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Review: Genomic Approaches To Studying The Human Microbiota

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REVIEW doi:10.


Genomic approaches to studying

the human microbiota
George M. Weinstock1

The human body is colonized by a vast array of microbes, which form communities of bacteria, viruses and microbial
eukaryotes that are specific to each anatomical environment. Every community must be studied as a whole because many
organisms have never been cultured independently, and this poses formidable challenges. The advent of next-generation
DNA sequencing has allowed more sophisticated analysis and sampling of these complex systems by culture-independent
methods. These methods are revealing differences in community structure between anatomical sites, between individuals,
and between healthy and diseased states, and are transforming our view of human biology.

he microbes that exist in the human body are collectively both targeted 16S rRNA gene sequencing and whole-genome shot-
known as the human microbiota. This amazingly complex and gun sequencing of microbes in communities en masse. The number
poorly understood group of communities has an enormous of culture-independent metagenomic investigations of the human
impact on humans. An increasing number of conditions are being microbiome has mushroomed, and it is one of the most studied areas
examined for correlative and causative associations with the micro- of microbiology with significant potential to benefit clinical practice.
biome which, in this Review, is used to refer to the microbiota This culture-independent methodology is broadly applied outside
and the habitat it colonizes (Box 1). Each one of the many microbial human-microbiome research and is expanding our knowledge of
communities has its own structure and ecosystem, depending on the environment. This Review describes how NGS approaches are
the body environment it exists in. The fundamental goal of human transforming human-microbiome studies, and posing questions and
microbiome research is to measure the structure and dynamics of challenges for the future.
microbial communities, the relationships between their members,
what substances are produced and consumed, the interaction with the Single organisms and microbial communities
host, and differences between healthy hosts and those with disease. In the past, research on microbial interactions with humans has
Despite an explosion in human-microbiome research, these com- focused on single pathogenic organisms. Studies of communities
munities are still the dark matter of the body. The microbiome has of non-pathogenic microbes in the body were limited because the
been called another organ14 because of its products, its responsive- organisms were thought to be benign, with minor effects on human
ness to the environment and its integration with other systems. health compared with pathogens. Microbiome research has led to new
Sometimes referred to as our second genome5, the genes of microbes interest in the communities of non-pathogenic microbes that inhabit
that make up the microbiome outnumber human genes by more the human body, and the need to describe the genomes of these organ-
than 100-fold, with over 3 million bacterial genes in the gut alone6,7. isms to understand the human microbiome has been recognized.
These extensive microbial ecosystems are not limited to the human Every community of the microbiome has its own characteristics
body. Microbes and their communities dominate the environment (Table 2). For the gut community, for example, high biodiversity is
and occupy a vast range of niches. Environmental metagenomics was associated with a healthy state and reduced biodiversity occurs in
developed extensively before being applied to the human body8,9, patients with conditions such as Crohns disease11, whereas for tis-
and methods from other disciplines have had a significant effect on sues of the vagina, a lower biodiversity exists in healthy individuals
human-microbiome research. Defining complicated microbial eco- and a bloom of organisms occurs in patients with vaginosis12. To
systems and developing tools to probe their workings is an important understand why different sites have different properties, the mecha-
research enterprise of twenty-first century microbiology. nisms that lead to the disruption of ecosystems and to disease, and
The complexity of microbial communities makes studying them exceptions to generalities about a tissue, researchers require knowl-
challenging. There may be hundreds of different species, and enu- edge of the structure and behaviour of microbial communities.
merating what organisms are present with standard microbiological Microbial communities benefit the host by providing functions
techniques is not possible because many organisms have never been such as digestion of nutrients13 or protection against infection14.
grown in culture and may require special, as yet unknown, growth Antibiotic treatment perturbs the microbiome15,16 by reducing
conditions. In addition, the abundance of some microbes can range its size and altering its composition. This disturbance can lead to
over orders of magnitude, so deep sampling is required to detect the infection1719, and antibiotic-resistant organisms such as Clostridium
less-abundant members. Culture-independent methods of taking a difficile normally controlled by the microbiome can overgrow
microbial census began about 25 years ago and were based on tar- and create problems20. More complex community contributions
geted sequencing of 5S and 16S ribosomal RNA genes10, which differ also exist, such as interactions with host immune and inflamma-
for each species and are a convenient identifier. As this became a tory systems 21,22 or production of metabolites involving hybrid
tractable research area, next-generation sequencing (NGS) technolo- pathways from multiple organisms, including hostmicrobe path-
gies (Table 1) were developed and allowed more extensive analyses, ways23. Understanding these phenomena will ultimately allow the
The Genome Institute, Washington University, 4444 Forest Park Avenue, Campus Box 8501, St. Louis, Missouri 63108, USA.

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microbiome to be manipulated so that, for example, transplants of

microbial communities could treat C. difficile infections24,25. BOX 1

Whether the microbial ecology of the human body can be sim-
plified to the properties of single organisms is unknown. Many
organisms have never been cultured and may be adapted to life in a
community environment rather than a pure culture. For organisms Biodiversity is a measure of the complexity of a community.
for which growth requirements are understood, there is a depend- It is affected by the number of taxa (richness) and their range
ence on secreted products from other community members. For of abundance (evenness). High biodiversity occurs when many
example, secreted siderophores 26 are small molecules that help taxa (high richness) are present at similar abundances (an
microbes to scavenge iron, which is a limiting factor for growth in even distribution).
the body. So even the study of individual organisms can be depend- Commensals are organisms that benefit from another organism
ent on studying the community. but that have no harm or benefit themselves. Microbes of the
microbiome were thought to be commensals that benefited from
Dissecting a microbiome the human host but did no harm. Many of these organisms provide
Analysis of community structure (Fig. 1) focuses on either targeted benefits to the human host and so have a mutualistic relationship.
regions (such as the 16S rRNA gene) or shotgun sequencing to Contig is a stretch of contiguous sequence in a genome assembly.
catalogue the genes that are present. Additional analysis involves Coverage is the number of times a genome or gene is sequenced.
sequencing genomes of individual organisms to produce a catalogue In a genome sequenced to coverage, each nucleotide in the
of reference genomes27, and analysing RNA to describe the tran- sequence appears, on average, in 100 reads.
scriptome and identify RNA viruses. Non-genomic analyses include Genome assembly is the process of constructing a genome
proteomic and metabolomic studies, but these are not discussed sequence from short subsequences by sequencing many random
here. Every sample should be well-annotated with clinical metadata, fragments from a sheared genome. The random short sequences
so that, ultimately, the microbiomes genetic and community struc- are compared, and overlapping common sequences are used to
tures can be correlated with the individuals phenotype. determine their orientation and order with respect to each other. A
consensus sequence is constructed from this layout. Usually there
Census of organisms are gaps, but when contigs can be arranged in the correct order and
Modern metagenomic analyses of microbial communities were orientation, these longer stretches are called scaffolds.
developed from culture-independent methods for taking a cen- Metagenomics was defined83 as a process for identifying
sus of organisms present in a community and their abundances. genes specifically by their function by cloning them directly from
Although DNA reassociation kinetics provides information on the environment and expressing genes in a surrogate host84.
community diversity and structure 28, there is no accounting for Therefore, gene function was known even if the sequence was
organisms that may be tracked between samples. Methods more not sufficient for functional inference, such as when it encoded
useful for providing information on the entire structure often focus a protein of previously unknown function. This definition, also
on signature sequences that distinguish taxa (detected by hybridiza- known as functional metagenomics, is widely used. More recently,
tion to arrays of diagnostic oligonucleotides29), various methods for metagenomics refers to general analyses of microbial communities
fingerprinting polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products (such as by culture-independent methods, which do not necessarily focus on
single-strand conformation polymorphisms or terminal restriction function. The combined genomes of the microbes in a community
fragment length polymorphisms) or DNA sequencing of targeted are thought of as the community metagenome. Another type of
PCR products. Sequencing of 16S rRNA genes is the main method metagenomic analysis focuses on the structure of these aggregate
of taking a community census because fingerprinting methods do genomes in a community.
not adequately measure low-abundance organisms30. Microbiome in this Review refers to the microbiota and the
16S rRNA differs for each bacterial species. A bacterial species is habitat it colonizes and is analogous to the term biome in ecology.
hard to define, but is often taken as organisms with 16S rRNA gene Microbiome is also used to refer to the collective genomes of the
sequences having at least 97% identity an operational taxonomic microbes what is now the metagenome, and may have originally
unit (OTU). A 16S rRNA gene sequence of about 1.5 kilobases has been coined by Joshua Lederberg (cited by Hooper and Gordon85).
nine short hypervariable regions that distinguish bacterial taxa; However, it is also used for the more ecologically consistent
the sequences of one or more of these regions are targeted in a meaning. A microbiome can be a specific body site, such as the gut
community census. microbiome, but the human microbiome is often used to refer to the
Before the introduction of NGS methods, the prevailing approach collection of microbiomes of the human body.
was to clone full-length 16S rRNA genes after PCR with primers that Mutualism is a type of symbiosis in which both organisms benefit.
would amplify genes from a wide range of organisms. Cloned 16S This is one type of relationship seen in the human microbiome.
rRNA genes were sequenced by the Sanger method, which required Operational taxonomic unit in microbiome research is a group
two or three reads to cover the entire gene. Accuracy was crucial of organisms with 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences that show a
because sequencing errors led to misclassification. The cost and certain level of identity. This group is often used as a surrogate for a
effort required for the Sanger method limited the depth of sampling, species when the 16S rRNA sequences are at least 97% identical.
and studies often produced about 100 sequences per specimen. This Pathogenic microbe is one with the potential to cause disease.
method identified the dominant organisms in a community, but Read is the primary output of DNA sequencing, consisting of a
analysis of less abundant organisms was limited. short stretch of DNA sequence that is produced from sequencing a
Introducing NGS to 16S rRNA gene analysis led to marked region of a single DNA fragment.
improvements in cost and depth of sampling. The Roche454 Shotgun sequencing is the process of randomly breaking (often
platform has dominated microbial community analysis31. As the read by shearing) a long DNA molecule (for example, a complete
length for 454 pyrosequencing is about 400 bases, only a portion of chromosome) and then sequencing the resultant DNA fragments,
the 16S rRNA gene can be sampled, and many different studies have which each come from a different location in the original long
targeted between one and three of the hypervariable regions, with DNA molecule.
different hypervariable regions targeted in different studies. Using Virome is the collection of viruses in the microbiota.
a portion of the 16S rRNA gene led to a loss of sensitivity (some taxa

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Table 1|DNA sequencing platforms used for microbiome analysis

Platform Method Characteristics 16S rRNA Shotgun Comments


Sanger-based or Fluorescent, dideoxy 750-base reads Full length sequenced Long reads help with Most costly method
capillary-based terminator High accuracy with 23 reads database comparisons Relatively low throughput, so low
instrument coverage of 16S or shotgun
Roche454 Pyrosequencing light 400-base reads Up to 3 variable Long reads help with Cost limits shotgun coverage but
emission regions per read database comparisons 16S coverage is good
Illumina Fluorescent, stepwise 100150-base reads Only 1 variable region Short reads do not seem Very high coverage owing to high
sequencing per read to limit analysis instrument output and very low cost
Not yet widely used

Ion Torrent Proton detection More than 200-base Like other NGS Like Illumina Expect high coverage, but longer
reads reads than Illumina
PacBio Fluorescent, single-molecule Up to 10-kilobase Accuracy an issue Long reads could help Attractive for long reads, but lower
sequencing reads for correct taxon assembly accuracy limits applications
Low accuracy identification
Oxford Nanopore* Electronic signal as DNA Long reads Unknown Long reads could help Not yet available
passes through pore assembly
Single-molecule sequencing

*At the time of publication, the Oxford Nanopore system was not available, and information provided is based on company presentations. Ion Torrent and PacBio are both available but have not been widely
used for microbiome analysis. The Illumina MiSeq instrument is expected to provide 250-base reads in the near future.

cannot be reliably defined at the species level, although high con- Shotgun sequencing for cataloguing organisms
fidence identification of higher taxonomic ranks is possible), nev- Targeted sequencing is a powerful tool for assessing the organisms that
ertheless gains in depth of sampling and cost savings outweigh this are present in microbial communities, but it is limited in terms of the
caveat. The US Human Microbiome Project (HMP)32 has sequenced functional and genetic information produced. Organisms for which
more than 10,000 specimens from healthy adults on the 454 platform the genome sequences are known (currently there are several thousand
by targeting V3 to V5 regions in the 16S rRNA gene and producing, sequenced bacterial genomes) can be used to infer the genes and func-
on average, 7,000 sequences per specimen33, which is a vast expan- tional capabilities of the community (Fig. 1). However, many organisms
sion on the Sanger method of sequencing analysis. The results of have no reference sequence. Furthermore, a reference sequence does not
the HMP, which sampled 18 body sites, provide an in-depth defini- completely describe the genes that are contributed by an organism. There
tion of the human microbiome. Another study16 that focused on the is considerable variation in the genomes between strains of the same spe-
effects of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin reported the rare biosphere in cies. Two strains of Escherichia coli, O157:H7 and K-12, both have 16S
the gut. This study documented perturbation of taxa and recovery rRNA gene sequences of E. coli, but differ in hundreds of genes. There are
from antibiotic treatment, as well as minor constituents that did not limits to what can be learned about the genetic content of communities
recover after antibiotic treatment. Such analyses will be important in from 16S rRNA gene sequences alone.
identifying individuals who are at risk of side effects from antibiotic Moving beyond this level of functional inference requires a gene-based
treatment, for example overgrowth of pathogens such as C. difficile census. This catalogue of genes can be provided by shotgun sequencing
or life-threatening antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. of DNA that has been extracted from the community as a whole and
When using 16S rRNA gene sequencing to compare individu- samples the mixture of genomes that make up the metagenome (Fig. 1).
als it is not necessary to know which organisms are present, only In a community in excess of hundreds of species with varying abundance,
whether the spectra of 16S rRNA gene sequences are similar and deep sequencing is needed to sample minor constituents that are not
the degree of difference between samples. Projects that compare necessarily unimportant. The bacterial concentration in the gut can be
healthy cohorts and those with disease to determine whether there 1011 cells ml1 (refs. 38, 39), so for an organism that is present at a con-
is a difference in the microbiome, or examine the effects of diet, centration of 1 per 106 there are 105 cells ml1, which is sufficient for the
antibiotic treatment or environmental factors on the microbiome, organisms products, such as metabolites and toxins, to have an effect on
all focus on detecting differences in communities, rather than iden- the community and the host.
tifying actual taxa. A loss of sensitivity for organism identification Illumina sequencing of faecal samples produced 4 gigabases per sam-
can be tolerated, and NGS allows cost-effective deep sampling of ple and 10 Gb per sample in the Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal
large cohorts, which is needed to reach statistically significant Tract (MetaHIT)6 and HMP33 projects, respectively, which corresponded
conclusions. The Illumina sequencing platform has been applied to tens of millions of reads per sample. At this depth of sequencing, the
to metagenomics projects3436, but because this sequencing plat- genomes of minor constituents such as E. coli (with an abundance of
form currently produces reads of 100 bases (HiSeq system) to 150 about 1% or lower) are sampled almost completely, and organisms with
bases (MiSeq system), only a single hypervariable region can be an even lower abundance have some of their genome represented. This
sequenced. However, this further loss of sensitivity does not pre- extraordinary sampling of complex microbial communities is made
clude the use of the Illumina platform for the comparative projects possible by producing large amounts of data and by the low cost of
already described in this Review. An early application of this plat- NGS methods.
form was its use in a study of vaginal microbiomes in patients Shotgun sequence data, in addition to 16S rRNA gene analysis, provide
with HIV, for which comparisons of patients with conditions such information on the organisms that make up communities. Extracting
as vaginosis before and after antibiotic therapy were examined 37. 16S rRNA gene sequences from shotgun reads to determine the organ-
As a result of the exceptional increases in numbers of reads and isms present is possible; however, targeted 16S rRNA gene sequencing
the lower cost associated with the Illumina platform, it is becom- tends to introduce biases (owing to the broad-range PCR used to amplify
ing more widely used for 16S rRNA gene-sequence profiling and 16S rRNA gene sequences or the choice of region within the 16S rRNA
continues the microbiome-analysis trend of deeper sampling at gene), which shotgun sequencing does not. Shotgun sequencing is less
lower costs. sensitive than targeted rRNA sequencing because a small fraction of the

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sequences are from 16S rRNA genes. Another approach is to align shot- particular members. Deep sequencing, such as that used in the
gun sequences to bacterial reference genomes33,40,41, allowing the relative MetaHIT and the HMP, broadly samples the genomes of even minor
abundance of species to be determined on the basis of the number of constituents, facilitating the identification of genes present within
reads that align to each reference genome (also useful for the comparative a given community (Fig. 1). By using the sequence reads them-
studies already described). The MetaHIT project has used this approach selves, or by first assembling them into contigs (Box 1), sequence
to classify individuals into different groups, called enterotypes, on the data can be compared with databases such as the National Insti-
basis of the community structure in their faecal samples40. The same tutes of Healths GenBank to identify which genes are present. De
enterotypes have been found in 16S rRNA gene-based analysis42. The novo prediction of genes from metagenomic data is also possible 33,
vaginal microbiome has also been classified into five groups43. These which provides motifs for functional inference even if the sequence
observations suggest the human microbiome may exist in distinct states does not find a match in a database. Finally, alignment of reads or
in different people, although correlation with environmental, genetic contigs to reference genomes identifies which organisms are pre-
or health status is not yet clear. Stratifying future studies depending on sent, along with their known gene content. These methods convert
which community class an individual belongs to may be important for metagenomic sequence data into catalogues of genes that can be
identifying correlations with phenotypic data. further analysed.
The need for reference genome sequences is clear both to infer Gene catalogues can be compared with databases such as the
genetic content of organisms identified by 16S rRNA genes and to iden- Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)62, which sorts
tify sources of shotgun reads by aligning to reference genomes, and so gene products into pathways and processes. Such analyses provides
determining organismal content of communities from shotgun data. lists of pathways, identify which pathway genes are in the community
NGS techniques have reduced the cost of bacterial sequences to less and quantify the abundances of genes and pathways 63. Comparing
than US$1,000 per genome and led to an increase in the production of gene catalogues to specialized metabolic databases, such as the
complete genome sequences. Current methodology relies mainly on Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes database64, is also useful. Carbohy-
Illumina shotgun sequencing and a variety of methods to assemble the drate-degrading capabilities of communities differ between body
reads into a genome. The product is not a true complete genome, but a sites, suggesting the carbohydrate spectrum of each body site has
high-quality draft that covers almost all of the genome and results in a determined which organisms and pathways are present65.
high-quality base sequence27. Programmes such as the HMP32,44 and the In addition to pathway analysis, determining the presence and
Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea (GEBA)45 are producing abundance of genes, such as antibiotic-resistance genes or virulence
reference genomes by the thousands. factors, in a community is possible using similar methods to those
Although bacteria are the main components of the human micro- already described, and can shed light on pathogen burden in an indi-
biome, eukaryotic microbes and viruses (both human viruses and vidual and consequences of antibiotic treatment. The importance
bacteriophages) are also present (Table 2). The study of eukaryotic of functional analyses cannot be overemphasized, and functional
microbes is not as advanced as that of bacteria46, but the organisms are properties of communities are thought to be more important than
identified by signature sequences (such as fingerprinting and 18S rRNA) their taxonomic composition66.
and shotgun sequencing analogous to bacteria. The number of reference
genomes for eukaryotic microbes is smaller than that for bacteria, and Computational tools and strategies
progress will depend on addressing this shortfall. Metagenomic data are a rich source of information for the sequenc-
By contrast, considerable effort is being given to characterizing the ing and analysis methods already discussed 67,68. The data analysis
genomes of human viruses47 and bacteriophages48, known as the virome workflow has three phases. In the first phase, primary data are pro-
(Box 1). This work is based on shotgun sequencing (Fig. 1), although cessed and filtered depending on the application. For 16S rRNA gene
oligonucleotides microarrays for virus detection are also used49,50. Viral sequencing, the quality of analysis is important so that organisms are
sequences can be detected in shotgun data from different body sites, and not misclassified. Initial processing addresses read quality, chima-
viruses can also be enriched by processing samples before DNA extrac- erism (a read formed from different 16S rRNA genes), read length
tion51. Virome analysis by shotgun sequencing of microbial communities after removing low-quality bases and related issues6973. For shotgun
(discussed later) has led to the identification of human viruses5254, as sequence data6,33 in addition to sequence quality artefacts such
well as the detection of known viruses in healthy subjects and diseases as duplicate reads must also be addressed, as well as computation-
of unknown aetiology55. Likewise, bacteriophages are found to be highly ally removing contamination from human sequences. Removal of
diverse at different body sites5658, with differences between individuals human and bacterial sequences is important in read processing for
as a result of diet59 or disease states60,61. virome analysis47,55 (Fig. 1).
Following production of processed reads, the second phase
Sequencing for gene catalogues and functional inference involves generating various derivative data sets. For 16S rRNA gene
Metagenomic shotgun data also sample community gene con- analysis, tables of taxa and abundance are produced by comparisons
tent, which is useful to define community capabilities and identify with 16S rRNA sequence databases or by using software packages to

Table 2|Characteristics of bacteria, microbial eukaryotes and viruses in the human microbiome
Characteristic Bacteria Viruses Eukaryotic microbes

Genome size 0.510 megabases 11,000 kilobases 1050 megabases

Number of taxa in the At least thousands Unknown, but could be as many as bacteria Unknown, but may be fewer than
human microbiome bacteria
Relative abundances Highly variable Highly variable Unknown
Targeted detection Sequencing of genes such as 5S and 16S No universal method for genes, but virus-specific Sequencing of 18S rRNA gene
methods rRNA polymerase chain reaction assays for some Spacer region in rRNA
Shotgun approach to Alignment to reference genomes or Database comparison Alignment to reference genomes or
analyses database comparison database comparison
Subspecies or strain Modest sequence variation High sequence variation Unknown
diversity Horizontal gene transfer also contributes

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Metadata further analysed for variants and population genetics of communi-
ties. Computational analysis can also be used to determine which
Protein Proteome organisms co-occur or rarely co-occur as evidence for symbiosis or
Transcriptome analysis
analysis RNA
competition, respectively, or to follow the dynamics of community
Small Metabolome structure in longitudinal time series76.
molecules analysis Some analyses pose significant computational challenges. Com-
cDNA parisons to gene databases at the protein level are particularly
Reference demanding because shotgun sequences must be translated into
genomes polypeptides in all six reading frames, and each must be compared
with a gene database represented at the protein level. Using con-
Shotgun Targeted ventional BLASTx programs for this comparison in large data sets,
such as the HMP, could take decades, so supercomputers, acceler-
16S Other ated BLAST programs or both must be used33. A lack of efficient
software and large enough computer clusters are often bottlenecks
Align to
Compare to for metagenomic analysis, because sequencing and data production
reference database of OTU Database
into contigs
virus genomes clustering lookup
are not limiting factors. Management of large data sets and comput-
ing resources are receiving more attention, with cloud-computing
services seeming to be a viable alternative77.
Table of Table of
Compare to Gene OTUs and taxa and Future directions and challenges
databases predictions abundances abundances
The rapid rise in metagenomic studies has solved many problems
but, as the field has grown, other questions have been raised. Exist-
Virome ing methodology is becoming more sophisticated, and sequencing
Depth and breadth, Single organism content technology is making exponential advances (Table 1). The Illumina
variation Competition, symbiosis platform introduced instruments that were more appropriate for
Genes and pathways analysis sequencing smaller genomes, with faster run times and longer read
Ecological metrics
lengths, offering more flexibility for metagenomic applications. The
long read length of the PacBio platform has the potential to help
distinguish the reads from different organisms, which is a challenge
for metagenomic shotgun sequencing. The technology produced by
Figure 1 | Data and analysis workflow for microbiome analysis. From a Oxford Nanopore promises long reads and short run times in a scal-
microbiota sample, DNA, RNA and protein can be extracted, and metadata able system, and is therefore a good match for microbial applications.
and strains of bacteria obtained. Data from DNA can be supplemented Reducing the amount of DNA needed for shotgun sequencing will
with proteome and transcriptome analysis. During primary analysis, allow communities in smaller anatomical regions, such as within the
shotgun techniques can produce reads from DNA, which are then aligned gastrointestinal tract, to be studied separately rather than together
to reference genomes to identify variants and community population
genetics, assembled into contigs to make gene predictions or compared
with other regions as is the case with the current methodology. Short
with databases. Alternatively, targeted sequencing such as 16S rRNA gene run-time instruments and reductions in sample size will also hasten
sequencing can be used to take a community census, and these data are then the introduction of microbiome analysis to the clinic, where analy-
compared with databases to create tables of taxa and abundance, or analysed ses of patient samples must be quick and able to deal with limited
with software programs to cluster the reads into OTUs to create tables of amounts of material. Ultimately, the aim of human-microbiome
abundance. The derivative data is used in secondary analysis for ecological research is its application as a diagnostic, therapeutic and preven-
metrics or competition and symbiosis analysis. In addition, shotgun reads tive tool in the clinic.
and comparisons with reference genomes and databases can be used to build The main limitation of using shotgun data is the large number of
pathways and reconstruct the capabilities of a community. The combination organisms that have not been cultured, let alone sequenced. These
of these analyses will contribute to understanding the differences within and
organisms are therefore under-represented in databases, and their
between individuals.
shotgun reads are anonymous. When community shotgun data are
assembled into genomes to obtain genome sequences for new organ-
cluster the reads into OTUs74,75. Comparing shotgun reads to gene isms, contig sizes are typically small as a result of lower organism
databases, such as GenBank or KEGG, by using the Basic Local abundance and the challenges associated with assembly of a complex
Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), for example, produces lists of mixture. The long read lengths of PacBio and Oxford Nanopore
genes and the number of matched reads7,33,63. Alignment of reads to instruments should help with these challenges, as will the develop-
reference genomes produces tables of breadth and depth of coverage, ment of assembly algorithms for metagenomic data. Expanding the
by reads of each genome41. In each of these data sets, there is more catalogue of reference genomes by producing reference sequences
biological information to be gleaned and added through further for individual uncultured organisms is an active area. Methods that
analysis. Not all reads match sequences in databases because not all use cell sorting to isolate organisms, coupled with sequencing and
organisms have a reference genome sequenced. In addition, reads assembly techniques for single-cell DNA preparations, are produc-
may match genes whose function has not been elucidated. These ing new genome sequences78,79 and, in high-throughput mode, could
sequences of unknown origin or function can be a sizeable fraction complement shotgun metagenomics for analysing communities.
and the effect of this uninformative portion of data on analyses and One problem associated with genomic data is that it does not
conclusions is not clear. address whether an organism is alive or has succumbed to host
The third phase of analysis uses these derivative data to produce defences or antibiotic treatment. However, the data can be comple-
trees or other representations of the similarity of communities, mented with transcriptome analysis, or proteomic and metabolomic
abundance curves, biodiversity plots, and other ecological and sta- data sets, which analyse gene expression and metabolic data that are
tistical descriptors of community structure74,75 (Fig. 1). A list of hits more likely to be derived specifically from living cells.
from BLAST is used to build metabolic pathways for reconstruction The simultaneous advances in human genetics and genom-
of community capabilities63. Alignments to reference genomes are ics offer opportunities for combining studies of host genotype

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74. Lozupone, C., Lladser, M. E., Knights, D., Stombaugh, J. & Knight, R. UniFrac: Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
an effective distance metric for microbial community comparison. ISME J. 5, www.nature.com/reprints. The author declares no competing financial
169172 (2011). interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this
75. Schloss, P. D. et al. Introducing mothur: open-source, platform-independent, article at go.nature.com/1oqsjw. Correspondence should be addressed to
community-supported software for describing and comparing microbial G.W. (gweinsto@genome.wustl.edu).

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