Pyevolve Manual
Pyevolve Manual
Pyevolve Manual
Release 0.6rc1
Christian S. Perone
1 Get Involved ! 3
2 Contents 5
2.1 Whats new ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Other platforms and performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Get Started - Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.6 Graphical Analysis - Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
2.7 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
2.8 F.A.Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2.9 Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2.10 License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2.11 Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
2.12 Contact the author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
2.13 Donate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
3 Index 141
Index 143
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
We can allow satellites, planets, suns, universe, nay whole systems of universe, to be governed by laws, but the
smallest insect, we wish to be created at once by special act.
- Charles R. Darwin, 1838
Pyevolve was developed to be a complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python, but since the version
0.6, the framework is also supporting Genetic Programming, so in the near future, the framework will be more an
Evolutionary Computation framework than a simple GA framework.
See the changes in the Whats new ? section of this documentation.
This is the documentation for the release v.0.6rc1.
See some plot screenshots on the Graph Types and Screenshots section.
You can download this manual also in other formats:
Pyevolve PDF Manual v.0.6rc1 (PDF) This is a PDF file version with this manual
Pyevolve CHM Manual v.0.6rc1 (CHM - Windows Help) This is the CHM (Windows Help) version of this manual
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
6 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
2.2 Introduction
This is the documentation of the Pyevolve release 0.6rc1. Since the version 0.5, Pyevolve has changed in many aspects,
many new features was added and many bugs was fixed, this documentation describes those changes, the new API
and new features.
Pyevolve was developed to be a complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python, the main objectives of
Pyevolve is:
written in pure python, to maximize the cross-platform issue;
easy to use API, the API must be easy for end-user;
see the evolution, the user can and must see and interact with the evolution statistics, graphs and etc;
extensible, the API must be extensible, the user can create new representations, genetic operators like crossover,
mutation and etc;
fast, the design must be optimized for performance;
common features, the framework must implement the most common features: selectors like roulette wheel,
tournament, ranking, uniform. Scaling schemes like linear scaling, etc;
default parameters, we must have default operators, settings, etc in all options;
open-source, the source is for everyone, not for only one.
2.2.1 Requirements
8 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Optional, for real-time statistics visualization: VPython The VPython 2 is required to see real-time statistics
Optional, for drawing GP Trees: Pydot 1.0.2+ The Pydot 3 is used to plot the Genetic Programming Trees.
Optional, for MySQL DB Adapter: MySQL for Python The MySQL 4 is used by the MySQL DB Adapter.
Examples package
2.2.3 Installation
You can download the specific Pyevolve from the Downloads section, or using easy_install.
The installation can be easy done by using the easy_install:
easy_install pyevolve
easy_install /downloads/downloaded_package.egg
easy_install http://site/package.egg
2 VPython was originated by David Scherer in 2000.
3 Pydot was developed by Ero Carrera.
4 MySQLdb was developed by Andy Dustman and contributors.
2.2. Introduction 9
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
This command will automatic search, download and install a suitable version of pyevolve, once you have installed,
you can test:
easy_install utility is part of setuptools. Once you have installed setuptools, you will find the easy_install.exe program
in your Python Scripts subdirectory.
Chromosomes / Representations 1D List, 2D List, 1D Binary String, 2D Binary String and Tree
Note: it is important to note, that the 1D List, 2D List and Tree can carry any type of python objects or
Crossover Methods
1D Binary String Single Point Crossover, Two Point Crossover, Uniform Crossover
1D List Single Point Crossover, Two Point Crossover, Uniform Crossover, OX Crossover, Edge Recom-
bination Crossover, Cut and Crossfill Crossover, Real SBX Crossover
2D List Uniform Crossover, Single Vertical Point Crossover, Single Horizontal Point Crossover
2D Binary String Uniform Crossover, Single Vertical Point Crossover, Single Horizontal Point
Tree Single Point Crossover, Strict Single Point Crossover
Mutator Methods
1D Binary String Swap Mutator, Flip Mutator
2D Binary String Swap Mutator, Flip Mutator
1D List Swap Mutator, Integer Range Mutator, Real Range Mutator, Integer Gaussian Mutator, Real
Gaussian Mutator, Integer Binary Mutator, Allele Mutator, Simple Inversion Mutator
2D List Swap Mutator, Integer Gaussian Mutator, Real Gaussian Mutator, Allele Mutator, Integer Range
Tree Swap Mutator, Integer Range Mutator, Real Range Mutator, Integer Gaussian Mutator, Real Gaus-
sian Mutator
1D Binary String Binary String Initializator
2D Binary String Binary String Initializator
1D List Allele Initializator, Integer Initializator, Real Initializator
2D List Allele Initializator, Integer Initializator, Real Initializator
Tree Integer Initializator, Allele Initializator
Scaling Methods
Linear Scaling, Sigma Truncation Scaling and Power Law Scaling, Raw Scaling, Boltzmann Scaling,
Exponential Scaling, Saturated Scaling
Selection Methods
10 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Rank Selection, Uniform Selection, Tournament Selection, Tournament Selection Alternative (doesnt
uses the Roulette Wheel), Roulette Wheel Selection
Chromosomes / Representations
Warning: the Tree of Genetic Programming is the class GTree.GTreeGP and not the
GTree.GTree class of the Genetic Algorithm representation.
Crossover Methods
Tree Single Point Crossover
Mutator Methods
Tree Operation Mutator, Subtree mutator
Tree Grow Initializator, Full Initializator, Ramped Half-n-Half
Scaling Methods
Linear Scaling, Sigma Truncation Scaling and Power Law Scaling, Raw Scaling, Boltzmann Scaling,
Exponential Scaling, Saturated Scaling
Selection Methods
Rank Selection, Uniform Selection, Tournament Selection, Tournament Selection Alternative (doesnt
uses the Roulette Wheel), Roulette Wheel Selection
In this section, you will find study material to learn more about Genetic Algorithms.
Goldberg, David E (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, MA.
Goldberg, David E (2002), The Design of Innovation: Lessons from and for Competent Genetic Algorithms, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, MA.
Fogel, David B (2006), Evolutionary Computation: Toward a New Philosophy of Machine Intelligence, IEEE Press,
Piscataway, NJ. Third Edition
Holland, John H (1975), Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor
Michalewicz, Zbigniew (1999), Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, Springer-Verlag.
See Also:
Wikipedia: Genetic Algorithms The Wikipedia article about Genetic Algorithms.
2.2. Introduction 11
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
In this section, you will find study material to learn more about Genetic Programming.
Poli, Riccardo; Langdon, William B.; McPhee, Nicholas F., A Field Guide to Genetic Programming, this book is
also available online (a GREAT initiative from authors) in Book Site
Koza, John R., Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection, MIT Press,
See Also:
Wikipedia: Genetic Programming The Wikipedia article about Genetic Programming.
Raw score The raw score represents the score returned by the Evaluation function, this score is not scaled.
Fitness score The fitness score is the scaled raw score, for example, if you use the Linear Scaling
(Scaling.LinearScaling()), the fitness score will be the raw score scaled with the Linear Scaling
method. The fitness score represents how good is the individual relative to our population.
Evaluation function Also called Fitness Function or Objective Function, the evaluation function is the function
which evaluates the genome, giving it a raw score. The objective of this function is to quantify the solutions
(individuals, chromosomes)
See Also:
Wikipedia: Fitness Function An article talking about the Evaluation function, or the Fitness Function.
Sample genome The sample genome is the genome which are used as configuration base for all the new replicated
Interactive mode Pyevolve have an interactive mode, you can enter in this mode by pressing ESC key before the end
of the evolution. When you press ESC, a python environment will be load. In this environment, you have some
analysis functions and you can interact with the population of individuals at the specific generation.
See Also:
12 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Pyevolve is compatible with PyS60 2.0 (but older versions of the 1.9.x trunk should work fine too); PyS60 2.0 is a port
of Python 2.5.4 core to the S60 smartphones, it was made by Nokia and its Open Source. All smartphones based on
the S60 2nd and 3rd editions should run PyS60, you can download it from the Maemo garage project home.
To install Pyevolve in PyS60 you simple need to copy the pyevolve package (you can use the sources of Pyevolve
or even the pyevolve of your Python installation to the smartphone in a place that PyS60 can find it, usually in
c:\resource\Python25, for more information read the PyS60 documentation. The Genetic Algorithms and the
Genetic Programming cores of Pyevolve was tested with PyS60 2.0, but to use Genetic Programming, you must define
explicitly the funtions of the GP, like in How to manually add non-terminal functions to Genetic Programming core.
Of course not all features of Pyevolve are supported in PyS60, like for example some DBAdapters and the graphical
plotting tool, since no matplotlib port is available to PyS60 at the moment. Pyevolve was tested with PyS60 2.0 in a
Nokia N78 and in a Nokia N73 smartphones.
See Also: - home to PyS60 developers A lot of information and tutorials about PyS60, very recommended.
Python for S60 - OpenSource The PyS60 project wiki.
Jython is an implementation of Python language and its modules (not all unfortunatelly) which is designed to run over
the Java platform. Pyevolve was tested against Jython 2.5.x and worked well, except for the Genetic Programming
core which is taking a lot of memory, maybe a Jython issue with the Java JVM.
Youre highly encouraged to run Jython with the JVM -server option; this option will enable anoter VM JIT which
is optimal for applications where the fast startup times isnt important, and the overall performance is what matters.
This JIT of the Server mode has different policies to compile your code into native code, and its well designed for
long running applications, where the VM can profile and optimize better than the JIT of Client mode.
Pyevolve was tested against Jython 2.5.1 in Java v.1.6.0_18 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode, sharing)
See Also:
Jython Official Jython project home.
Java HotSpot The Java HotSpot Performance Engine Architecture.
IronPython is an open-source implementation of the Python programming language targeting the .NET Framework
and Mono, written entirely in C# and created by Jim Hugunin. IronPython is currently language-compatible with
Python 2.6.
Pyevolve was tested against the IronPython 2.6 (2.6.10920.0) in a Windows XP SP3 with .NET 2.0.50727.3603.
See Also:
Official IronPython project home Official IronPython project home.
Differences between IronPython and CPython Documents with differences between IronPython and CPython (the
official Python interepreter).
IronPython performance benchmarks A lot of benchmarks and comparisons between IronPython and CPython.
The Genetic Algorithm core of Pyevolve was tested on iPod Touch 2G with the firmware v.3.1.2. To use it, you first
must install the port of Python 2.5+ to the OS of iPod. You just need to put the Pyevolve package inside the directory
where youll call your application or just put it inside another place where the Python from iPod/iPhone can found in
See Also:
Miniguide to install Python on iPhone Miniguide on how to install Python on iPhone
Pyevolve, at least for the versions <= 0.6, have all modules written in pure Python, which enables some very useful
features and portability, but sometimes weights in performance. Here are some ways users and developers uses to
increase the performance of Pyevolve:
Psyco Psyco is the well know Python specializing compiled, created by Armin Rigo. Psyco is very easy
to use and can give you a lot of speed up.
14 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Cython Cython is a specific language used to create C/C++ extensions for Python, it is based on the
Python language itself, so if you think Psyco is not enought or arent giving too much optimizations,
you can use Cython to create your own C/C++ extensions; the best approach is to use Cython to
build your Evaluation function, which is usually the most consuming part of Genetic Algorithms.
See Also:
Psyco at The official site of Psyco at
Psyco 2.0 binaries for Windows Development of psyco was recently done by Christian Tismer. Here youll find the
binaries of Psyco 2.0 (Python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6) for Windows.
Cython - C-Extensions for Python Official Cython project home.
Pyevolve combined with Python language can be a powerful tool. The best way to show you how Pyevolve can be
used, is beginning with simple examples, later well show some snippets and etc. So youll can walk by yourself.
To make the API easy to use, we have created default parameters for almost every parameter in Pyevolve, for example,
when you will use the G1DList.G1DList genome without specifying the Mutator, Crossover and Initializator, you
will use the default ones: Swap Mutator, One Point Crossover and the Integer Initialzator. All those default parameters
are specified in the Consts module (and you are highly encouraged to take a look at source code).
Lets begin with the first simple example (Ex. 1). First of all, you must know your problem, in this case, our prob-
lem is to find a simple 1D list of integers of n-size with zero in all positions. At the first look, we know by intu-
ition that the representation needed to this problem is a 1D List, which you can found in Pyevolve by the name of
G1DList.G1DList, which means Genome 1D List. This representation is based on a python list as you will see,
and is very easy to manipulate. The next step is to define the our evaluation function to our Genetic Algorithm. We
want all the n list positions with value of 0, so we can propose the evaluation function:
As you can see in the above equation, with the x variable representing our genome list of integers, the f(x) shows our
evaluation function, which is the sum of 0 values in the list. For example, if we have a list with 10 elements like this:
x = [1, 2, 3, 8, 0, 2, 0, 4, 1, 0]
we will got the raw score 5 value of 3, or f(x) = 3. Its very simple to understand. Now, lets code this.
We will define our evaluation function eval_func as:
return score
As you can see, this evaluation function verify each element in the list which is equal to 0 and return the proportional
score value. The G1DList.G1DList chromosome is not a python list by itself but it encapsulates one and exposes
the methods for this list, like the iterator used in the above loop. The next step is the creation of an one sample genome
for the Genetic Algorithm. We can define our genome as this:
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(20)
This will create an instance of the G1DList.G1DList class (which resides in the G1DList module) with the list
n-size of 20 and sets the evaluation function of the genome to the evaluation function eval_func that we have created
But wait, where is the range of integers that will be used in the list ? Where is the mutator, crossover and initialization
functions ? They are all in the default parameters, as you see, this parameters keep things simple.
By default (and you have the documentation to find this defaults), the range of the integers in the
G1DList.G1DList is between the inverval [ Consts.CDefRangeMin, Consts.CDefRangeMax] inclusive,
and genetic operators is the same I have cited before: Swap Mutator Mutators.G1DListMutatorSwap(),
One Point Crossover Crossovers.G1DListCrossoverSinglePoint() and the Integer Initializator
Initializators.G1DListInitializatorInteger(). You can change everything with the API, for ex-
ample, you can pass the ranges to the genome, like this:
genome.setParams(rangemin=0, rangemax=10)
Right, now we have our evaluation function and our first genome ready, the next step is to create our Genetic Algorithm
Engine, the GA Core which will do the evolution, control statistics, etc... The GA Engine which we will use is the
GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA which resides in the GSimpleGA module, this GA Engine is the genetic algorithm 7
described by Goldberg. So, lets create the engine:
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
Ready ! Simple not ? We simple create our GA Engine with the created genome. You can ask: Where is the selector
method ? The number of generations ? Mutation rate ?. Again: we have defaults. By default, the GA will evolve
for 100 generations with a population size of 80 individuals, it will use the mutation rate of 2% and a crossover rate
of 80%, the default selector is the Ranking Selection (Selectors.GRankSelector()) method. Those default
parameters was not random picked, they are all based on the commom used properties.
Now, all we need to do is to evolve !
6 The term sample genome means one genome which provides the main configuration for all individuals.
7 This GA uses non-overlapping populations.
16 Chapter 2. Contents
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# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
Note: Pyevolve have the __repr__() function implemented for almost all objects, this means that you can use syntax
like print object and the object information will be show in an pretty format.
Ready, now we have our first Genetic Algorithm, it looks more like a Hello GA ! application. The code
above shows the call of the GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.evolve() method, with the parameter freq_stats=10,
this method will do the evolution and will show the statistics every 10th generation; the next method called is the
GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.bestIndividual(), this method will return the best individual after the end of the
evolution, and the with the print python command, we will show the genome on the screen.
This is what this example will results:
- GenomeBase
Score: 20.000000
Fitness: 20.000000
This is the evolution of our Genetic Algorithm with the best individual show at the end of the evolution. As you can
see, the population have obtained the best raw score (20.00) near the generation 20.
def eval_func(chromosome):
score = 0.0
# iterate over the chromosome
genome = G1DList.G1DList(20)
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
print ga.bestIndividual()
Pyevolve have introduced the concept of the Interactive Mode in the course of evolution. When you are evolving, and
the Interactive Mode is enabled, you can press the ESC Key anytime in the evolution process. By pressing that key,
you will enter in the interactive mode, with a normal python prompt and the Interaction module exposed to you
as the it module.
Warning: note that the Interactive Mode for Linux/Mac was disabled in the 0.6 release of Pyevolve. The cause
was the platform dependant code. To use it in Linux/Mac you must set the generation in wich Pyevolve will enter in
the Interactive Mode by using GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.setInteractiveGeneration() method; see
the Interaction module documentation for more information.
If you want to continue the evolution, just press CTRL-D on Linux or CTRL-Z on Windows.
See this session example:
Gen. 1 (0.20%): Max/Min/Avg Fitness(Raw) [6.18(11.00)/4.42(1.00)/5.15(5.15)]
Gen. 20 (4.00%): Max/Min/Avg Fitness(Raw) [11.70(15.00)/7.24(3.00)/9.75(9.75)]
Gen. 40 (8.00%): Max/Min/Avg Fitness(Raw) [17.99(21.00)/12.00(9.00)/14.99(14.99)]
Loading module pylab (matplotlib)... done!
Loading module numpy... done!
As you can see, when you press the ESC Key, a python prompt will be show and the evolution will be paused.
Now, what you can do with this prompt !?
See all the current population individuals
Change the individuals
Plot graphics of the current population
Data analysis, etc... python is your limit.
Note: to use graphical plots you will obviously need the Matplotlib, see more information in the Requirements section
for more information.
18 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
- Statistics
Minimum raw score = 10.00
Minimum fitness = 13.18
Standard deviation of raw scores = 2.71
Maximum fitness = 19.92
Maximum raw score = 23.00
Fitness average = 16.60
Raw scores variance = 7.36
Average of raw scores = 16.60
>>> len(population)
>>> individual = population[0]
>>> individual
- GenomeBase
Score: 23.000000
Fitness: 19.920000
.. warning:: You cant use this crossover method for lists with just one element.
- G1DList
List size: 50
List: [0, 5, 6, 7, 2, 0, 8, 6, 0, 0, 8, 7, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 0, 9, 0, 9,
, 5, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 8, 7, 0, 8, 9, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0]
The Interaction module is imported with the name it, you can see calling the python native dir():
>>> dir()
[__builtins__, ga_engine, it, population, pyevolve]
>>> it.plotHistPopScore(population)
>>> it.plotPopScore(population)
20 Chapter 2. Contents
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The first thing you must do is to see the source code of the GenomeBase.GenomeBase class or the source of the
G1DBinaryString.G1DBinaryString class, they are very simple to understand.
Those are the steps to extend Pyevolve with a new representation:
1. Create the chromosome representation class
2. Create the initializator for your chromosome
3. Create the genetic operators
(a) Create the Mutator
(b) Create the Crossover
Well, lets begin with the creation of the elegant 1D Binary String chromosome, this chromosome is nothing more
than a simple array of 0s or 1s, like that: 001001000.
Note: This 1D Binary String chromosome is an Pyevolve existing chromosome, of course, in the Pyevolve imple-
mentation we have more features that we will implement here in this simple example.
All of our new chromosomes must extend the base class called GenomeBase.GenomeBase, this class contains the
basic slots for the genetic operators and all the internal stuff that you dont need to care.
class G1DBinaryString(GenomeBase):
As you see, we have imported the GenomeBase.GenomeBase class from the GenomeBase module and we have
created the G1DBinaryString class extending the base class.
The next step is to create our constructor method for our class, Ill show it before and explain later:
Well, we start by calling the base class constructor and then creating an internal list to hold our 0s and 1s. It is
important to note that we dont initialize the list, this will be done by our initializator function, and it is because of this
that we must keep as an internal attribute the length of your 1D Binary String.
Next, we set our initializator, mutator and crossover to constants, this constants have just the functions of our genetic
operators, but if you want, you can set they later, in this example, we will use the defaults for the G1D Binary String.
Note: The attributes self.initializator, self.mutator and self.crossover are all inherited from the GenomeBase class.
They are all function slots (FunctionSlot.FunctionSlot).
Now, you must provide the copy() and clone() methods for your chromosome, because they are used to replicate the
chromosome over the population or when needed by some genetic operators like reproduction.
The copy() method is very simple, what you need to do is to create a method that copy the contents of your chromosome
to another chromosome of the G1DBinaryString class.
Here is our copy() method:
As you can see, we first call the base class copy() method and later we copy our string length attribute and our internal
genomeString, which is our list of 0s and 1s.
Warning: It is very important to note that you must COPY and not just create a reference to the object. On the
line that we have the self.genomeString[:], if you use just self.genomeString, you will create a REFERENCE to
this object and not a copy. This a simple warning, but can avoid many headaches.
The next step is to create our clone() method, the clone method, as the name says, is a method which return another
instance of the current chromosome with the same contents.
Lets code it:
22 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
def clone(self):
""" Return a new instace copy of the genome """
newcopy = G1DBinaryString(self.stringLength)
return newcopy
We simple create a new instance and use the copy() method that we have created to copy the instance contents.
Ready ! We have our first representation chromosome. You can add many more features by implementing python
operators like __getitem__, __setitem__.
The file implements the crossover methods available in Pyevolve. So, that is where you should look to
implement your new crossover method. The process of adding a new crossover method is as follows:
1. Create a new method such that the name reflects the type of chromosome representation it works with, and the
crossover method name. For example, Crossovers.G1DListCrossoverRealSBX(), can work with 1D
List representations and it operates on real values and it is the SBX crossover operator.
2. The method must take two parameters, genome and args.
3. From args, get the two parents which will take part in the crossover, gMom and gDad.
4. Once you have gMom and gDad, use them to create the two children, sister and brother.
5. Simply return the sister and brother.
Any constants that your crossover method uses should be defined in (Consts).
In the release 0.6 of Pyevolve, the new Genetic Programming core was added to the framework. In the Example 18 -
The Genetic Programming example youll see how simple and easy is Pyevolve GP core when compared with other
static-typed languages.
Here is a simple example:
rmse_accum = Util.ErrorAccumulator()
def eval_func(chromosome):
global rmse_accum
code_comp = chromosome.getCompiledCode()
return rmse_accum.getRMSE()
def main_run():
genome = GTree.GTreeGP()
genome.setParams(max_depth=4, method="ramped")
genome.evaluator += eval_func
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
ga.setParams(gp_terminals = [a, b],
gp_function_prefix = "gp")
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print best
if __name__ == "__main__":
Lets work now step by step on the code to learn what each building block means, the first part you see the imports:
In the Util module is where well found many utilities functions and classes like Util.ErrorAccumulator.
The GTree is where resides the GTree.GTreeGP class, which is the main genome used by the GP core of Pye-
volve. Note that we are importing the GSimpleGA module, in fact, the GA core will detect when you use a Genetic
Programming genome and will act as the GP core. The modules Consts and math imported here are for auxiliary
use only. Next we have:
rmse_accum = Util.ErrorAccumulator()
Here we instantiate the Util.ErrorAccumulator, which is a simple accumulator for errors. It has methods for
getting Adjusted Fitness, Mean Square Error, Root Mean Square Error, mean, squared or non-squared error measures.
24 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
See that they are simple Python functions starting with the gp prefix, this is important if you want that Pyevolve
automatically add them as non-terminals of the GP core. As you can note, the square root is a protected square root,
since it uses the absolute value of a (we dont have square root of negative numbers, except in the complex analysis).
You can define any other function you want. Later we have the declaration of the Evaluation function for the GP core:
def eval_func(chromosome):
global rmse_accum
code_comp = chromosome.getCompiledCode()
return rmse_accum.getRMSE()
As you see, the eval_func() receives one parameter, the chromosome (the GP Tree in our case, an instance of the
GTree.GTreeGP class). We first declare the global error accumulator and reset it, since well start to evaluate a new
individual, a new program. In the line where we call GTree.GTreeGP.getCompiledCode(), here is what
happens: Pyevolve will get the pre ordered expression of the GP Tree and then will compile it into Python bytecode,
and will return to you an object of the type code. This object can then be executed using the Python native eval()
function. Why compiling it in bytecodes ? Because if we dont compile the program into Python bytecode, we will
need to parse the Tree every time we want to evaluate our program using defined variables, and since this is a commom
use of the GP program, this is the fastest way we can do it in pure Python.
The next block we simple iterate using two variables a and b.
Note: Please note that the variable names here is the same that we will use as terminals later.
What you see now is the evaluation of the code_comp (which is the GP individual) and the evaluation of the objective
function in which we want to fit (the Pythagorean theorem). Next we simple add the target value we got from the
Pythagorean theorem and the evaluated value of the individual to the Error Accumulator. In the end of the evaluation
function, we return the Root Mean Square Error. If you dont like to add the evaluated and the target values using a
tuple, you can use the Util.ErrorAccumulator.append() method, which will give the same results.
Next we start to define our main_run() function:
def main_run():
genome = GTree.GTreeGP()
genome.setParams(max_depth=4, method="ramped")
The first thing we instantiate here is the GTree.GTreeGP class (the GP individual, the Tree). Next we set
some parameters of the GTreeGP. The first is the max_depth, which is used by genetic operators and initial-
izators to control bloat, in this case, we use 4, which means that no Tree with a height > 4 will grow. Next
we set the method, this is the initialization method, and the values accepted here depends of the initialization
method used, since we do not have specified the initialization method, Pyevolve will use the default, which is the
Initializators.GTreeGPInitializator() (it accepts grow, full and ramped methods for Tree ini-
tialization. And in the last line of this block, we set the previously defined evaluation function called eval_func().
In the next block we then instantiate the GSimpleGA core and set some parameters:
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
ga.setParams(gp_terminals = [a, b],
gp_function_prefix = "gp")
The ga object will hold an instance of the GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA class, which is the core for both Genetic
Algorithms and Genetic Programming. Pyevolve will automatically detect if you are creating a environment for a GP
or for a GA. Next we set some parameters of the core, the first is a list called gp_terminals. The gp_terminals
will hold the variables or in GP vocabulary . Note that the name of the terminals are the same we used in our
evaluation function called eval_func(). The next step is to define the prefix of the GP operators (functions) or the
Non-terminal node. Pyevolve will automatically search for all functions defined in the module which starts with gp
(example: gp_sub, gp_add, gp_IHateJava, etc...) and will add these functions as the non-terminal nodes of the GP
The next part of the code is almost the same as used in the Genetic Algorithms applications, they are the EA parameters
to setup and start the evolution:
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print best
if __name__ == "__main__":
This part is important, since Pyevolve needs to know some information about objects in the main module using
instrospection, you MUST NEED to declare this checking, the multiprocessing module of Python only works
with this too, so if youre planning to use it, please do not forget.
And thats it, you have done your first GP program.
Visualizing individuals
Pyevolve comes with a plotting utility to make pictures of your GP individuals, it uses the pydot and Graphviz to
create those images. See more information in the Requirements section. What you need to change to see, for example,
the first 3 best individuals of your first generation is to add a Step callback function into the code, lets first define the
callback function:
def step_callback(gp_engine):
if gp_engine.getCurrentGeneration() == 0:
GTree.GTreeGP.writePopulationDot(gp_engine, "trees.jpg", start=0, end=3)
The code is self explanative, the parameter is the GP core, first we check if it is the first generation and then we use
the GTree.GTreeGP.writePopulationDot() method to write to the trees.jpg file, the range from 0 and 3
individuals of the population. Then in the main function where we instantiate the GP core, we simple use:
26 Chapter 2. Contents
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2.4.5 Snippets
To use two mutators at same time, you simple add one more to the mutator function slot, like this:
>>> genome.mutator.set(Mutators.G1DListMutatorRealGaussian)
>>> genome.mutator.add(Mutators.G1DListMutatorSwap)
The first line will set the Mutators.G1DListMutatorRealGaussian(), and the second line add
one more mutator, the Mutators.G1DListMutatorSwap().
As you can see, its very simple and easy, and you will have two mutation operators at same time.
If you want, that just one of this mutators (random picked) be executed at the mutation process, set the
random apply parameter of the FunctionSlot.FunctionSlot class to True
>>> genome.mutator.setRandomApply(true)
Sometimes you want to use just one allele type to all genes on the 1D List or other chromosomes, you
simple add one allele type and enable the homogeneous flag to True:
Ready, your setOfAlleles is the GAllele.GAlleles class instance with the lst ([ 1, two, 0, 777 ])
as alleles in all genes.
>>> ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
>>> ga.selector.set(Selectors.GTournamentSelector)
Using a random seed, you can guarantee that the evolution will be always the same, no matter the number
of executions you make. To initialize the GA Engine with the random seed, use the seed parameter when
instantiating the GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA class:
The value 123 will be passed as the random seed of the GA Engine.
You can write all the statistics of an evolution to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) fil using the DB
Adapter called DBAdapters.DBFileCSV, just create an instance of the adapter and attach it to the
GA Engine:
Ready ! Now, when you run your GA, all the stats will be dumped to the CSV file. You can set the
frequency in which the stats will be dumped, just use the parameter frequency of the DBFileCSV.
With the DBAdapters.DBURLPost, you can call an URL with the population statistics in every gen-
eration or at specific generation of the evolution:
Now, the URL http://localhost/ will be called with the statistics params in every 100 generations.
By default, the adapter will use the HTTP POST method to send the parameters, but you can use GET
method setting the post paramter to False.
See the mod:Statistics and DBAdapters.DBURLPost documentation.
28 Chapter 2. Contents
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To use two or more evaluation function, you can just add all the evaluators to the slot:
The result raw score of the genome, when evaluated using more then on evaluation function, will be the
sum of all returned scores.
Note: the method set of the function slot remove all previous functions added to the slot.
You have three options to view the statistics while in the course of the evolution:
Console statistics
You can view the statistics by setting the freq_stats parameter of the
GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.evolve() method. It will dump the statistics in the
Using the sqlite3 DB Adapter
You can use the DBAdapters.DBSQLite DB Adapter and set the commit_freq to a low
value, so you can use the Graphical Plotting Tool of Pyevolve to create graphics while evolving.
Using the VPython DB Adapter
Use the DBAdapters.DBVPythonGraph DB Adapter, this DB Adapter will show four
statistical graphs, it is fast and easy to use.
When you set Pyevolve to automatically catch non-terminal funcions for your GP core you do something like this:
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
ga.setParams(gp_terminals = [a, b],
gp_function_prefix = "gp")
The gp_function_prefix paremter tells Pyevolve to catch any function starting with gp. But there are times that
you want to add each function manually, so you just need to add a dictionar parameter called gp_function_set, like
Note the gp_function_set dictionary parameter which holds as key the function name and for the value, the number
of arguments from that function, in this case we have gp_add with 2 parameters, gp_sub with 2 and gp_sqrt
with just one.
Sometimes we want to add extra parameters which we need the individuals must carry, in this case, we can use the
method GenomeBase.GenomeBase.setParams() to set internal parameters of the individual and the method
GenomeBase.GenomeBase.getParam() to get its parameters back, see an example:
def evaluation_function(genome):
parameter_a = genome.getParam("parameter_a")
def main():
# (...)
genome = G1DList.G1DList(20)
genome.setParams(rangemin=-5.2, rangemax=5.30, parameter_a="my_value")
# (...)
Note: Due to performance issues, Pyevolve doesnt copy the internal parameters into each new created individual, it
simple references the original parameters, this reduces memory and increases speed.
You can use an ephemeral constant in Pyevolve GP core by using the ephemeral: prefix in your GP terminals, like
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
ga.setParams(gp_terminals = [a, b, ephemeral:random.randint(1,10)],
gp_function_prefix = "gp")
In this example, the ephemeral constant will be an integer value between 1 and 10. You can use any method of the
Python random module to specify the ephemeral constant.
2.5 Modules
Documentation of the all Pyevolve modules. All modules above listed are under the pyevolve namespace.
This is the main module of the pyevolve, every other module is above this namespace, for example, to import
30 Chapter 2. Contents
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Pyevolve have defaults in all genetic operators, settings and etc, this is an issue to helps the user in the API use and
minimize the source code needed to make simple things. In the module Consts, you will find those defaults settings.
You are encouraged to see the constants, but not to change directly on the module, there are methods for this.
General constants
The mininum version required to run Pyevolve.
The default log filename.
Default log level.
Sort type, raw or scaled.
The Min/Max type, maximize or minimize the evaluation function.
The ESC key ASCII code. Used to start Interactive Mode.
Minimum range. This constant is used as integer and real max/min.
Maximum range. This constant is used as integer and real max/min.
The broadcast address for UDP,
The import list and messages
The genetic programming node types, can be TERMINAL:0 or NONTERMINAL:1
The classes which are used in Genetic Programming, used to detected the correct mode when starting the evo-
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The default pool size for the Tournament Selector (Selectors.GTournamentSelector()).
The multiplier of the Linear (Scaling.LinearScaling()) scaling scheme.
The default Sigma Truncation (Scaling.SigmaTruncScaling()) scaling scheme.
The default Power Law (Scaling.PowerLawScaling()) scaling scheme factor.
The default mininum temperature of the (Scaling.BoltzmannScaling()) scaling scheme factor.
The default Boltzmann Factor of (Scaling.BoltzmannScaling()) scaling scheme factor. This is the
factor that the temperature will be subtracted.
The default Boltzmann start temperature (Scaling.BoltzmannScaling()). If you dont set the start
temperature parameter, this will be the default initial temperature for the Boltzmann scaling scheme.
Default sort type parameter.
Default min/max parameter.
Default scaling scheme.
The default mutator for the 1D Binary String (G1DBinaryString.G1DBinaryString) chromosome.
The default crossover method for the 1D Binary String (G1DBinaryString.G1DBinaryString) chro-
The default initializator for the 1D Binary String (G1DBinaryString.G1DBinaryString) chromosome.
The default uniform probability used for some uniform genetic operators for the 1D Binary String
(G1DBinaryString.G1DBinaryString) chromosome.
32 Chapter 2. Contents
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The default mutator for the 2D Binary String (G2DBinaryString.G2DBinaryString) chromosome.
The default crossover method for the 2D Binary String (G2DBinaryString.G2DBinaryString) chro-
The default initializator for the 2D Binary String (G2DBinaryString.G2DBinaryString) chromosome.
The default uniform probability used for some uniform genetic operators for the 2D Binary String
(G2DBinaryString.G2DBinaryString) chromosome.
Default mu value of the 1D List Gaussian Integer Mutator (Mutators.G1DListMutatorIntegerGaussian()),
the mu represents the mean of the distribution.
Default sigma value of the 1D List Gaussian Integer Mutator (Mutators.G1DListMutatorIntegerGaussian()),
the sigma represents the standard deviation of the distribution.
Default mu value of the 1D List Gaussian Real Mutator (Mutators.G1DListMutatorRealGaussian()),
the mu represents the mean of the distribution.
Default sigma value of the 1D List Gaussian Real Mutator (Mutators.G1DListMutatorRealGaussian()),
the sigma represents the mean of the distribution.
Default initializator of the tree chromosome.
Default mutator of the tree chromosome.
Default crossover of the tree chromosome.
Default mu value of the 2D List Gaussian Real Mutator (Mutators.G2DListMutatorRealGaussian()),
the mu represents the mean of the distribution.
Default sigma value of the 2D List Gaussian Real Mutator (Mutators.G2DListMutatorRealGaussian()),
the sigma represents the mean of the distribution.
2.5. Modules 33
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Default mu value of the 2D List Gaussian Integer Mutator (Mutators.G2DListMutatorIntegerGaussian()),
the mu represents the mean of the distribution.
Default sigma value of the 2D List Gaussian Integer Mutator (Mutators.G2DListMutatorIntegerGaussian()),
the sigma represents the mean of the distribution.
Default mutator for the 2D List chromosome.
Default crossover method for the 2D List chromosome.
Default initializator for the 2D List chromosome.
Default uniform probability for the 2D List Uniform Crossover method
Default number of generations.
Default mutation rate.
Default crossover rate.
Default population size.
Default selector method.
34 Chapter 2. Contents
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The default generations supposed to migrate and receive individuals
The default number of individuals that will migrate at the CDefGenMigrationRate interval
A migration code for network individual data
A migration code for network info data
The default number of individuals to be replaced at the migration stage
2.5. Modules 35
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This is the utility module, with some utility functions of general use, like list item swap, random utilities and etc.
class ErrorAccumulator()
An accumulator for the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the Mean Square Error (MSE)
append(target, evaluated)
Add value to the accumulator
target the target value
evaluated the evaluated value
Returns the adjusted fitness This fitness is calculated as 1 / (1 + standardized fitness)
Return the mean square error
Return type float MSE
Return the mean of the non-squared accumulator
Returns the non-squared accumulator
Return the root mean square error
Return type float RMSE
Returns the squared accumulator
Reset the accumulator
Get the edges of a G1DList individual
Parameter individual the G1DList individual
Return type the edges dictionary
G1DListGetEdgesComposite(mom, dad)
Get the edges and the merge between the edges of two G1DList individuals
mom the mom G1DList individual
dad the dad G1DList individual
Return type a tuple (mom edges, dad edges, merge)
G1DListMergeEdges(eda, edb)
Get the merge between the two individual edges
eda the edges of the first G1DList genome
edb the edges of the second G1DList genome
36 Chapter 2. Contents
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>>> g = Graph()
>>> g.addEdge("a", "b")
>>> g.addEdge("b", "c")
>>> for node in g:
... print node
>>> GPopulation.cmp_individual_raw(a, b)
a the A individual instance
b the B individual instance
Return type 0 if the two individuals raw score are the same, -1 if the B individual raw score is
greater than A and 1 if the A individual raw score is greater than B.
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cmp_individual_scaled(a, b)
Compares two individual fitness scores, used for sorting population
>>> GPopulation.cmp_individual_scaled(a, b)
a the A individual instance
b the B individual instance
Return type 0 if the two individuals fitness score are the same, -1 if the B individual fitness score is
greater than A and 1 if the A individual fitness score is greater than B.
lst the list
indexa the swap element A
indexb the swap element B
Return type None
>>> l = [1, 2, 3]
>>> Util.listSwapElement(l, 1, 2)
>>> l
[1, 3, 2]
lst the list
indexa the swap element A
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raiseException(message, expt=None)
Raise an exception and logs the message.
message the message of exception
expt the exception class
Return type None
random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).
Returns True with the p probability. If the p is 1.0, the function will always return True, or if is 0.0, the function
will return always False.
>>> Util.randomFlipCoin(1.0)
In this module youll find all the network related implementation New in version 0.6: The Network module.
class UDPThreadBroadcastClient(host, port, target_port)
The Broadcast UDP client thread class.
This class is a thread to serve as Pyevolve client on the UDP datagrams, it is used to send data over network
host the hostname to bind the socket on sender (this is NOT the target host)
port the sender port (this is NOT the target port)
target_port the destination port target
2.5. Modules 39
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Close the internal socket
Get the data to send
Return type data to send
Returns the number of sent bytes. The use of this method makes sense when you already have sent the
Return type sent bytes
Method called when you call .start() of the thread
Broadcasts the data
Set the data to send
Parameter data the data to send
class UDPThreadServer(host, port, poolSize=10, timeout=3)
The UDP server thread class.
This class is a thread to serve as Pyevolve server on the UDP datagrams, it is used to receive data from network
host the host to bind the server
port the server port to bind
poolSize the size of the server pool
timeout the socket timeout
Note: this thread implements a pool to keep the received data, the poolSize parameter specifies how much
individuals we must keep on the pool until the popPool method is called; when the pool is full, the sever will
discard the received individuals.
Closes the internal socket
Gets the current receive buffer size
Return type integer
Calls the socket recvfrom method and waits for the data, when the data is received, the method will return a
tuple with the IP of the sender and the data received. When a timeout exception occurs, the method return
40 Chapter 2. Contents
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Return type tuple (sender ip, data) or None when timeout exception
Returns True when there is data on the pool or False when not
Return type boolean
Returns the size of the pool
Return type integer
Return the last data received on the pool
Return type object
Called when the thread is started by the user. This method is the main of the thread, when called, it will
enter in loop to wait data or shutdown when needed.
Sets the receive buffer size
Parameter size integer
Shutdown the server thread, when called, this method will stop the thread on the next socket timeout
class UDPThreadUnicastClient(host, port, pool_size=10, timeout=0.5)
The Unicast UDP client thread class.
This class is a thread to serve as Pyevolve client on the UDP datagrams, it is used to send data over network
host the hostname to bind the socket on sender (this is not the target host)
port the sender port (this is not the target port)
pool_size the size of send pool
timeout the time interval to check if the client have data to send
Set the data to send
Parameter data the data to send
Close the internal socket
Returns True when there is data on the pool or False when not
2.5. Modules 41
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>>> Util.getMachineIP()
pickleAndCompress(obj, level=9)
Pickles the object and compress the dumped string with zlib
obj the object to be pickled
level the compression level, 9 is the best and -1 is to not compress
unpickleAndDecompress(obj_dump, decompress=True)
Decompress a zlib compressed string and unpickle the data
Parameter obj the object to be decompressend and unpickled
42 Chapter 2. Contents
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This module contains all the migration schemes and the distributed GA related functions. New in version 0.6: The
Migration module.
class MigrationScheme(host, port, group_name)
This is the base class for all migration schemes
host the source hostname
port the source host port
group_name the group name
Exchange individuals
Get the zlib compression level of network data
The values are in the interval described on the Network.pickleAndCompress()
Gets the group name
Note: all islands of evolution which are supposed to exchange individuals, must have the same group
Return the the generation frequency supposed to migrate and receive individuals
Return type the number of generations
Return the number of individuals that will migrate
Return type the number of individuals to be replaced
Return the number of individuals that will be replaced in the migration process
Returns true if is time to migrate
Pickes an individual from population using specific selection method
Return type an individual object
Select num_individuals number of individuals and return a pool
Parameter num_individuals the number of individuals to select
Return type list with individuals
This is the function slot for the selection method if you want to change the default selector, you must do
2.5. Modules 43
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Set the zlib compression level of network data
The values are in the interval described on the Network.pickleAndCompress()
Parameter level the zlib compression level
Sets the GA Engine handler
Sets the group name
Parameter name the group name
Note: all islands of evolution which are supposed to exchange individuals, must have the same group
Sets the generation frequency supposed to migrate and receive individuals.
Parameter generations the number of generations
setMyself(host, port)
Which interface you will use to send/receive data
host your hostname
port your port
Set the number of individuals that will migrate
Parameter num_individuals the number of individuals
Return the number of individuals that will be replaced in the migration process
Parameter num_individuals the number of individuals to be replaced
Initializes the migration scheme
Stops the migration engine
class WANMigration(host, port, group_name)
This is the Simple Migration class for distributed GA
host the source hostname
port the source port number
group_name the group name
This is the main method, is where the individuals are exchanged
44 Chapter 2. Contents
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Get the zlib compression level of network data
The values are in the interval described on the Network.pickleAndCompress()
Gets the group name
Note: all islands of evolution which are supposed to exchange individuals, must have the same group
Return the the generation frequency supposed to migrate and receive individuals
Return type the number of generations
Return the number of individuals that will migrate
Return type the number of individuals to be replaced
Return the number of individuals that will be replaced in the migration process
Returns true if is time to migrate
Pickes an individual from population using specific selection method
Return type an individual object
Select num_individuals number of individuals and return a pool
Parameter num_individuals the number of individuals to select
Return type list with individuals
This is the function slot for the selection method if you want to change the default selector, you must do
Set the zlib compression level of network data
The values are in the interval described on the Network.pickleAndCompress()
Parameter level the zlib compression level
Sets the GA Engine handler
Sets the group name
Parameter name the group name
Note: all islands of evolution which are supposed to exchange individuals, must have the same group
Sets the generation frequency supposed to migrate and receive individuals.
2.5. Modules 45
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In this module, you will find the funcionality for the Interactive mode. When you enter in the Interactive Mode,
Pyevolve will automatic import this module and exposes to you in the name space called it.
To use this mode, the parameter interactiveMode must be enabled in the GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.
You can use the manual method to enter in the Interactive Mode at specific generation using the
GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.setInteractiveGeneration() method.
getPopScores(population, fitness=False)
Returns a list of population scores
population population object (GPopulation.GPopulation)
fitness if is True, the fitness score will be used, otherwise, the raw.
Return type list of population scores
plotHistPopScore(population, fitness=False)
Population score distribution histogram
46 Chapter 2. Contents
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>>> Interaction.plotHistPopScore(population)
population population object (GPopulation.GPopulation)
fitness if is True, the fitness score will be used, otherwise, the raw.
Return type None
plotPopScore(population, fitness=False)
Plot the population score distribution
>>> Interaction.plotPopScore(population)
population population object (GPopulation.GPopulation)
fitness if is True, the fitness score will be used, otherwise, the raw.
Return type None
Warning: the use the of a DB Adapter can reduce the performance of the Genetic Algorithm.
Pyevolve have a feature in which you can save the statistics of every generation in a database, file or call an URL with
the statistics as param. You can use the database to plot evolution statistics graphs later. In this module, youll find the
adapters above cited.
See Also:
Method GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.setDBAdapter() DB Adapters are set in the GSimpleGA Class.
class DBBaseAdapter(frequency, identify)
DBBaseAdapter Class - The base class for all DB Adapters
If you want to create your own DB Adapter, you must subclass this class.
Parameter frequency the the generational dump frequency
New in version 0.6: Added the DBBaseAdapter class.
This method is called at the end of the evolution, to closes the DB Adapter and commit the changes
Return the statistics identify
Return type identify string
Returns the frequency of statistical dump
Return type the generation interval of statistical dump
2.5. Modules 47
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Insert the stats
Parameter ga_engine the GA Engine
This method is called one time to do the initialization of the DB Adapter
Parameter ga_engine the GA Engine
Sets the identify of the statistics
Parameter identify the id string
Set the frequency of statistical dump
Parameter statsGenFreq the generation interval of statistical dump
class DBFileCSV(filename=pyevolve.csv, identify=None, frequency=1, reset=True)
DBFileCSV Class - Adapter to dump statistics in CSV format
New in version 0.6: Removed the stub methods and subclassed the DBBaseAdapter class.
Closes the CSV file handle
Commits and closes
Return the statistics identify
Return type identify string
Returns the frequency of statistical dump
Return type the generation interval of statistical dump
48 Chapter 2. Contents
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Inserts the stats into the CSV file
Parameter ga_engine the GA Engine
Changed in version 0.6: The method now receives the ga_engine parameter.
Open the CSV file or creates a new file
Parameter ga_engine the GA Engine
Changed in version 0.6: The method now receives the ga_engine parameter.
Sets the identify of the statistics
Parameter identify the id string
Set the frequency of statistical dump
Parameter statsGenFreq the generation interval of statistical dump
class DBMySQLAdapter(user, passwd, host=localhost, port=3306, db=pyevolve, identify=None, re-
setDB=False, resetIdentify=True, frequency=1, commit_freq=300)
DBMySQLAdapter Class - Adapter to dump data in MySql database server
When you run some GA for the first time, you need to create the database, for this, you must use the resetDB
parameter as True.
This parameter will erase all the database tables and will create the new ones. The resetDB parameter is different
from the resetIdentify parameter, the resetIdentify only erases the rows with the same identify name, and
resetDB will drop and recreate the tables.
user mysql username (must have permission to create, drop, insert, etc.. on tables
passwd the user password on MySQL server
host the hostname, default is localhost
port the port, default is 3306
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50 Chapter 2. Contents
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Set the frequency of statistical dump
Parameter statsGenFreq the generation interval of statistical dump
class DBSQLite(dbname=pyevolve.db, identify=None, resetDB=False, resetIdentify=True, frequency=1, com-
DBSQLite Class - Adapter to dump data in SQLite3 database format
When you run some GA for the first time, you need to create the database, for this, you must use the resetDB
This parameter will erase all the database tables and will create the new ones. The resetDB parameter is different
from the resetIdentify parameter, the resetIdentify only erases the rows with the same identify name.
dbname the database filename
identify the identify if the run
resetDB if True, the database structure will be recreated
resetIdentify if True, the identify with the same name will be overwrite with new data
frequency the generational dump frequency
commit_freq the commit frequency
Close the database connection
Commit changes to database
Commit changes on database and closes connection
Create table using the Statistics class structure
Parameter stats the statistics object
Return a cursor from the pool
Return type the cursor
2.5. Modules 51
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Return the statistics identify
Return type identify string
Returns the frequency of statistical dump
Return type the generation interval of statistical dump
Inserts the statistics data to database
Parameter ga_engine the GA Engine
Changed in version 0.6: The method now receives the ga_engine parameter.
Open the database connection
Parameter ga_engine the GA Engine
Changed in version 0.6: The method now receives the ga_engine parameter.
Deletes de current structure and calls createStructure
Parameter stats the statistics object
Delete all records on the table with the same Identify
Sets the identify of the statistics
Parameter identify the id string
Set the frequency of statistical dump
Parameter statsGenFreq the generation interval of statistical dump
class DBURLPost(url, identify=None, frequency=100, post=True)
DBURLPost Class - Adapter to call an URL with statistics
The parameters that will be sent is all the statistics described in the Statistics.Statistics class, and
the parameters:
generation The generation of the statistics
52 Chapter 2. Contents
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2.5. Modules 53
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identify the identify of the run
genmax use the generations as max value for x-axis, default False
frequency the generational dump frequency
54 Chapter 2. Contents
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Note: The XML RPC Server must implement the insert method, wich receives a python dictionary as argu-
Example of an server in Python:
import xmlrpclib
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
def insert(l):
print "Received statistics: %s" % l
2.5. Modules 55
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Open the XML RPC Server proxy
Parameter ga_engine the GA Engine
Changed in version 0.6: The method now receives the ga_engine parameter.
Sets the identify of the statistics
Parameter identify the id string
Set the frequency of statistical dump
Parameter statsGenFreq the generation interval of statistical dump
The function slot concept is large used by Pyevolve, the idea is simple, each genetic operator or any operator, can be
assigned to a slot, by this way, we can add more than simple one operator, we can have for example, two or more
mutator operators at same time, two or more evaluation functions, etc. In this FunctionSlot module, youll find
the class FunctionSlot.FunctionSlot, which is the slot class.
class FunctionSlot(name=Anonymous Function, rand_apply=False)
FunctionSlot Class - The function slot
>>> genome.evaluator.set(eval_func)
>>> genome.evaluator[0]
<function eval_func at 0x018C8930>
>>> genome.evaluator
Slot [Evaluation Function] (Count: 1)
Name: eval_func
>>> genome.evaluator.clear()
>>> genome.evaluator
Slot [Evaluation Function] (Count: 0)
No function
You can add weight to functions when using the rand_apply paramter:
In the above example, the function eval_main will be called with 90% of probability and the eval_sec will be
called with 30% of probability.
There are another way to add functions too:
name the slot name
rand_apply if True, just one of the functions in the slot will be applied, this function is
randomly picked based on the weight of the function added.
56 Chapter 2. Contents
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add(func, weight=0.5)
Used to add a function to the slot
func the function to be added in the slot
weight used when you enable the random apply, its the weight of the function for the
random selection
New in version 0.6: The weight parameter.
apply(index, obj, **args)
Apply the index function
index the index of the function
obj this object is passes as parameter to the function
args this args dictionary is passed to the function
applyFunctions(obj=None, **args)
Generator to apply all function slots in obj
obj this object is passes as parameter to the function
args this args dictionary is passed to the function
Used to clear the functions in the slot
Return true if the function slot is empy
set(func, weight=0.5)
Used to clear all functions in the slot and add one
func the function to be added in the slot
weight used when you enable the random apply, its the weight of the function for the
random selection
New in version 0.6: The weight parameter.
Note: the method set of the function slot remove all previous functions added to the slot.
Sets the random function application, in this mode, the function will randomly choose one slot to apply
Parameter flag True or False
This module have the class which is reponsible to keep statistics of each generation. This class is used by the adapters
and other statistics dump objects.
class Statistics()
Statistics Class - A class bean-like to store the statistics
The statistics hold by this class are:
2.5. Modules 57
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Returns the stats as a python tuple
Set all statistics to zero
Instantiate a new Statistic class with the same contents
Copy the values to the obj variable of the same class
Parameter obj the Statistics object destination
Return a tuple (name, value) for all stored statistics
This module contains the GA Engine, the GA Engine class is responsible for all the evolutionary process. It contains
the GA Engine related funtions, like the Termination Criteria functions for convergence analysis, etc.
Default Parameters
Number of Generations
Default is 100 generations
Mutation Rate
Default is 0.02, which represents 0.2%
Crossover Rate
Default is 0.9, which represents 90%
Elitism Replacement
Default is 1 individual
Population Size
Default is 80 individuals
58 Chapter 2. Contents
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>>> Consts.minimaxType["maximize"]
Terminate the evolution when the population have converged
>>> ga_engine.terminationCriteria.set(GSimpleGA.ConvergenceCriteria)
Terminate the evoltion based on the fitness stats
>>> ga_engine.terminationCriteria.set(GSimpleGA.FitnessStatsCriteria)
>>> ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
>>> ga.selector.set(Selectors.GRouletteWheel)
>>> ga.setGenerations(120)
>>> ga.terminationCriteria.set(GSimpleGA.ConvergenceCriteria)
genome the Sample Genome
interactiveMode this flag enables the Interactive Mode, the default is True
seed the random seed value
Note: if you use the same random seed, all the runs of algorithm will be the same
Returns the population best individual
2.5. Modules 59
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>>> ga_engine.evolve(freq_stats=10)
Parameter freq_stats if greater than 0, the statistics will be printed every freq_stats generation.
Return type returns the best individual of the evolution
>>> ga.getParam("gp_terminals")
[x, y]
60 Chapter 2. Contents
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key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Return the internal population of GA Engine
Return type the population (GPopulation.GPopulation)
Gets the Statistics class instance of current generation
Return type the statistics instance (Statistics.Statistics)
Initializes the GA Engine. Create and initialize population
Print generation statistics
Return type the printed statistics as string
Changed in version 0.6: The return of printStats method.
Shows the time elapsed since the begin of evolution
Select one individual from population
Parameter args this parameters will be sent to the selector
This is the function slot for the selection method if you want to change the default selector, you must do
Sets the crossover rate, between 0.0 and 1.0
Parameter rate the rate, between 0.0 and 1.0
Sets the DB Adapter of the GA Engine
Parameter dbadapter one of the DBAdapters classes instance
Warning: the use the of a DB Adapter can reduce the speed performance of the Genetic Algorithm.
Sets the elitism option, True or False
Parameter flag True or False
Set the number of best individuals to copy to the next generation on the elitism
Parameter numreplace the number of individuals
2.5. Modules 61
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Warning: Use this option only when your evaluation function is slow, so youll get a good tradeoff
between the process communication speed and the parallel evaluation. The use of the multiprocessing
doesnt means always a better performance.
Note: To enable the multiprocessing option, you MUST add the __main__ check on your application,
otherwise, it will result in errors. See more on the Python Docs site. New in version 0.6: The setMulti-
Processing method.
Sets the mutation rate, between 0.0 and 1.0
Parameter rate the rate, between 0.0 and 1.0
62 Chapter 2. Contents
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Set the internal params
Sets the population size, calls setPopulationSize() of GPopulation
Parameter size the population size
Note: the population size must be >= 2
Sets the sort type, Consts.sortType[raw]/Consts.sortType[scaled]
>>> ga_engine.setSortType(Consts.sortType["scaled"])
Just do one step in evolution, one generation
This is the step callback function slot, if you want to set the function, you must do this:
def your_func(ga_engine):
# Here you have access to the GA Engine
return False
now your_func will be called every generation. When this function returns True, the GA Engine will
stop the evolution and show a warning, if is False, the evolution continues.
This is the termination criteria slot, if you want to set one termination criteria, you must do this:
Now, when you run your GA, it will stop when the population converges.
There are those termination criteria functions: GSimpleGA.RawScoreCriteria(),
GSimpleGA.ConvergenceCriteria(), GSimpleGA.RawStatsCriteria(),
But you can create your own termination function, this function receives one parameter which is the GA
Engine, follows an example:
2.5. Modules 63
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def ConvergenceCriteria(ga_engine):
pop = ga_engine.getPopulation()
return pop[0] == pop[len(pop)-1]
When this function returns True, the GA Engine will stop the evolution and show a warning, if is False,
the evolution continues, this function is called every generation.
Terminate the evolution using the bestrawscore and rounddecimal parameter obtained from the individual
Terminate the evolution based on the raw stats
>>> ga_engine.terminationCriteria.set(GSimpleGA.RawStatsCriteria)
This module contains the GPopulation.GPopulation class, which is reponsible to keep the population and the
Default Parameters
Sort Type
>>> Consts.sortType["scaled"]
>>> Consts.minimaxType["maximize"]
class GPopulation(genome)
GPopulation Class - The container for the population
64 Chapter 2. Contents
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Return the best scaled fitness individual of population
Parameter index the index best individual
Return type the individual
Return the best raw score individual of population
Parameter index the index best raw individual
Return type the individual
New in version 0.6: The parameter index.
Remove all individuals from population
Clear the sorted and statted internal flags
Return a brand-new cloned population
2.5. Modules 65
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Copy current population to pop
Parameter pop the destination population
Warning: this method do not copy the individuals, only the population logic
Clone the example genome to fill the population
Evaluate all individuals in population, calls the evaluate() method of individuals
Parameter args this params are passed to the evaluation function
getParam(key, nvl=None)
Gets an internal parameter
>>> population.getParam("tournamentPool")
key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Return a Statistics class for statistics
Return type the Statistics.Statistics instance
Initialize all individuals of population, this calls the initialize() of individuals
Print statistics of the current population
Scale the population using the scaling method
Parameter args this parameter is passed to the scale method
Sets the population minimax
>>> pop.setMinimax(Consts.minimaxType["maximize"])
setMultiProcessing(flag=True, full_copy=False)
Sets the flag to enable/disable the use of python multiprocessing module. Use this option when you
have more than one core on your CPU and when your evaluation function is very slow. The parameter
full_copy defines where the individual data should be copied back after the evaluation or not. This
parameter is useful when you change the individual in the evaluation function.
66 Chapter 2. Contents
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Warning: Use this option only when your evaluation function is slow, se you will get a good tradeoff
between the process communication speed and the parallel evaluation.
New in version 0.6: The setMultiProcessing method.
Gets an internal parameter
>>> population.setParams(tournamentPool=5)
>>> pop.setSortType(Consts.sortType["scaled"])
Sort the population
Do statistical analysis of population and set statted to True
A key function to return fitness score, used by max()/min()
Parameter individual the individual instance
Return type the individual fitness score
Note: this function is used by the max()/min() python functions
A key function to return raw score
Parameter individual the individual instance
Return type the individual raw score
Note: this function is used by the max()/min() python functions
Internal used by the multiprocessing
Internal used by the multiprocessing (full copy)
2.5. Modules 67
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In this module we have the genetic operators of mutation for each chromosome representation.
G1DBinaryStringMutatorFlip(genome, **args)
The classical flip mutator for binary strings
G1DBinaryStringMutatorSwap(genome, **args)
The 1D Binary String Swap Mutator
G1DListMutatorAllele(genome, **args)
The mutator of G1DList, Allele Mutator
To use this mutator, you must specify the allele genome parameter with the GAllele.GAlleles instance.
G1DListMutatorIntegerBinary(genome, **args)
The mutator of G1DList, the binary mutator
This mutator will random change the 0 and 1 elements of the 1D List.
G1DListMutatorIntegerGaussian(genome, **args)
A gaussian mutator for G1DList of Integers
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional. Also accepts the parameter gauss_mu
and the gauss_sigma which respectively represents the mean and the std. dev. of the random distribution.
G1DListMutatorIntegerRange(genome, **args)
Simple integer range mutator for G1DList
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional.
G1DListMutatorRealGaussian(genome, **args)
The mutator of G1DList, Gaussian Mutator
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional. Also accepts the parameter gauss_mu
and the gauss_sigma which respectively represents the mean and the std. dev. of the random distribution.
G1DListMutatorRealRange(genome, **args)
Simple real range mutator for G1DList
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional.
G1DListMutatorSIM(genome, **args)
The mutator of G1DList, Simple Inversion Mutation
Note: this mutator is Data Type Independent
G1DListMutatorSwap(genome, **args)
The mutator of G1DList, Swap Mutator
Note: this mutator is Data Type Independent
G2DBinaryStringMutatorFlip(genome, **args)
A flip mutator for G2DBinaryString New in version 0.6: The G2DBinaryStringMutatorFlip function
G2DBinaryStringMutatorSwap(genome, **args)
The mutator of G2DBinaryString, Swap Mutator New in version 0.6: The G2DBinaryStringMutatorSwap func-
G2DListMutatorAllele(genome, **args)
The mutator of G2DList, Allele Mutator
To use this mutator, you must specify the allele genome parameter with the GAllele.GAlleles instance.
68 Chapter 2. Contents
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Warning: the GAllele.GAlleles instance must have the homogeneous flag enabled
G2DListMutatorIntegerGaussian(genome, **args)
A gaussian mutator for G2DList of Integers
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional. Also accepts the parameter gauss_mu
and the gauss_sigma which respectively represents the mean and the std. dev. of the random distribution.
G2DListMutatorIntegerRange(genome, **args)
Simple integer range mutator for G2DList
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional.
G2DListMutatorRealGaussian(genome, **args)
A gaussian mutator for G2DList of Real
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional. Also accepts the parameter gauss_mu
and the gauss_sigma which respectively represents the mean and the std. dev. of the random distribution.
G2DListMutatorSwap(genome, **args)
The mutator of G1DList, Swap Mutator
Note: this mutator is Data Type Independent
GTreeGPMutatorOperation(genome, **args)
The mutator of GTreeGP, Operation Mutator New in version 0.6: The GTreeGPMutatorOperation function
GTreeGPMutatorSubtree(genome, **args)
The mutator of GTreeGP, Subtree Mutator
This mutator will recreate random subtree of the tree using the grow algorithm. New in version 0.6: The
GTreeGPMutatorSubtree function
GTreeMutatorIntegerGaussian(genome, **args)
A gaussian mutator for GTree of Integers
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional. Also accepts the parameter gauss_mu
and the gauss_sigma which respectively represents the mean and the std. dev. of the random distribution.
GTreeMutatorIntegerRange(genome, **args)
The mutator of GTree, Integer Range Mutator
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional. New in version 0.6: The GTreeMuta-
torIntegerRange function
GTreeMutatorRealGaussian(genome, **args)
A gaussian mutator for GTree of Real numbers
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional. Also accepts the parameter gauss_mu
and the gauss_sigma which respectively represents the mean and the std. dev. of the random distribution.
GTreeMutatorRealRange(genome, **args)
The mutator of GTree, Real Range Mutator
Accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters, both optional. New in version 0.6: The GTreeMuta-
torRealRange function
GTreeMutatorSwap(genome, **args)
The mutator of GTree, Swap Mutator New in version 0.6: The GTreeMutatorSwap function
2.5. Modules 69
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In this module we have the genetic operators of crossover (or recombination) for each chromosome representation.
G1DBinaryStringXSinglePoint(genome, **args)
The crossover of 1D Binary String, Single Point
Warning: You cant use this crossover method for binary strings with length of 1.
G1DBinaryStringXTwoPoint(genome, **args)
The 1D Binary String crossover, Two Point
Warning: You cant use this crossover method for binary strings with length of 1.
G1DBinaryStringXUniform(genome, **args)
The G1DList Uniform Crossover
G1DListCrossoverCutCrossfill(genome, **args)
The crossover of G1DList, Cut and crossfill, for permutations
G1DListCrossoverEdge(genome, **args)
THe Edge Recombination crossover for G1DList (widely used for TSP problem)
See more information in the Edge Recombination Operator Wikipedia entry.
G1DListCrossoverOX(genome, **args)
The OX Crossover for G1DList (order crossover)
G1DListCrossoverRealSBX(genome, **args)
Experimental SBX Implementation - Follows the implementation in NSGA-II (Deb,
Some implementation reference.
Warning: This crossover method is Data Type Dependent, which means that must be used for 1D genome
of real values.
G1DListCrossoverSinglePoint(genome, **args)
The crossover of G1DList, Single Point
Warning: You cant use this crossover method for lists with just one element.
G1DListCrossoverTwoPoint(genome, **args)
The G1DList crossover, Two Point
Warning: You cant use this crossover method for lists with just one element.
G1DListCrossoverUniform(genome, **args)
The G1DList Uniform Crossover
G2DBinaryStringXSingleHPoint(genome, **args)
The crossover of G2DBinaryString, Single Horizontal Point New in version 0.6: The
G2DBinaryStringXSingleHPoint function
G2DBinaryStringXSingleVPoint(genome, **args)
The crossover of G2DBinaryString, Single Vertical Point New in version 0.6: The
G2DBinaryStringXSingleVPoint function
G2DBinaryStringXUniform(genome, **args)
The G2DBinaryString Uniform Crossover New in version 0.6: The G2DBinaryStringXUniform function
70 Chapter 2. Contents
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G2DListCrossoverSingleHPoint(genome, **args)
The crossover of G2DList, Single Horizontal Point
G2DListCrossoverSingleVPoint(genome, **args)
The crossover of G2DList, Single Vertical Point
G2DListCrossoverUniform(genome, **args)
The G2DList Uniform Crossover
GTreeCrossoverSinglePoint(genome, **args)
The crossover for GTree, Single Point
GTreeCrossoverSinglePointStrict(genome, **args)
The crossover of Tree, Strict Single Point
..note:: This crossover method creates offspring with restriction of the max_depth parameter.
Accepts the max_attempt parameter, max_depth (required), and the distr_leaft (>= 0.0 and <= 1.0), which rep-
resents the probability of leaf selection when findin random nodes for crossover.
GTreeGPCrossoverSinglePoint(genome, **args)
The crossover of the GTreeGP, Single Point for Genetic Programming
..note:: This crossover method creates offspring with restriction of the max_depth parameter.
Accepts the max_attempt parameter, max_depth (required).
random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).
In this module we have the genetic operators of initialization for each chromosome representation, the most part of
initialization is done by choosing random data.
Note: In Pyevolve, the Initializator defines the data type that will be used on the chromosome, for example, the
G1DListInitializatorInteger() will initialize the G1DList with Integers.
G1DBinaryStringInitializator(genome, **args)
1D Binary String initializator
G1DListInitializatorAllele(genome, **args)
Allele initialization function of G1DList
To use this initializator, you must specify the allele genome parameter with the GAllele.GAlleles instance.
G1DListInitializatorInteger(genome, **args)
Integer initialization function of G1DList
This initializator accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters.
G1DListInitializatorReal(genome, **args)
Real initialization function of G1DList
This initializator accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters.
G2DBinaryStringInitializator(genome, **args)
Integer initialization function of 2D Binary String New in version 0.6: The G2DBinaryStringInitializator func-
G2DListInitializatorAllele(genome, **args)
Allele initialization function of G2DList
To use this initializator, you must specify the allele genome parameter with the GAllele.GAlleles instance.
2.5. Modules 71
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Warning: the GAllele.GAlleles instance must have the homogeneous flag enabled
G2DListInitializatorInteger(genome, **args)
Integer initialization function of G2DList
This initializator accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters.
G2DListInitializatorReal(genome, **args)
Integer initialization function of G2DList
This initializator accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters.
GTreeGPInitializator(genome, **args)
This initializator accepts the follow parameters:
max_depth The max depth of the tree
method The method, accepts grow, full or ramped
New in version 0.6: The GTreeGPInitializator function.
GTreeInitializatorAllele(genome, **args)
Allele initialization function of GTree
To use this initializator, you must specify the allele genome parameter with the GAllele.GAlleles instance.
Warning: the GAllele.GAlleles instance must have the homogeneous flag enabled
New in version 0.6: The GTreeInitializatorAllele function.
GTreeInitializatorInteger(genome, **args)
Integer initialization function of GTree
This initializator accepts the rangemin and rangemax genome parameters. It accepts the following parameters
max_depth The max depth of the tree
max_siblings The number of maximum siblings of an node
method The method, accepts grow, full or ramped.
New in version 0.6: The GTreeInitializatorInteger function.
This module have the selection methods, like roulette wheel, tournament, ranking, etc.
GRankSelector(population, **args)
The Rank Selector - This selector will pick the best individual of the population every time.
GRouletteWheel(population, **args)
The Roulette Wheel selector
A preparation for Roulette Wheel selection
GTournamentSelector(population, **args)
The Tournament Selector
It accepts the tournamentPool population parameter.
Note: the Tournament Selector uses the Roulette Wheel to pick individuals for the pool Changed in version 0.6:
Changed the parameter poolSize to the tournamentPool, now the selector gets the pool size from the population.
72 Chapter 2. Contents
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GTournamentSelectorAlternative(population, **args)
The alternative Tournament Selector
This Tournament Selector dont uses the Roulette Wheel
It accepts the tournamentPool population parameter.
GUniformSelector(population, **args)
The Uniform Selector
A key function to return fitness score, used by max()/min()
Parameter individual the individual instance
Return type the individual fitness score
Note: this function is used by the max()/min() python functions
A key function to return raw score
Parameter individual the individual instance
Return type the individual raw score
Note: this function is used by the max()/min() python functions
This module have the scaling schemes like Linear scaling, etc.
Boltzmann scaling scheme. You can specify the boltz_temperature to the population parameters, this parameter
will set the start temperature. You can specify the boltz_factor and the boltz_min parameters, the boltz_factor
is the value that the temperature will be subtracted and the boltz_min is the mininum temperature of the scaling
Exponential Scaling Scheme. The fitness will be the same as (e^score).
Linear Scaling scheme
Power Law scaling scheme
Saturated Scaling Scheme. The fitness will be the same as 1.0-(e^score)
Sigma Truncation scaling scheme, allows negative scores
2.5. Modules 73
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This module have the class which every representation extends, if you are planning to create a new representation, you
must take a inside look into this module.
class G1DBase(size)
G1DBase Class - The base class for 1D chromosomes
Parameter size the 1D list size
New in version 0.6: Added te G1DBase class
Appends an item to the end of the list
>>> genome.append(44)
Remove all genes from Genome
Copy genome to g
>>> genome_origin.copy(genome_destination)
Returns the internal list of the genome
... note:: this method was created to solve performance issues :rtype: the internal list
Returns the list supposed size
Removes an item from the list
>>> genome.remove(44)
Returns a resumed string representation of the Genome
74 Chapter 2. Contents
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Assigns a list to the internal list of the chromosome
Parameter lst the list to assign the internal list of the chromosome
class GTreeBase(root_node)
GTreeBase Class - The base class for the tree genomes
Parameter root_node the root node of the tree
New in version 0.6: Added te GTreeBase class
Clone this GenomeBase
Return type the clone genome
Note: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you must implement this method
on your class.
copy(g, node=None, node_parent=None)
Copy the current contents GTreeBase to g
Parameter g the destination GTreeBase tree
Note: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you must implement this method
on your class.
Return a new list with all nodes
Return type the list with all nodes
Return the tree height
Return type the tree height
Returns the depth of a node
Return type the depth of the node, the depth of root node is 0
Returns the height of a node
Note: If the node has no childs, the height will be 0.
Return type the height of the node
Return the number of the nodes on the tree starting at the start_node, if start_node is None, then the
method will count all the tree nodes.
Return type the number of nodes
Returns a random node from the Tree
Parameter node_type 0 = Any, 1 = Leaf, 2 = Branch
Return type random node
Return the tree root node
Return type the tree root node
2.5. Modules 75
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getTraversalString(start_node=None, spc=0)
Returns a tree-formated string of the tree. This method is used by the __repr__ method of the tree
Return type a string representing the tree
Creates a cache on the tree, this method must be called every time you change the shape of the tree. It
updates the internal nodes list and the internal nodes properties such as depth and height.
Sets the root of the tree
Parameter root the tree root node
traversal(callback, start_node=None)
Traversal the tree, this method will call the user-defined callback function for each node on the tree
callback a function
start_node the start node to begin the traversal
class GTreeNodeBase(parent, childs=None)
GTreeNodeBase Class - The base class for the node tree genomes
parent the parent node of the node
childs the childs of the node, must be a list of nodes
New in version 0.6: Added te GTreeNodeBase class
Adds a child to the node
Parameter child the node to be added
Clone this GenomeBase
Return type the clone genome
Note: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you must implement this method
on your class.
Copy the current contents GTreeNodeBase to g
Parameter g the destination node
Note: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you must implement this method
on your class.
Returns the index-child of the node
Return type child node
Return the childs of the node
Warning: use .getChilds()[:] if youll change the list itself, like using childs.reverse(), otherwise the
original genome child order will be changed.
76 Chapter 2. Contents
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Called to evaluate genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passes to the evaluator
This is the evaluation function slot, you can add a function with the set method:
Get the Fitness Score of the genome
Return type genome fitness score
2.5. Modules 77
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
getParam(key, nvl=None)
Gets an internal parameter
>>> genome.getParam("rangemax")
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Get the Raw Score of the genome
Return type genome raw score
This is the initialization function of the genome, you can change the default initializator using the function
Clear score and fitness of genome
Set the internal params
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
Parameter args this params will saved in every chromosome for genetic op. use
78 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
In this module, there are the GAllele.GAlleles class (which is the class that holds the allele types) and all the
allele types to use with the supported chromosomes.
class GAlleleList(options=None)
GAlleleList Class - The list allele type
Appends one option to the options list
Parameter option option to be added in the list
Removes all the allele options from the list
Returns one random choice from the options list
Removes the option from list
Parameter option remove the option from the list
class GAlleleRange(begin=0, end=100, real=False)
GAlleleRange Class - The range allele type
begin the begin of the range
end the end of the range
real if True, the range will be of real values
add(begin, end)
Add a new range
begin the begin of range
end the end of the range
Removes all ranges
2.5. Modules 79
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Return the maximum of all the ranges
Return type the maximum value
Return the minimum of all the ranges
Return type the minimum value
Returns one random choice between the range
Returns True if the range is real or False if it is integer
Sets True if the range is real or False if is integer
Parameter flag True or False
class GAlleles(allele_list=None, homogeneous=False)
GAlleles Class - The set of alleles
allele_list the list of alleles
homogeneous if is True, all the alleles will be use only the first added
Appends one allele to the alleles list
Parameter allele allele to be added
This is the classical chromosome representation on GAs, it is the 1D Binary String. This string looks like
Default Parameters
The Binatry String Initializator for G1DBinaryString
80 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
The Flip Mutator for G1DBinaryString
The Single Point Crossover for G1DBinaryString
class G1DBinaryString(length=10)
G1DBinaryString Class - The 1D Binary String chromosome
Appends an item to the list
>>> g = G1DBinaryString(2)
>>> g.append(0)
Remove all genes from Genome
Return a new instace copy of the genome
2.5. Modules 81
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
>>> g = G1DBinaryString(5)
>>> for i in xrange(len(g)):
... g.append(1)
>>> clone = g.clone()
>>> clone[0]
Copy genome to g
>>> g1 = G1DBinaryString(2)
>>> g1.append(0)
>>> g1.append(1)
>>> g2 = G1DBinaryString(2)
>>> g1.copy(g2)
>>> g2[1]
This is the reproduction function slot, the crossover. You can change the default crossover method using:
Called to evaluate genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passes to the evaluator
This is the evaluation function slot, you can add a function with the set method:
Returns the binary string representation
>>> g = G1DBinaryString(2)
>>> g.append(0)
>>> g.append(1)
>>> g.getBinary()
Converts the binary string to decimal representation
82 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
>>> g = G1DBinaryString(5)
>>> for i in xrange(len(g)):
... g.append(0)
>>> g[3] = 1
>>> g.getDecimal()
Get the Fitness Score of the genome
Return type genome fitness score
Returns the internal list of the genome
... note:: this method was created to solve performance issues :rtype: the internal list
Returns the list supposed size
getParam(key, nvl=None)
Gets an internal parameter
>>> genome.getParam("rangemax")
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Get the Raw Score of the genome
Return type genome raw score
This is the initialization function of the genome, you can change the default initializator using the function
2.5. Modules 83
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Called to mutate the genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passed to the mutator
Return type the number of mutations returned by mutation operator
This is the mutator function slot, you can change the default mutator using the slot set function:
Removes an item from the list
>>> genome.remove(44)
Clear score and fitness of genome
Returns a resumed string representation of the Genome
Assigns a list to the internal list of the chromosome
Parameter lst the list to assign the internal list of the chromosome
Set the internal params
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
Parameter args this params will saved in every chromosome for genetic op. use
This representation is a 2D Binary String, the string looks like this matrix:
00101101010 00100011010 00101101010 10100101000
Default Parameters
The Binatry String Initializator for G2DBinaryString
84 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
The Flip Mutator for G2DBinaryString
The Single Point Crossover for G2DBinaryString
New in version 0.6: Added the module G2DBinaryString
height the number of rows
width the number of columns
Remove all genes from Genome
Return a new instace copy of the genome
Return type the G2DBinaryString clone instance
Copy genome to g
>>> genome_origin.copy(genome_destination)
This is the reproduction function slot, the crossover. You can change the default crossover method using:
2.5. Modules 85
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Called to evaluate genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passes to the evaluator
This is the evaluation function slot, you can add a function with the set method:
Get the Fitness Score of the genome
Return type genome fitness score
Return the height (lines) of the List
getItem(x, y)
Return the specified gene of List
>>> genome.getItem(3, 1)
x the x index, the column
y the y index, the row
Return type the item at x,y position
getParam(key, nvl=None)
Gets an internal parameter
>>> genome.getParam("rangemax")
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Get the Raw Score of the genome
Return type genome raw score
Returns a tuple (height, widht)
86 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
>>> genome.getSize()
(3, 2)
Return the width (lines) of the List
This is the initialization function of the genome, you can change the default initializator using the function
Clear score and fitness of genome
Returns a resumed string representation of the Genome
setItem(x, y, value)
Set the specified gene of List
>>> genome.setItem(3, 1, 0)
x the x index, the column
y the y index, the row
value the value (integers 0 or 1)
Set the internal params
2.5. Modules 87
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
Parameter args this params will saved in every chromosome for genetic op. use
This is the 1D List representation, this list can carry real numbers or integers or any kind of object, by default, we have
genetic operators for integer and real lists, which can be found on the respective modules.
Default Parameters
The Integer Initializator for G1DList
The Swap Mutator for G1DList
The Single Point Crossover for G1DList
>>> g = G1DList(10)
88 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
>>> genome
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> genome_result = genome + 2
[3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> len(genome)
>>> genome
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> genome[0:1]
[1, 2]
>>> genome[1] = 666
>>> genome
[1, 666, 3, 4]
>>> genome.append(99)
>>> genome
[1, 666, 3, 4, 99]
Appends an item to the end of the list
2.5. Modules 89
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
>>> genome.append(44)
Remove all genes from Genome
Return a new instace copy of the genome
Return type the G1DList clone instance
Copy genome to g
>>> genome_origin.copy(genome_destination)
This is the reproduction function slot, the crossover. You can change the default crossover method using:
Called to evaluate genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passes to the evaluator
This is the evaluation function slot, you can add a function with the set method:
Get the Fitness Score of the genome
Return type genome fitness score
Returns the internal list of the genome
... note:: this method was created to solve performance issues :rtype: the internal list
Returns the list supposed size
getParam(key, nvl=None)
Gets an internal parameter
90 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
>>> genome.getParam("rangemax")
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Get the Raw Score of the genome
Return type genome raw score
This is the initialization function of the genome, you can change the default initializator using the function
Removes an item from the list
>>> genome.remove(44)
Clear score and fitness of genome
Returns a resumed string representation of the Genome
Assigns a list to the internal list of the chromosome
Parameter lst the list to assign the internal list of the chromosome
2.5. Modules 91
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Set the internal params
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
Parameter args this params will saved in every chromosome for genetic op. use
This is the 2D List representation, this list can carry real numbers or integers or any kind of object, by default, we have
genetic operators for integer and real lists, which can be found on the respective modules. This chromosome class
extends the GenomeBase.GenomeBase.
Default Parameters
The Integer Initializator for G2DList
The Swap Mutator for G2DList
The Uniform Crossover for G2DList
92 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
>>> len(genome)
>>> genome
[1, 3, 4, 1]
[7, 5, 3, 4]
[9, 0, 1, 2]
>>> genome[1][2]
>>> genome[1] = [666, 666, 666, 666]
>>> genome
[1, 3, 4, 1]
[666, 666, 666, 666]
[9, 0, 1, 2]
>>> genome[1][1] = 2
height the number of rows
width the number of columns
Remove all genes from Genome
Return a new instace copy of the genome
Return type the G2DList clone instance
Copy genome to g
>>> genome_origin.copy(genome_destination)
2.5. Modules 93
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
This is the reproduction function slot, the crossover. You can change the default crossover method using:
Called to evaluate genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passes to the evaluator
This is the evaluation function slot, you can add a function with the set method:
Get the Fitness Score of the genome
Return type genome fitness score
Return the height (lines) of the List
getItem(x, y)
Return the specified gene of List
>>> genome.getItem(3, 1)
>>> genome[3][1]
x the x index, the column
y the y index, the row
Return type the item at x,y position
getParam(key, nvl=None)
Gets an internal parameter
>>> genome.getParam("rangemax")
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Get the Raw Score of the genome
Return type genome raw score
94 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Returns a tuple (height, widht)
>>> genome.getSize()
(3, 2)
Return the width (lines) of the List
This is the initialization function of the genome, you can change the default initializator using the function
Clear score and fitness of genome
Returns a resumed string representation of the Genome New in version 0.6: The resumeString method.
setItem(x, y, value)
Set the specified gene of List
x the x index, the column
y the y index, the row
value the value
Set the internal params
2.5. Modules 95
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
Parameter args this params will saved in every chromosome for genetic op. use
This is the rooted tree representation, this chromosome representation can carry any data-type.
Default Parameters
The Integer Initializator for GTree
The Integer Range mutator for GTree
The Strict Single Point crossover for GTree
New in version 0.6: The GTree module.
class GTree(root_node=None)
The GTree class - The tree chromosome representation
96 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Called to evaluate genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passes to the evaluator
This is the evaluation function slot, you can add a function with the set method:
Return a new list with all nodes
Return type the list with all nodes
Get the Fitness Score of the genome
Return type genome fitness score
Return the tree height
Return type the tree height
Returns the depth of a node
Return type the depth of the node, the depth of root node is 0
Returns the height of a node
Note: If the node has no childs, the height will be 0.
Return type the height of the node
Return the number of the nodes on the tree starting at the start_node, if start_node is None, then the
method will count all the tree nodes.
Return type the number of nodes
getParam(key, nvl=None)
Gets an internal parameter
>>> genome.getParam("rangemax")
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
2.5. Modules 97
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Returns a random node from the Tree
Parameter node_type 0 = Any, 1 = Leaf, 2 = Branch
Return type random node
Get the Raw Score of the genome
Return type genome raw score
Return the tree root node
Return type the tree root node
getTraversalString(start_node=None, spc=0)
Returns a tree-formated string of the tree. This method is used by the __repr__ method of the tree
Return type a string representing the tree
This is the initialization function of the genome, you can change the default initializator using the function
Creates a cache on the tree, this method must be called every time you change the shape of the tree. It
updates the internal nodes list and the internal nodes properties such as depth and height.
Clear score and fitness of genome
Set the internal params
98 Chapter 2. Contents
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
Parameter args this params will saved in every chromosome for genetic op. use
Sets the root of the tree
Parameter root the tree root node
traversal(callback, start_node=None)
Traversal the tree, this method will call the user-defined callback function for each node on the tree
callback a function
start_node the start node to begin the traversal
class GTreeGP(root_node=None, cloning=False)
The GTreeGP Class - The Genetic Programming Tree representation
2.5. Modules 99
Pyevolve Documentation, Release 0.6rc1
Get the compiled code for the Tree expression After getting the compiled code object, you just need to
evaluate it using the eval() native Python method.
Return type compiled python code
Get the Fitness Score of the genome
Return type genome fitness score
Return the tree height
Return type the tree height
Returns the depth of a node
Return type the depth of the node, the depth of root node is 0
Returns the height of a node
Note: If the node has no childs, the height will be 0.
Return type the height of the node
Return the number of the nodes on the tree starting at the start_node, if start_node is None, then the
method will count all the tree nodes.
Return type the number of nodes
getParam(key, nvl=None)
Gets an internal parameter
>>> genome.getParam("rangemax")
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
key the key of param
nvl if the key doesnt exist, the nvl will be returned
Return the pre order expression string of the Tree, used to python eval.
Return type the expression string
Returns a random node from the Tree
Parameter node_type 0 = Any, 1 = Leaf, 2 = Branch
Return type random node
Get the Raw Score of the genome
Return type genome raw score
Return the tree root node
Return type the tree root node
Returns a tree-formated string (s-expression) of the tree.
Return type a S-Expression representing the tree
getTraversalString(start_node=None, spc=0)
Returns a tree-formated string of the tree. This method is used by the __repr__ method of the tree
Return type a string representing the tree
Called to initialize genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passed to the initializator
Called to mutate the genome
Parameter args this parameters will be passed to the mutator
Return type the number of mutations returned by mutation operator
Creates a cache on the tree, this method must be called every time you change the shape of the tree. It
updates the internal nodes list and the internal nodes properties such as depth and height.
Clear score and fitness of genome
Set the internal params
Note: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses the same instance of this dict.
Parameter args this params will saved in every chromosome for genetic op. use
Sets the root of the tree
Parameter root the tree root node
traversal(callback, start_node=None)
Traversal the tree, this method will call the user-defined callback function for each node on the tree
callback a function
start_node the start node to begin the traversal
writeDotGraph(graph, startNode=0)
Write a graph to the pydot Graph instance
graph the pydot Graph instance
This example will draw the first ten individuals of the population into the file called pop.jpg.
ga_engine the GA Engine
filename the filename, ie. population.jpg
start the start index of individuals
end the end index of individuals
static writePopulationDotRaw(ga_engine, filename, start=0, end=0)
Writes to a raw dot file using pydot, the population of trees
This example will draw the first ten individuals of the population into the file called
ga_engine the GA Engine
filename the filename, ie.
start the start index of individuals
end the end index of individuals
class GTreeNode(data, parent=None)
The GTreeNode class - The node representation
Warning: use .getChilds()[:] if youll change the list itself, like using childs.reverse(), otherwise the
original genome child order will be changed.
Sets the parent of the node
Parameter parent the parent node
Swaps the node data with another node
Parameter node the node to do the data swap
class GTreeNodeGP(data, node_type=0, parent=None)
The GTreeNodeGP Class - The Genetic Programming Node representation
Warning: use .getChilds()[:] if youll change the list itself, like using childs.reverse(), otherwise the
original genome child order will be changed.
Gets the node internal data
Return type the internal data
Get the parent node of the node
Return type the parent node
Get the node type
Return type the node type is type of Consts.nodeType
Return True if the node is a leaf
Return type True or False
Creates a new node and adds this node as children of current node
Parameter data the internal node data
replaceChild(older, newer)
Replaces a child of the node
older the child to be replaces
newer the new child which replaces the older
Sets the node internal data
Parameter data the internal data
Sets the parent of the node
Parameter parent the parent node
Sets the node type
Parameter node_type the node type is type of Consts.nodeType
Swaps the node data and type with another node
Parameter node the node
buildGTreeFull(depth, value_callback, max_siblings, max_depth)
Random generates a Tree structure using the value_callback for data generation and the method Full
depth the initial depth, zero
value_callback the function which generates the random values for nodes
max_siblings the maximum number of sisters of a node
max_depth the maximum depth of the tree
Return type the root node of created tree
Pyevolve comes with an Graphical Plotting Tool, this utility uses the great python plotting library called Matplotlib.
See Also:
Requirements section.
You can find the Pyevolve plotting tool in your python Scripts directory, the tool is named
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Database file to read (default is pyevolve.db).
-i IDENTIFY, --identify=IDENTIFY
The identify of evolution.
-o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
Write the graph image to a file (dont use extension,
just the filename, default is png format, but you can
change using --extension (-e) parameter).
Graph image file format. Supported options (formats)
are: emf, eps, pdf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz.
Default is png.
-g GENRANGE, --genrange=GENRANGE
This is the generation range of the graph, ex: 1:30
(interval between 1 and 30).
This is the individual range of the graph, ex: 1:30
(individuals between 1 and 30), only applies to
-c COLORMAP, --colormap=COLORMAP
Sets the Color Map for the graph types 8 and 9. Some
options are: summer, bone, gray, hot, jet, cooper,
spectral. The default is jet.
-m, --minimize Sets the Minimize mode, default is the Maximize
mode. This option makes sense if you are minimizing
your evaluation function.
Graph types:
This is the supported graph types
2.6.2 Usage
To use this graphical plotting tool, you need to use the DBAdapters.DBSQLite adapter and create the database
file. Pyevolve have the identify concept, the value of this parameter means the same value used in the identify
parameter of the DB Adapter.
See this example:
sqlite_adapter = DBAdapters.DBSQLite(identify="ex1")
This DB Adapter attached to the GA Engine will create the database file named pyevolve.db.
See Also:
Sqliteman, a tool for sqlite3 databases I recommend the Sqliteman tool to open the database and see the contents or
structure, if you are interested.
When you run your GA, all the statistics will be dumped to this database, and you have an ID for this run, which is the
identify parameter. So when you use the graph tool, it will read the statistics from this database file. The identify
parameter is passed to the tool using the -i option, like this: -i ex1 -1
By default, this tool will use the database file named pyevolve.db, but you can change using the -f option like this:
# this command wil plot the evoltion of the generations between 10 and 20. -i ex1 -1 -g 10:20 -i ex1 -1 -m
Here are described all the graph types and some screenshots.
In this graph, you will find the generations on the x-axis and the raw scores on the y-axis. The green vertical bars
represents the maximum and the minimum raw scores of the current population at generation indicated in the x-
axis. The blue line between them is the average raw score of the population.
This graph was generated using: -i ex1 -1
The differente between this graph option and the -1 option is that we are using the fitness scores instead of the raw
This graph was generated using: -i ex1 -2
Note: This graph is from a GA using the Linear Scaling scheme and the Roulette Wheel selection method.
In this graph we have the green line showing the maximum raw score at the generation in the x-axis, the red line
shows the minimum raw score, and the blue line shows the average raw scores. The green shaded region represents
the difference between our max. and min. raw scores. The black line shows the standard deviation of the average raw
scores. We also have some annotations like the maximum raw score, maximum std. dev. and the min std. dev.
This graph was generated using: -i ex1 -3
Note: We can see in this graph the minimum standard deviation at the convergence point. The GA Engine have
stopped the evolution using this criteria.
This graphs shows the maximum fitness score from the population at the x-axis generation using the green line. The
red line shows the minimum fitness score and the blue line shows the average fitness score from the population. The
green shaded region between the green and red line shows the difference between the best and worst individual of
This graph was generated using: -i ex1 -4
Note: This graph is from a GA using the Linear Scaling scheme and the Roulette Wheel selection method.
In this graph, we have two subplots, the first is the difference between the best individual raw score and the worst
individual raw score. The second graph shows the difference between the best individual fitness score and the worst
individual fitness score Both subplost shows the generation on the x-axis and the score difference in the y-axis.
This graph was generated using: -i ex1 -5
This graph is used to compare two or more evolutions (the max is 6 evolutions) of the same or different GA.
It uses a different color for each identify you use, in the example, you can see the three evolutions (green, blue and red
lines) of the same GA.
All the lines have a shaded transparent region of the same line color, they represent the difference between the maxi-
mum and the minimum raw scores of the evolution.
This graph was generated using: -i ex1_run1,ex1_run2,ex1_run3 -6
Note: The evolution identified by ex1_run3 (red color) is the evolution in which the best raw score (20) was got
first at the generation 80, compared to the other runs.
The differente between this graph option and the -6 option is that we are using the fitness scores instead of the raw
This graph was generated using: -i ex1_run1,ex1_run2,ex1_run3 -7
The heat map graph is a plot with the population individual plotted as the x-axis and the generation plotted in the
y-axis. On the right side we have a legend with the color/score relation. As you can see, on the initial populations, the
last individals scores are the worst (represented in this colormap with the dark blue). To create this graph, we use the
Gaussian interpolation method.
This graph was generated using: -i ex1 -8
Using another colormap like the spectral, we can see more interesting patterns:
This graph was generated using:
Warning: This graph generation can be very slow if you have too many generations. You can use the -g option
to limit your generations.
The differente between this graph option and the -8 option is that we are using the fitness scores instead of the raw
This graph was generated using: -i ex1 -9
Note: Here you can note some interesting thing, in this graph of the scaled score, the individuals fitness seems almost
equaly distributed in the population.
Now, the same plot using the hot colormap.
This graph was generated using:
Warning: This graph generation can be very slow if you have too many generations. You can use the -g option
to limit your generations.
2.7 Examples
All the examples can be download from the Downloads section, they are not included in the installation package.
Filename: examples/
This is the Example #1, it is a very simple example:
return score
def run_main():
# Genome instance, 1D List of 50 elements
genome = G1DList.G1DList(50)
# Set the Roulette Wheel selector method, the number of generations and
# the termination criteria
# Sets the DB Adapter, the resetDB flag will make the Adapter recreate
# the database and erase all data every run, you should use this flag
# just in the first time, after the pyevolve.db was created, you can
# omit it.
sqlite_adapter = DBAdapters.DBSQLite(identify="ex1", resetDB=True)
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example uses the Initializators.G1DListInitializatorReal() initializator and the
Mutators.G1DListMutatorRealGaussian() mutator:
return score
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(20)
genome.setParams(rangemin=-6.0, rangemax=6.0)
# Do the evolution
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This examples tries to minimize the Schaffer F6 function, this function is a deceptive function, considered a GA-hard
function to optimize:
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(2)
genome.setParams(rangemin=-100.0, rangemax=100.0, bestrawscore=0.0000, rounddecimal=4)
# Best individual
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print best
print "Best individual score: %.2f" % best.getRawScore()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of the sigma truncation scale method, it tries to minimize a function with negative results:
def eval_func(ind):
score = 0.0
var_x = ind[0]
var_z = var_x**2+2*var_x+1*math.cos(var_x)
return var_z
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(1)
genome.setParams(rangemin=-60.0, rangemax=60.0)
pop = ga.getPopulation()
# Do the evolution
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of the step callback function:
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(200)
genome.setParams(rangemin=0, rangemax=10)
# Do the evolution
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example show the use of the DB Adapters (DBAdapters) :
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(100)
genome.setParams(rangemin=0, rangemax=10)
# Best individual
#print ga.bestIndividual()
Filename: examples/
This example minimizes the deceptive function Rastrigin with 20 variables:
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(20)
genome.setParams(rangemin=-5.2, rangemax=5.30, bestrawscore=0.00, rounddecimal=2)
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print best
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of the Gaussian Integer Mutator (Mutators.G1DListMutatorIntegerGaussian):
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(40)
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of the 2d list genome (G2DList.G2DList):
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G2DList.G2DList(8, 5)
genome.setParams(rangemin=0, rangemax=100)
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of the 1D Binary String genome:
return score
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DBinaryString.G1DBinaryString(50)
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of alleles:
return score
def run_main():
# Genome instance
setOfAlleles = GAllele.GAlleles()
genome = G1DList.G1DList(20)
# frequency of 10 generations
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of Pyevolve to solve the TSP:
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
cm = []
coords = []
CITIES = 100
WIDTH = 1024
HEIGHT = 768
def cartesian_matrix(coords):
""" A distance matrix """
for i,(x1,y1) in enumerate(coords):
for j,(x2,y2) in enumerate(coords):
dx, dy = x1-x2, y1-y2
dist=sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
matrix[i,j] = dist
return matrix
for i in range(CITIES):
j = (i+1)%CITIES
total += matrix[t[i], t[j]]
return total
def main_run():
global cm, coords, WIDTH, HEIGHT
for i in xrange(CITIES)]
cm = cartesian_matrix(coords)
genome = G1DList.G1DList(len(coords))
# 3662.69
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
best = ga.bestIndividual()
write_tour_to_img(coords, best, "tsp_result.png")
print "No PIL detected, cannot plot the graph !"
if __name__ == "__main__":
This example will plot a file called tsp_result.png in the same directory of the execution, this image will be the
best result of the TSP, it looks like:
To plot this image, you will need the Python Imaging Library (PIL).
See Also:
Python Imaging Library (PIL) The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your
Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graph-
ics capabilities.
Filename: examples/
This is the GA to solve the sphere function:
def run_main():
genome = G1DList.G1DList(140)
genome.setParams(rangemin=-5.12, rangemax=5.13)
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome, seed=666)
best = ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example minimizes the Ackley F1 function, a deceptive function:
sum1 = 0
for i in xrange(n):
sum1 += math.cos(2.0*math.pi*xlist[i]);
t2 = math.exp((1.0/5.0)*sum1);
score = 20 + math.exp(1) - 20 * t1 - t2;
return score
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(5)
genome.setParams(rangemin=-8, rangemax=8, bestrawscore=0.00, rounddecimal=2)
# Best individual
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print "\nBest individual score: %.2f" % (best.getRawScore(),)
print best
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example minimizes the Rosenbrock function, another deceptive function:
def run_main():
# Genome instance
genome = G1DList.G1DList(15)
genome.setParams(rangemin=-1, rangemax=1.1)
# Best individual
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print "\nBest individual score: %.2f" % (best.score,)
print best
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of the 2D Binary String genome:
# Genome instance
genome = G2DBinaryString.G2DBinaryString(8, 5)
# Best individual
print ga.bestIndividual()
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of the Tree genome:
def eval_func(chromosome):
score = 0.0
# If you want to add score values based
# in the height of the Tree, the extra
# code is commented.
#height = chromosome.getHeight()
return score
def run_main():
genome = GTree.GTree()
root = GTree.GTreeNode(2)
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
print ga.bestIndividual()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of the GTreeGP genome (for Genetic Programming):
rmse_accum = Util.ErrorAccumulator()
def eval_func(chromosome):
global rmse_accum
code_comp = chromosome.getCompiledCode()
return rmse_accum.getRMSE()
def main_run():
genome = GTree.GTreeGP()
genome.setParams(max_depth=4, method="ramped")
genome.evaluator += eval_func
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
ga.setParams(gp_terminals = [a, b],
gp_function_prefix = "gp")
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print best
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example shows the use of GA to solve the n-queens problem for a chess board of size 64x64:
def run_main():
genome = G1DList.G1DList(BOARD_SIZE)
genome.setParams(bestrawscore=BOARD_SIZE, rounddecimal=2)
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
#sqlite_adapter = DBAdapters.DBSQLite(identify="queens")
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print best
print "Best individual score: %.2f\n" % (best.getRawScore(),)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Filename: examples/
This example was a kindly contribution by Jelle Feringa, it shows the Infinite Monkey Theorem:
# Pyevolve version of the Infinite Monkey Theorem
# See:
# By Jelle Feringa
sentence = """
Just living is not enough, said the butterfly,
one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
numeric_sentence = map(ord, sentence)
def evolve_callback(ga_engine):
generation = ga_engine.getCurrentGeneration()
if generation%50==0:
indiv = ga_engine.bestIndividual()
print .join(map(chr,indiv))
return False
def run_main():
genome = G1DList.G1DList(len(sentence))
gauss_mu=1, gauss_sigma=4)
genome.evaluator.set(lambda genome: sum(
[abs(a-b) for a, b in zip(genome, numeric_sentence)]
ga = GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA(genome)
best = ga.bestIndividual()
print "Best individual score: %.2f" % (best.score,)
print .join(map(chr, best))
if __name__ == "__main__":
2.8 F.A.Q.
What is Pyevolve ?
Pyevolve is an Evolutionary Computation framework written in pure python.
Why you have created this framework ?
Python is a powerful language, the features of Python together with the Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) can
be very interesting. There is no good GA library written in Python today, the main effort of the Pyevolve
is to sane this problem, since the Evolutionary Computation research field is growing faster.
2.9 Contributors
Boris Gorelik, from Procognia Ltd, Blog, @boris_gorelik, Ashdod, Israel.
2.10 License
The Pyevolve license is based on the PSF license, which is GPL compatible license.
1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between Christian S. Perone (CSP), and the Individual or Organization (Li-
censee) accessing and otherwise using Pyevolve software in source or binary form and its associated documentation.
2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, CSP hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-
free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, dis-
tribute, and otherwise use Pyevolve 0.6 alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that CSPs License
Agreement and CSPs notice of copyright, i.e., Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Christian S. Perone; All Rights Reserved
are retained in Pyevolve 0.6 alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee.
3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or incorporates Pyevolve 0.6 or any part thereof,
and wants to make the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then Licensee hereby agrees to include
in any such work a brief summary of the changes made to Pyevolve 0.6.
4. CSP is making Pyevolve 0.6 available to Licensee on an AS IS basis. CSP MAKES NO REPRESENTA-
6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material breach of its terms and conditions.
7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship of agency, partnership, or joint
venture between CSP and Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant permission to use CSP trademarks or
trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of Licensee, or any third party.
8. By copying, installing or otherwise using Pyevolve 0.6, Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of
this License Agreement.
2.11 Credits
Pyevolve was written by Christian S. Perone and is currently maintained by himself and its contributors.
2.13 Donate
Module Index
This documentation was updated on April 25, 2010.
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