A Research Project On "Employee Motivation in Sourcebits Technologies, Bangalore"
A Research Project On "Employee Motivation in Sourcebits Technologies, Bangalore"
A Research Project On "Employee Motivation in Sourcebits Technologies, Bangalore"
I undersign Ms. Rupali hereby declare that the Research Project entitled Employee
Motivation in Sourcebits Technologies, Bangalore is a bonafide work carried out by me.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, the matter embodied in this report has not been
submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma.
Date :
Ms. Rupali
This is to certify that the Research Project entitled, Employee Motivation in Sourcebits
Technologies, Bangalore done by Ms. Rupali, Roll No. 17153223 is a bonafide work
carried out by her under my guidance. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the matter
embodied in this project work has not been submitted in our college earlier for award of any
degree or diploma.
Date : ----------------------------
Faculty Guide
Achieving anything isnt possible but difficult without the help of other. Each and every
person needs someone who can help him to move on a right track towards their goal and give
them proper guideline to get successful in him/her life by achieving their goals. None other
than our teacher does this from several years. They are who taught us from the very
beginning how to tackle different situation. It is because of their help that I was able to
complete my training.
Any work study is never an individual own effort. It is contributed effort of many hearts,
hands and heads. I give my great sense of privilege in submitting this research project work,
for which I am grateful and indebted to Mr. Kamal Khurana (Hr Manager) for allowing
me to do this research project work at this company.
First of all I would like to thank Dr. D.P Gupta, Director, HCTM Technical Campus,
Kaithal for making available all facilities in fulfilling the requirement for the research work.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Rekha Gupta (Head of Department) who
provides me the wonderful opportunity to work in this esteemed organization. I would like to
express my deeps serve of gratitude to the teacher and my primary faculty guide Mrs. Preeti
Khatri, because without her help I could not have done my work in academically proper
manner. She was always there to provide me with all kind of help I needed in doing my
project work. Her intelligence and knowledge in HR field was really great help for me in my
research project report.
I would also like to thank all the person of staff who helps me at whenever I want to them for
their help. I would like to thank all my friends who directly or indirectly help me by showing
his or her interest in conducting my research project report.
I am thankful to all the respondents for their co-operation and kind behavior for my research
project report as without their willingness and supports, my project would not have been
completed and also thank all of them for spearing valuable time for giving response. I would
like to thank my parents and other family member for their hand support by encouraging me
in the preparation and completion of this project.
It is said that practice makes a man perfect. So professional study is incomplete without its
perfect knowledge. In the field of business, theory provides the fundamental stone for the
guidance of practice but practice examines the element of truth lying in the theory therefore
stand coordination between theories and practice is very essential to make MBA perfect.
Each & Every activity is started for the accomplishment of goals & for this purpose
management is required. As being student of MBA, a management stream, we have to go in
different types of practical knowledge & practical training.
A project is a systematic and scientific study of Human Resource problem with application of
human skill and concepts. Every company has to recognize its strength and weakness,
opportunities and threat in the field of HR to stay in the cut throat competition.
Secondary is to share the practical knowledge and real experience in world of HR. The details
mention in this research project report is based of real situation and research.
I hope the report will be special interest to the HR students who are on look for such real life
situation beyond their class room study.
Every management tries to coordinate various factors of production in such a way that their
contribution is maximum in achieving organisation goals. The performance of non-human
factors like machines etc. will depend upon the level of technology and competence of those
who use them. To improve the overall performance in a business it become essential to
increase the efficiency of human being. The performance of person depend upon two factor
(i) ability to do work (ii) motivation. Motivation is an important factor which encourages
person to give their best performance and help in reaching enterprise goals. A strong positive
motivation will be enable the increased output of employee but a negative motivation will
reduce their performance.
Rensis Likert has called motivation as the core of management. Motivation is the core of
management. Motivation is an effective instrument in the hands of the management in
inspiring the work force .It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinate or
to create the will to work among the subordinates .It should also be remembered that the
worker may be immensely capable of doing some work, nothing can be achieved if he is not
willing to work creation of a will to work is motivation in simple but true sense of term.
Motivation is an important function which very manager performs for actuating the people to
work for accomplishment of objectives of the organization .Issuance of well conceived
instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed .A manager has to make
appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Effective motivation
succeeds not only in having an order accepted but also in gaining a determination to see that
it is executed efficiently and effectively.
In order to motivate workers to work for the organizational goals, the managers must
determine the motives or needs of the workers and provide an environment in which
appropriate incentives are available for their satisfaction .If the management is successful in
doing so; it will also be successful in increasing the willingness of the workers to work. This
will increase efficiency and effectiveness of the organization .There will be better utilization
of resources and workers abilities and capacities.
The concept of Motivation :
The word motivation has been derived from motive which means any idea, need or emotion
that prompts a man in to action. Whatever may be the behavior of man, there is some
stimulus behind it .Stimulus is dependent upon the motive of the person concerned. Motive
can be known by studying his needs and desires.
There is no universal theory that can explain the factors influencing motives which control
mans behavior at any particular point of time. In general, the different motives operate at
different times among different people and influence their behaviors. The process of
motivation studies the motives of individuals which cause different type of behavior.
Defining Motivation :
What is Motivation? May be the place to begin is to say what motivation isnt many people
incorrectly view motivation as personal trait-that is, some have it and others dont. in practise
in experienced managers often label employee who seem to lack motivation as lazy. Such
label assumes that an individual is always lazy or is lacking in motivation our knowledge of
motivation tells us that this just isnt true. What we know is that motivation is the result of the
interaction of the individual and the result of the interaction of the individual and the
situation. Certainly individuals differ in their basic motivational drive. Today virtually all
people practitioner and scholars have their own definition of motivation one or more of
the following words are included desires wants, wishes, aims, goals, needs, drives, motives
and incentives. Technically the term motivation can be traced to the lain word mover which
means to to move.
Definition Of Motivation :
4. According to Likert, It is the core of management which shows that every human
being gives him a sense of worth in face to face groups which are most important to
him. A supervisor should strive to treat individuals with dignity and a recognition of
their personal worth
5. According to Dubin, Motivation is the complex of forces starting and keeping a
person at work in an organisation
6. According to Vance, Motivation implies any emotion or desire which so conditions
ones will that the individual is properly lead into action
Nature Of Motivation :
Motivation is a psychological phenomena which generates within an individual. A person
feels the lack of certain needs to satisfy to satisfy which he feels working the need satisfying
ego motivates a person to do better than he normally does.
From definition given earlier the following inferences can be derived :
1. Motivation is an inner feeling which energies a person to work more?
2. The emotions or desires of a person prompt him for doing a particular work.
3. There are unsatisfied needs of a person which disturb his equilibrium
4. There are dormant energies in a person which are activated by channelising them into
5. A person moves to fulfil his unsatisfied by conditioning his energies.
6. Motivation is a inner psychological force which activates and compels the person to
behave in a particular manner.
7. Motivation process is influenced by personality traits learning abilities, perception
and competence of an individual.
8. Highly motivated employee works more efficiently and his level of production tends
to be higher than others.
9. Motivation originates from the needs and wants of an individual. It is a tension of
lacking, something in his mind which forces him to work efficiently.
10. Motivation is also a process of stimulating and chanellising an energy of an individual
for achieving set goals.
11. Motivation also plays a crucial role in determining the level of performance highly
motivated employee will get higher satisfaction his personality, needs, competence
and other factors.
12. Motivating force and it degree may differ from individual to individual depending on
his personality, needs, competence and other factors.
13. The process of motivation helps the manager in analysing and understanding human
behaviour and finding out that how an individual can be inspired to produce desirable
working behaviour.
14. Motivation may be positive as well as negative. Positive motivation includes
incentives, rewards and other benefits while negative motivation implies some
punishment, fear, use of force etc.
15. The process of motivation contribution to and boosts up the morale of the employee
and high degree of motivation may lead to high morale.
When a manager wants to get more work from his subordinates then he will have to motivate
them for improving their performance. They will either be offered incentive for more work,
or may be in the space of rewards. Better reports, recognition etc., or he may instill fear them
or use force for getting desired work. The following are the types of motivation.
1. Positive Motivation :- Positive motivation or incentive motivation is based on
reward. The workers are offered incentives for achieving the desired goals. The
incentive may be the shape of more pay, promotion, recognition of work etc. The
employee are offered the incentives and try to improve performance willingly.
According to better for placement, high standard of performance information
adequate for self control and the participation of the worker as a responsible citizen
in the plant community. Positive motivation is achieved by the co-operation of
employees and they have a feeling of happiness.
2. Negative Motivation :- Negative or fear motivation is based on force or fear. Fear
causes employees to act in a certain way. In case, they to not act accordingly then they
may be punished with demotion or lay-offs. The feal acts as a push mechanism. The
employees do not willingly co-operate, rather they want to avoid the punishment.
Though employees work upto a level where punishment is avoided but this type of
motivation causes anger and frustration. This type of motivation generally becomes a
causes of industrial unrest. Inspite of the drawbacks of negative motivation, this
method is commonly used to achieve desired result. There may be hardly any
management which has not used negative motivation at one or the other time.
Importance Of Motivation :
Motivation is an important part of managing process. A team of highly qualified and
motivated employees is necessary for achieving objectives of an organisation. It is only
through motivation process. They contribute maximum for accomplishing objectives.
Without motivation, they may not have an urge to maintain or improve their efficiency.
Importance maintain or improve their efficiency. Importance of motivation in management be
judged on the basis of the following factors.
1. Effective use of Resources :- In business, all physical resources are got to be used
through human force effective and efficient and efficient use these resources depends
on the ability and readiness of work force. Thus team of highly motivated employees
greatly help in making optimum use of available resources for achieving objectives.
2. Higher Efficiency :- Motivation is directly related to the level of efficiency highly
motivated employees make full use of their energy and other abilities to raise the
existing level of efficiency. They produce more as compared to other employees.
3. Accomplishment of Organisational Goals :- As stated earlier, the process of
motivation helps in shaping the working behaviour of the employees and making. It
desirable for achieving objectives highly motivated employees would make goal
directed efforts. They are more committed and cooperative for seeking organisational
4. Reduce Labour Turnover and Absenteeism :- Highly motivated employees are the
most important and variable assets of the organisation. They are more loyal and
sincere, therefore, they remain punctual and regular in their work schedule and prefer
to stay on-the-job for longer period of time. These factors helps in reducing
absenteeism and labour turnover.
5. Healthy Industrial Relations :- Motivation is considered as a background good
industrial relation effectively motivated employees get more satisfaction and carry
high morale which makes them more disciplined. In such a situation, the possibilities
of industrial disputes and unrest is reduced to minimum and industrial relations gets
6. Improved Corporate Image :- Motivation also helps in improving an image of
organisation, if employees are motivated. They produce more they maintain self-
discipline and productive internal environment in the organisation ultimately gives
better impression to the outsiders dealing with an organisation and it is image is
7. High Performance :- Motivated employees will put maximum efforts for achieving
organisational goals. The untapped reservoirs, physical and mental abilities are tapped
to the maximum. Better performance will also result in higher productivity. The cost
of production can also be brought down if productivity is raised. The employees
should be offered more incentives for increasing their performance motivation will act
as a stimulant for improving the performance of employees.
8. Acceptability to Change :- The changing social and industrial situation will require
changes and improvements in the working of enterprises. There will be a need to
introduce new and better methods of work from time to time generally, employees
resist changes for fear of an adverse effect on their employment. When the employees
are given various opportunities of development then they can easily adopt to new
situations. They will think of positive side of new change and will co-operate with the
management. If the employees are satisfied with their work and are not offered better
avenues then they will oppose everything suggested by the management. Motivation
will ensure the acceptability of new changes by the employees.
Motivation Process :
1. Identification of need
2. Tension
3. Course of action
4. Result Positive/Negative
5. Feed back
Theories of Motivation :.
Understanding what motivated employees and how they were motivated was the focus of
many researchers following the publication of the Hawthorne study results (Terpstra, 1979).
Six major approaches that have led to our understanding of motivation are Mcclellands
Achievement Need Theory, Behavior Modification theory; Abraham H Mallows need
hierarchy or Deficient theory of motivation. J.S. Adams Equity Theory, Vrooms Expectation
Theory, Two factor Theory.
1. McClellands Achievement Need Theory :-
Need for Achievement (n Ach) : This need is the strongest and lasting motivating factor.
Particularly in case of persons who satisfy the other needs. They are constantly pre occupied
with a desire for improvement and lack for situation in which successful outcomes are
directly correlated with their efforts. They set more difficult but achievable goals for
themselves because success with easily achievable goals hardly provides a sense of
Need for Power (n Pow) : It is the desire to control the behavior of the other people and to
manipulate the surroundings. Power motivations positive applications results in domestic
leadership style, while it negative application tends autocratic style.
Need for affiliation (n Aff) : It is the related to social needs and creates friendship. This
results in formation of informal groups or social circle.
According to this theory people behavior is the outcome of favorable and unfavorable past
circumstances. This theory is based on learning theory. Skinner conducted his researches
among rats and school children. He found that stimulus for desirable behavior could be
strengthened by rewarding it at the earliest. In the industrial situation, this relevance of this
theory may be found in the installation of financial and non financial incentives.
More immediate is the reward and stimulation or it motivates it. Withdrawal of reward incase
of low standard work may also produce the desired result. However, researches show that it is
generally more effective to reward desired behavior than to punish undesired behavior.
The intellectual basis for most of motivation thinking has been provided by behavioral
scientists, A.H Maslow and Frederick Heizberg, whose published works are the Bible of
Motivation. Although Maslow himself did not apply his theory to industrial situation, it has
wide impact for beyond academic circles. Douglous Mac Gregor has used Maslows theory to
interpret specific problems in personnel administration and industrial relations.
The crux of Maslows theory is that human needs are arranged in hierarchy composed of five
categories. The lowest level needs are physiological and the highest levels are the self
actualization needs. Maslow starts with the formation that man is a wanting animal with a
hierarchy of needs of which some are lower ins scale and some are in a higher scale or system
of values. As the lower needs are satisfied, higher needs emerge. Higher needs cannot be
satisfied unless lower needs are fulfilled. A satisfied need is not a motivator. This resembles
the standard economic theory of diminishing returns. The hierarchy of needs at work in the
individual is today a routine tool of personnel trade and when these needs are active, they act
as powerful conditioners of behavior- as Motivators.
Hierarchy of needs; the main needs of men are five. They are physiological needs, safety
needs, social needs, ego needs and self actualization needs, as shown in order of their
Ego Needs
Social Needs
Safety Needs
Physiological Needs
The above five basic needs are regarded as striving needs which make a person do things.
The first model indicates the ranking of different needs. The second is more helpful in
indicating how the satisfaction of the higher needs is based on the satisfaction of lower needs.
It also shows how the number of person who has experienced the fulfillment of the higher
needs gradually tapers off.
Physiological or Body Needs :- The individual move up the ladder responding first to the
physiological needs for nourishment, clothing and shelter. These physical needs must be
equated with pay rate, pay practices and to an extent with physical condition of the job.
Safety Needs :- The next in order of needs is safety needs, the need to be free from danger,
either from other people or from environment. The individual want to assured, once his
bodily needs are satisfied, that they are secure and will continue to be satisfied for foreseeable
feature. The safety needs may take the form of job security, security against disease,
misfortune, old age etc as also against industrial injury. Such needs are generally met by
safety laws, measure of social security, protective labor laws and collective agreements.
Social Needs :- Going up the scale of needs the individual feels the desire to work in a
cohesive group and develop a sense of belonging and identification with a group. He feels the
need to love and be loved and the need to belong and be identified with a group. In a large
organization it is not easy to build up social relations. However close relationship can be built
up with at least some fellow workers. Every employee wants too feel that he is wanted or
accepted and that he is not an alien facing a hostile group.
Ego or Esteem Needs :- These needs are reflected in our desire for status and recognition,
respect and prestige in the work group or work place such as is conferred by the recognition
of ones merit by promotion, by participation in management and by fulfillment of workers
urge for self expression. Some of the needs relate to ones esteem e.g.; need for achievement,
self confidence, knowledge, competence etc. On the job, this means praise for a job but more
important it means a feeling by employee that at all times he has the respect of his supervisor
as a person and as a contributor to the organizational goals.
Self realization or Actualization Needs :- This upper level need is one which when satisfied
provide insights to support future research regarding strategic guidance for organization that
are both providing and using reward/recognition programs makes the employee give up the
dependence on others or on the environment. He becomes growth oriented, self oriented,
directed, detached and creative. This need reflects a state defined in terms of the extent to
which an individual attains his personnel goal. This is the need which totally lies within
oneself and there is no demand from any external situation or person.
4. J.S Adams Equity Theory :-
Employee compares her/his job inputs outcome ratio with that of reference. If the employee
perceives inequity, she/he will act to correct the inequity: lower productivity, reduced quality,
increased absenteeism, voluntary resignation.
Vrooms theory is based on the belief that employee effort will lead to performance and
performance will lead to rewards (Vroom, 1964). Reward may be either positive or negative.
The more positive the reward the more likely the employee will be highly motivated.
Conversely, the more negative the reward the less likely the employee will be motivated.
Douglas McGregor introduced the theory with the help of two views; X assumptions are
conservative in style and Y Assumptions are modern in style.
X Theory
Y Theory
Incentives :
An incentive is something which stimulates a person towards some goal. It activates human
needs and creates the desire to work. Thus, an incentive is a means of motivation. In
organizations, increase in incentive leads to better performance and vice versa.
Motivation is the key to performance improvement
There is an old saying you can take a horse to the water but you cannot force it to drink; it
will drink only if it's thirsty - so with people. They will do what they want to do or otherwise
motivated to do. Whether it is to excel on the workshop floor or in the 'ivory tower' they must
be motivated or driven to it, either by themselves or through external stimulus.
Are they born with the self-motivation or drive? Yes and no. If no, they can be motivated, for
motivation is a skill which can and must be learnt. This is essential for any business to
survive and succeed.
Ability in turn depends on education, experience and training and its improvement is a slow
and long process. On the other hand motivation can be improved quickly. There are many
options and an uninitiated manager may not even know where to start. As a guideline, there
are broadly seven strategies for motivation.
Essentially, there is a gap between an individuals actual state and some desired state and the
manager tries to reduce this gap. Motivation is, in effect, a means to reduce and manipulate
this gap.
Principles of Motivation :
According to Koontz and O' Donnell a successful system of motivation must have the
following four essential qualities:
4) Flexible: The system of motivation should be flexible so that it can be changed easily
in times of need without any opposition system.
Apart from the above there are many other important facts affect the success of
motivation system. They are the following:
4) Based on standards:- Standards signify the work expected of the subordinates so that
the reward can be determined by comparing the standard work with the actual work
performance. Therefore, the motivation system should be based on standard.
5) Related to efforts: The motivational system should be directly related to the efforts
put in by the employees or their efficiency. In other words the system should be so
formulated as to appreciate every effort put in by the employee.
6) Justifiable:- The motivational system should be justifiable. It means that there should
be equal motivational for equal achievement.
The above analysis make it clear that a man that a manager should pay special
attention to take facts while choosing a success put motivation system.
Motivation is the outcome of a certain relation between the superiors and the subordinates.
For this the superiors or the managers make special efforts different from the daily control or
functions. It is not necessary that the efforts made by the managers will be unanimously
acceptable. It can also be opposed. In this way there are many hurdles in implementing a
motivational system.
urge to work, they do not need any motivation. On the other, hand, those who lack
this urge cannot be motivated by any number of efforts.
4) Opposition to changes: Human nature does not accept changes easily. People get
accustomed to the system in vogue and want to work with that system. Therefore,
whenever some new plan is implemented they oppose it and become a hindrance in its
Sourcebits is a software development company with offices in Bangalore, India and Atlanta,
USA. Established in April 2006, the company has a strength of over two hundred award-
winning developers and designers. Sourcebits is at the bleeding edge of emerging
technologies and has quickly become one of the worlds top destinations for iPhone, iPad,
Mac, Android, BlackBerry, Adobe AIR and Web application development.
Sourcebits' development center for iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Palm Pre, RIA and iPhone
builds world-class, best-selling applications tailored to client specifications. Their
programmers and user interface experts leverage the latest development trends and the
freshest techniques. Sourcebits is an industry leader in advanced software, Web portal and
visual design. They take pride in being one of the most creative and forward-looking software
development companies in the world.
Sourcebits Clients :
General Electric
Sling Media
Pointy Heads
Coca Cola
Red River Press
Mac Game Store
Product Profile :
iPhone Applications and Game Development
Sourcebits has been at the frontier of iPhone application development since the iPhone SDK
was announced by Apple in March, 2008. Building on its advantage in established Mac
technologies, Sourcebits quickly became one of the top iPhone development companies in the
world. Their applications are routinely among the Top 50 on the App Store and have been
downloaded more than 4.5 million times. The Sourcebits team specializes in developing
highly interactive and achingly beautiful iPhone applications and games.
With over 100 original applications and 4.5 million downloads for iPhone and iPad under
their belt, Sourcebits has the expertise and knowledge to deliver iPad applications to market
on time and on budget. Even now their crew of critically acclaimed designers is busy
engineering new and iPad-optimized applications for clients. The iPad application rush is
well underway.
Web Development
Sourcebits has the experience and expertise to bring commercial Web presence to life. Their
programmers and graphic designers work at the bleeding edge of Internet technologies like
the Zend PHP Framework and Ruby on Rails. Their engineers will tailor the project to meet
client specifications. They doublecheck the strength and security of each and every line of
code for the client's peace of mind, and they can optimize for platformspecific hosting such
as Amazon Web Services or the Google Application Engine.
With the astonishing success of iPhone and the word App now solidly in the mainstream, it
didnt take long for BlackBerry and Palm to open their smartphone platforms to third party
developers, or for Google to enter the market with its own popular mobile operating system:
Android. Android, in particular, with its open source roots and optimization for Googles
Web apps is quickly gaining traction as the chief rival to iPhone. As with Android, Sourcebits
is pushing boundaries on the other popular smartphone platforms: BlackBerry and Palm Pre.
Totaling around 25% the worldwide smartphone market, publishers simply cannot ignore
BlackBerry and the Pre.
Mac Applications and Game Development
Sourcebits offers a wide variety of native Mac applications development ranging from 3D
games to business applications. Sourcebits faithfully sticks to Apples elegant user interface
philosophy, producing visually stunning and featurerich applications built on the latest
technologies. Their code is fast, clean and efficient, and each line is unique and project
It's the technological revolution that at times brings surprising opportunities for some nations.
India, though not among the front runners in terms of economic growth, has successfully
utilized such opportunities in the revolution to become an IT hotspot. For the past several
years, India has been an increasingly favored destination for customized software
development. As a result, a number of software companies in India have come up. Not only
the number of players has increased in the Indian IT market, but at the same time, Indian
software companies have done considerably well in the global market. Such huge success of
software companies in India has given birth to a new speculation whether other developing
countries should imitate Indian example and whether the success of India would constitute a
competitive challenge to the software industry of the developed world or not.
With the huge success of the software companies in India, the Indian software industry in
turn has become successful in making a mark in the global arena. This industry has been
instrumental in driving the economy of the nation on to a rapid growth curve. As per the
study of NASSCOM-Deloitte, the contribution of IT/ITES industry to the GDP of the country
has soared up to a share of 5% in 2014 from a mere 1.2% in 1998. Besides, this industry has
also recorded revenue of US$ 64 billion with a growth rate of 33% in the fiscal year ended in
The export of software has also grown up, which has been instrumental in the huge success of
the Indian software companies as well as the industry. In fact, software export from India
accounts for more than 65% of the total software revenue. The domestic software market
largely depends upon sale of software packages and products, which constitute major part of
revenues. Products account for almost 40% of the domestic market. On the other hand, more
than 80% of revenue from software exports comes from software services like custom
software development and consultancy services etc.
Between 2015 and 2020, the India IT-ITES industry is projected to expand at an average
growth rate of 13.9 percent with the domestic market growing slightly higher at 15.8 percent,
compared to exports growth of 12.7 percent.
With the demand of smart phones like iPhones and Google's android, the demand for mobile
apps development has grown manifolds. The interface of iPhone/Android application
development is ground breaking. Today, many computer manufacturers have adopted the
same interactive technology for handheld PCs and laptops. As per a latest estimate, the sales
of iPhones have reached a whopping $21.4 million. The popularity of this smart phone has
prompted many to develop third party iPhone applications which are compatible and have a
huge market in terms of business growth and profit.
Apple has devised a unique way where iPhone application developers are allowed to bid the
pricing for their applications. Apple will claim only 30% of the bidding price while the
remaining will 70% share would be of the developers. Although the idea is too good to
believe, slowly many iPhone apps developers started creating iPhone enabled applications.
Today iPhone apps development is a billion dollar industry and programmers are earning
The demand for iPhone/Android apps has opened up new avenues for development
companies. Many companies offer cost-effective and feature-enhancing solutions to the
clients. The variety of services include offering enhancing features of iPhone, customizing
the themes and icons, integrating the power of internet with iPhone among others.
Many consider iPhones to be smartest of all smart phones. However, android based
applications have also brought a new wave in the mobile apps market. Dynamic and
innovative mobile apps can be developed in Android based platform for the smart phone
users. Apart from the basic features like web browser, Google map application, music player,
calendar and contact list, android based apps offer many inventive features including Blue-
tooth, CDMA, touch screens, video camera, P2P using Google talk etc.
Since Android platform is open source, it incorporates cutting-edge technologies for the
developers community as and when they evolve.
Future trends in Mobile Application Development
The world of mobile applications is fast paced and dynamic, with new features and
functionalities emerging constantly. However, a cursory observation of the mobile
application development industry will show several main directions the industry is heading
in. Several of these future trends are the direct result of new technologies developed by the
major players in the industry such as Apple and Google.
In the last few years the mobile applications and devices sector has seen radical change.
Mobile devices have been manufactured with wider screens, faster processors and increased
graphical capability. Network providers offer better data plans allowing constant connectivity
to the internet and more developers than ever are creating applications for mobile devices. All
these developments have allowed previously unfeasible features to be brought to mobile
Banking Services
With the continued success of business focused mobile devices such as the BlackBerry,
mobile banking services have the potential to really become prominent in the future. As well
as appealing to business users, banking services such as money transfer are popular in
developing markets due to low costs and faster speeds than traditional services. Mobile
banking is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide and has given rise to several new
business models such as online banks and internet wealth managers. Mobile payment
systems, where users can pay wirelessly at the point of sale, are also experiencing continual
increases in popularity. This is particularly true in developing countries where mobile
infrastructure is more reliable than fixed line infrastructure.
Although mobile banking services are expected to become more widespread each year, there
are several key challenges that this fledging industry must overcome. Firstly, mobile platform
fragmentation will be detrimental to the growth of mobile banking as fragmentation will
make it difficult for firms to develop a mobile banking solution that everyone can use.
Secondly, regulatory requirements may cause a slowdown in the market due to security
concerns about mobile financial transactions. Encryption of transmitted data, device
authentication and encryption of data stored on the device are all current security issues.
Regulations are likely to differ between markets increasing the cost of entering several
markets at once.
Location Based Services
With the constant availability of the web on mobile devices, location based services are sure
to become more prominent in the near future. Location based services are likely to be used
widely for social networking purposes. Several services exist which aim to match users to
nearby people with the same interests or inform users of nearby events and gatherings which
match their interests. Although many of these services are limited at the moment, location
based social networking has the potential to become the biggest location based service.
Several mobile social networks have already made an impact on the market. If an established
network such as Facebook adopts location based services, it has the potential to completely
transform location based networking.
Signs indicate that mobile advertising will soon become increasingly prominent. Mobile
hardware manufacturers are constantly developing devices with wider screens which will
help the mobile advertising sector. The entrance of Google into the mobile sector also
indicates that mobile advertising is set to increase as Google will want to extend its desktop
advertising empire to the mobile web. Advertising will also allow developers to offer free
advertising funded applications, creating a new business model of mobile applications.
Introduction :
For any piece of research a review of related studies in the field of investigation is of great
help to investigator. That is why review of related studies is a part of the research report.
Emplacing the importance of survey of related literature Barr and scales (1941) have pointed
out. Survey of related literature helps us to share whether evidence already available solves
problems adequately without further investigation and thus save duplication.
Such a review would help the investigator to put her finger on the gaps left by the earlier
researchers. The review would also help to give support to the findings of the present study
,With this mind the investigator planned to review the literature and research findings in the
area of Saving behaviour. In the next few pages our attempt has been made in that direction.
Goyal J.C. (1980) conducted a study of the relationship among attitudes Saving behaviour,
adjustment and profession interests of teacher educators in India. The objectives of this
study were, to measure the attitudes, Saving behaviour, adjustment and professional interest
of the teacher educators of different categories based on sex, age, qualification and
experience and to find out the relationship among attitude, Saving behaviour of teacher
educators by training their attitudes, adjustment and professional interest as independent
variables. The findings of the study were that a large majority of the teacher educators were
favorable inclined towards their profession and were satisfied in the job and the attitude and
Saving behaviour of different groups did not differ significantly and Saving behaviour could
be predicted by attitude and occupational adjustment by not other variable.
Cachur Thomas John (1980) conducted a study on the relationship between the Saving
behaviour of secondary School subordinate administrators and their perceptions on the bases
of power of their principals, leadership style based on expert, referent and legitimate power,
more satisfied they will be with their job and also more productive.
Gupta S.P (1980) conducted a study of Saving behaviour at three levels of teaching, the
main objectives of the study were to measure the Saving behaviour of primary School
teachers, secondary School teacher and to compare the Saving behaviour of married teachers
will that of unmarried teachers. To compare the Saving behaviour of teachers of different age
groups of Primary School Teachers and Secondary School Teachers. The findings of this
study were that primary School teachers were significantly less satisfied than Secondary
School Teachers.
Nwaobasi Jouathan Okezie (1981): On the basis of his study. Relationship between
administrative Management system, selected demographic variables and level of Saving
behaviour. An analysis of principal teacher perception concluded that the more participative
the system, the more likely the level of Saving behaviour would be.
Rao S.N. (1981) conducted a psychological study of work adjustment and teaching success
of Primary School Teachers. This study aimed at investigation of the relationship of job.
Satisfaction to several intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Guagulwong Thawin (1981) conducted a study leadership style, maturity levels and Saving
behaviour in elementary School and the result indicated a general lack of support for the
basic hypothesis and situational leadership theory. The principal leadership behaviour does
not contribute to and is not influenced by the maturity levels of school teachers according to
this investigation also neither the skills, motivation and experience of the teachers nor the
behaviour characteristics of the principles seem to have an impact upon the teachers Saving
Becker (1981) In his study concluded that individual difference in development test anxiety
is usual because children become aware of academic demands in early childhood when they
first had a School sitting. They compare their performance with that of their personal and by
this social comparisons develop a since of personal competence or inferiority with in certain
range of situation. It perceived academic demands that exceed the childs level of coping
Bover John Elwond (1982) In this study Leadership and motivation a study of the
relationship between leadership styles and the perceived need satisfaction of administrative
subordinates found that the most effective leadership style for promoting subordinate
motivation is not which is high in the dimension of consideration and high in the dimension
of initiating structure.
Winter Lindo Lee (1983) In the investigation Analysis of bureaucratic structure and teacher
Saving behaviour,it was found that there exists a relationship between bureaucratic structure
and teacher Saving behaviour. A small negative correlation between bureaucratic structure
and Saving behaviour has found this study.
Paul (1983) Studied the relationship between perceived leadership style, size of school and
non-instructional time on teachers Saving behaviour. He found a significant relationship
between teachers Saving behaviour and perceived leadership style. Further the investigation
concludes that teachers Saving behaviour was Higher when a principal exhibits a
collaborative leadership style.
Bhutan and Gray (1983) In their study explored the relationship of Anxiety and academic
achievement of Xth class students. A random sample of 200 Xth class students was taken
from Chandigarh. The study revealed that there is High negative correlation between anxiety
and academic achievement.
Gyanoni T.C (1984) Stuffy of frustration Reactions are functions of achievement motivation
and anxiety at different age levels found.
Most of the subjects of the parents population were not very aggressive or passive frustrating
situation. The students with a High level of anxiety were found to be more intropunitive and
obstacle dominant, whereas the low level anxiety boys were more impunities and need
Anand S.P (1984) Conducted a study on the level on Saving behaviour of teachers teaching
government aided Higher Secondary School of Delhi. The major findings of the study were
that in general, women teachers enjoy a Higher level of Saving behaviour than men.
Purandara V.M (1984) Anxiety and straggles in serial verbal learning the major findings
were the low anxious subjects were better in performance in the serial verbal learning task as
compared to High anxious subject.
Barinder M.A (1985) A study of general anxiety test anxiety with reference to the
environmental factors and extraversion. Introversion Delhi students. The major findings of
the study were sex was significantly related to anxiety more general anxiety as well as text
anxiety. than the boy. There was a positive relationship between general anxiety and test
anxiety. Social economic status did not play any role in the care of boys, neither on their
general anxiety of very High socio-economic status girls and High socio economic status in
case of girls.
Mistry T.C (1986) Suggests Need achievement Saving behaviour, job involvement as a
functions of role stress, focus of control and participation in academic climate. A study of
college and secondary School teachers. The major findings were no significant relationship
were observed between focus of control and various dimensions of Saving behaviour. The
climate of academic motivation was found to be significantly associated with such dimension
as Saving behaviour, involvement as well as overall satisfaction. The climate of control was
found to be negatively correlated with in the job aspects of Saving behaviour and with total
Saving behaviour.
Archer and Gage (1987) Studied Wellness in the process and state of quest for maximum
human functioning that involves the body mind and spirit.
Gurdish Kaur (1989) Found positive correlation between Saving behaviour and attitude of
teachers of government High Schools.
Introduction :
When we talk of Research Methodology, we not only talk of research methods but also
consider the logic behind the method we use in the context of our research study and explains
why we are not using others. So the research result is capable of being evaluated either by the
researcher himself or by others.
Collection of Data :
Data collection is one of the most important aspects of research. For the success of any
project accurate data is very important and necessary. The information collected through
research methodology must be accurate and relevant.
Primary Data
Secondary Data
1. Primary Data:
Data collected by a researcher is known as primary data. It is collected by a person for his
own use obtained from findings. This is considered as firsthand information. This is that data
which is collected by us to meet our own specific purpose. The data is collected by the means
of questionnaire filled in by the employees at different posts of Nagpur area office. This
method of data collection is very popular particularly in big organizations.
2. Secondary Data:
Secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer to data which has already
been collected and analyzed by someone else. This type of data information can also be used
by the researcher for his use as second hand information sources through which secondary
data can be collected. Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished data.
Research Design :
A research design is purely and simply the frame work plan for a study that guides the
collection and analysis of a data. In this study the researcher has adopted descriptive research
Descriptive research design: It includes surveys and fact finding enquires of different kinds.
It simply describes something such as a demographic of employees. It deals with description
of the state of offers as it is and the researchers have no influence on the respondents.
Sampling Design :
Sample Size :
Objectives of the Study :
The study is conducted in order to analyse the workers attitude toward the workers
motivation in Sourcebits Technologies, Bangalore of the objectives is as follows :
Motivation has variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an individuals
physical and mental health, productivity, absenteeism and turnover. Employee delight has to
be managed in more than one way. This helps in retaining and nurturing the true believers.
This study helps the researcher to realize the importance of effective employee motivation.
This research study examines types and levels of employee motivational programs and also
discusses management ideas that can be utilized to innovate employee motivation. It helps to
provide insights to support future research regarding strategic guidance for organizations that
are both providing and using reward/recognition programs.
Limitations of the Study :
The size of the organization is very large. Contact with all workers impossible.
This study only relates to one organization, so conclusion drawn may not be finding
its utility in all the industries.
Difficulty was faced in getting the responses to various questions because workers
could not devote enough time to me.
Another limitations of the study is that the size of the sample very small due to the
shortage of time & resources. On various counts, the information biasness cannot be
rated out.
Language problem is the another limitation to interact with working. Beyond the
above limitations, every efforts has been made to make the study up to data to the best
possible extent.
a) Monetary incentives
b) Non-financial incentives
c) Both
(Table 4.1.1)
Particulars No. of Percentage
Monetary incentives 30 30%
Non-financial incentives 18 18%
Both 52 52%
Total 100 100%
20 18%
Monetary incentives Non-financial incentives Both
The table shows that 52% of the respondents are expressing that both financial and non-
financial incentives will equally motivate them, 18% are expressing non-financial incentives
motivates and 30% respondents says we only motivated through monetary incentives only.
2. What factor De-motives you at work place?
a) Job profile
b) Company policy
c) Work environment
(Table 4.1.2)
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
Job profile 28 28%
Company policy 32 32%
Work environment 40 40%
Total 100 100%
35 32%
30 28%
Job profile Company policy Work environment
The table shows that 40% of the respondents are de-motives with work environment and 32%
with company policy and 28% of the respondents are de-motives with job profile. From this it
can be concluded that work environment and company policy are de-motives at work place.
3. How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the organizations?
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Highly dissatisfied
(Table 4.1.3)
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
Highly satisfied 36 36%
Satisfied 58 58%
Neutral 6 6%
Dissatisfied 0 0%
Highly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 100 100%
40 36%
10 6%
0% 0%
Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly
The table shows that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied and 58% of the respondents
are satisfied with incentives provided by the organization so we can conclude most of the
4. Does your Job improve your skills and abilities?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Never
(Table 4.1.4)
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
Yes 64 64%
No 20 20%
Never 16 16%
Total 100 100%
70 64%
20 16%
Yes No Never
Interpretation :
From above analysis we came to know that 64% of the respondents are agreed that their job
improves their skills and abilities and 20% of the respondents agreed that their skills and
abilities are not improves. It can be conclude that their job improves their skills and abilities.
5. Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your
a) Influence
b) Does not influence
c) No opinion
(Table 4.1.5)
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
Influence 64 64%
Does not influence 24 24%
No opinion 12 12%
Total 100 100%
70 64%
30 24%
Influence Does not influence No opinion
The table shows that 64% of the respondents those incentives and other benefits will
influence their performance, 24% respondents says they are not influence their performance
and 12% respondents did not say any opinion.
6. Management is really interested in motivating the employees?
a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Neutral
(Table 4.1.6)
Agree 50 50%
Disagree 36 36%
Neutral 14 14%
40 36%
Agree Disagree Neutral
Interpretation :
From the above table 50% of the employees are agreed that the management is really
interested in motivating the employees and 36% of the employees are disagreed and 14% are
employees in organization.
7. Does the management involve you in the decision making which are connected to
your department?
a) YES
b) No
c) Occasionally
(Table 4.1.7)
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
Yes 94 94%
No 0 0%
Occasionally 6 6%
100 94%
20 6%
0 0
Yes No Occasionally
Interpretation :
The table shows 94% of the respondents agree that they the management involves them in
8. Do you enthusiastic about your work?
a) Always
b) Sometimes
c) Never
(Table 4.1.8)
Always 30 30%
Sometimes 60 60%
Never 10 10%
Never, 10%
Always, 30%
Sometimes, 60%
Interpretation :
From the above table, we can conclude that 30% of the respondents agreed that they feel
enthusiastic in their work and 60% of the respondents agreed that they feel enthusiastic some
times in their work and 10% respondents agreed that they never feel enthusiastic in their
9. Are you encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things?
(Table 4.1.9)
Agree 20 20%
Neutral 24 24%
Disagree 16 16%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
25 20%
5 0%
Strongly agree agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Interpretation :
From the above table we can conclude that 40% of the employees strongly agreed that they
are encouraging to come up with new and better ways of doing things and 20% are agree and
24% are neutral and 16% are disagree with this.
10. Have you been promoted at work in the last six months?
a ) Yes
b) No
(Table 4.1.10)
Yes 36 36%
No 64 64%
Yes, 36%
No, 64%
Interpretation :
The table shows that 64% of the employees are not promoted from the last six months and
36% of the employees are promoted. From this we can conclude that most of the employees
are not promoted.
11. Are you adequately recognized for your good work?
a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Neutral
(Table 4.1.11)
Agree 56 565
Disagree 20 20%
Neutral 24 24%
60 56%
20% 24%
Agree Disagree Neutral
Interpretation :
The figure shows that 56% of the employees agreed that they are recognized for good work
and 20% are disagreed and 24% respondents are neutral. So it can conclude that most of the
12. From the following factors which motivates you the most?
(Table 4.1.12)
Promotion 30 30%
Leave 6 6%
Recognization 12 12%
45 42%
15 12%
10 6%
Salary increase Promotion Leave Motivational recognization
Interpretation :
The table shows that 42% of the respondents are responding that the increase in salary, 30%
increase in promotion, 6% in leave, 10% in motivational talks and 12% respondents are
responding that recognization will motivate them the most.
13. Have you been nominated for training & development programmes for the last 6
a) Yes
b) No
(Table 4.1.13)
Yes 60 60%
No 40 40%
Interpretation :
The table shows that 60% of the respondents are expressing that they are nominated for
training and development programme and 40% respondents are expressing that they are not
nominated for training and development programme in the organization for the last 6 months.
14. Does the management provide continuous feed back in solving work related
(Table 4.1.14)
Agree 32 32%
Neutral 18 18%
Disagree 10 10%
35 32%
30 28%
20 18%
15 12%
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Interpretation :
The table shows that 28% of respondents strongly agreed and 32% agree that they are getting
feedback from management and 20% are neutral and 10% are disagree that they are not
getting feedback from the management.
15. Overall are you satisfied with your job?
a) Yes
b) No
(Table 4.1.15)
Yes 56 56%
No 44 44%
Interpretation :
The figure shows that 56% of the respondents are satisfied with their job and only 44% of the
respondents agreed that they are not satisfied with their job. It can be concluded that most of
the respondents are satisfied with their job.
Findings :-
The employees are satisfied with the present incentive plan of the company
Most of the workers agreed that the company is eager in recognizing and acknowledging
their work.
The study reveals that there is a good relationship exists among employees.
Majority of the employees agreed that there job security to their present job.
The company is providing good safety measures for ensuring the employees safety.
From the study it is clear that most of employees agrees to the fact that performance
appraisal activities and support from the coworkers in helpful to get motivated.
The study reveals that increase in the salary will motivates the employees more.
The incentives and other benefits will influence the performance of the employees
Suggestions :-
The suggestions for the findings from the study are follows :
Most of the employees agree that the performance appraisal activities are helpful to
get motivated, so the company should try to improve performance appraisal system,
Non financial plans should also be implemented; it can improve the productivity level of
the employees.
Organization should give importance to communication between employees and gain co-
Better carrier development opportunities should be given to the employees for their
would be active and committed participation of staff for the success of the organization
Books Reffered :
Wayne F. Cascio, Managing Human Resources, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2006.
Aswathappa, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 4th edition, 2006.
K.Aswathappa, Organizational Behaviour- Text, Cases and games, Himalaya Publishing
House, 2006.
Curtis w. cook and Phillip L.Hunsaker, Management and Organizational Behaviour,
Macgraw-Hill Irwin, 2006.
Jyothi P. and DN Venkatesh, Human Resource Management, Oxford University
press, 2006.
HRM Review July 2010 by Dr. G C NAG Adjunct Professor, IBS Mumbai
Newspapers :
The Tribune
The Hindustan
Websites :
Employee Name :
Age :
Sex :
Designation :
Department/Branch :
Marital status :
Salary :
a) Monetary Incentives
c) Both
3.How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the organisation.?
a) Highly satisfied
b) satisfied
c) neutral
4. Does your job improve your skills and abilities?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Never
5. Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your performance?
a) Influence
c) No opinion
a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Neutral
7. Does the management involve you in the decision making which are connected to
your department?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Occasionally
a) Always
b) Sometimes
c) Never
9. Are you encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
10. Have you been promoted at work in the last six months?
a) Yes
b) No
a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Neutral
12. From the following factors which motivates you the most?
a) Salary Increase
b) Promotion
c) Leave
d) Motivational Skills
e) Recognization
13. Have you been nominated for training & development programmes for the last 6
a) Yes
b) No
14. Does the management provide continuous feed back in solving work related
a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly Disagree
a) Yes
b) No
Thank You