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API 620 Comparison

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PI 620
Thee design co onfiguration
n of API 62 20 requires that you have
h an ele
evated or flat
botttom on whiich to storee it. The tan
nk has a single, verticcal, centere
ed axis of
revo h a minimum materiall thickness of 3/16 incch. Other attributes o
olution with of
API 620 includ de:

It is con
nstructed frrom carbon n steel, ausstenitic sta
ainless stee
el and nicke
alloys (low temperature onlyy).
A Weld ding Certificcation is stiipulated byy American n Society off Mechaniccal
Enginee ers (ASME E), Section 10.
There iss a requireed inspectio on, no thirdd party.
The insspection co ost is the co ost of the n
non-destrucctive inspe ection (NDEE)

nefits of AP
PI 620 are:

1. It is use
ed for products which
h have high h internal p
pressure su
uch as lique
natural gas (LNG)) and cryog genic tankss.
2 It can sstore contents at a hig
2. gher pressuure (maxim mum 15 pounds per
square inch (PSI) of gas or vapor
v stora
age) and loower tempeerature (-32
degreess F to 250 degrees F F) than API 650.
3 It can sstore any liq
3. quid.

PI 650

API 650 sets m minimum re equiremen nts for the d

design, ma aterial, consstruction, a
testting for abo
oveground, open and closed-top p, cylindrica
al steel sto
orage tankss in
erent capaccities and ssizes, roug
ghly equatinng to the ppressure of the
atmosphere (not greater than the weight of the roof plates). If additional
requirements are met, higher internal pressures are allowed. API 650 only
covers tanks that support the whole bottom evenly and tanks in non-refrigerated
service that have a maximum design temperature of 200 degrees F. It requires
that you have a minimum material thickness of 3/16 inch. Other attributes of API
650 are:

It is constructed from carbon steel, austenitic duplex stainless steel, and

A Welding Certification is stipulated by American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME), Section 10.
There is a required inspection, no third party.
The inspection cost is the cost of the NDE.

Benefits of API 650 include:

1. It can store oil, gas, chemical, water and biofuel for some of the most
common tanks in the oil industry.
2. It can store contents at a lower pressure (maximum of 2 PSI) but at
much higher temperature (-40 degrees F to 500 degrees F) than the
standards of API 620.
3. It can be any tank size.

Hopefully, this article provides some clarification for those of you in the metal
fabrication industry regarding the key differences between API Standards 620
and 650 for storage tanks. To quickly summarize, API 620 can store contents at
a lower temperature and higher pressure whereas API 650 permits a lower
amount of pressure at a higher temperature. Given that, and knowing your
specific pressure and temperature requirements, you can see that choosing your
standard carefully is critical. If you need help, contact the experts at Swanton
Welding today.

All four specifications were produced to provide guidelines for design storage
tanks; however, each specification was produce to give a specific area of the
storage tank.

API 650:

API-650 is a general specification for designing welded steel storage tank

for oil storage
Large size storage tank
Temperature: -40F to 500F
Pressure: up to 2.5 psig

API 620:

Design and Construction of large welded low pressure storage tank

Large size storage tank
Temperature: -325F to 250F
Pressure: up to 15 psig

API 12D:

API 12D is field fabricated tank of production liquids

Smaller in size compared to API 650/620
Temperature: Ambient

API 12F:

API 12F is shop fabricated tank of production liquids

Smaller in size compared to API 650/620
Temperature: Ambient
API 12F is intended to use for oilfield service mostly

For further consideration regarding storage tanks

API 12B - Bolted Storage Tanks of Production Liquids

API 12P - Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks
UL-142 - aboveground steel storage tanks are designed for storing
flammable and combustible liquids
API 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction

Comparison of Welded Steel Tank Design

Comparison of Welded Steel Tank Design
We are often asked about the differences between the varying tank standards and when they are used. Below is a simple table
which provides a quick review of the several welded steel storage tank standards. The list is not all-inclusive, there are tanks
which fall outside these parameters. However, we have covered some of the more popular standards used. If you have
questions in regards to this list or would like further information on welded steel storage tanks please visit our
website www.advancetank.com or by phone at (970) 568-3444.

Standard AWWA D100** API 650* API 620* API 12F* API 12D*

Description Welded Carbon Welded Steel Design and Specification for Specification for
Steel Tanks for Tanks for Oil Construction of Shop Welded Field Welded
Water Storage Storage Large, Low- Tanks for Storage Tanks for Storage
Pressure Storage of Production of Production
Tanks Liquids Liquids

Product Stored Water Any Liquid Any Liquid Any Liquid Any Liquid

Configuration Ground-Supported Ground- Any configuration Ground-Supported Ground-Supported

Bottom Supported that has a single or Skirted Bottom Bottom
Open or Closed Bottom centered, vertical Closed Roof Closed Roof
Roof Open or Closed axis of revolution

Elevated Tanks Roof

Shop/Field Erected Field Erected Shop (Appendix Field Erected Shop Erected Field Erected
J) or Field

Tank Sizes Any Any Any Only sizes as listed Only sizes as listed
in Table 1 (7-6 in Table 1 of API
Diameter to 15-6 12D (15-6
Diameter) Diameter to 55-0

Temperature Range Ambient -40 Deg. F to 500 -325 Deg. F to 250 Ambient Ambient
Deg. F Deg. F

Maximum Pressure Atmospheric 2.5 psig (pounds 15 psig As shown in Table As shown in Table
per square inch 1 (8 16 oz/in^2) 1 (3 8 oz/in^2)
gage) based on tank size based on tank size

Materials Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Austenitic Austenitic Stainless
Stainless Steel Steel
Duplex Stainless Nickel Alloys (Low
Steel Temp only)
Uses/Industries Primarily for Oil, Gas, API 620 tanks are 12F tanks are 12D tanks are
municipal water Chemical, Water, used for product standardized shop standardized tanks
storage or and Bio-Fuel that needs high tanks built in built in accordance
wastewater process storage. API 650 internal pressure accordance with with API 12D,
but also found tanks are some of such as LNG tanks API 12F, including including
industrially when the most common or Cryogenic tanks. dimensions and dimensions and
water storage is welded steel internal and internal and
necessary tanks used in external pressures. external pressures.
industry. Most Primary use is for Primary use is for
tanks in the storage of the storage of
Refineries, production oil & production oil &
Terminals, produced water. produced water.
Pipelines, and
other process
facilities use
these tanks.

*API American Petroleum Institute

**AWWA American Water Works Association

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