Ovania Chemical Case
Ovania Chemical Case
Ovania Chemical Case
Chemical Industries
A chemical substance is a form of matter that has constant chemical composition and
characteristic properties.[1] It cannot be separated into components by physical separation
methods. Chemical substances can be chemical elements, chemical compounds, ions or
alloys. The chemical industry comprises the companies that produce industrial chemicals.
Central to the modern world economy, it converts raw materials (oil, natural gas, air, water,
metals, and minerals) into more than 70,000 different products. Although chemicals were
made and used throughout history, the birth of the heavy chemical industry (production of
chemicals in large quantities for a variety of uses) coincided with the beginnings of the
Industrial Revolution in general. One of the first chemicals to be produced in large amounts
through industrial process was sulfuric acid. In 1736, the pharmacist Joshua Ward developed
a process for its production that involved heating saltpeter, allowing the sulfur to oxidize and
combine with water. It was the first practical production of sulfuric acid on a large scale. John
Roebuck and Samuel Garbett were the first to establish a large-scale factory in Prestonpans,
Scotland, in 1749, which used leaden condensing chambers for the manufacture of sulfuric
Sales of the chemical business can be divided into a few broad categories, including basic
chemicals (about 35 to 37 percent of the dollar output), life sciences (30 percent), specialty
chemicals (20 to 25 percent) and consumer products (about 10 percent).[12]
Job Analysis & Selection Process of Ovania Chemical
The main objectives of doing this case analysis are given below:
Descriptive: The descriptive part helps to understand the current situation of the
organization. We will found two steps under this part where first step help to describe
the present deities and capabilities of the currently working employees. On the other
hand the second step involve to describe about what type of change organization
going to experience after a curtain period of time. For better understanding we can
break down the work under descriptive part in the following way:
Prescriptive: The prescriptive part of the strategic job analysis process help to
identify what are the major issues and challenges an organization is facing currently
and in upcoming years may face. Under step three organizations will go to find out
the current issues and challenges. And under step four they will try to find out the
probable challenges that a firm will face in the future. To do this work some process
they will going to follow:
Examine existing documents
Work planning documents
Reports of accomplishments
Talk to managers, customers, and experts
Agency managers
Academics, leaders in professional groups and associations
Skill levels
Skill gaps
Knowledge management
Political implications
Predictive: The last stage of strategic job analysis is included with two step, where
step five help to identify about what sort of job going to change in the upcoming
future. And step six will help to find out due to change in job what will be the
probable job duties that employee need to do also help to find out the capabilities that
an employee will need to do that job. The action plan for predictive step involve with
theses following task :
Examine future
-oriented documents
Strategic plans
Futurists predictions
Policy papers
Talk to senior leaders and policy makers
Senior executives
Policy analysts
Futurists, members of think tanks
Predict changes
Technology applied
Typical transactions
Workforce size
Mission focus
Job Analysis & Selection Process of Ovania Chemical
Identify the specific nature of the job & Requirements of the candidates.
List of duties that need to perfume for that position
Identify type of qualification and capabilities that is required to do that
position work.
1. Derry, Thomas Kingston; Williams, Trevor I. (1993). A Short History of Technology:
From the Earliest Times to A.D. 1900. New York: Dover.
2. Jump up Kiefer, David M. (2001). "Sulfuric Acid: Pumping Up the Volume".
American Chemical Society. Retrieved 2008-04-21.