Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) : Even If You Do Not Have Any Complaints at The Moment
Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) : Even If You Do Not Have Any Complaints at The Moment
Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) : Even If You Do Not Have Any Complaints at The Moment
Below are a number of questions about possible complaints. Please circle the
answer to each question that is applicable to you. Please give an answer to each
question, even if you do not have any complaints at the moment. The aim of this
questionnaire is to find out how you experience your complaints. There are no correct
or incorrect answers. It is important that you are honest.
General information:
Date: __-__-200_
Name: ___________________________________
email: ildinfo@lung.azm.nl
The following ten statements refer to how you usually feel. Per statement you
can choose one out of five answer categories, varying from Never to Always.
Please circle the answer to each question that is applicable to you. Please
give an answer to each question, even if you do not have any complaints at
the moment.
1. I am bothered by fatigue 1 2 3 4 5