Pilipinas Loan Company Vs SEC
Pilipinas Loan Company Vs SEC
Pilipinas Loan Company Vs SEC
April 4, 2001
Petitioner is a lending corporation duly registered with the SEC on July 27, 1989.
Based on its articles of incorporation, the primary purpose of petitioner is to act as
a lending investor or, otherwise, to engage in the practice of lending money or
extending loans on the security of real or personal, tangible or intangible properties
whether as pledge, real or chattel mortgage or otherwise, xxx without however,
engaging in pawnbroking as defined under PD 114."
A corporation, under the Corporation Code, has only such powers as are expressly
granted to it by law and by its articles of incorporation, those which may be
incidental to such conferred powers, those reasonably necessary to accomplish its
purposes and those which may be incident to its existence.
In the case at bar, the limit of the powers of petitioner as a corporation is very clear,
it is categorically prohibited from "engaging in pawnbroking as defined under PD
114". Hence, in determining what constitutes pawnbrokerage, the relevant law to
consider is PD 114.