Atopy in NS
Atopy in NS
Atopy in NS
Author Manuscript
Am J Kidney Dis. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 July 2.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Maher Abdel-Hafez, MD1, Michiko Shimada, MD2, Pui Y. Lee, MS3, Richard J. Johnson,
MD2, and Eduardo H. Garin, MD1
1Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Numerous reports during the last 60 years have reported a strong association between idiopathic
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nephrotic syndrome and atopic disorders. Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome can be precipitated by
allergic reactions and has been associated with both aeroallergens (pollens, mold, and dust) and food
allergies. Patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome also may show increased serum
immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. A review of the literature suggests that although some idiopathic
nephrotic syndrome cases may be associated with allergies, evidence that it is a type of allergic
disorder or can be induced by a specific allergen is weak. Rather, it is likely that the proteinuria and
increased IgE levels in patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome are caused by increased levels
of interleukin 13 observed in these patients. Recent studies suggest that interleukin 13, a known
stimulator of IgE response, may mediate proteinuria in patients with minimal change disease because
of its ability to directly induce CD80 expression on the podocyte.
Atopy; nephrotic syndrome; minimal change disease
nephrotic syndrome. MCD is often abrupt in onset. It can be dramatic in presentation, yet is
one of the most rewarding diseases for a physician to manage because response to
corticosteroids often is rapid and complete. Because kidney biopsy usually is not performed
when the disease responds to corticosteroid therapy, the term MCD has become synonymous
with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome.
The mechanism(s) underlying the MCD pathogenesis are unknown, although it is believed to
be immunologically mediated.1 Strong evidence suggests that it may be caused by a circulating
factor, possibly T-cell related, that causes podocyte dysfunction resulting in massive
proteinuria.2 However, there also have been numerous reports linking MCD with atopic
disorders and increases in serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. In this review, we discuss
the evidence supporting the association of atopy and whether there may be a common
underlying immune disorder that may predispose patients to both conditions.
Atopy is a term used to describe IgE-mediated diseases. Persons with atopy have a hereditary
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predisposition to produce IgE antibodies to common allergens and often manifest with 1 or
more atopic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic eczema). Atopic patients mount an
exaggerated immunologic response characterized by production of allergen-specific IgE
antibodies and positive reactions to extracts of common aeroallergens on skin-prick tests. Type
2 helper T cells (TH2) from patients with atopy respond to allergens in vitro by expressing such
cytokines as interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-133 (Fig 1A and B).
Many advances have been made in recent years for the pathogenesis of atopy. IgE synthesis
by B cells requires 2 signals. The first signal is delivered by the cytokines IL-4 or IL-13 released
by TH2 cells, which target the C gene for switch recombination. The second signal is delivered
by interaction of the B-cell surface antigen CD40 with its ligand expressed on activated T cells.
23 Therefore, patients with atopy typically present with increased serum IgE and serum IL-4
and IL-13 levels, although on repeated exposure to same allergen, patients also may have
increased plasma levels of interferon .24
Patients with MCD also show increased IgE levels (Table 1). Most,13-15,18,22,25-28 but not all,
17,29 studies have reported greater serum IgE levels in patients with MCD compared with
controls. Not infrequently, increased IgE levels occur in the absence of other clinical findings
of atopy.13,16 Cheung et al14 reported increased values during relapse with normal levels during
One confounding issue is that corticosteroid therapy may affect serum IgE levels.
Hydrocortisone, for example, can induce IgE production in purified B cells obtained from
nonatopic donors in combination with IL-430 and selectively enhance spontaneous IgE in
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atopic patients.31 Interestingly, there is evidence that IgE level increases with the duration of
nephrotic syndrome in patients with MCD.32
patients with MCD have an increased prevalence of atopic disease have led to the question of
whether a specific allergen could have a direct role in mediating this disease. If an allergen
could precipitate nephrotic syndrome in patients with MCD, it would suggest that MCD could
represent a type of allergic disorder. As mentioned, relapses in patients with MCD have been
reported to follow exposure to inhaled allergens,6-8,34-37 foods,38-45 insect stings,46,47 and
vaccinations48,49 (Table 2). However, how good is the evidence that a specific allergen may
be responsible for inducing MCD?
Some caution is required when evaluating the role of aeroallergens in triggering relapses in
patients with nephrotic syndrome. First, most aeroallergens have been identified only by using
the skin-prick test. The danger of ascribing a specific allergen by using skin-prick test as the
triggering agent for MCD is that most patients with allergies often show a positive skin-prick
test result to more than 1 antigen.12 Second, no challenge to induce MCD by exposing the
participant to the suspected allergen has been attempted. Third, some studies incriminate
allergens based on their seasonality, such as relapses in spring with pollen exposure6-8 or in
fall coinciding with the peak incidence of mite allergens in house dust.53 However, Meadow
and Sarsfield12 examined a series of 72 children with MCD and found no evidence for seasonal
relapse. In their series, the initial episodes of nephrotic syndrome were distributed throughout
the year.
If aeroallergens were the cause of MCD, therapies for treating the allergies might be expected
to reduce the frequency of relapse. In this regard, skin desensitization to specific allergens was
Disodium cromoglycate is known for its proved efficacy for preventing relapse in patients with
extrinsic asthma and hay fever. It stabilizes mast cells and prevents their degranulation on
exposure to allergens.54 In the series of patients reported by Florido et al,34 only 3 of 20 patients
achieved prolonged remission after cromoglycate was administered. Two controlled studies of
the use of this drug in patients with relapsing nephrotic syndrome also have been published.
Trompeter et al50 studied 21 children with at least 3 relapses of nephrotic syndrome. Patients
were randomly allocated in a double-blind controlled study to cromoglycate or placebo for 16
weeks, together with a gradual reduction in maintenance prednisone dosage, with complete
discontinuation by week 8. At 16 weeks, 5 of 10 patients in the placebo group and 9 of 11 in
the disodium cromoglycate group had experienced relapse. In the other controlled study12 of
the use of cromoglycate in patients with nephrotic syndrome, the 5 patients receiving
cromoglycate had a combined total of 33 weeks in remission, whereas the 5 patients in the
control group had 40 weeks in remission. Trials with other mast cellstabilizing drugs
(nivimedone and doxantrazole) also have failed to show a beneficial effect on prolonging
remission in patients with relapsing nephrotic syndrome.12,55
Thus, although allergens occasionally have been implicated in triggering nephrotic syndrome
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in patients with MCD, evidence that blocking the specific allergic agent may prevent relapse
is weak. This suggests that the atopic response is associated with the immune abnormality in
patients with MCD, rather than having a causal role.
In many cases, patients may not have had true MCD because some patients had steroid
resistance42,43 or multiple relapses38 and were maintained during the trial at the same previous
dose of steroids found to be not effective. Some reports also included patients younger than 1
year, making MCD less likely, and some included kidney biopsy specimens that showed a
pathological state other than MCD.
Different types of dietary manipulations to remove suspected food allergens have been
attempted. Dietary interventions have included the use of elemental diets (100% free amino
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acid liquid diet), limited exclusion diets (diet avoiding specific foods according to skin, RAST,
and histamine release test results), or oligoantigenic diets (a diet that allows patients to eat only
4 or 5 food items without restriction of calories or proteins). An inconsistent response has been
observed to each of these diets. Some patents initially showed improvement in proteinuria,
whereas others failed to respond when the proposed food allergen was removed.38,42 Of
patients who responded to dietary changes, some experienced a relapse, whereas others
remained in remission after the offending allergen was reintroduced.
initial response to the elemental diet, when patients experienced relapse, remission
subsequently was achieved by only 3 patients by subsequent withdrawal of cows milk.
Although these participants showed increased diuresis with resolution of edema, a decrease in
urinary protein excretion, and improvement in serum albumin levels, it is unclear whether the
effect of the elemental diet was caused by removal of an allergen or the elemental diet resulted
in decreased total protein and intake. Placement of nephrotic patients on a low-protein diet also
can result in a decrease in urinary protein excretion with some improvement in serum albumin
level.56 Of interest, serum IgE concentrations were within the normal range in all patients.
Lagrue et al40 examined the effect of various diets in 42 patients with steroid-dependent or
steroid-resistant disease with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (18 MCD, 15 focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis, and 9 mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis). The investigators tested
possible allergy to 10 different food items by using skin sensitivity tests, RAST, and histamine
release test. Six patients with MCD, 9 patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, and
5 patients with mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis tested positive for 1 or more food
proteins. Patients usually were maintained on a corticosteroid regimen before the trial. Diets
were provided for 14 days. Use of the elemental diet (similar to that prescribed by Sandberg
et al38) resulted in a transient remission in only 1 of 7 participants (histopathologic
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characteristics of nephrotic syndrome not defined), and the patient later required glucocorticoid
Limited Diets
Lagrue et al40 also administered a limited diet to 27 patients, with 7 of them achieving complete
remission. However, many of these patients also were receiving glucocorticoid therapy, which
confounds results. In another study,43 6 of 17 children with steroid-resistant nephrotic
syndrome experienced remission in response to a milk-free diet. Unfortunately, in this study,
all participants also received full doses of steroids during the dietary trial, making it unclear
whether the remissions may have been related to use of the immunosuppressive therapy.
Oligoantigenic Diet
Oligoantigenic diets also have been tried. Genova et al42 reported that 6 of 12 patients with
MCD experienced remission; however, some participants required up to 8 months on the diet
before achieving remission. Because MCD has its own spontaneous remission rate, the lack of
controls makes this report difficult to interpret. Thus, although the use of various diets to treat
patients with MCD is interesting, they often are confounded by the concurrent use of prednisone
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and lack of a control group. In addition, the investigators did not correlate skin sensitivity test
results with response to the diet and, as described by the investigators, some patients were not
able to maintain remission despite maintaining strict adherence to their diet. In conclusion,
although dietary restriction of milk and other proteins has resulted in some tantalizing responses
in some patients with MCD associated with nephrotic syndrome, better controlled studies are
required before conclusions can be drawn.
patients with MCD may be prone to allergy because of an underlying immunologic system that
predisposes them to both disorders.
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Production of IgE is driven primarily by 2 cytokines, IL-4 and IL-13. In this regard, Kimata et
al57 were the first to report that although spontaneous IL-4 production by T cells was increased
in patients with atopy, IL-13 production by T cells was increased in patients with MCD.
Subsequent studies have found that MCD is associated with increased IL-13 levels in
urine57 and serum,58 with increased spontaneous production of IL-13 messenger RNA in
isolated T cells59 and increased IL-13 production by T cells after stimulation14,59 compared
with patients in remission or controls. Furthermore, intracellular expression of IL-13 by T cells
correlated directly with serum IgE level.14 In contrast, studies examining IL-4 expression have
been conflicting. Thus, although T cells have been reported to express high levels of IL-4 either
spontaneously60 or after stimulation,61-63 other studies59,64,65 have not confirmed these
More recent studies have implicated IL-13 as a potential mediator of MCD. Podocytes express
IL-13 receptors66,67 and, in response to IL-13 binding, CD80 (also known as B7.1).67,68 CD80
is a transmembrane protein normally found on dendritic cells that have a key role in T-cell
costimulation. Reiser et al68 have shown that induction of CD80 by podocytes results in
proteinuria in mice with glomerular epithelial cell foot-process fusion, and Reiser and
Mundel69 have suggested that CD80 expression could be a mechanism for MCD. Consistent
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with this observation, Lai et al67 reported that IL-13overexpressing rats develop nephrotic
syndrome with features consistent with MCD.
We also found that urinary CD80 levels are increased in patients with MCD during relapse and
return to normal after remission.70 We also have preliminary evidence that the source of the
CD80 is the podocyte because we found that by using immunohistochemical staining, CD80
was expressed by podocytes in kidney biopsy specimens from patients with MCD in relapse
(E.H. Garin et al, unpublished data).
Although these studies incriminate IL-13 in the nephrotic syndrome observed in patients with
steroid-sensitive MCD, there are reports that serum IL-13 levels increase after remission58
despite a decrease in expression by isolated T cells.14,59 In this regard, we have postulated that
podocyte expression of CD80 may continue unless expression is turned off by soluble cytotoxic
T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4).70 In our preliminary studies, CD80/CTLA-4 ratio is
increased in patients with MCD during relapse, with levels returning to the normal range in
remission.70 If true, MCD might be considered a 2-step disease in which there is initial
stimulation of CD80 on podocytes by IL-13 or other cytokines followed by inadequate
silencing of CD80 by insufficient release of soluble CTLA-4.
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In conclusion, allergies are common in patients with MCD, but there is little evidence that they
have a direct pathogenic role in this disorder. More likely, the underlying immune system in
these individuals predisposes them to both disorders. IL-13 has been found to be increased in
patients with MCD. IL-13 is known to induce a switch from IgM to IgE in B cells and induce
CD80 expression by podocytes. Concomitantly, increased CD80 expression by podocytes is
associated with proteinuria. Additional studies are needed to elucidate the role of IL-13 and
CD80 in MCD. In addition, these studies could result in novel therapies (such as the use of
soluble CTLA-4 IgG) that specifically target CD80 or factors stimulating podocyte CD80
Support: None.
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Figure 1.
(A) (1) Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and activated B cells express CD80, which binds to
CD28 on the (2) T effector (Teff) cellular membrane. In the absence of suppression by (3) T
regulatory (Treg) cells, T effector cells release interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-13. These 2 cytokines
trigger (4) the switch from immunoglobulin M (IgM) to IgE in the B cell. (B) T effector cells
express cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4), which will compete with CD28 for
CD80, resulting in (1) decreased activation of T effector cells. In addition, (2) T regulatory
cells suppress T effector activation by releasing IL-10 and soluble CTLA-4. These combined
events result in decreased production of IL-4, IL-13, and (3) IgE.
Figure 2.
In patients with minimal change disease, activation of T effector (T eff) cells is by (1) antigen-
presenting cells (APCs) after exposure to microbial pathogen-associated molecular patterns
(PAMP). It is unknown whether activated B cells have a role (?). (2) Activated T effector cells
release cytokines, including interleukin 13 (IL-13). IL-13 will induce the switch from
immunoglobulin M (IgM) to IgE in B cells and expression of (3) CD80 by podocytes. A
postulated defect in (4) T regulatory (T reg) cell function will allow T effector cells to continue
secreting the pathogenetic cytokine.
Table 1
Clinical and Histopathologic Data and Serum IgE Levels
Reference Incidence of Biopsy Positive Skin Elevated IgE (P) 1st-Degree Incidence of Positive Skin Elevated IgE 1st-Degree
Allergy (P) Findings Test Relatives Allergy Test (P) Relatives
With Allergy With Allergy
Abdel-Hafez et al.
Meadow & Sarsfield12 26/77 (<0.01*) MCD 52% (<0.01) 65% 37/77 (<0.2) 15/80 13/50 29/79
Yap et al18 23/59 (<0.05*) SSNS 30/59 (<0.05) 33/55 (<0.0001) 27/58 (<0.05) 21/100 16/46 8/55 28/100
Abbreviations: IgE, immunoglobulin E; MCD, minimal change disease; NS, not significant; SS, steroid-sensitive; SSNS, steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome.
P compares the incidence of allergy between nephrotic patients and healthy controls.
P compares positive skin test results between nephrotic patients and healthy controls.
No renal biopsy data. All patients had SSNS.
P compares IgE serum levels between nephrotic patients and healthy controls.
Table 2
List of Potential Allergens Implicated in the Cause of Atopy/Minimal Change Disease
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Allergen References
Inhaled allergens
Ragweed pollens 8
Fungi (molds) 8
Food allergens
Ovalbumin 39, 40
Pork 41
Hepatitis B vaccine 51
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Measles vaccine 52
Insect stings 46
Poison oak 9
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