learned that he was in a detachment of
leave. He was talking with the four "masters" who were there: Arman, Ganata, the Rangers. There were many soldiers, hundreds of them were training. He
Hilario and Cabalse.30 When Gen. Palparan saw Raymond, he called for him. was also ordered to clean inside the barracks. In one of the rooms therein, he
He was in a big white vehicle. Raymond stood outside the vehicle as Gen. met Sherlyn Cadapan from Laguna. She told him that she was a student of
Palparan told him to gain back his strength and be healthy and to take the the University of the Philippines and was abducted in Hagonoy, Bulacan. She
medicine he left for him and Reynaldo. He said the medicine was expensive at confided that she had been subjected to severe torture and raped. She was
Php35.00 each, and would make them strong. He also said that they should crying and longing to go home and be with her parents. During the day, her
prove that they are on the side of the military and warned that they would not chains were removed and she was made to do the laundry.36
be given another chance.31 During his testimony, Raymond identified Gen.
Palparan by his picture.32 After a week, Reynaldo was also brought to Camp Tecson. Two days from his
arrival, two other captives, Karen Empeo and Manuel Merino, arrived. Karen
One of the soldiers named Arman made Raymond take the medicine left by and Manuel were put in the room with "Allan" whose name they later came to
Gen. Palparan. The medicine, named "Alive," was green and yellow. Raymond know as Donald Caigas, called "master" or "commander" by his men in the
and Reynaldo were each given a box of this medicine and instructed to take 24th Infantry Battalion. Raymond and Reynaldo were put in the adjoining
one capsule a day. Arman checked if they were getting their dose of the room. At times, Raymond and Reynaldo were threatened, and Reynaldo was
beaten up. In the daytime, their chains were removed, but were put back on at who was sick was there. They spared him and killed only his son right before
night. They were threatened that if they escaped, their families would all be Raymond's eyes.41
killed.37 From Limay, Raymond, Reynaldo, Sherlyn, Karen, and Manuel were
transferred to Zambales, in a safehouse near the sea. Caigas and some of his
On or about October 6, 2006, Hilario arrived in Camp Tecson. He told the men stayed with them. A retired army soldier was in charge of the house. Like
detainees that they should be thankful they were still alive and should continue in Limay, the five detainees were made to do errands and chores. They stayed
along their "renewed life." Before the hearing of November 6 or 8, 2006, in Zambales from May 8 or 9, 2007 until June 2007.42
respondents were brought to their parents to instruct them not to attend the
hearing. However, their parents had already left for Manila. Respondents were In June 2007, Caigas brought the five back to the camp in Limay. Raymond,
brought back to Camp Tecson. They stayed in that camp from September Reynaldo, and Manuel were tasked to bring food to detainees brought to the
2006 to November 2006, and Raymond was instructed to continue using the camp. Raymond narrated what he witnessed and experienced in the camp,
name "Oscar" and holding himself out as a military trainee. He got acquainted viz:
with soldiers of the 24th Infantry Battalion whose names and descriptions he
stated in his affidavit.38 Isang gabi, sinabihan kami ni Donald (Caigas) na matulog na kami. Nakita ko
si Donald na inaayos ang kanyang baril, at nilagyan ng silenser. Sabi ni
On November 22, 2006, respondents, along with Sherlyn, Karen, and Manuel, Donald na kung mayroon man kaming makita o marinig, walang nangyari.
were transferred to a camp of the 24th Infantry Battalion in Limay, Bataan. Kinaumagahan, nakita naming ang bangkay ng isa sa mga bihag na dinala sa
There were many huts in the camp. They stayed in that camp until May 8, kampo. Mayroong binuhos sa kanyang katawan at ito'y sinunog. Masansang
2007. Some soldiers of the battalion stayed with them. While there, battalion ang amoy.
soldiers whom Raymond knew as "Mar" and "Billy" beat him up and hit him in
the stomach with their guns. Sherlyn and Karen also suffered enormous Makaraan ang isang lingo, dalawang bangkay and ibinaba ng mga
torture in the camp. They were all made to clean, cook, and help in raising unipormadong sundalo mula sa 6 x 6 na trak at dinala sa loob ng kampo. May
livestock.39 naiwang mga bakas ng dugo habang hinihila nila ang mga bangkay. Naamoy
Raymond recalled that when "Operation Lubog" was launched, Caigas and ko iyon nang nililinis ang bakas.
some other soldiers brought him and Manuel with them to take and kill all
sympathizers of the NPA. They were brought to Barangay Bayan-bayanan, Makalipas ang isa o dalawang lingo, may dinukot sila na dalawang Ita. Itinali
Bataan where he witnessed the killing of an old man doing kaingin. The sila sa labas ng kubo, piniringan, ikinadena at labis na binugbog. Nakita kong
soldiers said he was killed because he had a son who was a member of the nakatakas ang isa sa kanila at binaril siya ng sundalo ngunit hindi siya
NPA and he coddled NPA members in his house.40 Another time, in another tinamaan. Iyong gabi nakita kong pinatay nila iyong isang Ita malapit sa Post
"Operation Lubog," Raymond was brought to Barangay Orion in a house 3; sinilaban ang bangkay at ibinaon ito.
where NPA men stayed. When they arrived, only the old man of the house
Pagkalipas ng halos 1 buwan, 2 pang bangkay ang dinala sa kampo. Ibinaba and were instructed to use the names Rommel (for Raymond) and Rod (for
ang mga bangkay mula sa pick up trak, dinala ang mga bangkay sa labas ng Reynaldo) and represent themselves as cousins from Rizal, Laguna.44
bakod. Kinaumagahan nakita kong mayroong sinilaban, at
napakamasangsang ang amoy. Respondents started to plan their escape. They could see the highway from
where they stayed. They helped farm adjoining lands for which they were paid
May nakilala rin akong 1 retiradong koronel at 1 kasama niya. Pinakain ko sila. Php200.00 or Php400.00 and they saved their earnings. When they had saved
Sabi nila sa akin na dinukot sila sa Bataan. Iyong gabi, inilabas sila at hindi ko Php1,000.00 each, Raymond asked a neighbor how he could get a cellular
na sila nakita. phone as he wanted to exchange text messages with a girl who lived nearby.
A phone was pawned to him, but he kept it first and did not use it. They
xxx xxx xxx earned some more until they had saved Php1,400.00 between them.
Ikinadena kami ng 3 araw. Sa ikatlong araw, nilabas ni Lat si Manuel dahil There were four houses in the compound. Raymond and Reynaldo were
kakausapin daw siya ni Gen. Palparan. Nakapiring si Manuel, wala siyang housed in one of them while their guards lived in the other three. Caigas
suot pang-itaas, pinosasan. Nilakasan ng mga sundalo ang tunog na galing entrusted respondents to Nonong, the head of the guards. Respondents'
sa istiryo ng sasakyan. Di nagtagal, narinig ko ang hiyaw o ungol ni Manuel. house did not have electricity. They used a lamp. There was no television, but
Sumilip ako sa isang haligi ng kamalig at nakita kong sinisilaban si Manuel. they had a radio. In the evening of August 13, 2007, Nonong and his cohorts
had a drinking session. At about 1:00 a.m., Raymond turned up the volume of
Kinaumagahan, naka-kadena pa kami. Tinanggal ang mga kadena mga 3 o 4 the radio. When none of the guards awoke and took notice, Raymond and
na araw pagkalipas. Sinabi sa amin na kaya kami nakakadena ay dahil Reynaldo proceeded towards the highway, leaving behind their sleeping
pinagdedesisyunan pa ng mga sundalo kung papatayin kami o hindi. guards and barking dogs. They boarded a bus bound for Manila and were
thus freed from captivity.45
Tinanggal ang aming kadena. Kinausap kami ni Donald. Tinanong kami kung
ano ang sabi ni Manuel sa amin. Sabi ni Donald huwag na raw naming Reynaldo also executed an affidavit affirming the contents of Raymond's
hanapin ang dalawang babae at si Manuel, dahil magkakasama na yung tatlo. affidavit insofar as they related to matters they witnessed together. Reynaldo
Sabi pa ni Donald na kami ni Reynaldo ay magbagong buhay at ituloy namin added that when they were taken from their house on February 14, 2006, he
ni Reynaldo ang trabaho. Sa gabi, hindi na kami kinakadena.43 saw the faces of his abductors before he was blindfolded with his shirt. He
also named the soldiers he got acquainted with in the 18 months he was
On or about June 13, 2007, Raymond and Reynaldo were brought to detained. When Raymond attempted to escape from Fort Magsaysay,
Pangasinan, ostensibly to raise poultry for Donald (Caigas). Caigas told Reynaldo was severely beaten up and told that they were indeed members of
respondents to also farm his land, in exchange for which, he would take care the NPA because Raymond escaped. With a .45 caliber pistol, Reynaldo was
of the food of their family. They were also told that they could farm a small plot hit on the back and punched in the face until he could no longer bear the pain.
adjoining his land and sell their produce. They were no longer put in chains
At one point during their detention, when Raymond and Reynaldo were in 13. Petitioners Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo were not at any time arrested,
Sapang, Reynaldo was separated from Raymond and brought to Pinaud by forcibly abducted, detained, held incommunicado, disappeared or under the
Rizal Hilario. He was kept in the house of Kapitan, a friend of Hilario, in a custody by the military. This is a settled issue laid to rest in the habeas corpus
mountainous area. He was instructed to use the name "Rodel" and to case filed in their behalf by petitioners' parents before the Court of Appeals in
represent himself as a military trainee from Meycauayan, Bulacan. C.A.-G.R. SP No. 94431 against M/Sgt. Rizal Hilario aka Rollie Castillo, as
Sometimes, Hilario brought along Reynaldo in his trips. One time, he was head of the 24th Infantry Battalion; Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan, as Commander
brought to a market in San Jose, del Monte, Bulacan and made to wait in the of the 7th Infantry Division in Luzon; Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, in his
vehicle while Hilario was buying. He was also brought to Tondo, Manila where capacity as the Commanding General of the Philippine Army, and members of
Hilario delivered boxes of "Alive" in different houses. In these trips, Hilario the Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU), namely: Michael dela
drove a black and red vehicle. Reynaldo was blindfolded while still in Bulacan, Cruz, Puti dela Cruz, Madning dela Cruz, Pula dela Cruz, Randy Mendoza
but allowed to remove the blindfold once outside the province. In one of their and Rudy Mendoza. The respondents therein submitted a return of the writ...
trips, they passed by Fort Magsaysay and Camp Tecson where Reynaldo saw On July 4, 2006, the Court of Appeals dropped as party respondents Lt. Gen.
the sign board, "Welcome to Camp Tecson."46 Hermogenes C. Esperon, Jr., then Commanding General of the Philippine
Army, and on September 19, 2006, Maj. (sic) Jovito S. Palparan, then
Dr. Benito Molino, M.D., corroborated the accounts of respondents Raymond Commanding General, 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, stationed at Fort
and Reynaldo Manalo. Dr. Molino specialized in forensic medicine and was Magsaysay, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija, upon a finding that no evidence was
connected with the Medical Action Group, an organization handling cases of introduced to establish their personal involvement in the taking of the Manalo
human rights violations, particularly cases where torture was involved. He was brothers. In a Decision dated June 27, 2007..., it exonerated M/Sgt. Rizal
requested by an NGO to conduct medical examinations on the respondents Hilario aka Rollie Castillo for lack of evidence establishing his involvement in
after their escape. He first asked them about their ordeal, then proceeded with any capacity in the disappearance of the Manalo brothers, although it held
the physical examination. His findings showed that the scars borne by that the remaining respondents were illegally detaining the Manalo brothers
respondents were consistent with their account of physical injuries inflicted and ordered them to release the latter.48
upon them. The examination was conducted on August 15, 2007, two days
after respondents' escape, and the results thereof were reduced into writing. Attached to the Return of the Writ was the affidavit of therein respondent
Dr. Molino took photographs of the scars. He testified that he followed the (herein petitioner) Secretary of National Defense, which attested that he
Istanbul Protocol in conducting the examination.47 assumed office only on August 8, 2007 and was thus unaware of the Manalo
brothers' alleged abduction. He also claimed that:
Petitioners dispute respondents' account of their alleged abduction and
torture. In compliance with the October 25, 2007 Resolution of the Court, 7. The Secretary of National Defense does not engage in actual military
they filed a Return of the Writ of Amparo admitting the abduction but directional operations, neither does he undertake command directions of the
denying any involvement therein, viz: AFP units in the field, nor in any way micromanage the AFP operations. The
principal responsibility of the Secretary of National Defense is focused in
providing strategic policy direction to the Department (bureaus and agencies) alleged disappearance and the recent reappearance of the
including the Armed Forces of the Philippines; petitioners.
3.2. I have caused the immediate investigation and submission of the
8. In connection with the Writ of Amparo issued by the Honorable Supreme result thereof to Higher headquarters and/or direct the immediate
Court in this case, I have directed the Chief of Staff, AFP to institute conduct of the investigation on the matter by the concerned unit/s,
immediate action in compliance with Section 9(d) of the Amparo Rule and to dispatching Radio Message on November 05, 2007, addressed to the
submit report of such compliance... Likewise, in a Memorandum Directive also Commanding General, Philippine Army (Info: COMNOLCOM, CG,
dated October 31, 2007, I have issued a policy directive addressed to the 71D PA and CO 24 IB PA). A Copy of the Radio Message is attached
Chief of Staff, AFP that the AFP should adopt the following rules of action in as ANNEX "3" of this Affidavit.
the event the Writ of Amparo is issued by a competent court against any 3.3. We undertake to provide result of the investigations conducted or to
members of the AFP: be conducted by the concerned unit relative to the circumstances of
the alleged disappearance of the persons in whose favor the Writ of
(1) to verify the identity of the aggrieved party; Amparo has been sought for as soon as the same has been
(2) to recover and preserve evidence related to the death or furnished Higher headquarters.
disappearance of the person identified in the petition which may aid in 3.4. A parallel investigation has been directed to the same units relative to
the prosecution of the person or persons responsible; another Petition for the Writ of Amparo (G.R. No. 179994) filed at the
(3) to identify witnesses and obtain statements from them concerning the instance of relatives of a certain Cadapan and Empeo pending
death or disappearance; before the Supreme Court.
(4) to determine the cause, manner, location and time of death or 3.5. On the part of the Armed Forces, this respondent will exert earnest
disappearance as well as any pattern or practice that may have efforts to establish the surrounding circumstances of the
brought about the death or disappearance; disappearances of the petitioners and to bring those responsible,
(5) to identify and apprehend the person or persons involved in the death including any military personnel if shown to have participated or had
or disappearance; and complicity in the commission of the complained acts, to the bar of
(6) to bring the suspected offenders before a competent court.49 justice, when warranted by the findings and the competent evidence
Therein respondent AFP Chief of Staff also submitted his own affidavit, that may be gathered in the process.50
attached to the Return of the Writ, attesting that he received the above
directive of therein respondent Secretary of National Defense and that acting Also attached to the Return of the Writ was the affidavit of Lt. Col. Felipe
on this directive, he did the following: Anontado, INF (GSC) PA, earlier filed in G.R. No. 179994, another Amparo
case in this Court, involving Cadapan, Empeo and Merino, which averred
3.1. As currently designated Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the among others, viz:
Philippines (AFP), I have caused to be issued directive to the units of
the AFP for the purpose of establishing the circumstances of the
10) Upon reading the allegations in the Petition implicating the 24th Infantry
Batallion detachment as detention area, I immediately went to the 24th IB On May 26, 2006, Lt. Col. Jimenez was directed by the Commanding General
detachment in Limay, Bataan and found no untoward incidents in the area nor of the 7th Infantry Division, Maj. Gen. Jovito Palaran,55 through his Assistant
any detainees by the name of Sherlyn Cadapan, Karen Empeo and Manuel Chief of Staff,56 to investigate the alleged abduction of the respondents by
Merino being held captive; CAFGU auxiliaries under his unit, namely: CAA Michael de la Cruz; CAA
Roman de la Cruz, aka Puti; CAA Maximo de la Cruz, aka Pula; CAA Randy
11) There was neither any reports of any death of Manuel Merino in the 24th Mendoza; ex-CAA Marcelo de la Cruz aka Madning; and a civilian named
IB in Limay, Bataan; Rudy Mendoza. He was directed to determine: (1) the veracity of the
abduction of Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo by the alleged elements of the
12) After going to the 24th IB in Limay, Bataan, we made further inquiries with CAFGU auxiliaries; and (2) the administrative liability of said auxiliaries, if
the Philippine National Police, Limay, Bataan regarding the alleged detentions any.57 Jimenez testified that this particular investigation was initiated not by a
or deaths and were informed that none was reported to their good office; complaint as was the usual procedure, but because the Commanding General
saw news about the abduction of the Manalo brothers on the television, and
13) I also directed Company Commander 1st Lt. Romeo Publico to inquire into he was concerned about what was happening within his territorial
the alleged beachhouse in Iba, Zambales also alleged to be a detention place jurisdiction.58
where Sherlyn Cadapan, Karen Empeo and Manuel Merino were detained.
As per the inquiry, however, no such beachhouse was used as a detention Jimenez summoned all six implicated persons for the purpose of having them
place found to have been used by armed men to detain Cadapan, Empeo execute sworn statements and conducting an investigation on May 29,
and Merino.51 2006.59 The investigation started at 8:00 in the morning and finished at 10:00
in the evening.60 The investigating officer, Technical Sgt. Eduardo Lingad,
It was explained in the Return of the Writ that for lack of sufficient time, the took the individual sworn statements of all six persons on that day. There were
affidavits of Maj. Gen Jovito S. Palparan (Ret.), M/Sgt. Rizal Hilario aka Rollie no other sworn statements taken, not even of the Manalo family, nor were
Castillo, and other persons implicated by therein petitioners could not be there other witnesses summoned and investigated61 as according to
secured in time for the submission of the Return and would be subsequently Jimenez, the directive to him was only to investigate the six persons.62
Jimenez was beside Lingad when the latter took the statements.63 The six
Herein petitioners presented a lone witness in the summary hearings, Lt. Col. persons were not known to Jimenez as it was in fact his first time to meet
Ruben U. Jimenez, Provost Marshall, 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, them.64 During the entire time that he was beside Lingad, a subordinate of his
based in Fort Magsaysay, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija. The territorial jurisdiction in the Office of the Provost Marshall, Jimenez did not propound a single
of this Division covers Nueva Ecija, Aurora, Bataan, Bulacan, Pampanga, question to the six persons.65
Tarlac and a portion of Pangasinan.53 The 24th Infantry Battalion is part of
the 7th Infantry Division.54
Jimenez testified that all six statements were taken on May 29, 2006, but who abducted the Manalo brothers are members of the Military and CAFGU.
Marcelo Mendoza and Rudy Mendoza had to come back the next day to sign Subject vehemently denied any participation or involvement on the abduction
their statements as the printing of their statements was interrupted by a power of said victims.
failure. Jimenez testified that the two signed on May 30, 2006, but the jurats of
their statements indicated that they were signed on May 29, 2006.66 When b) Sworn statement of CAA Roman dela Cruz y Faustino Aka Puti dtd 29
the Sworn Statements were turned over to Jimenez, he personally wrote his May 2006 in (Exhibit "C") states that he is a resident of Sitio Muzon, Brgy.
investigation report. He began writing it in the afternoon of May 30, 2006 and Buhol na Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan and a CAA member based at Biak
finished it on June 1, 2006.67 He then gave his report to the Office of the na Bato Detachment, San Miguel, Bulacan. He claims that Raymond and
Chief of Personnel.68 Reynaldo Manalo being his neighbors are active members/sympathizers of
the CPP/NPA and he also knows their elder Rolando Manalo @ KA BESTRE
As petitioners largely rely on Jimenez's Investigation Report dated June 1, of being an NPA Leader operating in their province. That at the time of the
2006 for their evidence, the report is herein substantially quoted: alleged abduction of the two (2) brothers and for accusing him to be one of the
suspects, he claims that on February 14, 2006, he was one of those working
III. BACKGROUND OF THE CASE at the concrete chapel being constructed nearby his residence. He claims
further that he just came only to know about the incident on other day (15 Feb
4. This pertains to the abduction of RAYMOND MANALO and REYNALDO 06) when he was being informed by Kagawad Pablo Kunanan. That subject
MANALO who were forcibly taken from their respective homes in Brgy. Buhol CAA vehemently denied any participation about the incident and claimed that
na Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan on 14 February 2006 by unidentified they only implicated him because he is a member of the CAFGU.
armed men and thereafter were forcibly disappeared. After the said incident,
relatives of the victims filed a case for Abduction in the civil court against the c) Sworn Statement of CAA Randy Mendoza y Lingas dated 29 May 2006 in
herein suspects: Michael dela Cruz, Madning dela Cruz, Puti Dela Cruz, Pula (Exhibit "O") states that he is a resident of Brgy. Buhol na Mangga, San
Dela Cruz, Randy Mendoza and Rudy Mendoza as alleged members of the Ildefonso, Bulacan and a member of CAFGU based at Biak na Bato
Citizen Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU). Detachment. That being a neighbor, he was very much aware about the
background of the two (2) brothers Raymond and Reynaldo as active
a) Sworn statement of CAA Maximo F. dela Cruz, aka Pula dated 29 May supporters of the CPP NPA in their Brgy. and he also knew their elder brother
2006 in (Exhibit "B") states that he was at Sitio Mozon, Brgy. Bohol na "KUMANDER BESTRE" TN: Rolando Manalo. Being one of the accused, he
Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan doing the concrete building of a church claims that on 14 February 2006, he was at Brgy. Magmarate, San Miguel,
located nearby his residence, together with some neighbor thereat. He claims Bulacan in the house of his aunt and he learned only about the incident when
that on 15 February 2006, he was being informed by Brgy. Kagawad Pablo he arrived home in their place. He claims further that the only reason why they
Umayan about the abduction of the brothers Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo. implicated him was due to the fact that his mother has filed a criminal charge
As to the allegation that he was one of the suspects, he claims that they only against their brother Rolando Manalo @ KA BESTRE who is an NPA
implicated him because he was a CAFGU and that they claimed that those Commander who killed his father and for that reason they implicated him in
support of their brother. Subject CAA vehemently denied any involvement on
the abduction of said Manalo brothers. f) Sworn statement of Michael dela Cruz y Faustino dated 29 May 2006 in
(Exhibit "G") states that he is a resident of Sitio Muzon, Brgy. Buhol na
d) Sworn Statement of Rudy Mendoza y Lingasa dated May 29, 2006 in Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, the Chief of Brgy. Tanod and a CAFGU
(Exhibit "E") states that he is a resident of Brgy. Marungko, Angat, Bulacan. member based at Biak na Bato Detachment, San Miguel, Bulacan. He claims
He claims that Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo are familiar to him being his that he knew very well the brothers Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo in their
barriomate when he was still unmarried and he knew them since childhood. barangay for having been the Tanod Chief for twenty (20) years. He alleged
Being one of the accused, he claims that on 14 February 2006, he was at his further that they are active supporters or sympathizers of the CPP/NPA and
residence in Brgy. Marungko, Angat, Bulacan. He claims that he was being whose elder brother Rolando Manalo @ KA BESTRE is an NPA leader
informed only about the incident lately and he was not aware of any reason operating within the area. Being one of the accused, he claims that on 14 Feb
why the two (2) brothers were being abducted by alleged members of the 2006 he was helping in the construction of their concrete chapel in their place
military and CAFGU. The only reason he knows why they implicated him was and he learned only about the incident which is the abduction of Raymond
because there are those people who are angry with their family particularly and Reynaldo Manalo when one of the Brgy. Kagawad in the person of Pablo
victims of summary execution (killing) done by their brother @ KA Bestre Cunanan informed him about the matter. He claims further that he is truly
Rolando Manalo who is an NPA leader. He claims further that it was their innocent of the allegation against him as being one of the abductors and he
brother @ KA BESTRE who killed his father and he was living witness to that considers everything fabricated in order to destroy his name that remains loyal
incident. Subject civilian vehemently denied any involvement on the abduction to his service to the government as a CAA member.
of the Manalo brothers.
e) Sworn statement of Ex-CAA Marcelo dala Cruz dated 29 May 2006 in
(Exhibit "F") states that he is a resident of Sitio Muzon, Brgy. Buhol na 5. Based on the foregoing statements of respondents in this particular case,
Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, a farmer and a former CAA based at Biak the proof of linking them to the alleged abduction and disappearance of
na Bato, San Miguel, Bulacan. He claims that Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo that transpired on 14 February 2006 at Sitio
are familiar to him being their barrio mate. He claims further that they are Muzon, Brgy. Buhol na Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, is unsubstantiated.
active supporters of CPP/NPA and that their brother Rolando Manalo @ KA Their alleged involvement theretofore to that incident is considered doubtful,
BESTRE is an NPA leader. Being one of the accused, he claims that on 14 hence, no basis to indict them as charged in this investigation.
February 2006, he was in his residence at Sitio Muzon, Brgy. Buhol na
Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. That he vehemently denied any participation Though there are previous grudges between each families (sic) in the past to
of the alleged abduction of the two (2) brothers and learned only about the quote: the killing of the father of Randy and Rudy Mendoza by @ KA BESTRE
incident when rumors reached him by his barrio mates. He claims that his TN: Rolando Manalo, this will not suffice to establish a fact that they were the
implication is merely fabricated because of his relationship to Roman and ones who did the abduction as a form of revenge. As it was also stated in the
Maximo who are his brothers. testimony of other accused claiming that the Manalos are active
sympathizers/supporters of the CPP/NPA, this would not also mean, however, REHEARSED AND SELF-SERVING AFFIDAVIT/TESTIMONY OF HEREIN
that in the first place, they were in connivance with the abductors. Being their RESPONDENT RAYMOND MANALO.
neighbors and as members of CAFGU's, they ought to be vigilant in protecting
their village from any intervention by the leftist group, hence inside their II.
village, they were fully aware of the activities of Raymond and Reynaldo THE COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY AND GRIEVOUSLY ERRED IN
Manalo in so far as their connection with the CPP/NPA is concerned. REQUIRING RESPONDENTS (HEREIN PETITIONERS) TO: (A) FURNISH
6. Premises considered surrounding this case shows that the alleged charges ALREADY IN FILE WITH THE COURT; (B) CONFIRM IN WRITING THE
of abduction committed by the above named respondents has not been PRESENT PLACES OF OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENT OF M/SGT. HILARIO aka
established in this investigation. Hence, it lacks merit to indict them for any ROLLIE CASTILLO AND DONALD CAIGAS; AND (C) CAUSE TO BE
administrative punishment and/or criminal liability. It is therefore concluded PRODUCED TO THE COURT OF APPEALS ALL MEDICAL REPORTS,
that they are innocent of the charge. RECORDS AND CHARTS, AND REPORTS OF ANY TREATMENT GIVEN
7. That CAAs Michael F. dela Cruz, Maximo F. Dela Cruz, Roman dela Cruz, 14, 2006 UNTIL AUGUST 12, 2007.70
Randy Mendoza, and two (2) civilians Maximo F. Dela Cruz and Rudy L.
Mendoza be exonerated from the case. The case at bar is the first decision on the application of the Rule on the Writ
of Amparo (Amparo Rule). Let us hearken to its beginning.
8. Upon approval, this case can be dropped and closed.69 The adoption of the Amparo Rule surfaced as a recurring proposition in the
recommendations that resulted from a two-day National Consultative Summit
In this appeal under Rule 45, petitioners question the appellate court's on Extrajudicial Killings and Enforced Disappearances sponsored by the Court
assessment of the foregoing evidence and assail the December 26, 2007 on July 16-17, 2007. The Summit was "envisioned to provide a broad and fact-
Decision on the following grounds, viz: based perspective on the issue of extrajudicial killings and enforced
disappearances,"71 hence "representatives from all sides of the political and
I. social spectrum, as well as all the stakeholders in the justice system"72
THE COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY AND GRIEVOUSLY ERRED IN participated in mapping out ways to resolve the crisis.
UNCORROBORATED, CONTRADICTED, AND OBVIOUSLY SCRIPTED, On October 24, 2007, the Court promulgated the Amparo Rule "in light of the
prevalence of extralegal killing and enforced disappearances."73 It was an
exercise for the first time of the Court's expanded power to promulgate rules to Since then, the protection has been an important part of Mexican
protect our people's constitutional rights, which made its maiden appearance constitutionalism.81 If, after hearing, the judge determines that a constitutional
in the 1987 Constitution in response to the Filipino experience of the martial right of the petitioner is being violated, he orders the official, or the official's
law regime.74 As the Amparo Rule was intended to address the intractable superiors, to cease the violation and to take the necessary measures to
problem of "extralegal killings" and "enforced disappearances," its coverage, restore the petitioner to the full enjoyment of the right in question. Amparo
in its present form, is confined to these two instances or to threats thereof. thus combines the principles of judicial review derived from the U.S. with the
"Extralegal killings" are "killings committed without due process of law, i.e., limitations on judicial power characteristic of the civil law tradition which
without legal safeguards or judicial proceedings."75 On the other hand, prevails in Mexico. It enables courts to enforce the constitution by protecting
"enforced disappearances" are "attended by the following characteristics: an individual rights in particular cases, but prevents them from using this power to
arrest, detention or abduction of a person by a government official or make law for the entire nation.82
organized groups or private individuals acting with the direct or indirect
acquiescence of the government; the refusal of the State to disclose the fate The writ of Amparo then spread throughout the Western Hemisphere,
or whereabouts of the person concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the gradually evolving into various forms, in response to the particular needs of
deprivation of liberty which places such persons outside the protection of each country.83 It became, in the words of a justice of the Mexican Federal
law."76 Supreme Court, one piece of Mexico's self-attributed "task of conveying to the
world's legal heritage that institution which, as a shield of human dignity, her
The writ of Amparo originated in Mexico. "Amparo" literally means "protection" own painful history conceived."84 What began as a protection against acts or
in Spanish.77 In 1837, de Tocqueville's Democracy in America became omissions of public authorities in violation of constitutional rights later evolved
available in Mexico and stirred great interest. Its description of the practice of for several purposes: (1) Amparo libertad for the protection of personal
judicial review in the U.S. appealed to many Mexican jurists.78 One of them, freedom, equivalent to the habeas corpus writ; (2) Amparo contra leyes for the
Manuel Crescencio Rejn, drafted a constitutional provision for his native judicial review of the constitutionality of statutes; (3) Amparo casacion for the
state, Yucatan,79 which granted judges the power to protect all persons in the judicial review of the constitutionality and legality of a judicial decision; (4)
enjoyment of their constitutional and legal rights. This idea was incorporated Amparo administrativo for the judicial review of administrative actions; and (5)
into the national constitution in 1847, viz: Amparo agrario for the protection of peasants' rights derived from the agrarian
reform process.85
The federal courts shall protect any inhabitant of the Republic in the exercise
and preservation of those rights granted to him by this Constitution and by In Latin American countries, except Cuba, the writ of Amparo has been
laws enacted pursuant hereto, against attacks by the Legislative and constitutionally adopted to protect against human rights abuses especially
Executive powers of the federal or state governments, limiting themselves to committed in countries under military juntas. In general, these countries
granting protection in the specific case in litigation, making no general adopted an all-encompassing writ to protect the whole gamut of constitutional
declaration concerning the statute or regulation that motivated the violation.80 rights, including socio-economic rights.86 Other countries like Colombia,
Chile, Germany and Spain, however, have chosen to limit the protection of the
writ of Amparo only to some constitutional guarantees or fundamental
rights.87 The writ of Amparo serves both preventive and curative roles in addressing
the problem of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances. It is preventive
In the Philippines, while the 1987 Constitution does not explicitly provide for in that it breaks the expectation of impunity in the commission of these
the writ of Amparo, several of the above Amparo protections are guaranteed offenses; it is curative in that it facilitates the subsequent punishment of
by our charter. The second paragraph of Article VIII, Section 1 of the 1987 perpetrators as it will inevitably yield leads to subsequent investigation and
Constitution, the Grave Abuse Clause, provides for the judicial power "to action. In the long run, the goal of both the preventive and curative roles is to
determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion deter the further commission of extralegal killings and enforced
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or disappearances.
instrumentality of the Government." The Clause accords a similar general
protection to human rights extended by the Amparo contra leyes, Amparo In the case at bar, respondents initially filed an action for "Prohibition,
casacion, and Amparo administrativo. Amparo libertad is comparable to the Injunction, and Temporary Restraining Order"92 to stop petitioners and/or
remedy of habeas corpus found in several provisions of the 1987 their officers and agents from depriving the respondents of their right to liberty
Constitution.88 The Clause is an offspring of the U.S. common law tradition of and other basic rights on August 23, 2007,93 prior to the promulgation of the
judicial review, which finds its roots in the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison.89 Amparo Rule. They also sought ancillary remedies including Protective
Custody Orders, Appointment of Commissioner, Inspection and Access
While constitutional rights can be protected under the Grave Abuse Clause Orders and other legal and equitable remedies under Article VIII, Section 5(5)
through remedies of injunction or prohibition under Rule 65 of the Rules of of the 1987 Constitution and Rule 135, Section 6 of the Rules of Court. When
Court and a petition for habeas corpus under Rule 102,90 these remedies the Amparo Rule came into effect on October 24, 2007, they moved to have
may not be adequate to address the pestering problem of extralegal killings their petition treated as an Amparo petition as it would be more effective and
and enforced disappearances. However, with the swiftness required to resolve suitable to the circumstances of the Manalo brothers' enforced disappearance.
a petition for a writ of Amparo through summary proceedings and the The Court granted their motion.
availability of appropriate interim and permanent reliefs under the Amparo
Rule, this hybrid writ of the common law and civil law traditions - borne out of With this backdrop, we now come to the arguments of the petitioner.
the Latin American and Philippine experience of human rights abuses - offers Petitioners' first argument in disputing the Decision of the Court of Appeals
a better remedy to extralegal killings and enforced disappearances and threats states, viz:
thereof. The remedy provides rapid judicial relief as it partakes of a summary
proceeding that requires only substantial evidence to make the appropriate The Court of Appeals seriously and grievously erred in believing and giving
reliefs available to the petitioner; it is not an action to determine criminal guilt full faith and credit to the incredible uncorroborated, contradicted, and
requiring proof beyond reasonable doubt, or liability for damages requiring obviously scripted, rehearsed and self-serving affidavit/testimony of herein
preponderance of evidence, or administrative responsibility requiring respondent Raymond Manalo.94
substantial evidence that will require full and exhaustive proceedings.91
In delving into the veracity of the evidence, we need to mine and refine the ore After careful perusal of the evidence presented, we affirm the findings of the
of petitioners' cause of action, to determine whether the evidence presented is Court of Appeals that respondents were abducted from their houses in Sito
metal-strong to satisfy the degree of proof required. Muzon, Brgy. Buhol na Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan on February 14, 2006
and were continuously detained until they escaped on August 13, 2007. The
Section 1 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo provides for the following causes abduction, detention, torture, and escape of the respondents were narrated by
of action, viz: respondent Raymond Manalo in a clear and convincing manner. His account
is dotted with countless candid details of respondents' harrowing experience
Section 1. Petition. - The petition for a writ of Amparo is a remedy available to and tenacious will to escape, captured through his different senses and
any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened etched in his memory. A few examples are the following: "Sumilip ako sa isang
with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or haligi ng kamalig at nakita kong sinisilaban si Manuel."96 "(N)ilakasan ng mga
of a private individual or entity. sundalo ang tunog na galing sa istiryo ng sasakyan. Di nagtagal, narinig ko
ang hiyaw o ungol ni Manuel."97 "May naiwang mga bakas ng dugo habang
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats hinihila nila ang mga bangkay. Naamoy ko iyon nang nililinis ang bakas."98
thereof. (emphasis supplied) "Tumigil ako sa may palaisdaan kung saan ginamit ko ang bato para tanggalin
ang mga kadena."99 "Tinanong ko sa isang kapit-bahay kung paano ako
Sections 17 and 18, on the other hand, provide for the degree of proof makakakuha ng cell phone; sabi ko gusto kong i-text ang isang babae na
required, viz: nakatira sa malapit na lugar."100
Sec. 17. Burden of Proof and Standard of Diligence Required. - The parties We affirm the factual findings of the appellate court, largely based on
shall establish their claims by substantial evidence. respondent Raymond Manalo's affidavit and testimony, viz:
xxx xxx xxx ...the abduction was perpetrated by armed men who were sufficiently
identified by the petitioners (herein respondents) to be military personnel and
Sec. 18. Judgment. - ... If the allegations in the petition are proven by CAFGU auxiliaries. Raymond recalled that the six armed men who barged into
substantial evidence, the court shall grant the privilege of the writ and such his house through the rear door were military men based on their attire of
reliefs as may be proper and appropriate; otherwise, the privilege shall be fatigue pants and army boots, and the CAFGU auxiliaries, namely: Michael de
denied. (emphases supplied) la Cruz, Madning de la Cruz, Puti de la Cruz and Pula de la Cruz, all members
of the CAFGU and residents of Muzon, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, and the
Substantial evidence has been defined as such relevant evidence as a brothers Randy Mendoza and Rudy Mendoza, also CAFGU members, served
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.95 as lookouts during the abduction. Raymond was sure that three of the six
military men were Ganata, who headed the abducting team, Hilario, who
drove the van, and George. Subsequent incidents of their long captivity, as
narrated by the petitioners, validated their assertion of the participation of the evidence to establish that M/Sgt. Rizal Hilario had anything to do with the
elements of the 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, and their CAFGU abduction or the detention. Hilario's involvement could not, indeed, be then
auxiliaries. established after Evangeline Francisco, who allegedly saw Hilario drive the
van in which the petitioners were boarded and ferried following the abduction,
We are convinced, too, that the reason for the abduction was the suspicion did not testify. (See the decision of the habeas proceedings at rollo, p. 52)
that the petitioners were either members or sympathizers of the NPA,
considering that the abductors were looking for Ka Bestre, who turned out to However, in this case, Raymond attested that Hilario drove the white L-300 van
be Rolando, the brother of petitioners. in which the petitioners were brought away from their houses on February 14,
2006. Raymond also attested that Hilario participated in subsequent incidents
The efforts exerted by the Military Command to look into the abduction were, during the captivity of the petitioners, one of which was when Hilario fetched
at best, merely superficial. The investigation of the Provost Marshall of the 7th them from Fort Magsaysay on board a Revo and conveyed them to a
Infantry Division focused on the one-sided version of the CAFGU auxiliaries detachment in Pinaud, San Ildefonso, Bulacan where they were detained for
involved. This one-sidedness might be due to the fact that the Provost at least a week in a house of strong materials (Exhibit D, rollo, p. 205) and
Marshall could delve only into the participation of military personnel, but even then Hilario (along with Efren) brought them to Sapang, San Miguel, Bulacan
then the Provost Marshall should have refrained from outrightly exculpating on board the Revo, to an unfinished house inside the compound of Kapitan
the CAFGU auxiliaries he perfunctorily investigated... where they were kept for more or less three months. (Exhibit D, rollo, p. 205) It
was there where the petitioners came face to face with Gen. Palparan. Hilario
Gen. Palparan's participation in the abduction was also established. At the and Efren also brought the petitioners one early morning to the house of the
very least, he was aware of the petitioners' captivity at the hands of men in petitioners' parents, where only Raymond was presented to the parents to
uniform assigned to his command. In fact, he or any other officer tendered no relay the message from Gen. Palparan not to join anymore rallies. On that
controversion to the firm claim of Raymond that he (Gen. Palparan) met them occasion, Hilario warned the parents that they would not again see their sons
in person in a safehouse in Bulacan and told them what he wanted them and should they join any rallies to denounce human rights violations. (Exhibit D,
their parents to do or not to be doing. Gen. Palparan's direct and personal role rollo, pp. 205-206) Hilario was also among four Master Sergeants (the others
in the abduction might not have been shown but his knowledge of the dire being Arman, Ganata and Cabalse) with whom Gen. Palparan conversed on
situation of the petitioners during their long captivity at the hands of military the occasion when Gen. Palparan required Raymond to take the medicines for
personnel under his command bespoke of his indubitable command policy his health. (Exhibit D, rollo, p. 206) There were other occasions when the
that unavoidably encouraged and not merely tolerated the abduction of petitioners saw that Hilario had a direct hand in their torture.
civilians without due process of law and without probable cause.
It is clear, therefore, that the participation of Hilario in the abduction and forced
In the habeas proceedings, the Court, through the Former Special Sixth disappearance of the petitioners was established. The participation of other
Division (Justices Buzon, chairman; Santiago-Lagman, Sr., member; and military personnel like Arman, Ganata, Cabalse and Caigas, among others,
Romilla-Lontok, Jr., member/ponente.) found no clear and convincing was similarly established.
With the secret nature of an enforced disappearance and the torture
xxx xxx xxx perpetrated on the victim during detention, it logically holds that much of the
information and evidence of the ordeal will come from the victims themselves,
As to the CAFGU auxiliaries, the habeas Court found them personally and the veracity of their account will depend on their credibility and
involved in the abduction. We also do, for, indeed, the evidence of their candidness in their written and/or oral statements. Their statements can be
participation is overwhelming.101 corroborated by other evidence such as physical evidence left by the torture
they suffered or landmarks they can identify in the places where they were
We reject the claim of petitioners that respondent Raymond Manalo's detained. Where powerful military officers are implicated, the hesitation of
statements were not corroborated by other independent and credible pieces of witnesses to surface and testify against them comes as no surprise.
evidence.102 Raymond's affidavit and testimony were corroborated by the
affidavit of respondent Reynaldo Manalo. The testimony and medical reports We now come to the right of the respondents to the privilege of the writ of
prepared by forensic specialist Dr. Molino, and the pictures of the scars left by Amparo. There is no quarrel that the enforced disappearance of both
the physical injuries inflicted on respondents,103 also corroborate respondents Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo has now passed as they have
respondents' accounts of the torture they endured while in detention. escaped from captivity and surfaced. But while respondents admit that they
Respondent Raymond Manalo's familiarity with the facilities in Fort Magsaysay are no longer in detention and are physically free, they assert that they are not
such as the "DTU," as shown in his testimony and confirmed by Lt. Col. "free in every sense of the word"109 as their "movements continue to be
Jimenez to be the "Division Training Unit,"104 firms up respondents' story that restricted for fear that people they have named in their Judicial Affidavits and
they were detained for some time in said military facility. testified against (in the case of Raymond) are still at large and have not been
held accountable in any way. These people are directly connected to the
In Ortiz v. Guatemala,105 a case decided by the Inter-American Commission Armed Forces of the Philippines and are, thus, in a position to threaten
on Human Rights, the Commission considered similar evidence, among respondents' rights to life, liberty and security."110 (emphasis supplied)
others, in finding that complainant Sister Diana Ortiz was abducted and Respondents claim that they are under threat of being once again abducted,
tortured by agents of the Guatemalan government. In this case, Sister Ortiz kept captive or even killed, which constitute a direct violation of their right to
was kidnapped and tortured in early November 1989. The Commission's security of person.111
findings of fact were mostly based on the consistent and credible statements,
written and oral, made by Sister Ortiz regarding her ordeal.106 These Elaborating on the "right to security, in general," respondents point out that
statements were supported by her recognition of portions of the route they this right is "often associated with liberty;" it is also seen as an "expansion of
took when she was being driven out of the military installation where she was rights based on the prohibition against torture and cruel and unusual
detained.107 She was also examined by a medical doctor whose findings punishment." Conceding that there is no right to security expressly mentioned
showed that the 111 circular second degree burns on her back and abrasions in Article III of the 1987 Constitution, they submit that their rights "to be kept
on her cheek coincided with her account of cigarette burning and torture she free from torture and from incommunicado detention and solitary detention
suffered while in detention.108 places112 fall under the general coverage of the right to security of person
under the writ of Amparo." They submit that the Court ought to give an
expansive recognition of the right to security of person in view of the State The purpose of the constitutional guarantee against unreasonable searches
Policy under Article II of the 1987 Constitution which enunciates that, "The and seizures is to prevent violations of private security in person and property
State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for and unlawful invasion of the security of the home by officers of the law acting
human rights." Finally, to justify a liberal interpretation of the right to security of under legislative or judicial sanction and to give remedy against such
person, respondents cite the teaching in Moncupa v. Enrile113 that "the right usurpation when attempted. (Adams v. New York, 192 U.S. 858; Alvero v.
to liberty may be made more meaningful only if there is no undue restraint by Dizon, 76 Phil. 637 [1946]). The right to privacy is an essential condition to the
the State on the exercise of that liberty"114 such as a requirement to "report dignity and happiness and to the peace and security of every individual,
under unreasonable restrictions that amounted to a deprivation of liberty"115 whether it be of home or of persons and correspondence. (Taada and
or being put under "monitoring and surveillance."116 Carreon, Political Law of the Philippines, Vol. 2, 139 [1962]). The
constitutional inviolability of this great fundamental right against
In sum, respondents assert that their cause of action consists in the threat to unreasonable searches and seizures must be deemed absolute as
their right to life and liberty, and a violation of their right to security. nothing is closer to a man's soul than the serenity of his privacy and the
assurance of his personal security. Any interference allowable can only
Let us put this right to security under the lens to determine if it has indeed be for the best causes and reasons.119 (emphases supplied)
been violated as respondents assert. The right to security or the right to
security of person finds a textual hook in Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 While the right to life under Article III, Section 1120 guarantees essentially the
Constitution which provides, viz: right to be alive121 - upon which the enjoyment of all other rights is
preconditioned - the right to security of person is a guarantee of the secure
Sec. 2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers quality of this life, viz: "The life to which each person has a right is not a life
and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature lived in fear that his person and property may be unreasonably violated by a
and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or warrant of powerful ruler. Rather, it is a life lived with the assurance that the government
arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be determined personally by he established and consented to, will protect the security of his person and
the judge... property. The ideal of security in life and property... pervades the whole history
of man. It touches every aspect of man's existence."122 In a broad sense, the
At the core of this guarantee is the immunity of one's person, including the right to security of person "emanates in a person's legal and uninterrupted
extensions of his/her person - houses, papers, and effects - against enjoyment of his life, his limbs, his body, his health, and his reputation. It
government intrusion. Section 2 not only limits the state's power over a includes the right to exist, and the right to enjoyment of life while existing, and
person's home and possessions, but more importantly, protects the privacy it is invaded not only by a deprivation of life but also of those things which are
and sanctity of the person himself.117 The purpose of this provision was necessary to the enjoyment of life according to the nature, temperament, and
enunciated by the Court in People v. CFI of Rizal, Branch IX, Quezon City, viz: lawful desires of the individual."123
A closer look at the right to security of person would yield various another with the variation of the prolificacy of their imagination, strength of
permutations of the exercise of this right. character or past experience with the stimulus. Thus, in the Amparo context, it
is more correct to say that the "right to security" is actually the "freedom from
First, the right to security of person is "freedom from fear." In its "whereas" threat." Viewed in this light, the "threatened with violation" Clause in the latter
clauses, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) enunciates that part of Section 1 of the Amparo Rule is a form of violation of the right to
"a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and security mentioned in the earlier part of the provision.127
freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of
the common people." (emphasis supplied) Some scholars postulate that Second, the right to security of person is a guarantee of bodily and
"freedom from fear" is not only an aspirational principle, but essentially an psychological integrity or security. Article III, Section II of the 1987 Constitution
individual international human right.124 It is the "right to security of person" as guarantees that, as a general rule, one's body cannot be searched or invaded
the word "security" itself means "freedom from fear."125 Article 3 of the UDHR without a search warrant.128 Physical injuries inflicted in the context of
provides, viz: extralegal killings and enforced disappearances constitute more than a search
or invasion of the body. It may constitute dismemberment, physical disabilities,
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.126 (emphasis and painful physical intrusion. As the degree of physical injury increases, the
supplied) danger to life itself escalates. Notably, in criminal law, physical injuries
constitute a crime against persons because they are an affront to the bodily
In furtherance of this right declared in the UDHR, Article 9(1) of the integrity or security of a person.129
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) also provides for
the right to security of person, viz: Physical torture, force, and violence are a severe invasion of bodily integrity.
When employed to vitiate the free will such as to force the victim to admit,
1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be reveal or fabricate incriminating information, it constitutes an invasion of both
subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his bodily and psychological integrity as the dignity of the human person includes
liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are the exercise of free will. Article III, Section 12 of the 1987 Constitution more
established by law. (emphasis supplied) specifically proscribes bodily and psychological invasion, viz:
The Philippines is a signatory to both the UDHR and the ICCPR. (2) No torture, force, violence, threat or intimidation, or any other means which
vitiate the free will shall be used against him (any person under investigation
In the context of Section 1 of the Amparo Rule, "freedom from fear" is the right for the commission of an offense). Secret detention places, solitary,
and any threat to the rights to life, liberty or security is the actionable wrong. incommunicado or other similar forms of detention are prohibited.
Fear is a state of mind, a reaction; threat is a stimulus, a cause of action. Fear
caused by the same stimulus can range from being baseless to well-founded Parenthetically, under this provision, threat and intimidation that vitiate the free
as people react differently. The degree of fear can vary from one person to will - although not involving invasion of bodily integrity - nevertheless
constitute a violation of the right to security in the sense of "freedom from
threat" as afore-discussed. The U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has
also made a statement that the protection of the bodily integrity of women may
Article III, Section 12 guarantees freedom from dehumanizing abuses of also be related to the right to security and liberty, viz:
persons under investigation for the commission of an offense. Victims of
enforced disappearances who are not even under such investigation should all ...gender-based violence which impairs or nullifies the enjoyment by women of
the more be protected from these degradations. human rights and fundamental freedoms under general international law or
under specific human rights conventions is discrimination within the meaning
An overture to an interpretation of the right to security of person as a right of article 1 of the Convention (on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against torture was made by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Against Women). These rights and freedoms include . . . the right to liberty
the recent case of Popov v. Russia.130 In this case, the claimant, who was and security of person.132
lawfully detained, alleged that the state authorities had physically abused him
in prison, thereby violating his right to security of person. Article 5(1) of the Third, the right to security of person is a guarantee of protection of one's rights
European Convention on Human Rights provides, viz: "Everyone has the right by the government. In the context of the writ of Amparo, this right is built into
to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in the guarantees of the right to life and liberty under Article III, Section 1 of the
the following cases and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law ..." 1987 Constitution and the right to security of person (as freedom from threat
(emphases supplied) Article 3, on the other hand, provides that "(n)o one shall and guarantee of bodily and psychological integrity) under Article III, Section
be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." 2. The right to security of person in this third sense is a corollary of the policy
Although the application failed on the facts as the alleged ill-treatment was that the State "guarantees full respect for human rights" under Article II,
found baseless, the ECHR relied heavily on the concept of security in holding, Section 11 of the 1987 Constitution.133 As the government is the chief
viz: guarantor of order and security, the Constitutional guarantee of the rights to
life, liberty and security of person is rendered ineffective if government does
...the applicant did not bring his allegations to the attention of domestic not afford protection to these rights especially when they are under threat.
authorities at the time when they could reasonably have been expected to Protection includes conducting effective investigations, organization of the
take measures in order to ensure his security and to investigate the government apparatus to extend protection to victims of extralegal killings or
circumstances in question. enforced disappearances (or threats thereof) and/or their families, and
bringing offenders to the bar of justice. The Inter-American Court of Human
xxx xxx xxx Rights stressed the importance of investigation in the Velasquez Rodriguez
Case,134 viz:
... the authorities failed to ensure his security in custody or to comply with the
procedural obligation under Art.3 to conduct an effective investigation into his (The duty to investigate) must be undertaken in a serious manner and not as a
allegations.131 (emphasis supplied) mere formality preordained to be ineffective. An investigation must have an
objective and be assumed by the State as its own legal duty, not as a step reasonable and appropriate measures to protect them. An interpretation of
taken by private interests that depends upon the initiative of the victim or his article 9 which would allow a State party to ignore threats to the personal
family or upon their offer of proof, without an effective search for the truth by security of non-detained persons within its jurisdiction would render totally
the government.135 ineffective the guarantees of the Covenant.139 (emphasis supplied)
This third sense of the right to security of person as a guarantee of The Paez ruling was reiterated in Bwalya v. Zambia,140 which involved a
government protection has been interpreted by the United Nations' Human political activist and prisoner of conscience who continued to be intimidated,
Rights Committee136 in not a few cases involving Article 9137 of the ICCPR. harassed, and restricted in his movements following his release from
While the right to security of person appears in conjunction with the right to detention. In a catena of cases, the ruling of the Committee was of a similar
liberty under Article 9, the Committee has ruled that the right to security of import: Bahamonde v. Equatorial Guinea,141 involving discrimination,
person can exist independently of the right to liberty. In other words, there intimidation and persecution of opponents of the ruling party in that state;
need not necessarily be a deprivation of liberty for the right to security of Tshishimbi v. Zaire,142 involving the abduction of the complainant's husband
person to be invoked. In Delgado Paez v. Colombia,138 a case involving who was a supporter of democratic reform in Zaire; Dias v. Angola,143
death threats to a religion teacher at a secondary school in Leticia, Colombia, involving the murder of the complainant's partner and the harassment he
whose social views differed from those of the Apostolic Prefect of Leticia, the (complainant) suffered because of his investigation of the murder; and
Committee held, viz: Chongwe v. Zambia,144 involving an assassination attempt on the chairman
of an opposition alliance.
The first sentence of article 9 does not stand as a separate paragraph. Its
location as a part of paragraph one could lead to the view that the right to Similarly, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has interpreted the
security arises only in the context of arrest and detention. The travaux "right to security" not only as prohibiting the State from arbitrarily depriving
prparatoires indicate that the discussions of the first sentence did indeed liberty, but imposing a positive duty on the State to afford protection of the
focus on matters dealt with in the other provisions of article 9. The Universal right to liberty.145 The ECHR interpreted the "right to security of person"
Declaration of Human Rights, in article 3, refers to the right to life, the right to under Article 5(1) of the European Convention of Human Rights in the leading
liberty and the right to security of the person. These elements have been dealt case on disappearance of persons, Kurt v. Turkey.146 In this case, the
with in separate clauses in the Covenant. Although in the Covenant the only claimant's son had been arrested by state authorities and had not been seen
reference to the right of security of person is to be found in article 9, there is since. The family's requests for information and investigation regarding his
no evidence that it was intended to narrow the concept of the right to security whereabouts proved futile. The claimant suggested that this was a violation of
only to situations of formal deprivation of liberty. At the same time, States her son's right to security of person. The ECHR ruled, viz:
parties have undertaken to guarantee the rights enshrined in the Covenant. It
cannot be the case that, as a matter of law, States can ignore known threats ... any deprivation of liberty must not only have been effected in conformity
to the life of persons under their jurisdiction, just because that he or she is not with the substantive and procedural rules of national law but must equally be
arrested or otherwise detained. States parties are under an obligation to take in keeping with the very purpose of Article 5, namely to protect the individual
from arbitrariness... Having assumed control over that individual it is
incumbent on the authorities to account for his or her whereabouts. For this The possibility of respondents being executed stared them in the eye while
reason, Article 5 must be seen as requiring the authorities to take effective they were in detention. With their escape, this continuing threat to their life is
measures to safeguard against the risk of disappearance and to conduct a apparent, moreso now that they have surfaced and implicated specific officers
prompt effective investigation into an arguable claim that a person has been in the military not only in their own abduction and torture, but also in those of
taken into custody and has not been seen since.147 (emphasis supplied) other persons known to have disappeared such as Sherlyn Cadapan, Karen
Empeo, and Manuel Merino, among others.
Applying the foregoing concept of the right to security of person to the
case at bar, we now determine whether there is a continuing violation of Understandably, since their escape, respondents have been under
respondents' right to security. concealment and protection by private citizens because of the threat to their
life, liberty and security. The threat vitiates their free will as they are forced to
First, the violation of the right to security as freedom from threat to limit their movements or activities.149 Precisely because respondents are
respondents' life, liberty and security. being shielded from the perpetrators of their abduction, they cannot be
expected to show evidence of overt acts of threat such as face-to-face
While respondents were detained, they were threatened that if they escaped, intimidation or written threats to their life, liberty and security. Nonetheless, the
their families, including them, would be killed. In Raymond's narration, he was circumstances of respondents' abduction, detention, torture and escape
tortured and poured with gasoline after he was caught the first time he reasonably support a conclusion that there is an apparent threat that they will
attempted to escape from Fort Magsaysay. A call from a certain "Mam," who again be abducted, tortured, and this time, even executed. These constitute
wanted to see him before he was killed, spared him. threats to their liberty, security, and life, actionable through a petition for a writ
of Amparo.
This time, respondents have finally escaped. The condition of the threat to be
killed has come to pass. It should be stressed that they are now free from Next, the violation of the right to security as protection by the government.
captivity not because they were released by virtue of a lawful order or Apart from the failure of military elements to provide protection to respondents
voluntarily freed by their abductors. It ought to be recalled that towards the by themselves perpetrating the abduction, detention, and torture, they also
end of their ordeal, sometime in June 2007 when respondents were detained miserably failed in conducting an effective investigation of respondents'
in a camp in Limay, Bataan, respondents' captors even told them that they abduction as revealed by the testimony and investigation report of petitioners'
were still deciding whether they should be executed. Respondent Raymond own witness, Lt. Col. Ruben Jimenez, Provost Marshall of the 7th Infantry
Manalo attested in his affidavit, viz: Division.
Kinaumagahan, naka-kadena pa kami. Tinanggal ang mga kadena mga 3 o 4 The one-day investigation conducted by Jimenez was very limited, superficial,
na araw pagkalipas. Sinabi sa amin na kaya kami nakakadena ay dahil and one-sided. He merely relied on the Sworn Statements of the six
pinagdedesisyunan pa ng mga sundalo kung papatayin kami o hindi.148 implicated members of the CAFGU and civilians whom he met in the
investigation for the first time. He was present at the investigation when his In sum, we conclude that respondents' right to security as "freedom from
subordinate Lingad was taking the sworn statements, but he did not propound threat" is violated by the apparent threat to their life, liberty and security of
a single question to ascertain the veracity of their statements or their person. Their right to security as a guarantee of protection by the government
credibility. He did not call for other witnesses to test the alibis given by the six is likewise violated by the ineffective investigation and protection on the part of
implicated persons nor for the family or neighbors of the respondents. the military.
In his affidavit, petitioner Secretary of National Defense attested that in a Finally, we come to the reliefs granted by the Court of Appeals, which
Memorandum Directive dated October 31, 2007, he issued a policy directive petitioners question.
addressed to the AFP Chief of Staff, that the AFP should adopt rules of action
in the event the writ of Amparo is issued by a competent court against any First, that petitioners furnish respondents all official and unofficial reports of
members of the AFP, which should essentially include verification of the the investigation undertaken in connection with their case, except those
identity of the aggrieved party; recovery and preservation of relevant evidence; already in file with the court.
identification of witnesses and securing statements from them; determination
of the cause, manner, location and time of death or disappearance; Second, that petitioners confirm in writing the present places of official
identification and apprehension of the person or persons involved in the death assignment of M/Sgt. Hilario aka Rollie Castillo and Donald Caigas.
or disappearance; and bringing of the suspected offenders before a
competent court.150 Petitioner AFP Chief of Staff also submitted his own Third, that petitioners cause to be produced to the Court of Appeals all
affidavit attesting that he received the above directive of respondent Secretary medical reports, records and charts, and reports of any treatment given or
of National Defense and that acting on this directive, he immediately caused recommended and medicines prescribed, if any, to the Manalo brothers, to
to be issued a directive to the units of the AFP for the purpose of establishing include a list of medical personnel (military and civilian) who attended to them
the circumstances of the alleged disappearance and the recent reappearance from February 14, 2006 until August 12, 2007.
of the respondents, and undertook to provide results of the investigations to
respondents.151 To this day, however, almost a year after the policy directive With respect to the first and second reliefs, petitioners argue that the
was issued by petitioner Secretary of National Defense on October 31, 2007, production order sought by respondents partakes of the characteristics of a
respondents have not been furnished the results of the investigation which search warrant. Thus, they claim that the requisites for the issuance of a
they now seek through the instant petition for a writ of Amparo. search warrant must be complied with prior to the grant of the production
order, namely: (1) the application must be under oath or affirmation; (2) the
Under these circumstances, there is substantial evidence to warrant the search warrant must particularly describe the place to be searched and the
conclusion that there is a violation of respondents' right to security as a things to be seized; (3) there exists probable cause with one specific offense;
guarantee of protection by the government. and (4) the probable cause must be personally determined by the judge after
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he
may produce.152 In the case at bar, however, petitioners point out that other
than the bare, self-serving and vague allegations made by respondent Distributors (Phil.) Inc. The company questioned the issuance of the
Raymond Manalo in his unverified declaration and affidavit, the documents subpoena on the ground that it violated the search and seizure clause. The
respondents seek to be produced are only mentioned generally by name, with Court struck down the argument and held that the subpoena pertained to a
no other supporting details. They also argue that the relevancy of the civil procedure that "cannot be identified or confused with unreasonable
documents to be produced must be apparent, but this is not true in the searches prohibited by the Constitution..."
present case as the involvement of petitioners in the abduction has not been
shown. Moreover, in his affidavit, petitioner AFP Chief of Staff himself undertook "to
provide results of the investigations conducted or to be conducted by the
Petitioners' arguments do not hold water. The production order under the concerned unit relative to the circumstances of the alleged disappearance of
Amparo Rule should not be confused with a search warrant for law the persons in whose favor the Writ of Amparo has been sought for as soon
enforcement under Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution. This as the same has been furnished Higher headquarters."
Constitutional provision is a protection of the people from the unreasonable
intrusion of the government, not a protection of the government from the With respect to the second and third reliefs, petitioners assert that the
demand of the people such as respondents. disclosure of the present places of assignment of M/Sgt. Hilario aka Rollie
Castillo and Donald Caigas, as well as the submission of a list of medical
Instead, the Amparo production order may be likened to the production of personnel, is irrelevant, improper, immaterial, and unnecessary in the
documents or things under Section 1, Rule 27 of the Rules of Civil Procedure resolution of the petition for a writ of Amparo. They add that it will
which provides in relevant part, viz: unnecessarily compromise and jeopardize the exercise of official functions
and duties of military officers and even unwittingly and unnecessarily expose
Section 1. Motion for production or inspection order. them to threat of personal injury or even death.
On the contrary, the disclosure of the present places of assignment of M/Sgt.
Upon motion of any party showing good cause therefor, the court in which an Hilario aka Rollie Castillo and Donald Caigas, whom respondents both directly
action is pending may (a) order any party to produce and permit the inspection implicated as perpetrators behind their abduction and detention, is relevant in
and copying or photographing, by or on behalf of the moving party, of any ensuring the safety of respondents by avoiding their areas of territorial
designated documents, papers, books of accounts, letters, photographs, jurisdiction. Such disclosure would also help ensure that these military officers
objects or tangible things, not privileged, which constitute or contain evidence can be served with notices and court processes in relation to any investigation
material to any matter involved in the action and which are in his possession, and action for violation of the respondents' rights. The list of medical
custody or control... personnel is also relevant in securing information to create the medical history
of respondents and make appropriate medical interventions, when applicable
In Material Distributors (Phil.) Inc. v. Judge Natividad,153 the respondent and necessary.
judge, under authority of Rule 27, issued a subpoena duces tecum for the
production and inspection of among others, the books and papers of Material
In blatant violation of our hard-won guarantees to life, liberty and security, G.R. No. 211590
these rights are snuffed out from victims of extralegal killings and enforced
disappearances. The writ of Amparo is a tool that gives voice to preys of silent CHAIRPERSON SIEGFRED B. MISON, in his capacity as the Chairperson
guns and prisoners behind secret walls. of Bureau of Immigration and Deportation, Petitioner,
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DISMISSED. The JA HOON KU, Respondent.
Decision of the Court of Appeals dated December 26, 2007 is affirmed.
of the Bureau of Immigration (BI), for the immediate arrest and deportatio n of Petitioner then filed an Opposition to the Motion for Issuance of TPO on 28
Ku to Korea for being an undesirable alien. January 2014.23
Meanwhile, on 1 January 2014, Kus visa expired.10 On 28 January 2014, Judge Gallegos issued the first assailed Order granting
the motion for issuance of TPO, entrusting Kus custody to the Philippine
On 3 January 2014, Special Prosecutor Maria Antonette Bucasas- National Red Cross and/or its Chairman CEO Richard Gordon, and directing
Mangrobang charged Ku for being a risk to public interest pursuant to Sec. 69, the Philippine National Police-Police Security and Protection Group (PNP-
Act No. 2711.11This finding was approved by the BI Board of Commissioners PSPG) to protect Ku and his immediate family.24 On 29 January 2014, Judge
which, on 16 January 2014, issued a Summary Deportation Order.12 Gallegos issued the second assailed Order directing the transfer of custody
and protection of Ku to the PNP-PSPG.25 Petitioner challenged these orders
On the same day, 16 January 2014, BI officers, with the assistance of the before the Court via a Petition for Certiorari26 docketed as G.R. No. 210759.
Manila Police District-Warrant and Subpoena Section, arrested Ku. Upon
arrival at the BI detention center, Ku was detained.13 On 4 February 2014, the Court issued a Resolution in G.R. No. 210759
issuing a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) enjoining the enforcement of
On 17 January 2014, the Republic of Korea voided Kus passport.14 the Orders dated 28 and 29 January 2014 and directing the BI to retain
custody of Ku, as well as requiring Ku to comment on the petition.27 In issuing
Also on 17 January 2014, Ku filed a Petition for the Issuance of a Writ of this resolution, the Court intimated the possibility of misuse by Ku of the writ of
Amparo with Interim Remedies, docketed as SP PROC. No. 14- 131282.15 amparo given that he was validly arrested and placed under the jurisdiction
On 22 January 2014, he also filed a Supplemental Petition for the Issuance of and custody of the BI; thus the case cannot be categorized as one of
a Writ of Amparo.16 extralegal killing or enforced disappearance.28
Finding said supple mental petition to be sufficient in form and substance, Owing to the Courts Resolution dated 4 February 2014, in the hearing set on
Judge Gallegos, in an Order dated 22 January 2014, issued a Writ of 11 February 2014 before the trial court, petitioner verbally moved for the
Amparo.17 On 24 January 2014, Ku filed a Motion for the Issuance of a dismissal of the amparo petition.29On 18 February 2014, however, Judge
Temporary Protection Order (TPO).18 Judge Gallegos then set the hearing on Gallegos issued the third assailed order denying the motion to dismiss for lack
the TPO on 27 January 2014 at 8:30 a.m.,19 while he set the hearing on the of merit.30Thus, petitioner appealed the matter to the Court via the Petition for
petition for the issuance of a writ of amparo on 29 January 2014 at 8:30 Certiorari and Prohibition31 docketed as G.R. No. 211403.
In the afternoon of 27 January 2014, petitioner filed his Return of the Writ.21 On 25 February 2014, Ku filed an appeal memorandum on his deportation
He was then notified that a hearing on the TPO was held earlier in the order addressed to the Office of the President (OP).32
morning and that the same was already submitted for resolution.22
On 14 March 2014, Judge Gallegos issued the assailed Resolution granting We rule in the negative.
the privilege of the writ of amparo, to wit:
Section 1 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo (Amparo Rule)39 provides:
WHEREFORE, the privilege of the Writ of Amparo is hereby GRANTED. [Ku]
is ordered immediately released from [petitioners] custody without prejudice SECTION 1. Petition. The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available
to the institution of the proper remedy to extradition. Moreover, the [petitioner] to any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened
and/or agents are ordered to cease and desist from further violating the right with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or
to liberty of [Ku] and the members of his family by filing cases to legitimize his of a private individual or entity.
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats
Meanwhile, in the Resolution dated 18 March 2014 in G.R. No. 211403, the thereof.
Court issued a TRO enjoining the RTC from enforcing the Order dated 18
February 2014 and from further proceeding with the case.34 On 25 September 2007, the Court promulgated the Amparo Rule "in light of
the prevalence of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances." It was an
On 19 March 2014, the OP granted Ku provisional liberty only until 31 August exercise for the first time of the Courts expanded power to promulgate rules to
2014 or until his appeal was resolved, whichever came first.35Ku then moved protect our people s constitutional rights, which made its maiden appearance
for the release of his passport before the RTC, which petitioner opposed and in the 1987 Constitution in response to the Filipino experience of the martial
to which he filed a counter-motion for the RTC to release said passport to the law regime. As the Amparo Rule was intended to address the intractable
BI, given that such was one of the conditions for the OPs grant of provisional problem of "extralegal killings" and "enforced disappearances," its coverage,
liberty to Ku.36 In the Order dated 26 March 2014, however, Judge Gallegos in its present form, is confined to these two instances or to threats thereof.
merely noted petitioners motion for being moot, considering that he already "Extralegal killings" are killings committed without due process of law, i.e.,
released Kus passport on 20 March 2014, upon the personal request of without legal safeguards or judicial proceedings." On the other hand,
Ku.37 "enforced disappearances" are "attended by the following characteristics: an
arrest, detention or abduction of a person by a government official or
Due to the complexities involved, petitioner filed the Petition for Review on organized groups or private individuals acting with the direct or indirect
Certiorari in G.R. No. 211590, essentially assailing the Resolution dated 14 acquiescence of the government; the refusal of the State to disclose the fate
March 2014. or where about s of the person concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the
deprivation of liberty which places such persons outside the protection of
Condensing the various issues raised in these petitions,38 we come to the law."40
central question of whether or not the privilege of the writ of amparo was
properly granted in the case at bar. This pronouncement on the coverage of the writ was further cemented in the
latter case of Lozada, Jr. v. Macapagal-Arroyo41 where this Court explicitly
declared that as it stands, the writ of amparo is confined only to cases of Although Ku claims that he was arbitrarily arrested and detained by agents of
extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances, or to threats thereof. As to the BI, that he was not read his rights under the constitution and was not
what constitutes "enforced disappearance," the Court in Navia v. Pardico42 informed of the reason for hi s arrest, nor provided a copy of any document
enumerated the elements constituting "enforced disappearances" as the term leading to his arrest and detention,46 the arresting officers are all consistent in
is statutorily defined in Section 3(g) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9851,43 to wit: testifying that, upon Kus arrest, they introduced themselves as agents of the
BI, presented to Ku the Warrant of Deportation, and informed him of his
(a) that there be an arrest, detention, abduction or any form of deprivation constitutional rights as well as the expiration of his visa.47
of liberty;
(b) that it be carried out by, or with the authorization, support or More importantly, there was no attempt on the part of the BI to conceal Ku or
acquiescence of, the State or a political organization; his whereabouts. Within the Bureau, Kus arrest and the fact that he was in
(c) that it be followed by the State or political organizations refusal to their custody was not obscured as, in fact, these were well-documented as
acknowledge or give information on the fate or whereabouts of the evidenced by the Return of Warrant of Deportation dated 20 January 201448
person subject of the amparo petition; and and the After-Mission Report dated 17 January 2014.49
(d) that the intention for such refusal is to remove the subject person from
the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time.44 More importantly, in the Return of the Writ, petitioner readily disclosed to the
As clarified in Navia, with the enactment of R.A. No. 9851, the Amparo Rule is trial court that Ku was in the custody of the BI pursuant to a Warrant of
now a procedural law anchored, not only on the constitutional rights to life, Deportation and a Summary Deportation Order.50
liberty and security, but on a concrete statutory definition as well of what an
enforced or involuntary disappearance is. Therefore, A.M. No. 07-9-12-SCs These documents and pleading show that there was never any intention on
reference to enforced disappearances should be construed to mean the the part of the BI to re move Ku from the protection of the law for a prolonged
enforced or involuntary disappearance of persons contemplated in Section time. Besides, when Ku was arrested at 9:30 p.m. on 16 January 2014, and
3(g) of R.A. No. 9851. Meaning, in probing enforced disappearance cases, received at the BI Detention Center at 11:30 p.m. also on 16 January 2014,51
courts should read A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC in relation to R.A. No. 9851.45 the following day or on 17 January 2014, Kus counsel was immediately able
to file his Entry of Appearance with Motion for Reconsideration before the
Guided by the parameters of R.A. No. 9851, we can readily discern that Kus BI,52 thereby showing that Kus legal rights were amply guarded and that he
circumstance does not come under the statutory definition of an enforced or was never removed from the protection of the law.
involuntary disappearance. Indeed, Ku was arrested by agents of the BI, but
there was no refusal on the part of the BI to acknowledge such arrest nor was Section 5 of the Amparo Rule enumerates what an amparo petition should
there any refusal to give information on the whereabouts of Ku. Neither can it contain, among which is the right to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved
be said that the BI had any intention to remove Ku from the protection of the party violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of the
law for a prolonged time. respondent, and how such threat or violation is committed with the attendant
circumstances detailed in supporting affidavits, to wit:
The allegations of Ku, though, are specious. It is to be noted that the Amparo
SEC. 5. Contents of Petition. The petition shall be signed and verified and Rule requires the parties to establish their claims by substantial evidence.55
shall allege the following: Other than making unfounded claims, however, Ku was not able to present
evidence that he was exposed to "life-threatening situations" while confined at
(a) The personal circumstances of the petitioner; the BI Detention Center. On the contrary, the records show that he is afforded
(b) The name and personal circumstances of the respondent responsible for visitorial rights and that he has access to his counsel.
the threat, act or omission, or, if the name is unknown or uncertain, the
respondent may be described by an assumed appellation; Moreover, his primary fear, which prompted him to file the amparo petition,
(c) The right to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party violated or was that the BI would trump up charges against him so as to justify his
threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of the respondent, detention. The fact remains, however, that even before his arrest, deportation
and how such threat or violation is committed with the attendant charges against him were already duly filed and ruled upon by the BI.
circumstances detailed in supporting affidavits;
(d) The investigation conducted, if any, specifying the names, personal As such, it can readily be discerned that the RTCs grant of the privilege of the
circumstances, and addresses of the investigating authority or individuals, as writ of amparo was improper in this case as Ku and his whereabouts were
well as the manner and conduct of the investigation, together with any report; never concealed, and as the alleged threats to his life, liberty and security
(e) The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to determine the fate or were unfounded and unsubstantiated. It is to be emphasized that the
whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the identity of the person responsible fundamental function of the writ of amparo is to cause the disclosure of details
for the threat, act or omission; and concerning the extrajudicial killing or the enforced disappearance of an
(f) The relief prayed for. aggrieved party. As Ku and his whereabouts were never hidden, there was no
The petition may include a general prayer for other just and equitable reliefs. need for the issuance of the privilege of the writ of amparo in the case at bar.
Ku claims that he fears for his life and feels the serious danger of being It is to be additionally observed that Ku is guilty of forum shopping. Being the
detained for a long period of time without any cause, and that he fears that the subject of a Warrant of Deportation and a Summary Deportation Order, Kus
BI will fabricate criminal cases against him to hold him under detention.53 proper recourse is with the BI and, thereafter, with the DOJ and the OP.56
According to Ku, what he seeks to obtain in filing an amparo petition is the Ku knows this and, in fact, he filed a Motion for Reconsideration before the BI
protection it will give to his person against the actions of some government and an Appeal before the OP. When Ku, however, injudiciously filed a Petition
officials who will likely take advantage of their positions and use the power of and a Supplemental Petition for the Issuance of a Writ of Amparo, he
the government at their command. Ku adds that the longer he stays in committed forum shopping by seeking a remedy which he had already
confinement the more he is exposed to life-threatening situations and the solicited from another tribunal.
further the violation of his guaranteed rights.54
In Kiani v. BID,57 where petitioner therein file d before the trial court a petition the Courts Resolution dated 4 February 2014, wherein we issued a TRO
for a writ of habeas corpus seeking to have the detention of her husband enjoining the enforcement of the Orders dated 28 and 29 January 2014 and
declared as illegal and to order the latters release, and where her husband intimated the impropriety of the amparo petition, was received by the RTC on
filed before the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID) an omnibus 5 February 2014.60 This should have alerted Judge Gallegos to proceed with
motion seeking to question the summary deportation order issued against caution and restraint in granting the privilege of the writ of amparo. And yet,
him, the Court held that petitioner indulged in forum shopping. despite having knowledge of the Courts pronouncements, Judge Gallegos
proceeded to grant the said privilege.
The Court clarified that under Section 8, Chapter 3, Title I, Book III of
Executive Order No. 292, the power to deport aliens is vested in the President Also, the records show that the Courts Resolution dated 18 March 2014,
of the Philippines, subject to the requirements of due process. The wherein we issued a TRO enjoining the enforcement of the Order dated 18
Immigration Commissioner is vested with authority to deport aliens under February 2014 and enjoining the RTC from further proceeding with the case,
Section 37 of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, as amended. Thus, a was received by the RTC on 20 March 2014 at 9:00 a.m.61
party aggrieved by a Deportation Order issued by the BOC is proscribed from
assailing said Order in the RTC even via a petition for a writ of habeas Although by then, Judge Gallegos already issued the Resolution dated 14
corpus . Conformably with ruling of the Court in Domingo v. Scheer , such March 2014 which granted the privilege of the writ of amparo, his receipt of
party may file a motion for the reconsideration thereof before the BOC.58 the Courts Resolution dated 18 Marc h 2014 should have forewarned him
against releasing Kus passport. That he did so demonstrates his resistance
Citing Balite v. Court of Appeals,59 the Court held that there is forum and unwillingness to follow the Courts edicts.
shopping when a party seeks to obtain remedies in an action in one court,
which had already been solicited, and in other courts and other proceedings in It is well to note that a resolution of the Supreme Court should not be
other tribunals. While a party may avail of the remedies prescribed by the construed as a mere request, and should be complied with promptly and
Rules of Court, such party is not free to resort to them simultaneously or at completely.. Such failure to comply accordingly betrays not only a recalcitrant
his/her pleasure or caprice. A party should not be allowed to present streak in character, but al so disrespect for the Courts lawful order and
simultaneous remedies in two different forums, for it degrades and wreaks directive.62
havoc to the rule on orderly procedure. A party must follow the sequence and
hierarchical order in availing of such remedies and not resort to shortcuts in Judge Gallegos should know that judges must respect the orders and
procedure or playing fast and loose with the said rules. Forum shopping, an decisions of higher tribunals, especially the Supreme Court from which all
act of malpractice, is considered as trifling with the courts and abusing their other courts take their bearings. A resolution of the Supreme Court is not to be
processes. It is improper conduct and degrades the administration of justice. construed as a mere request nor should it be complied with partially,
inadequately or selectively.63
On a final note, the Court observes that Judge Gallegos knowingly
disregarded the Courts directives as regards this case. The records show that
In the Judiciary, moral integrity is more than a cardinal virtue, it is a necessity. PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
The exacting standards of conduct demanded from judges are designed to
promote public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the Resolutions dated
When the judge himself becomes the transgressor of the law which he is August 6, 20122 and January 7, 20133 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
sworn to apply, he places his office in disrepute, encourages disrespect for the City4 (RTC) in SP No. Q-12-71275, which (a) dismissed the petition for writ of
law and impairs public confidence in the integrity of the judiciary itself.64 amparo filed by petitioners-spouses Rozelle Raymond Martin "Raymart"
(Raymart) and Claudine Margaret Santiago (Claudine; collectively, petitioners)
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court hereby resolves to: and (b) dissolved the temporary protection order (TPO) previously issued
a) GRANT the present petitions, and REVERSE and SET ASIDE the
Resolution dated 14 March 2014 of the Regional Trial Court which granted the The Facts
privilege of the Writ of Amparo;
b) DENY the privilege of the Writ of Amparo sought via the Petition for the At around 11:40 in the morning of May 6, 2012, petitioners arrived at the
Issuance of a Writ of Amparo and the Supplemental Petition for the Issuance Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3 (NAIA 3) aboard a Cebu Pacific
of Writ of Amparo in SP. PROC.No. 14131282 before the Regional Trial of Airline flight from a vacation with their family and friends. They waited for the
Manila, Branch 47; and arrival of their baggage but were eventually informed that it was offloaded and
c) DIRECT the Office of the Court Administrator to file the appropriate transferred to a different flight. Aggrieved, petitioners lodged a complaint
administrative charge/s against Judge Paulino Q. Gallegos in accordance with before the Cebu Pacific complaint desk. As they were complaining, they
the tenor of this Decision, and to forthwith submit to the Court its report and noticed a man taking photos of Claudine with his cellular phone. Ray mart
recommendation thereon. approached the man and asked what he was doing. Suddenly, the man, later
identified as Ramon "Mon" Tulfo (Mon), allegedly punched and kicked
SO ORDERED. Raymart, forcing the latter to fight back. When Claudine saw the commotion,
she approached Mon and the latter likewise allegedly kicked and pushed her
back against the counter. At that instance, Raymart rushed to defend his wife,
G.R. No. 205039, October 21, 2015 while one Edoardo Benjamin Atilano (Atilano) joined in the brawl. Immediately
thereafter, several airport security personnel came to stop the altercation and
SPOUSES ROZELLE RAYMOND MARTIN AND CLAUDINE MARGARET brought them to the Airport Police Department for investigation.5
TULFO, Respondents. Days after the incident, respondents Raffy, Ben, and Erwin Tulfo
(respondents), brothers of Mon, aired on their TV program comments and
DECISION expletives against petitioners, and threatened that they will retaliate.6 Terrified
by the gravity of the threats hurled, petitioners filed a petition for the issuance writ in favor of petitioners. In this relation, it explained that while it is true that
of a writ of amparo against respondents on May 11, 2012 before the RTC.7 the May 23, 2012 Motion was a motion to dismiss and as such, a prohibited
pleading under the rules, it still had the discretion to dismiss the case when in
On May 23, 2012, Erwin Tulfo filed a Manifestation and Motion to Deny its own determination the case is not covered by the same rule. It expressed
Issuance of Protection Order and/or Dismissal of the Petition Motu Proprio8 that the prohibition against motions to dismiss was meant to expedite the
(May 23, 2012 Motion) which was opposed by petitioners for being a proceedings; thus, in line with the same objective, it has the primary duty to so
prohibited pleading.9 declare if it cannot grant the remedy at the outset so as not to waste the time
and resources of the litigants and the courts, both in a moot and academic
On May 24, 2012, then Presiding Judge Bayani Vargas (JudgeVargas) issued exercise.17
a Resolution10 granting a TPO in favor of petitioners and directed
respondents to file their return/answer.11 Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration,18 which was, however, denied
for lack of merit in a Resolution19 dated January 7, 2013; hence, this petition.
In his return/answer,12 Ben Tulfo claimed that the statements he uttered did
not involve any actual threat and that he merely expressed his strong The Issue Before the Court
sentiments to defend his brother.13
The essential issue in this case is whether or not the RTC's dismissal of
On June 29, 2012, Judge Vargas submitted the case for resolution but petitioners' amparo petition was correct.
eventually retired on July 11, 2012. Consequently, Judge Maria Filomena
Singh (Judge Singh) was designated as the Acting Presiding Judge who Petitioners argue that the issuance of a writ of amparo is not limited to cases
assumed office and handled the present case.14 of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, or threats thereof.20 They
submit that they need not undergo the human rights abuses such as
The RTC Ruling extrajudicial killings or enforced disappearances, as is common to landmark
decisions on military and police abuses, before their right to life, liberty, and
In a Resolution15 dated August 6, 2012, the RTC, through Judge Singh, security may be protected by a writ of amparo.21 Further, they insist that the
dismissed the petition and ordered the dissolution of the TPO.16 It held that May 23, 2012 Motion was a prohibited pleading and, hence, should not have
the petition is not a proper subject of a writ of amparo since the rules were been allowed.22
intended to apply solely to cases of extralegal killings and enforced
disappearances, noting that the purpose of the law is to, among others, The Court's Ruling
ascertain the whereabouts of an aggrieved party, recover evidence related to
the death or disappearance of the person identified in the petition, and The petition is bereft of merit.
determine the facts surrounding the death or disappearance of a missing
person. Consequently, it held that it did not have the authority to issue said
In the landmark case of Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo (Manalo),23
the Court has already explained that the writ of amparo, under its present Since then, the protection has been an important part of Mexican
procedural formulation, namely, A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC,24 otherwise known as constitutionalism. If, after hearing, the judge determines that a constitutional
"The Rule on the Writ of Amparo," was intended to address and, thus, is right of the petitioner is being violated, he orders the official, or the official's
presently confined to cases involving extralegal killings and/or enforced superiors, to cease the violation and to take the necessary measures to
disappearances, or threats thereof: restore the petitioner to the full enjoyment of the right in question. Amparo
thus combines the principles of judicial review derived from the U.S. with the
As the Amparo Rule was intended to address the intractable problem of limitations on judicial power characteristic of the civil law tradition which
"extralegal killings" and "enforced disappearances," its coverage, in its present prevails in Mexico. It enables courts to enforce the constitution by protecting
form, is confined to these two instances or to threats thereof, x x x. (Emphasis individual rights in particular cases, but prevents them from using this power to
and underscoring supplied)ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary make law for the entire nation.
Indeed, while amparo (which literally means "protection" in Spanish) has been The writ of amparo then spread throughout the Western Hemisphere,
regarded as a special remedy provided for the enforcement of constitutional gradually evolving into various forms, in response to the particular needs of
rights, the parameters of protection are not the same in every jurisdiction. In each country. It became, in the words of a justice of the Mexican Federal
Manalo, the origins of amparo were discussed as follows: Supreme Court, one piece of Mexico's self-attributed "task of conveying to the
world's legal heritage that institution which, as a shield of human dignity, her
The writ of amparo originated in Mexico. "Amparo" literally means "protection" own painful history conceived." What began as a protection against acts or
in Spanish. In 1837, de Tocqueville's Democracy in America became available omissions of public authorities in violation of constitutional rights later evolved
in Mexico and stirred great interest. Its description of the practice of judicial for several purposes: (1) amparo libertad for the protection of personal
review in the U.S. appealed to many Mexican jurists. One of them, Manuel freedom, equivalent to the habeas corpus writ; (2) amparo contra leyes for the
Crescencio Rejon, drafted a constitutional provision for his native state, judicial review of the constitutionality of statutes; (3) amparo casacion for the
Yucatan, which granted judges the power to protect all persons in the judicial review of the constitutionality and legality of a judicial decision; (4)
enjoyment of their constitutional and legal rights. This idea was incorporated amparo administrativo for the judicial review of administrative actions; and (5)
into the national constitution in 1847, viz: amparo agrario for the protection of peasants" rights derived from the agrarian
reform process.
The federal courts shall protect any inhabitant of the Republic in the exercise
and preservation of those rights granted to him by this Constitution and by In Latin American countries, except Cuba, the writ of amparo has been
laws enacted pursuant hereto, against attacks by the Legislative and constitutionally adopted to protect against human rights abuses especially
Executive powers of the federal or state governments, limiting themselves to committed in countries under military juntas. In general, these countries
granting protection in the specific case in litigation, making no general adopted an all-encompassing writ to protect the whole gamut of constitutional
declaration concerning the statute or regulation that motivated the violation. rights, including socio-economic rights. Other countries like Colombia, Chile,
Germany and Spain, however, have chosen to limit the protection of the writ of vindication in our courts of justice."31 Stated differently, the writ of amparo is
amparo only to some constitutional guarantees or fundamental rights.26 an extraordinary remedy that is meant to balance out the government's
incredible power in order to curtail human rights abuses on its end.
In our jurisdiction, the contextual genesis, at least, for the present Amparo
Rule has limited the remedy as a response to extrajudicial killings and Consistent therewith, the delimitation of our current writ of amparo to
enforced disappearances, or threats thereof. "Extrajudicial killings," according extralegal killings and/or enforced disappearances, or threats thereof, is
to case law, are generally characterized as "killings committed without due explicit from Section 1 of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC, which reads:
process of law, i.e., without legal safeguards or judicial proceedings,"27 while
"enforced disappearances," according to Section 3 (g) of Republic Act No. Section 1. Petition. - The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to
9851,28 otherwise known as the "Philippine Act on Crimes Against any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened
International Humanitarian Law, Genocide, and Other Crimes Against with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or
Humanity," "means the arrest, detention, or abduction of persons by, or with of a private individual or entity.
the authorization, support or acquiescence of, a State or a political
organization followed by a refusal to acknowledge that deprivation of freedom The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats
or to give information on the fate or whereabouts of those persons, with the thereof.
intention of removing from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of
time." In Navia v. Pardico,29 the Court held that it must be shown and proved While the foregoing rule, as per Section 1 of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC's first
by substantial evidence that the disappearance was carried out by, or with the paragraph, does state that the writ is a remedy to protect the right to life,
authorization, support or acquiescence of, the State or a political organization, liberty, and security of the person desiring to avail of it, the same section's
followed by a refusal to acknowledge the same or give information on the fate second paragraph qualifies that the protection of such rights specifically
or whereabouts of said missing persons, with the intention of removing them pertain to extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats thereof,
from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time. Simply put, the which are more concrete cases that involve protection to the rights to life,
petitioner in an amparo case has the burden of proving by substantial liberty and security. The two paragraphs should indeed be read together in
evidence the indispensable element of government participation.30 Notably, order to construe the meaning of the provision. Clearly applicable is the
the same requirement of government participation should also apply to statutory construction rule that "clauses and phrases must not be taken as
extralegal killings, considering that the writ of amparo was, according to then detached and isolated expressions, but the whole and every part thereof must
Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno, who headed the Committee on the Revision of be considered in fixing the meaning of any of its parts in order to produce a
the Rules of Court that drafted A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC, intended to "hold public harmonious whole. Every part of the statute [or, in this case, procedural rule]
authorities, those who took their oath to defend the constitution and enforce must be interpreted with reference to the context, i.e., that every part of the
our laws, to a high standard of official conduct and hold them accountable to statute must be considered together with other parts of the statute and kept
our people. [In this light] [t]he sovereign Filipino people should be assured that subservient to the general intent of the whole enactment."32
if their right[s] to life and liberty are threatened or violated, they will find
In this case, it is undisputed that petitioners' amparo petition before the RTC
does not allege any case of extrajudicial killing and/or enforced DEL CASTILLO, J.:
disappearance, or any threats thereof, in the senses above-described. Their
petition is merely anchored on a broad invocation of respondents' purported For the protective writ of amparo to issue in enforced disappearance cases,
violation of their right to life and security, carried out by private individuals allegation and proof that the persons subject thereof are missing are not
without any showing of direct or indirect government participation. Thus, it is enough. It must also be shown by the required quantum of proof that their
apparent that their amparo petition falls outside the purview of A.M. No. 07-9- disappearance was carried out by, "or with the authorization, support or
12-SC and, perforce, must fail. Hence, the RTC, through Judge Singh, acquiescence of, [the government] or a political organization, followed by a
properly exercised its discretion to motu proprio dismiss the same under this refusal to acknowledge [the same or] give information on the fate or
principal determination, regardless of the filing of the May 23, 2012 Motion. whereabouts of [said missing] persons."3
The court, indeed, has the discretion to determine whether or not it has the
authority to grant the relief in the first place. And when it is already apparent This petition for review on certiorari4 filed in relation to Section 19 of A.M. No.
that the petition falls beyond the purview of the rule, it has the duty to dismiss 07-9-12-SC5 challenges the July 24, 2008 Decision6 of the Regional Trial
the petition so as not to prejudice any of the parties through prolonged but Court (RTC), Branch 20, Malolos City which granted the Petition for Writ of
futile litigation. Amparo7 filed by herein respondent against the petitioners.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The petition for writ of amparo filed by Factual Antecedents
petitioners-spouses Rozelle Raymond Martin and Claudine Margaret Santiago
before the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, docketed as SP No. Q-12- On March 31, 2008, at around 8:30 p.m., a vehicle of Asian Land Strategies
71275, is hereby DISMISSED. Corporation8 (Asian Land) arrived at the house of Lolita M. Lapore (Lolita)
located at 7A Lot 9, Block 54, Grand Royale Subdivision, Barangay Lugam,
SO ORDERED. Malolos City. The arrival of the vehicle awakened Lolitas son, Enrique Lapore
(Bong), and Benhur Pardico (Ben), who were then both staying in her house.
When Lolita went out to investigate, she saw two uniformed guards
G.R. No. 184467 June 19, 2012 disembarking from the vehicle. One of them immediately asked Lolita where
they could find her son Bong. Before Lolita could answer, the guard saw Bong
EDGARDO NAVIA,1 RUBEN DIO,2 and ANDREW BUISING, Petitioners, and told him that he and Ben should go with them to the security office of
vs. Asian Land because a complaint was lodged against them for theft of electric
VIRGINIA PARDICO, for and in behalf and in representation of BENHUR wires and lamps in the subdivision.9
V. PARDICO Respondent.
Shortly thereafter, Bong, Lolita and Ben were in the office of the security
DECISION department of Asian Land also located in Grand Royale Subdivision.10 The
supervisor of the security guards, petitioner Edgardo Navia (Navia), also Ben was left behind as Navia was still talking to him about those who might be
arrived thereat. involved in the reported loss of electric wires and lamps within the subdivision.
After a brief discussion though, Navia allowed Ben to leave. Ben also affixed
As to what transpired next, the parties respective versions diverge. his signature on the logbook to affirm the statements entered by the guards
that he was released unharmed and without any injury.14
Version of the Petitioners
Upon Navias instructions, Dio and Buising went back to the house of Lolita to
Petitioners alleged that they invited Bong and Ben to their office because they make her sign the logbook as witness that they indeed released Ben from
received a report from a certain Mrs. Emphasis, a resident of Grand Royale their custody. Lolita asked Buising to read aloud that entry in the logbook
Subdivision, that she saw Bong and Ben removing a lamp from a post in said where she was being asked to sign, to which Buising obliged. Not contented,
subdivision.11 The reported unauthorized taking of the lamp was relayed thru Lolita put on her reading glasses and read the entry in the logbook herself
radio to petitioners Ruben Dio (Dio) and Andrew Buising (Buising), who both before affixing her signature therein. After which, the guards left.
work as security guards at the Asian Land security department. Following their
departments standard operating procedure, Dio and Buising entered the Subsequently, petitioners received an invitation15 from the Malolos City Police
report in their logbook and proceeded to the house of Mrs. Emphasis. It was Station requesting them to appear thereat on April 17, 2008 relative to the
there where Dio and Buising were able to confirm who the suspects were. complaint of Virginia Pardico (Virginia) about her missing husband Ben. In
They thus repaired to the house of Lolita where Bong and Ben were staying to compliance with the invitation, all three petitioners appeared at the Malolos
invite the two suspects to their office. Bong and Ben voluntarily went with City Police Station. However, since Virginia was not present despite having
them. received the same invitation, the meeting was reset to April 22, 2008.16
At the security office, Dio and Buising interviewed Bong and Ben. The On April 22, 2008, Virginia attended the investigation. Petitioners informed her
suspects admitted that they took the lamp but clarified that they were only that they released Ben and that they have no information as to his present
transferring it to a post nearer to the house of Lolita.12 Soon, Navia arrived whereabouts.17 They assured Virginia though that they will cooperate and
and Buising informed him that the complainant was not keen in participating in help in the investigation of her missing husband.18
the investigation. Since there was no complainant, Navia ordered the release
of Bong and Ben. Bong then signed a statement to the effect that the guards Version of the Respondent
released him without inflicting any harm or injury to him.13 His mother Lolita
also signed the logbook below an entry which states that she will never again According to respondent, Bong and Ben were not merely invited. They were
harbor or entertain Ben in her house. Thereafter, Lolita and Bong left the unlawfully arrested, shoved into the Asian Land vehicle and brought to the
security office. security office for investigation. Upon seeing Ben at the security office, Navia
lividly grumbled "Ikaw na naman?"19 and slapped him while he was still
seated. Ben begged for mercy, but his pleas were met with a flurry of punches
coming from Navia hitting him on different parts of his body.20 Navia then took The following morning, Virginia went to the Asian Land security office to visit
hold of his gun, looked at Bong, and said, "Wala kang nakita at wala kang her husband Ben, but only to be told that petitioners had already released him
narinig, papatayin ko na si Ben."21 together with Bong the night before. She then looked for Ben, asked around,
and went to the barangay. Since she could not still find her husband, Virginia
Bong admitted that he and Ben attempted to take the lamp. He explained that reported the matter to the police.
the area where their house is located is very dark and his father had long
been asking the administrator of Grand Royale Subdivision to install a lamp to In the course of the investigation on Bens disappearance, it dawned upon
illumine their area. But since nothing happened, he took it upon himself to take Lolita that petitioners took advantage of her poor eyesight and naivete. They
a lamp from one of the posts in the subdivision and transfer it to a post near made her sign the logbook as a witness that they already released Ben when
their house. However, the lamp Bong got was no longer working. Thus, he in truth and in fact she never witnessed his actual release. The last time she
reinstalled it on the post from which he took it and no longer pursued his plan. saw Ben was when she left him in petitioners custody at the security office.27
Exasperated with the mysterious disappearance of her husband, Virginia filed
Later on, Lolita was instructed to sign an entry in the guards logbook where a Petition for Writ of Amparo28 before the RTC of Malolos City. Finding the
she undertook not to allow Ben to stay in her house anymore.23 Thereafter, petition sufficient in form and substance, the amparo court issued an Order29
Navia again asked Lolita to sign the logbook. Upon Lolitas inquiry as to why dated June 26, 2008 directing, among others, the issuance of a writ of amparo
she had to sign again, Navia explained that they needed proof that they and the production of the body of Ben before it on June 30, 2008. Thus:
released her son Bong unharmed but that Ben had to stay as the latters case
will be forwarded to the barangay. Since she has poor eyesight, Lolita WHEREFORE, conformably with Section 6 of the Supreme Court Resolution
obligingly signed the logbook without reading it and then left with Bong.24 At [in] A.M. No. 07-[9]-12-SC, also known as "The Rule On The Writ Of Amparo",
that juncture, Ben grabbed Bong and pleaded not to be left alone. However, let a writ of amparo be issued, as follows:
since they were afraid of Navia, Lolita and Bong left the security office at once
leaving Ben behind.25 (1) ORDERING [petitioners] Edgardo Navia, Ruben Dio and Andrew
Buising of the Asian Land Security Agency to produce before the
Moments after Lolita and Bong reached their house, Buising arrived and Court the body of aggrieved party Benhur Pardico, on Monday, June
asked Lolita to sign the logbook again. Lolita asked Buising why she had to 30, 2008, at 10:30 a.m.;
sign again when she already twice signed the logbook at the headquarters. (2) ORDERING the holding of a summary hearing of the petition on the
Buising assured her that what she was about to sign only pertains to Bongs aforementioned date and time, and DIRECTING the [petitioners] to
release. Since it was dark and she has poor eyesight, Lolita took Buising s personally appear thereat;
word and signed the logbook without, again, reading what was written in it. 26 (3) COMMANDING [petitioners] Edgardo Navia, Ruben Dio and Andrew
Buising to file, within a non-extendible period of seventy-two (72)
hours from service of the writ, a verified written return with supporting WHEREFORE, the Court hereby grants the privilege of the writ of amparo,
affidavits which shall, among other things, contain the following: and deems it proper and appropriate, as follows:
a) The lawful defenses to show that the [petitioners] did not violate or (a) To hereby direct the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to immediately
threaten with violation the right to life, liberty and security of the conduct a deep and thorough investigation of the [petitioners] Edgardo Navia,
aggrieved party, through any act or omission; Ruben Dio and Andrew Buising in connection with the circumstances
b) The steps or actions taken by the [petitioners] to determine the surrounding the disappearance of [Benhur] Pardico, utilizing in the process, as
fate or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the person or part of the investigation, the documents forming part of the records of this
persons responsible for the threat, act or omission; and case;
c) All relevant information in the possession of the [petitioners] (b) To hereby direct the NBI to extend to the family of [Benhur] Pardico and the
pertaining to the threat, act or omission against the aggrieved witnesses who testified in this case protection as it may deem necessary to
party. secure their safety and security; and
(4) GRANTING, motu proprio, a Temporary Protection Order prohibiting (c) To hereby direct the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Bulacan to
the [petitioners], or any persons acting for and in their behalf, under investigate the circumstances concerning the legality of the arrest of [Benhur]
pain of contempt, from threatening, harassing or inflicting any harm to Pardico by the [petitioners] in this case, utilizing in the process, as part of said
[respondent], his immediate family and any [member] of his investigation, the pertinent documents and admissions forming part of the
household. record of this case, and take whatever course/s of action as may be
The Branch Sheriff is directed to immediately serve personally on the warranted.
[petitioners], at their address indicated in the petition, copies of the writ as well Furnish immediately copies of this decision to the NBI, through the Office of
as this order, together with copies of the petition and its annexes.30 Director Nestor Mantaring, and to the Provincial Prosecutor of Bulacan.
A Writ of Amparo31 was accordingly issued and served on the petitioners on
June 27, 2008.32 On June 30, 2008, petitioners filed their Compliance33 Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration37 which was denied by the trial
praying for the denial of the petition for lack of merit. court in an Order38 dated August 29, 2008.
A summary hearing was thereafter conducted. Petitioners presented the
testimony of Buising, while Virginia submitted the sworn statements34 of Lolita Hence, this petition raising the following issues for our consideration:
and Enrique which the two affirmed on the witness stand.
On July 24, 2008, the trial court issued the challenged Decision35 granting
the petition. It disposed as follows: 4.1.1. WHETHER X X X RESPONDENT WAS ABLE TO ESTABLISH THAT
VIOLATION OF HER HUSBANDS RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY, OR A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC or The Rule on the Writ of Amparo was promulgated to
SECURITY. arrest the rampant extralegal killings and enforced disappearances in the
country. Its purpose is to provide an expeditious and effective relief "to any
4.1.2. WHETHER X X X RESPONDENT SUFFICIENTLY ESTABLISHED THE person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with
FACT OF THE DISAPPEARANCE OF BENHUR PARDICO. violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a
private individual or entity." 40
THE ALLEGED DISAPPEARANCE OF BENHUR PARDICO WAS AT THE Here, Bens right to life, liberty and security is firmly settled as the parties do
INSTANCE OF HEREIN PETITIONERS.39 not dispute his identity as the same person summoned and questioned at
petitioners security office on the night of March 31, 2008. Such
Petitioners Arguments uncontroverted fact ipso facto established Bens inherent and constitutionally
enshrined right to life, liberty and security. Article 641 of the International
Petitioners essentially assail the sufficiency of the amparo petition. They Covenant on Civil and Political Rights42 recognizes every human beings
contend that the writ of amparo is available only in cases where the factual inherent right to life, while Article 943 thereof ordains that everyone has the
and legal bases of the violation or threatened violation of the aggrieved partys right to liberty and security. The right to life must be protected by law while the
right to life, liberty and security are clear. Petitioners assert that in the case at right to liberty and security cannot be impaired except on grounds provided by
bench, Virginia miserably failed to establish all these. First, the petition is and in accordance with law. This overarching command against deprivation of
wanting on its face as it failed to state with some degree of specificity the life, liberty and security without due process of law is also embodied in our
alleged unlawful act or omission of the petitioners constituting a violation of or fundamental law.44
a threat to Bens right to life, liberty and security. And second, it cannot be
deduced from the evidence Virginia adduced that Ben is missing; or that The pivotal question now that confronts us is whether Bens disappearance as
petitioners had a hand in his alleged disappearance. On the other hand, the alleged in Virginias petition and proved during the summary proceedings
entries in the logbook which bear the signatures of Ben and Lolita are conducted before the court a quo, falls within the ambit of A.M. No. 07-9-12-
eloquent proof that petitioners released Ben on March 31, 2008 at around SC and relevant laws.
10:30 p.m. Petitioners thus posit that the trial court erred in issuing the writ
and in holding them responsible for Bens disappearance. It does not. Section 1 of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC provides:
Our Ruling SECTION 1. Petition. The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available
to any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened
Virginias Petition for Writ of Amparo is fatally defective and must perforce be with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or
dismissed, but not for the reasons adverted to by the petitioners. of a private individual or entity.
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats Then came Rubrico v. Macapagal-Arroyo49 where Justice Arturo D. Brion
thereof. (Emphasis ours.) wrote in his Separate Opinion that with the enactment of RA No. 9851, "the
Rule on the Writ of Amparo is now a procedural law anchored, not only on the
While Section 1 provides A.M. No. 07-9-12-SCs coverage, said Rules does constitutional rights to the rights to life, liberty and security, but on a concrete
not, however, define extralegal killings and enforced disappearances. This statutory definition as well of what an enforced or involuntary disappearance
omission was intentional as the Committee on Revision of the Rules of Court is."50 Therefore, A.M. No. 07-9-12-SCs reference to enforced
which drafted A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC chose to allow it to evolve through time disappearances should be construed to mean the enforced or involuntary
and jurisprudence and through substantive laws as may be promulgated by disappearance of persons contemplated in Section 3(g) of RA No. 9851.
Congress.45 Then, the budding jurisprudence on amparo blossomed in Meaning, in probing enforced disappearance cases, courts should read A.M.
Razon, Jr. v. Tagitis46 when this Court defined enforced disappearances. The No. 07-9-12-SC in relation to RA No. 9851.
Court in that case applied the generally accepted principles of international
law and adopted the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons From the statutory definition of enforced disappearance, thus, we can derive
from Enforced Disappearances definition of enforced disappearances, as "the the following elements that constitute it:
arrest, detention, abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty by
agents of the State or by persons or groups of persons acting with the (a) that there be an arrest, detention, abduction or any form of deprivation
authorization, support or acquiescence of the State, followed by a refusal to of liberty;
acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or by concealment of the fate or (b) that it be carried out by, or with the authorization, support or
whereabouts of the disappeared person, which place such a person outside acquiescence of, the State or a political organization;
the protection of the law."47 (c) that it be followed by the State or political organizations refusal to
acknowledge or give information on the fate or whereabouts of the
Not long thereafter, another significant development affecting A.M. No. 07-9- person subject of the amparo petition; and,
12-SC came about after Congress enacted Republic Act (RA) No. 985148 on (d) that the intention for such refusal is to remove subject person from the
December 11, 2009. Section 3(g) thereof defines enforced or involuntary protection of the law for a prolonged period of time.
disappearances as follows: As thus dissected, it is now clear that for the protective writ of amparo to
issue, allegation and proof that the persons subject thereof are missing are
(g) "Enforced or involuntary disappearance of persons" means the arrest, not enough. It must also be shown and proved by substantial evidence that
detention, or abduction of persons by, or with the authorization, support or the disappearance was carried out by, or with the authorization, support or
acquiescence of, a State or a political organization followed by a refusal to acquiescence of, the State or a political organization, followed by a refusal to
acknowledge that deprivation of freedom or to give information on the fate or acknowledge the same or give information on the fate or whereabouts of said
whereabouts of those persons, with the intention of removing from the missing persons, with the intention of removing them from the protection of the
protection of the law for a prolonged period of time. law for a prolonged period of time. Simply put, the petitioner in an amparo
case has the burden of proving by substantial evidence the indispensable We are aware that under Section 1 of A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC a writ of amparo
element of government participation. may lie against a private individual or entity. But even if the person sought to
be held accountable or responsible in an amparo petition is a private individual
In the present case, we do not doubt Bongs testimony that Navia had a or entity, still, government involvement in the disappearance remains an
menacing attitude towards Ben and that he slapped and inflicted fistic blows indispensable element. Here, petitioners are mere security guards at Grand
upon him. Given the circumstances and the pugnacious character of Navia at Royale Subdivision in Brgy. Lugam, Malolos City and their principal, the Asian
that time, his threatening statement, "Wala kang nakita at wala kang narinig, Land, is a private entity. They do not work for the government and nothing has
papatayin ko na si Ben," cannot be taken lightly. It unambiguously showed his been presented that would link or connect them to some covert police, military
predisposition at that time. In addition, there is nothing on record which would or governmental operation. As discussed above, to fall within the ambit of
support petitioners assertion that they released Ben on the night of March 31, A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC in relation to RA No. 9851, the disappearance must be
2008 unscathed from their wrath. Lolita sufficiently explained how she was attended by some governmental involvement. This hallmark of State
prodded into affixing her signatures in the logbook without reading the entries participation differentiates an enforced disappearance case from an ordinary
therein. And so far, the information petitioners volunteered are sketchy at best, case of a missing person.
like the alleged complaint of Mrs. Emphasis who was never identified or
presented in court and whose complaint was never reduced in writing.. WHEREFORE, the July 24, 2008 Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch
20, Malolos City, is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Petition for Writ of
But lest it be overlooked, in an amparo petition, proof of disappearance alone Amparo filed by Virginia Pardico is hereby DISMISSED.
is not enough. It is likewise essential to establish that such disappearance was SO ORDERED.
carried out with the direct or indirect authorization, support or acquiescence of
the government. This indispensable element of State participation is not
present in this case. The petition does not contain any allegation of State FIRST DIVISION
complicity, and none of the evidence presented tend to show that the
government or any of its agents orchestrated Bens disappearance. In fact, G.R. No. 203254, October 08, 2014
none of its agents, officials, or employees were impleaded or implicated in
Virginias amparo petition whether as responsible or accountable persons.51 DR. JOY MARGATE LEE, Petitioner, v. P/SUPT. NERI A. ILAGAN,
Thus, in the absence of an allegation or proof that the government or its Respondent.
agents had a hand in Bens disappearance or that they failed to exercise
extraordinary diligence in investigating his case, the Court will definitely not DECISION
hold the government or its agents either as responsible or accountable
persons. PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari1 assailing the Decision2 original of the subject video and copies thereof, and to file a verified written
dated August 30, 2012 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 224 return within five (5) working days from date of receipt thereof.
(RTC) in SP No. 12-71527, which extended the privilege of the writ of habeas
data in favor of respondent Police Superintendent Neri A. Ilagan (Ilagan). In her Verified Return11 dated July 2, 2012, Lee admitted that she indeed kept
the memory card of the digital camera and reproduced the aforesaid video but
The Facts averred that she only did so to utilize the same as evidence in the cases she
filed against Ilagan. She also admitted that her relationship with Ilagan started
In his Petition for Issuance of the Writ of Habeas Data dated June 22, 2012, sometime in 2003 and ended under disturbing circumstances in August 2011,
Ilagan alleged that he and petitioner Dr. Joy Margate Lee (Lee) were former and that she only happened to discover the subject video when Ilagan left his
common law partners. Sometime in July 2011, he visited Lee at the latters camera in her condominium. Accordingly, Lee contended that Ilagans petition
condominium, rested for a while and thereafter,proceeded to his office. Upon for the issuance of the writ of habeas data should be dismissed because: (a)
arrival, Ilagan noticed that his digital camera was missing.4 On August 23, its filing was only aimed at suppressing the evidence against Ilagan in the
2011, Lee confronted Ilagan at the latters office regarding a purported sex cases she filed; and (b) she is not engaged in the gathering, collecting, or
video (subject video) she discovered from the aforesaid camera involving storing of data regarding the person of Ilagan.12
Ilagan and another woman. Ilagan denied the video and demanded Lee to
return the camera, but to no avail.5 During the confrontation, Ilagan allegedly The RTC Ruling
slammed Lees head against a wall inside his office and walked
away.6Subsequently, Lee utilized the said video as evidence in filing various In a Decision13 dated August 30, 2012, the RTC granted the privilege of the
complaints against Ilagan, namely: (a) a criminal complaint for violation of writ of habeas data in Ilagans favor, and accordingly, ordered the
Republic Act No. 9262,7otherwise known as the Anti-Violence Against implementing officer to turn-over copies of the subject video to him, and
Women and Their Children Act of 2004, before the Office of the City enjoined Lee from further reproducing the same.14
Prosecutor of Makati; and (b) an administrative complaint for grave
misconduct before the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).8 Ilagan The RTC did not give credence to Lees defense that she is not engaged in
claimed that Lees acts of reproducing the subject video and threatening to the gathering, collecting or storing of data regarding the person of Ilagan,
distribute the same to the upper echelons of the NAPOLCOM and uploading it finding that her acts of reproducing the subject video and showing it to other
to the internet violated not only his right to life, liberty, security, and privacy but people, i.e., the NAPOLCOM officers, violated the latters right to privacy in life
also that of the other woman, and thus, the issuance of a writ of habeas data and caused him to suffer humiliation and mental anguish. In this relation, the
in his favor is warranted.9 RTC opined that Lees use of the subject video as evidence in the various
cases she filed against Ilagan is not enough justification for its reproduction.
Finding the petition prima facie meritorious, the RTC issued a Writ of Nevertheless, the RTC clarified that it is only ruling on the return of the
Habeas Data10 dated June 25, 2012, directing Lee to appear before the court aforesaid video and not on its admissibility before other tribunals.15
a quo, and to produce Ilagans digital camera, as well as the negative and/or
Dissatisfied, Lee filed this petition. evidence showing an actual or threatened violation of the right to privacy in
life, liberty or security of the victim.20 In this relation, it bears pointing out that
The Issue Before the Court the writ of habeas data will not issue to protect purely property or commercial
concerns nor when the grounds invoked in support of the petitions therefor are
The essential issue for the Courts resolution is whether or not the RTC vague and doubtful.21
correctly extended the privilege of the writ of habeas data in favor of Ilagan.
In this case, the Court finds that Ilagan was not able to sufficiently allege
The Courts Ruling that his right to privacy in life, liberty or security was or would be
violated through the supposed reproduction and threatened
The petition is meritorious. dissemination of the subject sex video. While Ilagan purports a privacy
interest in the suppression of this video which he fears would somehow find
A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC, or the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data (Habeas Data its way to Quiapo or be uploaded in the internet for public consumption he
Rule), was conceived as a response, given the lack of effective and available failed to explain the connection between such interest and any violation of his
remedies, to address the extraordinary rise in the number of killings and right to life, liberty or security. Indeed, courts cannot speculate or contrive
enforced disappearances.16 It was conceptualized as a judicial remedy versions of possible transgressions. As the rules and existing jurisprudence on
enforcing the right to privacy, most especially the right to informational privacy the matter evoke, alleging and eventually proving the nexus between ones
of individuals,17 which is defined as the right to control the collection, privacy right to the cogent rights to life, liberty or security are crucial in habeas
maintenance, use, and dissemination of data about oneself.18 data cases, so much so that a failure on either account certainly renders a
habeas data petition dismissible, as in this case.
As defined in Section 1 of the Habeas Data Rule, the writ of habeas data now
stands as a remedy available to any person whose right to privacy in life, In fact, even discounting the insufficiency of the allegations, the petition would
liberty or security is violated or threatened by an unlawful act or omission of a equally be dismissible due to the inadequacy of the evidence presented. As
public official or employee, or of a private individual or entity engaged in the the records show, all that Ilagan submitted in support of his petition was his
gathering, collecting or storing of data or information regarding the person, self-serving testimony which hardly meets the substantial evidence
family, home, and correspondence of the aggrieved party. Thus, in order to requirement as prescribed by the Habeas Data Rule. This is because nothing
support a petition for the issuance of such writ, Section 6 of the Habeas Data therein would indicate that Lee actually proceeded to commit any overt act
Rule essentially requires that the petition sufficiently alleges, among others, towards the end of violating Ilagans right to privacy in life, liberty or security.
[t]he manner the right to privacy is violated or threatened and how it affects Nor would anything on record even lead a reasonable mind to conclude22 that
the right to life, liberty or security of the aggrieved party. In other words, the Lee was going to use the subject video in order to achieve unlawful ends
petition must adequately show that there exists a nexus between the right to say for instance, to spread it to the public so as to ruin Ilagans reputation.
privacy on the one hand, and the right to life, liberty or security on the other . Contrastingly, Lee even made it clear in her testimony that the only reason
19 Corollarily, the allegations in the petition must be supported by substantial why she reproduced the subject video was to legitimately utilize the same as
evidence in the criminal and administrative cases that she filed against Rosario G. Lim (respondent), also known as Cherry Lim, is an administrative
Ilagan.23 Hence, due to the insufficiency of the allegations as well as the clerk at the Manila Electric Company (MERALCO).
glaring absence of substantial evidence, the Court finds it proper to reverse
the RTC Decision and dismiss the habeas data petition. On June 4, 2008, an anonymous letter was posted at the door of the Metering
Office of the Administration building of MERALCO Plaridel, Bulacan Sector, at
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision dated August 30, which respondent is assigned, denouncing respondent. The letter reads:
2012 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 224 in SP No. 12-
71527is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Accordingly, the Petition for Cherry Lim:
Issuance of the Writ of Habeas Data filed by respondent P/Supt. Neri A. Ilagan
G.R. No. 184769 October 5, 2010 Copies of the letter were also inserted in the lockers of MERALCO linesmen.
Informed about it, respondent reported the matter on June 5, 2008 to the
MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY, ALEXANDER S. DEYTO and RUBEN A. Plaridel Station of the Philippine National Police.2
SAPITULA, Petitioners,
vs. By Memorandum3 dated July 4, 2008, petitioner Alexander Deyto, Head of
ROSARIO GOPEZ LIM, Respondent. MERALCOs Human Resource Staffing, directed the transfer of respondent to
MERALCOs Alabang Sector in Muntinlupa as "A/F OTMS Clerk," effective
DECISION July 18, 2008 in light of the receipt of " reports that there were accusations
and threats directed against [her] from unknown individuals and which could
CARPIO MORALES, J.: possibly compromise [her] safety and security."
The Court is once again confronted with an opportunity to define the evolving Respondent, by letter of July 10, 2008 addressed to petitioner Ruben A.
metes and bounds of the writ of habeas data. May an employee invoke the Sapitula, Vice-President and Head of MERALCOs Human Resource
remedies available under such writ where an employer decides to transfer her Administration, appealed her transfer and requested for a dialogue so she
workplace on the basis of copies of an anonymous letter posted therein could voice her concerns and misgivings on the matter, claiming that the
imputing to her disloyalty to the company and calling for her to leave, which "punitive" nature of the transfer amounted to a denial of due process. Citing
imputation it investigated but fails to inform her of the details thereof? the grueling travel from her residence in Pampanga to Alabang and back
entails, and violation of the provisions on job security of their Collective
Bargaining Agreement (CBA), respondent expressed her thoughts on the about the alleged report which MERALCO purportedly received concerning
alleged threats to her security in this wise: threats to her safety and security amount to a violation of her right to privacy in
life, liberty and security, correctible by habeas data. Respondent thus prayed
xxxx for the issuance of a writ commanding petitioners to file a written return
containing the following:
I feel that it would have been better . . . if you could have intimated to me the a) a full disclosure of the data or information about respondent in relation
nature of the alleged accusations and threats so that at least I could have to the report purportedly received by petitioners on the alleged threat
found out if these are credible or even serious. But as you stated, these came to her safety and security; the nature of such data and the purpose for
from unknown individuals and the way they were handled, it appears that the its collection;
veracity of these accusations and threats to be [sic] highly suspicious, doubtful b) the measures taken by petitioners to ensure the confidentiality of such
or are just mere jokes if they existed at all. data or information; and
c) the currency and accuracy of such data or information obtained.
Assuming for the sake of argument only, that the alleged threats exist as the Additionally, respondent prayed for the issuance of a Temporary Restraining
management apparently believe, then my transfer to an unfamiliar place and Order (TRO) enjoining petitioners from effecting her transfer to the MERALCO
environment which will make me a "sitting duck" so to speak, seems to betray Alabang Sector.
the real intent of management which is contrary to its expressed concern on
my security and safety . . . Thus, it made me think twice on the rationale for By Order6 of August 29, 2008, Branch 7 of the Bulacan RTC directed
managements initiated transfer. Reflecting further, it appears to me that petitioners to file their verified written return. And by Order of September 5,
instead of the management supposedly extending favor to me, the net result 2008, the trial court granted respondents application for a TRO.
and effect of management action would be a punitive one.4 (emphasis and
underscoring supplied) Petitioners moved for the dismissal of the petition and recall of the TRO on the
grounds that, inter alia, resort to a petition for writ of habeas data was not in
Respondent thus requested for the deferment of the implementation of her order; and the RTC lacked jurisdiction over the case which properly belongs to
transfer pending resolution of the issues she raised. the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC).7
No response to her request having been received, respondent filed a petition5 By Decision8 of September 22, 2008, the trial court granted the prayers of
for the issuance of a writ of habeas data against petitioners before the respondent including the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction directing
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Bulacan, docketed as SP. Proc. No. 213-M- petitioners to desist from implementing respondents transfer until such time
2008. that petitioners comply with the disclosures required.
By respondents allegation, petitioners unlawful act and omission consisting The trial court justified its ruling by declaring that, inter alia, recourse to a writ
of their continued failure and refusal to provide her with details or information of habeas data should extend not only to victims of extra-legal killings and
political activists but also to ordinary citizens, like respondent whose rights to
life and security are jeopardized by petitioners refusal to provide her with Respondents plea that she be spared from complying with MERALCOs
information or data on the reported threats to her person. Memorandum directing her reassignment to the Alabang Sector, under the
guise of a quest for information or data allegedly in possession of petitioners,
Hence, the present petition for review under Rule 45 of 1997 Rules of Civil does not fall within the province of a writ of habeas data.
Procedure and the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data9 contending that 1) the
RTC lacked jurisdiction over the case and cannot restrain MERALCOs Section 1 of the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data provides:
prerogative as employer to transfer the place of work of its employees, and 2)
the issuance of the writ is outside the parameters expressly set forth in the Section 1. Habeas Data. The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to
Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data.10. any person whose right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or
threatened by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee or of
Maintaining that the RTC has no jurisdiction over what they contend is clearly a private individual or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of
a labor dispute, petitioners argue that "although ingeniously crafted as a data or information regarding the person, family, home and correspondence of
petition for habeas data, respondent is essentially questioning the transfer of the aggrieved party. (emphasis and underscoring supplied)
her place of work by her employer"11 and the terms and conditions of her
employment which arise from an employer-employee relationship over which The habeas data rule, in general, is designed to protect by means of judicial
the NLRC and the Labor Arbiters under Article 217 of the Labor Code have complaint the image, privacy, honor, information, and freedom of information
jurisdiction. of an individual. It is meant to provide a forum to enforce ones right to the
truth and to informational privacy, thus safeguarding the constitutional
Petitioners thus maintain that the RTC had no authority to restrain the guarantees of a persons right to life, liberty and security against abuse in this
implementation of the Memorandum transferring respondents place of work age of information technology.
which is purely a management prerogative, and that OCA-Circular No. 79-
200312 expressly prohibits the issuance of TROs or injunctive writs in labor- It bears reiteration that like the writ of amparo, habeas data was conceived as
related cases. a response, given the lack of effective and available remedies, to address the
extraordinary rise in the number of killings and enforced disappearances. Its
Petitioners go on to point out that the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data directs intent is to address violations of or threats to the rights to life, liberty or
the issuance of the writ only against public officials or employees, or private security as a remedy independently from those provided under prevailing
individuals or entities engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data or Rules.13
information regarding an aggrieved partys person, family or home; and that
MERALCO (or its officers) is clearly not engaged in such activities. Castillo v. Cruz14 underscores the emphasis laid down in Tapuz v. del
Rosario15 that the writs of amparo and habeas data will NOT issue to protect
The petition is impressed with merit. purely property or commercial concerns nor when the grounds invoked in
support of the petitions therefor are vague or doubtful.16 Employment vs.
constitutes a property right under the context of the due process clause of the ST. THERESA'S COLLEGE, MYLENE RHEZA T. ESCUDERO, and JOHN
Constitution.17 It is evident that respondents reservations on the real reasons DOES, Respondents.
for her transfer - a legitimate concern respecting the terms and conditions of
ones employment - are what prompted her to adopt the extraordinary remedy DECISION
of habeas data. Jurisdiction over such concerns is inarguably lodged by law
with the NLRC and the Labor Arbiters. VELASCO, JR., J.:
In another vein, there is no showing from the facts presented that petitioners The individual's desire for privacy is never absolute, since participation in
committed any unjustifiable or unlawful violation of respondents right to society is an equally powerful desire. Thus each individual is continually
privacy vis-a-vis the right to life, liberty or security. To argue that petitioners engaged in a personal adjustment process in which he balances the desire for
refusal to disclose the contents of reports allegedly received on the threats to privacy with the desire for disclosure and communication of himself to others,
respondents safety amounts to a violation of her right to privacy is at best in light of the environmental conditions and social norms set by the society in
speculative. Respondent in fact trivializes these threats and accusations from which he lives. - Alan Westin, Privacy and Freedom (1967)
unknown individuals in her earlier-quoted portion of her July 10, 2008 letter as
"highly suspicious, doubtful or are just mere jokes if they existed at all."18 And The Case
she even suspects that her transfer to another place of work "betray[s] the real
intent of management]" and could be a "punitive move." Her posture Before Us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
unwittingly concedes that the issue is labor-related. Court, in relation to Section 19 of A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC,1 otherwise known as
the "Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data." Petitioners herein assail the July 27,
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed September 22, 2008 2012 Decision2 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 14 in Cebu City (RTC) in
Decision of the Bulacan RTC, Branch 7 in SP. Proc. No. 213-M-2008 is hereby SP. Proc. No. 19251-CEB, which dismissed their habeas data petition.
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. SP. Proc. No. 213-M-2008 is, accordingly,
DISMISSED. No costs. The Facts
SO ORDERED. Nenita Julia V. Daluz (Julia) and Julienne Vida Suzara (Julienne), both minors,
were, during the period material, graduating high school students at St.
Theresa's College (STC), Cebu City. Sometime in January 2012, while
G.R. No. 202666 September 29, 2014 changing into their swimsuits for a beach party they were about to attend,
Julia and Julienne, along with several others, took digital pictures of
RHONDA AVE S. VIVARES and SPS. MARGARITA and DAVID SUZARA, themselves clad only in their undergarments. These pictures were then
Petitioners, uploaded by Angela Lindsay Tan (Angela) on her Facebook3 profile.
On March 1, 2012, Julia, Julienne, Angela, and the other students in the
Back at the school, Mylene Rheza T. Escudero (Escudero), a computer pictures in question, reported, as required, to the office of Sr. Celeste Ma.
teacher at STCs high school department, learned from her students that Purisima Pe (Sr. Purisima), STCs high school principal and ICM6 Directress.
some seniors at STC posted pictures online, depicting themselves from the They claimed that during the meeting, they were castigated and verbally
waist up, dressed only in brassieres. Escudero then asked her students if they abused by the STC officials present in the conference, including Assistant
knew who the girls in the photos are. In turn, they readily identified Julia, Principal Mussolini S. Yap (Yap), Roswinda Jumiller, and Tigol. What is more,
Julienne, and Chloe Lourdes Taboada (Chloe), among others. Sr. Purisima informed their parents the following day that, as part of their
penalty, they are barred from joining the commencement exercises scheduled
Using STCs computers, Escuderos students logged in to their respective on March 30, 2012.
personal Facebook accounts and showed her photos of the identified
students, which include: (a) Julia and Julienne drinking hard liquor and A week before graduation, or on March 23, 2012, Angelas mother, Dr.
smoking cigarettes inside a bar; and (b) Julia and Julienne along the streets of Armenia M. Tan (Tan), filed a Petition for Injunction and Damages before the
Cebu wearing articles of clothing that show virtually the entirety of their black RTC of Cebu City against STC, et al., docketed as Civil Case No. CEB-
brassieres. What is more, Escuderos students claimed that there were times 38594.7 In it, Tan prayed that defendants therein be enjoined from
when access to or the availability of the identified students photos was not implementing the sanction that precluded Angela from joining the
confined to the girls Facebook friends,4 but were, in fact, viewable by any commencement exercises.
Facebook user.5
On March 25, 2012,petitioner Rhonda Ave Vivares (Vivares), the mother of
Upon discovery, Escudero reported the matter and, through one of her Julia, joined the fray as an intervenor. On March 28, 2012, defendants inCivil
students Facebook page, showed the photos to Kristine Rose Tigol (Tigol), Case No. CEB-38594 filed their memorandum, containing printed copies of
STCs Discipline-in-Charge, for appropriate action. Thereafter, following an the photographs in issue as annexes. That same day, the RTC issued a
investigation, STC found the identified students to have deported themselves temporary restraining order (TRO) allowing the students to attend the
in a manner proscribed by the schools Student Handbook, to wit: graduation ceremony, to which STC filed a motion for reconsideration.
1. Possession of alcoholic drinks outside the school campus;
2. Engaging in immoral, indecent, obscene or lewd acts; Despite the issuance of the TRO, STC, nevertheless, barred the sanctioned
3. Smoking and drinking alcoholicbeverages in public places; students from participating in the graduation rites, arguing that, on the date of
4. Apparel that exposes the underwear; the commencement exercises, its adverted motion for reconsideration on the
5. Clothing that advocates unhealthy behaviour; depicts obscenity; issuance of the TRO remained unresolved.
contains sexually suggestive messages, language or symbols; and 6.
Posing and uploading pictures on the Internet that entail ample body Thereafter, petitioners filed before the RTC a Petition for the Issuance of a Writ
exposure. of Habeas Data, docketed as SP. Proc. No. 19251-CEB8 on the basis of the
following considerations:
1. The photos of their children in their undergarments (e.g., bra) were Finding the petition sufficient in form and substance, the RTC, through an
taken for posterity before they changed into their swimsuits on the Order dated July 5, 2012, issued the writ of habeas data. Through the same
occasion of a birthday beach party; Order, herein respondents were directed to file their verified written return,
2. The privacy setting of their childrens Facebook accounts was set at together with the supporting affidavits, within five (5) working days from
"Friends Only." They, thus, have a reasonable expectation of privacy service of the writ.
which must be respected.
3. Respondents, being involved in the field of education, knew or ought In time, respondents complied with the RTCs directive and filed their verified
to have known of laws that safeguard the right to privacy. Corollarily, written return, laying down the following grounds for the denial of the petition,
respondents knew or ought to have known that the girls, whose viz: (a) petitioners are not the proper parties to file the petition; (b) petitioners
privacy has been invaded, are the victims in this case, and not the are engaging in forum shopping; (c) the instant case is not one where a writ of
offenders. Worse, after viewing the photos, the minors were called habeas data may issue;and (d) there can be no violation of their right to
"immoral" and were punished outright; privacy as there is no reasonable expectation of privacy on Facebook.
4. The photos accessed belong to the girls and, thus, cannot be used
and reproduced without their consent. Escudero, however, violated Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
their rights by saving digital copies of the photos and by subsequently
showing them to STCs officials. Thus, the Facebook accounts of On July 27, 2012, the RTC rendered a Decision dismissing the petition for
petitioners children were intruded upon; habeas data. The dispositive portion of the Decision pertinently states:
5. The intrusion into the Facebook accounts, as well as the copying of
information, data, and digital images happened at STCs Computer WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the Petition is hereby
Laboratory; and DISMISSED.
6. All the data and digital images that were extracted were boldly
broadcasted by respondents through their memorandum submitted to The parties and media must observe the aforestated confidentiality.
the RTC in connection with Civil Case No. CEB-38594. To petitioners,
the interplay of the foregoing constitutes an invasion of their childrens xxxx
privacy and, thus, prayed that: (a) a writ of habeas databe issued; (b)
respondents be ordered to surrender and deposit with the court all SO ORDERED.9
soft and printed copies of the subjectdata before or at the preliminary
hearing; and (c) after trial, judgment be rendered declaring all To the trial court, petitioners failed to prove the existence of an actual or
information, data, and digital images accessed, saved or stored, threatened violation of the minors right to privacy, one of the preconditions for
reproduced, spread and used, to have been illegally obtained the issuance of the writ of habeas data. Moreover, the court a quo held that
inviolation of the childrens right to privacy. the photos, having been uploaded on Facebook without restrictions as to who
may view them, lost their privacy in some way. Besides, the RTC noted, STC In developing the writ of habeas data, the Court aimed to protect an
gathered the photographs through legal means and for a legal purpose, that individuals right to informational privacy, among others. A comparative law
is, the implementation of the schools policies and rules on discipline. scholar has, in fact, defined habeas data as "a procedure designed to
safeguard individual freedom from abuse in the information age."13 The writ,
Not satisfied with the outcome, petitioners now come before this Court however, will not issue on the basis merely of an alleged unauthorized access
pursuant to Section 19 of the Rule on Habeas Data.10 to information about a person. Availment of the writ requires the existence of a
nexus between the right to privacy on the one hand, and the right to life, liberty
The Issues or security on the other.14 Thus, the existence of a persons right to
The main issue to be threshed out in this case is whether or not a writ of informational privacy and a showing, at least by substantial evidence, of an
habeas data should be issued given the factual milieu. Crucial in resolving the actual or threatened violation of the right to privacy in life, liberty or security of
controversy, however, is the pivotal point of whether or not there was indeed the victim are indispensable before the privilege of the writ may be
an actual or threatened violation of the right to privacy in the life, liberty, or extended.15
security of the minors involved in this case. Without an actionable entitlement in the first place to the right to informational
privacy, a habeas data petition will not prosper. Viewed from the perspective of
Our Ruling the case at bar this requisite begs this question: given the nature of an online
social network (OSN)
We find no merit in the petition. (1) that it facilitates and promotes real-time interaction among millions,
if not billions, of users, sans the spatial barriers,16 bridging the gap
Procedural issues concerning the availability of the Writ of Habeas Data created by physical space; and
(2) that any information uploaded in OSNs leavesan indelible trace in
The writ of habeas datais a remedy available to any person whose right to the providers databases, which are outside the control of the end-
privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or threatened by an unlawful act or usersis there a right to informational privacy in OSN activities of its
omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or entity users?
engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data or information regarding
the person, family, home and correspondence of the aggrieved party.11 It is Before addressing this point, We must first resolve the procedural issues in
an independent and summary remedy designed to protect the image, privacy, this case.
honor, information, and freedom of information of an individual, and to provide a. The writ of habeas data is not only confined to cases of extralegal
a forum to enforce ones right to the truth and to informational privacy. It seeks killings and enforced disappearances
to protect a persons right to control information regarding oneself, particularly
in instances in which such information is being collected through unlawful Contrary to respondents submission, the Writ of Habeas Data was not
means in order to achieve unlawful ends.12 enacted solely for the purpose of complementing the Writ of Amparo in cases
of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances.
b. Meaning of "engaged" in the gathering, collecting or storing of data or
Section 2 of the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data provides: information
Respondents contention that the habeas data writ may not issue against STC,
Sec. 2. Who May File. Any aggrieved party may file a petition for the writ of it not being an entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data or
habeas data. However, in cases of extralegal killings and enforced information regarding the person, family, home and correspondence of the
disappearances, the petition may be filed by: aggrieved party, while valid to a point, is, nonetheless, erroneous.
(a) Any member of the immediate family of the aggrieved party, namely: the
spouse, children and parents; or To be sure, nothing in the Rule would suggest that the habeas data protection
(b) Any ascendant, descendant or collateral relative of the aggrieved party shall be available only against abuses of a person or entity engaged in the
within the fourth civil degreeof consanguinity or affinity, in default of those businessof gathering, storing, and collecting of data. As provided under
mentioned in the preceding paragraph. (emphasis supplied) Section 1 of the Rule:
Had the framers of the Rule intended to narrow the operation of the writ only Section 1. Habeas Data. The writ of habeas datais a remedy available to
to cases of extralegal killings or enforced disappearances, the above any person whose right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or
underscored portion of Section 2, reflecting a variance of habeas data threatened by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of
situations, would not have been made. a private individual or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of
data or information regarding the person, family, home and correspondence of
Habeas data, to stress, was designed "to safeguard individual freedom from the aggrieved party. (emphasis Ours)
abuse in the information age."17 As such, it is erroneous to limit its
applicability to extralegal killings and enforced disappearances only. In fact, The provision, when taken in its proper context, as a whole, irresistibly
the annotations to the Rule prepared by the Committee on the Revision of the conveys the idea that habeas data is a protection against unlawful acts or
Rules of Court, after explaining that the Writ of Habeas Data complements the omissions of public officials and of private individuals or entities engaged in
Writ of Amparo, pointed out that: gathering, collecting, or storing data about the aggrieved party and his or her
correspondences, or about his or her family. Such individual or entity need not
The writ of habeas data, however, can be availed of as an independent be in the business of collecting or storing data.
remedy to enforce ones right to privacy, more specifically the right to
informational privacy. The remedies against the violation of such right can To "engage" in something is different from undertaking a business endeavour.
include the updating, rectification, suppression or destruction of the database To "engage" means "to do or take part in something."19 It does not
or information or files in possession or in control of respondents.18 (emphasis necessarily mean that the activity must be done in pursuit of a business. What
Ours) Clearly then, the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Data may also be matters is that the person or entity must be gathering, collecting or
availed of in cases outside of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances. storing said data or information about the aggrieved party or his or her
family. Whether such undertaking carries the element of regularity, as when
one pursues a business, and is in the nature of a personal endeavour, for any should have at least a reasonable expectation of privacy in cyberspace.
other reason or even for no reason at all, is immaterial and such will not Several commentators regarding privacy and social networking sites, however,
prevent the writ from getting to said person or entity. all agree that given the millions of OSN users, "[i]n this [Social Networking]
environment, privacy is no longer grounded in reasonable expectations, but
To agree with respondents above argument, would mean unduly limiting the rather in some theoretical protocol better known as wishful thinking."24
reach of the writ to a very small group, i.e., private persons and entities whose
business is data gathering and storage, and in the process decreasing the It is due to this notion that the Court saw the pressing need to provide for
effectiveness of the writ asan instrument designed to protect a right which is judicial remedies that would allow a summary hearing of the unlawful use of
easily violated in view of rapid advancements in the information and data or information and to remedy possible violations of the right to privacy.25
communications technologya right which a great majority of the users of In the same vein, the South African High Court, in its Decision in the landmark
technology themselves are not capable of protecting. case, H v. W,26 promulgated on January30, 2013, recognized that "[t]he law
has to take into account the changing realities not only technologically but also
Having resolved the procedural aspect of the case, We now proceed to the socially or else it will lose credibility in the eyes of the people. x x x It is
core of the controversy. imperative that the courts respond appropriately to changing times, acting
cautiously and with wisdom." Consistent with this, the Court, by developing
The right to informational privacy on Facebook what may be viewed as the Philippine model of the writ of habeas data, in
effect, recognized that, generally speaking, having an expectation of
a. The Right to Informational Privacy informational privacy is not necessarily incompatible with engaging in
cyberspace activities, including those that occur in OSNs.
The concept of privacyhas, through time, greatly evolved, with technological
advancements having an influential part therein. This evolution was briefly The question now though is up to what extent is the right to privacy protected
recounted in former Chief Justice Reynato S. Punos speech, The Common in OSNs? Bear in mind that informational privacy involves personal
Right to Privacy,20 where he explained the three strands of the right to information. At the same time, the very purpose of OSNs is socializing
privacy, viz: (1) locational or situational privacy;21 (2) informational privacy; sharing a myriad of information,27 some of which would have otherwise
and (3) decisional privacy.22 Of the three, what is relevant to the case at bar remained personal.
is the right to informational privacyusually defined as the right of individuals b. Facebooks Privacy Tools: a response to the clamor for privacy in OSN
to control information about themselves.23 activities
With the availability of numerous avenues for information gathering and data Briefly, the purpose of an OSN is precisely to give users the ability to interact
sharing nowadays, not to mention each systems inherent vulnerability to and to stay connected to other members of the same or different social media
attacks and intrusions, there is more reason that every individuals right to platform through the sharing of statuses, photos, videos, among others,
control said flow of information should be protected and that each individual depending on the services provided by the site. It is akin to having a room
filled with millions of personal bulletin boards or "walls," the contents of which for the users profile picture and ID, by selecting his or her desired privacy
are under the control of each and every user. In his or her bulletin board, a setting:
user/owner can post anythingfrom text, to pictures, to music and videos (a) Public - the default setting; every Facebook user can view the photo;
access to which would depend on whether he or she allows one, some or all (b) Friends of Friends - only the users Facebook friends and their friends
of the other users to see his or her posts. Since gaining popularity, the OSN can view the photo;
phenomenon has paved the way to the creation of various social networking (c) Friends - only the users Facebook friends can view the photo;
sites, including the one involved in the case at bar, www.facebook.com (d) Custom - the photo is made visible only to particular friends and/or
(Facebook), which, according to its developers, people use "to stay connected networks of the Facebook user; and
with friends and family, to discover whats going on in the world, and to share (e) Only Me - the digital image can be viewed only by the user.
and express what matters to them."28
The foregoing are privacy tools, available to Facebook users, designed to set
Facebook connections are established through the process of "friending" up barriers to broaden or limit the visibility of his or her specific profile content,
another user. By sending a "friend request," the user invites another to statuses, and photos, among others, from another users point of view. In
connect their accounts so that they can view any and all "Public" and "Friends other words, Facebook extends its users an avenue to make the availability of
Only" posts of the other. Once the request is accepted, the link is established their Facebook activities reflect their choice as to "when and to what extent to
and both users are permitted to view the other users "Public" or "Friends disclose facts about [themselves] and to put others in the position of
Only" posts, among others. "Friending," therefore, allows the user to form or receiving such confidences."34 Ideally, the selected setting will be based on
maintain one-to-one relationships with other users, whereby the user gives his ones desire to interact with others, coupled with the opposing need to
or her "Facebook friend" access to his or her profile and shares certain withhold certain information as well as to regulate the spreading of his or her
information to the latter.29 personal information. Needless to say, as the privacy setting becomes more
limiting, fewer Facebook users can view that users particular post.
To address concerns about privacy,30 but without defeating its purpose,
Facebook was armed with different privacy tools designed to regulate the STC did not violate petitioners daughters right to privacy
accessibility of a users profile31 as well as information uploaded by the user. Without these privacy settings, respondents contention that there is no
In H v. W,32 the South Gauteng High Court recognized this ability of the users reasonable expectation of privacy in Facebook would, in context, be correct.
to "customize their privacy settings," but did so with this caveat: "Facebook However, such is not the case. It is through the availability of said privacy tools
states in its policies that, although it makes every effort to protect a users that many OSN users are said to have a subjective expectation that only those
information, these privacy settings are not foolproof."33 to whom they grant access to their profile will view the information they post or
upload thereto.35
For instance, a Facebook user can regulate the visibility and accessibility of
digital images(photos), posted on his or her personal bulletin or "wall," except This, however, does not mean that any Facebook user automatically has a
protected expectation of privacy in all of his or her Facebook activities.
accounts, downloaded copies of the pictures and showed said photos to Tigol.
Before one can have an expectation of privacy in his or her OSN activity, it is To them, this was a breach of the minors privacy since their Facebook
first necessary that said user, in this case the children of petitioners,manifest accounts, allegedly, were under "very private" or "Only Friends" setting
the intention to keep certain posts private, through the employment of safeguarded with a password.39 Ultimately, they posit that their childrens
measures to prevent access thereto or to limit its visibility.36 And this intention disclosure was only limited since their profiles were not open to public viewing.
can materialize in cyberspace through the utilization of the OSNs privacy Therefore, according to them, people who are not their Facebook friends,
tools. In other words, utilization of these privacy tools is the manifestation,in including respondents, are barred from accessing said post without their
cyber world, of the users invocation of his or her right to informational knowledge and consent. As petitioners children testified, it was Angela who
privacy.37 uploaded the subject photos which were only viewable by the five of them,40
although who these five are do not appear on the records.
Therefore, a Facebook user who opts to make use of a privacy tool to grant or
deny access to his or her post or profile detail should not be denied the Escudero, on the other hand, stated in her affidavit41 that "my students
informational privacy right which necessarily accompanies said choice.38 showed me some pictures of girls cladin brassieres. This student [sic] of mine
Otherwise, using these privacy tools would be a feckless exercise, such that if, informed me that these are senior high school [students] of STC, who are their
for instance, a user uploads a photo or any personal information to his or her friends in [F]acebook. x x x They then said [that] there are still many other
Facebook page and sets its privacy level at "Only Me" or a custom list so that photos posted on the Facebook accounts of these girls. At the computer lab,
only the user or a chosen few can view it, said photo would still be deemed these students then logged into their Facebook account [sic], and accessed
public by the courts as if the user never chose to limit the photos visibility and from there the various photographs x x x. They even told me that there had
accessibility. Such position, if adopted, will not only strip these privacy tools of been times when these photos were public i.e., not confined to their friends in
their function but it would also disregard the very intention of the user to keep Facebook."
said photo or information within the confines of his or her private space.
In this regard, We cannot give much weight to the minors testimonies for one
We must now determine the extent that the images in question were visible to key reason: failure to question the students act of showing the photos to Tigol
other Facebook users and whether the disclosure was confidential in nature. disproves their allegation that the photos were viewable only by the five of
In other words, did the minors limit the disclosure of the photos such that the them. Without any evidence to corroborate their statement that the images
images were kept within their zones of privacy? This determination is were visible only to the five of them, and without their challenging Escuderos
necessary in resolving the issue of whether the minors carved out a zone of claim that the other students were able to view the photos, their statements
privacy when the photos were uploaded to Facebook so that the images will are, at best, self-serving, thus deserving scant consideration.42
be protected against unauthorized access and disclosure.
It is well to note that not one of petitioners disputed Escuderos sworn account
Petitioners, in support of their thesis about their childrens privacy right being that her students, who are the minors Facebook "friends," showed her the
violated, insist that Escudero intruded upon their childrens Facebook photos using their own Facebook accounts. This only goes to show that no
special means to be able to view the allegedly private posts were ever (4) A users Facebook friend can "share"49 the formers post, or "tag"50
resorted to by Escuderos students,43 and that it is reasonable to assume, others who are not Facebook friends with the former, despite its being
therefore, that the photos were, in reality, viewable either by (1) their Facebook visible only tohis or her own Facebook friends.
friends, or (2) by the public at large.
Considering that the default setting for Facebook posts is "Public," it can be It is well to emphasize at this point that setting a posts or profile details
surmised that the photographs in question were viewable to everyone on privacy to "Friends" is no assurance that it can no longer be viewed by another
Facebook, absent any proof that petitioners children positively limited the user who is not Facebook friends with the source of the content. The users
disclosure of the photograph. If such were the case, they cannot invoke the own Facebook friend can share said content or tag his or her own Facebook
protection attached to the right to informational privacy. The ensuing friend thereto, regardless of whether the user tagged by the latter is Facebook
pronouncement in US v. Gines-Perez44 is most instructive: friends or not with the former. Also, when the post is shared or when a person
is tagged, the respective Facebook friends of the person who shared the post
[A] person who places a photograph on the Internet precisely intends to or who was tagged can view the post, the privacy setting of which was set at
forsake and renounce all privacy rights to such imagery, particularly under "Friends."
circumstances suchas here, where the Defendant did not employ protective To illustrate, suppose A has 100 Facebook friends and B has 200. A and B
measures or devices that would have controlled access to the Web page or are not Facebook friends. If C, As Facebook friend, tags B in As post, which
the photograph itself.45 is set at "Friends," the initial audience of 100 (As own Facebook friends) is
dramatically increased to 300 (As 100 friends plus Bs 200 friends or the
Also, United States v. Maxwell46 held that "[t]he more open the method of public, depending upon Bs privacy setting). As a result, the audience who can
transmission is, the less privacy one can reasonably expect. Messages sent to view the post is effectively expandedand to a very large extent.
the public at large inthe chat room or e-mail that is forwarded from
correspondent to correspondent loses any semblance of privacy." This, along with its other features and uses, is confirmation of Facebooks
proclivity towards user interaction and socialization rather than seclusion or
That the photos are viewable by "friends only" does not necessarily bolster the privacy, as it encourages broadcasting of individual user posts. In fact, it has
petitioners contention. In this regard, the cyber community is agreed that the been said that OSNs have facilitated their users self-tribute, thereby resulting
digital images under this setting still remain to be outside the confines of the into the "democratization of fame."51 Thus, it is suggested, that a profile, or
zones of privacy in view of the following: even a post, with visibility set at "Friends Only" cannot easily, more so
(1) Facebook "allows the world to be more open and connected by giving automatically, be said to be "very private," contrary to petitioners argument.
its users the tools to interact and share in any conceivable way;"47
(2) A good number of Facebook users "befriend" other users who are As applied, even assuming that the photos in issue are visible only to the
total strangers;48 sanctioned students Facebook friends, respondent STC can hardly be taken
(3) The sheer number of "Friends" one user has, usually by the hundreds; to task for the perceived privacy invasion since it was the minors Facebook
and friends who showed the pictures to Tigol. Respondents were mere recipients
of what were posted. They did not resort to any unlawful means of gathering
the information as it was voluntarily given to them by persons who had On Cyber Responsibility
legitimate access to the said posts. Clearly, the fault, if any, lies with the It has been said that "the best filter is the one between your childrens
friends of the minors. Curiously enough, however, neither the minors nor their ears."53 This means that self-regulation on the part of OSN users and internet
parents imputed any violation of privacy against the students who showed the consumers in general is the best means of avoiding privacy rights
images to Escudero. violations.54
Furthermore, petitioners failed to prove their contention that respondents As a cyberspace community member, one has to be proactive in protecting his
reproduced and broadcasted the photographs. In fact, what petitioners or her own privacy.55 It is in this regard that many OSN users, especially
attributed to respondents as an act of offensive disclosure was no more than minors, fail. Responsible social networking or observance of the
the actuality that respondents appended said photographs in their "netiquettes"56 on the part of teenagers has been the concern of many due to
memorandum submitted to the trial court in connection with Civil Case No. the widespread notion that teenagers can sometimes go too far since they
CEB-38594.52 These are not tantamount to a violation of the minors generally lack the people skills or general wisdom to conduct themselves
informational privacy rights, contrary to petitioners assertion. sensibly in a public forum.57
In sum, there can be no quibbling that the images in question, or to be more Respondent STC is clearly aware of this and incorporating lessons on good
precise, the photos of minor students scantily clad, are personal in nature, cyber citizenship in its curriculum to educate its students on proper online
likely to affect, if indiscriminately circulated, the reputation of the minors conduct may be most timely. Too, it is not only STC but a number of schools
enrolled in a conservative institution. However, the records are bereft of any and organizations have already deemed it important to include digital literacy
evidence, other than bare assertions that they utilized Facebooks privacy and good cyber citizenship in their respective programs and curricula in view
settings to make the photos visible only to them or to a select few. Without of the risks that the children are exposed to every time they participate in
proof that they placed the photographs subject of this case within the ambit of online activities.58 Furthermore, considering the complexity of the cyber world
their protected zone of privacy, they cannot now insist that they have an and its pervasiveness, as well as the dangers that these children are wittingly
expectation of privacy with respect to the photographs in question. or unwittingly exposed to in view of their unsupervised activities in
cyberspace, the participation of the parents in disciplining and educating their
Had it been proved that the access to the pictures posted were limited to the children about being a good digital citizen is encouraged by these institutions
original uploader, through the "Me Only" privacy setting, or that the users and organizations. In fact, it is believed that "to limit such risks, theres no
contact list has been screened to limit access to a select few, through the substitute for parental involvement and supervision."59
"Custom" setting, the result may have been different, for in such instances, the
intention to limit access to the particular post, instead of being broadcasted to As such, STC cannot be faulted for being steadfast in its duty of teaching its
the public at large or all the users friends en masse, becomes more manifest students to be responsible in their dealings and activities in cyberspace,
and palpable. particularly in OSNs, when it enforced the disciplinary actions specified in the
Student Handbook, absent a showing that, in the process, it violated the WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby DENIED. The
students rights. Decision dated July 27, 2012 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 14 in Cebu
City in SP. Proc. No. 19251-CEB is hereby AFFIRMED.
OSN users should be aware of the risks that they expose themselves to No pronouncement as to costs.
whenever they engage in cyberspace activities.. Accordingly, they should be
cautious enough to control their privacy and to exercise sound discretion SO ORDERED.
regarding how much information about themselves they are willing to give up.
Internet consumers ought to be aware that, by entering or uploading any kind
of data or information online, they are automatically and inevitably making it
permanently available online, the perpetuation of which is outside the ambit of G.R. No. 193636 July 24, 2012
their control. Furthermore, and more importantly, information, otherwise
private, voluntarily surrendered by them can be opened, read, or copied by MARYNETTE R. GAMBOA, Petitioner,
third parties who may or may not be allowed access to such. vs.
P/SSUPT. MARLOU C. CHAN, in his capacity as the PNP-Provincial
It is, thus, incumbent upon internet users to exercise due diligence in their Director of Ilocos Norte, and P/SUPT. WILLIAM 0. FANG, in his capacity
online dealings and activities and must not be negligent in protecting their as Chief, Intelligence Division, PNP Provincial Office, Ilocos Norte,
rights. Equity serves the vigilant. Demanding relief from the courts, as here, Respondents.
requires that claimants themselves take utmost care in safeguarding a right
which they allege to have been violated. These are indispensable. We cannot DECISION
afford protection to persons if they themselves did nothing to place the matter
within the confines of their private zone. OSN users must be mindful enough SERENO, J.:
to learn the use of privacy tools, to use them if they desire to keep the
information private, and to keep track of changes in the available privacy Before this Court is an Appeal by Certiorari (Under Rule 45 of the Rules of
settings, such as those of Facebook, especially because Facebook is Court) filed pursuant to Rule 191 of the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data,2
notorious for changing these settings and the site's layout often. seeking a review of the 9 September 2010 Decision in Special Proc. No.
14979 of the Regional Trial Court, First Judicial Region, Laoag City, Branch 13
In finding that respondent STC and its officials did not violate the minors' (RTC Br. 13).3 The questioned Decision denied petitioner the privilege of the
privacy rights, We find no cogent reason to disturb the findings and case writ of habeas data.4
disposition of the court a quo.
At the time the present Petition was filed, petitioner Marynette R. Gamboa
In light of the foregoing, the Court need not belabor the other assigned errors. (Gamboa) was the Mayor of Dingras, Ilocos Norte.5 Meanwhile, respondent
Police Senior Superintendent (P/SSUPT.) Marlou C. Chan was the Officer-in-
Charge, and respondent Police Superintendent (P/SUPT.) William O. Fang with whom these groups are associated.17 The first entry in the table
was the Chief of the Provincial Investigation and Detective Management names a PAG, known as the Gamboa Group, linked to herein
Branch, both of the Ilocos Norte Police Provincial Office.6 petitioner Gamboa.18
(d) Statistics on the status of PAGs were based on data from the PNP, to
On 8 December 2009, former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued wit:
Administrative Order No. 275 (A.O. 275), "Creating an Independent The resolutions were the subject of a national press conference held in
Commission to Address the Alleged Existence of Private Armies in the Malacaang on March 24, 2010 at which time, the Commission was also
Country."7 The body, which was later on referred to as the Zearosa asked to comment on the PNP report that out of one hundred seventeen (117)
Commission,8 was formed to investigate the existence of private army groups partisan armed groups validated, twenty-four (24) had been dismantled with
(PAGs) in the country with a view to eliminating them before the 10 May 2010 sixty-seven (67) members apprehended and more than eighty-six (86)
elections and dismantling them permanently in the future.9 Upon the firearms confiscated.
conclusion of its investigation, the Zearosa Commission released and Commissioner Herman Basbao qualified that said statistics were based on
submitted to the Office of the President a confidential report entitled "A PNP data but that the more significant fact from his report is that the PNP has
Journey Towards H.O.P.E.: The Independent Commission Against Private been vigilant in monitoring the activities of these armed groups and this
Armies Report to the President" (the Report).10 vigilance is largely due to the existence of the Commission which has
continued communicating with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and
Gamboa alleged that the Philippine National Police in Ilocos Norte (PNP PNP personnel in the field to constantly provide data on the activities of the
Ilocos Norte) conducted a series of surveillance operations against her and PAGs. Commissioner Basbao stressed that the Commissions efforts have
her aides,11 and classified her as someone who keeps a PAG.12 Purportedly preempted the formation of the PAGs because now everyone is aware that
without the benefit of data verification, PNPIlocos Norte forwarded the there is a body monitoring the PAGs movement through the PNP.
information gathered on her to the Zearosa Commission,13 thereby causing Commissioner Lieutenant General Edilberto Pardo Adan also clarified that the
her inclusion in the Reports enumeration of individuals maintaining PAGs.14 PAGs are being destabilized so that their ability to threaten and sow fear
More specifically, she pointed out the following items reflected therein: during the election has been considerably weakened.19
(a) The Report cited the PNP as its source for the portion regarding the
status of PAGs in the Philippines.15 (e) The Report briefly touched upon the validation system of the PNP:
(b) The Report stated that "x x x the PNP organized one dedicated Also, in order to provide the Commission with accurate data which is truly
Special Task Group (STG) for each private armed group (PAG) to reflective of the situation in the field, the PNP complied with the Commissions
monitor and counteract their activities."16 recommendation that they revise their validation system to include those PAGs
(c) Attached as Appendix "F" of the Report is a tabulation generated by previously listed as dormant. In the most recent briefing provided by the PNP
the PNP and captioned as "Status of PAGs Monitoring by STGs as of on April 26, 2010, there are one hundred seven (107) existing PAGs. Of these
April 19, 2010," which classifies PAGs in the country according to groups, the PNP reported that seven (7) PAGs have been reorganized.20
region, indicates their identity, and lists the prominent personalities
On 6 and 7 July 2010, ABS-CBN broadcasted on its evening news program government entity, information that they may have gathered against her
the portion of the Report naming Gamboa as one of the politicians alleged to without the approval of the court;
be maintaining a PAG.21 Gamboa averred that her association with a PAG (c) ordered respondents to make a written return of the writ together with
also appeared on print media.22 Thus, she was publicly tagged as someone supporting affidavits; and
who maintains a PAG on the basis of the unverified information that the PNP- (d) scheduled the summary hearing of the case on 23 July 2010.28
Ilocos Norte gathered and forwarded to the Zearosa Commission.23 As a
result, she claimed that her malicious or reckless inclusion in the enumeration In their Return of the Writ, respondents alleged that they had acted within the
of personalities maintaining a PAG as published in the Report also made her, bounds of their mandate in conducting the investigation and surveillance of
as well as her supporters and other people identified with her, susceptible to Gamboa.29 The information stored in their database supposedly pertained to
harassment and police surveillance operations.24 two criminal cases in which she was implicated, namely: (a) a Complaint for
murder and frustrated murder docketed as NPS DOC No. 1-04-INQ-091-
Contending that her right to privacy was violated and her reputation maligned 00077, and (b) a Complaint for murder, frustrated murder and direct assault
and destroyed, Gamboa filed a Petition dated 9 July 2010 for the issuance of a upon a person in authority, as well as indirect assault and multiple attempted
writ of habeas data against respondents in their capacities as officials of the murder, docketed as NPS DOCKET No. 1-04-INV-10-A-00009.30
PNP-Ilocos Norte.25 In her Petition, she prayed for the following reliefs:
(a) destruction of the unverified reports from the PNP-Ilocos Norte Respondents likewise asserted that the Petition was incomplete for failing to
database; comply with the following requisites under the Rule on the Writ of Habeas
(b) withdrawal of all information forwarded to higher PNP officials; Data: (a) the manner in which the right to privacy was violated or threatened
(c) rectification of the damage done to her honor; with violation and how it affected the right to life, liberty or security of Gamboa;
(d) ordering respondents to refrain from forwarding unverified reports (b) the actions and recourses she took to secure the data or information; and
against her; and (c) the location of the files, registers or databases, the government office, and
(e) restraining respondents from making baseless reports.26 the person in charge, in possession or in control of the data or information.31
They also contended that the Petition for Writ of Habeas Data, being limited to
The case was docketed as Special Proc. No. 14979 and was raffled to RTC cases of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances, was not the
Br. 13, which issued the corresponding writ on 14 July 2010 after finding proper remedy to address the alleged besmirching of the reputation of
the Petition meritorious on its face.27 Thus, the trial court Gamboa.32
(a) instructed respondents to submit all information and reports forwarded to
and used by the Zearosa Commission as basis to include her in the list of RTC Br. 13, in its assailed Decision dated 9 September 2010, dismissed the
persons maintaining PAGs; Petition.33 The trial court categorically ruled that the inclusion of Gamboa in
(b) directed respondents, and any person acting on their behalf, to cease and the list of persons maintaining PAGs, as published in the Report, constituted a
desist from forwarding to the Zearosa Commission, or to any other violation of her right to privacy, to wit:
In this light, it cannot also be disputed that by her inclusion in the list of to gather information on PAGs and authorized to disclose information on her,
persons maintaining PAGs, Gamboas right to privacy indubitably has been should have been impleaded as a necessary if not a compulsory party to the
violated. The violation understandably affects her life, liberty and security Petition.37
enormously. The untold misery that comes with the tag of having a PAG could Gamboa then filed the instant Appeal by Certiorari dated 24 September
even be insurmountable. As she essentially alleged in her petition, she fears 2010,38 raising the following assignment of errors:
for her security that at any time of the day the unlimited powers of
respondents may likely be exercised to further malign and destroy her 1. The trial court erred in ruling that the Zearosa Commission be
reputation and to transgress her right to life. impleaded as either a necessary or indispensable party;
2. The trial court erred in declaring that Gamboa failed to present
By her inclusion in the list of persons maintaining PAGs, it is likewise sufficient proof to link respondents as the informant to [sic] the
undisputed that there was certainly intrusion into Gamboas activities. It Zearosa Commission;
cannot be denied that information was gathered as basis therefor. After all, 3. The trial court failed to satisfy the spirit of Habeas Data;
under Administrative Order No. 275, the Zearosa Commission was tasked to 4. The trial court erred in pronouncing that the reliance of the Zearosa
investigate the existence of private armies in the country, with all the powers of Commission to [sic] the PNP as alleged by Gamboa is an assumption;
an investigative body under Section 37, Chapter 9, Book I of the 5. The trial court erred in making a point that respondents are distinct to
Administrative Code of 1987. PNP as an agency.39
On the other hand, respondents maintain the following arguments: (a)
xxx xxx xxx Gamboa failed to present substantial evidence to show that her right to
privacy in life, liberty or security was violated, and (b) the trial court correctly
By her inclusion in the list of persons maintaining PAGs, Gamboa alleged as dismissed the Petition on the ground that she had failed to present sufficient
she accused respondents, who are public officials, of having gathered and proof showing that respondents were the source of the report naming her as
provided information that made the Zearosa Commission to include her in one who maintains a PAG.40
the list. Obviously, it was this gathering and forwarding of information
supposedly by respondents that petitioner barks at as unlawful. x x x.34 Meanwhile, Gamboa argues that although A.O. 275 was a lawful order,
fulfilling the mandate to dismantle PAGs in the country should be done in
Despite the foregoing findings, RTC Br. 13 nevertheless dismissed the Petition accordance with due process, such that the gathering and forwarding of
on the ground that Gamboa failed to prove through substantial evidence that unverified information on her must be considered unlawful.41 She also
the subject information originated from respondents, and that they forwarded reiterates that she was able to present sufficient evidence showing that the
this database to the Zearosa Commission without the benefit of prior subject information originated from respondents.42
verification.35 The trial court also ruled that even before respondents
assumed their official positions, information on her may have already been In determining whether Gamboa should be granted the privilege of the writ of
acquired.36 Finally, it held that the Zearosa Commission, as the body tasked habeas data, this Court is called upon to, first, unpack the concept of the right
to privacy; second, explain the writ of habeas data as an extraordinary remedy Amendment explicitly affirms the right of the people to be secure in their
that seeks to protect the right to informational privacy; and finally, persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and
contextualize the right to privacy vis--vis the state interest involved in the seizures. The Fifth Amendment in its Self-Incrimination Clause enables the
case at bar. citizen to create a zone of privacy which government may not force him to
surrender to his detriment. The Ninth Amendment provides: The enumeration
The Right to Privacy in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or
disparage others retained by the people." After referring to various American
The right to privacy, as an inherent concept of liberty, has long been Supreme Court decisions, Justice Douglas continued: "These cases bear
recognized as a constitutional right. This Court, in Morfe v. Mutuc,43 thus witness that the right of privacy which presses for recognition is a legitimate
enunciated: one."
The due process question touching on an alleged deprivation of liberty as thus xxx xxx xxx
resolved goes a long way in disposing of the objections raised by plaintiff that
the provision on the periodical submission of a sworn statement of assets and So it is likewise in our jurisdiction. The right to privacy as such is accorded
liabilities is violative of the constitutional right to privacy. There is much to be recognition independently of its identification with liberty; in itself, it is fully
said for this view of Justice Douglas: "Liberty in the constitutional sense must deserving of constitutional protection. The language of Prof. Emerson is
mean more than freedom from unlawful governmental restraint; it must include particularly apt: "The concept of limited government has always included the
privacy as well, if it is to be a repository of freedom. The right to be let alone is idea that governmental powers stop short of certain intrusions into the
indeed the beginning of all freedom." As a matter of fact, this right to be let personal life of the citizen. This is indeed one of the basic distinctions between
alone is, to quote from Mr. Justice Brandeis "the most comprehensive of rights absolute and limited government. Ultimate and pervasive control of the
and the right most valued by civilized men." individual, in all aspects of his life, is the hallmark of the absolute state. In
contrast, a system of limited government, safeguards a private sector, which
The concept of liberty would be emasculated if it does not likewise compel belongs to the individual, firmly distinguishing it from the public sector, which
respect for his personality as a unique individual whose claim to privacy and the state can control. Protection of this private sector protection, in other
interference demands respect. xxx. words, of the dignity and integrity of the individual has become increasingly
xxx xxx xxx important as modern society has developed. All the forces of a technological
x x x In the leading case of Griswold v. Connecticut, Justice Douglas, age industrialization, urbanization, and organization operate to narrow
speaking for five members of the Court, stated: "Various guarantees create the area of privacy and facilitate intrusion into it. In modern terms, the capacity
zones of privacy. The right of association contained in the penumbra of the to maintain and support this enclave of private life marks the difference
First Amendment is one, as we have seen. The Third Amendment in its between a democratic and a totalitarian society."44 (Emphases supplied)
prohibition against the quartering of soldiers in any house in time of peace
without the consent of the owner is another facet of that privacy. The Fourth
In Ople v. Torres,45 this Court traced the constitutional and statutory bases of Sec. 17. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.
the right to privacy in Philippine jurisdiction, to wit:
Indeed, if we extend our judicial gaze we will find that the right of privacy is Zones of privacy are likewise recognized and protected in our laws. The Civil
recognized and enshrined in several provisions of our Constitution. It is Code provides that "every person shall respect the dignity, personality, privacy
expressly recognized in section 3 (1) of the Bill of Rights: and peace of mind of his neighbors and other persons" and punishes as
actionable torts several acts by a person of meddling and prying into the
Sec. 3. (1) The privacy of communication and correspondence shall be privacy of another. It also holds a public officer or employee or any private
inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order individual liable for damages for any violation of the rights and liberties of
requires otherwise as prescribed by law. another person, and recognizes the privacy of letters and other private
communications. The Revised Penal Code makes a crime the violation of
Other facets of the right to privacy are protected in various provisions of the secrets by an officer, the revelation of trade and industrial secrets, and
Bill of Rights, viz: trespass to dwelling. Invasion of privacy is an offense in special laws like the
Anti-Wiretapping Law, the Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act and the Intellectual
Sec. 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due Property Code. The Rules of Court on privileged communication likewise
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the recognize the privacy of certain information.
laws. Unlike the dissenters, we prescind from the premise that the right to privacy is
Sec. 2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution, hence, it is the burden of
and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature government to show that A.O. No. 308 is justified by some compelling state
and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or warrant of interest and that it is narrowly drawn. x x x.46 (Emphases supplied)
arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be determined personally by
the judge after examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and Clearly, the right to privacy is considered a fundamental right that must be
the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing the place to be protected from intrusion or constraint. However, in Standard Chartered Bank v.
searched and the persons or things to be seized. Senate Committee on Banks,47 this Court underscored that the right to
xxx xxx xxx privacy is not absolute, viz:
Sec. 6. The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits
prescribed by law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the court. With respect to the right of privacy which petitioners claim respondent has
Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of national violated, suffice it to state that privacy is not an absolute right. While it is true
security, public safety, or public health as may be provided by law. that Section 21, Article VI of the Constitution, guarantees respect for the rights
xxx xxx xxx of persons affected by the legislative investigation, not every invocation of the
Sec. 8. The right of the people, including those employed in the public and right to privacy should be allowed to thwart a legitimate congressional inquiry.
private sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies for purposes not In Sabio v. Gordon, we have held that the right of the people to access
contrary to law shall not be abridged. information on matters of public concern generally prevails over the right to
privacy of ordinary financial transactions. In that case, we declared that the information regarding the person, family, home and correspondence of the
right to privacy is not absolute where there is an overriding compelling state aggrieved party.
interest. Employing the rational basis relationship test, as laid down in Morfe v. The notion of informational privacy is still developing in Philippine law and
Mutuc, there is no infringement of the individuals right to privacy as the jurisprudence. Considering that even the Latin American habeas data, on
requirement to disclosure information is for a valid purpose, in this case, to which our own Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data is rooted, finds its origins from
ensure that the government agencies involved in regulating banking the European tradition of data protection,51 this Court can be guided by cases
transactions adequately protect the public who invest in foreign securities. on the protection of personal data decided by the European Court of Human
Suffice it to state that this purpose constitutes a reason compelling enough to Rights (ECHR). Of particular note is Leander v. Sweden,52 in which the
proceed with the assailed legislative investigation.48 ECHR balanced the right of citizens to be free from interference in their private
affairs with the right of the state to protect its national security. In this case,
Therefore, when the right to privacy finds tension with a competing state Torsten Leander (Leander), a Swedish citizen, worked as a temporary
objective, the courts are required to weigh both notions. In these cases, replacement museum technician at the Naval Museum, which was adjacent to
although considered a fundamental right, the right to privacy may nevertheless a restricted military security zone.53 He was refused employment when the
succumb to an opposing or overriding state interest deemed legitimate and requisite personnel control resulted in an unfavorable outcome on the basis of
compelling. information in the secret police register, which was kept in accordance with the
Personnel Control Ordinance and to which he was prevented access.54 He
The Writ of Habeas Data claimed, among others, that this procedure of security control violated Article
The writ of habeas data is an independent and summary remedy designed to 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights55 on the right to privacy, as
protect the image, privacy, honor, information, and freedom of information of nothing in his personal or political background would warrant his classification
an individual, and to provide a forum to enforce ones right to the truth and to in the register as a security risk.56
informational privacy.49 It seeks to protect a persons right to control
information regarding oneself, particularly in instances in which such The ECHR ruled that the storage in the secret police register of information
information is being collected through unlawful means in order to achieve relating to the private life of Leander, coupled with the refusal to allow him the
unlawful ends.50 It must be emphasized that in order for the privilege of the opportunity to refute the same, amounted to an interference in his right to
writ to be granted, there must exist a nexus between the right to privacy on the respect for private life.57 However, the ECHR held that the interference was
one hand, and the right to life, liberty or security on the other. justified on the following grounds: (a) the personnel control system had a
legitimate aim, which was the protection of national security,58 and (b) the
Section 1 of the Rule on the Writ of Habeas Data reads: Personnel Control Ordinance gave the citizens adequate indication as to the
Habeas data. The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to any person scope and the manner of exercising discretion in the collection, recording and
whose right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or threatened by an release of information by the authorities.59 The following statements of the
unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private ECHR must be emphasized:
individual or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data
58. The notion of necessity implies that the interference corresponds to a
pressing social need and, in particular, that it is proportionate to the legitimate xxx xxx xxx
aim pursued (see, inter alia, the Gillow judgment of 24 November 1986, Series
A no. 109, p. 22, 55). 66. The fact that the information released to the military authorities was not
communicated to Mr. Leander cannot by itself warrant the conclusion that the
59. However, the Court recognises that the national authorities enjoy a margin interference was not "necessary in a democratic society in the interests of
of appreciation, the scope of which will depend not only on the nature of the national security", as it is the very absence of such communication which, at
legitimate aim pursued but also on the particular nature of the interference least partly, ensures the efficacy of the personnel control procedure (see,
involved. In the instant case, the interest of the respondent State in protecting mutatis mutandis, the above-mentioned Klass and Others judgment, Series A
its national security must be balanced against the seriousness of the no. 28, p. 27, 58).
interference with the applicants right to respect for his private life.
The Court notes, however, that various authorities consulted before the issue
There can be no doubt as to the necessity, for the purpose of protecting of the Ordinance of 1969, including the Chancellor of Justice and the
national security, for the Contracting States to have laws granting the Parliamentary Ombudsman, considered it desirable that the rule of
competent domestic authorities power, firstly, to collect and store in registers communication to the person concerned, as contained in section 13 of the
not accessible to the public information on persons and, secondly, to use this Ordinance, should be effectively applied in so far as it did not jeopardise the
information when assessing the suitability of candidates for employment in purpose of the control (see paragraph 31 above).
posts of importance for national security.
67. The Court, like the Commission, thus reaches the conclusion that the
Admittedly, the contested interference adversely affected Mr. Leanders safeguards contained in the Swedish personnel control system meet the
legitimate interests through the consequences it had on his possibilities of requirements of paragraph 2 of Article 8 (art. 8-2). Having regard to the wide
access to certain sensitive posts within the public service. On the other hand, margin of appreciation available to it, the respondent State was entitled to
the right of access to public service is not as such enshrined in the consider that in the present case the interests of national security prevailed
Convention (see, inter alia, the Kosiek judgment of 28 August 1986, Series A over the individual interests of the applicant (see paragraph 59 above). The
no. 105, p. 20, 34-35), and, apart from those consequences, the interference to which Mr. Leander was subjected cannot therefore be said to
interference did not constitute an obstacle to his leading a private life of his have been disproportionate to the legitimate aim pursued. (Emphases
own choosing. supplied)
Leander illustrates how the right to informational privacy, as a specific
In these circumstances, the Court accepts that the margin of appreciation component of the right to privacy, may yield to an overriding legitimate state
available to the respondent State in assessing the pressing social need in the interest. In similar fashion, the determination of whether the privilege of the
present case, and in particular in choosing the means for achieving the writ of habeas data, being an extraordinary remedy, may be granted in this
legitimate aim of protecting national security, was a wide one.
case entails a delicate balancing of the alleged intrusion upon the private life them and counteracted their activities.65 One of those individuals is herein
of Gamboa and the relevant state interest involved. petitioner Gamboa.
The collection and forwarding of information by the PNP vis--vis the interest This Court holds that Gamboa was able to sufficiently establish that the data
of the state to dismantle private armies. contained in the Report listing her as a PAG coddler came from the PNP.
Contrary to the ruling of the trial court, however, the forwarding of information
The Constitution explicitly mandates the dismantling of private armies and by the PNP to the Zearosa Commission was not an unlawful act that violated
other armed groups not recognized by the duly constituted authority.60 It also or threatened her right to privacy in life, liberty or security.The PNP was
provides for the establishment of one police force that is national in scope and rationally expected to forward and share intelligence regarding PAGs with the
civilian in character, and is controlled and administered by a national police body specifically created for the purpose of investigating the existence of
commission.61 these notorious groups. Moreover, the Zearosa Commission was explicitly
authorized to deputize the police force in the fulfillment of the formers
Taking into account these constitutional fiats, it is clear that the issuance of mandate, and thus had the power to request assistance from the latter.
A.O. 275 articulates a legitimate state aim, which is to investigate the
existence of PAGs with the ultimate objective of dismantling them Following the pronouncements of the ECHR in Leander, the fact that the PNP
permanently. released information to the Zearosa Commission without prior
To enable the Zearosa Commission to achieve its goals, A.O. 275 clothed it communication to Gamboa and without affording her the opportunity to refute
with the powers of an investigative body, including the power to summon the same cannot be interpreted as a violation or threat to her right to privacy
witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony or evidence relevant to the since that act is an inherent and crucial component of intelligence-gathering
investigation and use compulsory processes to produce documents, books, and investigation.. Additionally, Gamboa herself admitted that the PNP had a
and records.62 A.O. 275 likewise authorized the Zearosa Commission to validation system, which was used to update information on individuals
deputize the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the National Bureau of associated with PAGs and to ensure that the data mirrored the situation on the
Investigation, the Department of Justice, the PNP, and any other law field.66 Thus, safeguards were put in place to make sure that the information
enforcement agency to assist the commission in the performance of its collected maintained its integrity and accuracy.Pending the enactment of
functions.63 Meanwhile, the PNP, as the national police force, is empowered legislation on data protection, this Court declines to make any further
by law to (a) enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection of lives determination as to the propriety of sharing information during specific stages
and properties; (b) maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to of intelligence gathering. To do otherwise would supplant the discretion of
ensure public safety; and (c) investigate and prevent crimes.64Pursuant to the investigative bodies in the accomplishment of their functions, resulting in an
state interest of dismantling PAGs, as well as the foregoing powers and undue encroachment on their competence.
functions accorded to the Zearosa Commission and the PNP, the latter
collected information on individuals suspected of maintaining PAGs, monitored However, to accord the right to privacy with the kind of protection established
in existing law and jurisprudence, this Court nonetheless deems it necessary
to caution these investigating entities that information-sharing must observe her and her supporters susceptible to harassment and to increased police
strict confidentiality. Intelligence gathered must be released exclusively to the surveillance. In this regard, respondents sufficiently explained that the
authorities empowered to receive the relevant information. After all, inherent to investigations conducted against her were in relation to the criminal cases in
the right to privacy is the freedom from "unwarranted exploitation of ones which she was implicated. As public officials, they enjoy the presumption of
person or from intrusion into ones private activities in such a way as to cause regularity, which she failed to overcome. It is clear from the foregoing
humiliation to a persons ordinary sensibilities."67 discussion that the state interest of dismantling PAGs far outweighs the
alleged intrusion on the private life of Gamboa, especially when the collection
In this case, respondents admitted the existence of the Report, but and forwarding by the PNP of information against her was pursuant to a lawful
emphasized its confidential nature.. That it was leaked to third parties and the mandate. Therefore, the privilege of the writ of habeas data must be denied.
media was regrettable, even warranting reproach. But it must be stressed that
Gamboa failed to establish that respondents were responsible for this WHEREFORE, the instant petition for review is DENIED. The assailed
unintended disclosure. In any event, there are other reliefs available to her to Decision in Special Proc. No. 14979 dated 9 September 2010 of the Regional
address the purported damage to her reputation, making a resort to the Trial Court, Laoag City, Br. 13, insofar as it denies Gamboa the privilege of the
extraordinary remedy of the writ of habeas data unnecessary and improper. writ of habeas data, is AFFIRMED.
Finally, this Court rules that Gamboa was unable to prove through substantial
evidence that her inclusion in the list of individuals maintaining PAGs made