Arms Trafficking PDF
Arms Trafficking PDF
Arms Trafficking PDF
Arms Trafficking?
Arms Trafficking, also known as gunrunning, is the
illegal trafficking or smuggling of contraband weapons or
ammunition. What constitutes legal trade in firearms varies
widely, depending on local and national laws (Wikipedia).
The 1999 Report of the UN Panel of Governmental
Experts on Small Arms provides a more refined and precise
definition, which has become internationally accepted. This
distinguishes between small arms (revolvers and self-
loading pistols, rifles and carbines, submachine guns,
assault rifles, and light machine guns), which are weapons
designed for personal use, and light weapons (heavy
machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted
grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable
anti-tanks guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of
anti-aircraft missile systems, and mortars of calibres less
than 100 mm), which are designed for use by several
persons serving as a unit. Ammunition and explosives also
form an integral part of small arms and light weapons used
in conflict.
RA No. 10591 defines arms
smuggling as the import, export,
acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or
transfer of firearms, their parts and
components and ammunition, from or
across the territory of one country to
that of another country which has not
been authorized in accordance with
domestic law in either or both
How trafficking of firearms influenced the activity of criminal organizations?