Masala Powder
Masala Powder
Masala Powder
Masala Powder
NIIR Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) is a reliable name in the industrial world for offering integrated technical consultancy services. Its various services are:
Pre-feasibility study, New Project Identification, Project Feasibility and Market Study, Identification of Profitable Industrial Project Opportunities, Preparation of
Project Profiles and Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Studies, Market Surveys and Studies, Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports, Identification
and Selection of Plant and Machinery, Manufacturing Process and or Equipment required, General Guidance, Technical and Commercial Counseling for setting
up new industrial projects and industry. NPCS also publishes varies technology books, directory, databases, detailed project reports, market survey reports on
various industries and profit making business. Besides being used by manufacturers, industrialists and entrepreneurs, our publications are also used by Indian
and overseas professionals including project engineers, information services bureau, consultants and consultancy firms as one of the input in their research.