Technology Integration Template-Collaboration
Technology Integration Template-Collaboration
Technology Integration Template-Collaboration
Selected Technology/Resource Name: Age/Grade Technology/Resource Type:
Collaborize Classroom Preschool/Kinder Application Software Device
garten- Website
Source: (Web address, company name, etc.)
Associated Learning Standard(s): The resource may be generally applicable, if so, simply state that.
List any ISTE-S standards that seem to naturally align with the selected resource.
Generally applicable. ISTE-S standard #2 Communication and Collaboration at its most basic, because
this is a website designed for discussions. However, those discussions, depending on the topic, can allow
other standards to align as well (for example, if a discussion makes students research or do something
creative, etc.).
Give a brief description of the technology/resource.
This website really reminds me of Blackboard in the discussions aspect. It lets moderators create
discussions based on topics or questions and it lets you assign it to specific users/groups.
I could use this as a sort of class website. I could have a standing discussion open for any questions
students have. While we are reading a text, I could post discussion questions. If I am going to teach a
lesson, I can post questions as an anticipatory guide that can spark ideas. I can assess a students
understand at the end of a lesson. More so than just me posting things, students will be free to answer
my questions and will also be able to directly reply to each others posts so they can have an open
dialogue and can work on defending/explaining their points.
3 2 1
The integration idea described: The integration idea The integration idea described:
aligns to content standards aligns to content standards
aligns to content standards
transforms a lesson in a way that serves as a nice supplement to
would be impossible or very enhances a lesson; likely to a lesson but wouldnt necessarily
difficult without it; very likely to increase student play a critical role within the
increase student engagement and engagement and support lesson
contribute to mastery of the mastery of the concept(s)
concept(s) will most likely be used by the
will most likely be used by teacher during a lesson (e.g., a
the students directly demonstration)
optimal in a student-centered
environment where students are
active and engaged in learning
Based on the value-added rating scale above, how would you rate the technology
integration you described, using the selected resource? I would give it a 3/3.
Explain your rating based on the rubric indicators. This website can be used for any
standard and can help introduce topics and assess understanding. It can also directly increase
student engagement and contribute to mastery of topics. It is also optimal in a student-centered
environment because it makes sure that every students opinion is hear and it can lead to an
open discussion on topics. Student activity can be checked due to usernames. They can be
engaged in discussions and they can reply to each other.