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Esp Minas Indonesia Sumatra SLB

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GFE Project

Meshrite Screen Application on ESP Installation to Replace Existing Sand Control

Method in Chevron Texaco SLS

Rusam Partadiwirya, Schlumberger WCP-Artificial Lift - ING

This paper is prepared for GFE control

Abstract ft, reservoir pressure is approximately 1500 psi

The long run life for ESP (Electrical Submergible with temperature a 210 deg F. Oil gravity is
Pump) is the main goal of ESP (Electrical approximately at 35 deg. API and water cut is
Submergible Pump) operations. 98%.
Most of the wells in Chevron Texaco, Minas field Chevron Texacos field has low pressure, in
present a relatively benign environment for order to produce fluid to the surface, Chevron
operating downhole ESP (Electrical Submersible Texaco need to install an artificial lift system.
Pumps) equipment with most consisting of Currently total production of Chevron Texaco is

Schlumberger Confidential
relatively low temperature (210F), dead oil 101000 BOPD produce from 990 active ESP wells.
(GOR<50), high water cuts (98%) and with limited, Some of the wells have an excessive sand
minor scaling. However, there are a significant problem that can shorten the ESP runlife to a
number of wells producing from an matter of days, even hours, after installation
unconsolidated sandstone formation that are (premature failure). This problem affects
known for sand production in varying quantities Schlumberger as an Alliance contract holder
and rates. Some of the wells have an excessive resulting in high repair cost on ESP.
sand problem that can shorten the ESP runlife to
a matter of days, even hours, after installation Methodological Approach
(premature failure). For the failure due to sand A methodology has been developed (Fig 1) to
problems, the most often seen failure mode propose the solution:
occurs from the pump shaft and impeller set 1. Problem Identification
becoming hard to rotate from the associated Problem identification came from both
wear which is then followed by a high amperage Chevron Texaco and Schlumberger. From
draw on the downhole motor and results in an Chevron Texaco side the main problem is
electrical overload to the system. In addition, it increasing inefficient operational cost that
loss in production revenue causes increased occurred as result of:
inefficient operation cost for Chevron Texaco - Decreasing ESP run life caused by sand
Introduction - Increasing workover rig cost.
Minas field, the largest oil field in Southeast - Loss of oil production, which means lost
Asia, was drilled in 1944 by a Japanese army of of revenue due to oil lost.
occupation that utilized the rig moved on site by Schlumberger side:
Chevron Texaco for its ninth wild cat well in the - Increasing ESP repair cost
area. - Increasing ESP installation cost
Minas field has been producing oil
continuously 1952 and, after more than 40 years By developing the fishbone chart, the basic
on production, has been in excess of 1300 cause of problem identified as well
production and injection wells. characteristic, personnel, technology and
The system that maintains pressure in the operation.
reservoir is an active aquifer. At a depth of 3000

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Schlumberger Confidential
Fig 1. Project Methodology

Fig 2. Project Identification

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2. The Competition Analysis
Once the problem had identified, there will
be needed an analysis to get out of
competition. A SWOT analysis has
developed as fig 3.

- Strength:
Brand loyalty, equipment reliability and
flexibility, facility, application engineer and
field service engineer support shown as
strength of Schlumberger. Brand loyalty has
defined by Chevrons long relationship with
Schlumberger by having long terms project
that implemented as Alliance Project.
Schlumberger artificial lift facility located
close to the customer facility is also as the
strong point, and its define as the strength of
the company. Fig 3. The Competition Analysis

- Weaknesses: Developing Optimal Solution

Schlumberger Confidential
The availability of Meshrite and its Review production history and well completion
accessories is a weakness of Schlumberger. from individual wells in order to design and
Sources limitation to provide the choose the correct sizes of Meshrite screen.
accessories of Meshrite are identify as a
weakness, where Schlumberger-WCP-AL Solution Implementation
CTX has to order to other parties. Schlumbereger Meshrite Technology
- Opportunities: By taking all criteria and all information that
By having Alliance with Chevron contract provided by Chevron. Schlumberger WCP
Schlumberger having opportunity to Artificial lift and Completion work together to
introduce new technology, in this case is design Meshrite completion system and
sand control. Base on problem analysis, installation procedures. The system implemented
there is lack of information technology about is similar to the conventional system that been
sand control system that needs to be update used by Chevron, but using different devise
by proposing new sand control system for screen.
SPS installation. Meshrite is sand control technology, which in
certain conditions as effectives as gravel pack
techniques and as economical as wire wrap
- Threats: screen.
In this case, we need to prepare competition The fiber Mesh provides :
analysis by creating a comparison between Effective inflow area of 8 to 18%
the conventional sand control system Permeability more than 400 Darcy
(slotted tubing) that currently been used and Poer volume more than 92%
the proposed Meshrite sand control system. Broad pore size distribution from 15 to 650 micron
mean = 225 micron Angular pore spaces.
Stabilization Advantages :
The Meshrite reduces skin effects
High resistance to plugging
Find production if the size is less than 50 micron.

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Fig 4. MeshRite Assembly

Evaluation and improvement plan and SN3600 were failed due to screen plugged

erger Confidential
Background of 6E-76 Well up by sand within hours (less than a day).
6E-76 well drilled in May 1994, and completed Schlumberger was offering of using Meshrite to
using an ESP system. First Alliance SPS pump replace the Prepack screen when the equipment
failed after 77days. Second SPS installed and the pulled from the well. A 2-7/8 (30ft) Meshrite
pump failed after 25days. Third SPS installed only screen and re-run pump SN3600/44 installed to
run for 71days. The third installation pulled due the well. The equipment is running fine and no
to sand problem, which found plugged up the screen plugged up indication observed from the
slotted tubing. well.
The first and the second installation were
complete with conventional sand control, double Note that Chevron Texaco had tried before
cups down packer with slotted tubing. Even sand, conventional technology solutions, such as
as the caused of failure have already recognized, slotted tubing and prepack, without succes.
but there were no remedial action taken to
prevent the sand production. The third failure Table 1. Run Life History
caused by sand plugging the slotted tubing and 8C-74 6E-76
perforation. Schlumberger as the alliance
No. of Run Life No. of Run Life
contract holder was took action by introducing Installation (day) Installation (day)
Meshrite screen as new alternative technology 1 521 1 77
of sand control to replace the existing 2 0 2 25
conventional sand control system. 3 0 3 71
4 119 4 204
Background of 8C-74 Well Equipment Selection
The well has recognized having sand problem. The pump was design base on well data history
The average equipment run life from this well is
and for the Meshrite chose base on availability.
quite low 0 days run life. Two installations before
Meshrite installation were using Prepack screen,
Chevron wells are producing fluids between 100
and both installations respectively using G6200N
to 17000 barrels per day in 2 casing size 7 inch
and 9-5/8 inch casing.

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Schlumberger Confidential
Fig 5. Typical Pump Configuration with Meshrite

Fig 6. Run life Performance @Well 6E-76 after Meshrite installation

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Fig 7. Run life Performance @Well 8C-74 after Meshrite installation

Result and Conclusion Value added from meshrite $ US by

Achieve the target and improve the ESP selling meshrite to Chevron Texaco.
run life by install Meshrite on 2 trial Market penetration to customer which
wells and has been recognized by the never been done before.
customer. Chevron Texaco can reduce the failure
The achievement on run life number by utilize the Meshrite.
improvement gives a positive impact to 30 wells candidates for meshrite
SLB in order to penetrate the market of installation (Table. 3)
Meshrite. The inquiry of Meshrite
released by customer (Chevron Texaco)
to SLB.
Double the ESP run life from the
previous one is the successful criteria
for Meshrite installation project.

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Table.2 The Rig Intervention Cost

Operational Cost $ US
No of failure/year Rig Installation Repair/string Total
Well before Meshrite
Installation $3,000 $800 $6,000 $9,800
8C-74 2 $6,000 $1,600 $12,000 $19,600
6E-76 3 $9,000 $2,400 $18,000 $29,400

No of failure/year
Rig Installation Repair/string Total
Well after Meshrite

8C-74 0 0 0 0 0
6E-76 0 0 0 0 0
Total $US saving for SLB and Chevron Texaco after Meshrite Installation $49,000

Schlumberger Confidential
Table.3 Meshrite Screen Well candidates
No Well Name Pump Size Stages Remarks RunLife

Low Amp; after 15 mnts running. Broken pump

3D-57 HN10000 58 0
3D-57 S5000N 57 33
3D-57 SN2600 49 S/U 55
4A-49 GN4000 85 Install Slotted Tubing.FNS 1
Install Slotted Tubing. Re-run the equipment except
4A-49 GN4000 85 4
the protector. FNS. Run VSD to test.
Failed due to 0 Meg. Found MLE damaged at the
2 4A-49 DN750 113 15
intake screen
4A-49 GN2000 71 0'Meg 24
4A-49 D-1350 109 workover 39
4A-49 D-1350 109 workover 117
4C-38 DN1300 110 Hi Amp. Found mud and clay plugged the pump 1
3 4C-38 GN2000 59 workover 54
4C-38 SN8500 58 workover 84
5B-37 D725N 99 Slotted Tubing. High Amp 86
5B-37 DN750 114 Slotted Tubing, High Amp 162
5B-38 GN1600 59 Install Slotted Tubing. FNS. Cable Failure 28
5B-38 GN1600 59 Install VGSA & High Amp 74
6D-93 DN440 88 FNS, Back to CPI convert pump w/ HPU 6
6D-93 DN440 143 High Amp 6
6D-97 SN8500 73 Failed to start due to low Amp 0
7 Failed to start due to low Amp. Sand erosion
6D-97 SN8500 73 47
reduced pump head excessively
6E-51 GN4000 71 Install 1 joint slotted tubing, WO 13
6E-51 GN5600 72 high amp 64
8 Install slotted tubing, shut-in by RPI on June 6, 04
6E-51 GN5600 72 84
due to high amp indication
6E-51 GN2000 59 S/U 140
6E-61 GN4000 78 Workover 76
6E-61 GN5200 72 High Amp 114
10 6E-76 SN2600 62 Shut in due to eng review , Dec 19, 2004 25
ARZ + 2 jts S/L(70' sand). FNS on 08March05,
6E-76 DN1750 102 suspected perforation plug by sand. Clean out the 71
well & s-u the pump

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6E-76 SN2600 62 High Amp 77
High Amp due to pump worn out as aresult of
7C-39 GN7000 72 84
excessive sand abrasion.
7C-39 GN2000 80 S/U 123
7C-39 GN5600 72 High Amp 142
7D-42 GN5600 72 Using slotted tubing/sand screen. FNS 0
Failed after changing Xformer. High Amp due to
7D-42 SN8500 73 pump worn out as aresult of excessive sand 16
12 abrasion.
Half Pump installed is ARZ Pump.High Amp due to
7D-42 GN5600 72 pump worn out as aresult of excessive sand 65
7D-48 GN7000 72 Install slotted tubing, High-Amp 10
13 slotted tubing, shut-in due to high WC on August 06,
7D-48 GN4000 89 107
2004. WO on August 30, 2004
7D-56 GN1600 75 FNS 15
7D-59 GN4000 66 S/U 136
7D-67 GN5600 72 High Amp, WO 80
15 7D-67 DN450 113 workover 86
7D-67 GN1600 43 Install Slotted Tubing, Work over 157
Failed due to low Amp. Sand erosion reduced pump
7D-83 GN4000 71 6
head excessively
16 7D-83 GN4000 77 Install Slotted Tubing, 0'Meg 116
FNS, Sand found in the intake, intake screen
7D-83 GN5200 81 177
collapsed, size down to GN4000

Schlumberger Confidential
7D-84 GN5600 72 High Amp 1
7D-84 GN5600 80 Suspected FNS, ARZ & Slotted Tubing 83
7D-84 DN450 133 0'Meg, VGSA 147
7D-84 D475N 142 High Amp, VGSA 167
7E-56 HN15000 58 Use slotted tubing (3 joints), workover 150
7E-56 DN1300 147 S/U 172
7E-82 GN3100 71 FNS 0
FNS, Failed to start due to low Amp (sand found
7E-82 GN3100 71 0
while pulling job, redress CPA)
7E-82 HN13000 56 Low amp then W/O 4
7E-82 GN4000 71 S/U 90
7E-82 GN5600 63 High Amp 99
7E-85 GN7000 76 ARZ Pump and Install Slotted Tubing. FNS 0
7E-85 SN8500 58 10
7E-85 SN8500 68 FNS 12
7E-85 GN7000 72 High Amp. Found Sand 14
8C-74 G6200N 59 Prepack screen. FNS 0
8C-74 SN3600 44 Prepack screen. FNS 0
8C-74 GN7000 72 Failed due to overload caused by sand erosion 11
8C-74 GN7000 72 high amp 26
Pull out Surveyor & re-run the pump, found pump
8C-74 GN7000 72 26
dargging and full of sand during pulling
8C-74 SN8500 56 Failed due to overload caused by sand erosion 30
8C-74 SN3600 44 Re-run All unit+ Meshrite 2-7/8", W/O 119
8D-32E SN8500 73 High Amp 26
8D-32E GN7000 72 high Amp 35
22 8D-32E SN8500 63 High Amp 44
8D-32E G6200N 80 High Amp 65
8D-32E GN5600 102 0'meg (cable 5' above pothead burn out) 156
Shut-in due to High WC on Feb 14, 2004, WO on
9E-32 HN15000 58 61
23 June 24,04
9E-32 SN2600 62 S/U 107
Size up. Shut in due to FNS, suspected the SL
24 KB-028 GN3100 71 0
pluged up. Pulled finding : SL covered by sand.
Well bore clean out, inst SL 3 jts, raise PSD to 3000
KB-028 GN3100 71 ft. Shut in due to FNS, suspected the SL pluged up. 1
Pulled finding : SL covered by sand.
KB-028 GN3100 95 0'meg 2
KB-028 SN2600 98 Shut in due to FNS 26

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Size down and instal ARZ type pump + VGSA.
KB-028 DN675 153 87
POH for Size Up program
Size up. Shut in due to FNS, suspected the SL
KB-062 GN5600 95 4
25 pluged up. Pulled finding : SL covered by fine sand.
KB-062 SN3600 62 New Alliance inst. POH for Size Up program 113
Pump recond after WO. Also instal VGSA. Down by
3mar04 due to cable burnt @ donat, raise up tubing
KB-066 DN750 228 6
1 jt then re POP by 4mar04. Shut in by 8mar04 due
26 to FNS.
KB-066 DN750 188 Shut in due to FNS 17
Pump Recond & install VGSA. Zero Meg. Found
KB-066 DN750 228 34
tubing leak.
Hole clean out program, pump recond & install
VGSA + hotline motor. Shut in & POH due to have
KB-118 DN440 212 46
low rate. Pulled report : found scale at intake +
Pump Recond & install VGSA . Down due to Hi-
KB-118 DN440 212 48
Amp. Found scale
Well clean out, take scale sample for lab test for
next acid job, pump recond. Downd due to ZM.
KB-118 DN450 208 55
Pulled report : UT pump dragging, scale at intake,
motor ZM.
KB-118 DN440 249 Down due to cable ZM 60
Well clean out, pump recond & instal 2 jts SL. Shut
27 KB-118 DN440 249 in due to experienced HA. On POH found pump 62
stuck, scale at unit.

Schlumberger Confidential
Well clean out, pump recond and take out check
valve for next acid job purpose. Conduct Acid wash
job on 30aug04. Shut in due to no fluid come out,
KB-118 DN440 249 100
suspected scale build up. POH for recond & conduct
squeeze scale inhibitor. Pulled finding : sand
Hole clean out program, pump recond. Have
suggested to do acid job. PE promise to do it at the
KB-118 DN450 208 128
next installation. - SL. Pulled report : found
scale at intake + pump
Shut in the well due to no fluid flow at surface, after
KB-134 SN3600 62 POH DIFA report said a lot of sand inside the unit & 8
intake screen was collaps.
Csg scrapper, bailing, circulation, raise PSD 400ft,
KB-134 GN3100 83 DCD+SL. Down after Hi-Amp (ZM) due to sand 20
Csg scrapper, bailing, circulation, raise PSD to
KB-134 SN2600 75 27
3900ft, size down, DCD+SL. Pulled for WO
Well clean out, install DCD + 2jts SL. Surface cable
theft on 30nov03, raise up 1 jts and re POP on
KB-134 GN1600 59 3dec03. Shut in by 16Dec03 due to lost flow. On the 37
pulled unit found a lot of sand. The SL cover partly
plug by sand.
Install VGSA&Slotted Liner. Shut in due to low amp.
KB-134 GN1600 59 90
Suspected screen plugged
KB-134 DN1300 166 S/U 114
New Alliance, Install AGH & SL . POH due to ZM
KB-231 DN440 143 and found scale at body unit, pump shaft parted, mtr 28
+ prot free, cable ZM.
29 Pump recond, raise up PSD by 3 joint tubing. Shut
KB-231 DN440 143 38
in due to FNS.
KB-231 DN440 176 High Amp. Installed SL+DCD's+Hotline 59
KB-231 DN1300 147 Installed SL+DCD's, 0'Meg 155
KB-248 DN750 227 Shut in the well due to FNS 10
Size down. Shut in due to experienced HA. When
KB-248 DN450 208 13
30 POH found sand at intake & scale at protector
KB-248 D475N 278 0'Meg 66
KB-248 DN440 212 Workover. 95

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Table.3 Type of Meshrite Screen required for 30 wells candidates
Price $US
Description QTY Price $US

Part Number: 010000-2706-00

The item quoted was: 2-7/8 IN, 6.5 LB/FT, J-55, 20 FT OF 6 2000 12000

Part Number: 010000-3506-00

The item quoted was: 3-1/2 IN, 9.3 LB/FT, J-55, 20 FT OF 14 2000 28000

Part Number: xxxxxxxxx

The item quoted was: 4-1/2 IN, xxx LB/FT, J-55, 20 FT OF 34 2400 81600

Part Number: 010000-4509-00

The item quoted was: 4-1/2 IN, 11.6 LB/FT, J-55, 30 FT OF 4 2400 9600

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