Kootenay Lake Pennywise March 7, 2017
Kootenay Lake Pennywise March 7, 2017
Kootenay Lake Pennywise March 7, 2017
Tra i l / B e a v e r Va l l e y / R o s s l a n d O n
r / S l o c a n Va l l e y
Canada on/Sa
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okan e Exch
Nels ge
e Nic
n ay
Lak Kootenay Lake kel
oo r
flyer Get Ready
INSIDE March 7, 2017 for Spring! Page19
Your Success Is Our Success Published Weekly
DL 30577
708 Hwy 3A, Nelson www.mainjet.ca Ph: 250-352-3191
first right hand turn on the north side of the orange bridge Fax: 250-352-3194
Offer applies to eligible retail purchase agreements that meet the minimum amount applicable for Honda Financing of $3,000, while supplies last. Valid on select new (not previously registered) Honda ATV and SxS products obtained from a participating authorized Honda dealer in Canada (excluding Quebec) between January 1
and March 29, 2017. *Limited time purchase financing of 0.9% for 24-months is available on select models and is provided through Honda Financial Services (HFS), on approved credit. Representative finance example based on a 2017 Pioneer 500 with a selling price of $13,557 [includes $1335 freight and PDI, up to $523 dealer
fee and other applicable fees except a PPSA lien registration fee of up to $79.95 due at time of delivery in certain regions]. $13,557 financed at 0.9% APR equals $131.54 weekly for 24 months. 104 weekly payments required. Cost of borrowing is $123.55, for a total obligation of $13,680.56. Taxes, license, insurance and
registration are extra. Dealers may sell for less. Applicable fees may vary by region and dealer. Dealer order trade may be necessary but, may not be available in all cases. See a participating authorized Honda dealer for full details. Offer subject to change, extension or cancellation without notice. Errors and omissions excepted.
Looking for a mortgage? Nancy Trotman has been great to deal with,
very efficient with her responses and easy to
comprehend and follow processes. Nancy has made
Buying a house? Renovating? the whole process streamlined and easy.
Time to consolidate? I would certainly recommend The Mortgage Centre
Existing mortgage up for renewal? and Nancy Trotman, and will no doubt
use them again in future.
Need a second opinion? First time mortgage? Kevin D.
! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 3
Printed in Canada. All Rights Reserved. 2017 by PFW Publications Ltd., DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING:
Patty Axenroth, Publisher We reserve the right to edit or reject submissions or advertising
that are not within our guidelines, see at www.pennywiseads.com/ed_submit.php 3 PM THURSDAY 1-800-663-4619
CLASSIFIED INDEX Here's Where You're Calling
Animals/Animal Care ..............................15 Land .......................................................25
Animals/Livestock US .........................15 Lessons/Workshops ...............................15 223 Boswell 364 TRAIL...
Automotive .......................................32, 36 Livestock ................................................15
Boats/Watercraft ..............................36, 39 Lost & Found ..........................................23 225 Riondel and 368
Bulletin Board ............................... 2, 3, 5-8 Merchandise For Sale ................. 9, 11, 12 226 Winlaw/Vallican 366 Lardeau Valley/Duncan Lake
Building Supplies ...................................11 Merchandise Wanted .............................12 227 Crawford Bay/Gray Creek 367 Fruitvale/Beaver Valley
Business Opportunities ..........................16 Motorcycles/ATVs...................................36 229 Balfour/Ainsworth 399 Tarrys/Thrums/Glade
Commercial Rentals .........................30, 31 Music Equipment/Service ......................12
229 Procter/Harrop 402 CRESTON...
Computer Sales & Service .......................9 Notices ...................................... 14, 21, 23
Contractors/Tradespeople................14, 17 Obituary ..................................................23 265 Nakusp and 428 254 431 435 977
Education/Classes............................15, 23 Real Estate .............................................25 269 Fauquier 442 Grand Forks...
Employment Opportunities ..............13, 16 Rentals .............................................30, 31 304 CASTLEGAR... and 443
Events .............................................. 6, 8, 9 Rentals Wanted ......................................31 and 365 608 687 The most
Farmers Market .......................................6 RVs/Campers .........................................39 445 Greenwood
352 NELSON... common
Firewood...................................................9 Services ............................................14, 20 and 354 505 509 551 777 825 446 Rock Creek
prefix is 250
Free for Free ...........................................12 Shared Accommodation ........................31
353 Kaslo 447 Christina Lake New to the
Furniture & Appliances .............................9 Snowmobiles ..........................................39 449 Midway area are
Gardening/Landscaping .........................21 South of the Border..............................5, 6 355 Slocan City
484 Beaverdell 778 and 236
Health/Personal Care ................ 14, 20, 21 Sporting Goods ......................................12 357 Salmo/Ymir
Heavy/Farm Equipment..........................39 Travel ......................................................15 358 New Denver/Silverton 693 Genelle
Help Wanted ...........................................16 Vacation Rentals.....................................31 359 South Slocan /Crescent Valley 825 North Shore, Nelson
In Memoriam ..........................................14 866 Wynndel/Sirdar
362 Rossland
Pennywise Classified Ad Rates: Up to 15 words per area per week More Images & Video
related to ads
Personal: $3.50 (additional words 20ea) Business: $5.00 (additional words 40 ea)
available online at www.PennywiseADS.com
All Community News Submissions will Appear Online in the next Web Edition.
Display Ad Sales Kaslo & Area Rep Classified Ad Hotline Follow us on
Larissa Scott www.pennywiseads.com
Shopping & Services
Phone 250-353-2602 Email info@pennywiseads.com
Air Filter Lights, hoses, belts and more
CALL CANADA DRUG CENTER to find affordable inter-
national medications! Safe, reliable & affordable! Plus, get
a FREE 2017 calendar. Call 855-389-3862. Now! *
CLARK FORK RIVER FRONTAGE: Huge lot, right on the
Clark Fork River, has all city services and shared 160 deck/
dock, very nice area with awesome views, not in floodplain,
modulars and RVs OK, $75,000US. Owner will carry with
only $5000US down. Plains, MT, 406-531-2259.
CLASSIFIEDS... The solution youre searching for... whether
youre seeking a new career, a kitten, a new home or even a Plus tax. Most vehicles.
helper. Call 1-800-663-4619 to place your ad today.
Interstate Batteries
Excellent starting power
Friday , March 17th Conventional power -
more than adequate for most vehicles
featuring 75-month warranty
Irish Ribs, Shepherds Pie,
& Baileys Irish Cream Cake
Wedn ng
618 Lake Street
Open Daily at 11am.
$ 6 50 D d a y s
! 250-354-4866
Reservations 250-304-6311
*Includes oil change up to 5 litres of 5W/20 or 30 oil. Excludes 10W/30, synthetic, synthetic blend and high
For meeting room & banquet mileage oils. Plus shop fee of up to 15% based on non-discounted retail price, not to exceed $35.00, where
bookings call 250-304-6311 permitted. Plus disposal fee where permitted. Void where prohibited. TPMS Reset not included. Installation
of seasonal tires extra. Tire rotation at time of oil change. Not valid with other offers. Limited time offer. See
www.chancescastlegar.ca participating stores for details. **Discount off regular price. Most vehicles. Plus shop fee of up to 15% based
on non-discounted retail price, not to exceed $35.00, where permitted. Plus disposal fee where permitted. Void
where prohibited. Not valid with other offers. Limited time offer. See participating stores for details. 2017 Midas
Canada Inc.
! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 5
All classified ads may be viewed at www.pennywiseads.com
Bulletin Board Bulletin Board
South of the Border South of the Border
MORE YOU SELL! Tap into the market south of our bor- Swap Meet, Friday and Saturday, May 5-6. 208-667-3668.
der! Expand your market into Spokane and Coeur dAlene YANMAR SUPERIOR TRACTORS at affordable prices.
and reach thousands of new readers, cost effectively! Time to get busy with a new Yanmar tractor from Idaho Im-
Place your classified ad in the Pennywise and for only $10 plement in Sagle, ID! 21-60hp tractors in stock now. Yan-
more per week, your ad will appear in both the Spokane mar tractors are engineered in Japan and assembled in the
Exchange and the Coeur dAlene Nickels Worth papers USA. Tractor/loader packages starting at only $11,595US.
- all 64,000 of them! Expand your market and grow your Delivery available just about anywhere. 208-265-0415.
business! Call Pennywise today 1-800-663-4619.
pand your market, and reach new readers - cost effectively! CHAMBER OF MINES OF EASTERN BC ANNUAL BAN-
Expand your market into Spokane and Coeur dAlene and QUET: Saturday, Mar. 11, Best Western. Mixer at 5pm and
reach thousands of new readers, cost effectively! Place dinner at 6pm. Tickets are $40/ea. Advance tickets at the
your classified ad in the Pennywise and for only $10 more chamber, 215 Hall St, Nelson. Phone 250-352-5242. Auc-
per week, your ad will appear in BOTH the Spokane Ex- tion donations appreciated.
change and the Coeur dAlene Nickels Worth - all 64,000
of them! Expand your market and grow your business! Call COME WATCH THE DAM CITY ROLLERS!! Saturday,
Pennywise today 1-800-663-4619. Mar. 11, Selkirk College Castlegar. Doors open 5pm, 1st
whistle 6pm. $10/door OR $5 w/non-perishable donation
WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES. Kawasaki: for local food bank. Kids under 12 free, w/donation. BBQ &
Z1-900 (1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, KZ beverages will be available. Hope to see you there!
1000MK2 (1979/80), W1-650, H1-500 (1969-72), H2-750
(1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, NELSON DISTRICT ROD & GUN CLUB ANNUAL BAN-
Suzuki: GS400, GT380. Honda: CB750K (1969-1976), QUET & FUNDRAISER: Saturday, Mar. 11, 801 Railway
CBX1000 (1979/80). Cash!! 1-800-772-1142, 310-721- St, Nelson. Happy Hour & Fundraiser, 5pm, dinner 6:30pm.
0726. www.usa@classicrunners.com Tickets: Nelson Farmers Supply or club directors. Early
bird $25. Door $30. Junior $15(12-under). Info 250-825-
WANTED: ANY YEAR VOLKSWAGEN! Camper, trans- 4219 or 250-352-5609.
porter, bus, pickup, Beetle, Ghia, older Porsches. Any con-
dition, running or not, crashed or not. Please dont scrap STARBELLY JAM MUSIC FESTIVAL IS ALIVE! July 21-
me! Call 509-979-1001. 23 in Crawford Bay, BC. Early-bird tickets on sale now!
hosting an Open House on Saturday, Mar. 11 from 11am-
3pm. We will have coffee, tea and snacks so come on in for
Y S U ND a visit and learn about our areas rich history and see our
A samples. 215 Hall St, Nelson. Phone 250-352-5242.
11 - 3 YS
+ Band of Rascals; Mar. 18, The Funk Hunters; Mar. 21,
Mother Mother w/K.Flay; Mar. 25, The New Groovement
w/Alpine Conspiracy, Mar. 29, Harpoonist & The Axe Mur-
derer w/Ryan McNally; Apr. 1, Shred Kelly. Schedule and
info at: www.ontheroadmanagement.com
Apr. 1, 9am-5pm, Sunday, Apr. 2, 9am-3pm, 801 Railway
St, Nelson. Admission $5. Concession available. Book ta-
bles $35. Information: Richard, 250-352-5609. Sponsored
by Nelson District Rod & Gun Club.
WORDS FOR ST. PATRICKS DAY: 2016 Saskatchewan
Poet Laureate Gerry Hill and Nelson author and artist Susan
Benedict, Kootenay, Andrews Grace read Friday, Mar. 17 at Oxygen Art Centre,
Blackstone and Florentine 320 Vernon St (alley entrance), Nelson. Free. All welcome.
Made fresh. Served with hashbrowns. Farmers Market
For meeting room and HALF A SIDE, ONLY $3.99/lb. Homegrown, sides/quar-
banquet bookings ters, $100 freezer packs, 5 pound bags soup/marrow or
please call 250-304-6306 knuckle bones, dog bones 50 pounds $49.99. Government
For restaurant reservations
inspected, no GMOs, antibiotics or tranquilizers. Home of
the happy cows. Delivered. Ground beef special, lean and
please call 250-304-6311
extra lean (hamburger). Wayne Savinkoff, 250-226-BEEF.
Open daily at 11am
TARZWELL FARMS: Top grade, locally grown & naturally
100 Hall Rd, Castlegar raised beef, available year round. $4.95/lb hanging weight.
Delivery to Nelson, Castlegar & Trail available. 250-428-4316..
Gaming prizes are offered in conjunction with BCLC
READ, RESPOND & RECYCLE. You can do it all in the
PAGE 6 Mar. 7, 2017 ! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com
Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3 Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3
Bulletin Board Bulletin Board
Chainsaws, Outboards & more. Call 250-229-2122, Hoofprint Graphics. Custom T-shirts created here too!
www.richardsmallengine.com Kaslo, 250-353-2054.
PLIES & LEVEL 4 HIGH-SECURITY SHREDDER. The ar- AGM: Saturday, Mar. 11, 10am-noon, Kaslo Seniors Hall.
eas only fully-staffed facility, 7 days/wk... the largest & most Refreshments, speakers, information. Attending the AGM
experienced too! www.nelsonstorage.com, 250-825-9666. and purchasing a 2017 membership are tangible ways to
AA MEETING AT ST. MARKS ANGLICAN CHURCH, demonstrate community support for palliative care and
KASLO, back door, Wednesdays, 7pm. 250-353-7377. grief/bereavement services in North Kootenay Lake (with
no obligation to engage in hospice activities yourself). We
ALTERATIONS, CLOTHING UPCYCLED, DRESS MAK- look forward to seeing you. 250-353-2299..
ING & MENDING. Woodcrowedesigns. 250-353-2083..
KASLO AL-ANON: St. Marks Anglican Church (back
ATTENTION SHAREHOLDERS OF 0695941 BC LTD. door), Thursday, 7pm. For info call Colette, 250-353-2531.
(Loki Lots) There is a boil water advisory for water users
until further notice. Please advise tenants and guests. Di- KASLO COMMUNITY PHARMACY now stocking a full
rectors, 0695941 BC Ltd. range of office supplies. Come visit our new office sup-
ply department & print centre. 403 Front Street. 250-353-
AUTHENTIC INDIAN CUISINE: Take out or dine in at 2224, kasloprinting@gmail.com
The Rosewood Cafe, Kaslo. Specials for the month of
March, Wednesday-Sunday. 250-353-7673. Check us KASLO MOHAWK BOTTLE DEPOT will donate a por-
out on Facebook. tion of total bottle refund money paid out, in the month of
March to Columbia Basin Alliance For Literacy. Depot open
CFES CERTIFIED INSTRUCTORS, Joy Lukacs and Monday-Saturday. 250-353-2205.
Rhonda Addison are teaching Core Fitness classes (cir-
cuit). Rhonda leading Core Fitness Mondays & Thursdays, KASLO YOUTH SOCCER REGISTRATION FOR 2017:
5-6pm. Joy leading Core Fitness Tuesdays & Thursdays, Season starts Apr. 24, $35 if registration is in by Mar.
10:30am. Term ending Mar. 16. We are set up in the Com- 17, $50 if registration before Apr. 24. Registration forms
munity Church basement in lower Kaslo. $7/drop in. Be- available online or JVH school. For more info: www.
ginners welcome. kaslosoccer.ca, www.facebook.com/kaslosoccer or
Steve Willott, 250-353-7639.
CHIROPRACTOR in KASLO... 409 Water St (behind Fig-
ments), DR. McKENZIE, Tuesdays, 250-551-3225. For KIN CONTACT INFO. Tech-support: 250-353-1546, tech@
appointments: 250-352-1322. kin.bc.ca Billing: 250-353-2305, billing@kaslo.org Office
hours: 9am-1pm, Monday-Friday, 404 Front St, Kaslo, up-
HOUSE: Drs. Brian & Louise Cheshire, Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday mornings. 250-551-0854. KASLO INFONET SOCIETY provides wireless high-speed
internet service from Loki Lease Lots north to Howser!
CLUB HOUSE RESTAURANT: Join us for delicious Prime www.kin.bc.ca
Rib on Friday nights! 250-353-2262, Kaslo.
COLLEEN NAHNYCHUK TAX PREPARATION, cal Artist Robyn Skobalski, currently on display at Kaslo
KASLO: Thursday appointments are Mar. 16/30, Apr. Community Pharmacy. You are invited! Come in and see
13/27 and May 11/25. Call now to book, 250-551-7054. these beautiful and unique gift ideas for that special some-
cntaxprep@gmail.com one. Monday-Saturday, 9:30am-5:30pm, 403 Front St.
DOCUMENT SHREDDING: Commercial/private, confiden- LOGIX ICF: Insulated Concrete Wall System - Simply the
tial. We pick up. Call Dave, Crawford Bay, 250-227-9252. BEST - Energy Saving 40% to 60%. Visit: www.thinkwith
HIGH SPEED INTERNET NOW AVAILABLE in Woodbury logix.com & www.logixicf.com THEN CALL: Brian, 1-888-
- Ainsworth and south, as well as Kootenay Lake East 289-4731. Free consultation..
Shore, starting at $50/mo. Speeds up to 12 Mbps avail- MIRROR LAKE WATER USERS COMMUNITY: Boil water
able. East Shore Internet Society (ESIS). Call us at 1-844- advisory for all users. Inform renters and guests.
776-3747 or email connectme@eastshoreinternet.ca..
1998 RAV4 PARTS CAR - Runs, little rust. 250-353-2157
! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com K Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 7
Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3 Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3
Header Events
NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICES: Real estate transfers, Wills, COMEDY REVUE DINNER THEATRE: 5 Plays this year
Powers of Attorney, Health Directives and notarizations. Why Do We Laugh; Shakespeare In Love; Keeper;
Contact Deanne Monroe, Notary Public at 250-551-4711 Wanna Be A Cowboy; Boiler Room Suite. Wednesday,
or visit 534 Josephine St in Nelson. www.nelsonnotary.com Mar. 15 and Thursday, Mar. 16, Lighthouse Theatre, Kaslo.
OVERBURDENED WITH DEBT? G.Moroso & Associates, Tickets $25/advance at Sunnyside Naturals & JVH School
Licensed Insolvency Trustee, situated locally, offers friend- Office. A JVH Drama presentation!
ly, confidential services to help with financial problems. JOIN NELSON AUTHOR LEE REID as she launches her
Call Anna, 250-365-1035 for a free consultation. fully illustrated book Growing Home: The Legacy of Koo-
PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING SERVICES NOW AVAILABLE tenay Elders. Featuring interviews about gardening, cook-
AT KASLO COMMUNITY PHARMACY: Black/white, full ing, and the collective wisdom of Kootenay seniors who
colour, matte and gloss assorted paper and weight choic- know all about aging creatively. This free event takes place
es available. kasloprinting@gmail.com Monday-Saturday, Wednesday, Mar. 15, 7pm at the Kaslo & District Public
9:30am-5:30pm. Library with a slideshow and talk by the author. More in-
formation can be found at www.growinghomestories.com.
cellent rates. Relaxation, Acupressure & Joint Release. KASLO CONCERT SOCIETY PRESENTS...pianist An-
250-505-8159. drew Yang, Friday, Mar. 10, 7pm, St. Andrews United
Church. Tickets $22, available at Figments in Kaslo or at
SUNDAY BRUNCH BUFFET, 10am-2pm, Kaslo Club- the door, school-age children are admitted free when ac-
house Restaurant. Home fries, bacon, sausage, eggs ben- companied by an adult patron. Further information kcs@
ny, fresh fruit, fresh squeezed juices, etc. 250-353-2262. kaslo.org or 250-353-7600.
fering English, Western, EAGALA & therapeutic riding les- Meat draw 5pm, Irish dinner ($20) 6pm, Karaoke/dance
sons. dianekinrade@gmail.com, 250-354-9074. mix 7pm-closing with Rick of Salt n Pepper Entertain-
VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED for Kaslo and ment. Advance tickets: Wednesday-Sunday, 3pm. No mi-
District Senior Citizens Shelter Society (Abbey Manor). A nors, guests welcome.
Treasurer and Director required. Call Yvonne Weintz, 250- THE IDEALS OF BEAUTY, Caf Langham Inspired Ideas - In
353-7302 or Rod Arnold, 250-353-2008. Beauty We Walk Speaker Series w/Maggie Tchir. Thursday
WHARFHOUSE BUSINESS SERVICES: Bookkeeping; Mar. 16, 7pm. Maggie Tchir, artist, textile historian and world
personal & corporate taxes. #204-601 Front St, Nelson. traveler, will share her passion for pattern and beauty in art
250-352-5191. and textiles, comparing human expression from four different
world views. Exploring Medieval European art, Islamic art/ar-
chitecture, along with the Indigenous Navajo way of seeing
beauty in the world, ending with the science of fractals. $10
Kaslo donation/door. Youth are FREE. www.thelangham.ca
Citizen of the Year Award JORY NASH, Thursday, Mar. 23, 7:30pm. An award-
winning singer-songwriter and storyteller who blends el-
2017 ements of folk, jazz, blues, pop & soul. Jorys most recent
album The Many Hats of Jory Nash was nominated for
Once again it is time to ask for nominations for Kaslo two Canadian Folk Music Awards. Tickets $20 at Sunny-
Citizen of the Year for 2017. This award is sponsored side Naturals & Willow Home Boutique, $22/door. www.
by the Kaslo & Area Chamber of Commerce. It is the thelangham.ca
Chambers way of saying Thank you to good neighbours
for making life better for all of us. PENNYWISE, the Kootenays one stop market place.
In making a nomination, keep in mind a few simple
1. Recognition should have nothing to do with the
Affordable &
nominees occupation. supportive
2. We look for nominees who do good deeds for the housing for all
people in the community, whether it is involvement ages & stages
in community organizations, or helping a
neighbour weed the garden. When evaluating the
nominations, thoughtful consideration is given to
those whose good deeds are not necessarily well Kaslo
3. Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2017.
Seniors Hall
These awards have been presented annually, by the $5
Chamber of Commerce, since 1986. They were presented
occasionally in earlier years.
Please send your nominations to
at the door
Citizen of the Year 2017 Monday, March 13, 7 pm
Kaslo & Area Chamber of Commerce
Box 329 Kaslo V0G 1M0 ALL WELCOME
thekaslochamber@gmail.com Asking for your input:
or drop off at Pennywise See ideas at www.kaslohousingsociety.org
PAGE 8 Mar. 7, 2017 K ! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com
Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3
The Langham presents... The BIG, BRIGHT, BOLD and
BEAUTIFUL John Cooper Exhibition (Main Gallery) & The
Kootenay Lake Historical Societys History of the Earl Grey
Kootenay Lake Levels
Pass Trail (Community Gallery). Both exhibits run from March 2, 2017
Mar. 10 till Apr. 30. Opening event, Friday, Mar. 10, 7-9pm..
For the benefit of Kootenay Lake area residents, the following lake levels
Merchandise For Sale are provided by FortisBC as a public service.
12 CUP CAPACITY FOOD PROCESSOR: Hamilton Queens Bay: Present level: 1740.27 ft.
Beach, 450W motor, never used, $35. 250-229-4255. 7 day forecast: Down 8 to 10 inches.
2016 peak:1748.08 ft. / 2015 peak:1747.14 ft.
GRAY CREEK STORE! Wood, gas & pellet. Stoves, inserts
and fireplaces. Free consultations. 250-227-9315. www. Nelson: Present level: 1739.58 ft.
graycreekstore.com 7 day forecast: Down 8 to 10 inches.
FABRIC SALE, due to health reasons. Great prices until Levels can change unexpectedly due to weather or other
further notice. Call Mariette, 250-353-7565. conditions. For more information or to sign-up for unusual lake levels
notifications by phone or email, visit www.fortisbc.com or
LADIES... STAND UP AND TAKE CONTROL! The SHEE- call 1-866-436-7847.
WEE allows you to pee standing up! Dont laugh, we have
hundreds of happy, upright customers! Gray Creek Store,
ENERGY LOGS are the clean alternative to Firewood... no
bark, no bugs. Shavings are compressed at 20,000lbs per
sq.in. with nothing added. Logs will burn 8 hours in your
wood stove! Gray Creek Store, 250-227-9315.
Invitation to Bid
Computer Sales/Service
KENS COMPUTER SERVICES: For all your computer Closing Bid Date: March 15, 2017, 3:00 PM PST.
needs. Repairs, clean ups, purchase assistance, house
calls. Call 250-229-2149. Project: Gateway Monuments to Balfour
Project Description:
Firewood In celebration of Canadas 150th anniversary, the Balfour & District
FIREWOOD: Dry larch and fir, $150/truck load, $250/cord. Business & Historic Association shall erect two roadside gateway mon-
Call 250-353-2999, Kaslo. uments, welcoming all entering visitors to Balfour est. 1889, from the
east and west. Sites are being selected in the upcoming weeks.
SEASONED LARCH FIR MIX, $250/cord, delivery within
40kms of Balfour. 250-229-2117, 1-250-793-7671(cell). Submission of Bids:
Balfour & District Business & Historic Association (BDBHA)
Furniture & Appliances C/o Canada 150 Committee
MAGIC MILL II: High speed kitchen flour mill, mills all PO Box #2 Balfour, British Columbia, Canada V0G 1C0
grain, very good condition, $160. 250-866-6843.
Bid Documents:
CLASSIFIEDS SELL!! Newspapers go just about every- Drawings & Specifications may be obtained from
where that people do. So whether its on a bus, a ferry or contact.balfourcanada@gmail.com - Attention Janice Cooper.
in a restaurant, your ad gets all the exposure it deserves
and that means quick results for you! EVERYONE reads the Instruction to Bidders:
Pennywise! Call 1-800-663-4619 today! Pricing to be provided As per Plans & Specifications. Scheduling
and completion of contracts shall be based upon completion of
qualifying grant funding currently being sought by the Canada 150
MOTHER Committee. All questions and concerns with regards to the project
specifications & requirements shall be made to the BDBHA
Coordinator Janice Cooper or the chair Truus 250-229-2113.
Award of Contract:
Bids accepted shall be of a closed nature. Upon review and
consultation by the board, successful bidders shall be notified of
award. Successful bidders shall be found to be cost effective in their
submission, balanced with high qualities of communication, crafts-
manship, discipline and reliability.
Project Completion:
Project Scheduling will be issued upon confirmation of successful
candidates and confirmation of their required lead times. The
BDBHA foresees the following completion dates:
Erection of Concrete Structures - 30 June
LIVE @ SPIRITBAR IN NELSON TUESDAY, MARCH 21 Application of Stucco Finishes - 23 July
Installation of Artwork - 18 August
DRAW ON FRIDAY, MARCH 17 Bids may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder
Like our Pennywise Shopping & Services productions after acceptance by BDBHA and the Canada 150 Committee.
Facebook page, then LIKE & SHARE this ad! All bid awards are dependent upon grant funding coming through.
! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com K Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 9
Simmons Canada is revamping their entire line up of mattresses ... effective now
INSTANT SAVINGS on the purchase of
multiple qualifying KitchenAid Major Appliances*
700-4 / 700
Explore like never before.
! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 11
All classified ads may be viewed at www.pennywiseads.com
Merchandise For Sale Merchandise Wanted
Music Equipment/Service LECTIONS, Accumulations, Royal Canadian Mint Coins &
PIANO TUNER AVAILABLE: Professional service, quality Sets, Olympic, Gold and Silver Coins, Paper Currency, etc.
workmanship, repairs, appraisals. Work guaranteed. Call Please call Chad, 1-250-499-0251 Kootenays..
Anything Piano, 250-354-8872. FIREARMS: Call John Urquhart in confidence anytime. I
will come to your home. 250-367-7540.
Sporting Goods
BUYING FIRE- youth. 250-825-2206.
Boating: Pleasure Craft ARMS: BEST PRIC-
Operator Certification ................... Mar 11 WANTED: COPPER, BRASS, RADIATORS & BATTER-
ES PAID. Call Wally,
Foodsafe Level 1 ................................. Mar 14 250-231-3721.. IES. Dont trash it...cash it. 250-354-9894.
WHMIS ............................................... Mar 15 B U Y I N G / WORKING AROUND THE CLOCK... thats classified ad-
Canadian Firearms Safety: SELLING ALL vertising: 1-800-663-4619.
Non-Restricted ............................. Mar 18 CLASSES OF
Metal: Blacksmithing Basics ............... Mar 18 FIREARMS: Col- Free For Free
lections, estates, FREE BUNDLED SLAB WOOD from the Harrop-Procter For-
Selection & Care of Shrubs ................. Mar 18 personal, memo- est Products mill. Cedar or fir. You pick up. 726 Ogilivie Rd,
Japanese: Beginners 2 ....................... Mar 20 rabilia & amnesty Harrop. www.hpcommunityforest.org, 250-551-5452. Open
Welding Night School ........................ Mar 22 guns. Call Lynn, Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm. Saturdays by appointment.
Painting: Ink and Watercolour ............ Mar 23 250-355-0096.
FREE DOOR: 30x80, full-length double glazed window, un-
Prenatal in a Weekend........................ Mar 24 SWAROVSKI finished, superficial flaw on wood surface. Vic, 250-229-5487.
Pruning and Tree Care ........................ Mar 25 FREE DOUBLE MATTRESS: Excellent condition (we just
RINGS: Z3 3-10x42
Occupational First Aid Level 1............. Mar 28 have no space). 778-461-1721.
LBRH, new, used
once, asking $900. FREE PHOTO DEVELOPMENT EQUIPMENT: Call for de-
250-367-7760, tails. 250-359-8253, Bonnington.
leave msg.. FREE ROOSTERS: 6mo. old. 250-352-5685, Nelson.
Visit selkirk.ca/ce PENNYWISE, the WANT TO SEE MORE
or call 866.301.6601 for more information Kootenays one CLASSIFIEDS IN THIS CATEGORY?
stop market place. Visit our website: www.pennywiseads.com
Community Education & Workplace Training
PAGE 12 Mar. 7, 2017 ! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com
All classified ads may be viewed at www.pennywiseads.com
Employment Opportunities Employment Opportunities
ARC PROGRAMS is accepting applications for the FASD KITCHEN MANAGER POSITION: The Kitchen Manager
Keyworker and Parent Support Program, based out of will understand the true meaning of customer service ex-
Castlegar and serving the West Kootenay Boundary area. cellence and possess a superior work ethic enabling him/
The FASD Keyworker and Parent Support Program is a her to be a positive and effective team leader. The suc-
community based outreach service designed to enhance cessful candidate will possess some or all of the following
protective factors and reduce risk factors for a young per- characteristics: Minimum of 5 years cooking experience,
son with FASD, and build the capacity of their families to adaptable, creative, detail oriented, background and ex-
provide ongoing nurturing care for their children. Services perience in food, menu and labour cost control, profes-
may include FASD and/or parenting/family education and sional and excellent leadership skills that will promote and
consultation, support to access other needed community maintain a positive team environment while delegating and
services, individual or family counselling, advocacy and coaching staff. Apply with resume to sandis@berezan.ca or
support for education planning and services, coordination in person at Chances Castlegar.
and implementation of assessment recommendations. For LOOKING FOR ENERGETIC INDIVIDUAL seeking em-
more information on this posting, the agency, and appli- ployment in a Natural Food store. Previous retail experi-
cation process, please go to www.arcprograms.com and ence necessary. Diploma in Nutrition, Herbology or other
check under employment opportunities. alternative field is an asset. Please email your resume to
ARC PROGRAMS is accepting applications for the Youth mothernatures@netidea.com
Outreach Program, based out of Castlegar and serving SLEEP IS FOR SISSIES RESTAURANT in the Slocan Val-
the West Kootenay Boundary area. The Youth Counsellor ley is looking for an experienced chef/breakfast chef and
will provide services in three key areas; Youth Outreach- servers. Resumes required. 250-226-7663.
Reconnect services, Youth Outreach Skills Acquisition
services, and Parent-teen Mediation services. The Youth YOUTH LOOKING FOR WORK? Are you 16-22, working
Counsellor will provide services using an assertive com- less than 20 hrs a week, not in school full-time? Come see
munity outreach style, flexible working hours, intensive us at the Youth Employment Centre! Castlegar, 250-365-
one-to-one involvement and counselling on the fly. For 6523 or Nelson, 250-352-5656 extn#5.
more information on this posting, the agency, and the ap- WERE A SMALL GROUP THAT CAN GIVE YOU GREAT
plication process, please go to www.arcprograms.com RESULTS! Pennywise is an independent, locally owned
and check employment opportunities. paper still going strong after over 40 years. We are a staff
BS PUBLIC HOUSE is pleased to be accepting applica- of 17 working out of Castlegar, Nelson and Kaslo, always
tions for Servers, Bussers, and Bartenders. 2017 promises ready to serve you! Give us a call at 1-800-663-4619. Mon-
to be one of our busiest seasons on record, and we are day-Thursday from 9am-5pm and 9am-4pm Fridays.
welcoming hardworking people with great spirit to join our
already outstanding team. If you would like to work in a
progressive environment, with superior training and unlim-
ited mobility, drop by Chances Castlegar with your resume,
in person, to see Hugh. Preference will be given to people
with experience, but experience is not necessary. Between
2-3:30pm, Tuesday-Friday is best. Thank you, Chances
Castlegar, 100 Hall Rd, Castlegar, BC. A Berezan company.
BLUEBELLE BISTRO IN KASLO is hiring for all positions:
Baker, Prep Cook, Line Cook, Server, Dishwasher & Busser for
our busy Spring/Summer season. Join our team today! Apply
in person, with resume or email to bluebellebistro@gmail.com SEED STARTING!
part-time evening shift manager, Janitorial Supervisor and
part-time cash cage staff. Please apply in person with re-
Use a high quality
sume or email to sandis@berezan.ca sterilized seedling mix
CHANCES CASTLEGAR is looking for a full-time Mainte- specially formulated for
nance Manager. Please send resume to sandis@berezan. early root development and
ca or drop resume off in person. increased germination rates.
CHANCES CASTLEGAR is looking for a Line Cook.
Please forward application to sandis@berezan.ca or drop Check out Digs wide variety of seeds,
off resume in person. seedling starter kits,
lights and more.
SITION, NELSON: Two 5hr days/week supporting young
man with developmental disabilities, other duties may in-
clude coverage/respite. Contact Glyn/Olwen Humphries at
250-352-6966 or etanda@gmail.com
EI CLAIM DENIED? NEED HELP? 22yrs experience as
EI Officer. Will prepare/present reconsiderations & appeals.
Call me first! Bernie Hughes, 1-877-581-1122(toll-free). NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED RECEP- Open Mon-Sat 9:30am-5:30pm, Sunday 10am-4pm
TIONIST, 3-4 days/week, for a 1-year maternity leave At Playmor Junction, turn left behind the Credit Union
starting June 2017. Please submit a cover letter and re- 250.359.5926
sume to: info@kootenaylakedental.ca Check out our Facebook page for great ideas
! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 13
All classified ads may be viewed at www.pennywiseads.com
Contractors/Tradespeople Services
ANDREW FROM HERITAGE GUTTERS would like too TREE SERVICE: Certified, Licensed, Insured. Pruning
thank all of our clients for a great 2016, we look forward to to removal of hazardous trees. Free Estimates. 250-505-
working with you again. Book early for your complimentary 6114, www.fallguy.ca
estimate on any one of our four exclusive styles of 5x5 Gut- WE ARE MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINEERED FLOORS
ter or Gutter Helmet. Have gutters that you never have to & Roof Truss Systems for Residential and Commercial
deal with again. Call 250-551-0189 or visit us at heritage- Buildings. All the products we manufacture are profes-
guttersnelson.com, gutterhelmetkootenays.com. WORK sionally engineered to local Building Codes and are ac-
SAFE APPROVED. companied by Engineer Sealed Documentation. Were the
professionals you can truss. Phone: Selkirk Truss, 2894
!A&A PAINTING LTD 31 YRS IN BUSINESS: Profession- Sentinel Rd, South Slocan, 250-359-7000, BC Toll Free:
al and best service guaranteed. Booking spring projects, 1-888-668-7877.
call now! www.aapainting.ca Rick, 250-354-9015, Nel-
son; 250-304-5237 Castlegar; 250-368-1044, Trail. WE DELIVER!! Tuesday through Saturday, household
moves within West Kootenay. GREAT DELIVERY RATES.
ADAMS WINDOWS & DOORS: All types of window & Help feed the hungry, shop at S.H.A.R.E. Nelson ReStore,
door installations. Free estimates! Call 250-608-1419. 520-A Falls St, Nelson. 250-352-1222.
ATR CONSTRUCTION: Residential, Commercial, Industri- ~GARBAGE CAN DAN JUNK REMOVAL~ Hauling all
al. Framing, foundations, retaining walls, housing, garages, winter! Full estate clean-outs, household, commercial,
decks, finishing, renos. Experienced, Organized, Profes- construction waste, furniture, appliances, garage clean-
sional. Insured and WorkSafe(WCB). atrcarp@gmail.com, outs. Anything you need gone! Cleaning up the Koote-
250-304-5895. nays. 250-226-7569.
TORS..ETC. Spring is right around the corner. Be sure to Health/Personal Care
get your business classified ad running soon! Call Penny- ELECTRIC ULTRAMATIC MEDICAL BEDS: King-split, 2
wise today, 1-800-663-4619. remotes, head/foot lifts, 4 massage units, $750obo. Call
C & C CORK FLOORS: Only supplier of hand-stained and 250-352-9437.
hand-finished glue down Cork in the Kootenays. Many co- KENDALL FARRELL, BHSC NATUROPATHY is a full
lours in many styles. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Chad, member of the World Naturopathic Federation and has
250-505-4727 or visit us at www.cnccorkfloors.com many years of experience. Specializing in thyroid health
GAS APPLIANCE INSTALLATIONS & MAINTENANCE. and also muscle and joint pain. I serve Victoria, Vancouver
Licensed/bonded gasfitting. Specializing in Propane & and the West Kootenay. Visit my website Herbalist2go.ca
Natural Gas. www.Jemsgas.com, 250-359-5922. (thanks Pennywise) for more information about my experi-
ences and services. Book online or call 604-716-7140.
SON: Stonework, Bricklaying, Tile Setting. Custom Ma- LOW COST ACUPUNCTURE AND CHINESE MASSAGE
sonry Fireplaces, Restoration, Chimney Re-pointing, Stone treatments offered at ACOS Student Clinic. Call 250-354-
Patios & Stairs, Retaining Walls, Manufactured Stone. 1984, Monday-Friday to book your appointment.
Communication...Service...Satisfaction! 250-551-3245, NEUROFEEDBACK CENTRE, NELSON: For info
hoovermasonry@gmail.com www.eeginfo.com Contact Skip LaFleur, 250-825-
PACE ELECTRIC: Underground to overhead. Residential or 0105 simpleremedies@shaw.ca Change your Brain,
commercial. All your electrical needs. 250-304-8930 (cell). Change your life..
vice of furnace, boilers, and fireplaces. Specializing in hy- RENT: Fully-equipped, 4 plinths, exercise room, wheel-
dronic heating. Call Andre, 250-608-5605. chair accessible. 250-359-2227.
manufactured & repaired, 915 Front St (rear), Nelson.
start on your spring cleaning & place a classified ad in the
WITH AN ACCENT FINE CARPENTRY: Complete renovation Pennywise for as little as $3.50/wk (15 words or less). Call
services. Interior finishing, railing specialist. 250-551-1842. 1-800-663-4619.
plumbing, Goulds pumps, hot water tanks, renovations, MISSIONS: We are a family oriented community shopping
etc. 250-226-7320. newspaper. Our mandate is to print positive and affirmative
material. Therefore, we do not accept submissions of a con-
www.shasheenmachine.com: Canadian Welding Bureau troversial nature or that are criticizing or disparaging to other
Certified Shop. Structural steel, machining, fine architec- advertisements, firms, individuals, ethnic or religious groups.
tural metal work. Portable welding. 250-359-2289. We will not accept submissions that we feel are negative
and/or offensive to our readers. The publisher reserves the
Services right to edit or refuse any ad or article submissions.
the Kootenays. Goes the distance! 250-354-3508 (cell) or In Memoriam
KOOTENAY SOLAR: Grid-tie and off-grid systems, resi- in Pennywise may be viewed by friends and family mem-
dential & commercial. Toll free, 1-866-299-0999, www. bers worldwide at www.pennywiseads.com/obit Your
kootenay-solar.com loved one will also be included in our year-end remember-
ing video of the notices of passing that were published in
SAVE TIME AND MONEY! Call the Pennywise first for all Pennywise that year. (Please note, this website exposure
your advertising needs. 1-800-663-4619 or 250-353-2602. is a FREE service.)
PAGE 14 Mar. 7, 2017 ! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com
All classified ads may be viewed at www.pennywiseads.com
Travel Animals/Animal Care
1bdr, kitchen based on space availability $400US per Livestock
week. 250-365-7604. HAY & STRAW FOR SALE: Alfalfa/grass, Timothy, 1st &
2nd cut Alfalfa, Barley and Wheat straw. Small square, 21
Education/Classes bale bundles and big square. Delivery available. Creston.
ADVERTISE YOUR CLASS IN THE PENNYWISE, give us rixnbee@telus.net or 250-428-3374.
a call at 1-800-663-4619. MILKING GOAT WITH BABIES, $200; Bred Does, $100;
NEW REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPY PROGRAM Button Quails, $3. Please leave message, 250-304-4669.
in Nelson! Next intake September! Apply today. Contact PREMIUM HORSE HAY: Second cut Alfalfa Timothy mix,
ACOS at 250-352-1362. small square bales in bundles. George, 250-428-0211.
Lessons/Workshops STRAW & ALFALFA TIMOTHY HORSE HAY: Many sizes
and types, no minimum, quick free delivery in West Koote-
WORKSHOPS! Get control of your paperwork and clut-
ter for increased productivity: Organize Your Small Busi- US Animals/Livestock
ness Office with Jen Heale on Mar. 15, 9am-4pm ($80
+GST) 250-352-1933 extn#100 to register. Full schedule: AKC LAB PUPPIES: Ready to go Apr. 1. Mom is champi-
www.futures.bc.ca onship dock jumper, Dad is therapy dog. 3 yellow/3 black
females, 2 yellow/1 black males. Health guaranteed, mi-
COPYRIGHT FOR ARTISTS - FREE WORKSHOP: Mar. 8, cro-chipped, dew claws removed, first shots, dewormed,
7-8:30pm. With the massive amount of media being easily $900US. For pictures and references, email jjerb82@gmail.
shared digitally, how do we know whats fair to use or what com; call/text 509-540-1491.
others can use of ours? From understanding copyright and
its applications for creators to fair dealing and fair use, law- AKC REG. YELLOW LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUP-
yer and copyright expert Martha Rans will unravel legal is- PIES: Adorable & precious, born Jan. 28. Vet checked,
sues that are a part of your business as an artist. This work- first shots, dewormed & dewclawed, excellent bloodlines,
shop is recommended for all creators: visual artists, media downy white coats. Father is huge English Lab, mother is
artists, composers, writers, performing artists, and photog- show quality American Lab, smart & easy to train, lots of
raphers. Presented by WKRAC and KSA at Selkirk College hunting potential. Males $750US, Females $850US, ready
- Kootenay Studio Arts (KSA) Campus, 606 Victoria St. Nel- Mar. 15. Stud service available. 509-276-0108, Deer Park..
son. Free of charge, but preregistration is required. Space is AKC WHITE GERMAN SHEPHERDS: Also silvers, males &
limited! For information or to register: www.wkartscouncil. females, short & long haired, new litter coming soon, excellent
com, click on workshops to access registration link. pedigree, all shots, etc. $800-1500US. 509-680-5457, Colville.
BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES: 11wks old, bred for herding, com-
Animals/Animal Care panionship & agility, from working parents, first shots & wormed,
2 BUDGIES: Male & female, with 2 cage, $60. 778-997-4184. females, $400US; males, $300US. 509-919-7123, Deer Park.
Male, beautiful dog, $500. 250-551-5752. registered, all shots and vaccinations. Looking for good
DOG OBEDIENCE AND PUPPY START RIGHT with Love homes, $1800US. Call or text 208-661-9915.
2 Play, start anytime, flexible schedule; private consulta- MICE AND RATS, LIVE AND FROZEN: Local delivery or
tions for behavior issues. Agility starts in April. Jeanne shipping available, all sizes and quantities, great prices.
Shaw, CPDT, www.love2play.ca, 250-359-6650. 208-758-1673, call or text anytime. Will also buy rabbits or
!SHANE is a 5yr old grey tabby who came to the Nelson reptiles. Trades welcome..
SPCA as a stray. He is very affectionate and loves to get TRI-BREED PUPPIES: Saint Bernard, Newfoundland,
face rubs! To meet Shane, stop by the BCSPCA Nelson Great Pyrenees. We also have Leonbergers & Landseers.
Branch! 250-352-7178. For information, 509-322-1356. No Sunday calls.
SIMPLY PAWS-ITIVE DOG TRAINING: Obedience/agility WESTIE PUPS: Ready now, first shots, vet checked,
classes. Private consultations for obedience/behaviour prob- wormed, only 1 male left, $600US. Questions, call anytime,
lems. www.simplypawsitive.ca, Linda Murray, 250-367-7211. 208-217-1749.
PAGE 16 Mar. 7, 2017 K ! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com
Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3 Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3
Contractors/Tradespeople Contractors/Tradespeople
ALL PHASES HOME RENOVATIONS: Maintenance, re- PLUMBING: Serving Kaslo & Area, Balfour to North end of
pairs; tiles, laminate, hardwood. No job too small. Insured. Kootenay Lake. No job too small. Call Curtis Hewat, 250-
Photos, references. Mike Nesbitt Contracting, 250-825- 353-8852(cell).
4771, michael.nesbitt@hotmail.com !THE KOOTENAY BUILDER: First choice for new con-
BALFOUR BOBCAT SERVICES: Grading, landscaping, struction, renovations and additions. Large or small jobs.
rock work, driveway repair & much more. Experienced, ef- We offer custom deck building, siding and concrete founda-
ficient operator. Free estimates. 250-229-2154. tions. Ted, 250-509-0521 or kootenaybuilders@gmail.com
BIRKWOOD HOMES LTD: General contractor, renova- TOM COTTON PAINTING & DRYWALL: Now booking, no
tions, design/build, fully insured, drawings & home inspec- GST. Call 250-354-7300, cell.
tions. Drew, 250-353-2450. CLASSIFIEDS... The solution youre searching for... whether
CONCRETE, TILE, WOOD: Custom showers, counter youre seeking a new career, a kitten, a new home or even a
tops, Nuheat in-floor heating, Allan Block, precast con- helper. Call 1-800-663-4619 to place your ad today.
crete, cultured stone, epoxy stone. Quality work! S1 Con-
tracting, Ian Voboril, 250-354-8954, www.s1contracting.ca
Works painting will be working in Nelson/Kootenays over
the Summer. Satisfaction Guaranteed, 3 year written war- AND HYDROVAC
ranty, 10% Early booking Discount. Contact for a FREE es-
timate. Jakec@studentworks.ca, 250-354-9440.
ing your house/business new again! WCB & insured, free
estimates. 250-353-9660.
KASLO & AREA PLUMBER: Certified & Insured. Sean TANK REPAIRS &
Gaelen Graham - Virgo Enterprises. 250-353-3237. INSPECTIONS
www.virgoplumbing.com CLEANING MAINTENANCE
wall, framing, plumbing, electrical, tiles, insured, no job too Call: 250 -354-3644
small. 250-551-7581.
Land Act:
Notice of Intention to Apply for Residents of Riondel and Area A
a Disposition of Crown Land
Take notice that Mitchell Putnam and William Gardiner have applied
to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
(MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for a Specific Permission for boat rail pur-
poses, situated on Provincial Crown land in the vicinity of Crawford Bay,
BC, and containing 0.002 hectares more or less.
The Lands File Number for this application is 4405783. Written com-
ments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter
BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook BC VIC 7G1 or email to: Authorizing
Agency.Cranbrook@gov.bc.ca. Comments will be received by MFLNRO
up to April 8, 2017. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments re-
ceived after this date.
Please visit the website at http://arfd.gov.bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/
2017-2021 RDCK Financial Plan
index.jsp -> Search -> Search by File Number: 4405783 for more in-
Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered
part of the public record. Access to these records requires the submission
Wednesday, March 8 y 6:30 p.m.
of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Visit http://www.gov.bc.ca/ Riondel Community Centre
freedomofinformation to learn more about FOI submissions.
1511 Eastman Ave
! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com K Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 17
Kaslo Housing Society Invitation
Originally formed almost twenty years
ago, the Kaslo Housing Society is ap-
proaching its AGM with renewed en-
thusiasm for projects that will address
the areas needs for affordable rental
DEADLINE FOR ADS: THURSDAY 3 pm housing. Mark your calendar for Mon-
day, March 13 at 7 pm. The AGM will be held at the Kaslo
Now SIX Editions = 97,930 circulation Seniors Hall.
Since last spring, the societys small board of directors has
NELSON / SALMO...Complete coverage of the City of Nelson, been busy with fundraising projects and seeking partners to
Blewett, Taghum, Ymir & Salmo. help with our main objective for the year, purchasing the mo-
KOOTENAY LAKE / NELSON RR #1 & #3....Total cov- bile home park in lower Kaslo. Though we have a bright and
erage from the Nelson bridge to Kaslo and the area north. Plus East energetic group of directors, financial and other roadblocks
Shore; Kootenay Bay to Creston. meant we were unable to establish a workable business plan
for that purchase and now we are back to square one.
CASTLEGAR / SLOCAN VALLEY...Total coverage of the
City of Castlegar, Genelle, South Slocan, Crescent Valley, Thrums, There are several other options that we can now turn our
Slocan Park, Winlaw and Slocan. attention to and wed like to consult our membership. It takes
a lot of community energy and will to get a new housing
TRAIL / ROSSLAND / BEAVER VALLEY...Complete cov- complex off the ground, but that may not be the only route
erage of Trail, Rossland, Fruitvale, Montrose. towards achieving the goal of enough stable and affordable
INTERNET EDITION: When you place your ads in any of rental housing. At the upcoming AGM, our board would like
our print editions, your ad is included on our website at no extra to offer members and the public the chance to give their input
charge. www.pennywiseads.com into three or more areas of activity.
First off, we have revisited an action plan from six years ago,
1(:632.$1((;&+$1*( 1,&.(/6:257+
additional 68,000+ circulation to households in Spokane WA and hoping to redesign the scope and size of a housing project that
&RHXUG$OHQH,' would be constructed on Village land near the Kaslo River.
Another idea is to look at partnering with other local organiz-
RATES: Spokane Exchange/ ations maybe a mixed-use residential and office space would
Commercial $5 for the 1LFNHOV:RUWK be the solution for mutual requirements. Services that would
first 15 words and 40 $5 per week to place your assist in enhancing or maintaining the existing affordable
a word thereafter per area Pennywise Classified ad rental situations that now seem to be waning is our third area
edition, per week in the Spokane Exchange of investigation. And fourth, there are likely ideas the KHS
Personal $3.50 for the &RXHUG$OHQH
board has not thought of your ideas on how to increase the
first 15 words plus 20 a supply of affordable housing will be welcome.
word thereafter per area (Ad must appear in at least
edition, per week RQH3HQQ\ZLVHHGLWLRQ People who would like to join the board are welcome to con-
tact us. The nomination process is pretty simple. If youd like
Save $2 when you book to be on the board, youd need another member to nominate
all 4 area editions you at the AGM and a seconder to confirm. Membership is
only $5 per year and you can get a membership at the door at
the AGM. Refreshments will be served!
When you book a classified ad in the Working towards a sustainable community by supporting
Classifieds same area editions for 3 consec- affordable housing is our main objective. This could look
3 for 2 utive weeks, you pay for 2 weeks, many different ways at this juncture. Please attend this meet-
Special and get the 3rd week FREE. ing so we can include your thoughts as we move forward. For
more background on our organization and AGM please see
Submitted by Erika Bird
Live Load Your March 31st
Classified Online & April 1st
For $5 (+tax) in addition to the cost of your ad, you can
have your ad online within a 1/2 hour of it arriving in the
Kaslo office, 9 am 3 pm, Monday to Friday. The Outlet District
Add a Power Picture Childrens
for a weekly charge of
1.49 (personal) or $2.99 (commercial)
Come visit the Outlet District! There will be events at the
We accept payment by Visa, Mastercard, cash, cheque or money order. GST extra Harrop Hall, Procter Hall, and Balfour Hall. Some of the activities include:
a film night, family services fair, workshops, and an evening performance.
To place your classified ad, Call toll free 1-800-663-4619 or Find out more, or to register: kootenaylakefamilynetwork.weebly.com
email info@pennywiseads.com Thank you to the RDCK for its support.
Pennywise K Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 19
Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3 Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3
Services Services
drywall, plumbing, electrical, doors, floors and more. Call LANDSCAPING: 4WD John Deere. 250-353-7401.
250-354-3659. WINTER SERVICING: Let Kootenay Motors keep your car
BOOKKEEPING SERVICE: 20yrs experience using Quick- well-maintained for our winter conditions. Traditional val-
Books accounting software. Phone Harry, 778-461-1721. ues, modern technology. Shop while waiting. Convenient
downtown location, 213 Baker St, Nelson. 250-352-5383,
CLEANING SERVICE & INTERIOR PAINTING: Since 2003 www.kootenaymotors.com
- Professional, Detailed, References - Peggy, 250-551-0982.
NEED A PLUMBER? CALL VIRGO! We have up-to- Health/Personal Care
date technology to help us analyze and repair any CAMERON DUNSMORE, RMT HAS MOVED: Now work-
plumbing problem. Call Sean at 250-353-3237. Visit ing out of Dr. Steve Tucker Chiropractic Office, 86 Baker St,
www.virgoplumbing.com for all our services. Nelson. To book, please call 250-354-8822.
more than 30yrs experience to the Kootenays. Providing tive Disorders, Stress, Anxiety & more. Kaslo: Monday-
accessible, affordable legal services regarding Real Estate Wednesday; Winlaw: Thursday-Friday. 250-551-2581.
and other property matters, Wills, Advanced Care/Inca-
pacity Planning, Probate, general Business, Family dispute REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPY: Joli Guthrie RMT,
resolutions. Call 250-353-2028. 2nd Floor, 404 Front St, MSP available. By appointment. Kaslo, 250-353-7605.
All live shows
Bistro & 347 FRONT STREET KASLO ~ 250-353-7361 suggested
Beanery OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK bluebellebistro.com $
10 donation
Hymetown Business
Are you an entrepreneur? Redpoint Chimney
Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.
liked working at heights. I kept looking for Louis Julig
chimneys. I once found five full-sized
chimney and roof jobs after that and even- ducks who thought it would be a good
tually got WETT certified to work with idea to gather in a large fireplace. They honoured to be invited into their homes.
wood heat systems. For two years, I joined were on the smoke shelf and a little singed, The community has been very supportive;
the family at Gray Creek Store as their but very well preserved. I basically survive on referrals.
stove guy. I learned a lot about deliver- The seasonal nature of the industry al-
I appreciate that most of my clients re-
ing high quality service from them. We lows me to do lots of backcountry skiing
ally care about their woodstoves. Its a very
still work together to provide a complete intimate action to make and maintain a during the winter months. Also, I love
and light during the dark winter months.
I install woodstoves and fireplaces, and Meeting the unique people who live here clean ascent with no falls, and the placing
of protection while climbing.
can service and sweep any wood heating is often the
th highpoint
hi h i t off my day
d andd I feel
f l
Eye of the Mind Photography
Portraiture Born From a Love of People
Louis Bockner
250-366-4184 eyeofthemind.zenfolio.com
through several shifts and transforma- They have often lent a hand when things
tions. During the last six years I have were financially tight or the next piece
rem to people in my area... even my regular ladies and gone to two different photography
schools, the New York Institute of Pho-
of equipment was just out of reach. You
could say it was family that started the
tography and the Western Academy of journey that is Eye of the Mind. It was a
Photography and have refined my small inheritance from my grandmother
me have commented that they saw [the ad] style into a photo-journalistic approach
to portraiture and event coverage. I now
prefer to wait for a moment to happen
that allowed me to purchase my first
digital camera.
Louis Bockner
My newest endeavour is a portable,
and have faith that it will and that Ill be professional portrait booth with instant
~ Jolene Lucas, Purple Orchid Hair Studio ready to capture it, rather than pose my on-site printing. I hope to bring this to who they are. I am in- n-
subject or orchestrate a scene. festivals and as an additional service at spired to capture people le
I first got into photography in high weddings and other events. in a way that does someme
school when I took an elective because I What do I like best about my work? Peo- erson they have be-
kind of justice to the person
thought it would be easy. It wasnt, but I come. I also love photographys
ographys ability to
online ple. Its all about the people. I am in awe of
fell in love with the magic that happens the human race and have an endless curi- open doors to differentt worlds I otherwise
in a darkroom. osity about what makes or made a person would never get to know.ow.
half page in print
ll t
8 Hometown Section February 23, 2016
PAGE 20 Mar. 7, 2017 K ! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com
Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3 Kootenay Lake/Nelson RR 1&3
Health/Personal Care Notices
www.kootenaycaregivers.ca, 250-777-1169. Thursday, Mar. 16, 6-8pm, Kaslo Clubhouse Restaurant.
DEVOTION OF THOUGHT TO AN HONEST ACHIEVE- Find out what your Chamber is doing for local business
MENT makes the achievement possible. MBE. Wellness and community. Guest speakers, treats & some nifty priz-
Through Spiritual Healing. www.normhanna.com Norm es. Memberships available at the door. We love newbies,
Hanna CS, 250-353-2821. come find out who we are. Questions? Please contact us
at thekaslochamber@gmail.com
Gardening/Landscaping KASLO & DISTRICT LIBRARY AGM: Monday, Mar. 13,
www.betterlawnandgarden.ca - ITS PRUNING SEA- 3pm at the library. Everyone is welcome. For information
SON! Time to book seasonal maintenance, cleanup, and contact us at 250-353-2942 or info@kalso.bclibrary.ca
spring/summer projects. 250-352-7447. KASLO TRAILBLAZERS SOCIETY AGM: Thursday, Mar.
THE BEST DEALS ARE FOUND IN THE PENNYWISE! 16, 7pm, St. Andrews United Church Heritage Hall.
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Does your item, product or service
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triple your classified ads reach.
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ROSE MARIE MCLEAN passed away peacefully in her
sleep on Feb. 9, 2017. Rose is survived by her husband
Donald Charles McLean and sons Cameron Bruce McLean
and Malcolm John McLean. Rose Marie spent the latter por-
tion of her life dedicated to genealogy and travel. After many
years working as a health professional and educator, she
was able to spend many years enjoying the benefits of her
hard work in the relaxed environment of the interior of British
Columbia. Frequent travels to Europe allowed her the op-
portunity to live the outdoor and European lifestyle, where
she met many people and shared life experiences that she
cherished. May you forever rest in peace, Rose Marie.
BABYSITTER CERTIFICATE: Monday-Friday, Mar. 20-24,
$75. Preregister kasloce@selkirk.ca, www.selkirk.ca/ce,
250-353-2618, Kaslo.
Visit our website: www.pennywiseads.com
Shane is a 5-year-old grey tabby. He came to the BCSPCA Nelson Branch as
Monday, March 13th 6 p.m.
a stray so we dont know any of his history. Shane is very affectionate and
loves to get face rubs! He is currently in one of our cat communal rooms and
you can usually find him lounging in one of the cat beds. Since being at the
Kaslo Council Chambers: 312 4th Street
shelter he has gotten along well with other cats but we have not seen him
around dogs or other animals. To meet Shane, please stop by the BC SPCA
Nelson Branch, or call (250) 352-7178 for more information about him.
NELSON sponsored by
520-C Falls Street, Nelson 250-352-7178
! = view picture of this item on our website: www.pennywiseads.com K Mar. 7, 2017 PAGE 23
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