Honeywell Ceiling Speaker 2015
Honeywell Ceiling Speaker 2015
Honeywell Ceiling Speaker 2015
Clear and intelligible audio performance
Cone with gasket designed for longer operation
Stylish and unobtrusive design
Simple power setting
Compact and high strength fire resistant ABS plastic
Flush-mounting system for fast and easy installation
Environment friendly
TKOKO ceiling speakers are cost- with a 6W dual-cone speaker and a 100V
competitive loudspeakers with 6W power matching transformer mounted on the
handling intended for general purpose back. It can be clamp mounted with the
applications. This full range loudspeaker is provided gasket into the ceiling. The
an ideal choice for excellent speech and appealing and innovative design is
music reproduction used in shopping finished in neutral white colour where it
malls, supermarkets, educational institutes, can fit in any indoor applications.
office buildings, sport fields, hotels and
restaurants. The speakers are equipped
60 60
90 90
120 120
150 150
180 180
250Hz 2000Hz
500Hz 4000Hz
1000Hz 8000Hz
7 mm
185/ 230 mm
Grille Detail
Honeywell Audiovisuals
No. 257, Junye Road
Guangzhou GETDD East
510530 China
Tel: +86 20 2839 9600 2100040586_EN2.4
Fax: +86 20 2820 8706 Oct. 2014 2014 Honeywell International Inc.