Solar Aircraft Report
Solar Aircraft Report
Solar Aircraft Report
Sunrise I (1974)
Solaris (1976)
Helinet (1998)
The design methodology consists of simple 5 parameters
linked to the design of the airplane and they are as follows,
Solar Cell
Energy Storage[Battery]
Electric Motor
Aerodynamic of Wings
Solar Irradiance is a measure of the irradiance (Power
per unit area on the Earth's surface) produced by the Sun in
the form of electromagnetic radiation.
The input being the solar panels and the output the battery.
When the energy production is not constant and continuous,
a good energy storage method is necessary.
Electrochemical batteries are energy storage devices, which
are able to convert chemically stored energy into electrical
energy during discharging.
An electric motor uses electrical energy to produce
mechanical energy.
There are a very large variety of electric motors that coexist
because of the different supply sources, sizes, torques and
speeds depending on the application.
In the present case, DC (Direct Current or Continuous
Current) motor will be used as solar airplane is designed to
run on DC electric power supplied by a battery.
The advantages of DC motors are numerous:
1. Very precise speed control.
2. High efficiency.
3. Reliability with longer lifetime (no brush abrasion and no
ionizing sparks).
4. Their power to weight ratio is exceptionally high.
The propeller is a device consisting of a set of two or more
twisted, airfoil shaped blades
The blades are mounted around a shaft and spun to provide
propulsion of a vehicle through a fluid.
It accelerates incoming air particles creating a reaction force
called thrust.
The design and analysis of wings of aircraft is principle
application of science of aerodynamics.
Once a plane leaves the ground, it is acted upon by four
aerodynamic forces.
The lift maintains the airplane compensating the weight.
The drag that is compensated by the thrust of the propeller.
There is mass difference between the weight of a
normal aircraft and a solar aircraft. A normal plane weight
560 Tons and A Solar Plane weight 2 tons.
Sunlight is renewable day after day.
Solar energy which not used during the day can be stored in
a battery system for night.
We wouldnt have to worry as much about future energy
People can save money.
Collecting solar energy depends on location and weather
Only 1 or 2 people can sit in aircraft.
Cost is high.
1. As a transport vehicle to reduce cost and to increase overall
profit to reduce fuel cost.
2. Use of free energy means nothing to invest in transportation of
materials and get free transportation after investing in small
3. One main reason of traffic is due to the big and bulky
transporting vehicles so by using small lighter aircraft traffic
problem can be reduce.
4. Fast transportation of materials so some expensive material
can also transport in less time.
5. One kind of solar aircraft is in astrology industries as a
transporting vehicle used to go in space or on neighbour planets.
6. Use of solar aircraft worldwide can make fast development of
7. Use of Solar Energy as source of energy will increase as
conventional fuels are
reducing drastically.
8. Future of aviation field.
9. Future utility to solve traffic problems.
10. Device used for Astronomical field.
11. Utility of solar aircraft in transporting which can be helpful to
reduce cost of transportation.
12. Lower cost of transportation than conventional vehicles.
13. Lighter in weight and not bulky