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Shock and Vibration Analysis Using Ansys Mechanical

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Shock & Vibration using ANSYS


Kelly Morgan

1 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015


1. Introduction to Dynamic Analysis

2. Types of Dynamic Analysis in ANSYS
Random vibrations [PSD]

3. Case Study: Half-Sine Shock on a PCB model

2 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Definition & Purpose

Determine the dynamic behavior (inertia and possibly

damping) of a structure or component.

Why not just Static? It is quick!

What is Dynamic behavior?

Vibration characteristics
how the structure vibrates and at what frequencies
Effect of harmonic loads.
Effect of seismic or shock loads.
Effect of random loads.
Effect of time-varying loads.

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Types of Vibrations


Non-deterministic Deterministic

Harmonic Transient Spectrum



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Types of Dynamic Analysis

Type Input Output

Modal Prescribed BCs/none natural frequencies and
corresponding mode shapes
stress/strain profile

Harmonic sinusoidally-varying excitations sinusoidally-varying response at

across a range of frequencies each frequency
min/max response over frequency

Spectrum spectrum representing the maximum response if the model

response to a specific time history were subjected to the time history

Random spectrum representing probability response within specified range of

distribution of excitation probabilities

Transient time-varying loads time-varying response

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Equation of Motion
The linear general equation of motion, which will be referred to throughout this
course, is as follows (matrix form):

M u Cu K u F
M structural mass matrix u nodal accelerati on vector
C structural damping matrix u nodal velocity vector
K structural stiffness matrix u nodal displaceme nt vector
F applied load vector

Note that this is simply a force balance:

Finertial Fdamping Fstiffness
F applied

M u C u K u F
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Modal Analysis

7 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Description & Purpose

A modal analysis is a technique used to determine the vibration

characteristics of structures:
natural frequencies
at what frequencies the structure would tend to naturally vibrate
mode shapes
in what shape the structure would tend to vibrate at each frequency
mode participation factors
the amount of mass that participates in a given direction for each mode

Most fundamental of all the dynamic analysis types.

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Description & Purpose

Benefits of modal analysis

Allows the design to avoid resonant vibrations or to vibrate at a specified
frequency (speaker box, for example).
Gives engineers an idea of how the design will respond to different types of
dynamic loads.
Helps in calculating solution controls (time steps, etc.) for other dynamic

Recommendation: Because a structures vibration characteristics determine how

it responds to any type of dynamic load, it is generally recommended to perform
a modal analysis first before trying any other dynamic analysis.

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Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors
The square roots of the eigenvalues
are wi, the structures natural circular mode 1
frequencies (rad/s). {f}1
f1 = 109 Hz

The eigenvectors {f}i represent the

mode shapes, i.e. the shape assumed mode 2
by the structure when vibrating at {f}2
frequency fi. f2 = 202 Hz

mode 3
f3 = 249 Hz

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Prestress Effects
Tangent Stiffness matrix [KiT]
K iT K iMat K iContact K iLoadStiffness
K iSpinSoftening K iStressStiffness

Material Stiffness [KiMat]

For nonlinear materials, only the linear portion is used ti
For hyperelastic materials, the tangent material properties at the point of restart are used

Stress Stiffening [KiStressStiffness] / Spin softening [KiSpinSoftening]

Effects included automatically in large deflection analyses

Contact stiffness [KiContact]

Contact behavior can be changed prior to the modal analysis

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Harmonic Analysis

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Definition & Purpose

What is harmonic analysis?

A technique to determine the steady state response of a structure to
sinusoidal (harmonic) loads of known frequency.
Harmonic loads (forces, pressures, and imposed displacements) of known
magnitude and frequency.
May be multiple loads all at the same frequency. Forces and displacements can be
in-phase or out-of phase. Body loads can only be specified with a phase angle of
Harmonic displacements at each DOF, usually out of phase with the applied loads.
Other derived quantities, such as stresses and strains.

13 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Definition & Purpose

Harmonic analysis is used in the design of:

Supports, fixtures, and components of rotating equipment such as
compressors, engines, pumps, and turbomachinery.
Structures subjected to vortex shedding (swirling motion of fluids) such as
turbine blades, airplane wings, bridges, and towers.

Why should you do a harmonic analysis?

To make sure that a given design can withstand sinusoidal loads at different
frequencies (e.g, an engine running at different speeds).
To detect resonant response and avoid it if necessary (by using dampers, for

14 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

When the imposed frequency approaches a
natural frequency in the direction of
excitation, a phenomenon known as
resonance occurs.
This can be seen in the figures on the right for a
1-DOF system subjected to a harmonic force for
various amounts of damping.

The following will be observed:

an increase in damping decreases the amplitude
of the response for all imposed frequencies,
a small change in damping has a large effect on
the response near resonance, and
the phase angle always passes through 90 at
resonance for any amount of damping.

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Solution Methods
Exact solution. Approximate solution; accuracy depends in
part on whether an adequate number of
modes have been extracted to represent
the harmonic response.

Generally slower than MSUP. Generally faster than FULL.

Supports all types of loads and boundary Support nonzero imposed harmonic
conditions. displacements through Enforced Motion

Solution points must be equally distributed Solution points may be either equally
across the frequency domain. distributed across the frequency domain or
clustered about the natural frequencies of
the structure.

Solves the full system of simultaneous Solves an uncoupled system of equations

equations using the Sparse matrix solver for by performing a linear combination of
complex arithmetic. orthogonal vectors (mode shapes).

Prestressing is available for Harmonic Response in Workbench.

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Transient Analysis

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Transient structural analyses are needed to evaluate the response of

deformable bodies when inertial effects become significant.
If inertial and damping effects can be ignored, consider performing a linear or
nonlinear static analysis instead
If the loading is purely sinusoidal and the response is linear, a harmonic response
analysis is more efficient
If the bodies can be assumed to be rigid and the kinematics of the system is of
interest, rigid dynamic analysis is more cost-effective
In all other cases, transient structural analyses should be used, as it is the most
general type of dynamic analysis

Assembly shown here is from an Autodesk

18 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015 Inventor sample model

Implicit vs Explicit Dynamics?

Implicit and Explicit refer to two types of time integration methods used
to perform dynamic simulations

Solution Impact Strain Rate Effect

Velocity (m/s) (/s)

Implicit <10-5 Static / Creep

< 50 10-5 - 10-1 Elastic

Elastic-Plastic (material
50 -1000 10-1 - 101
strength significant)

Primarily Plastic
(pressure equals or
1000 - 3000 105 - 106
exceeds material

3000 - 12000 106 - 108 (pressure many times
material strength)

Vaporization of colliding
Explicit > 12000 > 108
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Implicit vs Explicit Dynamics

Implicit dynamics
All contacts must be defined prior to solve
Explicit dynamics
Non-linear contacts do not need to be defined prior to solve

Explicit dynamics generally supports more material failure models than
implicit dynamics.

20 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Preliminary Modal Analysis

Use automatic time-stepping, proper selection of the initial, minimum, and

maximum time steps is important to represent the dynamic response
Unlike rigid dynamic analyses which use explicit time integration, transient
structural analyses use implicit time integration. Hence, the time steps are usually
larger for transient structural analyses
The dynamic response can be thought of as various mode shapes of the structure
being excited by a loading.
It is recommended to use automatic time-stepping (default):
The maximum time step can be chosen based on accuracy concerns. This value
can be defined as the same or slightly larger than the initial time step
The minimum time step can be input to prevent Workbench Mechanical from
solving indefinitely (1/100 or 1/1000 of the initial time step)

21 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Preliminary Modal Analysis
A general suggestion for selection of the initial time step is to use the
following equation: 1
20 f response

where fresponse is the frequency of the highest mode of interest

In order to determine the highest mode of interest, a preliminary modal

analysis should be performed prior to the transient structural analysis
mode shapes of the structure are known
value of fresponse value determine

It is a good idea to examine the various mode shapes to determine which frequency
may be the highest mode of interest contributing to the response of the structure.

22 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Initial Conditions
For a transient structural analysis, initial displacement and initial velocity is
User can define initial conditions via Initial Condition branch or by using multiple

Defining initial displacement & velocity with the

Initial Condition object:
Default condition is that all bodies are at rest

If some bodies have zero initial displacement but

non-zero constant initial velocity, this can be input
Only bodies can be specified
Enter constant initial velocity (Cannot specify more
than one constant velocity value with this method)

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Time-Varying Loads

Structural loads and joint conditions can be input as time-dependent load histories
When adding a Load or Joint Condition, the
magnitude can be defined as a constant,
tabular value, or function.
The values can be entered directly in the
Workbench Mechanical GUI

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Response Spectrum

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Response Spectrum..

Description & Purpose

A response-spectrum analysis calculates
the maximum response of a
structure to a transient loading.

It is performed as a fast alternative of

approximating a full transient

The maximum response is computed as

scale factor times the mode shape.

These maximum responses are then

combined to give a total response of
the structure.

26 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Description & Purpose
It is common to have a large models excited by transient loading.
e.g., building subjected to an earthquake
e.g., electronic component subjected to shock loading

The most accurate solution is to run a long transient analysis.

Large means many DOF. Long means many time points.
In many cases, this would take too much time and compute resources.

Instead of solving the (1) large model and (2) long transient together, it can be
desirable to approximate the maximum response quickly.

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Response Spectrum..

Common Uses
Commonly used in the analysis of:
Electronic equipment for shock loading
Nuclear power plant buildings and components, for seismic
Commercial buildings in earthquake zones

Types of Response Spectrum analysis:

Single-point response spectrum
A single response spectrum excites all specified points in the

Multi-point response spectrum

Different response spectra excite different points in the
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Spectral Regions

These two frequencies can often be identified on a response spectrum

This divides the spectrum into three regions
low mid high
frequency frequency frequency
1. Low frequency (below fSP)
periodic region
modes are periodic & generally
uncorrelated unless closely spaced

2. Mid frequency (between fSP and fZPA) ZPA

transition from periodic to rigid
modes have periodic component and rigid

3. High Frequency (above fZPA)

rigid region fSP fZPA
modes correlated with input frequency and, frequency at peak response frequency at rigid response
(spectral peak) (zero period acceleration)
therefore, also with themselves

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Recommended Solution Procedure

The recommended solution method is generally specified by your design

combination method
rigid response method
missing mass effects
Alternatively, the best solution method can be determined by
extracting the modes to be used for combination and
comparing them to the response spectrum

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Recommended Solution Procedure

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Modes only in low-frequency region

SRSS (or CQC/ROSE for closely spaced modes).
No rigid response effects. No missing mass effects.
Modes only in mid- to high-frequency region
SRSS (or CQC/ROSE for closely spaced modes).
Rigid response by Lindley or Gupta method. Missing mass on.
Modes in all frequency regions
SRSS (or CQC/ROSE for closely spaced modes).
Rigid response by
2011 ANSYS, Inc.
Gupta method. Missing mass on.
April 27, 2015
Multi-Point Response Spectrum

In multi-point response spectrum (MPRS), different constrained points can be

being subjected to different spectra (up to 100 different excitations).

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Random Vibration

33 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Definition and Purpose

Many common processes result in random vibration

Parts on a manufacturing line
Vehicles travelling on a roadway
Airplanes flying or taxiing
Spacecraft during launch

Courtesy: NASA

The amplitudes at these frequencies vary randomly with time.

We need some way of describing and quantifying this excitation.

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Assumptions & Restrictions

The structure has

no random properties
no time varying stiffness, damping, or mass
no time varying forces, displacement, pressures, temperatures, etc applied
light damping
damping forces are much smaller than inertial and elastic forces

The random process is

stationary (does not change with time)
the response will also be a stationary random process

ergodic (one sample tells us everything about the random process)

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Random Vibration

To calculate the response PSD (RPSD), multiply the input PSD by the response
Sout w Sin w

or RPSD input PSD
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Random Vibration

For real models with multiple DOFs

RPSDs are calculated for every node in every free direction at each frequency
RPSDs can be plotted for each node in a specific direction versus frequency
a RMS value (sigma value) for the entire frequency range is calculated for every
node in every free direction
sigma values can be plotted as a contour for the entire model for a specific

Z direction

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Shock Analysis using Transient
& Response Spectrum

Kelly Morgan
38 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015
Methods for Shock Analysis

Response Spectrum Method

Commonly used for large models
Solve much faster than a full transient analysis
Includes non-stationary excitations
Linear analysis only

Transient (Time History Analysis)

Include non-stationary and non-linear analysis
Computationally quite expensive

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PCB model details

Basic guidelines for performing shock analysis based on Implicit Transient as well as Response spectrum in ANSYS
WB is used
A real life example of a PCB subjected to standard 30g-11ms-half sine shock is considered as the basis of the
Different parameters like results, memory requirements, solution time required for both the Transient & RS are
Quarter symmetry model is taken

Quarter symmetric PCB Shock load

40 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015


Define Materials, BCs, Loads:

Material properties of different components are defined in Engineering data.

Transient analysis is done for a total time of 2.5e-2sec.
Initial conditions: Zero displacement and zero initial velocity.
Fixed BC: The cantilever is fixed at one end.
Acceleration Shock load: 30g-11ms, Half-sine shock pulse in transverse, z-dirn.

Transient shock-load input data

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Analysis settings and time step

Load steps, end time, time step size,
damping, etc. are defined in the
Analysis settings.

Including non-linear effects or not can also

be defined.

Time step size is very crucial in Transient

analysis as it determines the no. of
dynamic modes one can capture.
1st, 4th,5th mode freqs.=311, 3161, 4371 Hz, respectively.
To capture 4th mode time step should be around (1/20*3161)=1.58e-
5s. 1e-4 is taken as the time step for solution.

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Response Spectrum..

Spectrum analysis for Half-sine shock

Project Schematic Mechanical outline of Spectrum analysis

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Response Spectrum..

Converting Time domain load into

Spectrum input
Time domain data can be converted into Spectrum data (Freq domain) through
RESP command in ANSYS:



RESP 400

command 300 Series1



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Time domain data Frequency domain data

(Transient analysis) (Response Spectrum)

44 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Response Spectrum..

Applying acceleration Spectrum input in

Spectrum analysis

RS acceleration input data Settings of RS analysis

45 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Transient versus RS

Maximum deformation, Normal & Shear stress are compared from the Transient & the RS
Transient results are assumed to be accurate and benchmark for accessing RS results.
Time taken for both the analysis are compared

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Results comparison- Maximum

Transient directional deformation in z-dirn (Max= -4.2093 in) RS directional deformation in z-dirn (Max= 4.5962e-3 in)

Transient Normal stress_x-dirn (Max=-3663.7 psi) RS Normal stress_x-dirn (Max= 3630.1 psi)

47 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Results comparison- Maximum Normal

Transient Normal stress_y-dirn (Max= -1350.3 psi) RS Normal stress_y-dirn (Max=1509.1 psi)

Transient Normal stress_z-dirn (Max= -1991.9 psi) RS Normal stress_z-dirn (Max=2261.5 psi)

48 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Results comparison- Shear stresses

Transient Shear stress_xy-dirn (Max= -568.68 psi)

RS Shear stress_xy-dirn (Max= 611.3 psi)

Transient Shear stress_xz-dirn (Max= 1742.4 psi) RS shear stress_xz-dirn (Max= 1993.1 psi)
49 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015
Results comparison- Shear stresses

Transient Shear stress_yz-dirn (Max= -529.83 psi) RS Shear stress_yz-dirn (Max= 589.16 psi)

Results summary:
Results from RS are within 14% of the Transient results.
As in RS, only absolute values of result quantities are taken, the plot colors
look different. But considering only absolute values in Transient, the plots in
RS & transient are comparable.
Critical locations (high stress regions) are correctly predicted by RS.

50 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015

Final observations & comments

The RS results are in reasonable limits of the Transient results.

The elapsed time in RS is quite less (125 times less in PCB model) than in the Transient
The time advantage is even more for big models, with contacts & complicated load
histories typical in earthquakes, which justifies RS use in Shock and Earthquake
analysis even at cost of some accuracy.

Result Z-dirn X-Normal Y-Normal Z-Normal XY-Shear YZ-Shear ZX-Shear CP Time

(Max) deformati Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress (sec)
on-(inch) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi)

Full -4.2093 e- - 3663.7 -1350.3 1991.9 - 568.68 1742.4 - 529.83 7192

Transient 3
MSUP -4.1766e- -3485.3 psi 49+136=
Transient 003 185
Spectrum 4.5962e-3 3630.1 1509.1 2261.5 611.3 1993.1 589.16 49+8.375=
(CQC) 57.375
Percentage 9 0.09 11.3 13.5 7.4 14 11.1 7192/57.3
difference 75= 125
51 2011 ANSYS, Inc. April 27, 2015
Comparison of different results in Transient vs RS
Comments for usage in industry
When to go for Shock analysis using Response Spectrum?
In industry, detailed, expensive analysis like Transient are not always necessary.
For example, many times quick analysis of the systems is more important, even though if it
comes with some compromise on accuracy.
Also such quick analysis can be a basis for selection from a number of designs, and then
carrying out detailed analysis of selected few.
Detailed Transient analysis is nearly impossible, For example Seismic analysis of a complex

When to go for Shock analysis using implicit Transient ?

When non-linearities play such an important role that they cannot be ignored for correct
behavior of the model.
Carrying out detailed analysis on selected specimens (based on prior analysis like RS) to
finalize the design.
When reliability of a particular design is very critical and accuracy is indispensible.

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Thank You

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