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The Subject
A. what is the Subject?
The subject normally occurs before the verb in statements. In questions, the
subject occurs immediately after the auxiliary verb.
E.g: They have had some lunch.
Have they had any lunch?
The subject has number and person concord (where this applies) with the finite
E.g: I am coming, too
She is coming too
The most typical function of a subject is to denote the actor, that is the person, etc
causing the happening denoted by verb.
E.g: John opened his eyes
I made a cake

B. The forms:
a. Noun (Phrase):
Books are expensive now
Maria will present the paper next week
The boys are playing football
The beautiful lady in the corner looks charming
Note: Look at the modifiers: The adjective (beautiful) is put before the noun it
modifies, but the prepositional phrase (in the corner is put after the noun it

b. Pronoun:
English Module 2016[Type text]
They want to visit the hospital
She must take the book to the library
It has a long tail
Note: The subject and the Object forms of the pronouns are not the same, See the
following table,


I Me

He Him

She Her

You You

We Us

They Them

It It

E.g: I help him make the kite. He likes it very much.

You have to tell me the news.
We cannot invite her to the meeting.

c. Infinitive (phrase):
To study hard is not easy.
To be a good student needs hard work.
To carry out a research in a laboratory needs great care.

d. Gerund (phrase):
Living in a big city is sometimes frustrating.
Laughing is good for health.

English Module 2016[Type text]

Being punctual is a must.

e. Clauses
Where she went last night is none of your business.
What she said made us feel relieved.
That he plans to quite from his job is surprising.
Why the meeting is canceled is a big question.
Note: The clause the functions as a subject is always begun with either that or wh-
word (what, when, who, etc.)

F. Subject fillers:
There are a lot of people in the hall
There rises a mountain in the middle of the land
It is easy to learn English
It is our duty to keep the class clean
It takes one hour from my house to the office

Note: Subject filler is also called expletive. The expletive there is not the real
subject; therefore, the verb does not depend on it. It depends on the word following
it, whether it is singular or plural. Be careful with the word there which functions as
an adverbial of place (as in We have to go there someday). It can also function as
a pronoun as mentioned in point b above

Exercise I:
Read the passages below and underline the subjects. Identify whether they are
noun (phrase), pronouns, infinitive (phrase), gerund (phrase), clause, or subject

English Module 2016[Type text]

A. Most schools and collages have counseling services that help students choose
the appropriate courses for majors and plan their careers. The services usually
consist of counselors who see students individually or in small groups. In individual
or group sessions, students with the aid of a trained counselor, determine their
academic and career goals. These services also provide aptitude, interest,
personality, and achievement tests to help students learn more about their
interests and abilities. There are also psychologist and therapist who help Students
with particular difficulties such as emotional disturbances or learning problems. In
addition, health examinations as well as nursing and medical services are
available. in most schools and collages have many resources to help them make
important academic and career choices.

B. The main attraction of the pope family dinner was the gathering of the closest
relatives on Palm Sunday for a family feast. Aunts, uncles, and cousins arrived on
Saturday night before the big dinner on Sunday. Mother prepared a good meal for
them on Saturday morning. None of the relatives went to bed hungry. But my
mother and her sisters stayed up on Sunday, all of us hurried home to eat again.
After giving thanks for a food my fathers oldest brother carved the giant turkey.
One of my cousins passed plates around. Two hours later, none of the turkey was
left. Full and happy, everyone gathered around the piano and sang church songs.
My mother and father and aunts and uncles ended the day talking about old times.
My cousins, brothers and sisters, and I listened to the radio and watched the
children play in the backyard. None of us wanted the day to end

Exercise 2:
Circle the subjects of each sentence. Indicate whether it is a noun (phrase),
pronoun, gerund (phrase), infinitive (phrase), clause or subject filler

1. After the parade, I went home to watch the soap operas on TV

2. Louis Armstrongs best composition may be Potato Head Blues
3. Sitting in the first now, he tried to attract peoples attention
4. Having done her homework, the young girl helped her mother with housework.
5. Every year, many people go to Bali for a vacation
6. Since last year everything has changed
7. To make banana cake is not difficult

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8. There has been a rumor about his betrayal
9. It is sometimes difficult for people to say sorry
10. On the way to Bandung, his car broke down

Exercise 3:
Complete the following passage with appropriate subjects form the list below

a. the cat e. it i. they m. he q. I

b. everything f. you j. They n. they r. she
His name g. I k. her name o. our apartment s. it
Our neighbors h. we l. its eyes p. its name t. we

(1).------- ------ Is going fine. (2)--------- -------- like my new apartment very much,
(3)------- ------- is very large and comfortable, (4) -------- -------- like my roommate,
too, (5)-------- -------- is Alberto, (6)----- ------- meet him when you visit me next
month. (7)----- -------- is from Colombia. (8)----- -------- were classmates last
(9) --------- ------- are Mr. and Mrs. Black. (10) .are very nice (11)---
------------- talk to them often. (12)---- ------- is next to theirs. (13)------- ----- have a
three year old daughter, (14)---- ----- is really cute. (15) ---- ------ is Joy (16)-------
---- also have a cat (17) ------ ----- is black and white. (18) are yellow, (19)
------ ---- is Whiskers. Sometimes (20) ------- ------ leaves a dead mouse outside our

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The Predicate
A. What is the Predicate?
The predicate of a sentence (a clause) is that portion which says something about
the subject. It comprises an action verb or a linking verb and the verbs objects or
complements, along with any modifiers or these elements. Since the normal order
for English Sentence is Subject-Verb-Object/Complement, the predicate of
sentence usually consists of the verb and what follows, but there are many
The following sentences contain action verbs or linking verbs:
Subject Predicate
Bill Snored
Bill Snored loudly
My husband Arrived
I Met him at the station
To swim in the river Is fun
Dinner is served
The fired manager looked at clock on the wall
That movie seemed interesting

B. How do verbs work in sentence?

- Verbs can be either doing (or action) words, or linking words.
The dog chased the postman (chased tells what action was going on).
English Module 2016[Type text]
The postman is a middle aged man (is links postman and middle-aged man-
they are one and the same)
- Verbs are transitive or intransitive. Transitive means that action passes across
from the subject of the sentence to an object.
Intransitive means there is no action passing across.
The student read her book. (read is transitive action is passing across from
student to her book).
That child cried all the time (cried is intransitive- no action is passing across
from that child to anything).
- Verbs are active or passive. Active voice means that the agent (does of an action)
is in subject position of the sentence, with the recipient of the action in object
Passive voice means that the recipient of the action is in subject position, while the
agent (if any) is in object position
The committee has rejected your application for membership (has rejected is
Your application for membership has been rejected by the committee. (has
been rejected is passive the agent is in object position)
- Verbs have tense- that is, they express time. The tree main tenses are: Simple
past, present and future.
Yesterday I spoke to my grandmother (past)
Today I speak to you (present)
Tomorrow I will speak to another group (future)
- Verbs can consist of one or several words: when more than one word is used, the
verb is a verb phrase. Verb phrase consist of the main verb plus one or more
auxiliaries which help to show tense Past, present and future); voice (whether it is
active or passive) and aspect (whether it is still going on or has been completed).
Jo marks hard (works is a one -word verb- the following examples use forms
of the main verb work plus auxiliaries)
Jo has worked for several employers.
Jo is marking on your report.
Jo has been working for more than an hour.

English Module 2016[Type text]

Jo will have been working for two hours soon.
- Verbs have parts called participles which are used with auxiliaries (often part of
the verbs be or have) to form more complex tenses etc. in examples above, work
is the basic verb, working its present participle and worked is its past participle.
Most verbs follow this ing-, ed (or t) pattern, but there are many exceptions-
consult a dictionary if you are not sure of the correct spelling of a participle. Here
are the examples:
Irregular Verbs

Simple Forms Simple past Past Participle


Arise Arose Arisen

Be Was, were Been
Beat Beat Beat (beaten)
Become Became Become
Begin Began Begun
Bend Bent Bent
Bet Bet Bet
Bite Bit Bitten
Bleed Bled Bled
Blow Blew Blown
Break Broke Broken
Breed Bred Bred
Bring Brought Brought
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast
Burst Burst Burst
Buy Bought Bought
Catch Caught Caught
Choose Chose Chosen

English Module 2016[Type text]

Cling Clung Clung
Come Came Come
Cost Cost Cost
Creep Crept Crept
Cut Cut Cut
Deal Dealt Dealt
Dig Dig Dug
Do Did Done
Draw Drew Drawn
Drink Drank Drunk
Drive Drove Driven
Eat Ate Eaten
Fall Fell Fallen
Feed Fed Fed
Fight Fought Fought
Find Found Found --------------------
Flee Fled Fled
Fly Flew Flown
Forbid Forbade Forbidden
Forget Forgot Forgotten (forgot)
Forgive Forgave Forgiven
Freeze Froze Frozen
Get Got Gotten (got)
Give Gave Given
Go Went Gone
Grind Ground Ground

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Grow Grew Grown
Hang Hung Hung
Have Had Had
Hear Heard Heard
Hide Hid Hidden
Hit Hit Hit
Hold Held Held
Hurt Hurt Hurt
Keep Kept Kept
Know Knew Known
Lay Laid Laid
Lead Led Led
Let Let Let
Lie Lay Lay
Light Lit (lighted) Lit (lighted)
Lose Lost Lost
Make Made Made
Mean Meant Meant
Meet Met Met
Pay Paid Paid
Put Put Put
Quit Quit Quit
Read Read Read
Ride Rode Ridden
Ring Rang Rung
Rise Rose Risen

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Run Run Run
Say Said Said
See Saw Seen
Seek Sought Sought
Sell Sold Sold
Send Sent Sent
Set Set Set
Shake Shook Shake
Shine Shone Shone
Shoot Shot Shot
Show Show Shown
Shrink Shrank (shrunk) Shrunk
Shut Shut Shut
Sing Sang Sung
Sit Sat Sat
Sleep Slept Slept
Slide Slid Slid
Slit Slit Slit
Speak Spoke Spoken
Spend Spent Spent
Split Spilt Split
Spread Spread Spread
Stand Stood Stood
Steal Stole Stolen
Stick Stuck Stuck
Sting Stung Stung

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Strike Struck Struck
Swear Swore Sworn
Sweep Swept Swept
Swim Swam Swum
Swing Swung Swung
Take Took Taken
Teach Taught Taught
Tear Tore Torn
Tell Told Told
Think Thought Thought
Throw Threw Thrown
Understand Understood Understood
Upset Upset Upset
Wake Woke Waked (woken)
Wear Wore Worn
Weave Wove Woven
Weep Wept Wept
Win Won Won
Wind Wound Wound
Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn
write wrote written

Exercise 1: Underline the subjects, verb, and complements in the following

English Module 2016[Type text]
Write S, V, O or C under the line

1. My name is Sondang Napitupulu.

2. I was born in Medan.
3. Two of my sisters speak English well.
4. Living in Bogor seems interesting.
5. My older sister and her husband are going to buy a house in the town.
6. People in Bogor are probably not aware of the changing climate.
7. English has been much more widely used in this era.
8. Writing in English can be a stressful activity.
9. The biggest tree in that area has been cut down.
10. The party will be held outdoor.
Exercise 2: All about verbs
1. Under line the verbs and say whether they are action or linking verbs
Frank Jones is the managing Director of the company.
He directs the work of hundreds of people.
I have read your report, and I think it is excellent.
2. Underline the verbs and say whether they are transitive or intransitive
The supervisor has read your report and thanks you for your promptness
The old lady smiled as her daughter opened the car door for her
3. Underline the verbs and say whether they are active or passive
The director has approved your application but mine has been rejected
English is taught in some elementary schools
4. Underline the verbs and say what tense each one is
He sang a very Romantic Song in the party
Her writing improves all the time because she uses a dictionary for spelling

English Module 2016[Type text]

Exercise 3: Complete each of the following sentences with one of the following
(Modeled, has acquired, will be engaged, was creaking, could be heard)
1. The roar of the racing cars over a mile away
2. The ancient building with the broken fence ..in the wind
3. The city of Liverpool .A world-wide reputation the wit of its
4. Mr. Jenkins .With a customer until 2.30 pm
5. The mannequin ..the costume expertly
Exercise 4: Write 5 (five) sentences of your own by applying the principles you
have learned in Unit II and Unit III of this book
In English there are four types of sentences:
1. The simple sentences
2. The compound sentences
3. The complex sentences
4. The compound- complex sentence

1. The Simple Sentences

The simple sentence expresses one thought and contains one independent
e.g. The students are reading in the library.
The book is very expensive
2. The Compound Sentence
The compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses of equal
value. The clauses are joined by a conjunction or semi colon (;)
e.g. Soekarno was our first president; Soeharto was our second.
English Module 2016[Type text]
Soekarno was our first president, and Soeharto was our second.
Conjunctions used in a compound sentence are: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and
The clauses can also be joined by a semi colon plus a sentence connector. Thus
we can write a compound sentence like this:
Sentence I, conjunction + sentence 2
Sentence connectors can be grouped according to their function in the sentence

Sentence Connectors

Function Examples

1. Supporting the idea in the Also, besides, moreover, furthermore,

previous sentence or adding more in addition, etc.
information to the idea in the
previous sentence.
2. Contrasting the idea in the However, nevertheless, on the other
previous sentence. hand, conversely, in contrast, etc.

3. Showing the result of the idea in As a result, consequently, therefore,

the previous sentence thus, etc.

4. Restating or formulating the idea in In other words, in brief, in short, in

the previous sentence summery, as long as, etc.

3. The Complex Sentence

The complex sentence contains one independent clause and one or more
dependent clauses.
e.g. The book that I bought last week is missing.
Dependent clause

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Independent clause
Dependent clause:
There are three type of dependent clause that are needed to make a complex
A. Noun clause:
That-clause : That the lesson is difficult is obvious (S).
Wh-clause : We never know what will happen next (O ).
The question is how we solve the problem (C ).

B. Adjective clause

Person Things

Subject Who Which/that

Object Who (m) Which/that

Possessive whose ---- of which or


Person (subject)
The man who came here last week sent us a parcel.
My father, who came here last week, left for Singapore this morning.
Person (object)
The girl whom that I met yesterday is our new neighbor.
Person (Possessive)
The boy whose book you borrow did not come to class.

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Things (subject)
I want to write an article that contains information about Bogor.
I live in Bogor, which situated between Jakarta and Bandung
Things (object)
The book that I bought last week is missing.
Bogor, which is situated between Jakarta and Bandung, is a beautiful town.
Things (possessive)
We can see Mt. Gede whose top is covered with fog.
We can see Mt. Gede, the top which is covered with fog.

C. Adverb clause
Time : When, after, before, while, etc.
Place : wherever
Conditional : If, as long as, unless, etc
Cause and effect : Because, so that, since, etc.
Contrast : Although, even though, etc.

E.g. He came after he had finished doing his assignment.

You cannot buy the car unless you have a lot of money
Although I was tired, I continued working

4. The Compound Complex Sentence

The compound complex sentence contains two independent clauses and one
or more dependent clauses.

English Module 2016[Type text]

E.g. The presentation was interesting, but we had to stop it because it was
time for break.
Yannis music is nice to hear, so we all want to buy the record that we
often see on television.
We did not come to meeting because we knew that it was cancelled, but we did
not know that the chairman had a heart attack.

Exercise 1: Write S if the sentence is simple and C if the sentence is compound.

Add commas where they are needed

1. The summers in the Midwest are hot and humid.

2. Every evening it was to hot to sleep so my sisters and I played outside until after
3. Our parents sat on the front porch and watched us play our childrens games.
4. We played games such as hide and seek and tag or just sat around and told
5. We also caught fireflies in glass jars and watched them shine in the dark like tiny
6. My sisters were afraid of most bugs but they loved to catch fireflies.
7. We usually had to go bed at nine oclock but on really warm evenings we could
stay until ten.
8. Between nine and ten oclock our mother or our father told us to come inside to
get ready for bed.
9. Sometimes it was still hot in our small bedroom so our parents let us sleep
outside in the backyard.
10. In those days parents didnt worry about crime and one locked their front doors
at night.
Exercise 2: Complete the following to make good sentences.
1. After living in Bogor for five years,.
2. He went to the movie..
3. To make a good impression.

English Module 2016[Type text]

4. This interesting book..
5. She lives in the town that
6. Farmers dry rice..
7. On the way to campus, .
8. I know that.
9. When she came..
10. Akbar Tanjung, the head of the House Representative, .

Exercise 3: Study to following sentence and indicate whether they are simple (S),
Complex (CX), Compound (C ) , or Compound-Complex (CC).

1. There are many countries like Pakistan, where English is taught as a

compulsory subject with a teacher centered approach.
2. After giving practice, you can put students into pairs threes.
3. Pragmatic diction is delivered at normal colloquial speed.
4. An egg comprises three parts: the shell, the albumen and the yolk.
5. When the rice-filed have been prepared, the seedlings are transplanted.
6. Undergraduate students must read many textbooks written English, but not
many of them can do it.
7. A computer consists of several different parts, each of which has specific
8. In order to find food, animals cam move from place to place because they
possess special organs that enable them to do this, but plants are not able to do
9. Most people are not aware that men and women are supposed to be different,
especially in the way they think, feel, perceive, and react.
10. Satisfied customers will be glad to share their experience with their friends and
relatives about the beautiful things they get from you.

English Module 2016[Type text]

A phrase is a group of words that conveys a single unit of meaning,
In the morning
In the laboratory
By phone
Nation problem
Post graduate students
To take care of small business farms
Come home late
This unit will discuss the prepositional and noun phrase
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1. Prepositional Phrase
a. Form: This is a phrase that begins with a prepositional (in, on, at, with, by,
beyond, under, above, etc.)
In the morning In the laboratory By phone
With glasses In green Under the table
(Can you give some more examples?)
b. Function: This phrase usually functions as:
- An adverb: He usually studies in the morning (adv. Of time)
She doesnt like to work in a laboratory (adv. Of place)
We usually communicate by phone (adv. Of manner)
- A noun modifier: do you know the girl with glasses?
I like the girl in green
The dog under table is not mine
(Do you notice that a noun modifier gives more information or detail to the noun
that it modifies? Can you give more examples?)

Note: Read the paragraph and pay close attention to the prepositional phrase

There are some differences between British and American English. There
are a few differences in grammar. Speakers of British English say in hospital and
Have you a pen? American says in the hospital and do you have a pen?
Pronunciation is sometimes different. American usually sounds the r in words like
bird and hurt. Some speakers of British English do not sound the r in these
words. There are differences in spelling and vocabulary too. colour and honour
are British. color and honor are American. These differences in grammar,
pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary are not important, however, for the most
part, British and American English are the same language.

Exercise1: Complete these followings to make prepositional phrase.

1. at ten 6. at the..
English Module 2016[Type text]
2. in the. 7. in
3. Above. 8. under.
4. with.. 9. of.
5. between.. 10. on
Exercise2: Write down ten sentences, each using one of the following
prepositional phrases: of the speakers, in light blue, on the floor, by bus, above the
sea level, at birth, in the English class, on the wall, one of, all of.
Exercise3: Write five pairs of sentences, each using one of the following phrases
(functioning as adverbs and noun modifiers).
Under the tree, in every living things, at the corner, on the floor.
Exercise4: Write the followings in English
Di dalam laut, di rumah, dengan sebuah mikroskop, diantara dinding-dinding, dari
teman, di luar kapasitas kami.
Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with proper prepositional phrases of your own, each
using one of the following prepositions: on, beyond, of, between, with, in under.
1. John was happy, he is got a board smile on .
2. Many .. are busy carrying out their research.
3. Put this picture.. please
4. Do you know that young lady ..?
5. We were surprised, it was . our belief
6. Not a word to anybody, ok? This is just
7. Look at that sign, it reads under..
2. Noun Phrases
a. Form : This is a phrase that consists of a noun plus modifier; the modifier can
I). Adjective : beautiful, expensive, clever, extremely beautiful, etc.
Example : beautiful house, expensive cars, clever student, extremely beautiful
young lady, expensive old house
II). Prepositional phrase: in the laboratory, in the main road
English Module 2016[Type text]
Example : Extremely beautiful young lady in the laboratory.
Expensive old house in the main road.
Note: Notice the different places of the modifiers: an adjective is put before the
noun it modifies, whereas a prepositional phrase is put after the noun it modifies

III). Relative clause: that you bought yesterday, who I really adore
Examples: The expensive book that you bought yesterday
The nice person I really adore
b. Function: This phrase usually functions as:
I). Subject:
That extremely beautiful young lady in the laboratory will be in our group.
The expensive old house in the main road is already sold

II). Object:
I know who extremely beautiful young lady in the laboratory.
I plan to buy that expensive old house in the main road.

III). Subject complement:

The person is that extremely beautiful young lady in the laboratory
My teacher is a person who really loves his student.

IV). Object complement:

We appointed him president of the committee.
We choose him as the best politician that we have ever had.

V). Appositive:
Malang, a small town in East Java, is a beautiful place

English Module 2016[Type text]

Note: Read the paragraph and have a closer look at the noun phrase.

We have a big, well-equipped library in our school. There is librarian in

charge of it. Pupils of the school may borrow from this library, but they may not
lend them to others without the permission of the librarian. Pupils may borrow two
books at a time. They may keep these books for length of time up to a fortnight. If
they do not return them by the end of this period, they may be refused permission
to borrow any more

Exercise 1: Arrange the words to make either prepositional phrase or a noun

1. photograph nice table the on the
2. the students the between teacher and
3. his beyond capacity limited
4. extraordinary in the the campus exhibition
5. amazingly girl corner the at smart the


1. Gerund Phrase
a. Form: This is phrase that begins with a gerund (V-ing form))
Example: singing English songs, coming home late, reading books.
b. Function: This phrase usually functions as :
1) Subject: Singing English songs is her hobby
Coming home late is absolutely not recommended.

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!!) Object: (of a verb) she likes reading books
She refuses taking care of the children
(of a Prep.) This can kill the pest without damaging the crop.
This is the method of controlling agricultural pest.
III). Subject complement: My favorite pastime is watching TV
Her hobbies are cooking, gardening, and reading

Note: read the paragraph and pay attention to the gerund phrase.
Most TV crime drama is about finding the criminal. As soon as he is arrested, the
story is over. In real life, finding criminals is seldom a problem. The police have a
machinery which eventually shows up most wanted criminals.
Having made an arrest, a detective starts to carry out his duty. His job is to prove
his case in court. Gathering a lot of different evidence is his first priority. And to
perform such task a really not easy. A detective has to be out at all hours of the
day and night. His other difficult task is to interview his witnesses. Being a real
detective is indeed very challenging.
Exercise1: change these verbs into gerund phrase:
Study, build, write, be, operate, drive, understand, water, give, run,
Exercise 2: Write ten sentences, each using one of the following gerund phrase,
then write down the Indonesian versions of your sentences
Buying good seed, preventing the collection of the pests, being the only student,
spreading the virus, maintaining the good structure of the soil, growing crops,
teaching science, knowing the problem, learning how to write, playing in the rain
2. Infinitive Phrase
a. form: This is a phrase that begins with a to-infinitive (to+V1)
Example: to study at the post graduate program IPB, to take care of small children,
to correct the students assignments
b. Function: This phrase usually function as:
1). Subject: To take care a small children, needs patience.
To correct the students assignment is hard work.
II). Object: She loves to take care of small children.
English Module 2016[Type text]
He refuses to study at the post graduate program IPB.
III). Subject complement: What your need is to study seriously.
His plan is to write books after being retired.

Note: Read the paragraph and pay attention to the infinitive

Another important function is to enable water and mineral to pass up from
the roots to leaves and flowers. Organic materials such as sugar travel down the
stem to the roots. The leaves grow out to the side of the stem. Their main job is to
make food for the plant by the process known as photosynthesis. For this process
sunlight is necessary. Water form the soil and carbon dioxide from the air are
converted into sugars and other carbohydrates. During the process oxygen is
formed and released in to the air.
Exercise 1: Complete these following verbs to make infinitive phrases : be, find
out, improve, carry out, do, give, design, make, take, believe
Exercise 2: Write down five sentences each using one the following phrase.
To be a good researcher, to handle such problems, to harvest the crops, to sit the
baby, to fix things
Exercise 3: Arrange the words to make infinitive phrase.
1. broken keep glasses expensive to the.
2. cupboard to big put on the top the dictionary of.
3. rain the at falling look - to
4. repair the car to damaged blue
5. my student only to best help helpful class the in.

3. Participial Phrase
a. Form: This is a phrase that begins with either a V-ing or a V-III
Example singing ballads, watching TV, having washed the dishes, having had such
an experience, invited to be a key-note speaker, bored with such problem, having
been told the bad news
b. Function: This phrase usually functions as:
I). Sentence modifier:
English Module 2016[Type text]
Singing ballads, she watered the plants
(While she was singing, she watered the plants)
Watching TV, we lay on the carpet
(While we were watching TV, we lay on the carpet)
Having washed the dishes, we went to bed
(After we washed the dishes, we went to bed.)
Having had such an experience, she become wiser
(After she had such an experience, she become wiser).
Invited to be key-note speaker, she decided to postpone her going a broad.
(because she was invited to be a key-note speaker, she decided to go aboard)
Note: Read the sentences and pay attention to the participial phrase
1. Preparing the final test, the student studied together almost every night.
2. Having watered the flower, she immediately washed her hands.
3. Disappointed with the result, she stopped working.
4. Having been invited to be a guest speaker, she felt more comfortable with
5. Surprised with the news, the teachers could say nothing.
6. Having been chosen to be head of committee, he felt so happy.
7. Having been dormant for some time, the seed germinates.
8. Having cut his own finger, the small boy cried aloud.
9. Writing a paper for a seminar, she worked ten hours a day.
10. Having joined the English course, they felt more confident.
Exercise 1: Rewrite these sentence in English
1. Sambil berjalan menyusur sungai, para pendaki gunung itu menyanyi
2. Saya suka melihat anak-anak bermain dan bernyanyi bersama.
3. Memberi nasehat pada anak yang sudah dewasa tidak mudah.
4. Mahasiswa yang berasal dari Yogja itu sedang menyusun laporan penelitian.
English Module 2016[Type text]
5. setelah disetujui dosen pembimbing, proposal tersebut, diketik ulang.


There six types of basic sentence patterns in English, pattern 1 to 2 will be

discussed in this section and pronoun
Those six types of basic sentence patterns are:
1. Subject + intransitive verb + (adverb).
2. Subject + transitive verb + direct object + (adverb).
3. Subject + Linking verb + subject complement + (adverb)

English Module 2016[Type text]

4. Subject + transitive verb + indirect object + direct object + (adverb).
5. Subject + transitive verb + direct object + object complement + (adverb).
6. Expletive/ delayed subject + linking verb/ verb + (adverb).
When we say a sentence has a subject and a predicate, all the parts after the
subject is the predicate of the sentence.
Pattern 1: Subject + intransitive verb + (adverb)
Sentence pattern 1 has a subject and an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb
states action without having anyone receive the action. (A transitive verb, in
contrast, is followed by a direct object to complete its action). It may have an

The girls Argued In the classroom
Gilberto Walked To the campus
Prices Rise During inflation
Aranka Sat Quietly in the
The four verbs in the sentences above are intransitive verbs because they state an
action, and are not followed by a receiver of the action. (in the sentence the man
threw the ball, for example, the verb threw is transitive because it is followed by
the word ball to tell what was thrown.).Read this passage. Pay attention to the
sentence pattern (Underline sentences with pattern 1)

A day in my life
I woke up about nine oclock most mornings because I usually go to bed
quite late. As I get out of bed, all my bones click, reminding me of the familiar ache
that follow exercises. Every day I have to go through a certain amount of pain. A
ballet dancers life seems glamorous but most of it is very hard work. As you
develop as a dancer you stretch your body to the limit, and that means that you
have to suffer a little more, too mentally as well as physically, because you are
constantly trying to refine your technique discovering new things and struggling to
master them

English Module 2016[Type text]

Luckily, I live quite near the Ballet School so I can walk to work I have to be
there every morning at 10.30, including Saturdays, because we perform almost
every evening and there are sometimes as well. A lot of my work is simply routine.
The morning class lasts for an hour before the rehearsal for performance later in
the day. We generally finish about 1.30 and I go home for lunch and rest.

Exercise 1: add an intransitive verb to each subject (and adverb whenever

1. An opera star sings beautifully
2. The boy.
3. A tree ..
4. The dog..
5. A jogger
6. An airplane
7. A turtle
8. The sun..
9. My friend ..
10. Her parents

Pattern 2: Subject + Transitive verb + Direct object + (adverb)

Subject Transitive Direct object (adverb)
Her secretary reads The mail everyday
The student began Final examination Yesterday
Elvira tipped The newspaper In the
box classroom
My sister underlined The book title carefully
Cows eat Meadow grass everywhere
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Some grocery stores sell Drugstore items

Exercise 1: Add a direct object to each word group to form a complete sentence.
The object will answer the question what or who ? The first one is done by you.
The object should be in the form of a phrase

1. The rains flooded almost all the streets in the city.

2. Vicente reached for..
3. The package contained
4. Your father needs.
5. Bruce ordered.
6. Janed give up..
7. They expect..
8. Anka found..
9. Mai Thi is looking for..
10. Trina saw.
11. Diep dropped.
Exercise 2: Add a transitive and a direct object to each subject to form a complete
sentence. The first one is done for you. Add an adverb whenever possible.
Ballet dancers have to look after themselves more than actors. I get my
shoes ready when I arrive at the theatre and do my own hair and make up. Then I
change into my costume and do a few limbering up exercises to make my body
supple. It is a ritual, the same every time, but the funny thing is that I always feel
nervous before a performance. Im not worried about worrying. A little stage fright
helps your concentration.
Or course ballet offers a lot of rewards. When things go well, and people
come to the dressing-room afterwards with bouquets of flowers. I feel completely
relaxed, as if I could go straight back onto the stage and do the whole performance
again. I particularly like matinees because children come. Its lovely for them to see
you in your make-up. You recognize their excitement in their eyes and at moments

English Module 2016[Type text]

like that you forget all the routine and only feel the magic you have tried to convey
to them.
After an evening performance, I go out with my friends and have a quite,
late dinner. I dont usually get home before midnight. Then its not easy to get to
sleep. I go over the whole performance in my mind, asking myself: was it all right?
And the next day, the same thing begins again
Ballet is becoming a more demanding profession. These days audiences
have seen young girls of 14 like Nadia Comaneci performing extraordinary feats in
gymnastic competitions and they expect us to be very athletic, as well as graceful.
But I never stop to ask myself: Why do I do this? Is it worth the effort? I need to
dance. Its as necessary to me as breathing
A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun or a substitute for a noun. Study this

Personal pronouns Singular Singular and plural Plural

Subject: I, he, she, it you We, they,

Object: Me, him, her, it Us, them

Possessive pronoun Mine, his, hers yours Ours, theirs

Possessive adjective My, him, her, its your Our, them

Reflexive pronouns Myself, herself, Ourselves

himself, itself,
yourself Themselves
Demonstrative This, that Each other
These, those

Relative pronoun Who, which, that

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Pay close attention to the pronoun used in this passage

Some people say that if you want to go into to the recording business, it is
not what you know, but you know that matters. My first reaction to that is to
disagree, but on the second thought I must admit that there is some true in it.
When you go for an interview for a job in a studio, they will be interested in the
qualifications you have on paper, but the real important thing will be that you can
show you had some useful experience. So, the first to do before you go for
interview is to get to know someone with a studio.
If you do not anyone like that, look in the yellow pages for the list of studio
area. Go round to the ones that seem to be successful and ask them if they need
extra help. They will not want to employ you unless you have some previous
experience, so tell them that you will work there for nothing, that you just interested
in recording, and that you are on the look-out for any job that comes


A. Patterns 3: Subject + Linking Verb + Subject Complement + (Adverb)

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Sentence pattern 3 has a subject, a linking verb (such as be, appear, seem,
become, smell, taste, feel, and sound) and a subject complement. The term
subject complement means that this word refers to the subject and complement
(or completes) the meaning of the verb. A subject complement appears in the

1. S + Be/ Linking verb + Adjective 4. S + Be/ Linking Verb + Gerund +

+ (Adverb) (Adverb)

- The clown is funny - My hobby is reading

- The sky was very dark yesterday - the assignment is writing a report
- Music seems important to her
The boldfaced words in these two
sentences are all gerunds
The boldface words in these three
sentences are all adjective

2. S + Be + Adverb 5. S + Be/ Linking Verb + To

Infinitive + (adverb)

- My mum is at home everyday

- Her next plan is to study aboard
- The student are in the classroom
now - Your duty is to take care of the
- The dean is in his office from eight to
twelve on weekdays
The boldfaced words in these two
sentences are all infinitive.
The boldfaced words in these three
sentences are all adverb

3. S + Be/ linking verb + Noun + 6. S + be + That Clause


- The reason is, that I didnt like

- Mohammed was a student a year
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ago reading
- This book is a dictionary - It is just that we dont feel at home
- Alexis was the chairperson
- The winner is George The boldfaced words in these two
sentences are all that-clause.
The that-clause will be discussed
The boldfaced words in these four later
sentences are all nouns.

Read this passage: Pay close attention to pattern 1-2-3.

The shoot system above the ground consists of the stem, the leaves,
flowers, and fruit. One of the functions of the stem is to support the plant
Another important function is to enable water and mineral to pass up from
the roots to the leaves and flowers. Organic materials such as sugar travel down
the stem to the roots. The leaves grow out to the side of the stem. Their main job is
to make food for the plant by process known as photosynthesis. For this process
sunlight is necessary. Water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air are
converted into sugars and other carbohydrates. During the process oxygen is
formed and released into the air.
The flower contains the reproductive organs of the plant. The staments
produce the male sex cells or spermatia. The carpel produces the female sex cells,
or ovules. The fruit, the ripened ovary of the flower, encloses the seeds and
protects them. The seed itself consists of an embryo and food-store. The embryo
will develop into another plant and the food-store is necessary to provide
nourishment for the young plant

Pattern 4: Subject + Transitive verb + Indirect object + Direct object +


Sentence pattern 4 has four or five parts: a subject, a transitive verb, an indirect
object, and a direct object, it may have an adverb. The parts normally come in this

English Module 2016[Type text]

S + TV + IO + DO + (AD)
Subject Transitive Indirect Direct object (adverb
verb object
The man. Fed His dog. A bone Twice a week
Luis bought His mother.. A bracelet A month ago
Wilma Handed Douglas A note secretly
The Told.. Zoreh.. The truth
The Loaned Me An
salesperson. automobile
I . Offered.. My neighbor.. A job

Indirect object
The purpose of an indirect object is to show to whom or for whom the action of the
verb is done. Either a noun or pronoun can be an indirect object. An indirect object
normally comes before a direct object. Both objects indirect and direct follow
certain verbs, such as ask, bring, buy, give, lend, find, make, teach, tell and write.
- The employment agency found my brother a job
- My friend wrote me a funny letter
- I can loan you the money for a week
- Our instructor taught us world history
These four indirect object my brother, me, you, and us join the direct objects
that follow them to complete the meaning of the verbs found, wrote, loan, and
taught. The first indirect object, my brother, answers the question For whom? The
last there indirect objects answer the question For whom?
Notice the following sentence:
- The employment agency found a job for my brother
- My friend wrote a letter to me
English Module 2016[Type text]
- I can loan the money to you
- Our instructor taught the world history to us

Exercise 1:
1. My friend send me a letter
2. Mr. Martin asks a letter of recommendation.
3. Fredric gave a ring on their wedding anniversary
4. Pedro will teach how to use this machine
5. The shop assistant sold a new set of speakers.
Exercise 2: Add a verb, a direct object, an indirect object (a Phrase whenever
possible) to form a complete sentence. Write out each sentence. Add an adverb
whenever possible.

1. The movie star

2. The gardener.

3. The judge..

4. My ski instructor..

5. The waiter

6. The television news presenter

7. The dean of students.

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Definition: An adjectives is a word that describes or limits a noun or pronouns. A
word or word group is an adjective or adjective phrase it answers the question
which or which one
Classes of adjectives:
a. Descriptive adjective : pretty, small, narrow, etc
- a pretty girl
- a small house
- a narrow street
b. Participles
Present participle (base verb + ing)
- a boring story
- an interesting book
Past participle (the third form of verb)
- a broken vase
- a raised platform

c. Sometimes two or more adjectives modify as single noun, when this happens
the adjectives should be arranged in this way:

Article Size Age Color Origin Material Noun

The small young black African boy

A Big old red English brick house

Pattern 5: Subject + Transitive verb + Direct object + Object complement +

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Sentence pattern 5 has a subject, a transitive verb, a direct object, and an object
complement. It may also have an adverb. The parts normally come in this order:
S + TV + DO + OC + (ADV)
Subject Verb Direct Object (Adverb)
The class elected Arturo president enthusiasticall
The called The A genius
housemothe engineer
The judge declared The A criminal
The girl considered The boy clumsy
The thought The jungle dangerous
explorers stream
The jury found The women innocent

Object complement
An object complement appears immediately after a direct object the term object
complement means that this word refers to the object and complements ( or
completes) its meaning. Either nouns or adjectives can be object complements
1. Noun as object complements
- The artist considered his painting a masterpiece.
- The secretary thought her boss a leader.
- The executive board appointed Mr.Gallin secretary

2. Adjectives as object complements

- The police officer found the man honest
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- The secretary considered Sarah intelligent.
- The executive called the motorist foolish.
Exercise 1: Put a line under the object complements in each sentence. The first
one is done for you. Are the noun or adjectives?

1. The company appointed David sales manager

2. His friends call Hendry Hank
3. The news paper termed the restaurant hazardous
4. Jesse thinks his roommate a fool
5. The Civil Aeronautics Board inspectors judge the new air traffic system faulty
6. Erika found the new mosquito net torn
7. We call the holiday Thanksgiving.
8. The navy named the new submarine Polaris
9. The critics consider the book classic
10. The late voters found the polls closed

Pattern 6: There / It (Delayed subject) + Be/ Linking Verb/ Verb + (Adverb)

Sentence pattern 6 an expletive used to begin a sentence is often used in
English. Either it or there can be used as an expletive. By beginning a sentence,
an expletive allows a subject to be placed later in the sentence. Note that the
expletive it is different form the pronoun it just as the expletive there is different
from the adverb there
Examples: It is now the time to ask for it
Notice that the word it used in two different ways in this sentence. The first it is an
expletive that opens the sentence and allow the delayed subject time to appear
Exercise 1: Write the answers to the following question using There
Example: What is on the floor of the classroom?
There are some scraps of paper on the floor.
1. What is on the ceiling of our classroom?
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2. What is on the wall?
3. What is on the floor?
4. What is on the teachers desk?
5. What else is on teachers desk?
6. What else is on the desk?
7. What is in your briefcase?
8. What is in your wallet?
9. What is in your handbag?
10. What is on your table?
Exercises 2: Fill in the subject positions with either it or there
1. . Is time to go home and have a rest.
2. Are some postgraduate students waiting outside.
3.. looks so wonderful.
4. Lies the biggest dessert in the world
5.. is already late, would you please be quick?
6. . Rains a lot here but never snows.
7. .. was the most difficult test Ive ever had.
8. Sounds great: Ill take it
9.sometimes hard to understand old people.

An adverb is a word that modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb
- He eyed me belligerently
- She is a very good student
Adverb may tell place, time, manner, direction, degree, frequency, affirmation or

English Module 2016[Type text]

- Were you there? (place)
- He came yesterday. (time)
- They quarreled energetically (manner)
- Move forward, please (direction)
- I am completely satisfied. (degree)
- He often comes here. (Frequency)
- Yes, we were there. (affirmation)
- No, he didnt do that (negation)

Form: Be + V III (V-ed)
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Active Passive
To do To be done
To see To be seen
To write To be written
To love To be loved

Forming the passive

Active Passive Form: Be + V III (V-


Mary helps john John is helped by Marry In the passive, the

object of an active
Mary is helping John John is being helped by Mary verb becomes the
subject of the
Mary has helped John John has been helped by Mary
passive verb.
Mary helped John John was helped by Mary
Mary was helping John John was being helped by Mary
Mary had helped John had been helped by Mary
Mary will help John John will be helped by Mary
Mary is going to help John is going to be helped by
John Mary
Mary will have helped John will have been helped by
John Mary

Note: Only transitive verbs (verbs that are followed by an object) are used in the
passive. It is not possible to use verbs such as happen, sleep, come and seem
(intransitive verbs) in the passive
The progressive forms of the present perfect, past perfect, future, and future
perfect are not used in the passive

Note: Read the paragraph and have ea closer look at the passive sentence

English Module 2016[Type text]

Acids can be classified into two group, Acids which always contain the
element carbon are called organic acids and they often come from growing thing,
like fruit, Citric acid, which is found in vinegar, are organic acids.
Acids which do not contain the element carbon are known as inorganic
acids. They are usually prepared from non living matter. Inorganic acids consist
only of hydrogen and an acid radical. Hydrochloric acid consists of hydrogen and
the sulphate radical. They are inorganic acids.
Exercise 1: Write down the active and passive forms of the following verbs : send,
permit, forget, bring, cut, put, share, hire, catch, throw.

Exercise 2: Arrange the words to make good passive sentences.

1. England sweater a bought ago was my England in

2. Month highway the will new sometime be next completed
3. Country English school is every taught in in this
4. His published going next book is to surprising be year
5. Tribe Philippine forest was in rain discovered lost a
6. The play performed concert night disappointing was last at - the

Exercise 3: Change the sentence from the active to the passive

1. The bill includes service. Service..

2. People dont use this road very often. This road
3. They cancelled all flights because of fog. All flight
4. Somebody accused me of stealing the money. I.
5. They are building a new ring-road round the city. A new ring-road..
6. I didnt realize that someone was recording our conversation. I didnt realize that
our conversation.
7. They have changed the date of the meeting. The date of the meeting.
English Module 2016[Type text]
8. Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street Brian
told me that he.

Exercise 4: Use active or passive, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in

1. Its noon. The mail should be here soon. It (deliver, usually).

sometime between noon and one oclock.
2. Only five of us (work). In the laboratory yesterday, when the explosion
(occur) .Luckily, no one (hurt) ..
3. I was supposed to take a test yesterday, but I (admit, not)into the
testing room because the examination (begin, already).
4. According to recent survey, out of every dollar an American spends on food,
thirty six cents (spend) at restaurant.
5. Im sorry Im late. I (hold up) . by the rush hour traffic. It (take) thirty
minutes for me to get here instead of fifteen.
6. Before she graduated last May, Susan (offer, already) . a position with a law
7. According to many scientists, solar energy (use).. extensively in the twenty-
first century.


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This unit will discuss (a) modal auxiliaries and (b) verb phrases.

A. Modal Auxiliary
Here is the list of the modal auxiliaries and their meanings

will Future time (be going to)

can ability (be able to)
may permission (be permitted to, have
permission to)
might possibility (it is possible that..)
should obligation (ought to)
must inference (I conclude that..)
probability It is very probable that
necessity (have to)

I will study We will study

You will study You will study
He will study They will study

1. We will read the book tomorrow.

2. John can play the piano very well.
3. The students can smoke in the hall.
4. The students may smoke in the hall.
5. John may receive a letter today.

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6. John might receive a letter today.
7. John should study every day.
8. Mr. Smith must be about forty years old.
9. Mary must study tonight
1. The modal auxiliaries do not change their form for person or number. That is
there is no s form for the third person singular.
2. The normal position for the modal in a sentence is after the subject and before
the verb of sentence.

Note: Read the paragraph and have a closer look at the modal auxiliaries.

Tom should go to the meeting tonight, for the speaker will talk about job
opportunities. He ought to know all about this subject, for he will graduate from
school next June. Unfortunately he wont be able to go, he must finish his paper
and prepare himself for a test. The test will be held at 8.00 a.m. and so will the
meeting. Tom cant do two things at the same time. He must be able to make the
best choice
Exercise 1: form sentences using the modals

Paul is going write a letter tomorrow

Paul will write a letter tomorrow
George is able to speak French very well
George can speak French very well

1. Paul and George are going to play tennis tomorrow.

2. It is possible that George is a very good tennis player.

3. John is able to swim very well.
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4. We have to get up at six tomorrow morning.
5. It is possible that George will watch television tonight.
6. It is possible that Mary is home now.
7. Paul is able to read Japanese.
8. You have permission to come in and see the doctor.
9. George is going study in the library tonight.
10. It is possible that Helen will make an apple pie

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