Structural Dynamics Prof. P. Banerji Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Lecture - 3 Dynamics of SDOF Structure
Structural Dynamics Prof. P. Banerji Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Lecture - 3 Dynamics of SDOF Structure
Structural Dynamics Prof. P. Banerji Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Lecture - 3 Dynamics of SDOF Structure
Prof. P. Banerji
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Lecture - 3
Dynamics of SDOF Structure
In the last lecture we discussed the response of an un-damped system and we found out
that there was an issue related to un-damped system, because it was a conservative, and
also it could not model the energy loss, and also we introduced the concept of viscous
damping in the structure, and from that we obtained this equation. We saw that the
parameter C, which is the dashpot constant C upon 2 pi omega is a critical damping ratio
and if we take the ratio of the actual damping to the critical.
Damping, which is C upon 2 pi omega we just define the parameter called x I, and we
call that although that should strictly that be called ratio of the viscous dashpot constant
to the critical dashpot constant. We specify it as viscous damping ratio or damping ratio,
because if we modulate as viscous damping the energy loss viscous damping then we
just call it as damping ratio.
So, the parameter zeta, which is equal to C upon 2 m omega is the damping ratio, and e
saw that x i was greater than 1. It was over damped over critically, which is over damped
x i equal to 1. It was critically damped, and we got a qualitative assessment of the
response, and we saw that in both the over damped system, and critically damped
systems you essentially got one directional response. So, there was no cyclic response
once. So, there was no vibration and the we say that look for x i less than 1, which is
under critically damped or as we say under damped all structures exhibit under dumped.
So, there for since, we looking at only structural dynamics we are strictly interested in x i
less than 1 kind of a situation and. In fact, in structures it seen that x i is actually
significantly less than 1, we will see what that entails let us now try to solve the free
vibration equation for under damped system and this I will go through in detail. So, let us
see, what does it becomes.
If you think back became minus x i z plus or minus i omega into 1 minus x i square. So,
if this is the situation I am going to define a parameter omega D, which I will call by
omega 1 minus x i square. Then s becomes equal to minus zeta omega plus minus i
omega D. So, the u of t essentially becomes e to the power of minus x i omega t into A 1
e to the power plus i omega D t plus A 2 e to the power of minus omega D t, let us
assume that we ignored this term, see if you look at this is the solution right get this plug.
It in you get put it in you get e to the power of minus x i omega plus i omega the whole
terms becomes D. So, that the whole term becomes minus t. So, let us forget this term, if
you look at this is identical to what we had got for the undamped system accepting that
there we had omega, and here we have omega D, and without going to the entire process
all over again since the r you know complex functions, and this is the real function this
So, only this is the complex, we know that this will actually be of the form you know. I
already define this in the last lecture the last lecture before last and this will essentially
becomes, because these have to add up the real function the same thing. So, this basically
becomes this. So, from here to here the procedure is exactly the same. As we got m u
double dot plus k u equal to 0 term. So, these this going from this exponential to this I
am not repeating the same thing that I have already talked about last time. So, essentially
what does it look like qualitatively look qualitatively.
This looks like there is a time u of t. if you look at this if you look at this term, then is
again identically it is an harmonic function. So, it is an harmonic function accepting that
what you had is a harmonic function modulated by exponentially decaying function. So,
if I plot this the harmonic function is modulated by an exponentially decaying function
this is what we have and; obviously, T D, which is 2 pi by omega D. So, in a sense what
we are saying is that this is the time period, and the only difference here from the
previous undamped situation is that omega D is omega into one minus x i square this was
the natural frequency for an un-damped system. This is the natural frequency for a term,
and relationship between these two if you look at it is what let me plot this omega D,
upon omega is equal to square root of 1 minus x i square is basically means omega D,
upon omega square plus x i square is equal to 1.
What is this? The equation for this is the equation for a circleonly problem is that x i is
positive by definition. So, is only from here to here omega D and omega are both
positive by definition. So, what we actually have is if we look at it this is one, this is one,
and this. Defines remembered the words when x i equal to 0 omega D by omega is equal
to 1 well; obviously, x i is equal 0 you have an un-damped system and omega D and
omega are the same the damped system and the un-damped system frequencies are
identical when x i is equal to 1 which is critically damped system what happens to omega
D 0 why well we saw right critically damped system you do not have any vibration we
do not have any vibration, what is omega what is omega D the damped system actual
frequency if it do not vibrate damped frequency of natural frequency of the damped
system is 0. It does not vibrate.
So, that is what we have here. So, there for essentially what we have is that, I say it I say
it something that most structural damping x i is very much less than one in other words x
i is in the zone. The probable x i in the zone if I look at it let me take this as 0.1 if I take
0.1 substitute into this what do I get I get for zeta for zeta equal to 0.1 for all practical
purposes one. So, as long as x i less than 10 percent 10 percent implies 0.1. the damped
frequency and the un-damped frequency are practically the same. So, there is almost
known for in structurally damped system, because most structurally damped systems
have less than 10 percent damping most structural systems have less than 10 percent
damping. in which case this frequency or the time period is identical the damped system
and the un-damped system are practically the same for all practical purposes. So, in other
words all that happened is due to damping is this exponentially decaying, and this in
essences represents the energy loss in a system. So, what we are doing is we are actually
defining the energy loss in the system. So, now, now the question becomes remember I
said I could not find out C for a structure can I somehow find out x i can I find out x i
before I do that let me actually solve it because it is in its an interesting to actually solve
for the system.
So, let me go back to my U of t is equal to e to the power of minus zeta omega t C 1 sine
omega D t plus C 2 cosine omega D t, and now what I am going to do is substitute T
equal to 0. So, what we have is u 0 is equal to 1 into C 1 0 plus C 2 into1, what we have
is C 2 equal to u 0. We get this we get this solution next how do I find out C 1 well
differentiate now I going to differentiate two terms right. So, first I will differentiate this
term. So, this will become minus zeta omega e to the power of minus zeta omega into C
1 sine omega D t plus C 2 cosine omega D t plus, now I will differentiate this one. So,
this becomes e to the power of minus x i omega C 1 omega D cosine omega D t plus C 2
sorry minus C 2 omega D sine omega D t. So, this the two term I differentiated both
And now I am going to put t equal to 0. So, what I am going to get u dot 0 is equal to
first. look at this here we get minus x i omega this is 1 into 1 plus C 1 into 0 plus C 2 into
0 plus 1 into C 1 omega D 1 minus C 2 omega D 0. So, let me just rewrite this I will
rewrite this entire thing in a in a proper way write in the proper way ,what do I get I get.
U dot 0 is equal to I am. So, sorry here you do not have x i 2 it is its one. So, you get
minus x i omega C 2 plus C 1 omega D is equal to u 1. So, we know that C 2 is equal to
0. So, let us substitute that in here. So, this becomes minus x i omega u 0 plus C 1 omega
D. So, what does C 1 become C 1 becomes x i omega u 0 plus u dot entire thing divided
by omega D. So, if you look at this is becomes omega we have already we are seeing that
omega D upon omega is equal to square root of 1 minus x i square. So, this basically
becomes then C 1 becomes u dot upon omega D plus x i omega sorry x i u 0 upon 1
minus x i square.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:43)
So, having plug those in what I get alternately as my solution is u of t is equal to minus x
i omega t plus u 0 cosine omega D plus u dot upon omega D plus zeta u 0 upon square
root of minus zeta D sine omega D a fairly complex aha equation isnt it. So, what
understand that t that last time if you looked at the solution what did we get we got for
the un-damped system u 0 cosine omega D plus u dot 0 upon omega into sine omega D t
right, because of the since its x i ,which represents the damping is non zero here.
Now, you plug in plug into this x i equal to x i equal to x i equal to 0. if you plug in for x
i equal to 0 this becomes 1 omega D b comes omega. So, becomes u 0 cosine omega t
plus u dot 0 upon omega this term disappears sine omega t that exactly, what we got in
the un-damped system. So, you see the damped system few vibration response actually
includes the un-damped system response, but just substituting x i equal to 0 we can get
the solution and if you look at it you know I have just got you the expression, but you
know the expressions do not tell you about anything other than the fact that this
essentially is a simple harmonic motion modulated by an exponentially decaying
(Refer Slide Time: 20:51)
I can rewrite this as the question becomes that what is rho is a amplitude. Rho is equal to
that is the amplitude rho and what is that theta, this term if you look at this particular
thing this is u of t and so if you look at the maximum response the maximum response is
nothing but Rho.
Let us take a situation, where this is my u 1, in other words I am tying that loop that if
you look at it this is what I am saying that this is the in the sense something like this
something like this it is starts go like this then starts. So, this if you look at it at this point
this is rho, and I am calling that as my u one. So, I take this peak and this is my u 1 after
one cycle the one cycle is what up to this point. it is one cycle right that is you see is T D
this is u 2 then after threes cycle this is u 3 and. So, on after every cycle how much is one
cycle one cycle, which is equal to 2 pi upon omega D. So, let me look at u n. So, if you
look at this is the solution what I am saying is that this is this is one you I mean at that
instant time by rho, and this is one that is what this is point.
So, there for this will always be 1 after every T D, so this will always be 1. So, if I look
at u n. it will only have e to the power of minus zeta omega t I left define t is. So, n cycle
t is equal to n T D right. So, if I take that instant of time as 1. So, then this one is going to
be , and to rho and now t is equal to T D. So, I am going to put in n TD over here. So,
this is equal to minus e to the power of minus x i omega and t is n T D, which is 2 pi n
upon omega D. see n cycle t is n T D T D is going to be equal to 2 pi n upon omega D.
So, this becomes u n becomes this. If this is rho then this is equal to this into rho if I take.
Experimentally well. I can let me set the system into vibration and then you now this is ,
where my rho is. So, I just take my first point of time as this point, and then I go through
an tickles and come back here and measure this from here to here. So, the original was
this one and after end cycle is at this point. I can measure those, I can measure I will I
will show I said again later on in this during this course you going to be going to be lab
and you will actually be looking at this and you can get this and you can get this and this
is something that you have taken.
How many cycles of vibration have you taken and based on that vibration of cycles you
can directly get x i. So, experimentally we can measure x i for any structure. So, here is
the first one experimentally, we can get the mass of the structure experimentally, we can
get the key of the structure and experimentally, we can get x i of the structure, and if you
look at it the dynamic characteristics.
now I want to come back to of a structure, and I am going to talk about this dynamic
characteristics of a structure over and over again in this course these are the natural
frequency of equation note that you know you ask me why omega why not omega D well
you see omega D is equal to omega into square root of 1 minus x i square. So, if I if I
define my natural and you know we have already seen that for structural damping, where
damping is typically less than x i less than 0.1, and you know another thing we do not
really talk in terms of 0.1 0.2 0.3 we talk in terms of 10 percent of damping 5 percent of
damping in 5 percent damping means 0.05 I 2 percent damping x i equal to 0.02, so for
Damping is almost always less than 10 percent and if it is less than 10 percent omega D
and omega are identical. So, there for we do not really talk ever again of damp
frequency, because for structures damping frequency are not cannot be measurably
separated. it can be mathematically separated you know omega D is not omega D is
omega into square root of 1 minus x i square, but u remember put in 0.1. I told you put in
0.1 what happens x i square is 0.01. So, 1 minus x i square is 0.9 square root of 0.9 is
approximately about 0.9 0 and 5. So, omega D upon omega is 0.9 9 and 5 you cannot
measurably separate it 99 percent the natural frequency is 99 percent 0.5 percent of
omega measurable there is no measurable difference, so measurably omega D and omega
the same. So, there for we say we measure whenever we actually measuring omega D ,
because all that is omega because as long as I 10 percent.
So, therefore, omega all omega D, whichever you choose is, but in I prefer natural
frequency of vibration of the structure and x i, which is the damping ratio these are the
dynamic characteristics of the structure, and these determine how can I determine these
experimental sure. I can I can find out how much time one cycle takes that is my time
period omega is 2 pi upon the time period. I can measure that oaky x i. I can measure it
logarithmic decrement I am measuring. So, both of these are measurable quantities for
any structure. In fact, any building you can actually you know, it is very difficult you can
do a numerical model of a building and then get the k matrix and m matrix etcetera, but
you can actually measure it you know hit the building you need to hit the building till
any normal building you really need to hit it with really heavy system, but let us assume
that I have a system by which I can hit the building once.
I hit the building and I am making it go, and it is in vibration and I can get the frequency
of vibration, and I can get the x i from the logarithmic decrement. So, these are
measurable quantities and these are known as the dynamic characteristics of the
structures. You see as we go proceed a long that these omega and x i are parameters that
determine the dynamic response of a structure to any kind of learning. So, when we say
well we will talk about this a little bit later, but this omega and x i; these two terms
determine the response and these do not need to be define this can be at least obtain
mathematically, because k is a structure I mean k you can measure or you can you know
numerical model m. you can measure the numerical model and omega square root of k
upon m for single degree of numerical system.
So, you can actually numerically model. This, but this you cannot numerically model this
can only be obtained experimentally, and this can also be obtained experimentally we do
not need a numerical model. So, this now defines all the characteristics of a realistic
structure, which models the energy loss, which models the vibration of free vibration of
the structure. So, now, these in essence is the vibration equation for again. I want to go
back will show you what structure response looks like when subjected to initial
displacement this is what the response looks like u 0 initial displacement initial velocity.
If you do not give an initial displacement you only give initial velocity. if you do not
give an initial displacement you give only initial velocity then these two terms will
disappear and this becomes just e to the power of minus x i u dot 0 upon omega D into
sine omega D T.
If you do not give it an initial velocity then the response becomes u 0 cosine omega d
plus x i u 0 upon square root of 1 minus x i square t anyways to I mean these are do not
matter significantly, but the response can be guard and from the response we get from
the dynamic characteristics, which are omega and x i this in essence completes our free
vibrations equations of a structure. Now the question is becomes suppose now you know.
I just want to go back 1 point and that is here you know I meet this approximation that
this is approximately equal to 1 neglect this, and get you now directly from here. I can
get this solution right what is zeta x i is not equal to 0.1 what happens well the way we
do it we obtain x i from here compute this term and iteratively, and now you know this
you can get start getting this.
And now you know this will not be satisfied for anymore get a new x i. new x i this term
come close you know to solve iteratively x i. So, the initial x i is obtained in this way and
then if x i less greater than 0.1, then it need to go back and get the x i iteratively solving
for this. So, that is all there is nothing great that much you can always get x i from the
free vibration. So, what I will do is I am I am going kind of discussion on free vibration
to at this time, and we will we will go back and look at actual you know the problems we
will look at the labs I will start up actually with the lab and then look at how to solve
problems form the lab. So, now, what I want to do is for the little bit of time that I have
left for this particular lecture I am going to start looking at free. Vibration looked at
omega zeta now we have to see how do we solve and
(Refer Slide Time: 38:36)
Now, I am going to introduce this in, because this actually you know from if you know x
i you can actually find out C, but any way it does not matter oscillator no x i as long as
we know x i. So, this is the equation this is the equation that I need to solve for any
dynamic loading that, I have how do I go about it just want to spend the next 10 to 15
minutes. Looking at how do I solve this one essentially going to review solution linear
second order differential equation. So, how do we solve this and this is of course, with u
0 nu dot 0 the initial condition how do I solve this well mathematics says that u of t is a
sum of u h of t plus u p of t, where what is u h of t u h of t the homogeneous path.
And. So, this plus this and then you substitute t is equal to 0 u 0 and u dot 0 to get an A 1
and A 2, where its u of t, which is this plus this which gives you the solution. So, there
for when you are looking at the solution of a first vibration solution what is the first
vibration problem that is this problem m u double dot plus C u dot plus k u is equal to p
of t this is the first vibration problem. So, here essentially u h of t we already said u h of t
is this form we have already solved this, because you see equation of C essentially solves
is a solution to this problem, which you have already solved problem u p of t depends on
p of t. which is particular solution and once we have that then we can get A 1 and A 2
from the initial conditions and we have the solution in u of t, which is this solution for
this loading. So, this is the displacement response to forced loading. So, this is the over
view of response of a structure to any kind of load now what kind of loading are we
going to consider we just before solving that what kind of loading. Are we look at we
going to look at the loading that occurs. in real life what kind of loading happens in real
life just look at that.
If you have a structure with a rotator machinery on the top then the loading at the
structure type is detected to like this ok. If this machinery is rotating at a constant rpm
then this is what the kind of loading that we have this is known as harmonic vibration.
Then another type of loading see and this is seen for example, in a ship through a the
procular keeps is also rotating, but in that kind of a situation what you see is something
like this you see in harmonic this gets repeated in periodic this gets repeated periodic
loading and. So, the rotating machinery or at a constant velocity at a constant rpm on a
building develops a harmonic loading ships procular or any kind of a system, which is
unbalanced ships procularis.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:13)
Now balanced subjects the procular to periodic loading what are the kind of loading do
we see well many kind of loading that we see is was known as sorry, p t a blast load if
there is an exposure away from the structure and that the pressure wave coming and
hitting the structure of this form well. Actually, t d is significantly less typically then the
kind you know this structure, because this t d is in milli seconds and blast loading
typically, can be it looks at as you know we will look at it later as impulse load or for
extremely rigid structures as a pulse load.
We are going to first look at harmonic loads, then we are going to look at periodic loads,
then we are going to look at impulse and pulse load, and then we are going to look at
transient load these last for a while harmonic and periodic loads are defers you have
rotationally. You have one forever transient loads these are there forever these are there
for extremely short duration these are there for extremely longer duration. So, these are
the kinds of loads that we have to analyze the structure for and the this significant next
few lecture am going to be looking at the response of single degree of freedom to a
molecule, then we going to look at the response of single degree of freedom to a periodic
load in. We were in look at the response of single degree of system to harmonics sorry
impulse or pulse type loading. And finally, the most complicated kind of loading we
going to look at that is transient loading and note that the equation that we are solving is
stated over and over again is this problem, where this load is going to be define by these
different kinds of loads.
Once we do all these kind of loads and these are the kinds of loads structural subjected to
we will be able to then start looking at what are the characteristics again. I want to go
back and state the something that I divided in the beginning we are going to solve linear
differential equations we are going to find out u of t as a function of homogeneous and
particular solution all those we going to do we going to go to that process, but after
having gone through that process what will be interesting in doing is not the u of t nor
the response time we will be interested in the peak response, and we will see again going
back , and if we can find out somehow a p 0 upon k which is static response multiplied
by a dynamic factor. If we can find out the dynamic factor for each kind of loading then
always we need to do is just prepare a designing chart for kinds of loading, then having
looked at the characteristics of the load and the characteristics of the structure we can
determine the D.
And once we determine D s multiply D into p naught as the static load multiplied to get
the dynamic response of the structure in the entire t to harmonic I mean dynamic loads.
So, I will stop here today and I just want to re to write that the reason why we look at
loads is not because of there, but because they represent it realistic that a structure ready
to see the one is establish the reason why we look at different kinds of loads never forget
that we are a genius we are not mathematicians. So, all these mathematics will be
looking at ultimately we have to step back why are we looking at the mathematics is
important to us, because we need to look at specific responses to specific kinds of loads
from the next lecture, we are going to look at forced vibration of a single degree of a
system subjected to different kinds of loads.