Lungog, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur Contact No.: +639368045705: Myla Faith Baldiviso Tadeo
Lungog, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur Contact No.: +639368045705: Myla Faith Baldiviso Tadeo
Lungog, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur Contact No.: +639368045705: Myla Faith Baldiviso Tadeo
Looking to work as a cleaner/janitress in a facility where my skills and knowledge will be used
and enhanced. Along with assets such as honesty, faithfulness and struggle for perfection, I will
add worth and strength to implement my duties with devotion and strength of mind. I am in
search of good career growth opportunities through an appropriate Job employment where my
aptitude and knowledge could be best subjected and utilized for the advantage of the institution
and myself.