B.ingg Materi
B.ingg Materi
B.ingg Materi
The Subject
A. what is the Subject?
The subject normally occurs before the verb in statements. In questions, the
subject occurs immediately after the auxiliary verb.
E.g: They have had some lunch.
Have they had any lunch?
The subject has number and person concord (where this applies) with the finite
E.g: I am coming, too
She is coming too
The most typical function of a subject is to denote the actor, that is the person, etc
causing the happening denoted by verb.
E.g: John opened his eyes
I made a cake
B. The forms:
a. Noun (Phrase):
Books are expensive now
Maria will present the paper next week
The boys are playing football
The beautiful lady in the corner looks charming
Note: Look at the modifiers: The adjective (beautiful) is put before the noun it
modifies, but the prepositional phrase (in the corner is put after the noun it
b. Pronoun:
English Module 2016[Type text]
They want to visit the hospital
She must take the book to the library
It has a long tail
Note: The subject and the Object forms of the pronouns are not the same, See the
following table,
I Me
He Him
She Her
You You
We Us
They Them
It It
c. Infinitive (phrase):
To study hard is not easy.
To be a good student needs hard work.
To carry out a research in a laboratory needs great care.
d. Gerund (phrase):
Living in a big city is sometimes frustrating.
Laughing is good for health.
e. Clauses
Where she went last night is none of your business.
What she said made us feel relieved.
That he plans to quite from his job is surprising.
Why the meeting is canceled is a big question.
Note: The clause the functions as a subject is always begun with either that or wh-
word (what, when, who, etc.)
F. Subject fillers:
There are a lot of people in the hall
There rises a mountain in the middle of the land
It is easy to learn English
It is our duty to keep the class clean
It takes one hour from my house to the office
Note: Subject filler is also called expletive. The expletive there is not the real
subject; therefore, the verb does not depend on it. It depends on the word following
it, whether it is singular or plural. Be careful with the word there which functions as
an adverbial of place (as in We have to go there someday). It can also function as
a pronoun as mentioned in point b above
Exercise I:
Read the passages below and underline the subjects. Identify whether they are
noun (phrase), pronouns, infinitive (phrase), gerund (phrase), clause, or subject
B. The main attraction of the pope family dinner was the gathering of the closest
relatives on Palm Sunday for a family feast. Aunts, uncles, and cousins arrived on
Saturday night before the big dinner on Sunday. Mother prepared a good meal for
them on Saturday morning. None of the relatives went to bed hungry. But my
mother and her sisters stayed up on Sunday, all of us hurried home to eat again.
After giving thanks for a food my fathers oldest brother carved the giant turkey.
One of my cousins passed plates around. Two hours later, none of the turkey was
left. Full and happy, everyone gathered around the piano and sang church songs.
My mother and father and aunts and uncles ended the day talking about old times.
My cousins, brothers and sisters, and I listened to the radio and watched the
children play in the backyard. None of us wanted the day to end
Exercise 2:
Circle the subjects of each sentence. Indicate whether it is a noun (phrase),
pronoun, gerund (phrase), infinitive (phrase), clause or subject filler
Exercise 3:
Complete the following passage with appropriate subjects form the list below
(1).------- ------ Is going fine. (2)--------- -------- like my new apartment very much,
(3)------- ------- is very large and comfortable, (4) -------- -------- like my roommate,
too, (5)-------- -------- is Alberto, (6)----- ------- meet him when you visit me next
month. (7)----- -------- is from Colombia. (8)----- -------- were classmates last
(9) --------- ------- are Mr. and Mrs. Black. (10) .are very nice (11)---
------------- talk to them often. (12)---- ------- is next to theirs. (13)------- ----- have a
three year old daughter, (14)---- ----- is really cute. (15) ---- ------ is Joy (16)-------
---- also have a cat (17) ------ ----- is black and white. (18) are yellow, (19)
------ ---- is Whiskers. Sometimes (20) ------- ------ leaves a dead mouse outside our
Sentence Connectors
Function Examples
B. Adjective clause
Person Things
Person (subject)
The man who came here last week sent us a parcel.
My father, who came here last week, left for Singapore this morning.
Person (object)
The girl whom that I met yesterday is our new neighbor.
Person (Possessive)
The boy whose book you borrow did not come to class.
C. Adverb clause
Time : When, after, before, while, etc.
Place : wherever
Conditional : If, as long as, unless, etc
Cause and effect : Because, so that, since, etc.
Contrast : Although, even though, etc.
Exercise 3: Study to following sentence and indicate whether they are simple (S),
Complex (CX), Compound (C ) , or Compound-Complex (CC).
Note: Read the paragraph and pay close attention to the prepositional phrase
There are some differences between British and American English. There
are a few differences in grammar. Speakers of British English say in hospital and
Have you a pen? American says in the hospital and do you have a pen?
Pronunciation is sometimes different. American usually sounds the r in words like
bird and hurt. Some speakers of British English do not sound the r in these
words. There are differences in spelling and vocabulary too. colour and honour
are British. color and honor are American. These differences in grammar,
pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary are not important, however, for the most
part, British and American English are the same language.
III). Relative clause: that you bought yesterday, who I really adore
Examples: The expensive book that you bought yesterday
The nice person I really adore
b. Function: This phrase usually functions as:
I). Subject:
That extremely beautiful young lady in the laboratory will be in our group.
The expensive old house in the main road is already sold
II). Object:
I know who extremely beautiful young lady in the laboratory.
I plan to buy that expensive old house in the main road.
V). Appositive:
Malang, a small town in East Java, is a beautiful place
1. Gerund Phrase
a. Form: This is phrase that begins with a gerund (V-ing form))
Example: singing English songs, coming home late, reading books.
b. Function: This phrase usually functions as :
1) Subject: Singing English songs is her hobby
Coming home late is absolutely not recommended.
Note: read the paragraph and pay attention to the gerund phrase.
Most TV crime drama is about finding the criminal. As soon as he is arrested, the
story is over. In real life, finding criminals is seldom a problem. The police have a
machinery which eventually shows up most wanted criminals.
Having made an arrest, a detective starts to carry out his duty. His job is to prove
his case in court. Gathering a lot of different evidence is his first priority. And to
perform such task a really not easy. A detective has to be out at all hours of the
day and night. His other difficult task is to interview his witnesses. Being a real
detective is indeed very challenging.
Exercise1: change these verbs into gerund phrase:
Study, build, write, be, operate, drive, understand, water, give, run,
Exercise 2: Write ten sentences, each using one of the following gerund phrase,
then write down the Indonesian versions of your sentences
Buying good seed, preventing the collection of the pests, being the only student,
spreading the virus, maintaining the good structure of the soil, growing crops,
teaching science, knowing the problem, learning how to write, playing in the rain
2. Infinitive Phrase
a. form: This is a phrase that begins with a to-infinitive (to+V1)
Example: to study at the post graduate program IPB, to take care of small children,
to correct the students assignments
b. Function: This phrase usually function as:
1). Subject: To take care a small children, needs patience.
To correct the students assignment is hard work.
II). Object: She loves to take care of small children.
English Module 2016[Type text]
He refuses to study at the post graduate program IPB.
III). Subject complement: What your need is to study seriously.
His plan is to write books after being retired.
3. Participial Phrase
a. Form: This is a phrase that begins with either a V-ing or a V-III
Example singing ballads, watching TV, having washed the dishes, having had such
an experience, invited to be a key-note speaker, bored with such problem, having
been told the bad news
b. Function: This phrase usually functions as:
I). Sentence modifier:
English Module 2016[Type text]
Singing ballads, she watered the plants
(While she was singing, she watered the plants)
Watching TV, we lay on the carpet
(While we were watching TV, we lay on the carpet)
Having washed the dishes, we went to bed
(After we washed the dishes, we went to bed.)
Having had such an experience, she become wiser
(After she had such an experience, she become wiser).
Invited to be key-note speaker, she decided to postpone her going a broad.
(because she was invited to be a key-note speaker, she decided to go aboard)
Note: Read the sentences and pay attention to the participial phrase
1. Preparing the final test, the student studied together almost every night.
2. Having watered the flower, she immediately washed her hands.
3. Disappointed with the result, she stopped working.
4. Having been invited to be a guest speaker, she felt more comfortable with
5. Surprised with the news, the teachers could say nothing.
6. Having been chosen to be head of committee, he felt so happy.
7. Having been dormant for some time, the seed germinates.
8. Having cut his own finger, the small boy cried aloud.
9. Writing a paper for a seminar, she worked ten hours a day.
10. Having joined the English course, they felt more confident.
Exercise 1: Rewrite these sentence in English
1. Sambil berjalan menyusur sungai, para pendaki gunung itu menyanyi
2. Saya suka melihat anak-anak bermain dan bernyanyi bersama.
3. Memberi nasehat pada anak yang sudah dewasa tidak mudah.
4. Mahasiswa yang berasal dari Yogja itu sedang menyusun laporan penelitian.
English Module 2016[Type text]
5. setelah disetujui dosen pembimbing, proposal tersebut, diketik ulang.
The girls Argued In the classroom
Gilberto Walked To the campus
Prices Rise During inflation
Aranka Sat Quietly in the
The four verbs in the sentences above are intransitive verbs because they state an
action, and are not followed by a receiver of the action. (in the sentence the man
threw the ball, for example, the verb threw is transitive because it is followed by
the word ball to tell what was thrown.).Read this passage. Pay attention to the
sentence pattern (Underline sentences with pattern 1)
A day in my life
I woke up about nine oclock most mornings because I usually go to bed
quite late. As I get out of bed, all my bones click, reminding me of the familiar ache
that follow exercises. Every day I have to go through a certain amount of pain. A
ballet dancers life seems glamorous but most of it is very hard work. As you
develop as a dancer you stretch your body to the limit, and that means that you
have to suffer a little more, too mentally as well as physically, because you are
constantly trying to refine your technique discovering new things and struggling to
master them
Exercise 1: Add a direct object to each word group to form a complete sentence.
The object will answer the question what or who ? The first one is done by you.
The object should be in the form of a phrase
The shoot system above the ground consists of the stem, the leaves,
flowers, and fruit. One of the functions of the stem is to support the plant
Another important function is to enable water and mineral to pass up from
the roots to the leaves and flowers. Organic materials such as sugar travel down
the stem to the roots. The leaves grow out to the side of the stem. Their main job is
to make food for the plant by process known as photosynthesis. For this process
sunlight is necessary. Water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air are
converted into sugars and other carbohydrates. During the process oxygen is
formed and released into the air.
The flower contains the reproductive organs of the plant. The staments
produce the male sex cells or spermatia. The carpel produces the female sex cells,
or ovules. The fruit, the ripened ovary of the flower, encloses the seeds and
protects them. The seed itself consists of an embryo and food-store. The embryo
will develop into another plant and the food-store is necessary to provide
nourishment for the young plant
Sentence pattern 4 has four or five parts: a subject, a transitive verb, an indirect
object, and a direct object, it may have an adverb. The parts normally come in this
Indirect object
The purpose of an indirect object is to show to whom or for whom the action of the
verb is done. Either a noun or pronoun can be an indirect object. An indirect object
normally comes before a direct object. Both objects indirect and direct follow
certain verbs, such as ask, bring, buy, give, lend, find, make, teach, tell and write.
- The employment agency found my brother a job
- My friend wrote me a funny letter
- I can loan you the money for a week
- Our instructor taught us world history
These four indirect object my brother, me, you, and us join the direct objects
that follow them to complete the meaning of the verbs found, wrote, loan, and
taught. The first indirect object, my brother, answers the question For whom? The
last there indirect objects answer the question For whom?
Notice the following sentence:
- The employment agency found a job for my brother
- My friend wrote a letter to me
English Module 2016[Type text]
- I can loan the money to you
- Our instructor taught the world history to us
Exercise 1:
1. My friend send me a letter
2. Mr. Martin asks a letter of recommendation.
3. Fredric gave a ring on their wedding anniversary
4. Pedro will teach how to use this machine
5. The shop assistant sold a new set of speakers.
Exercise 2: Add a verb, a direct object, an indirect object (a Phrase whenever
possible) to form a complete sentence. Write out each sentence. Add an adverb
whenever possible.
2. The gardener.
3. The judge..
4. My ski instructor..
5. The waiter
c. Sometimes two or more adjectives modify as single noun, when this happens
the adjectives should be arranged in this way:
Pattern 5: Subject + Transitive verb + Direct object + Object complement +
Object complement
An object complement appears immediately after a direct object the term object
complement means that this word refers to the object and complements ( or
completes) its meaning. Either nouns or adjectives can be object complements
1. Noun as object complements
- The artist considered his painting a masterpiece.
- The secretary thought her boss a leader.
- The executive board appointed Mr.Gallin secretary
An adverb is a word that modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb
- He eyed me belligerently
- She is a very good student
Adverb may tell place, time, manner, direction, degree, frequency, affirmation or
Form: Be + V III (V-ed)
English Module 2016[Type text]
Active Passive
To do To be done
To see To be seen
To write To be written
To love To be loved
Note: Only transitive verbs (verbs that are followed by an object) are used in the
passive. It is not possible to use verbs such as happen, sleep, come and seem
(intransitive verbs) in the passive
The progressive forms of the present perfect, past perfect, future, and future
perfect are not used in the passive
Note: Read the paragraph and have ea closer look at the passive sentence
Exercise 4: Use active or passive, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in
A. Modal Auxiliary
Here is the list of the modal auxiliaries and their meanings
Note: Read the paragraph and have a closer look at the modal auxiliaries.
Tom should go to the meeting tonight, for the speaker will talk about job
opportunities. He ought to know all about this subject, for he will graduate from
school next June. Unfortunately he wont be able to go, he must finish his paper
and prepare himself for a test. The test will be held at 8.00 a.m. and so will the
meeting. Tom cant do two things at the same time. He must be able to make the
best choice
Exercise 1: form sentences using the modals