Completing Story Writing-01
Completing Story Writing-01
Completing Story Writing-01
Story writing
out-line Main Theme
Ans. To The Q. No.NINE
Title: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
9. Sheikh Saadi
Sheikh Saadi was a famous poet, an earnest devotee and a great saint. His thirst for knowledge
was unbounded and he traveled far and wide. He was held in high esteem by all for his wisdom,
learning and piety. Once at the invitation of the king Jalaluddin Saiyuti, Saadi was going to his
court. On his way, he took shelter for a night in the house of a nobleman. But he was as usual in
his simple dress and was not warmly received there. The nobleman took him for an ordinary
man. The great man passed the night in care of the servants and left the house at dawn. A few
days later, the great poet was returning home from the royal court. This time he was in a costly
dress. At dusk he reached that noblemans house and wanted to pass the night there. The noble
himself stepped down and gave him warm reception. He ordered all sort of preparation for the
entertainment and comforof the honourable guest. They supplied him with rich food. The poet
began to put food into his pocket. He said that food was for his dress. The servants understood
their fault. They begged forgiveness.
Moral: The way of teaching of Sheik Saadi.
10. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Once there lived two close friends a certain village. They were very fond of travelling. One day
they went to a forest to see the natural beauty. They promised to help each other at the time of
danger. Suddenly they saw a bear coming towards them. One of the friends knew how to climb
up a tree. He climbed up a tree promptly. But the other friend didnt know how to climb up a
tree. Suddenly he remembered that the bear doesnt eat a dead animal. So he lay down on the on
the grass like a dead man. The bear came to the lying friend and smelt his body.When he guessed
that the bear was just beside him, he stopped breathing The bear thought that he was dead and
went away slowly. The first friend got down from the tree. He came to the second friend and said
to his friend, What did the bear whisper to your ear? The bear advised me not to trust a friend
who leaves his friend at the time of danger. At this, The false friend felt embarressed and left the
place. So we should be careful in choosing friend and bear in mind that a friend in need is a
friend indeed.