Introduction To Directional Drilling 5572381
Introduction To Directional Drilling 5572381
Introduction To Directional Drilling 5572381
Introduction to
Directional Drilling
Schlumberger Confidential
Explain whats directional drilling
Explain different applications for directional drilling
Identify all sections of a well profile
Identify all types of well profile
Identify build curves
Explain all different types of deflection devices and its applications
Understand the different methods SLB RSS tools use to steer the well
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What is Directional Drilling?
The intentional deviation of a wellbore from the path it would naturally take
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Why Directional Drilling?
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Why Directional Drilling?
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Why Directional Drilling?
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Why Directional Drilling?
Relief Well
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Deepwater Horizon
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Why Directional Drilling?
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Total depth = 40,320 ft
Horizontal Reach = 35,770 ft
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Getting to Target
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Real-time data from MWD used to
follow the well path
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Well Profiles
Vertical J
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S Horizontal
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Build Curve Definitions
Short:>30deg/100ft (variations)
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Deflection Devices
Tools & Techniques to deflect the course of the well in a controlled manner,
overcoming natural tendencies
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Kick-off, nudge (build angle from vertical to a desired direction)
Trajectory correction (turn, build, drop to the desired trajectory)
Sidetrack (deflect the well from its original course)
Rotary Steerable
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Jetting BHA
Used in soft formations
Cost Effective
One large bit nozzle oriented to the desired direction
Wash a pocket in the formation
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Continue building with rotary BHA
Can be used with MWD
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Schlumberger Confidential
Bit, NB Stab. pinned to whip and conveyed to bottom
Tool Face oriented
Whip is wedged on bottom and pin sheared
Undersized pilot hole is drilled
Mill and whip-stock retrieved.
Run in with bit to continue drilling.
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Rotary Assemblies
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Gauge and placement of stabilizers
Diameter and length of drill collars ( flexibility )
Weight -on-bit
Rotary speed
Bit type
Formation anisotropy and dip angle of the bedding planes
Formation hardness
Flow rate
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Rotary Assemblies - Stabilizers Placement
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Turbines and PDM
Schlumberger Confidential
After kick-off, drill tangents, adjust trajectory without POOH
Performance drilling
Increase bit rpm without increasing drillstring rotation speed
Reduces drillpipe and casing wear
Increases ROP
Makes long runs for extended interval drilling.
Cost Effective
Can be run in most drilling environments
High temperature operations
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PowerPak / PathFinder Mud Motors
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principle, based on the progressive
cavities theory.
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Neyrfor Turbodrill
Intermediate stabilizer
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Bearing section
Box connection
bit with integral
turbine sleeve
Rotors and stators
Bearing assembly
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Why Run a Rotary Steerable System
More Performance drilling
Improves ROP
Minimize wiper trips
Increased hole quality, allowing
improved and faster completions
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Pushes the boundaries with respect to
extended reach drilling
Overcome hole problems
Low effective ROP due to
Inability to slide
Poor hole cleaning
Risk of sticking
Tortuous well profile
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Why Run a Rotary Steerable System
Schlumberger Confidential
Smoother, in gauge borehole
without the spiraling common
with rotated bent housing
reduces friction for additional
reach and makes casing,
wireline and completions
operations easier.
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Typical Slide / Rotate Profile
Continuous Inc. Interpolated Inc.
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Continuous Azm. Interpolated Azm.
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Rotary Steerable Profile
Continuous Inc. Interpolated Inc.
45 60
4 .0 2 D L S
Schlumberger Confidential
1 .8 3 D L S
0 .2 9 D L S
35 75
in c l in a t io n
30 w ip e r trip
a z im u t h
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PowerDrive Rotary Steerable Systems
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PowerDrive Rotary Steerable Systems
Performance drilling
Reduced casing and drillstring wear
Performance drilling on torque & RPM limited rigs
Fast bit rotation and optimised bit performance
Fully rotating system
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Downhole inclination and azimuth control
Real Time Data Transmission with CLink
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