Section 2.5 Uncountable Sets
Section 2.5 Uncountable Sets
Section 2.5 Uncountable Sets
5 1 Uncountable Sets
Section 2.5
2.5 Uncountable Sets
It easy to see there cant be more natural numbers than real numbers
since the identity function f ( n ) = n is a one-to one correspondence from
into a subset of . The question is, is there a one-to-one correspondence
from the natural numbers onto the real numbers? If so, that says there are the
same number of natural numbers as real numbers. If not, it says there are
fewer natural numbers than real numbers; i.e. < . But it is one thing to
find a bijection from one set to another, it is quite another to prove that one
does not exist. But this is exactly what Candor did. Using a proof by
contradiction, Cantor showed there was no one-to-one correspondence from
to , and hence the natural numbers have a smaller cardinality than the
real numbers. A set that has a strictly larger cardinality than the natural
numbers is called uncountable
Cantors proof that the real numbers has a larger cardinality than the
natural numbers is called the Cantor Diagonal argument.
argument The proof and its
results so amazed himself that he wrote to his good friend Richard Dedekind
saying, I see it but I dont believe it.
Every real number can be expressed uniquely in decimal form a0 .a1a2 a3 ... where a0 is an integer and
the numbers a1 , a2 ... after the decimal are integers between 0 ai 9 , provided the convention is made
that if the decimal expansion ends with an infinite string of 9s , such as 0.499999 which is the same as
0.5, the expansion is modified by raising by 1 the last digit before the 9s and changing all the 9s to 0s.
Making this convention provides a one-to-one correspondence between the real numbers and their decimal
Section 2.5 2 Uncountable Sets
If we can associate natural numbers with the real numbers, this means every
natural number will be in the left column and ever real number in the right
column. Cantor shows any such listing leads to a contradiction by creating a
rogue real number that is not in the table, no matter what listing of real
numbers. Hence the assumption that the real numbers is countable leads to a
contradiction, and hence the reals are uncountable.
We have put this number in bold type and underlined it for your convenience
Section 2.5 3 Uncountable Sets
from each number in the list. But this contradicts the fact that the natural and
real numbers can be placed in a one-to-one correspondence. Hence, they
cannot be placed in one-to-one correspondence and since the natural
numbers are a subset of the reals, and since the natural numbers are a subset
of the real numbers, the real numbers must have a larger cardinality or size
than the whole numbers.
Cantor now had two infinities, the countable infinity of the natural numbers,
called 0 , and a new infinity of the real numbers. Since he didnt know if the
cardinality of the real numbers was the next larger infinity after 0 , he
denoted the cardinality of the reals by c , meaning the cardinality of the
continuum Hence, we say that the real numbers, and any set equivalent to the
real numbers, has cardinality c or is uncountable.
Section 2.5 4 Uncountable Sets
Note: Roughly speaking an uncountable set has so many points it cannot be put
in a sequence.
Show there are the same number of real numbers as there are numbers
in the interval ( 0,1) = { x : 0 < x < 1} .
Define the function f : (0,1) by
f ( x ) = tan x , 0 < x < 1
Margin Note: The lazy eight symbol " " does not represent the number
infinity; it is simply a symbol used to denote that a set of real numbers is
unbounded, such as ( a, ) , ( , b ) , ( , ) and so on.
Section 2.5 5 Uncountable Sets
Example 3 (More
(More and More Uncountable Sets)
Show that every interval (open or closed) of real numbers has the
cardinality of the continuum c .
We know from Example 1 that the interval (0,1) has cardinality c , and
Figure 8 gives a visual one-to-one correspondence between line segments of
different length. Any two line segments AB and AB of different lengths can
be placed in one-to-one correspondence by the bijection x x illustrated
in the drawing. Thus, all open (or closed) intervals on the real line are
equivalent3. ( )
Even the very large interval 10100 ,10100 , which is longer than
one can comprehend, and the tiny interval ( 10 100
,10100 ) whose length is
smaller than the width of an electron, both contain the same number of
One can also show that all intervals
Section 2.5 6 Uncountable Sets
Margin Note: The lazy figure eight symbol " " does not represent the
number infinity; it is simply a symbol used to denote that a set of real numbers
is unbounded, such as ( a, ) , ( , b ) , ( , ) and so on.
After Cantors discovered there are more real numbers than natural
numbers, he set about to find even larger sets, and so he turned his attention to
points in the plane, where he felt there would be larger sets. Cantor worked
from 1871 to 1874 to prove this theorem false.
Theorem 2 (Cardinality of the Plane) The set of points in a square has the same
cardinality as the points on one of its edges.
Proof: Without loss of generality, we take the square to be the unit square
in the Cartesian plane and show that every point ( x, y ) S can be mapped in a
one-to-one fashion onto a point z between 0 and 1. That is
( x, y ) z
See Figure 9.
( x1 , y1 ) = ( x2 , y2 ) z1 = z2
It is also clear by the way the mapping is defined that every real number z
between 0 and 1 has a unique preimage point ( x, y ) in the square. Hence, we
have found a one-to-one correspondence between the points inside the unit
square S and the open interval ( 0,1)
There are other sets the reader has seen in undergraduate mathematics. The
n -dimensional Euclidean space n has cardinality c , the set of all sequences
of real numbers has cardinality c , the set of continuous function defined on an
interval has a larger cardinality.
f ( x) = tan x , 0 < x < 1
F ( x, y ) = ( f ( x ) , f ( y ) )
Note that this mapping maps the point ( 0.5, 0.5 ) S into the origin in 2 , and
the points in upper right quadrant of S into the first quadrant of 2 , and so
on. We leave it to the reader to show this mapping is a bijection. (See
Problem 4.)
a) (0,1) and
b) (0, ) and ( , 0 )
c) S = {( x, y ) : x 2 + y 2 < 1} and 2
2. (Irrational Numbers) Show that the irrational numbers in the interval [ 0,1]
is uncountable.
3. (Uncountable Set) Show that the set (i.e. all real numbers that are
not integers) is uncountable.
F ( x, y ) = ( f ( x ) , f ( y ) )
f ( x) = tan x , 0 < x < 1
5. Cantor-
hroder-Bernstein Theorem A useful theorem for proving
equivalence of two sets, states that if there exists a one-to-one function from
A into B (not necessarily onto) and a one-to-one function from B into A
(not necessarily onto), then there exists a bijection from one set to the other;
i.e. the two sets are equivalent. Use this theorem to prove ( 0,1) [ 0,1] by
carrying out the following steps.
a) Find a one-to-one function from ( 0,1) into a subset of [ 0,1] . Hint: trivial.
b) Find a one-to-one function from [ 0,1] into a subset of ( 0,1) . Hint: trvial.
c) Apply a) and b) to claim ( 0,1) [ 0,1] .
Section 2.5 10 Uncountable Sets