Structural and Geotechnical Mapping Geophysical Techniques
Structural and Geotechnical Mapping Geophysical Techniques
Structural and Geotechnical Mapping Geophysical Techniques
nation of landslide and erosion mapping along the pro- and also by the lack of detailed studies on the key loca-
posed alignment and interpretation of air photographs led tions, such as the dam itself. The dam suffered changes
to the recommendation to abandon the remainder of the and rotations of the axis and excavation problems in the
alignment and adopted an alternative route, considered to pressure tunnel, undoubtedly caused by mbLnterpretation
be more stable. -from Author of the local geology before construction. -from Author
944180 Mapping the Xigaze (Tibet) ophiolite complex 944185 Some aspects of seismic hazard assessment in
with Landsat Thematic Mapper data national and local leveb in Albania
J . P . Matthews & A. S. G. Jones, Journal of Himalayan S. Kociaj, in: Comprehensive approach to earthquake
Geology, 3(1), 1992, pp 97-101. disaster mitigation, ed A. V o g e l & others, (Vieweg;
Decorrelation stretch and band ratio image enhancement Progress in Earthquake Research & Engineering, Vol. 4),
techniques have been applied to a Landsat Thematic 1993, pp 85-117.
Mapper (TM) scene covermg the remote Xigaze Ophiolite. Albania is one of the most active seismic countries in the
Vegetation or soil cover is sparse in this region, so maps Mediterranean Region. The seismic hazard assessment was
generated from satellite imagery can compliment informa- based on three main elements: earthquake loci on the basis
tion gathered from field surveys. From Landsat data, a map of seismological and geological data; maximum seismic
has been drawn of the main ophiollte massif which gives a energy to be released by the expected earthquake loci; and
more accurate overview of the distribution of lithologies surface effects of this energy expressed either through
than do previously published maps. -from Authors strong ground motion parameters or through seismic inten-
sities. Hazard maps for the whole country are described,
and case studies of hazard assessment on a local level are
Structural and geotechnical mapping presented. -G.E.Hodgson
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