Ec 6602 Antenna and Wave Propagation Important Questions
Ec 6602 Antenna and Wave Propagation Important Questions
Ec 6602 Antenna and Wave Propagation Important Questions
1. Define the following parameters w.r.t antenna:
i. Radiation resistance.
ii. Beam area.
iii. Radiation intensity.
iv. Directivity.
v. Gain.
vi. Isotropic radiator.
vii. Directive gain.
viii. Hertzian dipole.
ix. Power gain.
x. Efficiency.
xi. Power density.
xii. Steradians & radians.
2. With the help of neat diagrams explain the principle of radiation in antennas.
3. Write a note on radiation pattern and radiation lobes.
4. Draw the radiation pattern of: (i) Directional antenna. (ii) Isotropic antenna.
5. Explain different types of aperture.
6. Define aperture of an antenna and find its relation with directivity.
7. Explain effective height of an antenna.
8. Derive an expression for power radiated by an isotropic antenna.
9. Derive the relation between directivity and beam solid angle.
10. Derive the relationship between radiation resistance and efficiency.
11. Derive an expression for field intensity at a distant point.
12. Write short notes on: (a) Fields of an oscillating dipole
(b) Antenna field zones.
13. Show that an isotropic radiator radiating 1 KW power gives a field of 173mv/m at a distance of
1 Km.
14. Find the directivity of an antenna having radiation resistance of 72 and loss resistance of 12
and a gain of 20.
15. What is the maximum effective aperture of a microwave antenna which has a directivity of 900?
16. A radio station radiates a total power of 10KW and a gain of 30. Find the field intensity at a
distance of 100Km from the antenna. Assume free space propagation.
17. Calculate the length of half wave dipole antenna meant to have wavelength at 60MHz.
18. Calculate the gain of an antenna with a circular aperture of diameter 3m at a frequency of 5
19. An antenna radiates a total power of 100W in the direction of maximum radiation, the field
strength at a distance of 10Km was found to be 12mV/m. What is the gain of the antenna?
Assume free space propagation. If =90% find directivity.
20. An antenna has a radiation resistance of 72 loss resistance of 8 power gain of 12dB.
Determine the antenna efficiency and directivity.
21. An antenna has a loss resistance of 10 power gain of 20 and directivity gain of 22. Calculate
the radiation resistance.
22. Calculate the effective length of a /2 antenna gives Rr=73 effective aperture 0.13 m2.
23. An antenna radiates power equally in all directions. The total power delivered to the radiator is
100 KW. Calculate the power density at distance of (i) 100m (ii) 1000m.
24. Derive the electric and magnetic field components of Hertzian dipole. (APRIL / MAY 2011)
25. Explain the following terms with respect to antenna, (APRIL / MAY 2011)
i). Polarization
ii). Effective aperture
iii). Directivity
iv). Antenna temperature
v). Radiation pattern
26. What are Hertzian dipoles? Derive the electric and magnetic field quantities of Infinitesimal
dipole and radiation pattern. (NOV. / DEC. 2011)
27. Explain the following terms with respect to antenna, (NOV. / DEC. 2011)
i). Polarization
ii). Beam solid angle
iii). Gain
iv). Bandwidth
v). Radiation pattern
35. Solve the wave equation for uniform plane waves in an infinitely extending conducting medium.
(MAY / JUNE 2012)
36. Write short notes on: (MAY / JUNE 2012)
i). Radiation pattern ii). Polarization iii). Antenna temperature.
1. Write a note on antenna arrays. Mention the factors on which the resultant pattern
of array depends.
2. Differentiate between BSA and EFA.
3. Derive an expression for electric field intensity of array of n isotropic sources of equal amplitude
and spacing and having a phase difference of 90 .
4. Explain the principle of pattern multiplication.
5. Obtain the electric field intensity of non isotropic but similar point sources.
6. Obtain the radiation pattern of 4 sources forming a uniform BSA with a spacing of /2.
7. 4 sources have equal magnitude & are spaced /2 apart. Maximum field is to be in line with
sources. Plot the field pattern of the array
8. Find BWFN for uniform EFA & extended EFA. Given (i) n=4 (ii) d= /2.
9. The principle lobe width of uniform 10 elements of BSA was observed to be 30o at a frequency of
30MHz. Estimate the distance between the individual elements of the array.
10. A uniform linear array consists of 16 isotropic sources with a spacing of /4 & phase difference
= - 90o. Calculate HPBW & effective aperture.
11. The main lobe width of 8 elements of BSA was observed to be 45o at a frequency of 20MHz.
Estimate the distance. N=8.
12. An EFA is composed of elements with the axis at right angles to the line of the array is required
to have a power gain of 20. Calculate the array length and width of the major lobe between the
13. Calculate exact & approximate BWFN for BSA given n=4 & d= /2.
14. A BSA operating at 200cm wavelength consists of 4 dipoles spaced /2 apart & having Rr=73.
Each element carries radio frequency in same phase & of magnitude 0.5 A. Calculate (i) radiated
power. (ii) HPBW.
15. Complete the field pattern & find BWFN & HPBW for a linear uniform array of 6 isotropic
sources spaced /2 apart. The power is applied with equal amplitude and in phase.
16. An array of 4 isotropic antennas is placed along a straight line. Distance between the elements is
/2. The peak is to be obtained in the direction from the axis of the array. What should be the
phase difference between the adjacent elements? Compute the pattern and find BWFN & HPBW.
17. Starting from the concepts of magnetic vector and electric scalar potentials derive the expressions
for field components of short dipole.
18. Derive the expression for radiation resistance of Hertzian dipole.
19. Derive the expression for electric & magnetic fields of linear antenna.
20. Find the radiation resistance of Hertzian dipole whose wavelength is /8.
21. A thin dipole is /15 long. If its loss resistance is 1.5 , find its efficiency.
22. A short dipole antenna was observed to have Rr=2 at 1MHz. Calculate its length.
23. Calculate the efficiency of an antenna operated at 500 KHz and having a resistance 12 and
effective height=30m.
24. Derive electric and magnetic fields of a loop antenna.
25. Derive an expression for radiation resistance of a loop antenna.
26. a)Obtain the Maxima, Minima and half power directions of radiated field of 2 identical isotropic
point sources spaced d apart and i) Fed with current of equal magnitude and same phase ii) fed with
current of equal magnitude and opposite phase.
27. b) Find the direction of pattern maxima, pattern minima for an array of n sources with equal
amplitude and spacing in broadside case.
ii) Explain array of non uniform excitation with neat diagrams.
28. a)i)Explain the principle of pattern multiplication with neat diagrams.
ii) Design a 4 element, broadside array of isotropic elements spaced /2 apart that has an array
factor with all the side lobes 25 dB below the main lobe
29. Derive the field quantities and radiation resistance of a half wavelength dipole.
(NOV. / DEC. 2011), (APRIL / MAY 2011)
30. An antenna array consists of two identical isotropic radiators spaced by a distance of d=/4
meters and fed with currents of equal magnitude but with a phase difference . Evaluate the resultant
radiation for =0o and thereby identify the direction of maximum radiation. ( NOV. / DEC. 2011),
(APRIL / MAY 2011)
31. A short dipole antenna of length L is positioned at the origin and is aligned along the Z-axis. It
carries a current, varying sinusoidal with time and its amplitude. Calculate the total field at distant
point P and its impedance. (MAY / JUNE 2012)
32. Derive the expression for field pattern of end-fire array of n sources of equal amplitude and
spacing (MAY / JUNE 2012)
1. What is Horn Antenna? Sketch the various types of Horn Antenna and explain its operation.
2. Describe the principle of operation and applications of parabolic reflectors and
derive its necessary equations.
1. Write a note on helical antenna and helical geometry.
2. Derive the relation between circumference spacing turn lengths and pitch angle of a helix.
3. Show the limiting cases of a helix when :
i. Spacing is zero.
ii. Diameter is zero.
Explain helix modes of operation.
Explain the following parameters of monoflilar axial helix antenna: (a) Gain (b) Bam width (c)
Describe the operation of Yagi Uda antenna with neat diagram.
Describe the construction, principle of operation and design of Rhombic Antenna. Also mention
its advantages and disadvantages.
Write short note on Yagi-Uda array antenna.
i) Draw the structure of LPDA with main regions of operation.
ii) How is analysis of log periodic antenna done?
iii) Derive the parameters that describe the configuration of LPDA.
ii. Maximum usable frequency.
iii. Virtual height.
iv. Skip distance.
5. Briefly explain characteristics of different ionized layers in ionospheric propagation.
6. Calculate the critical frequency for a medium at which the wave reflects if the maximum electron
density is 1.24 X 10 6 electrons/cm3.
7. Which propagation will aid the following frequencies and why. (a) 120KHz. (b) 10MHz. (c) 300
MHz. (d) 30GHz.
8. Estimate the surface wave tilt in degrees over an earth of 12mm conductivity and relative
permittivity 20 at a wave length of 300m.
9. A transmitter radiates 100Wof power at a frequency of 50MHz, so that space wave propagation
takes place. The transmitting antenna has a gain of 5 and its height is 50m. The receiving antenna
height is 2m. It is estimated that field strength of 100 V/m is required to give a satisfactory result.
Calculate the distance between transmitter and receiver.
10. Explain the electrical properties of Ionosphere.
11. Explain the effect of earths magnetic field.
12. Explain Faraday rotation and whistlers. Also explain wave propagation in complex environment.
13. Explain the mechanism of ionosphere propagation. (APRIL / MAY 2011)
14. How does the earth affect ground wave propagation? (APRIL / MAY 2011)
15. Explain the terms (APRIL / MAY 2011), (NOV. / DEC. 2011).
i). Optimum working frequency.
ii). Duct propagation.
iii). Virtual height
iv). Skip distance
16. Discuss the effects of Earths magnetic field on ionosphere radio wave
propagation(APRIL / MAY 2011)
17. Explain the important features of ground wave propagation. ( NOV. / DEC. 2011).
18. Describe the structure of the atmosphere and specify the factors affecting the radio wave
propagation. (MAY / JUNE 2012)
19.Explain in detail about effect of earths magnetic field on radio wave propagation. (MAY / JUNE